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  • The Voice of Goa - - Since 1900


    Panjim I March 20, 2011 I Postal Reg. No. Goa 101 I Price Rs. 3.00 I Air Surcharge Rs 2 I Pages 16+12







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    T i d e s T o d a y

    Govt lies onSIT probe in Cipriano caseTEAM HERALD

    PANJIM: When the Crime

    Branch registered a case of

    murder against unnamed

    policemen of the Panjim po-

    lice station on February 9, for

    the custodial death of Cipri-

    ano Fernandes, the people of

    Goa felt that the wheels of

    justice were finally moving.

    Since then, the entire

    issue has been put in cold

    storage. No officer has been

    named, no officer has been

    arrested. The Crime Branch

    is conducting an investiga-

    tion headed by an officer

    Braz Menezes but there has

    been no formation of the SIT.

    Till they do, no investiga-

    tions by SIT will be con-

    ducted notwithstanding the

    Crime Branch inquiry, in the

    light of the Home Ministers

    announcement in the As-


    So what has essentially

    happened is that we have

    been conned. Into thinking

    that a high level inquiry and

    investigation has been initi-

    ated, which really hasnt.

    Herald has investigated

    and the paper trail of corre-

    spondence, replies to RTI

    applications and various po-

    lice orders lift the lid off this

    cover up exercise. We did

    this so you know.

    Please read the complete

    investigation of this story on

    page 9 WHEN THE LIES


    ranG barse Students of Hedgewar High School, Mala, Panjim, celebrating Holi.

    Rozario Estibeiro


    MARGAO: Former Tourism

    Minister, Mickky Pacheco on

    Saturday lambasted South

    Goa leaders for what he

    termed as their U-turn on

    the Dabolim airport expan-

    sion by maintaining silence

    on the Cabinet decision to

    denotify the acquisition of

    land of one individual

    Bernard Costa.

    Briefing newsmen,

    Pacheco demanded to know

    as to how the government

    could denotify land meant

    for airport expansion when

    the AAI has not requested

    the government to do so.

    Lashing out at PWD Minis-

    ter, Churchill Alemao, he

    said, The so-called leader of

    the masses of South Goa,

    who has been championing

    the cause of Dabolim Air-

    port, has remained a mute

    spectator, and has tacitly

    supported the land dropping

    that would have helped the

    Dabolim airport, Pacheco


    He continued Whom is

    he fooling that he is inter-

    ested in Dabolim airport

    when his actions speak that

    he is against it.

    Pacheco cautioned the

    stake holders of the Tourism

    industry from South Goa

    like hoteliers, taxi-owners,

    bus owners etc to take note

    of the man of the masses,

    and demanded that the gov-

    ernment should immedi-

    ately reverse its decision.

    >Continued on pg 12

    Mickky blastsMLAs onDabolim denotification

    Ponda student ends life


    MARCEL: In yet another

    shocking case of a minor

    committing suicide in Ponda

    taluka, a 11-year-old boy

    ended his life near his house

    in Pardogal-Shiroda on Fri-

    day night.

    Ponda police informed

    that the body of Aniket Da-

    vane (11), a student of Std 5,

    was found hanging to a tree

    near the house at around 9


    Police say the reason be-

    hind his suicide is not


    Speaking to the parents,

    >Continued on pg 12


    PANJIM: It will perhaps be

    more than a decade before

    the first plane flies out of the

    Mopa airport. But two things

    have already soared. Land

    prices which have risen 265

    times in 13 years, and the

    number of hoteliers, busi-

    nessmen and local politi-

    cians, who have nosedived

    into areas around Mopa to

    buy property when locals liv-

    ing there for generations are

    facing eviction.

    Mopa is not an interna-

    tional airport yet. But it is on

    its way to becoming Goas

    most expensive real estate


    Records in possession of

    Herald show that the aver-

    age land sale has been worth

    Rs 131 crore after 2008, when

    the government invoked the

    emergency clause to acquire

    land for the airport. That

    year, 266 Property Registra-

    tions took place in less than

    365 days.

    Check this. In 1993, there

    were just 18 property sales

    >Continued on pg 12

    The GreaT Mopa shoppinG fesTival

    Locals left high & dry asRs 131 cr land deals done


    PANJIM: With Goas fabric on

    the verge of extinction, heres

    a person who is determined

    to revive the dying tradition.

    The traditional kunbi fabric

    collection that was show-

    cased at the Wills Lifestyle

    India Fashion Week, in Octo-

    ber 2010 is being used as a

    tool not only to revive Goan

    weaving but also to train

    rural women for self-employ-


    Poonam Pandit, a Mumbai-

    based textile designer has

    decided to take the project

    ahead on her own with the

    help of local organisations.

    She was associated with

    fashion designer Wendell Ro-

    dricks to give the whole col-

    lection a very modern and an

    elegant look, which was dis-

    played at the Wills lifestyle

    fashion week.

    Wendell has assured me to

    market the product. It can be

    sold at emporiums although

    Goa, at present does not

    have any textile emporium,

    she said.

    Not only is the kunbi saree

    diminishing in Goa there is

    only one weaver. During their

    research in sourcing the

    >Continued on pg 12

    Kaka from Pernem puts Kunbi back in fashion


    MOPA: These two men are

    separated by two bridges

    and two rivers the Zuari

    and the Mandovi. They have

    never met and never will.

    But they have the same

    problem loss of land where

    they are settled. But both

    have met with two different

    fates from the same govern-


    Bernard Costa of Dabolim

    sat in the meeting with the

    Chief Minister, Revenue

    Minister and Deputy

    Speaker of Goa who decided

    to denotify his land, worth

    more than Rs 75 crore.

    Meanwhile Dhaku Waraq, a

    dhangar tribal from the

    Warkhand village of Mopa is

    not even clearly aware that

    the land three generations of

    his family have tilled will be

    acquired for the Mopa air-

    port. He doesnt even know

    how much compensation he

    will get or where his new

    dwelling will be. But his land

    will never be de-notified for

    the cause of justice, the rea-

    son given for the de-notifica-

    tion of Bernard Costas land.

    We ask a simple question.

    Does the call of justice strike

    the Chief Minister, his Rev-

    enue Minister and the

    Deputy Speaker only when

    a landed man, obviously

    with a social and financial

    standing to give him access

    to high powered govern-

    ment meetings, cries for jus-

    tice. It is another matter that

    no real injustice was being

    done to Costa in the first

    place by acquiring his land.

    Bernard Costa of Dabolim

    was set to lose 36,800 square

    >Continued on pg 12

    sunday insiGhT

    What does Bernard Costa of Dabolim have

    that Dhaku Waraq of Mopa does not?

    sunday anchor

    kunbi is cool: Kaka

    Tilve at work in Pernem.

    Govt wasright: Mauvin


    CORTALIM: Breaking his si-

    lence on the controversial

    denotification of Dabolim

    land and his involvement

    in the issue, Cortalim MLA

    and Deputy Speaker Mau-

    vin Godinho defended the

    governments decision,

    saying it was purely in the

    interest of Goa.

    He said that the Navy

    was falsely claiming own-

    ership merely because

    their name was recorded

    in the survey record,

    which is not an ownership

    document. He said that the

    Chicalim communidade

    had also laid their claim on

    the land.

    >Continued on pg 12

    Herald Pic

  • The Mormugao Fort

    was one of the largest

    Portuguese forts in

    Goa and it played a strategic

    role to ward off enemies of

    the colonial rule. Over the

    years, the fort has been in

    ruins and feeble efforts have

    been made by authorities to

    protect the mammoth her-

    itage structure.

    Recently, the archaeologi-

    cal department sanctioned

    Rs 21 lakh for restoration

    work of the fort, which is

    being undertaken by a

    group of eight workers. Work

    began about three months

    ago and it is expected to con-

    tinue for quite some time,

    since only eight workers

    have been entrusted the task

    of restoring the massive


    Restoration of this fort is a

    challenging task. We wonder

    how people could have built

    such a massive fort in the

    17th century, explains the

    contractor, Shiva Gaudar.

    Utmost care has been

    taken to prepare cement-

    mixture which consists of

    limestone, jaggery, sand and

    cement to paste on the lat-

    erite stone walls of the fort to

    further strengthen it, said


    He further informed that

    work would continue for few

    more months and said the

    fort will be restored in a

    phased manner.

    The fort, which is about

    10 kms in circumference,

    boasts of 20 bulwarks, can-

    nons, prisons, a chapel and

    quarters for the guards.

    The boundary of the fort

    starts from Mormugao Port

    right up to Khollant in south

    and St Jacinto Island to-

    wards Chicalim in the

    north, informed Assistant

    Superintendent of Archae-

    ologist Manguesh Desh-


    Deshpande explained that

    the fort boundaries, ruined

    walls and bulwark of fort

    would be restored in a

    phased manner.

