Page 1: 1 Characterizing the Deep Neural Networks Inference ... · 1 Characterizing the Deep Neural Networks Inference Performance of Mobile Applications Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo Abstract—Today’s


Characterizing the Deep Neural NetworksInference Performance of Mobile Applications

Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo

Abstract—Today’s mobile applications are increasingly leveraging deep neural networks to provide novel features, such as image andspeech recognitions. To use a pre-trained deep neural network, mobile developers can either host it in a cloud server, referred to ascloud-based inference, or ship it with their mobile application, referred to as on-device inference. In this work, we investigate theinference performance of these two common approaches on both mobile devices and public clouds, using popular convolutional neuralnetworks. Our measurement study suggests the need for both on-device and cloud-based inferences for supporting mobileapplications. In particular, newer mobile devices is able to run mobile-optimized CNN models in reasonable time. However, for oldermobile devices or to use more complex CNN models, mobile applications should opt in for cloud-based inference. We furtherdemonstrate that variable network conditions can lead to poor cloud-based inference end-to-end time. To support efficient cloud-basedinference, we propose a CNN model selection algorithm called CNNSelect that dynamically selects the most appropriate CNN modelfor each inference request, and adapts its selection to match different SLAs and execution time budgets that are caused by variablemobile environments. The key idea of CNNSelect is to make inference speed and accuracy trade-offs at runtime using a set of CNNmodels. We demonstrated that CNNSelect smoothly improves inference accuracy while maintaining SLA attainment in 88.5% morecases than a greedy baseline.

Index Terms—Mobile application, DNN inference service, DNN model management, performance optimization



Resource intensive deep learning models are increasinglyused in mobile applications [1, 2] to add features suchas real-time language translation, image recognition andpersonal assistants [1]–[3]. To use deep learning models,mobile applications can either utilize cloud-based inferenceservices or run directly on-device. However, achieving fasterdeep inference with high accuracy is often constrained bymobile computation, storage and network conditions.

In this work, we ask the question: what are the per-formance trade-offs of using on-device versus cloud-basedinference for mobile applications. We conduct an empiricalmeasurement study to quantify both the end-to-end infer-ence time and resource consumption under different setups.In particular, we identify a number of key factors, includingdeep learning frameworks, mobile devices, and CNN modelcompression techniques, that impact on-device inference.Further, we study the cloud-based inference performanceunder different mobile network conditions and using dif-ferent cloud servers. We identify that model startup latencycan impose orders of magnitude time overhead and shouldbe properly considered when managing cloud inferenceservers.

In sum, our observations reveal the relatively large,though shrinking, performance gaps between on-device andcloud-based inference. As such, it is still preferable for older

• Ogden and Guo are with the department of Computer Science, WorcesterPolytechnic Institute, MA, 01609.Email: [email protected], [email protected]

This work is supported in part by National Science Foundation grants#1755659 and #1815619 and Google Cloud Platform Research credits.Manuscript received September 9, 2019; revised month day, year.

mobile devices that require more complex CNN modelsto resort to cloud-based inference. To support this efficientcloud-based inference under dynamic mobile network con-ditions, we propose CNNSelect to manage and select themost appropriate CNN model for each mobile inference re-quest. The key insight for designing CNNSelect is that eachmodel in a set of CNN models exposes different inferencetime and accuracy trade-offs that can be leveraged to maskthe inherent mobile network variability. The dynamic modelselection algorithm frees mobile developers from specify-ing CNN models before deployment and the probabilistic-nature makes it more robust towards unpredictable perfor-mance variations such as increased inference time due tosudden workload spikes.

We make the following contributions.

• Performance characterization of mobile deep inference.We conducted an extensive empirical performance anal-ysis of using CNN models in mobile applications. Weidentified key performance factors, e.g., mobile hardwareand network conditions, and quantified their impacts forboth on-device and cloud-based inference.

• Performance-aware CNN models selection algorithm.We propose CNNSelect, a probabilistic-based algorithmthat chooses the best CNN model to account for dy-namic mobile environments when using cloud-based in-ference. We conducted an end-to-end evaluation andextensive empirical-driven simulations that demonstrateCNNSelect’s ability to smoothly trade-off between infer-ence accuracy and time.








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Page 2: 1 Characterizing the Deep Neural Networks Inference ... · 1 Characterizing the Deep Neural Networks Inference Performance of Mobile Applications Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo Abstract—Today’s

Image Data

Input Layer

Hidden Layer(s)

Output Layer

Inference Labels

“Greenhouse, nursery, glasshouse’’

Deep Neural Network

Fig. 1: Image recognition with deep neural networks. Animage passes through a deep neural network that consists oflayers of neurons. The output layer produces the inferencelabels that best describe the image.


2.1 Deep Learning ModelsDeep learning refers to a class of artificial neural networks(ANNs) for learning representations of input data utilizingmany layers and are widely used for visual and speechrecognition [4]–[7]. In this paper, we focus on a specialclass of deep learning models called convolutional neuralnetworks (CNNs) [4, 8, 9]. CNNs are widely used for visualrecognition tasks, e.g., in Figure 1, and have been seen to ex-hibit high accuracy in such tasks. CNNs usually consist of anumber of convolution layers followed by other layer types,such as pooling layers and fully connected layers. Eachlayer takes data from previous layer, processed throughnon-linear activation functions, and apply predefined com-putation. More specifically, convolutional layers generatefeature maps [10], while pooling layers control overfittingby reducing parameters in the representation [11].

There are a number of popular deep learning frame-works [12]–[15] that ease the training and deploying ofdeep learning models. Different frameworks require differ-ent syntaxes to describe CNNs and have different trade-offsfor training and inference [16] phases. In this paper, we lookat pre-trained CNN models [17] supported by two populardeep learning frameworks: Caffe and TensorFlow. A pre-trained model often consists of a binary model file and atext file that describe the model parameters and the networkrespectively, as well as text files of the output labels.

