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2016 Contest WinnersGroup 1

First Prize Story

Will Campbell (Calgary, AB)


My monster's name is Goofer because he goofs off a lot. Like one time he turned off all the power in the city on Christmas night! It was a real problem because Santa had trouble finding the houses. He also wore his muddy boots indoors at school. Goofer loves meat and also likes to eat plastic and cars. He is allergic to peanuts and fish. He likes to play pass and catch games if the equipment is his size.

Goofer likes to play soccer and hockey. He is scared of giant basketballs because he could get squished when it is bouncing. He also doesn't like award ribbons because they are all too big for him. Goofer's most fear is polar bears because if he is in a snowstorm he wouldn't see the polar bear and he could get hurt. When I am not here Goofer is in a special room in a cage with a leash because he could drive away in his remote control car. He knows how drive because he is old. We know this because he has a moustache.

Goofer sleeps in the attic. When he borrows a computer from another classroom, you have to go with him because he tries to balance the computer on his head. You have to take the computer

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and remind him not to do that. He needs help to carry it on his head because his arms are too short.

When Goofer is pulling pranks, he is in the yellow zone and needs to calm down. First you have to talk to him in a kind and polite way. Next you get him to read a book because it usually calms some monsters down. The best thing about Goofer when he is in the green zone is that he always shares.

1er prix – poème

Amelie Boucher (Quebec, PQ)


Oh! la belle marguerite,

elle mérite

que je la protège des bibittes.

Quelle jolie rose !

Il faut que je ll’arrose

pour qu’elle se repose.

Le soleil brille.

Surprise !

Il sort une délicate jonquille.

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Où est ma violette ?

Elle joue à la cachette

derrière ses lunettes.

Ola !

Voici le lilas.

Le printemps est là.

Voici ma préférée,

la magnifique pensée

en train de se balancer.

Toutes ces fleurs dans

mon coeur

m’inspire le bonheur.

Second Prize Story

Lakshmi Singkh (Maple, ON)

The fairy mermaids

Once upon a time there were two girls named Barby and Alexa. They weren’t ordinary girls. They can transform into fairies and mermaids. One day Barby's wand was glowing.

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"Look Alexa." said Barby in a loud voice.

"Fairy land is in trouble." said Barby out loud.

"Oh no this is very bad." Cried Alexa.

They said the magic words and flew back to fairy land. It was all dark. They couldn't see a thing.

"Hey you guys." somebody said behind them.

"My name is talking rock."

"Why is it so dark?" asked Alexa.

"Because." Said talking rock.

"Because why?" Asked Alexa.

"Because Venama is here." said talking rock.

"Who's Venama." Asked Barby.

"It's an evil lady who likes to destroy everything." Said the talking rock.

"Oh no." They both said at the same time. "The only way to help is to fight with her.” They were very scared.

"Barby, Alexa stamp your feet and then three magical things will appear in front of you."

So they did and three things appeared. It was a magic stick made out of strong fireworks and flowers. Barby and Alexa said "We have the fireworks and flowers power." There was also a magic nut. And a big web.

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They took the stuff and flew off. When they met Venama Barby trapped Venama in the web. Venama couldn't move at all. They threw the magic nut and said a wish which was to make Venama die. And with the magic stick they said make Venama and her castle never be here again. When they flew back they were mermaids in the wonderful sea. But then people caught all the sea animals.

"Oh no! Another bad thing." Said Alexa.

"Oh oh." Said Barby

They followed the people into the boat. Then they followed the people in the aquarium. As they locked the door and went to sleep, Barby and Alexa opened the door and led the animals into the pond. They were very happy.

When they got out of the sea they saw they turned back into fairies. They all made a party and fun until it was time to leave in human land. Barby and Alexa said the magic words and flew back to human land.

The end

Second Prize Poem

Evan Samoyloff (Penticton, BC)


They make a really nice gift when you are feeling sad or even when you are feeling mad

They can be different colours in the Spring like in the rainbow on a ring

Some can be small

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And some can be very tall

You can buy them at the store or at the mall

Third Prize Story

Luke Holley-Reddick (Antigonish, NS)


I was reading a book and suddenly a house was on fire. Then the book threw a fire soot out of the book and it went on me. Then I heard the book suck me in and suddenly I was in the book.

It looked black and everything was moving fast and it got bumpy and shaky I can hear the air doing this shhhhhh

I knew I was in the fire truck with one other person and I helped put out the fire. As the smoke blew away I blew out of the book and landed in my room and put my pj's on and went to bed.

Third Prize Poem

Caleb Campbell (Nepean, ON)


Caleb is the train.

All aboard!

Let's get moving.

Everyone fun.

Everyone let's have fun.


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Group 2 

First Prize Story

Humnah Tahir (Brampton, ON)

Rainbow Beach

"What a beautiful day," said Eris with a wink.

"It sure is," said his sister Emily.

Their summer vacation had just begun. Their family was at their cottage on Rainbow Beach. Emily and Eris loved Rainbow Beach.

"I wonder if any magic is waiting for us," said Eris hopefully.

"There always is," said Emily with a smile. She and Eris shared a secret. Whenever they were on Rainbow Beach magic was never far behind.

"Let's read a book," suggested Eris. Their parents were out so they had to stay in their bed room.

"Good idea," said Emily. She picked up a book that was lying on the shelf.

"It's called 'The Nut Cracker,'" said Eris as they sat down on Emily's bed to read.

The first picture showed a forest full of snow.

"Wow the picture looks so real," said Emily.

She reached out and touched one of the snowflakes. Then suddenly a whirlwind swept up Emily and Eris. Both of them knew it was time for another adventure on Rainbow Beach.

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"Where do you think this whirlwind is taking us?" Eris cried as they soared through the air.

"It could take us anywhere," Emily cried back.

Emily closed her eyes. Then with a soft thud the whirlwind disappeared.

"Where are we?" Eris asked looking around.

"I think we landed inside the book," Emily answered. They were standing in the same snow filled forest.

"That means that book was magical," said Eris.

"Listen," said Emily suddenly, her heart beating froze like a drum. Eris froze listening. Now he could hear it too. Someone was walking towards them! Emily and Eris exchanged fearful glances. Who was coming! What was in store for them?

Emily and Eris stood still as statues waiting. Next moment two elves walked around a clump of trees. They were both carrying buckets. They looked surprised to see Emily and Eris.

"Hello, I'm Crystal and this is my sister Coco. We're the Ice Cream Elves," said the elf on the right.

"Let's introduce ourselves," Eris whispered.

"I'll do it," Emily mouthed back.

"Hi, I'm Emily and this is my brother Eris. We got zapped into this book. Can you help us get out?" Emily said.

"We can't but the sugar plum fairy can," answered Coco. "This is the land of sweet," she added.

"Follow us," said Crystal. "We'll take you to her."

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"Thank you," said Eris he and Emily began to follow Coco and Crystal through the forest.

It didn't take long to figure out why this was called the land of sweets. As Emily and Eris followed Coco and Crystal they saw that every single thing was made of food. The trees had flowers made of gum. The snow was really sugar. Coco and Crystal led Emily and Eris to a palace made of food.

"Welcome to the home of the sugar plum fairy. Our leader," said Coco. Just then a very young beautiful fairy fluttered out of the castle.

"Hello," said the sugar plum fairy. "You got zapped into the book didn't you?" she asked Eris and Emily.

"Yes," said Emily. "Can you help us get out?"

"Yes I can," said the sugar plum fairy. "You must get the spell shell from the shudder. A serpent that lives in the soda sea."

"How?" Eris asked.

"You will need their necklaces. I'll take you to the soda sea. Where you must find and retrieve the spell shell," explained the sugar plum fairy. She reached into her pocket and gave Emily and Eris two golden necklaces.

Then with a wave of the sugar plum fairy's wand Emily and Eris were standing at the edge of the soda sea. A big boat was waiting for them.

"Come on," said Emily as they jumped into the boat and set off.

Pretty soon a storm had blown in. The boat rocked from side to side.

"I don't think we'll make it," cried Eris.

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"We can," Emily shouted back struggling to steer the boat without falling. Then with a flash of lightning the Shudder rose out of the water. It was eight feet long hissing madly.

The Shudder swirled around the boat as lightning flashed overhead. Then with a hiss the Shudder made a cage around the boat. Emily and Eris exchanged glances. They were trapped.

"I have an idea," said Emily, thinking hard.

We can use the necklaces the sugar plum fairy might gave us. They must be magical.

"Good idea," said Eris. He and Emily quickly put on the necklaces. There was a flash of light and Eris held a sword and Emily held a hair pin.

Eris looked at the two things and an idea popped into his head, he quickly whispered his idea to Emily who agreed instantly to give it a shot. Emily used the hair pin to open the cage door. She and Eris dived into the stormy soda sea. Eris then used his sword to poke the Shudder. It became very angry and began to chase Eris in circles. While the Shudder was distracted Emily quickly found the spell shell. It was hidden behind some coral made of jelly beans.

"Come on Eris!" Emily cried swimming to her brother and seizing his hand. Then just as suddenly as before, another whirlwind swept up Emily and Eris. They were heading home. Then with a thump they landed on Emily's bed.

"That was some adventure," said Eris with a laugh. Just then the door bell rang.

"Mom and Dad are home," said Emily as they hurried down stairs to open the door.

The End

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First Prize Poem

Layla Tulk (Jackson's Cove, NL)

My Baby Cousin Gabe

He is cute.He is cuddly.His cry sounds funny.He likes when I sing to him.And he falls asleep in my arms.He really likes milk and he burps very loud.Sometimes he is stinky when he does his number two.I feel like he is special to us.

Second Prize Story

Nolon Morris (Pouce Coupe, BC)

The Fourth Pool

Once there were three brothers. Their names were Bob, Tom and Joe. They lived in a building with four swimming pools. Bob had one pool, Tom had one, Joe had one, and there was one pool that belonged to no one. They didn't know what to do with the fourth pool. Bob wanted to get a new brother. Tom didn't care. Joe wanted to have the fourth pool dug up and taken away. One day, Bob and Tom saw Joe walking to the fourth pool.

"I will dig the fourth pool up! There will be three pools and three pools only!" said Joe.

"No you won't." said Bob.

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"I am not your play partner until you let Bob have a new brother!" said Tom.

"I don't need a play partner." said Joe.

Joe went into a room and got a machine that he used to dig things up.

"I have the machine," said Joe. "You can't stop me from digging this pool up."

Joe turned on the digger. He drove it toward the fourth pool. Two shovels came out the front of the digger.

"Yes!" yelled Joe.

"No!" yelled Bob and Tom. But it was too late. The shovels were digging. Bob and Tom didn't want to get hit with the shovels. They let Joe dig up the fourth pool. Five minutes later, there was nothing left of the fourth pool. Joe kicked Tom out of his own swimming pool. Joe became in charge.

A few days later, Joe said, "Bob, you get out right now!"

Bob opened the door and saw Tom and their father.

