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Writing Maintainable PHP

Laura Thomson, OmniTI

PHP Quebec Conference

16th March 2007

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• Defining the problem

• Basics of maintainable code

• Scaling the code base

• Maintaining legacy code

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What is Maintainability?

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• Can somebody else understand your code enough to change and update it?

• Can you understand your own code enough to change and update it?

• Can the code be extended and adapted easily?

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How do maintainability problems arise?

• Lack of foresight about: – Size of the project

– Time frame/future direction

• Developer ignorance (a big one)

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Sizing the project

• For small problems write small code and be willing to write throwaway code

• For big problems design before you start

• The issue arises when projects grow organically

• Classic problem of being unable to redevelop a prototype

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Developer ignorance

• Self taught and junior developers

• Lack of experience with working in teams

• Lack of experience with developing significant code bases

• Lack of experience with other people’s horrible code

• Have not yet been forced to revisit their own old code

• How are they going to improve?

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Basics of maintainable code

(What you should already know)

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Basics of maintainable code

• Common errors

• Coding standards

• Version control

• Developer education

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Common errors

• Obfuscated code (the big one)

• Failure to comment appropriately

• Inline functions

• Side effects

• Failure to read and fit in with existing code

• Ignoring security (or planning to retrofit)

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Obfuscated code

• The worst of all common errors: – Poor naming

– Seventeen layers of handoff

– Misuse of define()

– Reimplementation of built in functions

– Failure to do the simplest thing that could possibly work

– Premature optimization (and it’s virtually always premature)

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Poor naming

• Not just $foo, $bar function edit_item_name(itemID) {

var sItemID = "edit-item-" + itemID;

var oItemID = document.getElementById(sItemID);

• Imagine trying to find this error in the code define('ERROR_TAG_CATEGORY', 'ERR_TAG_CTGY::Please

provide a category name (or) select an existing one');

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Abusing define()

define('STR_NBSP', ' ');

define('STR_BR_TAG', '<BR/>');

define('STR_BEGIN_TD', '<TD>');

define('STR_END_TD', '</TD>');

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Reimplementation of built ins

function change_to_lowercase($item,$key)


global $changes;

$changes[$key] = strtolower($item);


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• First, try the simplest thing that could possibly work.


/** * Description: Changes the case of text within tags <> * Make sure the $argc and $argv variables are enabled. * Invoke this script on CLI as follows: * php <thisfilename.ext> file2Bparsed.ext * **/

if ($argc <= 1 || !isset($argv[1])) { die("\nPlease enter the file to be parsed\n");


$filename = $argv[1]; if (!file_exists($filename) || !is_readable($filename)) { die("\nEnter a valid file\n");


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Simplicity - 2

$changes = array(); $is_match = false; $fh = fopen($filename, "r"); $contents = fread($fh, filesize($filename)); fclose($fh);

$pattern = "/(<(\w+)>|<\/(\w+)>)/";

if (preg_match_all($pattern, $contents, $matches)) { $is_match = true; if (!empty($matches[0])) { //change the matched elements to all lowercase array_walk($matches[0], 'change_to_lowercase');

} }

if (!$is_match) { die("\nNo match found\n");


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Simplicity - 3

$fh = fopen($filename, "w"); if (!is_writable($filename)) { fclose($fh); die("\nFile is not writable\n");


$contents = str_replace($matches[0], $changes, $contents);

$success = fwrite($fh, $contents); if ($success) { print "\nSuccessfully matched and modified.\n";

} fclose($fh);

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Premature optimization

• Often obfuscates code, and often done without a good rational reason to do so

function foo(&$bar) {…

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Coding standards

• Have and use a coding standard

• Don’t need to write one from scratch: PHP standards exist for PEAR and for the Zend Framework. These can be used adhoc or serve as a basis for your own

• Greenfields vs legacy: virtually impossible

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How not to write a coding standard

• Make the rules awkward and difficult to remember

• Apps Hungarian – the most abused coding style ever

• Force millions of tiny files (performance hit)

• Force complete OO (why not just use Java?)

