
B E S T - S E L L I N G A U T H O R






"Your personal story is very impressive. You have clearly lived the purpose,

passion, performance logic you write about."

Dave Ulrich#1 Management Guru






B E S T - S E L L I N G A U T H O R

Tick Tick Dollar™14 Principles of Peak Performance


Living the Dream 05

Principle 03 C Commit 100%

Principle 02 I Ignite Future

Principle 01 T Think & Reflect

Principle 04 K Kickoff now











Foreword 04

PART 02: TICK (PASSION) Principle 05 T Track Goals Principle 06 I Imbed Role-Models Principle 07 C Conquer Fears Principle 08 K Kill Excuses


Principle 09 D Discipline Yourself

Principle 10 O Over-Deliver

Principle 11 L Leverage Success

Principle 12 L Live 100%

Principle 13 A Amplify Execution

Principle 14 R Reinvent Daily



Acknowledgments 175

References 176

About the author 177

About Possibilities 178

About Possibilities Foundation 179

Success Coaching with 180 Qaiser Abbas



This is no ordinary Foreword, for Qaiser Abbas is no ordinary author. He is the present and future of leadership and behavioral training. He is also the present and future of Pakistan. But he belongs to the whole world, for his work has universal appeal and relevance.

He is a role model to people in the developing world. His life, values, philosophy and personal conduct are like this book in your hand – full of learnings.

My decade-old friendship with Qaiser, from the time when I rst met him in Islamabad and through several visits to Pakistan, has survived the futile battles and cold wars between our two countries.

Our two organizations, Possibilities from Pakistan and SQS from India, have conducted trainings and workshops jointly for several organizations and their employees in Pakistan since 2004, and Qaiser's professionalism and client focus are to be seen to be believed.

I have done business with Qaiser for years, but, unbelievable it may seem, we have never discussed 'business'. I am not surprised that he is very popular in Pakistan and becoming increasingly popular around the globe.


Qaiser is an inspiring leader and motivational speaker. But what remains hidden from the glare of the spotlights is a man with a heart of gold, nerves of steel, a DNA of integrity, and a win-win approach. Add to it this his sharp intellect, thorough knowledge of his subject, years of experience, in-depth research and preparation – and you have Tick Tick Dollar™ in your hand.

Tick Tick Dollar™ is an important addition to our knowledge and wisdom about living life with purpose, with a passion to perform at our fullest and towards assuring success – physical, nancial, relational, emotional and spiritual.

Purpose and meaning are the starting point for any venture. It is important to do the right things before we focus on doing them right.

If there is one trait that helps us achieve our goals, it is Passion. In the clichéd will-skill matrix, skill is the easier one to attain.

Performance is the culmination of purpose and passion. SMART objectives, so well described by the author, help us keep score, for what cannot be measured cannot be managed. It is said that the harder we work, the luckier we get.

When we take on life's well-intentioned journeys, we are not alone. It is now a fairly well-established fact that if we desire something strongly enough, and work towards it whole-heartedly, the entire cosmos will conspire and strive to get it for us.

There are several anecdotes from the Prophet's life (PBUH) which inspire us to give of our best to achieve our goals. Other religions and their greats have left very similar messages for us to follow.

The Tick Tick Dollar™ philosophy challenges mediocrity and helps us live up to our enormous potential. The best part is that it has been veried by the outstanding personal achievements of this wonderful author.

Thank you, Tick Tick Dollar™, for giving us Qaiser Abbas.

Tick Tick Dollar™ is a way of life that can help expedite success with balanced living, fulllment and a profound sense of accomplishment. It also suggests to us to reverse the dictum that 'Success leads to happiness' and encourages us to achieve happiness in the certainty that success will follow.

The author has laid emphasis on identifying priorities. Categorizing our activities on the basis of urgency and importance, and proactively taking up developmentally 'important but not yet urgent' tasks is an effective approach designed to ensure that we will not always be reghting. Time management is as much about what we must start doing as it is about what we must stop doing. Recognizing these time wasters, or 'thieves' as the author calls them, on a periodic basis is essential.

Qaiser and the management training & consultancy company he created, Possibilities, have helped hundreds of companies and their people achieve more. It is a matter of great satisfaction that a part of that wealth of knowledge will now be available to professionals outside the client companies. I feel happy for the readers of this book that they now enjoy access to it. Do read it with purpose and passion. Greater performance, Insha'Allah, is a given.

In these times of 'Yes we can', here in your hand is another jewel that embodies the same spirit. Read it and implement it – I can already hear the tick-tick…

Kamlesh Vyas Director, First India School of Business CEO, SQS Gurgaon, India February 15, 2010.


“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and wereach it.”

'If your dreams are high, and your beginnings are low,

congratulations! Life is going to offer you something really, really

BIG!' The speaker's passion had instantly injected a current of high-

octane energy and anticipation in his audience, consisting of over rd

1500 top executives from 100 countries at IFTDO's 43 international

conference at expo center, Dubai.

