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Welcome | At the Health Experience Project, we believe the right experience can change everything.

HxP explores the experiences that are changing outcomes for

people, for professionals, and for brands. In this report, we’ve

curated some of our favorite stories about how brands are

changing the everyday experience of healthcare.

Inside, you’ll find our picks for 13 of the best experiences of

2013, ones that created new human-healthcare connections

and helped more people choose better health.

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Jerry is an interactive teaching toy for children with type 1 diabetes. He shows them how to manage blood glucose levels, recognize their symptoms, and maintain a healthy diet - all through play. Using games, positive reinforcement, and real world scenarios, Jerry allows children to learn the skills necessary to take care of themselves for the rest of their lives.

“If there’s a way we can make it a little less clinical, a little less medical, a little more fun, we’re all for it” – Father of Matt, a 9-year old with type 1 diabetes

1 Sproutel’s Jerry the Bear

The bear has insulin injection patch sites, a pulsing heart, and a

chest gadget that displays his blood glucose level. Jerry’s owner is

able to monitor and maintain his health by feeding him food items

and giving Jerry an insulin shot when he needs one.

We chose Jerry because he’s made for where healthcare really happens: Outside of the hospital, in every day life. Plus, the bond made between Jerry and his owner is sure to make being brave a little easier.

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2 Janssen’s Care4Today App and SMS

“I have my wife, sons, and daughter all connected in Care4Today using Care4Family for medications and household chores. I get alerted immediately if my wife misses her Levoxyl or my older son misses his Cymbalta.” – User review

Care4Today pairs image-driven reminders with incentives and social support. Through an app or text messaging (user’s choice), the program helps support daily adherence to treatment plans.

Care4Today has a refill reminder and a two-way secure messaging

platform. It also has images of over 20,000 pills – making it a lot

easier to know exactly what to take. To motivate users, it can alert a

designated “caregiver” if a user misses a dose or give 5¢/day to a

chosen charity when the user confirms a dose.

We chose Care4Today because it answers both the practical and emotional reasons that keep people from sticking with treatment. And, because it’s delivered by either app or text message, making it easy for people to fit it into their daily lives.

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3 ACP Decisions Video Support Tools

In The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, Benjamin Moulton and Jaime S. King said patients are “routinely asked to make decisions about treatment choices in the face of what can only be described as avoidable ignorance.”

This nonprofit developed a series of videos that help people make more informed decisions about the kind of healthcare they want. The creators were frustrated by how often real, honest conversations about choices in care were skipped entirely or dashed off in a brisk, jargony way.

They tested their first video on advanced dementia with real

patients. All were given a verbal description of dementia and some

were shown the video. 90% of participants who saw the video

chose comfort care (which aims to maximize comfort and relieve

pain) compared to 22% who only heard the description.

The work of ACP Decisions is obviously focused on major, life-changing diagnoses. But, the problem they point out – that the jargony formality of healthcare impedes real communication – is a truth across the industry, one we can all help change.

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4 A.C. Camargo Cancer Center’s Justice League

They transformed the children’s ward into a superhero paradise, complete with a “Hall of Justice” game room and superhero-themed decorations. The intravenous chemotherapy bags became magic power against cancer when they were concealed in colorful superhero cases and rebranded as “Superformula.”

Original comic books told stories about how super heroes

recovered their strength thanks to the Superformula designed by

expert doctors.

We chose Justice League because the comic context is making the Cancer Center less scary, but more importantly, it’s helping doctors explain the disease and the treatment in a way that’s understandable and relatable to kids.

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Singapore is one of the most rapidly-aging countries in Asia. That aging population has come a whole new list of societal challenges. At the top of that list is depression. Many of the aging seniors are isolated and lonely. It’s a trend that’s been called “the silent killer” and the cause of a whole range of other health problems.

Mobile phone providers have unique access to both their customers devices and their data. That gives them the opportunity to quickly create native apps and track which are really changing lives.

5 Singtel’s Project Silverline

That’s where Project Silverline comes in. It’s a first-of-its-kind

mHealth program designed to combat isolation. It runs off a steady

flow of donated used iPhones that are refurbished with specially

designed senior-friendly apps that help users feel inspired, connect

with their care givers and loved ones, and take care of their health.

In almost every region around the world, you can find some version of “The mHealth Report,” a quantitative look at how mobile can improve access, outcomes, and efficiencies. But very few regions are acting on it. Singapore stands out.

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6 Eli Lilly and Disney’s Spoonful

The site is updated with fresh content weekly from Disney + Eli Lilly contributors, including dietitians, psychologists, nurses and everyday families.

The partners created, a website filled with playful stories, games tips to help young diabetic patients and their families manage the disease.

The site is built on Spoonful, Disney’s newest website for moms,

part of a much larger parenting experience. The site has content

from other caregivers raising children with type 1 diabetes as well

as original books and characters created by the partnership, a

frequently updated blog and all kinds of tips and ideas for holidays

and seasonal changes.

We chose because it’s a great example of each contributor playing to its strengths: Lilly knows diabetes and Disney is a trusted online resource for family content. Neither could have created this experience on its own.

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7 Oscar’s

Each of the underlined areas lets you customize the field with your own information.

When New York opened its health exchanges, one of its most interesting players was Oscar, a new health insurance company taking advantage of design and data to humanize and simplify the consumer experience with coverage. Oscar wants to be the primary place patients get the medical help they need.

To do that, it’s taking on physician deserts, building new

infrastructure and making a big promise: see a doctor in

20 minutes. Exploring the plans is as easy as telling

Oscar a little about how you are. Members see their

medical history in a Facebook-style timeline. And, they

can use heat maps to compare prices.

