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Home WorldCapital and Starport is at Lyubovport, and offers

good quality services including spacecraft

construction, starship overhaul and refined fuel.

The world’s population is 9,000,000.

Technology is in the stellar mainstream, capable

of building and servicing large starships. Fusion

power is standard and laser weapons are the

weapon of choice for the armed forces. The

local military is equipped to the standards of 

the Imperial Army.

Government is by a single leader enjoying the

confidence of the citizens. The Imperial

bureaucracy agonized over whether this world

was a charismatic dictatorship or a religious

dictatorship, finally settling on a charismatic

dictatorship since religious tolerance exists to a

greater degree than in most religious


The social outlook of the people of Lyubov is

harmonious and conservative but a noticeable

technological drive exists. The planet’s

technology is solidly in the Imperial

mainstream. While not an overly militaristic

society, Lyubov maintains a powerful military

and the people are quite accepting of the use of 

force to protect the world and defend their

neighbors, especially against the depredations

of Chaos. Lyubov is a world open to off-world

contact and visitors are treated well; however,it is also a conservative and well-ordered

society so visitors are strongly advised to not

violate the social or religious mores of the


Law Level is moderate - light assault weapons

prohibited, but otherwise the right to keep and

bear arms is universal for adults. Broad civil

liberties exist although biblical law defines thedefinition of what constitutes a civil liberty.

Freedom of expression of political opinion is

broad but tolerance of heresy, blasphemy,

indecency and obscenity is rather low.

Local Cultural Idiosyncrasies include married

women covering their hair when in public, men

will cover their heads with some sort of hat or

cap at all times. Children’s names come f rom

deceased relatives or cultural heroes.

Professional matchmakers arrange marriages

with input from parents and the parties

involved – divorce is possible but rare.

Psykers are criminal, the exception being a very

small caste of religious scholars whose ethics

are beyond dispute. This caste comes under

scrutiny, however, to prevent corruption.

Witchcraft (unauthorized psychic activity) is

punishable by death.

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Details of Lyubov

Equatorial Diameter  11,220 km 

Mass  0.64 

Density  0.955 

Orbital Eccentricity  0.2 

Axial Tilt  25° 

Surface Gravity  0.82g 

Escape Velocity  9.55 km/s 

Bond Albedo  18 

Orbital Period  336 days Terran


Rotational Period  23 hours 58 minutes 

Avg. Mean


280° Kelvin (7° Celsius) 



0.91 bars 

Atmosphere Type  Standard, Tainted 

Atmosphere Notes  High Oxygen (29%) 

Hydrographics  65% 

Greenhouse Effect  10% 

Population 83,000,000

Major Cities 10 (avg. 5,000,000)

Government Type Charismatic


Head of State Tzar-Tzaddik

Head of Government Tzar-Tzaddik

Other Branches of Government

Executive, Judicial(Douma Council)

Source of Legislation Tradition/Judicial

Technology Level Stellar Mainstream

Primary Name Sabex

Primary Type G0v

Orbital Distance 0.946 au

Stellar Mass 1.05 sol

Stellar Luminosity 1.00 sol

Tectonic Plates 4

Tectonic Stress



Highest Point 6147 m

Notable Volcanoes 6

Table 1: Planetary Details

CULTURE AND SOCIETY You can never know true cold until you have

lived through a Lyubov winter. The chill seeps

into your joints like a trickle of ice water,freezing their motion and shivering into your

very soul. Even when the sun spreads through

the deep gray blanket of clouds, it· does not

warm you. The rays shine blindingly white from

snow-covered trees, and the world seems like a

tremendous forest of spun glass. When the

winter has reached you, truly covered you in

ice, you feel as though you may never know

warmth again… 

The world of Lyubov lies in the Eastern Fringe of 

the Galaxy. The further east one travels from

Terra Prime, the fainter the Astronomicon

grows and the weaker the Imperium’s grip

becomes. Societies conform less and less to the

Imperial norm. Lyubov is one such world.

The winters of Lyubov are cruelly long and

harsh and the land is gripped and for months by

snow, blizzards and ice. The townships of 

Lyubov are of timber because stone is rare and

only the most important of the cities have stone

buildings and walls. In the ancient capital city of 

Lyubovhive the massive white buildings are

topped by vast gilded domes and decorated

with golden statues and gargoyles. An old adage

is that Lyubov is a poor world filled with rich

people. It is certainly true that the people that

live in this beleaguered land have an outlook on

life that strangers often find surprisingly

positive. For Lyubov is under constant threat of 

invasion. Armies of savage Chaos Reavers often

venture to Lyubov, raiding and pillaging, and to

make matters worse Lyubov lies right on the

border of the Satyressia Wastes, so that any

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clustered around Babushkas (affectionately

called Bubbies literally "dear grandmothers")

for stories and discipline, elder brothers went

with their fathers to tend to the horses andhunt and women took care of the harvest and

home. The entire family eats, sleeps and

worships together in the same small house.

Little is sacred to dour Lyubov humor and

Lyubov folklore often reverses the family image

(as does much of Lyubov humor). One fairy tale

tells of a clever farmer who posed a riddle that

the tsar could not answer. He told the tsar that

of the money he made from crops, one-fourth

went to taxes, one-fourth went to pay debts,

one-fourth was loaned and one-fourth was

thrown away frivolously and yet all his family

were well-off. The Tsar understood paying taxes

but was confused by the rest and asked the

farmer to explain. "It is easy." replied the

farmer, "feeding my father is repaying a debt,

feeding my son is making a loan, and feeding

my daughter is frivolous!" The point of the story

is to mock the concept of the worth of a

daughter  – originally to dissuade the Chaos

occupiers from taking an interest in the women

of Lyubov, as a matter of fact women are

considered extremely valuable since one’s

religious and cultural identity is inherited from

one’s mother. Among certain circles of Lyubov

nobility, young women remained in private

rooms until adulthood, and did not circulate



Lyubov is cold and large; each village could find

itself alone for months during the long winter.

As a result, Lyubovs developed a strong

tradition of hospitality. The Izba (homestead)

providing an island of shelter amid the dangers

of the wilderness has being likened to the oasis

in Arabian culture. All visitors, without

exception, were welcomed with food; Muzhhiks(free peasants) offered bread and salt to

visitors, and proffering a place by the stove was

the highest expression of a peasant's good will.

The same standard, albeit on a grander and

occasionally more pompous level, applies to the

wealthy Boyars who were expected to lay out

feasts and open their bathhouses to their


The Lyubov are tremendous gift givers,

commonly exchanging tokens, and other small

items. Lyubov give presents to guests, to those

who wish to conduct business, or as a transfer

of small tokens of generosity. This is an

ingrained tradition, and visitors to Lyubov

ignore it at their peril.

Many times an ambassador found himself 

turned away from a boyar's home simply

because he bore no token of esteem for his

host or host's family. The best gifts have some

small rarity or value: sketches of one's home

country, small porcelain or semi-precious

statuettes, useful household trinkets such as

kitchenware or knives, children's toys or

clothes, picture books, and any truly practical

items. Gifts also "grease the wheels" of any

negotiation; for instance, to encourage

someone to listen to a political proposal. Many

Lyubov give gifts as a way of asking someone to

be their host for the evening - a sort of reverse

invitation and it is very poor form for a guest to

come empty handed when invited.

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Everyday Life

Lyubov villagers lived and worked as extended

families. The men gathered each day at dawn to

tend the livestock, prepare furs for shipment,build and rebuild houses, gather honey, harvest

crops and perform other such duties as a group

working together for the landowner. While not

strictly feudal, most Lyubov peasants owe a

debt of service to somebody, often by contract.

When not working Lyubovs gather and drink,

typically mead or vodka, and sang and danced.

The drink available depends on how poor the

peasants are: Kvass, a weak beer, usually the

cheapest drink that peasants often make

themselves: mead (fermented honey) is the

"common" beverage; and moshka, when it is

available, is adored but it tends to be more

expensive than mead. Often these gatherings

take a religious veneer with the local priest

lecturing on religious topics  – such gatherings,

known as Farbrengen, are exceedingly popular.

Inebriating visitors as a form of greeting is

popular; drinking also honors great Tzaddikim

(saints) on the anniversaries of their passing.

Several festivals and feasts occur annually in

Lyubov: celebration at the arrival of winter,

celebration at the arrival of spring, celebration

of the Liberation, weddings and more.

The warm months are a time of backbreaking

toil as the people work feverishly to produce

sufficient food to see them through the long

winter. After work, peasants had barely enoughtime for food, religious observances and sleep.

After the harvest when the rivers are icebound

and travel is treacherous, work comes to an

abrupt halt and Lyubovs spent much of their

time finding amusements until the spring thaw.

This summer-winter cycle is common on many

worlds of the Imperium but in Lyubov it was

extreme. The time for planting and reaping isshort and winter brings death to the



The Lyubov peasant diet is hearty if somewhat

monotonous. Most people eat little meat unless

they own sufficient livestock, although due to

good pastureland what domestic meat that is

available is of good quality. Lyubov cultivates

large amounts of grain, a common peasant dish

is a wheat porridge called kasha. The grimmuk

(red wheat) of Molhyna province, so named

because the heads turn a deep crimson when

ripe, is used in baking Molhyni "blood bread".

Nearly every family keeps a cow or a goat but

they are more prized for their milk than their


Most Muzhiks have meat only on the Sabbath

day with weekday meals consisting of a stew

called Cholent made from cabbage, beans,

onions, garlic and occasionally meat or fish

scraps, served with a dense rye bread. Most

Muzhiks grow turnips, onions, garlic, rhubarb

and cucumbers (which are often pickled). The

forests provide mushrooms and berries that are

gathered and dried: rivers supplied fish. If the

peasant had any livestock, he would have milk:

beekeepers had honey. Fairs bring spices,

coffee, tea and other luxuries to the rural areas

but only twice a year.

In cities, more varied fare is available owing to

the large markets. A wide variety of meats,

vegetables, spices and even coffee were

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Divine Emperor, he brings revenge for the

deaths of the faithful over the ages. He is Hand

of The Divine Emperor, the coming of the end of 

the age, and the beginning of the fall of manand the establishment of the Kingdom of The

Divine Emperor.

Malal’s Prophet will oppose this Messiah, says

the Lyubov Faith, whose coming is marked by a

time of Great War. The old ways will fall to the

new, and the domains of man will split into

great nations. The seals of The Divine Emperor

will open, and reveal countless mysteries. To

the Lyubov, Malal’s Prophet is a figure of fire

and devastation; the end of the world and the

return of Malal and her children. How

destructive Malal’s Prophet will be is a function

of how faithful the Lyubov are to the faith – the

greater their faith, the less powerful Malal’s

Prophet will be. Lyubov have no love for those

who encourage Malal’s Prophet's coming, and

they will sacrifice their lives to prevent anyone

from aiding his power.

Growth of the Faith

In the early years of the settlement of Lyubov

and through the dark days of the Occupation,

the Orthodoxy acted as one of the few unifying

factors of the people. Pavtlow, Kislev and

Somojez were universally Orthodox, and Rurik

soon followed. Although the Orthodox faith

took longer to spread through the provinces of 

Veche, Molhyna and Gallenia, the easy

conversion from the old ways to the new faith

prompted a wave of religious building across


By 600M36, nearly all of the primary cities had

at least one major cathedral, and all of the

nobility came to the Faith. Oftentimes Lyubov's

political structure wavered; her belief in the

True Faith did not. At the head of Lyubov

Orthodoxy stands the Patriarch, who servesmany as the local Ecclesiarch. The first Patriarch

was Ilya Belafustus Pascov, who left behind his

name when he ascended to become Menachem

the First (since that day, three other Patriarchs

in history have taken the name Menachem, to

follow in his path of unification and rebirth).

Menachem the First proclaimed that each

provincial lord would assist him in appointing

two Lectors and an Archlector in each of their

respective provinces. Beneath the Lectors standa variety of lesser priests and scribes, scattered

across the country and through the major cities.

