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  • 2 SuperSlow Zone NOT A GYM or Traditional Personal Training Distinctive Health and Wellness Franchise designed to give you the Body & Health You Want In The Time You Have Maximum Results In Minimum Time
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  • 3 SSZ HISTORY M ADELINE R OSS, F OUNDER & CEO Began commercializing SuperSlow Zone System 2004 First franchise opened in 2005 34 Franchise Licenses sold U.S. and International 22 Operating units Re-launch 2012 Master /Regional Program Special 3 Pack Opportunity Target Market 45+ (all 76 million baby boomers+)
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  • 5 Ideal Exercise Environment State-of-the Art Equipment Controlled Environment By Appointment Only 1 on 1 Instruction No Distractions Fast and Clean No Mirrors, TV /Music No Clanking Weights /Equipment In and Out in 20 minutes in your everyday cloths!
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  • 6 Ideal Exercise Environment 20 Minute Full Body Workout in your daily cloths Ensuring safe, complete, total body work out every time!
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  • 7 SUPERSLOW ZONE How iPad technology capturing details of every workout. Providing clients with actual results.
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  • 8 SUPERSLOW ZONE Maximum Results In Minimum Time 68% Clients Stay 2 To 7+ Years 70% New Clients From Referrals 90% Say Likely To Stay For The Long Term Achieve and Sustain Results Look and Feel Good (40s) Optimal Health and Fitness (60s) Muscle is Medicine
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  • 9 SUPERSLOW ZONE Exercise as Medicine There are many trends occurring in older adult fitness; however, probably the most significant one is the repackaging of exercise as a disease solution, says Colin Milner, CEO of the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA). Viewing exercise as medicine, as a tool to not only manage but also to prevent the health issues elders face, is becoming a commonplace way to promote regular exercise. The ICAA believes health plans will continue to pay for prevention because the fear of rising healthcare costs has forced health insurance companies to investigate the dollar value of exercise for prevention. Many eyes opened when HealthPartners Research Foundation announced their study that showed adults aged 50-plus years who started exercising just 90 minutes a week saved, on average, $2,200 per year in medical costs, Milner says. SSZ avg. session is $40. 1 session /week for 52 weeks = $2,080
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  • 10 Why Great Results? Our Clients Count On 1.Convenient: 20 minutes, 1 to 2 times per week in your daily cloths 2.Personal & Professional: 1 client and 1 Instructor... always on time, always ready, always attentive 3.Worth Every Moment: Minutes per week, stay in shape for life and it is over before you know it!
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  • 11 W HY S UPER S LOW Z ONE Professional Service Business Not a GYM or Traditional Personal Training Not a GYM or Traditional Personal Training Low Cost Investment, Simple Biz to Run No Receivables, No Inventory Huge Market - 76 million baby boomers plus Boomers want financial security and good health Your Best Investment Is In Your Health *muscle is medicine High Client Referrals and Retention 87% Owner Operator, Owner Manager or Absent Owner
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  • 12 T RAINING AND S UPPORT 1.Business Systems 2.SSZ Program Certifications 3.Transitions Weight Loss Action-Based Training. Learn by doing. All Training & Support Is: Consistent On-Going Persistent
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  • 13 JULY 2005 Accredited By The Prestigious IACET JULY 2005 IACET Accredits ( ) The American Physical Therapy Association National Institute of Health Centers for Disease Control Centers for Medicare and Medi-cad Services (CMS) GE Healthcareand many, many others IACET Governs SSZ Standards For: Instructor Continuing Education Care For Clients Quality Unit Operations
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  • 14 SuperSlow Zone SuperSlow Zone The Opportunity Three Business Models A.Retail Strength Training & Weight Loss B.Medical Rehab C.Corporate Wellness Three Levels of Entry 1.Single Units 2.Multiple Units 3 Pack 3.Master /Regional Development Four Levels of Ownership Involvement 1.Owner Operator 2.Owner Manager 3.Absent Owner 4.Empire Builder *Master /RD
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  • 15 Model A Retail Service 1.SuperSlow Zone Strength Training 2.Weight Loss and Healthy Eating 20 Minute Workout In Your Every Day Cloths! 1 or 2 times per week
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  • 16 Model B Medical Rehab 1.SSZ Medical Rehab Address 26 Medical Diagnosis and Health Conditions 2.SuperSlow Zone Strength Training 3.Weight Loss and Healthy Eating 4.Adds a Cash Business to Practice Chiropractors Physical Therapists Medical Practices
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  • 17 Model C Corporate Wellness 1.Onsite Employer Wellness Program 2.SuperSlow Zone Strength Training 3.Weight Loss and Healthy Eating 4.Corporate Savings on Medical Benefits 5.More Productive Employees a.Session Cost Subsidized by Corporate b.Employees SSZ Benefit 1-2 per week 6.SSZ Wellness Program Flowing to Families
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  • 18 SSZ Transitions Weight Loss Transitions Lifestyle System It is the perfect combination of healthy eating for weight (fat) loss and optimal health when used with SuperSlow strength training to achieve and maintain an ideal muscle-fat ratio. It is a food-based, educational lifestyle change, which includes natural, non-caffeine supplements to kick-start faster weight (fat) loss. It is backed by science and research. SSZ Transitions offers 2 six week programs Week 1: Detoxification Week 2: Getting Healthy: Mind & Body Week 3: Reading Labels Week 4: Get off the Sweet Stuff Week 5: Good Fats, Bad Fats Week 6: Grains, Health & Your Weight Week 7: Plateaus Week 8: Kitchen Basics Week 9: Stress & Weight Gain Week 10: Supplements for Success Week 11: Results for a Lifetime Week 12: Graduation!
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  • 19 Business Model Summary Multiple Revenue Streams SuperSlow Zone Personal Strength Training Transitions Weight Loss & Healthy Eating SuperSlow Zone Medical Rehab [Optional] Total Size: 1,000 sq. ft. ( w /Climate controlled Workout Area) Equipment: 8 pieces Hours: 7 am 7 pm, 5.5 days *By Appointment Only Staff: Grow to 4 to 5 full time instructors Client Fees: Ranges $35 $75 per session; $40 avg. Clients Monthly Regimen: Approx. 80% 1 X week & 20% 2 X week
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  • 20 S INGLE U NIT F RANCHISE Franchise Fee:$39,900 *Model A/B/C Total Investment: $123,403 to $259,660 Minimum Net worth:$250,000 Royalty: 7% Ad Fund: 1.5% [Not yet] Financial Assistance: 3 rd Party Site Selection Assistance: YES Lease Negotiation: YES Co-Op Advertising: YES [Not yet] Passive Ownership: YES * Includes the certification of your first two Level I Instructors (T&L not included)
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  • 21 M ULTIPLE U NIT F RANCHISE 3 Pack (3 single unit licenses bundled) Franchise Fee:$79,800 Model A/B/C Total Investment: $123,403 to $259,660 Minimum Net worth:$350,000
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  • 22 M ASTER F RANCHISE Territory Fee: *$132,000 to $333,000 Total Investment: $141,300 to $360,550 Minimum Net worth: $500,000 Franchise Fee Split: 50/50% Royalty Fee To RD: 3% * Includes a single unit license
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  • 23 S UPER S LOW Z ONE Thank You! Primary Contacts: David Yoches (Franchise Development) Phone: 480-380-8900 (Arizona) Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Madeline Ross (President & CEO) Phone: 407-740-8997 (Florida) Email: [email protected]