
20 mistakes EVERYBODY

makes when selling (and they

have no idea they’re doing it)

1. Focusing too hard on the


Case: You’ve secured a meeting and you couldn’t be more


✗ You walk in, shake hands, and launch into your

fabulous presentation. Wrong!

✓ Before anything, talk to your prospects. Spend five to 10

minutes chatting and helping them relax.

2. Taking it all too seriously

✗ You’re not there to stop famine or

human trafficking.

✓ Keep it light-hearted.

✗ You’re not there to be liked or taken out for

dinner! People buy from people they respect.

✓ B2B selling is about positioning yourself as an

expert with a solution to a business problem.


4. Hiding behind emails

✓ It’s not 1995! If a prospect isn’t

answering then try contact via Twitter,

LinkedIn, Facebook and mobile phones.

X People still send blanket emails that go nowhere.

5. Not making enough calls

Case: Sometimes it takes four phone

calls before a prospect calls back.

✗ This isn’t being stalker-ish!

✓ This shows you care – that you

really want to speak to that person.

6. Making too many calls.

✗ If they don’t call back after

eight calls, stop calling. (You’re

being stalker-ish.)

✓ Change tact.

7. Being individualistic

✓ There’s power in

numbers – a team

effort always

generates better


8. Calling at the wrong time

✓ Think about which times might suit

them best and get in touch


✗ (9.30am on a Monday is never a

good time, FYI.)

9. Getting impatient

Remember Buffet’s saying:

“you can’t make a baby in a

month by making nine women


10. Letting the ego lead

You have weaknesses,

we all do. Recognise

them and delegate.

11. Not adapting

Somebody wants your business, but not quite

how you’d normally do it?

Close the deal and figure out how to deliver it

along the way.

✓ Learn to adapt and see the solution not the

problem – remember Darwin?

12. Dressing wrong

If you’re meeting a tech start-up don’t show up in

a suit.

And if you’re meeting a high street bank don’t

show up in jeans!


13. Not preparing

Know the business inside

out and never be late for a


14. Assuming they are like you

✗ The likelihood is they’re nothing like you and they

don’t want to talk about shopping, football or anything

else you’ve assumed they want to chat about.

✓Find out what their interests are and talk about that.

(Even if it’s cricket.)

15. Being themselves

✗ It sounds harsh, but showing up to a meeting

either deliriously happy, hacked off or uber excited

is a no-no.

✓ Contain your emotions, chat to your potential

customer and work out what kind of state of mind

they’re in, and then mirror it.

16. Ignoring Twitter

It’s not going anywhere –

get on it and start using it.

17. Ignoring LinkedIn

Also not going anywhere,

grow your network and start

posting links and updates!

18. Answering calls or emails in a


✗ It doesn’t matter if it’s Samuel L. Jackson wanting

to know if you’re free for dinner. Don’t do it. In fact,

don’t take your phone out of your pocket because...

✓ ...for the duration of that meeting, the only person

that counts is your potential client.

19. Losing sight of winning

Not just for yourself, but for

your team too.

20. Taking no for an answer

They said no? Then you

didn’t explain your

proposition well enough,

that’s all.

Want to know more? Get in touch with us at the

Nutcracker Agency...

[email protected]

