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Ukikhman, ofbXJ@i iTShit -tVOL. LVII SEMI~IONTE[LY JANUARY 1, 1936 No. 1

CONTENTSBLIA-D SERVANT (Samson, Part 5) Samson Entrapped Pluhstines Re~olce _ Blind _ HIS Prayer : . _ 111s Eyes Questions for Study SUFFERINGS OF CHRISTIANS: TIIE PIJWOSE RADIO SERVICE . ~. __ 13





ITS MISSIONHIS journal is published for the purpose of enabling the people to know Jehovah God and his purposes as expressed in the Bible. .It ubkshes Bible matruction speciflcnlly designed to aid Jehova ?l n witnesses. It arranges systematic Bible study for its readers and suppkea other hterature to aid in such studies. It publishes amtable material for radio broadcasting and for other means of public instruction In the Scriptures. It adheres strictly to the Bible aa authority for its utterances. It is entirely free and separate from all parties, sects or other worldly organizations. It ia wholly and without reservation for the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ hm Beloved King. It m not dogmatic, but invites careful and critical exammation of its contents in the light of the Scriptures. It does not indulge in controversy, and its columns are not open to personalities. YEARLY SUEISCRIPTI~N PIucleUNITED STATES, $1.00; CANADA AND NISCELLAN~OUS FOREIGN, $1.50; GUT BRITAIN, AUSTIUUSIA, AND SOOTIX AIWC~, is. American remittances should be made by Express or Postal Nancy Order, or by Bank Draft Canadian, British, South African and Austrelaslan remittances should be made direct to the respective branch otflces. Remittances from countries other than those mentioned may be made to the Brooklyn of?lce, but by Zntomattonal Postal Money Order only.

WATCH TOWER 117 Adams StreetJ. F. RUTIIERFO~D President And great all shall



W. E. Vu




children shall be the peace of


be taught of Jehovah; and children.Iuiah 54:1.7.

THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH THAT JEHOVAH is the only true God, is from everlasting to eveilnatmg, the Maker of heaven and esrth and the Giver of of life to his creatures; that the Logos was the beginning his creation and his active agent in the creation of all things; that the Logos ia now the Lord Jesus Christ in glory, clothed with all power in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive Officer of Jehovah. THAT GOD created the earth for man, created perfect man for the earth and placed him upon it; that man wllfully disobey&i Gode law and was sentenced to death; that by reason of Adams wrong act all men are born smners and wlthout the right to life. THAT JESUS was made human, and the man Jesus suffered death in order to produce the ransom or redemptive price for all mankind; that God raised up Jeaua divine and cxaltcd hi to heaven above every creature and above every name and clothed him with all power and authority. THAT JEHOVAHS ORGANIZATION ia called Zion, and that Christ Jeaua ia the Chief Officer thereof and ia the rightful King of the world; that the anointed and faithful follomora of Christ Jesus are children of Zion, members of Jehovah% organization, and are his witnesses whose duty and privilege it ia to testify to the supremacy of Jehovah, declare his purposes toward mankind ea ex reaaed in the Bible, and to bear the fruits of the kingdom %efore all who will hear. THATTHE WORLD has ended, and the Lord Jeaua Christ has been placed by Jehovah upon hia throne of authority, hsa ousted Satan from heaven and is proceeding to the establishment of God% kingdom on earth. THAT THE RELIEF and blessin a of the peoples of earth can come only by and through B ehovaha kingdom under Christ which has now begun; that the Lords next great act is the destruction of Satans organization and the establishment of righteousness in the earth, and that under the kmgdom all those who will obey its righteous laws shall bve on earth forever. RICHES

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The title of a new book! The Society has long desired to publish something specially suitable for instruction of children nnd young people as respects years. Also, smce the unfolding of the truths concerning the Jonadsb class, or great multitude I, and the first appenrance of members of such claaa, Jehovahs witnesses and also incoming Jonadab brethren have keenly desired a pubbcation particularly deargned for instruction of those who already are of and those who shall yet swell the ranks of the great multitude. Jehovah by Christ Jesus has now graciously provided such in the book Exhes. In reading and studying this book Gods anointed remnant will profit no leas than the Jonadabs. All should read it carefully to know why and how to put it in the hnnds of those aeckmg righteousness end meekness. The authors edition is now under prcparation, containing a personal letter from nnd by the hand of the nuthor to all Jehovahs kingdom publmhera. Imtml expense of publishing lZzches obhgea the Society to ask a contribution of 500 a copy of this limited edition. Among compsniea and groups, orders should be promptly placed with local stockkeeper, that booka may be shipped in lots.THE KING

ing these nine days all publishers will offer the pubhc a threebooklet combination on a 10~ contribution, that is, two coloredcover booklets together with the new self-covered booklet Loyalty. Further details hereon will duly appear in the Dtrector. Certainly all in line for the Kingdom wrll take part to the utmost in this service period, and also all present members of the great multitude with palm branches m hand ~11 widely acclaim Jehovahs anointed King. Let all such show wisdom and zeal now in making all advance preparation for this midwinter campaign. Get in touch with the head office nt Brooklyn if you are not active in territory under one of our branch offices.CONVENTION AT LOS ANGELES

Another season of refreshing to all Gods kingdom pubhahera by concerted intensified activity afield is arranged for in the testimony period The King, to wit, February 1-9. Dur-

Saturday and Sunday, Februnry 21,22 and 23, a conventron ~111 be held at Los Angeles. This will be a local service conventron in southern Csliformu, with all gatherings at the Shrme Auditorium. By the Lord a grace, Brother Rutherford will speak to a large assembly there on Sunday, February 23. Preparatlona are under way for a radio chain to carry the speech from the auditorium to listeners m nil parts of the world, dunng the hour 12: 00 (noon) to 1: 00 p.m , Pacific Standard Time, which is the equivalent of 3: 00 to 4: 00 p.m., Umtod States Eastern Standard Time. Listeners in other lands are advised to prepare now to tune in this broadcast on any one of several frequencies (wave lengths) in the so-call& ahortmave band, from 11 to 50 meters.

On Friday,





No. 1



Who is blind, but my servant? or deaf, as my mcsscnger that Z sent? who is blind as he that is perfect, and blind as the Lords servant?-Zsa. 42: 19.


EHOVAH says : Behold my servant, whom I up- Seeing many things, but thou observest not; opening the cars, but he hcarcth not. (Isa. 42: 13,20) It is hold, mine elect, in whom my soul dclightcth. No grcatcr commendation could be given than that same Elect Servant that now magnifies Gods fhat. Jehovah God, he that crcatcd the heavens, and law and makes it mast honorable. He is the Vindistrctchcd them out; hc that spread forth the earlh, cator of Jehovah, his Word, and his name. It is the and that which comcth out of it; he that gives life clrct and exalted Servant of Jehovah that is blind, to all thinKs that brcathc, in crhom resides all power, anl, says the Lord, there is none as blind as that wisdom and grace; he that is fron, everlasting to cvcr- servant. Why is his Elect Servant blind? Because lasting, the Most Ili$ over all, thus speaks to all crc;b he has but one purpose, and his cycs arc closed to everything else. That purpose is to alv;ays do the will turcs who desire to know the right way. (ISil. 42: 1,s) That no creature mi$t have reason to doubt the idcn- of dchovah God, and nothing can cause him to dcviatc tity of that elect servant .Jehovnh further caused to th(~rcfrom in the slightest dcgrcc. Of him it is writbo writ ten : Let this mind be in you, wllicli was also IC,! : I delight to do thy will, 0 my Cod: yea, thy in Christ Jesus: who . . . 1x41~ found in fashion acl In\< is within my heart. (1%. 40: 8) For I came a man, he humbled himsrlf, and bccamc obcdicnt unto down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the death, cvcn the dcat.11of the cross. Whcrcforc God will of him that sent me. (John 6: 35) And hc also hnth highly cxaltcd him, and given him a n:m:c that sent mc is with me: the Enthcr hath not ltft mc which is above every name : lhat at the name of Jesus alone; for I do always those things that plcnsc him. every knee should low, of things in hcavcn, and thin::9 --John 8 : 29. a Speaking to those hypocrites who thought tbcmin earth, and things under the earth; and that cvcry tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to sclvcs wise but who were in the darkness, Jesus laid the glory of God the Father. (Phil. 2: s-11) This, down the rule of Jehovah, to wit: The light of the Gods highest honor, he bestows on his Elect Servant, bncly is the cyc: therefore when thinc eye is sillgle, Christ Jesus, because of the Servants complctc obc- thy whole body also is full of light; bnt when thinc cyc is evil, thy body also is full of tlarkllcss. (Luke dicncc in the performance of the will of God. Though hc wcrc a Son, yet lcarncd hc obcdicnce by the things 11: 34) And on another occasion Jesus said : I am which hc sufilcrcd; and being made pcrfcct, hc became the light of the world; hc that followcth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. the author of ctcrnal salvation unto all them that obey him. (fJcb. 5 : 8, 9) And now, when all the nations (John 8 : 12) Thus the rule is laid down, to which of the earth are in dire distress and pcrplcxity, and thcrc arc no csceptions, that those who arc faithful without hope in the world, Jehovah says to those who and true to Jehovah God are blind to cvcrything that will hear: In his name shall the nations hope. is contrary to Gods will. Every one who becomesa (Matt. 12: 21, U&v., margin) Thus Jehovah points mcmbcr of Gods royal house is thcrcby made a mcmbcr of the elect servant class of Jehovah and thcreto Christ Jesus, his anointed King and Vindicator, as the R~lcr of the world. There is no other name fort must follow in the footsteps of Jesus. Like Jesus, under ilcaven whereby men can get lift, because God all such must bc blind to everything save doing the has appointed his Elect Servant, Christ Jesus, the one will of Almighty God. to dispense fo the obedient the gift of life everlasting, In the prophetic drama in which Samson played -Ram. 6: 23; Acts 4: 12. the chief part he pictured at this point Gods elect *It is of this same Elect Servant that Jehovah servant, particularly those faithful followers of Christ speaks and says: Who is blind, but my servant? Jesus on earth who become members of that faithful or deaf, as my messenger that I sent? who is blind and elect servant during the time when (the Messenas he that is perfect, and blind as the Lords servant 0 ger or Servant Elect was preparing the way before a




