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We are getting ready to embrace1 another month of Ramadan very soon insha’Allah. Innumerable articles, lectures and reminders are getting circulated among Muslim Ummah delivering tips on preparation for the upcoming blessed month.

However, we still have a bunch of people amongst us who are unable to understand the importance of action plan for Ramadan. Even though we know all about the sacredness of the month of Ramadan and fasting, the question “Why should we prepare ourselves for Ramadan?” still remains unanswered in most of the cases.

Insha’Allah in this article, let’s look at why we need to prepare ourselves for Ramadan. I seek Allah’s forgiveness for any mistakes penned.

Let’s imagine ourselves paying a friendly visit to one of the acclaimed institutions (such as the parliament in your country) to meet the highest of authorities (such as the President of your country) on a personal invitation. It’s obvious that we would never allow anyone to catch us casual during the meeting. Rather, we would put our best foot forward. We would exercise ample amount of effort to establish our eminence for our own benefit.

Our dignity is our identity and thus, we will never lose it for anything in this world. We would appear the best, wear the best of clothes and we would try our best to reserve a distinguishing seat for our self-esteem. We would plan and prepare ourselves in the best of ways, so that our declaration of attitude would turn to be the best

Entering the Gate of RayyanBy Shifnas Bint Thamiem

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among the crowd.

Being best from your side is not enough. We should be “someone” from the sight of the higher authority to proudly be a highlighting entity. To grab what is desired, we may wield efforts in learning the ethics of the institution in order to impress the hosts by making no mistakes. We would feed ourselves with continues practice, so that we may not become strangers to the environment during the meeting. Visiting such grand venues and meeting the most authorized personal in person is considered to be a matter of honor. Not all the doors get knocked by such honorary offers.

The best of such offers is granted to the true believer by his Lord. A true believer is honored by his Master, Allah with a final abode, which is the most marvelous place, which no human mind can ever imagine. A true Muslim is granted with a higher privilege, so much so that his master reveals His face to him in the garden of Jannah! All in all, for a believer, Jannah is one priceless blessing topped up with another breathtaking prerogative of being able to see his Creator’s face.

Did you know the beautiful abode of Jannah has eight gates and one of them is exclusively dedicated to the one who fasts?

Sahl b. Sa’d RAu reported Allah’s Messenger as saying:

“In Paradise there is a gate which is called Rayyan through which only the people who fast would enter on the Day on Resurrection. None else would enter along with them. It would be proclaimed: Where are the people who fast that they should be admitted into it? And when the last

of them would enter, it would be closed and no one would enter it.”

The above hadeeth clearly states that Allah has blessed the people who fast with exclusive blessings. Their status is being highlighted in the grand venue Jannah by letting them get in through a special gate allotted solely and wholly for them!

We prepare ourselves exercising ample amount of endeavor just to meet one of the fellow human beings who is granted a higher authority than us. How about facing the Lord of the worlds , with an exclusive entry made through Rayyan? We need proper planning, practicing and preparation strategies for Ramadan in order to become eligible enough to deserve that higher privilege.

Entering this best abode through the gate of Rayyan costs the devotion exercised in the month

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of Ramadan. It is not an overnight project. Of course, Ramadan is a BIG deal . That’s the reason even Prophet used to prepare himself for Ramadan! He used to fast most of the days during the month of Shaban.

It was narrated that ‘AishahRAaa said: “The Messenger of Allah used to fast (all of) Shaban except a little.” 2

He used to announce to the people about the arrival of this month and its major significance.

Prophet addressed the people :

“O people this blessed month is approaching you and Allah has ordained on you to fast in this month. Gates of the heaven will be opened in this month and gates of hell will be closed and the devil will be chained, and in this month there is a night which is better than a thousand months and whosoever is deprived of Allah’s blessing in this month, he is truly the deprived person.” 3

If Prophet Muhammad , who is the perfect human on Earth, needed to prepare himself for Ramadan; we all need to train ourselves for it more than anything! The companions of the noble Prophet are reported to have engaged themselves with Ramadan preparations prior to six months of it!

“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous” (Al-Baqarah, 2:183)

Practice makes perfect they say. Any action or deed should be practiced well before it gets executed on its due time. This can make the deed

flawless. Acquiring righteousness or taqwah all of a sudden, along with the arrival of the new moon of the new month is impossible. It requires the involvement of ikhlas, time, effort, perfection in deeds and many such factors. If we are to starve, recite many verses, pray long units of night prayer, give charity and do all those big set of deeds without prior practice; chances are high that our deeds become prone to err and imperfection. That’s the reason we are encouraged to plan a schedule and prepare ourselves beforehand. Planning, preparing and practicing are important for every goal driven Muslim who wishes to make a wonderful Ramadan in his or her life.


• Nothing is possible unless and until Allah’s help comes along with us. Therefore, I personally suggest we start our goal-setting by purifying our intentions.

• Make a “to-do” list, which includes both spiritual and physical activities.

• Give importance for charitable work: We can schedule charity drives with family or friends.


In this phase, we should make the environment supportive for us so that we can smoothly convert our plans into action. Tips include:

• Remove any materials or equipment that can distract us from the remembrance of Allah and replace them with anything which can drag us closer to Allah .

• Having discussions with the members of the family and be supportive of each other in enjoining good and forbidding evil.

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• Reading scholarly work and other journals, which are authentic and learn how to be productive during Ramadan.

• Concentrate more on perfecting Salah for that’s very important.


This phase basically falls for the period prior to Ramadan. We should exercise all the plans in this period. Plans may vary according to each individual, but let’s discuss a few examples.

• Fast voluntary sawm.• Make it a habit to pray night prayers.• Memorize chapters or verses from Qur’an

with the meaning, so that we can recite them during Qiyamul-layl and other prayers.

• People who have health problems can consult their physicians and take advice about fasting including recommended food intake practices to be considered during Ramadan.

• Finish any possible household work prior to Ramadan (such as Eid shopping) which would consume our time during the days of Ramadan.

• The list of above strategies can be entirely different, longer or shorter. Let’s scribble the strategies of our own plan; let’s prepare and practice them. Because if we fail to plan, we are planning to fail! Let’s strive and make du’a that we have a perfect Ramadan so that the gates of Rayyan get opened exclusively for us!

References: Sahih Muslim : The Virtue of Fasting :1152 Sunan an-Nasa’i : 2355 Musanad Ahmad, vol 2, page 230, hadith 7148

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Again, this year, Allah has blessed His servants with the splendid month of Ramadan. The month of seeking forgiveness and hastening towards Paradise is back. The month of strengthening our relationship with the Almighty Creator and His book, the Quran, is back. The month of Badr, the conquest of Makkah and Jihad is back.

There is an amazing aura and energy that surrounds us in this month, enabling us to be a better person than the rest of the year. No matter how heavy one sleeps, Ramadan empowers you to wake up for Suhoor halfway through the night. No matter how fond you are of eating, Ramadan keeps you away from eating and drinking in these long summer days. No matter how far you are from the Quran, you try to listen and pay attention in the Taraweeh prayers. No matter how stingy you are, in Ramadan you try to give some charity. No matter how errant you are, you try to

be better; you try minimizing the music, television and sinning in this month.