    In the first phase, restora-

    tion of fort near the MPT

    headquarter office is being

    taken up at a cost of Rs 21

    lakh and later, most parts of

    the fort will be taken up for

    restoration, said Desh-


    Recalling the history of

    the fort, Deshpande said the

    Portuguese had realized the

    threat from the Marathas

    during the 1600s, as they

    were keen to free Goa from

    the Portuguese rule.

    The threat perception

    forced the Portuguese to

    build the fort at Mormugao.

    This fort was built by the Por-

    tuguese unlike the forts at

    Chapora, Cabo-de-Rama

    and Terekhol, which were

    built by the Indian rulers. It

    was strategically designed as

    a coastal fort to keep vigil on

    the Arabian Sea, said Desh-


    Recently, the Quilla

    Savardhan Samiti (Fort

    Restoration Committee) was

    formed during the tenure of

    then Vasco MLA Rajendra

    Arlekar to oppose the MPT

    for imposing restrictions on

    people to visit the fort as its

    access is common to the fort

    and the MPT headquarters



    avaz Mapusa is presently gripped with the prob-lem of collecting and disposing tonnes ofgarbage generated in the town on a day-to-day basis.

    The threat perception forced the Portugueseto build the fort at Mormugao. This fort wasbuilt by the Portuguese unlike the forts atChapora, Cabo-de-Rama and Terekhol,which were built by the Indian rulers.

    --- Manguesh Deshpande

    Goa I Sunday 20, March 2011


    2 arrested in kidnapping caseMARCEL: Punjab Police with the help from Ponda Po-

    lice on Thursday night arrested two persons in con-

    nection with a kidnapping case.

    According to Ponda Police, a kidnapping case was

    registered against one Rajkumar Jha (21) with Pun-

    jab City Police station.

    Quoting Punjab Police, Ponda Police informed that

    the accused had fled from Punjab along with a 15-

    year-old girl on February 15 and had reached Goa

    on February 20.

    Police further informed that the accused, native of

    Bihar, along with the girl was residing in a rented

    room with his brother Vasant at Shantinagar-Ponda.

    Punjab Police learnt of Rajkumars location in

    Ponda through a mobile service provider, which

    tracked Rajkumars mobile phone location, in-

    formed Ponda Police.

    Subsequently, Punjab Police contacted its counter-

    parts in Ponda and raided the rented premises on

    Thursday at about 11 pm. Rajukumar along with his

    brother Vasant were arrested and handed over to

    Punjab Police along with the girl.

    Gold, cash stolenMARGAO: Unknown culprits decamped with gold or-

    naments and cash from a residential house at

    Rawanfond, Margao, all amounting to Rs 80,000.

    Margao police informed that the burglary occurred

    when the inmates of the house were out. The bur-

    glars lifted away a gold chain and bracelet, besides

    a wrist watch and cash of Rs 7000.

    A complaint to this effect was lodged by one Sudhir

    S with the police. The police are investigating.

    Property gutted in fire BICHOLIM: Property worth combined Rs 95,000 was

    gutted in a fire in four different incidents in Bicholim

    on Thursday.

    A house, cow shed, cashew plantation and dry grass

    were guttered in the fire.

    According to SFO Laxman Naik, the first incident oc-

    curred at Gaonkarwada-Ona, Bicholim, in which a

    residential house belonging to one Nagesh Laxman

    Gaonkar was gutted in fire, causing a loss about Rs


    The fire spread to the surrounding area, due to

    which a neighbouring cow shed belonging to Shan-

    taram Gaonkar was also gutted, causing a loss to

    the tune of Rs 30,000.

    The third fire incident was reported at Dhabdhaba in

    which dry grass was gutted in fire but no loss was


    In the fourth incident, cashew plantation belonging

    to Shanti Srikant Gaonkar from Mayem was gutted

    in a fire, causing a loss of Rs 15,000.

    Firemen Shashi Malwankar, V M Gad, R R Parab, S C

    Kesarkar and Paresh Patil along with the locals

    helped to bring the fire under control.

    Retreat underway PANJIM: Thousands attended the first two days of

    the three day Lenten retreat organized by St Sebast-

    ian Church, Aquem-Alto, Margao as part of the Lent

    season commemoration.

    Fr Ligorinho Da Costa, parish priest of St Sebastian

    Church, Aquem opened the three day event by ex-

    plaining that the preachers were not God them-

    selves, but were doing the good work of proclaiming

    the message of Jesus Christ, specially during the

    Lent season.

    The three day retreat wind up with a full day retreat

    on March 20.

    Shigmotsav at PondaMARCEL: Ponda Taluka Antruz Shigmotsav Samitti

    will organise the State-level Shigmotsav festival at

    Shree Mahalasa Temple on Ponda on March 20.

    It is an annual event where the president of Shig-

    motsav committee along with committee members

    will participate in a procession accompanied by the

    Romtamel of Khedekar Mandal, Khede-Priol.

    Earlier, Ponda Taluka Antruz Shigmotsav Samitti

    President Home Minister Ravi Naik along with Priol

    MLA Deepak Dhavlikar, Ponda Municipal Council

    Chairperson Kishore Naik offered prayers at Shree

    Mahalasa Temple, Mardol-Ponda.

    The State-level Shigmotsav festival, to will be held at

    Ponda on March 20, will be followed by Shigmotsav

    floats parade in rest of the State.

    Shigmo is our tradition and needs to be preserved

    for posterity. Shigmo has got rich cultural heritage

    and over the years, its popularity is growing, said


    Cuncolim forums meetPANJIM: The Cuncolim Civic and Consumer Forum

    (CCCF) will hold its monthly meeting on March 20 at

    Our Lady of Health High School, Cuncolim at 10.30

    am. Among the issues to be discussed are World

    Water Day and water audit for Cuncolim, agenda for

    action by women volunteers, redressal of consumer

    grievances by government agencies, maintenance of

    KTC Bus Stand by Cuncolim Municipal Council,

    World Health Day, National Rural Health Mission and

    the Goa Medical Practitioners Rules 2011. Various

    service related issues like PWD water supply, BSNL

    phones, post, ration, LPG and kerosene supply and

    senior citizens cards will also be discussed.

    Mapusa drowns in garbage Tsunami..Mapusa, the largest and most congested town in North Goa, is reeking and reeling under the problem ofgarbage. Though this is known and has been told, the problem persists. An on the spot report on effortsbeing made to tackle the crisis

    It may be famed for its

    Friday Bazaar, but Ma-

    pusa has also gained no-

    toriety in the State for its

    mounting garbage woes.

    The town is presently

    gripped with the problem of

    collecting and disposing

    tonnes of garbage generated

    in the town on a day-to-day


    Garbage is strewn along

    the streets, which is not only

    an eyesore to the visitors but

    also poses a health hazard to

    residents in the area.

    The nullah behind the fish

    market is choked with plas-

    tic, bottles, tyres, vegetables,

    etc. The dirty water flowing

    through the nullah emanates

    foul smell.

    The Mapusa Merchants

    Association had suggested

    that the nullah be covered so

    that people would not throw

    waste in the nullah.

    Mapusa is already a con-

    crete jungle, but the Ma-

    pusa Municipal Council

    (MMC) continues to issue

    construction licences to

    multi-storied buildings in

    the city.

    At present, the MMC col-

    lects wet and dry waste from

    houses and commercial es-

    tablishments and

    hotel/eateries located within

    its jurisdiction on a door-to-

    door basis.

    Segregation of waste

    collected is partly done at

    source and partly by MMC

    workers at the composting

    units. Wet waste is being

    treated in the composting

    units, while plastic waste

    is sent for recycling and

    dry/inert waste is dumped

    at the Assagao plateau.

    MMC has constructed 24

    compositing units at the fish

    market, Acoi, Gauswada,

    Khorlim and Dangui Colony,

    off which seven have been

    constructed in fish market


    All the bio-degradable

    waste collected from Ma-

    pusa market is composted in

    these units, while vegetable

    and fruit waste is composted

    at the units at Acoi and

    Khorlim. The compositing

    work is overseen by Green

    Goa Works.

    MMC Chairperson Sud-

    hir Kandolkar said the

    garbage issue is on their pri-

    ority list.

    Presently, MMC spends

    about Rs 9 lakh every month

    on collection and disposal of

    garbage. The file pertaining

    to land acquisition for

    garbage treatment is with

    the Revenue Department

    and I have personally pur-

    sued the matter, added


    MMC expects the process

    of land acquisition will be

    completed by March end

    and MMC has already re-

    ceived first installment of

    grant of Rs 2.33 crore from

    the government for setting

    up garbage treatment plant,

    he informed.

    anil shankhwalker


    The Goa State Pollu-

    tion Control Board

    (GSPCB) has be-

    come a regular visitor to Ma-

    pusa in recent times, mainly

    because of Mapusa Munici-

    pal Councils (MMC) inabil-

    ity to effectively tackle its

    garbage in the town.