The Orthodoxy makes quiet efforts to elevate

Lyubov’s spiritual leaders over the Lords of the

Duma, increasing the power of the Orthodox


In Lyubov’s current political climate, the

Orthodoxy hopes to establish a strong clerical

rule. There are those in Lyubov who would

gladly transfer power from the Tsar to the

Patriarch, but the Patriarch has discouraged

such talk as he has no desire to provoke the

Tsar with whom the clerical establishment has

enjoyed a convivial relationship since the

Liberation. The Orthodoxy has funded the

construction of majestic houses of worship and

academies patterned after Imperial

ecclesiarchal architectural advances. Academies

play a tremendous role in their greatest service,

apart from their purely is providing rudimentary

education to peasant and nobleman alike. In

addition, academies still record and chronicle all

the major historical events in the life of the

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Lyubov people - both muzhik and boyar. Lyubov

scribes have translated famous and influential

works of literature into Lyubov, and spread

knowledge of various theological, historical andliterary works. Even today, records in Lyubov’s

academies provide the most concrete

information on history of Lyubov, Orthodoxy

and the Imperium, unedited and undamaged by


The Old Ways

Although the majority of Lyubov revere the

Orthodox Faith, Lyubov faith is often complex

and difficult to understand. The same muzhiks

that go to services each week and know their

prayers by heart whisper of ancient gods -

calling them, perhaps, by the names of the

Angels. The pure worship of nature, in the form

of Matushka, and the land still exists in Lyubov,

particularly in the mountains of Veche, Gallenia,

and the northern marches of Molhyna, and

flourishes beside the Orthodoxy in those

provinces. Matushka has become a political

symbol  – Mother Lyubov  – masking her past as

a goddess of the indigenous people of Lyubov

who Terran forces conquered during the Great


Illicit Cults

Matushka herself is a revered figure within the

Orthodoxy as the personification of Lyubov and

of the Divine Grace that rests upon this blessed

world. She is at once the Sabbath Queen, the

manifestation of Divine Grace and the Avenging

Angel who protects Lyubov. However, there

some who confound her with other figures that

heretics worship in secret, often beneath the

cover of Orthodox religion, by those who do not

follow Orthodoxy. Travelers through Lyubov

may find remnants of the pagan faith still

lingering, particularly in uneducated or

uncivilized muzhik towns far from the

civilization of the Pavtlow in Lyubovhive or Siev.Some of these pagan religions are harmless

delusions, others are half-remembered versions

of the Imperial cult but a few are insidious

Chaos cults that the Maccabees hunt down and

extirpate with fire and sword wherever they can

find them.


The mystic nature of Lyubov has no face, yet

those who break Mother Lyubov’s rules find

themselves devastated as certainly as any who

cross an Imperial Inquisitor. On Lyubov, all

woodlands are the same – Matushka's Forest. If 

you enter one and grow lost, you may emerge

anywhere on the planet, dozens or hundreds of 

miles away from where you began. The trees

whisper in the night wind, and if you do not

walk straight through the forest, you will lose

the path. This is not mere peasant superstition -

it is fact. The forests grow fast and quickly

obscured trails, her people are the trees and

the animals, and they live within the forests and

the mountains, awaiting the next naive visitor.

The Dibbuks still roam the countryside, the lost

souls of those who entered the forest, grew

lost, and never returned. Gehenna, the land of 

the unlamented dead, waits in the Mountains

of Smoke, hidden from prying mortal eyes.

Sometimes spirits escape the underworld and

search the mountains for a wanderer that they

can condemn to take their place in the rolls of 

Gehenna. If they succeed, their spirit becomes

free, and the poor mortal never returns to the

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land of the living. Be careful what you believe.

Mother Lyubov is listening.

Orthodoxy and the Chazaks

In 334M41, Sergius of Radonezh left his

Academy at Siev in order to follow his own

quest to bring the Chazak people into the fold

of the Lyubov Orthodoxy. It took over 40 years,

but in 381M41, the leader of the northern

Molhynan Chazaks rode with his family and

tribe to Siev to convert formally to the

Orthodoxy. Though most Chazaks give only lip

service to the Patriarch, they can be as fervent

as the most fanatic Lyubov when it comes to

matters of faith and religion.

Witches and Psykers

Open displays of psychic power are exceedingly

rare on Lyubov. Witchcraft is strictly illegal and

those laws are vigorously enforced. The people

of this world suffered greatly under the 2000

years of Chaos occupation. Many of the people

of Lyubov can trace their families back to the

rebels that went into the badlands to resist the

vile invaders. The authorities take Exodus 22:18(Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live) very


As a result, any public display by a psyker would

be the source of conflict. Heretic practices are

strictly illegal and those laws are also vigorously

enforced (Deuteronomy 18:10-11: Let no one

be found among you who makes his son or

daughter pass through the fire, who practices

divination or sorcery, interprets omens,engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is

a medium or spiritist or who speaks with the

dead.. ) At the very least, the local priest and his

students would arrive to denounce the pagan,

and a duel for the burghers' attentions would

result, with invectives flying. The winner of 

these conflicts was almost invariably the priest

who would soon have the backing of localsoldiery. The pagan would most likely be

tortured to death or simply executed on the

spot depending on the political climate.

Law and Punishment Execution for crimes other than murder, rape,

kidnapping, witchcraft or heresy is rare on

Lyubov. The Lyubov are famous for the high

premium they place on the value of human

lives. When the courts order an execution

carried out, it tends to be by firing squad or

hanging with the condemned buried the same


The exception is heresy  – Chaos-worship and

witchcraft are such serious crimes that the

offender is tortured and killed in an

exceptionally brutal manner, with methods

varied depending on the tastes of authorities

and the degree of the crime in question but

most jurists regard painless deaths merciful to

the point of unfairness. Unlike common

criminals who are human, albeit deserving of 

death, witches and heretics are seen as

something other than human and their remains

are not buried immediately but are left for

several days as a deterrent to those who would

follow their dark paths.

In general, law on Lyubov is restitutive ratherthan retributive. A thief must pay a fine equal to

double what he stole; if he cannot pay, the

court sells him into slavery to pay his debt. It

seems a waste of honest people's bread to

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imprison him. A thug must pay restitution to his

victim and endure a flogging. A murderer

carried the death penalty. Crimes against

property require financial penalties whilecrimes against the body carry corporal

punishment (as well as financial penalties).

There are no prisons on Lyubov, only jails to

hold criminals until trial and execution of their


Social Classes

Kholop – Slaves

A slave is not necessarily miserable - his lifestyle

depended entirely on his master. A slave is a

person, not an object, whose master owns his

work. The master has to feed, clothe and house

his slaves in the same manner in which he lives.

The slave of a very rich man could live better

than a poor freeman. Lyubov law protects

slaves against abuse (any injury done to a slave

that draws blood, breaks a bone or a tooth or

caused permanent injury is cause for the courts

to manumit the slave immediately without

compensation to his owner)

Lifetime slavery applies only xenos or

foreigners, Lyubov citizens may sell themselves

into slavery but for no more than a term of 7

years. When the Lyubov economy suffers

common workers and gentry alike have sold

themselves into slavery. Of course, if these

slaves ever changed their minds before their

term of service was up, they were stuck (or

forced to "go Chazak"). The law places a

minimum on the amount a man could sell

himself for to prevent abuses! The majority of 

Lyubov slaves were house stewards and

workers, but slave concubines are common

among the wealthy  – though only a foreign

woman could serve as a concubine, a Lyubov

woman marry by her master or his son but sheimmediately became free at that point. If a man

had children by a female slave, they receive no

inheritance but are legally free upon the death

of their father.

Muzhik – The Free Peasants

The life of a muzhik, or peasant, was a product

of his own hard work and ambition; with a little

luck, a peasant's family could live as well as a

landowner. As social class, the peasantry is

mutable; a muzhik could save money and

become a landowner himself.

The muzhik is not a serf bound to a specific lord

and plot of land. If the landowner for whom he

toiled was unfair or required too high a

percentage of his crops, he simply packed up his

family and moved elsewhere. Out of necessity,

successful landowners are on good working

terms with their muzhiks. The peasant needs to

grow crops to feed his family; the landowner

has land and rents it to the Muzhik for share of 

his crop. Greedy landowners could find

themselves without peasants!

Chazaks – The Free Steppelanders

The Chazaks are hard to place in the social

hierarchy, they are freemen but they also live

outside the norms of society. They live a

nomadic lifestyle, following their herds across

the Taiga and raiding each other (and the

occasional town) when they can.

The Chazaks are the remnants of the Attilan

regiments that invaded Molhyna province over

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a thousand years ago during the Occupation as

part of a failed attempt to liberate Lyubov.

Although considered Lyubov, they owe little

loyalty to the Tsar or his Duma. They rulethemselves, keeping their own lands and rarely

bothering to pay taxes. The Chazaks are

dangerous, self-reliant, and rebellious. They

rarely travel outside of Molhyna province, and

the inhabitants of other provinces consider

them lower than even the basest Lyubov slaves.

Figure 1: Chazak Girl in traditional costume

Tell that to a Chazak’s face, however, and you

will not have time to apologize before he cuts

your throat. The Chazaks eat a good deal of 

meat, tending herds of cattle or goats wherever

they wander. They are masterful horse

breeders, and trade their stock for Molhyni

grain and liquor (they brew a drink of their own

from goats' milk that, while nauseating, packs a

significant punch). The Chazaks live in leather

tents, lacking permanent structures. The idea of 

building things from brick and other materials is

new to them, and they have little skill in this

regard. They have taken to living in the

deserted buildings of the Molhyni they have

driven away.

A year ago, a Chazak Khan named Jyrgal

Timurbek overthrew the powerful Verkhotov

family and proclaimed a Chazak nation,

Chazakia, on their lands. Timurbek based his

claim on the largely dubious evidence that this

area was a former homeland of his people, who

the Gilead drove off during the liberation 200

years ago. No one knows the exact nature of 

Timurbek's "proof”, but it has led him to claim a

swath of land from the southern tip of Lake Vigil

to Bear Lake, framed on the south by the fork in

the Volog river. Regardless of the legitimacy of 

the claim, Timurbek appears to have tapped a

vein of latent nationalism in the Chazaks. A half-

dozen other tribes have united to back his

claims, and the non-fighters of the tribes are

doing the unprecedented; settling down. They

have planted crops and raised food, while

Timurbek has begun issuing laws for his people.

Chazakia gives the distinct impression of a

newborn nation.

Unfortunately, while the Chazaks ride the

euphoric wave of nationalism, the native

Molhyni fare less well. Centuries of hostility are

bearing bitter fruit in Chazakia, and the new

majority has heavily persecuted the local

Molhyni. Refugee trains constantly stream out

of the region, swelling the populations of the

surrounding provinces. Many have fled to

Siadivgorod, and others have gone south into

Gallenia. On the positive side, Timurbek's

attacks have slowed considerably. Now that he

has a nation to rule, the wily raider finds the

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responsibilities of governing quite time

consuming. His subordinates, however,

continue to raid nearby communities. He hopes

that by showing enough force, he can keepChazakia intact long enough to allow the nation

to survive.

Timurbek has petitioned the Tsar for

recognition as a house minor and admission to

the Duma with the representatives of the other

seven provinces. As a token of goodwill, he has

detailed 10 regiments of Chazak roughriders to

the Tsar’s army and has offered to pay taxes to

the Pavtlow in return for royal recognition of his

claims. Grand Duke Vladimir Drakov of Molhyna

has opposed Timurbek’s petition, of course,

leaving the Tsar with a thorny problem. While

House Drakov has been a loyal supporter for

generations, the Chazaks are simply too

powerful to be dismissed. The Archduchess of 

Gallenia has proposed that Timurbek’s eldest

child, his daughter Reka, marry Drakov’s son

Vladimir II and merge the two houses making

Molhyna a binational state – Timurbek Khan has

expressed interest in the idea if power sharing

can be worked out. Some suggest that the

Drakovs give the Gospodar Steppe to the

Chazaks as their province even though that

would require some painful concessions.

Kulaks – the Middle Class

Lyubov’s economy thrives on trade, Lyubov

timber, ores, manufactured goods, weapons

and spices fetch good prices on other worlds

and since Lyubov’s agricultural sector alone

cannot support the population such trade is

vital to her well-being.

The mercantile middle-class, known as the

Kulaks, dominates live in the cities. Like the

Muzhiks of the countryside, the Kulaks are a

mutable class with particularly successful Kulakssaving enough money to advance themselves to

the Boyar ranks and establish themselves as

major trading houses with the rest of the


Boyars – the Nobility

The Boyars are the wealthiest merchants and

landowners of Lyubov, they are the social

superiors of all but the provincial princes and, of 

course, the Tsar but they do dominate the local

political scene of most settlements. The Boyars

are the minor houses of Lyubov and are direct

vassals of the Tsar. Within their own territories,

the Boyars are sovereign - they range from

petty despots to enlightened rulers who try to

emulate the Tsar.