A Self-Control Program

With the Shaitan in chains, Ramadan comes to help us rein our soul. If we search about ‘self-control tips’ on Google, the results contain a plethora of difficult articles dealing with psychology and the human mind; some of their tips being exercise, meditation, eating and sleeping. On the contrary, our All-Knowing Rabb has gifted us with an effective training session in the form of this blessed month to help us gain self-control, or in other words ‘Taqwa – the consciousness of Allah’. We learn to fear Allah and obey him by fasting the thirty days of Ramadan. Even if there is nobody around, none of us thinks of sneaking a snack. We increase in the mindfulness of Allah and are able to take better

Ramadan’s Message: You Can Do It!By Umm Salih

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charge of ourselves. online education

The Message

Ramadan has a message for you; if you can keep away from such vital things as eating and drinking for the sake of Allah, you can resist the temptation to sin, for His sake. Just like how you were eager on praying in Ramadan, you can observe prayers throughout the year. The training program has strengthened you enough to keep you away from evil and control your Nafs, even after Ramadan is over. You do have that tendency to do good; just will it and keep it going!

Here are some tips to help you retain the Ramadan spirit for the rest of the year:

1) Befriend the Quran: Ramadan is all about the Quran; we are recommended to recite the entire Quran at least once, as a crash course for revising our whole curriculum of life. But should we put it away as soon as Ramadan ends? And what if we don’t even understand what it states? Quran is a Muslim’s best friend that keeps reminding you of what is wanted in life, and shall be your accomplice in the darkness of the grave.

As a practical tip, make a plan for the whole year to take a step further in your relationship with the Quran. Learn the language of the Quran and memorize the meaning. If you already understand the meaning, dive deeper and ponder over the verses. If you learn and understand three ayahs daily, by next Ramadan, you will be able to understand a large portion of the Quran. Also, deduce points for yourself that you need to implement in your life. The verses of Allah will keep your faith fresh. Even if it is one ayah a day, do not forsake the Quran.

2) Keep good company: The company you keep determines what kind of a person you are and the activities you indulge in. If your companions don’t care about Allah and emaan (faith), you will soon forget about it too. Search and pray for good companions and keep yourself in their perfumed company. Prophet Muhammad said: “Man follows his friend’s religion; you should be careful whom you take as a friend”. 1 ramadan-muslims

3) Gatherings of knowledge: The biggest faith rechargers are those gatherings roofed by the wings of angels; the gatherings of dhikr, Quran and Islamic knowledge. The feeling obtained in such ‘live’ gatherings is priceless, and cannot be gained by reading or listening to something on your laptop. Look around for such opportunities in your locality and be a part of them.

4) Abandon sins: Sinning stains your heart until it blackens out completely, blocking anything

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virtuous to reach inside. We cannot move forward on the path of righteousness until we leave sins, especially the major ones. This Ramadan, make a list of all the sins you are involved in and plan on how you will leave them gradually. Throughout the year, focus on one sin every month/week.

5) Obligatory prayers: Do not miss the obligatory prayers, never! Prayer is our direct connection with Allah , our meeting with Him . It keeps us reminded and helps us to stay away from misconduct. Allah says in the Quran:

“Recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.” (Surah Ankabut, 29: 45)

This Ramadan, learn what you say in your prayers and remember it always.

6) Qiyam ul layl: If it is difficult to wake up for Tahajjud every day, (you do wake up in Ramadan, right? It is possible) do try to wake up once every week or at least once every month. The night prayer gives us the chance to bond with Allah in an unexplainable way. The peace, mercy and faith that descends on the heart in the third quarter of the night is priceless. Sleeping early and taking a small nap in the afternoon will help you in waking up for Qiyam ul layl.

Instead of being Ramadan Muslims, we should be Ramadan- born Muslims! Let this Ramadan fuel your faith for the days to come.3

Please share your tips (in the comments section below) on how we can keep continue the spirit of Ramadan for the rest of the year.


Tirmidhi; Hasan

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The countdown has begun and we have less than a month left until the greatest month of the year, Ramadan knocks at our doors! I’m sure by now most of you are stock-piling the goodies for iftaar and downloading as many resources as possible for Ramadan preparation (which I hope includes my past articles) but the question remains “How can I manage my time well enough to get it all done?”3

That is what this article is going to assist you with, insha’Allah. Without any further ado, let’s jump right into our Time Management Tips for Ramadan:

Plan in AdvanceTime Management is divided between planning and application. Without adequate planning,

there isn’t anything much to apply and the result is another Ramadan that just flies by. To plan for Ramadan, we need to be clear regarding the goals (Maqasid) of Ramadan, which is to attain taqwa.3 Therefore, our objective of Ramadan should be an increase in guidance and taqwa.

Calculate how much Ibaadah time you will have dailyIdeally, we all want to spend Ramadan performing acts of worship 24/7, but this isn’t realistic and most of us have other obligations that we need to take care of as well. So work out in advance how much time you will have daily for Ibaadah, then set goals to get that much Ibaadah done. The formula is simple: 24 Hours – (Sleep time, Work Time, Family Responsibility) = Ibaadah time.

10 Time Management Tips for Ramadan

By Abu Muawiyah Ismail Kamdar

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If for example, you have 3 hours of ibaadah time, you can schedule in an hour of Qur’an reciting, an hour of studying Islam and an hour for dua and Dhikr. You can really get a lot done if you stick with this formula for the entire month.

Set Clear GoalsNow that you know how much Ibaadah time you have available daily, the next step is to set S.M.A.R.T goals. S.M.A.R.T means that the goal is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. For example, if your goal is to study some Tafsir this Ramadan, the problem with this goal is that it is too vague (which Tafsir), not measurable (How many pages), and not attainable or realistic (does one page of Tafsir fulfil the goal or five books of Tafisr?).

A S.M.A.R.T goal would be: I want to complete studying this 800 page book of Tafsir this Ramadan. In order to complete 800 pages in 29 days, I need to read an average of 28 pages a day.

4. Allocate time for each goal:Now that your goals for Ramadan are clearly defined and you know how much time you have daily for Ibaadah, the next step is to combine this by allocating specific times daily for chasing each goal. Eg: If you have the goal of reading 30 pages of Tafsir daily and that will take you an hour, and you know that you have an hour a day free every evening before Tarawih, then allocate that time to be your Tafsir time. Set a specific time of the day for reciting Qur’an (perhaps before or after Fajr), making dua (before Iftar), having a family Halaqa (after Asr or after Tarawih) and any other goals you are working towards.

5. Utilize the early hours of the morning:In Summer countries, Suhoor is quite early and many people can’t wake up too early before it. In that case, I recommend utilizing an hour after

Suhoor for Ibaadah. In Winter countries, Suhoor is quite late, so waking up an hour before it is easier. In such countries, I recommend waking up an hour earlier and dedicating that time to Qiyam Al-Layl (Tahajjud), dua and reciting Qur’an. The early mornings are known having Barakah (blessings) and it is a time when we are not pre-occupied with work and family obligations. Use it!

6. Schedule in a family Halaqa:Ramadan is the perfect time for the family to bond and grow in Imaan together. The devils are locked up and everybody is more spiritual. This spirituality needs to be nurtured so that we can benefit from it after Ramadan. One way to do this is to establish a family Halaqa (study circle). Read a chapter of an Islamic book (or listen to a lecture) then discuss its contents with each other. Continue this even after Ramadan.

7. Dedicate time daily for Qur’an:Ramadan is the month of Qur’an and so it is obvious that time must be dedicated daily to Qur’an. In some communities, people recite Qur’an very quickly each Ramadan to get it over with or complete as many Qur’an recitals as possible. Instead of doing this, focus on reciting properly, studying the Tafsir and reflecting on its meanings. This will have a longer lasting effect on one’s Imaan and Taqwa.