'No worries if you aim for gold and miss it; the real worry would be when you aim for the bronze and get it.' The audience was completely enthralled by the dynamic message of the charismatic speaker.

'Let me share a story with you. The story of a young child whose dreams were sky-high but his beginnings were very low.' The speaker's inspiring message held a rm promise to touch the hearts and souls of his audience.

- Michelangelo





01 He projected on to the screen the image of a little boy. His shining eyes were lled with a million dreams, carrying some magnetic power. His appearance, dress and looks, however, contradicted the aspirations his eyes revealed.

'Yes, my friends! This child's dreams were as high as the K2, but his origins were more wretched than you could possibly imagine. He was born into a family that survived well below the poverty line. A family that was aficted with hunger, deprivation, ill-health, inadequacy and never-ending impossibility. He was the youngest among the eight children of hardworking, committed visionary parents. His father, despite having no formal education, was a symbol of dedication, self-reliance, and perseverance. But to the world he was only a laborer.'

At the very young age of seven, he was deprived forever of his mother's tender love, care and protection. The boy wept bitterly as he sat beside the lifeless body of his mother. Many years later he was told that the mother's disease was curable. She died because the family had no money to afford treatment. But the dreams his dead mother had nurtured in him remained unshaken. There was a re and passion burning in him to raise the living standards of his family.’

The global leaders from the world's top companies present in the hall were captivated in the spell of the gripping story.

He was never able to wear the clothes his heart desired nor ever able to play with the toys he craved to have. Some rich relatives would hand over their used clothes to the poor family and the sensitive young boy would feel self-conscious and embarrassed about facing the same relatives or the world at large wearing cast-off garments that were not even the right t for him.'

'In spite of being promised rewards like a bike or some other coveted item for attaining the rst position in his class, his family could never honor their commitments. The prime goal for the whole family every day was how to scrape together enough to put a meal on the table. Paying the rent became almost an obsession for fear of losing the roof over their heads. The emotional turmoil prevailing in the family turned his elder brother into a drug addict.

That was really the beginning of a series of unfortunate setbacks. But his dreams were still lofty, his determination to lift his family out of their miserable conditions grew stronger with every passing day.

As a young boy, he suffered from an acute lack of self-condence, self-esteem and trust. He was shy, timid and withdrawn. Because of his deep-seated feelings of mistrust and shame at the deprived conditions fate had thrust upon his family, he had grown even more introverted. His nervous appearance, weak frame, and indifferent health were matters of deep concern to him. But still his dreams remained towering and unwavering.'

He got his rst job after matriculation as a salesman with a local distributor of Pakistan Tobacco Company. He continued trying to supplement his income with the help of minor jobs in textile mills and other factories under tough working conditions. But his resolve to accomplish big goals landed him in a college.

Persistently following the path of his dreams, he never let discouragement or depression overcome him. To everyone's surprise, he succeeded in winning two gold medals both in the Intermediate as well as in his Bachelor's.' And at this, the pin-drop silence at Dubai expo center was broken by the ringing echoes of applause from the audience, all of whom were thoroughly spellbound by the story.'

'His obsession of achieving something signicant for his family had made him restless. He found it intolerable to wait for admission to university for a whole long year. He left his village and headed to Lahore, where he embarked on a struggling life that would challenge every ounce of grit in him. Not willing to waste even a single day, he began to learn computer hardware at Hafeez Centre during the mornings, and in the evenings worked at the Jang newspaper canteen. His life was characterized by hunger, homelessness, and other similar problems.'

'But with God's grace he won admission to the M. Sc. at Punjab University. Meanwhile, he worked full-time as a translator at a magazine. He wanted to start his professional life as soon as he could, but he was destined for yet further adversity. During his very rst year at university, his father his best friend, his companion, his

source of inspiration and, on top of everything else, his reason to accomplish something big in life – departed this world, leaving him to face life's challenges all alone.

He was totally devastated and depressed by his father's death. Without the will to go on, for a while he seriously considered ending his life. His heart lled with grief, he did not see any hope, any purpose, any reason to live and continue his struggle for success. However, his family and friends rallied around and provided him much-needed support. Finally he decided to reconnect with his lofty dreams and return to the pursuit of his goals.'

As he resumed his struggle for success, every kind of emotional, nancial, social, physical, and psychological challenge that life could possibly throw at him blocked his path. It seemed as if life was really determined to test his courage, nerve and determination to the limit.'

During his last year at university, he was fortunate to nd a men-tor who took him in hand, challenged his beliefs and, guided him to set clear goals. He inspired him to study the booksthat stirred, inspired and motivated him, and stimulated his life and intellect in an extraordinary way.’