"You can't do this Joe," said their father. "I wanted to be in the fourth pool." Their dad got his tools and made the fourth pool again. And they all lived happily ever after.

Second Prize Poem

Sunobar Asifi (Gatineau, PQ)

When I was born, my life was full of darkness and full of fear.

I couldn't see anything.

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I could just hear sounds around me.

New and strange sounds made me startled and shake like a leaf.

Darkness made me nervous and completely lost.

But there is always a solution to such problems as the darkness and fear, right?

When I felt an arm wrapped around my shaky, cold, sweaty and sobbing body, I felt as if darkness and fear cowardly ran away from me.

I felt warm and secured.

I felt life flow inside me like water in the ocean does.

Third Prize Story

Nathan Pendrak (Slave Lake, AB)

The destruction aliens can cause

Up in space, everything is completely normal. Planets are orbitting the sun. No signs of life are found except for one spaceship flying toward Earth. It has been made by no human.

How can this be? It is an orange fiery color. Spikes stick out from the roof that are wickedly sharp like swords. It flies toward Earth.

What is going on in the ship now would have took your breath away. Inside the ship, alien creatures are steering the ship.

"Where shall we start the invasion, Captain?" an alien creature asks.

The captain points to a certain spot. "It is nighttime there," the captain says. "Slave Lake Alberta Canada," he says, exposing a sword-like claw.

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The ship flies toward Earth with a rumble, leaving a cloud of gray substance like dust or fog.

In the southeast part of town, Brian's family has no time to worry. Brian's parents are taking him and his twin brother, Kevin to the theater.

"Brian do the crabs," Mr. Chester, Brian's father, commands.

"Yes Dad," Brian answers.

He looks at his hermit crab named Hermy. Brian grabs him from the tank. He is tucked into his shell. Usually he is out and wanting to stand in his hand. Today is different.

"What's wrong, Hermy?" Brian asks.

The little orange hermit crab does not move. He sprays the crabs and gives them food.

"Go see if Rover has water and food," Mrs. Chester orders.

Brian and Kevin go downstairs. Rover raises his head and gives a loud bawl.

"What's wrong boy?" Kevin asks.

Brian stares at the street. Everything is completely normal.

"Hermy is tucked in his shell and won't come out and Rover's randomly bawling," Brian says, confused.

At the theater they are watching a kids movie. At the part of the movie where everything gets exciting, the TV glitches out and another picture takes it's place. A picture of awkward warriors. They are red and ugly. They have claws like swords and their ship is a fiery red.

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A voice comes from the screen and says: "We will steal your planet and you will live in space and we shall have a victory celebration!"

The TV glitches out and the movie comes on. "What was that all about?" Brian wonders silently.

Rover has been disturbing his master all night. He bawls all the time. Rover is their dog. There is a loud rumble and his window fogs up. He cannot see anything but a bright light where the sky is and a whole bunch of fog. The rumbling grows louder.

Brian must climb out of his window to see what is going on. Brian hears Rover yipping and bawling with fear. He is afraid. Brian screams in fear but is yell is lost in the rumble.

The sky lights up. Kevin stands beside him and screams in fear. The fog clears.

Brian looks at Kevin. Kevin lights up. He lights up like a light switch except slower.

"Mom, Dad!" Kevin yells. "Help!"

His head turns into a cube. The features are now cubed on Kevin's face. His arms turn into square prisms and so do his legs. The palms of his hands are as square as roobicks cube. His fingers and toes turn into square prisms. He is a block man. Then, Kevin rises up.

Brian jumps and tries to grab his leg but he cannot reach. Kevin rises until Brian cannot hear him.

"Kevin!" he yells.

He cannot see Kevin. He is gone. Nowhere in sight. Lost. Nowhere to be found.

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Nearby Brian's neighbor's house collapses into a pile of triangular pyramids.

Then, the rumbling stops. The sky goes dark. He can see the shape of a block man. It is almost a dot in the sky. Brian knows that that shape is his brother, doubtless taken up into space to unknown aliens. He watches until the shape disappears. Memories of his brother flood back. Kevin had a good sense of humor.

Rover comes to him and licks Brian's face. Then, Rover begins to change into a triangular shape. He lights up. He gives a bark of fear. He begins to rise.

"No!" Brian says. Rover seems to shrink as he rises. Soon there is just a small shape in the sky. That shape becomes a dot. That dot rises and disappears.

Brian climbs into his room through the open window. He closes it and locks it. He climbs into bed and cries himself to sleep. He dreams of the happy days with Kevin and Rover. How he and Kevin got along so well. He remembers when Rover was a little puppy. Then, he dreams of Rover's life. He dreams of the adventures he had with Kevin.

He wakes up to his alarm clock ringing and beeping.

He gets dressed and goes outside.

"Where is Kevin?" Mrs. Chester asks.

"Maybe it's better if I show you," Brian answers.

Brian takes Mrs. Chester to the neighbor's house. Mrs. Chester screams.

They are celebrating the end of the year at school. Suddenly, two teachers, Ms. Robertson and Ms. Kwan lights up.

"The horror!" Brian says.

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He looks at the bonfire he is standing beside. The teacher's head is a cube shape. It looks exactly like Kevin being changed. The teacher is a block man. The teacher begins to rise.

"Help!" he yells.

Brian shimmies around the fire. He tries to grab the teacher. But he is to high. He shrinks as he rises.

"What?" the students yell. Brian watches like a person hypnotized. Soon the shape is a dot.

Up in space, the alien ship hovers above Earth. Soon an orange ball the size of Canada floats toward them. A door in the balloon-like ball opens. Men with massive rainbow-colored wings and long tail feathers fly out. They have needles on the end of their wings. They are sharper than swords. There wings are luminescent. They shine like a rainbow sun. There are thousands of them. The aliens point the machine guns at the men with wings.

"Prisoners! Come and take refuge among us, for we are against the aliens!"

The people and animals who have been cubed or turned into a triangle-like form, jump from the alien ship.

The men with wings are against the aliens. All the people who have been taken to the aliens jump from the ship.

Men with wings carry them to the orange ball where they live. It looks orange on the outside. Among the people are Kevin and Rover. The aliens must take cover on the earth. The planet lies helpless.

Brian is at the beach. Suddenly, there is a blur of red. A warrior drops down. But such a warrior! He is bigger than Brian. The warrior exposes it's claw. It has ten more like it. They are like swords. What was going on?

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"Give us your planet!" a booming voice says.

"I'm not in charge of"

"Give us the planet!" the voice repeats.

There is a flapping of wings. A blur of color. A child with wings falls slowly. He is Brian's age. He looks at his blue and red tail-feathers. Since it was the year 2169, technology had changed. Brian readies his jetpack. His uncle had given it to him from the navy where he worked. The child with wings flies up suddenly. He hits the alien creature in the head with his wing.

"You dare?" the alien yells and falls to the ground.

Brian feels as if he would faint.

"It is all right," the child with wings says. "What what is your name?" Brian asks.

"I am Glen," the child with wings answers.

"Glen, what was that all about?" Brian asks.

"I will tell you," Glen says. Brian listens.

"You must follow me," Glen says, spreading his wings.

Brian readies his jetpack. "I'm ready," he says."This better not be a trick," Brian says, "because I armed!"

Glen lifts off the ground. Brian follows. Glen takes him to a roof of a building. They sit down.

"Well, I'm listening," Brian says, looking at Glen.

"Somewhere," Glen begins, "in another galaxy there was another planet. We men with wings lived there. So did the aliens. Our

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planet was discovered back in the year 2016. The men with wings, as you know I am one of them, stayed in the planet. Aliens that looked a lot like humans invaded the planet. The aliens that lived on our planet with us fled. In 2130, the aliens that were on the same planet as us and lived there tried to invade a planet, but we men with wings stopped them. It was a successful attempt. They tried to invade Earth.

"What is the difference between humans and the aliens that invaded our planet? After all they look similar.'" Brian looked at Glen.

"They haven't invaded any planet ever since. Everyone from the planet we lived on fled. The aliens that lived with us on our planet a long time, called the red warriors wouldn't let the men with wings return. There was a war between the Red Warriors and us and we agreed that the planet should be deserted forever."

"And now it is a desolate wasteland with nothing living in it forever. Only animals live there."

"That's a waste. No offense," Brian says.

"None taken," Glen replied.

Glen flies back to the beach with Kevin.

"Goodbye," Brian says. Glen waves.

He spreads his wing and flaps them. Brian watches Glen lift off the ground. Finally Glen disappears in the sky. He listens until he cannot hear Glen's wings flapping.

Up in space, most of the aliens are in the ship. Or at least half of them. Men with wings fly at them. They shoot machine guns at the winged men. Bombs fly at the ship. Fire shoots from the men with wing's wings. It is an epic fight. One side wants to protect earth. The other side wants to invade Earth. Aliens jump from the

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ship. The aliens get into their ship. They battle once again. The red warriors have won.

Brian stands outside a restaurant. Suddenly he rises.

"Help!" Brian yells somewhat loudly.

He flies upward. He sees Glen rising up through space and flapping his wings franticly. He rises above Earth. He holds his breath. He has a talent of holding his breath for a while. For at least three minutes. He uses his talent now. He can feel his face turning purple. He breathes.

"No air," he thinks fearfully.

He gasps for air. Is he crazy? Why would he think that air would be in space. One minute passes. Then two minutes. Two and a half. Blackness on the edge of his vision. Sees Glen flying toward him. Two minutes and forty seconds. Two minutes and fifty seconds. He is gasping for air. Someone grabbing his arm. He sees colorful wings flapping. He knows it is Glen. He hears the flapping of wings. Two minutes and fifty seconds. He is unconscious. Glen gets him into the chamber before death.

Brian wakes up and finds himself on a bed. Glen is standing by his side. It is as if he knows Glen perfectly well.

"Are you all right?" Glen asks.

"You saved my life," Brian says between pauses.

"I couldn't let you die in space like that," Glen says. He has his jetpack on. "Do you want your jetpack off?" Glen asks.

"No thank you," Brian says. "Thanks for the offer, Glen," Brian


"Is there anything I can do to help?" Glen asks.

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"Somehow bring me back to Earth, maybe?" Brian asks.

"That can be arranged," Glen says.

Brian is taken back to his home planet.

Brian stares at the Canadian army coming in Slave Lake by plane. People find out about what the men with wings are doing and what they are trying to do.

The day after the navy come, Glen arranges a meeting with Brian. Brian waits in his backyard. Soon he hears the flapping of wings. He sees two colorful wings flapping.

"I thought Glen had smaller wings," Brian thinks to himself.

He can see Glens body but he cannot see the features. He looks as if he is growing as he falls. Finally he can see Glen's features.

He flies toward Brian and lands.

"Brian, I have something to tell you," Glen says.

"What is it?" Brian asks.

"Do you remember when Kevin was taken by the aliens at all?" Glen asks.

"That was a few days ago," Brian answers.

"We found a way to make him return and change to his normal form," Glen informs. "We are sending him back to Earth tonight."

That night, Glen returned to Brian's house.

