Page 1: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

Drame au carnaval 20/02/2015 07:07:00 Frantz Duval - Rédacteur en chef du Nouvelliste Comme d’habitude en Haïti, les questions complexes ont une réponse simple : C’est mystique. C’est notre façon de mettre du merveilleux dans le sordide, l’inexplicable, l’inattendu. Pour évacuer la recherche méthodique et ardue de la vérité, nous écrivons des scénarios sur mesure pour habiller nos peurs. La magie et le surnaturel, mélangés à la réalité, arrangent tout le monde. Les autorités, la société civile, les voix autorisées et la population s’y accrochent mine de rien même s’il font semblant que cela les dégoûte. Quand le magique s’en mêle, plus personne n’a à chercher la vérité et on passe à autre chose. Jusqu’au prochain drame. L’accident qui a endeuillé le carnaval dans la nuit de lundi à mardi est un accident. La veille, dimanche, sur le même parcours, le défilé s’était déroulé sans problème. Depuis des dizaines d’années, dans les mêmes conditions, le carnaval s’étale en ignorant les mêmes risques. Le jour de l’accident, neuf autres groupes musicaux avaient évité le fameux fil électrique où Fantom s’est électrisé. Le propre des accidents est d’arriver en dépit de tout. Accident ne veut pas dire qu’il n’y a pas de responsable ni de leçon à tirer. Les accidents sanctionnent les faiblesses de la réglementation, les failles des responsables, les fautes ou l’inattention des victimes, mais permettent aussi de mieux prévoir le futur, de ne pas se faire reprendre aussi au dépourvu la prochaine fois. La police nationale et les services de secours ont admirablement réagi lors de l’accident. Le premier ministre Evans Paul et la première dame Sophia Martelly ont bien fait de corriger les communiqués hâtifs de la présidence et du ministère de la Communication qui ne prenaient pas toute la mesure du drame. Les fêtards ont compris que la fête était finie. Les artistes et le gouvernement ont rendu un hommage digne aux victimes. Cet accident du dernier carnaval de l’ère Martelly nous rappelle que notre mardi gras est rebelle. Il ne se laissera pas mettre en boîte par aucun gouvernement ni par un comité qui a disparu des radars au premier problème. Si on appliquait ce qu’on appelle dans d’autres pays le principe de précaution, les conditions ne seraient pas réunies pour organiser le carnaval tel que nous l’organisons depuis des décennies en Haïti. Mais si on fait le décompte des morts et des blessés, Haïti a raison de continuer à organiser ses plus grandes réjouissances populaires. Il faut améliorer les conditions dans lesquelles se déroule la fête, tirer les leçons de chaque incident, mortel ou non, et laisser l’esprit de la fête nous guider vers un demain meilleur tout en étant plus exigeant pour ce spectacle qui coûte de plus en plus cher chaque année. Frantz Duval Le Nouvelliste - - -

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Drama at the carnival 2/20/2015 7:07:00 Frantz Duval - Editor of Nouvelliste As usual in Haiti, complex questions have a simple answer: It's mystique. It's our way to the marvelous in the sordid, the inexplicable, the unexpected. To evacuate methodical research and arduous for the truth, we write scenarios able to dress our fears. The magic and the supernatural, mixed reality, arrange all the world. The authorities, civil society, authoritative voices and people cling to it even casually if he pretend it disgusts them. When the magic is involved, no one has to seek the truth and move on. Until the next drama. The accident that befell the carnival in the night of Monday to Tuesday was an accident. The day before, Sunday on the same course, the parade was uneventful. Since dozens years under the same conditions, the carnival lasts ignoring the same risks. The day of the accident, nine other bands had avoided the famous wire where Fantom was electrified. The peculiarity of accidents is to arrive in spite of everything. Accident does not mean that there is no responsible for any lesson. Accidents punish regulatory weaknesses, faults of leaders, mistakes or carelessness of the victims, but also allow to better predict the future, no getting back as unprepared next time. The National Police and emergency services have responded admirably in the accident. The Prime Minister Paul Evans and first lady Sophia Martelly did well to correct hasty releases of the Presidency and the Ministry of Communication who were not taking not far from the drama. Partygoers have realized that the party was over. Artists and Government has made a fitting tribute to the victims. This accident last carnival of Martelly era reminds us that our Mardi Gras is rebel. He did not leave to box by any government or by a committee that disappeared from radar to the first problem. If we apply what is known in other countries of the precautionary principle, the conditions would not be met to organize the carnival as we organize since decades in Haiti. But if we count the dead and wounded, Haiti because of continue holding his greatest popular festivities. We need to improve the conditions in which the festival takes place, learn from each incident, fatal or not, and let the spirit of the festival guide us towards a better tomorrow while being more demanding for this show which cost more and more expensive every year. Frantz Duval Le Nouvelliste

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L’opposition radicale rend responsible le gouvernement et la sorcellerie ! HaïtiLibre / 20 Février 2015

Jeudi, la Table de Concertation de l’Opposition radicale, a rendu le gouvernement responsable de la tragédie survenue mardi au Carnaval, accusant les autorités de ne pas avoir pris les mesures de sécurités nécessaire pour protéger la population. Par ailleurs, plusieurs membres de l’opposition, qui semblent à court d’arguments politiques mais pas d’imagination, affirment sérieusement, que les personnes décédées aurait été victime d’acte de sorcellerie ! Assad Volcy l’un des responsable du parti « Oposition Tèt Ansnam » (OTAN) membre de la table de l’opposition et de la plateforme « Pitit Desalin » pointe du doigt le stand du Cimetière de Port-au-Prince devant lequel l’incident s’est produit, s'interrogeant sur la présence de ce stand, sur lequel figurait selon-lui, des phrases suspectes et des noms de plusieurs personnalités, des propos qui surf sur des rumeurs superstitieuses, qui allèguent qu’il s’agirait de mauvais sorts... Serge Jean Louis, l’un des responsable du « Mouvement Patriotique de l’Opposition Démocratique » (MOPOD), qui réclame la mise en place d’une Commission spéciale d’enquête pour identifier les responsables, abonde dans le même sens et annonce pour ce vendredi, une marche à la chandelle qui partira du stade Sylvio Cator pour suivre le parcours du carnaval, afin d'« exorciser ce qui mérite de l'être » ! Une façon pour le moins habile de mobiliser une population souvent crédule... TB/ HaïtiLibre

Commentaires Dikenson Posté le 21/02/2015 01:41:12 L'opposition radicale haïtienne a provoqué un autre accident mortel en attribuant celui du 16 février à la sorcellerie.C'est honteux pour la famille des victimes et pour le peuple haitien avec une telle déclaration. Un problème technique ou scientifique ne peut être lié à la sorcellerie. Ces hommes politiques qui prétendent prendre le pouvoir, ne sont pas en mesure d'apporter une solution à une situation d'ordre humaine et sécuritaire. Cela montre à quel point la société haïtienne est malade jusqu'aux os.. Franchement je ne comprends pas ce genre d'homme qu'Haiti a pu produire sur l'échiquier politique .

maloulou Posté le 20/02/2015 23:47:01 En Haiti dès que quelqu'un meurt, ils disent: c'est de la sorcellerie (cé mangé yo mangél) ce peuple là a vraiment besoin d'être éduqué, sinon, on va être la risée du monde. Au Brésil, le même jour que l'accident s'est arrivé chez nous, ils ont eu un accident similaire avec neuf morts, et on a pas entendu de leur côté des sornettes de même. C'est incroyable.

Gigi Posté le 20/02/2015 21:04:01 Alors tout le monde comprendra pourquoi il faut continuer le progamme d'éducation gratuite. Il nous faut une toute autre génération.

Basdos Posté le 20/02/2015 18:07:30 ...Et dire que ce sont ces imbéciles qui veulent prendre le pouvoir dans ce pays. Sérieusement, si jamais ils arrivent à le faire, ce sera les forces de l'obscurantisme qui nous gouverneront et puis nou tap pran nan mera!

- - - The radical opposition blames government and sorcery! HaïtiLibre / February 20, 2015

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Thursday, the Table de Concertation of the radical opposition, has made the government responsible for the tragedy occurred Tuesday to Carnival, accusing them of authorities not taking safety measures necessary to protect the population In addition, several members of the opposition, seem to run out of political arguments but not imagination, argue seriously that people deceased was the victim of an act of witchcraft! Assad Volcy one party official "oposition Tèt Ansnam" (NATO) member Table opposition and the platform "Pitit Desalin" points to the Graveyard of the stand Port-au-Prince before which the incident occurred, questioning the presence of this stand, which had incorporated according to him, suspicious phrases and several names personalities, about surfing that superstitious rumors alleging that it would bad spell ... Serge Jean Louis, one of the responsible for the "Patriotic Movement of Opposition Democratic "(MOPOD), which calls for the establishment of a Special Commission investigation to identify those responsible, feels the same way and for this ad Friday, one step at a candle that will depart from the Sylvio Cator stadium to follow the course Carnival, in order to "exorcise what deserves to be!" A way for the less clever mobilize often gullible population ... TB / HaitiLibre Comments Dikenson Posted on 2/21/2015 1:41:12 Haiti's radical opposition has caused another fatal accident by assigning one of 16 February to sorcellerie. C'est shameful for the victim's family and for the Haitian people with such a statement. Technical or scientific problem can not be linked to witchcraft. These politicians who claim to take power, are not able to provide a solution to a human and security order situation. This shows how Haitian society is sick to the bone .. Frankly I do not understand what kind of man that Haiti could produce on the political spectrum. maloulou Posted on 20/02/2015 11:47:01 p.m. Haiti when someone dies, they say it is witchcraft (ce ate yo Mangel) this people there really needs to be educated, otherwise, we will be the laughing stock of the world. In Brazil, the same day as the accident happened at home, they had a similar accident with nine dead and was not heard their side of the same nonsense. That's incredible. Gigi Posted on 2/20/2015 9:04:01 p.m. Then everyone will understand why we have to continue the free education progamme. We need a different generation. Basdos Posted on 2/20/2015 6:07:30 p.m. ... And to think that these are the idiots who want to take power in this country. Seriously, if they ever manage to do it, it will be the forces of obscurantism that govern us and then tap pran nan nu mera!

