

2008 Annual ReportOur Purpose Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2

Our Foundational Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Sr . Pastor’s Annual Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Executive Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Worship Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Counseling and Visitation Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Young Adult Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

High School Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Junior High Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Children’s Ministries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Elder’s Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Deacon’s Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

Deaconess Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

Men’s Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

Women’s Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Missions Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Mission Giving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19

Benevolent Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

His Image Summer Day Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Rincon Valley Christian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Private Satellite Program (PSP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Church Clerk Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

SRBC Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

RVCS Finacnial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Ballot - 2008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Our Purpose StatementSanta Rosa Bible Church exists to lift up the Lord by living out the Word,

loving one another and leading others to Christ.

Our Foundational ValuesExalting the Living God•

through enthusiastic and authentic worship (i.e. prayer, ordinances: communion, bap-•tism, singing) Psalm 99:5,9; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Ephesians 1:6,12,14; Colossians 3:17

Examining the Word of God• through expositional preaching and teaching - Nehemiah 8:8; Acts 17:11, 2 Timothy •2:15; 3:16-17; 4:2

Extending the Love of God•through local and worldwide evangelism - Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians •5:18-20; Revelation 5:9-10

Equipping the People of God•through the application of God’s Word - Ephesians 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; James 1:22•

Encouraging the Family of God•though loving and serving relationships - John 13:34-35; Romans 12:10; Philippians •2:1-5; 1 Peter 1:22; 1 John 3:18

Enhancing the Reputation of God•through personal holiness and faithful stewardship - Matthew 5:16; 1 Corinthians 4:2; •2 Corinthinas 5:9; 1 Peter 1:15-16; 2:12


Sr . Pastor’s Annual ReportI remember my father saying to me many years ago that the older I became the faster the days would fly by. The in-triguing thing is time never moves fast or slow, it is always consistent. It just seems to move at a certain pace. As I write this it has been a year since I left on my sabbatical. It was a needed time away and refreshed my body, mind, and spirit. Once again I thank you for your granting me the time off and for your prayers while away.

Since my return in March in many ways 2008 was a challenging year. The economy, changes in leadership at the school, Sunday service time changes, and others. But as always the Lord didn’t change and saw us through each transi-tion. As the Apostle said God is faithful.

We thank the Lord for His gracious and abundant provision for the church. He has provided the means to carry on the ministry, a great staff, terrific volunteers, and a board of Godly men.

Our God given purpose remains our objective, to exalt the Lord by evangelizing the lost and edifying the saved. We remain committed to the consistent expositional preaching of the scriptures from the pulpit and its teaching in all our classes. Our goal is to be accurate to the text and relevant to the life.

We are anticipating, as the Lord leads and provides, adding a new pastor to our staff, a Hispanic Ministries Pastor. East Santa Rosa’s Hispanic population is growing. Currently there are no evangelical works located in East Santa Rosa. It is our prayer that we will see this ministry come online in the first quarter of this year. May He use us to make inroads into this community for the glory of God.

Through the year I have continued to be involved with BMW as a board member and have spoken at numerous re-treats and conferences. Thank you for giving me the time to do so.

On a personal note Lorri and I are rejoicing at the arrival of our first grandchild, Lily Grace Bauer, Andy and Jen’s daughter. She has brought us great blessing and joy. Seriously I can’t get enough of her!

More could be said but this will suffice for now. May the Lord continue to use SRBC for His glory in Santa Rosa in 2009.

Respectfully Submitted,Pastor ChrisSr. Pastor


Executive PastorI am thankful that we serve a God who is described as a Rock, a Fortress, and a Refuge. These metaphors of our Lord were especially helpful reminders of God’s stability in 2008 when I was asked to be the point person while Pastor Chris was able to take his much deserved Sabbatical in the first two months of the year. God stirred up our leadership to a new level of awareness of their responsibility for the Church and Her shepherds and sheep. The descriptions of God were also helpful reminders of His stability in a time of change, as the Board asked me to fill in as an Interim Principal with our school. God is always good, and I am confident in His care for His children. I have been grateful for your prayers for wisdom and strength and have been encouraged to...

“...know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son…”.

Grateful to being transformed by Him,Pastor Brent


Worship & Missions MinistriesSave us, O Lord our God, And gather us from among the nations, To give thanks to Your holy name and glory in Your praise.

– Psalm 106:47

It is God’s desire that ALL come to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. As I continue to serve at Santa Rosa Bible Church in the role of Pastor of Worship and Missions I am constantly reminded of how closely those two minis-tries are intertwined. There will be a day when all who trusted Christ will gather with the angelic hosts and worship as with one voice the Lord and Savior. It will be people from every tribe and nation on earth. God’s heart for the world and love of worshippers will be combined in perfection for eternity.

Here on earth they are linked as well. My experience is that a Christian’s worship is never better than when he has seen and experienced God’s amazing work in a different cultural setting. I pray that as we worship here at Santa Rosa Bible Church we will continue to support, encourage and be involved in the type of global outreach that will take the Good News to every nation.

Worship MinistriesI am excited to report that in 2008, the worship ministry continued to grow in several ways. The Voice of Praise choir was larger this Christmas than it has been since I joined this ministry over five years ago. We also saw amazing growth in the Praise Kids ministry. Over 60 children came together in a very special performance of Handel’s Messiah in December. That is almost double what we had ever seen in the children’s choir.

I was also pleased to add seven new High School students to the Sunday Morning worship ministry. I am continu-ally encouraged to see how interested our students are in being involved in the Worship Ministry. It has been very invigorating to me personally to see that kind of growth, because that indicates that God’s work is in good hands in the future at the church.

Mission Ministries2008 brought some excitement as we had two different groups travel to Hong Kong with the Bible League to partici-pate in a courier ministry – carrying God’s precious Word across the border into Mainland China. Both groups truly saw God’s hand work, not only in the “donkey work” we did, but also in our individual lives. Scott and Loralee Wel-lington were so blessed by their participation that they went a second time a few months later.

