Page 1: · 2020-06-18 · Trinity Sunday, June 21st, 2020 Trinity Presbyterian Church 630 Park Avenue Prescott, Arizona 86303 (928) 445-4536


Sunday, June 21st, 2020

Trinity Presbyterian Church 630 Park Avenue

Prescott, Arizona 86303

(928) 445-4536

Page 2: · 2020-06-18 · Trinity Sunday, June 21st, 2020 Trinity Presbyterian Church 630 Park Avenue Prescott, Arizona 86303 (928) 445-4536

CHIMES The chimes call us to silent readiness.

PRELUDE Traumerei Robert Schumann


CALL TO WORSHIP L: Sometimes we just don’t understand what God wants us to do. P: We hide in our chains of fear away from God’s call. L: God calls us to service and freedom, and it won’t necessarily be an easy life. P: There is so much that needs to be done. We can’t do it all. L: That’s the beauty of it. We don’t have to do it all. We just have to try to do something to help those in need. Our example will inspire others to service, and so on it goes. P: Lord, make us ready to be Your disciples. Free us from our fears. L: Let us worship God!

HYMN #250 In the Bulb There Is a Flower PROMISE (See music in bulletin)


Lord, we are so beaten down by life. We see the shadows all around us and shrink away from Your light in our fears. We turn our backs on others because we don’t believe that we have anything to offer. Our attitudes and our actions often reflect anger and hostility rather than compassion and hope. Please forgive us, Lord. Please heal and restore us to wholeness and hope. Give us courage to be Your disciples. We ask this in Jesus’ Name.

(Silence is kept for personal confession)


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DECLARATION OF PARDON L: Jesus does not say that discipleship is easy. He says that we are called to serve and that he will be with us. That is truly good news. Our service will be supported and encouraged by our Lord who has healed and restored us. Rejoice! P: For we have been called and made whole by the love of God. L: Let us stand and worship God!

GLORIA PATRI Hymn #581 (See music in bulletin)


DOXOLOGY Hymn #606 (See music in bulletin)

SCRIPTURE READING (NRSV): Matthew 10:24-39

24 "A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a slave above the master; 25 it is enough for the disciple to be like the teacher, and the slave like the master. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebul, how much more will they malign those of his household! 26 "So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known. 27 What I say to you in the dark, tell in the light; and what you hear whispered, proclaim from the housetops. 28 Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 And even the hairs of your head are all counted. 31 So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows. 32 "Everyone therefore who acknowledges me before others, I also will acknowledge before my Father in heaven; 33 but whoever denies me before others, I also will deny before my Father in heaven. 34 "Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; 36 and one's foes will be members of one's own household. 37 Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; 38 and whoever does not take up the cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it.

SERMON Word and Sword Rev. Dr. Sue Marie Baskette

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I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; He descended into hell; the third day He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic Church; the communion of saints; the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body; and the life everlasting. Amen.

HYMN I Love You Lord Laurie Klein


The Lord’s Prayer Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy Name.

Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread;

And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors;

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the kingdom and the power

And the glory, forever. Amen.


POSTLUDE Gavotte Matthew Camidge

Thank you to our liturgists this morning: Jen Harvey and Linda Hoover

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250In the Bulb There Is a FlowerHymn of Promise

The writing of this hymn was spurred by a line from the poet T. S. Eliot: “In my end is my beginning.”Shortly after this piece was completed, the author/composer’s husband was diagnosed with what proved tobe a terminal malignancy, and the original anthem version of this hymn was sung at his funeral.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TEXT and MUSIC: Natalie Sleeth, 1986Text and Music © 1986 Hope Publishing Company


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Glory Be to the FatherSERVICE MUSIC


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TEXT: Trad. liturgical textMUSIC: Henry W. Greatorex, 1851

GLORIA PATRI (Greatorex)


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Praise God, from WhomAll Blessings Flow




_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TEXT: Thomas Ken, 1695, 1709MUSIC: Genevan Psalter, 1551


*Or “God”

Praise God, from WhomAll Blessings Flow



_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________TEXT: Neil Weatherhogg, 1988MUSIC: Genevan Psalter, 1551Text © 1990 Neil Weatherhogg


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PRAYERS FOR OUR CHURCH FAMILY (information as of 6/17/20): Our friends Parker Nordby and his parents Dylan and Lauren, Helen Boswell, Pam Dunmire,

and Doug Rolland.

