
1 Market Trials DAM/RUC/SASM Weekly Update April 16, 2010 2 Antitrust Admonition ANTITRUST ADMONITION ERCOT strictly prohibits Market Participants and their employees who are participating in ERCOT activities from using their participation in ERCOT activities as a forum for engaging in practices or communications that violate the antitrust laws. The ERCOT Board has approved guidelines for members of ERCOT Committees, Subcommittees and Working Groups to be reviewed and followed by each Market Participant attending ERCOT meetings. If you have not received a copy of these Guidelines, copies are available at the Client Relations desk. Please remember your ongoing obligation to comply with all applicable laws, including the antitrust laws. DISCLAIMER All presentations and materials submitted by Market Participants or any other Entity to ERCOT staff for this meeting are received and posted with the acknowledgement that the information will be considered public in accordance with the ERCOT Websites Content Management Operating Procedure. 3 Agenda DAM summary for 4/13 and 4/15 QSE Activities for Next Week FAQ General Reminders/Updates Environment Report Planned outages Known Issues Dashboard Update Settlements/COMS Special Topics Question and Answers / General Discussion Appendix ERCOT asks that Market Participants log into the WebEx session using their company name and then their name. This will allow ERCOT to take roll-call offline. Market Trials 2010 Roadmap4 5 Submission Overview for Apr 13 Submission overview Overall, 156 QSEs participated for Op Day 4/14 6 Submission Overview for Apr 13 Submission overview 7 Submission Overview for Apr 13 Submission overview Energy Bids from QSEs 80% of Load was requested. 8 Submission Overview for Apr 13 Submission overview AS Offers 31 QSEs submitted No AS insufficiency AS Self-Arrangement from QSEs 50% of AS Obligation was requested, ~43-47% received 38 QSEs sent in AS Self-Arrangement Energy Only Offers 82 QSEs submitted EOOs PTP Obligation Bids not allowed this week 9 Submission Overview for Apr 15 Submission overview Overall, 179 QSEs participated for Op Day 4/16 10 Submission Overview for Apr 15 Submission overview Overview for Apr 15 RRS - Hour 3 cleared at $567 and Hour 19 cleared at $ Analysis: Hour 3 - Due to a multi-hour block as the marginal offer with high prices Cost of the block covered by the one hour that the unit is marginal. Hour 19 - still under review11 12 Submission Overview for Apr 15 Submission overview Energy Bids from QSEs 120% of Load was requested. 13 Submission Overview for Apr 15 Submission overview AS Offers 30 QSEs submitted No AS insufficiency AS Self-Arrangement from QSEs 50% of AS Obligation was requested, ~37-44% received 45 QSEs sent in AS Self-Arrangement Energy Only Offers 90 QSEs submitted EOOs PTP Obligation Bids not allowed this week 14 RUC Overview for Apr 15 RUC overview ERCOT committed three Resources: TXCITY_CC1_1 for Hours 7-10, 18 TXCITY_CC1_2 for Hours FRNYPP_CC1_4 for Hours 1-24 No Resources were decommitted ERCOT system operations approved this result 15 Next Weeks Activities DAM executing on 4/20 and 4/22 (Op Days are 4/21 and 4/23) Changes from this weeks activities: Self-Arranged AS no longer requested at 50%; should be submitted at a reasonable quantity that reflects the QSEs business PTP Obligation Bids can be submitted again; guardrails are up to 5 bids totaling 50 MW per QSE per hour. Virtual Bids/Offers guardrails relaxed to 10 transactions per QSE per hour, with no MW restriction; bids/offers should be reasonable Remember that Tuesdays Load Bid MW target is 80% of forecasted load, and Thursdays is 120%. Week 4 Note: Dates are DAM execution days 4/20/2010 & 4/22/2010 Objective DAM + DRUC RT/DA Settlements Network Constraints Included Self-Arranged AS Requested Actual Load Bid MW Requested 80% Tue/120% Thurs forecasted load Virtual Bids / Offers Up to 10 transactions/ QSE/hr PTP Obligations Up to 5 bids totaling 50 MW/QSE/hr NOIE CRR Offers Allocated CRRs only COP Updates After DAM and DRUC starting 4/15 DRUC DRUC w/ each DAM 16 