Lori and I also had the great privilege of carrying your love and encouragement to one of our own missionary families who had experienced a difficult time this year. Daniel and Nellie De La Fuente (church planters in Buenos Aires, Ar-gentina) had several ministry set backs this year and we were able to go and give them a tangible reminder that we care for them and the work they are doing. It was truly a blessing to be able to be God’s messenger in that very special way.

Submitted by, Stan WillisWorship and Missions Pastor


Visitation Ministry“Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God in all my remembrance of you.”

Phil. 1:2 -3

I have many happy memories of Santa Rosa and Santa Rosa Bible Church, and I can reflect Paul’s sentiment expressed above. Thank you for allowing us to visit with people in the hospital or at their homes, sharing God’s word and pray-ing with them. I have precious memories of these times and I thank the Lord for the fellowship with our Lord, and with people who had special needs.

I am sure that God will continue to use this ministry in His desire to give comfort and encouragement to people who have special needs.

I miss the opportunities I had to share with you as we sought to be of help to others. I am sure that you are still anxious to continue this ministry, and that you are doing so.

Your brother in Christ,JL Garland

Santa Rosa Bible Church visitation ministry lost a great leader when Pastor Garland moved to Oregon this past June. He is greatly missed by the people he visited, prayed with, cared about and encouraged during his time of ministry here.

We are endeavoring to continue this important ministry by setting up teams to visit the shut-ins, those in the hospital, and those in nursing or care homes. We want to minister to them and their families and be an encouragement to them. We especially want to comfort them with the Word and pray with them and for them.

Your brother in Christ,Wayne Kuhner


Young Adult Ministries Report2008 Became a great year of growth and stability for our young adult ministries. Currently the Young Adult Ministries has two facets to it, our college ministry (18-23 years old) and our young adult ministry (23+). Here is where we saw God build and strengthen us as a ministry in 2008.

College Ministry - AscendIdentity - Our college ministry took a new identity this year based around Psalm 24. We want to be the generation that seeks the face of God in the way we live our lives. From that theme we found new ways to grow together and to have an impact in the world in which we live. In June the group we renamed and renewed as we had over 20 students graduate from high school and move into the college ministry. Our group took on a new size and life.

Fellowship - One of our goals for the year was to establish strong, healthy relationships with the college ministry and through opening our home and having many social events we found those relationships to be built and strengthened.

Impact - In September we got back onto the Junior College campus and kicked off a Tuesday evening gathering for col-lege students focused on presenting the truth and practice of the Christian life. Our series on the person and work of Jesus was well accepted and we saw student grow in their faith and come to faith.

Also in March of last year we took a team of 8 college students to China who had an impact in missions on the church by couriering the Scriptures into that closed country.

We praise God for what he did in our college ministry in 2008.

Young Adult Ministry - CompassCompass saw growth and stability in what God did in our hearts this last year. First of all the group grew together as we studied Scripture and the doctrine of God together in the Spring, and then were challenged regarding our attitudes through a study on them this summer. Our fall study launched us into a survey and discovery of the book of Isaiah and blessed us in great ways. Steve DeOrnellas has faithfully taught on Sunday mornings through the books of Revelation and 1 Corinthians.

Secondly we saw Christ save sinners in and through individuals in Compass. It was exciting to see several come to faith in Christ and we pray for more again this next year!

I am excited about what God is doing in the Young Adult Ministries and look for Him to continue to bless and grow and strengthen His church and these ministries in the year to come.

In His Strength,Jeremy WritebolYoung Adult Ministries Pastor


Senior High ReportFriends of God,Another year is here and gone! Generally we look at a New Year with anticipation and a time to change things, a new start, a time to look to the future. But I think that it is not only a good time to look forward but is also a good time to look back; to remember how God has been faithful!

As a high school group a lot has changed for us and a lot of things have happened; I’ll just reflect on a few…1. Mexico 2008 – God saved about 15-20 people2. We Had a Great Summer -Beach Shindigs – Fellowship & Outreach -Battle of the Sexes - Outreach -Wednesdays @ the Roses (Evangelism Training – Way of the Master) -The Summer Challenge (Read Whole OT) – Growing In Our Understanding of God -Senior Sister Sleepover – Fellowship3. 15 Seniors Graduated – Many of Whom Are Serving God In New Areas4. About 30 Freshman Came In 5. 2 New High School Clubs -Maria Carrillo High School -Santa Rosa High School6. New Youth Sponsors For Every Class (Eiks, Navarros, McAllister’s, Rose’s) 7. Jodi Hartman Moved Away – Jodi (Serving In Missions)8. Steve Mares Moved Away & Now Is Back– Steve (Served In Ukiah Youth Ministries) 9. Joe Dolan Joined Us – Joe (Serving In Worship Team)10. Marcus Freeman Joined Us – Marcus (Also Serving In Worship & Bible Studies)

It’s good to be reminded of how good and faithful God is!

Currently the High School Group is studying through Paul’s epistles on Sunday and the Life of Christ on Sunday nights. On Wednesdays we are going through Robert Coleman’s “The Master Plan of Evangelism” and “Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life” on Thursday morning with the guys and girls discipleship groups. Also, we are currently preparing for our Mexico Missions trip. This year we will bring a ministry that last’s beyond us. What I mean by that is that we are going to start Bible Studies for the children, youth, and adults that will continue for about three months after we’re gone. One of my greatest blessings of the year was about a month ago when I went down to Mexico and had a chance to give a man who gave his life to Christ last year his first Bible. For the last three months he has been going to a “Christian Church” as he put it. Praise the Lord for that!!!

Your Co-laborer In Christ,OJ


Junior High ReportAs I sit here writing this report, it is hard for me to believe that 2008 has passed and we are already in 2009. Once again God has been so gracious in many different ways over the past year. From the adoption of our newborn daughter Grace (The Gracie-Train) to seeing students grow in their love for Christ it has been an exciting year. While it is difficult to write down everything that has happened over the last year, let me just give you a few praises & some things that you as our church family can be praying about.