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Example coding standard

• (Excerpts)

• Formatting e.g. – Always use long form PHP tags <?php ?>

– Two space indents throughout, NO HARD TABS

– …

• Naming – Use camel caps for OO identifiers (classnames,

methods, member variables), like this: $theVarCalledFoo

– …

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Standard - 2

• Comments – Every file should have a header block

containing at a minimum…

– Single line comments are encouraged on non-obvious code. These can also be used to add "TODO", "DEBUG", and "FIXME" items

– …

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Standard - 3


• Declare functions and classes in library files that do not have any execution side effects besides possibly instantiating variables or defining constants.

• All code should run clean with error reporting turned up to E_ALL

• Try to avoid use of the ternary operator for readability

• Avoid magic numbers, declare a constant

• Avoid embedding PHP logic in HTML and vice versa

• Use parentheses to reinforce unclear or complicated precedence.

• Avoid use of global keyword

• …

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Version control

• For any project that will take more than a week, more than one code file, or more than one developer .

• And most of the others as well.

• Frequent commits of conceptual changesets

• Detailed commit messages (trac, while it has shortcomings, is your friend)

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The code under the rug

• If nobody ever notices how awful your code is, but notices if it is late what happens?

• If the next guy only says “aaarrrgh” when you are working somewhere else, does it make a sound?

• You need somebody other than the original author doing QA anyway

• Peer review can be confronting, but valuable

• Somebody overseeing commits can pick up a lot of evil … and act as a deterrent

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Developer education

• Don’t underestimate the importance of training.

• How: – Provide code layout and design

– Provide sample code

– Explain what’s required

– Give frequent feedback

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Scaling the code base

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Frameworks and Architectures: use and abuse

• Frameworks are buzzy, and Rails doesn’t help.

• Having an architecture like MVC can be a really good thing, but: – Everybody has a different idea about how this ought to be


– Some of the ideas are really twisted

– Some make it hard to do very basic things simply

– Code bloats

– Which framework?

– No dominant paradigm yet, ergo little help with maintainability

Have a clear, simple, architecture that is easy to add to, easy to explain to new developers, and easy to remember now or in two or five years’ time.

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What do you gain from a framework?

• Standard code layout for that framework

• Often makes developing a prototype fast

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• Skills don’t transfer from one framework to another

• Rapidly prototyped code not necessarily appropriate for use in production

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Two kinds of frameworks

• MVC style (e.g. Cake)

• Component style (e.g. eZ)

• Both kinds of music (e.g. ZF)

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Database abstraction use and abuse

• Use PDO – it’s a defacto standard

• Standardize on use of prepared statements

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• Needs to be part of the initial build

• Trying to retrofit it is very hard, but also what usually happens, and new exploits need to be accounted for

• Build into your architecture stages of input and output processing to encourage filtering and escaping in single locations

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• For projects beyond a certain size, you start to need significant documentation

• If your plan says this code will grow large, document as you go, from the start. If it’s not done at the time, it will never be done.

• (Sometimes we can all be caught short) • Aim for consistent production of lightweight

documentation: – Takes less time to produce (and therefore has

some chance of actually happening) – Takes less time to read

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Maintaining Legacy Code (or, “The Ninth Circle of Hell”)

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Maintaining legacy code

• “Hell is other people’s code.” - Anonymous, late twentieth century

- Sad true facts: - You may never read all the legacy code - There will be parts of it that are broken or never

used - If the original author didn’t document it, chances

are you never will - If it needs a complete rewrite, chances are you

won’t have time - You will have to to deal with this at some stage if

you haven’t already.

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• Worth spending some time to audit: – What you have in the way of documentation

– The basic architecture of the code

– Coding conventions if any

– What is used

– What is obviously broken or fragile and why

• Refactor as you go, to a lightweight plan

• Don’t get too ambitious.

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