Page 1: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ - J L - f ' fl; - Water Resources Divisnon rnratiniTT^S R. 43ESec.2O ^ H

- Engineering Bureau S c No "T75 ~~~L ^H^ Groundwater Section uoc- " 0 - - ^ — ^ B B

Sam W. Mitchell Building ^ ^ f l; Helena, Montana 59601 ^ ^ B

• / • • " " • i As the Administrator of \v.he Groundwater Code for the State of Montana, please take ^ H! note S the S r i M ' S special instructions, in order to properly protect your ground- ^ H> water right. . ^ ^ H

I i Special Instructions: . flH

1 ! •••.' ' Please provide, as indicated in red on the attached form, the s ta t ic water level, j .-. • •• ! pumping water level, and gallons per minute claimed or tested. ! ' : ^ ^ H

H Thank you. ..' ' ^ ^ ^ H

1 ' •'•• j K S C E S V E O . Wm

I '•:. ' ljUN 1 3 19??! I •'/.-• .• | H• ;V: r.:.-rjrArw DCPA^TMENT OF NATURAL ' I ^^R-

:^::0:MM^"^r'i^^^'":'^^ • ''''•• ^ ^ ^ B' • ^ • t f : ' J £ ) ^ y - : ^ '/!!'<•',y^.<fi;^:' v - - ' - : ; N - ; ' > ^ : V - " : ; ; ' - - ' - " - ' ' " - - • " ' • " : • • . \" ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ M

• • • • " ' • • • ; . . ' . " - ' " - y ' ' ' - - . ' ' • • . ' • ' • ' • • • • • • . • • • • • " _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ L

Page 2: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

~ ' ••••• - U* t i^ i^i j V __ sJ- ' ' i ••'i / ;

blAlb Otr MUNI ANA . ., .uvH 1 ;1 ( ( o / / , ,_.- v UKlLLtKi LOO . 1

NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9r8Vel- shale' s a n d s ' ° n e ' etc- s h o w i •j APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL t&ll&'SZ^Z!.1 Developed after January 1 , 1962

, (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws, 1961 , a t amended) . Top of Ground one,, .boy.», ie«rf)

! This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed From TOI by the owner with the County Clerk arrl Recorder in the county in ( F w" < " d )

- which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Q _ 8 ToDEipjJ- _ '•Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the "8 T IT T?ater Bear5lg"5and &form may be returned; • Gj_._al _ _ - . ' ' : •

Irving & Carolyn Alderson ^___________ '• ~—" •I Owner For Administrator's Use ; ;

I Address .SHSh. »!*S55 Hie Z0X.MyfyJ3.0S. ~ ^ ^ > | '

^ | • tfd&Spun* ZZZIZIIZIIIIZIZI Vi Date well started ...3^...1.?6? GW1 '* . 'r — » — . _ ^ » — — — — _ _ _ _ — — . • • ' •- . j . '

completed ...lfey...1.?§?. !„ \ —• . i

Type of well D.Ug — I(Dug, driven, bored or drilled) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ — — — ; ' ^

* Equipment used Eatd*.P£»\ (Churn drill, rotary of other) • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

\ Water Use: Domestic • Municipal Q Stock • Irrigation • —— i- — _ _ _ - _ — __-_n_—_

j Industrial Q Drainage • Other • * Garden/Lawn 0 :

i 'Describe -— ~ — — — — - : . . . ' " • •

| USE: If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, "" '. I• • state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block r

. • I and Addition)

I ./ ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL .\ Site ot SUe and From To _ _ _ — —___-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ — _ — — _ _ _ -i Drilled Welsht (Feet) (F«l) PEnFSRATIONS| Hole of Cubs • —— —•• ._•——- - _ _ _ - — — — — — — — . — _ _ - _ — . - . J! . Klnii from To

, i SIM (Fe«l) (F««) - — —

! _pp. l i f t . 3_t.' I oorrugatid _____________________

I suLvert 0 11ft.

; ?. I ZJZJZIZZEJqI .. • w -> -z' u" ZZ."; I j I j I f Static water level- _J..;;.ft.* •: I I ^ jumping water leyeJ ..f3. 6? ft.* a__•• • i i ' a' .L-tya -a.ali°n5.-Per-miriute.f

! ; measured minutes after pumping{ I | I'egan. '.'j W I j B "Measured from ground level. _ . . _• j I Well developed by

• ." ': ] ! for hours. _ _ _ , . _. ^ i Power Pump HP ^ ^ ^ ^ _____________^__________

• j j N y / Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing,. : / - packers, type of shutoff)

;•. '• ..SE.JA SE...'/4 Sec.SD........; . N R .fe...._D ~z~~ 1—z_r~"j (s) w — — "Z.


Driller's Signature ..^:r^^^^^^^^^J^Aj...S^^D\• • .'-U*4 ~Z>><^>i |-^C*l J_i__^_r---N.; . Driller's Address .^ ._D_^<c:^^ . . . . .Cf^__T- ' jb ..^ 1 ' ,

LICENSE NO J..0. ' H f t - Show exact depth of bottom I

• ; . . . '•- " • . • • • „ . . . . . . . . ' j

8] . ••

Page 3: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I o s ,jGW2RcviKdm9 ~~ "^ County. ??!»tourl ife-— ^ ^ HH STATC^UBLItHtNB COMPANY . ! ' ' " ~ ]•')"'J *' ' ^_________fl

I ' STATE OF MONTANA " ' ' " " ' DRILLER'S LOG j^^H• ADMINISTER OF G R O U N D W A T E R ' C ^ flHI MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BQARD»**ft:S MP C,-.,• •,,.-,,^ '-,e5S o{. «,,.,. such as 5oi[, c lay, sand, ^ M

I NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER gravel, shale, sandstone etc. Show ^ H

I ; ; APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL ' ^ S t °4 wh,l w^r i ? ? j S ? •• .... Developed ifter Jrnuiry,I,r1962 • , _ ^ _ M

I (Under Chapter 237 Montan« Settlon t i w y 1961, a* amended) Top of Ground paev. .tovt« _ ; ______{I : This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed JJ-m To I • _ _ • •• • by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <F««) (rtcn ,; HJBBB• which the well is located, last copy to be retained by drilled '••• 0 7 Top Soil j IBBII Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the i' *7~ >Q" Yfl_by fllaT <i 'B_B_1I form may be returned; ' • $Q_ >9 Band & QraTBl & SMtty 1 _ _ _ _ •

I Owner • S ^ ^ . . 0 ! » J ^ . ^ ^ For Admlni5tratorVUsg . ' f g ^ ^ g ^ £ l Z l , , - , - - - - ] •» Address ...Jft^.JtoBtflS* File 82L.JMy>.fy/g&L ^ ^ JgJMKL- _ i | ^ B

I : to^ W^W1^- i BI Date well started ...Sepi«...1563. GW 1 ......„,. g|_. | | I |l!gJSa3S- j ^ B

I completed ...8^.1*3.. j ••••••••••••••• \ fe- 'ft- p f ^ ^ - ^ •{

I Type of well jfe&UtA 55IZ EC !?5»^fi»^i5tS«* - | ^ HI (D«B. driven, bored ot drilled) • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '• ^ H ^ ^ ^ B

I Equipment used Bfl.tWT. —- —-•••—• ) _ _ _ _ HI ' (Churn drill, rotuy or other) . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ^^^^^M

I • , Water Use: Domestic Qc Municipal • Stock D Irrigation • — 4 •____•

I Industrial • Drainage • Other D* Garden/Lawn Q — • } ^ ^ H

I *Describe ;. -—— ———-—•——;————-————--1 ^H^H

I USE: If used for irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, '. : " ~~~ ^T ; _^HH• ; state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block ——" — ~ ~ - - — — — . — . — .•; _|__HI

I 1 ' and Addition) ....: J^».V.,....V.. '. - i - | ____»

I : ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL ; ; ', , __ . *5 t___K

I SUS W 8 S J&> PEBFORATIONS '~\ \ W^M• How of Cntng • MJ——•" — » — • _«•«-»—.W-M--M_•_«__•«_•_«_•• . . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ HB , Kind From To ••! _ _ _ _ _ •• SUc (Fe«) (Fe««) \i B^^B

I I1' 6" ° 70 '"" " ? _ _ HI U" 70 370 ~~" " ^ ? •___•I ?« 720 _ZZZZIIZZZIZII1_I_-Z ?. ^ H

1 •. - .—-—s—EJZZZZ^ ! II I j I ; I Static water level °? ft.* " _____•I • | j Pumpina water level ?.f)P. ft.* • ^^BI J -^ at „?..... gallons per minute, . ^ ^ ^ HI i I | measured ..9P...mlnutes after pumping ^ _ _ _ HI ' I began. ' ' ^ ^ ^ B1 w I p *Measured from ground level. _ _ _ _ _ ' _ ^_____fI j j Well developed by •— - - - - — ; - ^ ^ _I i .J.- - .- for .hours. fl^^lI | >X Power Pump HP ' ^ ^ ^ HI ! j j r ^ Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, _B_HI packers, type of shutoff) ^___H

® w ..V _____•»» . . . . . , i . ^ ^ ^ ^ B



Driller's Signature L > . L . . . J ^ . & ^ . . - ^ T "—• . J^M

Driller's Addre« !0W^iZ..Mt.\^.UU^....U.CiM^?rr.... gj^ "I t II ,. | H6 l l e A L « W - U U l^ O L|CENSE NQ ^Q, " '' &Q Show exact depth of bottom ^ H

": ' r ' SO, 363 H- — • — • ^ H ,

Page 4: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m I ) • , . -• • . : . • - • . . . . • , . . / . i t ; :,J. i, ' V ' . V '

^ H i f ••'•-•• - • • • . } ; • .'•.-• ; ! • • > ; : ';; £ - •• . 1 i ; f;^l-.mS';;

^ ^ H i i U * * * x - * e l ^ $ c Z f . ' '••:". •••''.• • ' ••'• •• ; : : v :: '. 7 '•• • • : ; ! : ? • • ' , •

| B : « . . - . . i a i a ^ j k j i ^ ^ t ^ - , ; ^ : _.,..,; :.-;: ;- - b; •••' :;;:;-.!:

| H ' :

'• ' .: : • '•' •

: • • '

; v . ^ {•'• '•••

l • ' •'• ' • i • : ! • ' • : ' ; • ! • • • :

| ^ ^ B ; • •.".•, • ' • ' • . . " • ' •>•' . -! >

. v . ' v j i . ' ; ' -;

» :

• : ; : ,- :

' ! i :

'. [ [ >

^ ^ ^ ^ B ' • • • • • " . . . ! , . . : . . . ' r ' : \ • '< • . .' , ; ! ! i

^ ^ H ! ' , ' - ' - ' > ; ' ' ' •• • ; ; • • : \ !

^ | H | ' ^ v — ^ • • . ' . - . • . ' • " • ' • . ' i : • ; ; ' '

Page 5: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^ ^ H o*_^>3 GW 2 RcvUcd 1969 . - • ' V ' , V.) / . CoUnty.BOMbUd "~=" ____H

^ H STATE OF MONTANA n . r-- ; V ^ ' . ^ ?AU DRILLER'S LOG ^ ^ f l

M MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ness of strata such as soil, clay, sand, ^ B

^ H NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER or8vel» shale' s«"dstone' «*• f*ow ^ H

S : V APPROPR.AT.ON BY MEANS OF WELL S 1 2 £ S i S ^ L • j •^ ^ K • . Developed after January T, 1962 . I ____H^^M (Under Chapter 2 3 7 Montana Session Laws, 1 9 6 1 , a t amended) Top o f Ground (Ein. ibove K > ind ) ; ^ ^ ^ |^ ^ H This f o r m to be prepared b y dr i l ler , and . t h ree copies t o be f i l ed ftem TO • • . . ; . ' fl^^H^ B by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in <F"° VMt> '• ^ ^ H |• ^ 1 which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. Jf g_ Tffp' SfflUi- — _ . . ; ' — ' ______|^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _fi J(BL— *"fc*'*^ni wr : ' " '• — ; i ^H^ D form may be returned; _j ___ j ^ l . . flf«*^ "n^l^ Vatw"'-' "; i ^ ^ 1

H Owner3to^A.g«g<te.iMM!WgSpor Administrator.s Use -| • ' H I J t Z m m ^ i l ^ JnA+j.***--^ B |

^ H Address ...Bixn«y.*.Jfaat«aa... Fiie^3..-/4W /J?a2 — -.4_J~_-.___—.—-.-J ^ ^ J

^^^^^^HB^^P • • • • * • • • • • • * • • * • • • • • • * • * * * • • • • • • * • • • " • * • • • • • • • » • » * • • • • " • » • • • • • • • * • ~^^T^1^*h r | f f Q / f f ^ ' B* ^^^^^^^»1B t^ i^^^^^^^ ^» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^» ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^v ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^\ . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H

^^I^^B^ - ' ' £f • ' ' - • •• • " ^^^^^^^H

i H ^ Date well started 5wt.t...1563. GW 1 —— . 1 — ; - - . : — - - — —•• J ^ H

^^H • completed SfiP$.»..-1.?P3. : .__— .^.__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ — ' J^^^H

| ^ | Type of well Prilled... _ ~ — - - - — — - — - i ~ -—_—-' ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ H <Dus. driven, bored or drilled) . ' _ . ^ . ^ ' '•) ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |

W^M Equipment used ..B9.ttMI7...J .:.. ——— —— — — — — — — — — — — — — J ^ ^ ^ H^ ^ ^ B (Churn drill, roury or other) . . . — « . . . _—___ ''' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |

^ B Water Use: Domestic£} Municipal • Stock Q Irrigation £ ] "- — ——* — "J ^ ^ ^ H

^ H Industrial n Drainage • Other Q* Garden/Lawn X] ~~ : — — — •-\ ^ ^ ^ H

^ B *Describe 1 — ™ • — • - •—••??.——-j ^ ^ J

^ H USE: If used for Irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, — — ; ' • | j ^ ^ ^ H^^M state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block — — . — — — — — — — j ^ ^ ^ H

| ^ l and Addition) '. „ I ^^iH

^M ESTIAAATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL ', _ J | | ^ H^^^H Sltt of • gixe wid Flm To • i ' • i • — — • -*•*~— ' X^^^^^Hn ^ H DriUed ' Weliht (r«O (Feet) PERFORATIONS . • ' . . \ H^^HW^M Kind Prom Tu •_ ' i ^ ^ ^ H

^^B _ Sh« (Fed) (Fe«l) ""*" i ^^a^B

^m | n 711 6" 0 Ik — •!•• HiaH

^H " ii " ~~ " ! ~~ — — — — — — — — ^ ^^^HHH I j I j I Static water level ....2?.. ft.* I ^^^M^ H ! j Pumping water level J60 ....ft.*,___ ____ — — — — — — ; ^^^H^H J 1 at ...5Q gallons per minute, _ _ _ — _ — _ _ _ _ — — < ^^^9^ H ! I measurecw. minuies ofier pumping _ _ _ . '_; — — _ — - ^IL9^ H i i began. __— —__ ' a^^^H^ H w 1 } E 'Measured from ground level. — . — — — — — . ; a i iH^B j j Well developed by ~*" ~ : ^ H H^H ] J for hours. j ' ^ ^ ^ H^ H i \y Power Pump HP —___—______—___________ ; ^ ^ ^ B^ B I J ^ N Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, ___, — — _ — ^H^H^H L_______—__J packers, type of shutoff) , » : ^ ^ ^ ^ |

H SB y<SB y4 SefS» _____•^ B T...5?. N R.....U3 j?) ^ ^ H


^ B Driller's Signature ••V..;..( ..£S...j2~A£2£^ HH• ^uf=^>Aj^ ^^JiJLJ^CS-r^ ^ ^ 1^ H Driller's Address .^..J. ^. . 1 ' ^ ^ ^ H• MH.Q. £ .t..(/c_^J feENSE NO 9D..JT 2U?et Show exact depth of bottom WM

^ _____9MH

Page 6: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^^^^^Br • . . „ . _ . - - >-• •• ••,.«»"-.».,,,. . . . „ - _ _ , . . . . . . . j .1, HJ.W ii i"!.1!!.' I'.'WjtmilUHi'WiiuiuML....

^ m ' , _ . , . ••••.•• '• i ••; •;• ' r i 'i "-••.'£ . • • ; M i • : . : 1 T

^ ^ B - . ; : ; ; 1 . . . . , : . . •. • • • • • • ; si V / . , < • . - . • r.- • • ; • , . •>••<'•• ,

• , "^IWPyOFRO^^}*1 .. ; '•'• • % £. > > •''':- \ • « • ! : • • * • . • . •

• . :*^-i|^&oy4..4;«" :.: ;' ; .,. '../:.„ ,. : r;'ipv-•"*

• • •Jt4'^ir" - i ^ - ; : ! . •••'• ! ': : - r - o i - = ••• J i U ! ~ - :

^B ' ' ^ -• "• • ' '• '• : ' ; .•'• - i > • : • • ' • . ' • ' ; • • . ' ; i | l i ; i v - i . ? i i

^ ^ ^ H • • - • . . . . . . :\ • '. t ''

^ H ' ' '• ' • • i : ' • ' ' : ; * ' ' i i ' ; ; : 5 : i ; ! i '

H . , . • • • " • s ' ' y V : • ; • ; • • • . : • • : :• ! '. • • : \ i ; ! ! M '

^ ^ ^ B ^ , • ' ~ " ' « " ' ' i , • ' ' • • 1 ' i "• '• '•

H • •>: j :;"•' ' • • • . ' • ; , ; i • i \ • 'H •• ?. ^ '.1 '• i ' • : •' : ; - , ' i ; ; • ; ; ; ; ;

^ H . ' • ' • • ; ; ' ; : : . - . ' ' . : ' ; . i j ;

Page 7: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I ' J Approved Stock Form—State J>nbliih!ng Co, Helm. ManWtt—3M1I •<fgj» i > / > » I flfl

I File No T_6? R$l3I I : - - " ' •


I STATE OF MONTANA ^ _ „ r . •


I Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appro^&ttoitlHuirttLR •I Without Well •I '(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ; ^ H

I Date of Appropriation of Groundwater . . . ':•'.„•'••• .'•', ^ HI Fort Hems Rmt«r Station ^ 1

I OwnerJEfflMrtLSHO^ B |

P Contractor (if any) .lBML. : • •

I Address of Contractor ^^M

I Date Started... Date Completed*lBHt9»J....WJIJ._. ^ JI N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by j H |I I ; ; 1 1 ; ; • 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to , . HI• ... .L..L.J L.|..5.i water when applieable.8E!^.S«!fcEM»^^ . . '••'' HI ....j....|.....j.'. j . . . .i . . .J. *?...9*9«*>?s!!«f..!f«^5s .„...„ ,..„ 7 ' •-•; B E

I —I—I—-|— •!-—I— I—- «C«5Rl«?^..M»..)^.'^ HI w — i — i — i — — 1 — • — I — E Ma^UM** SR«*5R W * « S «t «jl? loftBtionjMutiwrt HI ; .: . J .. .I . . . . ! . . : . . . . '"" "" '" " " " " • " , • •I • " : . : : j i W^...!y^.X^.teJ!!£.39&!jii :.„_„. .„; ; HI : ! ! 1 i | Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method • BJ• ....;...., ; ; | , used to measure or estimate such amount, H u»o is intermittent , ^ HI | : ', i | i j j . | •'•'•••••'....,. BI s estimate approximate lengths of periods of uscfetiPS^flfWR.... . ' ^ H

Tntlicnte point of appropriation ' • a ^ |mid place of use, if possible. ?5**^..]|****nt-J!*..!5H^^ .„ ^M

imLimSii*^.^.i!!^m.JB!!S..!i!9.x -........™...... ^ |

ftn*»V.»«*il»..HMWL _ HISignature of 0\\ncr^.....^Ji4^i^../....Mu%<{:.. B l

Aeiiag W. atri«t lani'w ^ H

Date ^^M

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ B

I Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the HI

works are located. > ^^M

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ~^^M

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; dnpliente 1o tlie Stnte Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana ^ HBut-csiu of llines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ' • •

3.3*' ^B

L • MM

Page 8: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;
Page 9: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;


C Anprowd Sloe* Form—Sute PubUHUng Co. Hetal, M M » - w n «fc^.^»M U j 1

File Ko T_-?ft_.6jLlU*3e



OPPICE OP 8TATE ENQINBBB U | j j ^ < « . Q .

Declaration of Vested Groundwater m$fa}t t lwbl lW-R(Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) t L C "

1 J?«.«wt.Ai«rle*..USlA..... _ , of. . . .£ort.JIa«M..aangM.£Utiaa^A«hl»d(Name of Appropnutor) (Address) (Town)

County of „_ RoBtbtid State of. ISontana- .... „ !have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as follows: \

n '

i i i i i 2. The beneficial use en which the claim is based[ j* 'j *-"'} ] ~~~" ^riVBfltr^Xrtf m t r W * •*-

i ! j i | ! 3- Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and hotr con-—I 1 jJf— 1 1—j tinuous the use has been „ .

„ ! | ! i ! i . 0«^--<tarl i ig~tl»-ao(«l-7«wntb-gnciaa. .pnlod.JfM'. .X~w i | | j ' to..Ho»«»b«r..30.j»4no»»~Wi30t*».

! i l l 4. The amount of gronndwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons! 1 i ! ! per minute). 1 orarfr P°r I"4""1i*i| j '; ! j ™ZT__.IZ. „...'. I'..'..

. .I ! ) I I ! I 5. If utr.; u.;f irrigation, give the acreage and description of the laudsi to which water haB been applied and name of the owner tfcertof

BB....14 Sec26-.. T . ^ . R4»3S *i.'.»....._._.^—1Indicate point of appropriation """ " "and placn of use, ft possible. . - , , • ' . "•'••"••--.Each ETOHII square represents 10 6- The means of withdrawing such water from the ground .and theacres. location of eaeh well or other means of withdrawal !^.


7. The date 0'/ commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with-drawal of groundwater...;^)pvaKiMt«ay"l93?"4>M<>4"G^-to

8. The depth of water table Sutf&C«

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any otherworks for the withdrawal of grojndwater•%>"i»a v*U»-iwil«o*i»-vboit p.4)«a-.t*«t»ol(w«iV«p-tari«» I

J.O. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 13Qf00O-gallQ»s I

h 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available |

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including 1reference to book and page of any county record I

Signature of Owner.byS^SfcMWL^.j^./fiftfc^. I

s<**»j m$gffiffz IThree copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is I

located. I

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. I

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau Iof Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. I

Page 10: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

• : O ' r179599 ; • .,* ^ I

• • STATE OF MONTANA.COUNTY- I I . I I• | OF ROSEBUD SS- FILED DEC.: . ! •• • , • j • '" -.' i " I• j 19,1963 AT.11-AM, CO.CLERK '•- •••••-.- - - j . . J " j I

I j ^ <^'^ <?^4"/ f ' •! j , • .' J' I

I i '" : ' v'" I^ ^ 1 ' ' '. i ' ' • < ^ D

^ H ' ' ' • • : { . . ' . - ' • ^ H

^ H ' ' • • • ' "' * *i. • * '•' ^ 1

^ B ' ' - ' " I ' • • ^ |

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H : ' • - '• ' "i ^ 1

^ H ' - - ' " > ^ H

^ 1 '• ^ 1

Page 11: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^M ° Approve* Stock Form—SUU Poblhhin» Co, Hdau. Montus—3MT7 ^ _ _ > » " ) \ ^^BH

• (x » •nH Pile No T_J6SL H~1(3E. flUH DUPLICATE County-ilOBebiMi ^ ^ HH STATE 07 MONTANA , • - . . . . . ~ N | ^ HH ADMINISTRATOR OF QROUUDWATER OODE j ' "; \ ^ ^ HH '_ OFFICE OF 8TATE ENGINEER U\ j&N 1Q fafii ^ ^ H

H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Right^|L tlSulHttR ^ HH (Under Chapter 237, Montana Senion Lawi, 1961) ^ ^ H

^t l Fflftnt Swift* TIRrA , of rut I Uamu "TT^T -'Hrtf+ri A^TfH ^ ^ H^R (Name of Appropriator) (Address) (Town) ^ ^ ^ H^ H County of,...... ._..JBoasjbud . _....Statc •** f f f f l tM l l . - _...._ _„....._ ^ ^ ^ ^ |H hare appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, at follow*: ^ ^ ^ |

^1 N ^^|HH ; j j j j 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is baaed _ _ ^ ^ H^K —!—i—j !—j XiadMtodlt-Jwfcw. - - ~ ^ ^ ^ H

H | j" "j i j 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and liow con- . ^ ^ ^ H^ 1 — j j 1— ! 1 tinuoui the use has been.. ^ ^ ^ H |H ! 1 i i ! . UMd..4uidi^*.4>esnaL-7-«ai>tb~fii«Kiag.--{M»l<ad.Kar..X~' | ^HH• w ™~| j j j ; j W-«e«wk«'..3a.«iao*--tlw-4930A«r ' ^ B |^m j j j | I j 4. The amount of groundwatcr claimed (in miner's inches or galloas ^ ^ ^ HH — ! — | j j j — per minute) 3~qMv<U-<pMMKUMt*r ^ ^ H

I TFHH—hH" " ""• " H• I I I • I • I ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ H^M g to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ ^ H

I W-Yi See*?... T. g. 1}^. 1--.-™^-.^ 1 „.. ^ ^ BD Indicate point of appropriation •—•••...... ^ H• and place of use, if possible. • . , . _ . , . / ' '" '•"'•;.. . ^ ^ ^ H• Bach small square represents 10 0. The means of withdrawing such water from the ground awLlhe ^ ^ HH acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal ••*•"'"">. ^ ^ ^ |H Spylng..«*t«g..ooH»attonJ>oo^ «tookw«tw-Unk« j ^ ^ H

H 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, well*, or other works for with- ^ ^ ^ H• drawal of groundwater...App»«l«^«ay-..1937 > « ^ d <nv * » ^ t o « i U d c « «»^W»1«, ^ H |

H 8. The depth or water table £to£'A«*- ^ ^ ^ B

H 9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other ^ ^ ^ HH works for the withdrawal of groundwater „... ^ ^ ^ |H -Sprli^ w»i«r.«oXl«otW*--l>«frf>lp^"i» e * o « k « ^ ^ ^ H