'When he completed his M. Sc., his family was impatiently wait-ing to reap the rewards of his success. But they had no idea that he was still being pursued by other demons, the victim of other defeats. He was unemployed and thus had no money to full the promises he had made to his family. He used to get up every morning, see the job ads in newspapers, apply for the jobs, appear in interviews only to get rejected. He failed in over 250 job interviews; a handful of them for the position of a waiter in ve start hotels. No company was willing to give him a chance even without a salary. Indeed he had nothing to show in terms of both personality and skills to justify his ambition.

A little later he joined the visiting faculty of M.A.O. College Lahore and started teaching M. Sc. classes. However, his monthly salary was less than US$18. His dream appeared destined to remain unfullled.' He continued his struggle to create a meaningful life for himself, but nothing seemed to go in his favor. He knocked on dozens of doors, from ordinary street academies to the Civil Services

Academy, but nobody was willing to offer him anything. He knocked on dozens of doors, from ordinary street academies to the Civil Services Academy, but nobody was willing to offer him anything. Punjab University and the Pakistan Air Force rejected him twice. He also got turned down by the Public Service Commission, leaving him depressed and disillusioned, but he was still unwilling to let go of his glorious dreams. He was not ready to give up.

He decided to once again appear for the Public Service Commission exam. And this time, not only did he pass but he also conquered the rst position in the Public Service Commission.

Though his heart pulled him to pursue his real passions; his family needed nancial security. So he was forced to join the government service. He became a lecturer at a Government Degree College Baseerpur in District Okara, but his dreams kept him restless.'

'One lesson he had learned well from his gurus was that you cannot venture into uncharted waters unless you say goodbye to the shoreline.'

'Finally, he mustered up the courage to bid goodbye to a college lectureship that was earning him $ 60 a month for his family. Annoying almost everyone, he decided to return to Lahore and refocused on his most desired dream to build a company, becoming an entrepreneur and make a difference in the world by helping individuals and organizations achieve greatness. His vision to set up a company was almost thrashed by hundreds of obstacles. No money, no references, no resources, no social or professional network, no experience, no transport, no clients, no food, no equipment, no computer, no printer, no laptop, no cell phone, and even no place to live. And worst of all, no place to live. The toughest decision at the end of every day was where to spend the night? But his courage remained undaunted and his dreams unwavering.’

He took his cutting edge ideas on transforming businesses to dozens of companies and organizations, but came away disappointed. From hospitals to one-room clinics, he left no stone unturned, but his efforts were to no avail. The toughest dilemma he had to struggle with was that none of his family members believed

in him. The people dearest to him started makingnegative comments about his character. Their predictions about his future were far from attering.’

'He had no permanent place to live in Lahore. He did have some

relatives, but he did not feel comfortable with the idea of staying

with them. Friends were not ready to tolerate him for long, except for

a few really good ones, most of whom were going through the same

rough time. The constant shifting of homes left him frustrated and

also cost him dozens of his favorite books and the clothes he had

bought with the sweat of his brow. His siblings were beginning to

insist that he return to his native town as he was not only

unemployed but, according to them, 'hopeless'.

'He tried his luck with countless people and launched numerous initiatives, but it began to seem as if circumstances were conspiring against him. To those around him he gave the impression of being very motivated and with a burning desire to do something bigger, but deep down in his heart he was almost ready to give up. But every time he came close to the end, something inside him kept him going.'

‘Finally, he found an ofce where he could invite his clients. It was not less than McDonald's LDA branch. (Actually, he just pretended to himself that this was his ofce though he had no address printed on his business card.) He started visiting McDonald's daily, mostly on foot as he could not afford even public transport. His potential clients would come to meet him at McDonald's. During those two-and-a-half nancially strapped years, he NEVER ate a McDonald's burger – simply because he couldn't afford one. He would offer his clients only a cup of tea or a cone ice cream and if a client asked why he was not having one himself, he would say airily, 'Oh, I just had some.'

'Ignoring his acute hunger pangs, he would continue reading, writing, researching and preparing his proposals for clients. He had redirected his hunger towards a bigger purpose. If his hunger became unbearable, he would have a bite to eat at some small, cheap roadside food stall and then return to McDonald's to continue his work. In one of the noisiest, most crowded and distracting venues,

McDonald's, not only did he meet his clients, prepare for his assignments, carry out research projects, set the direction of his life, orchestrated plans, dreamt big dreams to set up a great company; but he also managed to write his masterpiece

Tick Tick Dollar™.' The hall was lled with an electric silence.

' Now, have you gured out how I know this boy so well?' the speaker asked in a quivering, almost tearful tone of voice, 'Because he is no one else but me – Qaiser Abbas!’