8. Avoid Multi-TaskingThis is a general time management tip that applies outside Ramadan as well. Studies show multi-tasking actually slows down productivity and causes sloppy work. Modern time management experts agree that focusing on one task at a time gets the task done faster with better quality than multi-tasking. Don’t try to recite Qur’an, while browsing through Facebook and taking care of a child all at the same time. The same applies to studying Tafsir or making dua. Choose a place,

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time and situation in which you will have the least distractions and give the act of worship your undivided focus.

9. Fast from excessive socializingThis includes both social media and physical socialization. Ramadan is the month of Itikaf. One of the goals of Itikaf is to take a break from our social lives so that we can focus on our relationship with Allah. If you are unable t2o make Itikaf, you can still get this benefit in Ramadan by cutting down on socializing and dedicating more time to Ibaadah. Attend a few less Iftaar parties, log into Facebook and Twitter for shorter durations and excuse yourself from unnecessary gatherings.

10. Stay HealthyYou cannot accomplish your goals if you are feeling lazy, weak, agitated or sleep-deprived. Some of us do too much during the first few days of Ramadan and end up without any energy to push on for the remainder of Ramadan. Pace yourself and take care of your body by getting enough sleep, eating healthy and staying hydrated.

The average person needs between 6-8 hours sleep a night, so make sure you are getting it, even if it means going to bed a bit earlier. Avoid sugary and oily foods and eat wholesome foods for both Suhoor and Iftaar. Drink a lot of water at night before bed as that will keep you hydrated during the day.

May Allah make this Ramadan a productive and blessed one for all of us. Ameen

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My believing Brothers and Sisters in Islam, listen up, an important announcement is about to be made.

“O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” 1

Such an important announcement! An opportunity is being given to us by Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala to become righteous and adopt taqwa. It is the one of the keys to gaining the pleasure of Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala. For the past year , we have been trying to be righteous. As weakness is part of humanness, there have been many instances in which we were exhausted from working hard to be righteous all the time. So either we slackened in our efforts or

went on a long break all together.This i am sure , you will agree with me , is not good at all.

It is immensely important that we aim to be righteous as not only will it increase our chances of being called into Jannah through a special gate called Ar Rayyan, but also benefit us in this world. Those people who are righteous are great achievers in all walks of life. The month of Ramadan is specially designed to help us make up for the progress that we lost during the previous year and at the same time prepares and energizes us for the coming year. blog-image_restyle

Let us see how.

These fasts not only detox our body from the toxins that have accumulated in our system from unhealthy eating but at the same time detoxes

Restyle yourself this Ramadan – A Righteousness Makeover Program for Believing Men

and Women!

By Sana Gul Waseem

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our life from those unwanted habits that we stuck to or developed during the past year . At the same time, they help us develop our self restraint so that we can keep away from the slew of temptations that surrounds us, even after Ramadan.

The reward for any good deed is immense, even as small as a smile or a dollar in charity. When we consciously do good deeds, we get bonus good points and that should in sha Allah make up for at least some of the good that we lost during the past year.

This is a month of forgiveness; when we seek genuine forgiveness, Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala will forgive us and by the end of the month, our score card, will look much better than it looked when we first started.

The duas that we make, especially in the last ten nights, will help us navigate our life after Ramadan is over as well.(Hence, be careful and mindful of what you ask Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala.)This Ramadan, you are presented with an opportunity once again to rise high and to understand yourselves.

I ask Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala to help us overcome our shortcomings, to be like those people who we admire, and to give ourselves and our hearts a makeover that stays after Ramadan is over! Ameen!

So let’s see how we can give ourselves a much needed makeover this month!

There are two essential steps to restyle ourselves as righteous :

Know yourself

Unique Restyle Techniques based on knowledge of oneself

Know your self.

To truly succeed, a person needs a moderate to high emotional, mental and physical stability. Look deep into yourself, into your heart and try to figure out what is that makes you cry, laugh, happy, sad, angry, who adds toxicity in your life, who is always there for you in your hour of need and guides you towards righteousness. Do your own SWOT analysis.


`What are your strengths that make you go higher in righteousness? Maybe it’s a regular attendance of a halaqa, or listening to a sheikh?What are your weaknesses that make you slacken your speed to being righteous – watching few/

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many hours of TV everyday or a conversation to a certain person which always ends up in gossip?

What obstacles threaten you in your endeavour to be righteous? Maybe its your inability to understand what the Quran says?

What opportunities can you avail to help you stay righteous and enhance it? Maybe an online course from the comfort of your home or a weekly meeting with other righteous folks in the masjid?

What will you miss the most during those hours of tiredness, hunger and thirst?

What kinds of food will you crave for?

Which gadget or TV program will you miss terribly?

What kind of talk will you miss?

Will it be hard to forgive and overlook the mistakes or harsh words of people, or will it be easier than you thought?

Do you find it hard to hold on to that remark or reply that can be hurtful to others?

When are you the most happy in a day?

Do you find it easier to control your hunger than your temper?

Do you like rising early than sleeping till late?This is a month of knowing yourself deeply. As you fast, you will be full of energy and motivation, but as the days progress, the motivation will slacken.

Look deep into yourself. When you do that, you will see yourself clearly.

IMPORTANT: Don’t Judge yourself based on what you see and become disheartened. None of us are perfect as we all struggle with our own vices. It takes immense strength to look within and see oneself clearly; the good, the bad and the ugly. Ma sha Allah you are a strong person by just attempting to do that.

Now, it’s time to restyle ourselves in sha Allah!

II. Restyling Tips

The SWOT analysis will help you know your self better.Once you know your strengths, you can use them to leverage your weaknesses. You can keep your eyes focussed on opportunities that make you work harder at being righteous and avail them at the first instant. You can ask Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala to protect you and your heart from what threatens you and to give you the confidence to strongly face them.

List of tremendous opportunities this month that you can use to strengthen your strengths and weaken your weaknesses further: Best times for Makeover:

1. Bare your Soul to Allah at Suhoor: Use the time of suhoor (by waking up a little earlier) to pray tahajjud and quietly talk to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala. Talk to HIM, like you talk to your best friend. Complain, discuss, ask and listen. Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala always answers .

2. Befriend Al-Quran: The best make-over artist in this world is the Quran. It cleanses the heart, entertains and teaches with its stories of war, conflict, love, patience, intrigue and mercy. It shows us what qualities we should aim for in our makeover and comforts us when we feel lonely

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and tired after a long day of trying hard. As a bonus, it becomes our only friend that will stay with us to hold our hands when we are alone and terrified in our graves. This Ramadan, befriend the Quran, by reading it and contemplating on what you are reading.

3. Strengthen Your Hands: by giving in charity daily. Be it a smile, a dollar, cooking little extra food and sending to someone needy. A small but consistent act each day.

4. Meet and Greet our Awesome Predecessors: This month, get a book or bookmark a website and learn about the lives of either one or all the Prophets, companions of the Messenger of Allah , or our great scholars. They were human beings like us and struggled with the same emotions that we do while facing trials that were far greater than ours. And they succeeded. Learn how they dealt with situations and pick up points that you can apply in sha Allah.

5. Go to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala: Each day, at least five times, get dressed and go to meet Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala. The ONLY being, who no matter how many times you knock on His door, is always happy to see you, to listen to you. He never tires of hearing you tell the same story for the 100th time. He is the only being who can truly guide and help you, who has the solution to all your problems, who has all that you seek to give you. Meet Him in your salah, in your nawafil, in your taraweeh. When you step on the prayer mat and say Allah Akbar, know that the Most Majestic, the Most Merciful, the Most Loving being in this whole world is listening to you and looking at you with love .

If we apply these tips and more, then in sha Allah by the end of this 30 day period, our make over

will be evident to us and to those around us. May Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala accept our efforts and count us among those who attain righteousness this month, Ameen!