Page 5: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

NOTE: Three electrocuted in Brazil when Carnival float hits line on Rio's outskirts

Three people killed while standing atop Carnival float in Nova Iguacu, north of Rio, on the same day 20 people died from electrocution in Haiti

Members of the samba group Imperatriz Leopoldinense perform on the second day of the parades of the special groups of the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro. Photograph: Marcely Sayao/EPA Associated Press

Tuesday 17 February 2015 13.42 EST Last modified on Tuesday 17 February 2015 15.07 EST

Three Brazilian revelers died after being electrocuted early on Tuesday while standing atop a Carnival float that hit a power line, officials said.

In an emailed statement, the Light power company confirmed the deaths that happened during a Carnival celebration in Nova Iguacu, a city of 800,000 people on the northern outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

Firefighters said at least one other person was taken to hospital and three others were aided on the scene. None appear to have life-threatening injuries. Police are investigating the incident.

A similar accident took place early Tuesday in Haiti, where a Carnival float hit an electric line and shocked a man atop the vehicle, setting off a panicked stampede that apparently killed at least 20 people.

During Brazil’s 2011 Carnival, 16 people were killed at a packed street party in Minas Gerais state when a power line fell atop the crowd.

Page 6: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman 18 electrocuted in Haiti Carnival accident; three in Brazil February 18, 2015 Reuters/AFP PORT-AU-PRINCE - At least 18 people were killed and 60 injured early on Tuesday when a carnival float hit power lines in Haiti’s capital Port-au-Prince on the second day of the annual festival, officials said. The float caught fire after it hit a high-voltage overhead power cable, witnesses said. Video of the incident appeared to show the electric cable catch the head of a singer from hip-hop band Barikad Crew near the presidential stand packed with spectators. Seven people were reported dead on the float, and others were killed in the ensuing panic. The singer, known as Fantom, was among the injured, according to a friend. President Michel Martelly expressed his “sincerest sympathies” to the victims in a Twitter message while his wife visited hospitals treating the injured. The raucous three-day annual street parade coincides with other Mardi Gras carnivals around the world and attracts large night-time crowds eager to witness competing music bands atop highly decorated floats. The US embassy in Haiti issued a pre-carnival message it which it warned “Carnival can be a fun, yet potentially unsafe, place for revelers,” highlighting the threat of strong-arm robberies, assaults, and pick-pocketing. Meanwhile, three men were killed early Tuesday when a Carnival float ran into a power line in the southeastern Brazilian city of Nova Iguacu, local media reported. The Palmerinha samba school was getting ready to go on parade when one of its floats hit the power line, electrocuting the three men riding it. Emergency personnel tried to revive them, but without success, officials quoted on the Globo G1 news site said. Another samba school “was finishing its parade. As soon as it did, we cancelled the other presentations,” said civil defence chief Luiz Antunez. In other Carnival deaths, a man was shot and killed Monday night in the northeastern city of Bahia. The G1 website said he was the second person to die of a gunshot wound since Sunday in Bahia, a city famous for its raucous Carnivals In Rio, police used tear gas to disperse crowds when a street party degenerated into a brawl in the Complexo de Alemao, one of the city’s toughest favelas, images on Globo TV showed. Police in Sao Paulo also resorted to tear gas early Tuesday after revellers in the hip Vila Madalena neighborhood refused to heed a 1:00 am closing time set by the authorities. Four people were injured in the ensuing scuffles, including a policeman hit by a bottle, the daily Folha de Sao Paulo reported.

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Drame au carnaval: L'opposition annonce sa marche à la chandelle ce vendredi Radio Métropole Haïti Vendredi, 20 février 2015 08:35

Le grave accident survenu au carnaval au champ-de-Mars ne serait pas un pur hasard, a laissé entendre l'opposition politique, qui a rendu le gouvernement responsable, estimant que des dispositions n'ont pas été prises pour assurer la sécurité des dizaines de milliers de personnes qui habituellement participent à ce grand événement culturel. Selon la table de concertation de l'opposition, qui ne cesse de réclamer le départ de l'équipe au pouvoir, les personnes électrocutées ont été victimes de sorcellerie. Et pour argumenter leur théorie du complot, l'un des dirigeants de ce rassemblement politique, Assad Volcy s'interroge sur l'utilité d'un stand du cimetière de Port-au-Prince au champ-de-Mars et du fait que l'accident se soit produit devant ce stand même. « Quelles raisons peuvent expliquer que le cimetière de Port-au-Prince disposait d'un stand, alors que certains membres du secteur privé qui sont censé avoir financé le carnaval, n'en avaient pas »s'interrogent M. Volcy qui se demande ce que le cimetière de Port-au-Prince pouvait avoir à promouvoir. Un autre opposant farouche au régime Martelly, Serge Jean Louis, annonce, pour sa part, une marche à la chandelle ce vendredi sur le parcours du carnaval, pour, dit-il, « chercher la lumière et exorciser tout ce qui mérite de l'être » - une marche qui serait une « contremarche » puisque le gouvernement en avait organisée une au champ-de-Mars le jour même du drame. « Cette marche partira devant le stade Sylvio Cator pour suivre le parcours du défilé du carnaval, et le code vestimentaire noir et blanc est recommandé », a indiqué M. Jean Louis. MJ/Radio Métropole Haïti Drama at the carnival: The opposition announced its march by candlelight Friday Radio Metropole Haiti Friday, February 20, 2015 8:35 The serious accident at the carnival at the Mars field would not be a fluke, suggested the opposition policy, which made the government accountable, considering that the provisions have not been taken to ensure the safety of tens of thousands who participate in this great event cultural. According to the round table of the opposition, which does not cease to demand the departure of the team in power, electrocuted people were victims of witchcraft. And to argue their conspiracy theory, one of the leaders of the rally policy, Assad Volcy questions the usefulness of a stand Cemetery Port-au-Prince the de Mars field and the fact that the accident occurred before the same stand. "What reasons can explain the cemetery of Port-au-Prince had a booth, while some members of the private sector that are believed to have funded the Carnival did not have "questioned Mr. Volcy who wonders what the cemetery Port-au-Prince could be promoted. Another fierce opponent of the Martelly regime Serge Jean Louis, announcement, for its part, Candlelight march Friday on the course of the carnival, for, he said, "seek light and exorcise all that deserves to be "- a step that would be a" riser "Since the government had organized a de Mars immediately the day of the drama. "This march will leave before the Sylvio Cator stadium to follow the parade route of carnival, and the black and white dress code is recommended, "said Jean Louis. MJ / Radio Metropole Haiti

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Ce qui s’est passé durant le carnaval en Haiti n’est nullement un « accident » mais un sacrifice démoniaque dans le cadre d’une sorcellerie dégoutante pour boire du sang et manger des vies de manière collective à des fins politiques. Maintenant Haiti se trouve en danger car les morts qui ont été lâchés pour dévorer des vivants ne sont pas rentrés dans leurs tanières le mercredi des cendres. On a assassiné des haitiens, cette fois avec de la magie abjecte pour conserver des privilèges et faire taire la rue . Comment cela s’est-il passé ? D’abord un groupe d’à tout faire aurait convoqué au cimetière de Port-au-Prince, les 12 guédés les plus puissants de la ville : Baron Samedi, Grande Brigitte, Guédé Nibbo, Guédé Brutus, Guédé Vi, Guédé Brave, Guédé-Oussou, Guédé Loraj, Guédé Jean Simon, Guédé Ti Wawè et Mlle Guédée Massaka. CIMETIERE DE PORT-AU-PRINCE Pour tuer les gens tout crus , on a transporté le cimetière de Port-au-Prince en plein coeur du Champ de Mars dans un carrefour à quatre branches, à l’angle de l’Hotel Plazar, une branche vers l’Ouest allant directement à l’entrée du Palais National et vers la mer, une branche vers le Nord en direction du stand du Président Michel Martelly, une branche vers l’Est vers les hauts quartiers du Bois Verna, et une branche vers le Sud en direction de la montagne.

