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Right Item, Right Time, Right Place, Every Time…Best Value Solutions for America’s Warfighter

Carl [email protected]


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Background AIT Definition AIT Suite Mission of DOD AIT Office


Active RFIDPassive RFIDNext Steps

RFID is part of the AIT toolbox

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What is AIT?

A suite of technologies enabling the automatic capture of source data,

thereby enhancing the ability to identify, track document,

and control material, maintenance processes,

deploying and redeploying forces, equipment, personnel,

and sustainment cargo.

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2D Symbol

The inkblot on your military ID card is an example. 2D symbols carry 100 times (about 1500 characters) more data than a linear bar code and are readable even when part of it has been damaged. The error rate for the 2D symbol is 1 in 7.1 million reads.

AIT Media / Devices

Linear Bar Code

The vertical black lines and white spaces printed on an item, label, or document. Linear bar codes normally store 17-20 alphanumeric characters and are used in retail stores to identify items that can be referenced to price and other inventory data. Bar code read error rate is extremely

low (1 in 3.4 million).  


Satellite-Tracking Systems  

Although not considered AIT, STS can becombined with AIT to create a powerful information management system. STS can track--in near real-time--the location of vehicles and convoys by GPS (Global Positioning Satellite), 2-way key-entry data, or both. Although the most expensive of the AIT family, STS has been credited with saving the lives of soldiers in places like the Balkans and by providing emergency communication when normal communication means

failed to function.

CMB Contact Memory Button

A compact device the size of a watch battery, a contact memory button is something like a floppy disk in a can. CMBs cost 600 times more than bar codes but can store up to 64 Kilobytes of information, and will survive most types of environmental damage. Contact buttons are especially useful in applications where space is limited and access to current data is critical.

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AIT Media / Devices

OMC Optical Memory CardUses the same basic technology as a as a CD-ROM. The OMC is the size of a credit card, can store up to 2.4 MB of useable data, and is disposable. It uses WORM (Write Once Read Many) technology. Because the device cannot be erased, this feature provides a permanent audit trail for recorded data. It withstands harsh environments and is relatively inexpensive

Smart Card/CACPreviously known as Integrated Circuit Card, the Smart Card isabout the size of a credit card.It is embedded with an electronic chip that can store 8 to32 Kilobytesof data. It can also contain other AIT media, like magnetic strips or bar codes. DoD uses smart cards for personnel functions like controlled access to buildings or personnel manifesting. A spin-off of smart card technology is the Common Access Card (CAC) that is currently being implemented throughout DoD as a common ID card.

RFID- PassiveRadio Frequency ID

Small passive tags are used in clothing stores to assist in detecting shoplifters. Tag capacity is up to 20 Bytes of information. This tag differs from active tags by requiring external activation which generates sufficient power to transmit a return signal. This capability is far less expensive than the active tag but has a short read range and data capacity is small.

RFID - ActiveRadio Frequency ID

RFID can remotely identify, categorize, and locate materiel automatically (i.e., without human intervention). When used in conjunction with hand-held interrogators, RFID tags provide “in the box” visibility to the Army. Data are digitally stored on RFID tags (radio transceivers with memory units). Data capacity of the tag is up to 128 Kilobytes and information can be retrieved from distances of up to 300 feet away using strategically placed electronic interrogators to identify their exact location and relay the data via wired or wireless technology. Supporting infrastructure is expensive to install and maintain.

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DUSD(L&MR) & JS-J4 tasked DLA to:Promote, manage, coordinate, anddocument the application of DoD and Joint Logistics AIT doctrine,technologies, and processes insupport of the Warfighter

Operate as a joint organization Administratively supported by DLA Guidance provided by DUSD(L&MR),

JS-J4 and AIT Principals

AIT Players & Roles


Director, DLADCINC,



Reduce LogisticsProcessing Times

Facilitate Source Data Collection

ImproveData Accuracy


Air ForceMarines



Asset Visibility


Improve Support to the Warfighter

Current Focus: Support USD (AT&L)

Requirement for DOD RFID Policy

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Active RFID - Longer range Continuously powered tag Low-level RF to the tag “Data Rich” High-level RF back to the reader

Passive RFID – Shorter range Tags reflect energy from reader Tag receives/stores energy to respond “License Plate” Needs stronger RF signal from reader (Requires link to Low RF strength from tag data base)

Semi-Passive RFID Similar to passive Internal power (battery) for tag circuitry Other functions; may extend range

Types of RFID

How Far – How Fast – How Many – How Much

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Support Warfighter requirements . . . Expand active RFID beyond “Islands of Capability” for ITV Published business rules for immediate implementation

Streamline the Supply Chain . . . Implement passive RFID with commercial partners Published intent to be early adopter of the technology

Oct 2003 RFID Policy Recap

Established January 2005 for implementation of passive RFID

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RFID - Support Warfighter Requirements

Immediately implement active RFID in support of Combatant Commander ITV requirements Put RFID tags on:

Consolidated sustainment/ammunition containers and air pallets Unit movement equipment Prepositioned materiel and supplies

Send RFID tag data to ITV servers IAW data timeliness guidelines Establish RFID infrastructure to support core business processes Program and budget (O&M or DWCF/TWCF) for RFID operations DLA Management of Active Tags Army (PM-AIT) Management of Joint ITV servers

• Enhance Asset Visibility, even in austere environments • Reduce Logistics Footprint

• Hands-Off Data Capture • Improve Force Tracking

• Optimize Transport/Logistics Assets

Supports COCOM Directive Authority

For Logistics

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DOD will be an early adopter of passive RFID technology Implement passive RFID Business Rules - 1 Jan 05

Passive tagging of materiel shipped to DOD Case/warehouse pallet UID packaging

Initial DOD capability to read passive RFID tags and use data Publish DFARS Rule requiring application of passive RFID – May 04

Solicitations issued after 1 OCT 04 for delivery after 1 Jan 05 Integrate RFID data into the DOD Business Enterprise Architecture Establish multi-vendor contract mechanism for EPC compliant technology

RFID - Optimize the Supply Chain

•Hands-Off Data Capture•Improve Data Accuracy

• Improve Logistics Processing Time • Improve Manpower Utilization

• Enhance Interoperability with Industry

Reduced Total Ownership


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Source – Geoffrey Moore, The Chasm Group

You Are Here

Where Are We On The Technology Adoption Life Cycle?

"Our task is to get people from where they "Our task is to get people from where they are to where they have not been" are to where they have not been" Henry KissingerHenry Kissinger

"Our task is to get people from where they "Our task is to get people from where they are to where they have not been" are to where they have not been" Henry KissingerHenry Kissinger

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Finalize requirements for use of EPC – Mar 04

Finalize passive RFID technical specifications – Mar 04

Identify Budget requirements – Mar 04

Conduct second RFID Industry Forum – Apr 04

Publish revised RFID Policy – Apr 04

Publish proposed DFARS Rule for passive RFID – May 04

Complete analysis of RFID pilots – Jun 04

Publish Final RFID Policy – Jul 04

Implement passive RFID technology contract vehicle – Aug 04

Develop education and training plan – Sep 04

Issue final DFARS Rule – Sep04

DOD Next Steps

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Supply OutboundTransportation

Maintenance DispositionInboundTransportation



Move out with active RFID Supports the Warfighter

Expands “islands of capability” for ITV

Become early adopter of passive RFID Optimizes the Supply Chain

Supports the UID data structure

Stress open architecture/vendor independence

Partnering with our suppliers for success

RFID is critical to Logistics Transformation!

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