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hirty-two percent of the student body shouldn’t

be complaining about the current state of the

bathroom faucets – or anything else for which

the Megathon funds were earmarked.

When you don’t fundraise for them, you don’t

get to complain.

Although we believe that the fundraising

requirement shouldn’t have increased to $50 from

last year’s $25 requirement because of the current

state of the economy, it’s not an excuse for almost

300 students to raise absolutely nothing.

When we spoke to Ms. Carol Marchetti,

special events coordinator, she said that, “Anyone

who attends a Catholic school should know they

have a lifelong responsibility to that school.”

Apparently, 32% of girls were unaware. It’s

surprising, actually, considering that many went

to Catholic grammar schools where fundraising

was second nature. Remember track-a-thons?

Wrapping paper sales? Fundraisers keep private

schools going.

Despite what some girls may think, tuition

doesn’t cover everything. Even though it’s frozen

at $8,200, the actual cost to educate a student is

$10,125 – a cost that’s deferred by donations to


And during a time when so many schools like

Res have been forced to close their doors, student

apathy isn’t something we need.

Marchetti told us that she thought the lack

of student support was partly due to “an attitude

problem amongst students.”

And considering that 20% of the student body

didn’t show up to the April 7 Megathon, we agree.

So next time the 32% of you are struggling to

turn on a broken bathroom faucet with your elbow,

take a glance at the crest on your uniform polo.

Charity and Truth - neither is optional.



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Page 7: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6



+he relationship I have with my mom is a pretty atypical one

- mostly because of her unorthodox punishments. My mom’s

still a fan of the usual ones (early curfew, limiting computer

access, and taking away the phone), but occasionally she likes

to reprimand me in unsual ways. Here are a few of my favorite


Getting kicked out of the kitchen. When I was a big bad freshman,

I decided to go into the kitchen and intentionally make noise just

to wake my mom up. It didn’t help that the kitchen was directly

adjacent to her bedroom and she’s a light sleeper. So she closed

the kitchen at 9 p.m. every night, putting an end to my late night


Not prepared for the exchange. After two hours of trying on prom

dresses, I made the decision to exchange the one I had previously

bought for a new one. We approached the counter at Cache to start

the exchange process, but to my disappointment, the exchange

could not be completed. I forgot to bring my debit card, so my

mom was infuriated because the whole shopping trip had proved

futile. She embarrassed me by screaming at the store manager,

“I guess she’ll be back when she is more prepared to make the

exchange!” and stormed out of the store walking about 100 mph to

the car. The ride home was silent.

Fries twice a month. In eighth grade, I told my mom I was

only going to have a few friends over. When she came home,

the area around my house was filled with pretty much the whole

neighborhood playing a giant game of manhunt. My punishment?

I was only allowed to eat fries and fast food twice a month.

Apparently, I was really into fast food at that age.

Write a paper. After I was caught coming home late one night,and

lying to my mom about where I was, my mom gave me what

seemed more like a school assignment than a punishment. She said

that if I wanted to go out again I would have to type her a paper

explaining why I lied and what I would do to change it.

Though the relationship between my mom and me may not be

normal, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Her weird punishments

have been surprisingly effective, and perhaps one of the reasons

why I love her so much. They give us something to laugh about,

have taught me many lessons, and I even dropped a few pounds

along the way.

And although I have not been punished in a while, I’m

sure after reading this article, she’ll be sending another bizarre

punishment in my direction.

,ver the past four years, I’ve managed to cite over 25

sources, organize hundreds of note cards, and write three

10-page research papers without completely losing my

mind. But along the way, I’ve learned some valuable (and some

painful) lessons that go beyond the MLA format.

Copy machines are not and will never be my friends

I really would like to know if anyone has ever had a good

encounter with a copy machine. It’s never fun to be alone at a

public library, fumbling around with coins (it doesn’t help that

I have a slight issue differentiating between nickels and dimes),

while lugging seven massive critical essay books across the

library in search of the machine. And when I find it, I never know

what to do first. I mean, are all of the multi-colored buttons really

necessary? I’m convinced they’re there for the sole purpose of

confusing the clueless, first-time photocopier. And once I’ve

managed to press the correct button (which just so happens to be

the giant green one staring at my face), the thing starts to growl

and beep at me just to make me feel as if I’m disturbing the entire

library, which I probably am.

I shouldn’t enter an Office Depot unaccompanied

After my stack of index cards suddenly diminishes and the

ink in my highlighter completely evaporates, I usually make a

late-night run to an office supply store. And it’s never a pleasant

experience. I always begin my mission at Walgreens, even though

I’m well aware that herds of research-paper-writing Res girls

have most likely beaten me there and cleared out the inventory.

Once I’ve left empty-handed, my Office Depot adventures begin.

First, no one’s ever inside the store; it’s like wandering around

the Arctic Tundra. I’m then forced to spend half of my night

searching the store for some sign of life. After I’ve found the

store clerk hiding in the paperclip aisle and asked to be pointed in

the direction of the binder clips, a notebook with a pretty pattern

or a pack of colorful Post-Its never fails to distract me, and I end

up buying them instead of the binder clips and 3x5 index cards

that I really needed.

Sleep-typing is one of my skills

I tend to write papers when it’s late at night. And weird

things happen to me during those hours. My eyelids start to droop

and my brain activity plummets, but my fingers continue to type.

