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Managing Director’s Report 4

International Commitment 6

Development Cooperation 8

Humanitarian Aid 9

Information and Awareness-Raising 10

Origin and Use of Funds 11

Balance Sheet 12

Statement of Operations 13

Expenditure International Programme 14

Partners and Networks 15



Published by Solidar Suisse - Swiss Labour Assistance Quellenstrasse 31, P.O. Box 2228 8031 Zurich / Switzerland Phone +41 (0)44 444 19 19 E-Mail: [email protected], PostFinance account no 80-188-1

Editorial office: Katja Schurter Translation: Margret Powell-Joss

Photo credits: p 1: Hamish John Applebyp 3: Solidar p 6: Solidar, Jürg Gasserp 7: Andreas Schwaiger, Solidar, Florência Muchemo, p 8: Vedat Xhymshiti p 9: Andrea Barrueto p 10: Tomas Nybergp 16: Jürg Gasser

On 1 January 2015, South Africa’s amended Labour Relations Act came into force. It states that temporary workers employed for longer than three months must have the same employment conditions and receive the same benefits as permanent employees. Solidar partner organisation, Casual Workers Advice Office (CWAO), has greatly contributed to this important piece of legis-lation reducing precarious employment conditions.

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families is sound. We have indeed brought sig-nificant humanitarian aid expertise to Lebanon.Proven concepts are not always best, however. Given the vast numbers of suffering people and how long the crisis has been going on, our con-tribution did not go far enough. Children and adolescents are growing up without access to education and training; a new generation will have few prospects – if any. The situation of these young people is highly alarming and its likely impact on society gives cause for grave concern. If a crisis of this magnitude is to be addressed and managed successfully, we urgently need innovative and more sustainable instruments. However, new approaches can only be devel-oped in cooperation with local innovators and partner organisations.

In 2015, Solidar explored and ventured into new territory without losing sight of more familiar ground. Wherever we are, whatever we do: we will stay true to our motto of 2015, which is to ‘Consolidate proven concepts – Embrace new challenges’.

projects for the 2015–2019 Strategy. Confer-ences like this strengthen us in our knowledge that – despite our many cultural and individual differences – we are all working together for social justice, democracy and human rights. Alongside ongoing project developments in 2015, these are some highlights in our joint efforts:• In Bolivia, the Swiss Agency for Develop-

ment and Cooperation (SDC) awarded us the mandate to implement an innovative four-year project on ‘Living without Vio-lence’ in several municipalities.

• We set up our China Coordination Office in Hong Kong, and teamed up with further experienced organisations. As we expand our China Programme, we must also re-member that China presents many politi-cal challenges and that NGOs must pro-ceed with the utmost care in order to avoid any risk to their staff members.

• We consistently called for the implementa-tion of sustainability criteria when award-ing and hosting World Cup events. Togeth-er with representatives of BWI, the Building and Wood Workers International, we visited construction sites in Qatar – and were shocked about the conditions we found. The shock will energise us to keep up the pressure on FIFA to assume responsibility.

The crisis in Lebanon – need for new approachesDuring a visit to Lebanon, I found that our hu-manitarian aid has reduced human suffering. Our approach of preventing social unrest by providing shelter and financial support both to Syrian refugees and to impoverished Lebanese



forms. To ensure its continued future impact, local authorities are not only actively involved, they also provide partial funding. In 2015 an external evaluation gave PADEM top marks.

Exploring new territory together Our successful programme in Bolivia is the result of years of experience in democratic participation. It rests on our conviction that raising people’s awareness of democratic pro-cesses and that their participation in shaping their own societies must begin at the local level. It can not be dictated from the top down. The programme emerged from an interaction of expertise, cultural rootedness, and the courageous exploration of new territory where, rather than rushing forward on familiar ground, we engage in a careful search for footprints. Solidar Suisse aims to raise awareness and mobilise new forces to improve the lives of those who are still disadvantaged. In terms of policy, much of our development work occurs on familiar ground, but we frequently venture into new territory, as well. Both approaches are justified: proven development concepts need to be upheld and developed as they often achieve the quickest results. Sometimes, however, we need to courageously embrace the new – even if the outcome is uncertain. Solidar Suisse is a ‘learning organisation’. We regularly evaluate our experiences in order to improve our strategies, integrating feedback to generate new approaches that will bring the greatest advantages to our beneficiaries.