    The GSPCB has been

    compelled to act in the mat-

    ter, following complaints

    from Assagao Commu-

    nidade. It had objected to the

    dumping of garbage on the

    Assagao Plateau stating that

    during the monsoon,

    garbage water flows down

    the village and pollutes the

    nearby spring and well


    Later the Communidade

    filed a Public Interest Litiga-

    tion in the High Court to di-

    rect MMC to stop dumping

    of garbage in its property.

    The court however permit-

    ted MMC to dump segre-

    gated garbage at Assagao

    Plateau till it got a new

    dumping site.

    In 2009, on receipt of a

    complaint from Assagao

    Communidade, GSPCB in-

    spected the site and directed

    MMC to cease dumping of

    un-segregated garbage at


    However on November 3,

    2010, Shiv Sena Ad-hoc

    Committee member Philip

    DSouza filed a complaint

    with GSPCB alleging that

    un-segregated waste includ-

    ing plastics and rubber waste

    was being dumped and

    burnt at Assagao hills,

    thereby causing environ-

    mental pollution and a health

    hazard to the residents of ad-

    joining Ganeshpuri, Housing

    Board and Ektanagar.

    On November 18, 2010,

    GSPCB officials inspected

    the Assagao Plateau and ob-

    served that MMC was dump-

    ing un-segregated/mixed

    waste at the site. A municipal

    vehicle was also seen dump-

    ing mixed waste during the


    Citing Section 5 of Envi-

    ronment (Protection) Act

    1986, the GSPCB chairman

    had directed MMC to imme-

    diately cease dumping of un-

    segregated waste at Assagao

    Plateau, to construct fencing

    around the site and to pro-

    vide adequate 24-hour secu-

    rity at the site to prevent

    such dumping.

    On February 24, 2011, the

    GSPCB along with MMC of-

    ficials carried out joint in-

    spection of the sites at

    Assagao, Kadamba depot

    and market area to check

    whether MMC initiated

    steps in regard to the collec-

    tion and disposal of garbage

    and made suggestion.

    During the meeting, MMC

    assured GSPCB that it

    would initiate necessary

    steps to maintain cleanliness

    in the market. MMC had

    also impressed upon the

    GSPCB the permanent solu-

    tion to the garbage problem

    would be garbage treatment


    MMC stated that the mat-

    ter of land acquisition for

    treatment plant was pending

    with the revenue depart-


    MMC Chief Officer H

    Toraskar requested the

    GSPCB to impress upon the

    government the need to

    speed up land acquisition

    process in light of the waste

    management problem being

    faced by MMC.

    ... Assagao Communidade hits back

    Anil Shankhwalker

    A scavenger eats food thrown in the dustbin at Mapusa.

    Built for protection, Mormugao Fort now cries for protectionThe Mormugao Fort, a 17th century heritage structure has been given a measly grant of Rs 21 lakhs forits restoration. But at least its a beginning to preserve this fort built by the Portuguese to ward off theMarathas

    The Baina bay bulwark.

    M Prabhav

    taurappa lamani


    Garbage dumped around the Assagao Plateau.

    Anil Shankhwalker

  • 3

    goaI will form the government in the next fiveyears. I will give representation to the Mahi-las, ST and minorities.

    Benaulim MLA, Mickky Pacheco

    Goas population is already peggedaround 1.5 million, and if another two mil-lion comes into the state, the future gen-eration will have no place to live in.

    former MLA Matanhy Saldanha

    Goa I Sunday 20, March 2011

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    Mickky on new party drive! HERALD REPORTER

    MARGAO, MARCH 19: He

    evaded a direct reply to a

    query whether he is moving

    fast to float a new political

    party, but asserted that he

    would form the next govern-

    ment in the state after the

    coming Assembly polls.

    And, the former Tourism

    Minister, Mickky Pacheco

    has promised to bring in

    new faces, with due repre-

    sentation to women, Sched-

    uled Tribes and the

    minorities in the political

    scheme of things.

    Incidentally, while

    Pacheco was briefing the

    media in a city-based hotel

    here this evening, one of his

    supporter drove outside the

    venue displaying a message

    United Goans, Mickky will

    rule Goa, indicating that the

    Benaulim MLA is moving in

    the direction of forming a new re-

    gional party in the state.

    Moreover, at the press

    briefing, Pacheco sought to

    clearly distance himself from

    the NCP, saying he is ad-

    dressing the media in his in-

    dividual capacity and not as

    a NCP MLA. And, he went

    on to say that individuals are

    more important than politi-

    cal parties, and categorically

    stated that he is not inter-

    A NEW ROAD: The car driven by Mickky Pacheco supporters displaying message United Goans Mickky will rule Goa.

    Santosh Mirajkar

    ested in any ministership in

    the Kamat government.

    When questioned that he

    is moving fast to form a new

    political outfit, Mickky

    replied I will form the gov-

    ernment in the next five

    years. I will give representa-

    tion to the Mahilas, ST and

    minorities. The Mahilas de-

    serves not just 33 per cent

    but 40 per cent reservation.

    Replying to a question,

    Pacheco said he had volun-

    tarily resigned from the

    Kamat ministry and is no

    more interested in the Cabi-

    net berth.

    The Benaulim MLA

    spoke very little of the NCP,

    especially on the decision by

    the two Ministers, Jose

    Philip DSouza and Nilkant

    Halarnkar, saying the party

    leaders will take a decision

    on the resignation after the


    Sources close to the Be-

    naulim MLA says that

    Pacheco is seriously toying

    with the idea of floating a re-

    gional outfit under the ban-

    ner of United Goans by

    bringing all anti-Congress

    and regional forces under

    one banner.



    Mickky Pacheco also admit-

    ted to Herald that he had al-

    ready started the process of

    forming a new political party,

    which would be named as

    `United Goans Party' -- the

    party which had led a his-

    toric movement to retain the

    identity of Goa in the Opin-

    ion Poll.

    Mickky, who was in Cor-

    talim to attend a Litany at

    the miraculous Bandeacho

    Khuris, recently said that the

    family of Jack Sequeira who

    is known as father of Opin-

    ion Poll would also be en-

    rolled in the party formation.

    probe into BpL scheme soughtHERALD REPORTER


    Are Goans becoming poor

    with each passing year or are

    the schemes manipulated by

    the government as part of

    vote bank politics?

    This question was posed

    by former Tourism Minister,

    Mickky Pacheco as he al-

    leged that the BPL list in the

    state is going up every year

    with addition of poor families.

    Look at the BPL list com-

    piled by the RDA then and

    now. Kamats government

    swears by the aam admi, but

    the BPL lists showed an in-

    crease in the beneficiaries

    three times. Is this to suggest

    that the people are becom-

    ing poor with each passing

    year or is it purely due to ad-

    ministrative discrepancies

    that the number of poor

    under the BPL scheme is

    showing an upward trend,

    he asked.

    The Benaulim MLA has

    called for a probe into the

    functioning of the BPL

    scheme saying that un-

    scrupulous politicians are

    distributing cylinders and

    gas stoves under the guise

    that the people are poor.

    A detailed probe into

    the functioning of the

    RDA is needed, Mickky


    The Benaulim MLA has called for a probe into the func-tioning of the BPL scheme saying that unscrupulouspoliticians are distributing cylinders and gas stovesunder the guise that the people are poor.

    movement for Special Status to be intensified

    Former MLA Matanhy Saldanha participating in an interactive workshop on Special Sta-

    tus for Goa -- Article 371 at Grace Church Hall, Margao.

    Savio Dias


    MARGAO, MARCH 19 : An

    interactive workshop on

    Special Status for Goa Ar-

    ticle 371 held in the city on

    Saturday evening has re-

    solved to intensify the move-

    ment every nook and corner

    of the state.

    Participants said the need

    of the hour is to protect the

    states identity by banning

    the sale of land to outsiders,

    adding that only special sta-

    tus under Article 371 of the

    Constitution can protect and

    save the state for future gen-


    They further argued that

    the Indian Constitution was

    drafted and adopted when

    Goa was still under the Por-

    tuguese regime and called

    for Amending the Constitu-

    tion to accord special status

    for the state.

    Participating in the work-

    shop, former MLA Matanhy

    Saldanha made a humble

    plea to the people to leave

    aside their differences on

    caste, religion and language

    and come under one ban-

    ner as Goans to achieve

    the goal of special status

    for the state.

    Saying that the SC, STs

    and OBCs comprises nearly

    60-70 per cent of the states

    population, Saldanha said

    this itself is a ground for ac-

    cording special status for

    Goa to protect the land of

    these communities from

    being sold to outsiders.