Why and how they do so, I will never know, but to my benefit, the

writing is always coherent. I remember looking over a paragraph

that I had written late at night, and I had absolutely no idea where

some of the sentences had come from. But they made sense. Talk

about killing two birds with one stone.

The English language doesn’t have enough transitional phrases

Furthermore, I always feel sorry for English teachers who

have to read papers where every third paragraph begins and ends

with the same phrase. To begin. Furthermore. Therefore. As

a result. I mean, it’s a bit monotonous. Last year, I think six of

my twelve body paragraphs ended with “therefore”. Therefore,

I apologize to the English teachers who’ve had the pleasure of

reading one of my research papers.







Page 8: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6

!e’s already gained a

reputation for being a

swing set-buying super

dad, half of an impeccably

dressed power couple, and

the Blackberry operating

commander-in-chief. But more

importantly, international

relations, the economic crisis,

and workers’ rights have been

on President Barack Obama’s

agenda since day one.

As usual, the public has

served as a harsh critic towards

his performance during his

first 100 days in

the oval office.

Since I was

a first time

voter this

year as well

as a newly

s e a s o n e d

political science student, I feel

confident in critiquing and

evaluating his progress in some

of the most important issues.


The Obama administration

inherited an abysmal economic

crisis. The stock market is in

shambles, major banks and

companies are going bankrupt,

and many American citizens are

now jobless. Republicans and

democrats alike are counting

on Obama to pull us out of

these tumultuous times.

Thank goodness he wastes

no time.

So far, Obama has

successfully created, proposed,

and passed a stimulus package,

a p p r o p r i a t e l y

titled the

A m e r i c a n

Recovery and

Reinvestment Act.

If you ask me, this is

a huge undertaking

to be fulfilled in

under 100 days. The

amount of time spent

on it, as well as the plan

itself, is promising. It’s

true that this plan could end

up failing and costing our

already vastly in-debt country

at least 1.5 trillion dollars, but

as we saw with Japan in the

90s, doing something is better

than nothing.


It’s no secret that in

the superlatives of the world,

the United States would not

be voted most popular at the

moment. Throughout the Bush

administration, our position

in foreign affairs declined

tremendously, especially

within the Middle East.

Fortunately, Obama is now

taking steps towards building

a more peaceful rapport with

the region. Last month, on the

Persian New Year, he recorded

a message to Iran offering a

“new beginning” and “mutual

respect”. He even addressed

the country by its official name,

The Islamic Republic of Iran,

which Western countries rarely

acknowledge. This gesture

went over well with the general

public of Iran, even though the

government’s response was

less enjoyable. He has visited

countries such as Turkey and

Iraq in an effort to develop

better relationships with foreign


But not all of his actions

in international affairs have

gone smoothly. While he’s

improved with Iran, he’s had

a few mishaps with England

in the form of gift giving.

Gordon Brown, British Prime

Minister, gave Obama a unique

pen holder made from the

historical HMS Gannet anti-

slave ship. In return, Obama

sent 25 DVDs across the

Atlantic that don’t even play

in European machines. This

little faux pas won’t start any

pre-revolutionary war tension,

but it’s still an embarrassing



When it comes to gossip,

Obama is a hot topic. His

personal life has been magnified

just as much as his professional

life. Everyone is immersed

in every facet of his and his

family’s lives. And even though

the race to the White House is

over, and he doesn’t have to

worry as much about charming

the public to attain votes, he

still wins points for his appeal

with the public.

One thing that makes

President Obama so popular

is that he relates to the average

American. Former presidents

have been golfers, fishermen,

or horseback riders. But not

Obama. Basketball, his favorite

sport, is a first and obviously

one of the most common sports

played in the country. Playing

a few pickup games with the

troops and making plans to

have a basketball court installed

in the White House soldify his


He also changed the White

House dress code. He went

from the Bush administration’s

stiff coat and tie rule to a more

casual and comfortable business

casual option. Let’s face it; W

never would have been seen

strolling the halls of 1600

Pennsylvania Ave with rolled

up sleeves or a suit minus a tie.

He’s found a happy medium

between being the President

and being a regular guy.


























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The B.O.B. committee and Ms. Tamara Bernardin,

dean of students, have teamed up to give a final

warning to all students regarding the cell phone

policy. “I wish students would step up to the plate

and be responsible,” said Bernardin. The number

of cell phones confiscated has increased since last

year. Hadeal Salamah, senior and B.O.B. committee

member, believes that the cell phone policy, “is

a privilege that can and will be taken away from

students.” Along with Salamah, Mrs. Mary Kaye

Ulczak, English department and B.O.B committee

member, agrees that the cell policy has become a

problem. “We tried to give girls a freedom,” said

Ulczak, “but the [amount of] cell phones taken away

has increased.”



Items were donated to this year’s Res-Ma-Tazz by

the English department, science department, and Ms.

Tamara Bernadin, dean of students. These items

include a High Tea downtown, dinner at Mrs. Dawn

Konow’s house, and dog sitting for a week.

Additional auction items include VIP seats at

this year’s graduation, a choice of locker location for

the following school year, and a VIP parking spot for

a school year.

Some items in the live auction include a Wrigley

Field Roof Top party for ten, Notre Dame University

football tickets, Oprah show tickets, a spa day for

three, and a workout session with Beth Horn, who

plays Venom in NBC’s series American Gladiators.