A ce carrefour précis du Champ de Mars on installa pour le grand sacrifice un énorme stand sur lequel il était écrit noir sur blanc « CIMETIERE DE PORT-AU-PRINCE » avec d’autres graffitis tels « Frap- la » surmonté d’une main brandissant un poignard ou « « Nap Man-yen yo ! » aux cotés d’un dessin orné de tètes de morts et de croix du cimetière. Comme preuve, regardez bien la photo du stand en dessous : Pa gen manti lan sa ! On a réalitsé un rituel de sacrifices humains devant ce stand. Avant le crime, un homme masqué tenta de crever les pneus du char de BARIKAD CREW avec une pique, des que le char arriva devant le fameux stand CIMETIERE DE PORT-AUPRINCE. Cet homme fut arrêté par des membres de la sécurité de BARIKAD et remis à la Police. Il fut libéré dans la foule. Quelques minutes après, le drame eut lieu. Bingo : une vingtaine de morts électrocutés…pour que le crime collectif ait l’air d’un accident.

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Et une centaine de victimes en très mauvais état conduits à l’Hopital, apres des premiers soins offerts par l’équipe de la Première Dame (evidemment !) constatant les dégâts. A l’Hopital de l’Ofatma, l’équipe présidentielle en pleine nuit apporta des big screens pour que les rescapés (innocents) regardent la télévision. CARNIVAL 2015 IN HAITI: BLACK MAGIC AND HUMAN SACRIFICES OMEGA WORLD NEWS. COM This happened during the Carnival in Haiti is by no means an "accident" but demonic sacrifice as part of a disgusting sorcery to drink blood and eating lives collectively for political purposes. Now Haiti is in danger because the dead which were released to devour living are not returned to their dens Ash Wednesday. Was murdered Haitians, this time with abject magic to keep the privileges and silence street. How did that happen? First a group of all trades would have summoned to cemetery in Port-au-Prince, the 12 Guédés the most powerful of the city: Baron Samedi, Grande Brigitte, Guede Nibbo, Guede Brutus, Guede Vi Guédé Brave Guede-Oussou Guede Loraj, Guede Jean Simon, Guede Wawe Ti and Miss Guédée Masaka. CEMETERY OF PORT-AU-PRINCE To kill people while raw, the cemetery was transported from Port-au-Prince in the heart Champ de Mars at a crossroads with four branches at the corner of the Hotel Plazar a branch westward going directly to the entrance of the National Palace and towards the sea, branch to the north towards the stand of President Michel Martelly, a branch eastward to the high areas of the Bois Verna, and a branch to the south towards of the mountain. At this crossroads of the Champ de Mars was installed for the great sacrifice enormous stand on which it was in black and white "CEMETERY OF PORT-AU-PRINCE" with other graffiti such as "Frap- the" topped with a hand wielding a dagger or "" Man Nap-yen yo! "Alongside a drawing decorated with heads of dead and cross cemetery. As proof, look at the photo booth well below: Pa lan gen manti her! We réalitsé a ritual of human sacrifice before this stand. Before Crime, a masked man tried to put out the Barikad CREW chariot of tires a pike of the cart came before the famous stand CEMETERY PORT-AU-PRINCE. The man was arrested by members of Barikad security and handed over to the Police. He was released in the crowd. A few minutes after the tragedy took place. Bingo: twenty electrocuted dead ... so that the collective crime to look like an accident. And a hundred victims in very poor condition led to the Hospital, after the first care provided by the team of the First Lady (of course!) noting the damage. TO the Hospital of Ofatma, at night the presidential team brought to the big screens the survivors (innocent) watch television. - - -

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LA CEREMONIE DU MARDI GRAS Le mardi gras , le gouvernement appela le peuple à venir en blanc au champ de Mars sur les lieux du crime, pour montrer sa « solidarité ». Le Président , la Premiere Dame et sa suite ainsi que le PM K-Plume à 4h (wè pa wè antèman pou 4 trè !) arrivèrent pour la 2e phase du drame : au meme carrefour tout de blanc vètus, ils vinrent allumer des bougies et avec des musiciens bon-enfants, jeter des fleurs, sans la présence d’une autorité religieuse de la ville. Cette cérémonie aurait du se faire dans la matinée du mercredi des cendres, apres le lever du jour et non le mardi. Le mardi, cette cérémonie qui s’est déroulée jusqu’au coucher du soleil, ne signifiait rien d’autre que la « prise des âmes défuntes » et la consécration de l’objectif atteint avec la participation de l’égrégore collectif. Ce qui vient de se passer est d’une gravité exceptionnelle. Apres cet évènement malheureux on aurait du faire partir la déveine en brulant tous les stands du Champ de Mars les uns après autres le mercredi des cendres, après une messe d’action de grâces publique dirigée par l’Archevêque de Port-au-Prince , Mgr Guyre Poulard, le seul qui aurait pu exorciser la capitale ! L’Archeveque devrait partir de l’ancienne cathédrale avant d’aller sur place au Carrefour de l’enfer ! TOUS LES MORTS SONT DANS LA RUE Maintenant tous les morts sont dans les rues. Ils ne sont pas rentrés. De multiples malheurs attendent Port-au-Prince et le reste du pays. Des morts il y en aura désormais par dizaines , soit par une épidémie ou par des actes de folie grandissante. L’insécurité risque d’augmenter jusqu’au départ de ce pouvoir. Et même la famille présidentielle qui se croit à l’abri va en subir les conséquences de malheur en malheur. On vient de déterrer des forces de mort incontrôlables durant ce Carnaval. Qui a eu cette idée folle ? BARIKAD CREW SACRIFIE Pourquoi a-t-on sacrifié BARIKAD CREW ? Savez-vous que BARICAD CREW est le groupe musical qui a reçu le plus d’argent pour le carnaval ? A-t-il été grassement payé pour servir de cobaye ? Dimanche Barikad a joué en dernier vers 4h du matin. On lui réservait le coup fatal pour le lendemain parce que trop prêt du lever du soleil. Le lundi à 2h du matin apparaissait ideal. Aujourd’hui , Haiti est encore en plein mardi gras. Les 3 jours de deuil et les funérailles nationales des haïtiens tués dans cette monstrueuse machination diabolique ne peuvent remplacer le mercredi des cendres qui n’a pas encore été fermé. En fait chaque mercredi des cendres, des 5h du matin, tout doit finir Ensuite tous les masques, déguisements et costumes doivent être brulés . On brule aussi a la maison ses habits de fêtes et déguisements. Puis enfin on fait le signe de la croix sur son front, pour se débarrasser des déveines. A partir du mercredi des cendres , le pays est censé entré dans une nouvelle ère, dans une cosmogonie nouvelle, après les combats de danses entre les morts et les vivants. Maintenant les morts sont restés, les mauvais esprits flânent partout. C’est un jour sacré pour sortir du chaos et des masques le mercredi des cendres. Il ne peut y avoir deux mercredis des cendres en un an non plus, contrairement à ce que croit le gouvernement de M. Martelly, comme il ne peut y avoir deux carêmes en une seule année. Le cycle du Carnaval, commence à partir du premier dimanche de Janvier, sous le signe de l’Epiphanie qui doit finir obligatoirement le mercredi des cendres à 5h du matin. Ne pas laisser partir les morts dans le feu et les cendres c’est prolonger le chaos et des crises sans fin dans le pays,« alors toutes les barrières entre morts et vivants sont brisées » pour citer Le Sacré et le Profane de Mircea Eliade. La Franc-maçonnerie haïtienne prédit en 1989, qu’après 21 carnavals , ne respectant pas les rituels sacrés du mercredi des cendres, Haïti connaitra un des cataclysmes majeurs avec des milliers de morts en plein coeur de la capitale. Personne ne crut les grands maitres du Grand Orient. Les années passèrent. Apres 21 ans, le tremblement de terre du 12 Janvier 2010 et ses 300,000 morts arriva et secoua profondément la nation toute entière. Ce 16 Février 2015, on a provoqué une autre secousse. Maintenant les parents des victimes devraient monter une association pour appeler l’Etat à la justice et exiger des dommages et interets sur la base des négligences de l’Ed’h qui a des fils de haute tension trop bas et qui n’a pas non plus baissé le voltage Et pour éviter de grandes catastrophes au pays , nous devons même secrètement réagir au plus vite contre ce qui a été fait comme sortilège et ceci avant les fêtes de Pâques. Parce que, sa yo fè ya , li mete tout peyi-a en danger de mort ! Léon Francois Dehoux