Next Weeks Activities DRUC executing on 4/20 and 4/22 after DAM (at 1430) COP updates required after DAM and DRUC complete (resource status, AS schedule) COPs will therefore be disconnected from zonal/telemetry - this is expected. Note that outages from zonal will be transferred into nodal starting next week This transfer will represent approximately 85% of the actual zonal outages Week 4 Note: Dates are DAM execution days 4/20/2010 & 4/22/2010 Objective DAM + DRUC RT/DA Settlements Network Constraints Included Self-Arranged AS Requested Actual Load Bid MW Requested 80% Tue/120% Thurs forecasted load Virtual Bids / Offers Up to 10 transactions/ QSE/hr PTP Obligations Up to 5 bids totaling 50 MW/QSE/hr NOIE CRR Offers Allocated CRRs only COP Updates After DAM and DRUC starting 4/15 DRUC DRUC w/ each DAM 17 FAQ Q: Why did my fixed quantity Energy Bid clear above my bid price? A: There is a known effect of the DAM optimization wherein fixed quantity bids could be cleared higher than their bid price (and fixed quantity offers could clear lower than their offer price). This is due to a rule that fixed quantity bids/offers cannot set the price. The issue is described at length in Appendix 7 of the DAM requirements, posted at%20%28blackline%29.doc %20%28blackline%29.doc. 18 General Reminders/Updates Network Model Update Next scheduled load is 5/3 An updated settlement points and MP short name list was posted for the 4/14 model load at Phase 5 Kick Off WebEx set for April 29, 2010, from 1:00 until 4:00 Central. Details on the calendar page at Phase 5 Handbook for DAM/RUC/SASM was posted on 3/31 New AS Plan for next week We have updated the AS Plan to mirror the zonal AS Plan, effective Op Day 4/18 (previously we were using test data that was flat throughout the day). We will update the nodal AS Plan every month when the zonal plan is updated NOTE: This means that your AS Obligations will change next week. General Reminders/Updates Trade confirmation testing ERCOT will maintain a list of QSEs that desire to test trade confirmation/bilateral process with other QSEs during market trialssent to Nodal Project Managers with a.xls attachment. Please fill out the spreadsheet, or send the following information, to with the subject line Trade Confirmation Testing Contacts by today (Friday, April 16, 2010). QSE short name Contact name for trade confirmation Phone number address Once we have received this contact information, we will compile and distribute it to all QSEs participating so that the trading contacts can work together to complete their testing. Note that this information will only be shared with other trading contacts who have volunteered their own information.19 Support Metrics * This week, 23 out of 267 questions were responded to outside of the 24 hour time frame. Market Participant Inbound Questions Last WeekThis Week20 Day-to-day operations summary: Planned / Unplanned Outages Outages Planned Outages 04/23/10 04/25/10 ERCOT will be performing the initial release for Phase 5 on 4/23 Due to the size and complexity of the release, it will be necessary to take systems down periodically throughout the weekend ERCOT will be running a series of tests that Sunday which may result in notifications and / or data in the Nodal Production systems that are associated with that test. 04/16/10 06:00 P.M. 04/16/ :00 P.M & 04/17/10 10:00 A.M. 04/17/ :00 A.M. Market Manager site failover testing is planned during this period. A brief delay in processing may occur. If authentication errors are encountered, signing back into the application will resolve the issue. Unplanned Outages 04/13/10 12:00 P.M. 04/13/ :30 P.M. Authentication exceptions were being reported against EWS submissions. Issue occurred as a result of an update to the identity management system. Market Manager was fully functional during this time period. 