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Wednesday, June 19, 2013 VOL. 14 nO. 12 LaCOnIa, n.H. 527-9299 FRee





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School’s out!

Summer officially began for Laconia school children with the dismissal of classes on Tuesday. This middle school student couldn’t contain his joy as he headed out the door. (Karen Bobotas/for The Laconia Daily Sun)

Pleasant Street School principal heading back to M’borough

MEREDITH — Ninety-per-cent of the municipalities in the state and 10 of the 11 in Belknap County are mapped by the New Hampshire Division of Emergency Services and Com-munications (DESC) according

Meredith poised to finally allow Enhanced 9-1-1 Addressing Systemto the Enhanced 9-1-1 Address-ing System. But, not Meredith.

Following a presentation to the Board of Selectmen by Kenny-Lynn Dempsey of DESC at a workshop this week, the town appears on its way to joining the pack. The selectmen directed Town Manager Phil

Warren to place the issue on the agenda of their next regu-larly scheduled meeting

Currently, emergency services are dispatched to Meredith with so-called “cen-terline data,” which directs first responders to a street, but not to a specific address. Using GIS

data, the enhanced mapping system provides detailed emer-gency response maps that not only show every structure with an address but also assigns each a GPS point marking its precise location. In particular, the maps identify and locate

Exhaust leak forces armored van to take a long break at McDonald’s

MEREDITH — A armored van bring-ing cash from the Mt. Washington Valley to Massachusetts unex-pectedly spent several hours in the McDon-ald’s parking lot here on Tuesday evening.

According to police, an apparent exhaust system leak into the cab resulted in one of the employees of Garda Security who was riding in the van becoming quite sick. The van was travel-ing through Meredith at the time and the driver pulled into the McDonald’s parking lot. The ill man was transported to the hospital for treatment but the van had to wait for a tow truck to make its way up from Massachusetts.

Police stood guard over the van and its valuable cargo until the tow truck arrived.

PC hearing for Riley delayed

LACONIA — The probable cause hearing for the man who alleg-edly strangled another man nine day ago in a city mental health sup-port home was contin-ued until July 2.

The hearing for Kasey Riley, 19, for-merly of 24 McGrath


see RILEY page 10 see MEREDITH page 10

LACONIA — Pleasant Street Elemen-tary School Principal Kathleen D’Haene has resigned and will be returning to Moultonborough Central School, where Principal Dawn Alexander-Tapper recently resigned.

D’Haene served as assistant principal at Moultonborough Central School before

coming to Laconia three years ago, when she replaced Charles Dodson.

Laconia Assistant Superintendent of Schools Terry Fostern told the Laconia School Board last night that she has met with staff at Pleasant Street and that the administration is looking in-house to fill the position, if possible. She said the adminis-tration will start advertising for candidates next week.

‘’We’re looking at the leadership team and have had individual conversations with staff who may be interested in the opportunity,’’ Fostern told members of the board’s Budget and Personnel Committee when they met prior to last night’s School Board meeting.

Board member Chris Guilmett expressed concern over the turnover at the principal


see PRINCIPAL page 10

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Page 2 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TOP OF THE NEWS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

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3DAYFORECAST TODAY’SWORDdiglossianoun;Pathology. the presence of two tongues or of a single tongue divided into two parts by a cleft.

— courtesy

TODAY’SJOKE“I wasn’t a bad kid, but I wasn’t a good student, you know what I mean? My mind was just always elsewhere. Even at my high school graduation, I didn’t even hear ‘em calling my name ‘cause I was too busy playing with the tassel on my hat.” — Clinton Jackson

SaturdayHigh: 76

Chance of rain: 0% Sunrise: 5:04 a.m.

Saturday nightLow: 52

Chance of rain: 10% Sunset: 8:29 p.m.

SundayHigh: 72Low: 55

Sunrise: 5:04 a.m.Sunset: 8:29 p.m.

MondayHigh: 79Low: 57


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NASDAQ21.81 to 3,423.56

S&P9.63 to 1,626.73

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The Tal-iban and the U.S. said Tuesday they will hold talks on finding a political solution to ending nearly 12 years of war in Afghani-stan, as the international coalition for-mally handed over control of the country’s security to the Afghan army and police.

The Taliban met a key U.S. demand by pledging not to use Afghanistan as a base to threaten other countries, although the Americans said they must also denounce

DETROIT (AP) — Chrysler abruptly agreed to recall 2.7 million older model Jeeps Tuesday, reversing a defiant stance and avoiding a possible public relations nightmare over fuel tanks that can rup-ture and cause fires in rear-end collisions.

In deciding on the recall, Chrysler side-stepped a showdown with government

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. foiled a plot to bomb the New York Stock Exchange because of the sweeping surveillance pro-grams at the heart of a debate over national security and personal privacy, officials said Tuesday at a rare open hearing on intel-ligence led by lawmakers sympathetic to the spying.

The House Intelligence Committee hear-ing provided a venue for officials to defend the once-secret programs and did little

BOSTON (AP) — A former enforcer for James “Whitey” Bulger who admitted killing 20 people insisted Tuesday that he is not a hit man or a serial killer, but instead is a “nice guy” who was only trying to help his family and friends when he pumped bullets into victims while working with Bulger and his gang.

John Martorano made the statements in his second day on the witness stand during an aggressive cross-exam-ination by a lawyer for Bulger, who is charged in a racketeering indict-ment with participat-ing in 19 killings in the 1970s and ‘80s as leader of the Winter Hill Gang.

Bulger’s lawyer, Hank Brennan, went after Martorano, sarcasti-cally asking him about an assertion that he did not consider himself a hit man.

Brennan asked Mar-torano whether mass murderer or serial killer were more appropriate

NSA says plot against Wall Street foiled by surveillance probing of claims that the collection of peo-ple’s phone records and Internet usage has disrupted dozens of terrorist plots. Few details were volunteered.

Army Gen. Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency, said the two recently disclosed programs — one that gathers U.S. phone records and another that is designed to track the use of U.S.-based Internet servers by foreigners with possible links to terrorism — are critical.

But details about them were not closely held within the secretive agency. Alexan-der said after the hearing that most of the documents accessed by Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former systems analyst on contract to the NSA, were on a web forum available to many NSA employees. Others were on a site that required a special cre-dential to access. Alexander said investiga-tors are studying how Snowden did that.

see NSA page 6

Bulger’s hit man tells jury he was just a ‘nice man’ trying to help his friends & family

see BULGER page 12

U.S. to start talks with Taliban about ending war in Afghanistan al-Qaida.

But President Barack Obama cautioned that the process won’t be quick or easy. He described the opening of a Taliban politi-cal office in the Gulf nation of Qatar as an “important first step toward reconcili-ation” between the Islamic militants and the government of Afghanistan, and pre-dicted there will be bumps along the way.

Obama, who was attending the G-8 summit in Northern Ireland, praised

Afghan President Hamid Karzai for taking a courageous step by sending representa-tives to discuss peace with the Taliban.

“It’s good news. We’re very pleased with what has taken place,” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said in Washington. Brit-ish Prime Minister David Cameron, whose country has the second-largest contingent of troops in Afghanistan after the U.S., called opening the office “the right thing to do.”

see TALIBAN page 9

Chrysler reverses defiant stance & agrees to recall 2.7M older Jeepssafety regulators that could have led to public hearings with witnesses providing details of deadly crashes involving the Jeeps. The dispute ultimately could have landed in court and hurt Chrysler’s image and its finances.

The company said calls from customers concerned about the safety of their Jeeps

played a part in its going along with the government’s request.

Earlier this month, the automaker pub-licly refused the government’s request to recall Jeep Grand Cherokees from model years 1993 through 2004 and Jeep Liber-tys from 2002 through 2007.

see JEEP page 11

Page 3: 19l

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 3


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CONCORD (AP) — New Hampshire has negoti-ated tentative contracts with state labor unions.

The state announced the agreements Tuesday night during negotiations over a new state budget. The deal provides workers with their fi rst raises in fi ve years.

Wages will rise 1.5 percent on July 1; 2.25 per-cent on July 1, 2014; and 2.25 percent on Jan. 1, 2015. For the fi rst time, workers will pay an annual health insurance deductible of $500 for individuals and $750 for families in 2014 rising to $1,000 for families in 2015. Workers aren’t charged a deduct-ible for going to selected sites for lab work and other services.

Workers also would contribute to their dental plan.

The package will cost $38 million — a cost yet to be added to the state budget being negotiated.

CONCORD (AP) — House and Senate negotiators reached a deal on a medical marijuana bill Tues-day, positioning New Hampshire to join more than a dozen other states in legalizing the drug for seri-ously ill patients.

Both chambers had previously passed the bill, but the Senate version eliminated a House-proposed option for patients to grow the drug at home as well as obtain it at a dispensary, and Gov. Maggie Hassan said she wouldn’t sign the bill if the home-grow pro-vision remained.

In a negotiation session Tuesday, House lawmak-ers agreed to drop that provision and go along with other Senate changes in exchange for specifying that the commission implementing the new system be appointed as soon as the bill is passed.

Opponents of the home cultivation option were concerned about the state’s ability to regulate it. Supporters argued it was critical to ensure imme-diate access for terminally ill patients, given that it would take the state close to a year to write the regulations for dispensaries, and could take another year or more for them to begin operations.

Rep. Elaine Andrews-Ahearn, D-Exeter, said it also would be a hardship for some patients to travel long distances to the four sanctioned dispensaries.

“That’s a long distance for people who are ill to have to travel,” she said.

Under the bill, patients diagnosed with cancer, Crohn’s disease and other conditions could possess up to 2 ounces of marijuana. Dispensaries could have a maximum of 80 marijuana plants, 160 seed-lings and 80 ounces of marijuana or 6 ounces per qualifying patient. They also would have a limit of three mature cannabis plants, 12 seedlings and 6

CONCORD (AP) — New Hampshire House and Senate negotiators have reached a tentative agree-ment on a public works budget for the next two years that contains a new women’s prison.

The deal struck Tuesday includes $38 million for a 224-bed women’s prison and transitional facility in Concord near the men’s prison. The project is the largest single item in the proposed budget. The bill calls for the design to include enough land for pos-sible expansion to 350 beds in the future.

The budget also includes money for new liquor stores in Salem, Epping and Warner.

House Public Works Chairman David Campbell said it also includes nearly $5 million to repair the seawall in North Hampton.

WINDHAM (AP) — Dodgeball seems to be making a comeback at the school district in Windham, N.H.

A study committee is recommending the school board permit dodgeball-style, “human target” games in the physical education curriculum, while insisting that safety be a priority.

The school board is considering the issue Tues-day night. The board had banned such games this

Windham School Board to reconsider ban on dodgeballspring because of concerns about bullying and stu-dent safety. The Eagle-Tribune reports more than 400 students signed petitions opposing the decision.

The panel was created to take another look at the situation. It noted that dodgeball, as originally designed, was not part of the curriculum. Dodgeball and similar games maintain components of dodge-ball, but have been modifi ed to ensure the safety

State workers negotiate for fi rst raises in 5 years

House & Senate negotiators compromise on medical marijuana billounces for each patient who designates the dispen-sary as his or her treatment center.

To qualify for medical marijuana, a person would have to have been a patient of the prescribing doctor for at least 90 days, have tried other remedies, and have exhibited certain symptoms. Only New Hamp-shire residents would qualify.

During negotiations Tuesday, House lawmakers also agreed to not include post-traumatic stress dis-order as a qualifying condition.

“This is a fi rst step, things can always be added later on,” said Sen. Nancy Stiles, R-Hampton.

The bill’s main sponsor, Rep. Donna Schlachman, said she was disappointed that the compromise bill didn’t include what she considers adequate protec-tion for patients using marijuana before the dispen-saries are set up.

“We have really opened this bill up so law enforce-ment in any town that is really against any form of the legalization of therapeutic cannabis is in a posi-tion to arrest people simply because they’ve applied for their card and it hasn’t come yet,” said Schlach-man, D-Exeter.

Hassan said the compromise addresses her con-cerns and she will sign the bill if the full House and Senate approve the changes.

“I have always maintained that allowing doc-tors to provide relief to patients through the use of appropriately regulated and dispensed medical marijuana is the compassionate and right policy for the state of New Hampshire,” she said.

Currently, 18 other states and the District of Columbia allow seriously ill people to use marijuana in their medical treatment.

Reps & senators agree on $38 million for new womens’ prison in Concord

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Page 4 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Pat Buchanan

Obama tiptoes toward war

Barack Obama has just taken his first baby steps into a war in Syria that may define and destroy his presidency. Thursday, while he was ringing in Gay Pride Month with LGBT revelers, a staffer, Ben Rhodes, informed the White House press that U.S. weapons will be going to the Syrian rebels.

For two years Obama has stayed out of this sectarian-civil war that has consumed 90,000 lives. Why is he going in now?

The White House claims it now has proof Bashar Assad used sarin gas to kill 100-150 people, thus crossing a “red line” Obama had set down as a “game changer.” Defied, his credibility challenged, he had to do something.

Yet Assad’s alleged use of sarin to justify U.S. intervention seems less like our reason for getting into this war than our excuse. For the White House decided to intervene weeks ago, before the use of sarin was con-firmed. And why would Assad have used only tiny traces? Where is the photographic evidence of the disfig-ured dead? What proof have we the rebels did not fabricate the use of sarin or use it themselves to get the gullible Americans to fight their war?

Yet, why would President Obama, whose proud boast is that he will have extricated us from the Afghan and Iraq wars, as Dwight Eisen-hower did from the Korean War, plunge us into a new war? He has been under severe political and foreign pressure to do something after Assad and Hezbollah recap-tured the strategic town of Qusair and began preparing to recapture Aleppo, the largest city.

Should Assad succeed, it would mean a decisive defeat for the rebels and their backers: the Turks, Saudis and Qataris. And it would mean a geostrategic victory for Iran, Hez-bollah and Russia, who have proven themselves reliable allies.

To prevent this defeat and humili-ation, we are now going to ship arms and ammunition to keep the rebels going and in control of enough ter-ritory to negotiate a peace that will remove Assad. We are going to make this a fair fight.

What is wrong with this strat-egy? It is the policy of an amateur. It treats war like a game. It ignores the lessons of history. And, as it con-tinues a bloodbath with no prospect of an end to it, it is immoral.

In every great civil war of moder-nity — the Russian civil war of 1919-1921, the Spanish civil war of 1936-1939, the Chinese civil war of 1945-49, one side triumphs and takes power. The other loses and lives with the consequences — defeat, death, exile.

What is the likely reaction to our escalation from humanitarian aid to military aid? Counter-escalation.

Russia, Iran and Hezbollah are likely to rush in more weapons and troops to accelerate the progress of Assad’s army before the American weapons arrive.

And if they raise and call, what does Obama do?

Already, a clamor is being heard from our clients in the Middle East and Congress to crater Syria’s run-ways with cruise missiles, to send heavy weapons to the rebels, to destroy Assad’s air force on the ground, to bomb his antiaircraft sites.

All of these are acts of war. Yet under the Constitution, Congress alone authorizes war.

When did Congress authorize Obama to take us to war in Syria? Where does our imperial presi-dent get his authority to draw red lines and attack countries that cross them? Have we ceased to be a republic? Has Congress become a mere spectator to presidential deci-sions on war and peace?

As Vladimir Putin seems less the reluctant warrior, what do we do if Moscow answers the U.S. escalation by delivering on its contract to provide A-300 antiaircraft missiles to Damas-cus, which can cover half of Israel?

Obama has put us on the escalator to a war already spilling over Syria’s borders into Turkey, Lebanon, Iraq and Jordan, a war that is now sun-dering the entire Middle East along Sunni and Shia lines. He is making us de facto allies of the Al-Qaida-like al-Nusra Front, of Hamas and jihadists from all across the region, and of the Muslim Brotherhood. Egypt’s President Mohammed Morsi just severed ties to Syria and is demanding a “no-fly zone,” which one imagines the United States, not the Egyptian air force, would have to enforce.

Our elites shed tears over the 90,000 dead in Syria. But what we are about to do will not stop the kill-ing, but simply lengthen the dura-tion of the war and increase the numbers of dead and wounded.

At the top of this escalator our country has begun to ascend is not just a proxy war with Iran in Syria, but a real war that would entail a disaster for the world economy. If the ouster of Assad is what the Sunni powers of Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt demand, why not let them do it?

Anti-interventionists should demand a roll-call vote in Congress on whether Obama has the author-ity to take us into this Syrian war.

(Syndicated columnist Pat Buchanan has been a senior advisor to three presidents, twice a candi-date for the Republican presidential nomination and the presidential nominee of the Reform Party in 2000. He won the New Hampshire Republican Primary in 1996.)

LETTERSObama won’t support any treaty that infringes on 2nd AmendmentTo The Daily Sun,

When contributors to this forum ref-erence Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and the Tea Party as the sources of their facts I become very suspect. In recent letters, writers have been claiming that the Obama Administration intends to force gun control and a complete ban on all weapons for U.S. citizens through a United Nations treaty.

Often referenced in these letters is the U.N. SMALL Arms Treaty — there is no such thing. There is, however, an Arms Trade Treaty. The United Nations is not pursing a global treaty to ban ownership by civilians, they are committed to tightening con-trols over INTERNATIONAL import, export and transfer of conventional arms into the hands of terrorists and soldiers of war-torn nations. It is not, as conspiracy theorists would have us believe, a full-scale gun CONFISCA-TION and the placing of lawful gun owners on an international database. It will not ban any weapon category from being traded, but is meant to set regulations on the global, cross border trade of conventional weapons. Also, each sovereign state determines its own laws and regulations for the manufacture, sale and possession of firearms by its citizens — the United Nations will have NO jurisdiction over such matters and no treaty can be imposed upon a sovereign member state. All countries are free to adopt and ratify an Arms Trade Treaty or choose not to. The Obama adminis-tration has made it clear that it will not support any treaty that regulates the domestic transfer or ownership of weapons, or that infringes on the Second Amendment. Even, as conser-

vatives and NRA members would like us to believe, Obama wouldn’t be able to “bypass” Congress and circumvent the Second Amendment. All interna-tional treaties that the U.S. agrees to require the approval of two-thirds of the Senate before the treaties can be ratified — those would surely be tough votes to get if the treaty banned all firearms. Thirteen Democratic Senators have addressed President Obama and then Secretary of State Clinton saying they wouldn’t support a treaty unless they were guaranteed that it wouldn’t in any way regulate the domestic manufacture, possession or sales of firearms or ammunition in the United States.

The President of the United States cannot enact a ban on all weapons for U.S. citizens through the signing of international treaties with foreign nations. The right to keep and bear arms is guaranteed in the Constitu-tion of the United States and in the 1957 case of Reid v. Covert, the U.S. Supreme Court established that the Constitution supersedes international treaties ratifies by the U.S. Senate.

In short, there is no legal way around the Second Amendment other than a further amendment to the Con-stitution that repeals or alters it, or a Supreme Court decision that radically reinterprets how the Second Amend-ment is to be applied.

Further, I would caution readers to never, ever, trust, under any circum-stances, anything any right-winger or left-winger posts on any blog, any-time, under any circumstance.

L. J. SidenGilmanton

Please consider financial support for Laconia’s Multicultural FestivalTo The Daily Sun,

A little over a month from now, Down-town Laconia will come alive with the 12th Annual Multicultural Festival. This is such a great event but, like many events, it takes a village to pull it off successfully. I hope many busi-nesses and individuals that have not yet stepped up consider a sponsorship or donation to help defray costs.

Each year the organizers strive for the best in entertainment in Rotary Park that reflects authentic cultural

music and performance, along with ethnic food and crafts. The costs for this entertainment, along with such things as publicity, an infrastructure of tents, a top sound system, a live exotic zoo, and printed programs for the day require a substantial operat-ing budget.

There are many opportunities for individuals, groups, teams, and clubs to volunteer for just a few hours before or on the day of the event. More

see next page

from preceding page

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013 — Page 5


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LETTERSObama has displayed disdain for transparency & rule of law

importantly, I hope everyone marks their calendars for Saturday, August 3rd as we celebrate our cultural diver-sity and come together as a vibrant community! Check out some great pictures on the new Facebook page “Laconia Multicultural Festival” or visit for sponsorship and volunteer forms.

Debbie Frawley DrakeLaconiasee next page

from preceding page

To The Daily Sun,Remember way back in January 2009

when our president made his “heart-felt promise”, that “transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstone of this presidency”? Remember when he “disremembered” that pledge and signed his very first bill into law? The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was not posted online for five days, nor even one minute prior to his signature.

Since then, this administration has been shrouded in more clandestine fog and secrecy than a vintage Dracula movie. The economic and moral life blood is being sucked out of this once vibrant nation by Barack “Stonewall” Obama and his loyal, bully bureau-crats from the Beltway. Move over, Bela Lugosi and Christopher Lee, there’s a new actor in town playing the count and he’s injected a deadly dose of contempt for conservatives into his corrosive, rogue agencies. Being loyal progressive soldiers, they intrinsi-cally know their marching orders. No explicit directives or signatures are needed from the POTUS. No smoking gun will be found, for it’s the Marxist, new world order way.