The most influential Boyars sit in the Duma or

Advisory Council, by invitation of the Tsar

where they can voice their opinions on the

issues of the day and lobby the Tsar to enact

this or that edict. As the senior political leaders

of Lyubov they bring important experience and

knowledge to the table and the Tsar is wise to

heed them but their counsel is not binding on

His Majesty.

Besides the hereditary nobility, there is a class

of Service Boyars; they are long-service Civil

Servants, military heroes and other people who

have rendered extraordinary service to Lyubov.They are elevated to the nobility by decree of 

the Tsar. (Such Service Boyars also tend to

dilute the power of the hereditary Boyars since

their positions are entirely dependent upon the

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pleasure of the crown and their loyalty is

directly to House Gilead rather than to a local

minor house)

Below the Boyars are their noble retainers - the

Bogatyr or Gentry - these are wealthy families

with feudal obligations to their noble superiors.

Tsar – Royalty

The Tsar-Tsaddik is the current head of house

Gilead, whose forebears lead the resistance

against the Chaos hordes that occupied Lyubov

for over 2000 years. Lyubovhive  – the largest

city on the planet and the surrounding

provinces are the direct domain of the Tsar. The

Planetary Defense Forces (known as the

Strelets) are directly answerable to the Tsar and

come from across Lyubov but most of the

officer corps come from the cities of 

Lyubovhive, Erengrad, Praag or elsewhere in the

Capital Province of Kislev.


White Clergy are the urban priests who tend to

the great Synagogues and lead the greatacademies. They generally hold the more

politically influential positions within the

religious hierarchy. Their duties include keeping

the standards for weights and measures,

overseeing oaths, collecting tithes and housing

members of the lay community in times of 

crisis, (the heavily fortified and reinforced

synagogues of Lyubov are a legacy of the

occupation and make excellent shelters in times

of natural disaster or military crisis).

White clergy are respected and very often

wealthy; Lyubov nobles tithe vast amounts of 

money to the religious establishment,

particularly to "yes-men" who pander to them.

The clergy (and their wives!) are sometimes on

a social level equal to that of the petty nobles

and wealthy landowners.

Although the clergy (with the exception of 

sextons) are immune to conscription priests are

often soldiers as well and many such fighting

priests become heroes. The most famous of 

these military orders are the Maccabees  – 

followers of Matisyahu of Nidom, a hero of the

resistance, who lead a guerrilla campaign

against the Chaos forces that once held much of 

Lyubov. Notable for their long black coats, hats,

white shirts, gloves, and the large power-

hammers they carry, these priests stand in the

middle between the White and Black clergy.

They lead religiously motivated troops in a

never-ending war against Chaos and its

followers. Any witch or chaos-follower who

finds themselves in the hands of a Maccabee

has truly been abandoned by the Dark Powers.

The hatred of Chaos of these zealots knows no

bounds. Ironically, the Maccabean Order also

requires its adherents to be able hospitalers

and many of the priests of this order are

Masters of Physik as well as able warriors. The

Maccabees are well respected for the hospitals,

orphanages and other charitable institutions

they operate. These institutions are considered

part of their war on Chaos since charity is a

requirement of the Law, it is the antithesis of 

Chaos and as they fight it on a physical level on

the battlefield, so to do they fight on a spiritual

level with good works and acts of kindness to

their fellow man.

Black Clergy tend to be closer to the people,

teaching and guiding the common man,

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accompanying the army to war, collecting and

distributing arms and advocating for the

ordinary man before the nobility. Some

members of the Black clergy are, as a result,wildly popular and wield considerable political

power  – sometimes greater than that of their

White ‘superiors’ in the religious hierarchy.

Black clergy are often prolific writers,

expounding on esoteric meanings of the

scriptures and the deeper hidden meanings

behind the stories and moral tales therein.

GOVERNMENTThe ruling house of Gilead is lead by his Most

Pious Majesty, the Tsar, who functions as both

the religious and secular leader of the

government. Through long tradition, genuine

belief and well-inculcated values, the Tsar

Tzaddik is typically a genuine, albeit extremely

focused, philanthropist who works to insure the

safety and well-being of his subjects.

The government is not particularly heavy-

handed as enforcement social mores are

matters of indoctrination, self-policing, and

following the Tsar Tzaddik's example to prime

virtues. The stories of the Tsar Tzaddik and his

predecessors see publication in comic format

and the virtues of the ruling houses are extolled

daily in the state run media. It also saturates

children's stories and popular entertainment.

Law is a matter of tradition rather than

legislation; as a result, there is no legislativebranch of government. The application of the

law is in the hands of a Supreme Judicial Council

whose 71 members serve for life after

appointment by the Tsar Tzaddik. There is an

advisory council to the Tsar Tzaddik, which lacks

any law making ability but can offer advice and

forms the leadership of the civil service

executive. This council, the Duma, is composedof two tiers. The upper house is called the

Senate and is composed of the Boyars of the

minor houses of Lyubov, the lower house is

called the Burgesses and is comprised of leading

citizens of the world. There are seven members

of the Senate (one from each province and the

Tsar's representative as the Grand Duke of 

Kislev), the number of Burgesses varies as the

Tsar or the Boyars can appoint members.

Concern for others, charitable giving, and public

works are primary virtues. Those failing to live

up to this society's high standards face pity and

re-education. There are halfway houses for

those trying to work their way back into society,

maintained at government expense. Extensive

state-sponsored charities provide for medical

care, housing subsidies, food subsidies and

education. Taxes are relatively high, but largely

the citizenry support the status quo, as the

standard of living is also high.

Criminal justice tends to be restitutive rather

than retributive. Thieves are required to repay

their victims twice what they stole rather than

face incarceration. Those who cannot pay are

forced into indentured servitude (either to the

victim or to the state) to repay their debts.

Assaults result in flogging and restitution to the

victim for injuries caused. Murder, rape,

kidnapping, slaving, heresy, blasphemy and

treason are capital crimes. Two witnesses to the

actual crime are required for a conviction.

While the legal system is simple, judges have

some limited latitude in its application. A great

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deal of genuine justice prevails in the courts of 


There are few limits on emigration; however,

strict reguations apply to immigration.

Immigrants are required to learn the language,

laws and legal system prior to gaining

permanent resident status. Residents can

become citizens after a seven-year residency

and passing certain civil and religious tests.


The House of Gilead is also called the House of 

Lyubov, successively Lords of Enosh, Counts of 

Davion, Counts of Araman, Counts Chalcedony,

Imperial Counts of Hoosick Fate, Imperial

Counts of New Home, Dukes of Urian, Imperial

Dukes of Gallil, Imperial Dukes of Lyubov; junior

titles include Barons Aravayeen, Barons Simeon,

Barons Corak, Counts Gamnonides; distaff titles

include Barons Zimran, Lords Medan, and

Counts Lahairoi. The House of Gilead claims

descent from the biblical heroes, Shimon and

Levy; their actual descent, however, can only be

proven from the time of the Great Crusade.

Early History

The first mention of a Gilead in historical

records occurs in Camille de Bry's The Great

Crusade: A Popular History, which drew on

eyewitness accounts, diaries, surviving

documents, and oral tradition to produce a

rather lurid rendition of the heroic struggle

between man and machine. Bry's work

mentions one Saul Gilead, Governor of theBrunig District, who was assassinated about

875M30 while defending the Pax Imperialis

before the rioting masses. The location of the

"Brunig District" was not mentioned by Bry, and

has not been found by later historians, leading

some to speculate that the incidents (and the

person) were invented by an overactive


It is certain that Daniel Gilead participated in

the Battle of Zimaway as a junior officer, serving

with the soon-to-be emperor's forces in the

struggle against the last of the Schismatic

States. Daniel Gilead enlisted as an Auxiliary in

the Sixth Dark Angels Legion, which represented

a number of the planets in the Calaban Cluster.

Daniel was made a gunnery officer on the ship

HMS Lucien, and assumed command of his

vessel early in the three-day battle after all the

senior officers were killed. During one phase of 

the battle, when Sulaiman al-Hajj Kunaitra

threatened to turn the Emperor’s left flank after

the desertion of Commodore Abulurd Al’Farius,

Gilead rallied the Imperial forces, and

spearheaded a desperate attack that took

Kunaitra by surprise. Kunaitra's command ship

was heavily damaged, Kunaitra himself killed,

and communications disrupted.

Most military historians point to this action as

the key turning point of the struggle. Gilead was

ennobled after the coronation as Baron Enosh,

and was given large estates on the planet

Enskog in recognition for his services to the

Imperium (914M30).

Daniel Gilead had three sons; Saul (born c.

915M30.), Ephraim (born c. 917M30), and

Samuel (born 919M30); from these three mendescend all the branches of the House Gilead.

Saul succeeded to the Barony on his father's

death in 38M31.; Ephriam Gilead was ennobled

as Baron Aravayeen in 957M30 during the wars

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of expansion conducted by Henry I, Lord

Glimmerdrift: Samuel Gilead became Baron

Simeon the year before he died, in 989M30.;

Saul's son, Daniel II, was further ennobled in994M30 as Count Davion.

The family fortunes fell, however, with the

onset of the Horus Heresy; Alman al’Haig (a

captain in the Alpha Legion) brought a bill of 

attainder before the Sector Lord Glimmerdrift

Harmond I by, accusing Elias Gilead of 

supporting the exiled Emperor's forces; but

Alman himself was assassinated before the bill

could be acted upon. Sector Lord Harmond II

restored Elias Gilead to his estates by and

reconfirmed in his titles. Elias's son, Daniel IV,

was murdered by shortly after his accession in

184M32 (by suspected cabals loyal to the Alpha

Legion), and the Gilead lands were redistributed

as Lyubov descended into anarchy.

Thomas Gilead was instrumental in restoring

Sector Lord Edward II in 207M32, and received

the title Duke of Jaddua and a fiefdom, both of 

which Alman Al’Farius IV attainted in 346M32,

when Thomas II Gilead was executed. Akiva

Gilead successfully petitioned for restoration of 

the County of Davion before the Sector Regent

Hendryck Abbot in 381M32.

Middle Years

Between its establishment and the middle of 

the fifth Imperial millennium, House Gilead

produced many sons and daughters who gained

fame from their unique talents, flamboyantactions, or spectacular vices. This entry sketches

only a few of the most noteworthy. The most

prominent member of the family during the

first millennium of imperial rule was Aaron

Gilead, son of Count Saul III, who was

instrumental in settling the differences between

various branches of the local noble Houses,

thereby preventing the Glimmerdrift fromsliding into total anarchy.

In the year 603M32, he persuaded Harmond III,

who ruled the sector with the title of Protector,

to step down in favor of Andrew I, the son and

heir of Cyrus I Lord Glimmerdrift. Concentrating

most of the power in his own hands, Aaron

Gilead set about reorganizing the Imperial

government and reestablishing the principles of 

The Lex Imperialis.

Thus, what had been a government of personal

rule, with all its attendant chaos, became a

Hierarchy. The Sector Lords’ seat was merely

one source of power counterbalanced by the

Landsraad, which regularly scheduled meetings

for the first time, and the Guild Mercantile and

the Houses of the Navis Noblite, previously

dealt with through the Sector Lord now had to

contend with the new council. The Sector Lord’s

power was further diluted by making him

responsible for his actions to the Archducal

Family. The Archducal Household (the

immediate relatives of the reigning Archduke),

the Imperial Cousines (offshoots of the

Archducal Household, distaff members of 

the Family, and collateral houses), and the local

Astartes Chapter Masters (whose daughters

often became royal concubines) controlled and

balanced the Archducal Family in turn.

For his contributions to Imperial rule, Aaron was

named Count Araman in 635M32, and was

given the hand of Andrew Corrino's daughter,

Princess Salusa, thereby making him a member

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of the Household. Thus began the long and

close association between the two houses.

Count Simshon II Gilead (ruled 681-715M32),

Aaron's son, maintained the family grip on the

imperial power by having himself named

Chancellor by the Landsraad; he was murdered

by Ivan Al’Farius while making love to one of 

Ivan's twenty-four mistresses. Count Daniel VIII

Gilead, younger brother of Simshon, succeeded

to the family estates, but distinguished himself 

only as a sportsman and hunter, taking little

interest in imperial politics.

