
I find it convenient to pray these couple of days because of the problems I am facing with school. The struggles that have brought me down to my knees and tears are very depressing because it seems that I am in a very lonely path, unable to fully express myself to the people around me.

Academic performance has never been my strong suit, but as I was able to experience a fruitful Physics class back when I was a senior in Xavier school, I was surprised as to how rewarding a field would be especially when its jargons felt natural in your mind that everything just made sense.

I am now in the middle of storm named Medical School. I hate it but at the same time I love it. I can explain more than this because Id just be rambling on. I would just like to point out that I want the title along with all the glamorous expectations which comes with it. I know that I was not naturally built to become one but I am crawling through the training grounds to reach that bare minimum.

I suck at studying but I thrive in struggling. I may not be part of the norm where excellence is the goal, but I know that my passion is in the right place but as of this moment, inspiration has been scarce. I want to be a doctor for my family, but the concept is just too abstract in my head as of the moment. I want to be better in my academic performance but I think swallowing my pride would be the ultimate sacrifice for this chapter in my life.

Thank you Lord for this Day. :)Crossfit this afternoon, hopefully nobody gets injured and everybody goes home with big smiles.