All the scandals, alleged or not, have been covered up to the point that even some of the, “gasp” mainstream media have expressed their displea-sure. Michelle Malkin cleverly has declared this the “Summer of Belated Epiphanies”. Though I suspect by late summer, the MSM will have forgotten those “enlightened moments” and will return to providing excellent cover, remembering their role as lapdogs for “he who shall remain either “clueless” or “not responsible”.

A trip down the memory lane “tunnel of transparency” seems in order does it not? The Affordable Care Act was passed in the most sneaky and partisan of ways, written vaguely and in code and read by no one and likely to become the biggest scandal of all. A $900 billion stimulus pack-age that didn’t stimulate anything, but provided payback to a myriad of Obama backers.

If the entire progressive world

cared one whit about knowing who President Obama was before anoint-ing him the savior of the free world, they might have displayed the slight-est concern about our dear leader’s mysteriously sealed past. Frank Mar-shall Davis, Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, much ado about nothing. A deafening silence about his college days, applications, grades, financial assistance and foreign student visas.

President Obama has displayed com-plete disdain for transparency and the rule of law. When he haughtily pro-claims, “there is no there there”, he is not being truthful. Some say he is telling flat out lies. Digest the facts and decide for yourself. Our former Secretary of State proclaims, “At this point, what difference does it make?” Madam Secre-tary, finding out the truth makes all the difference in the world. Attorney Gen-eral Eric Holder’s lawless obstructionist acts in relation to the DC Voting Rights issue, Black Panther Party voting rights case, Fast & Furious, Solyndra green boondoggle bankruptcy and his refusal to prosecute black on white crime are all gob smacking mind blowers. And his Sergeant Schultz “I no nothing” act with regard to the most recent barrel of scandal/cover ups is nothing short of reprehensible for someone assigned as the chief law enforcement officer of this Constitutional Republic. He must resign now.

Have we crossed the rubicon into pro-gressive, soft tyranny? Can we resurrect the 1st and 4th Amendments? Is it time to man the life boats? Where else would we go? Will the likes of Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Jeff Sessions, Ted Cruz, Ron John-son and other true blue conservatives be able to rescue us from this massive erosion of our liberties and awaken their Republican counterparts from their wimpy and complacent slumber? Will the mass of citizenry stand up and fight against this dictatorial onslaught or will Edmund Burke’s warning come to pass — “The people never give up their liberties but under some delu-sion”. We shall soon find out, won’t we?!

Russ WilesTilton

Local post offices being used by wind turbine developersTo The Daily Sun,

An anti-wind farm campaigner yes-terday stated that she believes the Newfound Lake region is involved in what she described as “a propaganda war.” She felt strongly that local school children and the Post Office should not be used in a propaganda war. Her stance has been echoed by many members at New Hampshire Wind Watch.

Wind developers have been extremely clever in their efforts to

subliminally change local influence. It’s a very clever PR campaign. You have to admire them for that. Hold-ing educational classes during school hours and brainwashing young chil-dren on the benefits of wind energy was clever — but what was even more clever was how developers were able to use the Post Office to stamp an ink imprint of a wind turbine on mailings was brilliant.

Youngsters and the Post Office can now be added to the list of deceptive tactics. Being “brainwashed” at school or being “brainwashed” at home read-ing your mail is all part of their strat-egy to gain local acceptance.

What’s next — having children or the Post Office selling plaques and naming rights for each turbine? This is getting crazy.

Add to the list a local college receiv-ing special funds, some local busi-nesses being put on retainers and a few Colorado residents coming here

see next page

Page 6: 19l

Page 6 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


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We extend our gratitude and appreciation to these 38 NH businesses for their generous support of Lakes Region Community Services’ through the

purchase of tax credits to assist with our move to downtown Laconia.

TOGETHER we reached our GOAL and raised $956,250! Platinum Supporters

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Bank of New Hampshire

TD Bank, NA AutoServ of New


Gold Supporters Franklin Savings Bank

Laconia Clinic, P.C. Leone, McDonnell &

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Insurance Northway Bank

Stewart’s Ambulance Service, Inc.

Silver Supporters EPTAM Plastics, Ltd. Giguere Electric, Inc.

Irwin Automotive Group Northeast Pharmacy


Bronze Supporters AutoFair of NH

Common Man Family/ Alex Ray

Community Guaranty Savings Bank Cook, Little,

Rosenblatt & Manson Denoncourt, Waldron

& Sullivan, P.A. E & S Insurance Services

Emery & Garrett Groundwater

Fay’s Boat Yard, Inc. Fratello’s and Homestead


Gilford Well Company Graham & Graham, PC Joyce Janitorial Services

Laconia Athletic & Swim Club

Lakes Region Computer Lakes Region Dental

Care MB Tractor & Equipment

Meredith Village Savings Bank

Millennium Integrated Marketing

Remcon/North Corp. Ride-Away Handicap

Equipment Corporation Stafford Oil Company

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T-BONES and Cactus Jack’s

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work for the summer on the turbines... and you start to see their recipe of pro-paganda. It’s funny when you have the wife of a Colorado worker — here for the summer and for her first time — making fun of us for not being in favor of wind turbines. Par for the course...

Call it what you will — a “Propa-

ganda War” or an “Invasion” — it doesn’t matter. What does matter is your voice and your vote... you can stop them in a united fight.

Start being vocal and protect the very reason why you live here or vaca-tion here!

Ray CunninghamBridgewater

from preceding page

LACONIA — Continuing the facelift and expansion of its facility off Union Avenue, Cantin Chevrolet is acquiring a lot on Mechanic Street, which will be added to its outdoor display area.

The 0.19-acre property, which abuts Cantin’s site, lies at the elbow of Mechanic Street just before it joins Union Avenue. An apartment build-ing with four units will be demolished, some 17 trees will be felled and the land will be paved, expanding the dis-play area by about 7,000 square feet. A buffer, 17.5-feet wide planted with juniper bushes, and granite curbing will surround the lot.

Representing Cantin’s , Steven Smith of Steven Smith & Associates appeared before the Zoning Board

Cantin Chevrolet to raze old apartment house on Mechanic Street to expand lot

of Adjustment this week requesting a variance from the requirement to plant street trees along the edge of the lot. He explained that the dealership has operated on the Union Avenue site since 1940 without street trees. Moreover, he said that trees pose a risk to the vehicles on display.

The board unanimously granted the variance.

Tom Cantin said that the expansion, which follows on the heels of construc-tion of a new showroom, is the latest step in a nationwide campaign to con-sistently market the Chevrolet brand. He said that the additional space will provide room for nine or 10 vehicles.

— Michael Kitch

He told lawmakers Snowden’s leaks have caused “irreversible and sig-nificant damage to this nation” and undermined the U.S. relationship with allies.

When Deputy FBI Director Sean Joyce was asked what is next for Snowden, he said, simply, “justice.” Snowden fled to Hong Kong and is hiding.

In the days after the leaks, House Intelligence committee Chairman Mike Rogers cited one attack that he said was thwarted by the programs. In the comments of other intelligence officials, that number grew to two, then 10, then dozens. On Tuesday, Alexan-der said more than 50 attacks were averted because of the surveillance. These included plots against the New York subway system and a Danish newspaper office that had published cartoon depictions of Muhammad.

In a new example, Joyce said the NSA was able to identify an extrem-ist in Yemen who was in touch with Khalid Ouazzani in Kansas City, Mo., enabling authorities to identify co-conspirators and thwart a plot to bomb the New York Stock Exchange.

Ouazzani pleaded guilty in May 2010 in federal court in Missouri to charges of conspiracy to provide material support to a terrorist orga-nization, bank fraud and money laun-dering. Ouazzani was not charged with the alleged plot against the stock exchange. Joyce said the arrest was made possible by the Internet surveil-lance program disclosed by Snowden.

Joyce also said a terrorist finan-cier in San Diego was identified and arrested in October 2007 because of a phone record provided by the NSA.

The individual was making phone calls to a known designated terrorist

NSA from page 2

see next page

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 7


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Dr. Manisha Patel

City says ‘see you next year’Motorcyclist heading home at the end on Motorcycle Week were greeted by this new banner hanging over Route 3/11 near to the end of the Laconia Bypass. The banner erected by the city. The reverse side welcomes riders to the City on the Lakes. Gordon D. King Photo

LACONIA — The parks and Recreation Commission voted unan-imously Monday night to release $6,100 from the Leavitt Park Trust Fund to help pay for recon-structed tennis courts.

The request came from Tony Felch of the Leavitt Park Associa-tion, who said his orga-nization will match the $6,100 released from the trust fund.

According to Parks and Recreation Director Kevin Dunleavy, the entire project would cost in the neighbor-hood of $75,000 and would have to be included in the city’s Capital Improvement Plan in order to be completed.

Felch’s hope was that if the city understood the people who are closely associated with Leavitt Park were also willing to spend their money on the court, then maybe the courts could be included in an earlier project.

Dunleavy said he doesn’t remember the last time the court were reconstructed although he remembers them being resurfaced about six years ago.

He and Felch agreed that there are two-inch cracks in the surface and the fence around them is inadequate and that resurfacing the courts won’t be enough this time.

— Gail Ober

Leavitt Park Association hopes $12k start will spur city to prioritize reconstruction of tennis courts

group overseas, Joyce said. He confirmed under questioning that the calls were to Somalia.

Alexander said the Internet program had helped stop 90 percent of the 50-plus plots he cited. He said just over 10 of the plots thwarted had a connection inside the U.S. and most were helped by the review of phone records. Still, little was offered to substantiate claims that the programs have been successful in stopping acts of terrorism that would not have been caught with narrower surveillance. In the New York subway bombing case, President Barack Obama conceded the would-be

see next page

bomber might have been caught with less sweeping surveillance.

Officials have long had the authority to monitor email accounts linked to terrorists but, before the law changed, needed to get a warrant by showing that the target was a suspected member of a terrorist group. In the disclosed Internet program named PRISM, the government collects vast amounts of online data and email, sometimes sweep-ing up information on ordinary American citizens. Officials now can collect phone and Internet information broadly but need a warrant to examine specific cases where they believe terrorism is involved.

Committee chairman Mike Rogers, R-Mich., and Rep. C.A. Dutch Ruppers-berger of Maryland, the panel’s top Dem-ocrat, said the programs were vital to the intelligence community and assailed Snowden’s actions as criminal.

“It is at times like these where our ene-mies within become almost as damaging as our enemies on the outside,” Rogers said.

Ruppersberger said the “brazen disclo-sures” put the United States and its allies at risk.

Committee members were incredulous about the scope of the information that Snowden was able to access and then disclose.

from preceding page

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Page 8 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013




In accordance with RSA 675:7, the Alton Conservation Commission will hold a public hearing at 6 pm on Tuesday, July 2nd at Alton Town Hall to consider contributing Conservation funds to the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests (SPNHF) for the purchase of 3 tracts of land in the Belknap Mountains in West Alton. The tracts include: 455 acres at the end of Reed Road encompassing the summits of East Quarry and North Straightback mountains (Alton Tax Map 16, Lot 1); 100+/- acres west of and abutting Mt. Major State Forest (Alton Tax Map13, Lot 9) and 75 +/- acres abutting the Rt. 11 Mount Major Parking Lot/Trailhead (Alton Tax Map 17, Lot 3). The details of the purchase can be reviewed at the Building Dept. in the Alton Town Hall. By participating in this conservation project with SPNHF, the town will secure public access to these properties and conserve them as permanent open space in perpetuity.”

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Beverly Dubiel of DCYF and Capt. Dave Berry of the Belknap County Department of Corrections in Dubiel’s Laconia office. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Gail Ober)

LACONIA — While their roles in reuniting children with their parents is different, Belknap County Correc-tions Captain Dave Berry and DCYF Supervisor Beverly Dubiel share a common goal — to never have to deal professionally with their clients again.

Berry is the second in command at the Belknap County Jail and Dubiel dels with children who have been removed from their parents custody.

Their common goal is reuniting children of incarcerated prisoners with their parents. And Berry’s work in that area earned him the 2013 N.H. Division of Children, Youth and Family Services Exemplary Leader-ship Award.

Berry was instrumental in piloting the first county-level program of its type in New Hampshire by working with DCYF to make the supervised visitations possible.

“We’ve been asked to allow inmates to have contact with their children,” Berry said, adding that until this year the answer has been, “Nah. We don’t do that.

“But this year (meaning 2012) I said, ‘Why not?’” he said.

“It’s hard to have contact with chil-dren through a plate glass window and a telephone,” said Dubiel from her Laconia office.

She and Berry said the circum-stances surrounding the visits are case-specific — meaning each inmate must meet a certain set of criteria before being allowed the visit, which takes place in a space in the city set up by DCYF. The child is brought to the location by the person who has custody and the inmate is brought by

an official to the location.The visits are supervised but never-

theless, they are tangible and positive for both parent and child.

From Berry’s point of view, the visits can be life-changing for the inmates.

“So far, we have had 12 inmates, includ-ing two men, participate and none of them have returned to jail,” he said.

Berry said the inmate’s punishment is being incarcerated for the amount of time that was determined by the court and part of the punishment is being deprived of seeing their children.

“But the children haven’t done any-thing wrong,” he said.

To participate in the visitation program, the inmate must take part in the requisite programs required by the jail, including parenting and nutrition classes, GED education classes, and, in the case of substance abuse, the appropriate drug or alcohol program. He or she must be of good behavior while incarcerated.

A violation of jail rules means no visitation and Berry said the people who participate are much more will-ing to go the extra mile while in jail to have the time with their children.

These reunification visits are huge,” he said. “It’s an emotional thing.”

For Dubiel, the visitation with a parent can be as life-changing for a child – especially for the young ones. She said it’s very hard for a child to understand why their parent is behind a glass wall and why they have to talk on the telephone.

When incarceration ends, Berry’s role ends. When the child is returned to their parent there continues to be a number of programs for both of them but Dubiel said the DCYF roles typi-cally ends after 12 months.

State DCYF honors Belknap County Corrections captain for work in keeping inmates in contact with their children


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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 9


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Changes to the curbside collection program take effect July 1, 2013:

- All trash MUST be bagged in a container (aka trash can). Single family homes/duplexes limit of (2) 30-gallon cans - Commercial/Multi Family Residential limit of (7) seven 30-gallon cans - As of July 1, 2013 residents are required to separate recyclables from their trash - NO LOOSE BAGS OF TRASH WILL BE COLLECTED

If you are NOT participating in MANDATORY RECYCLING, your trash will NOT be picked up. There is no limit on the amount of curbside recycling the City will pick up. City DPW has 18- gallon recycling containers free of charge. City DPW is selling 64-gallon wheeled toters for $25 (for the 1st one) and $45 (after the 1st one). If you exclusively use the Remote Recycling Drop Off Centers, call Ann Saltmarsh (528-6379, ext. 300) for an explanation of procedure.

LACONIA — The Zoning Board of Adjustment (ZBA) this week deferred a decision on a request for a variance that would enable as many as 14 housing units to be built on a waterfront lot at 640 Elm Street of 5.6 acres, just more than half the 10 acres the zoning ordinance requires for cluster developments.

Attorney Paul Bordeau, representing himself and his partner in the project Bill Contardo, a resident of South Down Shores who sits on the Planning Board, presented the proposal to the ZBA. Armed only with a sketch of the project, which he said he drew with his own hand, Bordeau spoke for more than an hour, stressing that apart of the 10-acre minimum, the development could satisfy all the requirements of the municipal zoning ordinance and the state shore-line protection statute.

The parcel stretches from Elm Street to Lake Opechee, where there is approximately 150 feet of shoreline, and is bounded to the west by Mallard Cove and the east by King Court. A ranch-style house sits now near the middle of the lot. Bordeau said that the driveway, located directly across Elm Street from the Laconia Country Club, would serve as an access road, indicating that eight of the planned units would be ranged along it with the remainder

Developers want to put cluster of 14 homes on 5.6 acres across street from Laconia County Club

placed on the eastern portion of the property. He said that the units would about 1,700-square-feet in size and priced around $300,000.

Bordeau said that the development would leave at least half the parcel as open space or vegetative buffers. The nearest unit to Lake Opechee would be 500 feet from the water’s edge, further than simi-larly situated units at Mallard Cove, King Court and Country Club Shores. Likewise, he said that the density of 2.5 units per acre would be less than that of these neighboring residential subdivisions. Bor-deau stressed that a conventional subdivision would have a greater impact on the land and the lake.

However, Suzanne Perley of the ZBA said with-out a more detailed plan, showing the placement of the units, roadways, driveways and parking areas, it was difficult to assess the overall impact of the project. “Are we entitled to more than a hand drawn sketched?,” she asked Planning Director Shanna Saunders, who replied “yes.”

Dave Greski, a fellow board member, likened the process to “a pilot flying with a blindfold” and when Bordeau explained that he intended to have a site plan with him but due to a mishap the engineer could not complete it. He suggested the ZBA defer further discussion until its next regularly scheduled meeting on July 15.


LACONIA — Attorney Matt Huot of Wescott, Dyer, Fitzgerald & Nichols will soon be working for Uncle Sam for the next year.

A captain in the United States Army Reserve Judge Advocate General’s Corps assigned to the 3rd Legal Support Organization headquartered in Boston, Huot has been mobilized and ordered to Fort Carson, Colorado, home to the 4th Infantry Division.

Following in the footsteps of his father David, who reached the rank of Lieutenant Colonel before retiring from the reserve, Huot enlisted in 2010, two years after finishing law school at Gonzaga Univer-

Laconia attorney & Democratic Party activist will serve year of active duty with Judge Advocate General Corps

sity in Spokane, Washington.“I saw it as a great opportunity to do interesting

work, gain valuable experience and serve my coun-try,” Huot said. He confessed that “it was a bit of a shock when I first heard I’d been mobilized,” but quickly added “now I’m looking forward to it.”

Huot said that he and his wife, Sara Beth Hernan-dez Huot, an assistant Belknap County Attorney, will be leaving for Colorado on July 1.

Earlier this month Huot completed his term as chair of the Belknap County Democratic Committee and was succeeded by Kate Miller of Meredith.

Officials with the Obama administration said the office in the Qatari capital of Doha was the first step toward the ultimate U.S.-Afghan goal of a full Tal-iban renunciation of links with al-Qaida, the reason why America invaded the country on Oct. 7, 2001, shortly after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks against the United States.

The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the record, said U.S. representatives will begin formal meetings with the Taliban in Qatar in a few days.

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Marine Gen. Joseph Dunford, said the only way to end the war was through a political solution.

“My perspective has always been that this war is going to have to end with political reconciliation, and so I frankly would be supportive of any posi-tive movement in terms of reconciliation, particu-larly an Afghan-led and an Afghan-owned process that would bring reconciliation between the Afghan people and the Taliban in the context of the Afghan constitution,” he said.

Dunford added that he was no longer responsible for the security of the country now that Afghan forces had taken the lead.

“Last week I was responsible for security here in Afghanistan,” he said, adding that now it was Kar-zai’s job. “It’s not just a statement of intent — it’s a statement of fact.”

The transition to Afghan-led security means U.S. and other foreign combat troops will not be directly carrying the fight to the insurgency, but will advise and back up as needed with air support and medical evacuations.

The handover paves the way for the departure

of coalition forces — currently numbering about 100,000 troops from 48 countries, including 66,000 Americans. By the end of the year, the NATO force will be halved. At the end of 2014, all combat troops will have left and will replaced, if approved by the Afghan government, by a much smaller force that will only train and advise.

Obama has not yet said how many soldiers he will leave in Afghanistan along with NATO forces, but it is thought that it would be about 9,000 U.S. troops and about 6,000 from its allies.

It is uncertain if the Afghan forces are good enough to fight the insurgents. The force numbered less than 40,000 six years ago and has grown to about 352,000 today.

In some of the most restive parts of the country, it may still take a “few months” to hand over security completely to the Afghans, Dunford said.

The transition comes at a time when violence is at levels matching the worst in 12 years, further fuel-ing some Afghans’ concerns that their forces aren’t ready.

The decision to open the Taliban office was a rever-sal of months of failed efforts to start peace talks while the militants intensified a campaign targeting urban centers and government installations.

Experts warned that it would be a mistake to expect too much.

“The keys are to keep expectations low, to remem-ber that a compromise is unlikely because no one can say what it would consist of,” said Michael O’Hanlon of the Brookings Institution. He added that in his opinion, the Taliban wrongly “expect to win the war once NATO is largely gone come 2015.”

“All that said, it’s a potentially useful step if we don’t confuse ourselves or wind up in polarizing

TALIBAN from page 2

Page 10: 19l

Page 10 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


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524-0407 524-0407 524-0407positions in the school district, noting that Woodland Heights Elementary School Principal Dennis Dobe is now the ranking principal in terms of expe-rience with just three years at his job.