"He should be here soon," Glen predicts.

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Brian sees a bright dot in the sky. It slowly falls. Brian can see that it is a block man. The block man grows as it falls. Finally it hits the ground.

"Kevin!" Brian says. Kevin's fingers and toes return to normal shape. The palms are no longer as square as roobick's cubes. His block head returns to it's normal shape. Kevin returns to his normal color. He darkens.

Inside the Red Warrior's ship, everyone is sleeping. A Red Warrior sleeps soundly in his bed. The Red Warrior gets up and walks into the captains room. The captain is a heavy sleeper.

"What we are doing is wrong!" the Red Warrior thinks. "And the captain is responsible for it all." The Red Warrior takes a pill and gives it to the captain.

The Red Warrior's name was Dainty. Dainty gives the captain the pill. Dainty gives himself air tanks that would last for a year. Dainty leaves the spaceship and plunges into the outer unknown.

Brian is at the mall. He goes into a little room. He hides behind a door. Mr. Chester comes in. A Red Warrior steps out from behind a curtain.

"Well, well, well, another person to control," the Red Warrior says.

"What are you referring to?" Mr. Chester asks.

A Red Warrior grabs Mr. Chester. The Red Warrior takes out a machine. The Red Warrior pushes a button. It projects a wheel. It spins. It hypnotizes Mr. Chester.

"Go and report any men with wings or anyone on their side. Earth must be invaded!" The Red Warrior calls.

Mr. Chester leaves obediently. Brian leaves, unnoticed.

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Where is Glen? Brian needs to talk to him and tell him about what the Red Warriors are attempting.

He flies with his jetpack. Finally he finds the secret fortress where the men with wings lived. He leaves a note. Brian and Glen always arrange meetings by leaving notes. He writes on the note.

Glen, I wish to arrange a meeting. It is not safe at my house though. My father will suspect me. He will take me to the Red Warriors. The Red Warriors are hypnotizing people and the effect lasts until the Red Warriors make them snap out of it somehow.

Brian sees his father far back in his truck just driving out of the mall. Brian pushes a button on his jetpack. Glen comes out.

"Please, don't say anything or show that I know what is going on! Please!" Brian thinks.

Glen picks up the note and goes inside the fortress. Brian flies to his home. He stares at the TV.

"Hello, Brian," Mr. Chester (Brian's father) says coming in, "what did you do today?"

Brian feels uneasy. What will Brian do to hide that he is on the opposite side that the Red Warriors are on?

"Calm down," Brian thinks to himself.

"Your home late, Brian," Mr. Chester says.

"Sorry, I got distracted talking with a friend," Brian replies.

"Would you like to go to the mall?" Mr. Chester asks.

"Thanks for the offer, dad, but I have had a long day at school. May I lay down for a while?" Brian asks.

"Yes you may," Mr. Chester answers kindly.

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"He's trying to make me a victim," Brian thinks to himself, "whatever you do, don't go to the mall with him."

Mrs. Chester is taking Brian to the mall. A man comes up to them.

"We have a special tourist attraction if you want to come and see it," the man says. "It's in that room over there."

He points to the room Mr. Chester got hypnotized in.

"No thank you," Brian replies. "And I don't want to be rude, mom, but if I were you, I wouldn't go in there."

Reluctantly, Brian goes in with Mrs. Chester. The same Red Warrior steps out of a curtain and hypnotizes Mrs. Chester.

Brian and Kevin wait for Glen on a shelf on the cliff above a waterfall. Finally Glen arrives with another friend.

"Brian, Kevin, this is Fred. Fred, this is Brian and Kevin," Glensays.

"Hello," Fred says.

"Hello," Brian and Kevin reply.

"Do you know that The Re Warriors are hypnotizing victims?" Glen says.

"Yes, I hid and I saw them do it to my father," Brian says.

"You did?" Kevin asks.

"I'm afraid we cannot stay in our house," Kevin says.

Brian nods in agreement.

"We came to say that we must hide you," Glen says.

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"Where shall you hide us?" Kevin asks.

"You will come into space and settle in our ship," Fred


Fred is tall and his wings are all different colors. His tail-feathers are blue and red, just like Glen's. They are long. Brian sits between Glen and Fred.

"We must take you now," Glen says.

"You may help fight," Fred says.

Brian leaves his room at night. Kevin stands beside him.

"Where is Glen?" Kevin whispers.

"Brian! Kevin!" Mr. Chester runs up to them.

"Fly!" Kevin yells.

Brian pushes the button on his jetpack. Mr. and Mrs. Chester

flies after them. There is a flapping of wings.

"Kevin! Brian!" a voice yells.

Mrs. Chester tries to shut off his jetpack.

"No!" Brian yells. He hears a flapping of four


"Snap out of it!" Glen yells.

The parents look up.

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"Man with wings!" Mr. Chester yells.

"It's Glen!" Mrs. Chester yells.

"Brian and Kevin are with the men with wings!" Mrs. Chester yells.

Fred grabs Brian's arm. Kevin and Glen fly up.

"Get them!" Mr. Chester says.

They finally fly up above earth. They hold their breath. A Red Warrior stops them. He makes an attempt to hypnotize Glen and Fred. Glen's pupils grow and shrink.

"Snap out of it!" Brian says to Glen.

Brian pushes a button on his jetpack. A rocket-launcher appears with a hologram of a Red Warrior around it. The "Red Warrior," shoots a rocket at the Warrior. The rocket explodes with the Red Warrior and the machine. Glen goes from half-hypnotized to normal.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester appear. The Red Warrior that tried to hypnotize Glen had exploded and is now dead and gone. A Red Warrior steps out of the men with wings' home.

"Dainty," Glen says, "is the captain still sleeping?"

"Yes," The Red Warrior replies.

"You!" Brian yells, "why are you talking to a Red Warrior like it is a pleasure to see him?!"

"It is all right," Glen says. "This Red Warrior has betrayed his own people and has joined our side," Glen says.

A Red Warrior steps out.

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"Well, well, well. Dainty the traitor," a Red warrior says. "You have put the captain to sleep!" it exclaims.

Dainty stretches out a sword-like claw.

"Oh, so you want to fight, eh?" the Red Warrior says.

Dainty hits the Red Warrior. The Red Warrior defends a blow. Brian stares. He has been given a space-tank.

Bang! Clang! The sound of Red warrior's claws crashing fills the air. Dainty defends a blow and cuts the Red Warrior's claw off. It floats away and disappears.

"Oww! Oww! That hurts! Oww!" The Red Warrior howls in pain.

He hits Dainty with a hard blow.

"You, you dare betray us?"

The Red Warrior explodes with fury. A claw flies at Dainty. He dodges.

"What you are doing is wrong!" Glen calls.

"I agree with the boy with wings," Dainty yells.

"Oh, so you have betrayed us!" the Red Warrior says.

"You got it right!" The Red Warrior on the right side yells.

Bang! Crash! Clang! Brian listens to the clanging of Red Warriors' claws. Dainty gives a powerful thrust. The other Red Warrior tries to hit Dainty with a claw. Dainty dodges and the Red warrior flies forward.

"Oh no!" He yells. He flies farther and farther away and finally disappears.

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"I'll get you! Earth shall be invaded!" The Red Warrior yells and disappears. After that, he is never seen again.

"I understand," Brian says.

"You! You must be on our side!" Mr. Chester yells. Or tries to

yell. Sound does not go through space.

"Go back to earth!" Glen orders firmly.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester obey. They go into the men with wings' ship.

Glen suddenly lays an egg.

"Okay, sure, that was awkward," Brian says. He looks questioningly at Glen.

"Sorry if that is disturbing. If your a man with wings, both boys and girls lay eggs. Glen lays thirty more eggs.

"Are you going to incubate those?" Brian asks.

"How'd you know?" Glen asks.

"I figured you'd be trying to increase your army," Brian replies.

"Glen!" a voice calls. "Do you have the two boys?"

"Yes," Glen says. He has a recorder. It is recording still. "I just need to put my eggs in the incubater and I'll bring them up!" Glen calls.

Brian sees a pouch in Glen's wing.

"Why not use that pouch?" Brian asks.

"Because that's for other eggs," Glen says.

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"That makes sense," Kevin says.

Brian hears a familiar whimper. Rover, in his normal form walks up to them.

"Brian, are you staying here with me?" Kevin asks.

"I'd like to go with Glen," Brian replies.

Rover follows Brian.

Brian helps and records Glen putting the eggs in the incubator. That night Glen and Fred fly into a room.

"Brian, your sleeping here tonight. Kevin your sleeping on the other bed. We'll sleep on our wings, and use them as beds," Glen says.

It looks like he is unfolding his wings. In fact that is what he is doing. He puts his wing underneath him like a bed. Glen's feathers fan out and he falls slowly as if he were wearing a parachute. He lands on the ground.

Brian watches Glen. His eyelids get heavier and flutter. They begin to droop. Then they close. Brian hears Glen's heavy even breathing which tells him he is asleep.

"Tomorrow we will fight the Red Warriors," Fred says and falls asleep.

Glen's posture changes. His shoulders sag.

Brian wakes up to the sound of yells. Glen suddenly leaps up and folds up his wings until he can flap them without having trouble flying.

Brian leaps up and follows him. Fred follows.

"What's happening?" Fred asks.

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"I don't know," Glen answers.

"Wait up!" Kevin asks flying after them with his jetpack.

Dainty is fighting a Red Warrior outside their door. Clang! Boom, Crash! It sounds like swords crashing against each other. Brian fires a rocket at the Red Warrior. The Red Warrior that is fighting Dainty explodes.

"What was that?" Dainty asks.

Brian, Glen, Kevin and Fred leave.

The leader, Kyle, who is an older man with wings, flies toward them.

"Dad!" Glen calls, "shall I go fight?"

"Yes, go, and bring the two boys with you.

"Be swift, and be safe!" Kyle yells. He has the posture of a leader. He is in good shape.

Fred hits a Red Warrior in the head with his needle. The Red Warrior falls dead. Brian stares awkwardly. He flies over the battle and hovers.

Brian knows how to hypnotize Red Warriors. He stares. He hypnotizes all the Red Warriors and they stand still. The battle stops suddenly. The men with wings stop flying and hover.

"What are you doing up, Glen?" Glen's mother asks. "And what are those wingless creatures?"

Brian would rather be called a human than a "wingless creature".

"Actually I'm a human," Brian corrects, "and Glen, Fred, Kevin and I were told by the leader to come fight."

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"Leave, all you Red Warriors!" Brian says boldly.

The Red Warriors troop to the door, open it, and one by one they leave and disappear into black space. The men with wings stare at Brian.

Brian, Glen, Kevin and Fred fly back to their own room.

Inside the Red Warriors' ship, the Red Warriors snap out of their hypnotism and go into the captain's room. He is snoring loudly. The captain begins to stir. He stops snoring and opens his eyes. The captain leaps up and lands on all four legs.

"Who dares put me to sleep?" The captain bellows.