2.2 Mobile Deep InferenceMobile deep inference is defined as mobile applicationsusing deep learning models to provide novel applicationfeatures, such as image recognition. Mobile deep infer-ence can happen either directly on-device or on cloud-basedservers [18], as illustrated in Figure 2.On-device inference. A number of deep learning frame-works, such as Caffe2 [13] and TensorFlow Lite [19], supportexecuting deep learning models directly on mobile devices.These frameworks perform inference using exported modelsthat have trained on powerful servers. Even with the op-timizations in these software libraries, on-device inferencecan still be orders of magnitude slower than running infer-ence on powerful servers (shown in Figure 3 ). These largeperformance gaps are mainly due to constraints on mobilehardware, e.g., lacking GPUs and having relatively littlememory. The inference inefficiency is exacerbated whenan application needs a more accurate model or needs toload multiple models, e.g., chaining the execution of an

Mobile Device


conv_i norm



i = 1,2 (repeat twice)

pool5 relu_k





j = 3, 4, 5

fc8 prob

k = 6, 7

2. Invoke a Caffe model

3. Model computation

4. Generate the most probable labels

1. Users take a picture

((a)) On-device inference.4. Model computation

Web Server

2. Send the image

3. Invoke a Caffe model


conv_i norm



i = 1,2 (repeat twice)

pool5 relu_k





j = 3, 4, 5

fc8 prob

k = 6, 7

5. Generate the most probable labels

6. Return labels

1. Users take a picture

Mobile Device

((b)) Cloud-based inference.

Fig. 2: Design choices of deep learning powered mobileapplications. We use our implemented object recognitionAndroid App as an example to illustrate the steps involvedto perform on-device and cloud-based inference.



InceptionV3 InceptionV4










Fig. 3: Inference time of on-device and cloud-based in-ference. We measured the inference time of four CNNmodels running on a high-end mobile device and an AWSp2.xlarge server.

optical character recognition model and a text translationmodel [20, 21]. To ensure mobile inference execution com-pletes in a reasonable time, mobile-specific models [5, 22]often sacrifice inference accuracy and thus may excludecomplex application scenarios. Even though on-device infer-ence is a plausible choice for simple tasks and newer mobiledevices, it is less suitable for complex tasks and older mobiledevices.Cloud-based inference. Instead of on-device execution, mo-bile applications can send their inference requests to cloud-hosted models. A number of model serving systems [23]–[25] have been proposed to manage different model versionsavailable for executing inferences. These systems often focuson maximizing inference throughput by batching incomingrequests. This may increase waiting time of some requestsand consequently have negative impacts on end-to-endinference requests.

To utilize such systems, developers need to manuallyspecify the exact DNN model to use through exposed APIendpoints. For mobile developers, this manual model selec-


Page 3: 1 Characterizing the Deep Neural Networks Inference ... · 1 Characterizing the Deep Neural Networks Inference Performance of Mobile Applications Samuel S. Ogden, Tian Guo Abstract—Today’s

mobiledevice OS version CPU GPU Memory



Nexus 5 Android 6.0 2.26 GHzquad-core

129.8 GFLOPsAdreno 330 2 16 2300

LG G3 Android 6.0 2.5 GHzquad-core

129.8 GFLOPsAdreno 330 3 32 3000

Moto G5 Plus Android 7.0 2.0Gzocta-core

130 GFLOPsAdreno 506 3 32 3000

Pixel 2 Android 9.0 4x 2.35GHz4x 1.9GHz

567 GFLOPsAdreno 540 4 128 2700

TABLE 1: Mobile devices used in on-device measurement.We used four mobile devices that run their respectivelymost up-to-date OSes and have variable hardware resourcecapacities. Among which, Pixel 2 has a much faster mobileGPU.

tion fails to consider the impact of dynamic mobile networkconditions, which can take up a significant portion of end-to-end inference time [26, 27]. Such static development-time efforts can lead to picking a faster but less accurateDNN model or risking SLA violations by choosing a moresophisticated DNN model.

Cloud-based inference has the potential to support aplethora of application scenarios, simple and complex, andheterogeneous mobile devices, old and new. However, cur-rent mobile-agnostic serving platforms fall short in automat-ically adapting inference accuracy to varying time require-ments of mobile inference requests.


In this section, we perform an empirical measurement ofon-device inference time and study the impact of key fac-tors such as deep learning frameworks, mobile capacities,CNN models and model compression techniques. We thenanalyze the resource and energy implications of running on-device inference.Measurement methodology. We implemented twoAndroid-based mobile image classification applicationsand evaluated the on-device inference performance withfour mobile devices outlined in Table 1. The first applicationcompared two mobile inference execution frameworks,Caffe2 [13] and CNNDroid [28] in order to compare setupand execution time of CNNs on the Nexus5 device. Thesecond application leveraged TensorFlow Mobile [29] inorder to examine the impact of various model architecturesand optimizations across all of our mobile devices.

For these tests we used a variety of CNN models.For the first application, we used AlexNet [4], NIN [8],and SqueezeNet [9]. These three models were chosenbecause they have similar top-5 accuracy on the Ima-geNet dataset [30] but differ vastly in terms of modelsize and complexity. The second application used fourmodels that consisted of two accuracy-optimized mod-els, i.e., InceptionV3 and InceptionV4 [31], andtwo time-optimized models, i.e., MobileNetV1 0.25 andMobileNetV1 1. [32]. These models were chosen for ex-posing a range of accuracy and complexity trade-offs. Usingthe second application we also did an in-depth study of theInceptionV3 model and optimizations thereof.

We furthermore used two different image datasets forgenerating inference requests. For the first application weused an image set (images 1) that consists of 15 images. For

the second application we used a training set of 3314 to re-train our target models and another 1000 images (images 2)to evaluate inference accuracy and time.

For each experiment we break the end-to-end inferencetime into three parts: loading input image, loading CNNmodel, and CNN model execution time. In the first ap-plication we output these time intervals to the Androidlog file which we accessed with Logcat, a command linetool, allowing us to additionally collect Android Runtime(ART) garbage collection information and application-levellogs. We additionally measured the power and resourceconsumption with the Trepn profiler [33] to sample batterylevel, normalized CPU and GPU load every 100ms, fol-lowing best practice techniques to minimize profile impact.Our second application recorded time intervals to an SQLitedatabase.

3.1 On-device Inference Performance AnalysisWe begin by analyzing the performance differences by dis-secting the on-device image recognition task with an in-depth study of time breakdown, and resource utilization.We focus on understanding the performance of on-devicedeep inference and the implications for potential perfor-mance improvement.Impact of Deep Learning Frameworks. The choice of deeplearning framework can impact the CNN model design andhave a significant impact on the performance, due to differ-ent model sizes and complexities. We quantify such impactsthrough both the model loading and inference executiontime. We plot the loading time in Figure 4(a) in log scale.For loading the same model (AlexNet and NIN), the portedCaffe library takes up to 4.12 seconds, about 22X faster thanusing CNNDroid. Furthermore, it only takes an averageof 103.7 ms to load the smallest SqueezeNet model.1 Thisloading happens whenever users first launch the mobileapplication, and potentially when a suspended backgroundapp is brought back. Our measurement of CNNDroid’s longloading time suggests that users need to wait for up to 88seconds to be able to interact with the mobile app. Althoughlong loading time might be amortized across a number ofinference requests during one user interaction session, it stillnegatively impacts user experiences.