Jchovnh; and also pictu& particularly the remnant on earth after the coming of Christ Jesus to the tcmplc. Like almost all the servants of Jehovah God, Samson has been the object of much criticism by men. It is even true that men who &ire to appear in the eyes of others as models of goodness, chastity and piety, and which models will be followed as exnmples, level severe criticism against their fellow men in order to draw attention to lhcmsclrcs. Such is one form of sclfX~r~essand hypocrisy. Such crcaturcs fear men and, having mens persons in admiration, call attention to the mistakes and derelictions of their fcllow men who as Christians are trying to do right, hoping to hear the pcoplc say of themselves, in substance, Itchuld, what a good man he is! what a high StilIld3rd lit sets! Tllc motive prompting men to thus assume such a high standard thcmselvcs and to point with criticism to otlirrs, is cntircly 8 sclfXi motive. Other men arc thus dcccircd, but God knows who are the just and true ones. For that reason Jesus said, That which is lliyhly cstwrncd amon:: men is abomination in the sight of God. (Luke 1G: 15) Judah, Knhab, Ruth, John the 12nptis1, Samson and others have been the objects of SCWYC criticism at the mouths of others, which criticisms lucre entirely out of place. Whomsoever Jehovah uses and approves cannot be properly criticized by m(hn. The servant of Jchovnh is rcsponsiblc to him, and not to man. ~Vlio art thou Ihat judgtst anolhcr mans servant? to his own mnstcr hc standeth or Pallcth. Yen, hc shall 1~2 holden up; for Cod is able to make him stand. (1:om. 14: 4) The wiseacres and would-he pious ones ~11o criticize the servants of God as tltey appear in the I!ible show their lack of understanding and a large degree of selfishnrss on their part. BThose servants of the Lord in times of old played their rcspcctivc parts in proi)hctic dramas, which parts were assigned to them by JAovah; and WCmust not look at the impcrfcctions of the human crcaturc there displayed. Our business is to look at what part they played or pcrformcd, and which was written and recorded in the Word of God for the bcncfit of the rrmnant now 011earth. Cod ncvcr asked or required a man to so dcvclop his own character that he would bo fit to reign with Christ Jesus, and that for the manifest reason that no man could accomplish such thing. This does not at all mean that men are justificd in lcatling a loose and intemperate course, nor does it furnish an excuse or justification for their imperfections. \\hat is hcrc said is to emphasize the fact that not .by his outward appearance dots man prcpare himscalf for Gods service, but his faith and unswerving devotion are what brin!: the approval of God and prepare for that man a ~~lncein Gods everlasting organization. The Scriptures show what God requires of those whom he approves, and evcrywhcre therein absolute and complete faithfulneqs is maqnified. Those who are approved by Jehovah must first

prove their integrity toward him, and this they must do by a singlcncss of purpose and course of actim, always putting forth their very best to do the will of God regardless of what any other man does or \yhnt any other creature might think or say about ihcm. The servant, because of hurnan weakness, may rnz::e a wrong step, a grievous mistake, and that which is very displeasing to God; but if he confesses to (;od throu$ the Lord Jesus Christ, acknowlcdgin:! his mronqdoing, and then quickly attempts to face about and do that \vhich is right, hc may receive the mercy of Jehovah God and be fully rcinstntcd in the favor of the Lord. (1 John 1: 9) Whatever mist&s S:imson may have ma&, as they appcarcd on the rccoIL1, those mist;lkes arc not to apply to Samson, but Erc to be applied to the class whom Samson foretold ; t:ld the rule licrc announced with reference to Cods matures whom he approves applies specifically to tho.,e whom Samson forcshndowed.RAMSON ENTRAPPED

a The class picturccl by I)c~lil;lh, otherwise mcaniny the foolish virgin class (Matt. 35: l-12), h;ld bec:~rl~e of tlic>ir fear of men a dcsirc for selfish g3in, lost t!lrir love for God and his children, and were doing nothir:: to the honor of Jehovah and !lis cause from and nftcr 1917. Their lamps \\crc going out, because 1111: Ii-ilt they previously had now had become darlln(~~sby Y(Qson of their anxictv to gratify a selfish mil)iti~Jw I!csire, and because of tllcir fear of men. Thry triccl to induce those of the Samson cl:~va to lilrcwisc dccl:~rc &Y Scriptural that it is the duty of all men :y rc:ccr:nize as the higher powers those that ru-U:c worlrl. the Samson now here plays the part foreshadowing ccactly what did come to pass upon the consrcrntcd in the year 7918. And she made him sleep upon ller knees; end she called for R mnn, :~nd she caused hiln to shnvc oft the scvcn locks of his head; and she bcgan to afllict him, and his strength went from him. -Judg. 16 : 19. I~c~usc of the threats of danger to the Lords people by reason of the crisis resulting from the grc.:lt war there was a more consitlerato and!intory cour.setaken by the Samson class toward the I)c~lilah class, and this may well bc pictured by Snm\ons siccpin: upon WAilahs I(.nccs.It showed a position of trust and confidence even though that trust and confidcncc was misplaced. The Samson class were not wilhnrrly or voluntarily defiling their consecration vow to Jchovah God, but were permitting themselves to bc ihrown into a position whcrc others could defile them. The sleeping of Samsm on the lap of Delilah was surely a lack of true watchfulnrss, but Samson was pl:qil?g this part in the drama foretelling the ne,nligcncc bf those consecrated to God and who were on cnrth at the time approximately at the cominq of tho T,orgl to the temple. The facts show that the Samson cia heads the list of hypocrites. Ir~~tcstants so narncd themselves bccausc they knew of tho duplicity of the Catholic Ilierarcliy; but the mm who took that oriKinal stand are gone and the modern-day Protestaut lcadcrs have turned away cutircly to the Devil, dicll 1lliC the lion which Samson slew, and all tlic 1~) pocrites are joined togcthcr in one crowd; and Go11cl~sclarcs that he will appoint the end of the I-)clilah class with this bunch of hypocrites. 23And now some of the rcccut llistorical facts show the hypocrisy of the Homan Catholic Ilicrarchy. Ila~c in mind that the Hierarchy thirty-five years ago bol(lly announced its purpose to get control of the Ullitcd States govcrnmcnt. A combination of the political rcbligionists, both Catholics and Protestants, at the l::lltimore convention iii 1912 rcsultcd in making Wooclt~v 1ViLson president of the United States. ;\Ir. \\ilson was listed as a Protestant. Thcrenftcr 21~sXnticl~l Catl~olic &gist&r pablishcd an articic congratulatill!; the people on Mr. Wilsons elcctioa, and, arnon:,rst otlicr things, said : It is Gods plan that the holy father of l&m~c should be the temporal and spiritual head of his kingdom on earth. It is the same to&qas in the time of the first pope. The best way to accomplish this is through political power, t!lrou$l rcliPHILISTINES ItEJOICE gious education and service. God has doubly blcs~d *The Philistincs a~scmblcd for a great sacrifice and the Catholic church of America by placing one of its praise to their god Dagon, and rejoiced because of most faithful sons at the right 11md of Prcsidcnt Wilwhat they concluded was Samsons complctc downfall : son. Nest to the president, IIonorablc Joseph Tumulty, Then the lords of the Philistincs gathered them to- a Knight of Columbus of the 33rd degree, wields the gether for to offer 8 great sacrifice unto Dagon their greatest political power of any man in America; and god, and to rejoice; for they said, Our god hsth dcliv- as a true Catholic he is exercising the greatest trubt ercd Samson our enemy into our hand.-Judg. 16 : 23. which God has given into his hands for the glory of ** The Philistines flouted the supremacy of Jehovah, t,hc holy church. Through his tact and holy zcnl he Samsons Cod, and ascribed their own victory to their has created a warm friendship between the Cnt;l4ic god, and the l)cvil, whom he specially represented. church and President Wilson. This i; the f&.t time



dependent state, and thereafter the Hierarchy sends its ambassadorsto the various countries of Christcndom, thus showing that the Roman Catholic IIierarchy does not represent God and Christ, because the present wicked world is under the complete domination of the Devil, and God would have no ambassadors in the Devils organization. * The Hierarchy has entered into and signed an agreement with the visible rulers of Germany and Austria, and the Ilierarchy is really back of the Nazis and using the Nazis for the purpose of stamping out all who oppose the Catholic IIierarchy. The Ilierarchy in America operates to control the nation and seesto it that many important offccs arc filled by agents of the IIicrarchy and particularly that invcstigtors of the I)cpartment of Justice arc agents of the IIicrarclly who have not the slightest dcgrcc of honesty and fairdentin? with their fellow crcaturcs. 28Since the World War the modern Philistincs have con1illucd to make au open show of Jehovahs witnc:;scs,the Samson class, and the Samson class halt been rcpronchcd and continue to be reproached hccnusc of their faithfulness to Cod and Cllrist. The ultra-Catholic and lrolcstant people, not knowlng wtly they are reliqionists but yielding to ttic scductirc irtfluc~nccof the clcrxy, have joined with the clcr:y in hcapinl: reproach upon J(!llovi~lls wilncsqrs cvcn as they did upon Samson: And when tlic lxoplc saw him, tllcy praised their god; for tlicy said, Our god hnth dclivcrcd into our Ilands our PIlemy, and t hc dcst roycr of our country, which slew many of us [hath slain many of us (Kb.)].-Jud:. 16. 24. *OAs the economic contlitions of the world have become distressing since 3329 the motlrru Pliili;tillrs and thrir allies, and the principal of their floc4r, tlarc scizcd upon the same as an cmcqcncy to ctlilct opprc+ sivc le$slntion in their endrnvor to destroy ihc wollr of Jehovahs witnCsscs, and to this end hnvc vir?orously prosccutcd a c;lll~paign to discredit Jr110vah :lnd his witncsycs in the cycs of the pcoplc, and to some cl:1ss. extent have succecdcd in doin: so. *aSam:;ons hair was grown long qain and hc was 8oAs the Philistines hcapctl indignities upon Samirl Cods favor. T~ollowing the World War, and par- son, their blind prisoner, so in rcccnt years the modticularly in 1923,the Samson class had been reinstated cm lhilistincs have continued to hcnp indiguitics upon in Gods favor and they pushed forward with the wit- Jehovahs servant class, blind to all purposes except nrss work as never bcforc. Then the clergymen of all the serving of Jehovah God. They have caused thclr classes and denominations combined and began the ncwspapcrs to publish malicious lies about them, when persecution of the Samson class, not only in America, the truth might have scrvcd their ends better. They but in all parts of Christendom. During the past have made sport of Jehovahs witnesses through the scvcn years there has been a constant, wicked pcrsc- press and made them appear as long-haired, crn/,y cution of Jehovahs witnesses in Xew Jersey and in people and as a cult that is not to bc seriou4y many other parts of the earth, and this pcrsccution considered. They have desired to expose Jchovalt s witin flagrant disregard of the fundamental law of the ncsscs to ridicule and shame, even as the Phili~t illcs land continues, and the result is that thousands of did with Samson. And it came to pass, when their honest and faithful followers of Christ Jesus have hearts were merry, that they said, Call for S:i1:1stin, been ill-treated, arrested and thrown into prison. It that hc may make us sport. And they cnllcd for S::mwas in 1920 that a treaty was signed between hlussotini son out of the prison house; and he made tl~cm sport; and the Vatican whereby the Papacy becomes an in- and they set him bctmccn the pillars.-Juclg. 16: 25.