"It was Dainty, my Captain," A Red Warrior by the name of Joort says. "See how he is not here? He has fled to go live with the men with wings," Joort says.

"He shall suffer serverely!" The captain says. "He shall be sorry for betraying our people!"

Brian enjoyed life with Glen and Fred. Five days later, Glen candled his eggs. "There is a double-yolker egg in there," Glen says, "I think that should be thrown out because it probably won't hatch."

"Well, let's candle it first," Brian says.

"That's surprising," Glen says after candling it.

"It's actually incubating." Brian looks in.

It looks like a black thing, no legs and no wings or tail-feathers. There are thirty-one eggs. They only throw one out.

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Two days later, Brian wakes to a cracking sound and the sound of faint breathing and sounds of babies making noises. It is coming from the incubator.

There is a low moan behind him.

"What are you doing?" It is Fred.

"Glen's eggs are hatching," Brian answers.

All the eggs are normal except for the sounds coming out of them. One cracks. Brian can see little hands punching the eggshell.

"What about my eggs?" Glen asks.

"They're hatching," Brian answers.

Brian looks at the double-yolker. Two cracks form. "That double-yolkers hatching too!" Fred exclaims.

"Twins!" Glen says.

"What's hatching?" Kevin asks.

"Glen's eggs," Brian answers.

The first one to hatch is the double-yolker. The babies with wings look like this: They are two inches tall. They have blue wings. What is making the wings blue is the down. The fluff. At first they are wet. The liquid on them makes their wings look gray-blue. They are graceful.

Over the next few days, the babies grow into the size of human babies when they are newborn.

They were fast learners. Glen teaches them how to fly and how to fight the Red Warriors. Glen teaches them how to talk. They are fast learners.

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"Your first battle is now," Glen says.

"We shall fight the Red Warriors!" the babies yell in reply.

The captain of the Red Warriors bursts in. Fred flies toward him.

"Such a big army," the captain says.

Dainty comes in.

"Well, well, well, Dainty, isn't it good to see you, traitor!" the captain bellows.

"Traitor?" Dainty says confused.

"You know what I'm referring to!" the captain says.

The captain stretches out a claw. They fight. Clang! Bang! Crash! Their claws hit.

"I was once on your side, Captain," Dainty says, "but, times have changed!"

The captain pierces Dainty with a claw. Dainty falls to the ground.

"Dainty, are you all right?" Glen asks.

Kyle flies to Dainty's side. The Red Warrior looks up at him.

"Kyle, fight without me!" Dainty says sternly.

Brian looks down at the Red Warrior. Blood gushes from the wound. He is breathing faster and faster every second. He looks up at Kyle. "Go, fight the Red Warriors."

Dainty closes his rainbow eyes. His heart stops beating. He stops breathing. His orange skin turns into a pale orange. The captain laughs gleefuly.

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Fred flashes an evil smile. Rover whimpers outside Brian's door. He is scared. Fred opens the window and grabs Brian. Fred throws Brian out the window. Brian grabs Fred and Fred falls forward with him.

"Traitor!" Brian yells.

"Fred is right!" Kyle yells.

"Dad?" Glen asks.

That is the last things he hears. Brian caught one last glimpse of Dainty lying dead on the floor and a mezmorized Glen.

Brian pushes Fred away.

"What are you doing? I am now on the side of the Red Warriors. Earth. Brian must go to Earth or die."

On the earth Brian stays with his Grandma and Grandpa Every time Mr. and Mrs. Chester come over, Brian leaves.

Glen cannot believe what had happened.

"My dad and Fred have betrayed us, and Brian and Dainty are dead," Glen thinks. "What am I to do?"

Glen watches Brian and Fred disappear into unknown space.

The Red Warriors are battling the men with wings. Joord is fighting furiously. Then he stops. He remembers the dying Dainty. The courage he had. He is fighting Glen. Joord turns away. He bounds to a Red Warrior. He pierces the Red Warrior by the name of Jeero.

Jeero falls dead. The captain faces Joord.

"Will you rebell against us as Dainty did?" The Captain bellows.

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"I'm afraid so," Joord says. Joord hits the captain with a claw. The fight ends. The verdict, is a tie.

"I will show you what you deserve!" the captain explodes.

"What happened to Dainty will happen to you!" the captain explodes. "You are an insolent Red Warrior!" the captain says.

"Thank you for the compliment," Joord replies.

"What can you do to me but kill me?" Joord asks.

In the men with wings' ship, they are having a funeral for Brian. Glen stares at pictures of Brian's life. Glen looks at Kevin who is crying. A Red Warrior comes in.

"I am Joord," the Red warrior says, "and I have betrayed my own people and am now helping you defeat the Red Warriors as Dainty had before he died."

"You fought the captain!" Glen says.

There is a sound of a jetpack outside. Brian flies in. Brian is startled when Glen flies on him.

"Brian, your alive!" Glen yells.

Brian looks to Dainty's dead body. It is stiff. The orange skin is now a pale-orange. Glen, and other men with wings pick up the body solemnly. They throw it out the window and watch it float away. It disappears into black space.

Later at night, he feels someone shaking him gently. Brian opens his eyes and sees Glen standing over him.

"What?" Brian asks.

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"The Red Warriors are doing a sneak attack on Earth," Glen answers. "I think you can guess where Fred is."

Brian leaped up so fast that Glen jumped.

Glen flies after Brian. "While the Red Warriors are attacking Earth, we will blow their ships up," Glen instructs.

Joord brings a massive bomb. They are wearing bombproof suits. Everyone is. There is a flapping of wings.

"Well, hello there Fred," Brian says.

"What? Your dead Brian!" Fred says.

"No! I went to earth," Brian informs.

"Why are you doing this?!" Fred asks furiously.

"What harm have we done to the Red Warriors? We are stopping them!" Brian replies.

"But I would probably do the same if I were them you know," Fred says.

Suddenly, there is a bang. Fred gives a cry of pain and disappears. The Red Warriors' ships breaks into pieces. Dozens of Red Warriors' ships blow up. Dust fogs up everything. Brian can hear Glen coughing in the whirling cloud of dust. The dust clears. Fred is gone. He has vaporized in the explosion. Brian looks and sees Dainty's body floating. It is twice as big. It has the wound is gone. The skin darkens. Glen stares.

"What----" Glen says and his voice trails off.

He looks exactly like he did when he was alive but twice as big. Dainty rolls onto his feet and his eyes open.

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"Hello Brian and Glen," Dainty greets them with a sharp-toothed smile.

"Aren't you dead?" Glen asks.

"No, I was not. When the captain wounded me, I lost a lot of blood quite quickly. Therefore I fell asleep instantly and it looked like I was dead so that's what people thought. Sometimes that happens with Red Warriors," Dainty says.

"Since you're a Red Warrior, Dainty, can you help us make the people not hypnotized?" Glen asks.

"I could and I will," Dainty says.

"Joord has joined our side as well," Glen informs.

"Brian, did you know that I was the first Red Warrior you saw?" Dainty asks.

"No, I didn't," Brian answers.

"We will leave tomorrow," Dainty says.

"Joord will come with us."

Everyone had found that Dainty was still alive. The news had spread quickly. Dainty was famous although he didn't see the reason why.

Dainty, Joord, Kevin, Brian and Glen get up early in the morning. They fly toward Earth, Glen using his wings and the rest of them using they're jetpacks. Glen would take Brian and Kevin to their house and live with them. But before they did anything, they would make Brian's parents snap out of their hypnotism.

They fly toward earth. They float above the planet. They slowly fall into the planet. Another spaceship flies toward them. Human-like aliens jump out.

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"We shall defeat the Red Warriors!" The human-like aliens yelled.

They look similar to humans. Their skin is a greenish-beige. They have a tail that has spikes on it. Half of them break away from the crowd.

"We shall not defeat the Red Warriors!" the half that broke away from the crowd says.

"They are the aliens that invaded our planet!" Glen says.

Brian is aghast. Shocked.

"They are?" Kevin asks.

"Yes, they are!" Dainty says.

The human-like aliens are on both sides. Brian and Kevin live on Earth. They are going to their house. Glen Dainty and Joord are still with them. Glen will live with them in the Chester's household. They are now on Earth.

"Brian's parents, come out!" Dainty calls.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester come out.

"Brian, you traitor!" Mrs. Chester yells.

Dainty hands Brian the hypnotism wheel. Brian pushes a button. The wheel starts to spin.

"Stop it!" Mr. Chester yells. It spins faster and faster.

"Stop that right now, Brian!" Mrs. Chester says, "or I am grounding you!"

"Snap out of it!" Brian yells.

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Mr. and Mrs. Chester yells firmly. They have now snapped out of their hypnotism.

"Thank you!" Mr. Chester says.

"You are welcome," Brian replies happily.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester embrace their sons. Glen stands off a little ways.

"Glen, would you like to live with us?" Mr. Chester asks.

The family is sleeping one night. Suddenly there is a sound of thundering feet outside Brian's window. Glen is sleeping underneath Brian's bed. He wakes up and flies out the window. There are battle-cries. The Red Warriors are taking action. Brian goes outside. Cube-like creatures with four legs are galloping toward the Red Warriors. The cube-like creatures have four arms. They have a gaping mouth. They have sharp teeth that are sharper than a razor and their cube-shaped bodies are blue, some blue-gray. They are fierce enormous creatures.

Soon the Red Warriors that are battling on the earth are loosing. Some are dying or are injured or scared.

"Captain, come and help us, please!" the Red Warriors yell.

The Red Warriors continue battling. Brian and Glen fight. In that battle something surprising happens. Kevin comes out and fights Glen.

"Kevin, stop!" Brian hears Glen yell.

Brian pulls Kevin off. He is hypnotized.

The captain of the Red Warriors drops down and yells in a booming voice: "Red Warriors! We are loosing numbers and I am regretting invading Earth!"

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"So do we Captain!" The Red Warriors yell in reply.

"We are no longer invaders of Earth but protectors!" the Captain booms.

The Red Warriors obey and stop battling. The Red Warriors become friends of Earth.

Cube-like species and human-like aliens are protecting each other. All the species are protecting each other, even the Red Warriors.

They become the United Species of Earth, also known as the USE. Kevin has snapped out of his hypnotism. So have all the people.

3e prix – poème

Nathan Gelinas (Saint-Philippe, PQ)


Il faut souffrir pour réussir,

autant physiquement que psychologiquement.

Pendant qu’on s’entraine intensément,

on meurt physiquement comme psychologiquement.

Le temps qu’on se surestime, c’est un crime.

En attendant la fin de cet évènement,

on continue à être souffrant.

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Ce qui ne nous tue pas,

nous rend plus forts.

Le temps étant passé,

notre corps sera qu’un oubli.