    Convenor of Asha Family

    Responsibilities & Rights

    Association, Rui Da Gama

    said that the organization

    and the activists have re-

    solved to take the movement

    for special status for Goa for-

    ward. Goas population is

    already pegged around 1.5

    million, and if another two

    million comes into the state,

    the future generation will

    have no place to live in. Our

    interests should be pro-

    tected a la Mizoram and

    Nagaland via special sta-

    tus under Article 371, he


    Gama said the land sharks

    from Delhi and other parts of

    the country are quoting the

    land rates in Goa. The land

    is in Goa, but the land title is

    in Delhi, he said, adding

    that outside land sharks are

    out to make business of

    Goan land.

    He said the movement for

    special status under Article

    371 will be spread across the

    nook and corner of the state

    so that a resolution is passed

    in the Legislative Assembly

    demanding special status for

    the state.

  • 4

    goaPoor utilization of National Rural Health Mis-sion funds resulted in large unspent balance.The unspent balance accounted for 41 percent of the funds received during the four yearperiod 2006-2010.

    CAG Report

    Our doors are still open for the rival group to hold talksand arrive at a compromise. But, we cannot wait for-ever since the government has announced dates forthe festival in various towns.

    Samiti member Rupesh Mahatme


    Goa I Sunday 20, March 2011

    GGEA strike termed illegalPANJIM: The State government has termed illegal theproposed strike by the government employees,under the aegis of Goa Government Employees As-sociation (GGEA), from March 21.

    The government has further warned that anyonefound not discharging their assigned duties duringthe strike period, shall be treated as absent and theprinciple of no work no pay will be invoked in suchunauthorised absence.

    The GGEA is seeking up-gradation of pay scales tovarious sections of the government employees onunsustainable grounds of providing similar benefitsto other employees where parity of pay scale wasgiven.

    Since the demands are not met, the GGEA hascalled for an indefinite strike from March 21.

    One arrested for theftCALANGUTE: Calangute Police on Saturday arresteda man from Margao on charges of stealing a digitalcamera and cash from a stationary Honda Activascooter on Saturday...

    Ajay Masrani of Nasik had filed a police complaintstating that his digital camera worth Rs 8000 andcash of Rs 2000 were stolen, when thieves brokethe dicky of his Honda Activa while he along with hiswife had gone for water sports activity on Calangutebeach on March 8.

    Calangute Police accordingly registered an offenceagainst the unknown persons on Friday and roundeda suspect, Ansar Altaf, on Saturday, who later con-fessed of the crime.

    The digital camera was recovered from the accused,who was arrested in this connection. Altaf has beenremanded to four days judicial custody and PSI Har-ish Gauns is investigating the case.

    Italian held on drugs chargesCALANGUTE: An Italian national was arrested by An-juna Police on charges of possessing drugs worth Rs1.56 lakh at Zhor Vaddo, Anjuna on Saturday.

    Anjuna Police was tipped off regarding a deal be-

    tween the Italian, Andrea Secchio (46), and another

    party near the Hospital at Zhor Vaddo, Anjuna.

    The Police then laid a trap and arrested Secchio in

    possession of 25 gms Heroine valued at Rs 1.56

    lakh. The Anjuna Police team was led by PSI Pravin

    Gauns, Umesh Pawaskar, Kishore Naik, Samir

    Gauns, Nitesh Mulgaonkar and Suhas Joshi. PSI

    Pravin Gauns is investigating the case.

    Bars closed during ShigmoPANJIM: All bar/restaurants, liquor shops in North

    Goa along the Shigmo floats routes have been or-

    dered to remain closed on March 20, 26, 27, 28, 31

    and April 5, from 4 pm onwards, according to an

    order issued by District Magistrate of North Goa. The

    order has been passed to prevent the public from im-

    bibing alcohol along the Shigmo route and preempt

    any untoward incidents.

    Rider dies in mishapPORVORIM: A motorcycle rider from Dodamarg died

    while the pillion rider was seriously injured when the

    motorcycle they were riding rammed into a roadside

    building at Tivim in the wee hours of Saturday.

    According to Mapusa police, While returning home at

    about 2 am, Varak dashed against the old post of-

    fice building at Tivim. While Varak died on the spot,

    Shinde sustained grievous injuries.

    The moon appears bigger and brighter after 18 years as it comes closest to the Earth on Saturday evening.

    Rozario Estibeiro



    BJP MLA Damu Naik-led

    Margao Shigmotsav Samiti

    has served Sunday evening

    as the deadline for the rival

    Shigmotsav Samiti headed

    by Chief Minister, Digambar

    Kamat to strike a compro-

    mise over the holding of one

    festival in Margao this year.

    Samiti member Rupesh

    Mahatme said nothing has

    happened on the compro-

    mise talks between the two

    groups so far. Our doors are

    still open for the rival group

    to hold talks and arrive at a

    compromise. But, we cannot

    wait forever since the gov-

    ernment has announced

    dates for the festival in vari-

    ous towns, Mahatme said,

    while serving a deadline till

    Sunday evening to strike a

    compromise deal between

    the two groups.

    He said the Samiti led by

    MLA Damu Naik will offer

    the sacred coconut to Lord

    Damodar at Pimpalkatta on

    Monday evening if the com-

    promise fails to take pace.

    In that event, he said the

    Damu-backed Samiti will go

    ahead with the Romtamel

    festival in the Commercial

    Capital on March 26.

    It appears the rival group

    is not interested in bringing

    the two groups together.

    Girish Chodankar has spoke

    to me over the phone, but

    my suggestion that both

    Chief Minister and MLA

    Damu Naik should meet

    and discuss the issue had no

    takers from the other side,

    he lamented.

    Damu serves deadline to CMs Shigmotsav Samiti

    NRHM funds: CAG raps Health Dept HERALD REPORTER

    PANJIM, MARCH 19: Alls

    not well with the Health De-

    partment and it needs to be

    injected with some shots of


    The Comptroller and Au-

    ditor General (CAG) report

    for March 2010, has exposed

    the inefficiency of the Health

    Department in effectively

    implementing National

    Rural Health Mission


    Major chunk of the funds

    released during last four

    years under NRHM re-

    mained unutilized.

    Poor utilization of funds

    resulted in large unspent

    balance. The unspent bal-

    ance accounted for 41 per

    cent of the funds received

    during the four year period

    2006-2010, CAG remarked.

    Total Rs 8.47 crore were

    left unutilized in the bank ac-

    count of State Health Society

    (SHS) as on March 2010.

    Also, advance payments

    totalling Rs 1.83 crore re-

    leased during 2007-10 to pe-

    ripheral units were also

    pending utilization, making

    the total unutilized balance

    Rs 10.30 crore as of March


    During 2006-2007, 100 per

    cent grants were provided

    by Government of India to

    the State. From the eleventh

    Plan period (2007-12) on-

    wards, the State was to con-

    tribute 15 per cent of the

    funds required annually.

    However, there was no con-

    tribution by the State till


    The important aspect of

    NRHM is to strategize

    upgradation of Community

    Heath Centres (CHCs)as per

    Indian Public Health Stan-

    dards (IPHS) to provide sus-

    tainable quality health care

    with accountability and peo-

    ples participation along with

    total transparency.

    Also, Rogi Kalyan Sami-

    ties (RKS) were evolved to

    be established at Primary

    Health Centres (PHCs) and

    CHCs and district hospitals.

    The main functions of the

    RKS are to identify and re-

    dress the problems faced by

    the patients; acquire and

    maintain equipment, furni-

    ture, ambulances and more.

    However, during CAG

    audit it was found that out of

    two district hospitals, five

    CHCs, 19 PHCs, RKSs were

    formed in two district hospi-

    tals, three CHCs and nine


    Moreover, SHS distrib-

    uted only Rs 67 lakhs to DHs

    and Rs 1 lakh at PHCs in

    Sanquelim and no grants

    were given to remaining


    The SHS submitted that

    funds were not released due

    to the absence of work pro-

    posals from the concerned

    CHCs and PHCs and though

    RKS were constituted, they

    could not perform any func-


    As per the Mission guide-

    lines, RKSs at district hospi-

    tals were to receive corpus

    grants of Rs 5 lakh each

    every year in addition to

    grants from the State Gov-


    They were also required

    to generate their own re-

    sources through levying user

    charges, receiving philan-

    thropic donations etc.

    But in reality nothing hap-

    pened. The CAG discovered

    that no user charges were

    collected by the RKS formed

    in the test-checked district

    hospital. Also, the State

    share was not found credited

    to the RKS account till Octo-

    ber 2010.

    The CAG in its report also

    pointed out that amount re-

    leased by the Central gov-

    ernment for upgradation of

    district hospitals, CHCs and

    PHCs was not fully utilized.

    CHC - Canacona and

    PHC Bicholim: Though

    CHC was shifted to a new

    building with an operation

    theater it was not used on

    regular basis for want of a

    regular surgeon, anesthetist

    and ancillary staff, and blood

    storage equipment.

    Also, one blood storage

    unit installed in March 2010

    at cost of Rs 8.54 lakh was

    not made operational till Oc-

    tober 2010.