All of the district’s other principals, Jim McCollum at Laconia High School, Eric Johnson at Laconia Middle School and Kevin Michaud at Elm Street Ele-mentary School have just completed their first years in those positions. McCollum was formerly Middle School principal and Johnson the Elm Street School principal before they took on their new positions.

Guilmett wondered what the aver-age was in terms of service for school principals in a district and Fostern said that in New Hampshire elemen-tary school principals average five years with a school district while the average high school principal is with a district for only two or three years.

Guilmett said he would like to see more ‘’in-house grooming’’ of potential leadership candidates and Fostern noted that there are many staff mem-bers who have attained or are working on a Master’s degree in educational leadership, making them possible candidates.

The search for a new assistant superintendent to replace Fostern, who will succeed Bob Champlin at the end of the month, has already drawn

26 applications according to Fostern.She said that a committee of nine

people, including Guillmet, are hoping to start interviews next week .

‘’We’re looking for someone with strong leadership skills,’’ said Fostern, who added that she is reviewing what parts of her current job she will con-tinue to do and how that will impact the job responsibilities of a new assis-tant superintendent.

During the board meeting, princi-pals from each of the schools gave a review of what had been accomplished over the last year.

McCollum said that there was mea-surable academic improvement at the high school and credited Steve Tucker, Academic Coordinator for Teaching and Learning, with bringing increased structure and rigor to the curriculum.

He said that the school now has 20 Running Start Classes, which allow students to earn college credits, as well as seven Advanced Placement (AP) courses, and for the first time, LHS now offers 10 sections of chemistry.

McCollum said there are 58 percent more AP offerings than before and enrollment in those classes is up by 70 percent.

He said the high school is raising student expectations as well as per-formance and that there has been a significant reduction in discipline problems.

PRINCIPAL from page one

fire hydrants.Dempsey stressed that the sole

purpose of the improved mapping is to minimize the time required for firefighters and emergency medical technicians to respond to emergencies by directing them to the right place in the least time. Chief Jim Hayes of the Lakes Region Mutual Fire Aid Association said that the mapping is especially useful for personnel called to other towns with which they may not be familiar.

“It’s a must in my eyes,” said Fire Chief Ken Jones, who told the select-men that he pressed for mapping twice before only to find the initiative stifled at the staff level. “I played a lot of baseball in my time,” he remarked. “I’ve got two strikes and this is my third. I don’t intend to strike out.”

In the past town officials have been reluctant to adopt the system for fear

having to tackle issues such as similar sounding street names and addresses out of numerical sequence. In par-ticular, the numbering of island prop-erties is unorthodox. Dempsey said that DESC would make recommenda-tions to overcome inconsistencies, but assured the selectmen they would not be required to change street names or address numbers.

MEREDITH from page one

St. was scheduled for 8:30 a.m. yester-day but Public Defender Jesse Fried-man filed for a continuance, saying he needed more time to prepare.

Riley is accused of the second degree murder of the 27-year-old Zachary March in the early morning hours of June 10. Responding police found an unresponsive March in the home after responding to a call. Riley was also in the house.

RILEY from page one

see next page

Page 11: 19l

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 11

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Affi davits regarding the homicide have been sealed by Judge Jim Carroll and were initially sealed from Friedman, who had to fi le a motion to get access to them in order to mount a defense.

The motion for the defense team and only the defense team to see the fi le was granted on June 13.

A probable cause hearing is not a trial but hear-ing whereby the prosecution — in this case the N.H. Attorney General — must make the case that police had enough reason to arrest Riley and charge him with the homicide.

Riley, who is being held without bail, will also have an opportunity for Friedman to argue for dif-ferent bail conditions.

The defense team can forgo the probable cause hearing and wait until after their client is indicted by a grand jury.

RILEY from page one

see next page

from preceding pageThe National Highway Traffi c Safety Administra-

tion, the agency that monitors vehicle safety, con-tends that the Jeep gas tanks can rupture if hit from the rear, spilling gas and causing a fi re. NHTSA said a three-year investigation showed that 51 people had died in fi ery crashes in Jeeps with gas tanks positioned behind the rear axle.

Chrysler had until Tuesday to formally respond to NHTSA.

Two weeks ago, Chrysler said that the vehicles aren’t defective, despite prior statements to the con-trary from NHTSA. The company vouched for the vehicles’ safety again Tuesday.

Chrysler said that dealers will inspect the vehicles and install trailer hitches to protect the gas tanks. The company said vehicles without hitches will get

them, as will those with broken hitches or hitches that aren’t from Chrysler.

Chrysler Group LLC, which is majority owned by Fiat SpA of Italy, wouldn’t say how much the hitches would cost, although they sell for about $200 each on Internet sites.

Erik Gordon, a law and marketing professor at the University of Michigan, says Chrysler realized it was headed for a public relations disaster and decided to reverse course.

“What happened is they get surprised by how loud the hue and cry is. They didn’t want to take the public relations hit,” Gordon says.

Gordon says Chrysler’s image will still get dinged a little “because it looks as if they have done the right thing only because they were forced to.”

JEEP from page 2

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priate descriptions for him.“You’re different from a serial killer

how?” Brennan asked.“A serial murderer kills for fun.

They like it,” Martorano said. “I don’t like it. I never did like it.”

Martorano served 12 years in prison after he cut a deal with prosecutors and agreed to testify against Bulger. He is one of three former Bulger loyal-ists who are expected to be the prose-cution’s star witnesses against Bulger.

Bulger fled Boston in 1994 and was one of the FBI’s most wanted fugitives for more than 16 years until he was captured in Santa Monica, Calif., in 2011.

In testimony Monday, Martorano said he decided to become a govern-ment witness after learning that Bulger and Flemmi had been working as FBI informants.

Bulgers’ lawyers deny that he ever provided information to the FBI. In opening statements to the jury last week, attorney J.W. Carney Jr. said Bulger paid FBI agents to tip him and his gang about investigations so they could avoid prosecution.

Martorano said he killed people when they hurt or threatened his family, or if they threatened to tell authorities about the gang’s illegal activities. He said he always tried to help people he was close to, either by giving them money or in other ways.

“I always tried to be a nice guy,” he said.

But Bulger’s lawyer grilled Mar-torano about several instances where he killed the wrong person or innocent people who were with the intended target.

Brennan asked Martorano whether he regretted killing a 19-year-old girl and a 17-year-old boy who were

in a car with Herbert Smith, a man who had beaten up Flemmi, when he jumped into the car and shot all three.

Martorano said he saw three silhou-ettes as he approached the car. Since he expected Smith to be alone, he thought Smith may have planned to ambush him when he got in the car, so he killed all three people, he said.

“I did feel bad. I still feel bad. It’s the worst thing I did, but I can’t change it,” he said of the 1968 killings.

Bulger glanced briefly at Martorano as he took the witness stand for a second day. Before he testified Monday, the two men had not seen each other since 1982, Martorano said.

Brennan questioned Martorano extensively about the killing of John Callahan, a Boston businessman whom Martorano described as a close friend. Martorano said he reluctantly agreed to kill Callahan at the insis-tence of Flemmi and Bulger, who said Callahan would likely finger the gang in the 1981 killing of Tulsa, Okla., businessman Roger Wheeler.

Martorano testified earlier that he waited in the parking lot of a Tulsa coun-try club until he saw Wheeler get in his car, then shot him between the eyes.

“I agreed to go along with (kill-ing Callahan) because they were my partners and I couldn’t vouch for him not getting everybody in trouble,” Martorano said. He said he offered to pick Callahan up at a Florida airport, where he killed him.

“Did you look him in the eye?” Bren-nan asked Martorano.

“I did,” Martorano replied.He said he told Callahan to sit in

the front seat, then he got in the back seat and shot Callahan once in the back of the head.

The defense is set to continue cross-examining Martorano on Wednesday.

BULGER from page 2

CONCORD (AP) — The Demo-cratic-led House budget negotiating team proposed a new plan Tuesday to expand Medicaid under the federal health care overhaul law that would commit the state for three years only.

A proposed expansion of Medicaid has been a sticking point in budget negotiations for lawmakers this year. States can choose to expand it as part of a key component of the fed-

N.H. House Democrats offer to sunset Medicaid expansion plan after 3 years

eral health care overhaul, which will be fully implemented Jan. 1. If New Hampshire were to expand the pro-gram, the U.S. government would pick up the cost for the first three years and 90 percent over the long haul. States can withdraw from covering adults at any time without penalty.

The Republican-led Senate has called for a study of possible expan-

see next page

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 13


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see next page

sion, and the House team proposed creating a group to do so, stipulating that the commission would have to present a plan in August meeting to the joint leg-islative Fiscal Committee for approval. The com-mittee is composed of five House members and five Senate members and acts on budget issues. It cur-rently is divided along party lines.

If the Fiscal Committee failed to approve a plan by Sept. 1, the state would expand Medicaid for three years — the time for which the federal government has promised to pay 100 percent of the costs.

The commission would be tasked with developing a plan to assign people eligible for Medicaid either to subsidized private employer insurance or Medic-aid. The plan would have to comply with the federal Affordable Care Act.

Either way, Medicaid would be expanded Jan. 1.While the Senate proposed a study group, the

House budget proposed expanding Medicaid indefi-nitely. Resolving the difference is a key to reaching compromise over a two-year, $10.7 billion budget for the state beginning July 1.

House Finance Chairwoman Mary Jane Wallner, a Concord Democrat, said delaying could cost New Hampshire $340 million a year of the $2.5 billion

New Hampshire is estimated to receive over the first seven years if it expands beginning Jan. 1.

“That would cost the state and our people immensely,” she said.

Senate President Peter Bragdon, a Milford Repub-lican, said Monday that Senate Republicans are not opposed to expanding Medicaid, but want time to study what the impact would be and if an alterna-tive could be crafted better suited to New Hamp-shire than simply adding an estimated 58,000 poor adults to the state’s Medicaid program.

Senate Finance Chairman Chuck Morse, a Salem Republican, called the House’s proposal a good first step, but predicted the Senate’s response would be different.

New Hampshire’s Medicaid program covers low-income children, parents with nondisabled children under 18, pregnant women, senior citizens and people with disabilities. The expansion would add anyone under age 65 who earns up to 138 percent of federal poverty guidelines, which is about $15,000 for a single adult.

Earlier Tuesday, House and Senate budget nego-tiators took another look at a proposed $1.5 mil-lion cut to the New Hampshire Veterans Home that could force residents to pay for their own inconti-nence supplies.

Both chambers propose cutting the Veterans Home’s budget, but now find that $260,000 of the proposed cut would mean it would no longer buy res-

NORTH ATTLEBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — State and local police spent hours at the home of New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez on Tuesday night as another group of officers searched an industrial park about a mile away where a body was discovered the day before.

Police at the scene and prosecutors would not com-ment on the actions while Sports Illustrated, citing an unidentified source, reported that Hernandez was not believed to be a suspect in what was being treated as a possible homicide. The magazine says

Police visit Pat’s Hernandez’ home in homicide investigationpolice have spoken with Hernandez.

Sports Illustrated reports that the link between Hernandez and the case was a rented Chevrolet Sub-urban with Rhode Island plates that police had been searching for. The Sun Chronicle of Attleboro, Mass., says the SUV was registered to Enterprise and inves-tigators wanted to analyze it for fingerprints.

The Associated Press could not independently confirm the reports.

No cause of death had been released for the body found about 5:30 p.m. Monday.

BOSTON (AP) — Jonny Gomes hit a two-run homer in the ninth inning to lift the Boston Red Sox to a 3-1 win over the Tampa Bay Rays on Tuesday, completing a doubleheader sweep.

Daniel Nava was aboard on a leadoff walk when Gomes followed with a towering shot off Joel Peralta (1-3) that cleared the Green Monster and bounced off the sign just to the right of the foul pole.

It was a dramatic ending to a very long day, which started at 1 p.m. with Boston’s 5-1 win in the opener, which was delayed almost three hours by rain.

Felix Doubront pitched eight shutout innings for Boston in the night game.

In the opener, Tampa Bay managed just six hits against Alfredo Aceves and four relievers, losing 5-1.

Aceves (4-1) allowed one run and three hits in five innings while defeating Chris Archer for the second

Gomes 9th inning homer gives Red Sox sweep of doubleheadertime in less than a week. The right-hander also pitches six effective innings in a 2-1 victory against the Rays on Wednesday.

Aceves, who has won each of his last three starts, was limited to 75 pitches when the game was delayed with two outs in the bottom of the fifth. He struck two and walked three.

David Ortiz drove in three runs for the Red Sox, who had lost four of six.

The rain delay in the fifth inning came in the makeup of an April 12 rainout.

The Red Sox invited fans who stuck out Tues-day’s first game to return for the second for free. The opener ended after the scheduled 7:05 p.m. start time for the nightcap — by that point, with little turnaround time, Game 2 fans were already wan-dering into Fenway Park.

from preceding page

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Laconia Parks & Recreation is Hosting a 5 on 5

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June 20th-23rd At Leavitt Park

Registration due by June 14th

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Postponed for more

information contact

Dan Greenwood 998-4123


The Alton School District is seeking bids to Re- Roof the Art & Music area at Alton Central School in Alton, New Hampshire.

A mandatory bidders’ conference will be held on Thursday, June 20, 2013 at 3:00 PM at the Alton Central School.

Bid specifications may be secured for a fee by contacting CMK Architect, 603 Beech Street, Manchester, NH 03104, 603-627-6878 or the Superintendent’s office, SAU #72, 252 Suncook Valley Road, Alton, New Hampshire (603–875– 7890).

Sealed bids must be submitted by 3:00 PM on June 28, 2013.

Nasia Thomas and Darius Nelson are two of five performers star-ring in Interlakes Summer Theatre’s season opener, Ain’t Misbe-havin’ June 25-30. (Courtesy photo)

MEREDITH — The Interlakes Summer Theatre, a professional summer stock theatre company, in residence at the air-conditioned Interlakes Commu-nity Auditorium at the Inter-Lakes High School, will open its 2013 season with “Ain’t Misbehavin”.

The musical is a tribute to the black musicians of the 1920s and ‘30s who were part of the Harlem Renaissance, an era of growing creativity, cultural awareness, and ethnic pride, and takes its title from the 1929 Waller song “Ain’t Misbehavin’”.

It was a time when Manhattan nightclubs like the Cotton Club and the Savoy Ballroom were the play-grounds of high society and Lenox Avenue dives were filled with piano players banging out the new beat known as swing. Five performers present an evening of rowdy, raunchy, and humorous songs that encapsu-late the various moods of the era and reflect Waller’s view of life as a journey meant for pleasure and play.

The show runs for one week only, June 25-June 30, Tuesday to Saturday at 7:30 p.m., Sunday at 7 p.m, with matinees on Wednesday and Thursday at 2 p.m.

Adult tickets are $31, Senior tickets $27, Students $22. If purchased in advance there is a $1discount.

For more info, seat availability and ticket pur-chase, visit the website or call or visit the box office at 1-888-245-6374

Interlakes Summer Theatre opens 2013 Season June 25 with musical ‘Ain’t Misbehavin’

Hale Golf Classic set for Friday at Waukewan Golf ClubMEREDITH — The sixth annual Dexter Hale

Memorial Golf Classic will be held at Waukewan Golf Club Friday, June 21. All proceeds will benefit the Meredith Rotary Scholarship Fund in Dexter’s name.

The tournament, which will have a 9 a.m. shot-gun start, costs $125 per person and includes greens fees, cart, continental breakfast, lunch, prizes and special contests. There will be a special “$500 Shoot Out” at the end of the tournament.

Meredith Village Savings Bank, which has been a supporter of the event from its inception, will be the major sponsor for the tournament once again this year.

Dexter Hale was a beloved member of the Rotary who had perfect attendance at Rotary weekly meet-ings for more than 43 years and was a strong sup-

porter of the Rotary scholarship fund. “The Hale Family and The Waukewan Golf Club have been very generous supporters of our community for many years,” said Ted Fodero, of the Meredith Rotary Club who worked with the family to establish the tourna-ment. “We want to honor Dexter’s generosity, kind-ness and long-time commitment to the Rotary Club, and there is no better way to do that than to include the game of golf, and the beautiful Waukewan Club, which Dex also truly loved.”

Pre-registration for this golf tournament is recom-mended. For information and registration, call Ted Fodero at 603-279-4591, Craig Hale at 603-279-6661, Vynnie Hale at 603-279-0557, or Bob Kennelly at 603-279-5393. Additional information can be found at, or

ALTON — The Gilman Library will host a movie matinee on Saturday, June 22 at 1:30 p.m.

Embark on the adventure of a lifetime in this visual masterpiece from Oscar winner Ang Lee. After a cataclysmic shipwreck, young Pi Patel finds himself stranded on a lifeboat with only one other survivor, a ferocious Bengal tiger named Richard

Parker. Bound by a need to survive, the two are cast on an epic journey. Filmed in 2012 Rated PG 123 Minutes

Admission is free. Refreshments will be served.Children under the age of 10 must be accompa-

nied by an adult.

Gilman Library features Life of Pi matinee Saturday

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 15


Thursdays June 20 June 275:00-7:00 pmAll art will be on display in 3 different Wesley Woods homesWine & light hors d’oeuvres will be servedWe would love to know which show you’ll be attending by calling


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WW_Special_LaconiaDSinsert_ad_WW_Special_LaconiaDSinsert_ad 6/12/13 5:24 PM Page 2

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 15


The Dollars and Sense of Retirement Living


Seniors making a move in their retirement years are typically moti-vated by lifestyle factors, things like downsizing and getting away from the challenges of home maintenance. Often they are looking for an environ-ment that is more safe, secure and

provides opportunities for sociability. They may be looking for ease of living changes such as single story living, while others seek an alternative that provides for more services and access to care. While the lifestyle offered is a key determinant in the decision-mak-

ing process, the financial implications are an integral component and criti-cally important in making the choice that is just right for you.

“Making a decision to move to a retirement community can be a great thing but one does need to under-

stand the financial implications that deserve close and often professional attention,” said Paul Charlton, Taylor Community’s Marketing Director. “My advice is that this is a big deci-sion so do your homework, get the

Understanding the financial implications of retirement living choices

see page 18

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Page 16 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Caregivers: Take Note

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Page 16 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Diabetes is known to raise the risk of a number of major health prob-lems, including heart disease and kidney failure. More recently, studies have also linked diabetes to speed-ier mental decline and dementia in seniors. We recently had a woman walk into our office with concerns for her father struggling with Diabetes. He was having frequent hypogly-cemic episodes, and one of them occurred while she was not home. She called him

on the phone and he was confused, could not remember if he had eaten, and could not follow instructions to check his blood sugar. Our agency was able to step in and provide help. Our RN performed a medication review and adjusted timing of medication administration to coincide with meal times. We were able to provide educa-tion to the family regarding regular meals, regular blood sugar checks, and regular visits to the doctor. Evenings when his daughter is work-ing, we now have an LNA who visits to assist with blood glucose moni-toring, preparing a healthy diabetic meal, assist with exercises, and assist with bathing/dressing to monitor his skin condition.

Age is one of the most significant factors in the risk for diabetes. The American Diabetes Association found that 23.1% of seniors over the age of 60 have diabetes. Diabetes is a dis-ease that can be positively affected

by caregiving, so an understanding of the risks, treatments and even prevention are essential in protecting your loved one.

Diabetes in seniors can manifest itself dif-ferently than what you might traditionally associate with the dis-ease in younger people. For instance, one of the scariest side effects of diabetes in seniors is heart disease. Others can include kidney failure, eye complica-tions such as blindness or glaucoma, foot and skin complications, deteriora-tion of mental health, high blood pres-sure, arterial disease & stroke.

Jennifer Harvey, RN BSN, Owner of LIVE FREE HOME HEALTH CARE suggests, “Living with senior diabetes is really a question of making good life management choices and as a caregiver, you can strongly influ-ence many of those lifestyle choices. Learning what works best is much of the battle against diabetes.” LIVE FREE HOME HEALTH CARE rec-ommends the following:

• Food Choices are #1 - First and foremost, the most important part of managing diabetes is diet. Caregivers are most likely responsible for shop-ping or meals, so understanding what foods are good for diabetes and what foods should be avoided can make

all the difference. High-carbohydrate foods, such as breads, pastas, potatoes, chips, candy and desserts are foods that will increase blood sugar levels. Keeping track of blood sugar is cru-cial – higher blood sugar can lead to stroke and heart attack.

• Get Moving - Exercise is the second most important step to controlling diabetes.

Depending on the senior’s ability, any type of exercise is helpful. Running, walking, tennis, golf, gardening – even yoga – provide wonderful benefits for the heart, muscles and mental health. Make sure to check with the doctor prior to beginning any new exercise program. Find out what the senior enjoys and try and incorporate that into a daily routine.

• Be Aware - The third tip in man-aging diabetes in seniors is to regu-larly check for signs of complications. Be aware that seniors don’t always express difficulties or symptoms. If dementia is in play or even a little bit of denial, you won’t necessarily hear complaints. As a caregiver of a senior with diabetes, keeping your eyes and ears open is key.