I " HH 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year— •39O«OOO-.galXom ^ ^ ^ HH 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ^ ^ ^ B

H 12. Such other information of a similar nature as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^•^B• reference to book and page of any county record ^ ^ ^ H

• Signature of Owner.fcy fc/bu/Lr-** At*J<- ^ H |

I ^^ m$*fi?g. B• Three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well U ^ ^ ^ H• located. ^ ^ ^ H

I ^H• Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ ^ BI Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ^ ^ ^ |• of Mines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ ^ H

I 3.2** H

Page 12: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I 179600

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Page 13: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I „„„—_£->- II H File No . T...6S rw.U3E...._ t H H

IHB DUPLICATE ' County....?5?Sfe5ft. B B S

• MB STATE OF MONTANA ,, ,. „ , . ~ :--—-. H ^ H•Hi ADEHNISTEATOE OF QEOXJNI>WATEE CODE \'0J ' " - u- ''•"- r. I H I


IH Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appi )ptiii|alid]1HViu>it.LR |H[IH Without Well HHHfHR (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) . , ^ ^ | |

I H r • " Date of Appropriation of Qroundwater. t B ^ B lInS - ... , Fort Hows Ranger Station BBVi• flb 0wner.?0jr&?O!^<»..!^.^ > , ^ H BIB : . : :•• • • ffAVJH Contractor (if any) :. .HOMt „ . • • & .• B J • • , Address of Contractor i • • • )I H ... • • • . . • • • . ' • • •I I , Date Started .................:.-Date Completcd.MPRS0*.*..?:?.??.... i ^ • V J

III ; " ' - - ' •Vfll• • N . • Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ' ' l l ^ lH H J ' I . , ____. _—. sitb-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to '• IBS!I B .••" ....L.Xu.i „.!..—L....|.i.L. water when• ;opplieab!e;.§BlSfflfc.^^ \ IBHI H j . . . .!....!..„.•:'..„ ....i-..ri....i .to..^oolwaber.Xadk. _ ; ^ | H

| H • —.':-—;.—.•.—..-.;....;—;.— .wSompletion .dst*.. ^^^ ... *. *S! ..Sl ]^JS^_M9!?!!!$*^JS!!. ' ^BH

IH IV —1—1—i— • ' : E «y«ai^l«. Spring wter at this location vas most ^ ^ H f

| H :...:....:....: ...•....!....:..... """T"":""", .""• '"~: | H• B : : : : | likely uBsd prior to th« 1930'it. WKMI mM : ; '. ! ; '; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method H ^ ^ B• •J ....;....,....; -...-.;.—j .,y.. used to measure or estimate such amount. K use is intermittent ^ • ^ H

IBJ s ,. estimate approximate lengths of periods of use.§8S!i8£..?A9*?: •VJH

I B IJ! ,;S-% seo.:26.. T68. . nM j^iaiBija^iarttSBLi^^ ^ HIBJ Indicate point of appropriation ' BBB)• BJ nnd place of use, if possible. .-JSia£ii&aJ&l&!3L&3^ HH

IH jeM.i8ojiiJ^» , • _ • •

| H leaaflt.5flrrioft..'DBDA , .^AVI

IH y / / -7*7 /? HHBH Signature of ^S»a«i{ ..J<:.../sS«s . • • •HH Acting District Hanger' BBYJ

• • Date J.y^.e/6-.3... • • •| B I This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. HHB

B» Thrcf copies of this notice are to be filed with tho County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the 1 ^ 1

IBJ works are located. - BHBHj Please answer all questions, if not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. • • • •

BB HBIH B J O-iginal to the County Clerk and Recorder: duplicate to the State •Engineer; Triplicate to tlie Montana • • •


Page 14: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;
Page 15: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

WM "3 Approved Stock Form—Su-/; PubUshint Co., Beleni, Montina—39318 < ^ g ^ . - \ \ 0 J^^^B

H File No T...6S. -R_1J3£....- _ . . _ . _ ' ^ ^ H

H DUPLICATE County..__HQBahnd ^ ^ H


I Notice of Completion of Groundwater APpr^nMo^blWLLR | H• : Without Well ^ B

^ H Date of Appropriation of Groundwater ; . ; „„•.":•...•.. ^ ^ ^ H

• ' • • _ • • • . For t Hmra» BangerStatior, ^ ^ HH Owner.Eoi»8t..S«r3cica..nSDA. Address.Aahl«nd».JlQat«na........ : . i ^ ^ ^ H

^ T Contractor (if any) .......lion*.. ........_.:... . .. : - ' ^HH

H Address of Contractor ...... ;.. . ' ^ ^ ^ F

• Date Started..... Date Complete«ApproX...l?3?...... . ^ ^ H^H9 - . • • • • ' ' - • . ' • ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ H

H - N - Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by ^ ^ ^ H• I : ; : 1 ; ; ; , sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to ^ H H |

H ....':....: . . ! . I....'; i water when apptieable..Sprlng..vat«>ipad. i ^ | ^ |

M i i :' ! : i ' , - , • • •• • ..!.; | ; | ! I +yn fl nnVyyt.fty TatiV, ; ' ..........;......;„... ^^^^B

H — -•— j — - : — i—•:—!-— .«QoaplaUon..dato..ojr..J537~.i«..b*B*4.suJb)»Jrt..l^ ^ ^ 1H • '' ' '' < ' '• '• ' • • • • . . ' • • ' • • . . • • ' . ' . •'• ••'•' I^H

H " • • • ; : i aj»ailable...Spring..i(*.aojHt...... ^ ^ H

H : i : ; | j .llka3y...uflad.prlor..tQ..thftJLS!3Q!.ft....... ........................ j^H

H '•',': ';'•': Quantity o£ water developed and used with explanation of method . | ^ ^ H• " " I " " ; :~" : ; ', used to measure or estimate such amount. H use is intermittent , ^ ^ ^ HU s estimate approximate lengths of periods of UBe...Sprlng..£lowa... fl^^l

I ."M* • B"^- T-63.. BU3E i ^ a . ^ ^ M . b ^ ^ i , , , , ^ ^ H• Indicate point of appropriation : > ^ ^ ^ |H and placo of use, if possible. .oiittle«y..tor. J-fflorrtha..par ... ^ ^ H

H yiu».:.p«qnirlJBg..$QD..g8ll6n!*..per...d«jf* ...™....r~.. J B^^K

I '«~%7^fl^7-:^-- "•» H

I Signature of Owner.....^. S^£ /^ |HH Acting DirtijiB^a^gjr ^ ^ H

H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ ^ ^ H

H Three copies of this notice arc to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the H^H

H works are located. ^ H ^ B

H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. * HH

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana ^ ^ ^ H

I <to3/6 ^^B|

Page 16: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;
Page 17: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^^^^^^^^^^^^MWB^B IBB^HBBHBBBBBHBHBBM—PH^PM^B_—BPSMHiH^H—BHM^^MM—i MBM—__——^———~ _l—^W—__———~ P_——~—WBBBBBB—•BP—BH~BP~HPMB—

___________• ** • ' •*•**_" ^ ^ _ w ? * 3 _ S s _ l > __________!______________ ^^^_S»^_P__J_?i i___________

______________ '"<_^*_J_!-y_i-i____Cp ^____________l

______________ '" 1_l3-if-___H_M^ t___________l_-_-___-__• iJ^/ a £si_-__$81_i8___B__________l

j^^^^H mBs ^ -.* County ^^H| ''^ M>5, fl^l^l^^^^H 'B8PB ^W^'^ Sec. Name of Appropriator Type of Form File No. Remarks ^«B| J^1'-^^ ^fas H ^ |

Page 18: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

f ^ ^ ^ L ^ B - w 3 Approved Stock Form—Slate PublMMng Co, Helena, Montana—393H <rf?5&>- * 1 \ BaB

• • H ^ ^ £<» K£ • • • Pile No . T.6§ ricJjB ^ H^ ^ H DUPLICATE County_Ji?>S!l*»4 ^M


• H . , r—. STAlt tNblWtER •I^Hn Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation i •; H Without Well •^ ^ ^ H (Under Chnptet 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ H

i^^^H Date of Appropriation o£ Groundwater. .....__....™.J ™ ™ _ 1 '••'•"' ^ H!^^B Fort Boma juacar SUtlon ^ H^ • L Owne*flX»l*..S«I^^..J^... Address . .*^^ H

^^^^B ' " Contractor (it any) flfflW. -_ '. . ^ ^ 1

•l^HH ' ' ' >IH^L^^H Address of Contractor ....„ .... . . • ^ ^ 9m . " ' '••"••'•? •l ^ H Date Started Date CompletedStoSS!R»:..M3? ^ HJ ^ H H N Describe incano ot obtaining groundwater without a well "as by UU^ ^ B | I—-; ;—-i 1 : ; ; 1 Bub-irngatiou mid other natural processes". Include depth > to HHHH I.—.1 .: .!...-!-...j water wuon appliMbloS|irtlV»..T«*W..«»M*J^ : ^ |B i H H i ' '•' i i i • H H• • I .—;.—: ;. ;—.|—;— ..tft..^wtaffli1»rr3'.wlRii...,.........™ .„.. ............. ,.„,„.„„ ^ ^M

• H *E—4—j-—•: - 4 - ! ~ 4 - . .w^iairtim.*!^.^^ H^ H w "^ I ] • i !~" E -.W!irtM**.t...§^ H• A V ....:..„:....: L...| :..... ' ' ' ' • . . ' : • • . . • • • ; : H^ H i i i j j j ..!H{ffte...fl^d..i»».Ji!?5Oi»t. . .mm^.^ •^HKE : '; | ! i ; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method ^ HH H V ...•;-..-, , - •; j , used to meusuro or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent ; ^ H^ ^ ^ H " " estimato approximate lengths of periods of use_5ptlns..jriOWI • ^ ^ H

^ H m~v* S c ° a - T M B W * i_eaim..i>e«..aaOT.tfl.^ ] M^ ^ ^ B Indicate point of appropriation ' ' . H O^ ^ B and place of use, if possible. QftUIt..]inMAr...«^..nS3±^.W^..^ ^ H^ ^ H I!MW..»KD**tt.500..fc;««l^»..wnP...dffi., . ...... ^ B

| ^ H Signature of 0\mcrty....jd£4#fa#*!r..>£:...#£*/.. ^M

• »^g&3m&ZL •^ ^ ^ H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^^M

^HH Three copies of this notice are to be filed with tho County Clerk and Recorder of the county iu which the; ^ ^ B^ ^ ^ H *. works are located- • fH^BL>^L>^H a^LiBH ^ ^ H Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ B^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk and Kecorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana B ^ lH ^ H J Bureau of Mines iniJ Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. ^ ^ H

a I

Page 19: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;


Page 20: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I . IHH * 3 Approved Stock Form—Sute Publlihtat Co, Helm. Moatau—»}lt « ^ t S * - ^ ) . /J I

^ H File No T.J_l___.._jd__IL__..__-____' I

^ B DUPLICATE Ck>mityJ_____»!--_ I| H STATE OF MONTANA HD) E C Efi "*' ]"' T,| I^ B ADMINIBTEATOE OP OEOUNDWATEE CODE jjQ inM 1 Q 4QCA ' IH " ' OPFIOE OP 8TATE ENGINEER ' JHN A« W * •H Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation IM Without Well I^ H ' ' (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) I

^ H - . . , • : >• , . m• • Date of Appropriation of Groundwater. _ 1 , .'_..,„, _, •^M _ . . . . _ Fort BOMS Raagor 8tation •WM Ownerjrffirf.rt._^13f^...y.^.Addres8..A!*LUM,..l^^ •

| H Contractor (if any) M.VM.. I

^ H Address of Contractor ....__„•. !„.____. I

H Date Started Date Completed*_J_S5«_..3___5L- I_ H ' ' • ;:'': : ' ' • '• m^ H N Describe means of obtaining groundwaier without a well "as by •^ H I ; ; , --— 1 | sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth, to •H ....L..L:,.j i . , . | . . . j _ water when applicable.«-«^_SS*!O«^^ I^M ....i....|....j.' j....i....! A?_!__:95!w*SP.T*n*'»._.™.» ...„.„.„•;... L™_._...._.._._...i_.'....'.... I^m ....;....:...-.!— |....jiL.j..— .. cmplBUon.<tat« of il_^J|flJ^^djgp^jrt^iwjjlgdgt I^ m ; j i j i j . :*, " , •'" ; •

H - p - | - - : --•; |—-p- jyywjfjHgydyn-Ug^^ ...__._.__^ I

j^H i I ! • ! ; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method : H• ^ H .......... , j |—, nsed to uwasure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent . • '; H

^ H * • estimate approximate lengths of periods of use..?S5riffl8..flS>W...... ' H

• «5....y4........ 8ec.?!».... T.6?.. R.U»* 3^gtti8)*j..Mr.j|.}jB^...teJ^«^^ ' I• H Indicate point of appropriation , •^m and place of uBe, if possible. o«ttle vfttar atsnriss oach d«y fo rT sontha par _ •

• ~ ^ —~ , BH 7«ar rMnlrlas 500 f-llons Mr dnr» In ~ • " ~~ ~ - •^ H _ rn r - . t i-^SfSi- mm 1 • --< ~A _.....- H• £££•*£-- /. >^-^ •H | Signature of Owncr.fey. . ........_ _ •

• ^ ^ . ^ I^M This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. H

^ 1 Three copies of this notice arc to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the H

• ] works are located. H

H I Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. H

H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate f~ 'lie State Engineer; Triplicate to tlio Montana H^ B Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the .ppropriator. HI

Page 21: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;
Page 22: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

' ^ 3 Apptorcd Stock Form-Sum FulriilUliS Co, Hetaa. Mottu»-UU7 <Jgj> <\ \£f

File No T_6§. __R.W|*.