in the history of the country when the president and a great politicaI party have openly sought an qua1 and honest alliance with the Catholic church. 24This supports the conclusion that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has steadfastly pushed forward to grab the American government to gratify its own selfish dcsircs. Millions of honest people have been induced to associntc thcmsclves with the Catholic church system.and support it, and these arc not responsible for \--hat the IIicrarchy has done, and what is here said about the IJicrarchy dots not apply to honest, sincere Catholics. Those who have a desire to see Gods kingdom will break away from the Catholic IIicrarchy in due time. 25It should be remembered that it was during the Wilson administration that America cntcrcd the war and on July 17, 1317, 2%~ FiCshcd dlystcry wus rcleased, and on June 21, 1978, the officers of the ~VATCII TOWIX 1:1n1x f;: TIMCT So(*Ir.TY were scntcnrcd to cigtity years imprisonment by a judge who was doing the bidding of n!r. Wilson and tllc Roman CathcJlic Ilicrarchy. It was durin: Mr. Wilsons atlminlstration that Catholic and Irotcstant clcrgymcn lic~lcla confcrcncc at Pt~ilndclpl~in to pcric>rt the plnnq to tlcstroy tlic Samson clax A resolution too!ring to that very end was a(loptcd illld carried to \~ilS~lill~~~Jl, rcsutting in a bills bcinx introd~lc+cdin the Senate making a viol:Ition of ttic cspionnqc law punishnblc with death, and providing that al! suc*hofrcndcrs must be tried by court martial. John IA Olrian, a11 ultrachurchman crc~tlilcd as being a lrotcstant but \rorking together with the Catholics, an:1 who had prosrcutcd other honest men on a charge of hcrcsy in the eliurcli orgnizntions, was in the I)cpnrtmcnt of Justitc and lccl ttic fight against the Samson clxs. Aittcd and abctted by a dyctl-iI]-ttic-~~001 KniKllt, of Columl)us the foregoing bill \iilS t)rou~lit bcforc the Senate. It waS openly and boldly stated by a gcncrnl in the llnitcd States army that the purpox of that bill was to get the Oiblc Students, that is, the antitypical Samson

JANUARY 1, 1936


I1 The lords and ladies of the Philistines, reveling form his mighkst service looking to the vindication in wine and otherwise indulging themselves at the ex- of Jehovahs name. He had been waiting on the Lord pensc of the pcoplc, brought Samson before them for and a&nowledging him in all his ways, and now the their sport. At this point of the prophetic drama Sam- Lord had renewed and increased his strength. But son must have presented a m&-able and ludicrous they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strcrqth; appearance. Long hair and long beard matted togcth- they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall cr, and covered over with grime and the dirt of the run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not prison, blind in both eyes, and drcsscd in prison garb, faint --Is2 46 * 31 85l&t thii pa& df the prophetic drama along& he would present such a picture as impure and wicked minds would rcvcl in. For twenty years Samson was the physical facts that have come to pass within the a dread unto the Philistincs and now he was in their last few years. The faithful servants of Jehovah, forcpower, completely disgraced, and the Philistincs would told by Samson, have been within that time the obWC him for sport ltic rest of his days. Likewise in 1919 jccts of ridicule and reproach e~urywherc by the ctcrthe actual prison houses were opcncd and the Samson gy of all denominations and their allies. Kcgrdtcss class released, but they wcrc in fact still under great of 110~111uctl Lord hay bestowed his out\\;lrd bt~sthe restraint and in the eyes of the rlcrgy, the modern ings upon his witnesses the public press, called into Philist incs, were drrndfully humitiutcd and prcscnted action by the modern l%itistinc:s, has rc\ itcd am1 rca tnottcy appcnrancc. Satans carttity reprcscntativcs, proached Jehovahs witncsxs by consta~ltly pnbtishdircckd by his chief officer Cog (Ezck. 35 : 1-4; 39 : l-4 j, ing fatsetioods concernin : ttlc:m. Prom the put1)it.s and had drawn the clcr~y, Ca.ttiolic and Protestant, closer in public assembtlcs of ttlc lam-matters and the lawtogcthcr in their conspiracy. The chief object of Satan ofiiccrs of ttlc modern Ihilistincs, all ttlcsc have ridiat all titncs is to bring rcgroach upon the name of Jc- culed and lied about and contcrnptnonsly rcproac+cd hovat1 and to cause men to curse the 1101~One. llc Jehovah and his witncsscs. lhcsc witnc,qscshave been mddc a gilihgc,tOCl~ now uses the modwn Phitistincs to that very end. oE the tnany, both by rcproxtiI2 Some time had elapsed since the World War, and Csillld afllictions, and others not actually I,rougtit into the combined clergy had indul~cd csccssivcly in 111~ view have sufkrcd by reason of bcitq companions of wine of the vine of tllc earth (lkv. 14: 17-%), and l!lc\c faittlful ones \\ ho hnvc txxti so ill-nscd. \\hcn they wanted sport. Compare this with what i$ record- tlic piibtic I)rcss,and particularly the I licrarctiys pac cd about Uclshazznrs feast : I~cIstmzz~lr, whites he pars, 1x1~ an opportunity to publish sonictIling about tasted Ule wine, coml:lnndcd to bring the golden and Jclx~vahs witnesses tlrry dctibcratcly ignore the truth lies, silver ~csscls which his fnttlrr Ncbuchndnczznr Ilad ant1 1~l~tJtist~ i11ld IilU~tl ;lLout it, :uld rejoice in tticir clrunlicn rcvct. In making sport of Samson the taken ant of the tcmplc which was in Jcrusatcm; that the king, and his I)rinc(s, hia wives, and his COIIVU- lhilistincs reproached the name of Jct~ovnh God and praised ttrc Jkvil throu::tt their god l):~gon. In modbincs, might drink thcrcin.--Dan. 5: 2. 83The golden \.c:~s~~ts modern t imcs are the cm times thc modern llrilistines, maltirlg sttort of Jcof witnesses have bra~nty rcpro:tc~l~cd name ttlc faithful witncssrs of d&ova11 who bear Gods mcc;s:qc ho\ :111s of Jrhovah, and at the snmc time ttlcy give pra~sc t,o to those who huvc licnriti~ cars: and bccnusc Ihcy arc Jchovnhs rcplcscntnt ivcs, the I)cvil ant1 his reprcscnt- the Devil and his organization. 3aWho is blind, but my servant? saitti the Lord. atives dcti:trt to brin: reproach upon them. 8( Samson was brought bcforc the assembly of the The true Samson class must at this time bc blind to lords of the Philist ines that ihe hilarity of Itmt occa- cvcrything csccpt the doin: of Gods will. Jn this time sion might incrcasc and that their gltta might know of pcrsccution these faithlut nitncsscs, blind to everyno bounds. A great crowd of more than six ttlo\is;ind thing cscept Gods service, 1lCilr the words of comfort Phitistinrs were gathcrcd in 111~ assembly place and from Jehovahs Word, written long ago for their bcncwere having a gay feast. Samson in the midst of all fit, to wit: Cast not away ttirrcforc your coniidcncc, that revelry was entirely blind to it, but his eye? of which hntti great rccompcncc of reward. For ye have understanding, his mental vision, were clear and he was need of pnticncc, that, after yc have done the wilt of dctcrmincd to retrieve, if possible, his former action God, ye might receive the promise.-1lcb. 10: 35, 3G. and now to give everything to the honor of Jehovahs s Samsons heart must have burned with righteous name. There in the presence of the Philistines Samson indignation at the rcproachcs cast upon the name of was bcinq mqdc a gazingstock both by reproach and Jehovah when he was led to a position where he was by affliction. (II&. 10: 33) Samson bcre his humilia- Set . . . between the pillars that supported the great tion with calmness, awaiting his opportunity to dis- hall. IIc would Ix eager to be used there to the glory play the strength v:hich God had given him and about of God and to the vindication of his name. rJcl~ovah which the Philistines did not know. No doubt the was directing the drama, and Jehovah put it into the thought then came into Samsons mind that God had mind of Samson as to the manner in which he could permitted him to be brought into this condition of be used, and that must have thrilled Sarnsons heart. great reproach and humiliation that hc might per- Likewise the Samson class, while being abused, ill-




s. I.

treated, ridiculed, denounced, arrested and throlvn into prison b~anse of their faithfulness to Jehovah, have at aU times been eager to do something to the honor and praise of Jehovahs holy name. The tv;o pillars of the I>a~:on temple supported the roof, on which were seated about three thousand persons, and a 111~~ number or cvcn more would be on the lolver floor, and with attending lackeys and other servants the number would be even grcaicr than six thousand. And what did those two pillars rcprcscnt? 88The structure was Satans house visible to the cycs of men, and accommotl~ttedthose who were in it. The house, thcrcforc, rcl,rcscntrd Satans visible organization, in which his devotees feasted and praised his name and cursed .Jchovah God. Since the coming of the Lord Jesus to tllc tcmplc of .Jchovah the ruling of factors or earthly 101~~1~ the I)cvils visible organization have asscmb]etI in his tctnl1)1c, two supportthe ing pillars of which WC, (1) that the visible ruling powers of the earth, and the ones to be praised, are thC rdigiOIk&3, COIltr~J~~ClS of conlniWcC, and the POlitirnl instruments, and that th~c therefore constitute the liiqlier powers, which ~~owcrsarc ordained of Cod, and to which all men must be subject, regardless of what God may say. This, of course, is a pcrvcrsion of the scripture at Remans 13 : 1. (2) That such high cr powcr~3 or visible ruling factors arc the ones endowed and fully empowcrcd and ably qualified to give to the pcoplc IJrOS[JCTit.y, security and peace on c&h, making it a fit place in which to live; and that these two antitypirnl l)illars alone will robe the earth in glory and lwauty, and then Christ .Jcsusmight be invitcd to come nnd look at it. To this end they have organized the Lcag~c of Nations, a World Court; made numerous pence treaties; dcclarcd holy years; brought forth numerous so-cnllcd recovery schemes, such as killing pigs and destroying crops, to enhance the price of what remains; and continued to tax the pcoplc to raise money to keep millions on the dole and suhjcct to thrir political dictates. T11ey have organized and put into operation such schcmw of government as Fascism, Nazism, dictators, and hailed thcsc as mans deliverer, instcnd of giving honor to God and his King, Christ Jesus. Back of this entire movement is the Roman Catholic lIicrnrchy, whic*h by various schemes and under various names has mndc itself the controlling power in many nntions. Such men as Hitler, hIosley, Mussolini and others arc mcrcly tools to the black organization, of wllic*h the Jesuits arc the sccYct scrvicc ngcnts. It is aull~oritatively stated that Mosley apd Mr. Rooscvclt spent some time cruising tog&cr on the seasshortly before the latter was clcctcd to the presidency of the United States. Although hIo4cy in 35ngland is ostensibly socialistic, the movement is in fact forn ardcd by the Roman Catholic IIierarchy to furnish an excuse to grab the British Empire and control it openly. Likewise the Socialist and Communist movements, about which so much is now said

in America by the cIcrgy especially, are fathered and carried on by the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and its allies in order to fnrnish an opportunity and afford an excuse for the Romcn organization to grab America and rule it by the hand of a cruel dictator. 30For some time now the Samson class, that is to say, Gods faithful witnesses on earth, have been placed between these two pillars of Satans organization. Jchovah in his own good way has made known to these faithful ones the meaning of the two signs in heaven (Rev. 12 : l-3)) and that one of those signs is Satans organization; and Jehovahs witnesses elrarly discern that the two pillars of the visible part of Satans organization are as stated above. By Gods grace they have now come to the correct understandiua of the higher powers and have learned that these hi::her powers arc Jehovah and Christ Jesus alone. They now clearly discern that the two pillars supporting Satans visible organization are false and fraudulent and that the only hope for mankind is the kinqlom of God Ly and through Christ Jesus, his clcct and blind servant.BLIND