Praises: This past June, eight 8th grade students graduated from Passage, our weekly Systematic Theology class. It was great to see these students take 32 weeks & study God’s Word & grow in their knowledge of God & their love for Him. From there our summer began with a new batch of 7th graders & one of our first events was summer camp @ Mt. Gilead. The highlight of camp was seeing one of our students trust in Christ. This was encouraging for the Junior High group to see God changing the heart of one of their peers. We then spent the summer @ the Longhetto’s where each week we heard testimonies from our pastors & some of the men of our church. This was a great way for the students to get to know their leaders as well as to see how God uniquely worked in each of their lives. In this report last year, one of the prayer requests was that God would open up a door for us to have a Christian Club @ Slater Middle School. This past fall, by God’s grace we had our first Christian Club @ Slater where 12 students attended! We also have Clubs @ Rincon Valley Middle School & Comstock Middle School. It has been so encouraging to be on our public school campuses sharing the Gospel & ministering to the believers who are there! For the second year in a row we got to be a part of the Thanksgiving Eve Service Project. Our group manned a bounce house with the HS students all day on for the Redwood Gospel Mis-sion at the Fairgrounds. It was exciting to see our students serving Christ by serving our community. A huge praise has been our sponsors that God has blessed us with. We have a Godly group of men & women that are dedicated to making ignite a place where our students can grow in their love for Christ as well as for each other! Lastly, from Ignition (Sunday School) to Trek (Sunday night program) to our events like Cowboy Night, Bash N Crash, etc. it has been a blessing to me to be able to share God’s Word & hang out with students who enjoy being with each other & like learning about their great God.

Prayer Requests: Pray that our students would grow in their love for Christ & that they would see Him as the one who brings the most joy & satisfaction. Pray that our students would grow closer to each other as well so that we would be a unified body. Pray for those who might not know Christ that this would be the year that God would save them! Pray that God would open up a door for us to once again have Christian Club @ Santa Rosa Middle School. Pray for our parents that God would encourage their hearts & use them in the lives of their teens. Finally, pray for our family & all of our Ignite leaders that we would model Christ to our students in both word & in deed. It is a pleasure & and a joy to have the opportunity to serve Christ with you.

For His glory,Pastor Josh


Children’s Ministries ReportThis has been a year of growth (numerically and spiritually) and progress in Children’s Ministry. I have once again been very busy trying to coordinate the “multi-ministry” focus of the Children’s Ministry department. God has been and is at work in building His church here at SRBC. We have added many new young families and have experienced a baby boom this year with many new ones joining our nursery. The Children’s Ministry includes Sunday School, Children’s Church, (Kid’s Street and Pathway)Youth Basketball, Awana, Summer Day Camp, Vacation Bible School, and a few others.

We are working hard toward and trusting God to see that Santa Rosa Bible Church has a vibrant and exciting Children’s Ministry, which attracts young families to SRBC to hear the gospel and be discipled to maturity in their Christian walks. The mission statement for Children’s Ministry is: Teaching our children to realize the wonder of salvation, resulting in worship, a worthy walk, service to the body, and witness to the world…to the Glory of God. This is what we must be about. Everything we do needs to be to this end.

I am grateful for the contribution of over 200 faithful servants who minister to the young people of this church and oth-ers. I enjoy being freed up to be “Pastor Mike” to the children. The following are our directors and coordinators.

Debra Martin Infant – 20 months Coordinator (Crawlers) Joyce Hodgkinson 20 months – 40 months Coordinator (Walkers) Julie Thomas 40 months – kindergarten Coordinator (Hoppers) Lisa Longhetto – Awana SecretaryCarrie Glover – Cubbies DirectorPete and Anna Halpin – T&T DirectorsPaul and Anne Bartholow – Teen Awana ProgramRuss Gier – His Image Day Camp DirectorDennis Reed, Paul Bartholow, Eric Tracy, and John Semans – Youth Basketball CommitteeRichard Ogg – (Youth Basketball) Referees CoordinatorDonelle Robert – Vacation Bible School Director

All of these people coordinate many other faithful servants who help in these areas – Thank you all for your faithful min-istry in the lives of the young people.

All of the afore mentioned ministries line up with our philosophy of ministry and serve a vital role in ministry to children. Youth Basketball, His Image Day Camp, and Vacation Bible School all run flawlessly under the direction of the leadership team and continue to reach boys and girls with the truth of God’s Word. These are great outreach opportunities.Awana continues to run smoothly with the help of so many. The leader/clubber ratio is about 1 leader to every 3-4 chil-dren. This is very good as it allows for individual attention to be paid to the children. A huge benefit to the program is our LIT program. These are the Jr. High and High School students who forgo their normal youth group activities on Wednesday nights in order to help out with Awana. They are the backbone of Awana. They help run games, play instru-ments, lead singing, perform skits, teach Counsel Time, help in Small Group time, and in some cases – lead small groups. God is accomplishing much through the hard work and commitment of so many teachers, listners, LIT’s, and others.


From the time a child enters Cubbies, until moving to the teen program, he/she has the opportunity to memorize 691 unique verses and recite 1692 verses (including review).

The Children’s Ministry at Santa Rosa Bible Church is using a Sunday School curriculum called Generations of Grace. It enhances our commitment to glorify God by accurately teaching God’s Word to children through a caring ministry. We believe in teaching the whole counsel of God and are confident that God will use His Word to transform the hearts of children and their parents. Over a three-year period, we cover the historical books of the Old Testament, the life of Christ, and lessons from Acts and Revelation. Our Sunday School classes (for children age three through sixth grade) provide age-appropriate Bible lessons and learning activities that teach the character of God, the work of Christ, and the means of living in right relationship to Him. This is accomplished by presenting the whole counsel of God and demonstrating to children the unity, consistency, and sufficiency of the Scriptures for their lives. Children from 3 years old to 6th grade study the same lesson on a given Sunday. My hope is that this approach will stimulate some family discussions regarding what the children are learning.

Our ultimate goal is to come alongside parents in fulfilling the command “to tell the generation to come the praises of the Lord and His strength and His wondrous works that He has done . . . that the generation to come might know them, the children who would be born, that they may arise and declare them to their children.” (Psalm 78:4, 6).