.16+)Six seniors and three juniors, along with chaperones,

Ms. O’Connell and Ms. Nowakowski, religous studies

department, returned April 18 from St. Bay, Louisiana

after spending eight days building homes for Habitat

for Humanity.

The group built a total of four homes and learned

how to use equipment for construction and measuring.

“It was pretty cool to see the girls use power tools for

the first time,” said Ms. O’Connell.

After working long hours, the group still had time

to participate in different leisure activities. “We went to

the beach a couple of times, had a bonfire, and watched

a hip-hop performance of men break-dancing in the

streets,” said senior Becky Frale.

On Easter, the group enjoyed a trip to New Orleans,

where they attended a gospel church service and then

went to a parade where tractors pulled the floats.

“If they offer the trip next year, I’ll definitely go,”

said junior Nicolette Apostolos.







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7ew changes are being made to the

block schedule as a result of student

and staff feedback, according to

Dr. Ruth Christensen, assistant principal.

Changes include a switch from three

35 minute lunches to two 45 minute lunch

periods and from 90 minute classes to

80 minute classes. Class periods will be

numbered 0-7 rather than the current 0-5

Red and 0-5 White. Seventh period will

meet every day, including Tuesday, for 40

minutes rather than 55.

A new period called “seminar” will

also be implemented in each student’s


Seminar is a 45 minute daily slot

which students can use to talk to teachers,

to meet with a peer tutor, to study, etc.

Homeroom will also meet during seminar

when necessary, insead of before school.

“Students need time to take care of

the nitty gritty,” said Dr. Christensen.

“Students will be responsible for seeking

out what they need to succeed in school

and how they spend the time given.”

Ms. Meghan Loughran, foreign

language department, said, “This

new schedule will give students more

opportunity to move around in the week.”

The schedule may continue to be

modified if needed, said Dr. Christensen.

“As we rotate over the next few years,

the schedule will become second nature,”

said Dr. Christensen. “It is nice to get into

the habit of change because, ultimately,

that is what life is all about.”












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;tudents can look forward to a totally

revamped library for the next school

year. Beginning April 30, the library

will undergo major renovations that will

last through the summer, said Dr. Lynne

Saccaro, president/principal. On May 4,

the adjacent tech lab will also be closed.

This project will be funded by money

raised this year as well as funds set aside

in previous years, according to Saccaro.

A key part of the project will be the

removal of asbestos underneath floor tiles

by a company called Colfax Corporation.

Once the asbestos is removed, the library

will be renovated with new carpet, paint,

drapes, lighting, and furniture.

In addition to these changes, Ms.

Mary Klemundt, head librarian, is

writing a grant for additional computers

to enhance the technology available to


Despite the closing of both the

library and the tech lab, Saccaro feels

it is “critical for students to still have

access to technology.” Ms. Mary Hauck,

technology coordinator, organized a

system where students will have access to

other study areas during the renovation.

These will include rooms 121 and 123, the

math lab, and the writing lab. Signs will

be posted to indicate room availability.

The renovations are expected to

be completed by August 15. In order to

meet this deadline, it was necessary to

begin this project before the school year

ended, despite the inconvenience for both

students and staff during the last month

of school, said Saccaro.

“We’re bringing the library up to a

standard where the students will have an

experience here which will be reflected

when they go away to college,” said





Page 13: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6

!uest Food Management Services will begin servicing

meals for the café in the fall.

“Now it will be another company telling me what

to order, how much to put out, and how much to charge,” said

Ms. Paula Mitchell, cafeteria manager.

Currently, the cafeteria staff orders and prepares the food

independently for students. They will continue to prepare

meals, but they will now be employed by Quest.

Their service will include made-to-order deli sandwiches,

pre-made salads, and full made-to-order breakfasts. Pizza, a

salad bar, and fries will still be offered in addition to healthier

options that will be prepared on site as well.

“The kids have been asking for more healthy food items

and being that they are a larger company, they can buy from a

lot more sources and be able to offer a lot more choices for the

girls,” said Mrs. Barbara Petrovich, business administrator.

To ensure that students are satisfied with menu options, a

food committee of students will be formed to meet with Quest

representatives and share feedback, said Ms. Sharon Vanek,

district manager of Quest.

“We try to find out what [students] want to see. [They] are

the customers and we need [their] input,” said Vanek.

In the first months of next school year, vendors will be

allowed to present a variety of food samples to students to provide

a chance to try the meals before they are officially placed on the


Along with alterations to the food selections, the café will

utilize a debit system instead of the current cash payments. A

barcode will be added to each student’s ID and will be scanned

to pay for food.

“[Quest] says that the debit card system makes [lines] go

faster rather than having someone count out change,” said


With the new system, students can view their card activity


Quest also provides food service to nearby high schools,

such as Saint Patrick and Notre Dame.







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Page 14: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6



FROM: MOMMY DEAREST You forgot your lunch. I’m

going to eat it.


FROM:MAMADid u know that ur sis pierced her


FROM: DONTANSWERITSMOMWho is the band that

sings that song with Andre 3000? The


FROM: MADREIdontknowhowtospaceyetbutbehomesoon

,She signs her texts ‘XO, mommy’”

And Becca Genualdi, senior, is not kidding.