    Similarly, no operations

    had been conducted in the

    OT at PHC in Bicholim since

    2007 due to non-availability

    of specialists and patients

    are referred to the district

    hospital and CHC, Valpoi.

    There is also shortage of

    specialists in CHCs as com-

    pared to NRHS norms. Each

    CHC should have seven spe-

    cialists and though posts

    have been sanctioned, cur-

    rently, none of the CHCs

    have total strength.



    Goa is projected as the

    State that has best health

    care system in place but

    the reality seems to be

    something different.

    The recent report of

    Controller and Auditor

    General (CAG) that cov-

    ered health segment says,

    basic health care services

    there were required to be

    provided in the health cen-

    ters were not available at

    many of the centers visited

    by the audit team.

    Basic health care facili-

    ties such as blood storage ,

    new born care, 24X7 deliv-

    eries, X-ray, ICCU/ICU,

    ultra sound, ECG, obstetric

    care, paediatrics, cold chain

    system were not available in

    the health centers.

    The State Programme

    Manager for National

    Rural health Mission

    (NRHM) however tried to

    justified the non-perfor-

    mance saying funds made

    available under NRHM

    were insufficient to build

    up the infrastructure to the

    fullest extend even as large

    quantum of funds released

    remained utilized.

    The audit team also

    found that infrastructure

    at Cottage Hospital in Chi-

    calim as well as leprosy

    hospital in Macasana was

    in poor state.

    Owing to poor mainte-

    nance, the ceiling of the

    hospital was leaking. The

    isolation ward for control-

    ling the spread of HINI

    (swine flu) could not be uti-

    lized due to its unhygienic

    condition and it also lacked

    space for beds, says CAG

    report with respect to Cot-

    tage Hospital.

    The condition of Cottage

    Hospital has worsened due

    to non-maintenance and

    the corridor passages are

    utilised by placing beds for

    male patients. Also, it lacks

    space for storing medicines.

    The table in the labour

    room is so old that it needs

    to be supported by a

    wooden piece.

    Though worsening con-

    dition of the hospital has

    already been reported to

    the higher authorities but

    action is still not forthcom-


    Says health centers lack basic amenities

    Woman kills her paramour, dies later VIBHA VERMA


    Kalyani, 50-year-old lady ad-

    mitted at Bicholim Primary

    Health Centre (PHC) walked

    out of her hospital bed and

    travelled to Bicholim, killed

    her paramour and slipped

    back into her hospital bed.

    Kalyani alias Rajani alias

    Babita is no more as she died

    almost a day after she was

    arrested for murder. She suf-

    fered breathing complica-

    tions but the police

    investigations reveal how skill

    fully she plotted and executed

    murder of her paramour at Deul-

    wada in Narvem village of Bi-

    cholim taluka.

    Babi Mote accused of hav-

    ing string of relationships with

    women including that with

    Kalyani and her sister-in-law was

    murdered by sickle.

    When the murder took

    place, Kalyani was formally

    admitted in PHC for respira-

    tory problems and was yet to

    be discharged.

    The incident happened on

    February 24-25 and people

    were unaware about the

    killing till February 26,

    morning when son of a land-

    lord came to the rented house of

    Mote looking out for him. He was

    found in the pool of blood.

    Initially, police suspected

    the murder to be handiwork

    of Raghu, Kalyanis hus-

    band. But after a proper in-

    vestigation, police zeroed

    down on Kalyani.

    Deputy Superintendent of

    police Bousette Silva, who

    supervised the probe, said

    that initially Kalyani acted

    smart and refused to accept

    that she murdered Mote.

    But subsequently, she

    broke when police told her

    that Mote is alive and recu-

    perating in the hospital. She

    confessed to the murder.

    Another patient, who was

    admitted next to Kalyani in

    PHC, also told the police that

    on February 24 night, she

    (Kalyani) had disappeared

    for few hours and later came

    back to the bed in the mid-

    night. She was discharged

    only on February 25.

    Visit to the spot where the

    story of Kalyani and Mote

    unfolded, revealed that vil-

    lagers are reluctant to speak

    about them.

    I have not met Kalyani

    but heard that she was abu-

    sive to the people around. I

    went several times to get her

    listed in the BPL category

    but she was never at home,

    local sarpanch Pratishta

    Mishal said.

    For us, it was not so easy to

    enter into this village and

    strike the conversation.

    Mishal suggested that we

    should be disguised as a BPL

    enumerator and go around.

    The first one, we met in

    the village, happens to be

    Kalyanis relative, who

    claimed that she received

    maximum abuses from her

    for no reason.

    She was sick, mentally

    and physically. She had

    medical problem, thats why

    she was admitted in the hos-

    pital, an elderly lady said

    when we introduced our self

    as BPL enumerators.

    Kalyanis death is not

    much spoken in the Devulwada

    locality of Narvem. Its almost 12

    days and people have not even

    bothered to do the rituals as per

    Hindu religion.

    She would come to this

    pond (nearby her house) to

    wash clothes. Not many

    would talk to her because of

    many reasons she was

    very abusive and used foul

    language. Some days before

    her death, she was not able

    to walk a distance. She was

    weak and feeble, said an-

    other villager.

    Deulwado, a cluster of

    around 80 houses is situated

    around Saptakoteshwar

    Temple. The village compris-

    ing of around 360 voters is ac-

    cessible only by two


    Kalyanis past is rattled

    with misery. She was mar-

    ried to Raghu from whom

    she delivered four boys, of

    whom two died due to

    drowning, one committed

    suicide while another boy -

    Lou is alive.

    She developed relation-

    ship with Mote and contin-

    ued to stay with him in the

    village for more than 15-

    years, creating a social

    stigma for herself.

    Kalyani continued enjoy-

    ing government doles after

    death of her boys. She was

    even paid Rs 10,000 through

    local scheme to repair roof of

    her house, which she never

    did. Mishal said that Kalyani

    was overall paid some Rs

    30,000 and a cylinder from

    the Government.

    Initially, Kalyanis death in

    Goa Medical College was

    feared as a custodial killing

    as she was already arrested

    for the murder. But later

    doctors certified that she had

    breathing issues, which took

    her life.

    SDM N M Gad who is

    conducting an inquiry into

    the case - as she died while in

    police custody, told Herald

    that none of her family

    members suspect foul play.

    She suffered from tuber-

    culosisOur inquiry is still

    underway and after complet-

    ing recording statement and

    other investigations we will

    summarize the case, he said.

    Back to the village, death

    of duo a carelessly kept

    house of Kalyani and an-

    other room where Mote was

    killed helped us to restruc-

    ture the life of both these

    people. The villagers are re-

    luctant to talk on the issue al-

    though it is playing on their

    sub conscious mind.

    Space plan for Sinquerim, Baga beach belt soonHERALD REPORTER

    PANJIM, MARCH 19 : Goa

    government will soon ap-

    point architect, planner or

    consultant to undertake

    Critical Area Space Plan for


    beach belt con-

    sidering un-

    p l a n n e d

    growth of

    tourism in this


    As per the Action Taken

    Report on the last budget

    submitted during ongoing

    State Legislative Assembly

    session, the matter to ap-

    point consultant is under

    consideration of the special

    cell of the Regional Plan con-

    stituted by the Government.

    The tender for the ap-

    pointment of architect or

    planner or consultant will be

    floated shortly, the report


    Chief Minister Digambar

    Kamat during last budget

    had said that unplanned

    growth of tourism related ac-

    tivities and real estate in the

    coastal areas of the state has

    been very disturbing.

    During the presentation of

    budget last year, he had said

    that the Critical Area Space

    Plan for the Sinquerim-

    Calangute-Baga beach belt

    would be taken up on pilot


    This study would bring

    out the way forward in these

    areas with the regards to the

    environment, solid waste

    management, sewage and

    sanitation, development

    control rules and regula-

    tions, road network and oth-

    ers, he had said in his last

    budget speech.

    Kamat had said that the

    study will be in line with the

    recommendations made in

    the Draft Regional Plan 2021

    by the Task Force.

    In a similar case, Goa gov-

    ernments announcement

    during last budget to set up

    Special Logistic Hubs at

    Sancoale and Dharban-

    dora in a PPP mode has

    also not seen light of the

    day till date.

    The report mentions the

    matter is

    under consid-

    eration of Spe-

    cial Cell of

    Regional Plan

    constituted by

    the Government. In this

    case too, the tender for the

    appointment of


    will be floated shortly.

    Kamat had said that the

    Professional Advisory Group

    set up by the government

    had indicated that Goa

    has immense potential to

    be world class logistic cen-


    We have to take advan-

    tage of the synergies of vari-

    ous modes of connectivity

    which the state is endowed

    with, the budget speech

    during 2010-11 reads.

    Chief Minister Digambar Kamat during last budgethad said that unplanned growth of tourism relatedactivities and real estate in the coastal areas of thestate has been very disturbing.

