


The technical and administrative requirements necessary in order to work with METAPOSTA have been

made as simple as possible in order to provide access to all kinds of users:

1.1. Storing documents

METAPOSTA will be used instead of the traditional mailbox.

We can "upload" or “post on the Internet” all kinds of documents by signing these digitally.

METAPOSTA adds to or replaces files of official or legal documentation of importance to us personally or

to our family that we keep at work or at home, and replaces the domestic filing system (folder) we use

for storing warranties and user manuals for the household appliances, audiovisual or computer

equipment installed in our homes.

- You can scan all the warranties for your household appliances, sign these digitally and keep them in the

corresponding METAPOSTA folder, where they will never get lost.

- You can scan the deeds for your home and sign these digitally, and you can do the same with your ID card,

passport, and so on.

And what is the legal validity of a document that is scanned, signed digitally and kept in METAPOSTA?

Art. 35.2 Law 11/ June 22, 2007, on the electronic access of citizens to Public Services: “The interested parties

may add to the dossier digitised copies of documents, the fidelity of which to the originals will be guaranteed

through the use of advanced electronic signatures. The Public Administration may request verification of the

contents of the copies provided of the corresponding file. Should this verification prove to be impossible,

under exceptional circumstances, the individual may be required to produce the document or the original

information. The provision of such copies implies that the Government is authorised to access and deal with

the personal information contained in such documents".

Unlike other countries, the law does not include the acceptance of such documentation in the private sector

and therefore a lawyer may require that we submit the documentation in the original format.

1.2. Legal custody of documents

METAPOSTA guarantees the storage and legal custody of documents, allowing a level of

criticality/relevance and a legal validity period to be established and guaranteed for each kind of


1.3. Notifications service

METAPOSTA's notifications service is one of the main functionalities on which the system is based.


1) Registration in order to receive notifications

The first step will be for the user to notify METAPOSTA that he wishes to receive official

notifications both from public and private entities via the system. In other words, to register with

the system.

2) Sending of notifications by senders

Senders will be responsible for sending the information. Notifications will be received and

registered safely with an acknowledgement of receipt control that controls the status of

notifications: Pending reception, received and rejected.

3) Announcement of notifications received

Notification of the documents sent will be given to the user-receiver via e-mail or text message

provided that he has expressed a wish to receive this kind of notification.

4) Collecting notifications

In order to collect the notification, the user will log in with his digital certificate, eID, Izenpe

recognised electronic signature certificate or Camerfirma, User + Password- and access the

messages identified as pending notification, as well as accepted, rejected or expired notifications

in his folder.

Notifications have a expiry period. If they are not read within the established period, 10 days,

notifications will automatically switch to expired status and it will no longer be possible to collect

them. The expiry period commences the moment that the system records that the notification has

been sent.

1.4. Public Telematic Registry

METAPOSTA will act like a Public Telematic Registry with regard to the documentation sent and

deposited in the system, for which it will offer electronic notification mechanisms according to the legal

requirements set out in Royal Decree 29/2003.



There are three ways you can register with the METAPOSTA service:

2.1 With a digital certificate

You can access the METAPOSTA platform by identifying yourself with a recognised digital signature

certificate (electronic ID, IZENPE citizen cards, ONA and Camerfirma).

The advantage of accessing with this kind of certificate is that it will automatically enable you to

receive electronic notifications from collaborating sender entities. Only those users that access

with recognised digital signature certificates will be able to receive electronic notifications.

2.2 In person

Registrations in person are processed at KZgunea offices. Physical persons may visit a collaborating

KZGunea centre and identify themselves to an employee with their ID or Residence Permit.

Once this process has been completed, the user will be given two passwords in order to activate the

service: One of passwords will be received by letter and the other via a text message on the user's

mobile phone.

