Page 1: 16th Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society · 16th Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society 11 - 13 September 2019 Copenhagen · Denmark  Programme

16th Congress of the Nordic Spinal Cord Society

11 - 13 September 2019Copenhagen · Denmark


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Room 1 - Plenary session


10:00-10:15 Welcome - Opening sessionPresident of NoSCoS Wolfram Antepohl and Congress Chair Fin Biering-Sørensen

10:15-10:45 [K1] Keynote presentation: Pain management and cannabinoidsChair: Wolfram AntepohlKeynote speaker: Nanna Brix Finnerup

10:45-11:15 [K2] Keynote presentation: C5-tetraplegia: Pain, spasms and medical cannabis – A user’s experience and point of viewChair: Wolfram AntepohlKeynote speaker: Leo Thomsen

11:15-12:00 Panel: How to organize and strengthen the interdisciplinary collaboration on pain management and research at the SCI centersChair: Nanna Brix FinnerupPanellists: Leo Thomsen, Wolfram Antepohl, Naja Bøje Casupei, Helge Kasch and Tiina Rekand

12:00-12:05 Presentation of RYK VideoHelle Schmidt


Room 1 Room 2 Room 3

13:30-15:00 [W1] Jane Horsewell workshop - Ageing with Spinal Cord Injury Chair: Mikkel Bundgaard

[W2] Workshop on spasticity managementChair: Bo Biering-Sørensen

Oral presentations: Epidemiology and International Perspectives Chairs: Vegard Strøm & Aki Vainionpää

[O1] Profile of patients with spinal cord injuries in Denmark, Norway and Iceland Annette Halvorsen

[O2] The results of the national Finnish spinal cord injury study protocol process Susanna Tallqvist

[O3] The epidemiological characteristics of non-traumatic spinal cord injury in Finland - a four-year prospective multi-center study Aki Vainionpää

[O4] Spinal cord injury in Indian children: a review of 204 cases Rajesh Sharawat

[O5] Cross- sectional and prospective data -collection in a community setting in North Macedonia-methodological considerations Vesna Miloshevska Jakimovska

[O6] Perspectives on capacity building in spinal cord injury (sci) in a lower income country: the Mongolian context Susanne Nielsen


15:30-17:00 [W3] Workshop: Enough, but not too much? Physical activity for people with Spinal Cord InjuriesChairs: Birgit Juul-Kristensen and Camilla M. Larsen

[W4] Workshop on crisis managementChairs: Anders Korsgaard and Naja Bøje Casupei

[W5] Workshop on Pediatric Spinal Cord InjuryChair: Per Ertzgaard


Programme 11 September 11 September

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Room 1 - Plenary session


08:30-09:00 [K3] Keynote presentation: Bowel managementChair: Fin Biering-SørensenKeynote speaker: Klaus Krogh

09:00-09:15 Short break - go to next session!

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3

09:15-09:30 Oral presentation: BowelChair: Klaus Krogh

[O7] Decision guide for transanal irrigation - choosing the right equipmentAnton Emmanuel

Oral presentations: Upper Extremity Pain Chair: Helge Kasch

[O8] Upper extremity pain in long-term spinal cord injury: association with exercise capacity and physical activity Janneke Stolwijk-Swuste

[O9] Prevalence of self-reported shoulder and neck symptoms in individuals with chronic spinal cord injury - an observational cross-sectional study Camilla Marie Larsen

[O10] Shoulder rotation strength, muscle coactivation and shoulder pain in wheelchair rugby athletes - a cross-sectional study Camilla Marie Larsen

Oral presentations: Life after SCI Chair: Antti Dahlberg

[O11] Increased divorce rates following traumatic spinal cord injury: results from a nationwide register-based study Anne Norup

[O12] Gender, class, employment status and social mobility in Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway and Switzerland Annelie Schedin Leiulfsrud

[O13] Changes over time in life satisfaction among older adults with long-term spinal cord injury Sophie Jörgensen

09:30-10:00 [S1] MBH International (Qufora) Symposium: Why don’t my patients do what we agree upon?Chair: Klaus KroghSpeakers: Gitte Engelund and Sigrid Juul Hansen