P.S.: To fully benefit from this article, please check out the links to other resources that have been shared in this write up.

References: Surah Baqarah :183

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Ramadan is a month-long race towards righteousness.

As Allah says: “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” 1

It is a period of mindfulness, doing good and shunning sins. It is also a month of self-reflection, self-purification and self-discipline. Despite these opportunities, fasting tests your ability to remain a self improving, righteous servant. It requires great physical, mental and spiritual effort in order to help you pass successfully, to get your sins forgiven, increase in consciousness of Allah and ultimately, earn His Pleasure and jannah.

But, is there a better time for improving yourself, a better opportunity for dropping bad habits and building on good ones other than Ramadan? What offer comes with so many incentives to guide you

through the finish line with great success?

Ramadan is that perfect opportunity. It is your personal race to righteousness and success.

What you need to do is sign and commit to a personal challenge to help you attain success. And the challenge is simple – pick and stick.

Pick at least one self improvement idea. Choose one that will increase your consciousness of Allah ; help you grow, achieve excellence and gain rewards; and develop your personality spirituality beyond Ramadan.

Stick to that habit daily for each of the 30 (or 29) days of fasting. You can pick 2 or more but make sure you repeat this activity every single day.

Easy, right? Let’s get down to some Ramadan self improvement ideas.

Ramadan Challenge: 30-Day Self Improvement Ideas

By Amina Edota

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Ideas to Improve your Personality

Allah’s Messenger said: “The most perfect man in his faith, among the believers, is the one with the best behavior.” 2

Each day…

Spread salaam to those you know and those you don’t; and return the greeting of peace.7

Meet your brother/sister with a smiling face.

Keep silent for each time you are about to speak and realise you have nothing good to say.

For each time you gossip, make sincere du’a for the person and give charity – task yourself with a specific amount before starting the challenge.When you catch yourself complaining or if you’re about to complain, say alhamdulillah; remember and thank Him for His blessings.

Read a page from the Prophet’s seerah and note practicable lessons.

Control your anger. Repeat ‘A’udhu billahi minash shaytan-ir rajim when you find yourself getting angry.

Write 3 things you are thankful for.

Lower your gaze and look away when your gaze accidentally falls on something sinful.

Say jazak Allah khair (may Allah reward you) for something gifted to you or good done to you.

Ideas to Improve your Spirituality

“And [by] the soul and He who proportioned it. And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness. He has succeeded who purifies it,

And he has failed who instils it [with corruption].” 3

Each day…

Provide food for breaking of fast for a fasting person.

Pray 2 units of tahajjud (night prayers).

Repeat the Istigfar; constantly ask for forgiveness for your sins and errors.

Supplicate to Allah sincerely when breaking your fast.

Spend 30 minutes with the Qur’an daily – recite, reflect, read the translation/ tafseer and take lessons.Memorize one verse each day (e.g surah Al-Mulk with 30 verses).2

Invite someone to Islam.

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Teach the Glorious Qur’an to someone.

Listen to a beautiful recitation of the Qur’an for 30 minutes – one of my favorite is Sheikh Khalil Khusary.8

Offer a total of 12 units of optional prayers throughout the day.

Memorise 3 of 99 names of Allah ; remember and reflect upon the names and use in your supplications.

Ideas to Improve Relationships

Allah says: “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you – when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers.”4

And the Prophet said: “None of you has belief until he desires for His Muslim brother that which he desires for himself.” (Bukhari and Muslim4) 5

Each day…

Visit an elderly relative or neighbor.

Visit, call, chat, email or send an SMS to your parents and siblings.

Teach someone a beneficial skill or knowledge you have.

Make sincere du’a for your friends and loved ones.Baby sit for 30 minutes so a busy mother can take a nap.

Serve iftaar meals at the masjid or community center.

Before going to sleep, empty your heart of all


Wake your friend, sibling or spouse for tahajjud.Be kind and compassionate to everyone you meet.These are ideas to aid you on your personal race for success – in this world and the next.

Now, it’s your responsibility to turn these simple deeds into mountains of rewards.

Finally, remember that Allah only accepts and rewards deeds which are done sincerely for His sake. If done according to the sharia, it becomes a form of worship. You can turn your challenge into a worship fountain that will nourish you with righteousness by affecting your thoughts, feelings and behavior positively.


Ready for the challenge?

Great! Hurry and get on the race to righteousness – to all that is good and rewarding this Ramadan.

Pick and stick to the Ramadan self improvement ideas you need to succeed in your life.


Al Baqarah, 2:183 Sound, Abu Dawood Ash Shams, 91: 7-10 ‘Ali ‘Imran, 3:103 Bukhari and Muslim

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In these final blessed 10 days of Ramadan, you need plenty of energy to earn the rewards and power your body through long nights of worhsip! Don’t worry- here are 5 easy sure-fire tips to fuel your way through Ramadan: eat the most energy-boosting foods, drink water, walk to refresh yourself, eat suhoor and be mindful at iftar!

At iftar and suhoor, skip the sugary and deep-fried foods if you are looking for energy!

Instead, choose the most energetic foods: beets, watermelon, and vitamin B12- rich foods, to power you through the night. Beets have been shown to significantly improve endurance by

increasing oxygen levels in the brain. This makes them a perfect food at iftar time, because they will improve your performance and minimize fatigue during taraweeh prayers. Watermelon provides valuable hydration and antioxidants. Vitamin B-12 is an integral nutrient in energy production in the body, and is found in animal foods like salmon, tuna, cod, yogurt, cheese, milk, and eggs.

Drinking water has been proven to improve performance and mood!

Drinking water- especially cold water- maintains proper brain function and prevents it from

5 Easy Ways to Have Your Most Energetic Ramadan Ever!

By Amanah Fitness

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shrinking (since it’s made up of 75% water)! Get much-needed electrolytes by adding lemon or cucumber to your water and prevent dehydration, replenish lost nutrients, and improve taste. (Water with lemon is especially beneficial at suhoor because it makes you more alert, making it the perfect beverage to keep you going during your work/school day.)

WALK to boost your energy!

Starting to feel slugging or tired in the night? Instead of sitting down to take a break with your phone or talk to a friend, take a short walking break in the lobby of your masjid, or outside in the cool fresh night air! During Ramadan, Muslims seem to take our fasts as an excuse to move around as little as possible. You will actually feel MORE energetic if you make sure to walk frequently during the day, and shake out your tired muscles!

Try not to spend the whole fasting day sitting, either. Recent research finds that a sedentary

lifestyle and sitting too much is very dangerous for your health If you are staying in the masjid, or even during the day and between naps, walk around the perimeter of your house or masjid, and take deep, steady breaths. Swing you arms as you walk, and tip your head, looking up slightly while you walk. Walk for 5-7 minutes, and repeat this every hour until Maghrib. You will feel MUCH more awake, alert and energetic when it comes time for your serious late-night ibadah, guaranteed inshAllah!

Eat Suhoor!

Suhoor is like breakfast during Ramadan, but it’s an even more important meal- because it’s the ONLY meal of the day! So you know you need to eat suhoor, but what should you eat? Get the most bang for your buck by concentrating on “good” fats like avocado, nuts, and seeds, and “good” carbohydrates like brown rice, oats (an energy-booster), and whole grain bread.. Ideal suhoor dishes that will maintain your stamina throughout the day include egg and avocado on whole grain bread, brown rice cereal with

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almond milk, oatmeal with whole milk, and an orange and banana smoothie with chia seeds and almond butter. These yummy foods are filled with nutrients like fiber and monounsaturated fats to keep you satisfied.