We consider it a privilege to pray for you. Names will be included above for 4 weeks and then removed unless we hear otherwise or the request is updated with Charlene (928-771-8845) or Donna (949-291-1741).

Lectionary readings for June 21st, 2020, 3rd Sunday after Pentecost Genesis 22:1-14

Psalm 13 Romans 6:12-23

Matthew 10:40-42

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Let’s get together on Zoom!

We are all missing our church family connections and support. As a way to fill this need, Trinity holds a zoom Sunday morning fellowship time from 9:30 AM to 9:58 AM as a lead into Sunday worship. In order to participate, simply contact the church office at 928-445-4536 ext 113 or [email protected] and provide your email address. You will then

receive an email each week with a link that gives access into this virtual gathering. It is important that this link be used only for your own personal entry into the zoom meeting.

Please do not forward or share the link with others. Thank you! We look forward to seeing and greeting you on Sunday morning!

The Trinity Project

The Trinity Project has come to a close for the summer. Past videos are still available on our YouTube channel, “Trinity Things, Staying Connected!”

which is easily accessed from the church website Look over on the right-hand side under “Staying Connected” and click on YouTube.

The Trinity Project will start again in September.

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Trinity is so grateful for those of you who have continued with your giving. If you have not done so, please choose which method of giving best works for you and remain faithful with your

financial support. For your convenience you may continue to contribute by going to, clicking on the "Giving (online donations)" tab, and scrolling down the page to the two-toned gold box. Click on the big "DONATE" button that will bring you to a page where

you can easily and securely enter your donation amount. For those of you who prefer to mail in your donations, you may do so. The office staff will

continue to process the U.S. mail as usual. 630 Park Ave, Prescott AZ 86303.


There have been a lot of changes recently in deferred compensation retirement plans but they still remain as an important candidate to consider for the charitable giving portion of your estate plan. Making a gift from your retirement plan will help support your favorite ministries here at Trinity long after your lifetime. It’s easy to make a gift from your IRAs, 401(k)/403(b), Keogh, or other retirement accounts. Obtain a change of beneficiary form and indicate the amount or percentage of your retirement plan assets that you wish to give when your estate is settled. Please direct your gift to Trinity Presbyterian Church of Prescott, an Arizona nonprofit corporation, 630 Park Ave., Prescott, Arizona 86303. Gifting to a tax-exempt entity such as Trinity also avoids paying income and estate tax on the amounts distributed.

For additional information contact Larry Culver at (928) 776-9951, [email protected], Barbara Poland at [email protected], or Dwayne Warrick at (928) 445-1673, [email protected]. All information and materials provided are of a general and informative nature and do not constitute specific legal, tax, investment, or financial planning advice. Please consult your individual advisors before you take any action.

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BIBLE STUDIES & FELLOWSHIP “Open my eyes, so that I may behold wondrous things out of your law.”~Psalm 119:18 (NRSV)

TRINITY 4KIDS is our program for children up to 5th grade. Jennifer is providing virtual Sunday School. If you have not been contacted by Jennifer for links to this ministry and would like to participate, please contact Jennifer Garber at [email protected] or 928-445-4536, ext. 114.

IGNITE YOUTH: God does not call us to be “lukewarm” believers. He wants all of our hearts, all of the time. Let’s grow together and learn how to ignite our faith so that we can do our best to always be believers on fire for Christ. Open to all youth ages 6th grade through 18 years old. Kelsey has been continuing her Wednesday youth group meetings and Sunday school online. If you have not been contacted by Kelsey for links to her ministries, please contact Kelsey Claire at 928-445-4536, ext. 110 or [email protected].