Make sure to check the senior’s feet for infection, as neuropathy is a frequent problem with diabetics and loss of feeling can be common, causing unreported open sores or lack of circu-

lation. Also be sure to check skin fre-quently for signs of fungus, infection and even boils. Finally, it is important to medically monitor with blood sugar tests and journals, and ensure that the senior has enough tests and sup-plies.

Diabetes does not have to be scary for a senior and definitely not for family caregivers. For more tips or information, please contact LIVE FREE HOME HEALTH CARE at or call 603-217-0149.

Serving the Lakes Region and Central New Hampshire, Live Free Home Health Care, LLC is dedicated to providing top quality care in the comfort of home, wherever home may be. Family owned and operated, Live Free Home Health Care offers a wide range of services, from companion care and assistance with activities of daily living to skilled nursing. All care is supervised and updated by a regis-tered nurse, who is specially trained to watch for new or changing health issues. Whether the need is for short or long term care, Live Free Home Health Care works with each client’s physician to provide a continuum of care unparalleled with other agencies, and the compassionate staff promises to treat each client respectfully and like a cherished family member.

For further information, con-tact (603) 217-0149 or visit

Tips to Cope with Caregiving and Senior Diabetes

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 17


Taylor is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) continuing care retirement community. • 877-524-5600

In most cases, new residents pay an entrance fee when moving in. There is a no-entrance fee option available for Independent Living at Taylor Community campuses in Pembroke, Wolfeboro and Sandwich. People can also move into Assisted Living on the main campus in Laconia with no entrance fees. Independent Living entrance fees in Laconia vary in amount and the portion that is refundable. Call 524-5600 for more information, including detailed rate sheets.

Taylor Community Myth #7

“I can’t afford to live there” You never know until you look at the facts. Seniors moving into Taylor pay an entrance fee and then a monthly fee while living here. The monthly fee covers living in the cottage or apartment you choose, all interior and exterior maintenance, lawn care, snow removal, activities and amenities, local transportation, Lifeline emergency response call system and more.

This handy worksheet lets you easily compare your current living expenses to living at Taylor Community. People are often surprised they can get so much for so little. Do the math and then call us today to see what you’re missing.


Estimate your current costs per month in your own home to see how that total compares to Taylor Comm unity’s monthly fee. Monthly Expense Comparison Your Home Taylor Cottage Taylor Apartment

HOUSING Property Taxes $ Included Included Rent/Mortgage/Monthly Fee $ $1,295.00 $1,455.00 Association/Condo Fees $ $0.00 $0.00

UTILITIES Heating $ electric Included Air Conditioning $ n/a Included Electricity $ $150.00 Included Cable TV $ $55.00 Included Internet $ $60.00 $60.00 Trash pick up $ Included Included Security/Alert system $ Included Included Water/sewer $ $25.00 Included

MAINTENANCE Home Maintenance $ Included Included Appliances $ Included Included Yard Maintenance $ Included Included Snow removal $ Included Included

INSURANCE Homeowners Insurance $ Included Included Renters Insurance $ $30.00 $30.00

TRANSPORTATION Registration $ $0.00 $ 0.00 Inspection $ $0.00 $ 0.00 Auto Insurance $ $0.00 $ 0.00 Maintenance $ $0.00 $ 0.00

Total Monthly Costs $0 $1,615.00 $1,545.00

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Page 18 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


facts, and consult professionals who can help with the decision-making process.”

In many instances, moving to a retirement community can have financial benefits as well as provide improvements in quality of life. While something may first appear as added expenses, upon further investigation seniors may find that a move is to their financial advantage. According to ACTS Retirement-Life Communities, a leader in life care living, many seniors under-appreciate the hidden costs of homeownership. “There’s no such thing as a free home and on-going expenses eat into retirement savings. These include such things as real estate taxes, utility bills, homeown-er’s insurance, home maintenance, lawn care and snow removal, security, trash removal, and many other costs.” According to ACTS, housing experts say annual repair and maintenance expenses run

about 1 to 3 percent of your home’s current market value.

Getting an accurate understanding of your cur-rent expenses as a homeowner is an important first step. Once compiled, you can compare what you’re paying now vs. other options you want to consider. Compiling your regular expenses and comparing these with monthly expenses for different retire-ment living options is actually the easy part. More complex financial implications deserve the attention and assistance of professional advisors. Consider consulting a financial advisor, CPA, estate planners, insurance professionals and your attorney. They can advise you on everything from long term care insur-ance to tax implications as well as investments and financial planning, all of which can be impacted by your senior living decisions. Frequently, seniors will work closely with an Estate Planning attorney during this process. Jeanne Saffan, a senior attor-ney with Sulloway & Hollis advises clients on these matters. “Many people think estate planning is only for the purpose of determining who will receive your assets after death, however, good estate plan-ning involves the management of assets as we age. Where to live, projected income, health and the proximity of family are all factors. In addition, it is important to consider who will be available in the event of medical emergency or other life altering event that may require the assistance of someone with the legal ability to act on one’s behalf until it is no longer needed.”

Charlton explains that comparing different retire-ment communities isn’t as easy as it might first appear. “The good news is there are lots of options. The bad news is there are lots of options, which means it’s almost impossible to do a simple apples-to-apples comparison.” This is where you really need to do your homework and carefully study the details. Is there an entrance fee, as is common with continuing care retirement communities? What portion of the entrance fee is refundable should you leave the community? What happens if you run out of money and can no longer afford to pay for your care? Some contracts with charitable care continu-ing care retirement communities assure that you will continue to live in and receive care in the com-munity for as long as needed regardless of ability to pay. Other contracts might require the resident to move out of the community if their funds are depleted.

You’ll also want to know what services are

included in the monthly fee that you pay. Are things like utilities, transportation, meals and activities included or are there additional charges added to the monthly fee? Some communities bundle these into the monthly fee while others have a lower monthly fee but charge extra for anything addi-tional. “I call it the pizza model where you can buy a cheese pizza for next to nothing but by the time you’ve added toppings it ends up costing you a lot of money,” Charlton explained. “There isn’t one model that is better than other, it’s simply a matter of choice and the key to making the right decision for you is in understanding the details.”

Future access to higher levels of care and the asso-ciated expenses are critically important to both your lifestyle and your finances. Some continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) have monthly fees that don’t change with a move from one level of care to another. For example, one might move into independent living and then later transition into assisted living or nursing care. In a “Type A” CCRC you might expect to pay a monthly fee of approx-imately $4,000 when you move into independent living and then that fee would stay the same if and when you move to assisted living or nursing. The attraction of this model is that you won’t incur fee increases if you need or want higher levels of care. “Type C” CCRCs have different monthly fees for dif-ferent levels. For example, you could move into an independent living cottage or apartment and pay $1,100-$1,600 depending on the accommodation. Then if you move into assisted living the monthly fee would increase to $3,500-$4,500 and a move to nursing would increase the cost to an average of $270/day. In the first example, the costs of providing higher levels of care are built into the fee that you pay when you first move into independent living. The downside is that you are essentially paying for higher levels of care even though you may never access them or might only access them for a short period of time. In the second model, which is used by Taylor and many other CCRCs, you only pay for higher levels of care if and when you transition to assisted living or nursing. Statistics show that only 2-4% of the population will spend any time in nurs-ing care in their lives, so you may prefer a contract type where you only pay for higher levels of care if you ever need them. “I met with a couple recently and the husband described this as the ‘Yankee model’—you get what you pay for,” said Charlton.

from page 15

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153 Parade Road, Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-3121

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Page 20 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


“Again, there’s no one model that is better than another. But you want to make sure you understand the differ-ent contract options so you can choose the one that’s best for you.

Weighing the financial pros and cons of different retirement living options can seem daunting at first but you can make the task easier by following a few simple suggestions.

1. Do your homework. Know exactly what you are paying now and what you can expect to pay when you make a move to a retirement commu-nity. Be sure to know what is included and what will require additional fees.

2. Sit down face-to-face with the marketing or sales professionals at each of the communities you are

considering. Ask questions and get detailed information in writing. There should be no surprises.

3. Take advantage of available help and advice. Professional advisors like those listed earlier can help you to avoid financial pitfalls while also making the decision-making process easier.

4. Talk to the residents who live there. They can often offer the most valuable advice since they have already been through the process.

Taylor Community is a not-for-profit 501 (C) ( 3) continuing care retirement community located in New Hampshire’s Lakes Region. For more information or to arrange a visit call 524-5600 or visit online at

from page 18

To the left, one, two, three, to the right, one, two, three – slide and twirl, and to the left three, two one, slide and twirl. And again……

So – my neighbor tried to talk me into line dancing and I was like – uh – no thanks. But she called me every time she returned from what she called fun and kept bugging me. I finally relented. Boy am I glad I did. She and I have been going together now for a month and what fun it is. It is good exercise, it is good for my brain (you know you have to think and move at the same time) and I have more friends now than just my neighbor.

(Above was related to us at Wesley Woods, by a current resident).

Remember when you lived in a neigh-borhood where folks looked out for one another, said hi when they picked up their paper in the morning and made sure that if something looked strange around your house, that they would check on you? That is what life is like at Wesley Woods.

Folks have told us that we are not

a retirement community, because to them that means sitting on the porch rocker watching the world go by. These folks are making it happen. One couple is presently in NY visiting family and will be leaving for a 10-day trip to Switzerland later this summer. Another just returned from a week in D.C. at her daughter’s, and a third just shared the special event that a high school graduation is with their award-winning grand-daughter. And, sure you can do all these things in the home where you raised those kids, but what is better is not worrying about the house when you leave and being able to share the events with your neigh-bor-friends.

And then, we have the couple who both wish they could be retired and get to do all these fun things at their leisure, but they are still working. And they love that the driveway and roadway is plowed by 4:00am so they can get to work on time, anytime of year.

So – who wants to join the line-danc-ing class?

Friendly neighbors take you line dancing

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 21




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Sea Path by Sheila Psaledas (Courtesy photo)

PLYMOUTH — Plymouth State Uni-versity will be hosting a summer long series of arts related events at the Silver Center for the Arts.

PSU’s Karl Drerup Art Gallery will present a juried exhibition of the membership of the New Hampshire Art Association (NHAA). The second annual “Summer at the Silver Center” exhibit will be on display at the Silver Center for the Arts from July 5 through August 16.

The exhibit is coor-dinated by Kather-ine Muth, director of NHAA, and the juror is Tom Driscoll. Driscoll is an alumnus of Plym-outh State and has been teaching in the art department since 1989. He coordinates the painting program, teaching all levels of painting, and has also taught extensively within the drawing, printmaking, and foundations programs.

Driscoll holds a BFA from Plymouth State and an MFA from Cranbrook Academy of Art. He has served as a juror for regional competitions and has curated several exhibits, including a national encaustic show and a survey of New Hampshire painting. He leads an active studio life and has exhibited in juried com-petitions both regionally and nationally, winning several awards for his work. A member of the Ogun-quit Arts Collaborative in Ogunquit, Maine, Driscoll is represented by McGowan Fine Art in Concord.

The NHAA is pairing its exhibition with a summer of musical performances presented by the New Hamp-shire Music Festival at the Silver Center. Exhibitors

are invited to show two pieces of fine art that express their talent and highest level of achievement.

Founded in 1940, the nonprofit NHHA is one of the oldest statewide art associations in the country. It consists of more than 420 painters, photographers, watercolorists, printmakers, sculptors, and other fine artists living and working primarily in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, and Vermont.

The Karl Drerup Art Gallery ( presents year-round exhibitions of the finest art in New Hampshire as an educational service of the art department. It is located on the PSU campus in the Draper Maynard building on North Main Street in Plymouth.

Plymouth State University hosting ‘Summer at the Silver Center,’ featuring art and music

Arts Collaborative works featured in Winni PlayhouseMEREDITH — Work commissioned by the Win-

nipesaukee Playhouse from members of the Arts Collaborative for the theater’s lobby and grounds will be part of the ambience on opening night this evening of the newly completed theater.

The Winnipesaukee Playhouse commissioned work for it’s new campus from The Arts Collab-orative’s studio artists David Little ( and Steven Hayden (

“The Arts Collaborative is thrilled that these installations at the Winnipesaukee Playhouse showcase work by Winnipesaukee Forge and Steven Hayden Arts,” says David Little, who along with his wife, Heidi, own the Arts Collaborative.

Work commissioned from artist-blacksmith, Little

and his Winnipesaukee Forge crew, Bryan Custance and Nick Duquet, greets the public on the steps of the new Playhouse. Inside the Playhouse lobby are the Forge’s gracefully curved yet sturdy iron brack-ets as well as whimsical grill work at the box office and refreshment counter.

Steven Hayden ( worked with the Playhouse to design and create various wood elements for their lobby. Using reclaimed barn beams, his “conversation tables” are scattered throughout the lobby to encourage lingering and connections among theater-goers. He also created decorative and functional shadow boxes for the lob-by’s walls bringing the vintage quality of the barn wood to the modern elements of print and video pro-motions.

Spaghetti dinner at Ashland Legion Saturday night ASHLAND — The Pemi-Baker Valley Republican

Committee will host an all-you-can-eat, spaghetti dinner at the American Legion Hall from 5-7 p.m. on Saturday, June 22.

People attending will have the opportunity to talk to elected officials as well as experts on the many

issues facing New Hampshire. Many door prizes are also available.

Tickets may be purchased at the door for $10 each or $25 per family. Special guest will be former speaker of the House Bill O’Brien, speaking at 6:30 p.m.

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Thursdays June 6th to September 26th, 2013

3pm ‘til 7pm

Recycling Demonstration

All residents not currently participating in the City of Laconia Recycling Program are cordially invited to a Recycling Demonstration presented by Ann Saltmarsh, Laconia Department of Public Works and James Presher, Executive Director of the Concord Regional Solid Waste Resource Recovery Cooperative (the COOP). Residents are encouraged to attend one of the following neighborhood meetings on a night and at a location most convenient for them:

June 19, 2013 6:00 PM Woodland Heights School Library

June 24, 2013 7:00 PM Weirs Community Center

Mandatory Recycling becomes effective July 1, 2013 – in order to have your trash collected, you must be participating in the Recycling Program. Ann will outline what containers are acceptable for curbside placement of recycling and what materials are accepted for recycling. Come with questions! Jim will present a very interesting slide show of a Single Stream Recycling Facility which will demonstrate what happens to the recycling materials after they leave the curb!

Questions – please call Ann Saltmarsh at DPW – 528- 6379, ext. 300.


Michael ‘Coach’ J. Emond, Sr., 65LACONIA — Michael James “Coach”

Emond, Sr., 65, of 16 Valley Street, died at his home on Thursday, June 13, 2013.

Mike was born November 27, 1947 in Manchester, N.H., the son of Rachael Jean (Bleau) Emond. He attended eleven schools in his youth in southern New Hampshire and Massachusetts. He was always involved in many sports with football being his favorite sport which he excelled in. He went into the U. S. Navy during the Vietnam War and upon his discharge moved to Laconia where he married Rita Leroux and had four children. He was a communi-cant of Sacred Heart Church.

Mike was very involved in youth sports. In 1972, he was instrumental in starting Pop Warner Foot-ball in Laconia and was a charter member of the Lou Athanas Youth Basketball League. After coach-ing football and basketball, he remained a referee for many years until his health began to fail. In 2004, he was very proud to receive the Debra Bien-arz Award.

Mike had been employed at Bonnette Page & Stone for a number of years. He also had been employed by the Laconia School District for fifteen years. He retired in 2003 due to his health.

Mike was a die-hard Notre Dame fan. He was a great chef and loved to cook for family and friends and also enjoyed camping, travelling and coaching. He enjoyed mentoring young people, giving him joy to be a role model for them. He was a dedicated family man, and a devoted friend to many others above all else and was a loving husband.

Survivors include his wife of 14 years, Beatrice H. (Marcoux) Lachance-Emond, of Laconia; sons,

Ronald A. Emond and his wife, Leslie E. Emond, Richard L. Emond, Michael J. Emond, Jr. and his wife, Dawn L. Emond; step-son, Raymond P. Lachance, and his wife, Nancy B. Lachance; daughters, Charlene M. Little and Robert Little; step daughter, Rae A. Hann and her hus-band, Alan S. Hann, Jr.; ten grandchil-dren, Kayla Emond, Samantha Lachance, Ashley Little, Kendra Emond, Mark DeGara, Jr., Andrew Little, Cody Emond, Justin DeGara, Joshua Emond and Jonnie

Sands; four great grandchildren; a brother, Richard Emond, and his wife, Gail Emond, and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by his mother.

Calling hours will be held on Tuesday, June 18, 2013 from 5 to 8 p.m. in the Carriage House of the Wilkinson-Beane-Simoneau-Paquette Funeral Home, 164 Pleasant Street, Laconia, N.H.

A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Wednesday, June 19, 2013 at 11:00AM at St. Andre Bessette Parish, Sacred Heart Church, 291 Union Avenue, Laconia, N.H.

Burial will follow in the family lot in Sacred Heart Cemetery, Laconia, N.H.

For those who wish, memorial donations may be made to the Laconia High School Football Field, c/o Laconia School District, 39 Harvard Street, Laco-nia, NH 03246 or to Central New Hampshire VNA & Hospice, 780 North Main Street, Laconia, N.H. 03246.

Wilkinson-Beane-Simoneau-Paquette Funeral Home & Cremation Services, 164 Pleasant Street, Laconia, N.H. is assisting the family with the arrangements. For more information and to view an online memorial go to

Andrew ‘Drew’ C. Bartlett, 27TUCSON, Ariz. — Andrew Charles

Bartlett, known to many simply as Drew, tragically passed away on June 2, 2013, in a house fire in Tucson, Arizona. Drew was born in Laconia, NH, on November 25, 1985.

A resident of Tucson for most of his life, Drew graduated from the Sabino High School and then attended Pima Commu-nity College where he received Associates Degrees in Liberal Arts and Business. His deep passion was in computer technology, which led Drew to spend his time on the computer, mastering the animated world of video games.

Drew spent his summers visiting family in New Hampshire, where he frequented the beautiful lakes and mountains. Many nights were spent on his father’s porch playing card games, where he was competitive in nature and was hard to beat. He had an unbelievable memory of which cards were played and knew exactly which were left. He had a quick wit, and a great sense of humor. An avid sports fan, Drew enjoyed visiting Fenway Park to cheer on the Boston Red Sox with his family. He enjoyed football

and developed a profound enthusiasm for baseball cards, of which he collected thou-sands over his lifetime.

Drew is survived by his mother Carol Bartlett and her partner Buddy Koches of Tucson, Arizona; his father Andrew and wife Anne Bartlett of Gilmanton, NH; his halfbrother Stephen Bartlett of Gilman-ton, NH; his half-sister Lydia Bartlett of Gilmanton, NH; his stepsister Samantha and her husband Adam Hawkins of Gil-manton, NH; his paternal grandfather

John Bartlett of Gilmanton, NH; and many aunts, uncles, and cousins who will greatly miss his free spirit and kind heart.

Drew is pre-deceased by maternal grandparents Hazel and Ed Needham, paternal grandmother Charlotte Bartlett and his stepsister Amy Annis Colby.

A celebration of Drew’s life will be held on Sunday, June 23, from 1 to 3 p.m. at Andy and Anne Bartlett’s house at 111 Griffin Road in Gilmanton, NH. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the NH Humane Society, Meredith Center Rd., Laconia, NH. 03246.

Hebron Gazebo Program kicks off Saturday night HEBRON — The town of Hebron is pleased to

announce the 2013 Gazebo Program. Once again this year the concerts will be held at the Hebron Common Saturday nights starting at 6 p.m.

The first concert is on June 22 and the band that evening is 60’s Invasion, who will be playing the music of the 60’s in their own special way. The BBQ that evening will be done by Newfound Grocery.

The next concert is on July 6 and the band that evening is Club Soda playing rock and roll with the BBQ by the Hebron Historical Society and dessert provided by the Cabin Fever group.

60’s and 70’s rock will be in the air when Postage Due takes the stage on July 13 with the BBQ by Newfound Grocery. The Common will be grooving to

the beat of the Mango Groove Steel Band on July 20 with the Hebron Store supplying the BBQ for that night.

August 17 will end the concert series with Family Fun Day. The day starts out with a hike at 11am by the Hebron Conservation Commission Hike led by Suzanne Smith leading a 2 mile hike on the new Cockermouth Ledge Trail in the Hebron Town Forest. Meet at the entrance to the Town Forest on Groton Road at 11 .am. Bring lunch and water for a picnic on the ledges. For more information, contact Suzanne at 744-9064.

Following that there are three events at 2 p.m. The ever popular Cribbage Contest which will be

see next page

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 23


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Perry Taylor – Arch. Design Review of 14’x 16’ retail sales bldg.,and continuation of site plan hearing, S15-32A, 473 D.W. Highway, CB District. Philip & Barbara Cunningham – 3-Lot Subdivision, S08-54, 10 Eaton Ave., MN District. Edward & Christine Morse – 3-Lot Subdivision, R08-78, 10 Livingston Rd., Res./FR Districts.

