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  • Welcome It looks like you are ready to get serious! Well, I am making that assumption

    because you have just opened this eBook. If that is the case

    Welcome to the revolution!

    My name is Jerred Moon, and I am the guy who started End of Three Fitness, and I

    have one simple goal for the fitness world, for you, for me. My goal is to end the

    mediocrity. You know; ordinary, average, middle-of-the-road, unexceptional,

    unremarkable, run-of-the-mill, lackluster, forgettable, amateurish; bush-league.

    I go after that goal by providing primarily free (and a few premium) products and

    resources that are aimed at one thingMaking you a better human.

    We do things a bit differently at End of Three Fitness. I dont just say that, and I dont like gimmicky websites.

    I help others become better humans; but I am also on that quest myself. I have a full-time job, a family and many

    other responsibilities, just like most of you. I dont have hours and hours to devote to training, but that sure as

    hell doesnt stop me from avoiding average like the plague.

    So I try to do things that would not be looked at as normal.

    For instance, about a week after this video [watch here] was taken, I ran a marathon on a mile track with no

    training [read about that here]and I havent paid for a gym in years. I know some of you can do these things as

    well, and some of you cantIt doesnt matter, the only thing that matters is being better than yesterday!

  • To do that you have to refuse mediocrity. But what is mediocre, what is average?

    Lets take a look at average:

    15% of the population older than 18 years of age get regular vigorous activity (three times

    a week for at least 20 min)

    60% report no regular leisure time activity at all

    25% not active at all

    So lets see if this makes sense; if you workout 3x a week for 20 minutes or more, you are in the top 15%

    of the population (youre a 15%-er) - you are not average, you are not mediocre. At End of Three Fitness,

    we want to take the 85%-ers (no activity, not active) and get them to be 15%-ers, and we want to take the

    already 15%-ers and make them top 1%-ers.

    Got it? Its simple. We want you to be a better human; a better version of yourself. End of Three Fitness is

    your resource to start kicking ass, or to start kicking mediocritys ass. It is a one stop shop that I have

    been running for over two years, but been working at my whole life. At End of Three Fitness you get free

    information, a community, workouts, challenges, resources and moreand more is always on the way.

    It has been a long road for me; 1,000s of emails answered, 100s of thousands of words written and

    countless helped. Ive trained military personnel at the highest level of military fitness, Ive trained

    competitive athletes, I have trained the completely sedentary and active stay-at-home moms.

    Ive seen individuals in every one of this categories fail and succeed. I want you to succeed. I want to

    help you become a better version of yourself.

    Are you ready?

  • Lets get started with your 11 Ways to Quit Being Averagein Fitness

    Lets get you out of the beginner zone; a place you have probably been for 10+ years because you are

    scared to take it to the next level. Why are you scared? I dont knowYou are afraid to be too focused on fitness, you fear you will get injured, or you just dont want to push yourself.

    This is your push! Get started doing things for yourself and doing it correctly. You will find once you are

    not a beginner anymore, you are no longer average.

    It is time to take off the training wheels.

    Any idiot can get on a treadmill and watch TV and then take

    great pride in the fact theyve exercised.

    -Mark Rippetoe

    Its time to shake things up! If you are perfectly happy watching TV while you run on the treadmill or

    talking on the phone while you do curls, thats fine. However, you can probably stop here because the

    info coming is of no use to yousorry.

  • #1: Stop Getting Information from


    What the average do: Rely on a muscle mag at the grocery store checkout counter for all

    their fitness information.

    First, we have to purge the crap you may be reading or watching. Know, that the below is true often, but

    not always. Who to stop getting information from: You know what I mean, the guys whose website is their name. This means that they

    probably started working out solely for vanity. Furthermore, this probably means their site is mainly about

    them. They dont care much to teach. Be wary.

    Desk-Jockey' Trainers: Those who claim to train the average Joe, or provide information for the desk

    jockey.There is nothing wrong with desk jockeys, AT ALL, its just thatGenerally, I have found the sites

    that claim this have a mediocre knowledge of fitness and want the least intimidating audience, or people

    who will not challenge their mediocre knowledge (or fitness). You will never get more than surface level

    information on anything. Whats worse is when these sites do well, since there is a lot of appeal for

    surface level information only, the creator feels like they are now an expert. But the creator is still most

    likely someone who after 3 months of training you will be able to run faster than, lift more than, and

    jump higher than. Their aim is the make moneynot become a better human.