Next, we show the time taken to perform inferenceon the input image using five different configurations inFigure 4(b). For each configuration, we measure the com-putation time taken for all five images and collect a totalof 75 data points. Each bar represents the average com-putation time across three versions of the same image andthe standard deviation. CNNDroid-based AlexNet inferenceachieves the lowest average of 1541.67 ms, compared tothe longest time of 13745.33 ms using ported Caffe NINmodel. Even with the fastest device-based inference, it stilltakes three times more than CPU-based cloud inference [18].In addition, we plot the end-to-end inference time in Fig-ure 4(c). This total inference time includes the bitmap scal-ing time, the GC time, and the model computation time.CNNDroid-based approach takes an average of 1648.67 msfor performing object recognition on a single image, about

1. We did not measure the performance of SqueezeNet using CN-NDroid due to the lack of support by CNNDroid.


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AlexNet NIN SqueezeNetModel Type









e [m


Caffe LibCNNDroid

((a)) Model loading time.

1 2 3 4 5Image (Sorted by Original Size)











el C



n Ti




((b)) Model execution time.

1 2 3 4 5Image (Sorted by Original Size)











l Inf


ce T




((c)) End-to-end inference time.

Fig. 4: Caffe on-device inference time. We compare two approaches for device-based inference using three CNN models.When using CNNDroid-based approach, trained models need to be converted to supported format.


s 5










6) Pixe

l 2(2







e (m


Image LoadingModel LoadingModel Computation

((a)) Different mobile capabilities.








1.0 Ince












e (m


Image LoadingModel LoadingModel Computation

((b)) Different CNN models.

Fig. 5: Comparisons of on-device inference using differentmobile devices and CNN models. The high-end Pixel 2 im-proves on-device inference speed by 2.3X compared to otherdevices. The mobile-specific CNN models, e.g., MobileNetfamily, only take an average of 150ms to run and are 27.2xfaster than server-centric models, i.e., Inception. Note, thetime to load the 330KB image is shown but negligible.

seven times faster than using ported Caffe models. Based onthe response time rules [34, 35], it might lead to poor userexperiences when using certain on-device inference.Impact of Heterogenous Mobile Capabilities. Next, wemeasure the end-to-end image classification time for run-ning InceptionV3 using TensorFlow Mobile frameworkon different mobile devices. In Figure 5(a), we plot thetime breakdown of loading the image and the CNNmodel, as well as model computation time. Mobile devicesvary in their ability to load and run the server-centricInceptionV3 model. As we can see, older or less capabledevices (left three bars) take up to 3.5 seconds to returninference results to mobile users. However, the nearly 2 sec-onds of model load time could be amortized across multipleruns or reduced by using smaller CNN models. Althoughnewer mobile hardware is able to deliver acceptable userperformance even for relative complex CNN models, oldermobile devices would benefit from having access to simplerCNN models or using cloud-based inferences.Impact of CNN Models. CNN models differ from tradi-tional deep learning models in that they use convolutional

layers as their input. This has two main effects. First, convo-lutional layers typically use shared weights for their convo-lutional layers, decreasing the amount of storage needed forthe models themselves. Second, these convolutional layersincrease accuracy for image classification tasks but greatlyincrease the memory usage of model execution due to thegeneration of intermediate data. Therefore we further studythe performance differences when running different CNNmodels on a powerful mobile device. We choose four pop-ular CNN models and run them using TensorFlow mobileframework on a Pixel2 mobile phone [36]. For each CNNmodel, we measured the inference time for running images 2test set and calculated the average. In Figure 6(a), we showthat Pixel2 is able to execute both MobileNetV1 modelsin less than 133ms (352ms) on average. However, Pixel2takes 48.7X longer to load larger Inception models and is5.6X-27.4X slower to perform the model computation usingInception models. We observed that the model loadingtime is more consistent compared to the model computa-tion. This indicates that model computation might be moresubject to the resource interference between foreground andbackground applications.Impact of CNN Model Compression. Compactly storingdeep learning models is key to our vision of supportinga wide selection of on-device models. However, compres-sion techniques generally trade-off inference accuracy forcompression effectiveness. In this section, we first quan-tify the storage savings of four post-training compressiontechniques and then compare each technique’s impact oninference performance.

Figure 6(a) compares the uncompressed and compressedmodel sizes. For each model, we plot the baseline uncom-pressed size (left bar) and the gzip version (right bar). Aswe can see, the 8-bit quantized model leads to the moststorage saving of 75% regardless of gzip compression. Inaddition, the unquantized models (retrained and optimized)see only about 7% savings while the rounding quantizedmodel sees a 72.6% storage reduction after being gzipped.Our observations suggest that both quantization and gzipcompression can lead to significant storage savings, espe-cially when combined.

Next, we compare the inference speed and accuracy ofeach model. Figure 6(b) shows the time taken by each modeland its accuracy. It is important to note that majority of


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e (M


GZip'd Uncompressed

((a)) Storage size.O












e (m


AccuracyImage Loading

Model LoadingModel Computation







y (%


((b)) Inference speed and accuracy.

Fig. 6: Comparisons of model compression techniques.Model compressions can greatly affect the on-disk storagerequirements as well as impacting the accuracy and latencyof models. Overall, the 8-bit quantized model is superiorin storage saving and inference speed but experiences 6%accuracy decrease. The retrained model is excluded due tounsupported operations on mobile devices.

TABLE 2: Summary of GC activities when usingCNNDroid-based inference. ART uses the default CMS GC,and the GC time takes up to 9.89% during model loading,and up to 25% during user interactions. The average GCpause time can be up to 39.23 ms.

CNNDroidOn-device Inference Phase Duration[ms] Num.