OSamson was entirely blind and, aa such, he there played a part in the drama picturing Jehovah s faithful servant clatq now blind to cvcrytl~irl~ save 111~ service of Jehovah looking to tha vindirution of hii name : And Satnson said unto the lad that held lliru by the hand, Suffer me that I may fccl the pillar.; Whm2UlJOn the house standeth, that I may lean U[JOtl them. (Judg. 1G: 2G) Samson Irrlcw the two p;llars were there supporting the building, and doubtless on his former visit to Gaza hc had csamincd that great house, and now hc could use the knowledge to good cffcct. Fciqning weakness and to be in need of rest, Samson requested that he might be permitted to feel of the pillaru that held up tho house. Likcwisc Jehovahs witnesses, under their Head, Christ Jesus, give the appcaranrc of wcakncss, because they arc but a few in number and they possessnot the riches of thi:j world, nor political power nor influrnce. They trust wholly in Jehovah and in his King. Blind to the taunts and jeers and insolence hurled at him, Samson tllcrc dctcrminctl to get himself into a position to the honor of Jehovahs name. Likewise since 1922 the Sa!nson class, blind to the reproaches, taunts, jeers and repeated insults heaped upon them, have dctcrmillcd, by the Lords grace, to get thcmsclvcs into a position that thy may have some part in tlic vindication of Jehovahs name. They see that such is the very ~tnrpose of Jel~c~vah~ tabin:: out frotn the world n ~CO~J~C for his ii:~nic, that they might show forth hi3 pr Scnpturcs do not say t hnt I)avitl at this time had takc~n Iris position at tlic hold, the I,rtsurnptiori may bc intlulxc*dtht











li(~rds response t Iicreto intlicatc 1 hat he was ilt 1 Ilc hold and pr0CCCdCd from that point t0 tile iltl3(li: Arid whcti 1)avid inquired of the Lord, he snid, Thou shalt not go up ; hut fetch a contpass Mind them, an11come upon them over against the mulberry trees. -2 Sam. 5: 23. 23The words fetch a compass bellind would indicate that David was commanded to so employ his army that they would lx on tllc enemys flank as well as on the rear. This seems to bc the first mc~ntion of flank movement in w:lrfare. Ilcrc again the Ihilistincs were outmnneuvcrctl, which shows tilt hand of the Lord in the matter. IIc directed Ijnvid to make the attack from a certain I)oint indicated by the mulherr-y trees . Just what is meant by mulberry trees Is not clear. Biblical lexicographers define the word in this manner: Weeping; the weeping tree. It might well picture the point at which comes 8 calamity upon the enemy that causes them to weep. With his army in position David must wait to rcceivc the signal from the Lord. This proves that David was there solely at the command of Jchorah and what, he was doiilg prophetically forcshado~rcd greater things to come to pass under Christ Jesus. This is the only place in the Scriptures where mulberry trees are mcntioncd, and therefore they have a spcciriv application to the Yhilistines, ancient aud motlcrn. * David waited for orders from Z.bhorah, and Jc-




hovah told him how he might know it was time for him to bestir himself, that is, to bc on the alert and then move forward in the attack: .ind let it bc, when thou hcarest the sound of a going in the tops of the mulberry trees, that then thou shalt bestir thyself: for then shall the Lord go out before thee, to smite the host of the Philistincs.-2 Sam. 5:21. 2sThe sound of going (according to Xot~~erlln~n: A sound of marching) in the mulberry trees not only stems to have furnished a signal for David to act, but clearly indicates that Jehovnl~s unseen hoct of holy angels thcrc participated and led thr assault against tllc cncmy. This would clcnrly forcsh::dow that when the (;realcr David engages in the fight against tlic enemy, pictured by the Pliitistmcs, liiv armies in heaven will lake part in the fif:ht. (Rvv. 19: 14) The fight, took Illac*c with a disastrous rcslllt upon the lhiti5t incs. And I)avid did so, as the Ilci-d had comman~lcd him; and smote the lhitistincs from Ceba until thou come to (-iazcr.-2 Sam. G: 25. *OThere is 110reason to doubt that thcsc two baltlcs between J)svid and the Ihilistincs arc the same as that referred to in Jsaiah 25: 21. It is true that in the accowrt given at 2 Samuel 5: 25 the word GCbil" is used to dtnotc the 1~tacc. In the margin the word G ibcon is usctl to dc1101c ttic same place. Also in the recoded of the same fight scbt forth at 1 Chronirlcs 14: 16 the l~1acc is named (:ibcon. 1)avid therefore did as God command(~d him; and they smote the host of lhc lhilistinc~s from Gibeon even to Cazcr. (1 Cliron. 14: IG) Thus is shown that the propticc*y of Isaiah 2X: 21 rcfcrs to the destruction of the lhitistines, who were the chief cncmies of Gods chosen people Israel. The fact that the Scriptural account is of two fights, to wit, lernzim and Gibcon, does not necessarily mean that the Lord will mnkc two separate and distinct fights against modern Phitistincs. The point of paramount importance here is that the Lord shall rise up AS at Mount Pcrazim and c;hall bc wrath As at Gibcon. In other words, what took place at Mount Jcrazim and CiOcon foreshadows what the Lord will do against the antitypical lhilistines. . IT Concerning ltount Jcrazim the record is : J)arid smote them there, and [David] said, The Lord bath broken forth upon mint enem& before me, as the breach of waters. This is proof conclusive that whatever Ijavid accomplished in that fight he did it, not in his own strength, but in the strength and at the command of Jehovah God; and this foretells that the fight against the antit,ypical enemy, the modern lhilistincs, will be by the Greater David at the command of Jchovah. It was Jehovah who brought the victory lo David, and this foreshadows that the antitypical battle is not the hattlc of creatures against modern Philistincs, but is the battle of Jehovah. The words breach of waters mean the breaking forth or bursting out of waters, such as the onrush of a mighty flood which scatters and disperses and destroys cvcrything

in its path. Compare this with the language of Isaiahs prop&y in i]lC prCcCdhg vcrscs: Hail dld~ WWp amay the refuge of lies, and the waters shall ovcrAow the hiding place. This seems to indicate that God would cause his message of Ilard and smitin: trutlis to rush down upon the encmy, and this accompnnicd by the cserci~r of his great power, in whirh IIC wltl destroy the refuge of lies behind which modern Lhilistines have hidden and carried on their work and will completely wipe out that organization. In hi5 jutlgmcnt against the modern Philistines, the Roman Calholic Hierarchy, not only sllatl the lying schcmcs and wickcdnrss of that organization be exposed to view to honest pcol~le, but the organization will bc brought into disqacc and comptctcly tlcstroycd. 2sBut note that at Cihcon the violent intli:iiation of God is plainly mentioncld: 11~ shalt lx wroth [that is, express viotcntly his indignation] a- in the vatlcy of Clibcon. It was immcdiatcty following tlic si:;n nhich Jchovnh gave to J)avid that l)avicl IJCstirred himself; and then the record follow&;: T~ICII shall tlic l,ord go out bcforc tlice to smite the host of the Phitistincs. The Ilord clid thcrc smite them, ntd this prophecy foreshadows that when (:otl rises up in his anger as dcscribctl by ttlc prophet Isaiah, hc {vi11 put an orid to the motlorn lhitistincs 1,~ cornl,!c~tc~l,v putting them out of business, and all their activity shalt end. 20That which came to 1Jassat Mount Icrn?im anal at G&con was not tlic wor~!~of man, but was ttle work of Jehovah (iod, alltl t hcrt~forc clearly forcstrntlow~ or prophrtically forctclts SOJ~C f:rcatcr work to IJC done by J&ova h t hcrraftc~r. That future work if; tl~~bc~d by Isaiahs l~rol~hcry as (;ods work, his 5t r:mKe \vork, his act, hil; strilngc act. The im1)ort,lncc of that work is cmphasizcd by the fact that the wor& arc rrpcatpd in thr S(*riptnrcs: his WOrli, Iii?, straligc work ; his act, his stranxc act. The ~ortl st r:lnq~ here used mrans forrign ; r%traordinary ; wolit~~~rf~~t ; marvelous; 1l~lUSllill ; that which is not exprc*tc~~l. In this connection note what God thron(!h his l,rophc$ says conccrnin:: the hypocritiral crowd that draw nrar to him with their mouths, which without a doubt rcfcrs to the modern Philistincs, the Roman Catholic organization : Whcrcforc the Lord said, l+or:tsmuch as this pcoplc draw near mc with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men : tlicrcforc, behold, I will procced to do a marvettous work among this [~eoplc, even a marvcllous \vork, and a won&r: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the unclerstancilng of their prudent men shall be hid. Woe unto them th:lt seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and their works are in the dark, and they say, who sceth us? and who know&h us?-Isa. 29: 13-15. 8oIt is the Catholic Hierarchy that has induced the