As a frequent recipient of “mom texts,” (definition: hilarious,

demanding, or worried texts sent by mothers everywhere) Genualdi

finds that having an inbox filled with messages from mom is not that

unsual anymore.

“I’ve gotten a lot of strange texts from my mom,” said Genualdi.

But it doesn’t seem to phase her anymore.

Believe it or not, moms are joining the texting world. But here’s

the scary thing: they’re adding their own lingo into the mix.

“My mom uses short abbreviations that don’t even make sense,”

said Sam Szyska, senior. “She’ll only use the first letter of people’s

names, and half the time I get lost and have no idea what she’s talking


Genualdi’s mom uses a similar system of abbreviations. “My

mom texts ‘CM’ for ‘call me’,” said Genualdi. “Apparently, she can’t

type out the entire thing.”

Perhaps the even more interesting aspect of the mom texting fad,

is their attempt to use actual modern texting lingo. Yes, moms are texting ‘LOL’ and ‘OMG’, and some moms even thought that ‘LOL’

meant ‘Lots of love’.

“She tries to use LOL, but I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even know

what it means,” said Szyska.

Rachel Schlessinger, junior, also frequently exchanges texts with

her mom. Her mom, like many others, has fallen victim to teenage

texting jargon.

“She actually texted me ‘peace out’ one night,” said Schlessinger.

“I stared at the phone in disbelief for a while.”

It may be hard to believe

that these text messages

were sent by real Res

moms. Seriously though,

these are bonafide mom

text messages. But we

decided to keep them

anonymous; we didn’t

want to embarrass moms

too much.


Page 15: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6

Perhaps the reason behind the sudden shift from, “Ugh! My

mom’s calling me!” to “I swear if my mom texts me one more time”

is because moms want to feel closer to their daughters.

Kristen Krawczyk, sophomore, said that her mom only texts her

occasionally. But, when she does, Krawczyk said, “She thinks she’s

more of a friend than a mom when she texts me.”

“My mom texts me for her own entertainment,” said Schlessinger.

“She feels pretty cool after she sends a text.”

Mrs. Schlessinger, however, claims she uses texting for her

daughter’s benefit.

“I text Rachel because it’s a fast and easy

way to make sure she is safe and okay,” said Schlessinger.

But the question is, who’s out there teaching moms how to text?

Some can’t even turn on a computer, let alone find the “create a new

message” option on their cell phone.

“My mom asked her best friend to teach her,” said Schlessinger.

“Her friend told her that she needs to learn how to text me, because I

won’t answer her five-hundred phone calls a night.”

For Szyska’s mom, however, it was a self-taught mess.

“My mom figured it out on her own,” said Syszka. “It was pretty

funny to watch her. She would take about five hours to respond

because she would press the wrong buttons.”


FROM:MAMACITAIm goin zip-lining




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next boyfriend [picture attached]

FROM: The woman who feeds me

Look! we got a new dog![sends pic of little



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FROM: THE MOTHER BIRD can i borrow your khakis?

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3hen asked what

superpower he’d like to

have, Mr. Jeff Chmielinski

said, “teleportation.” Because he’s

sometimes asked to be at opposite

corners of the school in a matter of

minutes, this would be a valuable asset

to his job as a permanent substitute.

Chmielinski was hired as a

permanent sub earlier this year. He’s

well-liked among the Res community.

“He handles the different situations in

each class very well,” said Ms. Amelia

Kaye, substitute coordinator.

Kaye described Chmielinski as

“upbeat, energetic, committed to the

job, and [someone who] respects the


“In high school, I was good in

math and other students were asking

me questions about what we were

doing,” said Chmielinski. “I told them

how to do it, and they got it. It was a

satisfying feeling.”

Becoming a teacher was something

that was always in the back of Chmielinski’s

mind. “I remember helping my teachers grade

papers, and I liked that,” said Chmielinski.

“[But] obviously I didn’t have the full scope of

what it was to be a teacher.”

His first experience teaching was a

gratifying one. Chmielinski spent five years

on and off teaching English at a private school

in Poland. “The experience was fantastic,”

said Chmielinski. “All the students were very

receptive. The learning environment was super.”

Chmielinski plans to teach high school math

once he receives his teaching certificate in May.

He is a longtime friend of Ms. Rachel

Meiner, former athletic director. She encouraged

him to inquire about the sub position.

“I came here and I subbed a couple of times,”

said Chmielinski. “That got my foot in the door,

after I came home from Poland for good.”




























Page 17: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6

This video can be described in two words: boring and

boring. The video instructors demonstrated the positions

effectively, but they did little to pique our interest.

Halfway through, we lost interest completely. We were

hoping to experience the relaxation usually associated

with yoga, but the only relief we felt was when the video

finally ended. The best person for this video is anyone

who wants a strictly directional video.






About five minutes long, this video consists of 12 moves

to tone and tighten your abs. The exercises were different

from typical crunches, offering a refreshing and modern

workout. However, many of the moves were challenging

and complex and took awhile to get the hang of. With

no background music or instructions, it was easy to lose

motivation. But the fast approaching swimsuit season

should be enough to get you through the workout.

This was our favorite video. It was simple and didn’t take

up too much time. These exercises ensure you get the

right amount of tone without looking too buff or bulky,

which is a concern for most girls. Although the moves

are simple, they can become tiring after repeated reps.