In Christ,Pastor Mike RobertII Corinthians 3:18


Elder ReportPeter commanded the elders to shepherd the flock of God.

Shepherd the flock of God among you, exercising oversight not under compulsion, but voluntarily, according to the will of God; and not for sordid gain, but with eagerness; 1 Peter 5:2

God has richly blessed Santa Rosa Bible Church with elders who eagerly serve Him in their office and it has been a privi-lege serving along with them. As elders, we focus on our calling and command to fulfill areas of service God has given.

Prayer (James 5:14) – We devote the first part of each of our meetings to prayer, petition and for His blessing and strength in the many ministries He has given us to fulfill. Also, much of this time is focused on earnest prayer for the sick in our church and thankfulness for his sufficient grace in lives of our members.

Guarding the truth (Titus 1:9) – We encourage our members to participate in both personal bible study and the many group studies that are offered. As elders, we are available to evaluate and recommend resources for study that honor truth and uphold biblical authority. In addition, the elders participate in updating various policies and drafting of position papers for the ministry.

Shepherding and oversight (Acts 20-28) – The elders give oversight to the many ministries at SRBC. This year, we dedi-cated significant time working to establish a vision for education and honoring the role parents have in directing their children. We also have seen the Lord’s direction and financial provision to reach the Hispanic community in this area. With grateful anticipation, we are expecting to see this new ministry begin in the coming year.

Ministry of the Word (I Timothy 4:13) – Many of the elders regularly make themselves available to teach in the various ministries of SRBC. In addition, we devote time each month to a study from the Word.

This has been a year of many opportunities to see how God cares for His ministry at SRBC. We joyfully approved a 2 month sabbatical for our Senior Pastor and we are grateful for God’s provision in his life and at SRBC during that time. In addition, we have been able to loan our Executive Pastor to our ministry at RVCS. In all, God has provided for the ministry here through many hands working together. I’m sure this next year will bring many challenges and new bless-ings. Pray for us as we labor according to His power.

Respectfully submitted,Scott Rowlands, Gary Bei

Greg BrahmsKaron CovingtonDoug CrouseSteve DeOrnellas

Laurens EdwardsBob GlesenerDerek MurdockRichard OggScott Rowlands*

Board of Elders


Deacon Report2008 has been a year of change for the Deacon ministry at Santa Rosa Bible Church. As a Deacon board, we have been studying what God’s Word tells about the Deacon ministry in the New Testament. As a result, the Deacons have added several ministry areas, and continue to function as usual in others.

Care and Encouragement Ministry Biblical basis for ministry: Acts 6:1-7 - This is a relatively new ministry area for the Deacons, to the widows, widowers, and shut-ins at SRBC, demonstrating God’s love through practical care and encouragement. The deacons seek to assure the physical, (and subsequently the emotional and spiritual) well-being of each member of the body of Christ. Some church members and/or “regular attendees” at certain points in life may find themselves needing help from the Body of Christ. When their need exceeds their own ability to help themselves and any available family member’s ability to help, the Body of Christ via the Deacons and the Care and Encouragement ministry needs to step in. Biblical criteria must be met and discernment applied to ensure help is provided to those truly in need. (See 1Tim 5:4, 16 for biblical criteria). While this ministry is occurring on a regular basis through members of our church, the Deacons are attempting to unify these efforts within SRBC to make sure none of our people our neglected.Members in need are brought to the attention of the Deacon Committee via six avenues: Pastoral Staff Fellowship Group Leaders Deaconess Board Elder/ Deacon Board SRBC Office Staff Members-at-largeNames are given to the Care and Encouragement committee on the Deacon Board. These Deacons are responsible for matching those with needs with those who are gifted to serve and meet those needs. The Deacon in charge of this min-istry is Mark Fitch.

Benevolent MinistryThe Benevolent ministry is an ongoing SRBC ministry that this year was added to the Deacons area of responsibility. This ministry is designed to help with the financial needs of those within the body of Christ who are in need of a little extra help. This year, the benevolent ministry has distributed in excess of $73,002.83 to those in need through the be-nevolent committee. The Deacon in charge of this ministry is Dave McIntosh.

RidesThe Rides ministry is another ongoing ministry for the Deacons that was “re-designed” in 2008 to become a more effec-tive church wide ministry. We have put in place a central communication point for those who are in need of a ride to church…either regularly or occasionally…to match those with people who are coming from a particular area of Santa Rosa. The Deacon in charge of this ministry is Don McAllister.

SecurityThe security ministry at SRBC is an ongoing Deacon ministry that is designed to provide peace of mind during the eve-ning services by “checking in” on the various ministries that are occurring after dark. In addition, the security ministry provides parking lot security when necessary during daylight hours as well. Traditionally, the Deacons have rotated this ministry among themselves. This year, we brought in those who are gifted in this area from the congregation to partici-pate as well. You can always feel safe and secure when you see the security volunteer with the bright orange vest and large flashlight…The Deacon in charge of this ministry is Ray Navarro.


Buildings and GroundsBuildings and grounds is the “traditional” Deacon ministry at SRBC, and continued on for 2008. We are very blessed at SRBC to have a very capable maintenance staff headed up by Wayne O’Leary. During 2008 the ball field snack shack was re-sided with the help of the Mobile Missionary Assistance Program, we solved an ongoing drainage problem at the well head, paved the debris box area near the gym, re-sodded the infield area of the baseball field, replaced four heating and air conditioning units, replaced the frame and hinges for the gym kitchen door, replaced the door to room 24 and replaced the stalls in the Jr. High restrooms. In addition, we had volunteer help to replace the baseball field dugouts! This is a growing and challenging ministry area. As our campus is aging, the need for capital improvements is increas-ing, and money is tight to implement these improvements – and the improvements are greatly needed. God has always provided for our needs in the past, and we are excited to see His provision for us in the future! The Deacon in charge of this ministry is Dennis Fagent.

Finance CommitteeAnother “challenging” ministry area for 2008, under the very capable leadership of Robert Cantrell, the Deacons have kept their finger on the financial pulse of SRBC for 2008, and developed the budget for 2009. As usual, God provided our needs for 2008…let’s continue to pray for His provision in 2009!