His grandson, Samuel IV, was renowned in hisday as an advocate of art and music which he

supported by subsidizing performers on his


The Reign of Blood and the Gilead Revolts

In 267M36 during a rupture within the Astartes

forces known as the Reign of Blood, an Astartes

captain of the Draco Legion named Feyd

usurped the sector throne, killing all close

archducal relations and suspending theLandsraad. Two of the Gilead counts, Daniel IX

and Shaul II, attempted to organize resistance

to Feyd's rule, and were quickly branded as


The now-rebel Astartes of the Maccabees

Chapter joined a hastily organized Gilead force,

and attacked Feyd's homeworld, Ibleam III. The

arrival of the Imperial Fleet reserves during the

course of the battle, doomed the revolution,

and Daniel, his son Saul, and Shaul's son Isaak,

were all killed. Shaul Gilead was attainted,

stripped of all titles and lands, and condemned

to death on sight. Count Yaakov Gilead,

representing the third junior line, was banished

from his estates; Baron Yonaton Gilead, of the

House of Gilead Aravayeen, was executed for

high treason, his son Samuel being sold intoslavery; Baron Shalom Gilead was forced to

cede half of his lands to the Imperium; Lord

Alexander Gilead was dismissed from his

imperial posts; Lady Dina Gilead was sent to an

Imperial brothel for one year; and several

Gilead children, including Yonah Gilead, were

apprenticed to tradesmen and sheepherders.

Baron Andreas von Wikkheizer received the

main Gilead fief of Araman, Shaul Gilead fled

beyond the bounds of the sector with the last

survivors of the Archduke’s House, including the

recognized heir, a five-year-old grandson of 

Archduke William II. From the edges of known

space they conducted intermittent running

battles with the Feyd’s forces, with very little

gain. Shaul was killed in 304M36 during a

surprise attack on rebel headquarters; his

underage son, Alexei, escaped with the heir,

Duke Charles. Lord Feyd I died in 351M36, as

secure on his throne as any previous ruler had

been. His son and successor, Estil II, was a weak

and indecisive man, although not without

intelligence; the Civil War degenerated into

stalemate, with the rebels controlling the outer

worlds of the sector, the Sector Fleet controlling

the main trading worlds and the Navis Noblite

selling transport to both sides.

Yonah Gilead escaped his menial existence by

enlisting in the Estil’s forces under the name

Uulavar Treys, commandeering a ship and

selling it at Beta Coriolanus. There he bought

the assistance of the Spacing Guild for a

surprise raid on Ibleam III and IV that remains a

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Harmhab was soon deposed by a revolt of his

household staff; the surviving heir, Kenric IV the

Clever, ordered Harmhab to be planted in the

street up to his neck, where passers-by wereoffered the opportunity of sawing on his neck

with a piece of paper.

Kenric released Daniel from his public prison

and restored to his estate and titles. In his later

years, he became a gourmet of exotic foods and

drink; he would spend exorbitant sums merely

to sample an exotic dish, or would travel great

distances to obtain delicacies that could not

survive transport. He died at the age of 199; his

weight exceeded his age at his death by a factor

of five.

The Fall of Lyubov

The rebel Jieshi Is’Malal attacked Lyubov for the

first time in 609M38, shortly after the death of 

Daniel XVII. His son, Zalman I was a poet and

historian but he shocked the other noble

houses of Lyubov and the enemy both by

casting aside his meek ways and showing

himself to be made of tough stuff indeed. He

rallied the fractious planetary defense forces

and using his own well-trained army, repelled

the invaders from Lyubov. However, the victory

on Lyubov was a bright spot in an otherwise

dark time in the Glimmerdrift. During the 12th

Dark Jihad, Chaos forces overran much of the

Outreaumer Worlds. Lyubov falls but several

arcologies remain in Imperial hands, Chaos

occupiers are never able to consolidate their


Prominent during the occupation were such

Gilead as: the poet-Duke Shaul VII (died

829M38); Baron Manasseh Gilead Medan, the

"Great Librarian"; Naftali Gilead Aravayeen, an

expert on ancient weapons, of whom it was said

that he could put three shots into one hole at a

distance of 100 meters; Duke Ruvain II (died315M39), the finest gourmet of his time, of 

whom it was said he had "a palate given by the

gods”; Duke Uriah IV (died 401M39), who

outlived six wives, and died in the arms of a

seventh; Count Hillel Gilead Davion, who

invented three new knots, was a master of 

perfumes, concocting one entirely new

fragrance, and wrote an epic poem in Aramaic

on the history of his family; Duke Amon II (died

977M39), staged an abortive rebellion againstthe Sultan but was defeated when several

treacherous members of the local nobility

refused to come to his aid, and he was seized

and executed, but without forfeiture of his titles

or estates which were too well fortified for the

occupying Jieshi Is’Malal to take. 

Following Amon II’s defeat, the Gilead lords

maintained their independence from the

occupiers of Lyubov by playing one chaos

faction off against another. In 425M40 the

Gilead supported the Is’Malali demi-House of 

Hajus against the Slannesh-worshiping line of 

Iraleon. Duchess Rivka Gilead threw her

resources behind Fareed Hajus in 425M40, and

when several of the other Loyalist Houses

followed her lead, Fareed was acclaimed Sultan

the following year.

For her efforts, Rivka’s house was left in peace

and for a brief time the attacks on Davion and

Chaslov hives stopped. Her children, Fredrick II

and Alyssa VII, ruled jointly after her death in

477M40. Asher, the son of Alyssa VII succeeded

to the Duchy in 508M40. Asher's son, Nachum

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IV, was stripped of his titles when he was

implicated in an attempt of the life of Sultan

Walid II; a second such episode cost him his life

in 553M40.

The Gilead remained a thorn in the side of the

Is’Malali rulers of Lyubov over the next

millennium. In 705M40, they supported a

revolt, which the Sultan’s forces ruthlessly

crushed. The Gileadi were forced from their

estates in Davion, Chaslov, New Home and

forced into the hinterlands of Lyubov. Raising

an army from the people of the Zarra Uplands,

they continued to resist the Chaos overlords of 

their world even as most of the planet’s other

nobility fell into decadence and treason. For

centuries, the exiled Gileadi held out against

their oppressors, in time the Sultan ceased to

bother about the holdouts in the Uplands save

for the occasional terror raid to keep them off-


Re-contact with the Imperium and the

Liberation of Lyubov

In 355M41, raiders from the Gileadi resistanceforces seized several starships from the main

port at Lyubovhive. In a daring raid, they made

a blind warp transit (frightfully dangerous under

any circumstances) but managed to re-emerge

from the Warp in 752M41 (from their point of 

view they had been in the Warp for less than 2

weeks) and make contact with Warmaster

Achilus’ forces. The Warmaster detailed General

Andreas Carnhide to liberate the Outreaumer


Carnhide’s forces were able to achieve

planetfall with minimal losses because of the

landing zones already held by friendly Gilead

forces in the Uplands. With aid from the Gilead

clan and their allies and supporters, General

Andreas Carnhide liberated Lyubov in 777M41

after a lightning campaign that lasted less than90 days. The Imperial Duchy of that world was

awarded to General Elias III Gilead Lyubov in

recognition of his family’s unwavering support

of the Imperium during the occupation and

subsequent liberation.

The Outreaumer Worlds Today

The Gileadi have ruled Lyubov and the

Outreaumer Worlds for the 200 odd years since

its liberation from the forces of the Archenemy.

The current Duke of Lyubov is Manasseh IX, a

robust man for his 68 years. Archduchess Leah

is 10 years his junior. They have 12 children; Ari,

Sophia, Rachel, Zalman, Asriel, Dina, Elias,

Lazaar, Daniela, Shimshon, Hoshea, and Pinchas

thus the succession is reasonably secure.

Under the terms of the re-integration Lyubov

and her sister worlds in the Outreaumer are

guaranteed tolerance of their religious and

cultural autonomy in return for political

adhesion to the Imperium. For over two

centuries, the Imperium has kept its word and

Lyubov forces have assisted in the Defense of 

Piscina IV and defended the Imperium in the

3rd Armageddon War, in the 13th Dark Crusade

and the evacuation of Medusa V.

The Outreaumer is part of the Realm of 

Levantine, an autonomous state governed by

the Maccabees Space Marine Chapter. Also, likemost vassal states of the Imperium, the Empire

of Levant is internally independent and as such

doesn't agree with the Imperium on a wide

variety of issues.

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Regimental Headquarters and

Support BattalionThe organization of the Ice River Guards is

relatively simple: a regimental headquarters

(commanded by a colonel) with staff and small

headquarters company of about thirty troops,

and six field battalions and a support battalion

reporting to the command.

The regimental headquarters maneuvers in

three chimera troop carriers fined for command

functions; one is for the commanding officer,

while the other two carry the substitute

command post and the operations and

intelligence post. The HQ also has one Valkyrie

air assault carrier at its disposal for

reconnaissance and courier duties; it is normally

maintained and supplied

through the fighter


The support battalion

consists of several

independent, specialized

formations dedicated toproviding support and

other services to the

combat units of the


The Lyubov regiments are renowned for the

quality of their officer corps. It is said that it

takes the Lyubov longer to plan a strike than to

execute it. Lyubov officers are trained to view

their troops as extremely valuable Imperial

assets and that it is heresy to accept

unnecessary casualties. As a result, Lyubov

regiments tend to favor meticulously planned

strikes over the wars of attrition favored by less

well trained officers.

Lyubov regiments also tend to remain

operational longer than most Imperial Guardregiments because of their tendency to

preserve man-power and the policy of rotating

regiments home every ten years (when feasible)

to retire older soldiers, recruit new soldiers and

generally rearm and retrain the regiment.

Where return home is not feasible and

Figure 4: Regimental Organization

Figure 3: Lyubov Officer

Figure 2: Civilian Support

Recruiting Poster

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Figure 6: Prudentium

Or anization

permanent garrison on another world is

envisioned, the regiment will attach a civilian

support wing permitting it to establish a cultural

enclave on whatever world they are called uponto colonize. 

Munitorium (Quartermaster)


All military units

need supplies.


food, batteries,

fuel, medicalsupplies, etc are

all required to keep a unit in the field; these

needs become even more during combat


The job of the munitorium is to keep each

subordinate unit in the regiment fully supplied

at all times. The munitorium sections attached

to each battalion (q.v.) are charged with

insuring that these supplies are properly

disbursed to each company.

The headquarters squad consists of a

munitorium officer, typically a senior

lieutenant, known as the regimental

chamberlain who is ultimately responsible for

the disposition of the regiments supply needs.

The deputy commander, typically a junior

lieutenant, is known as the regimental cellarer

assists him in this. A staff of a vox operator

(typically a corporal), and 2 supply clerks and a

senior sergeant round out the HQ.

Each munitorium squad is commanded by a

sergeant and consists of a vox operator, 1 clerk

and 7 stevedores

in addition. 1st


squad is

responsible formunitions, 2


squad for

victuals (which

includes all

consumables except ammunition) and 3rd squad

is responsible for spares and replacements.

Prudentium (Intelligence) Platoon 

Military intelligence is a military discipline that

exploits a number of information collection and

analysis techniques. Areas of interest include

the operational environment, hostile, friendly

and neutral forces, the civilian population in an

area of combat operations, and other, broader

areas of interest. Intelligence activities are

conducted at all levels, from tactical to

strategic, in peacetime, the period of transition

to war, and during a war itself. 

Regimental intelligence is focused on

supporting operations at the tactical level, and

is coordinated at the regimental level. Briefings

are delivered to subordinate units on current

threats and operational priorities, subordinate

units are then debriefed to elicit information for

analysis and communication through the

reporting chain.

The HQ squad consists of a regimental

intelligence officer (typically a senior

lieutenant), a commissar as deputy commander,an astropath, a vox operator and three

intelligence clerks, typically one or two sisters

dialogi are attached though they are technically

answerable to the regimental chapel. Each

Figure 5: MunitoriumOrganization

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squad consists of an analyst (a junior

lieutenant), a vox operator, a cogitator operator

(typically a sergeant), a senior clerk (typically a

corporal) and six intelligence clerks. 1


squad isdedicated to electronic intelligence, 2

ndsquad is

human intelligence and 3rd

squad is a

debriefing/interrogation specialist unit. 

Mechanicum (Service) Platoon

The mysteries of the

regiment’s machines

and vehicles are the

responsibility of the

Magus Senioris, Magus

Magorus and their 10 adepts and 20 menials.

The mechanicum shrine of the regiment is

typically deployed well to the rear of combat

operations to insure that the tech-priests are

able to attend to their duties without undue

interference by enemy action.