Every person in the hall completely stunned, emotionally char-ged, stood up and applauded him with eyes wet and unshed tears. The audience left their seats and gathered around him on the stage. Everyone had tears in their eyes. The unstoppable applause was deafening. The high prole corporate executives from over 100 countries were deeply touched, inspired, and shaken up. They were showering their love on him by hugging, even kissing him.

My friend Qaiser Abbas was so touched by this rst standing ovation given to him by the 1500 enthusiastic global leaders in the audience that his emotions overcame him. He started crying like the child he once was. He found it difcult to believe that his dreams were actually coming true.

He wanted everyone to know from his own experience that there is nothing in this world that can keep people from fullling their most precious, seemingly impossible dreams. Turning back to the audience, he said in a voice ringing with emotion, 'starting from nothing, if I can stand here today; if you commit 100% to your dreams, where can you reach?’

I can assure you that Qaiser Abbas is certainly living the life of his dreams today. Recently, during his motivational speech in Muscat, addressing over 100 CEOs organized by WJ Towell Group, Qaiser received multiple standing ovations. When he nished, people could not think of any better way to demonstrate their appreciation for his touching their hearts and minds than giving him one additional, unique tribute by standing on their chairs and

applauding. Qaiser's purpose in life is to instill self-belief, hope and the

certainty of an abundant success for everyone, especially the youth of Pakistan.

From beginnings of despair and hopelessness, with no resources, money, or capital at all, Qaiser won through to found one of the most innovative Management Development & Consulting companies, Possibilities, now operating in 30 countries. He chose for himself the title of Chief Inspiring Ofcer rather than the more traditional Chief Executive Ofcer.

His ceaseless pursuit of excellence and sharing of his inspiration place him as one of the top global motivational speakers. His clients include global giants like GE, Nestle, Pepsi, Total, Toyota, Philips, and World Bank to name but a few.

Qaiser's purpose in life is to: Inspire, educate and empower peo-ple to passionately live a purposeful life, lled with achievement and fulllment.

To him, purpose is not about getting, it is about giving. Why? Because when you focus on giving, God liberates you from the pursuit of getting.

Qaiser is also the Founder of Possibilities Foundation; aiming to establish 500,000 non-formal Possibilities Schools to educate seven million underprivileged children of Pakistan. Once his dream was to be able to sponsor one child to the kind of school where he couldn't afford to go as a child. Today, he supports hundreds of deprived kids to study in a school of their own choice. All through his personal income. Qaiser's 100% income from his books and a signicant portion of his speaking fee is dedicated to support his back-to-society initiatives.

Join Qaiser Abbas in his pursuit of possibilitizing dreams for everyone to learn, share and grow; especially for the ones who are less privileged, deprived and forgotten.


If you have the courage to face your fears and design a purposeful

life lled with success, prosperity and fulllment; this book is my personal gift for you. The purpose of my life is to help people do, be, share, give and create what they possibly can and build a meaningful life along the way.

In this book, I am going to give you two gifts:

1. The gift of my philosophy on how to live a great life grounded in 2. The gift of 14 proven principles offering practical tools, insights and strategies to translate your life vision into reality.

I have been studying peak performance for the past 14 years. I have committedly devoted fourteen years of my life to discover the principles that can help you live the life you always desired. But the most important thing that I am going to share with you in this book is the gift of my philosophy encompassing three life-saving words – purpose, passion and performance. The right alignment of these magic words can actually turn your life around, like they did for me.

values, fulllment and passion

And I really mean it.

Over the last fourteen years, I have worked as a Success Coach with top business leaders, relentless entrepreneurs, exceptionally gifted CEOs, superstars of movies, champion athletes, award-winning actors, sought-after writers, veteran media giants, stunning super models, best- selling authors, nest television anchors, crowd pulling singers & musicians, genius army generals and prize winning scientists. It is my great privilege to help these superstars learn, practice and live & breathe the same philosophy and principles you will be learning in this book.

This was quiet shocking for me to see that despite being at the top of their games, some of these super achievers were inwardly empty, broken and unfullled. The fame, money, status and power they had gained over the years for which they had paid a heavy price, were no longer satisfying them.

In most private and heart to heart discussions with me, they confessed that they indeed were in deep pain.

Based on their situation, I can easily put them in three categories:

Category #01:

Category one includes people who are relentlessly following their passion with some degree of success without a clear sense of purpose. They never thought the need to know why they do what they do? What is their real reason for being in this role? They hardly tried to nd out why they are here and why those unique talents and skills were gifted to them at the rst place.

Category #02:

In the second group are the ones who have a sense of purpose. That means they know what their direction should be but have no clue what their true passion is. They don't know how to change course







and which path to follow to get closer to their reason for existing.

Category #03:

The third kind is those who know both their purpose and passion but have not found a way to link them both together. Their purpose pulls them in north but the passion is in south. Hence they have never been able to leverage their gifts to be what they could have been. They live a mediocre life and never get to realize their full potential. Also they experience an obvious sense of dissatisfaction from life.