04/12/10 09:00 A.M 6:00 P.M MPIM Application performance issues were noted during the day. MPs were unable to assign certain roles to user certificates. Any new certificates created during this period with NMMS or EMMS roles will need to be completely terminated and reissued.21 Environment Report-Known Issues Full DAM/RUC/SASM known issues list will post every Friday night at New DAM/RUC/SASM known issues There is an issue with the DAM when AS Offers are submitted for two Load Resources that are mapped to the same load point (PTID) in the network model. This is a valid modeling scenario and the DAM software will be updated to deal with this scenario. In the interim, DAM Operators will need to cancel one of the two AS Offers submitted until the defect is fixed., which is planned for the 4/23 release Two prices were reported for settlement point BVE_CC1. This was due to a modeling error with the 4/14 model load. There are two physical combined cycles BYU_CC1 and BVE_CC1 mapped to the same logical resource node. If causing import issues with your system, workaround is to delete one of the two settlement point prices prior to import We will communicate the date of fix later22 Environment Report-Known Issues New DAM/RUC/SASM known issues (contd) MMS Phase 2 validation notification messages for Self Arranged AS transactions have an incorrect transaction type identified in the MRID being relayed back. Currently a value of SAS is being sent when it should return SAA instead. Get real-time SPP MarketInfo service returns incorrect GMT offset associated with the start time field. The offset currently being returned is set to -06:00 hrs when it should reflect -05:00 hrs. Request for AggregatedASOfferCurves data via EWS MarketInfo service is failing with xsd validation error message. Workaround is to download the report from MIS or via the Get Reports service. Market Manager Dropdowns on the Trades page are static and not checking the latest info on the first load of the page. Select a different trade date, then reselect desired trade date and the drop downs will refresh and become dynamic.23 Environment Report-Known Issues New MIS known issues NP5-751-CD, Daily RUC Committed or Decommitted Resources and NP5-752-CD, Hourly RUC Committed or Decommitted Resources, are currently on the known issues list as delayed reports for Phase 4. These will instead be moving to early Phase 5 delivery. I will be communicating the information contained within these reports either on this weekly call or viato the Nodal PMs.24 Nodal Scorecard MPs measured on 50% participation 5 DAM runs so far (4/1, 4/6, 4/8, 4/13, 4/15) Submission of DAM specific transactions All QSEs (includes sub-QSEs) QSEs with Resources 54/78 (88% generation) COPs, TPOs do not count as participation (they count towards Real-Time Metric (MP15A)) QSEs without Resources 95/191 If QSE without Load, transaction choices are Energy Bids, Energy Only Offers, PTP Obligation Bids 76% load participation AMBER/RED scores go live on 4/21, MPs contacted this week MP16 DAM Participation Metric Results25 26 COMS/Settlements Update Next weeks Operating Dates will be Settled (4/21 and 4/23) DAM Statements and Invoices and RTM Initial Statements will be posted according to Protocol Timelines Must have DAM awards or own CRRs to receive a DAM Statement Extracts will be posted within 48 hours of Statement approvals COMS/Settlements known issues list will be posted next Wednesday, 4/21 May CRR Auction Invoices will be posted on Monday, 4/19 Phase 5 Settlement Calendar Extract will be posted Friday, 4/23 Dedicated COMS call beginning the first week in May 27 COMS/Settlements Key April Dates April Operating Dates that will be settled 4/21 Op Day DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 4/23 RTM Initial Statement posted on 5/3 4/23 Op Day DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 4/27 RTM Initial Statement posted on 5/3 4/28 Op Day DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 4/30 RTM Initial Statement posted on 5/10 4/30 Op Day DAM Statements and Invoices posted on 5/4 RTM Initial Statement posted on 5/10 First RTM Invoice will be posted on 5/6 It will invoice the RTM Initial Statement for operating day 4-21 Special Topics DAM run on 4/13: A resource with an exclusive TPO was not fully dispatched