Regimental Chapel

The Imperial

Army puts agreat deal of 

emphasis on

the spiritual

well-being of 

its soldiery. As

a result every

regiment has a chapel attached. In the case of 

the 18th Lyubov, the clergy attached are from

the Lyubov priesthood  – the chief priest of the

regiment is from the “Pious” or spiritual branch

of the Lyubov rabbinate. He is assisted by

several Maccabean or Warrior Priests and

preachers (and aspirants/aides who function as

support/menial staff), who exhort the troops to

acts of valor, tend to the emotional burdens of 

warfare, bury the dead and comfort the

wounded. They also seek alms from the soldiery

which are used to provide charitable aid tofriendly populations, gifts to the widows and

orphans of fallen soldiers or transferred home

to support charitable institutions on Lyubov

and/or her colonies. The charitable works of the

Lyubov regiments has made them very effective

at pacifying liberated zones and suppressing

recidivists in the areas they garrison.

The Central

Chapel consists

of the


chief priest, his

assistant priest

and four


Each field chapel consists of 2 Maccabean

Warrior Priests, 2 attendant preachers and 6


Regimental Admistratum Militaris

(Military Government) Platoon

The Administratum Militaris or Military

Government Platoon is tasked with maintaining

order, discipline and morale within the

regiment. The HQ squad is the Regimental

Commissar, his aide and 3 batmen who act as

clerks, drivers, butlers or other support roles as


First squad is the Regimental Commissariat  – 

the subordinate commissars and commissar

cadets assigned to the regiment along with

their aides.


Figure 7: Mechanicum


Figure 8: Chapel Organization

Figure 9: Admintratum Militaris

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Second squad is the Arbites Militaris or Military

Police. An Arbite Senoris, 2 Arbites Major and

10 Arbites Adeptus police and handle such

military tribunals as are needed within theregiment.

Third squad is the Regimental Band. The band,

of course, can function as a working marching

band but the Regimental Morale Officer, the

Drum Major and 8 Musicians of the band are

also highly trained media experts who produce

“inspirational media” for both the regiment as

well as the public where the regiment operates.

 Astropathic ChoirInterstellar


and often


with the

Imperial Navy

that supports

Imperial Army

operations are

impractical with

standard vox-

casters. A

specialist psyker

known as an

astropath fills

the role of long



specialist. The

HQ squad

consists of the Conductor of the Choir whose

responsibility is to monitor the psychic health of 

the members of the choir and inform the

regimental commissariat of any warp deviancy.

He is assisted by a commissar and 3 aides.

Each Chantry within the Choir consists of a

Cantor and 9 Astropaths.

It is common for an astropath to be assigned to

a company command platoon to facilitate

communication  – especially with naval forces

supporting the regiment’s operations. 




Attached to the

headquarters is a

long range artillery

section. Doctrine

dictates that artillery should never be held in

reserve. If needed, it should be committed. The

regimental artillery battery is available to

support any subordinate unit which needs it.

Each Artillery Battery consists of three vehicles,1st regimental battery is three Manticore missile

launchers and 2nd regimental battery is three

Deathstrike missile launchers, each supported

by a detachment of ammunition carriers to

keep the launchers supplied. The section is

commanded by a Senior Lieutenant, his

sergeant and three gunnery specialists. A junior

lieutenant and his gunnery sergeant assisted by

their six drivers and gunners, commands each

subordinate battery. 

Regimental Hospital

The regimental

medical section

Figure 10: Astropathic Choir

Figure 11: Regimental Artillery

Figure 13: Regimental Hospital

Figure 12: Astropath

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provides a centralized aid station and mobile

hospital for the regiment. The HQ is composed

of the chief chirurgeon, a triage officer, a

casevac controller, a pharmacon and asanitation control officer.

1st Ward is the surgical ward and has 3

chirugeons, 6 sisters hospitaller an 10 corpsmen

assigned. 2nd

Ward is the medical ward and also

has 3 chirugeons, 6 sisters hospitaller an 10

corpsmen assigned. The 3rd

ward is the casualty

evacuation ward. This ward has 3 Valkyrie air

assault transports, 3 chimera transports and 6

wheeled ambulances assigned along with their

3 pilot officers, 21 corpsmen and 12 field

medics. They retrieve casualties from the

battalion aid stations that require more

extensive medical care than the primary care

available in the field.

Regimental Airwing

The flight wing attached to the regiment

consists of a headquarters squadron of a wing

commander, his deputy (a flight commander),

and three spotters/commo specialists carried in

a Valkyrie air assault carrier. The fighting

strength of the wing are three fighter squadrons

of Vulture close support fighters, with pilots and

maintenance crews.

Each squadron consists of a HQ flight of the

Squadron Commander and his co-pilot, two

flights of three Vulture close support fighters

and a maintenance squadron of a tech-priestadept and 10 mechanicals.

Rifle BattalionsThe regiment has

three rifle battalions:

first, second, and

fourth, each

consisting of five

companies; three (3)

rifle companies, an

armor company and

an artillery battery.

Battalion Headquarters

The Battalion HQ consists of a command squad

with the battalion CO (typically a major), his

executive (typically a captain), the battalion

commissar, and 7 orderlies. The Battalion HQ is

issued 3 chimera APCs to carry it.

Also attached to the HQ unit is the battalion aid

station consisting of a medical officer, a triage

officer, a nurse and 7 corpsmen is also attached

along with 3 ambulances, their drivers and 6

cas-evac specialists. The role of the battalion

aide station is to provide medical care to those

troopers too badly injured to be treated on the

battlefield, referring more serious cases to the

regimental hospital.

Battalion Mechancus Shrine

Support for the battalion’s vehicles is provided

through the battalion mechanicum  – 1 magus

Figure 14: Rifle Battalion


Figure 15: Regimental Airwing

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mechanicus, 2 mechanicus adepts, and 8

menials. A chimera transport is assigned to

transport the mechanicum section.

Battalion Munitorium

Unlike the regimental munitorium, the battalion

supply depot is not a long term storage and

supply management unit. It simply requisitions

and distributes supplies to the battalion’s

constituent companies on a “just in time” basis. 

The Munitorium is 1 junior lieutenant and 10

stewards and 5 trucks that disperse supplies to

the subordinate companies as needed.

Battalion Artillery Section

Attached to the headquarters is a long range

artillery section. Doctrine dictates that artillery

should never be held in reserve. If needed, it

should be committed. The regimental artillery

battery is available to support any subordinate

unit that needs


Each Artillery

Battery consists

of three

vehicles, 1st 


battery is three

Manticore missile launchers and 2nd battalion

battery is three Deathstrike missile launchers,

each supported by a detachment of 

ammunition carriers to keep the launchers

supplied. The section is commanded by a Senior

Lieutenant, his sergeant and three gunnery

specialists. Each subordinate battery is

commanded by a junior lieutenant, his gunnery

sergeant assisted by their 6 drivers and


Rifle Company

Aleph, beth, and gimel companies are rifle

companies, and consist of three platoons each.

A rifle platoon is formed from three (3) rifle

squads of ten, a heavy weapons squad and a

special weapons squad.

Company Command Platoon

The rifle company commanded by a Captain

with a Lieutenant as deputy commander, often

a commissar is assigned as well. The command

squad will include a vox operator, and a heavy

weapons team as well as a vehicle driver and

vehicle gunner. The company color sergeant is

often issued a special weapon to provide

organic assault capability. The command squad

is mounted in a chimera troop transport which

also provides fire support to the platoon. A

heavy artillery liaison officer (HALO) is often

assigned to coordinate artillery support from

the battalion and/or regimental artillery.

Rifle Platoon

Typically the rifle squads will be assigned man-

portable rocket launcher and a squad assaultweapon (typically a flamer or a fusion gun,

colloquially known as a “melta” or “cooker”) to

provide them with some organic support

capacity. A vox-caster is also standard issue to

Figure 17: Rifle Company

Figure 16: Battalion Artillery

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a rifle squad. The squad is commanded by a

sergeant with a corporal as deputy commander.

A heavy weapons squad will typically be 3

binomial teams manning a laser cannon, a

heavy bolt gun, or a rocket-assisted mortar

(RAM). The squad is commanded by a sergeant

with a corporal as deputy commander.

The special weapons squad consists of 3binomial teams each issued a sniper rifle,

flamer, fusion gun or a plasma rifle. The squad

is commanded by a sergeant with a corporal as

deputy commander.

The platoon commanded by a Junior Lieutenant

with a senior sergeant as deputy commander.

The command squad will include a vox

operator, and a heavy weapons team as well as

a vehicle driver and vehicle gunner. The platoon

sergeant is often issued a special weapon to

provide organic assault capability. The

command squad is mounted in a chimera troop

transport which also provides fire support to

the platoon.

The platoon numbers 1 officer, 12 NCOs and 34

troopers with 1 vehicle attached.

 Armor Company

Daled company is a tank company and has

three platoons which are typically deployed in

support of the lift infantry companies. Each

armor platoon consists of three Leman Russ (or

variant) tanks. Each tank is a squad with a

vehicle commander and three crew members,

plus a platoon command tank with the platoon

leader, platoon sergeant and standard vehicle


The tank company is generally deployed as

platoons, with one platoon of tanks attached to

each company of infantry in the battalion.

Each platoon is three AFVs plus a Chimera

command vehicle and 1 officer, 5 NCOs and 14

troopers. The company fields 10 AFVs, 4 APCs, 4

officers, 18 NCOs and 40 troopers.

Self-Propelled Artillery Battery

Hay battery is self-propelled artillery, and

consists of three firing sections of 3 vehicles

each. First section is equipped with Basilisk

artillery carriers, second section with Griffon

Figure 19: Armor Company

Figure 18: Lyubov Guardsman

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 Figure 21: Self-Propelled Artillery Battery

heavy mortar carriers and third section with

Bombard artillery carriers.

A command element for each section consists

of a section leader, sergeant, and two

technicians. Ammo transport is attached as

needed. The artillery battery is generally held to

respond to firepower needs from the entirebattalion. In cases of heavy need, specific

companies within the battalion will be assigned

priorities for response by the battery.

Each firing section is three SPAs plus a Chimera

command vehicle and 1 officer, 5 NCOs and 14

troopers. The battery fields 10 AFVs, 4 APCs, 4

officers, 18 NCOs and 40 troopers.

Cavalry BattalionsThe regiment has two cavalry battalions: third

and fifth, each consisting of five companies;

three (3)

cavalry troops,

a reconnaissance company and a motorized

rifles company.

Battalion Headquarters

The Battalion HQ consists of a command squad

with the battalion CO (typically a major), hisexecutive (typically a captain), the battalion

commissar, and 7 orderlies. The Battalion HQ is

issued 3 chimera APCs to carry it.

Also attached

to the HQ unit

is the battalion

aid stationconsisting of a


officer, a triage

officer, a nurse

and 7

corpsmen is also attached along with 3

ambulances, their drivers and 6 cas-evac

specialists. The role of the battalion aide station

is to provide medical care to those troopers too

badly injured to be treated on the battlefield,referring more serious cases to the regimental


Battalion Mechancus Shrine

Support for the battalion’s vehicles is provided

through the battalion mechanicum  – 1 magus

mechanicus, 2 mechanicus adepts, and 8

menials. A chimera transport is assigned to

transport the mechanicum section.

Battalion MunitoriumUnlike the regimental munitorium, the battalion

supply depot is not a long term storage and

supply management unit. It simply requisitions

and distributes supplies to the battalion’s

constituent companies on a “just in time” basis. 

The Munitorium is 1 junior lieutenant and 10

stewards and 5 trucks that disperse supplies to

the subordinate companies as needed.

Battalion Artillery Section

Attached to the headquarters is a long range

artillery section. Doctrine dictates that artillery

should never be held in reserve. If needed, it

should be committed. The regimental artillery

Figure 20: Cavalry Battalion

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battery is

available to

support any

subordinateunit which

needs it.

Each Artillery

Battery consists of three vehicles, 1st


battery is three Manticore missile launchers and


battalion battery is three Deathstrike missile

launchers, each supported by a detachment of 

ammunition carriers to keep the launchers

supplied. The section is commanded by a Senior

Lieutenant, his sergeant and three gunnery

specialists. Each subordinate battery is

commanded by a junior lieutenant, his gunnery

sergeant assisted by their 6 drivers and


Cavalry Troop

Aleph, Bet and Gimel squadrons are cavalry

and each has three. Each cavalry squadron

consists of three Hellhound (or variant) tankdetachments. Each tank is a squad with a

vehicle commander and three crew members,

plus a platoon command tank with the platoon

leader, platoon sergeant and standard vehicle


The cavalry is generally deployed as squadrons,

attached to a company of infantry.