  • Muscle Mags: It is time to get away from 30 Days to Hot Summer Abs and Lose 30lbs. by Drinking

    Water. Beginners try out these quick fitness fixes, better humans dont.

    We train with an ultimate purpose. We know what we are working towards and all of this other stuff just

    gets in the way

    Personally, I would rather listen to someone who is squatting 5x my bodyweight (without drugs) or who

    can embarrass me in any type of workout, as opposed to the one who studied exercise/sport science in

    college, yet he/she is completely out of shape.

    Give me the person who studied basket weaving but will own me in the gym. Youll learn more from those

    with scars than you will from those who read it in a book once.

  • #2: Realize youre a freaking genius

    What the average do: They assume health and fitness is a complex subject that they are

    incapable of understanding.

    You need to take control of your fitness, and to do that you need to...

    Realize You Are Smart!

    Seriously, chances are, you are pretty smart. Quit selling yourself short. Quit thinking this fitness thing is

    too complicated for you to figure out. You are capable of seeing through all the crap out there and even

    creating your own fitness program or diet.

    If you know you are smart, but time is the issue, you need to get trusted resources. In the last step we

    purged all the crap resources, now it is time to pick some good ones; but only pick threedont get


    Pick three very reputable websites or sources of information that you feel will help you in your quest.

    Remember who not to listen to from the information above. I recommend one of your three picks be a

    book. I dont know your goals so I cant tell you where to go. Finding the sources that work for you will be

    the hardest part, but sift through the crap and find something you love. Get all of the useless info out of

    your life, find what you want, and make it for you.

  • #3: Set and Test


    What the average do: They never truly know what they are capable of, and they dont

    test themselves out of fear of what they may find.

    The only way to know where you are going is to know where you have been.

    We all may train a little bit differently and I dont discriminate. However, if you like to watch TV while

    running on the treadmill or if you are trying to spot-train fatyou may have things a little backwards.

    Thats where End of Three Fitness can come in handy.

    Here at Eo3 we have 10 different benchmarks of fitness that cross multiple domains. Regularly testing

    these benchmarks and getting better at them will ensure you are ready to take on any personal fitness


    These are 10 domains of fitness regularly agreed upon and the foundations for how CrossFit got started.

    However, these benchmarks have nothing to do with CrossFit benchmarks or exercises; these are Eo3


    Look at these benchmarks as goals or tasks to keep you in check, dont get too wrapped up in them.

  • Eo3 benchmarks/Goals:

    1. Run a 5K in 23:59/26:50 or less

    2. Be able to work for two hours (Can be a workout, hiking, etc.)

    3. 100%, or more, of your bodyweight lifted for 1-10 reps in every lift.

    4. Be able to touch your toes (bonus points for hands flat on ground) and be able to perform PVC

    Pass throughs .

    5. Standing Broad Jump 12-24 more than your height.

    6. 40-yard dash in less than 8 seconds.

    7. Be able to throw, bounce, dribble and juggle.

    8. Be able to run, jump, skip, sprint and transition easily between all of them.

    9. Be able to perform at least five consecutive wall-squats.

    10. Be able to perform 50 consecutive double-unders .

  • #4: Do something crazy Like PLAN

    What the average do: They never have a real plan, and if they do, the plan never

    makes it past day three.

    Im going to make this painfully simple.

    Plan 30 days and write crap down.

    Go to your calendar and plan out your fitness schedule for the next 30 days. You dont have to plan out

    all your workouts, that is part 2. Just plan out a good rest/work schedule for the next 30 days. Once you

    write it down consider it law. Do everything in your power to keep to this schedule for the next 30 days.

    Thats it

    Its that simple

    A simple plan with the right information is enough to make you incredibly dangerous in the fitness

    world. Plan, Plan, PlanNow, to go a little more in-depth:

    Brief-Macro Fitness Planning: We are looking at the big picture here. Lets look at where we want to be in

    one year. What is a good idea that seems almost unachievable? Why almost unachievable? That means

    it is difficult and will take you a year or longer, which is OK!! Get your idea, your goals, or whatever it may

    be and lets move to micro fitness planning.