2.3 Through the website of collaborating entities

The following entities collaborate by providing registration for METAPOSTA through their online banking


- Bankoa - Bilbao Bizkaia Kutxa - Caja Laboral - Euskadiko Kutxa - Caja Vital Kutxa - Iparkutxa - Kutxa

It is only necessary for the user to be registered as an online banking user of one of these financial


In order to register with METAPOSTA via your online banking entity, the first step is to access this entity’s

website and start the session. The registration manual of the on-line banking entity provides details of

the particular process to be followed.

2.4 What should I do should my access passwords to METAPOSTA be lost or fall into the hands of

another person?

Due to the high level of confidentiality of the documentation in your METAPOSTA letterbox, should you

not have your passwords or believe that they are in the possession of another person, you must call the

telephone enquiries service of METAPOSTA (902 540 540) and request that your account be reactivated.

METAPOSTA will regenerate your PIN and your passwords and these will be sent to you again. The PIN


will be sent to your mobile phone via a text message and your passwords will be sent by ordinary post

to your postal address.

2.5 I would like to deregister from METAPOSTA. What must I do?

You can deregister whenever you want as there is no obligatory period of permanence in METAPOSTA.

In order to deregister, you must submit a revocation application to the headquarters of METAPOSTA, S.

A. providing the following information:

- Identity of the Holder/owner of the Account passwords.

- Detailed reasons for applying for deregistration.

- Name of the person applying for deregistration. Contact information of the person applying for


This application will be authenticated in accordance with the requirements established in the Declaration

of Accounts and Services Practices and MetaPosta, S.A., who will proceed to deregister the user.

The authenticated deregistration application as well as information justifying the revocation, is

registered and filed.

Should the revocation be applied for by a person other than the Holder, METAPOSTA, S.A. will notify the

Holder of the Account that a deregistration application has been made and the reasons for this.

METAPOSTA, S.A. will not be able to reactivate any Account that has previously been deregistered.

Postal address: METAPOSTA, S.A.

Miñano Technology Park

Avda. Albert Einstein, 44 - Edif. E6 - Bajo

Miñano Mayor - 01510 Vitoria-Gasteiz

Fax: 945 00 10 65

2.6 Do I need any special Hardware/Software/Infrastructure to access METAPOSTA?

METAPOSTA does not have any specific requirements other than those necessary to surf the Internet.

You just need a device to access the Internet (Personal Computer, PDA, Smartphone…) and an available

Internet connection.

Should you wish to use electronic signature certificates to initiate the METAPOSTA session, or sign

documents digitally, you must be in possession of the necessary Electronic Signature Certificates and a

working Card Reader.


2.7 With which navigators and/or Operating Systems can I access METAPOSTA?

METAPOSTA has been created with freeware and therefore, in principle, any navigator and/or operating

system is valid for using METAPOSTA.

METAPOSTA guarantees compatibility with the navigators and operating systems most widely-used by

the public:

1. For access and use, the following web navigators:

1.1. Internet Explorer.

1.2. Mozilla and Mozilla Firefox.

1.3. Opera.

1.4. Safari.

2. With regard to operating systems:

2.1. Microsoft Windows environment.

2.2. GNU/Linux environment.

2.3. Mac OS X environment.

2.4. Mobile phone environments (Symbian, Blackberry, Windows Mobile).



Open the following Internet address in the explorer:

The section Enter my mailbox appears on the home page. You can choose between entering with a

normal version of the website or with an accessible version which will help you manage the service.

Moreover, there are a number of different ways that you can access the METAPOSTA website.

3.1 Access with username and password

All METAPOSTA users have a username and password, which they will receive when they register with

the system. Should an invalid username and password be entered, the "Invalid Credentials" message will



Remember that...

In the User field you must write your ID number, never your PIN or password. In order to gain access you

must bear in mind a number of different aspects about how to write your ID number:

1. Always write your ID number in capital letters.

2. Do not include hyphens or spaces between the number and the letter.

3. Entering your ID number wrongly in any of these ways will create invalid credentials.

In the Password field you must enter the set of numbers and letters you chose when you accessed

METAPOSTA for the first time.

