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Table of Contents

Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2

Preparing now to lose weight successfully .......................................................... 3

Self-perception & psychological issues related to weight loss ............................. 3

Frustration because you are not seeing results fast enough ................................ 4

How to stop emotional eating binges ................................................................... 5

Gaining weight due to exercise ............................................................................. 6

How to control portion sizes ................................................................................. 7

Achieving long term weight loss ............................................................................ 8

What are the best diet plans? .............................................................................. 10

Stopped losing weight? Kick start your weight loss now ..................................... 12

What you can do when weight loss plateaus ....................................................... 15

Recommendation ................................................................................................ 18

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Hello and thanks again for subscribing to the Weight Loss Strategies Online newsletter. This

free report is made up of ten steps that provide great tips and methods to help you lose weight.

Each step also contains useful information covering very important issues related to weight loss

and what you can do to start implementing some of the strategies on your own. For more great

information about how to lose weight visit:

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Preparing Now To Lose Weight Successfully

Preparation for weight loss is essential. It is primarily a shift in thinking that puts you in the

right mental frame of mind so that you can make the lifestyle changes needed for this

endeavor. Prepare yourself now by first changing the thoughts you have about your ability to

lose weight. Negative self-references and self-defeating thoughts need to go out the window.

At the end of the day, it is only you who wants to lose

weight; hence it will be only you who can lose weight, if

you only remain positive towards your own decision to

live a better life. There will be no power or magic,

extreme diet, medicine, therapy, doctor or anyone else

that can be thought of to be involved in this challenging

situation, only your own actions. The issue is not

remedied by any external forces.

Self-Perception & Psychological Issues Related To Weight Loss

Over all, it is true that psychology plays a big role in our weight loss program or desire. There

are many psychological factors such as behavior; cognition, determination, breaking linkage of

those stimulus that goad us to continue on with our food habit or desire etc. and unfortunately

play a significant role in our attempt to lose extra body weight. There are many rules and habits

that should be strictly followed if we want to win over our own problem. We may have to

sacrifice those habits, which seem so far impossible to sacrifice, and at the same time we have

to welcome many factors that are not easy to be welcomed to reach our goals.

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Preparation begins step by step

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Our food intake is very much dependent on our way of

looking at it and while being consumed our food can create a

change in our mindset after we feel the 'sumptuousness' out

of it. We always think that our food should be tasty enough

to produce the feelings of pleasure, and thus we engage in

binging, or may fail to control the compulsion of eating and

gain weight as a consequence.

As mentioned earlier, we must change the way we look at

ourselves by changing our thoughts. Perpetuating a negative

belief and perception about our appearance is not going to

provide the positive foundation and support needed for

weight loss.

Frustration Because You Are Not Seeing Results Fast Enough

It is difficult to remain happy about yourself and losing weight if you are not getting a desired

result and the issue may be related to many different variables. The first invaluable asset in our

life is our self-image built within us by combining our physical, mental inner quality, and quality

of relationships we have in life as well as our perspectives of being seen or seeing the world.

Our physical appearance is one of the most important aspects of our self-image.

When we don’t see enough results related to our desire to lose weight frustration can easily

set in which can lead to depression, and if not corrected, can lead to failure. However,

frustration related to the challenges of weight loss can be dealt with if you have a plan and

learn how to work through setbacks along the way.

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How we perceive ourselves is very important

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Being overweight is something to be concerned about, but overcoming it is not an

insurmountable wall. There are many avenues that will take you to the happiness you desire

from having a thinner body if you are optimistic and allow positivity to remain in your mind.

How To Stop Emotional Eating Binges

If you are serious about losing your weight but not getting to the root of the problem of why

you are eating to excess, then this is an area that you should really

focus on. Binge eating is eating too much food during a short period

of time. We can overeat because it gives us enjoyment. The

downside is that this type of eating can be used to temporarily

solve problems like depression, anger, stress, fear or other negative

emotions that may arise.

Our emotions can play a huge role in how much we eat since

our sense of taste can basically make us happy when we are eating

delightful foods. A way to stop this is by slowly changing this habit.

We must find positive alternatives when we have the urge to eat when we are under high

amounts of stress or are in a depressed state. These alternatives are the key to overcoming

eating binges since they can provide options. Options are needed when the inevitable

challenges of life are thrown at you. How you choose to deal with stress, depression and the

like are entirely up to you. Create a list of positive actions and things you can do differently

that will give you several options when you are tempted to overeat.

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Find alternatives to emotional eating binges

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Gaining Weight Due To Exercise

Some people do not get the fruit of constant exercise to

shed their extra weight and unfortunately sometimes they

put on weight. Nothing to exclaim about it, many factors

work behind it. You need to check whether you are gaining

muscle or fat; anatomically muscle is denser that fat.

So if you gain muscle your scale may show extra weight,

although you are really slimming up. People lose inches but

may not lose weight.