  • Brief-Micro Fitness Planning: Macro fitness planning is throwing yourself into the jungle, micro fitness

    planning is figuring out how you are going to cut your way out. This step is not as fun or inspirational as

    macro fitness planning but it is actually more important. This means you will need tools, plans and


    1. Tools: Your reliable sources of information that you will be referencing for the duration of your


    2. Plans: In this step you need to set up as many micro-goals as you can/want/need. This step is

    directly proportionate to the level of laziness you possess, so be honest with yourself. If you are

    incredibly lazy you will need a lot of progress checks or micro-goals to make sure you are on the

    right track.

    3. Determination: Determination is not something that comes naturally for a lot of people. If you find

    yourself in this boat, dont worry, you wont sink. But you will need to set up a support group. Some

    like-minded people who either a.) have the same goals or b.) will call you out when you are not

    meeting your goals.

    Want to know a good place to state you goals and have some accountability?

    The End of Three Fitness Community (click below).


  • #5: Get a Fitness Bucket list

    What the average do: Say they hope to run a marathon 'one day', but never take any real

    actions towards that goal.

    Its simple, create a list of things you want to be able to do, or have done, before you die. This is a little bit

    different than saying I want to lose 10 lb.. If you wanted to tell a bunch of people about something

    really cool you did in your life, saying, I lost 10 lb. once, is not that cool. However, saying, I lost 10 lb.

    while training to climb a mountain, and OH YEA, I climbed the freaking mountain is a lot cooler. Does

    that help a little bit? (You can sub climb a mountain for run a 5K, Compete at X event, etc..)

    I firmly believe setting your goal as an action is the best way to approach fitness. Then you can plan out

    how to get it done.

    Beating a dead horse one last example. Number goals are inevitable and are perfectly fine. Say you

    want to gain muscle mass, maybe 15lbs. How about instead you set numbers goals of how much weight

    you want to be able to lift I guarantee the mass will come with it, if youre diet is right.

    Why set goals this way? 1.) You will end up meeting any aesthetic goals you had in the process (as long

    as you set smart goals). 2.) You will have fun in the process. Fitness does not have to be boring!

    I have my list if you want to check it out (click below):


  • #6: Only put your name on your back!!

    What the average do: They worship professional athletes and drool over their

    accomplishments and stats, never focusing on their own potential.

    Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone elses

    opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. -Oscar Wilde

    Dont wear their jersey, their shirt, and under no circumstance should you get another athletes name

    tattooed on your back.

    The concept: You wear another athletes name on your back Say what you want, but by doing so you

    have now put this individual on a shelf. This means, to some degree, you idolize this person. Whether

    they are your role model or someone who inspires you, what you are saying deep down is that individual

    is better than you

    Mentally, you have set limits for yourself. You have become that person who knows that they could

    never do something, without ever actually trying. Get their name off of your back , free your mind and

    expand your limits!! This may sound ridiculous to you because you have a LeBron jersey and you know

    you will never be as good as LeBronYoure missing the point

    Its not that you can or cant be better than someone. It is the fact that you are putting them on

    a different level than you. Rock stars, movie gods and athletes all put their pants on the same wayThey

    are not better than you.


  • #7: Workout Outside

    What the average do: The average dont workout, and they certainly dont workout outside.

    Here at End of Three Fitness we have a wide array of people and fitness strategies. Some are just getting

    started in their fitness journey and some are training to be competitors. It doesnt matter what your goals

    are or why you train, you have to have fun in the process. This part of the guide is meant to challenge you

    a little, but mainly for you to have fun. However, I am not going to give you a specific workout, I will give

    you the elements of the workout and it is up to you to come up with something awesome.

    The workout must:

    A.) Be outside (playground, park or under a bridge).

    B.) Involve an odd-object to lift, carry or squat.

    C.) Elevate your heart rate; the more the better.

    D.) Last longer than 10 minutes but be less than 20 minutes.

    E.) Must have a least 3 exercises.

    I actually did one under a bridge once (click below):


  • #8: Train Strength

    What the average do: Average women are scared of strength training and average men dont know how

    to truly train strength.

