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Emoticon Usage, Expression of Courtesy in the Context of WhatsApp

Through Social Media:Study in UUM.

Prepared by:Noorilyana Binti Hashim



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Definition “The term ’emoticon’ – short for emotion icon – refers to graphic signs, such as the smiley face, that often accompany computer-mediated textual communication” (Dresner & Herring 2010: 249).(Hinz, L., 2015)According to Tanimu Ahmed Jibril & Mardziah Hayati Abdullah (2013), emoticons or smileys innovated in 1982. They also stress that now in various aspect of computer mediated communication (CMC), the genre has attained substantial patronage.

WhatsAppOne of the most popular mobile instant messengers is WhatsApp. The name of this application derives from the merge of the colloquial phrase “What’s up?” and the abbreviation of the word application. (Hinz, L., 2015)

Media SocialOne of the most popular mobile instant messengers is WhatsApp. The name of this application derives from the merge of the colloquial phrase “What’s up?” and the abbreviation of the word application. (Hinz, L., 2015)

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Konsep ‘peradaban’ lebih menyentuh tentang aspek pembangunan dari segi kemanusiaan dari segi dalaman dan luaran, khususnya dari segi sikap, falsafah, pemikiran, nilai, emosi, tindakan, kelakuan atau keperibadian manusia

sebagai makhluk dan kelompok sosial yang berakal, berilmu dan berbudaya tinggi. Hadijah Rahmat (2008).

“Loss of adab….referring to the loss of discipline—discipline of body, mind and soul, the discipline that assures the recognition and acknowledgement of one’s proper place in

relation to one’s self, society and community; the recognition and acknowledgement of one’s proper place in relation to one’s physical, intellectual, and spiritual capacities and potentials; the recognition and acknowledgement and being are ordered hierarchically ”

(S Naguib al-Attas, 1979:2). Hadijah Rahmat (2008).

Courtesy (Budi bahasa)

Lazimnya merujuk kepada tutur kata, kelakuan, sopan santun, tatatertib, akal, kebijaksanaan dan perbuatan kebajikan yang tercantum dalam kata-kata akhlak mulia. Perkara ini termasuk mulia, adil, hormat, bijaksana, berani, maju, sabar,

sopan dan lail-lain. Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia (2014)

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Problem Statement

- Lack of literacy regarding on courtesy expression on emoticon usage using qualitative method

- Social media literacy, social group and courtesy important in emoticon usage

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RO 1:To examine

about technology literacy and effect on emoticon usage

RO 2:To understand

social group influenced on emoticon usage

RO 3:To explore

factors of courtesy expression on emoticon usage

Research Objective

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As Joseph Walther already noted 20 years ago, different instances of the medium should be analyzed differently, in order not to fail exploring divergence in usage. He also states that “the study of CMC is very young, and new systems with new qualities emerge almost constantly. In such rapidly developing field, it is not

surprising that any interesting discovery should be reported, especially as it might apply to fundamental communication processes). Walther 1992: 80). (Hinz, L., 2015)

social group

KnowledgeFuture work should further examine the interaction between social practices and

need fulfillment, and the outcomes of established social practices, such as amount of bridging or bonding social capital individuals have access to (e.g., Liu, Venkatanathan, Goncalves, Karapanos, & Kostakos, 2014), or the psychological

implications of social media use (e.g., Kross et al., 2013). (Karapanos, E., Teixeira, P., & Gouveia, R., L., 2016)


In the future, it will be useful to further examine the linkage of the social media profile, emotions and the perceptions of social media use in order to gain

deeper understanding of the implication of the pattern represented by the profiles. (Widen, G. et al., 2015)

Social media literacy

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RQ 1: How technology literacy effect emoticon usage?

RQ 2:How social group influence

emoticon usage?

RQ 3: What factor triggering

courtesy expression in emoticon usage?

Research Question

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Contribute literature about different perspective of WhatsApp (media

social) emoticon usage

Relevant of Media Richness theory in

this study

Contribute to add a study or finding by using qualitative method of this kind of




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Synthesis of Literature ReviewWhatsApp has become fashion in media social usage. The growing popularity make Whatsapp upgrade numbers of its emoticon up to 889 pictograms specifically 58 of it resemble human face (facial expression). Emoticon usage also been studied as a whole. Literatures of media social usage pertaining to Whatsapp and emoticon mostly focus on effect, functions, emotion, different medium and so on. Emoticon usage also been studied as a whole. Rarely did we find a literature about courtesy involvement as a factor in emoticon usage.

Karapanos, E., Teixeira, P., & Gouveia (2016) carried out a research work on “Need fulfillment and experiences on social media: A case on Facebook and WhatsApp”. Result of this study showed in qualitative analysis, relatedness has become a single significant predictor of WhatsApp intensity usage and self-esteem for Facebook. Despite relatedness, self-esteem and competence in both media that shows overall need fulfillment profile, still manifesting differences in different social practice. Needs in user’s unsatisfying experience that exists in the tool’s breach of offline social norms deny a relatedness and popularity. This study however missed to look at interaction between need fulfillment and, impact of established social practices. This is a ‘call’ to study about social practices in social media (WhatsApp and Facebook) that should be taken seriously.

