

RIL setting up Crafts Training Institute to train estimated 8,000 welders, 5,000 carpenters, 5,000 pipefitters and a few thousand `grinders` and `mill wright fitters - for i new refinery coming up at its Jamnagar - does not want skill shortage for new projectSets up Crafts TRAINING INSTITUTE



Planned Introduction of people to the

Organisation, their Jobs, Workplace, Co-


Programme or Process

Day before yesterday…


The day before yesterday…

Talent Integration

At Wipro



Orientation and Training at GTL – KPO – Student Project 2007

2 Days Induction Program•Company policies•Benefits to employees•Login on Globali (intranet)2.5 Weeks Training•4 Pillars-Social, Economic, Environment & Corporate Governance•How to find data and analyze it?•Practical training with dummy companiesTest (at the end of training)•Practical •Theory Retest (If retest is also not cleared employee has to leave the company)


Orientation at HDFC Bank STUDENT PROJECT 2005

• Parichay – a 100 day orientation prog

• Covers organisation profile, values,

vision, mission, methods, career


• learning capsules – depends on role

• Mentoring for young managers starts

• Information on benefits etc provided


Good orientation pays


Hand-holding at Stan ChartTOI – 26/4/06

• Introduced an ‘Early Start Programme’

where on day one, everything — from

phone lines to ID cards to computer

terminals — is kept ready for the


• mentor for the first six months

Can be investiture or divestiture


Pre-joining Deglamourisation

• Genepact, EXL, Amway and Bajaj Alliance

Insurance – undertaking this

• Aim – exit option to those who cant take it.

5-10 % for Genepact. 40 % for Amway

• Sets realistic expectations

• Saves employer training costs

The Importance of Being Earnest!!!

Good orientation pays


ORIENTATION PAYS OFFOrientation Process at Corning…

• 4 objectives

What is Training and Development?

Results in 2 years

Turnover reduced by 69 %Expects a benefit to cost ratio of

8:1 in first year14:1 thereafter


What is Training?

Development? Management Development?

Long term, in depth, based on self guided learning

Examples in organisations


Infosys Creates training

facility that can train

4500 people at a time!!!

It needs to -Will take in 12000 people a year

3 Batches / year

"In our business the only constant is change. Training is hugely important as it is the only way one can keep in touch with contemporary issues."

In addition to ILI

2000 People joined on July 1, 2006


Infosys’ Leadership Institute – FE- 24/04/02

• International orientation to leadership – international speakers

• 220 high potential candidates identified from all over the company from every level – including drivers

• 360 degree feedback and assessment processes

• based on feed back every candidate has prepared a ‘personal development plan’ - works on it over 3 years


Only for Knowledge workers?


Scorpio designed using Integrated Design and Manufacturing – IDAM (developed in collaboration with Lucas Engg)

• IDAM A dynamic manufacturing system which allows the manufacturer to

produce whatever the customer wants in a flexible manner, through quick product

development – therefore many variants in the product mix

• Fully automated system

• Workers trained in the use of the system


ICFAI Case folio – Oct 2005

Starbus Crash Lands…


Lack of Training puts brakes on city Transport (times news network )

• new technology without skill upgradation / public awareness

• Caught fire - engines located at the back - reacted to

commands differently. Tata Motors and BEST - now

arranged a special drivers training programme

• CVMs - many non functional mainly due to rough handling

by commuters + lack of service

• Volvo established a driving school in Bangalore to train

drivers to drive their trucks and buses which used the latest


HDFC on the move…


Back to school at HDFCJun-18-2004 - The Economic Times

• Little Lateral Hiring - so training


• ‘Creating Value for HDFC Customers’ for

all Front Line Staff

• Own Training Centre

• Intranet supports self-paced learning

• Line managers trained to be trainers

• company reimburses each employee for

the cost of two professional qualifications.

Cops and robbers…


Seminar at Oshiwara Police Station


Prince and Scissor have been sent for a six-month rigorous training programme at the Dog Training School, Pune — run by the state CID.


Take lessons in Acting…

Management Training (old) at HLL..


