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“Life is what happens when you are busy making other plans.” ~John Lennon

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What drives the creativity engine?

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What drives the creativity engine?

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What drives the creativity engine?


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Do you feel intensely strong feelings that feel like huge waves hitting the shore?

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Do you feel both unbridled joy and deep frustration associated with the creative process?

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If the answer to the questions is yes, read on because you are not the only one…

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1. The Push and the Pull: The Comfort Zone Vs. The Discomfort Zone

“I have real1ed; it is during the times I am far outside my element that I 2perience myself the m3t.” ~ C. JoyBell C.

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Are you staying at the edge of your

discomfort with your creativity?

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Do you do things that 2cite you, inspire you and make you a little scared? Or are you staying in your zone of creative comfort?

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Here is a call-to-action: Embrace

uncertainty and discomfort over certainty

and comfort.

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Take one small action today that puts you outside of your zone of comfort.

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Begin with a small creative project that you have always wanted to complete and go through with it even though you might be terrified of the result.

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2. The Astonishing Power of Unfavorable Situations

“6e truth is that our finest moments are m3t likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or un7lfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” ~M. Scott Peck

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Problems and impossible situations are

opportunities in disguise.

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6e author of Help, Kathryn Stockett took five years to complete the book and was rejected 60 times before it got published. 6e book has since sold more than 5 million copies and has stayed on best sellers lists for many weeks.

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J. K. Rowling conceived of Harry Potter while on a delayed train journey. Over the next several years, she got divorced, lost her mother and battled poverty while keeping the dream alive for her books.

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Embrace unfavorable conditions and go do

something groundbreaking with the lessons learnt.

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Allow difficult situations to transform you and make you more fl2ible, more power7l and more resilient.

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3. Fire, Fire Burning Bright: The Burning Desire Difference

“What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” ― Jane Goodall

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If you are 7eled by a desire, a fire greater than ego related wishes…

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If you are truly inspired to shake things up and make the world a better place as a result of that…

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Sometimes you are confronted with a life-changing event or you may change a “keystone habit” that kept you back as described by Charles Duhigg in his inspiring book, 6e Power of Habit.

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When such an event happens, you may develop a

great fire of inspiration and the burning desire to make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

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If you discover you have only a year to live, all the unnecessary clutter just falls apart. You will have no time to lose. You get to work on the most

important things.

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Do have a burning desire to creatively inspire and make someone’s life better or something better?

Do you have a reason and a purpose that is so important that it fills you up with inspiration?

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Mobilize that amazing fire in your belly to push forward in your creative ventures

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4. Nothing to lose, everything to gain: “Screw it, lets do it”

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.”-Sir Richard Branson

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If you want to stir things up in the world of creativity, you need to embrace Sir Richard Branson’s phil3ophy of “screw it, lets do it.”

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Do you feel like you have a lot to l3e by chasing a;er your creative dream?

6e reality is that you may be right.

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The adventure of the journey and the

possibility of fantastic destinations is priceless.

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The relevant question to ask is whether staying

STUCK is eventually RISKIER than the immediate risk of going for it.

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Do not allow anything to hold up your creative ventures.

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5. Running into Uncertainty: the Eye of the Creative Storm

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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There will be hopeless and impossible days.

Your creative venture will look like it is stumbling and gasping for air...

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Many of us give up at this point when it gets too

difficult and unbearable to continue on.

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Realize that every storm comes only to pass.

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"Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." ~Jacob Bronowski

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Ask: how can you LEARN from the


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If you have emerged without a new

perspective, it may be that you are

unwilling to change DIRECTION.

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R'5'5b'r -",- /",!2' #$ ,)w,1$ #!'v#-,b)'...)',r!#!2 ,!& r',)3,-#%! #$ %p-#%!,).

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6. Embracing fear and massive action: the opposite of analysis paralysis

Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. ~Dale Carnegie

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The quick and easy solution to this problem is to take action in

the face of fear. There will never be a completely fear free situation

and it is unrealistic to believe that we can banish fear.

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Action <ps:When you get stuck in fear, take a small action to move forward.

No action however small is unimportant. Every single tiny bit of forward momentum counts.

Remember that fear cannot be banished. You will have to befriend fear and not treat it like an enemy.

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7. Fueling the creativity engine: using the power of anger and strong emotions

“Anger is just anger. It isn’t good. It isn’t bad. It just is. What you do with it is what matters. It’s like anything else. You can use it to build or to destroy. You just have to make the choice.”― Jim Butcher 

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Instead of shutting down, allow emotions to further the cause of your creative endeavor.

Breathe deeply and put pen to paper or brush to

canvas. Externalize the power of your emotions and capture their essence in a work of creative art.

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8. Creative entropy: Life is messy and everything moves towards disorder: The structure of chaos

“You must have cha3 within you to give birth to a dancing star.” ―

Friedrich Nie=sche

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One of the 7ndamental laws of Physics is the Law of Entropy or disorder that states that everything in the universe is moving from a state of order to disorder or cha3.

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Creativity is like chaos and entropy within the confines of a meaningful framework or rules.

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If you do not allow the chaos to exist because of

your obsessive need for order, you might be

short-circuiting the creative process.

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Embrace the cha3!Allow yourself the creative freedom to be messy and chaotic in your creative ventures. 

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9. Waking up From the Sleep Walk: Reinventing and Stirring It Up

“Do every act of your life as though it were the very last act of your life.”― Marcus Aurelius

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Do not let your wonder and amazement turn into routine and familiarity...

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Allow ideas to combine and mix freely in your head. Allow them to percolate and brew like a fine coffee and serve up the synthesis.

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Let ideas from different and varied elements come into your head and cr3s-pollinate.

Ask: If I was someone else or if I changed my perspective, what would I do differently? 

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Change the lens that you see the problem through.

Zoom in and zoom out to look at different

aspects of the problem.

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10. Putting it All Together and the Launch: Sheer Joy of the Process and the Possibility of Rejection and Failure

“It’s good to have an end in mind but in the end what counts is how you travel.”― Orna R3s

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Are you willing to stir things and up the creative ante?

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THANK YOU!My name is Harish and I am deeply passionate in bringing

the best of Creativity, Behavioral Psychology and Science to you in

order to Creatively INSPIRE YOU!

I am a Creativity and Inspiration Coach, Writer and Teacher. Contact me if you need a burst of Creativity and Inspiration for you or your organization!


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Noël Zia Lee via Flickr CC

dbnunley via Flickr CC

Thomas Tolkien via Flickr CC

Lel4nd via Flickr CC

bastet in the sky with diamonds via Flickr CC What_marty_sees Via Flickr CC

Rising Damp Via Flickr CC

mark sebastian via Flickr CC

Whatsername viaFlickr CC Bert Kaufmann via Flickr CC ecstaticist via Flickr CC

Nicholas_T via flickr CC

Frank Wuestefeld via Flickr CC

Neal via Flickr CC

Kevin dooley via Flickr CC Vince Alongi via Flickr CC

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Edgar Barany via Flickr CC

Fey Ilyas via Flickr CC

mikebaird via Flickr CC

Daniel Peckham via Flickr CC

Darwin Bell via Flickr CC

Johan Rd via Flickr CC

Nanagyei via Flickr CC

Cavale via Flickr CC

eschipul via Flickr CC

ssh via Flickr CC

Jenny downing via Flickr CC

Thomas Hawk via Flickr CC