The first time you access METAPOSTA:

1. If you have registered with a Digital Certificate: write the password you have chosen.

2. If you registered via online banking: write the password provided to you on screen. We advise you not to

use the "copy-paste" function to copy the password from the screen in which this is generated as you may

copy unwanted characters by mistake.

3. If you have registered at a KZgunea centre: write the keyword you received by ordinary post.

3.2 Access with digital certificate

By entering a card with a digital certificate (electronic ID, IZENPE, ONA). Once the system has detected

that the digital certificate has been entered, it will ask for its security PIN and allow access to

METAPOSTA (should this be registered with the system).




The METAPOSTA screen is divided into 2 areas. On the right-hand side you will find the Mailbox in which

a list of the documents stored in METAPOSTA will be displayed. This list will vary according to the folder

or label selected in the menu in the area on the left (divided into Folders and Labels).

4.1 List of documents

Once the user has been identified, the system redirects the session to the user's Incoming mailbox,

which is the tray in which the documents are normally received.

4.2 Control area

Left-hand or control area which includes a menu with the METAPOSTA navigation options at the top

and the METAPOSTA setup options at the bottom.

4.2.1 METAPOSTA navigation options (top)

On the left-hand panel of METAPOSTA you can see two tabs: “Folders” and “Labels”. By clicking on these

you can change the way the documents are accessed. In the first, as its name indicates, you will see that

the documents are organised in the form of folders (similar to “Windows”), and in the second, you will

see them organised by labels (similar to “Gmail”).

The folders allow a document to be kept in a single container (folder) where you can locate the

document, while the label system allows a document to be located by assigning one or several labels.

Organising documents by Folders

At the top there is a folder tree that shows all the METAPOSTA folders. Except for "Incoming mailbox",

"Shared documents" and "Discarded documents", these folders can be set up by the user, in other


words, the user can create new folders, eliminate existing ones and move the folders around a tree

without restrictions. He can also name the folders as he likes and change their names.

­ Notifications folder

In this folder the user receives special communications from METAPOSTA or senders. Normally,

messages will be sent about the status of the user’s subscriptions to senders. In other words,

METAPOSTA will send a notification to the user every time an entity has accepted or rejected his


­ File

The “File” tray is the one in which we can organise our personal system of folders to store documents.

­ Discarded Documents

When a document is discarded, this is kept in the "Discarded Documents" tray and it is here where you

can eliminate the document definitively or restore it back to the system.

There are two ways of maintaining and setting up folders:

1. With the right-hand button on your mouse, click on the folders area (a drop-down menu will

appear showing the possible folder configuration actions).


2. Click on the configuration option at the bottom of the "Manage folders" menu. in this case, the

following screen will appear with all the folder tree management options:

a. New folder: The user will have to assign a name to each folder he creates. This name must not

exceed 50 characters.

b. Rename Folder: Change the name of the selected folder.

c. Remove Folder: Removes the selected folder and all associated subfolders. If a folder or

subfolder contains documents, a message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to

remove the folder and its documents. However, should any of these documents be shared or

should the folder be subject to a rule, it will not be possible to remove it.

d. Move Folders: The folder selected as the source and all its subfolders will be moved to the

folder selected as the target. If it contains documents, these will also be moved with the


e. Copy Folders: The selected folder (with its subfolders) will be copied to the folder selected as


the target. In this process, the original folder will not be removed.

Organising documents by Labels

­ List of labels

When you enter the label system, a list is shown of all the labels that the user has assigned to his

documents and by selecting one or several of the labels, you can display a list of documents containing

these labels. Documents that contain intersection or conjunction labels may be selected.