DUPLICATE Comity- .?9S!fiffl4



Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appr)J^latio^u>i"LC-K

Without Well ,. ' (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) - ' '

• . V 1 . ' - : •

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater ;..A _._ il\Fort Bout* Rang*? a t t t l o n

OwnerJC9It«fe.StJn*5!t_.raWL Address*«l*»«j...>to»t«».-__

Contractor (if any) R9ML ~ i

Address of Contractor ___.....«.„ ........ *

Date Started Date Completed-J!S3_'. ._ (

N Describe means o! obtaining groundwater without a well "as byi sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to

....!.....:.....: ].....[....] water when appUcable^B^JB..l l^._9^U^«^j»_bW> j>ijf^

..J..-i...i I I * te._s^!™»t«O«!*i „

I « —j—f—I j—j—j— E :

: ! : : ; j Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method <

— . — ; — ; — — j j — , — U 8 e j Q mgagujg o r eitimste Bnch amount. If use it intermittent« ' estimate approximate lengths of period*' of use_§B£iS&.£i5!!ff.....

W..y* 8ec.?A... 1^..... R.y$ 3..Att«^».I»K_irfMfe»...^...»M*^.».J^^^Indicate point of appropriationand place Of use, if possible. ^ ^ . . * * ! * £ . . § ! ! L . f B £ ! ^ - * ^

year rtqnlring $00 ga l lons par da*

— IOH \^.jSUOBJH.XnBA. _

Signature of Ovmtt...~b&<(&!£&ztte..C:..zfff£.. ,

*S£3&SSLThis form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBureau of Mine* and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 23: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

• • . • . • - . - . • • • • . • • ' • • i . ' , !'••:.'••,-|:.1. • •,r'-i:'^:V^-V'\V..t:'"'ji'K\;;,

I ;.;.;. r :: :;• • '• -rm^mmmm• . • • • ; • , . • = . ' . • • • • . . . • ' •,-•;' ••;;;? • • - • • . / : • - s > . - ; « ' t a s j . . - ' ^ " . ; •• •<'-:.'.j"i"-i!i'.tJ

Page 24: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I * s Apprarcd Stodi Fotn—Sutc PubUiliisi Co. Heku. Mcstau-3*J1I <ff i l - " 0 * 1

I File No__ TjML__™_aJU*

I DUPLICATE Corotr_l£«tia4


I ADMnnBTRATOR OF OBOtJlTOWATER OODS f f f > •'" f? ]i V "~ ^

I " ' o m O l OF STATB EHQIHZER j rn ' !

I ULjMUOt964 v

I Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appreciation lw< , 6I Without Well ""STmti.fttainttiiI >',: (Under Chapter 287 Montana Session Laws, 19G1)

I Date of Appropriation of Gnrandwntet... „_I ___ Fort 9OMS< MBMOP fUrtlwnI 0wnerlW»f1r...8«nnrU»...ISDA.. AddressWOW*.-J«Wl«i*

I Contractor (if any) M M

I AddreM of Contractor

I Date Started Dxte Completed.Ste8SBM._lOTm

I N Defuribe ueana of obtaining groundwater without a well "M byI i i , i I '' '' i ' 1 I *nb-irngation and other natural proeeuei". Include depth toI i !. j I....:.....! water when appll(«ble..l8BKta«.3lllitJ!l*Mlil^

I - _ . . ! , . - _ *,. .«.{.. . . . . . . . . (..•.*,<(. ---I——. .^y.-ffW^W^^^Sffy..*.^**** r , . - , - „ „ „ „ .r-ir1iii.i...n..t......

I ..Jj....j.--i i—-I—j-™ «S!iB^iwJ>Uj»^

I w I j f 1 i I f jmnMm:.mtim ,WH».P»..«M« l***m - » « > *...|....|...| Qj—j— l t t » t e . l i » L B ! * ^ ..

I : • • ! • ! j Quantity of water developed and uwd with explanation of method• . . . . ; . . . . , , ; j , ^ ^ j m e M n r e o r e^iniate »uch amount. If uae b intermlttcut

I 3 estimate approximate lesgtlu of period* of u*c.~J?fXlX€..fltm...

M&— 8cc«I.... T M . UW* i twrti p<r aHwU ty MIWU >. m i i a U 50 h-4 oT» Indicate point of appropriation

and place of UK, if ponible. J^Ji^!l«r_Jl..lBRC»!«..«!*

I . „_..„.....„ _ Forint J y r i "Vt T*5 AII—••—•—.<

I Signature of^ff.~.'^r..!^.f...^^l.

I Acting Dl «icJ-9t,BWg' «r

Date ZtySm-Z,I Th'u form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

I Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the couaty in which the

I works are located.

| Please answlir all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to Ihc Count)- Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to tlie State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaI Bureau of Itiuoi mid Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appro|>riatnr.

Page 25: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

-;j-/^EBUDV S - FltED \ DEC-. ^^Sl^) ,, .;, - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ K

^ » i i c

Page 26: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

• owsfi ^ ' •••••••L.L - - - : P j^r ; ^ g g , , , •"-..

,., I FueNo....: "rETECEIVEfift T tJujMu .1\ DUPLICATE • " " J A N 2 * j ^ M ' ; County....B!»ii»S^ ....... .".. Ti


, _ . _; . OFFICE OF STATE ENGINEER 5^ ^ ^ Top of Ground . . • •' !

i ~ \ (Eicv. above sea level ) Notice f>i Completion of; Groundwaler jI ]— \ Appropriation by Means oi Well . !j! ~~ \ • • ' (Under Chapter ?37, Montana Session Laws, 1961) '[

?; ; - ; ' . ' ; . I OwnmJ5*5Si.«.*.^.^...?^!?»»..AddresS...?*«5W.!(...^ »—-.'.'{

f ~ , Driller *Sfe_»gfi*l...l5»S5 .....Address lM«KS6tiMBSfe_^,_^_ J

;• •__••-• Date of Notice of Appropriation o{ Groundwater ...A.:1?**...?:?.*?:.....;.....- :.. |

. : - Date well started....*?*?..*.*?.!!?* Date Completed.-.^*?.:*..*!??*?....,...... 1•'" * • • • ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' 8

. ' ~ Type of well...*W :.... Equipment Used....S!«*.'S«»ik....': 1— (dug,- driven, bored or (Churn, drill, rotary or '.• |

;, • drilled) . other) • .- • ,g ', • _ Water Use: Domestic ®. Municipal p Stock fg' Irrigation Q |

Industrial • Drainage Q Other Q j

_ , '"^Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different j.: ' strata met with in drilling, such as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, j!! — etc. Show depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of i:: _ water-bearing strata and height to which the water rises in the well. 1

o " W«ll*tnof (FMT) (Feet) PERF0BATI0N8 |. • - - ' . Drilled ... C»«lni . Kind From To

| Hole . sire (Feet) (Feet) .

~~ I Dug 3 f««i natural ground 28* Nona • opm lug wall ;A ' ; • • . - . . • • ; s t o r m l e v e l i • ' ,:.•'•. J '•

_ VshaU & light apll 3 tt 1 j

/ : . _ _ J N . Static'Water Level for non-flowing Well...i.?.*..?*.'.'™..^!?.!ft6t.

- I _„; Shut-in Pressure for Flowing Well ? .5...f?P.1.? '. '... |

:. — J —[__ Pumping-Water Level..?.?.'...?." .feet at.....*.?. gal. per minute. |

I r ; Discharge in gal, per min. of flowing well .5S*...*P]?.*.*.?**1.?....; |—' \ w — L _ 1 «. ' .. , ' • •• • • S_ V. . __l _ . How Tested .-......*?. Length of Test .?? |

I — i — L Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, packers, type of shutoff, loca- 5-••— I . I \ tion of place of use of groundwater if not at well, and any |

. I • I . • other similar pertinent information, including number of J

- I s acres irrigated, if used for irrigation) .S«£B* *.•*!!!• |I m v oOP29 T 6 S pAAE p«cklng - VV «alvonU«d plpa ahuto^ i

- I y* 5 e c * ", " use at w l l alght ; ,/ Indicate location of well and, • • ", "• c

^J^J I place of use, if possible. Each \— , 8 . small square represents 10 acres. |— clay ;

* ^*ow exact depth of bottom. (lo&*>/ teAer") iDriUer's^iicense Number ;

Driiier's Signature

This forn. to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the County Clerk and Re- ;corder in the county in which the well is located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

I Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; uuplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the School of Mines! and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. \^"^


Page 27: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I , UJSA / -to/: ^ ^ H

I PiIeN0 R E C E I V E R - T j 5 __ J t i t t J w^-;^- •I DUPLICATE ' ' ^ * J ° " . County.....??.??*!!?* B^H



Notice oi Completion of Gronndwaler Appropriation Without Well ^ H

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ; ^HB

' ' ' ' ' 1 4 1 2 ' ' f ' v ' ' ' ^ _ » _ H _ I

D a t e of A p p r o p r i a t i o n of G r o u n d w a t e r . . . . . . . . . * ?** . ...................:..."• •'• ^ ^ ^ H

Owner^.^±!^:.^!M»li? Address....??^^^ Hi

Contractor (if any) .....595ft.. „...._' - ^ ^ ^ B

Address of Contractor ....™.??5?.. ...;...........:... • ^^^•5.

Date Started V?M...: Date Cbmpleted....l*?i?................:. ; B^Hn Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by. B ^ ^ H

sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to V ^ ^ ^ H'. water when applicable .9^::^^.^^.Z:^.:] ^H

: . i n n u a b t r . . • • • . • • • ' • • . ;: ' • > ^ ^ ^ H

• • • . • • . •. . . i : ' . - p . " > ^ ^ ^ ^ H

, ' W i • B • ' • • . . ' . ' : • • ' . ' ' ^ ^ ^ B

Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of meth- } fl^^H*• • ' o d u s e d t o ' m e a s u r e o r e s t i m a t e s u c h a m o u n t . I f u s e i s i n t e r m i t - ••••.• ^ ^ ^ H

3 d • ••; ' . . . : • • ' . . . . . . • .••:<•'/:..:' .- , : •• • ^ ^ B

' Vi Sec ' T ^ R^^ tent estimate approximate lengths of periods of use .XnftvmilStmt ^ B B |

Indicate point of appropriation ? ] ^ ^ » ^ r ^ ^ ^ ^ MBand place of use, if possible. . \", ^ ^ H

M^)!l;M..r...^mKl.tyj...uMd..ta..m j^H

' ..~^~..^ • " / - V. ......«^_..... , H^^^H

Signature of Owner....^^^/f^^f5S«d^i^^_^^_V...... . . . . . : . , _K_^B

Date...^r./;yy(O«J?^feC..._>....t3___rr.. :•' ^ ^ ^ B

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. jB^BJ

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in ^ B B J

which the works are located. . BBBJ

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. BBBJ

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the ^ ^ HSchool of Mines and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. • •H

-_-_-___-_—- • __ ^^^i

Page 28: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;


Page 29: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;


' 3 Approved Slock Form—Slate Publishing Co, Helena, Montatu—39318 i ^ g g > • * ? I ' '

File No- T...6S R U ! * *-/

DOTLIOATE CoTinty____?55*5* I

STATE OF MONTANA p ^ . . - ,-, _, - ~ ~ r : ^ADMnilSTBATOE OF OEOUMDWATER CODE I 'rV' '•'*t- '"» " ' "1


Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appr i&fttofclNuiriLLhWithout Well

fUnder Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater. „; .. ;.;„,. „._ .Fort Howaa Rsingcr Station^rt...S«r!rte«..ySDI. Addre8S. ArtlaJBd,;.»wtto*; _

Contractor (if any) .?!*•. . „„_

Address of Contractor _ „ ......

Date Started Date Completed.**ER?3??S..W37._

N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as byI 1 ; 1 -I ; ; 1 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth, to

. . . . j i j . . . _ [...}< !.... water when applicablc...§Rl*R8;..1*1*5..«!.?ll??*icm boat.J?ip«A

. . .j . . . . | . . . .j . . .* I....:....!. ..*9...?to<to«ter.J!«!4t«

—.;—.:,....'; j . . . . ! — j - . . . *Coopl.«tlon...datejat1937 i s b a ^ j m btrt

,v | p, | I i | e a y a l ^ ^ , J ^ r ^ _ i m t ( » r . a t

•"'•j—'i ""! I •"•" liJo«3jr usedjr lor to.^.W30!.«.._.___..._

I • | I ; ! • Quantity of water developed and UBed with explanation of method••••:••••;•-••; ', | | used to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent'

I : '< '• | I : ! \ ' . . ' ; • • . .

* ' estimate approximate lengths of periods of uBe...§0^SSS;.?^?**.....