Time [ms]GC

Pause [ms]AlexNet 84537.33 4.33 513.55 10.42


Model 37975 16.67 3757.30 175.76AlexNet 11800 4 536.55 4.60


Interaction 17166.67 7 4307.18 274.66

the inference time is in loading the model into memoryand thus could be amortized over sequential mobile infer-ences. However, for one-off mobile inferences, the modelloading time dominates the end-to-end inference time. Thesmall 8-bit quantized model provides the fastest end-to-end response time with the lowest model loading time, buta slightly increased inference time. In our results, we dosee a small accuracy increase for the rounding quantizedmodel. But such observations are not common and wouldbe detected through metadata tracking. In sum, modelcompression techniques have different impacts on modelstorage, inference speed and accuracy. We could leveragethese observations to carefully select techniques that pro-vide different tradeoffs.Impact of Limited Mobile Memory. During loadingCNNDroid-based models, we observe much more frequent,and long lasting garbage collecting activities performed byAndroid Runtime in our mobile device. When running ourapp using CNNDroid library, we have to request for a largeheap of 512 MB memory.2 Even with a large heap, thememory pressure of creating new objects has lead to a totalof 8.33 (and 23.67) GC invocations when using CNNDroid-based AlexNet (and NIN) model, as shown in Table 2. Ourevaluation suggests that by allocating more memory to deeplearning powered mobile apps, or running such apps in

2. Running the app with the default 192 MB memory will lead toOutOfMemoryError.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15Image (Sorted by Scaled Size)









ap S


g Ti



Fig. 7: Bitmap downscaling time. The time taken to down-scale the image in the mobile device grow with the imagesize. Specially, larger images also experiences proportionallylonger scaling time because of the limited memory resourcesassigned to the mobile application.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Time [Second]





er [m

W] AlexNet

((a)) Caffe-based energy.

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80Time [Second]















((b)) Caffe-based CPU.

0 20 40 60 80 100Time [Second]





er [m



((c)) CNNDroid-based energy.

0 20 40 60 80 100Time [Second]











d [%



((d)) CNNDroid-basedresource.

Fig. 8: Energy consumption and resource utilization of on-device object recognition task.

more powerful mobile devices can mitigate the impact ofgarbage collection.Impact of Image Size. Because the CNN models in thistest only require images of dimension 224 by 224 pixelsto perform inference tasks, we can scale input image tothe required dimension before sending. Figure 7 showsthe time taken to scale images with different sizes. Eachdata point represents the average scaling time across fivedifferent runs. The time taken to resize image grows as itssize increases. It is only beneficial to downscale an imageof size x1 to x2 if Td(x1, x2) + Tn(x2) ≤ Tn(x1), whereTd(x, y) represents the time to downscale an image fromsize x to y and Tn(x) denotes the time to upload an imageof size x to a cloud server. For example, based on ourmeasurement, it takes an average of 36.83 ms to upload animage of 172 KB to our cloud server. Also, from Figure 7, weknow that it takes up to 38 ms to resize an image less than226 KB. By combining these two observations, it is easy toconclude that directly uploading image one to five is moretime efficient. We can expect to make informed decisionsabout whether resizing an image of size x before uploadingis beneficial or not given enough time measurements ofresizing and uploading steps. Our analysis shows that on-device inference’s performance bottlenecks mainly exhibitin loading model and computing probability steps.

3.2 On-device Inference Resource and Energy AnalysisIn Figure 8, we analyze both the energy consumption andresource utilization when running our app in different con-


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figurations . We compare the time-series plots of runningAlexNet model using Caffe Android library and CNNDroidframework. The plots correspond to experiment runs thatperform inference tasks on image set one.

For Caffe Android library based approach, we observean initial energy consumption (and CPU utilization) thatincreases corresponding to loading AlexNet CNN modelinto the memory, a continuation of energy spike duringmodel computation, and the last phase that correspondsto displaying images and the most probable label texts, inFigure 8(a) and Figure 8(b). The other two CNN models,NIN and SqueezeNet, exhibit very similar usage pattern3.Specifically, in the case of NIN, the initial model loadingcauses the energy consumption to increase from baseline1081.24 mW to up to 5000 mW; when performing the modelcomputation, both the energy consumption and CPU uti-lization spikes to more than 7000 mW and 66.2%. Note in thecase of SqueezeNet, we only observe a very small windowof both energy and CPU spikes at the very beginning ofmeasurement. This is because SqueezeNet can be loadedin 109 ms, compared to more than 3000 ms to load eitherAlexNet or NIN.

In contrast, we observe two key usage differences in CN-NDroid approach, as shown in Figure 8(c) and Figure 8(d).First, CNNDroid-based AlexNet exhibits a longer period ofmore stable and lower energy consumption compared to itscounterpart in Caffe-based approach. This is mainly becauseCNNDroid explicitly expresses some of the data-parallelworkload using RenderScript and is able to offload theseworkload to more energy-efficient mobile GPU [37] (indi-cated by the high GPU utilization during model loading).Second, the total model computation time is significantlyshortened from 40 seconds to around five seconds. Inall, by shifting some of computation tasks during modelloading, CNNDroid-based approach successfully reducesthe user perceived response time. However, the CNNDroidapproach consumes 85.2 mWh energy, over 42% morethan Caffe-based approach. Note 91% of CNNDroid energyis consumed during model loading phase, and thereforecan be amortized by performing inference tasks in batch.In other words, the CNNDroid-based approach is moreenergy-efficient in performing inference tasks compared tothe Caffe-based approach when CNN models are preloadedinto the mobile memory.


Next, we measured the cloud-based inference performanceunder different key factors such as cloud server capacity,CNN models, and mobile network. We then analyze theresource and energy implications of running cloud-basedinference. We used four types of cloud-based servers (sum-marized in Table 3) with different capacities. These cloudservers range from burstable servers to GPU-acceleratedservers.We run TensorFlow framework behind a flask-basedweb server and executed inference requests using differentimages and CNN combinations.

3. Interested readers can refer to our prior work [18] for additionalresults of Caffe-based NIN and SqueezeNet models, and CNNDroid-based NIN.

cloudserver vCPU GPU RAM

(GB) Storage Network (Gbps)

t2.medium 2 N/A 4 N/A N/Ac5.large 2 N/A 4 EBS only Up to 10

p2.xlarge 4 1 61 N/A High

g2.2xlarge 8 IntelXeon E5-2670

1 NvidiaGRID K520 15 60GB

instance store N/A

TABLE 3: Cloud servers used in cloud-based measurement.

image recognition time breakdown (ms)inference mode model




g2.2xlarge+CPU N/A 76.2 36.8 238.6g2.2xlarge+GPU N/A 76.2 36.8 18.6

Nexus5+Caffe 2422.1 80.0 N/A 8910.6Nexus5+CNNDroid 61256.2 70.4 N/A 2131.7

TABLE 4: Impact of hardware acceleration. We measuredthe image recognition time with and without using GPU.We also included the on-device performance from Figure 4as baselines.