for energy, even though the LMP at that resource node was greater than the resources incremental offer price for two operating hours (discovered by the price validation tool). This occurred because the SPP for this resource node during one post-process of the DAM engine was different than that during another due to a shift factor inconsistency. This inconsistency will happen when: 1)a contingency outages generators or Energy only offers/bids, and; 2)this contingency results in binding/violated constraints. In Network Security Monitor (NSM)/Network Constrained Unit Commitment (NCUC), contingencies that outage generators or loads require special process. The main point is to preserve power balance in post contingency scenario. LMP calculations require shift factors at electrical buses/settlement points, which is based on network topology only. But due to special processing in NSM/NCUC, the optimization results in situations where LMP and MW on offer/bid curve are not consistent.28 Special Topics JOUs and COP consistencies In DAM, if the different owners of the jointly-owned unit have submitted conflicting COP statuses for the current day, online statuses will overwrite offline statuses when DAM is determining the initial condition of the unit (i.e., is the unit online or offline at the start of the next operating day. In RUC, if the different owners have conflicting COP statuses for the next operating day: If any owner has OUT status for any hour then the unit is considered OUT. If all owners have submitted a COP, and at least one of them has an online status in a particular hour then the resource status for the unit is online (unless any owner has OUT)29 30 Q&A Q&A / Open Forum Appendix DAM Kickoff slides Pre- and post-DAM reports Special Topics31 32 Objectives Objectives of Phase 4.0 DAM/RUC Market Trials: Execute DAM, RUC, and SASM in the Market Trials environment twice a week Generate awards, notifications, and reports 33 Entry Criteria ERCOT Entry Criteria for Phase 4.0: ERCOT has completed required integration testing for Phase 4.0 functionality ERCOT has published all known, market-relevant defects to Market Participants via the Readiness Center Market Participant Entry Criteria for Phase 4.0: QSEs have met the system requirements (digital certificate with MMS Trader role assigned, etc.) QSEs have completed the qualification testing and have confirmed their ability to use Web Services or the Market Manager to submit transactions necessary to support Day-Ahead Market Trials Summary of QSE Activities QSEs with Resources: Maintain SCED offers and ensure Start-Up and Minimum Generation Offers are available prior to the Day Ahead 10:00 a.m. (Central) deadline Submit AS Offers Update COP after DAM, DRUC, HRUC starting 4/13 QSEs with Load: Self-Arrange requested amount of AS Obligations Bid a portion of their Load in the DAM (see example on next slide). In general, this should take the form of an Energy Bid but during the last week of April, can also be in the form of a PTP Obligation Bid. Tuesday- 80% of QSEs forecasted Load Thursday- 120% of QSEs forecasted Load34 Summary of QSE Activities QSEs with Load (contd): Example for load bids All QSEs: May submit a limited amount of DAM Energy Only Offers and DAM Energy Bids that do not represent actual Resources or Loads (virtual bids and offers) limit is up to a MW quantity total contained within a certain number of transactions per hour. PTP Obligation Bids will be limited as well Details with dates on next slide35 36 Schedule/Key Dates Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5 Note: Dates are DAM execution days4/1/2010 4/6/2010 & 4/8/2010 4/13/2010 & 4/15/2010 4/20/2010 & 4/22/2010 4/27/2010 & 4/29/2010 Objective Connectivity / Execution AS co- optimization Network constrained + Initial DRUC DAM + DRUC DAM + DRUC + HRUC + SASM Network ConstraintsNone Included Self-Arranged AS Requested100%50% Actual Load Bid MW Requested 80/120% forecasted load 80/120% forecasted load 80/120% forecasted load 80/120% forecasted load Virtual Bids / Offers Up to 5 transactions totaling 