Nominating Committee RepresentativeScott Anderson served as the Deacon representative to the nominating committee for 2008. This is an ongoing ministry of SRBC that is responsible to identify and qualify individuals to serve on the Elder, Deacon and School Boards. As usual, the nominating committee filled these positions over the course of the year.

UshersThe ushers had a very busy and change filled year at SRBC. With the advent of a single service format, the ushers were faced with new and unique challenges, which included trying to get people in the pews to scoot over…a very difficult task!! The ushers also have taken on the responsibility for Sunday morning parking for Seniors and visitors, as well as getting an accurate attendance count at our services. In addition to the above, the dress code for the ushers was changed to allow a more casual attire. Bill Riley is the Deacon in charge of the usher ministry.

Mission Board RepresentativeDennis Fagent served as the Deacon representative to the Mission Board for 2008. The full mission board report is con-tained in a separate section of this report.

Community Outreach ProjectsThis is a new ministry for the Deacon board for 2008. Yet to be implemented, the Deacons, Elders and Pastoral staff are working on a plan to impact our community for Christ…more to come in 2009. The Deacon in charge of this ministry is Mike Benedetti.

Intra-church CommunicationsAnother new ministry area for the Deacons in 2008. This ministry is scheduled to be implemented in 2009, with the goal being to provide an effective means of communicating all the ministry opportunities, events, services, conferences, youth group and fellowship group activities in one central, easily accessible location. This ministry is headed up by Rob-ert Cantrell.

Overall, the Deacons have had a busy year. Please pray for God to grant us his wisdom and vision for 2009!!

Respectfully Submitted,Eric Rose


Deaconess ReportHearts to Christ…Hands to work

“…render service, as to the Lord and not to men…” Eph 6:7

2008 was a blessed year. Many on the deaconess board have been privileged to have the opportunity to serve in our church body and our community.

The Board of Deaconesses provides a variety of services to the church body; some of the specific ministry responsibilities are as follows:• Baptisms–Providemoralsupportandcleandrytowelstothosebeingbaptized.• Communion–Preparethecommunionelementsandhavethemreadytoservethencleanupafterthecommu-

nion services.• Decorating–Responsibleformakingthechurchsanctuaryvisuallyappealing.Provideflowersonthepulpitand

in various other places throughout the sanctuary. Responsible for decorating for special occasions and holidays including Christmas.

• Encouragement–ThisministrymanagedinconjunctionwiththeDeaconsisdesignedtofulfilthescripturalcallto minister to the widows of the church.

• Funerals–Organizeandprovideareceptionfollowingfuneralsandmemorialservices.Serverefreshmentofthefamily’s choice to those who attend the funeral or memorial service.

• Hospitality-Organizeandarrangehousingforvisitorstothechurch,suchasmissionaries,guestspeakersandpastoral candidates or interns.

• Kitchen–Keepthedeaconesspantrywellstockedtoallowotherdeaconessministriestohaveadequatesupplies(primarily funerals and all-church functions)

In addition to the usual ministries this year we had the privilege of hosting the now annual all-church pancake breakfast. This year’s breakfast was at the end of June and was a wonderful time of fellowship for the whole church body. We hosted the Annual Night of Music with Hessel church this year, it was a great event attended by hundreds of SRBC and Hes-sel church members. We also added reception tables in the front of the church where we served refreshments for several special dates in 2008.

As 2008 draws to a close we look forward to the chal-lenges and blessings God has for us in 2009. Thank you for allowing us to use our gifts to serve you. And thank you to all of you who make our ministry possible by donating your time, talent and treasure, we are truly grateful for all of you. I have been personally blessed to have the opportunity to serve our Lord in this past year with this group of Godly women.

Respectively Submitted,Terina Tracy

Robin Anderson Janelle OggEvelyn AurnhammerKarin ReinacherShirley DrakeDebbie Selby

Carolyn Gilkey Kay ThomsonBrenda Holmlund*Terina TracyBette HulenVirginia Wing

Board of Deaconesses


Men’s MinistryTemplate Verse

2008 saw two events occur within our Men’s Ministry. The first happened in September with our annual men’s re-treat to Hartstone alongside First Baptist Church Windsor. We had a great time with a handful of our men worshipping Christ, being equipped concerning our finances by R.W. Mackey and enjoying the fellowship of each other and nature.

The second event promises much hope and excitement for 2009 when we officially relaunched our Men’s Ministry under the name of Resolved and planned out a course of action for 2009.

The question that was asked about men’s ministry and particularly our masculinity was, “what does it mean to be a man and what is God’s vision for our masculinity?” We determined four areas that God wants our men to be about:

1. God intends for the men of the church to be imitators of the Perfect Man, the Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1; 1 John 2:6).

2. God intends for the men of the church to be cultivating the character of a man qualified to lead the church (1 Timothy 3, Titus 1).

3. God intends for the men of the church to be excelling at the God-ordained roles He has given to men (Ephesians 5:21-6:4)

Four God-ordained roles of men 1. Leader - “the husband is the head” 2. Lover - “husband’s love your wives” 3. Provider - “no one ever hated his flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it” 4. Protector - “husbands should love their wives as their own bodies” 4. God intends for the men of the church to be passing on God’s vision for manhood to lost men and the next genera-tion (2 Timothy 2:2)

From that we determined the Purpose of SRBC Men’s Ministry: Based on God’s Vision for our masculinity the purpose of SRBC’s men’s ministry is:To exalt Christ by encouraging and equipping men to fulfill the responsibilities and roles of Biblical Manhood.

We have scheduled to meet monthly on the first Monday night to be Resolved Men and to glorify Christ in the strengthening of the men at SRBC.

For Him,Jeremy Writebol


Women’s Ministry“If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through

Jesus Christ to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever Amen.” I Peter 4:11

The Women’s Ministry Board’s desire is to minister to the women of SRBC, that they might together grow in Christ and bring glory to God.