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THE CEREMONY OF MARDI GRAS Shrove Tuesday, the government called on the people to come in white on the Champ de Mars the crime scene, to show his "solidarity". The President, the First Lady and her suite and PM K-Pen at 4 (wè pa pou wè antèman 4 trè!) arrived for the 2nd phase of the drama at the same crossroads all dressed in white, they came to light candles and with good child musicians, throw flowers without the presence of an authority Religious of the city. This ceremony should have been done in the morning of Ash Wednesday, after sunrise the day and not on Tuesday. On Tuesday, the ceremony held to sunset sun, meant nothing else than the "taking of dead souls" and the consecration of goal achieved with the participation of the collective egregore. What has happened is exceptionally serious. After this event unhappy we should have done from bad luck by burning all the stands of the Field of March one after the other on Ash Wednesday, after a Thanksgiving Mass Public headed by the Archbishop of Port-au-Prince, Bishop Guyre Poulard, the only could exorcise the capital! The Archbishop expected from the old cathedral before going on site at the crossroads of hell! ALL DIED IN THE STREET Now all the dead are in the streets. They did not return. Multiple woes await Port-au-Prince and the rest of the country. Dead there will now Tens or by an epidemic or by acts of growing insanity. Insecurity may increase until the start of this power. And even the presidential family feels safe going to suffer the consequences of misfortune misfortune. We just dig uncontrollable forces of death during this Carnival. Who had this crazy idea? BARIKAD CREW SACRIFICES Why do we have sacrificed Barikad CREW? Do you know that is the BARICAD CREW musical group that received the most money for the carnival? A he was paid handsomely to be a guinea pig? Sunday Barikad played last around 4am. On him reserved the fatal blow for the next day because too ready sunrise. Monday at 2am seemed ideal. Today, Haiti is still in full Mardi Gras. 3 days of mourning and funerals Haitian national killed in this monstrous evil machinations can not replace Ash Wednesday which has not yet been closed. In fact every Wednesday ashes, 5am, then everything must end all masks, disguises and costumes must be burned. It also has burned his house clothes and fancy dress parties. Then finally we made the sign of the cross on his forehead, to get rid of de-veined. From Ash Wednesday, the country is expected to enter a new era, in a new cosmogony, after fighting dances from the dead and the living. Now the dead remained, evil spirits wander everywhere. It is a sacred day for out of the chaos and masks Ash Wednesday. It may be two Wednesdays of the ashes in a year either, contrary to what is believed the government of Mr. Martelly, as there may be two Lents in one year. The cycle of Carnival, starts from the first Sunday of January, under the sign Epiphany which must end on Ash Wednesday at 5am. Not not let the dead in the fire and ash is to prolong the chaos and crises endless in the country, "then all barriers between living and dead are broken" to quote Sacred and Profane Mircea Eliade. Haitian Freemasonry predicted in 1989, after 21 carnivals, not complying sacred rituals of Ash Wednesday, Haiti will know one of the major cataclysms with thousands of dead in the heart of the capital. Nobody thought the great Master of the Grand Orient. The years passed. After 21 years, the earthquake of January 12, 2010 and its 300,000 deaths came and deeply shook the entire nation. This Feb. 16, 2015, it caused another shock. Now the parents of the victims should rise an association to call the state to justice and claim damages and interest on Basic negligence of ED'H that high voltage son too low and did not more down the voltage And to avoid major disasters in the country, we must react to even secretly faster against what has been done like this before the spell and Easter. Because that's yo fè ago, li-a mete any peyi in danger! Leon Francois Dehoux

Page 12: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman Haiti Carnival Tragedy: What Was Planned, What Was an Accident? Posted By Ezili Dantò On Sunday, February 22, 2015 08:35 PM. Under Blog, FreeHaitiMovement An Ezili Dantò Note on the Haiti Carnival Tragedy: What Was Planned, What Was an Accident? A Rose Crucifixion- Remèt Kadav yo!

(Please check back often for updates) A Rose-crucifixion that cannot to be blamed on Vodun. The February 17, 2015 carnival tragedy was an accident, which may be blamed on poor infrastructure and

governmental failures. But not on Vodun.

Carnival Vigil pageantry conducted the same day of tragedy excluded most victim families who were mostly scouring local hospitals for news of their missing family members. But Martelly dictatorship went on with the carnival show! February 17, 2015 | Photo Source: Miami Herald

At 2:48 am on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, during the second day of Haiti’s traditional February carnival, Daniel Darinus, known as “Fantom” who is the lead singer of the Barikad Crew group hit an overhead, high-voltage wire and set off a mass electrocution and some stampede tragedy. Fanton was hospitalized and is recovering. There is much controversy about the numbers who were electrocuted, and how many were crushed in the stampede. There are speculations that another, separate incident happened that caused more deaths but that this incident is being conflated with the Fanton electrocution. The government authorities say that 17 people died and 76 were injured.

Available video evidence show that the electricity went through the lead singer, Fantom of Barikad Crew and then perhaps the current surged through him or his mike to the ground somehow. Perhaps through the metal shell of the vehicle to electrocute anyone who bodies were touching the side of the vehicle where the current went to reach ground.

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A new, more African public face for the dictatorship leveraging the opportunity of the carnival tragedy: Was the massive, all-white vigil on the same day as the carnival deaths: all ceremony, no substance? February 17, 2015. Photo Source: AP

One video shows the electricity traveled down the float to shock people on the grown whose bodies were touching the float. But even in that video, it’s been pointed out, most of the people got up and ran after they were shocked. So there are still questions. It would be good to see more such footages showing how the people died after what is shown in the videos available. There was a blackout at some point after these videos were shot.

Clustered electrocuted victims at right side of float, identified in essay as “First Photo” cluster. Feb 17, 2015

Although the Haiti government claims 17 carnival goers died and 76 were injured, there seems to be more than 17 dead just in this First Photo cluster above. Many of the victims’ families are telling us upwards to 5-times that many people died on February 17, 2015. If true, where are all the bodies?

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Only 17 were buried on February 21, 2015 at the official state funeral. The names of the 17 Champ Mars dead victims, released by the government are: Jeudy Perterson, Joseph Jeff Darel, Lundy Borgella, Cénat Pegyve, Cedieu Joseph, Johny Hilaire, Alain Paul, Alice Bureau, Jean Rony Civil, Felix Origène, Fedelyn Joseph, Rosier Axianax, Yanick Ferdinand, Jasmine Capitaine, Kenson Thermidor, Louis René, et Gabriel Jacques Leconte. The authorities released these names, they ought to release the autopsy’s they claim were conducted before the public funeral.

The visually well organized, quick government funeral hasn’t closed the need for those who can’t find their family members to understand and find closure about their loved ones. There are reports of people being shot that night. The most credible of these say that the presidential guards and police most likely thought the folks rushing forward were going to ambush the president and in the mob panic, used lethal force to protect him and his entourage. Maybe this would account for the cover-up charges of victims not killed by stampede or electrocution, whose bodies family members say were not released. We do not have evidence on this. These matters require an independent judicial investigation.

The negligence that allows carnival floats to be set so high as to touch live wires should be accounted for and not allowed to happen, ever again. The government entities in charge of public security are heatedly criticized for not putting the carnival victims’ families at the center of their grief vigil and funeral. Victim families have the right to the remains of their loved ones, as well as a funeral paid for by the state where their grief is prioritized – remèt kadav yo.

The tragedy began with a terrible accident. More evidence is needed with respect to how the aftermath has been handled. In terms of organizing during a national emergency, the actually Saturday, February 21, 2015 funeral was visually well executed. Folks do wonder about ceremony over substance with so many families said to still be searching for lost ones.

At first, when folks came to us to say that the dead folks clustered apparently on the right side of the Barikad Crew float looked more asleep than dead and had no electricity entry and exit wounds, we wondered if toxic gasses or a biological poison from the US occupiers could account for these clustered deaths that showed no visible outward trauma? But after speaking to more knowledgeable doctors on this matter, we’re told that it’s not at all surprising that the people on top of the float weren’t shocked, since they were not really between the singer and the ground. AC current causes instantaneous cardiac arrest due to ventricular fibrillation, we’re told and it’s not uncommon to have no outward trauma in electrocution cases.

In a power line electrocution, the current is divided equally among everyone who is in contact directly or indirectly with the victim who touched the line. Fantom who was “victim #1″ had likely surface burns, but most of the others would not have visible trauma. Watch the two videos posted on the side that’s helpful on this and that are also here and here . The first video shows the float shocking people on the right side of the float. The second video shows the actual front view of the electrocution of Fantom, but there’s no float panic. So far, we have no footages showing trampling. But it’s logical. One can see the rush starting at the back/side view of the float on the ground level. You hear someone say, that there are folks who have died under the float – gen moun ki mouri anba cha. The two videos to hold up the separate incident theory are here and here. If more updates comes in, we will share it at this post or perhaps in a later essay. There was a blackout at some point, which is said to have lasted for 15 minutes or so. Questions remain as to how many died, how they died. And all the victims’ families do have the right to examine the remains, see autopsies, be told the truth so they may have better closure.

THE QUESTION OF SORCERY AND SACRIFICE REALLY MEANS WAS THIS TRAGEDY PLANNED? A Rose-crucifixion, but not Vodun. The accidental carnival tragedy is a product of poor infrastructure and governmental failures. Vodun cannot be a scapegoat for this



Electrical Surge through mikes as lead singer, Fantom, hits the top wire. Source for illustration: Mike Perrett


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Martelly government-sponsored carnival stand where the electrocution occurred complete with Martelly pink death motif and messages.