10.30-12:00 [W6] Workshop: The Nordic advanced SCI rehabilitation course – overview, showcase, way forwardSpeakers: Wolfram Antepohl, Berit Brurok, Line Trine Dalsgaard, Anestis Divanoglou, Hanna Persson, Randi Steensgaard and Johanna Wangdell

[K4] Keynote and Oral presentation: Urinary incontinence Chairs: Klaus Krogh & Marlene Elmelund Keynote speaker: Marlene Elmelund

[O14] Long term continuation with repeated botulinum toxin a injections in patients with neurogenic detrusor overactivity after spinal cord injury Katrine Packert Hebert

Oral presentations: Bowel and Nutrition/BMI Chairs: Klaus Krogh & Marlene Elmelund

[O15] Long-term outcomes of transanal irrigation using a cone system in patients with spinal cord injury Anton Emmanuel

[O16] Malnutrition and body composition in patients with sub-acute spinal cord injury Hanne Bjørg Slettahjell

[O17] Body mass index during primary rehabilitation in Denmark Nicolaj Jersild Holm

[W7] Workshop on The new 2019 revision of the International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI)Chairs: Rüdiger Rupp and Christian Schuld


Programme 12 September 12 September

Continues on next page

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Room 1 Room 2 Room 3

13.30-15:00 Oral presentations: Pain, Outcome, Active rehabilitation, On-line information Chairs: Amiram Catz & Tiina Rekand

[O18] Effects of non-pharmacological treatments in individuals with chronic pain and spinal cord injury Janneke Stolwijk-Swuste

[O19] Looking for additional factors that affect SCI-armi and its gain in patients with spinal cord or cauda equina lesions Amiram Catz

[O20] Evaluation of an individualized out-patient exercise program for persons with neurological disorders Anne Marie Lannem

[O21] Effects of active rehabilitation programs for persons with spinal cord injury in Sweden - preliminary results from community peer-based programs Anestis Divanoglou

[O22] The role of wheelchair rugby in the rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries Maria Moschovou

[O23] Knowledge is power - combining an online community with an information website to support and strengthen SCI consumers Nora Sandholdt

[W8] Nursing workshopChairs: Randi Steensgaard and Line Trine Dalsgaard

[W9] Occupational- and Physiotherapist Workshop Chairs: Dorte Dahl Hoffmann, Nicolaj Jersild Holm and David Jonsson Speaker: Sophie Jörgensen


15:30-16:00 [S2] Coloplast symposium: When patients and relatives participate in neurorehabilitationSpeakers: Line Trine Dalsgaard, Cathrine Guldberg and Line Hoff

Oral poster presentationsChair: Claus Andersen

[OP1] Mode of mobility and cognitive factors associated with muscle function i adults with spina bifida Martina Bendt

[OP2] Medical cannabis in Denmark- effect on neuropathic pain and spasticity in patients with spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. A national multicenter doubleblind placebo-controlled study Rikke Middelhede Hansen

[OP3] Ability realization after spinal cord injury in six countries Elena Aidinov

[K5] Keynote presentation:International SCI data sets in clinical practice and researchFin Biering-Sørensen

16:00-17:00 NoSCoS Biannual General Meeting

18:30-24:00 Congress Dinner at the National Museum

Programme 12 September 12 September

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Room 1 - Plenary session


08:30-09:00 [K6] Keynote presentation: Male sexual health and fertility after spinal cord injuryChair: Fin Biering-SørensenKeynote speaker: Jens Sønksen

09:00-09:15 Short break - go to next session!

Room 1 Room 2 Room 3

09:15-09:35 Oral presentations: New Technologies Chair: Claes Hultling

[O24] Does an exercise class via interactive video-conference make a difference for persons with physical disabilities? Nora Funkqvist

[O25] Telesci- hospital based care at home Ingebjørg Irgens

[O26] Tongue control of exoskeletons and assistive robotic arms for individuals with tetraplegia Lotte N. S. Andreasen Struijk

Oral presentations: Cardio-pulmonary function Chair: Páll Ingvarsson

[O27] The Swedish spinal cord injury study on cardiopulmonary and autonomic impairment (spica): methodology and cohort demographics Mattias Hill

[O28] Structural and functional changes in the pulmonary system in middle-aged persons with chronic high-level spinal cord injury Mattias Hill

[O29] Preference of electro- to mechanical ventilation despite lack of class a controlled randomised trials Gerhard Baer