4.1 Cloud-based Inference Performance AnalysisIn this section, we present the measurement results of imagerecognition time and mobile resource utilization for bothcloud-based and on-device inference.Impact of hardware acceleration. Table 4 summarizes theaverage end-to-end performance and resource consumptionof executing object recognition using both cloud-based andon-device inference modes. We use CPU-only Caffe frame-work and GPU accelerated Caffe framework for toggling theCPU and GPU mode in our g2.2xlarge server. For eachinference mode, we repeat the recognition tasks using allfifteen images and three CNN models. We measure the timeto execute each step and calculate the average. Similar toon-device inference the task of image recognition is furtherbroken down into four steps: loading CNN models intomemory, downscaling image input to desired dimension,uploading input data to the cloud server, and executingthe inference. In contrast to on-device deep inference, in thecloud-based scenario the time to load models is negligiblebecause models already reside inside the memory and canbe used to execute the inference task immediately. Similarly,on-device mode does not incur any time for uploadingimage bitmaps.

Recall, the inference time is the sum of rescaling, upload-ing bitmap and inference execution over one bitmap, andthe recognition time is the sum of amortized model loadingtime over a batch of images and inference time. The averagecloud-based inference time is 351.59 ms/131.59 ms whenusing CPU-only/GPU of a well-provisioned cloud instancehosted in a nearby data center. As shown, because inferencetasks are typically data-parallel and therefore can be accel-erated by up to 10x when using GPU. However, we shouldnote that such results represent a lower bound performanceof real-world setting. In a real-world deployment scenario,image recognition time can last much longer due to reasonssuch as overloaded cloud servers and variable mobile net-work conditions. The total inference time when running on-device is almost 9 seconds when using Caffe-based model,and 2.2 seconds when using CNNDroid model.Impact of model startup latency. Next, we studied theinference execution time difference of hot start versus coldstart model. Here, hot start inference time refers to the time


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MobileNetV1 0.25

MobileNetV1 1.0









e Ti


(ms) t2.medium


Fig. 9: Comparison of inference latency of cloud-basedinference with four CNN models. The InceptionV4 thatruns on the p2.xlarge GPU-accelerated server is over 2.5Xfaster than the MobileNet 0.25 on the MotoX. This high-lights the advantage of cloud-based inference in providinghigh-accuracy and low-latency results and demonstrates thepotential of cloud-based inference for enabling inferencelatency and accuracy trade-offs.

accuracy (%) inference time (ms)CNNmodel top1 top5 hot start cold start

SqueezeNet 49.0 72.9 28.61 ± 1.13 173.38 ± 25.73MobileNetV1 0.25 49.7 74.1 25.73 ± 1.22 272.81 ± 45.00

MobileNetV1 0.5 63.2 84.9 26.34 ± 1.19 302.77 ± 45.50DenseNet 64.2 85.6 49.55 ± 3.21 1149.04 ± 108.00

MobileNetV1 0.75 68.3 88.1 28.02 ± 1.14 351.92 ± 47.38MobileNetV1 1.0 71.8 90.6 28.15 ± 1.22 421.23 ± 47.14

NasNet Mobile 73.9 91.5 55.31 ± 4.09 2817.25 ± 123.73InceptionResNetV2 77.5 94.0 76.30 ± 5.74 2844.29 ± 106.49

InceptionV3 77.9 93.8 55.75 ± 1.20 1950.71 ± 101.21InceptionV4 80.1 95.1 82.78 ± 0.89 3162.24 ± 133.99

NasNet Large 82.6 96.1 112.61 ± 6.09 7054.52 ± 238.36

TABLE 5: Summaries of CNN model statistics through em-pirical measurement. We measured the average inferencetime (with standard deviation) with/out startup latency foreach model running on an EC2 p2.xlarge GPU server.

taken if the CNN model has been loaded into the memory,i.e., the model has been used to service inference requestspreviously. In the case of cold start, we reloaded the CNNmodel every time before executing the inference request andmeasured the cold start inference time starting from loadingthe CNN model until the inference response is generated.

Table 5 summarizes the CNN model accuracies andinference execution time averaged across 1000 inferencerequests. First, we observe a distinct correlation betweenaccuracy and inference time. Additionally, the cold starttime is generally much larger than the hot start time, and in-creases at a much faster rate. Another important observationis that cold start time is harder to predict than hot start time.For example, in the case of DensNet, we observed about23X increase compared to 12X increase for a similarly sizedMobileNet model. The increased time can be attributed tocomplex CNN structure which requires longer setup timeand large CNN model size that leads to longer time to loadinto GPU memory. Therefore it is critical to keep importantand often used CNN models in the memory.Impact of CNN models. We next study how differentCNN models and cloud servers lead to different inferenceexecution time. We evaluated four different types of CNNmodels with reasonable inference accuracy (more detailed inTable 5). For each CNN model, we used an image of 110KBand repeated the measurement for 1000 times. We measured























l Tim

e (m


Transfer TimeInfer Time

((a)) Cloud-based inference re-sponse time.


























k Ti



((b)) Mobile network latency.

Fig. 10: Comparisons of cloud-based inference under dif-ferent mobile network conditions. Under poor networkconnectivity, such as when using cellular hotspot, the trans-fer time almost doubled when compared to university WiFi.In addition, we demonstrate that network conditions play acritical role in cloud-based inference.

the inference execution time, which is defined as the time togenerate output labels based on input images. In Figure 9,we plotted the average inference execution time for runningthese four CNN models in three cloud servers with differentcapacities. We make a few observations. First, regardlessof the cloud servers in use—whether the cloud server is aburstable t2.medium that might be subject to performancefluctuations [38] or a powerful GPU server p2.xlarge,the simplest of the four CNN models MobileNetV1 0.25takes less than 50 milliseconds with up to 30% differencebetween p2.xlarge and t2.medium. Second, as the CNNmodels become more computation-intensive, both CPUservers start to take more than 313.7 milliseconds to finishin the case of InceptionV4. Meanwhile, the GPU serverp2.xlarge was able to deliver low execution time in lessthan 82 milliseconds, which is still over 2.5X faster than run-ning the simplest CNN model MobileNetV1 0.25 on theMotoX mobile phone. Our measurements suggest that CNNmodels with different computation complexities, in additionto cloud servers, take different amount of execution time.These results also demonstrate the potential of using cloud-based inference for making inference latency and accuracytrade-offs dynamically.Impact of mobile network conditions. We evaluate theend-to-end classification time when using models hostedin edge servers with the optimized model pre-loaded. Fig-ure 10 shows the average classification time using an edgeserver in a variety of network conditions. The majority ofthe classification time is network transfer time with upto 66.7% in the cellular hotspot case. Overall, the edge-server based classification ranges from 375ms to 600ms ina well-provisioned t2.medium cloud server. When run-ning the same classification task the Pixel 2 takes 536mswith a preloaded model and is on par with edge basedinference. Mobile-based inference only delivers acceptableperformance for newer and high-end mobile devices whileedge-based inference is a viable option even under poornetwork condition. CNNSelect can leverage this observationto dynamically select inference locations.


