Page 1: 2 egyptian sculptures annotated

The sphinx, in tradition, has the

haunches of a lion, the wings of a great bird, and the face of

a woman

The sphinx is seen as loving and

benevolent by the people of Egypt

Egyptians believe that the head of the sphinx was meant to

represent the pharaoh Khafre

The name given to it is “Horus of the

Horizon” and could have been seen as

some sort of Egyptian God

The Sphinx looks very big; it was made of limestone and looks

kind of a yellowish/greyish colour

There are cracks in the sculpture which shows it is very old, also it is outside the pyramids which it

may be seen as a protector

The Narmer Pallete is one of the earliest Egyptian sculpture

and is engraved with very early


The Narmer Pallete portrays victory of Upper Egypt over

Lower Egypt

There is a man holding another

man’s head as he is about to kill him.

This may represent that there was a war and this man and his army was victorious

It is made from grey-green siltstone. There is a image of 2 beasts and 2 men as if they where taming these beasts that look like lions with snake heads this may represent Egyptian Gods

It is a large and very heavy sculpture and may have been used

for ritual purposes

Annotation of 2 Different Egyptian Sculptures

Irbaaz Syed