Tracy A. Tramontano, 55GILFORD — Tracy Ann Tramontano, 55, a resi-

dent of Gilford for the past 17 years died Sunday, June 16, 2013 at the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon following a sudden illness.

Tracy was born in Presque Isle, Maine, May 29, 1958. She is the daughter of John F. Marrapese and the late Pamela (Horne) Marrapese. Prior to moving to Gilford, Tracy lived in Portsmouth for 20 years. She spent her youth in Franklin and attended schools there. She was a graduate of Franklin High School, class of 1976, where she was active in sports programs.

She continued her education and attended both Keene State College and the University of New Hampshire, studying for her Bachelors Degree. A homemaker, Tracy enjoyed the outdoors and garden-ing. She was instrumental in the formation of the ski program at Gunstock Mountain for the disabled. She was an instructor and was also involved in fund raising for the program. She served as a Second Lieutenant with the Civil Air Patrol and served as a member on the Board of Directors with the Belknap

Sportsmen Club in Laconia.Tracy was predeceased by her mother, Pamela

(Horne) Marrapese of Franklin who died in 2003. Her family includes her husband of 17 years, John R. Tramontano of Gilford, her father, John F. Marrapese of Franklin, her sister, Nancy L. Marrapese-Burrell of Quincy, MA, her brother, John J. Marrapese of McLean, VA, stepsons Valentino and Michael Tramon-tano of Franklin, MA, stepdaughter Tara Madison of Burlington, VT, two nephews and two step-grandsons. Calling hours will be held Saturday, June 22 from 2 to 5 p.m. at the William F. Smart Sr. Memorial Home, Franklin-Tilton Road in Tilton, NH. A committal ser-vice will be held Monday, June 24 at 11 a.m. at the New Hampshire State Veterans Cemetery, 110 D. W. Highway in Boscawen, NH. Those wishing may make memorial contributions in Tracy’s name to the Hawk Composite Squadron, Civil Air Patrol, Laconia Airport, 65 Aviation Drive, Gilford, NH 03249.

For more information go to


held at the Gazebo starts the afternoon off. The Hebron Library Book Sale also begins at the same time. There is also going to be a State Police Canine Demo held on the Common.

At 4 p.m. entries should be turned in for the Des-sert Contest and at that time there will also be Kids Games on the Common. At 5 p.m. Paul Connor and Friends will perform while everyone enjoys the bbq by the Hebron Fire Department. Back by popular demand at 7 p.m. is the Don Campbell Band per-

forming classic country music and many of his origi-nal songs

Fireworks by Northstar Fireworks will commence at 9 p.m. The Hebron Gazebo Programs are spon-sored by the taxpayers of Hebron, Northway Bank, and donations from individuals and organizations. Free popcorn thanks to Bill White Realty. Any ques-tions call 744-3335.

from preceding page

U.S. Cellular holding free device workshop in TiltonTILTON — Have you ever wondered how to use

all of the features on your smartphone, or perhaps, wanted to know if you’re doing everything you can to get the most out of your device?

You’re not alone. U.S. Cellular is inviting current or potential smartphone users to their Device Workshop on Thursday, June 27 from noon to 2 p.m. at 75 Laco-

nia Road in Tilton where you can learn more about the features, tips and tricks of a specific device – or even stop by to decide if a smartphone or tablet is right for your needs. At the workshop, U.S. Cellular associates will offer attendees hands-on assistance for Android-powered, Windows Phone and BlackBerry devices, such as the 4G LTE Samsung Galaxy S 4.

ALTON BAY — The “Colorado Cowboys for Jesus” are coming to the Alton Bay Christian Conference Center for an evening of music and good clean family fun on Saturday, June 29 at 7 p.m.

“Cowboys For Jesus” have performed and enter-tained all over the world delighting audiences at New York City’s Carnegie Hall and The Kennedy Center in Washington D.C.

The concert will be held in The Tabernacle at the Conference Center. This summer, the ABCCC is cel-ebrating its 150th year with a multitude of events happening during the summer months. There is no charge for entrance to the concert. The “Colorado Cowboys for Jesus” will begin at 7 p.m.

For directions, summer brochure, and additional information, visit or call 875-6161.

‘Colorado Cowboys for Jesus’ paying June 29 in Alton

LACONIA — The Belknap Mill Gallery is cur-rently hosting the photographic exhibit “Riding on the Edge.”

Featuring images taken by local photographer Judith Rothemund, “Riding on the Edge” is comprised

of photos taken during Laconia Motorcycle Week.The Belknap Mill will host the exhibit through

June 30. The gallery, located on the mill’s ground floor, is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday.

Bike Week images on display at Belknap Mill Gallery

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This Weeks Activities

Visit our website for additional information.

LACONIA PUBLIC LIBRARY 695 Main Street, Laconia • 524-4775

Future Activities

For more information, call 524-4775. We have wireless ... inside & out!!

Browsing Browsing Browsing

Children: Goss Reading Room Storytime Tuesday, June 25th @ 3:30, at our Goss branch 188 Elm St. in Lakeport for after school storytime. For more information, call 524-3808.

Family Picnic Tuesday, June 25th @ 12-1:30 in the Library Garden (rain date Wednesday.) Bring a blanket, a picnic lunch for you and your children and we’ll share summer stories. We’ll bring the watermelon and we’ll have a great time!

Teen: Teen Anime Club Tuesday, June 25th @3:30 Laconia Rotary Hall Teens in grades 6-12 are welcome to join. Talk about it, read about it, or watch it!

The Library Has Passes! The Castle in the Clouds located in Moultonborough is a 1914 mansion with 16 rooms, many of which offer spectacular views of the lakes and mountains. See everything vintage from the clothes in Oliver Plant’s closets to the innovative electrical fixtures. Step out the back door to the lawn and stroll through the gardens -with breathtaking views of Lake Winnipesaukee and the Ossipee Mountains. Each pass admits two adults and two children free.

The Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, is a renowned museum featuring European and American paintings, decorative arts and sculpture. Each pass admits two adults free. (Children 17 and under are always free).

The McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord is a museum /planetarium offering a variety of shows, exhibits and workshops. Each pass admits up to four people free.

The Museum of New Hampshire History located in Concord, offers exhibits on the state’s heritage and traditions as well as a variety of programs for children and adults. The museum store offers a selection of New Hampshire books, products and crafts. Each pass admits up to four people free.

The Squam Lakes Science Center in Holderness is a combination of outdoor exhibits and self-guided tours which explore the nature of New Hampshire. The Center offers a variety of exhibits on many animals of the State. Each pass admits two people free and four additional people at a discounted rate of $8 each.

Children: Goss Reading Room Storytime Tuesday, June 18th @ 3:30 Laconia Rotary Hall 188 Elm St. in Lakeport for after school storytime. For more information, call 524- 3808.

LEGO ® Club Friday, June 21st @ 3:30 Laconia Rotary Hall Kids in ages 5-12 are invited to join the club. We supply the blocks and you supply the imagination.

Special Event! Gunstock Willdflower Trek led by John Cameron

Friday, June 21st @ the Nordic Ski Center @ Gunstock Mountain John Cameron, whose day job is an attorney-mediator and conflict resolution professional, is a seasoned photographer and self-taught naturalist living in Gilford. With a particular interest in the beauty and grandeur of Nature’s wonderful gift - the extraordinary artistry of wildflowers - John has been studying and photographing New Hampshire wildflowers for several decades. In 2009 he began constructing the wildflower website, the site includes photographs and descriptions of nearly 400 wildflower species and the number continues to grow yearly. John also writes a weekly wildflower column for the Salmon Press newspapers entitled “The Ways of Wildflowers.” He describes his love of nature and wildflowers this way: “I can be out on a trek and see a wildflower I haven’t seen for some time and just feel the glee of a new discovery all over again.” The trek around Cobble Mountain at Gunstock will start from the Nordic Ski Center parking lot at Gunstock Mountain and will leave promptly at 10 a.m. It is necessary for participants to be assembled at 9:45 a.m. Please dress for the weather, we will be hiking rain or shine. It will be necessary to bring your own water and bug repellant (ticks have been a problem this spring). Proper footwear is essential since the trail includes woodlands, grassy areas, marshy areas and a beaver pond. Check out Mr. Cameron’s website (see above) prior to the hike. If you would like to participate please call the Laconia Public Library at 524-4775 extension 15 or 12 and speak with Deb Ross to sign up. Reservations are required.

Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am - 8pm • Friday 9am - 6pm Saturday 9am - 4pm

GILFORD — The Gilford P.O.P.S and Spanish Club will hold a Community Mattress Fundraiser on Saturday, June 22 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Gilford Youth Center.

There will be 20 mattress sets on display, includ-ing a Consumer Digest Best Buy mattress, which are 30 percent to 60 percent below retail with prices starting at $199.

Gilford organizations hold Community Mattress Fundraiser

Pyrography workshop offered Saturday at Meredith League of Craftsmen Gallery

Jessie O’Brien’s pyrography is on exhbit in Meredith. (Courtesy photo)

MEREDITH — “Pyrography: Drawing With Fire” with Jessie O’Brien on Monday, June 24 from 7-8 p.m. will be the first presentation in the League of NH Craftsmen Meredith Retail Gallery’s third annual “Signature of Excellence” lecture series.

The series features juried members of the League of NH Craftsmen and is designed to provide an indepth look at how fine craft is made.

The lectures are held in the Fireside Room at the Chase House, located at 312 Daniel Webster Highway in Meredith. Reservations can be made in advance by calling the gallery at (603) 279-7920.

Pyrography means ‘to draw with fire,’ and the appeal of pyrography lies in its rustic and natural beauty as well as its unique look. Award winning, self-taught artist and illustrator Jessie O’Brien, will talk about the finer points of material selection, the tools involved in her craft, and her inspiration and

approach to pyrography in general.O’Brien specializes in wildlife with a focus on

eyes and textures, but also enjoys portraiture and miniature burning on leather, fine maple plywood and tagua nuts. She has won numerous awards for her work including first place in an all pyrographic international show in 2011.

O’Brien is also offering the class “Pyrography: An Introduction to Woodburning” at the Meredith Gal-lery on Saturday, June 22. Students will learn about equipment, nib use and care, set-up and safety, prep and transfer methods. They will learn how to create tonal value and textures with different marks and experiment with color, and perhaps most impor-tantly, how to correct mistakes. Students do not need to know how to draw to be successful, and projects will be explained and demonstrated step by step.

A list of required supplies and tools is available at the Meredith Gallery. Students should bring a lunch as this class runs a full 7 hours.

Tuition is $95 per student, and there is no addi-tional materials fee. Space is limited. Pre-registra-tion is required in advance by calling the gallery at (603) 279-7920.

SANBORNTON — Sanbornton Second Baptist Church, 322 Upper Bay Road will be reaching out to the victims of the recent tornados in Oklahoma on July 13 with an Old Fashion Bean Super from 4:30 to 6 p.m., first come first serve.

The fare will be home baked beans, ham, grilled hotdogs, coleslaw, potato salad and more plus home baked pies for desert.

There will be a free will offering of which 100% will go to the benefit.

At 6 p.m. sharp there will be a 45 minute presen-tation and DVD of the church’s mission trip to LaRo-mana, Dominican Republic this past April.

The church at the crest of the hill, overlooking Lake Winnisquam, has been The Second Baptist Church of Sanbornton since the early 1800’s. How-ever, today, it functions more like a small commu-nity church providing solid scriptural preaching and ministry.

One of the church’s local outreach ministries is the First Fruits Food Pantry, which distributes groceries on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. The church has been providing this service since 2005 and serve between 25 to 40 local families going through difficult times.

Second Baptist Church holding July 13 benefit for tornado victims

WATERVILLE VALLEY — The Margret and H.A. Rey Center Art Gallery opens an exhibit enti-tled “Nature Interpreted: A Printmaker’s View” on Saturday, June 29.

This new exhibit is a collection of work from some of the area’s most talented printmakers and features a variety of printing techniques as each artist interprets nature through their own eyes and using their own pro-cess. The exhibit also includes a printmaking workshop with Golden Artist Colors, Inc. on Saturday, August 3. The exhibit runs from June 29 through September 1.

There will be a gallery reception on Saturday, July 6 from 6:30–8 p.m. The reception is free and open to the public and refreshments will be served. Regular gallery hours are Wednesday–Saturday 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

For more information contact the Margret and H.A. Rey Center at 603-236-3308 or visit

Printmaking exhibit opening at Rey Center Art Gallery on June 29

Page 25: 19l

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 25


Start your Journey to Healthy Living… Today

If you’re considering weight loss surgery, the Weight Institute of New Hampshire (WINH) offers FREE information sessions.

Upcoming Tuesday Sessions: June 11 and July 9at the WINH offices in Laconia

85 Spring Street, Medical Office Building, Floor 3Laconia, New Hampshire 03246

Attend a bariatric surgery information session where you will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Shariff and the Weight Institute of New Hampshire staff.

You’ve been on your own long enough. Let’s tackle this together and WIN.

A Department of Lakes Region General Hospital

Call 527-2946 to register.

Winnipesaukee Playhouse picks comedy for first show in new theater

The cast of “Noises Off!” rehearses in preparation of opening night tonight. (Courtesy photo)

MEREDITH — Garry, Dotty, Brooke, Freder-ick, Belinda and Selsdon are all actors in an ill-rehearsed play called Nothing On. Add director Lloyd and stage managers Poppy and Tim into the mix and you get to see into the entertaining love tri-angles that form as the Winnipesaukee Playhouse kicks off their 2013 Professional Summer Season with a hilarious production of Noises Off in their brand new Meredith theatre from June 19-29.

Noises Off follows the on-and off-stage antics of an acting troupe as they stumble from bumbling dress rehearsal to disastrous closing night. Every-thing that can go wrong does, as actors desperately try to hang on to their lines, their performances and the furniture. Add a slippery plate of sardines and many slamming doors, and you have the most hilarious backstage farce ever written. The inspira-tion for Noises Off came when playwright Michael Frayn was watching a performance he had writ-ten from the wings, and decided that it was funnier from behind than in front. Noises Off premiered in London in 1982 and was a huge hit, transferring to Broadway and earning Tony Award nominations for Best Play and winning a Drama Desk Award for Outstanding Ensemble.

The Winni Playhouse Professional Company is very excited for this production which includes some famil-iar and some fresh faces. Returning actors are Kevin Killavey, Alex Jacobs, Richard Brundage, Rebecca A.K. Turner, Tonya Free and Donna Schilke. The Playhouse is welcoming AJ Ditty, Nicholas Wilder and Nicole Soriano for their first year with the Winni Playhouse Professional Company. The director Keith Weirich, is the artistic director of the Peacock Players youth theatre company, and directed this play for them last year where it won Best Youth Production at the New Hampshire Theatre Awards.

Marketing Director Lesley Pankhurst says, “This is a great first production for our new campus. We are really excited to start out with a side-splitting farce for our patrons’ first look into our new theatre.The slapstick comedy and witty banter will appeal to all audiences.”

The state-of-the-art theatre seats approximately 200 patrons and has a new bar and menu, with pre-show dinners catered by Magic Foods Restaurant Group, the owners of Canoe in Center Harbor and O Steak and Seafood in Laconia. In addition to the the-atre, the Playhouse has a brand new outdoor amphi-theatre, deck and nature trail. On selected nights, free pre-show entertainment is provided on the out-door amphitheatre and picnics are encouraged.

Noises Off will be the first play of the summer season performed at the brand new Winnipesaukee Playhouse campus in Meredith. The Summer 2013 season is sponsored by Meredith Village Savings Bank and Laconia Harley-Davidson. Noises Off is further supported by the sponsorship of Bank of New Hamp-shire and Misiaszek Turpin Architects pllc.

It is recommended for ages 12 and above. Perfor-mances start June 19 and are Mondays through Satur-days at 7:30 p.m. with a matinee at 2 p.m. on Monday. The Wednesday, June 26 performance will include a post-show discussion and Q & A with the cast and crew.

Tickets are $27 for seating in the orchestra, $22 for seating in the first row of the balcony and $15 for seat-ing in the second row in the balcony. Tickets can be ordered by calling (603) 279-0333 or by using a credit card at Student rush tickets will also be available at the door the night of the per-formance for $17 and are subject to availability.

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Page 26 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013



by M



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by P

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et F


by D







by C





ACROSS 1 At the present time 4 __ oneself; worked

steadily 9 Puncture 13 Fills with wonder 15 Over 16 Canary’s home 17 Shout 18 Beauty spots on

the skin 19 Come __; fi nd 20 Messiest 22 Table supports 23 Hockey score 24 Mischief maker 26 Leftover bits 29 Feinstein and

Hatch, e.g. 34 Actor Michael 35 Place of refuge 36 Actor’s signal 37 Blyth and Curry 38 “There was an old

woman who __ in a shoe...”

39 Part of the leg 40 Journal 41 Apple drink 42 Adolescents 43 Abandoned 45 In __; ruling 46 Immerse in a color

solution 47 Lunch or dinner 48 Bangkok native 51 Giving in 56 Sword handle 57 Turn aside, as the

eyes 58 __ as a pin 60 Disassemble 61 Slight coloring 62 Actress Storm 63 Night twinkler 64 Firstborn of two 65 __ away; fl ed

DOWN 1 Vote from one

opposed 2 Has debts

3 In good health 4 Prairies of South

America 5 Bubbling away in

the pot 6 Nat King __ 7 Arden & Plumb 8 Fated;

foreordained 9 Carve a statue 10 Sticky strip 11 Very eager 12 Stiller & Stein 14 Mottoes 21 Vatican leader 25 Gent 26 Burn with liquid 27 Narrow boat 28 Engagement

symbols 29 Rescued 30 Hardly __; rarely 31 Yellow shade 32 Regretting 33 Good judgment 35 Keep under cover


38 Able to read and write

39 Closing tightly 41 Weep 42 This and __ 44 Newspaper head 45 Middle 47 Come together 48 Therefore

49 Helpful suggestion 50 Actor Alan __ 52 Corrupt 53 Give to a borrower 54 Within reach 55 Festive

celebration 59 “A diller, a dollar, a

__ o’clock...”

Yesterday’s Answer

HOROSCOPE By Holiday Mathis

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

Solution and tips at

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Many ideas will come to you, and there is a real gem among them. Write them down so you can scrutinize your collection later and fi nd the truly valuable item. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You often hear someone say, “It’s not a competition.” “But it is!” you reply in your mind. Take that competitive spirit and put it to good use by remembering your most important competi-tor: yourself. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). It might seem like a strange thing to consider, but you have a starring role in someone’s memory bank, and thus you have the chance to make the story more interesting. You’ll be in just the mood to seize this opportunity. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Problems at work or at school are multiplying, but you’ll stay on top of them as long as you remem-ber to stop, take a deep breath and prioritize instead of worrying. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Some think that being able to entertain other points of view means your own isn’t so strong -- untrue! It is precisely because your worldview is so solid that you are able to entertain other ideas. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). A positive spin on an awkward situation will do wonders for fl agging morale, but resist the temptation to let your emphasis on the bright side spin out of control into a denial of problems that require attention. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). It goes some-thing like this: You stray from the boring path, get lost, struggle, think you know where you’re going, wind up worse off, try again, fi nd your way back and are happy for the adventure of it all. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Your past pain was like a magic growing potion that escalated you quickly through many levels of knowing. Now you are wise. There’s a memory, and a sadness, that will always be with you in some way. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). A wise person once said, “Those who try to be a friend to everyone often wind up not being a friend to anyone.” Remember to be fair to

both parties in a dispute, but don’t withhold your judgment when asked. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). When you use your talents, you excite fans and peers alike. Watching and experiencing enthrall the former, and the latter are inspired to unleash their own talent in answer to your gesture. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). After an unexpected interruption, it feels like that con-nection you made will never come to fruition. But don’t give up. The other person is simply waiting for you to close the circuit. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). When you feel as if you’re on the outside looking in, your face pressed against the glass, it’s easy to forget that there’s a whole vast world behind you. Don’t forget to turn around and see it. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 19). In the past, you’ve had fewer options, but now you’ll fi nd yourself in a position to be dis-cerning and selective. What happens in July makes you more interesting and also more interested in others. A certain someone or something enthralls you in August. Septem-ber brings a self-imposed challenge and a well-won victory. Capricorn and Sagittarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 22, 39, 42 and 15.

Today’s Birthdays: Pop singer Tommy DeVito (The Four Seasons) is 85. Actress Gena Rowlands is 83. Singer Spanky McFarlane (Spanky and Our Gang) is 71. Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi is 68. Actress Phylicia Rashad is 65. Rock singer Ann Wilson (Heart) is 63. Musician Larry Dunn is 60. Actress Kathleen Turner is 59. Coun-try singer Doug Stone is 57. Singer Mark DeBarge is 54. Singer-dancer Paula Abdul is 51. Actor Andy Lauer is 50. Rock singer-musician Brian Vander Ark (Verve Pipe) is 49. Actress Mia Sara is 46. Rock musician Brian “Head” Welch is 43. Actor Jean Dujardin is 41. Actress Robin Tunney is 41. Actor Bumper Robinson is 39. Actress Poppy Montgomery is 38. Alt-country singer-musician Scott Avett (The Avett Brothers) is 37. Actor Ryan Hurst is 37. Actress Zoe Saldana is 35.