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mobile resource consumptioninference mode CPU




g2.2xlarge+CPU 6.2 0.9 1.28 1561.6g2.2xlarge+GPU 6.4 0.4 1.31 1560.2

Nexus5+Caffe 35.0 80.0 1.64 3249.0Nexus5+CNNDroid 22.2 70.4 1.75 2962.6

TABLE 6: Mobile resource consumption. We measuredthe mobile resource consumption when using cloud-basedinference. We also included the on-device performance fromFigure 4 as baselines.

4.2 Cloud-based Inference Resource and Energy Anal-ysis

Table 6 shows the resource consumption of mobile devicewhen running the object recognition mobile application. Asa baseline, we measure the performance when the device isidle and the screen is turned on. The CPU utilization andpower consumption is 3.17% and 1081.24 mW respectively.Cloud-based mode consumes roughly the same amountof CPU and 44.4% more power consumption comparingto the baseline. However, on-device mode not only incurssignificantly higher CPU utilization (and in the case ofCNNDroid, GPU utilization as well), but also require twotimes more power consumption when compared to thebaseline. In all, we can calculate the energy consumption ofdifferent inference modes by multiplying the average infer-ence (recognition) time by the average power consumption.Cloud-based inference requires as low as 0.057 mWh energywhen using faster GPU computation, and on-device basedinference consumes up to 8.11 mWh.

In sum, cloud-based inference exhibits substantial bene-fits in terms of inference response time and mobile energysavings over on-device inference, in this case by two ordersof magnitude. This is due to more powerful processingpower, shorter durations of inference and efficient use ofnetwork interfaces.


In this section, we describe our multi-models approach,CNNSelect, to mitigating the impact of the mobile networkvariations on cloud-based inference performance. CNN-Select manages a set of CNN models that exhibit differentexecution time and accuracy trade-offs, and selects the bestsCNN model for a given mobile inference request. The keyinsight is that the variations of transferring the input datafor an inference request can be masked with CNN modelsthat take differing amounts of time to execute. When con-sidering which CNN model to use, we assume that all CNNmodels are already loaded into the memory and that CNNmodel performance profiles are measured and managed byindividual inference servers. We further assume that imagepreprocessing is handled in an intelligent way by the mobiledevice. In Table 7, we list all the symbols used in this paper.

For a mobile inference request, we assume that develop-ers provide the target response time that indicates how longthe end-to-end inference should take. This target time canalternatively be expressed as Service Level Agreement be-tween mobile developers and cloud-based inference service

providers. Without loss of generality, we refer to this targetresponse time as Tsla.

Next, CNNSelect estimates the remaining time Tbudgetthat an inference request should finish executing. Tbudgetis calculated by taking the difference between Tsla andthe network transfer time Tnw. Tnw can be estimated con-servatively with 2 ∗ Tinput where Tinput denotes the timetaken to send input data from the mobile device to thecloud-based inference server. In our application scenarios,we could expect Tinput ≥ Toutput given inference requests,e.g., images, are often larger than inference responses, e.g.,text labels. To summarize, Tbudget can be calculated as:Tbudget = Tsla − 2 ∗ Tinput.

To take into account of the CNN performance profilesgetting outdated—leading to less accurate estimation of exe-cution time, we define a threshold Tthreshold which indicateshow uncertain we are about the model performance pro-files. The larger the value of Tthreshold, the more outdatedthe inference performance profiles. In order to effectivelyexplore all potentially high-accuracy models without vio-lating SLA, we then expand the notation of time budgetTbudget to a range TR = [TL, TU ], where TU = Tbudgetand TL = TU − Tthreshold (see Figure 11). Intuitively, TUrepresents the maximum amount of time that CNNSelectcan use for generating an inference response without riskingSLA violations. We refer to TL as the hard time limit. Onthe other hand, TU is referred to as the soft time limit andprovides CNNSelect the flexibility to explore a subset ofhigh-accuracy models ME that exhibit different executiontime {T (m)|∀m ∈ME}.

Currently, Tthreshold is configured by CNNSelect’s users,e.g., mobile application developer, as any values in the rangeof [0, TD], where TD represents the expected on-deviceinference time. We choose to bound Tthreshold this way torestrict the exploration set ME and mitigate the undesir-able behavior of starting on-device inference prematurelywhen cloud-based inference can finish without violating theSLA. However, CNNSelect could also dynamically adjustTthreshold based on its confidences of model performanceprofiles and will be explored as part of future work.

5.1 Opportunistic Model Selection

Next, we describe in detail how CNNSelect utilizes both themodel performance profiles and the time budget range TRto first pick a base model, then construct a set of eligiblemodels ME that is worth exploring, and last probabilisti-cally select the model for executing the inference request.Our three-staged algorithm is designed to gradually im-prove our estimation of model performance profiles withoutincurring additional profiling overhead. In addition, if weare under time pressure to select models, our algorithmcould be stopped any time after the first stage and will stillselect a quality model for performing the inference. In Fig-ure 11 we provide an example walkthrough of CNNSelect.Stage one: greedily picking the baseline model. In thisstage, CNNSelect takes all the existing models and selects abase model mj as follows.


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Symbol MeaningTsla, Tstart, Tbudget Response time SLA, start time, and remaining name of a mobile inference request.Tthreshold Confidence threshold of inference performance.Tinput, Toutput, Tnw Nework time to send inference request and response, and both.TD Expected on-device inference time.TU , TL The soft and hard time budgets.TR, TE The time budget and exploration ranges.K The total number of models.ME The exploration set of models.µ(m), σ(m) Average and standard deviation of historical inference time of model m.Pr(m) Probability of model m for performing inference.A(m), T (m), U(m) Accuracy, inference time and utility of CNN model m.

TABLE 7: Symbols summary. Shaded symbols are specific to inference requestsfrom different mobile devices, while others are related to CNN models.


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µ(m2) + �(m2)

µ(m3) + �(m3)

µ(m1) + �(m1)

TL +�|TL � µ(m3)| + �(m3)

TL ��|TL � µ(m3)| + �(m3)

Fig. 11: Walkthrough of CNNSelect.Here, CNNSelect has access to CNNmodel performance profiles and inferenceaccuracy: A(m3) > A(m1) > A(m2).