41 people to fear and to give up their hard-earned money, and it is their wise men who hypocritically pose before the people as reprcscntatives of God, and who say : l17i~o sctth us? and who knoweth us? s1 Jehovah had left the Ihilistines in the land of Judah to prove the Israelites, to know whether they would hearken to his commandments. (Judg:. 3 : l-4) The Philistincs had used the Israelites to suit their own convcnicncc and pleasure. The prophetic drama of Samson ~110~s how Gods pcoplc must bc faithful even unto death. The prophetic picture of Davids conflict with the Phillstincs shows a difiercnt thing. Jehovah had installed I)avid as king over all Israel, and now the Ihilistincs attempted to thwart Gods purpose, The lhilistincs bad for many years been the oppressors of the Israelites, and now Gods time had come to dclivcr his pcol)lc from the hand of their opwhat tOOli place at hloutlt Xcrazim prcssors. TiicrCforC and Gibcon was Jehovahs first demonstration of his power in behalf of his kingdom. It was the first kingdom conflict, and gives the absolute assurance that Jehovah will fight for his kingdom. As soon as David was at Jcrusalcm a.9 king, the five Philistine lords cntcrcd into a conspir:lc*y to crush David and to thus prcvcnt God from accompll&ing his purl~oscs. (:od took a band and prcvcntcd tlir accoinplislimcnt of that wicked l~url~~sc. The ICCOI~~~ All tbc lhilistincs is, cnmc up to w k Ijavid. Thnt must b:ivc been a trcmcndous horde of pc1oplc, all marching out to make away with one man 111part iWlar and, of course, all ~110 stood by David. It SWIIIS quite 1)rol)ablc that this movcmcnt of tbc Illili~.tincs against David induced the prophet to write the second IsaIm, wherein the cncmy is rcprcscntrd as saying: IA us break their bands asunder [that is, the bands binding together the Israelites in unity under King I)avid ;uld hindering the operations of th(: Pliili5tincs], and cast away their cords from us. Their conclusion w~~uld be amusing to the Lord, and therefore the psalmist continues : IIc that sift&h in the hcnvcns shall laugh ; the Lord shall have Ihe~n in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. -I%. 2 : 4, 5. ** The prophecy now is having a fulfillment on a far-greater scale. WC know that all true followers of Christ Jesus are now united under the King, the Grcatcr David, and that these arc loudly proclaiming Jehovah, his King, and his kingdom. Hcrctoforc the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has had its own way. It has bccn,a great test to the true followers of Christ Jesus. That wicked organization, acting under the pretest of being Gods reprrsentativcs on earth, has crushed every organization that has ever risen against it. Now Christ is on his throne and Gods time has come to put his kingdom completely in control of the world. During the past few years, and since the union of the church under Christ, the Roman Catholic Ilierarchy has begun and carries on its assaults against Gods true people. In every country of earth the Hierarchy carries forcard this \vicktd persecution of Jehovah s witnesses and, as stated by Jehovah s prophc$ the Hierarchy now says: Let us break their baneb [their unity under Christ which operates as a meIn this the IIicrarchy instraint to us] asunder. duces the political and financial clcments of Satans organization, togcthcr with the Judas class, to join vZth them. Furthermore the prophet of God describes the 1Iicrarchy : For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that bate thee have lifted up the head. Thc:y hare taken crafty cou~~sel against thy pcoplc, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have sad, Come, and let us cut them of: from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in rcmcmbrance. For they have consulted togcthcr with one coinsent; they are confederate against thee.--I%. 83: 2-5. 33Will not the Lord Jehovah now laugh and hold thcsc presumptuous ones in dcrivion? Is it not alJ0Ut unto them in his w-at 11, Jehovahs due time to ~pwk and vex them in his sore displcasurc? And ~li.vP Ekcause, says the Lord, I have set my ItinK upon my holy hill of Zion, to rule the wild, and God will permit nothing to iutcrfere with the accornl)lisliln~llt of his purposes. To his King, the (Ircatcr I)avid, 1~ IIOW snys : Thou shalt break them witli a rod of iron ; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potters v~ss~~l.1s. 2 : 9. 34Clearly this seems to bc tlic due time wlwn Jehovah nil1 rise ~1) and nsqert himsrlf, as hc did In brhiilf of his people at Mount Ictxzini and (:lbcoii. Surely tlic propliccy shows that wc arc at the tlmc when Jehovah will cause his hail to sweep away the rcfugc of lies, and his waters to overflow the CIICIIII~, disclosing their wicltctlncss, and this to bc followctl by his \vork of destruction. But how Can it bc said that such would IJc Jchovah s strange work or btratigc act? The fact that Jehovah fou:bt the battle in behalf of his king David would not bc at all strange to David, because David knew that hc was an instrument in tbc hands of Jehovah to deliver the Jsraelitcs out of the cnrmy s hands. Certainly David knew what is rccordctl in 2 Samuel 3: 18, to wit: For the Lord hnth spolccln of David, saying, By the hand of my servant I)avid I will save my people Israel out of the hand of the Philiatines. Davids inquiring of the Lord what he should do is further proof that ahat took l~lace was no surprise to David, but does show his complctc confidence in Jehovah. For these reasons the work of Jehovah upon the Philistincs was not at all strange to those who wcrc devoted to God. To the Philistinc~s, however, it must have seemed very strange, for the reason that they had carried on against the Israelites for years to suit their own pleasure and they had done so by permission of Jehovah, and now to have Jehovah cause thrm to be stricken by the Israrlitcs, and completely routed, would seem l>assillg strange to them.




*Mark how well the prophetic picture fits the reality of the present time. For a long Chile the Roman Catholic Hierarchy has had its own way. It is the most powerful organization under the sun, and its power and iniluence is exercised in every land on earth. The membcrx of the Hierarchy are heady, high-minded, auStcrc, and scornful men. The Catholic Hierarchy is comparatively a small body of men; but the great multitude of Catholic people that support the organization are not members of the Catholic church, but arc called children of the church or Catholic population. The IIicrarcby numbers its population or adherents by the millions. The IIierarchy now is desperately attempting to destroy Jchovahs witnesses, that there may be no hintlrancc whatsoever to continuing its work to control the affairs of the nations of the earth. The Ilierarchy confidently expects to shortly rid the earth of these pcctifcrous witncsscs, and on cvcry hand they arc heard to say, in effect, that this crvwd of Jehovahs witncsscs will \Vlicn tlic time comes, lmwcvcr, for not last hug. Jehovah to rise up as he did at Mount 1er;lzim and at Gibeon, and to cxprcss his rigtitcous indignation against his cncmica tllilt have pcrsccutcd his chosen people, arid when tie brings about the downfall of the Homan Catholic ilierarchy, that will bc so wonderful, so unusual, so trc~mc~ndous so complctcly forcgn and to what lias cvcr bcfoI~2 c9mc to ~mss,that millions of pcoplc who have been atlhcrcnts of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy will esc*laim: llow strange that God should destroy that organization ! Tlicy will see that the work is not the work of man, but must bc the work of the Almighty; and it is to such that this work will It may be confidently expected, seem strange. thrrcfore, that the survivors will say, in sulx3ta.ncc: How htran,oc that this mighty organizntion, which for centuries has acted as the reprcscntative of God and Christ on earth, sl~uld now be destroyed by the Lord! It is foreign to anything that has ever come to pass, and WCcannot un(lcrstand it. 111~ work of ?Jc110Nlh hrrc mcntionod will iIpIK%r Stra~lne t0 rWry one only tll(JX WV;11 UllWI10 UOlS 11ut ullclcl~~l:lll~l 11, itlIt dc~ta:ld it ~110 111~ \rl~olTy dcvotcbd to Jt~l10vah aild his kin?rclom. To the anoint~~d .J(~!~ov;~lls work will liot appeilr at all strange, for the reason that they have been instructed of the Lord by his \\or(.l as tn and, liavliig been instructed, what shall c0111c to IS, they follow his Word :~nd oI)cy his commandments. They now have the information that Jehovah is going to destroy the wicked Roman Catholic Hierarchy, and they know that Jehovahs purpose will be accomplished.-Isa. 46 : 11. 87All over the earth now the faithful are being persecuted 1~y the Roman Catholic Hierarchy. This persecution is so terrible and powerful that the faithful know that no human power could successfully resist the wicked organization. Anyone not having full confidence and faith in God and his promises would not

dare tell the truth about the wicked organiz::tion of the Hierarchy, but the faithful have taken their staid wholly on the side of the Lord and Him tlrcy will serve, and not man. They know that their God will intervene in their behalf. They know that the Roman Catholic Hierarchy is the Devils chief risible agent on earth and that God will search out and &troy all his enemies, including the 1Iicrarchy. ITavin!: this knowledge and assurance from the Word of (iod, lhe faithful with confidence pray God to hasten the day when the enemy shall perish from the earth, and they continue with joyful words to sinz Jehovahs praises, knowing that the cncmy can do nothing worse than to kill them. The salvation of Gods pcoplc hc will accomplish by the hand of the antitypical I)avid, Christ Jesus, the Moved One of dchovah, and the great King says to thcsc faithful allointcd ones: 13~ thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee tlic cro\\n of life. (Rev. 2 : 10, A.R.V.) The anointed, tllcrcforc, coufhlently rest in the promises of Jchoval~, and forthat rC3SOn t/icy rcjOicc ill thC tri)JUhtion th:lt COIIlCS

upon them bccausc of their failltfulncss. Sccs~ny the fulfillment of Jehovahs prophc:+s, and Itno\\ in: th:lt his King is un the throne and at the tcmplc for jurlqmcnt, they loc~lc up and lift up their hca~ls, bceausa they know that the day of dclivcrance is ilt hut~l.WHY?

38Why would Jclrovah rise up and smite the Iliifistines, scciug that they had by flim IJCCII pcrniittcd to have dominion over the Isrilclitcs for ycai*.~1TheHLIII~C quest ion may IJC Il~k~d, and the SiIIllC illI-

swcr given rclalive to the motlern Philistinrn, the Roman Catholic Ilicrarcliy. The Pliilistincs wcrc prlvilcgcd to bc in tlx land that God had assiqled to Ills cliosen pcoplc, and they tried to thwart Ciotls ])lll]NJV.? to set up his typic;11 kingdom t hcare. Likewise for (Y~IIturics the Roman Catholic Ilierarcliy has brcn huflcr~d by Jehovah to occupy the place of his pcoplc on cart I1 and has assumed to occupy the favored ~~I:lcc of Jchovah; at the s~111lc time it vigorously attrmpts to prcvent Jchovabs carrying out his purpose cwccr~~ing his faithful ad anointed ones and concerning the setting up of his kingdom. It acts with revcnyc and cruel hatred against all who arc dcvotcd to ~Jcho~h. No one can be fully and intelligently serving Jchovilll without opposing the wickedness of the Roman Catholic Ilicrarcliy, and hence tlicy arc hated by the Ilif~rarchy. Lou g after the ancient Iliilistines as a nation were destroyed Cod caused his prophet to write the prophecy in answer to the foregoing qucstiou as to why he will rise up, and that answer is ~cv~~dcd in these words, to wit: Thus snith the Lord God: Kccause the lliilistincs have dealt by rcvcng?e,and ha\c taken wn~c;lncc with a dcspitcfnl heart, to clcsl;oy it for the old hatred ; therefore, thus snith the I,ord cictc!, Behold, I will stretch out mine hand upon the I%iIl+ tines, and I n ill cut off the Chcrethims, and tl~;t r(j) the remnant of the sea coast. And I will CSCYU:~~ yrc;lt

ZEBRUARP1336 1, vengcancc upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the Lord, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them. -Ezek. 25 : 15-17. 8* From the time of Isaac the ancient Philistines opposed Gods people and ill-treated them. From the time of the antitypical EsaacSatans agents have persccuted Jesus and his true followers. Particularly have the Roman Catholic Hierarchy opposed and illtreated Gods chosen people. (Gcn. 2G: 15-22) It is the decree of Jehovah, written long after the ancient Philistincs as a nation had ccascd to exist, that hc would destroy the Philistincs, and therefore without a, question of doubt tfle prophecy rcfcrs to the modern Philistines, the Roman Catholic Hierarchy and all of its conspiring lords. The day of tflc destruction of that wicked institution, the Roman Catholic Ilicrnrchy, is at hand. And I will cut off the inhabitant from Ashdod, and him that holdcth the sccptre from AshfreIon ; and I mill turn mine hand against ISkron ; and tflc rcmnnnt of the. Pliilistincs shall perish, snith tfic Lord God. (Amos 1: S) For Gaza sf~nll be forsaken, and Ashkclon a desolation : they shall drive out Ashdod at the noonday, and Eliron shall be rooted up. Woe unto tile inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Chcrcthitcs! the word of the Lord is against you ; 0 Canaan, the land of the Philistincs, I will even dcstray thee, that there shall bc no inhabitant. (Zcph. 2: 4, 5) The pride of the modern Jhilistincs shall cease. (%ech. 9: 6) The cotnbincd hypocritical and wicked refigionists shall bc destroyed, and this information is now given for tfic benefit. of tlic remnant and for the brncfit of the rJon;dafJs or great multitude.


