Page 1: 24 Free Content Ideas for Your Email Newslette

Brindley House, Outrams Wharf, Little Eaton, Derby DE21 5EL

0344 800 8424 [email protected]

Content is one of those words that can strike fear into any person tasked with creating it. If you want content for your email newsletter - don't let the 2 common fears strike. These fears are usually based on 2 things: 1) You don’t think you have any time to write anything. 2) You don’t feel you have the skills. Whatever your writing strength, you can get something useful into the universe via the medium of your laptop! And it's probably all at your fingertips or the front of your brain, anyway. Here are 24 ideas you can use within your next email newsletter!

How to cook like a chef. How to do basic arithmetic. How to tie a shoelace. A lot of Ted Talks are based on this kind of information. Try and make this a 14 steps or ’10 tricks’ style guide that’s easy to read and share. You will already know some great tips from the years of experience you have in your sector.

Local information is something you have that is unique. From a little restaurant to hiring a good contractor, a great walk or the best time to get a bargain, pass this on. If your newsletter isn't local based, can you focus on the places that you work from? A UK focused newsletter or series could be very enticing, whether you are a hotelier based in the UK or you sell nuts and bolts that are made in the UK.

Also known as hacks. Pinterest is full of them. How can you save your readers time, money or effort? If you sell cars this could be 10 checks to make before someone buys a used car, if it's property it could be the 10 questions to ask at a viewing, or if your an insurer it could be the 5 tweaks you could make to your policy today.

Whatever you are selling from shoes to insurance, hotel rooms to property – explain how the process works. How does the sales funnel look? How long do things take? Can you add in photos of how the goods are packed, or how you source your items?

Introduce yourself. Show off your team members. Who are they, what are their strengths? If they get to know who writes each article this will build trust.

Page 2: 24 Free Content Ideas for Your Email Newslette

Brindley House, Outrams Wharf, Little Eaton, Derby DE21 5EL

0344 800 8424 [email protected]

Testimonials, reviews – whatever you have, show it off. This could be in the form of an image spread, or a '15 reasons to choose us - written by our customers!'

Ask a question and let your readers interact with you on social media. This could be 'How many shoes are in this pile?' 'What do you think is the #1 beauty product worldwide?' 'How many bedrooms do you think Elvis had in his last house?'

Add in a for sale/ bargain area and promote some of your deals. Ensure they are subscribed to this category and reward people for subscribing by offering 'early release offers'.

Show why people should trust you based on your previous awards, your tripadvisor rating, feefo or trust pilot reviews. Anything you have can make a beautiful montage as an article, or you could add a link after every article you have.

More than a testimonial, a case study means you show in depth how you helped someone. Show their problem, what you needed to do and how you did it. This could be in the form of an interview, or a high level overview. Ideally use photos of the happy customers, or before and after shots.

Based on stats and facts, this can form part of a series. use did you knows to help inform people of how important marketing automation is. But you can find stats anywhere, and you can even look at market research or surveys to find your own interesting facts. Bonus - these can also form a great PR campaign! Try and ask the weirdest thing someone has found in a new house, the strangest manager they've had, or what they wished they had known before they purchased a new car.

A look back in the past allows you to add in quirky photos. Look up the dates on Wikipedia and show how much things have changed. There will be something related to your industry, or your local area.

Celebrate national days and promote them to your customers. There are plenty, especially when you look worldwide. You can find these on Wikipedia, or you can find many sites and check up on the upcoming month.

Page 3: 24 Free Content Ideas for Your Email Newslette

Brindley House, Outrams Wharf, Little Eaton, Derby DE21 5EL

0344 800 8424 [email protected]

Tackle all of your FAQ’s as part of a series or as one long article. This can be very handy for customers to refer back to and can help prospects have their worries put to rest.

Add in a video to your newsletter to mix up what you offer. This could be a 'why choose us', a sneak peak of your new range or products coming soon, or a 'how it works' - an elaboration on the sales funnel guide.

Encourage users to connect with you on social media by showing all the great things that are happening on your platforms. Eg "This month we helped 18 customers on Facebook! Are you with us? We also release a deal every Friday/ Update you first on our new releases" etc.

Show customers the history and point of difference of your company. There are always interesting stories and you can coax out some funny quotes by asking their 'worst memory', or proudest moment.

Showcase a staff member of the month and tell customers why they won the award, what it is, and if it’s a great prize, show them photos enjoying it!

Cover any prize winners you have had, or if you don't do prizes, why not put a local spin on your newsletter? "We helped 678 people in Yorkshire, 389 in London and 468 in Birmingham this month! Are you next?"

List events in the local area, events you are hosting, or event dates you have in mind and see if there is any interest.

Post a news article related to your sector that’s in the news. Whatever your business, you will be able to find fun stories that are easily relatable and interesting to your audience. Try the ‘news’ function in google or try reputable sources like the BBC, or try an RSS feed.

Page 4: 24 Free Content Ideas for Your Email Newslette

Brindley House, Outrams Wharf, Little Eaton, Derby DE21 5EL

0344 800 8424 [email protected]

Ask an expert from your business to discuss something topical, be it an industry change or a topical news story. This could be the state of the market you are in, good news coming around the corner, or what they see people forget to do. Help them get free expert advice.

Promote any competitions you have. No cash? Give away the chance to be on the top of your business timeline on Facebook or to be videoed. Small prizes that are promoted can be just as rewarding as a £10,000 getaway.

Make your own infographic based from stats related to your industry and post it in your newsletter and on social media. You can also use SlideShare to make an interesting presentation with a call to action at the end.

Different from an expert view, an opinion piece will often pose a tricky topic with a strong opinion. This isn’t for everyone but handled well this can attract attention. This could be ‘We Made Some Mistakes’ – talking about how your sales process used to be disappointing, and the efforts you made to fix it.

If you support a charity or another local business in your newsletter, you are not only creating content and informing people of your great work, but you are also encouraging people to connect with them as well. Always remember, you’re talking to customers and prospects so the bulk of your email newsletter needs to help address their needs and interests. If you want any help getting started with email software, why not get in touch at