  • goa


    Terming the proposed GGEA strike illegal,the government has warned that anyonefound not discharging their assigned dutiesduring the strike period, shall be treated asabsent and the principle of no work no paywill be invoked.

    Tiatr is not only a source of entertain-ment, but also an instrument of aware-ness that needs to be encouraged andsupported by all.

    Churchill Alemao

    Goa I Sunday 20, March 2011

    Email: [email protected]


    Holi reassures the people of the power of the truth.

    It is the ultimate victory of good over evil...

    Let us all be a part of such a colouful and joyous festival

    Holi helps to bring the society together And strengthens the secular fabric of our country



    PANJIM, MARCH 19: Well

    known tiatrist Mario

    Menezes was felicitated by

    PWD Minister Churchill

    Alemao, at a function or-

    ganised to mark the stag-

    ing of his 25th production

    Futtleli Boxi under the

    aegis of Menezes The-


    Mario who made his di-

    rectorial debut with Goa

    Bandh, a tiatr that won the

    first prize at the tiatr compe-

    tition in 1992, has written

    and directed 25 tiatrs till

    date. His 26th production

    Rogtacho Rong Tambaddo

    is set to be released on

    Easter Sunday.

    Churchill Alemao con-

    gratulated Mario for his

    achievements in tiatr, and

    said: tiatr is not only a

    source of entertainment,

    but also an instrument of

    awareness that needs to be

    encouraged and supported

    by all.

    Thanking the organisers

    and Alemao for the felicita-

    tion, Mario said that he is

    happy to achieve the feat of

    writing and directing 25

    tiatrs, each with a social

    message, and that he

    would always strive to con-

    tinue doing so and serve

    Mario Menezes felicitated

    Menezes felicitated by PWD Minister Churchill Alemao, at a function organised to mark

    the staging of his 25th production Futtleli Boxi.

    the Konkani stage in future


    Special mementos were

    presented to all the artistes

    of Menezes Theatres at the

    hands of Churchill in the

    presence of South Goa Zilla

    Parishad President Maria

    Rebello and Filomeno Bar-




    PONDA: The seating

    arrangement of SSCE of

    Ponda centre is as follows:

    seat nos 19352 to 19591 at

    IVBD High School, Dhavali;

    19592 to 20071 at AJ de

    Almeida High School, 20072

    to 20357 at St Marys High


    CURCHOREM: Sarvo-

    day Educational Society

    High School: 11959 to 12222

    and 12689 to 12761; New Ed-

    ucational Institute: 12223 to

    12462 and Guardian Angel

    High School: 12463 to 12688.


    Josephs High School,

    Calangute: 26451-26572 and

    Little Flower of Jesus High

    School, Calangute: 26573-

    26762 and 26763-26772.

    SSCE seating arrangement

  • There is a lingering hush in Casa

    Monseratte after the Battle of

    Panjim has been won. But Mon-

    seratte, as always, is full of surprises.

    Not always delightful ones. But this

    time was different. At his post battle

    press conference, he spoke like a states-

    man and not like a conqueror. Politics

    is over. It is Panjim First. When did we

    say Panjim second?

    Monserratte has administered a sec-

    ond coup de grace in Panjim. He won

    the CCP elections in the last term. He

    won it again, after having nearly lost it.

    Having secured Parrikars bastion in the

    corporation, he even chose to appropri-

    ate the name of Parrikars panel Pan-

    jim First in deed.

    The contours of the fallout of the

    story of Monseratte squeezing victory

    out of defeat in Panjim, has not been

    comprehended. The final word is not

    out yet. Will he chose to embark upon a

    schizophrenic journey of break and

    build, convert and seize, turning old

    homes and shops into skyscrapers or

    will he take the bread and butter route

    Clean drains, de congest traffic, sort

    out garbage and so on?

    The early indications are that Mon-

    seratte will take on the bread and butter

    role during year one of the new CPPs

    term. It is this and only this that will give

    him the ultimate jam- the MLA of Pan-

    jim. It is only then that Monseratte, the

    friend of builders will unleash his Man-

    hattan- like dreams, consuming village,

    town and country into a gigantic con-

    crete monster.

    Babush is playing smart. Babush in

    CCP 1 chose Uday Madkaikar to be co-

    opted. Babush in CCP 2 has chosen Pa-

    tricia Pinto to be co-opted.

    The change of choice from Mad-

    kaikar, tainted with criminal charges to

    Particia Pinto, arguably one of the most

    prominent faces of sustained activism

    for the city, is itself a story and a sign of

    how Babush wants to handle this reign

    of his.

    But let us not mistake this as a

    change of avatar of Monseratte, at least

    not yet. This is just the beginning. It is

    merely a change of strategy wherein he

    needs to make himself the suitable boy,

    before marriage to the prospective

    bride can be proposed.

    The hand of Panjim will not be given

    easily because the folks here have lived

    for generations and value their history

    and heritage. There is a mandate for the

    good bits of the olden times to be pre-

    served, unlike in Taleigao where ram-

    pant construction over vast fields sig-

    nalled the nature of development.

    Though sometimes you dont realise

    where Panjim ends and Taleigao be-

    gins, the DNA of the two are different.

    It is the attempt at synergising the brick

    and mortar with history and heritage

    which will be Monserattes biggest chal-

    lenge. And that is precisely why he

    needs to tread carefully.

    Unlike in Taleigao, Monseratte will

    not be able to construct a new identity

    for the city. He has to refuel the old iden-

    tity with modern efficiency and polish.

    Having said this, the very narrow mar-

    gin of his victory, is a blessing for Pan-


    Imagine what Monserattes arro-

    gance would have been if he had won

    27 wards instead of 16.The cushion of

    comfort would have dimmed the mind.

    Here he is under pressure to deliver.

    But, Monseratte needs to be on our

    watch. A part of him will not change.

    Deal-making comes naturally to him.

    We need an opposition and a civil soci-

    ety which is effective in resisting sweet-

    heart disinvestment deals with private

    players for several of Panjim projects.

    The insurmountable corruption

    under his watch at the CCP, which

    forced good bureaucrats to either leave

    or get thrown out, rankles.

    The ghost of this corruption, includ-

    ing the ghost workers who got paid

    though they were not on the rolls of the

    CCP, need to be buried pronto. Clean-

    ing up corruption is sadly not one of the

    strong points on Monserattes CV.

    But Monseratte is nothing if he is not

    street smart. He has realised that he is

    not infallible. The perception he still

    carries is that his efficiency stems from

    his crossing the line between what is

    legal and ethical, and what is not.

    If he earlier assumed he was

    Ouroboros, a snake in Greek mythol-

    ogy, who could end its life only by self

    consumption, he has begun to realise

    the fallacy of that belief.

    For the first time in his career, Mon-

    seratte knows that people power can

    take away his power.

    And thats what he cant afford to

    lose. Therein lies the hope that Panjim

    might win.


    The mid day meal scheme works only ifthe food is actually cooked by the SHG.Moreover, there is no mechanism tocheck the quantity and quality of foodsupplied to the SHGs.


    We can demonstrate all we want, butuntil we are able to transform this into asustained critique of the system and cre-ate agendas for change, we will remain inthe rut.

    Jason Keith Fernandes


    Vol. No CXI No. 78 I Goa I Sunday 20, March 2011


    Editor-in-chief: Mr R F Fernandes. Editor: Sujay Gupta (Responsible under PRB

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    sujay Gupta

    Babushs project: To be a suitable boy for Panjim


    Three French men, Louis XVI,

    Napoleon Bonaparte and

    Alexandre Dumas, are credited

    with declaring that Europe ends at the

    Pyrenees, or alternatively, that Africa

    begins at the Pyrenees.

    What these wicked, wicked men sug-

    gested was that the Iberian peninsula,

    comprising Spain and Portugal, shared

    more with Africa northern Africa at

    any rate than it did with Europe. A

    number of Portuguese too will laugh-

    ingly use this reference to explain away

    the laxity that marks this western most

    part of the European continent.

    It is no secret that the Portuguese

    economy is today in an unholy mess. A

    good number of Portuguese will lay the

    blame for this mess squarely on the

    same laxity.

    The sins on this list are rather long.

    They will agree that Portugal is not

    marked by a meritocracy. If you dont

    come with the right name and the right

    background, moving forward could be

    substantially difficult for you.

    Business interests and political lead-

    ership are shamelessly twined, official

    power used to further private interests.

    Joining the European Union has meant

    that the directives from Europe regard-

    ing the setting up of systems and proce-

    dures are met, but in a manner that

    recalls the spirit of that famous re-

    sponse by the Spanish Viceroys in the

    Americas, I obey, but do not comply.

    But perhaps what makes this worse is

    the situation where there is no wide-

    spread culture of popular dissent in


    Fed up with the situation in the coun-

    try that includes the cut back of funding

    for students, the lowering of salaries of

    public functionaries, the rolling back of

    the rights of workers, the significant

    amount of unemployment among the

    young, a good amount of these under

    the excuse of dealing with the economic

    crisis, a group of four young persons fi-

    nally said enough is enough.