­ Label editor

The label menu is found on the horizontal toolbar of the documents list (right-hand area), within

"Labels". Here, you can create new labels and manage all the labels you have created.

a. Create a new label: When a new label is created, this is not assigned to any document.

b. Remove a label: The label and all the documents to which it was assigned will disappear from the

label store but these documents will not be removed in any case.

c. Rename a label: The change will be applied automatically to all documents that contain the

modified label.

4.2.2 METAPOSTA setup options (bottom)

The bottom part of the menu corresponds to the METAPOSTA setup area.


This offers 3 options:

Personalise my account

In this option, the user will have access to his personal details as well as information on his subscriptions

to METAPOSTA Senders, as well as other setup utilities.

1. My Details

The first tag you will find in the account setup is the one corresponding to user details: My Details.

In this, the user will be able to change his personal details and password. You should remember that

users that have an electronic certificate can access METAPOSTA by means of their certificate or with

their password. Therefore it is important not to forget your METAPOSTA password.

You will see that some of the text boxes on the screen have an asterisk placed next to them. This

indicates that they must be completed obligatorily (this is applicable to many of the forms in


a. Changing your personal details:

Except your ID, any of your personal details can be modified at any moment in this section and you must


give your name and surname.

b. Changing the language:

The language used in the system can be changed at any time, but this change will not take place until the

next time you identify yourself in the system via the METAPOSTA homepage.

c. Changing your password:

You can also change your password at any time, with the following restrictions:

- It must have a minimum of 8 characters.

- It must contain both numbers and letters.

- It must not contain the name or surnames of the user among its characters.

2. My Senders

The second and third tab shows the list of the METAPOSTA collaborating entities (Senders and SME

Senders) that the user may subscribe to.

In this tab, the user may apply for a subscription to all the Senders with whom he has any kind of

relationship. Following acceptance of the subscription application, the user may start to receive

documentation from the selected Senders when these same documents to METAPOSTA.


3. Rules

The next tab allows the user to create rules within METAPOSTA. These rules or triggers will apply when

the user receives a document of the type or from the selected Sender. They allow the user to automate

two kinds of actions:

a. Auto-filing

Auto-filing will allow the user to specify that whenever a document of a determined type or from a

determined Sender enters his letterbox, this document will be moved automatically to a specific folder.

b. Auto-sharing


Should an auto-sharing rule be created, the user will be able to specify that when a document from a

specific Sender or of a specific type enters his mailbox, this document will be shared automatically with

one or several other METAPOSTA users.

4. Notifications

The following folder that appears in the account setup is the notification management folder.

As in the case of rules, users can set up notifications relating to the entry of documents in their mailbox.

This means that the user can tell METAPOSTA to send an e-mail automatically to an e-mail address every

time a document is received from a specific Sender or of a specific type.

5. Blocking the sharing option

The last tab that appears in the account setup is the block sharing option tab.

As you will see in the chapter on sharing mailbox documents, a METAPOSTA user can share documents

with other METAPOSTA users.


In this option, the user can block another METAPOSTA user in order to prevent him from sharing

documents in the future with the user's own mailbox.

Once the ID of the sharer user has been entered, the latter will not be able to share documents with our

account again or until this block is removed.

Manage Folders

By clicking on the "Manage folders" option, the following screen will appear with all the folder tree

management options.

1. New folder: The user will have to assign a name to each of the folders he creates. This name

must not exceed 50 characters.

2. Rename Folder: Change the name of the selected folder.

3. Remove Folder: Removes the selected folder and all associated subfolders. If a folder or

subfolder contains documents, a message will appear asking you to confirm that you want to

remove the folder and its documents. However, should any of these documents be shared or

should the folder be subject to any rule, it will not be possible to remove it.

4. Move Folders: The folder selected as the source, as well as all its subfolders, will be moved to the

folder selected as the target. If it contains documents, these will also be moved with the folders.

5. Copy Folders: The selected folder (with its subfolders) will be copied to the folder selected as the

target. In this process, the original folder will not be removed.