It is better to get your body fat tested instead of worrying about scale results. Another way

out is avoiding too many calories after an exhaustive exercise program. The cases of examples

are many in this issue when people try to compensate for the burnt calories and take to eating

many calories; some of course take low-calorie diets but do not keep their food diary with

them. Some, in their attempt to lose fat, may restrict taking calories to that extent which will

stop normal functioning of the body’s metabolism; it is obvious that if calorie intake is severely

restricted, our body might counteract the situation by slowing down metabolism.

Another reason is after starting more exercise; the body starts storing extra fuel in our

muscle cells to help your workouts to be easier and quicker. In this process carbohydrates and

glucose get converted into fuel the muscle actually stores as well as uses as glycogen that

actually needs three molecules of water for each molecule of glucose. This means, the more

your muscles build up storages of glycogen, the more will be the storage of water in your body,

as a normal metabolic activity, to cause extra weight in your exercise program in the initial


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Gaining weight because of exercise is not necessarily a bad thing

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The truth is that you are progressing ahead and not regressing back in your effort. The

storage of extra water will stop after your body will adjust to the new level of exercise you have

taken up. In fact, during this process you are losing fat.

How To Control Portion Sizes

Some of us may be careful about many things in our daily life but can be prone to failure

when it comes to self-control when we are in our eating mode. We just forget many

fundamentals and gulp what comes in front of us ignore restrictions of calorie- intake, number

of meals to be taken, embrace junk food instead of keeping them at bay, never control our

portion of food and the calorie content there-in.

Although these are the common errors we fall prey to

we can start educating ourselves in many ways with

simple adherence to weight loss guidelines on a regular

basis. To help control portion sizes we need to slow

down when we eat. Take your time and preplan how

much you will eat before each meal. If you have left

overs, put them away before you even start on your first


Try your best to only eat one serving. If possible, use music and create an atmosphere that is

relaxing as this can help slow down the eating pace. Start reducing portions very slowly at first

so that you are not feeling like you are depriving yourself. After developing this habit, you will

find it easier to eat less, but still feel satisfied. Remember to drink plenty of water during each

meal as this can also help to satisfy and increase your body’s feeling of fullness.

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Slow down, and take each bite one at a time

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Achieving Long Term Weight Loss

You have probably heard the term "yo-yo" dieting. This happens when dieters will initially

lose weight, and then put it back on after they have reached their weight loss goals. It is very

common, as people will set a weight loss goal for a particular event or special occasion, and

once the occasion passes, they resume their old eating habits. What happens next? The weight

they initially lost is put back on, and the cycle starts over again. It is like a yo-yo in that the

weight goes up and down with strict diet rules followed by a period of bad eating habits. So,

how do you manage to lose weight and keep it off? The key is to learn how to think long term

about weight loss.

So it begs the question, then; how do I think long term about weight loss? First of all, forget

the fad diets. Forget about diets that require strict calorie reduction, and while you are at it,

forget about all the diets that require you to eliminate any particular food group. While some of

these diets offer people results initially, strict diets and those which cut out certain necessary

food items (like carbs), as soon as you resume your normal eating habits, you will pack the

pounds back on.

So what do you do to learn how to think long term about weight

loss? You need to change your lifestyle. It sounds difficult, but it is

easier than you might think. It requires some thought and some

initial will power and self-control, but once you learn to make

smarter food choices overall, the healthy eating lifestyle becomes

second nature. As a result, you will begin to lose weight and keep it

off without even having to think twice about it. It sounds like a

dream come true, right? It kind of is!

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With a long-term plan you will succeed at weight loss

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It isn't that difficult, and it is so much healthier overall than some of the crash fad diets that

are all the rage these days. You may be wondering what exactly constitutes making better food

choices. Essentially, you follow a sensible, well-balanced diet. Eating whole, fresh foods is

helpful. This includes fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meat, fresh dairy and whole grains.

These types of foods are generally lower in calories, but dense in nutritional value and overall

more satisfying than foods that are heavily processed with a lot of added preservatives.

It means sticking to the perimeter of the grocery store for most of your grocery shopping.

These areas will contain the fresh, more nutritious foods that are better for you in the long run.

Losing weight is hard. People have been conditioned to eat convenience foods, and foods that

are calorie dense and not that good for us. It makes it so much harder to make healthy eating

habits a part of our lifestyles when you go to a fast food restaurant and a cheeseburger costs

$.99, but a salad costs $4.00.

The truth is if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to learn how to think long

term about weight loss. It takes more than a couple of months with a strict low-calorie diet.

Essentially it means making smarter food choices and incorporating it into your lifestyle in order

to make an effective, permanent change that will last the rest of your life.

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What Are the Best Diet Plans?

