





N F18 C


S 2013

Best results 2013

Hi There,

The NACRA INFUSION was designed in 2005 and launched in January 2006. Quite some time ago.

In the years that we have been building and supplying the Nacra Infusion together with our dealers and distributors we have been changing/altering this boat slightly to keep this on top of our competition.

For 2011 we launched the MK2, which has been selling in big numbers all over the world to F18 teams and other sailing enthusiasts. Now we are almost entering 2014 and the Infusion still stands strong. It has won major regatta’s this year when the boat was sailed by the world’s best sailors but the Nacra Infusion is also recognized by the amateurs as the boat to have, when you want to improve their racing skills. One of the biggest selling points of this particular type of Nacra is that it is simple to go fast against other boats!

For 2014 we present you the 2014 model, with again, many improvements which allows sailors to improve themselves again. All within the NACRA philosophy: EMPOWERING SAILORS SINCE 1975

We have made a sum up of the biggest and most “bad ass” improvements to propel the Nacra Infusion even more into the future. We do hope that these improvements will help you sell more of these beauties so that we continue to grow our �eets.

All boats delivered from now have all the re�nements mentioned and will hopefully make your lives as distributor or dealer easier when the boats are assembled and going together easy at deliveries.

Hope to hear from you guys soon,

Kind regards,Gunnar LarsenCommercial Director NACRA SAILING INTERNATIONAL.

Best results 2013

• 1st place EUROCAT F18 Class, Carnac ( France)• 1st place F18 World Championships 2013, Grossetto, (Italy)• 1st place F18 Americas Championships 2013, Sarasota, (USA)• 1st place UK F18 nationals 2013, (Great Britain)• 1st place Raid Emeraude, (France)• 1st place Israel open championships 2013, Sdot Yam, (Israel)• 1st place TANZACAT, Dar es Salaam, (Tanzania)• 1st place Hungarian nationals, Lake Balaton, (Hungary)• Many other smaller championships & club races

2014 all new Infusion mainsail & Jib

2014 Infusion mainsail:

*New panel lay out*Improved load distribution*Higher end speed potential*Distinctive looks

2014 Infusion spinaker:

*All new panel lay out* lighter and more precise on sheet*Higher potentail end speed down wind and reaching*Less drag and more automated twist for better all over performance*All seams taped & stitched for longlife lasting performance* Lu� & leech lines adjustable to own preferences* Three patcher for light retrieving

New 2014 Spinaker

The rudder box is completely revised & renewed. The goal here was to give a more precise feel for steering, taking play out of the combination upper and lower castings. The new casting can be recognized by the Nacra racing logo wich is embedded.

On the inside of these casting it is now possible to replace a small delrinplate when neccesary if play is increasing to take this out again.

A higher quality “die cast”alloy used so these castings are sti�er andstronger than ever before.

New lower and uppercasting

To increase surface area on the transom of the Nacra Infusion we have gone over to new rudder gudeons which are made of stronger steel, bigger in area and di�erently welded.

On the left the previous onesOn the right side the new types.

Of course these pins go together with the new castings better as well.

Bigger Rudder Gudegeons

The all new greay mesh trampoline with black hikingstraps and the option of having black outkickers. The grey �bers are slightly thickerand will make a more sti� tramp eventually after tightening it up.

All racing tramps can be tightened from three sides to create an as tightas possible e�ect for race crews.

The grey matches the EVA PRo grip decks of the hulls which gives a nice transistion.

* trampoline outkickers are an option

New Grey Mesh Trampoline

The Smart clue enables the crew to adjust the sheeting angle of the jib toa more up or down position. With these options you can alter the twist atthe back of the jib.

The beauty of the Performance sails smart clew is that crews do not haveundo the small shackle on the water so the risks of dropping and lossing your shackle is gone.

Another unique innovation of Performance Sails & Nacra

Smart clew jib

The connector between the tiller bar and tiller arm has been renewed.All new boats delivered have a new compound made rubber with a piece of nylon string in there. So, when the time has come to replace it, the crewis able to bring the race to a good end and sail this home.

New decals can be found at the foot of the mainsail and on the outside ofboth hulls. Instead of Nacra , sports and fun catamarans it now loudly screams: NACRA F18 Infusion.

General improvements

The terminals at the top end of the side and forestays have been replaced by an Stainless steel eyedrop terminal instead of the conventional swagesused for many years. These new ones have more room to move at themast hound and cause less damage. They also stretch less after �rst time usage.

A new selftacker bridge + integrated rail has been implemented. The jib railcould not be a more perfect bow as it should be now. It has become slightly lighter as less material is used. Just one other improvement made.

General improvements

The rudder adjustment screw has been modi�ed and renewed as well.IT now comes with a bushing pressed inside which is eaxctly the size ofthe gudeon pin. The same bushing is pressed into the lower casting to avoidany play. Also the steel has been upgraded to a stronger kind.

For the record, left is new and right is old

General improvements

A revised and renewed halyard hook system that is riveted and gluedonto the masts. The new one is more precise with hooking and less depending on the way of hooking or the need to have your halyard hook in a particular way. The actual pin is thicker as well to take the high loadsbetter.Left is new, right is older model

General improvements