[S3] Medtronic Symposium: When to start ITB therapy on Spinal Cord Injury Speaker: Per Ertzgaard

09:40-10:00 [W10] Get involved - about consumer empowerment Jens Bo Sørensen


10:30-12:00 [W11] Workshop on exoskeletons - results and experiences from rehabilitation clinics and home useSpeakers: Carsten Bach Baunsgaard, Anu Piira and Rosanne van Dijsseldonk

[W12] Workshop on Management of traumatic spinal cord injury in the Neuro Critical Care Unit.Chairs: Ditte Gry Strange, Karen-Lise Welling and Yvonne Mølgaard

[W13] Workshop on Nutrition related complications in persons with Spinal Cord injury - A multidisciplinary workshop in patient education, prevention and treatment. Chairs: Anna-Carin Lagerström, Hanne Björg Slettahjell, Line Trine Dalsgaard and Randi Steensgaard


13:30-15:00 [W14] Workshop on Neuromodulation and Presentation on the 'LION' procedure.Chair: Helge Kasch

[W15] Workshop on Dysphagia and Spinal Cord Injury - How to improve best practice and facilitate interdisciplinary cooperation.Chairs: Bettina Aller and Alette Jensen

[W16] Workshop on Bowel issues and anal irrigation – from the perspective of patients and doctors. How do patients and doctors perceive bowel issues and anal irrigation, and how does bowel treatment affect the quality of everyday life? Chairs: Stig Langvad and Helle Schmidt


Room 1 - Plenary session

15:30-16:00 CLOSING SESSION - Presentation of Next Venue 2021 in Stockholm

Programme 13 September 13 September

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General information

WIFIFree wifi is provided throughout the congress venue. CONGRESS APPPlease download the congress app called NoSCoS 2019 for both apple and android smart phones.

CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCEYou can download your certificate of attendance by logging in to your registration profile again.

The certificates of attendance will be available immediately after the congress has finished.

About NoSCoS

NoSCoS – the Nordic Spinal Cord Society – is an association of pro-fessionals in the Nordic countries with special interest in rehabili-tation after injuries and diseases of the spinal cord as well as the management of conditions and consequences related to them.

NoSCoS is affiliated to ISCoS, the International Spinal Cord Society, and participates in its activities as a regional representatvie for Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. More information on

NoSCoS 2019 Local Organising Committee

Fin Biering-Sørensen, chair

Claus Andersen

Janni Sleimann

Jens Bo Sørensen

Rene Richard Andersen

NoSCoS 2019 Scientific Committee

Carsten Bach Baunsgaard, MD, PhD

David Jonsson, PT, MSc

Dorte Dahl Hoffmann, PT, Mrehab

Fin Biering-Sørensen, MD, Clinical Professor – chair

Helge Kasch, MD, Assoc. Professor

Line Trine Dalsgaard, RN, MSc

Mikkel Bundgaard, Consumer representative

Nanna Brix Finnerup, MD, Professor

Nicolaj Jersild Holm, PT, MSc, PhD student

Randi Steensgaard, RN, MHSc(Nurs), PhD student

Søren B Elmgreen, MD, PhD student

Helle Schmidt, Consumer representative

Social Events

WELCOME RECEPTION 11 SEPTEMBER 2019All participants are invited to the welcome reception which will be held in the exhibition area at the congress venue after the programme on the first day.

Come and have drinks and snacks with old friends and colleagues and make new acquaintances.

Time 17.00 - 19.00Place Exhibition area at

congress venue (Scandic Copenhagen)

CONFERENCE DINNER 12 SEPTEMBER 2019Join the Conference Dinner, which will be held at the National Museum located in central Copenhagen. The Conference Dinner is a great oppor-tunity to network and socialize with colleagues and friends. You will be served a welcome drink and a deli-cious three-course menu and later in the evening you can conquer the dance floor.

The venue is wheelchair friendly. There is a handicap toilet and it is on the ground floor.

The ticket for the Conference Dinner can be purchased at the registration desk and includes a three-course menu and three drinks. NB! Seats are limited. After dinner, it will be possible to purchase drinks at the cash bar.

Time 12 September, 18.30-24.00Place Nationalmuseet

Main Entrance, Ny Vestergade 10 1471 Copenhagen

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