Page 1: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

10 Stupid Reasons You’re STILL Not

VeganPresented By My Vegan Version


Page 2: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

I Can’t Be Vegan Because Tofu is Disgusting!!Seriously, THAT’s your excuse?? First of all, there’s NO requirement that vegans HAVE to eat tofu. Secondly…

BAM!! Mic Dropped!!

Page 3: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

We have to keep those cows in check!!

LOL!! Remember how in our history books, they talked about that time the cow population got so big that human settlements were totally overrun?? NOT!! The only reason we have so many cows is because we factory farm them to mean current demands. In fact, we factory farm them because we were running out of meat since World War I. So...if people stop eating meat, those who make profit out of factory farming lifestock will simply stop breeding them. Problem solved!!

Page 4: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

I’ll be hungry all the time, rabbit food is NOT satisfying!!

Dude, how’s this for

rabbit food??

Page 5: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

I can’t get enough protein on a vegan diet!! Can I??

Yep, you sure can! Think

Nuts / seeds,

greens, beans,

Tofu / tempeh,

gluten, peas...

Page 6: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

I could never give up cheese...

OK, so you’re right about one thing...cheese is addictive. No really, straight up, casein, a milk derivative found in cheese is actually addictive. THAT’s why it shows up in so many products, even vegetarian cheeses - that’s how they hook you! But addictions can be overcome. You can do it!!

Page 7: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

I’m an athlete...I NEED meat to build up my body!!

Do me a favor...Google “Vegan Body Builders” will ya? I rest my case!!

Page 8: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

Don’t we need to eat fish to survive?

Close...we actually need iodine. In fact, that’s more of an issue than the protein everyone keeps harping about. It’s supplemented in iodized salt, and snacking on seaweed or eating vegan sushi (wrapped in seaweed) gives ya plenty!!

Page 9: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

Everybody else eats meat, and I don’t wanna stand out.

Seriously?? I’m not even going to dignify that with a response. Go a meaningless, invisible cog…(smh)

Page 10: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

A vegan diet is boring...I need lots of variety.

How many kinds of meat are there? Are you running around trying to sample snake, iguana, capybara, etc.? On the other hand, how many kinds of veggies are there? I’m sure we can agree where you’ll find more variety!!

Page 11: 10 Stupid Reasons (Excuses) You're STILL not Vegan

What about dessert? You can’t bake without eggs!!

Let me paint you 1000 words

(with NO eggs!!)