If you've been researching online for information on

how to lose weight, you may have been searching for

"What are the best diet plans?" The best way to answer

this question, at least from the most basic perspective,

is to just use common sense. If you are hoping to keep

the weight off once you lose it, the best diet plan will be

the one that gives you the best opportunity to not re-

gain the weight you lose. Equally important, you will want to lose weight in a way that is

healthy and will not harm your body.

Unfortunately, many people get so desperate to lose weight they do things that defy

common sense. Sometimes they even go on crash diets where they just stop eating. This is, of

course, really dangerous for your health. Plus, the really ironic thing about crash diets is that

even though you may lose some water weight initially, you end up forcing your body to go into

starvation mode.

This means that you end up losing muscle mass and storing fat. This is the opposite from

what you want because it will make it even more difficult to lose weight in the future because

you need the muscle mass to burn your excess stored fat.

Moreover, if you force your body into starvation mode, your body will be much more

resistant to burning fat because it is trying to conserve the energy in a time when there is no

food available.

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This is hard-wired into our biological systems because our ancestors lived in a time where

there was either feast of famine conditions. So, what are the best diet plans? The best diet

plans focus on permanently changing the way you eat. Most people in society today eat far too

much processed food which is largely devoid of the nutrients our bodies actually need. Plus,

they contain ingredients like trans-fat, high fructose corn syrup, and genetically modified

ingredients that actually cause weight gain. They also cause our bodies to store more fat and

disrupt our insulin metabolism. This can eventually lead to the development of type 2 diabetes,

and in the process of doing that, it can also make us gain a lot of weight.

Instead of eating processed food, try filling your diet with lots of healthy

whole foods, especially lots of fresh vegetables. One of the most important

vegetables you can eat is fresh organic greens like kale, spinach, bok choy,

mustard greens, collard greens, beet greens, and dandelion greens. You

can also add to this list lots of fresh green herbs like parsley, cilantro, basil,

and thyme.

These green foods help detox the body which is an essential part of any

good diet plan. They are also more packed with nutrients than any other food. This includes

vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and much more protein than most people realize. Try to eat

one or two big servings of fresh greens every day.

It is also important to add in a lot of other fresh vegetables. Try to eat a variety so that you

are getting all the colors of the rainbow. Each color represents a different set of antioxidants

and other micronutrients that are critical to good health and losing weight. Eating these in the

form of a good stir-fry is an easy way to add a good variety.

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Spinach greens

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For example, you could stir-fry some onions, garlic, red pepper, yellow squash, and some

nice dark green kale. Besides the nutrients in vegetables, you'll also be getting a lot more fiber

which will also help you lose weight.

Furthermore, make sure that you get more fish and seafood into your diet. Fatty fish like

salmon and trout are loaded with healthy omega-3 fats that will help you ward off

cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune diseases, and other serious health issues.

Omega-3 also helps you lose weight by making your metabolism run more efficiently. Yes, it is a

fat that helps you lose weight. White fish like halibut and other seafood like shrimp and crab

are also good choices when on a diet, as long as you don't fry them. Throwing them into a nice

soup or stir-fry is always a good choice of cooking method.

Instead of asking, "What is the best diet plan?" you may want to re-frame the question in

your mind to "What is the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off?" Learn how to eat less

processed food and more wholesome foods. The best "diet plan" is to eat lots of fresh

vegetables, some raw and some lightly cooked, and add more fish and seafood. Also, try to

avoid or at least greatly reduce bread, pasta, and other highly processed carbs.

Stopped Losing Weight? - Kick Start Your Weight Loss Now

One of the most frustrating things that can happen to us when we are following a weight loss

program is that we stop losing weight! Everyone agrees there is no better motivation than

seeing the pounds come off steadily and regularly.

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When you have been following an eating plan and find that the scales have not shifted

downward or heavens forbid shifted up, it is easy to get discouraged and let things slip, a little

which could be a reason why those stubborn pounds of fat are staying right where you do not

want them.

So what can you do when you stop losing weight? What reasons are there for weight loss

stopping and what can we do to kick start it again. Well,

we need to stop and analyze our eating patterns and

assess if we have done anything differently, made some

poor food choices, or sneaked a cookie or two thinking it

will not hurt. There is no point berating you, because

weight loss stopping happens to everyone at some stage.

To get back on track we need to think about what is

happening to the body. The first thing to consider is if you have been exercising in conjunction

with your weight loss program. If you have been working out for a while, it is quite possible that

you have gained muscle and lost fat. Muscle weighs more than fat so your weight can plateau

or increase. To analyze this it is a great idea when you begin your weight loss program to take

your measurements. Compare your current measurements to those from your previous

measurement. If they are less, then congratulations are in order because you are toning up and

losing fat despite what the scales say!

It is possible you may be retaining water and are bloated. If you are eating processed, high

salt foods, you will retain fluid, which can increase your weight up to seven pounds!