Each platoon is three AFVs plus a Chimera

command vehicle and 1 officer, 5 NCOs and 14

troopers. The company fields 10 AFVs, 4 APCs, 4

officers, 18 NCOs and 40 troopers.

Reconnaissance Troop

Daled squadron is reconnaissance and has three

squadrons that typically deploy in support of 

the motorized rifles companies. Walker squads

are three Sentinel combat walkers; the scout

squad is three Salamander scout vehicles.

The reconnaissance troop is usually deployed in

advance of the regiment to flush out enemy

infiltrators, reconnoiter enemy positions and

harass enemy forces. When armed with

lascannons, the recon troop can be very

effective in a tank-hunter role. When the troop

is deployed in support of motorized rifles, it is

generally deployed as squadrons, with onesquadron attached to each company of infantry

in the battalion.

Figure 22: Battalion Artillery

Figure 23: Cavalry Troop

Figure 24: Reconnaissance Troop

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Pathfinder Battalion

The regiment has one pathfinder battalion,which provides raider and special operations

capability to the regiment.

Battalion Headquarters

The Battalion HQ consists of a command squad

with the battalion CO (typically a major), his

executive (typically a captain), the battalion

commissar, and 7 orderlies. The Battalion HQ is

issued 3 chimera APCs to carry it.

Also attached to the HQ unit is the battalion aid

station consisting of a medical officer, a triage

officer, a nurse and 7 corpsmen is also attached

along with 3 ambulances, their drivers and 6

cas-evac specialists. The role of the battalion

aide station is to provide medical care to those

troopers too badly injured to be treated on the

battlefield, referring more serious cases to the

regimental hospital.

Battalion Mechancus ShrineSupport for the battalion’s vehicles is provided

through the battalion mechanicum  – 1 magus

mechanicus, 2 mechanicus adepts, and 8

menials. A chimera transport is assigned to

transport the mechanicum section.

Battalion Munitorium

Unlike the regimental munitorium, the battalion

supply depot is not a long term storage and

supply management unit. It simply requisitions

and distributes supplies to the battalion’s

constituent companies on a “just in time” basis. 

The Munitorium is 1 junior lieutenant and 10

stewards and 5 trucks that disperse supplies to

the subordinate companies as needed.

Battalion Artillery SectionAttached to the

headquarters is

a long range

artillery section.


dictates that

artillery should

never be held in

reserve. If 

needed, itshould be committed. The regimental artillery

battery is available to support any subordinate

unit which needs it.

Each Artillery Battery consists of three vehicles,

1st battalion battery is three Manticore missile

launchers and 2nd battalion battery is three

Deathstrike missile launchers, each supported

by a detachment of ammunition carriers to

keep the launchers supplied. The section is

commanded by a Senior Lieutenant, his

sergeant and three gunnery specialists. Each

subordinate battery is commanded by a junior

lieutenant, his gunnery sergeant assisted by

their 6 drivers and gunners. 

Figure 27: Battalion Artillery


Figure 26: Pathfinder Battalion

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Pathfinder Companies

Aleph, Bet and Gimel companies are

Pathfinders and each has three platoons. EachPathfinder platoon consists of a HQ squad and

three Pathfinder squads. The command squad is

comprised of a platoon commander (a

lieutenant), a platoon sergeant, a medic, a vox

operator and a special weapons trooper. Each

squad is comprised of a sergeant, a vox

operator, 2 special weapons troopers and four

additional Pathfinders. Pathfinders are typically

deployed as squads in support of infantry and

mechanized infantry companies.

Each platoon is 1 officer, 5 NCOs and 25

troopers. The company fields 4 officers, 17

NCOs and 77 troopers.

Reconnaissance Troop

Daled squadron is reconnaissance and has three

squadrons which are typically deployed in

support of the motorized rifles companies.Walker squads are three Sentinel combat

walkers; the scout squad is three Salamander

scout vehicles.

The reconnaissance troop is usually deployed in

advance of the regiment to flush out enemy

infiltrators, reconnoiter enemy positions and

harass enemy forces. When armed with

lascannons, the recon troop can be very

effective in a tank-hunter role. When the troop

is deployed in support of motorized rifles, it is

generally deployed as squadrons, with one

squadron attached to each company of infantry

in the battalion.

Each platoon is 12 walkers, three scout vehicles

plus a Salamander command vehicle and 1

officer, 5 NCOs and 16 troopers. The company

fields 10 AFVs, 4 APCs, 17 officers, 17 NCOs and

50 troopers.

 Air Assault Wing

The flight wing attached to the regiment

consists of a headquarters squadron of a wing

commander, his deputy (a flight commander),

Figure 28: Pathfinder Company

Figure 29: Reconnaissance Troop

Figure 30: Battalion Airwing

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and three spotters/commo specialists carried in

a Valkyrie air assault carrier. The fighting

strength of the wing is three fighter squadrons

of Valkyrie air assault carriers, with pilots andmaintenance crews.

Each squadron consists of a HQ flight of the

Squadron Commander and his co-pilot, two

flights of three Vulture close support fighters

and a maintenance squadron of a tech-priest

adept and 10 mechanicals.

 Arms & Equipment of the Ice

River Guards

Man-Portable Weapons

M41A3 Lasgun Assault Rifle 

The lasgun is

the standard-

issue weapon

for all Imperial

Guardsmen. It

fires a focused pinpoint laser bolt, which iseffective when used en masse, but considerably

less effective when used singly. However, they

are powerful enough to remove an unarmored

human limb in a single blast, although these

shots are individually not as effective against

durable alien bodies or heavy armor. 

M42E2 Longlas "Kentucky Long Rifle"

Sniper Rifle

The more powerful long las which is a termused to refer to lasguns modified for sniper

work, usually because they bear longer barrels

and range. These weapons also use

overpowered liquid metal batteries known

as hotshots, and have only one power setting.

This quickly wears out the barrels, which arereplaceable and good for about twenty shots


M78 Man-Portable Fusion Gun (Meltagun)

The fusion gun is a

commonly found

special weapon in

the forces of the

Imperium. The M78 fires a super heated burst

of hydrogen fuel. The discharge is so hot that

fusion has begun (but not hot enough for it to

be a superheated plasma like the M77 or M75).

It is typically used as an anti-tank weapon in

infantry formations. Common imperial slang for

fusion guns include meltaguns, melters, cookers

or vape guns. Fusion guns are a common sight

in Space Marine and Imperial Guard armies. 

M77 Plasma Infantry Gun

The plama

gun is acommonly

found special

weapon in

the forces of 

the Imperium. The M77 fires a super heated

burst of hydrogen plasma. It is typically used as

an anti-tank weapon in infantry formations. The

extreme heat generated by the weapon makes

the unpopular among Imperial Guard troopers.

It is rare to find the M77 outside of carapace

armored or power armored troops. 

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M75 Plasma Pistol

The plasma pistol is a

shorter-ranged, single-

handed pistol version of the

M77 plasma gun. It is most commonly carried

by officers of both Space Marines and Imperial


VP70 Bolt Pistol

The bolt pistol is a common

variant of the boltgun, and is

available to officers and

seasoned veterans of the

Imperial Guard - they are sometimes gifted to

Commissars, both for battling and to perform

field executions of those too cowardly for the

Emperor's service, leading to the weapon being

nicknamed the "Bravery Bolter". A standard bolt

pistol is capable of housing between 6 and 12

rounds of ammunition. Such weapons are oftenused by assault troops for Space Marines, the

Adepta Soritas, and the Chaos Marines. In

extended engagements, when reloading can

mean almost certain death, a drum-shape

magazine can be attached.

M4A3 Laspistol

The laspistol is the pistol form of 

the lasgun, and operates in a

similar way. It is suitable forquick use rather than firepower

or range, and is often used in conjunction with a

close combat weapon. Many laspistols have

power packs mounted in front of the pistol's

grip rather than within the grip itself, so that

heat from the power cell can be quickly

dissipated and the power cell quickly changed

when depleted. This also allows the laspistol touse the same power pack as the lasgun,

increasing the pistol's logistical flexibility. While

it is more likely to be hit when exposed and

cause a potentially debilitating explosion, the

likeliness of this occurring is outweighed by the


Laspistols are carried primarily by Imperial

Guard officers and advisers, including

Commissars, Techpriest Enginseers and

Sanctioned Psykers. Some dedicated close

combat units of the Imperial Guard, such as

Rough Riders and special weapon squads can

also be armed with laspistols

M112 Guided Missile System / Man-


These launchers fire two types of 

grenade/missile, Frag and Krak. Frag projectiles

(short for fragmentation) are designed to spray

an area with shrapnel, making them useful

against lightly armored infantry. Krak projectiles

cover less area but they have improved

penetrating capabilities, making them useful for

either heavily armored infantry or moderately

armored vehicles. 

M240 Flame Thrower

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Flamers are short-ranged special weapons that

project an ignited stream of promethium fuel

over a wide area, igniting many enemies in a

single gout of flame. They are popular with

Imperial Guard, Space Marine, Sisters of Battle,

Arbites and PDF units across the Imperium.

M5 Grenade Launcher

The M5 grenade

launcher fires two

types of grenade,

frag and krak. Grenades, naturally, are less

powerful than missiles, but are easier to fire on

the move. They can also fire more exotic types

of grenades, though these are not standard

issue, and need to be loaded for firing


M402 Rocket Assisted Mortar (RAM)The M402 is a rifled 50mm

rocket assisted mortar system.

A mortar is relatively simple

and easy to operate. A modern

mortar consists of a tube into

which gunners drop a shell. A firing pin at the

base of the tube detonates the propellant and

fires the shell. The tube is generally set at

between 45 and 85 degrees angle to the

ground, with the higher angle giving shorterfiring distances. Typical ranges vary from 250m

to 1500m. An Imperial Guard mortar team can

acquire a target, load and fire a fire mission

against a target of opportunity within 15

seconds of receiving a mission order. 

Body Armor

M3 Flak Armor

The finest armor

available to the


Munitorum protects

Imperial Guardsmen.

In most cases this will

be sufficient for a

Guardsman. The

standard combat

dress of the Imperial

Guard is made from

hard-wearing ballistic fabrics designed to resist

hostile environments and prove hardy in the

field, though some are the result of centuries of 

tradition, leading to some variation between

regiments raised on different worlds. 

Combat armor is usually designed as a vest or asleeveless jacket that covers the upper torso. It

is rather uncomfortable and unpopular

although it is cheap to make and generally

mass-produced. Really only useful for

protection against shrapnel and low caliber

weaponry (hellguns, bolters and pulse rifles will

invariably pass right through it), the flak jacket

may not exactly be the armor of choice for

many but, for better or worse, it is the only

armor that most Guardsmen have access to. 

Figure 31: Lyubov

Guardsman in Flak Armor 

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M7 Carapace Armor

Comprised of rigid plates of armaplas or

ceramite, carapace armor is made up of plates

that are molded to (loosely) fit the body.

Usually a carapace suit will cover the torso and

major joints with separate plates for the limbs

along with a helmet, although it is also available

in full body-suit form. Most wearers are in a

relatively fit condition compared to other flak-

wearing troopers, due to the armor being so

heavy. Unlike flak armor it can realistically be

expected to stop a large variety of mid-range

weaponry. Carapace armor is also used by

Imperial Guard Stormtroopers, Kasrkin squadsand some regiments of high-tech Imperial


M10 Ballistic Helmet 

In addition to body armor, Guardsmen are also

equipped with helmets to protect the

vulnerable cranial area. Injuries to this region of 

the body are often fatal and thus maximum

effort should be made to avoid such injuries.

Where risk of such injuries are unavoidable, the

use of an M-10 ballistic helmet offers the best

protection from exploding shrapnel and

fragmentation. These tried and true helmets

are blessed with good non-ballistic protective

qualities that also protect against injuries that

may be caused by concussive shockwaves from


Helmets protect the Guardsman’s head through

a mechanical energy absorption process and,

therefore, their structure and protective

capacity are altered in high-energy impacts. The

M-10 helmet weighs just over two kilograms

and has an ideal distribution of mass over the

head center-line, meaning there is a minimum

moment of inertia, and no lag following rapid

head movements. Each helmet has an

integrated outer shell and suspension system to

provide a stable, snug fit and has an adjustablestandard two-point suspension system and


Other Gear

PRC252 Vox Caster

A communications array,

similar to a radio, that can be

as small as helmet mounted

links to massive banks of 

equipment at the HQ. Usually

a squad or platoon will have a

link to HQ via one vox unit

and vox-beads for trooper-to-

trooper communications. 