The Management TraineeManagement Development at HLL – Phase 1

how trainees learn to be managers (pre 2002)

• Non MBAs – IIM(A) – interspersed with Field visits

• Shadowing Salesman

• Work as a Salesman

• Shadow a Sales Officer

• Work as Sales Officer (on field)

2 Weeks

3 Week

4 Weeks

5 Week

4 weeks


Management Development at HLL – Phase 1how trainees learn to be managers (pre-2002)

• Special Assignment at Branch

• Integrated Rural Development Centre

• Open Position in Functional Areas (with charge for subordinates)

(counselling + Performance Review)

• Absorbed to Management

1 Month

6 weeks

12 months

Redesigned in 2002 / 03 to lay emphasis on global management Macdonalds…


Everything HomegrownTraining and Career Planning- Mcdonald’s– Human

Capital – April ‘02

• 50 % of Restaurant Managers start as Crew

• Glocalised training system

• Step wise training starting from basic

operations to Restaurant Leadership

programme at…


So Grow your own!!!


Grow Your Own…Oberoi Centre for Learning and Development – BI 7/5/06

• OCLD – PG programs for graduates from IHMS.

• 2004 - started programs for 10+2 as quality graduates were not available.

• STEP – Systematic Training and Education Program – AIM to Inculcate Five Star Standards

• Training either in Kitchen or other hotel operations

• Simultaneously Pursue Bachelor of Tourism Studies – IGNOU

• Most Expenses and stipend met by Company

• Trainees may join group companies but don’t have to

Training for business partners


Training Partners…the Amul way – Fe 7/8/04

• value/mission/strategy workshops for

distributors who have no access to

latest management practices

• Other activities for distributors –

competence building, Amul Yatra, Amul

Quality Circle Meetings

Skf ‘S Learning centre


SKF’s (Bearings) Learning Centre at Pune - BI –May 7 2006

• Aim to provide training to employees,

customers, distributors and others in industry

• 70 hours average training / employee / year

• Company has a ‘Knowledge Van’ –taken to

customer locations for presentations

ITs just not Cricket


Mentoring for MentorsMBT press communications – 2003

• Cricket Coach John Buchanan to build winning teams - to provide mentoring and guidance to managers, team leaders, top performers

• 1 week each in MBT's office in Mumbai, Pune and

• focus on how to be better and more effective as mentors rather than being just.



Learning at Intelnet18/5/06 - BS

• series of programs for transition from associate to manager• Skill Enhancement and Employee Development

Programme – SEED – after probation, a 12 module training session – technical and behavioural content

• STRIVE TOWARD EXCELLENCE – STEP –10 % of employees for training as LEADERS.

• 6 parameters for Selection for training– Performance and productivity assessed by superior– Quality assessed by superior– Psychometric test– Attendance– Discipline– Competency based interviews by HR

• 6 month training – on Presentation, business case studies, competency based interviews

• Employees then qualified to be team leaders




• A Process - Methods used so that

employees learn… to improve

– Present

– Or future Job Performance

• Maybe knowledge, skills, even attitude


Semantic difference between training and development…


TRAINING and Development

• Short term process of imparting definite

skills - Training

• Long term process to improve current or

future management performance -

Knowledge, Managerial Skills and Abilities,

Attitude… Management Development

Why T & DContinuous process – see Intelnet…hr strategies…


Why training and development?

• People gain from guidance

• Quality

• Productivity - Performance Potential

• Safety

• Future Personnel Needs

• Prevents obsolescence

• Motivating

• Personal and professional Growth

• Makes learning a habit - Culture

A Learning Process…


A Learning Process – Factors Facilitating Learning

• Motivation – maybe goal setting

• Behaviour Modeling

• Meaningfulness of Material

• Practice

• Feedback

• Transfer of Learning

• Action / Experiential Learning

The training process…


Steps in Learning

• Identifying Training Needs

• Preparing a Programme – training trainers

• Preparing Learner

• Providing Training

• Performance Tryout

• Feedback and Evaluation

Types of Training…


Types of Training

• Technical

• Managerial

• Behavioural

Methods of Training…


Methods of Training & Development - Off the job

• Lecture

• Audio Visuals

• Programmed Instruction

• computer aided training

• Vestibule Training

• Web – based training - example Motorola,

• Outside Seminars - University based



Methods of Training & Development - Off the job

• Case Study

• Management Games – ICICI Bank

• Simulation

• Outward bound programmes

• Role Playing

• OD Techniques

Combine Techniques --- Development



Methods of Training & Development - On the job methods

• Job Rotation

• Internships

• Apprenticeships – classroom + OJT

• Coaching / understudy

• Action Learning

• On the jobWhere does mentoring fit it?