Committed to Social Justice Our Country Representatives joined us for the Solidar Suisse Conference in June 2015 to dis-cuss, define and refine new priorities and

Esther Maurer Managing Director Solidar Suisse

Four young people – three girls and a boy – at-tend a regional youth meeting or feria in Yamparaez, Bolivia. They breathlessly explain to me how an unwanted pregnancy can be pre-vented, and how important this is for them to get a good start in life. I am amazed at their openness and lack of inhibition as their discus-sion of a fairly intimate topic crosses the gen-der boundary. I had similar experiences at thematic fairs or ferias in other Bolivian towns and cities. They are a mix of exhibition, festival and networking opportunity. School pupils of both sexes have set up stalls where they raise public awareness on issues they themselves deem important – violence against girls and women; teen preg-nancies; the social position of women; environ-mental protection or how to choose a career and find an apprenticeship. PADEM is a programme for participation and awareness-raising initiated by Solidar. It has been rolled out across the whole country and makes use of all available communication plat-

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Mozambique: Social Engagement through Sports Solidar has been supporting Clube de-sportivo in Chimoio. Its two mixed volleyball teams and a girls’ soccer team have not only been winning many trophies, they have also been sharing lots of knowledge with their peers. At school, in Chimoio’s slums and in surrounding villages, they talk about HIV/Aids, domestic


Project Countries

El Salvador: Alternatives for Young PeopleIn 2015, on average, 18 murders were committed each day in El Salvador, which acquired the sorry distinction of having one of the world‘s highest homicide rates. Most victims are young men from poor families. Lacking prospects, they rush into the arms of the ‚Maras‘, criminal street gangs that engage in racketeering and drug trafficking. Solidar has provided support to youth groups that do not form part of the gangs. To-gether with our local partners, they engage in edu-cation for the prevention of violence, organise cul-tural events and draw up proposals on local youth policies. Our project also supports employment services that carry out surveys of the private sec-tor to identify training requirements for young peo-ple and to provide further education. Nearly one thousand young people were involved in 2015.


South Africa






El Salvador

Burkina Faso



Sri Lanka



Philippines: Storm-resistant Rebuilding On Panay Island, Solidar Suisse has been supporting people affected by Typhoon Haiyan, known as Super Typhoon Yolanda in the Philippines, which struck the Philippines in 2013. By the end of 2015, we had supplied construction materials to 765 poor families whose homes had been completely de-

stroyed. Our experts guided the population through the construction of storm-resistant hou-ses. Moreover, the owners of 1,050 unsafe and damaged homes were involved in repairs that increased their durability and storm resistance. 140 local tradespeople were trained in disaster-resistant construction methods. Another 1,000 tradespeople involved in the construction of storm-resistant houses received on-the-job trai-ning on how to carry out storm-resistant repairs in the event of damage occurring in a future storm.

young people were able to generate income for their families and now have far better prospects. Eventu-ally, the new site is to employ fifty workers. The Solidar and Tos Lanka Co. Pvt. Ltd. joint project is a great boon to Mullaitivu, where youth unemployment is currently at sixty percent.

violence, prevention of teenage pregnancies and the right to education, particularly for girls. They also address issues such as drugs and healthy food. ’We want young people to reflect on their behaviour,’ 23-year-old Felizarda explains, ’because unprotected sex leads to unwanted pregnancies and girls dropping out of school. Schools need to talk more openly about sex. We use sports to try and reach out to our peers and to discuss these issues with them. It works pretty well.’

Sri Lanka: Cooperating with the Private Sector In Sri Lanka, Solidar Suisse initiated a joint proj-ect with Tos Lanka Co. Pvt. Ltd., a Japanese high-tech company. The goal is to create jobs in the Mullaitivu region, which was severely dam-aged in the civil war. Solidar not only supported the company in its search for a second produc-tion site; it also took charge of logistics and was involved in the selection of jobless young people who would be trained and employed by Tos Lanka. By the end of 2015, more than a dozen

Burkina Faso: Apprenticeships and CoachingThe population of Burkina Faso is among the world’s youngest – the me-dian age is 17 years (42 in Switzerland) and over 60 percent of the population are below the age of twenty. But they have slim chances of em-ployment. Youth unemployment in rural areas has reached 75 percent. One cause is the lack of basic education and vocational training. As their job prospects are minimal, children are drawn into the same vicious cycle of extreme poverty as their parents. Solidar works with local partners and the government to provide schoo-ling, training and work experience to young peo-ple. Improving their own situation – and that of their families – 420 finished their basic educa-tion, 81 completed an apprenticeship, and an-other 40 absolved an internship or coaching.