PRC489 Master Vox Caster

Command units usually use more complex

versions of vox casters -- known as master vox 

casters. These can receive and transmit on

multiple frequencies at once, making them idealfor coordinating many squads simultaneously. 

HG33 Long Range Ground Scanner

A long-range scanner is a development of the


Long Range Sweep: With the scanner in this

mode, enemy units will find it difficult to get

close to the Imperial Guard’s positions without

being detected. Any enemy unit that wishes to

infiltrate must first roll a dice. On a 4+ they may

infiltrate as normal. On any other result they

cannot infiltrate and must be set up as normal

with the rest of the army. 

Figure 32: PRC252

Vox Caster

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Uniforms of the Ice River GuardsThe Imperial Guard draws its recruits from all

over the galaxy and from a million different

worlds and environments. As such there is noformal uniform by which to easily identify a

unified Imperial Guard. Each world will equip its

Guardsmen with cloths and colors most easily

available to it, thus there is a great deal of 

variation between regiments, even those hailing

from the same or nearby worlds. Uniforms are

mass-produced in order that the many

thousands of Guardsmen that make up a

regiment may be equipped quickly and

efficiently (uniforms in standard sizes anddesigns are also easier to replace on campaign).

The Lyubov regiments are issued mark IV

plasteel helmets with an adjustable cradle for a

snug fit around the head (often covered with a

sheepskin "Ushanka" or fur hat).

The most distinctive feature of the Lyubov

uniform is the heavy greatcoat. It is

manufactured on Lyubov from a hard-wearing

woolen cloth produced in a variety of colors,

varying among tan, white, grey, and cammo

patterns. The greatcoat not only provides

protection against the elements (including rain

as it is waterproof), but is chemically treated to

resist chemical or biological weapons attacks.

The Lyubov greatcoat is single-breasted and can

be affixed with subdued plasteel buttons. The

attached collar bears the regimental tags and

the epaulets carry the officer's or NCO's

shoulder boards.

The trousers and shirtsleeve uniform are

constructed of the same hardy woolen cloth.

Spats are typically issued to hold the cuff of the

trousers close to the ankles and to mitigate the

worst of muddy conditions (common on Lyubov

during the spring months). Boots are black

leather combat issue with hob-nailed soles forbetter traction while navigating icy terrain.

The Lyubov armed forces are equipped with the

same weaponry as most Imperial Guard

regiments. The main personal arm is the Aleph

Kawan pattern no. 47 lasgun. This weapon is

produced in mass quantities on Lyubov, it

accepts the standard Imperial power pack

operating in the 18 megathule range. The no. 47

lasgun has a howood stock, bayonet lug, and

basic back sight.

Each squad is typically issued a Moshe-Natan

no.58 longlas sniper rifle. Nicknamed the

'Kentucky Long Rifle' for reasons that remain

obscure, this weapon operated in the 25

megathule range. This is a high powered shot,

draining the power pack after 20 shots instead

of the more typical 40. Unlike the standard

issue lasgun, the longlas is a single shot


While all Lyubov troopers are issued bayonets,

a charge with fixed bayonets is not a typical

tactic. More common is an approach by stealth,

often through difficult terrain with a lightning

strike against enemy command and control


In the field, all Lyubov guardsmen are issued no.

970 trenching tools which are used to dig

latrines, defensive works, dig vehicles and other

gear out of the snow and other necessary but

minor field engineering tasks required by drop

infantry operations.

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Typically, uniforms are made from hard-wearing

fabrics designed to resist hostile environments

and prove hardy in the field, though some are

the result of centuries of tradition, leading tosome standardization across regiments,

however almost every regiment in the Guard

maintains a distinctive look, the Ice River

Guards are no different. This is not an

exhaustive catalog of Lyubov uniforms, just



Trooper  Trooper, 1st



Non- Commissioned Officers

Sergeant  Veteran Sergeant 

Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant

Color Sergeant Sergeant Major

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Commissioned Officers

Subaltern Lieutenant 

Captain Major

Lt. Colonel Colonel

General Officers


(Dress Uniform)

Colonel General

Major General Lieutenant General

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Rank InsigniaRanks in the 18th Lyubov follow the normal

Imperial Guard pattern of six enlisted grades, six

field officer grades and six general officergrades. This simplified pay qualification ranking

(SPQR) system is used through-out the guard to

standardize pay and rationing systems though

titles may vary from regiment to regiment.

General Officers


Rank Collar/Shoulder




Marshal of 





O-10 General








Field Officers


Rank Collar/Shoulder


O-6 Colonel




O-4 Major

O-3 Captain

O-2 Lieutenant

O-1 Subaltern

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Enlisted Rank 


Rank  Chevron 

E-9 Sergeant Major

E-8 Color Sergeant

E-7 Master Sergeant




Rank  Chevron 



E-4 Sergeant

E-3 Corporal

E-2Trooper, First


E-1 Trooper

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Combat Engineering


Internal Security (Commissariat)


Civil Affairs



Signal Corps

Quartermaster (Adminstratum Liaison)

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Command Staff 


Psychic Operations



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Distinctive Insignia

Distinctive Unit Seal: The Distinctive Unit Seal is

in gold, blue and white. The gold represents

excellence, as the Light Infantry regiments are

the elite of Lyubov's armed forces. White

represents purity of arms and purpose,

(Hebrew:  , Tohar HaNeshek ) is one of 

the values of the regiment. The doctrine is use

their weapons and force only for the purpose of 

their mission, only to the extent necessary to

complete the mission at all times observing an

absolute economy of force. The blue represents

the warrior's code of honor, to defend

humanity, the empire and Lyubov against all

enemies, foreign and domestic. Also to

maintain their humanity even during combat

and to not use their weapons and force to harm

human beings who are not combatants or

prisoners of war, and will do all in their power

to avoid causing harm to their lives, bodies,

dignity and property. 

The double-headed eagle represents loyalty to

the Terran Imperium, while the three crowns

represent the crowns of sovereignty, Torah and

a good name respectively. The unit motto

translates as 'I Shall Not Fear' (Hebrew:

Lo E-rah) and is an integral part of the


Distinctive Unit Insignia: The distinctive unit

insignia is in gold, blue and white. The gold

represents excellence, as the Light Infantry

regiments are the elite of Lyubov's armed

forces. White represents purity of arms and

purpose (Hebrew:  , Tohar HaNeshek )

is one of the values of the regiment. The

doctrine is use their weapons and force only for

the purpose of their mission, only to the extentnecessary to complete the mission at all times

observing an absolute economy of force. The

blue represents the warrior's code of honor, to

defend humanity, the empire and Lyubov

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against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Also

to maintain their humanity even during combat

and to not use their weapons and force to harm

human beings who are not combatants orprisoners of war, and will do all in their power

to avoid causing harm to their lives, bodies,

dignity and property. 

The double-headed eagle represents loyalty to

the Terran Imperium, while the three crowns

represent the crowns of sovereignty, Torah and

a good name respectively. The unit motto

translates as 'I Shall Not Fear' (Hebrew:

Lo E-rah) and is an integral part of the


The distinctive unit insignia worn on the left

shoulder of all non-commissioned personnel,

above any rank insignia 

Regimental Standard: The regimental standard

is blue and white. The white represents the

purity of arms and righteousness of purpose

under which the unit operates. The blue

represents the honor and discipline of theImperial Army. The the Star of David represents

the resoluteness of purpose and devotion to

right action that are hallmarks of the regiment's

storied past. The white star on a blue field is

also the national flag of Lyubov. The scroll

denotes the 18th Regiment. Referred to as the

Bonnie Blue Banner by the men of the 18th

regiment, this flag has been carried into battleinnumerable times on dozens of battlefronts

across the Eastern Fringe. 

Platoon Standard: Each platoon in the regiment

has a platoon banner. The white in the banner

represents the purity of purpose each company

must bring to the battlefied, the blue Star of 

David represents the honor and duty with

which the regiment is devoted to right action.

The embattled border of the triangle recalls the

iron will of the men of the 18th regiment. Thewhite triangle represents the threefold nature

of Light Infantry; orbital drop, armored assault

and infantry ground attack to take and hold the

objective. The Hebrew numeral denotes the

platoon number and is displayed in a white

roundel representing the independent

operating capability of each platoon. The

Imperial Eagle denotes loyalty to the Terran

Empire. The third (gimel) platoon's standard is

shown here. 

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Regimental Officers' Shoulder Insignia: The

regimental officers' shoulder insignia has a Star

of David in gold representing excellence and

commitment to right action. The black tefillin

strap represents the bonds of brotherhood

between troopers and the bonds of duty to The

Divine Emperor and Empire, the red border

represents the sacrifice of military service, the

white the purity of purpose with which the

regiment pursues its mission and the blue the

honor and duty expected of the Imperial Army.

The steel scroll represents the will of steel in

each trooper to not accept defeat and the

motto of 'I Shall Not Fear' recalls the courage

and daring with which the regiment has always

conducted itself on the field of battle. 

The officers' insignia is worn on the left

shoulder in lieu of the Distinctive Unit Insignia

worn by non-commissioned personnel. 

Officers' Cap Badge: The officer's cap badge is

in gold, depicting the Menorah from the Temple

in Jerusalem on Terra. The Motto reads

‘Kadima’, which translates as 'Forward' taking

note of the fact that through out history,

Lyubovi officers have lead from the front. The

badge is worn on the peaked cap of all Lyubovi


Planetary Arms of Lyubov: The arms of Lyubov

feature the great forests and mountains that

cover large parts of the world. The wheat

sheaves represent the agricultural abundance.

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have triumphed over the enemy and returned

in a condition fit for further active duty.

This award is never issued without good cause,

and only the most spectacularly violent and

impressive feats of personal valor will earn it.

The Iron Aquila

A simple iron Imperial

Eagle is one of the most

prized medals awarded

to combat personnel.

Often referred to as the

"boring hero's award,"the Iron Aquila is

awarded to warriors

who, in the face of the

enemy, have triumphed

and returned in a condition fit for further active

duty by acts of valor that do not warrant the

Steel Aquila.

This award is never issued without good cause,

and only the impressive feats of personal valor

will earn it.

Honorifica Mundanus

The highest award given to

support personnel, such as

tech adepts or members of 

the Collegia Psykologica,

the Honorifica Mundanus

denotes an individual who

has distinguished himself 

above and beyond the call

of duty and who

represents the finest ideals

humanity can aspire to.

The Imperial Laureate

An award born of the

Age of Apostasy, this

Laureate indicates a

warrior who has

effectively "won his


Acts of valor leading to

great victory are

recognized with the

Imperial Laureate. Only

warriors who have won

a laurel may bear the

unit/regiment colors.

 Administratum Medal

The Administratum awards

this medal to units and

soldiers who have fought

bravely in the defense of 

personnel and property

belonging to this esteemed

and highly necessary, but

vulnerable organization.

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Knight's Cross

(Knight of Medusa shown)

A medal and honorific

title awarded to officers

of the rank of Colonel

and above who led

their regiments in 30 or

more consecutive days

of active combat. 

Colonels are awarded

the Knight's Cross,

Brigadiers are awarded

the Knight Companion'sCross, Major Generals

are awarded the Knight

Commander's Cross,

Lieutenant Generals are awarded the Knight

Grand Commander's Cross, Generals are

awarded the Knight Master's Cross, Field

Marshals or Warmasters are awarded the

Knight Grand Master's Cross. Each award carries

an equivalent knighthood.

The Merit of Terra

The Merit of Terra is

awarded to soldiers who

have voluntarily postponed

their own demobilization. A

bittersweet award, the Merit

of Terra signifies that the

bearer will be required to

serve much longer than

expected. However, it is awell-known sign of steadfast

loyalty toward the Golden


All Imperial military personnel respect those

bearing the Merit, and it is reported that even

the Adeptus Astartes acknowledge the diligence

and self-sacrifice that the award represents.

The Valoris Imperator

This huge, solid gold

Aquilla is obstensibly

awarded to veterans

who have served for

20 years or more, in

recognition of long

and steadfast service,

In practice, it is

awarded postmortem

to long-service

veterans who have

died in particularly

unpleasant and heroic circumstances.