Some New Trends

• 2006 - Wipro, Nissan, Loreal, Schneider Electric and Alcan team up for MDP on Global Leadership (to expose businessss heads to strategic issues related to globalisation from

different industries and geographies) London Business School) Another programme being done by Mintzberg. Apart from cross pollination – reduce costs

Strategy Games that Teach Business – 2006 - TOIThe Movies- produce and release your movies, hire fresh talent and grow it. You begin as the head of a small movie studio …

• Zoo Tycoon 2 - Managing Your Zoo

• City Life- building and maintaining your own city

Mentors for CEOs


Mentors With a Difference

One on one - tailor-made programmes for CEOs

• CEO mentors – retired MDs / Professional Organisations (NIT Sparta, Evolve Services)–cost Rs 30,000 to Rs 1 lakh for 3 days

• ON Line Mentors - EXPRESS COMPUTERS – JUNE 25,

2006 - global organisations - online Mentors

guiding mentees across geographies

/functions, with time and location not



Wise Guy -ICICI’s KM PortalBT Anniv Issue

• 'Wise Guy' stores a wealth of informationa accessible to all employees.

• Training managed online – average 62 hours per employee per year

• Sabbaticals (up to four years) - fee reimbursement plan for courses related to the business are reimbursed

• 2005 – 3 % employees availed of this FACILITY


Methods Best Suited

Case Study Problem Solvingknowledge acquisition &


Conference Participation Acceptance

Business Problem solving skillsGames Strategic thinking, judgement

Sensitivity Changing AttitudesTraining Interpersonal skills


Evaluating Training Effectiveness - Outcomes

• Reaction

• Learning - Test

• Behaviour

• Result

What cannot be measured cannot be improved…


Mc Donald’s Operational Training

for new crew members• Pictorial, on job training at several

stations– Observation Check Lists are used as measurement


– Quality, Service and Cleanliness book issued – containing training schedule


Basic Operations Course at McDonalds Human Capital – April ‘02

After this a person becomes Asst Mgr

       i.      Planning and advance supervision

       ii.      Quality service cleanliness

       iii.      People management

       iv.      Sales and Profitability management


Evaluating training outcomes


CIRO MODELref – toral sheths summer project at TELCO

4 Sets of Factors to be evaluated to build the learning system

• Context of Training – Accuracy in diagnosing initial need– What were the learning objectives set?

• Inputs to the learning event– Which method?– Resources – faculty, facilities– Course content to meet objects


CIRO MODELref – toral sheths summer project at TELCO

• Reaction – of participants to programme

• Outcome – knowledge of results of training

– Immediate– knowledge, skill attitude– Intermediate - actual work behaviour– Long term – functioning of organisation

as a whole


Training Pilots

Good for


Outward Bound Training – ET 30/12/02

• Competitions

• Rafting

• Rappelling

• Camping

• Forest Survival

Informal specially designed games, usually Outdoors (joys of nature)

Good for


Outward Bound Training – ET 30/12/02

Good for inculcating business values and good work


• Teamwork

• Trust

• Goal orientation

• Risk taking

• Confronting and resolving conflict (de-personalising conflict)



Outward Bound Training – ET 30/12/02

• Creative problem solving

• Physical stamina

• Assertiveness

• Time management

• Helps self assessment of behaviour in



Outward Bound Training – ET 30/12/02

• Combined with classroom sessions - eg MBTI

• Companies using it– Maruti - HLL

– Eicher - CocaCola

– Wartsila - ICICI

– GE -Escorts

– Citicorp -Infosys

– ITC - M & M

– Philips - Stanchart



Programmed Instruction

• A PI device is a text book or computer

with 3 functions

– Presenting questions and problems to instructor

– Allowing the person to respond

– Providing feedback on accuracy of answers

• Reduces learning time by 1/3 rd

• Very expensive / difficult to develop


From The Art of Possibility, Rsoss Zander


The Buddy System

Boston Philharmonic to play in Cuba

• 1 complex Cuban piece - which American

players could not grasp

• Paired up members from both orchestra and each

Cuban member led/ guided his American


• Repeated for complex European music which

Cubans were not familiar with.

From The Art of Possibility, Rsoss Zander


Training Innovations at MotorlaHR Folks – 17/7/05

• more than 20,000 associates hired each year – huge need for training• Aim - gets new hires up and running, quickly. • training provided worldwide through CD-ROM, Internet applications, wireless data and a host of other emerging

technologies.• Motorola University has taken responsibility for propelling multimedia technologies forward. Following are some of their

accomplishments :• The Motorola Multimedia Committee ( MMC) - to promote the use of alternative learning technologies in Motorola’s

businesses. ( MMC) - to promote the use of alternative learning technologies in Motorola’s businesses.• Motorola Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow (MYTT) - is a new history and culture course that teaches through the use of stories.