Group 3

First Prize Story

Ava Ries (Mission, BC)


Once upon a time there was a purple elephant with green polka dots named Herby who lived in Antarctica. Herby loved cheese. One day Herby met a blue-and-red checkered aardvark named Sam. They became friends. Since Sam was a hobo, he went to live with Herby. Herby's house had sixty-four stories and five bedrooms. There were also two bathrooms. The house was made of purple wood. Then one day in July, Herby and Sam were watching cartoons. Suddenly, a giant green goose crashed through the window yelling, "My name is Henry Vonhendermow, and I am here to give you cheese!" Then Henry Vonhendermow dropped a giant wad of cheese on Sam, and left.

When the goose was gone, Herby the elephant ate the cheese so fast that he didn't see Sam under it, and ate him too. Herby cried and cried and cried and cried and cried. Then he screamed. Then he went crazy with sadness. Then he heard someone say, "You always fall asleep during this show. That must have been some

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dream, because you cried ALL OVER my popcorn." "I'm glad it was just a dream. I ate you." Replied Herby. "Me too, I don't want to be eaten." said Sam. Then a giant green goose crashed through the window.


First Prize Poem

Owais Patel (Edmonton, AB)

The beauties of the day and the night.

The day is fresh the sun is bright, what should I see what should I explain?

Can my environment give me a clue?

The wind blows peacefully the sunshine shines on my head.

They both tell me; the night is gone the day's here.

Every new morning leads me ahead; it says to me will you try to do something good today?

My mind replies, let me take a step and see what I can do today.

Hopefully it will be effective to everyone in a good way.

The morning says try doing something good, hopefully you will flow.

My day what have you brought me today.

Let's do something good which will lead me to something great.

I try to find something and I say to myself what should I do today.

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My mind replies, I will help someone or fill a bucket by doing something great.

I find someone in my day.

I ask them about their day.

My day is filled with difficulties and I don't know what to do.

Can you please show me a way?

Face your fears you will succeed.

Take the hope in your day you will be flying free.

Hope is what takes you ahead in your life every day.

Then the night appears in my day.

Later the stars twinkle in my day.

They all ask me.

Have you done something good today.

Yes, I reply as my face gleams!

I showed someone a path today.

The day is gone the night here.

Plan something to do tomorrow in your smooth day.

Second Prize Story

Karis Oscienny (LaRonge, SK)

Supernatural Discovery

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The car slowed to a stop outside Aunt Annabel's house, and Elise got her suitcase. She and her father said their goodbyes, and she ran towards the house, where Aunt Annabel was waiting with open arms. "Elise!" she shouted with glee.

"Aunt Annabel! Hi," Elise said, dropping her suitcase in the porch as Annabel's arms wrapped around her.

"I'm so glad you're here. We've been excited for your visit." Elise smiled widely; it had been a long while since she had been in Janwyn, the town where her aunt lived.

"Riley!" Aunt Annabel called.

Riley was Elise's cousin. He was Elise's age, and they got along great. Riley came running down the stairs to greet Elise.

"Hey, Elise," he panted as he reached the bottom of the staircase.

"Hi," Elise replied.

"Riley, please take Elise’s suitcase up to her room." Riley did so, and then they all sat at the kitchen table to catch up with one another.

"So Elise, how's school?" Annabel asked.

"It's good. I was looking forward to a big basketball game because I was going to be playing against our school's biggest rival."

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Elise suddenly felt disappointed. She was so looking forward to the game, but she had to come to Janwyn for an important mission instead.

"I'm sorry you have to miss your game, Elise. We were really looking forward to coming to watch you play. I'm sure your team will be great," Aunt Annabel said, placing her hand on Elise’s shoulder. "Anyway, how's your father’s work?"

"It's been slow-going lately. At least, until now," Elise Elise always felt embarrassed about talking about her father's work. He worked for a company called the Supernatural Investigation Association, SIA for short. It was a company that sought to expose supernatural activity to the world. SIA was the reason Elise was staying with her aunt and cousin.

SIA thought they found magic in Waterfalls Middle School; Janwyn's only middle school. SIA looked through the school and student's records and found mysterious events. Students disappearing, odd moaning noises, and strange shadowy figures.

SIA sent a group of spies to look around the school but they turned up nothing. They wanted someone to go into the school and get a closer look. There were no openings for a new teacher, so they needed a teenager to pose as a new student.

Unfortunately, that teenager was Elise since she had relatives living near the school.

"I really only came here because I didn't want to let my father and all of SIA down. It's a lot of pressure. You'd think I'd be used to pressure by now. I mean with sports, tutoring, and the charity

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work my friends and I are doing, you'd think I could handle going to some high school and taking a look at the place," Elise giggled.

"Don't worry, no pressure necessary. I'm gonna help you find whatever it is you're looking for," Riley said with a grin.

"Actually, I do have some specific things I'm on the lookout for. Well, specific people," Elise replied.

"Perfect. I know everyone at school," Riley said, suddenly glancing at the clock on the wall.

"I'm going to fix something for dinner," Aunt Annabel said, leaving the room.

"So who are you looking for?" Riley asked, suddenly showing great interest in the subject. Elise reached into her pocket and pulled out a notepad.

"Well, I mostly have locations in the school to look around in, but I also have to investigate Claire Miller," Elise read.

"Claire Miller? She's the leader of the cheerleading squad! She's awesome." Riley looked deep in thought, then a wide goofy grin spread across his face.

"What are you doing?" Elise sneered. Riley blinked once.

"Oh, sorry," he said, his cheeks turning a light pink.

"Great. So I'm dealing with one of "those" girls. The ones who have all the boys crowded around them." Elise rolled her eyes.

"Why is Claire in SIA's radar?" Riley inquired.

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"Because the spy team they sent out said that everyone did exactly what she told them to do. They think she might be persuading them," Elise answered, flipping through her notes.

"We have a long day tomorrow, Riley," Elise said, looking up at her cousin with a slight grin.

The next day, it took Elise some time to get out of bed. The last thing she wanted to do was search some high school for a cheerleader with mind tricks. But she got dressed, ate breakfast, and she was on the bus in time with Riley.

"Well, Elise, welcome to Waterfalls Middle School, "where education and knowledge flows"," Riley said mockingly. "It's a terrible slogan."

"It's so cool in here. A lot bigger than my high school. I might be here a while, have any sports teams?" Elise asked, gazing at everything around her.

"Yep, basketball, football, soccer, pick what you want."

"I will," Elise said happily, "after I find Claire. Describe her to me. What does she look like?"

"Beautiful, dreamy, angelic—"

"Riley!" Elise interrupted.

"Sorry. She wears lots of colors, she has tan skin, and she might be carrying around pompoms for cheerleading," Riley explained.

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Elise looked around the hall for a girl with tan skin wearing a lot of colors. No one matched Riley's description.

"Where might Claire be right now?" Elise questioned.

"She might be at the gym practicing her routine before first period," Riley suggested.

"Perfect," Elise grinned.

"Come on." Riley eagerly led Elise to the gym.

Indeed, there were cheerleaders there. When they arrived, Riley watched the girls intensely.

"Don't be so weird," Elise said, beginning to feel uncomfortable. "We're here on business."

Riley looked at the floor and then at Elise. "Sorry," he said. "Claire's over there." Riley pointed to a girl in the front row.

"Okay, girls," Claire said. "You're doing great, and I think we'll kill it at the game!" she said with a big smile. All the other girls cheered at Claire's speech.

Elise cleared her throat, "Excuse me?" The cheerleaders suddenly went quiet.

"Yes?" Claire replied.

"I'm Elise, and this is Riley, I need to talk to you."

"May I ask why?" Claire didn't move an inch towards Elise.

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"No, you may not. It's a private thing."

"Girls, take five," Claire ordered with a snap of her fingers. Claire followed Elise into the hallway.

"Who are you?" Claire crossed her arms and glanced towards the closed gym door.

"I'm sorry, Claire. I'm Elise Johnson, and I'm here on business."

Claire paid no attention to Elise. "Hey, aren't you the kid who's always in the gym when we're practicing?" she asked Riley.

Riley was about to answer but Elise cut in, "We don't have time for that. I need to ask you some tough questions."

"What's your problem?" Claire demanded.

"Do you agree some strange things have happened around this school?" Elise asked.

"Strange like this conversation? I don’t have time for this," Claire turned away and went back into the gym.

"But ... but this is important!" Elise shouted, stomping her foot. "What do I do now?" All that day Elise attempted to get Claire's attention. Clearly, she was doing something wrong. She tried to think of a way to get close to her. But what? The next day, it came to her. She'd join the basketball team!

"Are you crazy?" Riley exclaimed when Elise told him.

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"No, it's perfect. Claire's a cheerleader, and she has to spend lots of practices with the team. If I'm on the team, she'll have to spend lots of time with me!"

“Those guys on the team are animals! They'll rip you apart and eat you for lunch."

"Please, I've spent many a practice with those kind of guys. And I survived, didn't I?" Elise boasted.

"They aren't like these guys, Elise. I tried out a year ago, and I ended up in a 12 locker full of smelly gym clothes," Riley said, with a shiver of horror. "That's because you're ... well, you. But I can make it because I'm ... well, me."

"Whatever, the point is joining the basketball team is a terrible idea. Promise me you won't do it," Riley pleaded.

"Fine. I promise I won't join the basketball team," Elise replied, seeming defeated by her cousin's order. But she wasn't defeated at all. After lunch, Elise lost Riley in the cafeteria, and made her way to the gym. Sure enough, the team was practicing just like the principal said they'd be on the morning announcements.

"Hello?" Elise said quietly. The team played on.

"Hello," she repeated. She earned no attention. Elise figured she'd just go inside and use the element of surprise. She ran in, and before a tall kid could throw the ball into the basket, Elise jumped up behind him and hit it out of his hands.

"Hey!" he yelled in shock.

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"Hello!" Elise shouted once again.

"What are you doing? Who are you?"

"I'm Elise, and I'd like to try out for the team."

"I'm sorry, we're not looking for new members. You can go," the player said.

"Oh, really? Because I think you need me. I was a great player at my old school. I was going to be playing in a big game, before I came here," Elise said with a teasing grin.

"I bet you came here because you were holding your team back. We don't need a girl on our side," the tallest of the boys said, scurrying to the basketball and tossing it into the basket.

Elise smiled. "That was okay. But can you do this?" Elise dashed for the ball dribbled it around the group of players three times then slam dunked the ball, and grabbed it again. She stopped in front of the group, throwing the ball behind her. "Bam," she said with a wide smile.

"Wo," the team said in unison.

Elise laughed joyfully.

"Fine. We'll give you a go, Elise. I'm Jamie, and welcome to the team."

Elise was overjoyed for the rest of the day. She found Riley in study hall after school.

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"Good news!" she exclaimed. She was shushed by everyone in the hallway.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you everywhere," Riley demanded.

"Did you look in the gym after lunch?" Elise asked.

"No, because you promised me you'd stay away from the gym during lunch!" Riley stared at Elise with raised eyebrows.

"Well, I was there because I'm on the team," Elise whispered excitedly.

"What!" Riley shouted.

"Would you two keep it down? Some of us are trying to learn here," a girl across the hallway hissed.

"You said you wouldn't try out. Did they trample you?" Riley asked. Elise shook her head.

