Page 1: 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY -€¦ · 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY If you’re all too familiar with the mid-afternoon slump or have trouble dragging yourself out

10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGYIf you’re all too familiar with the mid-afternoon slump or have

trouble dragging yourself out of bed in the morning, we’ve got

just what you need. Here are 10 ways to 10X your energy so you

have enough get-up-and-go to do what moves you!


Page 2: 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY -€¦ · 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY If you’re all too familiar with the mid-afternoon slump or have trouble dragging yourself out



Be a sleeping beauty

Getting a good night’s sleep may just be the easiest

way to improve your energy throughout the day, but

how much and what kind of sleep you get matters.

Experts say that 7 to 8 hours sleep is ideal, while

deep, restorative rest is the best. The key is preparing

yourself before you go to bed by allowing your body and

mind to decompress and unwind.

Meditation, turning off electronic devices an hour prior

to bed, stopping the caffeine by 2 p.m. and sticking to

a bedtime routine and sleep schedule will help ensure

you have the sleep of your dreams.

Get caffeinated

Coffee lovers rejoice! Downing a cup of jo is a surefire

way to boost your energy – for a while. Experts say

you’re better off spreading the java jolt evenly among

two or three smaller cups (8 oz or less) of coffee

instead all in one shot. Those smaller cups will help

increase your alertness, sharpen your mind, keep you

focused and improve your concentration.

But we all know caffeine can cause insomnia, so make

sure you have your last cappuccino before 2 p.m. to

ensure a good night’s sleep.

Page 3: 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY -€¦ · 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY If you’re all too familiar with the mid-afternoon slump or have trouble dragging yourself out

03Walk it off

While any type of exercise will get the blood pumping

and help invigorate you, studies show that a brisk

10-minute walk is all you need to significantly increase

your energy and decrease fatigue. Even better, the

effects last up to two hours after your walk.

Waking 10 minutes a day has also shown to improve

your mood and make you more clearheaded and

confident. And it’s no surprise that regular exercise,

including brisk walking, helps you sleep more soundly.

04Step outside

Research shows that just being outside is a good way

to pump up your energy. Exposure to the sun and

Vitamin D, important for a healthy immune system and

strong bones, is also thought to increase endorphins

(which trigger a positive feeling in the brain) and help

regulate sleep.

Bonus points for being outside AND exercising, which

has an even greater effect on energy levels. Studies

show that exercising outdoors is associated with

increased energy and feelings of revitalization.

Page 4: 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY -€¦ · 10 WAYS TO 10X YOUR ENERGY If you’re all too familiar with the mid-afternoon slump or have trouble dragging yourself out

05Skip the “energy” bars

Sure, they may have energy right there in the name,

but more often than not, energy bars are really just

candy bars in disguise, making you feel sluggish,

not revitalized. The concept behind energy bars is

to replace nutrients lost during rigorous exercise. If

you’ve been sitting at your desk all day and are looking

for a quick fix, energy bars are not your friend.

Most include ingredients such as high-fructose corn

syrup, fractioned palm oil and Maltodextrin (used as

a thickener, filler or preservative), as well as high

levels of sodium, to replenish what you’ve lost due to

perspiration. Any energy burst you may experience

after eating one will invariably be followed by a sharp

drop in energy levels.

06Cut the (simple) carbs

Just like energy bars, simple carbs like sugar, white

bread and potatoes, and highly-processed foods can

wreak havoc on your energy levels. Simple carbs

have no staying power, causing your blood sugar to

spike then crash. When your blood sugar falls, your

energy flags.

That doesn’t mean you have to avoid carbs all

together. Complex carbs such as beans and legumes,

wholegrain breads, oats, and yams and sweet

potatoes, can help you regular your blood sugar levels

and keep you energized longer.

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07Eat more often and better

If you want to maintain your energy levels, eating a

nutritious diet spread evenly throughout the day will

help. Eating smaller meals every 3 to 4 hours will keep

your blood sugar up – preventing those pesky crashes

and slumps – while balancing the nutrients you take in.

Nutrients that can help restore your energy and

reduce fatigue include omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D,

B vitamins, zinc and magnesium, all of which can be

found in a balanced diet. It’s recommended that each

meal include a protein, a complex carbohydrate and a

healthy fat, such as olive oil, avocado or almonds.

08Pump up the iron

If you regularly feel fatigued, you may not be getting

enough iron – a common problem for many women.

Iron is a must for its role in transporting oxygen to

your body’s cells, where it is used to produce energy.

If you’re low in iron, you may feel weak and run-down

because your body isn’t getting enough oxygen.

You can easily pump up your iron intake by eating

green leafy vegetables, beans, eggs, tofu, red meat and

fortified cereals. Women aged 19-50 should aim for 18

mg of iron daily.

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09Drink plenty of water

We’ve all heard that drinking water regularly is good

for you, but did you know it can boost your energy too?

Studies show that even slight dehydration can send you

into an energy nosedive. As it turns out, the less water

there is in your system, the less oxygen is circulating in

your bloodstream.

Exactly how much water you should drink each day

depends on a number of factors, including where

you live and how active you are, but it’s generally

recommended that women over the age of 19 should

drink 9 cups (72 fluid ounces) of water daily.

10Download an app

Apps that help improve sleep, track energy levels and

provide tips and tricks to stay energized throughout the

day are all available for download.

Some popular ones include: Sleep Time, which

analyzes your sleep and wakes you up in your lightest

sleep phase so you feel more rested and energized

in the morning; NRGY, which measures your energy

through a combination of tests, providing insight

into your physical, emotional and mental energy;

PaceMyDay, which helps you plan your day based on

how much energy you have and suggests ways to get

re-energized; and Fabulous – Motivate Me, which

promises to increase your energy level by instilling

5 health habits into your life, including 7-minute

workouts and meditation.