In Haiti whenever something bad happens, inevitably someone will blame it on Vodun. Vodun is African, God is a white Jesus according to Western ethos. So, it’s not surprising that many are negatively connecting Vodun to the carnival tragedy. But what gives this more legs is that the electrocution took place across from the unpopular government’s cemetery stand.

But no, Vodun is not so conveniently responsible for all catastrophes that happen in Haiti. Foreigners and clueless Haitians need to stop feeding that Eurocentric superstition.

The taunting cemetery stand, sponsored by the mayor of Port au Prince for the cemetery which is where the Barikad Crew float had the accident and which is located next to Martelly’s $450,000 palace-like presidential float only rendered matters provoking, especially with the coded, dual meanings depicted on the cemetery stand like “Frap La” – “Nap Manyen Yo” and “Frap la Revelasyon 2015.” The coded meanings are readily understandable to the pro-democracy masses in Haiti that wonders why the major of Port au Prince would sponsor such a stand. (There’s a carnival group call Frap La which one is hard press to see sponsoring this stand. The words from their music are etched on the government’s cemetery stand sponsored by the offices of the Mayor of Port au Prince.)

Martelly’s huge pink palace-like carnival stand reportedly cost a whopping $450,000 to build. For the State funeral for the victims, the government re-painted the stand white for the international cameras for Martelly’s all-white funeral service. Some say this was another government waste of monies that could have been used for health and clean water infrastructure

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The pink carnival stand with the cemetery motif where the accident took place is definitely not Vodouist in design. First off, it’s pink and green, with skulls and bones, a green pentagram and two bodiless heads with the top of their BRAINS chopped off. This makes no sense in Vodun. Guede yo, Baron Samedi, Grann Brigit are not PINK nor GREEN in vibration, vevé nor color. Skull and bones is a European secret society. It’s commonly associated with European elites from an undergraduate senior secret society at Yale University. Members of the power elite, US skull and bones secret society include current US Secretary of State, John F. Kerry, former president George W. Bush. (Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton also went to Yale, but for their law degrees in 1973.)

The strange pink stand has an eye of Horus under one of the skull and bones and it’s painted in green. I’d guess this, combine with the implication that FRAPH is still alive in Haiti – “Frap La” is written on the float – could be some dictatorship/US intelligence operatives making fun of the Haiti struggle to end the outsourced occupation and the Martelly dictatorship by telling pro-democracy militants the CIA-created FRAPH death squads are still around. Frap la!

Deceive, divide, dominate is a tried and true colonial blueprint. But this attempt to show Martelly’s invincibility with a pink cemetery stand or to create chaos and a sort of Papa-Doc psychological terror with the cemetery stand was executed in such a manner that shows the artists and sponsors of the stand have no knowledge of the Egyptian mystery system nor Vodun. The brainless clown faces and their symbolism on this cemetery carnival float are NOT connected to traditional Haitian symbols, much less Vodouist. My point is both evil or good deeds are not mysterious. They’re the work of human beings. Deliberately or inadvertent that’s the question some Haitians are asking about the carnival tragedy. It’s natural for the families of the victims to want more information and an investigation. They want access to the corpse of their loved ones to examine their deaths. They feel the explanation of an electrocution and a stampede doesn’t altogether fit what some people experienced.

Also Haiti carnival should not be an instrument of propaganda for the presidential palace. Martelly’s regime routinely excludes carnival artists for their artistic and cultural expressions, while, for instance, using public funds to promote a huge $450,000 pink palace-like presidential stand. Or, a Mayor of Port au Prince carnival stand with veiled death-threat messages aimed at his detractors and the anti-dictatorship demonstrators.

THE CARNIVAL WAS NOT CANCELLED The Carnival was cancelled or not? Indeed it went forward, but pitched to media cameras and the nation, as an all-white vigil and a state funeral.

The Band Played On: A Carnival Parade Pitched to Public as a Vigil

A Carnival Vigil or a Carnival Parade. Feb. 17, 2015 | Photo Source: Miami Herald

Something cannot be both planned and in accident. The carnival tragedy was set off by the hanging high-voltage wire. But, there is some truth to the observation that something was planned. That something we believe is the aftermath. This perception is not a figment of fertile Haiti’s imagination. It can be logically explained.

The deaths occurred on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. The government announced on that same day that the carnival was cancelled and a three day period of national mourning would began. But in reality, on the day of the deaths, the Martelly regime took the opportunity to put on a huge, all-white event, probably pre-planned where the presidential band played at the all-white “for-the-victims” vigil.

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The Carnival was cancelled or not? Indeed it went forward, but pitched to the media cameras and nation, as an all-white vigil, supposedly quickly organized the same day of the tragedy, February 17, 2015

The band played on, so-to-speak, for the cameras and international media, while the victim families and friends were scouring hospitals, demanding answers and searching everywhere for their missing relatives. Some still are searching for their missing relatives nearly a week later. Blithely, the presidential vigil and funeral went on.

Ceremony without substance? Feb. 21, 2015 government funeral of 17 dead. Haiti groups claim up to 100 carnival goers died.

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Carnival Vigil of plain carnival, February 17, 2015


Ceremony more important than the substance. Tuesday’s all-in-white Vigil for the carnival victims without the grieving families. Photo source: Miami Herald


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Carnival or a Mourning Vigil? February 15, 2015


The handling of the vigil without family participation, the sudden great organization skills of Martelly’s emergency response, and the fact that the incident happened across from the weird government-sponsored cemetery death stand, which doesn’t fit into a happy carnival theme, understandably upsets and perplexes many Haitians. The government could dispel this confusion if it put the people’s needs for answers ahead of its international white-vigil photo-op media publicity event and accounted for all the alleged bodies missing. Remèt Kadav yo! (Check often for updates as more info becomes available.)

“Grenadye alaso sa ki mouri n’ap vanje yo!” –Indigenous Army of Ayiti, 1791 A Rose crucifixion not Vodun. Ezili's HLLN has Reviewed Available Evidence on the Carnival Deaths by Electrocution. But the Govenrment Ought to Have Put the Accident Victim's Families at the Center of their Vigil/Funeral & Remèt Kadav yo! The Free Haiti Movement Remèt Kadav yo! A Rose-crucifixion that cannot to be blamed on Vodun. The February 17, 2015 carnival tragedy was an accident, which may be blamed on poor infrastructure and governmental failures. But not on Vodun. The carnival wasn't cancelled, but re-pitched as an all-white vigil and a state funeral. (For more details, go to The Haiti Carnival Tragedy: What Was Planned,

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What Was an Accident? at · Updated on Friday

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Martelly's palace-like, pink carnival presidential stand which cost a whopping $450,000 to create is being re-painted to white for the official funeral for the carnival victims on Saturday, February 21, 2014

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A PLANNED EVENT? Day of tragic carnival deaths: Tuesday, Feb 17, 2015 Day of this huge government organized public vigil Tuesday Feb 17, 2015. "Rad yo te gentan pare met la - Clothes for the funeral were already prepared before the deaths." - This is another criticism of the government handling of the electrocution and stampede tragedy that did little to reach out to the grieving families first... The ceremony more important than the substance. The carnival float tragedy occurred at 2:48 am on Tuesday, February 17, 2015. This well-dressed and outfitted public vigil for the victims occurred the very same day of the deaths. This, while the families were still searching for their loved ones at hospitals everywhere and being denied access. For whose benefit was this vigil just hours after the accident on the same Tuesday afternoon? Folks wonder how everyone got together so quickly in white attire. At the very least, this vigil, even if well meaning, was insensitive to the SHOCK the families and nation was experiencing and the victims felt excluded.

Ceremony more important than the substance.Tuesday's all-in-white Vigil for the carnival victims without the grieving families. Photo source: Miami Herald

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A Martelly-Paul media/Hollywood photo op event Ceremony more important than the substance.Tuesday's all-in-white Vigil for the carnival victims without the grieving families. Photo source: VOA

Tuesday's white vigil and march for carnival victims. A big band Martelly-Paul photo op event. More ceremony than substance.Tuesday's all-in-white Vigil for the carnival victims without the grieving families who were mostly scouring local hospitals to get news of their love ones. Photo source: Miami Herald, February 17, 2015

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February 17, 2015 parade for the carnival victims

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Electrocuted victims. Folks wonder if there's a scientific explanation for there being no entry or exit wounds."He died showing no sign of any distress." is the caption given to this photo by the sender

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Feb. 17th carnival tragedy electrocuted victims. Folks wonder if there's a scientific explanation for there being no entry or exit wounds."He died showing no sign of any distress." is the caption given to this photo to the Free Haiti Movement.

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Feb. 17th carnival tragedy electrocuted victims. Folks wonder if there's a scientific explanation for there being no entry or exit wounds."They died showing no sign of any distress. They look asleep" is the caption given to this photo to the Free Haiti Movement.

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Saturday, February 21, 2015 well organized Haiti carnival funeral for 18 dead carnival float tragedy.

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Sovereign General, Adrien Lanoue, Didier Jean-Baptiste and 10 others like this.