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EMERGENCY RELIEF & RECONSTRUCTION‚2015 was a dreadful year for Nepal.‘ It is a statement people keep repeating. The devas-tating earthquake on 25 April claimed thousands of lives and brought large-scale de-struction. It was followed by political unrest, and the subsequent unofficial blockade im- posed by India, related to long-standing border disputes, which has severely affected the land-locked country‘s recovery. Late in July, Solidar Suisse completed the most urgent provision of emergency relief and re-construction work began in August. From the start – in order to maximise the impact of our support on those in need – we engaged close-ly with Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation, com-bining our humanitarian aid expertise and Helvetas‘ experience in Nepal.

Access to drinking water and rebuilding homesIn eight rural communities in Sindhupalchok District, we provided drinking water to over three thousand homes, and are building one thousand new homes. Several projects in the pipeline will improve economic sustainability. While existing infrastructure will be restored,

the focus will also lie on improved earthquake resilience by providing education and training in earthquake-resistant construction tech-niques. Theoretical knowledge and practical skills will be taught in eight-month-long training modules, in the course of which destroyed homes will be rebuilt, and participants will ac-quire improved craft skills. As young people are the main target population for these modules, the younger generation will not only stand on sounder economic ground, they will also be able to pass on their skills to their children.

Improving women’s livesWe also promote a fairer distribution of gender roles, because women and girls still bear the greatest burden of housework – cooking, fetching water, gathering animal feed, etc. Other projects in the pipeline will bring general health improvements, especially to young wom-en. Toilet and washroom buildings reduce the risk of sexual assaults. Kitchen stoves fitted with chimneys can prevent lung disease. Easily accessible water taps will cut short women‘s long and arduous trips to fetch water, leaving more time for social activities.


‚There was no guidance available for young people about to choose a career. The new les-sons constitute a quantum leap.‘ Mahir Elezai is one of 25 Kosovan elementary school teachers who received training supported by Solidar, and have since introduced Vocational Advice and Career Guidance as a voluntary subject at their schools. For the past six years, Solidar Suisse has pro-vided support to initiatives in Kosovo, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina that support young people entering the workforce. Solidar Suisse has worked very closely with five local partner organisations. Alongside classic vocational advice and career guidance provided by school teachers and job counsellors, we have also promoted career bro-chures, online platforms, job fairs and work placements. Vocational students can now at-tend job entry courses, and pass their new knowledge on to fellow students. In 2015, ten

thousand young people benefitted from career guidance and job entry support. Solidar Suisse and its partner organisations have been doing everything to keep these proj-ects going. From the start, therefore, schools, vocational colleges, ministries of education and – in particular – employers have been involved. Some success stories: the project has brought closer collaboration between the catering busi-nesses in Peja and the local tourism school, whose students now benefit from newly- cre-ated internships. Elsewhere, the Banja Luka, Zenica und Bijeljina job fairs are now being largely funded by companies and the public sector.The inclusion of Vocational Advice and Career Guidance in school curricula, and the fact that our partner organisations have been able to contribute their expertise to the drafting of na-tional and regional educational strategies are further direct results of our commitment.

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Many times in the past, FIFA and its World Cups have been the cause of intolerable condi-tions. Solidar campaigns in South Africa and in Brazil managed to improve the situation of sta-dium workers and street vendors. During the FIFA Congress in May 2015, a graveyard illus-trated the dreadful labour conditions imposed on construction workers in Qatar, the host of the 2022 World Cup. Solidar Suisse also raised the alarm about the situation in Russia, where the 2018 World Cup will be held – again prepa-rations have gone hand-in-hand with serious human rights violations. In talks with Solidar Suisse, FIFA has indicated that it is willing to listen and to rethink its poli-cies in terms of human and labour rights. It re-mains to be seen how serious the organisation is. Solidar has therefore created a Sustainabil-ity Codex designed to encourage FIFA to insist on strict social criteria when it comes to select-ing the next World Cup host country. The codex has been signed by 11,000 individuals; it will be handed over to the new FIFA president in 2016. In December 2015, FIFA presidential candi-dates received 2,000 e-mails calling on them to take a clear stand for human rights, and to push for FIFA reforms in this area.