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 27

Edward J. Engler, Editor & PresidentAdam Hirshan, Publisher

Michael Kitch, Adam Drapcho, Gail Ober Reporters Elaine Hirshan, Office Manager

Crystal Furnee, Jeanette Stewart Ad Sales Patty Johnson, Production Manager & Graphics

Karin Nelson, Classifieds

“Seeking the truth and printing it”THE LACONIA DAILY SUN is published

Tuesday through Saturday by Lakes Region News Club, Inc.Edward Engler, Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Founders

Offices: 1127 Union Ave. #1, Laconia, NH 03246Business Office 737-2020, Newsroom 737-2026, Fax: 527-0056

News E-mail: [email protected]: 18,000 distributed FREE Tues. through Sat. in

Laconia, Gilford, Meredith, Weirs Beach, Center Harbor, Belmont, Moultonborough, Winnisquam, Sanbornton, Tilton, Gilmanton, Alton, New Hampton, Plymouth, Bristol, Ashland, Holderness.

WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME JUNE 19, 2013 Dial 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 2 WGBH Henry Ford: American Experience


(DVS) Member Favorites C. Rose

4 WBZThe American Baking Competition The contes-tants bake bread.

Criminal Minds The BAU tracks an escaped prisoner.



CSI: Crime Scene Investigation “Dead Air” (In Stereo)



WBZ News (N)


Late Show With David Letterman

5 WCVBThe Middle “The Name”

Family Tools “The Big Event”

Modern Family (In Stereo)

Live With Your Par-ents

ABC’s The Lookout (N) (In Stereo)


NewsCen-ter 5 Late (N)


Jimmy Kimmel Live (N)

6 WCSH2013 Stanley Cup Final Chicago Blackhawks at Boston Bruins. Game 4. From TD Garden in Boston. (N) (In Stereo Live)


News Tonight Show With Jay Leno

7 WHDH 2013 Stanley Cup Final Chicago Blackhawks at Boston Bruins. (N) Å

News Jay Leno

8 WMTW The Middle Family Mod Fam How-Live ABC’s The Lookout (N) News J. Kimmel

9 WMUR The Middle Family Mod Fam How-Live ABC’s The Lookout (N) News J. Kimmel

10 WLVIArrow “Damaged” Oliver is arrested for murder.


Supernatural Crowley unleashes demons in a town. (In Stereo)


7 News at 10PM on CW56 (N) (In Stereo)


Everybody Loves Ray-mond

Friends (In Stereo)


11 WENHThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes “The Crooked Man”


Doc Martin Louisa’s mom arrives unexpect-edly. (In Stereo)


Scott & Bailey Geoff’s sister’s killer to justice. (In Stereo)


PBS NewsHour (In Stereo)


12 WSBKNUMB3RS “Power” Catching a serial rapist. (In Stereo)


NUMB3RS “Black Swan” The team busts an inner-city meth lab.

WBZ News (N)


The Ad Club: Bos-ton’s Leg

Seinfeld (In Stereo)


The Office “Survivor Man”

13 WGME The American Baking Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman

14 WTBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å

15 WFXTMasterChef “Top 15 Compete; Top 14 Compete” Using foreign delicacies. (N) (In Stereo)


(DVS)Fox 25 News at 10 (N)


Fox 25 News at 11 (N)

TMZ (In Stereo)


16 CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings

17 WBIN Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Insider The Office Simpsons There Yet?

28 ESPN College Baseball NCAA World Series, Game 9: Teams TBA. (N) Å

SportsCenter (N) Å

29 ESPN2 MLB Baseball: Dodgers at Yankees Baseball Tonight (N) Nation Nation

30 CSNE MLS Soccer: Revolution at Whitecaps FC Felger Post Game Live (N) Sports

32 NESN MLB Baseball: Rays at Red Sox Extra Bruins Stanley Cup Postgame (N)

33 LIFE Unsolved Mysteries Abduction in America Cleveland House Cleveland House

35 E! Rihanna 777 Å

Kardashian The Soup (N) Chelsea E! News

38 MTV Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Movie: ›››

“Coach Carter” (2005) Samuel L. Jackson. (In Stereo)

42 FNC The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor

43 MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes

45 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Live (N) Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront

50 TNT Castle Å

(DVS) Franklin & Bash (N) Franklin & Bash (N) Franklin & Bash Å


Royal Pains (N) Necessary Roughness NCIS: Los Angeles

52 COM Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama (N) Å

Daily Show Colbert

53 SPIKE Bellator MMA Live (N) (In Stereo Live) Fight Master Fight Master

54 BRAVO Housewives/NJ Million Dollar Listing Chef Roblé & Co. (N) Happens Million

55 AMC Movie: ››››

“Titanic” (1997, Historical Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. Å

56 SYFY Ghost Hunters Å

Ghost Hunters (N) Paranormal Witness Ghost Hunters Å

57 A&E Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty Å

Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.

59 HGTV Elbow Elbow Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers

60 DISC Acts of Science MythBusters (N) Å

Fast N’ Loud Å

MythBusters Å

61 TLC Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras (N) Toddlers & Tiaras (N) Toddlers & Tiaras

64 NICK Full House Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny

65 TOON NinjaGo Teen King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

66 FAM Melissa Daddy Daddy Melissa Twisted Å

The 700 Club Å

67 DSN Shake It Austin Movie: “Lemonade Mouth” (2011, Musical) Å

Dog Austin

75 SHOW People “Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic” The Borgias Å

Gigolos Big Money

76 HBO Movie: ››‡

“American Reunion” Veep Å

True Blood Å

Real Time/Bill Maher

77 MAX Banshee “Pilot” Å

Banshee “The Rave” Banshee Movie: ››

“Deep Impact” (1998)

––––––– ALMANAC –––––––

(Answers tomorrow)MERGE NIECE MIFFED LAVISHYesterday’s Jumbles:

Answer: When the cats waited to enter the amuse-ment park, they stood in a — “FEE-LINE”

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, assuggested by the above cartoon.

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,one letter to each square,to form four ordinary words.





©2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.All Rights Reserved.




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Today is Wednesday, June 19, the 170th day of 2013. There are 195 days left in the year.

Today’s Highlight in History:On June 19, 1953, Julius Rosenberg, 35, and

his wife, Ethel, 37, convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviet Union, were executed at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, N.Y.

On this date:In 1862, Congress passed, and President

Abraham Lincoln signed, a measure abolishing slavery in U.S. territories.

In 1865, Union troops commanded by Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, with news that the Civil War was over, and that all remaining slaves in Texas were free.

In 1910, the fi rst-ever Father’s Day was cele-brated in Spokane, Wash. (The idea for the obser-vance is credited to Sonora Louise Smart Dodd.)

In 1934, the Federal Communications Com-mission was created; it replaced the Federal Radio Commission.

In 1938, four dozen people were killed when a railroad bridge in Montana collapsed, sending a train known as the Olympian hurtling into Custer Creek.

In 1952, the celebrity-panel game show “I’ve Got A Secret” made its debut on CBS-TV with Garry Moore as host.

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy, speaking to Congress, criticized lawmakers for not acting on proposed civil rights legislation and called for passage of a single omnibus bill, the Civil Rights Act of 1963. Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Teresh-kova (teh-ruhsh-KOH’-vuh) returned to Earth after three days as the fi rst woman in space.

In 1972, Hurricane Agnes, blamed for at least 122 deaths, made landfall over the Florida Pan-handle.

In 1973, the rock musical “The Rocky Horror Show” premiered in London (it was later adapted into the movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”).

In 1986, University of Maryland basketball star Len Bias, the fi rst draft pick of the Boston Celtics, suffered a fatal cocaine-induced seizure. Artifi cial heart recipient Murray P. Haydon died in Louis-ville, Ky., after 16 months on the manmade pump.

In 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law requiring any public school teach-ing the theory of evolution to teach creation sci-ence as well.

In 1999, author Stephen King was seriously injured when he was struck by a van driven by Bryan Smith in North Lovell, Maine. Britain’s Prince Edward married commoner Sophie Rhys-Jones (rees johnz) in Windsor, England.

Ten years ago: The FBI put cosmetics heir Andrew Luster aboard a plane in Mexico and fl ew him back to California, fi ve months after he’d been convicted in absentia of drugging and raping three women.

Five years ago: President George W. Bush surveyed the aftermath of devastating fl oods during a quick tour of the Midwest, assuring resi-dents and rescuers alike that he was listening to their concerns and understood their exhaustion.

One year ago: Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak was moved out of prison to a military hospital after the 84-year-old ousted leader reportedly suffered a stroke and his condition rapidly deteriorated. The Southern Baptist Convention voted to elect its fi rst African-American president, Rev. Fred Luter Jr.



Program on “Building Covered Bridges” sponsored by the Ashland Historical Society. 7 p.m. in the Old Ash-land School in Ashland.

Hall Memorial Library happenings. Story Time 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Arts and Crafts featuring cave/pod paint-ings 3:30 p.m.

Plymouth Area Democrats monthly meeting featur-ing nationally known political scientist, UNH Profes-sor Dante Scala. 7 p.m. at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center. For more information call 968-7105.

Open house and ribbon cutting for the New Hamp-ton Family Practice during the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours. 4-6 p.m. at 345 NH Route 104 in New Hampton. For more information call 744-5377.

Annual Recognition Luncheon hosted by the Belknap Mill Society. 11:30 a.m. at the Belknap Mill in Laconia. To purchase the $10 ticket for the event call 524-8813.

The Andover Conservation Commission sponsors a ‘Taking Action for Wildlife’ program featuring photo-graphs of loon families on Pleasant Lake in New London. 7 p.m. in the East Andover Grange Hall in Andover.

Peabody and Smith Reality hosts the Plymouth Regional Chamber’s monthly Business After Hours. 5-7 p.m. For more information call 536-1001 or email [email protected].

Lakes Region Tea Party meeting. 7 p.m. at the Moult-onborough Public Library.

The Thrifty Yankee (121 Rte. 25 - across from (I-LHS) collects donations of baby clothes, blankets and hygiene items for Baby Threads of N.H. every Wednes-day through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 279-0607.

Laconia Elders Friendship Club meeting. 1:30 p.m. at the Leavitt Park Clubhouse. People 55 and older meet each Wednesday for fun, entertainment and education. Meetings provide an opportunity for older citizens to to meet for pure social enjoyment and the club helps the community with philanthropic work.

Country Acoustic Picking Party at the Tilton Senior Center. Every Wednesday from 7-9 p.m.

Duplicate bridge at the Weirs Beach Community Center. 7:15 p.m. All levels welcome. Snacks.

Preschool story time at Belmont Public Library. 10:30 a.m. Overeaters Anonymous offers a program of recov-

ery from compulsive eating using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA. Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Church in Belmont. Call/ leave a message for Elizabeth at 630-9969 for more information.

Free knitting and crochet lessons. Drop in on Wednes-days any time between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Baby Threads workshop at 668 Main Street in Laconia (same building as Village Bakery). 998-4012.

Events for the Gilford Public Library. Line Dancing for Beginners 9-10 a.m. Teen Volunteer Breakfast 10 a.m. to noon. Social Bridge 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Gilford Write Now Writer’s Group 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Narcotics Anonymous meeting. 7 to 8:30 p.m. at 18 Veterans Square in Laconia.

TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) group meeting. 5:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Meredith.

The Country Village Quilt Guild meets 1:30pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Moulton-borough Life Safety Building behind the Police and Fire Sta-tion on Rt 25 in Moultonborough, NH. All are welcome. For information call 279-3234 or visit our website at Country Village Quilt Guild.

Winnipesaukee Playhouse presents the comedy “Noises Off!” 7:30 p.m. at the new theater on Reservoir Road in Meredith. Call 279-0333 for tickets or more information.

Michael Vincent Band kicks off Belknap Mill Out-door Concert Series. 6:30 p.m. at Rotary Park in Laconia. Admission is free.

see CALENDAR page 31

Page 27: 19l

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 27

Edward J. Engler, Editor & PresidentAdam Hirshan, Publisher

Michael Kitch, Adam Drapcho, Gail Ober Reporters Elaine Hirshan, Office Manager

Crystal Furnee, Jeanette Stewart Ad Sales Patty Johnson, Production Manager & Graphics

Karin Nelson, Classifieds

“Seeking the truth and printing it”THE LACONIA DAILY SUN is published

Tuesday through Saturday by Lakes Region News Club, Inc.Edward Engler, Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Founders

Offices: 1127 Union Ave. #1, Laconia, NH 03246Business Office 737-2020, Newsroom 737-2026, Fax: 527-0056

News E-mail: [email protected]: 18,000 distributed FREE Tues. through Sat. in

Laconia, Gilford, Meredith, Weirs Beach, Center Harbor, Belmont, Moultonborough, Winnisquam, Sanbornton, Tilton, Gilmanton, Alton, New Hampton, Plymouth, Bristol, Ashland, Holderness.

WEDNESDAY PRIME TIME JUNE 19, 2013 Dial 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 2 WGBH Henry Ford: American Experience


(DVS) Member Favorites C. Rose

4 WBZThe American Baking Competition The contes-tants bake bread.

Criminal Minds The BAU tracks an escaped prisoner.



CSI: Crime Scene Investigation “Dead Air” (In Stereo)



WBZ News (N)


Late Show With David Letterman

5 WCVBThe Middle “The Name”

Family Tools “The Big Event”

Modern Family (In Stereo)

Live With Your Par-ents

ABC’s The Lookout (N) (In Stereo)


NewsCen-ter 5 Late (N)


Jimmy Kimmel Live (N)

6 WCSH2013 Stanley Cup Final Chicago Blackhawks at Boston Bruins. Game 4. From TD Garden in Boston. (N) (In Stereo Live)


News Tonight Show With Jay Leno

7 WHDH 2013 Stanley Cup Final Chicago Blackhawks at Boston Bruins. (N) Å

News Jay Leno

8 WMTW The Middle Family Mod Fam How-Live ABC’s The Lookout (N) News J. Kimmel

9 WMUR The Middle Family Mod Fam How-Live ABC’s The Lookout (N) News J. Kimmel

10 WLVIArrow “Damaged” Oliver is arrested for murder.


Supernatural Crowley unleashes demons in a town. (In Stereo)


7 News at 10PM on CW56 (N) (In Stereo)


Everybody Loves Ray-mond

Friends (In Stereo)


11 WENHThe Adventures of Sherlock Holmes “The Crooked Man”


Doc Martin Louisa’s mom arrives unexpect-edly. (In Stereo)


Scott & Bailey Geoff’s sister’s killer to justice. (In Stereo)


PBS NewsHour (In Stereo)


12 WSBKNUMB3RS “Power” Catching a serial rapist. (In Stereo)


NUMB3RS “Black Swan” The team busts an inner-city meth lab.

WBZ News (N)


The Ad Club: Bos-ton’s Leg

Seinfeld (In Stereo)


The Office “Survivor Man”

13 WGME The American Baking Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman

14 WTBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan Å

15 WFXTMasterChef “Top 15 Compete; Top 14 Compete” Using foreign delicacies. (N) (In Stereo)


(DVS)Fox 25 News at 10 (N)


Fox 25 News at 11 (N)

TMZ (In Stereo)


16 CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings

17 WBIN Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Insider The Office Simpsons There Yet?

28 ESPN College Baseball NCAA World Series, Game 9: Teams TBA. (N) Å

SportsCenter (N) Å

29 ESPN2 MLB Baseball: Dodgers at Yankees Baseball Tonight (N) Nation Nation

30 CSNE MLS Soccer: Revolution at Whitecaps FC Felger Post Game Live (N) Sports

32 NESN MLB Baseball: Rays at Red Sox Extra Bruins Stanley Cup Postgame (N)

33 LIFE Unsolved Mysteries Abduction in America Cleveland House Cleveland House

35 E! Rihanna 777 Å

Kardashian The Soup (N) Chelsea E! News

38 MTV Ridiculous. Ridiculous. Movie: ›››

“Coach Carter” (2005) Samuel L. Jackson. (In Stereo)

42 FNC The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N) Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor

43 MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes

45 CNN Anderson Cooper 360 Piers Morgan Live (N) Anderson Cooper 360 Erin Burnett OutFront

50 TNT Castle Å

(DVS) Franklin & Bash (N) Franklin & Bash (N) Franklin & Bash Å


Royal Pains (N) Necessary Roughness NCIS: Los Angeles

52 COM Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama (N) Å

Daily Show Colbert

53 SPIKE Bellator MMA Live (N) (In Stereo Live) Fight Master Fight Master

54 BRAVO Housewives/NJ Million Dollar Listing Chef Roblé & Co. (N) Happens Million

55 AMC Movie: ››››

“Titanic” (1997, Historical Drama) Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet. Å

56 SYFY Ghost Hunters Å

Ghost Hunters (N) Paranormal Witness Ghost Hunters Å

57 A&E Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty Å

Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D.

59 HGTV Elbow Elbow Property Brothers Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers

60 DISC Acts of Science MythBusters (N) Å

Fast N’ Loud Å

MythBusters Å

61 TLC Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras (N) Toddlers & Tiaras (N) Toddlers & Tiaras

64 NICK Full House Full House Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny The Nanny

65 TOON NinjaGo Teen King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy Fam. Guy

66 FAM Melissa Daddy Daddy Melissa Twisted Å

The 700 Club Å

67 DSN Shake It Austin Movie: “Lemonade Mouth” (2011, Musical) Å

Dog Austin

75 SHOW People “Richard Pryor: Omit the Logic” The Borgias Å

Gigolos Big Money

76 HBO Movie: ››‡

“American Reunion” Veep Å

True Blood Å

Real Time/Bill Maher

77 MAX Banshee “Pilot” Å

Banshee “The Rave” Banshee Movie: ››

“Deep Impact” (1998)

––––––– ALMANAC –––––––

(Answers tomorrow)MERGE NIECE MIFFED LAVISHYesterday’s Jumbles:

Answer: When the cats waited to enter the amuse-ment park, they stood in a — “FEE-LINE”

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, assuggested by the above cartoon.

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAMEby David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles,one letter to each square,to form four ordinary words.





©2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.All Rights Reserved.




le m





e at










Today is Wednesday, June 19, the 170th day of 2013. There are 195 days left in the year.

Today’s Highlight in History:On June 19, 1953, Julius Rosenberg, 35, and

his wife, Ethel, 37, convicted of conspiring to pass U.S. atomic secrets to the Soviet Union, were executed at Sing Sing Prison in Ossining, N.Y.

On this date:In 1862, Congress passed, and President

Abraham Lincoln signed, a measure abolishing slavery in U.S. territories.

In 1865, Union troops commanded by Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger arrived in Galveston, Texas, with news that the Civil War was over, and that all remaining slaves in Texas were free.

In 1910, the fi rst-ever Father’s Day was cele-brated in Spokane, Wash. (The idea for the obser-vance is credited to Sonora Louise Smart Dodd.)

In 1934, the Federal Communications Com-mission was created; it replaced the Federal Radio Commission.

In 1938, four dozen people were killed when a railroad bridge in Montana collapsed, sending a train known as the Olympian hurtling into Custer Creek.

In 1952, the celebrity-panel game show “I’ve Got A Secret” made its debut on CBS-TV with Garry Moore as host.

In 1963, President John F. Kennedy, speaking to Congress, criticized lawmakers for not acting on proposed civil rights legislation and called for passage of a single omnibus bill, the Civil Rights Act of 1963. Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Teresh-kova (teh-ruhsh-KOH’-vuh) returned to Earth after three days as the fi rst woman in space.

In 1972, Hurricane Agnes, blamed for at least 122 deaths, made landfall over the Florida Pan-handle.

In 1973, the rock musical “The Rocky Horror Show” premiered in London (it was later adapted into the movie “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”).

In 1986, University of Maryland basketball star Len Bias, the fi rst draft pick of the Boston Celtics, suffered a fatal cocaine-induced seizure. Artifi cial heart recipient Murray P. Haydon died in Louis-ville, Ky., after 16 months on the manmade pump.

In 1987, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana law requiring any public school teach-ing the theory of evolution to teach creation sci-ence as well.

In 1999, author Stephen King was seriously injured when he was struck by a van driven by Bryan Smith in North Lovell, Maine. Britain’s Prince Edward married commoner Sophie Rhys-Jones (rees johnz) in Windsor, England.

Ten years ago: The FBI put cosmetics heir Andrew Luster aboard a plane in Mexico and fl ew him back to California, fi ve months after he’d been convicted in absentia of drugging and raping three women.

Five years ago: President George W. Bush surveyed the aftermath of devastating fl oods during a quick tour of the Midwest, assuring resi-dents and rescuers alike that he was listening to their concerns and understood their exhaustion.