Ezili Dantò Haiti blood will not fuel empire's vampires. On the carnival tragedy...tensions running high. It seems to Haitians that our lives are being sacrificed left and right with poor infrastructure that causes deaths while the rich live well, drink clean water, have year-round electricity and want to bring in tourists on lands taken from Haitians, but no one cares what happens to Haitians especially the Martelly dictatorship. Joachim Fégens, the man in this video suffered the lost of his cousin, Kenson Thermidor, who perished in the carnival tragedy where officially 18 people were electrocuted, 78 injured. The unofficial numbers of dead are estimated much, much higher. The electrocution of Fantom is suspected not to be the cause of the subsequent carnival stampede. Haitians who were at the carnival are generally perplexed and not sure as to what really caused the stampede and thus subsequent deaths. A growing number of Haitians believe the electrocution happened and then some time later, from the back of the float the carnival stampede began. The panicked people ran towards the presidential float, and some say they were possibly accidentally shot by the presidential guards perhaps believing the stampede was an ambush to take down the president. Others point to the quick funeral, lack of autopsies, reports of body dumping at Titanyen and the next day white vigil, all, as cover-up of a greater massacre than 18 people dead. Some are saying someone from behind the Fantom band float was shot from a long range occupier's assassin rifle to cause more Haiti chaos and diversions and folks near him/her started running away. There are lots of unanswered question. Joachim Fégens, the man in the video vows to help take down the Martelly dictatorship he hold responsible for the tragedy for allowing carnival in unsafe conditions. It seems to him, the people are merely fuel for the engine of dictatorship and foreign occupation, for others to enjoy Haiti as the people senselessly die. This will end says Joachim Fégens, whose cousin Kenson Thermidor, died. His cousin's death will not be in vain Joachim Fégens, says. Martelly dictatorship will fall, he swears it. At Ezili's HLLN we express our heartfelt condolences to the families of those injured and who died. Yes, it does seem like our lives are sacrifices offered so that a few will enjoy Haiti, while earthquake victims at Canaan die of hunger, abandonment and slum life. It's our reality that Haitians are being evicted, even from tarp camps to make way for luxury

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hotels or golf courses for foreigners. It is our reality that the cholera victims continue to find no justice, more die for lack of clean water, while the UN continues racking up monies on fake cholera vaccines instead of building real sanitation and clean water infrastructure. It is our reality that the US-Euro installed militarized police continue to spray foul water and tear gas, even on little Black schoolgirls. It's our reality that as Obama further occupies Haiti for the benefit of the mining magnates, as the World Bank changes the mining laws ignoring Haiti input, we are left with death, constant death as the only food given for Haitians to digest. The terror rises. We echo Joachim Fégens's grief expressed here and swear with him, to live free or die taking down our oppressors. Our blood will not fuel empire's vampires. In the name of Janjak Desalin, all our blood, all our loses, all Ginen/Africa/Merita/Alkebullan's energies transformed arise, all our soul are rising to destroy the profit-over-people empire so that all humans may live free, in health, safety and security. -- Ezili Dantò, Free Haiti Movement, February 20, 2015

02:43 8,602 Views Avokapepla Flash! Flash! Joachim Fégens, cousin de Kenson thermidor, décédé lors de la tragédie du deuxième jour gras, fait l'objet de menaces de mort suite à ses déclarations sur Radio Télé Kiskeya, réclamant justice et réparations et appelant la population en général et la ville des Gonaïves à la mobilisation pour renverser le régime criminel de Martelly. Par ailleurs, le Gouvernement de facto refuse de faire droit aux demandes de certains parents qui veulent récupérer les corps de leurs proches pour des funérailles non officielles. See Translation Yesterday at 12:52am · Edited · Like · 3

Regiinal Dariius Richardson Be at peace the world is about to change heaven is the next overlay Yesterday at 3:31am · Like · 1

Mike Perrett (No Float Panic, seems pretty calm though rush starting at back of float on ground level)

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Carnaval Haiti 2015 - Fantom from BC electrified! A clear video of the beginning tragedy that happened at Champ de Mars. A front view of the singer Fantom being electrified by a high voltage wire. Yesterday at 7:01am · Edited · Like

Etoile Flamboyant keep in mind that there is a group name Frap la whom has a "kanaval"

Nap Manyen Yo - Power Surge feat. Frap LA [Kanaval 2015] HD Official Video PSMG Present: NAP MANYEN YO Power Surge feat. Frap LA Kanaval 2015 Contact Whatsapp: +509-4703-5180 Email: [email protected] Yesterday at 8:11am · Like

Orman Griffith Hmmmmmm Yesterday at 10:16am · Like

Janie Lafleur Jenès deprave! Yesterday at 11:06am · Like · 1

Ezili Dantò Etoile Flamboyant Thanks for the comment. It's productive. Do you know if this carnival group "Frap La" put the cemetery float together and for what purpose? How are they associated with "pink" or So Ann, or any of the other weird wordings on the float? It would be important to understand. We're told this float was paid for by those in charge of the PAP cemetery. Although why the PAP cemetery would have a float at a carnival makes no sense. Do you have any further information to help us understand? Yesterday at 11:28am · Edited · Like · 1

Cecilia Russ The font is very light. It seems logical that if one band member actually touched the wire and only had minor would the wire be powerful enough to kill everyone on the truck? Why are Haitians so silent? Also, the way they fell down--was very odd. It was probably some sort of gas. Are there many photos on the net of people being shocked by electrical wire? I doubt if it emits a large explosive light. It was more like pyrotechnics--in a rock show. Were there autopsies? Who would do them--who is not in the pay of the government or scared? Yesterday at 12:49pm · Edited · Like

Cecilia Russ This video is totally different than first ones. Everyone here is very much alive. It was way different than people falling like cards! All the people in the front, with yellow t-shirts were concerned and trying to figure out what happened. One person then got up to help. This video is nothing like the first ones that came out! Yesterday at 12:58pm · Like · 1

Page 38: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

Ezili Dantò Exactly Cecilia Russ. No one on the float died. The wire did NOT fall to the ground. There does not seem to have been any direct contact between the first electrocuted victim and the carnival goers on the ground. Yet people on the ground are said to have been electrocuted. Questions abound... Yesterday at 1:17pm · Like · 1

Janie Lafleur Kom ta di defun Maurice Sixto: "Se gwo zafè papa"! Yesterday at 1:27pm · Like · 1

Ezili Dantò A view from the front of Fantom hitting the power chord. For there to be electrocution of others, the first victim would have had to touch the ground and passed on the electricity. it doesn't look like the powerline broke. It's doubtful that the power surge from electrocuting one individual would black out the whole system and electrocute 18 or more others???. Maybe the current surged through him and then to the ground through the metal shell of the vehicle to electrocute anyone touching the body of the Barikad Crew float and the grown? I don't know if that's a viable explanation but it's the only one I can think off to explain the cluster of dead on the side of the float. Someone told me that it's not strange that there are no signs of trauma (electrical entry/exit) points on those secondary victims of the initial victims electrocution. That only the first victim would have obvious entry and burn marks. I don't know how viable that explanation is. But where did the stampede charge come from? Did folks start running from the electrocuted people? It doesn't look like there was much panic on the ground immediately after the accident. But a more knowledgeable person explained to me that "if even a large number of people were silently electrocuted on the street, it would probably take at least 30-60 seconds for people to realize what happened." Bottom line is for the people on the grown to be electrocuted, the power line would have had to touch the ground or Fantom would have had to transmit his electricity to the grown and to the people. Still working on understanding this. Although we don't see this in the videos, I am told there was a 15 or so minutes Blackout sometime after the injury to Fantom. Blackout supports electrocution. If the powerline only struck Fantom and didn't break and didn't cause a surge through the float and into the crowd the power would have likely stayed on. But we're still getting in more reports to share on this. Please share your thoughts. Or better scientific knowledge. The fact that the dictatorship held a huge, organized vigil on the SAME DAY of the deaths occurred on February 17th while the parents and friends where still in shock and searching in the hospitals for their loved ones did not help matters because it all looked planned in advance. Was insensitive to say the least. And felt to the victims like a huge photo-op for the crocodile tears of Martelly-Paul for the international media. But we all must help find the answers to help the victims families. Though I don't understand, I see that carnival is sacred way to express oneself in Haiti, the pleasure/the pains of Haiti and a visceral need, so the accident reaches deep. The Martelly-Paul taunting cemetery float put next the Martelly's 450,000 Palace-like presidential float only rendered matters more provoking, especially with the coded duel meanings on the cemetery float like "Frap La" - "Nap Manyen Yo" and "frap la revelasyon 2015" that are readily understandable to the pro-democracy masses in Haiti. Your thoughts and comments appreciated. Frantz Louis, Frantz Jean Hugues Girard Tina Lorquet Jafrikayiti Jean Elissaint Saint-Vil Janie Lafleur S.atibon Legba Mike Perrett everyone

Nap Manyen Yo - Power Surge feat. Frap LA [Kanaval 2015] HD Official Video PSMG Present: NAP MANYEN YO Power Surge feat. Frap LA Kanaval 2015 Contact Whatsapp: +509-4703-5180 Email: [email protected] Yesterday at 4:35pm · Edited · Like · 1