Bible study has always been the center of our Woman’s Ministry program. We feel blessed that God has enabled us to offer Bible study several different times throughout the week, Tuesday mornings, under the direction of Jennifer Row-lands, Tuesday evening, taught by Kathy Weaver & Thursday mornings, led by Cecile DeOrnellas & Sherre Hulbert.

Our annual retreat is always a time of fellowship & spiritual renewal. This year hoping to enable more women to at-tend we held the retreat, under the directorship of Leslie Tonks & Rebecca Lacefield at the church, April 4-5. Karen Fernandez from Napa, CA was our speaker reminding us to be “Refreshed Through Faithfulness.”

As a result of the pastor’s challenge from the pulpit Mother’s Day a new ministry, TWIG University (Teaching What Is Good) has been established. At our first meeting in June this ministry of matching older women with younger women for the purpose of mentoring and encouragement was introduced. For our first semester we had more mentors (older women) then we had students (younger women) but we were able to bring 14 student and mentors together. We are continually seeking God’s wisdom as this is a program in progress.

In August Lisa Longhetto hosted our annual Mug & Muffin. Robin Murdock shared her testimony.

Our year ended with our Cappuccino Christmas the first Friday in December. Testimonies from Jennifer Bauer, Jen-nifer Rowlands, and Cecile DeOrnellas helped us remember to keep our focus on Christ our Savior . All also enjoyed cappuccinos and fellowship.

Respectfully Submitted,Lorri Bauer Lorri Bauer,

Christine CarrilloKaren ClarkBarbara Emmons

Jennifer RowlandsLeslie TonksStephanie Writebol

Women’s Ministry Team


Missions Ministry…GO into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15

What a pleasure it is to serve the Lord, seeing what He accomplishes through our missionaries. Certainly this has been a very tough year for all of our missionaries. The dollar has shrunk in value reducing the giving power it once had. We appreciate all of you that have given to either Faith Promise or an individual missionary this year. Your prayers and support have kept them on the field.

We have seen some graduate to other areas as the Johnsons took a position at a college in Oregon. Paul and Jackie Anderson are back with us from Jos Nigeria.

Pat Howell put together a symposium for the Mission Committee and challenged us to rethink our strategy in sup-porting missionaries. Our training has been reading through and discussing “Missions in the Third Millennium” by Stan Guthrie. A sub-committee was assembled to draft a new Missions Policy.

Communication with our missionaries this past year has been strengthened. The web site has enabled us to post let-ters for the congregation to read, and e-mail has replaced snail mail, allowing for easier dialogue. Stan and Lori Willis were able to visit the De La Fuentes in Argentina to bring some much needed encouragement. The Hartmans were visited in Brazil, Bible courier trips were made in China, and the Spurgeons were visited in the Philippines. Our youth traveled to Mexico and Peru.

The Faith Promise budget for the year was $146,800. The spending totaled $10,000 per month. At the end of the year our balance remained at $8,800. God has been faithful, allowing Faith Promise to stay positive all year. There was even an overage at the end of the year allowing us to give to seven missionaries that had significant needs. As we con-tinue giving to Faith Promise, God honors his faithful people who step out of their comfort zone to give sacrificially.

Our committee has done a great job this year in reaching out to our missionaries. I thank all of them for the hard work that has been accomplished for the “Great Commission”. Those that served on the committee were:

For His Glory,Brad Benson

Ed and Chris Baker Dave Clark Brad Benson*Dennis Fagent Mary Gwen Neisingh Sandy McJimsey

Juergen ReinacherMike SchrammAmy WeiJohn and Bria WhiteStan Willis

Missions Board


ABWEGlen Budd* 5,654.28John Schlener* 1,800.00Tim Farley* 8,313.03

AIM InternationalForrest Haskins 320.00

Avant MinistriesSamuel Heldenbrand 258.00

Awana Clubs International Mike & Becky Sexton* 1,200.00

Bible Church Crusade Mike Smith 25.00

Bible ConferenceSteve Fernandez 2,709.37

Bible League* 1,675.00

Dan Bohannon 275.00

BMW Chris Allinger* 2,635.00Jim Brown* 2,700.00Ted Cripe* 1,930.50Pink Davis 2,767.00Daniel de la Fuente* 3,635.00Georgia Fuller* 1,800.00Muriel Hersom 600.00Patrick Howell* 2,024.95Robert Jeffcott* 1,800.00Tom Jeffcott* 2,630.00Jack McMahan* 3,144.95Brent Meyers 1,348.35Fernando Napoles* 6,972.00Donna Wohlfert 585.00

Carver Bible College* 1,800.00

CAM International Kevin Clark* 3,400.00Paul Johnson* 2,400.00

Campus Life Nancy Lowney* 1,225.00

Child Evangelism Fellowship* 3,395.65

Church @ PetalumaKevin Boesler 2,499.96

Christar International David Schoch* 3,313.03

Compassion International 384.00

Cross WorldDaniel & Hilary Holmlund* 12,788.00

Devar Emet Messianic Jewish Outreach Kirk Gliebe* 12,533.75

EFCARobin Smith 825.00

Exalting Christ Ministries InternationalMike Moody 432.00

First Fundamental ChurchSeminario Biblico* 2,400.00

Frontier School Of Bible Nelson Miles* 9,830.00Dan Graves 725.00Michelle Hansen* 6,650.00Mike Meisenberg 2,400.00

Gideon’s International 1,336.70

Global Partners 300.00

Grace Bible Church Building FundDerrick Smothers 44,525.35

Dan Graves 875.00

Hartstone * 8,338.67




Help for Christian Nationals, Inc. Andrew Spurgeon* 1,925.00

HCJB World Radio Pavel Steiger* 2,400.00

Highlands Christian PreschoolAnita Martinez 287.00

IFCA Alexander Petrushko* 2,778.97Vladimir Tyschiov 6,803.97

International AssemblyJacob Devasagayam 1,200.00

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship 900.00

Latin American MissionsDavid Longworth 240.00

Mercy ShipsRick Schultz 3,745.47

Midwest Messianic Center* 2,400.00

Ministry EssentialsAl Stirling 1,800.00

Missionary Aviation FellowshipBrian Writebol 220.00

Mt Gilead 600.00

NavigatorsPaul Ronka 1,200.00

New Tribes Mission Mike Hartman* 18,463.00Virgil Holt* 8,645.50Wesley Petro* 2,730.00

