
ways to achieve high email deliverability10

Double opt-in

Use double opt-in to make sure that only those who truly want to be on your list will get there.

People often make typos when filling out forms

or even sometimes forget their email addresses – don’t let that hinder your marketing efforts!1

Welcome email Say "hello" and "thank you" to your new subscribers – after all, they’ve just entrusted you with their address. Unlike bulk emails, welcome messages are sent individually when new people join your list. This helps you avoid sudden spikes in the number of emails sent and builds your IPs’ reputation over time. 2

3 Organic list

Build your list organically, even if it takes longer.

Harvested or acquired lists are likely to consist of spam traps or abandoned emails, and subscribers won’t

engage in your communication.

4Company domain

Send your emails from a domain that is known and trusted, i.e. your company domain!

Messages sent to large lists from free domains (e.g. Gmail or Outlook) may be considered spam by ISPs. They may

bounce back or be blocked altogether.

5List hygiene

Always process bounces, spam complaints, and unsubscribes. Remember it’s the quality

of your list that really counts! Not the quantity.

You don’t want to contact addresses that are inactive or no longer want to receive your

communication. It will harm your deliverability.

6Segmentation Group your subscribers by characteristics or levels of activity and only send them the content they’ll really find valuable.

If you find that some of them are less engaged – reactivate them with a final offer!

7Email design

Beautiful pictures can indeed be worth a 1,000 words.

But in email design – words matter, too!

Make sure there is a balance between images and text. ISPs don’t appreciate emails that are too

heavy, nor may people reading your messages on their phones!

8Email design

Make sure your emails are accessible!

Remember to add ALT attributes to the images and a plain-text version to your HTML message. Both the recipients and ISPs will appreciate that.



Be consistent – in terms of how often

and what topics you cover in your emails.

Some periods may be hotter than others, but you don’t want to overwhelm your readers. Set their expectations

and stay consistent.

10Promise Always deliver on your promise.

Why did the subscribers join your email list? Because you promised them something. Make sure you deliver on that promise by sending them truly valuable content.

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