50 MW/QSE/hr Up to 10 transactions totaling 100 MW/QSE/hr Up to 10 transactions/ QSE/hr PTP Obligations Up to 5 bids totaling 50 MW/QSE/hr None Up to 5 bids totaling 50 MW/QSE/hr Up to 5 bids totaling 50 MW/QSE/hr (unless the bid represents QSE's load) NOIE CRR Offers Allocated CRRs only None Allocated CRRs only COP UpdatesNot needed After DAM and DRUC After DAM, DRUC and HRUC DRUCNone DRUC Thursday DRUC after each DAM HRUCNone Limited SASMNone Yes 37 Activities Market Participant Activities: Submit, update, and cancel DAM submission items, while keeping within the guardrails. Three-Part Supply Offers (including Minimum Energy Offer and Startup Costs) COP AS Offer AS Self-Arrangement Energy-Only Offers Energy Bids PTP Obligation Bids CRR Offer (for NOIEs only) Report any issues to the Market Trials Team at Download and review pre-DAM and post-DAM report postings Download and review RUC postings, as applicable Download and review SASM posting, as applicable Update COP (after DAM, RUC) Submit self-selected credit limit to ERCOT, if desired, as often as weekly 38 Activities ERCOT Activities: Execute DAM (including Phase 2 Validation), DRUC, HRUC and SASM periodically Generate Awards, Day-Ahead LMPs/SPPs, and other reports Communicate DAM/RUC/SASM reports and outputs to the market via Market Information System (MIS) postings Verify QSE submission activities Work with Market Participants to resolve issues Update Counterparty credit limits with self-selected credit limits submitted by MPs Other Note: All transactions will be supported. Trade submission and confirmation (Energy, Capacity and AS Trades) may be exercised at this time. DAM notifications will be active. Phase 2 Validation process will be active and supported. QSE transactions that do not follow the guidelines are subject to cancellation at ERCOTs discretion. ERCOT may run DAM on non-supported days. No QSE participation is requested, and ERCOT staff will not be available to answer questions regarding the outputs of these non-supported processes. CRR information from the market trials auction conducted in March for the month of April will be integrated into the market system. CRR Offers (by NOIEs) must contain CRR IDs from this auction in order to be valid.39 40 Exit Criteria ERCOT Exit Criteria ERCOT completes DAM execution with Market Participant data, as planned ERCOT completes RUC execution with Market Participant data, as planned ERCOT completes SASM execution with Market Participant data, as planned Market Participant Exit Criteria Each QSE participates in at least 50% of the available scheduled DAM executions by successfully submitting the relevant transactions as tracked on the DAM participation dashboard 41 Dashboard MP16 Day-Ahead Market Participation Requires at least 50% participation in Market Trials Day Ahead Market runs (includes all sub-QSEs) Metric is reported up to the 168 Hour Test 80% of Load and 80% of Generation participation required to meet the metric Light up date of 4/1 for GREEN/WHITE and 4/21 for AMBER/RED Participation equals any DAM-specific transactions (bids, offers, or AS self- arrangements) Nodal Scorecard Reminder42 Supplemental Materials Slide 43 Reference and DescriptionLocationVersion External Interfaces SpecificationExplanation of Market Submission Itemsdex.html 0.26 Market Manager User Guide dex.html 0.06 MMS Requirements Market Connectivity Handbook dex.html 0.97 DAM/RUC Known Issues List ml N/A Web Services XSDs Sample Reports, Extracts, and DDLsDAM ERCOT Operating Proceduresml 2.0 DRUC/WRUC ERCOT Operating Proceduresml 44 Report Postings Posted by 6 am: Ancillary Services (AS) Plan Load Ratio Shares (these will be static based on Zonal production data as of October 16, 2009) * AS Obligations * Wind Generation Resource Power Potential (WGRPP) forecast * and Aggregated WGRPP forecast List of all Settlement Points and the mapping to Electrical Buses Load forecasts for ERCOT system, Weather Zones and Load Zones Load forecast distribution factors Distribution Loss Factors and forecasted Transmission Loss Factors Weather assumptions * Denotes MIS Certified reports 45 Report Postings Posted after each DAM: Awards (AS Offers, Energy Offers, DAM Energy-Only Offers, DAM Energy Bids, CRR Offers, and PTP Obligation Bids) * DAM Clearing Price for Ancillary Services (MCPC) Day-Ahead hourly Settlement Point Prices (SPPs) Day-Ahead hourly Locational Marginal Prices (LMPs) Shadow Prices Quantity of AS Offers Aggregated AS Offer Curve Total quantity of energy (in MWh) bought and sold in DAM See DAM Handbook for a list of all DAM/RUC/SASM reports available starting in Phase See MIS Handbook for a comprehensive list of reports available - * Denotes MIS Certified reports Special Topics Phase 2 Validation reports and process Phase 2 validation re-evaluates all submitted transactions at 7 am in the day-ahead with updated information, such as AS Obligation, CRR ownership, credit limits, etc. If there is a validation error, ERCOT will cancel the transaction We send a notification that a Phase 2 report is available for a particular transactions type, and notification containing the cancellation for the transaction. You can query for the Phase 2 report via web service or on the Reports page of the Market Manager in order to view the reason for the cancellation. Correct and resubmit prior to 10 am. Note that submissions are locked out during the Phase 2 process, which is currently taking about 15 minutes to complete.46 Special Topics Day-Ahead Self Commitment DAM clearing engine treats your TPO differently if you submit Startup and Minimum Energy (SU/ME) costs as $0 vs. NULL If you submit with SU/ME as $0, DAM engine treats this as a normal offer where the QSE is not requesting SU/ME to be covered. HSL/LSL constraints will be respected. Also, if you are selected for an online Ancillary Service, you will also be awarded at least LSL on your offer curve. If you submit with SU/ME as NULL, DAM engine is signaled to ignore the HSL/LSL constraints for the resource. In this scenario, the offer curve submitted will start at 0 MW and go to the max MW quantity desired again, DAM will ignore LSL/HSL constraints. If the offer curve submitted doesnt start at 0 MW, it will be extended to 0 MW by DAM. If the resource is selected for Ancillary Services, no requirement to also award TPO at LSL (since no LSL constraint honored in this case).47 Special Topics Day-Ahead Self Commitment The purpose of the NULL: It allows a QSE to use part of a Resource to serve its own load, and then offer in the rest to the DAM and enable the offer to be co- optimized with its AS Offer. Example: A Resource has 100 MW LSL and 400 MW HSL, and the QSE has already committed 300 MW of the Resource through some other mechanism. The QSE wishes to offer the remaining 100 MW, which would otherwise be ignored due to the 100 MW LSL. Then going into real-time, so QSEs will need to update their TPO to cover the full capacity of the resource, from LSL to HSL, rather than from 0 MW. To do that if the resource is awarded in the DAM, the QSE must provide a reason code, which is DSCM. This functionality came about due to TPTF subgroup on the issue. It has not yet been added to the protocols but will during our protocol traceability/cleanup effort.48 Special Topics Bid/Offer efficiencies ERCOT has identified efficiencies in Bid/Offers submission with regard to the format of submission This applies to all transaction that use a Bid ID or an Offer ID (Energy Only Offers, Energy Only Bids, PTP Obligation Bids, and CRR Offers) Preference is for QSEs to submit the same Bid/Offer ID for each hour in the submission, versus submitting a different Bid/Offer ID for every hour. The market system treats the submission the exact same way, regardless of which format is used Using the preferred format will optimize DAM system performance For xml examples detailing this issue, please view a document that will be posted along with this presentation on the calendar page at This was discussed at NATF 4/6, we send anto the nodal technical contacts that we have on file for all QSEs, and we will add it to the External Interfaces Specification49