Page 1: 10 steps to uncovering your creative self

(psst-it’s not that hard)

Susan Carey, Life Vision & Empowerment Coach, Master Spirit Coach, Retreat Master

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Creativity is not governed by those who can paint a sunset, write a

novel or knit w fabulous sweater.We all have it.Yes even you.

But are we so afraid of looking foolish, being judged or ‘doing it wrong’ that we won’t even try.

Does this sound like you?

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I, myself, will attempt to demonstrate who simply it really is..

(Please excuse my look-it’s casual Friday)

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Step 1-Play

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Color, draw, cut, paste, make a teepee in the woods

Let your mind be free of judgment and notice what feels delightful!

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Step 2-Find a place where you can create

Sometimes that’s hard, n’est pas?You need to be creative to solve that dilemma...Ideally it would be a space that your work would be undisturbed.But we all don’t have that. Coffee shops work for writing and drawing… not for painting and crafts.

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Even one corner of the kitchen table will do…

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Step 3.Open your eyes and ears

What a beautiful world we live in…inspiration is everywhere!

And the best part?

Inspiration is a truly personal outlook.

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Nothing is too big, small beautiful or ugly to be inspirational

Cat licking his paw? Pasta boiling over on the stove? Get in the habit of seeing the ‘art’ in everything

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Step 4 Keep growing

This too is a personal choice…boiled down it simply means-don’t get stuck in your life.

Are you stuck?

Be honest.

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Listen to a new piece of music, learn a new word, drive a new route to work

Experience life!

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Step 5. Expand your mind

There are zillions of options for continued education- online, library, courses and workshops, community college.

Even if you despised school you can find ways to learning something new…and enjoy it.

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Explore additional learning options to keep fresh!

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Turning Point Coaching Solutions…change starts here…

Workshops, retreats, one on one coaching

Register for my Finding Your Creativity workshop before Feb 15th to receive a free journal

And participants can take advantage of a great deal on coaching!

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