and burn her with fire. For God hath inclined their hearts to do his purpose, even to esecute one purpose. (Rev. 17 : 16,17) (See Light, Book TWO, pages 80-114.) This is exartly in harmony with Isaiahs prophecy. Jehovahs storm of hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies and fully expose to all mankind the duplicity of the old whore, and her destruction shall precede the destruction of the beast and of the false prophet. (Rev. 19 : 19-21) The wicked modern Philistines shall be ensnared in their own work of their own hands.-Ps. 9 : 15,lG. (See also Yreservution, pages 139-143.) I1 Aside from what the Scriptures say, it would be presumptuous for any man to say how God will accomplish his work, his strange work, his set, his strange act. Whatsoever the means used by the Lord to accomplish this purpose, it will be the work and act of God just the same, even though he usessotne human agencies to accomplish his pnrpo~c, as he u~d David at Mount Perazim. Let tlic faithful now rest in the fact that just as certainly as fhc Roman Cntflolic Hicararchy is at the present time cngagcd in the pcrsc>cution of those wflo serve Jchovafl, just so ccrtnlnly ~111 Jcflovah rise up and smite tllc Roman Catholic Ilicrarchy to the dust. Therefore let the faithful f)roccrd with tflcir work without fear and rcgartllc~s of the arts of the wicked. C:od has shown that the lIierarchy is tflc Devils cflicf wicked, visible org:anizatioti, and hc has declared in no uncertain terms that all the Wielicd shall perish.-Ps. 145 : 20. * Armageddon is the worfi of Jehovah, bcc~ausc the. Scriptures emphatically so declare, that Ciotl will do (See ZJrcpnmtion, pngc 150.) his work at Armageddon by the hand of Cflrist JCWIS. w The Scrif)turcs srcm fully to support tflc conclu- The fact, however, that Jehovah by his prof)het speaks sion that the destruction of the rcligionisls under tflc of his work, his strange work, his act, his str;lng:c lrad of the Roman Catholic Hierarchy will bc the first act, repeating the words, seems clearly to indicillC part or the beginning of Armageddon. The Devil rc- two distinctive parts of Armaged(lon : (1) That which ligion mislabeled Christianity was first put for- accotnpli~hrs the destruction of hypocritirnf rcliKionward under the name of the Church of Rotne, out ists; and (2) that which accomplishes tflc ~mpfere of which grew the Roman Catholic JIicrarchy. Tflat destruction of all of Satans organization. Arma~c~dorganization is mcntioncd prophetically in the Scrip- don, therefore, as a whole is the work and act of Jchovah, but tflat part of Armageddon which he says is tures under the unpleasant, title of the great whore. There was a period of time when in the world there his strange work, his strange act, would seem was an organization known as Profcstat~tism, and clearly to refer to something that would af)peur to which opposed the Roman Catholic organization ; but many creatures as very strange. The final confhct about the time of the World War the Protestant (so would not appear to be strange, for the reason that called) organization ceased and went over, bag and all professed Christians have bectt informed by the baggage, to the Hierarchy, and now the entire lot con- Scriptures and otherwise of Armageddon as one great stitutes the great whore. This crowd of public time of trouble. gangsters and enrmics of God set up the Lcaguc of 4JBut now consider the fact that there is one great Nations as a substitute for Gods kingdom. Anything religious organization that has been kept protnincntly with them to turn the people away from Jehovah and before the people for many centuries, and which orhis King. These, pretending to stand for God, in fact ganization has repeatedly declared. itself to he the stand for and represent the Devil, and this whole special representative of God on earth and which milbunch composes an integral part of the beastly rule lions of people have been induced to believe is a diof the earth. And the ten horns which thou sawest vine organization. Such people are not esfjccting the upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall destruction of that organization. That great religious make her desolate and naked, and shall cat her flesh, organization is the Roman Catholic system, ruled by




its Hierarchy, and to which there is attached a Cathproved by the Catholic priest, is almost certain to conolic populntion of millions of persons. A11the nations tinue i:; ignorance conceruing Jehovah God. For this of Christendom tacitly admit that the Catholic rtasun, by means of fear nntl the precepts of men milChurch system is the representative of god, but, lions have been held in bondage and in ignornnce. of courstl, they do not understand which god. Now The grcut mnss of people thut support the Catholic when God singles out this particular Eoman Catholic church organization are in no wise members of the org:cnizotion nnd brings it into disgrace and humilia- church and have nothing whatsoever to do with the tion, 3s illustrated by uncircumcision and by cmerods government thereof, and arc dcsiprnatcd by the Ifierin the secret parts of the Philistincs, and then snccps archy, and as set forth in the publications of that oraway the refuge of lies under which the Ire the Ilord to his prumisc, swc:cp nxrny the rcfuxc of lies Mind which the lliernrchy hides, 3nd will thus O~ICJ~ the cycs dewritws the IionialJ Cilt hOliC 1I icrarrliy. Tllc qwltcst hypocrisy ever pmcticcd 3mongst men is that of all honest proplc to t lie truth. IIon& Catholics pr3(*licactl by the IIicmrcliy, ant1 tl~c end of such is will then enjoy the opportuliity of undorst:uidiiig ihe 3nnilrilalion. Snul I)ec,:lmc a hypocrite. (1 S3m. truth n11d will come to kuo\v thnt God 3nci his kingdom under Christ is the only hope of ihc human mtc. 15: l-23) JIG \\;LS IIliltlC king at the inst3ncc Of tllc With the Ilicrnrrhy tlis::r:lc~cd and dcstroycd thp hunpeople, 3nd he illustr3tcs those who were once in line for the kingdom but wcrc moved hy selfishncs.. that crt pcoplc, including the Cntholic poln~l:ition, will seek Zion, which is Gods organization. they mi::ht have pr1.401131 gain, and receive life ilIlll po~cr 31ld honor. (1 Snm. 8: 4-22; 10: 17-25) Whrn 4tlConcerning whnt took place at 1Iount Pcrazim the spirit of the Ilord dcpnrted from Saul hc nctcd 3.nd at Giheon, which marked the victory unllcr David, with t hc Philistincs in the continuous effort to destroy the record rends (1 Chron. 11: 17) : And t hc fnmc David, (:ods anointed. Soul seemsclcnrly to picture of l);lvitl went out into 311I:ln(ls; and the Ilord brouxllt the evil scrv3nc clilss, whom the Lord JCSUS de- the fcnr of him upon all mitions. IIcre 3:lein 1)nvid scribed. These were once in line for the kingdom. represents Christ Jcsuy the beloved of ,Jehovnh, and Mo~tl by selfishness, being rejected hy the Lord 3t the fear of ChriQ Jesus, the Greater Dxvid, clearly his temple judgment, these began to smite their fcl- means the rclcnse of millions of Catholic populalow Servnnts, and concerning such Jesus said: The tion from the bondage of the wicked IIicr;:rchy. This lord . . . shall cut him asunder and appoint him his calls to mind the words of John when on the isle of portion with the hypocrites. (Mntt. 24: 48-51) God Patmos. After he had Seen Gods royal organization will permit no one to successfully interfere with the he saw a great multitude; and now Jchovnhs people establishment of his kingdom under Christ. have been permitted to see a grent multitude and to understand the words uttered by John, to wit: After HONEST CATHOLICS this I beheld, and, lo, a grent multitude, which no m3n could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, 4sHonest persons hnvc often been deceived and led into a trap. The Catholic organization boasts to this and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the effect: Give us a child until it is seven ycnrs old, Lamb, clothed with white rob+ and palms in their and it will not depilrt from the Cntholic faith. A hands; and cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation child brought up in ilrnorance of God nnd of his Word, to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto and into the mind of which child there is instilled the the Lamb. (Rev. 7: 9, 10) The great multitude is teaching of men, the Cntholic doctrine, which is con- beginning to be manifested, and we are nssured the trary to the Word of God, and which child is con- day of deliverance is at hnnd, and many of this great stantly warned under the penalty of purgatory and multitude shall march away from the influence of the hell to avoid reading anything that is not first ap- Catholic organization. The people of good will of all




nations shall come and worship before the Lord, and shall glorify his name.-Ps. 86: 9. 67When that great multitude take a firm stand on the side of Jehovah God and his kingdom, and in obedience to Gods commandments continue to seek meeknes and rjghteousncss, they will suffer reproach at the hands of any and all of Satans agents remaining on earth, particularly those pictured by the beast and the false prolhet. They wiil suffer because they are companions of those who have been and are persistently announcing the kingdom of God under 9 Christ. (1Icb. 10 : oL-35) Let all who love God and his King now have full ;Lcjsurance faith that Jchoof vahs time to estnblish his kingdom is here and has begun and all opponents that the I)cvil can muster cunnot possibly prevent its coml~lete cstablishmcnt. Jehovah has demonxtratcd and plainly shown his IWOpie that soon he lvill rise up and fight the battles of his ~~coplcwho arc for his ltin::dom, and hc is certain to rid the earth of the Roman Catholic Ilicrarchp and all the representatives of the 1)cvil. The purpose of this is the vindication of ~Jchovnhs name, and by his I)rophct he says colic*criiing the in0lction of this ClYilStic I)unishmcnt upon tllc nlodorn Ihilistincs: AtId they shall know that I am Jehovah, when I shall lay IIly VCl~@;ltlC~ UpOll thWL--kk. 25: 17, 3 The Roman C;~thc~licIlicrarchy is now contlucting a vigorous campaign in all parts of the cart11 in its attempt lo force the pcoplc into tile Catholic organization. The Ilic*rarcliy is proceeding upon the theory that there arc just two g:lric!r;ll classes of IWOplc, to wit, Connnuni~ts ant1 l~onl:ln Catholic, and t lint all who do not line up with the Roman Catholic side are lllcrcfore ncccssarilv to 1~2 clnsscd as C!ommullisl:i Clearly this is the 1)rvils clYort to sol)aratc the proplo and r~hccltrnatcthe \voI*li that the JJord Jesus is doing:. Christ Jcsns is NJW scparatin~ the ~wrsons of good will, who arc called the sheep clas;, from those t lint are wicked, whom lx dcsignatcs as the goat class. (Alntt. 25: 32AG) The Devil, operating through the ltlicrarchy, is tryinK to offset tlio Lords work by sf~pRrating the people into the classesof Communists and Roman Catholic. MThe Roman Catholic Hierarchy and its political and financial dupes and allies have suppressed the WATCII TOW:R SOCIETY and confiscated its proprrty in the countries of Austria and Germany and other parts of , Christendom . It has recently caused many countries and states to enact laws for the purpose of suppression of speech and publication of the truih. It has caused many of the faithful to be persecuted unmercifully, ill-treated, and thrown into prison, and continues its wicked work. These modern Philistincs deal by revckngcand with a dcspitcful heart, and the Lords faithful people continue to suffer. Many have wondered why God permits this. Let none of the faithful be disturbed. Let all who love God and Christ Jesus now fully rest in faith and with greater deter-