These are exercises that you can do on a daily basis in

addition to your regular workout. Overall, this video was

an easy and effective way to tone your arms.

Although there is no music or talking, the exercises

were effective. It starts out slow, but the moves become

more difficult and complicated as it continues. They

also suggest adding more weight to make for a more

challenging workout. This video is an easy way to tone

your lower body. The best aspect of this video is that

it not only tightens your butt, but your back and thigh

muscles get a workout too.

With four segments, each being five minutes long,

it was a quick and simple way to target core muscles.

Even though the moves were pretty basic, we still felt

the burn. The extended time length for each exercise

made the workout more difficult. We were disappointed

that most of the exercises were just extended versions

of your average crunch. This video was upbeat, and the

music motivated us to keep going.

This video worked more than just our jazz hands; it gave

us a full body workout. The entertaining music kept us

going, even if it was a bit cheesy at times. The dance

moves worked every muscle (or at least it felt that way).

It was a refreshing way to exercise, and the 20 minutes

went by quickly. Despite the jokes people make about

jazzercise, this cardio jazz workout will help you burn

calories fast.






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Page 20: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6





+adical changes are quickly

approaching for three seniors,

teammates, and friends. Whether

it’s dancing or just hanging out on a Friday

night, Tessa Sassolino, Caroline Santella,

and Kelly Sufranski spend almost all their

time together. Once August rolls around,

however, they will be separating across the

Midwest to attend different colleges. With

hopes to continue their dancing careers

post high school, these seniors reflect on

their experiences and share what they plan

to do in the future.

+#%%($7(%%/5."/It’s hard to believe that Tessa Sassolino,

once hated dancing. Her mother signed her

up for dance class when she was two-and-

a-half, and she dreaded going.

“I hated it all. I hated the makeup, I

hated the costumes. But then I changed,”

said Sassolino.

Dancing is now one of her greatest

passions, but it took some time.

For four years she has been on Orchesis

and has previously taken lessons at Turning

Point in Elmwood Park.

And professional dancers at

conventions that Orchesis has attended also

sparked her interest to evolve as a dancer.

“[At these conventions] you see all

these girls that are amazing, and they

inspire you to be so much better,”

she said. T h e y

motivate me to work harder

because I think ‘Oh I want to be

like that girl!’.”

These dancers have helped

Sassolino gain confidence.

“When they come up to you

and say ‘good job’ even when

you’re on a little stage, it’s

just a great feeling,” she said.

“They make you feel good

about yourself and it makes you

push yourself even harder.”

Ms. Abby Foster, Orchesis

director/instructor, has

worked closely with

Sassolino all four years.

Even she noticed the

change in Sassolino.

“Tessa has grown a

ton. When she came in she

did hip hop and tap,” said

Foster. “She would try to do

other things, but she was never

passionate about it. Now, she can

do anything.”

Team member Ellen Olker

said, “Tessa has a very strong loud

personality, in a good way, and it

comes through when she dances.”

This summer Sassolino will be

working with at the Universal Dance

Association. There she will be working as

an instructor, choreographing and teaching

dances to the campers.

“I’m really excited because I get to

teach others to dance and help them get

better,” said Sassolino. It’s going to

be a lot of hard

work, but I’ll

meet friends

and it’ll be a

great experience.”

Sassolino’s plans of

dancing at the University

of Iowa didn’t turn out the

way she hoped. Unfortunately,

Sassolino didn’t make the team for

her freshman year at Iowa.

“I’m going to miss not being on a

team,” she said. “Taking just a dance class

is different. You don’t have that

fun and crazy bond.”

Sassolino still plans to

attend Iowa’s open gyms and

dance classes where she’ll

continue to practice. Then, as a

sophomore, she plans to try out

again. “I have to work hard to

make it, but it’s definitely going

to pay off if I do,” she said.

And if things don’t work out

as she intends, she still wants to

pursue a degree in dance to keep

it a part of her life.


7("&#55(Santella has become

a common name associated

with Orchesis. Caroline

Santella has been dancing

since the age of three and has

developed to be a great member

of the team. Coming from a family

of dancers, it was always something

she knew she’d do.

“My mom signed me up for

a dance class, and I just stayed

with it ever since,” said Santella.

“It’s what I was good at, so I

knew I wanted to do it in high


She began at Lynette’s School of Dance

with her two sisters, Katie and Colleen.

She then became interested in Orchesis

when her older sister, Katie, was a


“I always looked up to [Katie] as a

leader on the team and a big sister,” said

Santella. “I know my younger sister

Colleen looks up to me just how I look up

to Katie.”

Colleen said, “Caroline looks so

passionate and graceful when she dances

and it makes me want to be more like


Foster has also been working with

Santella for four years.

“Ms. Foster taught me how to really

Page 21: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6



focus on dance as an important part of

my life and try to advance every year,”

said Santella. “She encouraged me to

pursue dance after high school.”

Foster began teaching dance and

coaching Orchesis the same year Santella

was a freshman.

“I’ve had her since she was a freshman,

and she knows my teaching style

and what I expect from all of them,”

said Foster. “I’m able to tell them,

‘no, it looks bad’, and they don’t really

take it to heart. They just try


Santella also plans on working at

UDA with Sassolino this summer.

Then, she’s off to the University

of Dayton and has plans to join the

university’s dance team.