In my one-on-one coaching sessions with them, I share with them the gift of Tick Tick Dollar philosophy. They learn to build a sense of alignment between why they are here and what they love to do. Once they are able to see the connection between their purpose and passion, their performance skyrockets. They are ready to take charge, make better choices, and gain the strength from what they have previously perceived as suffering.

Tick Tick Dollar philosophy is not my invention. It is my discovery. I discovered this philosophy when I was at the lowest point in my own life. I had tried everything I read in self- help books but nothing changed. My 24 years struggle to turn my life around brought me to a point where I was homeless, jobless, visionless, hopeless, resource-less, loveless, and almost lifeless. My annual income was less than $200. I had a destructive self-image, stumpy self- condence and a poor concept about who I was and what I thought I was capable of doing. I had lost faith and was nearly about to give up. And then I embraced Tick Tick Dollar philosophy.

This philosophy has been my inspiration and guiding star to live a life that a mere couple of years ago would have seemed unthinkable even in my remotest imaginations. Today, this unbelievably blessed life is a reality. From humble beginnings, making $ 18 a month, to establishing a global management development & consulting group (Possibilities), Tick Tick Dollar™ philosophy has been my guide every single step of the way.







Apart from managing 10 successful businesses and serving over 500 clients, including many Fortune 500 companies and governments, Possibilities Group is also running two heart warmingly positive contributing to society projects; Possibilities Foundation and Possibilities Schools, offering free education to thousands of underprivileged children.

It doesn't matter whether you are already a superstar or feel total-ly lost like I was few years ago, this philosophy has the power to change your life. It is a tried and true recipe for creating the life you desire for yourself. This essentially is a big claim. And who do you think will conrm the authenticity of my claim? At the very least, those closely associated with me who knew me when I was practically on the street, without food in my belly, broken both nancially and emotionally. They all knew me as someone who was disheartened, fearful, shy, disappointed, lost and nervous. They can undoubtedly recognize me as someone whose personality, appearance, presence, grooming, conversation, and presentation at that time never matched his aspiration, high ideas, philosophy, and dreams.

Some of these veriers are my creditors, to whom I often failed to pay back the money I borrowed from them! My teachers, students, clients, relatives, friends and family members, most of whom did not believe in me; would be willing to take the stand to support my statement.

Everybody thought I was destined to fail, spoil my life and will never be able to accomplish anything worthwhile. Indeed, most of them suggested me to stop wasting time chasing my dreams and start worrying about bringing food to the table for the family.

In those life threatening moments, it was this philosophy that kept me alive, determined and motivated when there were no solid reasons to back it up. There is a considerable list of my current clients willing to validate this philosophy. Only a few years ago, these clients were not willing to give me a shot even when I offered my services unconditionally free of cost. They were right. At that time, of course, as I had no experience or track record to back up my






Tick Tick Dollar™ approach was my companion, my inspiration and my north star in all those frustrating, shattering and devastating instants. The fact is that with no nancial resources, no professional network, no background and no condence, God granted me all that which a few years ago existed only in my imagination. Let me share with you some of my dreams (not the goals) on my list in those days:

Wearing made-to-measure clothes, eating a fancy meal, having my own personal computer, buying a cell phone, having shoes of my own size, ying in an airplane, staying at a ve-star hotel, driving my own car, buying a Walkman, supporting my under-privileged family, sending a needy child to the best school in town, making two hundred dollars a month, opening my bank account, playing golf, learning to swim, visiting a big city, appearing on TV, living in an up-market home, meeting my favorite celebrities, adventuring with rock climbing, walking on a beach, conducting training sessions in the mountains, being able to address large audiences,having my hair cut at a fancy salon, writing and publishing best-selling books, becoming an international motivational speaker, achieving nancial freedom, establishing myself as the premium Success Coach, travelling internationally, making a signicant contribution to society, and achieving 764 other similar hopes, dreams and ambitions that I believed at that time to be completely unrealistic became a concrete reality for me.

My entire being is lled with a deep sense of gratitude to the Almighty that what I had always considered to be far-fetched and incredible visions of success turned into actuality.

Imagine for a moment that a young man who didn't have the courage to even introduce himself to another person in the corporate world because he lacked self-esteem and condence is now inspiring millions through his speaking engagements to break their self-imposed limit, face their brutal fears and mark a difference by recognizing their gifts. A courage-less professional, whose constant habit was eeing away instead of seizing the opportunities, nally musters the nerve to stand tall as an alternative to eeing, and faces







up to the challenge of speaking to a variety of groups ranging from 8 to 8000 in his motivational programs.

What made me do all of this that I could never have imagined doing even in my daydreams only a few short years ago? It was just a simple shift in my thinking, beliefs and philosophy. I committed myself to stick to three decisions I made at a time when my life was in a complete directionless mess.