Ezili Dantò Another grown view from the front -

Page 39: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

05:19 47,498 Views Donald Delice Pale Anpil la fini kounyea ok si nou vle konnen Kijan moun yo fè mouri na gade video sa épi nou ap wè Kijan moun yo fè mouri nan kanaval Haïti 2015 lan. See Translation Yesterday at 5:26pm · Edited · Like · 2

Mike Perrett Thanks for the last Donald Delice video Ezili, It's blurry however the people who do seem to fall/drop after the spark/arc?, most seem to get back up again and everyone runs from that point, rather than to it to be trampled over which is a bit odd. I'...See More

21 hours ago · Edited · Like · 2

Ezili Dantò Danm Mike, so good of you to explain all this. Very helpful. So far, this video is the only one I've seen that shows the electricity traveled down the float to shock people on the grown. If, as you say most of the people got up and ran, what do you think explains the clusters of deaths (be electrocution?) by the float in the first pics shared above. I spoke to one doctor about the victim family's concerned that the bodies showed no visible trauma and he said that's not surprising with electrocution. Do you have any knowledge about how that's possible. I don't actually understand how one can get electrocuted with no signs of an entry or exit point but if that is possible than it explains the bodies without trauma. I also originally just couldn't figure out how the electricity got to the grown to the people who were electrocuted until I saw the shock to those whose bodies where against the float as shown in this video .. Mike, I am looking for the Donald Delice video on youtube for the blog post, so if you find the link, please let me know. . I did think about the mike line maybe touching someone on the ground. Thanks again Mike for this visual explanation. Very helpful. Yes, I agree, it would be good to see more such footages. How come only the people without trauma are shown. Were are those who suffered from trampling? There seems to be more than 18 dead, just in this photo and families are telling us upwards to a 100 people died. But how? The well organize, quick funeral hasn't closed the need to understand and find the missing bodies. Mike Perrett

Page 40: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

05:19 47,498 Views Donald Delice Pale Anpil la fini kounyea ok si nou vle konnen Kijan moun yo fè mouri na gade video sa épi nou ap wè Kijan moun yo fè mouri nan kanaval Haïti 2015 lan. See Translation 20 hours ago · Edited · Like

Mike Perrett It is apparently possible to have no obvious markings of electrical shock, though not that common. I can't copy paste from this article but please look in the 'post mortem appearances' section. I've been trying to find the same video on YouTube and any others I can locate, but so far I have not found Donald Delices' one Ezili. I'll let you know if I find it or any others that are helpful. So far I have seen only one photo of a young man with his head looking like it has been shot, his brain appeared to be hanging out on one side. I also saw some photos of bodies in very contorted positions which I assumed were consistent with trampling and yes I have seen a few people mention that love ones can't find their siblings days after the incident and those families are numerous. Perhaps we should start posting photos of the victims, I was reluctant to do that as many people were complaining that loved ones might see them online. Since people were packed together like sardines and many touching each other it would be possible to have mass electrocutions such as the photo above you mention Ezili. People have been posting this tragedy in many places, it would be good to try to keep it all on one thread so everyone can stay together with the investigation and pool resources. Could get a bit gory though but it needs to be done. FB: 19 hours ago · Like

Ezili Dantò Mike Perrett, OK. Let me know if you find the video. I wish we could copy it for the archives since it's the only one I've found so far showing the electricity hitting the ground and people there. Mike, I've added the names of the 17 people the governm...See More 16 hours ago · Edited · Like

Ezili Dantò From: Bureau de Communication Martelly Sent: Sat, 21 Feb 2015 18:03:05 -0500 (EST) Subject: Funérailles nationales des victimes de l’accident au Champ de Mars sur fond d’émotions et de solidarité Bureau de Communication de la Présidence Funérailles nationales des victimes de l’accident au Champ de Mars sur fond d’émotions et de solidarité·

Page 41: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

L’Exécutif a rendu un vibrant hommage aux victimes Port-au-Prince, samedi 21 Février 2015: Le Président de la République, S.E.M. Michel Joseph Martelly, accompagné de la Première Dame, Mme Sophia Martelly, et du Premier Ministre, M. Evans Paul, ont assisté, ce samedi 21 Février 2015, aux funérailles nationales des dix-sept (17) victimes de l’accident tragique survenu au Champs de Mars, lors du deuxième jour du défilé du Carnaval National, le mardi 17 Février 2015. Cette cérémonie unique et solennelle déroulée sur le lieu de l'accident en présence, entre autres, des parents des victimes, des musiciens, des artistes, des membres du Gouvernement, des représentants de plusieurs confessions religieuses, ainsi que des personnalités de différents secteurs de la vie nationale, a été l’occasion pour le Chef de l’Etat de saluer publiquement et avec beaucoup d’émotions les familles des décédés. Il a partagé la peine de ces familles éplorées, leur a témoigné toute sa sympathie dans cette pénible épreuve et leur a adressé des mots d’encouragement. « C'est un devoir pour moi d'être aux côtés des familles des victimes à l'occasion de ce moment difficile. Que nos pensées et prières accompagnent les proches des victimes en ces heures d'affliction. Puissent les parents affligés trouver réconfort dans le témoignage d'affection de tout un peuple », a souhaité le Chef de l’Etat. Par ailleurs, l’Exécutif, à travers la voix du Chef du Gouvernement, a informé que la plupart des personnes blessées lors de l’accident tragique ont pu retrouver leur maison après avoir été admis à l’hôpital. M. Evans Paul en a profité pour renouveler l’engagement de l’Etat d’accompagner les familles des victimes qui, dès les premières heures après cet événement, ont pu bénéficier du plein soutien des autorités étatiques. L’Administration Martelly, le Gouvernement Paul et le pays tout entier saluent le départ de ces jeunes compatriotes dont les noms suivent: Jeudy Perterson, Joseph Jeff Darel, Lundy Borgella, Cénat Pegyve, Cedieu Joseph, Johny Hilaire, Alain Paul, Alice Bureau, Jean Rony Civil, Felix Origène, Fedelyn Joseph, Rosier Axianax, Yanick Ferdinand, Jasmine Capitaine, Kenson Thermidor, Louis René, et Gabriel Jacques Leconte. -FIN- 16 hours ago · Like

Janie Lafleur It's such a painful tragedy! Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Zili. The people of Ayiti are still bleeding at the hands of all our common enemies. Bon kouraj! 12 hours ago · Like · 1

Sovereign General . Ayibobo! 4 hours ago · Like

Page 42: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman Haiti cancels carnival after more than a dozen are electrocuted atop float


[email protected]

02/17/2015 7:33 AM

02/17/2015 12:47 PM

Page 43: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

› ‹ The body of a person killed during carnival celebrations is moved at the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, early Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015. At least 20 people on a music group's packed Carnival float in the Haitian capital were killed Tuesday when they were electrocuted by a power line, officials said. The accident occurred as thousands of people filled the streets of downtown Port-au-Prince for the raucous annual celebration. People at the scene said someone on the float used a pole or stick to move a power line so the float could pass under it. Dieu Nalio Chery AP

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› ‹ Fantom, the lead singer of the Hip Hop Kreyol group Barikad Crew, was among those injured and is at a local hospital, say friends of the singer.

Page 45: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

› ‹ A woman who was injured during carnival celebrations is treated at the emergency room of the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, early Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015. At least 20 people on a music group's packed Carnival float in the Haitian capital were killed Tuesday when they were electrocuted by a power line, officials said. The accident occurred as thousands of people filled the streets of downtown Port-au-Prince for the raucous annual celebration. People at the scene said someone on the float used a pole or stick to move a power line so the float could pass under it. Dieu Nalio Chery AP

Page 46: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

› ‹ A reveler who was injured during carnival celebrations waits for treatment at the emergency room of the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, early Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015. At least 20 people on a music group's packed Carnival float in the Haitian capital were killed Tuesday when they were electrocuted by a power line, officials said. The accident occurred as thousands of people filled the streets of downtown Port-au-Prince for the raucous annual celebration. People at the scene said someone on the float used a pole or stick to move a power line so the float could pass under it. Dieu Nalio Chery AP

Page 47: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

› ‹ An ambulance carrying injured people arrives at the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, early Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015. At least 20 people on a music group's packed Carnival float in the Haitian capital were killed Tuesday when they were electrocuted by a power line, officials said. The accident occurred as thousands of people filled the streets of downtown Port-au-Prince for the raucous annual celebration. People at the scene said someone on the float used a pole or stick to move a power line so the float could pass under it. Dieu Nalio Chery AP

Page 48: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

› ‹ The body of a person killed during carnival celebrations is moved at the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, early Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015. At least 20 people on a music group's packed Carnival float in the Haitian capital were killed Tuesday when they were electrocuted by a power line, officials said. The accident occurred as thousands of people filled the streets of downtown Port-au-Prince for the raucous annual celebration. People at the scene said someone on the float used a pole or stick to move a power line so the float could pass under it. Dieu Nalio Chery AP

Page 49: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

At least 20 dead by electrocution in Haiti WPTV - West Palm, FL

PORT-AU-PRINCE Carnival festivities throughout Haiti were canceled Tuesday after at least 20 people were killed in an accident earlier in the day on the Champ de Mars near downtown Port-au-Prince.