Indicate point of appropriation• and place of use, if possible. ..fM$^...^1$£..!!-JL.fE*^^


Signature of Owner ^.^^fes*^^...^.^***?^™.Acting DUtfl«va«agcr


This form to bo prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. 1

Three copies o£ thip notice arc to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks nre located.

I'lense answer all question'. If nut applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBurenu of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. —

Page 30: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I• 'MmWA.1^4* "3&m8l

I " wmmw

IWhirr'«MiTim—mr—« » •

Page 31: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

• • .4 3 Approved Slock Form—SUte PublUWnj Co, HekM. Monu-u—39311 *^g) >• C 1 - • • •

H FileNo.._ _ - T_68 Rife..- - ^ D

• I DUPLICATE - County—ISSlHSl ^ ^ ^ H

H STATB OP MOKTANA j"ij} U, C E I "*>" ~ ^Hj^ B ADHnTOSTBATOB OF QBOUNDWATER CODE [j(J . . . ' I ^ ^ H• OFFICE OF 8TATE ENQINEEB JHN1U1364 J • • •HH * — ^^^HH Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation ' ^ H• Without Well ^ B^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) . . ^ ^ H |

^ H ' Date of Appropriation of Qronndwater. ^ ^ ^ H

•i Fort Hems ttangtr Station ^ ^ BK O, Der.l.^i*...^.BrtM.. 1 ^ . AddreM^^,...HonUn* _ ^ H

| ^ | Contractor (if any) $SM ' : ^ ^ ^ H ^

^ ^ | AddreBS of Contractor .._ ...._ „ _.._..„.._ ^^^^B

^ H Date Started Date Completed*4SEEaS»..J?iH..._ •_ ^ ^ H| H N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by > ^ ^ ^ HH | • • . . , . . , sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to | ^ ^ H

• ....j j.....'; .J.....L..I.... water when applicable.9BI*M..1*t^^ ^ H

H ...L...J.-.J.- tl...),... J ^..8JaS*»»!TiS..?«!* ^ ^ MH ..__.[—|.—.:.— j.. . .;—;—. «g9m2sj ..da&^^ ^ DH w "H—r~i i—|—I— E saiSWSRtJtetai.«!^..*1M?..?5S^^.*!*J!^....._ ^ HH ...;....j....i |....| ...... yj^jjrt^^-ttjysgwjjj. . ^ H

^ B ; ! i i i ! Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method H V H• • ....;....;—;— 1 j — , — guj to measure or estimate such amount. If use is intermittent W A H

BJ f/£ "^ estimate approximate lengths of periods of ufle...ftCtTAxil.jH0rfP..... B^H

• .&.%........ sec e*.. T6S... }m. x^m.^MW*..te-mMm*JM^»...&.Jm ^MH V Indicate point ot nppropriatioi; - • • J• • and place of use, if possible. 8^M«.:Kltat..ftt..Jtn^ ^ ^ B

H . Ti^.J.S«ffl4s^..50Q..j^lww^fr..)4ig^ ^ H

• • Signature of Owner Jflf. .._....._ HHH

• A^..?^^P. •H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. H^H

BJ Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the Kfl HHJ works are located. HB

• R Please nnswer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will bo returned. ^ H H

H Original to the County Clerk nnd KocorJcr; duplicate to the State Knginccr; Triplicate to the Montana flBH•J Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. H^HJ

I . I

Page 32: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

• . ' * .. • . • •'• •-""' • ' - •••<-• •'"•-• • • • ' • „ . • . , • - - '•";•- • . • . • • * " . } X ' l t 5 ? ^ . v M • ' . . ' ^ . ' i • . ' " " " . ^ - • ^ ( • ' • • ^ ' j £ « * ^ i V ' i ' ' 5

• • • • • " . v . • • • - . . . - : • • - : . • • : ; • • : . ••• : ' : : v • * * • * • ^ : ^ - f c : ^ ; t l i s t # !• , . - . • -•• • • . . • • - . ' • • . i . . ' :•. •• • ; ' • • • ••-• v : ••• i i ^ ' . i - f ' 7 ' - ' ^ ' ' . i : ' . ' i V « r - r - v ' - - « ^ ' i « 2 . i ^

; , • . . . - : . • •• •• • ' , • . . • : . ? • . - • • • • " • • ' • ; : . • ; - • . . ' • • . • : • . • • . - . • . • • •-••• -. > . - • ' . : ^ ^ v t f ^ ^ - ^ ' & f e r ^ ' - '

: : , . .-.. : • • • / > : ' • . • • - • - • , . • • . . . - " • • • • - • . • • . " ' • V - : ; ' S - : - . ' ; ; ' • : • • . • • . - . ; ' ' ^ : . ' . r - ' £ • '. ' • " . ' ^ • ' • • • - • ' • r J ^ ' M ^ ' ^ ^ ^ . ' i

••• • - •• ••• •••:••-'•' ••• • : r ^ ° - 1 - - ' • • ? ' r ; ' ' ^ r ' - ^ ^ i t i j | | ^ : ^ ^ | p " ]


Page 33: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

- * 1 Approved Stock Form—Sule Publhhlm Co, Helena. Monuiu—39J1I ( g f t . ) f J | ^ ^ ^ H

File No T—6S K.JWlJI ._ Y ^^M

DUPLICATE County-JBMihBfl ^ ^ H

STATE 07 MONTANA - ^ ... _, p ; V - , r-^, i^HADUHOSTBATOB OF OSOUNDWATES 0 0 0 2 O j ' ^ > l - > > M ^ ^ B


Notice of Completion of Ground water Appr& iibUdrt^u 1 i c LK ^ HWithout Well jH

(tinder Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) . ^^^m

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater. . ^ ^ ^ |Fort Bates BMBMP Stertl«l ^ ^ H

OwnerJfjU^..aaRriUt*..B^ ^ H

Contractor (if any) Bant...: ~ ^ ^ ^ ^

Address of Contractor „ __„_ . : ^ ^ ^ H

Date Started Date Completed.-'«1»«W(U_.1S!3I.. ^^M

N Dcscribo means of obtaining groiindwater without a well "as by ^ ^ ^ HI , , , _!_, „ . sub-K-rigation and other natural processes". Include depth to .. ^ ^ ^ H..„! ! L - {....!.—.: water when appUcablc.J^pjd^..l««tidt.JWdl«rtl«)uteW..»J«l4 : ^^M.—:-..! ;. j ;.'.. !— ta..afcotkmtar_X«dea , „..„._. _ • : ^ ^ H

i ! ! ^i I i ' .. '•-.-••. ^ B....;.......... ; . . . . j—j . . . . tKk>^1>t1nn..d>W...QC..iy37..A»_tM^JaJ»iUB^^ ^ H

'['"T"! I I I Vi!MU.Xi9^S^rJt9Jl!^.}S^lfL'^ « ^ H: • ; '; ; ; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method | ^ ^ BI —, , ; j ..... n M ^ j 0 B e a g u r e o r ejtimate such amount. If use is intermittent ^ ^ ^ H

* > estimate approximate lengths of periods of u«e~£(Clnt..jQURM._. , ^ ^ ^ B

J B -% - &ce-3Z" T f i a " ri*t 2Jip««if.4»«Ljrtaat«iJaLj»j»^^ ^ HIndicate point of appropriation fl^^Hand place of use, if possible. cjOtU..»^aln«..M^..«llQr-i:or_7..fl«rtJ^.JP)Kr.. ^ ^ H

yitar warring ?»00 ytiJw pur T • ^ ^ H

_ TTli «•* ittoli»l«« W O T " SBJ^^si

Signature of 0\mer.ty.&<Stf&*<-X.x.M1<lt<L. ^^M

"^KJ^S*:.?.. ^MThis form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ ^ ^ H

Three copies of this notice arc to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of tb? county in which the ^ ^ H

works are located. H^HH

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ ^ H

Original to the County Clerk nnd Recorder; duplicate to the State Knginecr; Triplicate to the Montana ^ ^ ^ BBureau of Mines and Geology mid Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. H ^ ^ H

3**9f ^ H

Page 34: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

W •-..-. . .-• • ' : . : - . , . - ^ ••'••••• ; ^ - . r - ^ ^ i ^ - . / ^ v ^ ^ - ^ ^ ^ ^ i

• " . • - • ' • • - . ' " - ! • • - ' • • • • ' • • : ' . • • ' = " ' • ' • • " " " • ' • . " • • ' • : : • ' • ' '••'•':'••'.•.'!•''[•?'$-•! •> * '•

""'" • •••'• • •'; • "•• v ' - ^ - W ^ - S i i S S i S I ^ W i

Page 35: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

* * 5 Apprend Sttxfe Form-Stats PobtMUat Co, Htteu, MooUaa-tUJ* '»$&$)»' ?*<? ^ ^ ^ |

Pile No T_68. _R. J U * _J J ^ ^ B

DUPLICATE County RCtrtflfKI. • ^ • f l



Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropnanon *" ^ HWithout Weil ^ H

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ' ^ ^ ^ |

Date of Appropriation of Oronndwat«r. ^ ^ ^ Hfork BOMB Hangar Matte* ^ H

OwnerJtomt..aandw_SaQL Addre«»JUbl«Di»#..Mont«n»L_._ ^ ^ H

Contractor Jif any) ~_ JH9M ^ ^ ^ ^ L

Address of Contractor , , „ „_.._ - HLi^H

Date Started Date Completed.Jtt61.f..^ ^^Mf, Describe means of obtaining grenndwater without a well "MM by ^ ^ H

_ _ , _ _ , • | — i . sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to ^ ^ ^ 1. . . . L . . . L . . L . . .!.....; j water rhen appUcable-&BKllMt..wMM»X..affU4Mi4!K.J^^ ^ ^ H' • • • • i i t a StMVmtar Tank. i ^ ^ ^ l

xpiipqi • _ : :i:zmzz •. | i ; 1 i i | . H

i ! ! i i ; Quantity of water developed and osed with explanation of method ^ ^ ^ B.........;....;— ;—^—,— u>ed to mtuvte or egtinuite such amonnt. If use is intermittent ^ ^ ^ H

* estimate approximate lengths of period* of tue—flWKta*..flfflflR-. ^ ^ H

I L 4 f l B i . B M ^ L T ^ L B k U l^daoo^BEJr iMklJbgLJMMP^^ H |Indicate point of appropriation ^ ^ ^ |and placa of use, if possible. .fff ..0«*Uft.:Mftu:..At.JBH^^ ^^M

4K«r..y»«r..rtaulilr^.iM..julLon«.^r.j^ ^ ^ B

- *o»jM«r»i»)»-«St>.. --> ^ HSignature of 0wner._J^^&»4^..vCyW*fe£. _ HH

Date—J.»Mffi.j~...... ^BB

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. fl^H

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the ^ ^ ^ H

works are located. ^ ^ ^ H

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ ^ f l

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana ^ ^ ^ BBureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriate. ^ • ^ • j

Page 36: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;


Page 37: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ f i - v • ' • • ' V L * • ' * ' • • j ' " ' ' • • " . ' , 1 ' . ' " . ' ' f c " "•'•"' "•'' • • ft^*7* • S S f f l S s E K S ' t f l

Page 38: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

.._ \ ' y

«3___**3 GW 2 Revised 1969 County.--Zto5.££l_.<C* /- :«T*TCPUiLI»MtN3 COMPANY J " ( * * / • " • 1 ^ I

STATE OF MONTANA ' " ' DRILLER'S IOG | j- ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE,NA D t p A R T ; , r . ,T Qf . , n d i c a t e f h e c h a r a c t e r , color, thick- | ; I

^ *£• MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARDa o l )s, : r K flfJ-,-, n ,,.,,-T-nVness of strata such as soil, clay, sand, ?i

X NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER 9rav°'' shal^: sand*»°ne< e t t show

1< >- APPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL d e p t h a t w h i c h w a t e r ls f 0 U „,„.. :,r A r T K O P K I A T I U l M BY M E A N S O f WfcU. h o i g h t f o w h j c h w a } e r r i s e s i n w e | | .

Developed after January . 1 , 1962 <

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961, as amended) Top of Ground (EICT. .bovc M» level)

This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed r m To 'by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ****" (FM° H

: which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ £ H % Re.A • • JTAa .J . J _. I•! Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the _ ^ _ ___ ___—pi-

form may be returned. gj_ _£2.. ._W__r___I&j£__ —-I

• Owner ___i___jL_<____ pFor Administrator, Use I f ^ j£ - d ^ J ^ . - ^ — - 1; Address./2M.&taly.m.c.<£...Hum File a$/$ •£-$•- - 2 ^ - - ^ l u s — c J a ^ - |

p-oort'Ti- A.,3tj?.mi. Jfr^ftfaTcr—a

: Date well started Jlz3...Z2A GW1 3JL. iA<L JLJuJL.jcJa^- 1

completed Jl.l.llJ.A 1 [ HI Z J^d^S-sL^^L^nh-^

Type of well jUJAJ ^ £ HH JiA^L-CAjJi 1(D Jg, driven, bored or drilled) . .. _ _ _ . • • vj

Equipment 05ed ...A*.!.U ^ J J-21 - ^ - ^ ^ A Z O ^ O ^ ^ |(Chum drill, rotiry or other) _ _ _ ^ _ _ _ _ _ - ^ " f t imT>t« «

Water Use: Domestic 05 Municipal G Stock • Irrigation D " ^ /-fl-fc-l-J_fe_<-i_, ^

Industrial • Drainage D Other • * Garden/Lawn • ——"• j |

^Describe - — - » __—»-_«- ,——____»_», .—•—.——•——.. , !