“At Dayton, it’s all student-run

just like Orchesis,” Santella said.

“Students choreograph and teach

each other. I think I’ll do fine because

I have learned how to receive help

from my peers and help them in return.”

And even though she’ll

greatly miss her Orchesis

team, she is excited to

join her new dance


“I’ll miss

watching her

dance,” said

Colleen Santella.

“She’s obviously

really talented,

so I hope

she keeps


!"##$%&'()*+,-.Kelly Sufranski hasn’t been dancing

as long as Sassolino and Santella, but it’s

an important part of her life. She joined

Orchesis her junior year and only took

dance lessons for a few years as a child.

Sufranski enjoys it so much that she

plans to try out for DePaul University’s

dance team.

“My sister inspired me to dance,”

said Sufranski. “She danced in high

school and always wanted me to dance,

too. I was never sure if I actually wanted

to, but I gave it a try and I ended up

loving it.”

Sufranski worked hard to become

a better dancer. “I pushed myself and

practiced all the time and continued to

improve,” she said.

Foster also helped Sufranski over the

past two years. “She’s always there to go

to if we have a problem no matter what it

is,” she said. “She has been a great help

to me along with all the other dancers on


But that wasn’t always the case. “We

always laugh because Kelly was such a

pain in the butt in class freshman year,

but now I love her to death. She’s such

a different person then from when I first

met her,” Foster jokes.

The team gave Sufranski more

confidence as a dancer and a person.

“I have fun when I dance. You just

get this confidence boost when you get

on stage and accomplish something,”

said Sufranski.

“I’m more comfortable dancing

different styles, and I can pick up on

things a lot easier,” she said.

She knows becoming part of the

team was the right decision. “I never

really had my heart set on Orchesis until

I joined it,” she said.

Sufranski isn’t going to stop dancing,

but it won’t be the same without her

friends by her side at DePaul.

“I’m going to miss being with

Caroline and Tessa 24/7,” said

Sufranski. “We’ve become so close

and dance has made us a family.”

Sassolino agrees. “I’m going

to miss not being on stage with

them ever again because they are

two of my best friends and we

dance so well together,” she








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Page 22: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6










7fter I bought into the whole Jodi Picoult

craze and read Nineteen Minutes, I fell

in love with the author’s style. So, I

was excited to read her newest novel, Handle

With Care.

Like Picoult’s other books, Handle With

Care involves a troubled family, a medical

issue, and legal controversies.

The family involved is the O’Keefes:

Sean, Charlotte, and their two daughters,

Amelia and Willow. They are interesting to

read about, especially the side story about pre-

teen Amelia’s self-esteem troubles.

The medical issue of the novel focuses on

five-year-old Willow, who has osteogenosis

imperfecta (OI), or brittle bone syndrome.

She was born with seven broken bones, and

in the years since her birth, has broken dozens

more, due to everyday actions as simple as

sneezing. Another aspect of her disease is her

keen ability to memorize information, and the

random facts that she will suddenly talk about

are highly interesting to read. For instance,

I learned that the hundred billionth crayon

made by Crayola was Periwinkle Blue.

Willow’s mother, Charlotte, is the

character who ignites the legal storyline

when she decides to sue her ob-gyn, who also

happens to be her best friend, for wrongful

birth. Had she been informed of the option

of abortion, Charlotte wouldn’t have chosen

to give birth to Willow. She only wants to go

through with the lawsuit in order to win much-

needed money for Willow’s medical bills.

The suspenseful question of whether or

not the lawsuit would carry through held my

interest. Once I finally finished, though, an

unexpected tragic event left me disappointed.

The lawyer involved, Marin Gates, has

her own little plotline, too. However, it doesn’t

really contribute to the main happenings of

the novel and just makes the book drag, since

it wasn’t all that interesting.

Also, like Picoult’s other novels, the

point of view changes each chapter, varying

among the five main characters. All of them

use “you” not only in the general sense, but

also to specifically address Willow. This was

really confusing.

All in all, if you’re looking for a happy,

light-hearted read, this book is not for you.

I’d recommend one of Picoult’s other novels

before this one.

$ $


;ust across the Edison Park tracks, a little

taste of France is waiting. On the corner

of Olmsted and Oliphant, I found Le

Flour, which proved to be so much more than

just a cafe with coffe and croissants.

The inviting street-side awning

immediately drew me into the bakery. Once

I stepped inside, I couldn’t get enough of the

pumpkin and squash colored walls. Window

displays with old fashioned bottles, vases,

lamps, and various trinkets complimented the

warm colored walls. The tiled tables were

charming as well, topped with fresh flowers

in vases and paired with comfy chairs.

When I ordered my food at the counter, I

was mesmerized by the enticing display case

of baked goods. There were many gourmet

pastries like chocolate croissants and tartlets.

The menu also offers coffee, tea, sandwiches,

and salads.

I ordered a chocolate croissant, a turkey

sandwich, and a chocolate financier with

raspberries, all of which were delicious. The

croissant was the perfect combination of

chocolate and flaky dough. Before I even

took my first delectable bite, its golden brown

surface convinced me that I would enjoy

every savory moment.

My only complaint about Le Flour is

that many of the items on the menu are a tad

pricey. While the sandwiches and soups are

reasonably priced, the chocolate ganache tart,

which is no more than eight bites, costs $9.