Be Mindful at Iftar. Be careful on what you eat at iftar time, because your excitement of being able to eat and being around friends and family can entice you to grab anything that can fit in your mouth and be swallowed. Focus on eating protein foods at iftar, to maintain and build your muscle mass. A (beet) salad is the perfect choice: salad with lettuce, cheese, nuts, and beets keeps you hydrated and full with healthy proteins. Choose the healthy options from among popular iftar items; which are mixed fruits (especially watermelon) and chole (garbanzo beans mixed with herbs and spices and served with yogurt). Greek yogurt is another ideal iftar food, since it’s extra high in protein. Choose the B-12 rich seafoods mentioned early as your proteins, over red meat. Why are the fried samosas and greasy

pizza served at iftar parties so bad for you? The “bad” fats in those foods actually signal your body to slow down and limit physical activity! Therefore, you run the risk of being too tired for taraweeh prayers, or worse yet, suhoor and Fajr prayers the next morning. Also, keep your portions small; eat a few small meals throughout the evening, and avoid binge-eating at iftar!

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Many of us start Ramadan with a bang. Some of us lose the spark in a week or so and others just have no clue how the month came to an end. In this article, I’d like to explore some easy and amazing tips that can make this Ramadan your best ever insha’Allah.

#1 Organize Yourself!

The key to having a successful Ramadan is to organize, plan and then execute. It may sound simple but it’s a goldmine to help you have a satisfying Ramadan.4


Make a list of all the goals you want to achieve in Ramadan; and then ask yourself these four questions for every goal:a) Why do you want to accomplish this goal?b) How are you going to do this?c) What steps are you willing to take?d) When do you want to reach the goal?1

By doing this for every single goal, your planning is complete. Now, all you have to do is execute the same. Refine your intentions and do it for seeking the pleasure of Allah .

Examples for your goals could be:

Reading Quran with meaning and writing my reflections each day (Insert your “Why”, “How”, “What” and “When” questions to this goal, and continue).Learning 99 names of Allah and using it in my dua.Doing one secret deed between me and Allah .

# 2 Mountain of Rewards

Ramadan is a month filled with blessings and mercy. Any good deed you do gets multiplied many times over, so don’t miss out on collecting a mountain of good deeds.

Six Tips to Make This Your Best Ramadan Ever!By Nasmira Firdous

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Involve others

Encourage others to do a good deed rather than doing it all by yourself. This is especially helpful if you’re feeling down and out. Your rewards get multiplied manifold when you edge others to do good because Allah will reward you for every act of worship they do due to your persistence. Imagine getting a huge mountain of good deeds just because you gave others an encouraging word or pushed them to reach a higher level of emaan.

Â’ishahRAaa tells us: “During the last ten nights of Ramadan, the Prophet would tighten his waist belt and spend the night in worship. He would also wake up his family.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî 1920]

#3 Give and give some more!

Want to see the barakah and blessings in your life increase manifold? Give charity. Want to see your duas answered? Give charity. Why? Because sins form a barrier between you and dua; and charity extinguishes those sins like water puts off fi6re [At-tirmidhi]. Imagine your sins getting removed because of the charity you gave, in turn, increasing your chances of duas being answered! It’s a win-win situation overall! Imagine having a clean book of deeds with no sins against your name!


Every single act of good deed is multiplied innumerably during the month of Ramadan, so you may

Buy a mushaf and donate to your mosque –you earn rewards when someone reads from it.Donate any amount (big or small) to build a well/

mosque. Intentions matter, so even if it’s just $5, your rewards from Allahcan be in billions or more if you had sincere intentions.

Buy nice looking Eid dresses and gift it to a poor family.

Arrange for one (or more) iftaar meals for the poor.

Take part in organizations that are involved in charitable works.

Ibn `Abbâs RAurelates that: “Allah’s Messengerwas the most generous of all people in doing good, and he was at his most generous during the month of Ramadan. Gabriel used to meet with him every year throughout the month of Ramadan, so the Prophet could recite the Qur’ân to him. Whenever Gabriel met with him, he became more generous than a beneficial breeze.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (1902) and Sahîh

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Muslim (2308)]

# 4 Tame That Tongue

This month isn’t just about restricting our body from food and drink. This is a month where we can polish our character with righteous deeds and become Allah’s beloved slave because of our deeds, words and actions. It makes no sense when our actions are not in concurrence with our words. Allah doesn’t like a fasting body which doesn’t desist from foul words or backbiting or slander.[1]

Our dress/car/house/wealth/family status doesn’t define us. What we speak defines our character. So let’s tame our tongue this month. We can use our tongues to plant a seat in the everlasting gardens of Paradise or use the same tongue to dig a seat in Hellfire. The choice is ours.


We don’t want the angel of death to snatch our souls when we’re gossiping. Going away from this world while reading Quran or doing dhikr is so much better.

All of us have weaknesses in one form or another, so you don’t have to feel bad that you are not able to control your tongue. Make dua to Allah , begging Him to help you use your tongue in beneficial ways. He answers *all* duas!

Your heart is a reflection of what you say and think. Most of the evil thoughts, intentions and feelings including backbiting, slander and/or jealousy occur because of the kind of feelings we foster and harbor in our hearts. So, cleanse your heart4 with dhikr and repentance. A heart that’s busy in glorifying our Lord will not have time for useless speech.

What your friends discuss *always* has a direct impact on what kind of words come out from your mouth. Make it a habit to surround yourself with righteous company. If you don’t have righteous company, sit with the Quran.

# 5 Time to Make a New Friend

Yes, this month is perfect for you to make a new friend, a companion who is not only going to be your source of strength and support, but can heal your scars, mend your heart, boost your eemaan and give you joy and happiness like no other. It’s time to build a lifelong relationship with Quran this Ramadan.


Make Quran Buddies

This is the fastest and most effective way to keep your interest in Quran intact. Discuss one page or even half a page of Quran with your friends/family/siblings/spouse/children every day in Ramadan.

Fix a time for this activity.

Talk about your reflections and how you can implement what you read in the Quran in your day-to-day life.

You can also include tafseer if you have the time to do so.

Involve your family members, because there is nothing more beautiful than learning Allah’s deen together. Wouldn’t you want angels to surround you and invoke Allah’s mercy on you?

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# 6 What if the Spark Dies?

Most of us are on a spiritual high when Ramadan begins. The excitement and collective enthusiasm to achieve ‘xyz’ number of goals can light up a sudden spark in you, only for it to slowly die without you even realizing it. This usually happens after a week or so. Soon, you realize that your Ramadan days are no different from the rest of the year. You feel emotionally and/or physically drained and feel like you’re slacking off. This leads to unfinished goals and emaan lows. But there is a way out…a solution to this! Yes! Here’s what you need to do… Blog Post- Six Tips to Make This Your Best Ramadan Ever-Inside poster


Ramadan isn’t over until it’s actually over, so if you are still breathing, you have time to right the wrongs and achieve what you wanted.

Intentions matter: Seek to please Allah alone and not to expect praise from family or friends. Seek your reward from Allah ONLY. If you’re waiting for peoples’ praise, your expectations are from people, not Allah .

Beg For Strength

If Allah has allowed you to wake up during the remaining days of Ramadan, it means that He trusts that you *will* raise your standards and make the best use of the month. An overdose of dua never hurts, so repent, cry and beg from the depths of your heart to Allah to guide you through and give you the strength to achieve your goals this Ramadan.

Baby Steps

Don’t focus on what others have achieved, focus on what you want to achieve and don’t lose heart if you see a family member or friend complete more Quran than you or pray more than you. Take baby steps rather than not taking any step at all. Start with 10 minutes of extra worship and build it up from there. Start with one page of Quran and build it up from there. Its quality and sincerity over quantity and show off!