"Did they corner you? Were smelly gym clothes involved?"

Elise laughed, "Wow, you weren't kidding when you said those kids are rough. But none of those things happened to me."

"Wow. Good job," Riley congratulated her.

"Thank you. Next practice is Thursday after school. Wanna come watch?" Elise offered.

"Will there be cheerleaders?" Riley inquired.

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"Really, Riley?" Elise sighed.

"I'm just kidding. I'll be there."

Two days had passed, and Elise was back at the gym throwing some hoops. The team wasn't as bad as Riley said, and the best part was the cheerleaders were there. It was time for Elise to get some answers.

"Hey, Claire?" Elise walked over to the girls with a fake shy grin.

"You again? What do you want this time?" Claire snapped.

"I'm sorry about the last time we met. I'm trying to do something really important, and I need your help to make it happen. I need your answers to my questions to make it happen." Elise hoped her pathetic speech would bring her luck.

"Well, it is against the cheerleader code I created to say no to helping someone. What do you need?" Claire lowered her pompoms and her harsh look softened.

"I need to talk to you outside." Claire obeyed and they slipped into the hall.

"Do you agree strange things have happened in this school?" Elise asked.

"Yeah, kinda. There was this really weird substitute teacher who dressed in black, and had a really cold voice. She only came once. She never came back after that," Claire answered.

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"Thanks. And ..." Elise didn't want to ask the next question, but she had to. "Is it true people always seem to obey you? And if so, why?" Claire seemed uncomfortable.

"What are these questions for?" she asked.

"My father works for a company called SIA. They are a group of people who think supernatural activity exists and they think it's here at Waterfalls. They also think you're persuading people to do what you want. Like, hypnotizing persuading." Claire didn't seem to fully understand. "They think you're a witch."

"What?" Claire said in astonishment.

"Do you believe in the supernatural?" Elise asked.

"I'd believe anything considering this school. But I'm not a witch, or a werewolf or anything they think I am."

"I believe you," Elise said gently. "You don't seem like that kind of person. You seem really nice. I like you, Claire."

Elise found nothing for the next few days. She and Claire did seem closer than before. After two weeks of practicing with the team, there was a big game. Elise would get to play a school rival after all. It was Waterfalls versus Seacoast Middle School. The crowd was roaring with excitement. The score was Seacoast six and Waterfalls seven. Jamie was about to slam the basketball into the basket. The cheerleading squad was cheering their hearts out.

"Go Jamie!" Elise hollered.

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Jamie held the ball high, trying to aim just right. But suddenly, the ball dropped from his hands and he ran screaming out of the gym. What's his problem, Elise thought. She needed to find out.

Riley came running from the stands.

"Elise!" he shouted.

"Riley?" Elise said, looking at her cousin fight his way through the crowds. "What is it?"

"You know how you were here to uncover supernatural activity?" Riley asked. Elise nodded. "Well, I think we found it. Look at the hoop."

Elise looked up at the hoop Jamie was aiming at. There was a very large shadow, slowly moving across the wall. Elise's jaw dropped and her palms began to sweat. Riley looked terrified, as did she. The abandoned basketball glowed and levitated a few feet in the air. It then hurled itself towards the hoop. The shadow suddenly vanished, and reappeared on another wall, right where the cheerleaders were struggling to create a pyramid. They were completely unaware of the activity around them. The shadow looked as if it leaped off of the wall, and resembled a large black shadow monster. Claire looked back suddenly and caught a glimpse of the beast. She shrieked in terror and dropped the girls she was holding up. The half pyramid collapsed and the girls rushed to get away. Claire made sure all the girls were in front of her.

"Run for it!" she bellowed to the girls.

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They did exactly that. Claire made sure they were all gone, then began to make her way to the door herself. What she didn't know is that the shadowy monster was right behind her.

"Claire!" Elise screamed. Claire looked behind her and saw the great shadow, with its large claw-like hands reaching out for her. She screamed even louder than before, and threw her pompoms at it. The shadow paid no attention to the pompoms, it pursued Claire into the crowd and the frantically scattering students.

"What are we going to do?" Riley asked Elise.

"I don't know. I was expecting to find something a little more human-like. We at least have to help Claire."

That's when Claire rushed to Elise. "Elise, you said you were here to find magical stuff. Well, ya found it, now fix it!" she yelled.

The gym was quickly emptying, and it was up to the three of them to put a stop to this madness. Elise thought hard. What could kill a shadow demon? Elise never thought she'd have to come up with a plan to stop a monster. But here she was, the lives of many hanging in the balance. "Well? We don't have all day!" Riley shouted impatiently.

"Don't rush me! I'm thinking," Elise replied, staring at the beast as it pursued other students and moved from wall to wall.

"Well, hurry up! I've never been more afraid in my life!" Claire cried, sounding like the snob Elise thought she was before. In the blink of an eye, the gym was completely empty. It was as if the students were never there and it was all a vision. But the beast moved slowly across the opposite wall from the three friends. It

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jumped off of the wall, and glanced around the room. It dropped it's head, and stared at the floor. The demon suddenly shifted and the shadow was suddenly not a shadow. It was now a greenish- gray, hairless animal with fiery red eyes.

"That doesn't look like a shadow anymore," Claire said, her eyes wide and breathing heavily.

Elise couldn't take her eyes off of the beast as it began to growl a deep, sinister growl. The monster suddenly leaped at Elise, it's claws stretched out. Elise screamed at the top of her lungs. She shoved Claire and Riley back, and stepped in front of them.

"Elise, no!" Riley hollered, as the monster pulled Elise to the floor and dragged her across the room. The demon pounced on her a number of times, then pinned her to the floor. Elise felt a single claw pierce her skin, then another, and another. She looked down at her arm where she saw small drops of blood fall. Her arm stung, but she attempted to get up. She failed, the weight of the beast weighing her down. She heard Claire and Riley screaming her name and yelling at the animal, but they received no response. Elise mustered a weak scream of pain. She was about to try and push the beast off of her again, but she felt the monster move slightly to her right. She heard Riley shouting at the monster to move. He must be pushing the demon, Elise thought to herself. The monster dug its claws deeper into Elise's skin, hanging on to her. Elise decided she'd help Riley and she pushed the monster as well. Claire joined in, and after a minute or so, the monster lost his balance and his grip enough that Elise could crawl out from under it. She scurried out and crawled out from under the demon. They all ran to the top of the stands. The beast stood weirdly still at that moment.

"Are you okay?" Riley asked, grabbing Elise's wounded arm.

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"I'm fine," Elise replied, pulling away from her cousin.

"How are we going to kill this thing?" Claire asked. Elise thought hard. What was a monster's weakness? Did they have one? The monster was about to attack again, but an unknown voice called, "King!"

The monster turned its head swiftly to the voice. A young woman wearing a black dress appeared in the corner of the gym.

"This is taking too long. Remember we're going unicorn hunting with the family today. I want to get the horn this time instead of Sister Vivian," the girl said, as if there was no one else in the room.

"Who are you?" Elise asked.

"Wouldn't you like to know? You'll find out everything in good time, dearie."

"I'm not following," Claire replied, seeming unafraid of the woman.

"The point is, I'll be back. We'll all be back."

The girl put a giant leash on the monster, and disappeared with it.

"What in the world?" Riley asked in awe.

That was crazy," Claire added.

"And ominous. I have a feeling I'm gonna be here a while," Elise sighed.

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"Are you scared?" Claire asked.

"Yes, of course! Our lives and so many others could be in danger," Elise replied, a lump growing in her stomach.

"Don't worry. We're all in this. This just might be the most bizarre visit from you we've ever had," Riley said, with a reassuring grin. "Thanks. This is going to be a wild ride," Elise said, starting down the stair. "Come on. Let's get out of here. I have to call my dad. Wait till he hears about this!"

Third Prize Story

Gabrielle Close (Lower Sackville, NS)

The Flying Talking Hoverboard

As I sit in my bedroom, like I usually do, wishing to be able to get around on my own, I heard my younger brother, Isaak ask our father if he would buy him a hoverboard. My dad's reply was that a hoverboard was way too expensive. My brother's talk of wanting a hoverboard made me think. That's when I had the greatest idea ever. It was to invent a flying hoverboard with a talking GPS for the blind. It was such an incredible idea that I immediately contacted Alan Curtis Kay, a famous American computer scientist, who nearly peed his pants at the idea of inventing a flying, talking hoverboard. So we staged a plan.

I flew to Texas to invent the flying, talking hoverboard with Alan Curtis Kay and other experts in the field of computer sciences. This was truly an incredible invention and after weeks and weeks of trial and error, we had the flying, talking GPS hoverboard. What

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better place to try out such an amazing invention then the Big Bend National Park of Texas.

Before Isaak could land on the ground, the light and the engine of the hoverboard went out, and Isaak went splashing into the river below the canyons. A rope was thrown down to Isaak, and after he was on solid land, the scientists and I went back to work, trying to figure out how to get the flying, talking hoverboard just right.

The flying talking hoverboard was a complete success. The solar energy of the flying, talking hoverboard lasted a long time, and the best part of the flying, talking hoverboard was that if the solar energy started to decrease, it would regain the energy while still in the air from the sun. That is the story of a new invention. The flying talking hoverboard for the sighted and the blind.

Group 4

First Prize Story

Katherine Forrington (Ingersoll, ON)

The Time Mirror.

Pushing open the basement door, I was blasted with cold.

"Wonderful," I muttered, "the heat still isn't working." I didn't particularly like the basement, but I wanted a mirror for my room, and dad said he thought there was one in the storage space.

After a few minutes of rummaging through boxes and old furniture, I managed to uncover a large mirror. The glass was dirty, but that was no problem. Smiling, I used my shirt sleeve to rub it clean, or at least as clean as I could without water. Then I peered at my face in the reflection. For a moment, I didn't see anything wrong, but then I realized my face looked different. Not too different, just smaller, younger. It was as if I was seeing myself from three years ago. I shivered at the thought. Three

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years ago, my whole life had changed. I made one mistake, and my social life was changed forever.

"I must be losing it," I told myself, before punching the glass as if trying to force the image away. But I gasped as, instead of hitting the mirror, my hand flew straight through it. The mirror was still lying on the ground, and as my hand continued through empty air, I pitched forward and on to the glass. I tensed in preparation for the sound of cracking, but no, there was nothing. After a shocked moment, I opened my eyes and tried to figure out what had happened. I wasn't on top of the mirror. As I sat up, I felt it slide off my back.

"What in the world was that?" I wondered as I stood and dusted myself off. It was like I'd fallen through the mirror somehow.

"Stop it," I ordered myself.

I was not going to get worked up over this. I was never one for flights of fancy, and one weird event would not run my life. Still, I decided to leave the mirror where it was, no need to take chances. As I headed back upstairs, my eyes fell on the wall clock. I made a face; I was going to be late for school if I didn't hurry up.

When I stepped into the empty kitchen I felt a flash of irritation. Where the heck was mom?

"People," I yelled up the stairs, "where is everyone? School starts in half an hour."