    Strength is the key to everything.


    The more you dive into strength training and really dissect it, the more you realize that it is vital. It makes

    fast athletes faster, it can help you lose weight or gain mass (yep, it can do both), it will strengthen your

    bones, manage certain bodily pains, help you jump higher and give you the ability to catch a leprechaun.

    Men and women alike should be strength training, and they should be doing it the exact same way (did

    your brain just explode). However, I see so many people, even the advanced athletes stalland they

    cant seem to figure out whats going on.

    People either over simplify strength or over complicate it. There needs to be a little more structure than

    lift a heavy object once, but you also dont need a physicist to assist in your strength programming

    We discuss strength a lot around End of Three Fitness.

    If you need some help with this one, there is a premium Eo3 resource to help you get started and

    strong/fit as all get out.


  • #9: Be Mentally Tough

    What the average do: The average have NO idea what a comfort zone is, because to know what one is,

    you would have to step outside of it.

    Mental Toughness isnt a term to only be used by Navy SEALs and professional athletes. At End of Three

    Fitness we are hijacking the term Mental Toughness and brining it back to the other guy. We want to be

    Mentally Tough and push ourselves a little more each and every single day.

    How is your mental toughness? Do you know?

    You know what I look forward to in my next workout? I want to see where I want to quit .Because there

    will always be that point where you cant do another rep, or run any fasterwell thats what your brain

    would have you believe. After my brain is screaming STOP, it burns, or STOP you cant breathe. I like to

    push it further and see where I end up.

    Try to stretch your mental toughness everyday. The brain works just like your muscles. Increased load

    over time; and you will receive a logical response - progress. Your brain will set new benchmarks for itself

    and will tell you a new place to think about quitting. That place will be further than the last and you will

    be well on your way out of the beginners zone.

    Another resource at End of Three Fitness:


  • #10: View Fitness Differently

    What the average do: Abs + Elliptical + Strength machines = Fitness...

    Learn to view fitness in a new way.

    The average take on fitness is awfulTo most, fitness is broken into three primary categories; strength,

    cardio and abs. Strength is achieved primarily through machines, cardio is best on an elliptical and abs

    can be done on machines or with some crunches.

    Look, those things will workto a point. But how boring is that!?

    Wouldnt you rather DO something with your fitness? Wouldnt you rather achieve?

    Take a new approach to fitness, start to question the norms, try new things, fail a few times, crush a few

    PRs you thought were never possible. Take it all one day at a time. Be different!

    Look at fitness through a new lens.

    Do you need that supplement? Do you NEED a gym membership? What does a healthy diet really look


    Are you asking enough questions?

  • #11: Build a Garage Gym

    What the average do: Spend a lot on a gym membership that is rarely used.

    Ive written about this extensively and actually have an entire other free eBook on how to do this in the

    members area, so I wont waste your time.

    Whether you workout in a box, a commercial gym or at work, it wouldnt hurt to also have a garage gym. I

    can show you how to do it in a very affordable way. The garage gym can be your sanctuary or it can be

    your reserve gym when you just cant make it to the real gym. Do it, your health will thank you.

    You can

    Build one OR Buy one

    Of course, a garage gym is optional. I do know having the ability to workout at home has changed my life,

    and has made fitness fit much easier than it once did into my daily routine.

  • Time to do something.

    The average will read this short eBook, or skim it, and donothing. Dont be that person.

    Its time to do something. It is time to act. This quick guide is just the beginning, and it is just words. You

    have to take action! If you need some help, that is the entire reason End of Three Fitness Exists.

    Check out

    End of Three Fit (FREE training website)

    Popular Eo3 articles

    DIY Corner

    I also have a premium product designed make you strong and fit, or as we like to call it Highly Effective

    Strength Training (and conditioning)...for the other guy! This one is designed for those who want to sift

    through the crap and get down to becoming a stronger fitter human being.

    As with all End of Three Fitness products it comes with a 100% money-back guarantee, so why not give it

    a try?

    Check out



  • Dont worry, this isnt truly the end.

    I am still plugging away doing everything

    I can to make you a better human

    everyday at End of Three Fitness.

    Stick around, you may just like what you

    find, or what you become.

    Thanks for reading!