Also, there’s a raspberry flower that was the

size of a large thimble which cost $4. An

average Res girl may not be willing to spend

this much for these gourmet items (as good as

they are).

While the menu items are slightly pricey,

I still recommend that everyone pay it a visit.

I totally enjoyed the bakery. It’s a chic place

to grab a bite to eat with your friends and

share some pleasant conversation.

With summer approaching, Le Flour

offers the perfect spot for an authentic French

experience, and I fully plan on returning again

for another savory bite of the perfect chocolate


$ $

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.er fans range from kindergartners to

former governor, Rob Blagojevich.

Apparently, a majority of the

population wants the “Best of Both Worlds”,

a trait which the newest soundtrack did not

completely inherit. 12 of the 18 tracks on

the Hannah Montana soundtrack are sung by

Miley Cyrus and alter ego Hannah Montana.

Other honorable mentions include Billy Ray

Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Rascal Flatts, and Steve

Rushton. Together, they created a lack of

variety, either pop fluff in hyper speed or

southern sounds of banjos and mandolins.

Although the movie is about growing up,

the songwriters must think Miley is regressing

in years because Hannah’s lyrics are ridiculous

and repetitive. Nobody wants to hear, “This

is the good life, dining with your friends at

the fancy restaurants”, pronounced “rest-

er-ronts”. It is pointless to accentuate her

southern twang in a pop song. After multiple,

bland Hannah tracks; Steve Rushton tries to

be romantic by admitting to his cheesiness, a

tactic long expired.

Thankfully, a plethora of surprisingly

pleasant Miley songs enter the playlist by track

five. The infamous “Hoedown Throwdown”

is one of those songs you know you like,

but you don’t want to admit it. Nobody goes

around saying, “Pop it, lock it, polka-dot-

it, countrify, then hip-hop it”, but its unique

lyrics and fun melody make it astonishingly

addicting. By far, the best song on the

soundtrack, “The Climb”, causes a revelation.

The maturity in Miley’s voice is unleashed in

a series of inspirational lyrics. The beauty of

the song leaves one speechless.

Rascal Flatts’s, “Backwords”, is an

obnoxious, country song in overdrive. A

typical Taylor Swift song about love, feelings,

and romantic mush, soon enters the mix. An

acoustic version of “Bless the Broken Road”

by Rascal Flatts leaves one marveled with

its vulnerable, raw sound. More of the same

Hannah trash that started the soundtrack soon

ends it. They’re basically songs supporting

consumerist America where she pretends to

be a rebel when, in reality, the most rebellious

thing that this Disney-created “Hannah” has

ever done is supposedly ride around Los

Angeles without a seatbelt.

Overall, the soundtrack was fairly

atrocious, besides the middle, which was

rather excellent. Sad to say, but this may

possibly initiate a spiraling downfall to the

Hannah Montana empire.


8lthough I was dead tired before I saw

the midnight premiere of the film 17

Again, I was wide awake when I left

the theatre. In fact, I had such an adrenaline

rush from laughing nonstop that I had a hard

time falling asleep that night.

I expected 17 Again to be one of those

mediocre, overdone teen films. The trailers

made it seem like another Freaky Friday or

It’s A Wonderful Life, but I was wrong. The

movie had a modern twist with many laugh-

out-loud moments that entertained me for the

whole 102 minutes. I now consider it my new

favorite movie. Seriously.

Teen heartthrob, Zac Efron, stars as young

Mike O’Donnell, while Matthew Perry plays

the adult version. Mike is a middle-aged man

who feels his life is far from perfect. After

separating from his wife, he’s stuck living

with his nerdy best friend. On top of this, he

has a plummeting career and a teenage son and

daughter who barely give him the time of day.

He’d do anything to go back to high school

when he was the popular, hotshot basketball

player. Mike soon gets his wish. He wakes

up and finds himself mysteriously trapped in

his 17-year-old body. Don’t worry, I’m not

spoiling anything; the title pretty much gives

it all away.

Zac portrays a concerned and loving

father and his facial expressions and phrases

are right on target. Watching Zac interact

with his children while attempting to seem

like a teenager at the same time was beyond

amusing. In fact, he plays such a convincing

37-year-old father that I sometimes forgot

he’s only 21. There were many other good

actors in this movie, like Matthew Perry and

Thomas Lennon, but Zac Efron really stole

the show. I wasn’t a huge fan of Efron before

I saw the film, mostly because he didn’t have

much acting ability in High School Musical,

but 17 Again proved me wrong.

The movie includes the expected

stereotypical cliques as well as other free-

spirited characters. Although this movie is

clearly targeted for teens, adults will also enjoy

it. The movie has a heartfelt and meaningful

theme that an older crowd may find uplifting.

I can’t wait to see 17 Again again. And

then again.


Page 24: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6



-he coach that received last

year’s Resurrection High

School Sportsmanship Award

submitted her resignation on March

28 after coaching Varsity basketball

for nine years.

Coach Kerry Durham said

she is taking some time off from

coaching basketball and has no

definite plans.

Durham led the ‘07-08 Varsity

team to a first place finish in the

GCAC against long time rival

Trinity High School. It had been

31 years since Res placed first in

their conference.

“She was a good coach,”

said Cassie Corvo, class of ‘08.