mination than ever go on with the service of the Lord, knowing this, that Gods announced purpose to rise up and smash the cllcmy will soon take place and every one who continues faithful to the Lord amidst all the:? trials shall receive the everlasting blcsnng of JchovA Surely Jesus had in mind just such times when he said: UC that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. (Matt. 21: 13) Our God, whom we serve, will save and deliver his people to the honor and glory of his name.QUESTIONS FOR STUDY fl 1. Account for the Ph,tis:inrs remaininn in the land of . Judah. For Satans continung on cart6 aftrr being scntented to death. For the ruotlcrn IhAstmcs bcng lcrmitted to persecute tho~c who are devoted to Jehovah. For the rcrnarkalto uufnltlin rr of Irorhccv to Gods r,cr~r,lc at the pIv9ent time. VlliC? away from lllcni. (Isa. 65: 22) The oj,l)I(+ it sor and extortioner will not 1)~pcrmittcd tllcbn to ( perate. The conditions will bc favorilt)lc and ~~c~uital~lu and every one will liave a fair opportunity. I:utl~~r the righteous government of the Lord maI1 ~111not fear. lht thy shall sit every Illilll under his vine and under his fig tree ; arid none shall IlldiC tlwm afraid: for the mouth of the Lord of hosts hat!1 s!)oken it. -We. 4 : 4. Then the people will put away selfishness and learn to honor God. And what will be the result ? In Irovcrl)s 3: 9, 10 the answer is given: IIonour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase: 50 shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine. It must now be apparent to all who think soberly and honestly, that the prcscnt unhappy conditions can never be remcdicd by man. Ccntnrics of expericnc>c prove that with man such is impossible. When we g~a111 a knowledge of the reason for these distressing conditions and what is Gods remedy, then it is easy to see that the only way to have Inyting peace and continuous prosperity and security is by and through the kingdom of Jehovah God under Christ Jesus.

GXeWATCHTOWERRADIO[Current local time Is shown In each Instance.]CUBA

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The good news of the kingdom of 3ehovah is broadcasteach week or oftener by these and other stations at time slwwr~WTAD Su 9 :15am Quincy CMHD $31 2:3Opni We 2:30pm WDZ Su 9 :33am Spanish Su 12:OO nn Tuscola Su 1:50pm ARGENTINA Camaguey CJIJF Su 11 ::O:tttt Su 11:55am BahiaBlnnca LU2 We 10 : OOpm Santa Cl a CJIIII Su 11: l&m INDIANA (1st and 3d Sunduy~) Buenosh~res LR2 Su 11 :OOum Spanish Su 11:00:1m Indianaps WIRE SU 10:OOam LT5 Su 10:4Zam ChZUXl Su 7 :OOpm Su 4:OOpm Spanish Th 11 :OOam LV2 Th 7:15pm Cordoba (1st and 3d Thursdrcjs) IOWA Los Andes, San Juan C. Rapids &XT Su 10:OOam LV5 Hu 10:45nm LVIO Fr 8:ljpm Mendoea FRANCE LOUISIANA LTl Yu 10:l~nm Rosario Radio Beziers Th 9:OOpm N.Orleans \VDSIl Su 1O:OOam Radio Juttn-les-Pins Su 2:OOpm Su 6:00Jun (Cote d Azur) Sa 8:UUpm Shrevept KWKII Su 10:OOam AUSTRALASIA Radio Lvon Sa G:5Unm Su 5:3Opm su 1:30pttt Radio N&an-Vitus NEW SOUTB WALES MAINE TU 7:4&m Th 7 :45pm 2.AY Tu 9:45pm Albury Sa 7 :43pm Su 12:W nn Aurrusta WItDO Su 9:53am 2.ON su 7::wp Goulburn & 2:45pm su G:DOpm Radio Nimcs Tu 9:(1Opm 2-GF Tu 7 :3(lpm Graftou \VLIIZ \Ve 9:5hr1 Bangor -Gunncdah 2-110 Su 7:0111lrn We 1:2Sptn We 5:lUpm Z-XN \Ve 7:151m Lismore PARAGUAY New CnqtIc 2-111)Hu lO:~~l:ttn Asuncion MARYLAND ZP4 Su 11:45am Stt G:::Optn su 11:4optt1 Baltimore \VFI%R Su 1l:OOtam \Ve G:Zltllm su 4 :uuptn \vt? ti:15pm URUGUAY ?-UE Su 9:OO:tm Frrderic,k \VFIID Su IO :3O:tm Sydney Tnntwortlr 2-TM su 8:00p1Il XIontevitlco pttl Tucson Balhtrat KGAB Su Q::;ft,tm Min :tpolts\\ I)(;1 Su 9 :23atn 3.110 Hu 7:OOptn Bendigo su 2 :ooptn IYe 6::;llpm su 12 :5op1 Su 5:+1m 3.IIA St1 li:45[ Jltlrtlilrtrti KLTNA8ul1:15tm Yutna MISSOUR 3-11s Su 9:Ollptn IlorHItatn Su 12 : 15pm su 6:3Uptl Columbia KERU Su 10:3Iktm St1 2:~$1t Mclbourno :i*hti su 1 :3opt11 Yu 4 :3~pln 3 Sll Ho 7:15ptn Swin ilill ARKANSAS Kans. Cy K\VKC Su 2:Ott1etn Hot Spgs KT118 Su 10:15am su 7 :00p111 SU 8 :25pm WEST AUSTRAIAA CALIFORNIA Kalgoorlie (i-KG Su 7:OOptn NEBRASKA Hollywood KNX Su 10:15nm IFAIL su 7 :OOpl Perth KFXIi Su 9:31lam Su 7 :43ptn Lincoln su 4 :noJll Los Angrlcs KTM Su 9: 31;..n NEVADA BELGIUM Su 4:3Opm Rena stt 1 :25ptn KOII Su 10:30am Wallonitr-llonne Efipcranrc Oakland KROW Su 10:O~:ttn su 4 : 3opn1 Su 9:OOpm \\e 7:OOam (201.7tn) Su 2:OOptn su 7:O!)pnl NEW HASSYYIlIRE COLORADO Lacoma WLNII Su 10:30nm CANADA Colo Spt. KVOR So 10:30:1m Su 2:lOpm Su 7:lOpm Su 12:4Opnt Su 4:Ztpm ALBERTA KVOD su 7 :31tr !tl Denrcr NEW JERSEY CFCN Su 5 :45pm Cabry KPKA MO 9:Z.:,xn AtlanticCy WPG Su 10:OOam Grccley MO 1:OOpm MO G:25pm Su 2:OOpm Su 7:OOpm BRITISH COLUMBIA Kelownrr CKOV Su 1:45pm CONNECTICUT NEW MEXICO New Haven WELI Su 9 :5jam Albuq qtte ROD WC 11:45am NOVA SCOTIA su 4:~Opm Su 11:25am We 5 :25pm We 8 :25pm CJC!B Su 9:OOpm Sydney DISTRICT OF COLUMRIA NEW YORK ONTARIO Washington \VOL Su 10 : OOnm Brooklyn WBBH Su 9 : loam CKBZC Su 3 :OOpm Cobalt Su 1:Onpm Su 6:ljpm su 4 : 3opn Su 7 :BOpm Hamilton CKOC Su 10 :30am Brobklyu WLi13RSu 10 : l&m FJ,ORIDA Su 1:3Opm Su 8:OOpm MO 10 :3Oam Su G:30pm WQAhi SU 1:4jpm Miami Tu 10 :RO,un Tu 6::;Opm WDBO Su 10:3jam Orlando CHILE We 10 : 3Otam We G: 30pm Su 5:50pm su 12:30pn1 SanAntonioCEl35 Su 11:4Oam Th 10:3Oam Th 6:3Opm GEORGIA Santiago CEl31 Tu 9: ljpm Fr 10,:30am Fr 6 :3Opm Atlanta WGST Su 5:45pm Valparaiso CE Radio Wallace Buff alo WGR Su 10 : OOnm Su 12:15pm ILLINOIS Su ld:45pm WCFL Su 8 :0&m Chicago Buffalo WKBW Su 5:55pm CHINA Harrisb g WEBQ Yu 4 :&?\)rn NewYork WMCA Su 10:3Osm Tu 12:55pm Su 6:45pm Su 9:UOpm Tu 5:OOpm Bhanghai XMHA Su 8 : 15pm Caibarien

Philntlelphta WIT Su 7:O(lpm Pittsburgh RQV $11lO:lT,xm Tu X:IB:tm 111X:1&m Pittebgh WWIVSW 10:45am Su PO 9:OOpm Su 5:OOptnSOUTH CAROLINA


\VSPA Su 10:OOa.m 1:soptn Su 4:55pm


Chanoogn \VDOl) Su 9:BOam bu 1: 3upm Mu 5 :OOptn hlcmphis WIi13: Xu 9:4Uam su 4 :oop111 Su 10 :OOpm TEXAS Atttarillo KGNC Su 10:OOam Su ri:25pm su 2:3opm KHLl) hu lO:.ilhm Dnllns El Paso KTSlI ,?u 9: ltttttn so G:.:opl su 1:15prtt KXYZ su lO:Oll:1rn Iiouston S. Antonio KTS.I Su 10:45:tm Su 1:55pm Sn 4 :O$m UTAH Salt L. City KHL Su 10:45am Springf d \VXBX Fr 9:00:tm Fr 4:25pm Er 6 :OOpm VIRGINIA Petersbg WPllR Su 8:55nm Su 10 : 30atn Er 10 : 3ilntn Richmond WRVA Su 12:15pm WASHINGTON Seattle KIRO Su 10:25atn Su 9:OOpm Su 5:15pm KG A Su lo :(ctua Spokane su 1: oopm Su 5:55pm WEST VIRGtNlA Chaston WClIS Su 1:OOpm su 3 :00p111 Su 5 :Ol+n Wheeling WIVVA Su 10:O~:lm St. 4:30pm Su 7:OOpm WISCONSIN La Crosse \VKBlI Su 10:OOam su 1 :oopnt Su 7:OOpm Ma&son WIBA Su 1O:OOamVERMONT


%vATCH TOWER 117 Adams SkeetJ.