How would your life be different if you actually understood your health insurance? We chose Oscar because that’s their goal: To create a user experience so intuitive and helpful that people seek out their insurer before their doctor. That could be huge.

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Today, the app connects its 250,000 member doctors with each

other to network, get expert advice, ask questions, coordinate

patient care, and discuss difficult cases.

8 Doximity’s Professional Networking Tools

With more members than the American Medical Association, Doximity is undoubtedly the largest physician social network for one good reason: It works the way doctors work. Its first popular tool was designed to upgrade an existed workflow. It was a HIPAA-compliant mobile fax that allowed docs to send and receive faxes directly on their iPad or phone.

We chose Doximity because its uniquely human design and mobile-first philosophy make it one of the few new tools that’s truly native to how doctors work and want to work with each other. That’s a game changer.

Doctors can ask a critical mass of their peers any number of questions ranging from drug interactions to specialist advice, and it points to the demand and hunger for specialized, vertical social networks that meet an unmet need.” - CEO Jeff Tangney

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9 CVS’s Pharmacist Advisor Program

CVS recently completed the successful pilot year of its Pharmacy Advisor program, designed to provide expert support right when people are initiating a new treatment. To start, their pharmacists are given special training in how to support people with diabetes or heart disease.

In 2014, the program will expand to breast cancer, depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma and osteoporosis.

We chose CVS because pharmacists are the white coats everyone has local access to. This drive toward specialty and helping people make successful transitions onto new therapies only makes them more essential and influential.

They offer a personal consult when customers fill a prescription in

store or initiate a phone call from an advisor if they’ve chosen mail

delivery. The interventions increased initiation rates by 39% overall

(68% for the group counseled at retail stores). Adherence rates

increased by 2.1% (3.9% in store). The return for the employer was

$3 for every $1 spent on additional counseling.

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10 WellDoc’s App Rx

“Healthcare is on the cusp of a revolution where new technologies can address epidemics, like diabetes, in ways never before imagined” - Rick Popp, director of employee benefits at Ford Motor Company

The company’s BlueStar became the first disease therapy to be prescribed through an app. It’s FDA approved for treating adults with Type 2 Diabetes. When a pharmacy gets the prescription, it adjudicates the claim, and then WellDoc sets up BlueStar for patient and doctor.

BlueStar supports patients through smart blood glucose testing,

healthy diet and exercise choices, medication adherence, and

quality standards of care such as A1c tests, foot exams, and blood

pressure and lipid levels. It also provides the patients’ physicians

with clinical decision support and enables them to efficiently extend

care beyond traditional office visits.

We chose BlueStar because it helps fill in those huge gaps between clinical visits and makes it easy to tailor treatment both to an individual’s needs and a doctor’s preferred approach to managing diabetes.

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11 Standbuy’s Personal Fundraisers

Standbuy was created by Sashka Rothchild. When she was 17, living in Santa Cruz, CA, her mother was diagnosed with brain cancer. Rothchild hopes that Standbuy will help people find a little more room in their day for healing instead of worrying about financial stress.

Standbuy is a crowd funding platform specifically designed to reduce the financial stresses of cancer. It has the “connect, gather support and stay updated” features of CarePages with the added ability to create mini fundraisers for yourself or a loved one.

We chose Standbuy because the free blogs designed to connect friends and family members during a health crisis are incredibly important. Their only shortfall is that they don’t answer the very real question: what can I do to help? Standbuy does.

Each fundraiser has a deadline to create urgency, but, unlike

some competitive crowd funding platforms, the donations are

paid out whether the goal is met or not.

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12 Pfizer’s Online Pharmacy

Half the men don’t even realize they’re doing something illegal

or counterfeit. They’re looking for convenience and a deal.

Pfizer’s new online pharmacy lets real Viagra go head-to-head

with the counterfeit stuff. Home delivery is only available to

those with a prescription and for most patients whose insurance

covers Viagra, the co-payment is either $29 or $49.

CVS is powering an online pharmacy on This is big for Pfizer because the illegal Viagra market is actually 25% larger than the legal market. Those aren’t all men who are afraid to talk about ED – in fact, 75% have talked to their doctor.

We chose Pfizer’s jump back into retail because it offers a practical solution to a real problem. Instead of scare tactics about online pharmacies, they simply built a better one.

“To meet the needs of consumers who are increasingly going online to purchase prescription medications, Pfizer today launched Viagra® home delivery, a new prescription-fulfillment website for Viagra® (sildenafil citrate) tablets, Pfizer’s most counterfeited medicine”

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Their program fundamentally changes the consumer healthcare

experience. It pairs apps, video calls with physicians, even

educational iPads for caregivers, with traditional in-office care to

create a system that works with – rather than interrupts – the lives

of veterans.

13 Veteran’s Administration Remote Care

Over the last 12 years, the U.S. Veterans Administration has been building the Care Coordination/Home Telehealth (CCHT) program, one of the fastest-growing remote care programs in the world.Over 500,000 vets have used telehealth, reducing patient bed days by 58% and hospital readmissions by 38%.

We chose the Veterans Administration because it lets vets receive care on their own terms, often remaining in home and avoiding long commutes to specialists that they can now connect with over video conference.

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TALK TO USTo discuss this report live or request a presentation of experiences and trends, please contact Leigh Householder at 614-543-6496 or [email protected].

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Thanks to core contributors to this report: Alex Bragg, George VanAntwerp, John Mucha, Patrick Richard, Ritesh Patel, Sarah Doll, and Tyler Durbin.

And, to artist David Wink for the custom illustration on the cover of this report.