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In “The function of emoticons and pictograms in instant messengers” by Hinz, L. (2015) stated that results of such literature finding should continuously re-evaluate because of rapid progressing in instant messaging field. Leonore Hinz also stated according to Walther (1992:80) in order not to fail at exploring divergences in usage, different instances need to be differently analyze. So, emoticon usage can be analyzed with factors of courtesy expression, social media literacy and social group for expand our knowledge about current social media phenomena. Purpose of “Mixed emotions in actives social media use – Fun and convenient or shameful and embarrassing” literature by Widen, G. et al. (2015) are to explore frequent and intensive social media usage really affect young adult and their media usage perception and self-reporting. They use qualitative methodology to achieve the aim by media diary study of respondents (undergraduate student). This method will have a difficulty to conduct because of confidentiality of information that high context culture society will reluctant to share. This study has a limitation to gain a deeper understanding of the implication of the pattern represented by the profiles by study linkage of emotions, social media profile and perceptions of social media use. This limitation can be filling by doing a study related to social media literacy. Pranata, A. (2014) in her study “Ekspresi emosi melaui computer mediated communication pada pengguna social network sites di Kota Surabaya” looks at low media richness in context of her study. Analysis conducted related to social presence and social visibility that lost in CMC.

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Relevance of emoticons in computer-mediated communication context: An Overview by Tanimu Ahmed JIbril & Mardziah Hayati Abdullah (2013) reviewed literatures from year 1986 until 2012. From the literatures they found out that emoticon indeed gradually evolved. It must be affected by its usage growing and popularity it gained since it launched in 2009. Many literatures across field have studied about emoticon in different dimension such as psychological, linguistic, education (pedagogical).

To understand how emoticons are used in text messaging and how genders differed in the frequency and variety of emoticon used via smartphones are a purpose on research title “A longitudinal study of emoticon use in text messaging from smartphones” by Tossel, C. C. (2012). Findings from quantitative method of six month period on SMS messages from smartphones given to respondents shows that frequency of use did not correlate with the number of messages sent to contact when emoticon were used. Differences in emoticon use did not reflect the number of strength social ties. According to this finding social ties did not give any effect on emoticon usage. This interesting finding should be follow up by study in this aspect using different method to see probability of differences or similarities or to understand the factor lead to that finding.

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Interview protocol

Respondent:UUM’s Students

12 students2 Malays

2 Chinese2 Indian

2 Orang Asli (aborigin)4 international student

Primer Data: - Interview transcript

Seconder data:- Literature about courtesy

cross culture



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Hinz, L. (2015). The functions of emoticons and pictograms in instant messages. 10Plus1: Living Linguistic. Issue 1. Media Linguistic

Karapanos, E., Teixeira, P., & Gouveia, R. (2016). Need fulfillment and experiences on social media: A case on Facebook and WhatsApp. Computers in Human Behavior 55, 888-897

Widen, G. et al. (2015). Mixed Emotions in Active Social Media Use- Fun and Convenient or Shameful and Embarrassing?. iConference.

Pranata, A. (2014). Ekspresi emosi melaui computer mediated communication pada pengguna social network sites di Kota Surabaya. Jurnal E-Komunikasi. Vol 2, No. 3, 1-13

Budi Bahasa. (2014). Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia. Kementerian Komunikasi & Multimedia Malaysia. Retrieve from

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Tossell, C. C., Kortum, P., Sherpard, C., Barg-Walkow, L. H., Ahmad Rahmati, & Zhong, L. (2012). A longitudinal study of emoticon use in text messaging from smartphones. Computers in Human Behavior. 23, 659-663

Hadijah Rahmat.(2008). Membina minda dan budaya melayu baru. Jurnal e-Utama, Jilid 1, 8-23

Tanimu Ahmed Jibril, & Mardhiah Hayati Abdullah. (2013). Relevance of emoticon in computer-mediated communication context: An Overview. Asian Social Science, Vol. 9 No. 4, 201- 207.

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Citation AuthorFuture work should further examine the interaction between social practices and need fulfillment, and the outcomes of established social practices, such as amount of bridging or bonding social capital individuals have access to (e.g., Liu, Venkatanathan, Goncalves, Karapanos, & Kostakos, 2014), or the psychological implications of social media use (e.g., Kross et al., 2013).

Karapanos, E., Teixeira, P., & Gouveia, R., L., (2016)

As Joseph Walther already noted 20 years ago, different instances of the medium should be analyzed differently, in order not to fail exploring divergence in usage. He also states that “the study of CMC is very young, and new systems with new qualities emerge almost constantly. In such rapidly developing field, it is not surprising that any interesting discovery should be reported, especially as it might apply to fundamental communication processes). Walther 1992: 80).

Hinz, L., (2015)

In the future, it will be useful to further examine the linkage of the social media profile, emotions and

the perceptions of social media use in order to gain deeper understanding of the implication of the

pattern represented by the profiles. (Widen, G. et al., 2015)

Widen, G. et al., (2015)

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Radial Picture List SmartArt

Process Steps