p. R~HIxwOI:D



And all thy children shall be taught of Jehovah; and great shall be the peace of Chy children.-llaiah 54:~~.THE SCRIPTURES CLEARLY TEACH THAT JEf1OVAH is tile only true God, is from everlasting to e\orlastmg, tllo Mnlter of heaven and earth and the (;lvcr of of life to his crentures; that tho Logos nas tho br;innin~ his creation and his nctivo ngcnt in the crenl~on of all things; that the Logos is now the Lorll JCMS Christ in glory, clothed with all pwvcr in heaven and earth, and the Chief Executive OiTicrr of Jehovah. THAT GOD created tho earth for man, crrntcd perfect man for the earth and pluccd him upon it; that man \~llfully disobeyed Gocl~ law awl was scntcnccd to df scrvatlt of Jehovah God, all of these sltccp bccomc a part of 011c fold under the Lord Jesus as IXUlW. 2D The Snntecompany of persons of good will arc also shown to constitute Ilic giwt tnultitwlc tlcscrilwd t iiincs upon him atid is not rcmowd. The coJidf211111;~iJ1 IX~VCI~~ iOJJ 7 : 3. T~OW ~OI*CS~I~~O\VCC~ 1)~ Jottaditl~, tiotl is rcmovcd from those W~JO do h(>ar att(l b(~liclve the gwat multitude, and the 01hw sIwcp. are nttd v;ho take their stalld 011 ihc side of God atld his all diflrtwit titles applied lo ottc and the wmc cl:~xs, Lor(ls iI11 Of \VllOlll if COJltiJlllillg ~;~~J::&~JIL Ilaving tul;cLJl their statid on ihe filit]IfUl Will tX fOt CWI 011 side, ~h?Jl the rcspoJtsihilily is Ltl)OIl SUCh to filitilfUlly The cJJtirc orgatJiz:~tiotl of Jchovalt God is the earth. wrve (lad and Christ Jesus. The rcspon~ibilily brzitt:; now bitterly opposed atttl pcrsccutcd by the wicked with the bcginttin~ of ktto\\lcd,qc of Jehovah and his 0Jws uJltlcr the Hcvils diJwtiort, and ~111 tliosc v:ho l~urposc; as it is written: As soott as they licar of flee to God and Christ and hrcotne a part ol the I,oi~tls tx, they shall ottey mc ; the strangers shall submit organization arc liatcd by the 1)cvil. Amotiy llio jhothcmsclw!s UJltO mc.-1%. 18 : 44. pie of the world who scrvc hclflsh intcrcsts att(l follow nor the 2 Jchu was a picture forc>,ltadov;ittg Christ Jews Ihe wicked ottc ncithcr the attoinlcd compa~ly grcitt multitude are desired. To all thaw who llave Class, \vho conand the faithful alld wise SCrVaJlt tlicir purpose to scwc Jchoval~, ant1 who have stitute ntctnlxrslti1t in the royal house. Almost all of siqificd the JlatiotJ of Tsrncl had rc!~udiatcd the covenant with put their Irust in Ilte Lord Jesus, God now spc:tks n11d (:od and llild gottc over to the Devil and Devil war- says : Catlicr yoursclvcs to@ her, yea, fiat her toship. Jchu was sent forth to csccutc those Devil war- gcthcr, 0 nation not dcsircd. (Zcp11. 2: 1) A separating work is now in progress, and the Lord Jcsnr shilws. In that lillltl there was a mall, OtlC Jonnd:ib, wl~o was not an Isrnclitc but who was of good will, at the fcmplc is conducting this separalittg. 1Vitticssdesiring io do right and to serve God. Jonadab ric- ing to the people is a part of this scpar:,iittg work, turcd a class of persons on the earth, aside attd scp- and these witttcsscs must give the warning conccrnin~ arate from the faithful and anointed servant cln~s, the day of the final csprcssion of Cods wrath upon the wicked one and his organization. Jehovah through alto dcsircd to serve the Lord. What Jchn met up with Jottadab he said to Jonadab, Is tltitte heart his prophet therefore further says: &fore the dccrcc right? and Jowldab answcrcd, It is. Jchu Uteri bring forth, before the day pass as the chaff, before said to Jonadab, in substance : Prove it by giving me the ficrcc anger of the Lord come upon you, before the day of the Lords anger come upon you. SC& ye the your hand and joining me in my cl,nriot, and conic Lord, all ye mcclr of the earth. which have wrought with MC and WCmy zeal for tltc Lord. (:! Ki. 10 : I,,,76) ; it There God caused a prophetic picture to be made forc- his judgment ; seek riglttcou~ncss, seek mwk~lcss shadowing a class of people who, since the coming of mcy bc ye shall be hid in the day of thr Lords attgcr, 2 : 2,3. the Lord Jesus, the Greater Jeltu, to the tetnplc, have -Zcph. met up with the faithful and wise servant class, soThis cottclusivcly prows that. bctwcctt the time of and which persons of good will desire to serve God, the beginning of judgment at t hc temple at111 lime the OliAt the birth of the man-child Jesus God sent his angel who declared to the witnesses thcrc present that Jesus is the Savior of the pcoplr, and quickly there followed the prophclic song of the heavenly host praising God, and saying: Glory, in the highest, unto (;od! and on earth peace, among men of good-will. (Luke 2: 14, RoCIl.) That message did not mean the bcgittttittg of Gods good will toward men, because the will of God is always good. It means that the men on earth the will of whom toward God is good shall have peace with God. Through the blood of Christ Jesus shed for the redemption of man these may come to God and bc at pcacc with him. The blood of Jesus was shed, not for the universal and arbitrary salratioJJ alld dCliveJ~illlCC of all men, but for the hcncfit of those who are of good will and who manifest that good will by scrvittg Got1alid Christ Jesus. All who do not votutit;rrily take this step must of ncccssity perish. This iu cottclusivcly proved by- the words written: 11~ that bclicvcth on the Son hat11everlasting 1iTo; and hc that bclicwth not the Son shall not WC lilc; but the wrath of God abidcth on him.-John 3: 36. z0When man hears the truth, ttic rcspottsibi1it.y is upon him to bclicvc and obey the trttllt. If he refuses to hear and belicvc llw truth, tlic wrath of c:od cool-

58 of giving the full expression to Gods wrath, a wide witness work must be done, and the privilege and opportunity of doing this work is entrusted to the faithful and wise servant class, and all who continue wise and faithful will have a part in this witnczs work. Such is a part of the kingdom intcrcs!s, and the obligation is laid upon the witnesses to carefully safeguard such kingdom interests. The witness work must be completed before the battle of the great day of God Almighty. The Lord demands of the faithful and wise servant class that each one shall acquit himself as a good soldier of Christ Jesus, prove his unfaltering love and devotion to Jehovah, aiid maintain his integrity by boldly proclaiming: the truth ~OKW. (1 Jolln 4: 17, 15) 11~ in this day of Gods makes this so positive and unequivocal that thcrc c,ln bc 110 doubt about it, awl he has caused to bc written that those who fail or refuse to obey the ronimandtrziit shall not live, but shall be dcstroycd.--Acts 3: 23. J1lindrr the lcnclcrship of Christ Jesus the faithiul mcambcrs of his bodv, dcsiqatcd as the bride, Wga!:c in pro~lnimittg the mc~,lge of tlic kingdom. I0 all pcisori~ of goof1 will the Sljirit and the bride say, Conic. i11id tct him that hcnrclli [thal is, tlic ofhcr clasxj say, sheep, the .Jonadab or ~r~;lt multitude Cornc ; alld Ict all others who thirst for truth and righteousnrss, alltl who beill:: of ~sood NilI t;liiC their st:~rd on 1hc sitlc of tlic Lord and bccomc Jo~iadabs, give the wtt1ct ;A1 such say, (!omc ; and all toxcthcr i~ws for ttic Itiii~dotn and nay to the IJCO~JIC tht ~lrosocvcr will may take his stand on tlic side ol tlw Lolcl a11d rcccivc the gift of life cvcrlasting.---l:cv. 22: 17.RGSPOSSII3lLITYin tlic I,ordn organization is thcrcforc unto (:od in prqmrtion to the knowlcdqc of autl collccrninc: the kingtlom, or which IiIlO\\lCd~l? by the rscrcisc of due ilili~cncc he mipht acqu i rc. For that reason tlx t,oril says to all who have taken their stitlltl on tl:ch side of God and Christ, ,Sock ri~hteonsncss, se& l:ly?!incss ; it may be ye shall be hid in the Clil) 01 t Ilc J~W.flsanger. Ttlcrc is Ollly one way to seek ri+tcousnc:, and that is to diligently SC& lo know und to do (;ocls appointed way. IIc is the rightcons and holy one: The law of the Lord is pcrfcct, converting the soul ; the testimony of the Lord is \urc, making wise the simple : the statutes of the Lord arc right, rejoicing the ticart ; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the cycs.--1s. 19: 7, 8. 33Guided by the pcrfcct law of God the conrccratcd cannot go wrong. To be thus properly guided the man must have a pure heart; that is, his heart must be right, free from selfishness, and his motive or moving cause must be to szrvc God and his King because such is Ihc right course to take. Therefore the Jlord says to such: Keep tlly heart with all diligence; for out of it prc thr i-*stlx of life. (Prov. 4 : 23) Kot only must t!lc motile I .z right when one begins to serve the one

1:p.ooJiLPs, x. T.

Lord, but he must continue to Icyil iiouc of the titil(t. Ji ?tIuch teas been given to both 1110s~ the lit 11~ of 01 noeli ) the anoiiitcd, and tlic great niullitrl~l.~ ?blUftl 11lOLC h:lS 1JCCU Clltl.ltSt(d :O tilt other sllcc~~. little flock, the anotlltccl, ant1 much more will I: b artcl is iiow d~nlaiidcd of tlicni by tlic I,ord. lhtlr tll(s Ii1 [IIS flock, the a,lointcd comp;ttIy, illld tl)C c:rcZlt ~ll~lli it llr!( must now bc dilig:cnt in the study of Gods 1Yot~l a11(1 in bcariny testimony of the truth to olllctrs :l~ the) have optwrlunity. Jrho~alls WITIICWCS, little liOC*k, the multitutlc COtll~~d~ly l*ll.lbt and the Jouadab or grCi\t walk together and work hilrm0niously logct her. It iq the duty of the anointed to rcmlcr aid and comlrxt and cncoursgcment to the Jonadab class. ,111 of t i~cw then must be faithful and true to the IA I tl against them is the Dcvii and a11of his rcl)rcWut:~l I\ ci. Thcrcforc ttle grcatcr il(wSSity for dt those \vhJ ::I(! on tlte Lords side alld in his organization to sl and firmly togcthcr, dwelling in pcacc, atid \vOrhtl;~ barmoniously, and making h1o~1~ to others tllilt Jc:Io~.~~I is God, Christ is King, and the kingdom is hcrc. 3cLet no one for a moment co:~clutlc that hc c:i:i discharge his rcspon:~ibilit~ to God by rudely tal\it,< his stand on the side of Jehovah and his kinp(lom. lli,lt first step tic must and dots t&c of his own voliiiu