One year ago: Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak was moved out of prison to a military hospital after the 84-year-old ousted leader reportedly suffered a stroke and his condition rapidly deteriorated. The Southern Baptist Convention voted to elect its fi rst African-American president, Rev. Fred Luter Jr.



Program on “Building Covered Bridges” sponsored by the Ashland Historical Society. 7 p.m. in the Old Ash-land School in Ashland.

Hall Memorial Library happenings. Story Time 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. Arts and Crafts featuring cave/pod paint-ings 3:30 p.m.

Plymouth Area Democrats monthly meeting featur-ing nationally known political scientist, UNH Profes-sor Dante Scala. 7 p.m. at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center. For more information call 968-7105.

Open house and ribbon cutting for the New Hamp-ton Family Practice during the Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours. 4-6 p.m. at 345 NH Route 104 in New Hampton. For more information call 744-5377.

Annual Recognition Luncheon hosted by the Belknap Mill Society. 11:30 a.m. at the Belknap Mill in Laconia. To purchase the $10 ticket for the event call 524-8813.

The Andover Conservation Commission sponsors a ‘Taking Action for Wildlife’ program featuring photo-graphs of loon families on Pleasant Lake in New London. 7 p.m. in the East Andover Grange Hall in Andover.

Peabody and Smith Reality hosts the Plymouth Regional Chamber’s monthly Business After Hours. 5-7 p.m. For more information call 536-1001 or email [email protected].

Lakes Region Tea Party meeting. 7 p.m. at the Moult-onborough Public Library.

The Thrifty Yankee (121 Rte. 25 - across from (I-LHS) collects donations of baby clothes, blankets and hygiene items for Baby Threads of N.H. every Wednes-day through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 279-0607.

Laconia Elders Friendship Club meeting. 1:30 p.m. at the Leavitt Park Clubhouse. People 55 and older meet each Wednesday for fun, entertainment and education. Meetings provide an opportunity for older citizens to to meet for pure social enjoyment and the club helps the community with philanthropic work.

Country Acoustic Picking Party at the Tilton Senior Center. Every Wednesday from 7-9 p.m.

Duplicate bridge at the Weirs Beach Community Center. 7:15 p.m. All levels welcome. Snacks.

Preschool story time at Belmont Public Library. 10:30 a.m. Overeaters Anonymous offers a program of recov-

ery from compulsive eating using the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of OA. Wednesday nights at 5:30 p.m. at St. Joseph Church in Belmont. Call/ leave a message for Elizabeth at 630-9969 for more information.

Free knitting and crochet lessons. Drop in on Wednes-days any time between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. at Baby Threads workshop at 668 Main Street in Laconia (same building as Village Bakery). 998-4012.

Events for the Gilford Public Library. Line Dancing for Beginners 9-10 a.m. Teen Volunteer Breakfast 10 a.m. to noon. Social Bridge 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Gilford Write Now Writer’s Group 3:30-5:30 p.m.

Narcotics Anonymous meeting. 7 to 8:30 p.m. at 18 Veterans Square in Laconia.

TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly) group meeting. 5:30 p.m. at the First Congregational Church in Meredith.

The Country Village Quilt Guild meets 1:30pm on the first and third Wednesday of each month at the Moulton-borough Life Safety Building behind the Police and Fire Sta-tion on Rt 25 in Moultonborough, NH. All are welcome. For information call 279-3234 or visit our website at Country Village Quilt Guild.

Winnipesaukee Playhouse presents the comedy “Noises Off!” 7:30 p.m. at the new theater on Reservoir Road in Meredith. Call 279-0333 for tickets or more information.

Michael Vincent Band kicks off Belknap Mill Out-door Concert Series. 6:30 p.m. at Rotary Park in Laconia. Admission is free.

see CALENDAR page 31

Page 28: 19l

Page 28 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: My sweet, kind 33-year-old college-educated husband has regressed into a teenager. He has always been a marijuana user, but a year ago, he befriended “Jake,” and now the two of them smoke marijuana daily. They spend their eve-nings riding skateboards, playing video games and hanging out with college kids. I would like to buy a house, have children and further my education. My husband says he wants the same things, but he always has an excuse for not saving money. We both have good jobs, and he promises to start putting money aside “next month.” It never happens. I know he won’t give up pot. He says he will get divorced before he quits smoking marijuana, and I knew that before we married. Am I wrong to put my foot down and expect him to grow up? Or do I need to lighten up and let him have his fun? -- Feeling Like My Husband’s Mother Dear Feeling: You and your husband do not have compat-ible goals. He wants to be an irresponsible child while you do all the work. And so far, you have gone along with that. Maybe he’s afraid to grow up, maybe he’s too addicted to pot, maybe he’s simply a Peter Pan. Ask him to come with you for counseling so the two of you can work on a more equitable partnership. If he is unwilling or if nothing changes, there is no future here unless you want to spend the next several years mothering this grownup child. It’s a painful lesson to learn that love isn’t always enough to turn someone into marriage material. Dear Annie: My friend’s son married a lovely young wom-an whose only brother died a few years ago. The wife kept her maiden name after marriage for professional reasons. The couple is expecting their fi rst child, and the wife would like to name the boy after her deceased brother, giving him her last name. Her reasoning is that it would ensure that her

family name is carried on. Her husband has male cousins who can carry on the family name, but she doesn’t. My friend is in shock. If her son agrees to this irrational re-quest, she believes her family name stops there. In her mind, cousins do not count in carrying on one’s lineage. However, she doesn’t want to cause a family rift by openly and strongly opposing this possibility. Do you have any suggestions for her? -- Friend of the Family Dear Friend: This is completely up to the couple, and your friend should try to stay out of it. Frankly, the wife has the stronger claim for carrying on a family name. It’s also possible that the couple will have other sons. And plenty of women object to the old-fashioned (and sexist) notion that only the boys count when it comes to lineage. We know your friend is hurt and disappointed, but if she wants a relationship with her son, his wife and their child, she needs to put this aside. Dear Annie: I shared the same frustration as “Troubled in High School,” the 16-year-old girl who can only think about boys, drugs, alcohol, dating and grades. She wants her life to be exciting. I’d like to suggest she try participating in her school’s com-munity service club. I was a member of my school’s “Key Club,” which is sponsored by the Kiwanis organization. It gave me the opportunity to focus on things outside of myself and my desires as a teenager and allowed me to put my en-ergy into doing good. My friends who did drugs respected me enough to never offer me drugs. I hated that my parents were so strict, but now that I’m almost 30, I can appreciate that they molded me into an independent person who is confi dent in leading instead of following. There is nothing wrong with being a perfect little angel. I’m proud of that reputation. -- Happy in Hawaii

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to: [email protected], or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

$1-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 527-9299DOLLAR-A-DAY: Private Party ads only (For Sale, Lost, Autos, etc.), must run ten consecutive days, 15 words max. Additional words 10¢ each per day. does not apply to yard sales. REGULAR RATE: $2.50 a day; 10¢ per word per day over 15 words. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional bold, caps and 9pt type 10¢ per word per day. Centered words 10¢ (2 word minimum) TYPOS: Check your ad the fi rst day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once, and we do not offer refunds. DEADLINES: noon the business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT:All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa Mastercard and Discover credit cards and of course, cash. $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offi ces at 527-9299 between 9 am & 5 pm, Monday through Friday; Stop by our offi ce or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Laconia Daily Sun,1127 Union Ave, Laconia, NH 03246. You can email ads to [email protected], we will contact you for payment. OTHER RATES: For information about display ads or other advertising options, call 527-9299.


BEAUTIFUL Puppies: Apricot andblack Pomapoo Teddy Bears.Champ background. Healthy,happy, home raised. 253-6373.

SHELTIE puppies ready to go,2-females sable & white,$400.00� Health certificates. 1stshots. 630-8869

Yellow Lab Puppies 2 Females,Available Now $600 Pet $800AKC Breading Rights Campton726-0127.


TWO Kitchenaid dishwashers-Used one year, excellent condi-tion, $769 new, $300 each.279-7203


$_TOP dollar paid for junk cars &trucks. Available 7-days a week.P3�s Towing. 630-3606

2000 Mazda Miata MX5, greatshape, hard top included,603-466-5587.

2006 Cadillac STS-4. AWD, lux -ury with performance V8,top-of-the-line, has everything.New sticker $62,000. Garaged,like new, low 66k miles. Cadillacnew car transferable warrantyuntil 8/12/2013. $17,500. Todrive call (603)986-0843.

BUYING junk cars, trucks & bigtrucks ME & NH. Call for price.Martin Towing. (603)305-4504.

CASH paid for unwanted or junkcars and trucks. Same day servicepossible. 603-231-2859.



$3,9952009 Honda CRF-150R

$3,9952005 Honda CRF-70

$9952005 Vespa 250 2-Seater

$2,9952003 Kawasaki KX65

$9951988 Carver Monego 21-ft.

Cabin Cruiser $3,995


Route 3, Winnisquam(next to Pirate’s Cove)


12ft. Lowe Aluminum Boat.-Honda 5HP 4-stroke motor, withtrailer. $850. 603-279-5599

14ft. Lund V-Hull boat with trailer& Johnson 6HP motor. $1,200.Call 286-8387

16 Ft. Ouachita Aluminum Canoe-Reduced to $175. 524-5419

2011 20� Premiere pontoon boatwith 4 stroke 25hp Mercury, on a2012 ShorLand�r trailer. No NHBoating Certificate required.Asking $14,500. 603-744-2178or 603-738-3251.

30FT. Boat Slip for Rent. 2013season, Quayside Yach Club,Moultonboro. $3,100 with/Perks!631-774-3598

BOAT SLIPS for RentWinnipesaukee Pier, WeirsBeach, NH Reasonable RatesCall for Info. 366-4311

BOATSLIPS for rent- Paugus Bayup to 22 ft. 401-284-2215.

CANOE for sale 16 foot, ThreeRivers, Like new $300. 293-8702


PRIVATE Dock Space/boat slipfor Rent: Up to 10x30. VarneyPoint, Winnipesaukee, Gilford,603-661-2883.

For Rent

APARTMENTS, mobile homes. Ifyou need a rental at a fair price,call DRM Corp. Over 50 years inrentals. We treat you better!524-0348 or visit M-W-F, 12-5, atour new location, 142 Church St.(Behind CVS Pharmacy.)

BELMONT- Renovated, quiet,Rte. 3. First floor, one bedroom$725/Month. Includes heat/hotwater. No pets/Smoking outside.528-1991

BELMONT: 2 bedroom, 1st floor.Coin-op laundry and storagespace in basement. $240/week,including heat, electric & hotwater. 524-1234,




2 Bedroom single level withfireplace or woodstove,Hardwood floors, fridge,range, washer/dryer, porch,workshop, 1-car garage.

$1,250/Month + Utilities.

(FHW oil). Annual lease,

1 month security.

By Appointment Only

References Required

No Smokers - No Pets

[email protected]

603-524-0507 Ext. 15

GILFORD - 1/2/3 bedroom unitsHeat/electricity negotiable. From$190/week. Pets considered/Ref-erences 556-7098 or 832-3334

GILMANTON Iron Works Village.Spacious, private 2 room apart-ment. Private bath, kitchen, livin-groom/bedroom combo. IncludesHeat, electric, hot water & cableTV. No pets/no smoking,$675/Month. 603-364-3434

For Rent

GILMANTON IRON WORKSLakefront, 2nd Floor, Familyhome, Crystal Lake, H/W, Cable,Internet, 3-bedroom, 1st/Last/Se-curity. $950, 364-7859



Detached garage, yard,

laundry hook-ups,

$920/Month + Utilities

Security Deposit/References


LACONIA 3-bedroom 1.5 bath w/dheat/ hot water off-street parking.No pets/ smoking lg deck $1200 +utilities very clean 603-520-3514

LACONIA, Clean, 1 BedroomApartment, First Floor, SmallPorch, Walking Distance toLibrary, No Smoking, $695/Month,Includes heat. 524-2507

LACONIA: 2 bedroom, 2nd floorin duplex building. $205/week,including heat, electric & hotwater. 524-1234,

LACONIA: 2nd floor, 1-bedroom.$145/week, includes heat and hotwater. 60 Pearl St., 524-7218.

LACONIA: Duplex, near down-town, 3-BR, $1,000 +utilities.References & deposit required.387-3864.

LACONIA: 1BR, $150/week.Includes heat and hot water.References and security deposit.603-524-9665.

Laconia: Cute, quiet, clean, 1bed-room-apartment, second floor.Large eat-in kitchen, heat/HW in-cluded: off street parking.No-smoking $650 per monthPlease call 393-8062

LACONIA: Gilbert Apartments.Call for available apartments.524-4428

MEREDITH Room for Rent- Quiet,beautiful home. Laundry, kitchen,cable TV, porch. $125/Week.603-689-8683

For Rent

LACONIA: Large one bedroom,

2 bathroom, ground floor apt.

HEAT and H/W included,

Oppechee neighborhood.

$690/Month. 566-6815

LACONIA: Immaculate, renovated5-room, 2-bedrm, 1st floor.Great neighborhood, large yard,laundry, carpet, parking. $875 perMonth, includes heat/hot water.ABSOLUTELY NO SMOKING NOPETS. Owner/Broker AlexanderReal Estate 715-5190

LACONIA: 3BR First floor,washer/dryer hookup, storage,access now. Fresh paint. $900plus utilities. Low heating bill! Call520-4348

MEREDITH: 2 bedroom apart-ments and a 2 bedroom mobilehome. $700-$750+ utilities.Security deposit required, no pets,279-5846.

NORTHFIELD: 1 room efficiencycottage with kitchenette & privatebath plus additional storage & ac-cess to coin-op laundry,$145/week including heat, electric& hot water, 524-1234,

NORTHFIELD: 4 bedroom house,2300 sq. ft. living space, fullyrenovated in 2002, 3rd floormaster bedroom with walk-inclosets, separate dining room,mud room with laundry hook-ups,enclosed porch, full basement.$1,320/month plus util it ies,524-1234,

NOW renting 2 bedroomapartments. Eliminate paying forstorage and trips to the laundrymat. Our units have basementstorage and washer/dryerhookups. Heat & Hot waterinc luded. Pr ivate yards.603-524-4363 EHO, FHO. IncomeRestrictions Apply. We acceptSection 8

OSSIPEE: 2 bedroom cottage on5 acres. Peaceful, rural area,close to services. No smoking,no pets. $1,000/mo with securityplus 1st [email protected] (603)387-7633.

TILTON: Large room for rentdowntown. Shared kitchen & bath.$150/week, includes all utilities.603-286-4391.

For Rent

TILTON: 1 bedroom, 2nd floor,$195/week, including heat,electric & hot water. 524-1234,

TILTON: 3 room efficiency apart-ment and/or office available imme-diately. Excellent parking. Extrastorage space avai lable.$700/Month. 286-4845

For Rent-Commercial

BILLBOARDRoute 106 Northbound25 ft. wide x 12 ft. high

Great visibility!



SPACE AVAILABLEin busy Meredith location.Private entrance, plenty ofparking. Includes electric, heatand air conditioning.

Contact David at

533-0002 or Lorrane at





With View of Lake

376 Court St.

1075 sq. ft. $1,550/Month

with all utilities & Internet

[email protected]

524-0507 Ext. 15

LACONIA Prime retail. 750 sf.,parking, includes heat. $675per month. Security deposit &references. 455-6662.

For Sale

AMAZING! Beautiful PillowtopMattress Sets. Twin $199, Full orQueen $249, King $449. Call603-305-9763 See “Furniture” AD.

AVETT BROTHERS Willie Nelson-Charlie Daniels-Trace Adkin. 1t i c k e t e a c h a tMeadowbrook.W/Free Parking603-393-6793

Case 8X14ft. heavy-duty flatbedtilt-top trailer with winch. $425.524-4445

Combination sofabed/ loveseat,60 inches, cream & blue pinstripe,Herculon fabric, mattress in verygood condition & comfortable.$150. 524-0121

DAVE Waldron Maintenance:Sand, Gravel, Loam & Mulch.Excavation, Driveway / RoadRepair, Etc. 279-3172.

FIREWOOD: Green, Cut, splitand delivered (Gilmanton and sur-rounding area). $200/ cord.Seasoned available $250/ cord.(603)455-8419

FUTON, Very good mattress,$99/OBO. Beautiful 7pc bedroomfurniture, solid wood, excellentcondition $1,200/OBO, 524-2189

Page 29: 19l

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 29



Fast-paced Laconia-area job shop seeks an experiencedmotivated individual to perform CNC lathemachining, programming, and CAD. Duties willinclude fixturing, machine setup & operation ofturning centers, as well as occasional CAD projectsand part drawings. This individual should be able towork from prints and be a self-starter working withgeneral direction from the Production Manager. 5years experience is desired. The ideal applicant willreceive a competitive benefit/salary package including,but not limited to, health insurance, vacation,holidays, retirement, and uniforms.

Please call 528-6591 to schedule an interview today.Resumes can be emailed to:

[email protected] DGF Industrial is an equal opportunity employer.

WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE??Carroll County Maintenance Department

NOW HIRING:Floor Maintenance/

General Maintenance

This is a full-time regular position, 40 hours per week. 2nd Shift(3-11) with rotating weekend shifts (every 5th weekend). The suc-cessful candidate must have experience in floor/carpet maintenanceand general building maintenance. Must be team oriented, andwilling to put others first.

Resumes/applications must be received notlater than 4:00pm, Wednesday, June 26, 2013.

This is not an entry level position.All inquiries please contact contact:

Deborah NewlinPO Box 152, Ossipee NH 03864

Ph. (603)539-1803 Fax (603)[email protected]

Carroll County takes pride in being and Equal Opportunity Employer


The Gilmanton Police Department is now hiring qualifiedapplicants for the position of POLICE OFFICER. Pay iscommensurate with job specific experience. Applicants mustbe 21 years of age, a U.S. citizen, possess a valid N.H. driverslicense at the time of hire, and have no felony, misdemeanor,or domestic violence convictions and an honorabledischarge if a veteran. Preference is given to certified NewHampshire Officers. Send resume and letter of intent to:

Chief Joseph Collins, Gilmanton Police DepartmentPO Box 190, Gilmanton, NH 03237

Closing Date: 4:00pm on July 1, 2013An Equal Opportunity Employer

Diesel MechanicAlvin J. Coleman & Son Inc. is actively seeking aqualified and experienced mechanic to performrepair and preventative maintenance on a fleet ofheavy trucks and equipment. Position is full time,year round, and available today.

Health Benefitsand 401k Available.

Stop in or call Jim DrouinAlvin J Coleman & Son, Inc.

Rt. 16, Conway, NH603-447-5936 EOE

For Sale

GE Air Conditioner 28K BTU 220Volt power. Asking $225. Call387-7293 Laconia

GMC Full bedliner never used,$50. 520-3729

HARVARD Kitchen wood cookingstove- 6 burner Works well,$300/OBO 859-3841


$200 per cord,Got trees need CA$H?


Large rectangular antique mirror,oak futon with mattress, diningroom table with 4 chairs, youthbed with drawers, mattress &headboard. All best offer.998-4240 or 524-6067

LITTLE TYKES Race Car Bed:Twin size, includes box spring,mattress & sheets. $225.455-8521.

MEREDITH: Winnipesaukee boatslip & membership in a newlakeside clubhouse. Ownerretiring, slip will hold up to 25ftboat. $45,000. Long term ownerfinancing or rent to own available.321-223-8330

SINGER Touch & Sew SewingMachine with Wood Cabinet $45;

50 " Round Glass Outside PatioTable with Four Chairs $40; 1/2Cord seasoned hard wood, cut

and split $100; 6 ' hard plasticfolding picnic table $35; 2 verticaloscillating room fans $15 each;

Dark Pine Deacon's bench withpad $25 603-364-3359

For Sale

TIRES (4) P215/60 R14 $150, (2)205/65 R15 $100. Call 520-4770


AMAZING! Beautiful Queen or Full-sizedMattress/ Box-spring Set.LUXURY-F IRM EuropeanPillow-Top Style. Fabulous Back,Hip and Leg Support, HospitalityA+ Rating! All New FactorySealed with 10-YR Warranty.Compare Cost $1095, SELL$249. Can Delivery and Set-up.603-305-9763


FREE Pickup for of unwanted,useful items. Estates, homes, of-fices, cleaned out, yardsale items.(603)930-5222.

Help Wanted

Help Wanted


COMPANYthe Lakes Region �s premier fullservice, year-round company ofland care professionals specializ-ing in waterfront properties andcommercial accounts is currentlyhiring for: Lawn Care Applicator,Mowers/Landscapers, Construc-tion Laborers. Must pass pre-em-ployment drug test, physical andreference check. Valid NH driver�slicense is required with a gooddriving record. We offer acompetitive compensation pack-age to include health, dental, paidtime off and a 401(k) retirementplan. Apply in person at: 25Country Club Road Unit 302,Gilford, NH 03249 Email:[email protected];fax: 603-528-2799 EOE M/F

“Dually” Subs Wanted


Laconia based freight Co. Willimmediately contract for: 1. LocalDUALLY owner-operators: .50¢per mile plus $10 per stop. 2.Long distance: 30¢ per mile(1,000 mile min.) plus $10 perhour. Must own 2010 or newerdiesel dually; Must have “goose”ball (5th Wheel). 603-455-2453,207-754-1047

Help Wanted




Looking for candidates withflexible schedules. Must beable to work some nights,weekends and holidays.