    This group of four, speaking in the

    name of the gerao rasca, or the cor-

    nered generation called for a demon-

    stration in Lisbon on March 12. They

    pointed out that their generation was

    the most qualified generation in Portu-

    gals long history ever. And yet, large

    numbers of these youth are unem-

    ployed and have to emigrate, to find fu-

    tures outside of the country.

    Hundreds of thousands of Por-

    tuguese congregated to march in the

    protest scheduled to end at Praa de

    Restauradores. So large were the num-

    bers that once at the end of the march,

    they carried on to other parts of the city,

    continuing to voice their protest at the

    systems that has pushed the lives,

    dreams and ambitions of so many in

    this country into crisis.

    As powerful as this demonstration

    was however, one wonders if it contin-

    ued to resound with the problems that

    mark this wonderful but sadly trauma-

    tised country. The leaders of the

    demonstration failed to offer a sugges-

    tion to go forward beyond the manifesto

    that launched the demonstration.

    The manifesto itself, framed in the

    broadest possible manner to attract

    broad support, did not get down to


    And here lies the problem, one that

    we share in Goa. We can demonstrate

    all we want, but until we are able to mo-

    bilise this anger and transform this into

    a sustained critique of the system, and

    create agendas for change, we will re-

    main in the rut.

    This is not yet the moment for cri-

    tique though. This is the moment to

    congratulate the gerao rasca and

    wish them strength to network and

    combine to create options for systemic

    change in their country.


    A Gerao rasca

    jason keith


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    CedriC da Costa

    The issue regarding the

    medium of instruction in pri-

    mary schools has once again

    come up in Goa. This same issue

    had rocked Goa a few years ago, and

    as usual, it was one of those issues

    that was not put to rest aesthetically

    and with good study. I fully support

    the Archdiocesan Board of Educa-

    tion and the PTA on the issue.

    It will be very difficult for our stu-

    dents to reach out to the world and

    tap opportunities if they do not have

    a good command over the English


    In all my stints overseas and in

    India I have seen that the main

    problems faced by a majority of In-

    dians is a good command over the

    English language, a fact that most of

    us should admit and work on to im-


    Also, the Goa government cannot

    provide jobs to all Goans and hence

    the children of today will definitely

    have to look out for avenues abroad

    to ensure a better future. And even

    if the standard of Goa and India

    must improve, the knowledge of

    English will be vital, especially in an

    age when foreign collaborations and

    international corporate partner-

    ships are an order of the day.

    I appeal to the Education Minister

    to intervene in this issue and lay it to

    rest using his good offices, once and

    for all. In fact it is failure on part of

    the previous education ministers to

    comprehensively solve this issue

    that has led to the current situation.

    We all acknowledge that Konkani

    is the official language of the State of

    Goa, although Marathi is being also

    promoted through the back door by

    some politicians who have vested in-

    terests to appease their vote banks,

    but this is a very serious issue as it

    concerns the future of Goa and our

    children who will be the pillars of so-

    ciety of a better tomorrow.

    The issue has also found its echo

    in the ongoing Legislative Assembly

    session. There too the politicians

    have exhibited that they stand di-

    vided on the issue. Education Min-

    ister, Antanasio Monserrate has

    assured the house that all stakehold-

    ers including members of the oppo-

    sition parties would be consulted.

    But here again, the Leader of Oppo-

    sition, Manohar Parrikar has

    thrown a spoke in the wheel, keep-

    ing in mind his BJP vote bank and

    has even quoted the UNESCO

    guidelines which states that primary

    education should be in the respec-

    tive mother tongue. Parrikar also

    has said that should grants be given

    to English medium schools,

    Konkani and Marathi medium

    schools would have to shut shop.

    But all these are sheer political

    gimmicks to influence a logistic de-

    cision in the better interest of the

    students. Parents of children who do

    not subscribe to this logic should

    read between the lines and know

    that the statements of the Leader of

    opposition are nothing but political

    stunts to subvert the actual issue

    and give it a political slant to ap-

    pease a particular vote bank.

    Let not the current politicians,

    both in the ruling and opposition

    factions make this a prestige issue

    and chew some mileage out of it.

    Parents, principals of schools and all

    the major decision makers in Goas

    education system, please ensure

    that the politicians who are grabbing

    any issue as this is the election year

    do not dilly dally with the future of

    our children.

    May better sense prevail!

    Politicians andmedium of instruction


    But let us not mis-take this as achange of avatarof Monseratte, atleast not yet. Thisis just the begin-ning. It is merely achange of strategywherein he needsto make himselfthe suitable boy,before marriage tothe prospectivebride can be pro-posed. The handof Panjim will notbe given easily be-cause the folkshere have lived forgenerations andvalue their historyand heritage.

    Cuisine for kids rat droppings

    Sometime last week, students at a school in Vasco were getting

    ready for their mid day meal supplied by a local self-help

    group. When the box was opened, there were rat droppings

    and cockroaches on the bread.

    It then got worse. After the self-help group was informed, they

    sent a fresh box of bread. When this box was opened, rat droppings

    were found again. When this was pointed out to the driver who sup-

    plied the breads, he called the self help group but it refused to supply

    bread again.

    Now this gets bizarre. The concerned school authorities told the

    SHG to warn the bakery owner and hoped that this cycle of cock-

    roaches and rat droppings with the bread would end. When the next

    consignment arrived, what did the bread box have? Cockroach

    droppings again. Why is it such a big deal to remove rodent and in-

    sect excreta from bread meant for children? These self-help groups

    consist mainly of relatives, both close and distant, of politicians who

    get them employed.

    The National Programme of Mid-Day Meals in Schools, started

    in 1995, is one of the flagship programmes of the Government of

    India to achieve the Millennium Development Goals to reduce

    child malnourishment and reduce school drop-out rates. It covers

    approximately 11.74 crore children.

    Ultimately the onus lies on the state governments. Orissa and

    Madhya Pradesh have not only implemented this scheme but

    turned it into an excellent tool for social empowerment, enabling

    many rural women to be leaders and implementers of this project.

    Goa sadly has failed. The mid day meal scheme works only if the

    food is actually cooked by the SHG. Moreover, there is no mecha-

    nism to check the quantity and quality of food supplied to the SHGs.

    Has the FDA checked and certified these meals? Has there been

    any discussion to work on a diet and nutrition plan for the kids?

    The SHGs too, need to be given incentives so that this activity be-

    comes a full time service. The Madhya Pradesh government gives

    a full insurance cover to all self-help group workers. Dignity and sin-

    cerity comes with this financial security.

    Goas problem seems even more insurmountable, because not

    only is there a system to check food which could harm children,

    there is no culture of extracting accountability. The SHG which sup-

    plied rat droppings and called them bread has not been taken to

    task or their contract cancelled. No police complaint has been filed

    against the SHG or the bread supplier. Most importantly, no one is


    To a large extent, civil society, social groups and the media needs

    to become active stakeholders in addressing issues of nutrition, ed-

    ucation, transport and employment as intrinsic and interconnected

    peoples issues and not break them into departments.

    Take this simple analogy A poor mother gets proper employ-

    ment, she sends her daughter to a government school in accessible

    public transport, her childs meal is taken care of and she gets

    dropped off home, well fed and well educated. Look at the number

    of departments that need to work as team to make this simple

    dream possible.

    Sean Faia

    Babush just about made it with 16 candidates. If anything, its a

    cause of concern for him, especially after boasting that he would win

    27 seats. The BJP on the other hand has gained from the last term

    winning 12 seats. But most importantly there has been a huge rise

    in women getting elected. If Im not mistaken BJP have 9-10 women

    who have won from the 12 seats they won.

    Thomas Gracias

    Four crucial votes made a difference. If the social groups like PINC

    keep up the good work a lot of new faces will be seen in the assembly


    Paganini Fernandes

    The efforts of the intelligentsia have paid some dividends in Panjim.

    This is just the beginning. Most Goans now have realized their folly

    and may not be lured any more. There is lot of work to be done. Its

    the job of the intelligentsia and right thinking people, to cling to-

    gether and spread the word and educate those who unfortunately

    do not understand the larger interests at state versus the short span

    of warmth gained through the goodies and freebies.

    Lourenco Fernandes

    People are becoming more literate to understand that the future of

    Goa lies not in the hands of quack personalities like politicians but

    in the hands of good administrators to run the intelligent people of


    Gustavo Stephen Godinho

    The Kamat government is showing lollypops to the people of Goa

    through this budget, to make them vote for them again and make

    them grab whatever little is left in Goa.

  • 7

    india Our talks with Trinamool on seat sharingwere inconclusive, hence it was told thatwe will discuss the issue again. We wereseeking more time to resolve the differ-ences on the number and nature of seats.