1. Each day I will commit to follow my purpose 2. I will use every waking moment to pursue my deepest passion 3. Every day, I will use the joint power of my purpose and passion to perform at the nest optimum levels.







The gift of my philosophy takes you way beyond the traditional

peak performance or success tools. It essentially is a mindset that challenges you to listen to your inner calling, redirect your enormous potential to move toward it, and live gracefully with an unquestionable legacy. This book elaborates the same philosophy for you that turned my own life around. It will guide and inspire you to live with purpose and passion, and achieve a matchless performance every day.

The best thing this book can give you is the genius of building alignment between what is your reason for existence, what is that you really feel passionate about and how you can make a conscious commitment to perform at the optimum levels that others can only desire. The right conguration, alliance and union between purpose, passion and performance will bring a deeper sense of joy, satisfaction, and fulllment to your life. It will guarantee goal achievement, balanced living, fulllment and a profound sense of accomplishment each and every day.

You will embark on a journey that gives free rein to your true potential. Your daily stresses, worries and anxieties will be transformed into your allies to help you achieve breakthrough performances in major areas of your life. You will move away from excuses and start orchestrating positive changes in your life. You will get rid of the justications, explanations, and rationalizations that have reinforced your unspoken belief that you are mediocre. You will stop apologizing and will start living the life that is out there waiting for you.

Tick Tick Dollar™ will introduce a renewed sense of achievement as well as fulllment in your life by focusing on what possesses real value for you. You will realize the importance and feel the urge to make better decisions while taking full charge for the results. Your mind will begin to experience freedom from irritating disturbances and will achieve greater calmness, serenity and peace. The new choices will allow you to pick a healthier, happier and more






The complete Tick Tick Dollar™ philosophy is explained in a nutshell below:

· First tick is a reminder for you to live on purpose · Second tick prompts you to live your passion · Dollar challenges you to outperform opposition in pursuit of your purpose and passion.

The day I committed to do my very best to live this philosophy every day, it proved to be the turning point of my life. For many years, I never believed in my own story. I had no idea that a gift of speaking and inspiring others in waiting to be unleashed inside me. I had never thought that speaking about my pains will bring healing, inspiration and motivation for others.

I discovered the truth that purpose is who you are and passion is what you do. When who you are is totally aligned with what you do, you become totally unstoppable. When I built the alignment between my purpose and passion, my life began to experience a new level of excitement.

Though I had no money, I was happy. I was resource-less, but satised. I was on the street but fullled inside. I knew for sure that my creator has touched my heart for a reason. I knew He has some plans for me, far better and solid than the ones I had for myself. My purpose gave me the power to spread a message of positivity, hope, and inspiration to the world. The power of purpose enabled me to overcome my fears, anxieties and negativities. The sense of purpose ignited within me my buried passion of public speaking. Soon, I could see my unstoppable passion for delivering a pro-life, pro-success, pro-dreams and pro-hope message.

I urge you to begin your quest for discovering your purpose and passion today. Whichever you nd rst, make sure when you nd the second one; you make them both totally aligned. If you nd your purpose rst, nd the most passionate way to pursue it. If you nd your passion rst, catch a way to use it to serve others and praise the Creator, you will automatically nd your purpose too.






Remember, living every day with purpose and passion for optimum performance guarantees achievement and fulllment. Only a 100% commitment to maximize your purpose, passion and performance certies success and prosperity. Starting from today, 'Living your purpose and passion for optimum performance' must become the slogan of your life.

So are you ready to commit to live every single day out-per-forming competing forces in pursuit of your purpose and passion?








'To live your life's purpose means doing what you love to do, doing what you're good at, and accomplishing what's important to you.'

- Jack Caneld, Author of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Each one of us is unique. So is our purpose.

You are tailor-made for your purpose. If someone else was meant to accomplish your purpose, then there was no need for you to be in this world.

Your very existence at this planet is an indication that some purpose does exist for you. You and your purpose are supposed to co-exist. Your purpose and you are part of the same story, same journey, and same destination. You must make a conscious effort to nd the other part of your story. And if you are still alive, it means the job you were sent to complete is still unnished.

So what are you here for? Ignoring this question is not the solu-tion. Choosing to sleepwalk through life without knowing why you

are here is criminal. Every Tick of the clock is basically a reminder to you to live your life on purpose.

Purpose is the answer to the question of why are you here, what are you here for, what is your agenda for landing at this planet, what is your reason of existence, and what is it that you are here to accomplish?

The best metaphor for explaining purpose is a 'compass'. Like a compass, your purpose gives you the sense of direction. The compass is a blessing for the lost travelers. Similarly, purpose is a blessing for those who are off their path and feel lost.

Let me ask you a couple of question to know whether or not you have a clear sense of purpose in life.