Small and consistent steps *do* matter. Allah’s sees your intentions and hard work and He will reward you for it. But you need to focus on constantly striving to please Him even if you falter. Remember, being a good Muslim doesn’t end with Ramadan. You have time to grow and heal spiritually until your last breath. So don’t give up and let no one tell you otherwise. Walk with the end goal of paradise in mind and not just the end goal of Ramadan in mind.

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Ramadan, the month of generosity, the month of giving, and the month that knows no limits! This is the month wherein we truly experience a taste of what the less fortunate struggle with on a daily basis; hunger and thirst, thereby we become more thoughtful and benevolent towards them.

Charity, or sadaqah, is an integral aspect of a Muslim’s life, during and beyond Ramadan. From repelling calamities to healing the sick, to the forgiveness of our sins, the virtues of sadaqah extend beyond one’s imagination, highlighting the encompassing mercy of Allah (1). Charity is without a doubt more special during Ramadan as rewards are multiplied without measure; hence, spending in the way of Allah is a greatly recommended act during the blessed month, one that we should not miss out on!

Five rewarding ideas for charity this Ramadan

1. Donate money and items not needed:

Donate money to organizations of different causes, it can be an orphanage, or your local mosque, or search for those who are less fortunate in order to give them your sadaqah, regardless of how little it may seem, for it is the intentions that matter. A small amount in your eyes may seem like a fortunate for those who struggle to put food on the table, so do not underestimate what you give. Moreover, take the time to declutter your house from the items you no longer use or need, whether it is clothes, kitchen utensils, books, or other items; it is a much-preferred scenario that someone else might be making dua’ for you when using them rather than to have these items collect dust on the shelves of your house!

2. Host an iftar meal for the poor: This can be done by taking a meal to the mosque and distributing it to those who do not have the means of making their own iftar. Indeed, it is a great deed to give iftar to the one fasting, many of

Five Remarkably Rewarding Charity Ideas for Ramadan

By Ibtihal Al-Khalifin

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the salaf were keen to provide food and at times would give up their own iftar for other people and would sit and serve them, subhanAllah. Imagine a construction worker who has been battling the summer heat and working tirelessly for countless hours under the merciless sun, only to come to the masjid before the adhan to find that iftar has been prepared for him by a generous person, YOU! Surely you will be rewarded immensely for putting a smile on his face, food in his stomach and spreading the spirit of love and brotherhood all around! For the sisters, you are rewarded for feeding your families, but if you would like an extra dose of hasanat then you can share your food with your neighbors as well! We learn the virtue of this act from this hadith:

It was narrated that Zayd ibn Khaalid al-Juhani said: The Messenger of Allaah said: “Whoever gives iftaar to one who is fasting will have a reward like his, without that detracting from the reward of the fasting person in the slightest.” 1

3. Buy Eid clothes for the less fortunate: Whilst many of us have fallen victims of materialism, many others struggle to put food on the table, let alone buy new clothes for Eid. A simple gift to them like buying elegant outfits could really brighten their day. Surprise a little girl with a lovely colorful dress for Eid, and watch as her smile grows from cheek to cheek and her eyes sparkle with excitement. Oh, how great it would feel to be the reason for the happiness of a little girl who has witnessed much hardship and struggle at her very young age, it’s priceless! Allah (1) says:

“Never will you attain the good [reward] until you spend [in the way of Allah ] from that which you love. And whatever you spend – indeed, Allah is Knowing of it.” 2

4. Sadaqah Jariyah: Donate mushafs to your mosque, place a water fountain somewhere, stick a dua’ on one of the walls of the masjid, indeed, there are numerous ways to do Sadaqah Jariyah. The rewards for these actions are immeasurable, where a person’s scale of good deeds continues to increase even after their death. For every word that is recited from the mushaf that you placed on the shelf of the mosque, and for every person who quenches his thirst by drinking from your water fountain, and for every passerby who recites the dua’ that you placed on the wall and remembers Allah because of you; *your* scale of good deeds will be made heavier! You will be earning enormous rewards without even realizing it, only imagine how greatly these rewards will be multiplied during the month of Ramadan, it is truly mind-blowing!

5. Involve the kids: This is where you train your children to care for others by teaching them the importance of giving sadaqah and the ample rewards that await the generous person, especially during Ramadan. By giving them a small jar or bottle that they can decorate themselves, ask them to donate whatever little amounts they can, even if it is just one or two coins, for it is Allah who puts barakah in our deeds:

“The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.” 3

At the end of the blessed month, they can gift their colorful filled jar to a poor family in order to give them an opportunity to buy new clothes for Eid. The children will be overexcited to see

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that they made a family happy, a beautiful memory that they shall never forget in sha Allah!

Bonus points:

Do not overwhelm yourself with one big charity activity, instead go for small yet consistent sadaqah throughout the month.Have multiple intentions prior to any task in order to maximize your reward. For example: I am donating this item so that others may find it useful, to bring happiness to them, to have someone else make dua’ for me etc..

Try to give sadaqah both privately and publically, doing good in secret is a noble deed that helps to ensure sincere intentions!

Ramadan is a gift from Allah (1) to bring us back to Him, to have Him clean our slates and purify our hearts. This is the long-awaited month that we have been praying to witness one more time, so let us utilize every second to earn Allah’s pleasure and forgiveness and to be generous contributors for the well-being of our societies.

May Allah allow us to witness this month and may He accept all our sadaqat and good deeds and multiply our rewards without measure!



Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 807 Surat ‘li `Imrn, 3:92 Surat Al-Baqarah, 2:261

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Ramadan for many is a turning point in their lives, as it was in the life of the early Muslims. Due to their dedication towards this month, they spiritually prepared themselves for the rest of the year. How Merciful is Allah! He gives you the chance to change your habits, and sets the scene for a better and more dedicated you, and He helps you through it – but the effort begins with YOU!

I remember my turning point, it began in Ramadan. As a Muslim teenager, I had an attachment towards Islam, but I struggled to practice my faith. However, many years ago, Ramadan was different. I made a commitment to the prayer – I made a commitment to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala, and it changed my life. The next few years were symbolic for me as they were full of tests, trials, and the struggle to survive peer pressure, the pulls of this life, whilst holding onto my faith. I truly believe it was due to the sacrifices I made during the month of Ramadan,

only by the permission of Allah, that I am blessed today. It is our sacrifices which define us, not our circumstances.

I want to remind you, Maryam Alayhi salam was a single mom whereas Asiya Alayhi salam lived with a domestic abusive husband, and they did not depend on their husbands spiritually – they focused on themselves. Many times, women, and our youth think, my parents are praying, they’ll save me, or that my husband is praying tarawih, he is fasting, or seeking knowledge – this is enough for my family. They will stand for themselves, you will stand for yourself, with your deeds. Ramadan must be about your own spiritual sustenance. I was discussing marriage with a sister, and she told me, her husband is her best friend, but marriage is full of struggles, and through these struggles when her husband may not have understood her perspective, she turned to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala. Truly, Allah is the Ultimate aid.

Productivity in Ramadan: Balancing Ramadan and Responsibilities [Part I]

By Alima Ashfaq

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Hence, it is not your circumstances which lead you to success, rather your willingness to change. Many people wait for the situation to become perfect, so they can come forward. I’ll do more when I am married, or when my children grow up. I’ll commit myself when I’m old. You may never get the chance.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He) will throw tests after test at you. In this arena, in this life, you need to take the first, second and third step, and even when you fall, you need to keep going.