Part & Full Time workavailable. Seasonal and year

round positions available.

Please apply in person at:Hart’s Turkey Farm Restaurant233 Daniel Webster Highway

Meredith, NHor email resume to

[email protected]

Cosmetologist wanted at busysalon at 585 Union Ave, Laconia.Must be a people person, withsales skills who is motivated andtrustworthy. Call Stuido 23,603-527-8980.

Help Wanted

DENTAL HYGIENISTDENTAL office seeks skilled,caring hygienist to be part of ourquality general practice, 3 to 3.5days per week. Please call528-2471


LANDSCAPERSMowing, specialty, construction,equipment operations, great pay,year-round work. Immediatepositions. 528-3170



for immediate employment. CallJohn at JW Electric, 707-0228

MAINTENANCE Laborer: Part tofull-time, Must have a valad NHdrivers license, pass a back-ground check. 393-6584.

Help Wanted


Weirs Beach Vacat ionCondos, Weekly Pay PlusT ips , Sundays on ly ,Seasonal to Permanent,Part-Time, Must Have Car,Background Check,

Call Dawn

366-4878e-mail [email protected]


Sanbornton Public Library seeks aprogram coordinator to plan, su-pervise and lead programs andevents for patrons of all ages.Marketing/ event management ex-perience preferred. Full job de-scription and application instruc-tions

Get the Best Help Under the Sun!

Starting at $2.50 per dayCall 737.2020

or email [email protected]

Page 30: 19l

Page 30 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013


Floor Maintenance Knowledge of stripping, waxing, auto scrubbing

& propane buffing. Varied days/hours.

Cleaning PositionsM-F Franklin area.

Evenings and early mornings available

PT Cleaning PositionsFranklin and Tilton areas.

Morning and evening shifts available 7-days a weekMust pass background check

CALL: 527-2610

Help Wanted

BUILDING Products Companylooking to hire Insulation In-stallers experience preferred. Weoffer full time year round work.Pay based on experienceBenefits include health,dental,vision,disability and life insurance,401K and paid vacation andhoildays Must have valid NHDrivers License with clean drivingrecord,pass background checkand pre-employment drug screen-ing. Apply in person to: QualityInsulation, 1 Pease Rd. Meredith,NH. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE!!!

MAINTENANCEFireside Inn & Suites is looking forMaintenance personnel. This is agreat opportunity for someonewho is looking for a new career.This is a year round, entrylevel position, weekend and oncall availability a must. Someexperience in plumbing, carpen-try, landscaping, painting a plusas this position is an all-aroundhandyman type of job. We areseeking hard working, reliable,detail oriented persons with theability to work independently aswell as with others. Applicantsmust show valid driver!s licenseand pass a background check,they also must be able to lift up to50 pounds. Please apply inperson at 17 Harris Shore Rd.Gilford, NH 03249.

SEASONAL full time manualscreen printer, experience re-quired. Year round full time pro-duction assistant, embroidery as-sistant. Apply in person: 94 Prim-rose Drive North, Laconia, NH oremail resume to:[email protected] Nophone calls please.

Help Wanted

RETAIL ASSOCIATE with cus-tomer focused personality andstrong work ethic. PermanentYear Round Employment(Friday/Saturday/Sunday - mini-mal hours in January) Able towork evening shift in summer anduntil 6:30 pm the rest of the year.Willing to work weekends andholidays. Able to lift 59 lbs, work 8hour shift standing, moving andstairs. Pay commensurate with ex-perience. Will train the right appli-cant. Apply@Kellerhaus in person(no phone calls please).

SEARSPart-Time Sales Experiencedonly, Could possibly becomefull-time. Email resume to:[email protected]

SERVICE WRITERFor a busy marina. Year-roundposition, competitive wages, greatworking environment. Please call524-8380 All replies confidential.

The Fireside Inn & Suites locatedat 17 Harris Shore Rd. in GilfordNH is looking for the followingpositions: Housekeeping Person-nel, Laundry Attendants, and aHousekeeping Supervisor. Allpersons applying should bereliable, dependable and knowwhat clean is. Experience withinthe field is helpful but notnecessary. Persons should beable to maintain a professionalattitude while at work and beready for the busy seasons tocome. Applicants must be flexible,weekend availability a must. Allpositions are year round, part timein off peak season with the abilityto obtain full time hours in thebusy summer months. Pleaseapply in person, ask for Frank.

Help Wanted


OSSIPEEPar t - t ime pos i t ion (22.5hours/week) for Family Planningand Prenatal Program. Responsi-ble for day-to-day management ofbusy clinic environment includingmedical records management,patient and insurance billingsystems, patient education,appointment scheduling andgeneral oversight of facility.Previous experience in reproduc-tive health care services workingwith low--income women andteens. Must be flexible, able towork independently and alsofunction as part of a healthcare team. AA or BA in SocialServices required. Please forwardresume by 6/28/13 to CommunityAction Program Belknap-Merri-mack Counties, Inc. (FP), P.O.Box 1016, Concord, NH03302-1016. E.O.E.



Many positionsAvailable

Call 293-3044Please Leave Message



Tri- axle dump truck

driver needed.

Call 286-1200 or Email

[email protected]

Home Improvements

ROOFSMetal & asphalt roofs, vinyl sid-ing. Alstate Siding & Roofings i n c e 1 9 7 1 . I n s u r e d(603)733-5034, (207)631-5518.


CNA / LNA TRAINING Begin a NEW career in 2013 injust 7 weeks! Class begins inLaconia: August 6 Evenings. Call603-647-2174 or visit



8/14/13when you mention this ad

Limited SpaceGranite State Auto School

Laconia, NH524-7994


0.28 acre house lot in quietLakeport neighborhood. Flat andlevel, close to Elm St. School,Bond Beach, and Leavitt Park. No

clearing required, “shovel ready”.$39,000. (603) 528-8608

Mobile Homes

TILTON- 3 bedroom 1 3/4 bath14X70ft. 10X24ft attachedworkshop, 8X12ft. sunroom. Inco-op park with low rent. $30,000455-3962


1973 Harley Davidson All origi-nal, rebuilt motor, runs good,$3,000/ bro. 528-0582

1999 Harley Davidson Low Rider.Great condition, lots of chrome,only 3,000 miles. $8,500/OBO.603-770-8110

2002 Harley Davidson Road Kingw/extras, under 8000 miles,$13,400. 603-267-7050.

2006 Harley Davidson Sportster1200- 2,500 miles asking $4,900.581-4143


2007 Roadstar “Silverado” 1700ccCruiser. 5700 miles, Road HogDooleys, Air Hawk seat cushion -rides and sounds great. $5,900.(603) 528-8608

2009 Harley Davidson FLSTC-Only 3,050 miles, excellent condi-tion. $12,500. Call Tom to see387-5934

2010 Harley Davidson V-Rod.$14,500. Corbin Custom Matchinghard bags and Fairing, lots of ex-tras, 9,300 miles, new tires andservice at 7,300 mi les.603-256-6703

2011 Honda Shadow 750 cc. Likenew. Always garaged. Only 2,400miles. Full windshield with sparewindscreen. Saddle bags.Passenger back rest. Over 50MPG. $5,490. Call Dennis,603-556-9110

CASH paid for old motorcycles.Any condition.. Call 603-520-0156

Buy • Sell •

(603)447-1198. Olson’s MotoWorks, RT16 Albany, NH.

Recreation Vehicles

2002 Millenium 36ft 5th wheelcamper. 3 slides, good condition,28ft. deck on lot at Pine HollowCampground. $8,000/OBO. CallButch at 401-575-1937

2003 Holiday Rambler 34SBD 2Slides 44K 8.1 Vortec Gas. Manye x t r a s . $ 3 6 , 9 0 0 O B O .508-942-9880

2009 Fleetwood 34-B Class-AFiesta LX. 8K miles, full bodypaint, 3 slides. Mint $71,900.267-7044

Real Estate

ESTATE Sale, Weirs Beach Pent-house Condo, Fantastic View,Marble through out. Must See.Franklin 62 Acres over lookingWebster Lake. Call 603-767-2211

Roommate Wanted

BELMONT: $105/week. Share3-bedroom home on privateproperty. All utilities included.Free internet access. Must havea good work history. Please nopets. Call 520-4500.

ROOMATE wanted, Laconia,$130/week everything included.603-509-7521

Three roommates wanted-5 bedroom house, private beachon Lake Winnipesaukee, freeInternet, Cable TV, kitchenfacilities, laundry, $600/Month520-7232


*NATURAL HANDYMAN*Home improvements and interiordesign. Free estimates. hourlyrate. Call 603-832-4000, Laconiaarea.

A2B HAULING, LLC medium tolight duty hauling. Call Charlie fora quote 603-455-1112


Reasonable Rates

Free EstimatesMetal Roofs • Shingle Roofs

Our CustomersDon!t get Soaked!

528-3531Major credit cards accepted

CALL Mike for yard cleanups,mowing, maintenance, scrapping,light hauling, very reasonablypriced. 603-455-0214

DICK THE HANDYMANAvailable for small and odd jobs,also excavation work, small treeand stump removal and smallroofs! Call for more details. DickMal ta is 603-267-7262 or603-630-0121


DOMESTIC HELPGarden weeding, dog walking,housekeeping, groceries, etc.References. Call 581-5986

DUST FREE SANDINGHardwood Flooring. 25 yearsexperience. Excellent references.Weiler Building Services 986-4045Email: [email protected]

FLUFF !n" BUFF House Cleaning:Call Nancy for free estimate.738-3504.

FREE removal of your unwantedjunk. Metal, appliances, A/C!s,batteries. Same day removal. Tim707-8704

JD’S LAWNCARE & PROPERTYSERVICES- Cleanups, smallengine repair, mowing, edging,mulching, scrap-metal removal.603-455-7801

LANDSCAPING: Spring Cleanups, mowing, mulching brushcutting, weeding, etc. Call NathanGarrity 603-387-9788


LIFE-SIZE character murals foryour nursery, daycare or child'sbedroom wall. Hand-drawn byformer Disney artist. 369-9100.

MASONRY - Brick, Block, Stone.Fireplaces, patios, repairs.603-726-8679

Page 31: 19l

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013— Page 31



STITT Painting and Papering.Also doing Pressure Washing,Sheetrocking, Roofing, Masonryand Additions. 603-524-6535


* Window & Door


* General Contracting

Free Estimates • Fully Insured




IMMEDIATE need for storagespace in the Lakes Region, largeenough to hold furnishings for a3-Bedroom home. Chr is ,603-393-4178

Wanted To Buy

I BUY CLEAN DVD's .603-470-7520.

WE buy anything of value fromone piece to large estates. Call527-8070.

Yard Sale

LACONIA, 21 Brigham Street, (offMorrill Street and Gilford Ave.) Fri& Sat 6/21 & 22 10am-5pm.


Clean out your closets and place your $1 per day




CALENDAR from page 27

THURSDAY, JUNE 20Awakening Within Sufi teaching class presented by

the Heart of the Lakes Sufi Center. 7 p.m. in the Alliance Room of the Unitarian Universalist Society of Laconia, 172 Pleasant Street, Laconia. For more information call 832-3550.

Gilford Public Library events. Brown Bag Book Dis-cussion 12:30-1:30 p.m. Conversational French 3:30-4:30 p.m. Evening Book Discussion 6:30-7:30 p.m. Crafter’s Corner 6-7:30 p.m.

Card Class with Julie Dylingowski at the Hall Memo-rial Library in Northfield. $5 fee for materials due on the night of the class.

Al-Anon Meeting at the Congregational Church Parish House (18 Veterans Square) in Laconia. 8 to 9:15 p.m. each Thursday. Al-Anon offers hope and help to families of alco-holics. No dues or fees. All are welcome. Call 645-9518.

Plymouth Area Chess Club meets Thursdays from 7-9 p.m. at Starr King Fellowship, 101 Fairgrounds Road. Form

more information call George at 536-1179.American Legion Post #1 Bingo. Every Thursday night

at 849 N. Main Street in Laconia. Doors open at 4 p.m. Bingo starts at 6:30.

Knitting at Belmont Public Library. 6 p.m.Chess Club at the Goss Reading Room (188 Elm Street)

in Laconia. 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. each Thursday. All ages and skill levels welcome. We will teach.

Giggles & Grins playgroup at Family Resource Center in downtown Laconia (719 No. Main Street, Laconia). Free group for parents children from birth through age 5. For more information call 524-1741.

Heart of the Lakes Sufi Center monthly class. 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Society in Laconia. Classes are free and run one hour. All are welcome. For more informa-tion call 832-3550 or email [email protected].

Winnipesaukee Playhouse presents the comedy “Noises Off!” 7:30 p.m. at the new theater on Reservoir Road in Meredith. Call 279-0333 for tickets or more information.

Jazz singer Gabriela Martina performs at Pitman’s Freight Room in Laconia. 8 p.m. Admission is $12 and Pitman’s is a BYOB venue.

Adam Boyce bring The Old Country Fiddler, Charles Ross Tag-gart, to the Gilmanton Historical Society on Tuesday, June 25. (Courtesy photo)

GILMANTON — Enjoy some real country fid-dling and learn about the career of Charles Ross Taggart, who toured the country with his fiddle for more than 40 years in the early 20th century.

Adam Boyce brings his story to the Gilman-

ton Historical Society on Tuesday evening, June 25 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Town Hall on Route 140 in Gilmanton Iron Works. The program is supported by the New Hampshire Humanities Council.

Refreshments and social hour begin at 7 p,m; the program begins promptly at 7:30. The Soci-ety’s Museum is also open at 7 p.m. The program is free and open to the public; donations to support the work of the Society are gratefully received

The Society’s summer series is presented on the 4th Tuesday of each month, May through September.

Gilmanton Architecture is Richard Guy Wil-son’s subject in July; Pat Clarke presents the history of the Gilmanton Academy in August; The summer’s final program, in September features New Hampshire in the Age of Clipper Ships with Glenn Knoblock.

The Gilmanton Historical Society offers a number of publications on the history of the Town. They are available at all Society pro-grams, at the Town Clerk’s Office, and at the Brick House in Gilmanton Corners. The Soci-ety’s Museum, at Old Town Hall, is open Sat-urdays from 10 a.m. until noon, and at 7 p.m. before each of the summer programs.

‘The Old Country Fiddler’ to perform at Gilmanton Historical Society June 25GILMANTON — The Gilmanton Iron Works

Library will hold its first Book and Bake Sale of the season on Saturday, June 22 starting at 9:30 a.m. This historic library, locatedat 10 Elm Street, will offer special books, videos, and DVDs, as well as a wide variety of baked goods, sweets, and other treats.

“Many people return every year to our Bake Sale,” explains Susannah Chance, president of the Gilman-ton Iron Works Library Association. “They come look-ing for a favorite book or back for a treat they enjoyed last year. The variety of goodies our volunteers and neighbors donate for the sale is always amazing.”

The Library will be open Tuesdays from 9:30 to noon, Wednesdays from 4 to 6 p.m., and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to noon. And the popular Children’s Story Hour will run from 10 to 11 a.m. on Tuesdays.

Serving the community since 1916, the Gilmanton Iron Works Library is listed on the National Regis-ter of Historic Places. A small group of volunteers maintains the building and the library’s extensive collection of books and DVDs. For more information, visit the Library at 10 Elm Street in the Iron Works, or on-line at the Library’s Facebook page.

Iron Works Library hosts book & bake sale Saturday

LACONIA — The New Hampshire Humane Soci-ety will host their Summer Adopt A Thon, Saturday, June 22 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the well known animal welfare facility on Meredith Center Road, Laconia.

In tandem with the national Adopt a Shelter cat promotion, but more importantly to promote adop-tions of all the animals at the shelter, June 22 will be a banner day at the 100 year old organization’s Laconia facility.

‘’Our feline population is at an unprecedented low” says spokesperson Marylee Gorham “our numbers have yet to rise above 60 feline residents this year, making our cats and kittens much sought after”.

Not only will there be same day, all day adoptions processed speedily with supporting documents, there are plenty of summer activities to enjoy while visiting the animals and picking the next four legged family member.

New this year, a Dunk Tank, staffed by animal lovers from the Laconia Police Department. Funds raised trying to unseat the “Blue Ice Dunkees” will help care for the animals waiting an adoptive home.

Thanks to donations from local gardeners and

supporters of the shelter, perennials, annuals and herbs will be on sale.

Those with a sweet tooth will be able to purchase locally baked goodies, enjoy hand swirled candy floss, or a sampling of popcorn. Grille masters will be on hand to cook a constant supply of hot dogs least anyone be overcome with hunger while choosing a new furry friend. Local businesses linked with NH Humane Society such as Laconia Pet Center, VCA Lakes Region Veterinary Hospital, BoBo’s Playland and others, will have merchandise and informa-tional booths on site.

Gorham said “our Black Friday adoption in Novem-ber has always been a huge hit in the community, so much so, we’ve added the Summer Adopt A Thon. It really is the perfect time to pick a new family member”.

Adopters will be pleased to note low adoption fees, adult cats $50 and kittens $75. All animals are cur-rent on vaccines, spayed or neutered, heartworm and leukemia/AIDS tested depending on their spe-cies, micro chipped and fully evaluated and receive a starter pack of food to go home. For more informa-tion about the adopt a thon, check or call 524-3252.

NH Humane Society hosting Adopt A Thon Saturday

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Page 32 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Wednesday, June 19, 2013




Lease for 24 months with 12,000 miles per year with approved credit. $2.999 cash or trade equity, 1st payment, $650 acquisition fee and dealer fee due at signing. $0 security deposit with approved credit. No sales tax for NH residents. All rebates to dealer. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. Ad vehicles reflect MFG rebates and all Irwin discount vouchers. 0% for 72 months can’t be combined with any other offer and may affect selling price, maximum amount financed $35,000. 72 payments of $13.89 for every $1,000 borrowed. Expires 6-30-2013.

Lease for 24 months with 10,500 miles per year with approved credit. $2.999 cash or trade equity, 1st payment, $650 acquisition fee and dealer fee due at signing. $0 security deposit with approved credit. No sales tax for NH residents. All rebates to dealer. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. Ad vehicles reflect MFG rebates and all Irwin discount vouchers. 0% for 72 months can’t be combined with any other offer and may affect selling price, maximum

amount financed $35,000. 72 payments of $13.89 for every $1,000 borrowed. Expires 6-30-2013.

32 Prius’ Available

51MPG $66

per month

NEW 2013 TOYOTA RAV4 4x4

46 Rav4’s Available

$97per month

Lease for 36 (24 Months Elantra) months with 12,000 miles per year with approved credit. $2,999 cash or trade equity, 1st payment, $595 acquisition fee and dealer fee due at signing. $0 security deposit with approved credit. No sales tax for NH residents. All rebates to dealer. Manufacturers programs are subject to change without notice. Ad vehicles reflect MFG rebates and all Irwin discount vouchers. 0% for 72 months can’t be combined with any other offer and may affect selling

price, maximum amount financed $35,000. 72 payments of $13.89 for every $1,000 borrowed. Expires 6-30-2013.

59 Bisson Ave Laconia, NH603-524-4922 |

59 Bisson Ave Laconia, NH603-524-4922 |

30 Corolla’s Available

$58per month




10 Focus’ Available

$56per month


20 Fusion’s Available

$89per month


25 Escape’s Available

$118per month

NEW 2013 FORD F150 STX Xtra Cab 4x4

30 F150’s Available

$138per month

446 Union Ave Laconia, NH603-524-4922 | www.irwinhyundai.comHYUNDAI

72 payments of $13.89 for every $1,000 borrowed. Subject to credit approval.0SALES EVENT00SALES EVENTSALES EVENT%


0000000%%% For 72MOS

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52 Camry’s Available

35MPG $84

per month


22 Tundra’s Available

$78per month

0000000000000000%% For 72MOS-OR-

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MPG4.6L V8


% For 72MOS

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NEW 2013 FORD F150

0 For 72For 7200%

NEW 2013 Hyundai Accent GLS

8 Accent’s Available

$79per month

NEW 2013 HYUNDAI Elantra GLS

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$25per month


35 Sonata’s Available

$68per month

NEW 2013 HYUNDAI Santa Fe Sport FWD

22 Santa Fe’s Available

$219per month


% For 72MOS

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For 72MOS-OR-0 For 72For 7200%

NEW 2013 Hyundai Accent

15 Elantra’s Available

Stock #DJC779

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Stock #DFC836



Stock #DFC839


Stock #DFT317


Stock #DFT382

Stock #HDC382


Stock #HDC534


Stock #HDC522



Stock #HDT556