Upload Documents

The last option on the bottom menu is Upload documents. This option allows the user to store both

electronically signed and unsigned documents in his METAPOSTA strongbox. There are a number of

aspects that must be taken into consideration:


- The files you want to upload to your strongbox must not exceed 10Mb per file.

- Each user may store up to a maximum capacity indicated in the Setup my account menu

- METAPOSTA allows you to store all kinds of files.

METAPOSTA will only be able to display PDF files and images in jpg, gif and png formats. (Giving the

large number of possible file types, in order to visualise other file types, the user must download en file

to his computer and display this with his own means).

Important: If the user eliminates of any documents kept in his strongbox, he will not be allowed to reuse

the space freed up as a result. In other words, when the user erases a document, the space occupied in

METAPOSTA cannot be reused for storing new documents.

The first thing METAPOSTA will ask the user when this option is activated is whether the document is

signed or not.

If you respond that it is digitally signed, you will be asked whether you want to upload the document's

signature file.

If the answer is "yes", METAPOSTA will ask the user to select two files, namely, the document itself and

its signature file.

Otherwise, it will only ask for the document.

Once selected, the document will be uploaded to the METAPOSTA strongbox or mailbox.



A number of operations can be carried out with the lists indicated in the different document trays. These

operations are described below. They require a selection of one or several of the documents in the tray.

5.1. Incoming and filing tray

As a guide, the user's mailbox will show the following information in the columns visible:

- Box that can be ticked to indicate the documents with which you wish to perform a number of

actions (more than one document may be selected at a time).

- Document sender. This indicates the entity that sent the document.

- Document reception date and time indicates the date and time when the document entered the

user’s mailbox.

- Shared document indicator. This indicates whether the document is shared with other

METAPOSTA users and with any Sender.

- Type of documents (bank statement, invoice, contract, etc.).

- Document Name.

- Digital signature indicator.

- Acknowledgement of receipt indicator.

Those columns that have a small arrow on the right of the description or column name, are the ones that


allow you to re-sort the document lists in the mailbox in accordance with your own criterion. In order to

re-sort the mailbox with the criterion for one of these columns, you must click on this.

1. Actions that can be carried out with a document:

At the top of the mailbox, there is a toolbar with the following actions:

­ Display document

When you double-click on a document or click on the See document option, you can access its details.

­ Move document

In order to move any document with this icon, you must select the document first. After selecting the

document and clicking on the button, a window will appear showing the file tree in which you will have

to choose the file to which you wish to move the document.

There are two other ways of moving documents in METAPOSTA. One, by dragging the document and

releasing it over the file and the other way is by clicking on the document with the right-hand button of

your mouse and selecting Move document.

­ Discard Document

When you choose this option, the selected document will be sent to the discarded documents folder,

from which you will be able to eliminate it definitively from the METAPOSTA mailbox.

­ Labels

This option allows you to apply existing labels to a document or to create new labels in order to apply

these to the selected documents. It also allows us to edit labels, rename or remove these.


­ Mark as

This allows you to mark documents as read or unread in the user mailbox.

­ Share documents

The documents may be shared with other users or with a Sender. The only restriction is that you will not

be able to share a document that does not belong to you, in other words, a document that you receive

as a shared document sent by its owner.

The shared document option allows two kinds of sharing:

1. Share with another METAPOSTA user

This shares the selected document or documents with one or several METAPOSTA users, whose

ID must be known to you beforehand.

Once one or more documents have been selected and the "Share documents with Users" option

has been selected, a form will appear. You must add the IDs of the users with whom you wish to

share your documents to this form.

Once the list of users for sharing documents is ready, when you click on the "Share" button,

confirmation of the operation will appear indicating the name and surnames of the selected

users. Should any of the IDs indicated not correspond to a METAPOSTA user, you will be

informed of this.

How to block a sharing arrangement?

The last tab that appears in the Account setup menu is the Block sharing option tab.


