
2015 Membership Dues for

New and Rejoining Members

Thank you for your interest in joining the Club Managers Association of America (CMAA) and the Florida Club Managers Association of America (FLCMAA). Membership in the Association is open to individuals who are currently in management positions at membership-based clubs. The benefits associated with membership include professional development opportunities, networking with thousands of club professionals around the world, cutting edge research and benchmarking studies, certification, career services and more. We invite you to join CMAA and the Florida Chapter and take the next step towards your future professional success. Application Process Prospective members must complete a CMAA Membership application and submit along with two dues checks to the Florida Chapter Office. Application starts with the Florida Chapter – please do not submit your application to the National Association. Membership Dues CMAA extends discounted membership rates to new and rejoining members of the Association. Please submit two checks - one check payable to the Club Managers Association of America and a second check made payable to the Florida Chapter when submitting your completed membership application. FLCMAA membership dues include participation in the required Florida Education Club.

CMAA National Florida Chapter Professional Members 1st Year of Membership $500 ($250 as of April 1) $475* 2nd Year of Membership $650 Prevailing Dues Rate 3rd Year of Membership Prevailing Dues Rate Prevailing Dues Rate *Includes Florida Education Club Dues (FEC) Florida Education Club (FEC) The Florida Chapter dues include a required pre-paid admission to the Florida Education Club (FEC), which covers registration for all regular regional Business & Educational meetings for the year. It does not include CMI Workshops, Summer Conferences, or social events. The purpose of the FEC is to enable the Chapter to maximize its ability to offer premier-quality education.

Alumnus Members Current and former Student members of CMAA now holding a management position at a club may be eligible for Alumnus status. Membership dues for this membership category are $425 for the first year of National dues and $328.75 for Florida Chapter dues including required Florida Education Club (FEC). Please contact CMAA at (703) 739-9500 for more details. Multiple Club Members The 3rd (or more) CMAA member from a club may pay FLCMAA’s multi-member discount. The reduced rates apply only if the 1st and 2nd members from the same club have fully paid their 2014 dues. The 3rd member from the same club is eligible for a discounted Florida Chapter dues rate of $356.25. This includes participation in the required Florida Education Club (FEC.

 Mail  Application  and  Checks  to  :  FLCMAAA  -­‐  3330  Fairchild  Garden  Avenue,  P.O.  Box  33135,  West  Palm  Beach,  FL  33420  


Please  contact  the  Florida  Chapter  Office  at  (561)  691-­‐6849  or  [email protected]  for  additional  information.  Thank  you  for  your  interest  in  FLCMAA!  