There are, however, rare circumstances where

the medal goes to living veterans who have

served for 20 years or more. Tyhpically, when

such individuals perform unimaginable feats of 

survival from certain death situations where the

individual later returns to active service.

On the back of the Aquilla, an inscription in

Imperial high Gothic reads “Imperator Gratia!"

("The Emperor Thanks You").

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The Medallion Crimson

The Medallion Crimson

recognizes those men who

survive grievous, life-

threatening injury without

losing faith or honor. As one

might expect, the award is

often posthumous.

Enemies rightly fear bearers

of the Medallion Crimson as

mighty warriors because it

takes a lot to stop a warrior

who has won the Medallion


The Order of the Storm

A campaign badge

awarded to soldiers

that sustian an

honorable wound in

battle. Unlike other

Imperial awards, it is

not required that a

trooper berecommended for this

award, he is entitled to

it if he suffers a combat injury that requires the

attention of a medicae officer.

The Order of the Storm depicts a pair of crossed

lightning bolts over an Imperial Eagle.

The Ribbon Intrinsic

Taking the form of a

canvass insignia with a

tripartite ribbon hanging

beneath, the Ribbon

Intrinsic recognizes units

rather than individuals.

It is given only to squads

that have proven to be

the linchpin for a

victorious battlefront, where it the line fast and

turned a defeat into a victory by determination


The Golden Skull

This medal is a

posthumous award to

those who fall in

actions in which their

units have suffered at

least 66% casualties.

It is considered in

every way superior tothe Triple Skull, which is issued to those who

survive such engagements

The Triple Skull 

This medal recognizes

the survivors of actions

in which their units

have suffered at least

66% casualties.

It is considered in every way inferior to theGolden Skull, which is issued posthumously to

those who fall in such engagements, although

doubtless the recipients view it a little more


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The Order of the Eagle's Claw

This medal recognizes

soldiers who have made

landfall in the most

perilous of landing zones

and triumphed. Only

those who have proven

victorious against

overwhelming odds in a

fashion witnessed by their

superiors or Imperial Navy

observers can earn this


Bearers of the Order of 

the Eagle’s Claw will often receive increased

respect from Imperial Navy personnel,

regardless of the soldier’s service arm. 

It is rare for soldiers outside of Drop Troop

regiments to receive this award, but it has

occasionally been issued to Imperial units that

have participated in mass orbital deployments

(under fire).

The Order of the Scarlet Wing

A basic medal from the same

group as the Order of the

Eagle's Claw, the Scarlet Wing

signifies that the bearer

sustained injuries but survived

a battle in which he has

participated in some manner

of airborne assault. Injuries in

such actions arecommonplace, however, and

veterans refer to receiving this medal as

"getting your wings".

Bearers of the Order of the Scarlet Wing will

usually receive increased respect from Imperial

Navy personnel, regardless of the soldier’s

service arm. It is rare for soldiers outside of 

Drop Troop regiments to receive this award, but

Imperial units that have participated in mass

orbital deployments (under fire) can also earn

the award.

Crimson Skull

Commonly awarded to

Officio Medicae personnel,it is awarded to soldiers

who whilst actively

engaged in a combat zone

have successfully rendered

medical aid to a wounded


The award is very common

among veteran combat

medics but occassionalypresented to valorous

common soldiers for

saving the life of an injured comrade.

Campaign Awards

Campaign Awards are medals for participation

in a specific campaign. They are awarded to all

ranks, though officers receive a gold version.

They are the most basic award for a Guardsman

in any given campaign and have little intrinsicvalue except to those soldiers newly transferred

to the regiment.

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Medusa EvacuationMedal

Cadian Defense Medal Tarsus Liberation Medal Defense of Unida Medal(Battle Honors for

Kralgrad and Pripetsk

Marshes shown)


War for Armageddon


Cleansing of Piscina IV


Black Reach Assault


Achilus Crusade Medal

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Regimental Traditions“ Men under foreign skies quickly forget their 

history, their past, their tradition, their national 

symbols, their way of living, often their own

literary language” . – Master Shimon Milon

Fife and Drum

If there is one tradition of the Lyubov regiments

the Imperial Navy would dearly like to put an

end to it, is that of the Fife and Drum Corps.

Every Lyubov regiment has a Fife and Drum

Corps  – master musician is one of the most

prestigious noncombat badges a trooper can

earn. Brightly dressed bands practice en route

to a combat zone, the strains of the fife and the

boom of drums echo loudly in the spaces of 

naval vessels. Many naval personnel are

convinced the Lyubov pursue the practice

simply for the effect it has on naval ratings.

Prior to a drop, Lyubov regiments will flood

enemy airwaves with recorded fife and drum

airs both to disrupt enemy communications and

to erode morale with the knowledge the Lyubov

are inbound.

“The Old Brick” 

On Liberation Day, NCOs will hang a brick over

their mess. This is a sign that the rules on

drukenness are not in effect and unlimited

drinking is permitted. It is customary for the

NCOs to get roaring drunk on Liberation Day.

The Marib

The officers of the regiment maintain the ritualof playing a medley of five hymns every

evening. This originates from the Regiment's

service during the Great Patriotic War. The

officers received good conduct medals from the

Tzaddik of Zarra and he asked that the officers

hear the hymns on a regular basis.

Passing the Salt 

When an Officer first dines with the Regiment,

the Chief of the Mess performs the Passing the

Salt Ceremony. The chief offers salt to the new

officer in a box that contains a fragment of the

original regimental colours inside its cover.

When salt is taken the cloth is revealed and the

officer is reminded of his responsibilities to the


Makeshift Toast 

When the regiment prepares to “make shift”

(embark on a transport vessel to relocate to a

new base or war zone) the Fife and Drum Corps

pipes the regimental companions (camp

followers, dependents, etc.) into a large,

temporary dining hall. The most senior officer

present then offers a toast to Cornelia vander

Haarlem, a camp follower and watchmaker who

smuggled Imperial scouts into the Chaos held

city of Vulgt on Nadira Segundus in 945M40

leading to a successful assualt on the city by the



Battle Honors"For every battle honour, a thousand heroes die

alone, unsung and unremembered." - Anon

Many and glorious are the deeds of the Men of 

Lyubov, and there is not a city or station

anywhere in the realm of House Gilead thatdoes not contain some monument, shrine or

citation to the courage, tenacity and sacrifice of 

the soldiery of Lyubov. Without the ceaseless

efforts of her military personnel in theaters of 

war ranging across the subsector, the people of 

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Lyubov and her neighboring worlds would still

languish under the heel of the foul servants of 

the Archenemy. The Imperium stands upon the

blood, sweat and tears of its soldiery.

The High Command of House Gilead and the

Imperial Officio Tactica take pride in recording

all individual actions of Lyubov’s military with as

much accuracy and detail as possible. The

archival body of material held on Lyubov and in

the engram vaults of Holy Terra herself is an

extraordinary and vast resource, a treasure in

which the scholar and aficionado alike may find

glorious accounts of our heroism and fortitude.

These records exist primarily so that we do notforget the valorous deeds of the past. While the

archive remains, the names and deeds of our

illustrious dead receive the honor and gratitude

their memories deserve – thus the Deeds of the

Men of Lyubov shall persist.

However, the archive is also a weapon. From it,

we may discern not just that a particular victory

occurred but how it the men of the Imperial

Guard achieved it. We may analyze and study

the tactical decisions made by the warriors of 

the past. Their ideas, their insights thus pass

down to each new generation of soldiers. The

archive allows us to preserve both heroism and

the means of heroism.

To promote this asset, the Grand Marshal of 

House Gilead and the Officio Tactica has

selected certain actions from their vast records

to use as examples for military historians and

officer cadets. The Grand Marshal chose these

actions because they illustrate especially well a

particular kind of warfare or tactical application.Study these texts wisely and learn, for though

the Emperor protects, it is the duty of us all to

stand ready and fight when the hour demands.

Battle of Argentum Prime

Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty 

spirit before a fall - Prov 16:18

Argentum Prime is a fecund agriworld with a

feral human population existing at a medieval

level of technology. The agricultural resources

to the world, properly harnessed, could feed

several hive or forgeworlds not to mention

dozens of Imperial Guard regiments.

Because the Imperium was already fighting on

many fronts, the Adeptus Terra decided it

would much rather incorporate Argentum

Prime peacefully than turn it into one more warzone.

The Imperium diplomatic overtures to the

stubborn and prideful feral worlders received a

lukewarm reaction at best. Despite Argentum

Prime’s precarious position between the

oncoming Hivefleet Dragon and the turbulent

Cerebos Warzone, the planet’s leader,

Bretwalda Caewlin Badonicus refused to cede

his world to outsider authority peacefully.

Relations suddenly grewn even more strained,

as the bodies of both natives and Imperial

missionaries turned up picked clean of flesh

with an efficiency far surpassing any native

predator. Auran authorities refused to

cooperate with the Imperials on-planet in

investigating the killings, and many Imperials

began to wonder if their lack of cooperation

masks something more sinister than stubborn


The situation came to a head when medicae

found Sister Rachayel, a Sister Hospitaller

accompanying the Ecclesiarchy, in the Mission,

with her own dagger through her chest. The

locals were eager to call it a suicide due to a

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weak spirit. She was not a Sister of Battle, but

no loyal member of her order would throw

away her life. There were other deaths, how

many remains unclear as the Argentans

concealed them from the Imperials. The fewbodies examined by the Imperial authorities

were meticulously stripped of everything: flesh,

skin, blood. Some had deep grooves in the

ribcage and arms, as though something had

cleaved through to the bone itself.

The Adeptus Munitorium dispatched the 18th

Lyubov Rifles not only to determine if Argentum

Prime harbours an alien foe, but also to

represent the best of humanity to a warrior

culture. If anyone stood a chance of winningover the fierce Aurans, it is the disciplined and

pious Lyubov. Lord-General Archibal Heth

figured that if the 18th Lyubov with its

Commissars and attached intelligence assets

could not convince the natives to trust the

Imperium, they could at least seek out and

purge whatever foe the planet hides.

Bretwalda Caewlin Badonicus was the Highlord

of Argentum Prime; his title commanded loyalty

from the planet’s many tribes and nascent

cities. He ruled from the cliff-top settlement of 

Frieburg. The Lyubov landed at the outskirts of 

the city and the Bretwalda's laws confined them

to the city precincts. The regiment's

Prundentium began to investigate matters in

the city and met with Caewlin.

Ultimately, the regiment's intelligence officers

uncovered the canyon settlement of Grensvayl

and its infestation with Genestealers. The

Argentans’ pride prevented them from asking

for help even as they slowly lost the battle tokeep the aliens contained. The Imperial Guard

entered the ruined city to do what the

Argentans could not.

The combined arms of the regiment proved to

be pivotal. Air strikes from the regimental

airwing prevented the cultists from

concentrating their forces while a sustained

artillery barrage reduced their fortifications torubble.

An armored assault on Grenvayl flushed out

large numbers of Genestealers and their

infected worshipers. The squadrons of 

executioners and leman russ tanks made short

work of large numbers of alien infantry. Lyubov

infantry assualts into the tunnel systems under

Grenvayl allowed sappers to crush the leaders

of the cult – most importantly the Patriarch and

Magus. The Inquisition arrived shortly after theRazing of Grenvayl to conduct purity tests on

the surviving civilians and troopers.

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BibliographyAbnett, D., 1999. First and Only. Nottingham,

UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2000. Ghostmaker. Nottingham, UK:

Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2000. Necropolis. Nottingham, UK:

Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2001. Honour Guard. Nottingham,

UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2002. Straight Silver. Nottingham,

UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2002. The Guns of Tanith.

Nottingham, UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2003. Sabbat Martyr. Nottingham,

UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2004. Double Eagle. Nottingham,

UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2004. Traitor General. Nottingham,

UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2005. His Last Command.

Nottingham, UK: Black Library.

Abnett, D., 2005. The Sabbat Worlds Crusade.

Nottingham, UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2006. Gaunt's Ghosts: The Founding.

Nottingham, UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2006. The Armour of Contempt.Nottingham, UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2007. Gaunt's Ghosts: The Saint.

Nottingham, UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2007. Tactica Imperialis: A History of 

the Later Imperial Crusades. Nottingham, UK:

Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2008. Only In Death. Nottingham,

UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2010. Blood Pact. Nottingham, UK:

Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2010. Gaunt's Ghosts: The Lost.

Nottingham, UK: Black Library, Ltd..

Abnett, D., 2011. Sabbat Worlds Anthology.

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