New Tribes Training CenterJodi Hartman 1,359.00

OC InternationalEd Moehl* 2,730.00

Pacific Justice Institute 400.00

Palm MinistriesRamiro Baez* 8,819.20

Pathway Christian Dan Wisniewski 35.00

Pregnancy Counseling Center 2,031.61

Rafiki FoundationPaul Anderson* 10,899.96

Redwood Gospel Missions* 4,295.00Manna House * 2,066.03

RVCSScholarships 265.90General 55,629.00Special 4,450.00

Slavic Gospel Association Vitaliy Petryuk 1,800.00Sergei Bochko* 1,800.00Immanuel’s Child 3,045.00Viktor Krutko 1,145.81Kobrun Camp Ministry 455.00Rob Provost 40.00

Summer Youth Ministries 3,300.00

Tentmakers Dick Manion* 2,400.00Ron Thompson 2,400.00

Konstantine Tkochenka 200.00

Utah Partnerships for Christ Russ East 500.00

Vignuelle Ministries, Rick & Mick 795.10

World VISION 300.00

Wycliffe Bible TranslatorsGrant Gilman* 3,737.00

Youth for ChristAmos Machaliwa 650.00

YWAMCollin Davidson 200.00


TOTAL $351,267.06



Benevolent Ministry

The Benevolent Committee is responsible for requests received from those in our congregation and community for help with needs in the area of finances, food, etc. The Committee evaluates the request and the circumstances, then determines the response.

At the end of 2008, $73,002.83 had been given to 107 families. In addition, food was given to many families from our food pantry. These families were from our church, school and/or community. Gift cards for food and bags of food were given out at Thanksgiving and Christmas as were throughout the year. Food and gifts were also donated to Redwood Gospel Mission and other Sonoma County Agencies to help the needy.

Benevolent offerings are taken on the first Sunday of every month. Donations can be made at any time and are always welcome.

Respectfully submitted,Shirley Drake

Benevolent Committee

Mike BenedettiShirley DrakeDan Hulbert

Dave McIntoshBarbara McIntoshJerome Speaks


His Image Day CampThose who know Your Name will trust in You, For You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek You. --Psalm 9:10

Day camp this past summer was held from June 4-July 30, with the theme verse of Psalm 9:10 printed on our t-shirts. We were able to lead several children to Christ through our week of 5-Day Clubs presented by Lizzy Hosler, one of our day camp workers, under the direction of Child Evangelism Fellowship. During the summer, all of the children went through a presentation of The Lamb, a simplified version of the Foundations series used by NTM missionaries to clearly present the gospel. Several of our day campers indicated that they clearly understood this presentation of the gospel, probably for the first time.

Our workers this summer were Jamie Humphreys, Nancy Jonas, Lizzy Hosler, Russ Gier, Katy Brown, Megan Fruchey, Linda Martinson, T.J. Robert and Whitney Bohannon. Christy Kuhner seerved as our bus driver. We also had several very appreciated junior high and high school volunteers, who contributed much to our program. We were able again this year to present the Gospel to day camp parents at our annual ice cream social. We always look forward to this opportunity to share the gospel with the parents.

Day camp dates for this coming summer will be June 9-August 5, 2009. “How can I help support the day camp min-istry?” you may ask. Here’s how:~Start now to pray for children we have at day camp. This time of year is a good time to start.~Pray for increased attendance. ~Pray for us as leaders as we seek God’s guidance for reaching these children. We begin meeting and planning in Janu-ary or February. We need God’s wisdom!~We would especially appreciate it if you could partner with us in prayer during the summer. When you’re on vacation this summer, spend a few extra moments remembering and praying for our ministry! Let us know you’re praying for us. That would be very encouraging.~Drop in and see what we’re doing during the summer!~We can always use supplies that are in good shape, such as board games, floor pillows, K’Nex or Lego’s, toys and craft supplies.

If you donate items in the months of January to March, we will have a good idea of what not to go out and purchase. We appreciate this very much.

DAY CAMP SUMMARY `08 (vs. previous years) 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total # of Families Registered 116 82 91 68 Total # of Children Registered 158 117 115 97 # of Families Regularly Attending any church 78 61 67 54 # of Unchurched Families 22 21 24 14 # of Families Attending SRBC 24 21 15 14# of Churches Represented 21 # of KIDS Attending RVCS 39 52 33 24 # of KIDS Attending Other Schools 73# of KIDS Saved* 2 3+ N/A*It is hard to determine true confessions of faith with children of this age.


His Image Summer Day Camp is a ministry of Santa Rosa Bible Church, His Image Summer Day Camp provides a summer program for children ages 5-11. Along with music, drama, recreation and weekly field trips, we include Bible stories emphasizing salvation and growth. We accept families from all churches and the community at large. Organizationally we are under the leadership of our SRBC Children’s Minister.

Mission Statement:Our Mission is to clearly teach the basics of God’s Word, present the Gospel to each child, and assure each one of God’s love and grace, no matter what their circumstance in life. We also strive to exemplify God’s grace by our own faith, love, words, attitudes and relationships and to extend the invitation of the gospel to the parents.

Respectfully Submitted,Russ Gier and Nancy JonasDirectors


Rincon Valley Christian SchoolStatusThis school year RVCS underwent a significant change as Brent Mitten was appointed interim administrator. Brent has done an outstanding job of keeping the school on an even course. God has gifted him to be the man to build bridges between the campus students and faculty and the PSP families. (We’ve have recently changed the names we use for these two groups. Campus students were previously known as day school students and the Private Satellite Program [PSP] families had been known as the Independent Study Program [ISP] families.) Along that line, two major successful activities took place during the first semester; an opening all school barbeque/fellowship time and the Walk-a-Thon and carnival fund-raising event.

Stephanie Writebol and a faculty committee are working on the details for completing our mid-term accreditation review with Association of Christian School International [ACSI] and Western Association of Schools and Colleges [WASC]. A committee from these organizations will visit our campus in March of 2009.