Do you exactly understand the meaning of your life?

Do you think there is something in your life that is so important to you that you can give up everything for that?Can you clearly see how will you play your part to improve the lives of people on this planet? How and where do you think you can leave your mark?

Have you ever thought about the way you would like to be remembered? Did you ever try listening to your life's calling? Or are you still waiting?

Most of us struggle to nd the answers to these questions. We are so busy in chasing life that we fail to nd time to reect on the meaning and purpose of our existence on this planet. Who brought us here and what does He wants us to do for Him? It never occurs to most of us to devote some quality time to nd answers to the most critical questions of our life.

If you are one of those who feel lost, don't worry. It is pretty common. I have been lost for good 24 years as well. However, my







experience is, when you are ready to change course, you get unexpected magical support. The best beginning would be to start nding ways to serve others wherever you possibly can. Because when we choose to serve others, purpose invariably nds us.

Why live on purpose? Because having a sense of purpose and heading toward it gives you a feeling of direction. You know deep inside that you are accomplishing something signicant and getting to a meaningful place.

Purpose gives you a reason to get out of bed with a smile every morning and look forward to what the day will bring. Also it gives you a yardstick to measure the distance between where you are and where you are destined to be.

A life lived with purpose gives you condence, a sense of trium-ph, and a feeling of gratication. Purpose puts a bounce in your step and ensures you a mind full of vigor. When you decide to live your purpose, it gives you a direction to navigate more forcefully through the turbulent waters.

Purpose reinforces your will to handle challenges, solve prob-lems, manage turmoil and bounce back from setbacks to continue what you are meant to accomplish.





“Know what success really means to you. Find out what it is that brings true meaning to your life. What makes each day important for you and then focus on it.”


- Warren Buffett

Goal and purpose are normally interchangeably used. Nonetheless, to me purpose and goal are two different creatures. They are two banks of the same canal. Let's explore the key distinctions between the two most important concepts. If you wish to create a great life, the following points will help you a great deal.

Time:Goal has a clear starting and nishing line. However, purpose is a never ending quest. One purpose can accommodate multiple goals with numerous beginnings and ending.

Completion:Goal can be achieved with dedicated effort. Yet, no matter how much effort you put in to pursue your purpose, it will never be fully achieved. Shocked? If you are following the true purpose, your whole life will be consumed in pursuit of your purpose yet you will still believe there is a lot still undone.

Joy:The satisfaction and pleasure you experience upon achieving a goal is short lived. You may temporarily feel the sense of joy but soon the sense of joy fades. However, even if you achieve the tiniest portion of your purpose, the joy and satisfaction you experience is lasting, durable and eternal.

Value:Goal, if achieved, produces value for you only. Purpose, when achieved, generates tremendous value, benets, and advantages to others.

Focus:While chasing a goal, you glorify yourself and ignore people. But when you chase a purpose, you glorify God and serve people.

Impact:The effect of achieving a goal is normally short term. Conversely, realization of a purpose has long term lifelong effects on generations to come.







Feeling:Reaching a goal gives you sense of achievement. Attaining a purpose provides you a feeling of fulllment.

Direction:Goal urges you to get as much as you can whereas purpose inspires you to give as much as you can.

Key Point:A tiny shift in direction can turn a goal into purpose. And that tiny shift is re-thinking the reasons for undertaking any goal. If you build intent to serve others through the same goal, and withdraw from the desire to serve yourself; it automatically earns the credentials to be titled as a purpose.


I have three good news for you.

1. You have the power and guts to pursue your bigger purpose of life2. At the same time, every single moment you have the opportunity to bring purposefulness in everything you do on a day to day basis.3. Also you can build an alignment between whatever you do to the overall reason of your being.

Once you make a decision to live on purpose, the invigorating sense





‘I truly believe that everything that we do and everyone that we meet is put in our path for a purpose. There are no acci-dents; we're all teachers - if we're willing to pay attentionto the lessons we learn, trust our positive instincts and notbe afraid to take risks or wait for some miracle to come kno-cking at our door’.

- Marla Gibbs

of purpose will be reected in almost every action of yours.

For instance, you set out to make a presentation to a very high-prole audience. If you have a goal driven, self-serving thinking, you will feel the pressure. The stress will exhaust you. You know why? Because you need the audience to like you, admire you, appreciate your work, approve your idea, or do business with you. Since what you need is in their hand and you are not sure whether they will give you what you need as a 'taker', you will feel anxiety, nervousness and worry. This goal-centered thinking will be reected through your words, body language and actions.

On the other hand, if you are purpose-centric, you arrive at the place as a 'giver'. You let your sense of purpose guide your thoughts and behavior. Your focus is shifted from what you can get to what you can give. You are making your best efforts so that your presentation can serve them the best.