“She had a lot of knowledge in


Under Durham’s leadership,

more than ten players continued to

play basketball at the college level.

Kristi Cirone, class of ‘05,

said that Durham’s coaching

went beyond the court. Durham

would often accompany Cirone to

recruiting events and wasn’t afraid

to give her constructive criticism,

said Cirone.

Durham believes that part of

her coaching philosophy involved

developing her players both on and

off the court. “That’s where the

success was,” said Durham.

Deanna Ortiz, class of ‘08, left

Res as a four-year letterwinner, and

now plays Division I basketball for

DePaul University.

“Her style is similar to Coach

Bruno’s [DePaul coach] style,

so it made my transition into

college easier,” said Ortiz. “She

prepared me very well for [college

basketball] with running, jumping,

and defense.”

Many of her players respected

her coaching techniques. “She was

different from normal coaches,”

said senior Varsity captain, Kelly

McKay. “She would make sure we

learned life lessons, beyond just


Durham’s resignation was

confirmed by Ms. Lynn O’Linski,

athletic director.
































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Page 26: 2008-2009 Res Banner Issue 6



**+,-./*0121Although the Res water polo team just began last year, they have

high hopes for a very successful season.

“So far the season is going very well,” said head Coach Peter

Przekota. “Every team we have played has complimented the girls on

where they are at now compared to last year.”

The varsity team started off the season with a record of 1-6 but are

anticipating to rack up more wins to make it to playoffs. Senior captain,

Nicole Foley said, “We’re hoping to win more than last year, and we’re

working really hard at practice to improve our skills.”

Senior JV captain, Madelyn Cuadrado said, “We’ve improved, and

we’re doing a different offense this year. With each practice we learn

new things and how to work as a team.”

The Bandits have a tough schedule ahead, including Fenwick,

Mother McAuley, Loyola, and St. Ignatius - 4 of the 5 top teams in state.

“Just because we’re still a new team doesn’t mean we can’t beat them,”

Cuadrado said.

The JV Bandits kicked off their season with a winning record of 4-2

and hope to make it to playoffs as well.

Catch the Bandits’ last regular season game on May 4 at Palatine

High School, 5 p.m.


*******************314-5,22The varsity, JV, and freshman teams all won their opening games

against Conant High School on March 18. Since then, they’ve still

played hard, yet have not kept a winning streak.

Hana Somogyi, pitcher, and Jamie Teichmann, shortstop and

captain, both agree that their hitting is strong and will help them win

games. “We all have a good bat and are capable of hitting the ball well,”

said Teichmann.

“I think our hitting is going to carry us and win the games,” said

Somogyi. “We have a lot of diversity. We can hit and bunt.”

Kaitlyn Kelly, third base, also believes their defense is strong. “We

all work well together on the field, and if you don’t have defense, you

can’t win games,” said Kelly.

While their season is just starting, the varsity team knows how

difficult it will be. “As always, we have a hard schedule, but our

biggest rivals are Loyola Academy and Mother McAuley High School,”

Teichmann said. “They have always been good competition.”

Somogyi believes differently. “We are our biggest competition,”

she said. “I think the only people that can beat us are ourselves.”



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*+,,-.The varsity soccer team has gained many new players this season.

More than half of the starting squad are underclassmen and have helped

lead the team to a 6-2-3 record, as of April 23 press time.

Senior team captain, Keelee Leyden said, “This year’s team is

totally different; we have a lot of underclassmen but they’re fitting in

well and contributing equally.”

Fellow senior captain Brittany Byrne agreed. “We are definitely

more of a team this season,” she said.

Although, the team’s made up of a large number of freshmen and

sophomores, Candace Wrzesinski, senior, joined soccer for the first

time this year.

Wrzesinski gets playing time on the field, but she had to work hard

to catch up with the rest of her teammates when it came to learning the

rules and fundamentals of the game. Wrzesinski said, “I had to start way

at the beginning; I didn’t even have any of the equipment.”

The team is practicing hard and hopes to beat their rival teams from

Loyola Academy and St. Ignatius College Prep. Leyden said, “We hope

to do well in conference and win regionals, but we need to work on not

rushing our game so much,” said Leyden.

“I’m hoping that we finish the season on a good note. I believe we

have the potential to place third if not better,” Byrne said.


/.0,1The crowd of girls meeting by the café after school means one

thing: the track and field season is in gear. Track and field is different

from previous years with two new coaches, Colleen Byrne and James

Ballard. “This is my first season coaching at Res,” said Coach Byrne.

“We have a great group of girls on the team.”

According to Coach Ballard, the team is rather small with a large

number of freshmen and sophomores but few upperclassmen. Coach

Ballard hopes the team has the potential “to go from a small track and

field team (about 35 girls counting both JV and varsity) to a larger team

next year (ideally about 80 girls total) which will make the team even

more competitive against larger schools.”

A small team is not the only challenge that the track and field team

faces. “The biggest challenge is not being able to practice on a proper

outdoor track and not having proper long or triple jump pits to jump

into,” said Ballard. “This has led to injuries from running on concrete

too often.”

Ballard believes the team has the potential to do well and perform

competitively in the upcoming outdoor meets. More school spirit at

games is another hope for future meets. “Even though track isn’t one

of Res’s strongest sports, I still think it would be nice if we had more

of the school supporting us at our meets like every other sport does,”

senior Danielle Bryne said.










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