"What are you talking about Emily?" mom called back. "It's Saturday, there is no school. No one is going anywhere until Pearl's party in two hours."

I blinked in confusion. What was she going on about? It wasn't Saturday, and I certainly wasn't going to Pearl's house, I hadn't been there in three years. Not since the party I'd messed up. Turning around, my eyes caught on my reflection in the

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window, and I gasped again. I was three years younger. I looked exactly like I had that day so long ago. Then I thought about what mom had said. She'd acted like it was perfectly normal that I was going to my former best friend's party. All that added up to one thing. I had time traveled. That, or someone was playing a joke, and that didn't seem likely. My whole family was very serious, and no one would pull something like this.

I didn't know how it had happened, but I could guess. Somehow, I'd gone through the mirror and into another time. I wanted to understand it, but I wanted to fix my mistakes more. If I'd really been taken back to that day, it meant I was being given a second chance, and I wouldn't waste it. So I walked upstairs and into my room. I was unsurprised to find a picture of Pearl and me on the dresser. We'd been friends for 11 years, and until today nothing had come between us.

"I'm going to get it right this time," I promised the girls in the picture. Two hours later, I climbed out of the car as if in a trance. "Have fun," dad called after me. "I'll try" I said, my voice shaking only slightly. When I rang the doorbell, it flew open and Pearl stood in the opening, smiling widely.

"Happy birthday," I said, trying not to sound like I wanted to burst into happy tears.

"Thanks Em," she replied, "it feels great to finally be 13."

Grinning, I walked passed her and into the house. Everything was set up just the way I remembered it, and I still half expected to wake up. This whole thing was too good to be true.

The next twenty minutes passed smoothly enough. I could have fun, until the cake, when it would be time to fix everything. We were all sitting around the table for cake, Pearl, our friends June, Rose and Olivia, and me. It was great to see the girls again, when I'd blown up, I'd pushed them away too.

"So," June said with a smile, "I'm getting really impatient to hear about Pearl's new boyfriend."

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"Oh yeah," Pearl said, "I meant to tell you yesterday, but I guess I forgot. Josh asked me out and I said yes, he's really great."

Before, I'd felt fury swelling up inside me at that. I'd liked Josh for years and she knew it. I'd lost my temper and started yelling at Pearl. I'd told her she was a horrible friend. Then I'd said I wasn't going to be friends with her anymore unless she broke up with Josh. She'd burst into tears and said I was being mean. I had been too angry to care at the time, but I'd learned. From then on, none of them talked to me. Not that I could blame them. Josh and Pearl hadn't broken up, and they seemed to really care about each other. I'd figured out that a little crush was no reason to break up a friendship. But it had been too late, or so I'd thought. Now though, I was doing it over again and this time I wasn't going to blow up. Instead, I smiled and said, "That's good Pearl. You two are going to be great, I'm sure of it."

She grinned back. "Thank you," she said, "that means a lot. I know you like him too, but I really think we're meant to be."

At that moment, Pearl's mom entered holding the cake with 13 candles burning on it. Then we all sang happy birthday. I hadn't felt so good in three years. When Pearl blew out her candles, I thanked whatever weird power had brought me here. With one simple sentence, one little white lie, I'd fixed something I'd thought was impossible to mend. Now the only question was, what next? As soon as I got home, I ran downstairs and found the mirror where I'd left it. For a moment, I stared at it, as if through sheer force of will, I could discover its secret. Of course I saw nothing, just my own reflection.

"This is still crazy," I said to myself, "but I bet I can step right through this, and end up back where I belong."

Reaching forward, I pressed my hand against the glass, expecting it to go through like before, but it didn't. I tried again, and again, but it was as hard as normal glass now. "No," I cried, feeling icy fear grip me, "I don't want to relive all this time. I fixed my friendship with Pearl, but these years are going to be boring

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as anything. I'll know everything that will happen, everything." Then the weirdest thing yet, a voice came from the mirror.

"There is a price to be paid for everything, you should know that." The voice was female and sounded young.

"What do you mean?" I asked wondering who or what I was talking to.

"I gave you another chance," it said, "I know what its like to have your life ruined. I was like you once, but I never got another chance. I had to live with my mistakes, but I wanted to get you to fix things for yourself. And you did, but now you have to relive this part of your life. I couldn't send you back even if I wanted to."

I was frozen in place. I couldn't speak for a few seconds.

"Who are you?" I asked in a choked whisper, "and what did you do?"

There was no answer. The girl who ever she was, was gone and she'd left me with about a thousand questions.

Three years later.

"Gosh this is heavy," Pearl said as she helped me carry the new mirror mom had gotten me for my birthday up the stairs.

"No kidding," I agreed, almost tripping on a step."

"It's your own fault," dad called from downstairs, "I told you, there is a perfectly good mirror downstairs."

"I know," I said, "but I think a new one would look better on the wall."

That was an excuse of course. There was no way I could tell him the truth, but I was not going to have that thing in my room. Even if it had taken me back in time, there was some kind of spirit inside it, and I couldn't help but find that more than a little strange.

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"What is it about that mirror that you don't like?" Pearl asked as we entered my room. "It looked perfectly fine when I saw it."

"I just don't like the shape of it," I lied carefully. I could have said that I just didn't like it, but that wasn't true. I found it weird, but I owed that girl everything. I'd found it hard to accept my situation at first, but after a few weeks, I got used to feeling like I'd already heard and seen everything. It actually wasn't so bad. Knowing what would happen, I was able to make some more changes for the better. And sure, there were some moments I would rather not have relived, but it was more than worth it. Now the three years were over. I'd paid the price and I could once again start seeing everything with new eyes.

I did wonder about the girl though. What was her story? How had she come to be in my mirror? I would probably never know, but that wouldn't change how grateful I felt toward her.

"Thank you," I thought; hoping somehow, some way, she would hear me. "I'll never forget this."

First Prize Poem

Caitlin Higgins (Calgary, AB)

Falling Tower

Foundations are started Walls are built

And buildings rise

Windows are put in For you to look through Stairs are inserted So you can climb tooSupports are placed To keep you standing But no doors were built So you’re trapped in

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Through love and affection They grow you Through discipline and encouragement They teach you Through pretending and attention They learn you They tell you You can do anything They teach you So you can do everything They hurt you Because you’re worth nothing

Let me tell you What they didn't say

They never said life would be this way: That your friends would abandon you That your parents would hate you Or that your teachers would kill you

They never thought to say: That school would drain you That society would influence you Or that your life wouldn't be your own

They never mentioned: That you can't do what you really want That you can't be who you really are Or that someday everyone you know will die

I'm telling you this Not for your sympathy I'm telling you this Not so you feel guilty I'm telling you this Not so you can understand I'm telling you this

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So you can save yourself

My turn is over I'm caving in My wood is rotting My floors are dusty And my roof is sagging

My windows are shattered My paint is peeling And my lights are burnt out

I'm rigged up for demolition The crane keeps swinging in Finally I fall

And they shout and cheer I'm breaking I'm in pieces I'm falling apart And going to hit the ground

What they don't know: Is that my spirit already fled Is that I'm better than them Is that they lost me

When I hit the ground I will not be afraid When I hit the ground I will leave an impact More than they Will ever see

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Second Prize Story

Nika Najafi (Vancouver, BC)

This story is based on a true occurrence. However, the ending and some minor details are entirely from the author's imagination.

A young female, afraid to trust. A young male desperate for love. Will she learn to trust? Will he find love? Will she give him the key to his happiness? Will he mend her? Find out in this heart-wrenching story.



As I stand there with the picture of him in my hand, I think to myself, "Am I really ready to do this?"

I have to. I must destroy this part of my life. I just have to rip off one more bandage and the pain will be gone.

I stare in to his face. The face of the one who I trusted, Stan. His face tears in to pieces as I pull the photograph in to fragments. When I sit back down, I can't help remembering how we have started, and how it all went wrong.


How could this have happened? Our love was deeper than anything in the world. "Together forever." she always said.

My room is littered with all the broken shards from the picture frames that I broke in a rage. A candle is lit, which I used to burn every love note, picture, or memory from Annie.

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That little dirt bag! Seven years. Seven years!!! I'm still in shock. As I'm studying, I can't help going in to a reverie about the weekend that broke my heart.


I haven't known Stan for a long time. I met him while I was doing a shift at Target. He seemed nice enough. That was before he went to Seattle for a basketball tournament. I'm not sure about the details, but my friend Brad told me what happened. Apparently he started making out with one of my best friends, Annie. They became close, even kissed in front of Annie's boyfriend, Jason in the car coming back from the gym. Right in front of him! Complete blasphemy.

Of course Stan was too chicken to tell me. I'm stronger than that. I am an independent young woman who can carry her own and doesn't need some jerk to make her feel better.


Annie and I dated since high school. We even lived together. Everything we did was with each other. Seven years of my life have been wasted.

The basketball tournament was horrible, not just because we didn't make it to the finals and were dead last in the leader board. It was horrible because that's when I received the worst blow in my life. Even worse than the concussion I got earlier last year. Annie and Stan kissed in front of me. As if I never existed. No closure. We were still dating, and she betrayed me. Our love was so strong, and yet it fell apart so easily.


I cried a little when I found out. But mostly I was infuriated. I stopped showing up to basketball practices for a while, but then I reminded myself, "If you don't show up, it just shows Stan that he won." Never again will I let someone like that get the better of me.

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I'm in choir, and we had a performance at a wedding. When it was time for the flower toss, I caught it. "Surely this must be a sign." I thought. I hope it was, since my heart was shattered, I don't know if I will ever be able to trust again.


Heartbroken is the only word to describe what I'm feeling. Although it doesn't begin to fully outline how I'm feeling, it's truly the only adjective that comes to mind. My pain is the worst in history (and trust me, I study history in university). Worse than being burned at the stake. Even worse than working in a factory during the Industrial Revolution.

My heart is permanently shattered. How can I ever find love again? Will I find love again If only there was someone out in the world who understood how I feel.


I have just I finished my shift at Target, when I see Jason walking up the street. The breakup has been hard on him too. Emotionally he seems fine, although no one knows how he feels unless he tells them, but physically he's a mess. You can see it in the way he holds himself, always looking down, having his shoulders forward, hunched over, and most of all, the look in his eyes.

I never really looked at him before. Dark hair and eyes and high cheekbones. A typical Asian look. Nothing outstanding, but he has muscles bigger than most people I've seen. I take one step closer and say...


As I walk down the street I see Rhiona. She's probably going home from her shift at Target. She's taking the breakup surprisingly well. Emotionally she holds herself together, and physically, she acts like it never happened. Whereas I am falling apart at the seams as we speak.

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I never took the time to admire her beauty before. Tall, fit, and long flowing brown hair. It’s raining and the drops are catching on her eyelashes. I step closer, and at the same moment she does to me. We are right in front of each other. I brush off the raindrops from her eyelashes and say...