IUSE: If used for irrigation, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, ' T ;-cstate number of seres and location or other data (I.e. Lot, Block ~ ij

and Addition) $

ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL 3.-..<?..fl....Q..g:..J..'. -• J |Sin of sue wid Pram ] To „__„_ _ _ „ . — — — — — ——————————————————— JiDrilled Weliht (Feel) (PeM) rERFORATIONS ,">

: Hole of Caalni - . _ — * . . — — — « • — . — — — i _ i — — ^ ^ — - — .;. _ Kind From To _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vis

^ " _ 19* IB SS. Ste (FM1) itM) H I H I 'I£ u H"pMn 0 151 * > - " 9 o ) ) 0 I

S^eti /3/5 /J'O I

:-.' _=_________==—__=_—___ I•'.: N _ . • ?

I j I j I Static water level J..9.. ft.* )i j * Pumping water level ...J.M.P.. ft.* '%J ^ at .fi!. ;. gallons per minute, I! | measured .^...minutes after pumping.___ _ , _ "f] ! began. i

, w I j B 'Measured from ground level. . _ _ _ ';| | Well developed by .i?.sJ..'.'..n.Sf. ~ ~ " %J J for ). hours. ;j | Power. Pump HP - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ » _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i| I Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, 4

' ' ! packers, type of shutoffl ] " •"(. /j.«.fe...«_....<J..C.«..K*.L.^..*S1..}!.P.«l. ;

AKjA UM...V* SecA h.^..A03M Ml!.,..r.^.rr ' •T .7. * R.... i. E te.K&SS.J.A...A?....IM*S...f.tJM ^



Driller's Signature ..../?2cLOM!M . ^ M L ^ s r r T .

Driller's Address ^h.i-X:....sL....U\Ji.nt. 1X..8.../X ' ' j

JjLZL^.^^r., L.CENSE N O _ _ _ _ _ ---£i S h ° W eX8Cf deP'h ° f b O t t ° m l



* •* * •

Page 39: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^^^^ f H^^H^L

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I I rYi^c^MOT^kNA,)^ . ; : ':..;• . . :j • i i- H H• ; <t[\m\'pi ROSEBUDS : :! 1 ^ H

I ' ! . . ^ o n l ^ ^ ^ r f - ? ^ - * : - ;'' '.' • 1 • K ^ |

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^ ^ B ' • ' ' ' • • ' / • ' • ' • . [ * ' ' ' ' ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B

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H ' • - ' ••'. :"'•'• ' ' . ' ' "' V : : : ' ' ' '. !• - ^ ^ | H

I ' '^ : ^: •'; ' • " : ' ' : ' • : ; i M ! • ^ B

Page 40: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I STATK ru»LHHHIO COMPftfcv ^ / i 1 », - I

STATE OF MONTANA '* " V I* £) DRILLER'S IOGI ADMINISTRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE C , . Indicate the character, color, thick-I MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ' £ ; , . ; . ^ ' h/£ ness o f strata such as soil, clay, sand,

: NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER: & r CF ^ J ^ % °L?Z VAPPROPRIATION BY MEANS OF WELL **'*>;$$& ,0 which water rises in well. i

I Developed after January 1, 1962 "" '

I (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session laws, 1961, «t amended) Top of Ground (EI«. »bove K . lerei) • ? _ _ _ _ _ . i j

I This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed PIW TO •?•• II by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in "**" "**" . _ — - ;; II which the well is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _ _ _ . J/> I C^Y '•'%. II Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the , ^ Ij form may be returned; J i t _ J_J__ J;£.£_JSI3&J.£. rM I

Owner SJjUMjd .___.LlP .k\ For Administrator's Use I - J 4 ^ J - . - - - . - * . ^ ~-f

t Address U.U1 *sL..te.h...te<\m £30. $*- - ^ X>,»d-JZJLSJL -r—j

Date well started .J..O.."..3..:..!?..3L GW 1 — - | j

completed JAZJAZIA ] ) ZZZ~ 1 1

Type of well ..._d..fcl.iijR.J — Z II (Dog, drtvni, bored or drilled) I

Equipment used . . .JC/ .O^.«J .C AJiAj. ———-——I II (Churn drill, roury or other) . . _ _ _ , '' I

I Water Use: Domestic • Municipal D Stock • Irrigation B ~~~7Zl I

Industrial Q Drainage D Other Q* Garden/Lawn Q —: j

•Describe ...L&.\*l...n £..Oti.Q...J^U.-^..:. -j II USE: If used for Irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, • ,-, ,.. •.,,. ; I

state number of acres and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block ~" Iand Addition) ; I


"JIM ^ S ? ^ ^ T '*•" PERFORATIONS ^ _^^_. | IHole of Caste! ' _ — _ . , — — — - . — . - — — . — — — — — I •

, , Kind From To _ _ _ _ _ _ ^ _ _ ^ _ _ _ ^ _ _ ' . I

. i •• u" sl" tTM> ir"° I

W<t.i i> o i'ti" M —J 1S U ! IT I •> • —t j

. „, ZLJZZZZZ •; I i i Static water level J..7. ft.* . Ii ! Pumping water level ....Jf.S. .ft.* Ij 4 at 3.6. gallons per minute, • Ii | measured jA..minutes after pumping >__> Ij j O began. I

YI 1 j E *N\easured from ground level. _ ; I1 j I Well developed by ...i?.ft..l.U.J7..^ f J

i j for ..../_. hours. , I'( '; Power..£.!s.cL... Pump 1?H. HP Ij ! Remarks;. (Gravel packing, cementing, I

1 : ' ! packers, type of shutoff) .Jn*g.).!. ~ ~ I__- ,,J- / .u sLr.B-..v.«..l p.f.e.teA I

$.L..}hfHR>h Sec../ U....fc:..o.t...S.M.r.U.*.t. 'ZZZ '. IT jr. >LR AL. E • 1


0s - \£> I

Driller's Signature ...../././JM>«^.....Cr*^r I

Driller's Address _^W.LX...5L \jA.iXK...&.i...U.. -I J ^ I

J$J^.ZJL*..*.%^*... LICENSE NO J _ 2 _ . ^ 9 ' Sh0W eX8Ct d6pth ° ' b ° " O m ' " I

* fyw I^ M M _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ i ' ; . » ' - ! _ _ _ _ i _ _ _ ^ I

Page 41: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^ H * ' 1<"J'1—""--..... —,_ f i S ^ ^ ^ H

I : Q ; 2559 ... V ; , - : : . , ^ .?, ,, ..:; ^ • ; . ^ ^ ^ B

I : ' i;:L'k+ '(,-. :"••'•'• ;:;: i "Vi-? ^ - -? o ' o iv;-- | . ' ' . t |^ |8 ' i^B

I • • •iMm¥%^$&2eL.- '. r - A . - , 7; 1 '^r:' h^'»l :'vl"1 H II ' ; " — « - - 4 - * > i l & o k ^ M . ; •; : !'•:!-:•; ••' : if ^ q -, i ' - . -^ jV . . ^ f - l H iI ' •.'. k l S c V l ^ - : ; ; ' i : : •••••• ••: 'i; : ; - : '•".^* -•W:')/^M

• ' <* — J i J ^ f a i S . i ^ a ^ -: ; • • •! .; ;' ?! '-: .f-i : # ! ] • H i

H ' : ~ '" ' ^ ^ ^ ^ R

'. . ; ; : -". •-'. . • • • > ' * - ' . . « " • • ' • ! ; - ; , • ' • I • ' • • • \ - . ) - . : . . . . ^ ^ ^ B

•" M > «. . ' - . ; : ; . ''•': \ '••:'• \ \ \ '. \ - \ [ . f H

tr- ' ,, " -0' J-"* ' ; ! : ' ' ' ; • '• ' ; ^ : j ' j ^ H-.-', • "'. "' • - - ; ' •• ; • : : • • ,' ; ' ; i • : • .' i ' ; j! ^ H

: ; • • • . • • : ' , :: ^ ^ B

• - • - - • - . . - . J: . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B

Page 42: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

• £.•,,*«... ' '^^Ci':iv£Q^^ftQS££*S>l •^ ^ ^ H STATK PUVLISH1NQ COMPANY '. < C (~- ., _ " * " ^ ^H^HJ

^ ^ H STATE OF MONTANA ' "'''•• DRILLER'S LOG | HBBJ ADMINIStRATOR OF GROUNDWATER CODE 'V , . , lnd lcate the character, color, thick- • •HH MONTANA WATER RESOURCES BOARD ,: '' v'•.';'.nesVW strata such as soil, clay. sand. • •

| H NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF GROUNDWATER a1*?1' *hal*; Mnd»*°n°' **• sh™ H

• APPROPRIATE BY MEANS OF WELL a i ^ S ^ j S ' •SVH fteveloped after January 1, 1962 . • •

^HHB (Under Chapter 337 Montana Session Laws, 1961, a> amended) Top of Ground (EICT. »b«c »cm IOTO 3^7^ ;;.. HI

l HB This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed FJO» T ° . I -" flM• • • by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder in the county in ff**° *"*" I '* • •^ • H J which the well Is located, last copy to be retained by driller. _£. J_ft._ _fi_l.Ay — '•?> :flj• H H . Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the —— • ;,i HJ|• • • form may be returned .Jj2__ JL1 . JCfll-liljft J& | • •

H Owner .•f.J.Jn.a.a^....J?^J.^J For Admlnlstfator, u>e I p i I E M i C ^ J ^ 1 •W K Address .k31..£,...&i.k..A.'.*. File .££&$.. 3JL. *J>~ -£fl.a J—^ ~ | W

• • Xknj r i iAjawU ikt*3.Q/92SL.$Mo,», ATIIHSI53-J&^g^-4*j3l| •

._ ; I H Bate well started lO'A 1.7A GW 1 251 /ii_b±*&.-S.lA*- 1 IB

^M completed J.0.-i.-..15.. ] ,, | IiX LIU. O^l^^r^^J-tI-% •

;if • • Type of well ...A.r.U.lzl TH.. U3- hitoLlj^y. f •^ - mSSSt (Du*> dri"n'borRl or dIilled) — — ——— • -f; ^^Mt "'•' fl|H Equipment used .....L>.&.J>../c Lft..P...l —«•*«. :ii ^ Hrf . ^^H^H (Cburs dim, rouiy or other) . ^ ^ _ ^ — ^ ^ M - . ^ ^ ^ HS*.i ^^i^i^l • Water U:e: Domestic (8 Municipal Q Stock Q Irrigation D — "" ~" ""~ """" """# ^ ^ |

H H • ! % •P i ^ ^ H Industrial • Drainage D Other • * Garden/Lawn • ^ ^ H^ ' r f l H tQeKr\b^^inLTXti!A...XjayiUL.J.i^ g | H||;" ^ ^ ^ H USE: If used for Irrlgatlorj, Industrial, drainage or other. Explain, "" vj ^^M

' ^H^H s t 8 te number of acre* and location or other data (i.e. Lot, Block — _ _ . . — » . - . - — — . — — — _ _ — . - — — - ,.-j ^ 1

t.J flH| «nd Addition) ."„. 5 H |"| H S ESTIMATED ANNUAL WITHDRAWAL 3A.O..0....fpdL I ^ H

| flH| »"1« "'»*•** -5S5 (&) PEIW)RA110N« ^ " I ^ H

; ^ ^ H ' i H"ll* 0 ) 6 ^ «- *•* <"•*> . ^ H

1^1 v" «"•") ^ H* H r a pa-e)? ) 0 i " ) ? 7 - ^ a ^ _j [ HH .. '•• ^ H

• _ _ ^ — ^ n z z z z z : I I^ ^ ^ B I j j j I Static water level •?.?. ft.* : _ ^ _ _ ^^M^ ^ ^ H i I Pumping water level ...J.A.^T......ft.*.___ ___. ,__«.____«.____«.___ ; ^ ^ H

; ^ ^ ^ H J . j at \1. gallons per minute. ^ H• ^ ^ ^ B i • measured ..?.A.minutes after pumping _ _ ' ^ | B

; • • • ; \__2? be9"n- -T ^ H:'; ^ ^ ^ H w j | E "Measured from ground level. _ ^ B; ^ ^ H ! ! Well developed by ...!?.S-..'...U.»4 ~ " " I • HHi . ^H| i ..) for ). hours. r, ^^M

, ^ ^ H 'j j Power.J?..).C.C.Tt.. Pump...<SL HP ; ^ H| ^ ^ H I j Remarks: (Gravel packlng^cementlng, ^KMH^B ' ! ' ! ' packers, type of shutoff) T.hf.TfJS. " ~ • •• • • [ _ s . A...».ft.ff.KjR.r....fl.i'.....?A£.'..-.fcflfl HVj^ | £..£.% _AL£ secy.../ 1^1:..?. i3.7..:.i.A..9^.«.! HIZ_: - »M T 7- *l.R.....#../L.. E .)2.«..*.)5.e.d H| H / S ^ •