Prime Minister Evans Paul declared a national period of mourning beginning Wednesday until Saturday when funerals will be held.

“It is clear what happened was an accident,” Paul said during a televised news conference.

The tragedy occurred after a carnival float, transporting fans and members of Barikad Crew, passed underneath a low-hanging power line along a narrow packed street. The band had just passed in front of President Michel Martelly, who was viewing the celebrations, and was on its way to the soccer stadium when the accident happened near the Hotel Plaza.

Band manager Youri Chevry told the Miami Herald that singer Fantom was in stable condition at a local hospital. He said doctors said they were surprised that the singer didn’t suffer a heart attack or die after coming in contact with the power line while atop a passing float during the festivities.

“They are holding him for 24 hours to see what happens,” Chevy said. “They think he will recover quickly.”

At least 20 people were killed and more than 40 injured early Tuesday at the end of the second day of the celebration.

Chevry, who was following the float on foot, said “Fantom thought he had cleared the power line. Our float was high and he was standing up. He was talking and from the video footage I saw, his head hit the power line.”

Panic quickly ensued with some people getting trampled and even electrocuted on the ground, Chevry said. Emergency medical personnel, who were part of First Lady Sophia Martelly’s carnival response team, immediately responded, removing people off the float and transporting them first to the medical stand and then local hospitals.

A brief video on Twitter shows electricity striking Fantom's microphone in a flashing spark, and panic ensuing.

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He was the only member of the six member group who was injured. Others, however, weren’t as lucky.

Some people on the float were killed after being electrocuted and others on the ground.

“We know of at least 15 people who have died,” Nadia Lochard, coordinator for the Department of Civil Protection for the Port-Au-Prince region, told the Miami Herald.

Lochard said they were making the rounds at hospitals to find out how many were injured, but for now the number stood at 42. She said authorities are reviewing video footage to find out what exactly sparked the accident.

Government spokesman Rotchild Francois said the accident occurred at 2:48 a.m.

The accident sparked a debate in Haiti about whether the country should continue with carnival, which returned to Port-au-Prince for the first time in three years this year after being held in other cities. The national pre-Lenten celebration was scheduled to end Wednesday.

Paul has invited Haitians to wear white beginning at 5 p.m. on the Champ de Mars in solidarity with those who lost their lives.

“We want for all fans to know we are alive. Fantom is alive and he’s in the hospital,” Chevry said. “We are asking everyone to pray for him.”

Page 51: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman At least 20 killed, dozens injured in electrocution accident atop Haiti Carnival float Posted 11:56 AM, February 17, 2015, by Allison Yang

A group of people wait at the facilities of the General Hospital morgue of Port-au-Prince on February 17, 2015, to see if members of their family are among those who died after suffering injuries during celebrations of the National Carnival of Haiti. A high-voltage cable fell on a float during a Carnival parade in Port-au-Prince early Tuesday, killing at least 15 people as thousands watched, emergency officials said. Dozens more were injured in the accident, which occurred at around 2:48 am (0748 GMT) on the second day of Carnival, Communications Minister Rotchild Francois said in a statement. Family members besieged a main hospital complex in Port-au-Prince to find their loved ones as doctors struggled to treat the injured.(HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images)

Page 52: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

Patients rest with families on February 17, 2015 in the emergency room of the General Hospital of Port-au-Prince while receiving medical attention after suffering injuries during celebrations of the National Carnival of Haiti. A high-voltage cable fell on a float during a Carnival parade in Port-au-Prince early Tuesday, killing at least 15 people as thousands watched, emergency officials said. Dozens more were injured in the accident, which occurred at around 2:48 am (0748 GMT) on the second day of Carnival, Communications Minister Rotchild Francois said in a statement. Family members besieged a main hospital complex in Port-au-Prince to find their loved ones as doctors struggled to treat the injured.(HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images)

Page 53: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

A patient is examined on February 17, 2015 in the emergency room of the General Hospital of Port-au-Prince after suffering injuries during celebrations of the National Carnival of Haiti. A high-voltage cable fell on a float during a Carnival parade in Port-au-Prince early Tuesday, killing at least 15 people as thousands watched, emergency officials said. Dozens more were injured in the accident, which occurred at around 2:48 am (0748 GMT) on the second day of Carnival, Communications Minister Rotchild Francois said in a statement. Family members besieged a main hospital complex in Port-au-Prince to find their loved ones as doctors struggled to treat the injured.(HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images)

Page 54: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

A woman(C) cries after learning of the death of her brother at the General Hospital of Port-au-Prince on February 17, 2015, following an accident during celebrations of the National Carnival of Haiti. A high-voltage cable fell on a float during a Carnival parade in Port-au-Prince early Tuesday, killing at least 15 people as thousands watched, emergency officials said. Dozens more were injured in the accident, which occurred at around 2:48 am (0748 GMT) on the second day of Carnival, Communications Minister Rotchild Francois said in a statement. Family members besieged a main hospital complex in Port-au-Prince to find their loved ones as doctors struggled to treat the injured.(HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images)

Page 55: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

Families wait February 17, 2015 for word on loved ones at the General Hospital of Port-au-Prince after an accident during celebrations of the National Carnival of Haiti. A high-voltage cable fell on a float during a Carnival parade in Port-au-Prince early Tuesday, killing at least 15 people as thousands watched, emergency officials said. Dozens more were injured in the accident, which occurred at around 2:48 am (0748 GMT) on the second day of Carnival, Communications Minister Rotchild Francois said in a statement. Family members besieged a main hospital complex in Port-au-Prince to find their loved ones as doctors struggled to treat the injured. (HECTOR RETAMAL/AFP/Getty Images)

Page 56: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

PORT-AU-PRINCE (PIX11) — Carnival celebrations in Haiti’s capital turned to mourning after dozens were electrocuted atop a float. Nadia Lochard, a coordinator for the Department of Civil Protection, told NBC that there are at least 20 dead, and 46 injured. A float belonging to one band Barikad Crew traveled into the path of a low-hanging wire, and someone on the float reached up to push it out of the way, witnesses say. In a bright flash of light and sparks, panic ensued and float passengers tried jumping into the crowd, which caused even more injuries. The President of the small country offered his “sincerest condolences”:

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Page 58: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman

Though the festival traditionally lasts three days, many have called for it to be ended early. An announcement will come later Tuesday.

Page 59: 2015feb' Compiled Haiti Carnaval Accident and Vodou Leiderman At least 20 killed in Haiti after Carnival float hits low-hanging power line, officials say

A woman walks away from bodies after failing to find a missing family member among them outside the morgue at the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Tuesday, Feb. 17, 2015. At least 20 people were killed early Tuesday after a man on top of a musical group's Carnival float was electrocuted, setting off a panic in which dozens of people were trampled, witnesses and officials said. The woman said she would continue looking at a different hospital. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery) Associated Press Feb. 17, 2015 | 11:36 a.m. EST + More

By EVENS SANON, Associated Press

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — At least 20 people were killed early Tuesday in the Haitian capital after a man on top of a musical group's Carnival float was electrocuted, setting off a panic in which dozens of people were trampled, witnesses and officials said.

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The accident occurred as thousands of people filled the streets of downtown Port-au-Prince for the raucous annual celebration. Video from the scene shows sparks coursing from the wire after a singer from the Haitian hip-hop group Barikad Crew was touched by an overhead power line as the float passed beneath it. The wire appeared to have electrocuted several others as well.

There were conflicting reports on the number of casualties. Nadia Lochard, a coordinator for the Department of Civil Protection, said at least 20 people were killed and 46 were injured. Radio station Zenith-FM quoted a doctor as saying that the singer, known by the stage name Fantom, was expected to survive.

Dr. Joel Desire, a doctor at General Hospital, said most of those killed appeared to have been trampled to death as the crowd surged away from the Carnival float.

The Barikad Crew float was one of 16 in the downtown Carnival parade. Witnesses said panic ensued when people jumped off the float to avoid being electrocuted.

"I saw the wire falling and sparks and I started running for my life," said Natacha Saint Fleur, a 22-year-old who was near the float at the time.

A dazed Carlhenry Belan, who injured his foot in the stampede, said the crowd seemed to surge all at once. "I saw the spark and I saw people running so I did too," the 25-year-old said as he was being treated at the General Hospital, where many victims were taken.

Video from the scene shows Haitian ambulance crews racing through the crowds in the pre-dawn darkness with victims on stretchers. Hundreds of people crowded around the hospital, carrying victims or looking for information about family and friends amid a chaotic scene. Some men and women wailed as people were declared dead and the hospital's morgue soon overflowed.

Haitian officials were expected to announce later whether they would cancel Tuesday's third and final day of Carnival events. Communications Minister Rothchild Francis said the government was working to assist victims. First lady Sophia Martelly visited some of the injured but left the hospital without speaking to reporters.

It is a common practice in Haiti and elsewhere to have someone positioned atop a parade float to move low-hanging power lines. In Brazil, officials said three people were killed early Tuesday when they were electrocuted while standing atop a Carnival float that hit a power line on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

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