"Hi." we both say in unison. I begin to speak, but before I do Jason says, "Look. For the past few months I thought I was lonely and that no one understood me. But that was before I realized that you have gone through the same thing I have. I know you are scared to trust, but try. Open your heart to me."


Although Rhiona doesn't show it, she's hurt. Part of her coping is cutting herself off from all emotion, but I think I am the key to open the door of her heart. Love will prevail.

My palms start to sweat as I wait for her answer. Suddenly her eyes light up with a certain clarity that I haven't seen in a long time from her. The door has been opened and I know her answer before she utters a single word. "Yes."

My knees gave way and I sink to the ground in a tirade of tears. Rhiona bends down and holds me tightly. I did it, I taught her to trust. She did it, she gave me her love.

We did it. Yes, it might take time to fully mend and heal slowly, but for now our shattered hearts have become whole.

Second Prize Poem

Nika Najafi (Vancouver, BC)


A small round piece of metal

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Delicate, yet strong

Small enough to fit in the palm of a hand, yet holds so much significance

Swinging side to side, like the branches of a tree, its shiny face dancing in the sun

Leaving footprints in my brain, that can be never be erased

This medal is not just a symbol of winning and perseverance

But also a sign of hope, of confidence

All the way from Tacoma, to my hands

It was worth the triumph

Worth the determination

Worth the pain and exhaustion

Worth the time and effort

All just for a piece of engraved metal

This medal is an experience

One that should be cherished

For it is not the medal that is cherished, but the memory it holds

Materials are not special because of their value

The memories are the true treasured objects

Yes, the medal gives me strength and hope, but so does the memory stored beneath its surface

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Always remembered

Never forgotten

Third Prize Story

Ashlyn Eddy (Dundas, ON)

The Dog Who Wants To Know The first time I heard the dog speak it startled me. I couldn't

believe it. I was coming around the corner and felt a tail under my foot. "Ouch," he said.

I freaked out because I've never encountered a dog who could speak.

"George, did you just talk to me?"

George thought for a minute in his head,

"Oh no I've been caught."

"Well, Sophie, since you've noticed that I can talk, I've been wanting to ask you some questions. Can I trust you to keep my secret from our parents?"

"Of course George," Sophie said, "Your secret is safe with me."

I come over and sit beside him. There was silence for a bit until George decided to break the ice.

"Sophie," he asked hesitantly, "Why do you sometimes step on me?" George wanted to know.

I took a minute to think of my answer and finally I said, "My vision isn't the best, George, That's why."

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George found that information a little sad and hard for him to understand. But then he forgot his shock and went on, "Well, how did you lose your vision?" George wanted to know.

Again, I took my time to think of my answer but then I replied, "I have Retinoblastoma. It is cancer of the eyes."

There was another pause because I had just let George know one of the biggest secrets of my life. My parents don't like to talk about what happened to me. And George? I couldn't let my parents know that he was talking to me. That was a secret I'd keep.

I wait for another question from George but didn't come right

away. But soon it did.

"Does it hurt Sophie?" he asked.

"No because I was very little. I was two and I was put under a lot. But when I was not under it did hurt because I was getting needles so often."

George took that answer in for a moment.

"George, let's have a break from all of the questions for now. We can talk some more tomorrow," Sophie said.

The next day I have lunch with George. I take my white cane from the little hook in the main hall and walk to the kitchen. I fold it up and place it by George underneath the table. He sniffs at it curiously. He liked it because it had some of my old stuffed animals attached to it. The reason that I attach the animals is for me to be able to identify that it's my cane. I don't want to lose my cane. It is mine! This way no one will mistake it for theirs and take it by mistake.

After lunch I go outside with George to sit on the verandah. I like to listen to the birds. I have to have my dog there to scare off flies and buzzy things.

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I have to laugh at George sometimes, he's hilarious. He chases the buzzy bugs away from me and becomes friends with them. Today he was enjoying the company of a fluffy caterpillar in our garden. I love them. I call out to George and say, "Be careful George. It's small and wants to become a butterfly and live life to its full potential."

"I understand Sophie," George said. "Why do you carry and use a white cane Sophie?" George inquired.

Right away I had an answer. "Well, it is a tool to help me get around safely. I say it's like my eyes. Mom and Dad said that when I got my first cane and I've carried on the saying."

George found that very interesting. I thought it was cool as well. George nibbled on my old stuffed monkey on the end of my cane. I detested when he did that and I yanked it out of his mouth.

"You don't do that George," I said. “You can ask me questions but not destroy my things."

He said nothing for a moment and then started again.

"How do you pick out clothes, Sophie?"

George pressed, as if he was an actual reporter dog. I liked this question especially when my parent's friends asked me. So I only thought for about five seconds before saying, "Well, when I get up in the morning I get up extra early. This is so I have time to get my clothes on and grab my necessary things for my day at school. How I pick out clothes is I feel for embroidery on my tops or I look for really bright colours. I can only see bright colours and not the dark ones like brown, white, grey and black."

Then we took a longer break and didn't continue the questions until the next morning. I was ok with this because I wanted to listen to my favourite television program, Austin and

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Ally. I enjoyed this program because there was a lot of talking which I needed because I couldn't see what they were actually were doing.

By now George was looking at my face. He seemed to be; focused on my eyes which led us into his next question.

"Why is one eye different than the other Sophie?" he wanted to know.

I didn't really like this question from anyone mostly because it was an embarrassing one. But for the benefit of George I answered, "It's because I have a prosthetic eye and my other one is my real eye. My prosthetic eye is cool because it is made with a marble like material and it is painted to match my real eye. I have the prosthetic because of what the cancer did to that eye but my real eye is doing pretty well."

I had spilled the beans on that one which I wanted to do since this was my story. Then I was called down to get my eye drops done. I have to get these done four times a day.

Later George asked, "What are the eye drops for?" "The drops help keep my eye healthy," I answered.

Just then the doorbell rang and it was my orientation and mobility instructor Jacklin. I had absolutely forgotten that today was her day. The following week I had a lesson with Ben, my life skills instructor. I grabbed my cane. She was there as polite and kind as she always was on our days together. I had to ask, "Jacklin, how is your hair styled today?" Will you do my hair like yours?"

She laughed and pulled two elastics out of her purse and braided my hair exactly like hers. Then we went off on our lesson, it had been a while since our last one.

"So what's new Sophie?" Jacklin asked me.

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"Well, I'm studying for my final exams that are coming up quickly."

Jacklin smiled. Abruptly I stopped when my cane hit the curb of the corner.

I faced to look at Jacklin as she said "Whoa!" I knew why she had said whoa because I had messed up my alignment. She had taught me that so much. It was a hard thing to do but Jacklin had shown me many ways of how to do it.

It took me almost the length of the schoolyard to get the hang of it. Jacklin had said it normally takes a long time to master the fact that alignment makes you do a straight crossing. I wanted to hold on to Jacklin for the first ones but she said, “No, Sophie. You'll be fine. I'm going to be beside you ok?" she said.

"Fine, I guess." I trusted Jacklin and made some effort. I

succeeded today I tell myself. When Jacklin went to her next lesson, I hung up my cane and went to find George.

"Hi George," I said. "Hi Sophie, I have more questions for you to answer can you

do that for me?" George asked.

"Sure," I said gulping with more air than I needed.

George asked, "What does orientation and mobility and life skills do for you Sophie?" he wanted to know.

I thought for a few minutes because I had to think of a good reply. It was too bad I hadn't asked Ben, or Jacklin this question but I had a grasp on the answer.

"O and M and life skills are good to have when you are visually impaired or blind like me. You need these skills for traveling and living on your own. These skills benefit you a lot. You can find your way from your house around your community.

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And life skills show you how you need the skills to live on your own."

George liked this response. I had to check my phone for texts and was hoping I could do it without George but I already knew that was another one of his questions. He followed me to listen to my iPhone but I didn't check it right away. I brailled my friend a letter first.

George looked curiously, "How do you read and write and do work for school?" he asked.

"Well”, I said, "There's this method for people who can't read or write print. It's called braille. Braille has six dots and every letter and number has its own combination of dots that I feel."

George was impressed. "That's awesome." He hadn't heard of braille before but now he understood it's like learning another language. I heard my iPhone from my pocket go off because I had it on vibrate mode.

George asked me, "Sophie how do you text your friends?"

So to answer his question I took out my phone and held it up for George to see.

"I use voice over, it's a feature that will read aloud the messages I receive."

George said, "Wow I have not heard of that before."

Then it was time for George to go outside to do his business so I grabbed my sunglasses and my cane and we headed outside.

"So why do you sometimes wear sunglasses?" George asked me. "It's because I have to protect my eyes," I said.

"Sophie!" called my Mom from the window. "Who are you

talking to?"

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Had we been caught? "No one," I answered.

"You need to come in and work on your studying now," said Mom.

"Phew, I thought, that was close. George and I will have to chat more in private.

Later I wanted to know what I shall tell George to make him feel better about myself.

George said, "Are you going to ignore me when you get your guide dog?" I put my hand on his head and reassured him, "I will never ignore you and I will always love you.

George took this into his mind and said, "Thank you for sharing your story Sophie. I found it so very cool and I appreciate you answering all of my questions."

I made up my mind to say "I am fortunate to have you and it was my pleasure. I liked answering your questions and I love you." George smiled and I continued, "And even if I did get a guide dog you are irreplaceable."

The End!!!!

Third Prize Poem

McKenzie Zilkowsky (Chilliwack, BC)

My Own

I'm sorry that my face be flawed,More figure not divine.Yet if I be made in the "image of God",Should I not love what's mine?

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My skin may not be smooth as silk,My curls not long and fair.But should you not look closer still,If what's inside is rare?

I'm conscious of your presence,Yet you spare me not one glance.And every time my heart will ache,Knowing I don't have a chance.

When you look at me,You see someone who doesn't see you back.You never see my inner self,Just all the things I lack. You're too focused on the petty things,Like the length of someone’s hair,And the marvel of a diamond ring,To see what's really there.

But this is just my story,And the things that I must say.And I'm sure I'm not the only one,Who hasn't always been OK.

We're too focused on society,To see the hurt in someone’s eyes.Too set upon propriety,To see behind the lies.

We're quick to judge another,Yet in ourselves we see no fault.We can decimate each other,And still be deaf to our assault.

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When can we walk unburdened,By the colour of our birth?To think less about the racist jests,And more on what we're worth.

In places such as this,Differences bring only scorn.The brighter side is seldom seen,And this is why I mourn.

Our oddities are what attract.The kindling for the flame,Is how we differ and abstract,Not how we are the same.

When those high on the social ladder,Think of us below,They think our feelings mustn't matter,And I say that isn't so.

Because we're only human,Prone to heart ache and distress,Even us low on the ladder,Long for friendship like the rest.

Though I won't give up my honor,For the sake of someone’s pride.I'd rather starve for friendship,Than stand by a cheater's side.

Though I am only one voice,And the world may never change,I say embrace your differences,No matter who should think you strange.

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I have chosen my way,With allies or alone,No matter which one of the two,I'll keep my life my own.