.' ^ H B INDICATE LOCATION OF WELL AND PLACE OF USE, IF POSSIBLE. WM• • • EACH SMALL SQUARE REPRESENTS 40 ACRES. • •^^^m sc~> * ——_. ~ — — — — — — — — — — ^^^i| ^ f f i Driller's Signature ....jHxULM^..^£#^f. — ^ ^ ^ ^ H^ H | Driller's Address ^..ptT....2, Q6..G*...R..LB.. L -J- ^ — ^ HH Jiw^L^li^C. L.CENSE N O . ! . ? * - ^ 1 2 Show exact depth of bottom ML

H ^936- •

Page 43: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

' > 2 5 5 8 •• ; •• "• i :S -• '; •, s ;.. .-> mjj •

; . . . . • ' . j f ' • • • ' • ; • ' • " " :

; ' ~ • : ' ; ' | fi

" s i ^ ^ |

: v - : " ; - : : , • -J-- • - . .* - ; • • „ . ;•* "•• ; , •; . . J j ! . . . . : . Hi . • • . • • . - . • ,• . « . . - • . - - ' t . • . i • . - '• •. . > I •• ^ ^ B

. ' • " • • • - ' • i . " . . . • > • -:• :: • ',•". ;' : . . . ) ' . ^ ^ H

• ' • . - ' • ' •• • " • •-- " —:

' ' ' ' ' ':.": - j i ' * . ' - ' • • ' ••*." !> ':

' i ^ ^ M

COUNTY OF ROaiBUDiT ^ i;| f ' V^BFikclonth3.^.^nyof..j2l!3i; : : / .' ' • ' ;'". • A- ^ .-> : .tl] : ' H

: ' i9.&u.;liA:..-o'dock^M. |.; ( '. ' -^ ;?:= |^J ; fl

1 • •" , < u ..- > - • ; •••• . : : ' • ! : : : ; : : i > • • •r • • > '~ ' ' i : • ' i l '• ^ ^ ^ H

•- . . " • i ^ ^ 1

' r - •; • • ' ' . : . . . ' • . ' ^ H

Page 44: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^^^H 3 Apprared Slock Fwm-Sttte PnbUihtat Co, Helena, Manua*—4I33T i t Q S ) ^ * T ^

^^M File No.__ L T-jLS ^M.LJEa»jL-



H ——iHB Notice of Completion of Groundwater AppropriationMM Without WellH^H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Lam, 1961)

j^^H Date of Appropriation of Qroundwater....i?..P_«;.».I. -JJ&LLM-.; ,

• B 3wne(r7^ujL^

^^^^M Contractor (if any) . ._ i

^ ^ ^ H Address of Contractor ...„._ _ , ,

^ ^ ^ H Date Started ; „ ._ .„__ Date Completed .'. L*L._«.

| ^ ^ H N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as by^ ^ ^ H I : : j 1 1 ; ; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to .

" ^ ^ ^ ^ | '} ' • ! j. ! water when applicable _. . ,i .........

^ H —j—[.—J_ J . . . j . . . . | . _ . | _ JL&XLtJi. f..^ S.JL.Li*xt.m_ .^ H • ..J....1 L. I . . . . L . L . . . ' ' . • ••;-••..•, i

^^^H w —i—!—! i—J—i— « •

^ ^ ^ H : j • I j j Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of methodS ^ H ••••:••••; ; * j : •—- used to measure or estiicate such amount If me is intermittent

' ^ ^ ^ H »JJ estimate approximate lengths of periods of g n ^ . ...

B M f l U _ Sec*. iJ.X TtULR .... 3JL-^J,^.^.^.^. ...^ ^ ^ ^ B Indicate point of appropriation ' '^ ^ ^ K and place of use, if possible. _..., ....

^ ^ ^ B Signature of Owner •A-S-~Ar-*r* jf- —•+.••

^M Date JUJLX-Jjslg~

H^H This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

< ^ ^ ^ H Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the^ ^ ^ H works are located.

^ ^ ^ B Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned.•n^ ^ ^ H Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana^ ^ ^ H Burenu of Minca and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 45: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

• , - • • • . • , : '- • • • ' . - , '•••:•:•:. • • • ' . • • • • • • . •••.. •.>>:':::•'•..;;, - • : • r : - . s ; " ^ : ' i ^ f e / ^ * # : i | A

• '• • • • • > ' : : - r - . . . . ..L V . . r - •';;' •• ' ' . . • ' .... • .v^'-i.- • £ „ : •' ••.••;.:. ..'O':r:j1;-\i>^$£rj>i-ji:$&$<fcpjty

• •' •• . ••• . -*• . .;:•••• . . • •.-. •,• •• c-^;:: ;;y::^^jv^1^^^:^


Page 46: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

- • • y - I 'V J Approved Suck Pum—Stale pubUdilnt Co . Baku. Mmmm 4tM7 ^ t ^ ^ /

File No._*. TJL.!*L ft V / £ » ^ ,

DUPLICATE 1 CJountyJ$:&*«~^sp



Notice of Completion of Groundwater AppropriationWithout Well

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961)

Date of Appropriation of Groundwater™.C_V?.?-rrI. JjLfJk.

Contractor (if any) „ _ _ . _ ...... ._ _ _ „ . ..._..

Address of Contractor „ .

Date Started L." Date Completed™.!!^ ™._

N Describe means of obtaining groundwater without a well "as byP—, . p—- 1 . j _ _ . sub-irrigation and other natural processet". Include depth to

i ;.....! i j .| water when applicable ,....™ ..„_. « J.™

—:—]—j i....j—]— <?J?J«I..C4 ^.C«.dn„ ^uoucjbeu. .

...[... !....!.-t* —i--L-i—• "

i i ! ! i • Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method.. . . ; . . . . ,—;— .....; i , VM^ t o meagnre o r ettisiate suoh amount If use is intermittent

» estimate approximate lengths of perioda of use .....

*fe6u-iH4.T2fB4l£ 7JL-4*L-+M*L-jaj*u£LIndicate point of appropriation ' /and place of use, if possible. „ „_ __. „

Signature of Owner..!!l».f.....lJ!.«^.*t..../f.JJ»..fe......<Lj.}Jxi C.O

This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which theworks are located.

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, BO state, otherwise the form will be returned. ,

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the MontanaBureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator.

Page 47: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

* STAtE OP^b^^Mi^^^^^^HBj^HHt

' ' ' • - . - ' . j • R t j . * * *>ji*!r

. - . • • ' - • • • - v .

Page 48: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I z. „„-... - > IH File No T-2J?—R-^JLS IH DTOUOATE CountjrjS^J^^fcjV- I^M STATE OF KOHTAHA > ' j j j I^ H ASHnnBTBATOB 07 OEOTJlfDWATEfi CODS Jr\N 3 W * I^ H OFFICE OP 8TATB SS01NXEB , \ j;MNPfQ H

B Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation II Without Well I^ H (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Uwi, 1901) I

^M Date of Appropriation of Oronnd»«ter__<?.*?rX !fL(i»__ I

^•t OwWr AddreMJsJLtli.C/LjKLAtt.i?'*'* •

^ H Contractor (if any) „ I

^ H Addren of Contractor ._. , H

^M Date8tarted ™...._.: Date Completed ."I!?;, •

^ H N Deieribe meana c>f obtaining pronndwntcr witliout t well " M by H^ H , mb-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth to •^ H ...J !.....• j . . . . ! . . . . . ! water wh»n applicable >__ _>a. I

H i I iV i 1 | CovmtjL $*•**__* Ajr-j*** I

• |qij qq~pi r +- . I^ H ': ! ! i i '; Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method IS^SB .,..;....;—;— ; , — ; — used to measnre or estimate sui-h omount. It use it intermittent H^ H I ' i ' I . 1 i 1 ,; M^ H . i , * estimate approximate lengths of periods of use- .~_~...__. •

• ^.^...... sec?.?, tit a22 fc l?_.lL!l^^^.^^ll£]f.i_ I^ H Indicate point of appropriation 9| ^ ^ and place of use, if possible. „ „., , .,, „ „ H

^ B Signature of Owner &*&!*/!& ^ t » / - I

• Datejfe*.?.iL.lJ!... l IH[ This form to be prepaid by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. •

^ H Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the H

^ H works are located. H

^ 1 l'leose answer all questions. It not applicable, so Hate, otherwise the form will be returned. H

^M Original to the County Clork nml Krconlcr; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the WoaUna H^ H Bureau of Mi?et and Geology unii Qnadroi'licate for the Appropriates. •

Page 49: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;
Page 50: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I ; Me No.... JUN t ig67 T-lli-E-JOfii ; !I , DUPLICATE—, Hill, -_ MeDermoti_i__ Cotmty___?»JM*J9*___ .. II ; '•'•: lm"n —• McNu:ty_ STATE OP MOHTAHA ;

I ; :£. 88ytt-~--~—r- Mo"°fBl>MnnSTBATOB OP QEOXJNDWATEK OOBE |

I \ ' T o p o f Q r o n n d . | ^ ^ - ~ - — Su»iv«n-STA3aWWATEIl CONSERVATION BOARD ;

I ~ (Kiev, above sea\^n.2K£££L) Notice olf Completion of Groundwater :I ; ~ M1Kd5a1a*wid'tpw **** Appropriation by Means of Well JI i - 2 0 f t g rav« l .Mf t t» r b e a r i n g JDEVELQPED AlrtMt JANUARY l, 1962 |I i — (Under Chapter 237 Montana Session' Laws, 1961, as amended) ;

I \ _ Ot»er......Sff!ISdt«a..E9!feM ^ddress_..J31millftS:..]^«t8aft:.r™... ?!

I I DriUcr.......C.ftCl.JBl.tal& ^ddress.....ah«n.dAa..^«i..._......_... j

I J; Date of Notice of appropriation of groundwater. . \ j

I Date well startcd.....3/S5/€!T -Date completed... .A/24/.67. . \ J

I : _ Type of well DEtl lBd .Equipment used.—SiSSBSaLS^aSL—. | j• (Dag, driven, bored or drilled) (Churn drill, rotary or other) y jI ,.. Water use: Domestic D Municipal n Stock • Irrigation [ ? Si II ' • — ' - ; Industrial • DrainageQ Other • j | II Indicate on the diagram the character and thickness of the different Btrata \\ II , ••-: met with in drilling, snch as soil, clay, shale, gravel, rock or sand, etc. Show :i; II — depth at which water is encountered, thickness and character of water-bearing '•'• II . strata and height to which the water rises in the well. 'I j

I - SUtsI Sluand From To PERFORATIONS '- 1I - DrilW Wdthl (Ftrt) (FMt) PERFORATIONS | j II Ho'! otCMliu, Kind Fmo To - I I

I — 6" 6" 0 f t JW *t S|M (FM|) vm' • \ 1I , H , 18 # " " *3 fexe11 2 8ft 43 ft JI - i ''.. ' ai«t« , ^j II • ; — • • S t B 6 « a r * a j I

I "•• — w Static Water Level for non-flowing well i II \ .- ( j [ I I .......l8.Xl.....feet. |I j _j Shut-in Pressure for Flowing "Well ... j JI •' _ ! y j Pumping Water Level 3.5-Xt- feet \ jI _ w ! r* ! E at..M..E»l.». gal. per minute. j II I i Discharge in gal. per min. of flowing well j I

I ~" i i ' How Tested .SftiiSR. j II - -->-• I '• 1 ! ' Length of Test ?..M* i jI — Remarks: (Gravel packing, cementing, pack- I

I " ^ . . . - .Sec . . ££T .ZS lE . . ^ r 0 r S ' t y p e 0 f s h u t 0 f f ) ' ;I — Indicate location of well and •, II place of use, if possible. Each ; JI — small square represents 40 ' 1I acres. _ .... I

I v (Continue on reverse side)I USE—If used for irrigation, industrial, drainage or other. Explain, state ;

I — number of acres and location or other data (i.e.: Lot, Block and Addi-I tion). ;I ~~ .•^^..^j2...^x~...k^££aAJe.~.^s.jr.J^.!A....aAAuJ:.Jfji,.^.

I L a « J Show exact depth of bottom.

I This form to be prepared by driller, and three copies to be filed by the owner with the ...........fllsRjUaCounty Clerk and Becorder in the county in which the well is located, tissue copy to be Driller s License Number

| retained by driller. Q SJ *7"*/7

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otheiwise the form will be lljf-0'&A-~M~^£^SMK^.returned. Driller's Signature.