Ramadan is about you. Don’t get left behind.

In this short article I want to share several suggestions on how to maximize Ramadan, and I pray they help you, as much as they’ve helped me. Firstly, change your mindset.

Change Your Mindset:

Ramadan revolves around change. One of the major themes is redefining you. This is illustrated by one of the many meanings of Ramadan. Ramadan comes from ‘ramada’ which translates as ‘intense heat.’ Many of you may think, I have sinned too much, how can I ever change? Or you may not believe that you can change some of your habits which are tearing you down, but science tells us another story. In intense heat, the most strongest metals are bent, and shaped1. Similarly, Ramadan can and will shape the strongest of sinners, and those who are habitually scarred by their desires.

It will re-shape you, and Allah is Al Karim, the Most Generous. He is Al ‘Affuw, He will negate your sins, as Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala

(glorified and exalted be He) mentions in the Qur’an:

“…And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us…” 1Productivity in Ramadan part1-inside image

In this verse, Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He) mentions three things, in order:

He says, ‘Affuw ‘annaa. Linguistically ‘Affuw means to erase something completely; to obliterate something; to completely destroy something and leave no traces of it whatsoever. The person who makes this du’a is asking Allah to make ‘affuw of their sins, to remove them completely, and give him a fresh start.

Then Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He) says, Waghfir lanaa.

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Linguistically ghafara means to protect, and this is why a helmet is called a mighfaar. It protects a person from severe trauma, and death. You are asking Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He), and if you do not ‘affuw our sins, if you do not erase them, then please, forgive us, and protect us from the consequences of them.

Then, in His mercy, He says: Warham naa. Rahmah is mercy, and Allah has two names related to this quality–Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem. Finally, the person is begging Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He), he begs Him, if you do not even forgive our sins, then have mercy on us! Save us, as we are in dire need of Your mercy.

Many times our minds, and hearts are occupied by limiting beliefs. Ramadan is the perfect opportunity to begin a mission to force these limiting beliefs out of your heart. This short verse shows us that Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala can completely erase our sins, and when He does; it is a fresh start. Ramadan gives you this chance.

When the Prophet experienced revelation for the first time, he was terrified. He ran to his wife, Khadijah FEMALE Radi Allahu Anha and she reassured him. She reminded the Prophet of Allah he had the capability to take on the task of Allah – to call the people to the truth. Similarly, with Ramadan approaching, I know many of you are excited, and looking forward to Ramadan, but there may be a few – just a few of you, who are worried. You are wary, will I change?

If you fall in this category, then let me reassure you. You can do it. As a busy person, as an individual who may be perfect, you have the ability to make the most out of Ramadan. Perfection belongs to Allah, the rest of us – are imperfect.

Islam is for everyone, and as it is diverse – for people of all colour, all occupations, all roles, so is Ramadan, it is full of opportunities, for all types of people. You can be a busy mother, with one, or two children, and still reap all the rewards of Ramadan. You can be a student, who is at the brink of exam period, and still make the most out of Ramadan. You can be working, nine to five, and still have all your sins forgiven. It begins with the belief, that you have been given all the resources to live Ramadan to the fullest.

Even if you have little, whether it is time, give with sincerity and Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He) will transform your time, your money, and ultimately your sincerity into a mountain. There is no comparison. Give little, with the best of intentions and Allah is Most Appreciative.

ACTION POINT: Make a list of all the things you would like to improve on this Ramadan, and let this list be a guide for eradicating these bad habits and sins from your life.

Secondly, recharge your purpose.

Recharge Your Purpose:

Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He) says in the Qur’an, “O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you that you may become righteous.” 2

My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Ramadan is the time to recharge your purpose, and this leads to the question, what is your purpose in life? It is to put Allah first. It is to prioritize Him, and seek righteousness, because it will lead you to Jannah.

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This life is hard. This life is temporary. It is full of painful tests, and Ramadan is a reminder, you will not attain anything without hard work. You have to put in the work. Many of you will understand this concept, a woman carried her child in her womb for nine months, she experiences nausea, sickness, tiredness, but in the end, she cries out of joy, as she holds her child in her hands for the first time. A student stresses through exam period, but at graduation he sighs, relieved that he passed the test. This life is the greatest test, and Ramadan gives you the chance to revive your purpose. I have been through both, and recharging my purpose reminded me, it was worth the struggle.

Recently I read the tragic story of three young men who were killed in a car crash, and it was the wedding day of the sister of one of these youth. We think we will live forever, we won’t, we never know when death will hit us. You need to prepare, and live this Ramadan as if it was your last, because I tell you brothers and sisters, it may just be.

With death in mind, remember, Ramadan is coming to help you reform your behavior, and to make it in line with what Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala (glorified and exalted be He) wants for you.

ACTION POINT: In every Salah, make it one of your main intentions to remember death. Use this painful reminder as a steering wheel to do more good deeds. But, don’t let the fear of death control you, as this is a trap of Shaytan. Use it to guide you, as this is the way of those connected to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala.

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In the first part, we looked at how we need to change our mindset and recharge our purpose to make the most of this blessed month. Now, let’s look at how we can plan and set goals to maximize our ibadah during this month.

3. Set Some Powerful Goals:

The Prophet of Allah would complete the memorization of the Qur’an every month – this was his goal. Similarly, this Ramadan, make a commitment to Allah, through your goals. This does not mean you need to dedicate all your time to your goals, rather it is a guide to help you stay on target. The beauty of Islam is every single action you do can be transformed into an act of worship, so as you set goals, set powerful intentions as they will give life to day to day actions, and transform them into mountains of good deeds.

Your intentions are like gold, don’t throw them

away, by limiting your own capability.

Set goals for the first twenty days of Ramadan – write them down. Then, intensity your goals for the last ten nights, as this is when you can reap the maximum reward of Ramadan. I know several individuals who take off the last ten days of work for worship, and if you have the ability to do this – then make the most out of these ten days. I know this is not always possible for everyone. Mothers, if your children are young, then visit your parents, as you will be able to share the load of duties, and the husband can visit his parents, as a means of serving them, and spending time in their blessed company. The message is, seek ways to maximise your worship. If this means preparing your ‘Eid gifts, and Iftar meals early, then do it, as Ramadan is too valuable to waste.

Recently a friend called me and complained about her lack of goals. Together we set some, and it changed her mindset, recharged her purpose, all

Productivity in Ramadan: Balancing Ramadan and Responsibilities [Part II]

By Alima Ashfaq

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by setting her goals, and showing vulnerability, so I can advise her. I have put together several goals you can focus on this Ramadan.

a. Maximise your Prayers:

Focus on your obligatory prayers: The first goal should be to pray all your fard prayers, and if you struggle with Fajr, Ramadan is the time to solidify this prayer.

Make the most out of your sunnah prayers: Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala has promised Paradise for those who make time for all their sunnah rakats; use Ramadan to seek Jannah.

Make tarawih one of your main goals: Seek out a Masjid with a beautiful reciter, and connect with the Qur’an; Ramadan and Tarawih are the perfect combination for change. Women should make an extra effort to attend Tarawih if they are able, as it will give you the spiritual sustenance you may lack in other areas in your day.

b. Maximizing the Qur’an:

Recite the Qur’an in Arabic at least once in Ramadan, this goal will motivate you to make the most out of the time you have in the day.Commit to a Tafsir, or Fahm Al-Qur’an program. Whilst you are studying, cooking, or carrying out household duties listen to the study of the Qur’an, as this will help you understand the beautiful words you are reciting daily, and those which are recited in the tarawih prayer.Read the Qur’an in your language, as it is important to know the words you are reciting.

c. Maximizing your Worship:

I’tikaf: Perform itikahf in the Masjid, and cut yourself off from this world just for a short time,

so you can reconnect with Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala. If your locality has a women friendly Masjid, and you do not have any obligations, then make the most out of it. Itikahf is for men and women, as long as they have fulfilled their obligations.