Fair Toys and Sustainable ProcurementLabour conditions were at the centre of the toy campaign. One out of two toys under Swiss Christmas trees was made in China. A study by China Labor Watch has shown that toy produc-tion conditions are exploitative. Six days a week, they are forced to toil for up to eleven hours a day to earn enough overtime pay to survive. Many workers also have to handle hazardous chemicals without adequate protection. 6,000 individuals joined our appeal demanding that the Swiss Toy Association (SVS) insist on fair labour conditions. They responded quickly, welcoming the Solidar demands and establish-ing contact with the International Council of Toy Industries, ICTI. The aim is to define bind-ing international minimum standards for work-ers in toy factories, including the living wage.

Against Climate ChangePeople in our project countries continue to be severely affected by climate change as they are having to deal with the devastation caused by floods and droughts. In the run-up to the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference in Paris, Solidar Suisse campaigned for effective poli-cies to mitigate climate-change.


Use of funds

81,0% International programme

9,3% Fundraising

4,4% Swiss programme

5,3% Administration costs

Origin of funds

Origin and use of funds

1,5% Other operating income

1,7% Members & supporters

6,2% Various organisations

17,7% Swiss Solidarity19,2% Donations & legacies

39,8% Swiss Confederation 2,1% Foreign authorities

11,8% Cantons, munici- palities & institutions

A girl hesitates to stab into the balloon: In self-assertion trainings girls and young women

in Nicaragua learn to defend themselves.

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31 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014 ASSETS CHF CHF Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 8,241,564 9,561,754 Accounts receivable on deliveries and services 66,310 146,213 Other short-term accounts receivable 681,111 73,682 Net assets in programme countries 490,007 460,960 Accrued income and pre-paid expenses 929,400 439,711 Total 10,408,391 10,682,321

Fixed assets Financial assets 150,641 146,313 Tangible fixed assets 329,830 334,793 Real estate property 2,617,046 2,663,678 Total 3,097,516 3,144,784

TOTAL ASSETS 13,505,908 13,827,104

31 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014 LIABILITIES CHF CHF Short-term liabilities Liabilities on deliveries and services 601,135 301,997 Other short-term liabilities 198,637 243,651 Pre-payments 2,602,178 3,812,248 Accrued expenses and deferred income 123,080 145,947 Total 3,525,029 4,503,843

Long-term liabilities Long-term interest-bearing liabilities (mortgages) 2,000,000 2,000,000 Total 2,000,000 2,000,000

Fund capital 4,590,522 4,189,028

Capital of the organisation Paid-up capital 100,000 100,000 Restricted capital - Foreign-exchange offset reserve 199,411 201,916 - Real estate renovation reserve 947,741 906,485 - Collective agreement (CLA) reserve 60,000 60,000 Unrestricted capital 2,082,030 1,865,833 Solidar Genève unrestricted capital 1,175 Total 3,390,357 3,134,234

TOTAL LIABILITIES 13,505,908 13,827,104


31 Dec 2015 31 Dec 2014 Income from donations CHF CHF Unrestricted donations and legacies 3,276,718 3,182,001 Restricted donations and legacies 1,272,650 610,723 Project contributions 2,166,256 1,511,837 Project contributions, Liechtenstein Development Service LED 640,000 800,000 Membership fees and supporter contributions 412,435 298,567 Total 7,768,059 6,403,128

Income from service provided Swiss Federal funding 9,438,118 8,102,352 Foreign authorities’ funding 502,612 900,287 Funding from various organisations 5,662,822 4,390,495 Total 15,603,552 13,393,135

Other operating income 351,614 452,178

TOTAL OPERATIONAL INCOME 23,723,225 20,248,441

International programme Latin America 6,245,300 5,764,550 Africa 2,956,167 3,208,536 South-eastern Europe and Middle East 2,534,186 2,756,807 Asia 5,486,018 2,724,345 Programme coordination and support 1,685,957 1,538,444 Total 18,907,629 15,992,682

Swiss programme – Information and awareness raising 1,018,363 924,443

Head Office Administration costs 1,252,314 1,229,416 Fundraising and advertising 2,165,807 1,844,486 Total 3,418,121 3,073,902


Operating result 379,112 257,414

Financial result 62,985 90,814

Real estate property result 215,521 225,820


Movements in funds -401,494 -250,247

Allocations -1,829,433 -876,190

Use 1,427,939 625,944


Allocations To unrestricted capital -217,371 -195,830 To restricted capital - Foreign-exchange offset reserve 2,505 -86,715 - Real estate renovation reserve -41,257 -41,257



For the full Annual Financial Statement 2015, including the auditors' report in compliance with SWISS GAAP FER, please visit:

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The European Union as a whole is the world’s biggest donor of humanitarian aid, which is co-ordinated by the European

Community Humanitarian Office ECHO. Solidar has been official ECHO partner since 2007.