Instead of worrying about yourself, you are focused on giving participants a feeling of comfort, condence and relaxation. You are committed to give them the best return on the time they have invested in attending your presentation. You promise to help them and provide them more value. You commit to contribute. You try your best to reducing some of their anxieties, pressures and concerns. You focus on nding ways so that your presentation can bring about a positive change in their lives.

What is happening here? You have shifted your focus from your needs (what you want) to their needs (what do they want). Their needs and wishes have become the focal point of your efforts. Your objective is no more to win their approval, admiration or appreciation. You are not going there to get something; you are going there to give.

The shift in thinking will shift the center of your energies. Instead of worrying about the presentation, you will organize your material in a way that excites your audience. Givers feel no pressures. They move their attention away from the outcome and put the spotlight on the purpose.






When participants see the value in your work and get what they want, you are actually increasing your chances of getting what you want? When you focus on giving, you automatically get what you want.

In a nutshell, if you aim to do something that will bring benet to you, you chase a goal. When you do the same thing so that others can benet, you bring purpose in the picture. A goal is about getting, whereas purpose is about giving. Here is some food for thought for all those who wish to create a successful and prosperous future for them.

'The world gives to the givers and takes from the takers.'

Start performing your duties with a reason to facilitate and sup-port others. Your reason should be to helps others shine, to kindle their growth and improve their quality of life. By doing so, each moment of your life will be consumed in pursuit of your purpose. This will automatically improve your own quality of life.

Success begins when you convert a goal into a purpose.

Ask yourself: 'What can I do to discover the purpose God has created me to accomplish right now?’


The simplest denition of purpose is 'giving'. Wherever you are right now and whatever you are doing at the moment, stop doing it and ask yourself this simple question: Is my intent here to give or get? Am I intending to give or get?

The shortest test of whether or not someone is following purpose is this:

Who is this act serving, you or others? If it is serving you only, it's not purpose based. If it is serving others, it surely is.

How does 'giving' gure in this? It means evaluating the deep-down





intentions and reasons behind your decisions to carry out the projects, schemes, and ventures in your life.

If your sole intent behind doing something is to secure benets, rewards and prizes for your own self, this is not purpose. If the focus is only on getting, your endeavors lack a sense of purpose. However, if you are doing it to 'give' that undoubtedly is purpose driven.

Can you see the very small, but distinct difference of intent here? When embarking on a job, if you focus only on what you are getting out of it, you will make no progress. On the other hand, if your focus is on how you can contribute more, and use this as an opportunity to bring value and benet to others, you are not only getting closer to meaningful purpose, you are also sowing the seeds of enduring success for yourself.


The journey to discover your life's purpose helps you discern your deepest motivations and brings greater clarity and focus to every day and every facet of your life. It inspires you to be all that you can be and to live an ever richer, fuller life. To explore this in detail, read Dr. Wayne Dyer's The Power of Intention, a deeply inspiring book intended to awaken you to your full potential. Discovering your purpose will take some effort on your part, but the return on your investment will be tremendous.

The process of living your purpose starts with knowing what your purpose is. I am sharing with you a simple set of questions to probe into it:

Step 01:Choose a group or segment of society that you feel excited about serving

Step 02:How do you want their lives to be changed? What impact your serving them will have on them? What will they be able to accomplish?






Step 03:What specic talent, ability and skill you will be using to make it happen for them? How would you make it possible?


There is no shortcut to living a purposeful life. Below is the step by step process you must follow to make sure that you are connected with your purpose.

1. Listen:Show willingness and commitment to listen to your inner calling. You will have to stop listening to everyone else and pay complete attention to what your innermost voice is trying to tell you.

2. Verify:Make sure that the call you are responding to is the real one, not a false alarm. Many spend lot of time trailing a purpose and then changing path realizing it was not something coming from the core of their heart. They mistakenly took that 'fake' call as real.

3. Follow:Take immediate action to begin the journey of following the path. Tracking the path will require energy, patience and full devotion.

4. Familiarize:Develop a trusting relationship with your purpose, making your purpose your most important partner.

5. Flight:The expedition to follow your purpose is not a part time job. It is a full time commitment. It's a binding to consistently move toward it with speed, accuracy and sense of urgency.

6. Line-up:Once you take off for 'purpose ight', all your attitudes, behaviors, abilities, skills, competencies and capacities should be aligned in the same direction.





7. Review:Periodically take time out to see how much distance you have already covered. What major milestones are waiting ahead? Review your progress on a regular basis. And don't forget to celebrate small victories.

1. Find your overall purpose of life 2. Develop a sense of purpose in anything you do in life 3. Make every moment a of purpose-based living

Tick Tick Dollar is a wake-up call to connect with your compass! (Purpose). It is never too late to your purpose.






“The purpose of human life is to serve, and to show compassion and the will to help others.”


- Albert Schweitzer





B E S T - S E L L I N G A U T H O R