Du’a: In Ramadan your du’as complement your goals. This is the month to ask Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala for this world, and the Hereafter. It is to beg for forgiveness, because He will forgive all who ask Him. Personally, I make a du’a list, and always carry it with me, seeking valuable times in the day to ask Allah to change me, to enlighten me, and equip me with the tools to be a righteous believer. Also, don’t forget to make du’a for other, as the Angels will say aameen to you!

Dhikr: Remembering Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala is one of the easiest deeds you can do in Ramadan. Set a goal to recite certain adkar a day, make them bite size, and stick to them. If you find your mind doodling through the day, begin reciting a particular dhikr, as they’ll soon bring you back to the right mind frame.

ACTION POINT: Set some powerful goals which are within your means, and intensify them for the last ten days.

Finally, focus on your opportunities.

Focus on Your Opportunities:

Ramadan revolves around serving people. It is a selfless act, rather than a selfish one. You will not be able to do everything, so don’t. Focus on what is in your capacity, and perform it with excellence.

Husbands, remember, tarawih is a sunnah for you and your wife. If you have children, and your wife

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is unable to attend, then take it in turns. Her spiritual state will propel her as a believer, mother and wife, and her level of appreciation for you, will cultivate a deep sense of love within your marriage, between you.

Similarly, help your wife in the kitchen. Take it in turns. There is nothing demeaning in cooking, or serving your family, rather it helps the couple free up time for worship, and teaches the children, that helping in the house, is not restricted to women.

This applies to many of you who are working and studying. Don’t leave all the cooking duties to your mother, she needs rest too. An act done for another is a great deed in the sight of Allah, especially helping your wives and mothers.

Ramadan also revolves around cultivating and nurturing good character. An individual who fasts, but does not control his anger, has lost a portion of his reward. Utilise this month to work on your character, and to focus on those qualities which you need to improve on – as it will build the foundation to continue your resolve after the blessed month of Ramadan.

ACTION POINT: This Ramadan, be selfless. Brothers and Sisters, this Ramadan help your parents, your sisters, and your wives. Make

Ramadan about them, and Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala will make this Ramadan all about you.

I want to end with a statement by Layinka Sanni, she wrote: “I’m welcoming the return of a simple Ramadan devoid of box-ticking and chart-watching anxiety. Just a Ramadan where I do what I can in the best way I can, even if that’s just an ayah recited a day.”

Ultimately, just do your best. Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala will aid you if you are sincere. If you want to genuinely change, then do your best, and I assure you, Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala will do the rest.

Have an amazing Ramadan. I pray every single one of you becomes closer to Allah Allah Subhanahu-wa-Taala, and may Ramadan 2016, be a means of you, and your family attaining Paradise, Aameen!

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Ramadan is a time when family and friends gather at the masjid to feast on delicious meals and stand shoulder to shoulder in nighttime prayers filled with blessings and rewards. It’s a pleasurable time at the masjid that both parents and children look forward to. But suppose you are the mother of a rambunctious child, what might normally be an enjoyable time to connect with friends and get closer to Allah can become an experience filled with frustration. Here are 10 tips to encourage your child to stay on his best behavior in the masjid, so you can have a more pleasant and rewarding Taraweeh prayer during Ramadan insha’Allah.

Tip 1

Select a masjid that caters to children. Many masjids offer childcare services for worshippers, making it easy for parents to enjoy meals and give their undivided attention during long standing periods of Taraweeh prayer. Of course, not all masjids have this luxury. Even so, some are

certainly more kid-friendly than others. Look for a masjid that you and your child both feel comfortable in.

Tip 2

Encourage your child to fast during Ramadan. The pious predecessors of the Prophet encouraged their children to fast. There are differences in opinion as to what age children should be encouraged to fast. Nevertheless, you can still make gentle attempts at getting your child to give up eating by distracting him with toys, as did our pious predecessors. You can even offer a special reward if he fasts all or most of the day. Use affectionate persuasion but don’t force fasting upon him. How can fasting help control your child during visits to the masjid? Think about it . . . how do you feel after fasting all day and then finally sitting down to savor a scrumptious meal? Your blood sugar plummets and you’re ready to doze off to sleep. Your children are no different. Having your child fall asleep during Taraweeh

10 Tips to Child-Proof your Taraweeh this Ramadan

By Grandma Jeddah

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prayer can be the relief you need to focus on your prayers and avoid having to correct him to be quiet or sit still.

Tip 3

Endear your child to stand for the Taraweeh prayer along with you. It’s not uncommon for children as young as eight-years-old to stand for the entire Taraweeh prayer! However, don’t force it upon your child. All children are different. Offer him a special treat if he stands throughout much of the prayer with you. You’ll find him trying his best to stay on his feet, fighting the urge to rock back and forth and nod off.

Tip 4

Talk to your child prior to leaving home. Explain to him that you understand how difficult it can be sitting still for such a long period of time. Explain specifically what type of behavior you expect from him, within reason. Tell him that you want him to sit down while you’re praying. Let him know if he wishes to talk, he should use a hushed tone. If he sits quietly throughout most of the prayer, you’ll give him a gift from your “Ramadan Gift Bag” on the way home. Your gift doesn’t have to be expensive. It could even be a special dessert such as an ice cream cone or donut on the way home from the masjid, or even a special sweet treat you cook up at home.

Tip 5

Carry along a “Taraweeh Activity Bag” with an assortment of toys such as coloring books and crayons, pencil and paper, puzzles, sticker books, hand held toys and whatever other entertaining toys (without images) you think will keep your child’s hands busy and mind occupied while you’re praying. Why not visit the local dollar store and

have your child pick out toys he might enjoy playing with. After you get home, stuff everything into a back pack for your child to carry with him to the masjid.

Tip 6

Bring a bag of snacks. What better way to keep your child’s mouth closed and hands busy than with baggies filled with savory snacks. Treats with mini pieces such as bags of nuts, popcorn or fruit snacks are ideal. They make it practical for your child to share with his friends and they don’t leave crumbs behind. Be sure to remind him to pick up any bags or wrappers he may have used.

Tip 7

Take an outside break. Sometimes, being inside for an extensive period of time can be too much for your child. When your child gets cranky and disruptive to others, give him a break. Allow him (and yourself) to take a breather outside and take in some fresh night air. After calming down your child and gathering your resolve, return inside and continue your prayer.

Tip 8

Remember that you are training your child. Don’t expect a perfect soldier. He will falter at times with your instructions. That can be expected. Your child is not an adult. And besides, even adults have limitations on their attention spans. Your child is just that—a child.

Tip 9

Lower your expectations of attaining a perfect Taraweeh prayer. Times are not the same as when you had no children. Your child will inevitably take time away from your devotion. And that’s okay.

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You are now in charge of a child you have been given as a trust. Your responsibility is to teach him his purpose in life—to worship his Lord. Through your patience, guidance and example, he will learn an important facet of Ramadan—standing earnestly at night and enduring the fortitude of praying to His Lord.

Tip 10

For some children, the structured environment of a masjid for such an extended period of time is just too demanding. In such situations, it’s reassuring to know that for sisters, praying in the home gains more rewards than praying in the masjid–talk about convenience. So, you can still receive bountiful rewards from your Lord right in your home while praying Taraweeh and at the same time, allow your child to experience the many blessing of this holy month of Ramadan.