In this option, the user can block another METAPOSTA user, preventing him from sharing documents in

the future.

Once the ID of sharer user has been entered, the latter will not be able to share any documents with our

account. You can always remove the document sharing block.

2. Sharing with a Sender

This allows you to share a document with a Sender for whom you have defined a motive for

sharing a document with him. The document will continue to be shared with the Sender up to

the deadline indicated by the user.

Once one or more have been selected and when you click on the "Share Documents with

Sender" option, a form will appear in which you can choose the Sender to whom you want to

share the document/s as well as a deadline for sharing and the motive for which these

documents are to be shared. All the fields are compulsory.

­ Download document

This allows you to download a document to your computer.

­ Search for documents

This allows you to search for documents according to the criteria indicated in the following





Once you have located the document you wish to consult in the METAPOSTA mailbox, you just have to

click on this or the document display option in order to gain access.

Just like the mailbox and as you can see on the screen, there are two areas for working. The first has a

toolbar with the actions that can be performed on the document.

The actions that can be performed with the document are as follows:

­ Labels

As in the case of the mailbox, you can assign labels to the open document.

­ New window

This allows you to open the document in a new window separate from the METAPOSTA application


­ Sign document

With the “Details” tab of a document, you can sign this by using a recognised electronic signature card

(Izenpe card, eID, Camerfirma and all the signature cards approved of by the President’s Department

that operate in the Sara and interoperen environments, with the @firma service of the aforementioned



This option is available to those users that have started their METAPOSTA session with an electronic

certificate and, as the name indicates, these will allow the user to sign the displayed document by means

of his personal electronic certificate.

Users will only be able to sign their own documents, in other words, they will not be able to sign

documents shared with the user by others.

The signature will require a card with an electronic certificate placed in a card reader. The card must be

of the user connected to the system.

­ Close

This closes the document and returns to the user’s mailbox.

The following area indicates the information we can view relating to the document:

­ The first tab is the one that gives you access to the document itself.

Should it not be possible to view the document in the METAPOSTA environment, the following screen

will appear.


If you wish to see the document, you will need to download this and view it in your own computer with

the appropriate tool. In principle, METAPOSTA only displays documents in the following formats: PDF,

gif, jpg and png. The remaining formats can be downloaded for viewing. The fact that the document

cannot be viewed in the METAPOSTA environment does not represent any limitation with regard to

other actions possible with the same document such as, sharing, signing and filing, just like all the other


­ The second tab takes us to the document details list:

­ The third tab will only appear when the document has associated advertising and will take you to

the advertising document associated with the main document.

­ The fourth and last tab will appear when the document contains a signature and will show details

about the document signature.

Moreover, it will allow you to download the signature in order to use it in any other process.



7.1. Training in METAPOSTA

The network of KZgunea centres collaborates with METAPOSTA in the free training of those persons who

wish to know more about the features of the system. It also offers an in-person METAPOSTA registration

service that obviates the need for a Digital Certificate.

In-person training will be offered in the form of beginners courses and advanced courses, incorporated

within the usual training modules of KZgunea.

These are 2-hour intensive courses that allow users to get to know the METAPOSTA system quickly.

The aims of the courses are as follows:

- Get a general idea of METAPOSTA and learn how to use the system correctly.

- Understand the sender-user logic and flow of the METAPOSTA system.

- Know about the technical and administrative requirements needed in order to be able to use the


- Learn about those critical aspects of a legal, technical or practical nature to be taken into

consideration in order to use the METAPOSTA system successfully.

- Get to know good practices in the organisation of personal information in METAPOSTA.

The list of KZgunea centres that will give the courses and their timetables can be consulted in the

following ways:

945 016 100

Email: [email protected]

7.2. User Service Centre

If you have any comment, doubt or suggestion to make, you can contact us in the following ways:

- METAPOSTA support line: 902 540 540

- Email: [email protected]

- Corporate blog:

- Social networks: -