A(mj) (1)

subject to µ(mj) + σ(mj) < TU , j = 1 . . .K. (2)µ(mj)− σ(mj) < TL, j = 1 . . .K. (3)

The high level idea is to select the most accurate modelEquation (1) that are likely to finish execution within speci-fied SLA target Equation (2) without triggering on-deviceinference Equation (3). Given that cloud-based inferenceexecution might experience performance fluctuations thatlead to a wider inference execution distribution [39, 40],we take into account of the standard deviation of modelinference time and only select models that satisfy both thesoft time limit TL and the hard time limit TU . By doing so,the selected models are of high accuracy and are very likelyto finish execution within specified SLA. In the examplewalkthrough in Figure 11, CNNSelect will select model m3

as the base model. In scenarios where there is no baseCNN models that satisfy the constraints, e.g., variability ofmobile networks, CNNSelect chooses the CNN model withthe lowest average inference time µ(mj) in order to providea best-effort at SLA attainment.Stage two: optimistically constructing the eligible modelset. To account for cloud-based inference variations, eitherdue to workload spikes [41] or insufficient/outdated CNNmodel performance profiles, CNNSelect leverages the basicidea of exploiting and exploration [42]. Given the base CNNmodel m∗, we then explore other potential CNN modelsthat should also be inside the exploration set ME . To doso, we leverage m∗ performance profile and construct theexploration range TE .

Specifically, we expand the hard time limit TL withµ(m∗) and σ(m∗) to construct the exploration range TEwith an acceptable distance (|TL−µ(m∗)|)+σ(m∗) as below.

TE =

{[µ(m′) + σ(m′), 2TL − µ(m′) + σ(m′)], if TL > µ(m′)

[2TL − µ(m′) + σ(m′), µ(m′) + σ(m′)], otherwise.

Given this, we construct the exploration CNN model setME = {m | µ(m) ∈ TE and µ(m) + σ(m) < TU}. As such,all CNN models in ME satisfy our target performance whileproviding CNNSelect the opportunity to exploit the trade-offs between inference accuracy and time. In Figure 11, onlymodel m2 and m3 are marked as the members of ME .Stage three: opportunistically selecting the CNN model.CNNSelect selects the CNN model m′ that balances the risk

of SLA violations and the exploration reward. Concretely,we calculate the utility for each CNN model U(m) based onits inference accuracy and the likelihood to violate responsetime SLA.

U(m) = A(m)TU −

(µ(m) + σ(m)


|TL − µ(m)| (4)

CNNSelect than calculates the selection probabilityPr(m) = 1∑


U(n)U(m) and picks the m′ accordingly.

This helps avoids choosing CNN models with lower in-ference accuracy, wider inference time distribution, andoutdated performance profile.

5.2 Experimental Evaluation of CNNSelectWe quantify the effectiveness of CNNSelect, in dynamicallyselecting the most appropriate CNN model to avoid missingtarget response time while achieving good inference accu-racy. We use a mix of experiments and simulations withreal-world CNN models. We run our experiments using anVirginia-based Amazon EC2 p2.xlarge GPU server thatmanages two retrained CNN models, MobileNetV1 0.25and InceptionV3. After warming up the inference server,we have our Massachusetts-based image recognition An-droid application on MotoX (late 2017) that send inferencerequests of preprocessed images (average 330KB) over cam-pus WiFi. For each SLA target, our mobile application sends1000 inference requests and measure both the inference ac-curacy and end-to-end inference time. For our simulations,we leverage a number of CNN models, summarized inTable 5 [4, 22, 31, 43]–[46], that expose different accuracyand inference time trade-offs. Our simulations are seededwith empirical measurements of CNN model execution timeand mobile network conditions. For each simulation, wegenerate 10,000 inference requests with a predefined SLAtarget and record the model selected by CNNSelect (andbaseline algorithms) and relevant performance metrics. Werepeat each simulation for different SLA target and networkprofiles combination.

5.2.1 Prototype evaluationIn Figure 12, we plot the percentage of inference requeststhat exceed the SLA (left y-axis) and the percentage ofinference requests that are correctly classified (right y-axis)for different SLA targets. We further annotate the figurewith two important timelines: on-device inference time withMobileNetV1 0.25 and on-device inference time with


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0 100 200 300 400 500 600SLA Target (ms)








s (%




et 0




et 1


SLA Misses Accuracy







y (%


Fig. 12: End-to-end performance of CNNSelect. CNNSelectautomatically transitions between two CNN models as thetarget SLA increases. This increased budget allows CNN-Select to use the higher latency but more CNN model.

0 100 200 300SLA Target (ms)








0 100 200 300SLA Target (ms)







y (%


GreedyCNNSelectSLA Target

((a)) Comparison of average end-to-end latency (errorbars show 25th and 75th percentiles) and accuracy.

0 100 200 300 400 500SLA Target (ms)







el U


(%) MobileNetV1 Family

NasNet MobileInceptionV3InceptionV4NasNet Large

((b)) CNN models selected by CNNSelect. As the SLA in-creases the time budget for inference increases and CNN-Select chooses more accurate models.

Fig. 13: Comparison of CNNSelect to the greedy algorithm.CNNSelect tracks the time left to the SLA target allowing itto meet the SLA consistently when network time allows itto at ≥100ms, while the greedy approaches fails to do so.As such, CNNSelect improves effective accuracy safely asthe SLA target increases. Meanwhile, by selecting a modelprobabilistically CNNSelect absorbs the network variationbetter by using a diverse set of CNN models.

MobileNetV1 1.0 (from left to right) to better illustrateCNNSelect performance. The mobile device is connected toour campus WiFi which has an average network time of63ms over the course of the test.

As we can see, CNNSelect is able to gradually reducethe percentage of SLA misses as the SLA target increases.In particular, we start to observe reduction in the num-ber of SLA violations and improved inference accuracyonce the SLA target is larger than 115 ms. This is due toCNNSelect recognizing that the time budget is extremelysmall and utilizing a low-latency model, MobileNetV1

0.25. As the SLA increases further, the overall inferenceaccuracy begins to improve but still exhibits some variation.The improved accuracy is due to CNNSelect identifyingthe increased time budget and beginning to use the moreaccurate InceptionV3 model while the continuing varia-tion in accuracy is due to CNNSelect accounts for networkvariability and occasionally chooses MobileNetV1 0.25.