    -- Shakeel Ahmad

    We have made our position clear both in LS and RS and through our press state-ments that we value strategic relationswith the US and that all sources of energyshould be tapped.

    -- Prakash Javadekar

    Goa I Sunday 20, March 2011


    Teenagers drown in boat capsizeGORAKHPUR: Four teenagers drowned after theirboat capsized in a pond in Sahjanwa area, policesaid.

    Bobby (13), Priyanshu (12), Shivam (11), Par-

    manand (13) and Sri Ram (13), all residents of Bis-

    ari village, had gone for a bath in the pond yesterday

    when their boat capsized, they said. While Sri Ram

    swam to safety, the four teenagers drowned.

    Rs 30 lakh seized in coimbatoreCOIMBATORE: An unaccounted sum of about Rs 30

    lakh was seized in the city, officials of the Flying

    Squad formed following directions from the Election

    Commission said.

    The sum was confiscated when a car was stopped

    and searched at Brooke Bond Road in the city, they

    said. The occupants of the car claimed the sum was

    the proceedings of the sales at a leading jewellery in

    the city but were unable to provide valid proof to

    back up their argument, the officials said.

    lawyer crushed to death AZAMGARH: A lawyer was crushed to death by a

    truck in Chatwara bazar here when he was out for

    some work, following which the locals today blocked

    traffic, sources said.

    Nisar Ahmad was crushed by a truck late last night

    at Chatwara bazar in Sidhari area here, outrage over

    which the locals blocked road and damaged several

    vehicles including a roadways bus, Sub-Divisional

    Magistrate Harilal said.

    2 nabbed for 'honour killing' RAMANAGAR: Two persons were arrested today for

    their alleged involvement in the 'honour-killing' of a

    woman and her four-month-old child, police said.

    The gory incident occurred in Thammasandra vil-

    lage in Kanakapura Taluk on February 27 in which

    Deepika and her four-month-old child were allegedly

    murdered and their bodies burnt by her family mem-



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    Hyderabad, March 19 : Admit-

    ting that the present system

    of preparing environment as-

    sessment report is flawed,

    Environment and Forest

    Minister Jairam Ramesh

    today said the Ministry would

    now seek third-party opinion

    to evaluate the projects.

    He also informed that the

    Ministry would soon map the

    wetland areas in the country

    to formulate a better defini-

    tion of the same.

    The Minister said the pres-

    ent system of preparing envi-

    ronment assessment report is

    flawed and the Ministry itself

    would take third party opin-

    ion on environment in proj-

    ects like coal, power and

    construction of ports.

    "We have done the satellite

    mapping of all wet lands in

    the country. We have wetland

    atlas of every state which will

    be released by month-end.

    So far we did not follow sci-

    entific approach of wetland

    management as in revenue

    record, wet land is recorded

    as waste land. All these are

    legacies of the past. We will

    clean up the system," the

    Minister told reporters on the

    sidelines of Green Landscape

    Summit-2011 organised by


    He also ridiculed the pres-

    ent system of preparing the

    environment assessment re-

    port by the company itself

    which is proposing to set up

    a project.

    Environment assessment system flawed


    New Delhi, March 19 : BJP

    was today engulfed by Wik-

    ileaks expose with US diplo-

    matic cables stating that the

    party leadership had told

    them that its criticism of the

    US in public was to score

    "easy political points" against

    UPA and when in power, it

    would not harm the Indo-US

    nuclear deal.

    The expose, published by

    'The Hindu', drew immediate

    strong reaction from Congress

    which asked BJP to apply to

    itself the same standards it

    adopted for the government

    when it was needlessly dis-

    rupting Parliament.

    The BJP, however, denied

    there was any doublespeak.

    Seshadri Chari, BJP National

    Executive member and RSS

    pointsman in the party fig-

    ured in the cables as having

    told an US official in Delhi in

    December 2005 "not to read

    too much into the foreign pol-

    icy resolution especially the

    parts relating to the US",

    which had attacked the UPA's

    "subservience" to Washington.

    Now, BJP hit by Wiki bomb

    US diplomatic cablesstated that the party lead-ership had told them thatits criticism of the US inpublic was to score "easypolitical points" againstUPA and when in power, itwould not harm the Indo-US nuclear deal.

    wIkIleaks exPose

    Cops lookingfor Batchas call recordsPTI

    Chennai, March 19 : Police

    have collected call details of

    former Telecom Minister A

    Raja's key aide Sadiq Batcha,

    who allegedly committed sui-

    cide in mysterious circum-

    stances, for analysis and were

    expecting the post-mortem

    report in a few days.

    City Police Commissioner

    T Rajendiran told reporters

    here that the viscera samples

    have been sent for examina-


    We have done the satel-lite mapping of all wetlands in the country. Wehave wetland atlas ofevery State which will bereleased by month-end.So far we did not followscientific approach of wet-land management as inrevenue record, wet landis recorded as waste land.All these are legacies ofthe past. We will clean upthe system.

    wInds of change


    New Delhi, March 19 : Taken

    by surprise, Congress today

    said it has sought more time

    to resolve the differences

    with its ally Trinamool Con-

    gress which has made a uni-

    lateral decision to announce

    a list of candidates for the

    West Bengal Assembly polls.

    "This is a new situation...

    new development. The party

    central leadership will dis-

    cuss the issue in detail and

    then take a decision," CWC

    member-in charge for West

    Bengal Shakeel Ahmad told


    Making no effort to hide

    the party's displeasure over

    the Trinamool Congress

    (TMC) move, Ahmad said,

    "Our discussions for seat

    sharing had remained incon-

    clusive, hence it was told that

    we will discuss the issue

    again. We were seeking more

    time to resolve the differ-

    ences on the number and na-

    ture of seats to be contested

    by each party.

    Congress seeks time to resolve TC differences

  • weIf the elected representatives have any concern for the future generations, let English be the medium of instruction and Konkani a compulsory language

    Henry DCosta

    Students fi nd it diffi cult to adjust to the English medium at standard fi ve. The confusion over the switch over makes the students lose their confi dence and we fi nd a dropout rate from class eight to class ten Dr Belinda Viegas

    Goa I Sunday March 20, 20118

    Father Conceicao D Silva, Parish Priest, Carambolim

    This has been a historical ploy of for-mer Chief Minister Shashikala Kakod-kar not to give grants to schools that teach in English so that poor parents send their wards to other schools. The church realises its mistake of teaching in Konkani (or should we say having to teach in Konkani) Children who do not study English from standard one cannot cope up later. PTAs across Salcete have approached their respective MLAs. This is a strong peoples movementArchdiocesan Board

    There are 10,000 more children waiting to enter the portals of educa-tion in June this year. Let them not suffer, (Br Len Noronha, Secretary, in a memorandum which was submitted to the MLAs)

    There is nothing in the demand of the parents that goes against the Rules of The Goa, Daman and Diu School

    Education Act, 1984 and Rules 1986; not even against rule six, which states, Teaching in a school at the primary stage, shall, as far as practicable, be in the mother tongue of the child, unless the parents or guardian of the child re-quest otherwise in writing.

    Celsa Pinto, Director of Education(on the next course of action after the ministers assurance)

    The minister has given assurance on the floor of the house and hence I need to discuss with him further.

    Jose Mario Quadros, Chairman, Goa Headmasters Association

    The association has already passed the resolution that English should be the first language and medium of in-struction in the primary and elementary from standard one till standard eight. Konkani or Marathi can continue as a compulsory subject till standard eight.

    W e de-m a n d , u n d e r t h e Right of Children to free and com-pulsory education Act, 2009, that English should be used as the first lan-guage, which shall be used as the medium of instruc-tion in all classes at the elementary level of school education in Holy Spirit Institute, Margao from the Academic year 2011-12, so that a uniform pat-tern of studies is followed and our children are saved from unnecessary mental trauma. We also demand that Marathi/Konkani should continue as one of the compulsory languages up to Elementary Educa-tion, - a resolution passed by the Parent-Teacher As-sociation of Holy Spirit Institute, Margao by show of hands.

    Protest and agitation are two words that are normally not taught by parents to their young

    children in their forma-tive years. Yet all the parents who raised their hands in this show of defiance against a gov-ernment, which insists on caging children with Konkani when the world looks beyond, have chil-dren less than ten years old. And it is for them that they have taken t the streets, knocking on politicians doors and even changing the way institutions like the church feel about impart-ing Konkani.

    The Holy Spirit Insti-tute PTA is not the only school that has strongly rooted for English as the medium of instruction at elementary education. Resolutions pitching for English as the medium of instruction, with Konk-ani or Marathi as the compulsory language at elementary education, have been adopted by the PTAs of schools around Salcetes countryside. Their counterparts in

    Tiswadi, Bardez and other talukas have also joined hands.

    Dinar L Barros, who has been literally hop-ping from one school to the other across Salcete explaining parents on the medium of i