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Kick start your weight loss again

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Water retention can be controlled by eating healthy nutritious unprocessed foods and

leaving out anything that is bad carbohydrate such as sugary processed food. Remember your

body is used to eating the bad stuff and when you change to a healthy eating plan, it rebels.

Your body rebels against you craving the foods it is used to. You will have to fool this rebellious

body by re-training it by substituting french fries with plain potato, ice cream with frozen yogurt

and candy with some chopped dried fruit and raisins.

Try drinking a low calorie soda or plain water the next time you think you are hungry as thirst

can give you the feeling of hunger. You may find you are turning to a snack when you are not

really hungry which can be stalling the weight loss.

After a few weeks on a weight loss plan, the body metabolism begins to change and often

eating less food tells the body that there is a food shortage so it had better prepare by holding

on to the fat stores. Bad habits such as skipping breakfast, not eating enough food, and eating

just one enormous meal a day is bad news for your metabolism.

For example, you could eat a fast food meal of 1500 calories in one sitting and nothing else

that day. The next day you could eat 1500 calories spread out across the day with oatmeal in

the morning, turkey sandwich lunchtime with fruit and yogurt plus a grilled fish, potato and

salad meal with a granola bar for a snack. In the first case your body bloats on the processed

ingredients, thinks there is a food shortage and lays down fat and in the second case because

good quality food is regularly taken throughout the day, the metabolism works effectively

burning off excess fat and giving the body the right vitamins, minerals and trace elements to

function at maximum levels.

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If your weight loss has stopped, do not despair, you will reach your weight loss goal and will

get over this common hurdle. Try some of these tips to kick start your weight loss again and see

those pounds start to melt away.

What You Can Do When Weight Loss Plateaus

It happens to a lot of people--they begin to carefully

watch what they eat and exercise like crazy, only to discover

they aren't losing any weight at all. It can be frustrating and

annoying when you are working hard only to not have any

results. For a lot of people, the lack of weight loss is

discouraging enough to give up completely.

What they don't realize is there may be an underlying reason

why they aren't losing weight.

If you have ever asked yourself the question, "why am I not losing weight?" you certainly aren't

alone. There are a few reasons why you might not be achieving your weight loss goals.

First of all, you need to really look at what you are eating before you can answer this

question. Keeping a food journal for a week is a great way to start looking at what you are

eating to determine if there are sneaky foods that you are eating that may be sabotaging your

weight loss goals. When you keep a food journal, you should log everything you eat (even if it is

just a bite of something here or there), as well as how much you consumed in order to

accurately track the number of calories you are consuming.

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Keep moving ahead when your weight loss levels off

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Once you have completed your food journal, you need

to assess how healthy these eating habits really are. You

may eat only healthy, whole foods but then drink a few

beers every night. Drinking is one of the biggest

contributors to holding onto unwanted pounds,

particularly in the belly area. In moderation it is perfectly

fine. But if you find yourself regularly knocking back two or

three beers or glasses of wine, you may be completely sabotaging your diet without even

realizing it. Other factors that are huge diet saboteurs are refined sugars, refined starches, and


That means the margarine you are substituting for your butter may actually be making you

hold onto unwanted pounds instead of losing any weight at all. Soft drinks of all kinds (yes,

even zero calorie colas) are another big belly buster.

These drinks have empty calories or they use artificial sweeteners which trick your body into

believing you are starving, often ruining a healthy diet.

You also need to consider your activity level if you are trying to figure out why you aren't

losing weight. If you sit behind your desk most of the day and you are relatively sedentary, your

calorie consumption may need to be adjusted to accommodate your low activity level; or you

need to increase your activity to increase the number of calories burned. Either way, you will

not lose weight if you don't burn more calories than you consume.

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Keep a food journal to track your progress

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It is a pretty simple diet formula that is effective on almost every level: calories burned >

calories consumed = weight loss. Calories burned < calories consumed = weight gain.

Finally, if you still aren't losing weight, there could be a metabolism factor to consider.

If you are having other symptoms aside from not losing weight such as fatigue, body aches,

feeling cold all the time, brittle hair, and constipation, there may be a thyroid issue at hand

which needs to be dealt with. Your doctor can run a fairly simple blood test to determine if your

thyroid is functioning properly. Oftentimes low thyroid is the culprit behind a person's inability

to shed unwanted pounds.

If you have ever been stuck on a diet plateau, you are not alone. Almost everybody hits a

frustrating point in their lives when they think they are doing all the right things to lose weight,

but in reality they are just spinning their wheels. If you want to know "why am I not losing

weight?", then you need to really look at your eating and drinking habits, as well as your

exercise habits. Finally, if all else fails, see your doctor for a simple thyroid panel test to

determine if perhaps your thyroid isn't functioning properly. It is typically a simple solution

which can be resolved, and the pounds can then start melting away.

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