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Page 1: 10 Disciples of the Buddha


Page 2: 10 Disciples of the Buddha


During the lifetime of Buddha, he countered numerous people and his encounter with those people has transformed many people and followed him since then.

During his lifetime, many became his disciples but there are Ten Principal Disciples of Lord Buddha who carried on his teachings, his dharma and spread Buddhism far wider.

Each disciple were known for a specific quality or area and being a foremost among all the Buddha’s disciples.

Page 3: 10 Disciples of the Buddha

1. Sariputra/ Shariputra – The master of Wisdom

Sariputra , also known as Upatissa was one of the two chief male disciples of Lord Buddha.

He attained Nirvana and became Arhat and became known as “ Foremost in Wisdom ”.

He was also renowned for his teaching. Even Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara preaches to

Sariputra in Heart Sutra .

He was praised by Lord Buddha as an enthusiastic and effective Dharma Teacher: “You are wise, Sariputta, great and wide is

your wisdom, joyful and quick is your wisdom, sharp and analytical is your wisdom”.

Sariputra attained Enlightenment after two weeks of his ordination.

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2. Moggallana – The Master of Transcendental/Supernatural Powers

Mogallana was another chief male disciple of Lord Buddha and was also known as


He was the top masters and possesses transcendental powers.

Moggallana and Sariputra were close friends and went to seek the preaching and teachings of Lord Buddha after they became unsatisfied with Sanjaya Belatthaputta (another teacher

who had different ideas).

Moggallana is depicted as the monk with a dark complexion.

Moggallana , since he possessed psychic powers, usually used this power to help people.

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3. Mahakasyapa – The Master of Ascetic Training

Mahakasyapa was known for his ascetic practices .

After Lord Buddha attained final nirvana, Mahakasyapa along with other 500

disciples assembled Buddha’s Suttas and became the leadership of Sangha.

And he became the first man who directly preached about the teachings

and sutras of Buddha .

Mahakasyapa is also called “ father of sangha ”.

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4. Subhuti – He understood the effectiveness of “emptiness”.

Subhuti was one of the ten Great Disciples of Gautama Buddha .

Subhuti was known as foremost in understanding the doctrine of emptiness.

He appears in several Sutras of Mahāyāna Buddhism which teach Śūnyatā (Emptiness

or Voidness).

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5. Purna Maitrayani-Putra – The Master of Preaching

Purna Maitrayani-Putra is also called “Purna ” and was well known as foremost

in preaching the law.

Purna was very enthusiastic disciple of Gautama Buddha and was very good in

his preaching.

Purna had always thought about the future of Buddhism and took necessary steps for spreading the Buddha seeds .

There was no evidence of Purna attaining Nirvana .

He had only preached around for the future of Buddhism and serving the


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Before we continueQuestions?

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6. Katyayana – He understood the Buddha’s

lectures best

Katyayana , also known as Mahakatyayana was one of the 10

principal Disciples of Gautama Buddha.

He was known as foremost in spreading the Dharma , taught by Buddha .

He understood the lecture of Lord Buddha the best.

He was allowed to learn the Vinaya by the Buddha

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7. Anuradha – The Master of Clairvoyance

Anuradha was a cousin of Shakyamuni Buddha.

He and Ananda became the disciple of Lord Buddha at the same time.

He was foremost in divine insight. He was the master of clairvoyance.

And later he got another pair of eyes that is believed to have the power to see the


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8. Upali – Top Master of Vinaya

Upali was working as a barber before he joined Buddha .

He was foremost in observing the precepts. He became the disciple of

Buddha when he was cutting Buddha’s hair.

Actually, Upali was born in the lowest class of Indian Society, so he was

hesitant when he asked if he could join Lord Buddha being the lower class man

such as himself.

Later Upali became Arhat and became the chief disciple and later developed

Vinaya School .

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9. Rahula – The First Novice Monk

According to history, Rahula was the only

son of Shakyamuni Buddha before he became Buddha.

He is one of the 10 Great Disciples of Lord Buddha .

He became a monk when he was still a child and achieved Enlightenment at the

age of 18.

He was the first novice monk in the hometown of Lord Buddha.

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10. Ananda – The Disciple who listened to the

Buddha most

Ananda was foremost in hearing the teachings of Buddha.

He listened to Buddha teachings the most among the others.

He and Anuradha were the cousin of Lord Buddha and became the disciple of Lord

Buddha at the same time.

The term Ananda literally means great delight.

He took care of Lord Buddha for 25 years until the departure of Lord Buddha.

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Page 15: 10 Disciples of the Buddha

Quiz/Exercise---- 15 marksFollow the simple guide– If it says 2-4 sentences, write 2-4 sentences. Those who will not

follow will get minus 1 mark per question.

1. Which 2 disciples would you follow? Why? (2-4 sentences) 2 Marks

2. Is it right for the Buddha to convert his son to become a Buddhist? Why? (3-5 sentences) 3 Marks

3. Why did Sariputra and Mogallana follow the Buddha? (1 Mark) If you experience the same, will you also find another teacher/religion? (1 Mark)

4. Katyayana understood the teachings of the Buddha well while Sariputra is the master of Wisdom. How are these two people and skills different? (2-4sentences) 2 Marks)

5. Differentiate Purna from Upali. Give 3 differences (3 Marks)

6. Subhuti understood the effectiveness of “emptiness”. What could this mean? Explain. (2-4 sentences) 2 Marks

7. Mahakashyapa is the master of ascetic training. What does being “ascetic” mean? (1 Mark)