A search committee was formed to find a suitable candidate for a permanent Head of School. We received 20 inquiries and narrowed the field to five applicants who were interviewed by telephone on December 13th. At this time we have one candidate who we feel is the best fit for the job.

Seventeen of our teachers attended the ACSI convention in October. Two of our teachers have received special honors for their work in the classroom. Michele Gordon was nominated as Educator of Excellence, and Anita Martinez has been invited by ACSI to present a workshop in Hong Kong.

SpiritualAs part of fulfilling the RVCS mission of providing a rigorous Christ-centered, Biblically directed program, this year’s theme comes from James 1:22, “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Our students will be challenged to put into practice what they have learned.

AcademicRVCS continues to provide a program that pursues academic excellence. On the 2007 Stanford Achievement Test in the elementary school (grades 1–6) our students scored at or above the 66 percentile in reading and math. The second-ary students scored at or above the 73 percentile in language and math. One hundred percent of last year’s senior class of 43 students is attending college, of which 27 are attending the SRJC and 16 are attending 4-year Universities.

FinancialThe school’s total 2008-2009 budget is $2,287,913. Roughly $91,000 of this is used to provide tuition assistance to needy school families. This year the school will reimburse the church $106,200 ($8,850/mo) for use of facilities.

The 2008-2009 fiscal budget is based on an enrollment of 310 students, with 287 students currently enrolled. The School Board is aware that this shortfall will pose a significant challenge. We will be discussing our options in the coming months.


School Board MembersAt the end of the 2007-2008 school year, we lost 3 board members. The nominating committee has been working to fill these vacancies. The table below lists current members and their responsibilities:

RVCS continues to be a ministry of Santa Rosa Bible Church where young people come to a saving knowledge of Christ and learn to glorify Him. We are honored to serve God through this ministry.

Serving Him by serving you,The RVCS Board

Chris Bauer, PastorCarolee Fagent, SecretaryJoe Lin, Treasurer

Frank Longetto, GovernanceJohn Martin, ChairmanLinda Thoma

RVC Board


RVCS Private Satellite Program(PSP)

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart; and you shall teach them diligently with your sons and you shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. And you shall

write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9

The RVCS PSP group has as a part of its Mission Statement: We exist to encourage families in maintaining a Christ centered, biblically focused home education based on Deuteronomy 6:5-9.

The RVCS PSP has truly been blessed by God. We have seen a steady increase in enrollment since its inception in 1995. As a ministry of SRBC and RVCS we provide another option for Christian families to provide a Christian education for their children. At its inception in 1995, there were 6 families involved in the RVCS Private Satellite Program. In 2000, there were 23 families. In the last few years we have seen the biggest increase and we now have 60 families involved in the PSP. Our student population includes 131 total students, with 56 elementary and 75 second-ary students.

Serving the Lord,Donelle RobertRVCS PSP Administrator


Church Clerk Report2007 2008

Membership *Beginning of YearMember 427Member Passive 35

Total 462

Activity During YearMembers Reinstated 0Members Added 34Members/Members Passive, Dropped or Withdrawn


Members Deceased 2 7Members to Passive 0

End of YearMember 461Member Passive 35


ActivitiesBaptisms 14 12Births 25 17Baby Dedications 5 4Weddings 4 4

Average Attendance 714 652First Time Visitors 212 482

* Membership activity has not yet been reviewed by the board for 2008. It is high priority on their next meet-ing’s agenda.


Santa Rosa Bible Church

Financial Statements







Notes to 2008 Financial Statements

Note 1. Balance SheetSanta Rosa Bible Church ended the 2008 fiscal year with $184,455 in cash and current assets comprised of $30,997 in the General Fund ($291,063 is Designated by the Board for the Building, Benevolence, Deferred Capital Repairs, Facility Special, Insurance savings and Office Machine savings; $-106,607 is undesignated), $17,916 in the Missions Fund, and $338,259 in Select Ministries Funds (see details in “Cash in Funds as of December 31”).

Note 2. Consolidated Income SummaryThe Consolidated Income Summary shows the total income received by Santa Rosa Bible Church and our various ministries: Missions, Select Ministries (AWANA, Fellowship Groups, Men’s/Women’s Ministries, Sport Ministries, and Camps). Most of the Select Ministries and all of the Missions are self-supporting/sustaining and do not require budgeted items from the General Fund of Santa Rosa Bible Church. The few ministries that are subsidized from the General Fund include: AWANA, Deaconess Fund and Men’s and Women’s ministries.

Note 3. Receipts & DisbursementsThe General Fund Receipts and Disbursements Statement does not include contributions or spending within the Select Ministries Funds, the Missions Funds, nor Rincon Valley Christian School, but rather those receipts and dis-bursements within the General Fund and operations of Santa Rosa Bible Church. In 2008, we received a total of $1,218,599 in income from offerings, special gifts, registrations for events, and a reimbursement from Rincon Valley Christian School. This was $133,401 short of budgeted income of $1,352,000.

Even though there was an income slowdown in 2008, we ended the year in summary with the cash receipts exceeding our outlays by $5,486.



Rincon Valley Christian School

Financial Statements






Elder: Don Totemier ____________ Jim Robert ____________

Deacon: Frank Dutto ____________ Mark Fitch ____________ Mike Schramm ____________

Deaconess: Debbie Selby ____________ Virginia Wing ____________ Karin Reinacher ____________ Sallie Keyser ____________ Valerie Rodriquez ____________

RVCS Board: Brent Thomas ____________ Toddy Cantrell ____________

Church Clerk: Patty Regalia ____________

Nominating Committee: Steve DeOrnellas (Elder) ____________ Scott Anderson (Deacon) ____________ Debbie Selby (Deaconess) ____________ Joe Lin (RVCS) ____________ Russ Gier (member at large) ____________ Dan Hulbert (member at large) __________ Martin Tornow (member at large) ____________ Kathy Weaver (member at large) ____________

Santa Rosa Bible ChurchBallot - 2009