Subscribers receive via e-mail or intranet, two to three episodes per week of engaging stories from Motorola’s past, present or future. Subscriptions are also available via CD-ROM. (MYTT) - is a new history and culture course that teaches through the use of stories. Subscribers receive via e-mail or intranet, two to three episodes per week of engaging stories from Motorola’s past, present or future. Subscriptions are also available via CD-ROM.

• Introduction to Design for Manufacturability Introduction to Design for Manufacturability CD-ROM - this is an introductory course on the design for manufacturability method. This method enables cross-functional teams to create product and process designs that meet customer satisfaction requirements for product quality.

• The Motorola Career Planning Information on CD-ROM - The Motorola Career Planning Information on CD-ROM - Corporate HR is designing a multimedia application that runs on desk top computer CD-ROM drives, intranets. The application will present Motorolans with career planning information and tools that will help them define, plan and achieve their career goals.

• HR 2000 Programme HR 2000 Programme - With the emerging globalization trend, Motorola has designed a common program for all its diverse business locations. All the participants undergo rigorous training programs as follows:

• An intensive three week orientation to Motorola culture, values, goals and initiatives.• An 18 month training program consisting of at least three rotations in at least three different sectors.• Functional training in at least three or more of HR areas.• Quarterly training and debriefing sessions.• Final placement in the specific business and position in the candidate’s country or region or region of origin.• The Hr 2000 training structure enables Motorola to position multi-skilled, capable human resources management candidates

within growing markets, thus significantly expanding the company’s worldwide sphere of influence.• As a global corporation, it is critical for Motorola to learn a global approach tpo management. Through this innovative

program, Motorola heads for the future armed with HR leaders trained to handle the myriad challenges of a global marketplace


ON Line - Self Directed Learning

• IDBI – ‘I Learn’ a remote learning programme, encompassing product & process training through CBTs (Computer Based Trainings).


ORIENTATION at Corning4 Objectives of Programme

• Reduce voluntary turnover in first 3 years

of employment by 17 %• 17 % reduction in time for learning job• Foster uniform understanding regarding

company– Values

– Principles

– Strategies

– Expectations from People

• Build positive attitude towards company and surrounding communities

The results


On Line Training at Indian Railways

SITUATION You are a ticket checking staff.

While checking the 2 tier AC compartment you

come across a passenger who claims to have lost

his briefcase along with his confirmed ticket

while boarding. He is occupying the berth and

claims to be the same person as mentioned in the

chart. He seems to be quite agitated and insists

on traveling.

There are a number of wait listed passengers



On Line Training at Indian Railways

Select your reactions:Ans 1: You will tell the passenger,"I cannot help you. You should have not boarded the train and got the complaint recorded with the stationmaster. You must get down".Ans 2: You will tell the passenger,"There are other wait-listed passengers. You have to pay the full penalty. You can only be accommodated at the end".Ans 3.Listen and isolate the actual problem. Confirm identity, if satisfied, make a duplicate ticket charging him as per rules. Check for satisfaction and help him calm down. 

answer 3 is correct. Remember L Listen I Isolate the problem SSolve the problem TTake feedback


Key Compenents of HDFC’s Customer Relations Workshop

World Class In India

– How to guide process of


– How to manage communication


– How to manage difficult



Relating Training to Organisation objectives- HDFC-World Class in India

• HDFC – viewed relating well to the customer as key to realising mission

• Every employee goes through a Customer Relations Workshop

• Each branch provides real life examples• Attitude to service driven by Senior

Managers • Skills for service aided by training

Why training and development


Training and Career Planning- Mcdonald’s example – Human Capital – April ‘02

Stages in Training

a. Operational Training

new crew members

b. Basic Supervision Training

high performance/potential members of operating crew


Training and Career Planning- Mcdonald’s example – Human Capital – April ‘02

c. Floor Management Course d. Basic Operation Course – after which a

person becomes Asst Mgr                                     e. For promotion to Restaurant Manager                                     i.      Mangement scheduling                                   ii.      Sales projectionsf. Restaurant Leadership Programme at

Hamburger University in Australia or Middle East

 Ingredients of a management development programme