INTERSECTIONS CLASS will begin studying and discussing the book, The Universal Christ, by Richard Rohr, which examines the question of what Christians mean when they say Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ. Father Richard Rohr, OFM, is a Franciscan priest and ecumenical teacher who uses scripture, tradition, and experience to reveal the implications of this question and to explore the presence and meaning of Christ in our everyday lives. This discussion will begin Sunday, June 28 at 9:00 AM using Zoom until we can meet again in person. If you would like to have the Zoom link sent to you for this ministry, please contact the church office at 928-445-4536 ext 113 or by email to [email protected].

FRIDAY WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP meets Fridays at 9:30 AM and will be meeting through Zoom Meeting until we can meet again in person. If you would like to have the Zoom link sent to you for this ministry, please contact the church office at 928.445.4536 ext 113 or by email to [email protected]. Please consider joining us for fellowship, praise, prayer requests, and brief devotions. Feel free to join at any time; all women are welcome. Questions? Contact Kate at 267-981-3923.

SMALL GROUP MINISTRIES – Martha Circle, Ruth Circle, Prayer Team, Game Night, and the Prayer Shawl Group will all be meeting via the Zoom format, and we will keep you informed as to these meeting times. If you would like to be involved with one of these groups and may not already be on their list of participants, please contact the church office at 928-445-4536 ext 113 or email [email protected]. We will make sure that you are sent a link in order to join.

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YOUR VOTE IS NEEDED: The IGNITE youth are participating in a mask design contest! Please view the video of the amazing submissions on the Trinity Church YouTube page and send your vote for 1st place to [email protected] by Sunday, June 28. The subject line of the email should read “Mask Competition” and include your vote for 1st place in the body of the email. 1st place receives an awesome prize, so make sure you vote! The winner will be announced in the July 5th announcements.

THE UPPER ROOM: The July/August 2020 copies of The Upper Room are now available. They will be placed on the bench outside the main Church doors, along with the remaining copies of the May/June issue, from 9:30AM-2:30PM on Wednesday, June 24, and Wednesday, July 1. Please stop by and pick up a copy! If you cannot stop by on these days, please call the office at (928)445-4536 ext. 113 to make other arrangements.

COURAGEOUS CONVERSATIONS: The year of 2020 has brought many new ways of being and understanding to our doorstep, along with a growing awareness that our society seems to be divided along lines of ideology, race, class, nation, culture, and ethnicity. Engaging in conversations around these topics can be uncomfortable and difficult, so much so that many times they are left for another day. But, with that being said, have you ever wanted to have conversation about race and racism but not known where to turn? When confronted with the news of hate crimes that fill our airwaves, have you ever wondered, “What is going on here?” or thought “I wish I could make a difference, but I just don’t know where to begin.”

Here at Trinity Presbyterian Church we are creating a safe space to begin exploring these and many other questions about race, racism, and where our responsibility as Christians lies in all this. We are approaching this dialogue with the conviction of Matthew 25:31-46 which calls us to actively engage in the world around us in ways that both ignites our faith and awakens us to new possibilities. We join the PC(USA) in being convicted by this passage to act boldly and compassionately to serve people who are hungry, oppressed, imprisoned, or poor. Come and be a part of the dialogue! We will begin by reading and discussing Debby Irving’s book Waking up White and Finding Myself in the Story of Race. This small group begins Wednesday, July 7 from 4:30PM-6PM via Zoom and runs into early fall. Books can be purchased from many locations, including Kindle versions. Scholarships for the purchase of books are available. If needed, please reach out to the office, we are here to assist. Please contact [email protected] to register or with any questions.

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IGNITE YOUTH WEEK: The IGNITE youth will participate in a modified youth week July 6-9, 2020. This modified youth week includes daily socially-distanced safe activities that are sure to bring joy to the youth of the church. Daily attendance is not a requirement, so please email [email protected] by Thursday, July 2 to sign up or obtain additional information.

BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you have a note of TPC communication you would like to see here please submit your bulletin announcement request using the link on the Home page of the Trinity website ( The link can be found on the right side of the screen in the middle of the page. Please submit requests for the upcoming Sunday bulletin by 2PM

on the Tuesday of the week preceding. Requests sent in after this time, or sent via another method, might be delayed and miss out on being included in the upcoming bulletin. WELCOME TO THE NEW OFFICE ASSOCIATE: Kamie Cismoski is now in the office and busy learning the ropes. Kamie moved to Prescott from St. Paul Minnesota seven months ago and is grateful to have escaped the Minnesota winters. Please join the Trinity staff in welcoming Kamie to the team!

COMMUNITY CUPBOARD NEWS: Thank you for your continued support. As a result of so much panic buying, the food that the cupboard usually buys is not always available. The stores are doing their best, but many of their deliveries are short, and what they do get is exhausted before we can purchase the food needed. Here is what is needed: canned vegetables & fruit, canned meats & fish, peanut butter, beans, rice, pasta, boxed cereal, hamburger and hot dogs, chicken, turkey, ham, margarine, cheese, milk. THANK YOU!

THE FRIDAY WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP would like to extend a special invitation to all the women of Trinity to join in on Friday mornings at 9:30 AM to their Zoom gathering online. If this stay at home order has found you with extra time or a need for social interaction and a spiritual lift, please consider joining this special group. Contact the church office at [email protected] or call 445-4526 ext. 113.

RUTH CIRCLE TAPESTRY is coming along beautifully. Thank you to everyone who has dropped off prayer cloths for this project. Mary B. now has plenty of material for this tapestry and is busy working to finish and display it when we are back together again. Thank you to Ruth Circle and Mary B.

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THE PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY meets the second Thursday of each month, at 1:00 PM via zoom. Join us if you knit or crochet or would like to learn! Contact Charlene (928-771-8845) if you would like to receive a prayer shawl; we present them to our members who are welcoming a new baby, graduating high school, turning 90, or feel in need of the comfort of a prayer shawl.

HOLY YOGA FOR TRINITY: Bonnie Pettit is a certified Holy Yoga instructor and has graciously provided a couple of three minute Holy Yoga stretch and movement videos that will be available on the Trinity YouTube channel, “Trinity Things, Staying Connected!” which is easily accessed from the church website Look over on the right-hand side under “Staying Connected” and click on YouTube and scroll through the videos for Holy Yoga by Bonnie. Enjoy!

VBS HAS BEEN POSTPONED: At this time our VBS program is postponed with the hope of offering it later in the summer. We will keep you informed as to how and when we will move ahead with this valuable and important ministry. Thank you for your patience.

CARE TEAM MISSION STATEMENT: To foster caring relationships within our church family as we hold each other up in prayer, encourage one another with phone calls, greeting cards, prayer shawls, home and hospital visits as well as acts of kindness for those in need such as bringing over a meal, help with grocery shopping or giving a ride to a medical appointment. YOUR MISSION "If you choose to accept it": is to let us know if you need

our assistance!! Contact the church office: 445-4536 ext. 113, Charlene: 771-8845 or 273-6093, or Charlie: 925-0057.

LIKE OUR TPC FACEBOOK PAGE! The Outreach Team invites the Trinity family to go to our Trinity Presbyterian Church (TPC) Facebook page to like it! When in Facebook search, “@TrinityPrescottAZ” to find it and there you have options to like it, leave a comment, and/or share it with “friends.” This is a powerful tool to help us get the good word out about TPC.

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PER CAPITA - As Presbyterians, we agree to participate in the life of the wider church by serving Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly. One of the ways we do this is through

our Per Capita apportionment which is how we mutually share the cost of coming together to discern the Spirit's leading for the future. Each member is responsible for their share of this cost. The Presbytery of Grand Canyon approved the 2020 Per Capita apportionment at $37.35 per member. Per Capita gifts should be made payable to Trinity and will be forwarded on to the Presbytery.

The Sunday Service is available on our website at

Summaries of the most recent meeting of Session are available on the Trinity website

Music printed in the bulletin is used by permission.

Trinity Presbyterian Church

630 Park Avenue

Prescott, Arizona 86303

(928) 445-4536

If you are hospitalized, please contact us, or have a loved one

contact us at (928) 445-4536.

The hospital will not contact us independently.

Many thanks for your consideration.