The Swiss Federation of Trade Unions SGB and the Social Democratic Party of Swit-zerland SP are partners of Solidar Suisse. In 1936 they created Swiss Labour Assist-

ance SLA/SAH, which in 2011 became Solidar Suisse.

SOLIDAR brings together 60 NGOs with the shared

values of solidarity, equality and participation. Solidar Suisse is a member of this European network created to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide, primarily in the fields of education, humanitarian aid, social affairs and international cooperation.

The Humanitarian Aid Department of the Swiss

Agency for Development and Coopera-tion (SDC) aims to save lives and alleviate suffering. Solidar Suisse receives financial support as a partner in humanitarian aid and international cooperation. The core domains of intervention are prevention, emergency aid and survival assistance, and reconstruction.

Solidar Suisse is a member of Swiss Solidarity, the Swiss media’s humanitarian aid fund-

raising platform. Swiss Solidarity supports many humanitarian aid projects of Solidar.

The Principality of Liech-ten-stein’s official develop-ment cooperation agency

Liechtenstein Development Service LED is a Solidar Suisse partner in the Burkina Faso programme.

In its humanitarian aid pro-gramme for Syrian refugees

in Lebanon, Solidar Suisse is implementation partner of UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.

Partners and Networks

Since 1947 Solidar/SLA has enjoyed the approval of the ZEWO label. The label stands for: • appropriate, economic and effective use of donations • transparent information and meaningful accounting • independent and appropriate control structures • honest communication and fair fundraising

Expenditure International programme 2015 2014 by area and country CHF % CHF % HUMANITARIAN AID 6,124,505 36% 4,280,268 30%

Latin America 92,456 1% • El Salvador 92,456 1% Africa 57,597 0% • Burkina Faso 57,597 0% South-eastern Europe and Middle East 1,692,388 10% 1,988,438 14% • Serbia 23,876 0% • Kosovo / Bosnia-Herzegovina 118,565 1% 69,516 0% • Syria / Lebanon 1,573,823 9% 1,895,046 13% Asia 4,432,117 26% 2,141,778 15% • Sri Lanka 885,576 5% 800,776 6% • Pakistan 826,325 5% 468,912 3% • Philippines 1,873,372 11% 872,090 6% • Nepal 846,845 5%

DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION 11,097,166 64% 10,173,970 70%

Latin America 6,245,300 36% 5,672,094 39% • Nicaragua 864,130 5% 848,902 6% • El Salvador 651,617 4% 605,415 4% • Bolivia 4,729,553 27% 4,217,778 29% Africa 2,956,167 17% 3,150,939 22% • Southern Africa 1,099,492 6% 975,312 7% • Burkina Faso 1,856,675 11% 2,175,628 15% South-eastern Europe 841,798 5% 768,369 5% • Romania 125,612 1% 10,531 0% • Serbia 318,512 2% 313,524 2% • Kosovo / Bosnia-Herzegovina 362,943 2% 403,436 3% • Bulgaria 34,731 0% 40,879 0% Asia 1,053,901 6% 582,567 4% • China 259,986 2% 259,740 2% • Sri Lanka 425,663 2% 179,840 1% • Pakistan 368,252 2% 142,987 1%

TOTAL 17,221,671 100% 14,454,238 100%


Expenditure by Area and Country (x CHF 1,000)


FasoChina El Salvador Nepal Nicaragua Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka

Southern Africa

South-eastern Europe

Syria/ Lebanon


Decent work 327 1’045 260 262 609 368 426 300 842 4’439

Participation & Democracy 4’403 96 390 255 799 5’943

Education bilingue 715 715

Humanitarian Aid 847 826 1’873 886 119 1’574 6’125

Total 4’730 1’857 260 652 847 864 1’195 1’873 1’311 1’099 960 1’574 17’222

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Quellenstrasse 31, P.O. Box 2228 8031 Zurich / Switzerland Phone +41 (0)44 444 19 19 E-Mail: [email protected],