Result: CNNSelect is able to adapt its model selection withthe goal to minimize SLA violations while improving inferenceaccuracy, even when SLA target is set to be as low as executing amobile-optimized model on-device.

5.2.2 Benefits over a greedy model selection

To examine CNNSelect’s ability to handle the trade-offsbetween inference response time and accuracy, we compareCNNSelect to a greedy algorithm that always chooses themost accurate CNN model for a given SLA. In Figure 13(a),we plot the average end-to-end inference time (left) andinference accuracy achieved by these two algorithms. Thisfigure shows that CNNSelect consistently achieves up to42% lower inference latency, compared to greedy. Moreover,CNNSelect can operate under a much more stringent SLAtarget (∼115ms) while static greedy continues to incur SLAviolations until SLA target is more than 200ms. The keyreason is because CNNSelect is able to effectively trade-offaccuracy and inference time by choosing from a diverse setof models (see Figure 13(b)). Consequently, CNNSelect hasan accuracy of 68% (on par to using MobileNetV1 0.75which can take 2.9x more time running on mobile devices)under low SLA target (∼115ms), but is able to matchaccuracy achieved by greedy when SLA target is higher. Notethat even though static greedy achieves up to 12% higheraccuracy, it does so by sacrificing inference latency.

In Figure 13(b), we further analyze CNNSelect perfor-mance by looking at its model usage patterns under dif-ferent SLA targets. At very low SLA target (< 30ms), CNN-Select aggressively chooses the fastest model MobileNetV10.25 since none of the managed models satisfy Equa-tion (2) and (3). As the SLA target increases, CNNSelect ex-plores more accurate but slower models than MobileNetV10.25. There are two key observations: (1) CNNSelect iseffective in picking the more appropriate model to increaseaccuracy while staying safely within SLA target. For exam-ple, InceptionResNetV2 is never selected by CNNSelectbecause better alternatives InceptionV3 for lower SLAtarget and InceptionV4 for higher SLA target exist. (2)CNNSelect faithfully explores eligible models and is able to“converge” to the most accurate model when SLA target issufficiently large.

Result: CNNSelect outperforms greedy with up to 43% end-to-end latency reduction, while is able to keep up with accuracywith SLA budget is larger than 250ms. The key reason is becauseCNNSelect is able to adapt its model selection by considering boththe SLA target and network transfer time, while greedy naivelyselects the most accurate model.


To keep up with the increasing popularity of using deeplearning within mobile applications [47], there has been a


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wide range of work on providing efficient mobile deep in-ference. These efforts range from optimizing mobile-specificmodels to improving the performance of inference servingsystems.On-device execution. Efforts for enabling executing deeplearning models directly on mobile devices fall in twobroad categories: mobile-specific model optimizations andredesigning mobile deep learning frameworks.

Concretely, researchers have investigated various waysto make DNN models efficient [48]. First, post-trainingoptimizations such as quantization uses simpler represen-tations of weights and bins weights to improve compress-ibility [49, 50] allowing for reduced load time. Second, tech-niques such as pruning [50], removing model weights withlow contributions, reducing the number of computationsneeded for inference as well as model sizes. Third, redesignof networks can also lead to improved inference time. Anearly example was the mobile-specific SqueezeNet [44] andthis trend has continued with MobileNet [22] which was de-signed as a compact alternative to the complex InceptionV3model [31].

To enable running models across different hardwarearchitectures [51], researchers have redesigned deep learn-ing frameworks [52]–[54] with the goal of providing op-timized runtimes. For instance TensorFlowLite [19] andCaffe2 [13] both leverage mobile-specific optimizations thatallows deep learning models to execute smoothly on mobilehardwares. Recently, researchers investigated system-leveloptimizations for supporting multiple on-device mobile ap-plications [55]–[57]. Our work can leverage these proposedoptimizations to further improve mobile deep inferenceperformance by judiciously selecting models at runtime.Remote execution. Cloud-based solutions have demon-strated their effectiveness in handling traditional work-loads [58]. Code offloading [59, 60] has been widely usedto augment the performance of mobile applications withconstrained hardware resources. Due to the reliance onnetwork connectivity, code offloading is often done at run-time [59]. Determining the optimal partition of computationgraphs can be solved optimally [59] with approaches such asInteger Linear Programming (ILP). However, these optimalsolutions fall short because they assume access to priorperformance information, such as execution time and en-ergy [59, 60] and often incur long decision time. CNNSelectleverages the key idea of runtime computation offloadingby selecting from different deep learning models, for bothinference speed and accuracy gain.

Recently, various model serving platforms [23, 24, 61]provides web-based services that mobile applications canleverage. Further, researchers have started to understandingthe performance and cost trade-offs when running inferenceservices in the cloud [62]–[64]. These platforms are oftendesigned with the key focus of managing model lifecyclefrom training to deployment, providing low-latency andhigh-throughput serving systems, and cost-effective cloudresource managements. These projects are beneficial toCNNSelect as they provide infrastructure supports for host-ing a range of models. Moreover, CNNSelect complementsthese works with system and algorithm designs that geartowards mobile applications.


In this paper, we conducted comprehensive empirical mea-surements that geared towards understanding the perfor-mance implications of running deep learning models onmobile devices and in the cloud. We identified a numberof key performance factors, such as mobile networks andCNN models, and demonstrated the need of cloud-basedinference, especially for complex CNN models and oldermobile devices. Towards mitigating the impact of the mobilenetwork variations on cloud-based inference performance,we proposed CNNSelect that manages a set of CNN modelsand uses probabilistic-based to adapt its model selectionto the heterogeneous mobile requirements. Our evaluationsshow that CNNSelect is able to transparently switch be-tween CNN models as SLA relaxes, and that CNNSelectimproves SLA attainment by 88.5% while achieving compa-rable accuracy compared to greedy algorithms.


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Samuel S. Ogden is a Ph.D. student at Worces-ter Polytechnic Institute. He received his M.S. inComputer Science from the University of Ver-mont in 2013 and his B.S in Pure Mathematicsand Electrical Engineering in 2010. His researchinterests include cloud and mobile computingand deep learning systems. Contact him at [email protected].

Tian Guo is an Assistant Professor in the Com-puter Science Department at Worcester Poly-technic Institute. She received her Ph.D. andM.S. in Computer Science from the University ofMassachusetts Amherst in 2013 and 2016, re-spectively, and her B.E. in Software Engineeringfrom Nanjing University in 2010. Her researchinterests include distributed systems, cloud com-puting and mobile computing. Contact her [email protected].