Page 51: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

H - ! , ~ . •'•-' : . ' ••! ' ' • ' ' ' ;

-. " • ' • • . : . . ' • ' , ; : • . • ' • • ; ! • i ' ^ ^ |

^ ^ m ; • • " ' : " . •; ^*; " , •..' - . . ' • . ' ' •. ' ^ ^ ^ ^ |

^ H ' ; ' [ [ :' ' S '.' :' ••.'; .: •.' ' ^ ^ ^ H

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^ ^ B ' •'•''" t . ' ' \ ' ' - ' . ' - - " ' ' •*- H ^ ^ H

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H ' . ' ' . ; '; • • . . •;: . .; • •

^H 7 ' ' ' * ' '' '' ^H^H

Page 52: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

H : . > - » • . . ^ ^ ^ County ' ^ k f t T . ^ r ^ Twp. 7 6e>>/r-#. Rge.-^g <:?>•>;- :C: S^^^^P »

^ B '•••^'••W" l l i l l l l i t Sue. Narae or Appropriator Type of Form Fi le No. Remarks ••V^Mm^^^^^^1

I : ^ M ; ^ ^ f t — - •fi*£ruJir'*je- "J"*'*10 66CJ^L_ )foi;t,e. ^ ^R^ ft"'

Page 53: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I OW.. Approwd Stock Form—Sute PuMUhtaj Co, Helena. Monun*—«2M « ^ ^ •' j ^ ^ H

I Me No T ^ L A _ _ B J ^ J L ^ : J |


I Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights | ^ |I (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ ^ ^ K

I 1. V^CXrJ\>^ BAM^OJXA, . .^ of i^JJ^S^^. ^ 1I (game of Appropriate*) ( (Address) < . (Tow^p • ^ i ^ HI County of ^JS^^&O^O^, State of A^S^I^4_"..™ . i^HE have appropriated gronndwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, at follows: ^ ^ ^ B

It N fok- \ ~V* ' l ^ HI I i i | I | i 1 I 2. The beneficial use on which the claim w bassd-^Tfe i f e^Js l !^ - \ ^^M

I ! '. | i ',"""', 3. Date or approximato dateaf earliest beneficial use; and how contiim- ^ ^ ^ H

I —I—1.....| | — | — j — oos the use has been.......\..JL3...Q. _. ; H ^ H

I w _I—|—| j—i—j— E ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIZZZZZZ! I H H• , ; . j j I ^ , ^ e amount of groundwater claimed (in, miner's inches or gallons • B ^ ^ B

I ....:.....!.....• •-—j. :—. per minute)S7...J^^\jP^^:...y!!!!ii^s...^ ; M iI • -- *v-i- H - 4 - ; BI I . ! ! I i i ! I 5. If used for irrigation, give the acreage and description of the lands ; ^BHI s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ ^ H

I b ^ v . sec^\?H"*Ari& ::r:zz~:z~TTT:::T:::"z:zri:r:";::::::': ^ HI Indicate point of appropriation ] ^ ^ ^ HI and place of use, if possible. Each . . . . . , . . ' , ^ ^ HI Bmall square represents 10 acres. 6- T n e means of withdrawing such water from the ground and the( Iocs- ^ ^ ^ 1I tion of each well or other means of withdrawaLix^./^n-JL/VvtAjLT- ' ^ ^ ^ |

I 7. The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other works for with- ^ ^ ^ 1I ' drawal of groundwater l...x{. .]jp...."Q _ ^ ^ ^ H

It K V ^ H B8. The depth of water table ...J.....X.... „ ^^^^B

9. So far as it may be available, the type, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other D ^ ^ Hworks for the withdrawal of groundwater... 2—».J33TTS. „ ^^^^R

10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year , oi^^ilil

11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available ^ ^ ^ H .

12. Such other information of a similar nature as may In useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ ^ ^ Hreference to book and pago of any county record. ^^^^^K

Signature of 0wniT\^.OJXJ^Y\...I^ClI^^rj/\^^ ^ ^ H

Date^Lrf^..^..£../.5..£.,l^ HH

Three copies to be £*•: * by the owner with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is located. ^ 1 ^ 1

Please answer all questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ ^ H

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; Duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau of i^HniMines and Geology, and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. id?o2 W^^M

Page 54: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

^ m • • ; - i S 0 5 6 G - . - ,.,,"•• :C-i ' -J\ ,

^ ^ H ; : : v : » _ • . " . . . . - * v • • • ••'%.' • • • ' • ' . ' • ' • ' ;

^ B - ^ " ^ ^ ' O N T A N A ) ••' '•"•'" v : : •• • • ) { r l - •• *;- •••'.•' : " '

• - : :"""2^&- ""'• ^ r:' >;

^ ^ H ^ B - , , ' ' '•'• *!

fl • " " -: •• • , : ;• • f ;

i ^ - . • '

Page 55: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

<* J ApprorM Slock Foml—Suit PtAUiMng Co, Htlenji, Montioi--C261 «Bjp*»> y ^ ^ ^ H

File No ;~ ,._ T..2Zd^.:_BiL?l—^1_ ^ ^ B

DUPLICATE C o u n t y J ^ £ ? ^ ^ ^ a ^ _ _ ^ H

STATE OF MOHTAHA '. ;. ; "CE>k ^ \ y | OHADMINISTEJkTOE OF QEOXJHDWAlW OODB , yjjfa - - ' i l l

OFFIOlt 07 STATE ENCJIHEER ^ , _' ^ ^ B-- — f.-.,_ | u t-tiVaW^b-ER . •'• • •

Notice off Completion of Groundwater Appropriation • •Without Well ^ B

(Under Chapter 237 Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ ^ ^ B

Date ef Appropriation of Qrou»idwatcr....__ - — . H ^ H

0 H^LCur.iractor (if any) — ,. • ^HBT

Address of Contrflctor .-.«.. - ' •^H^B

Date StartedJLl.s^..=?. Date Completcd..^'..I~r..—' . B^B

N Describe xsetms of obtaining groundwcter without a well ' as I j I^HL i . i. i. - I . '-; 1 sub-irrigation and other natural processes". Include depth ta. ^ ^ ^ B

.'.J i L.:....L-|--i-- water whan applicable.J:**^!^^ ^ H—':-—: j —.':....:—-!— /$$$d^j^_yjm ^ ^ R

—i-..j.—.• : - ; :-- /^Y^yf^^'^ ™ ~h •- H |: i ; ,'; Quantity of water- developed and used with explanation of method ^ ^ ^ B

—.....;—;- ~A/£X£££~ Ubid to measure or e«timate «vsch. Amount 12 use i» intermittent JH^BI ': '• ' I JTnvTfi I l ^ E

; , s eHtimale approxireato lengths of periods of ue«_ , — jj^^^B

A ZCMM t 2 - T.2... XKM £- m H?Bdicate point of appropriation j ^ ^ Hand plaeo of use, if possible. „ ^ „ ^ ^ ^ K

Si^ure of Owner fek!*£zJB^^ H

Date..ik. .Z...!... •This fora to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner. ^ ^ B

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county In which the ^ ^ ^ H

works are located. ^ ^ ^ H

Please answer ».U questions. If not applicable, so state, otherwise the forru will be returned. ^ ^ ^ B

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate ;.o the Montana ^H9Bureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriates. fl^fl

i0' ^H

Page 56: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

H O •; -.j 1 7 9 9 6 5 •;• ... • ' \;:.^:^;:^^iy|^.j

|H '•' STATE OF MONTANA.COUNTY : " ' •: ii"-' •^•V/^lS^feSfef'-^M l • • OF ROSEBUD SS- FILED DEC ' ' "~ ''^'.^~$'W&W$,^Bj . • 3PJ1963,AT^^P-»l# CO.CLERK .. ; '..;,.'' :." , M r . . ^ | ^ | -

^ H ' • ^ ^ C J ^ / T ^ ^ - V - •'•'":" • > • •;.:•:•• •••;:•' v > M - i - ; .

Page 57: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

I - •• / * I^ ^ B o w Approved Slock Form—State PubUihlng Co, Helena, Montana—41338 ^ft^..>»f-' / ^ ^ ^ ^ B

• FUeNo _ T-X^-B-Jt/ UJEr—- ' ^ B• DUPLICATE ( . CouHts^^tf&w. .. ^ H• STATE OP MONTANA \ ' " l ' • \) J ^ ^ HH ADMtNISTEATOE OP OROFTDWATEE CODE ,^^ o $ $ 4 - ^ jHflH OFFICE OF STATE EJOtNEEE ^ ^ H

H Declaration of Vested Groundwater Rights ^ H^ H (Under Chapter 237, Montana Session Laws, 1961) ^ ^ ^ B

I 1..3As^C&l¥^»-jC.CJUA~.(J£.-.l* of &|=JltfL*. ^ H• | (Name of Appropriator) (XMrcss) / (Town) ^ ^ HH County of rV<?.»«JL«.4 State of. ^.e.J.f..,-*..} ^ ^ H^M have appropriated groundwater according to the Montana laws in effect prior to January 1,1962, as follows: ^L^LH

^^L I I j ! ' j i j | 2. The beneficial use on which the claim is based , J ^ ^ ^ l

Jm --:—.; ;-. j—)t-.i-- _$..i«_» w.*±£..C_ „. ^ H LJ H ; ! ; ; ! | 3. Date or approximate date of earliest beneficial use; and how con- ^ ^ ^ H^^M — ] < | j — ! — ! — tinuous the use has been*..-... .... ~.»—~—.-..—~—.- ^^^^H^ H I ! ! ! ! | ...... . J..&_J..k.-~....-.£M,«lu.A.*..3.»».V--~"~—— - a^L^LII• w —: ! • ' ; ; ! E ^^m

^ _ , , , , j I ^ The amount of gronnJwater claimed (in miner's inches or gallons I ^ ^ H^H —; : ; I—; !— per minute) &..D U^t.l AJ..C **\.*.n.-~--Lx. ^ ^ ^ H

^ B ' ' ' 1 ! ! 5. If used for irrigation, give tho acreage and description of the lands ^ ^ ^ H| H s to which water has been applied and name of the owner thereof ^ ^ ^ H

^^M ^«&^4.—.. Sec»..4.H. T.../^ B....rx £ ** " .....—....«- —...—_......„.... .»...«..». ..».«....„..«.......«. ^^^^^^^B^M Indicate point of appropriation ~" ' ^ ^ ^ H^ D and place of use, if possible. „ „ , . . • , , • , . , . , , , i^i^i^l• Each small square represents 10 6- Th» tneans of withdrawing such water from the ground and the H HH acres. location of each well or other means of withdrawal H^H

• j ja.^.-*v..zi......^.>a£....'/a i*JE_.5~JT-4J3(A-fi./-, ! ^KM

^ H 7, The date of commencement and completion of the construction of the well, wells, or other work* for with- , H^Ui^i^H I^FAWAI tsf trfniindwntpr J u j &%. „„ „ . »..«., •••••••••ri* ••••> • ••• •••••••••»••••••**••••*»•••»*• ••• • •» B^s^i^HlH

H 8. The de:-h of water table „ 2...5L Z..B..SJ. ^ ^ B

^M 9. So far as it may be available, the type,, size and depth of each well or the general specifications of any other H I^M works for the withdrawal of groundwater.. ^ ^ ^ B

H z i rrr.."..i.r..........jri.r..i...2!j£!....2.r.^.«i ioZuLjei.~-jr~-EjMjh.iJL ^M.J. „ L(HHB _ /. .(. ^^^1

H 10. The estimated amount of groundwater withdrawn each year 3.-Q...Q. c...r>.L JL—J..+.y~ ^ ^ ^ H

V WKm^M 11. The log of formations encountered in the drilling of each well if available— - , ^ ^ ^ B

^m 12. Such other information of a similar natnre as may be useful in carrying out the policy of this act, including ^ ^ ^ H^m reference to book and page of any county record - ^ ^ ^ H| B _ _ __ _ __ ^H^^B

• ', Signature of Owner....!.^-J^yJ^-Z^LS. ^MI %4. : : - . „ . . Oate_..£«f...?^/5X£.1... HH Three copies to be filed by the owner vitfe the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which the well is i ^ ^ H f

• located. • • •• Vlease answer all questions.. It not applicable, so Rtate, otherwise the form will be returned. ^ ^ | H

• ^H• Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; dnolicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana Bureau ^ ^ ^ HI I of MineB and Qeology, and Quadruplicate for t..' Appropriator. - i^B^H

| ^ wU^—hs^Mii— . EH

Page 58: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

! 180087 . ' - ^;-h-:f::}^:'.:

I • ' ::- : •• I " ; " :: ' ' :%KW '':,•

\; STATE OF MONTANA.COUNTY ' • • I : I I ^ ^ 'OF ROSEBUD SS- FILED DEC ' ] ••• - « I • "I

3U963AT^M fC0.CLERK" I ; ' J ;J ^ l r € ?

• • • - . ^ ' - : : ! x

• i • • • • i i ( . ? |: ;

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•• . , . . . . , . j r . , . , . • _

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: • i ; ' • - : " ' ' • ' . - ' • • . • ' • . .

' . - • • ' • ' . / ' " • ' • - " * • " ' - • • • • : - ' " ' J • . ! ' ' ' • • '

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• ' ' ' " .' 1 "! " '

i • . ' ' . I '.

'•• & '•• *

Page 59: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;

Approved Slock Form—Sut« PuMllhlna Co.. Helm. MunUiu—C2Q ^ ^ f c . 1 I J)

File No T.!X^._R^J?~Jr




.. H , IV.' i: ^Notice of Completion of Groundwater Appropriation

Without Well; ^-rt SSK^JUSA ofa^. >("°der a i i p ? r * " Montapa »•*»T<""'1961>

^^nvuaA jfa^Wf1^ w^Afa^^-O . 0 Date of Appropriation of. Qronndwater.._ _.

> TJUAS* & ^ ^ "£^it^ner.ks^±l.^^\ddre«.^ I

H^" ^ •. A K - > > ^ r ^ ^ ( i f "^ J

^ J ^ 2***- \T (J ^ Addre» of Contractor ..._ _ _ jDate Started.—/..IL-SLP. Date Completed /[.

N Describe meant ol obtaining groundwater without a well "as by—; 1 ; 1 ; 1 j 1 Bub-irrigation and other natUTnl processes1'. Include depth to

— i — i — : .1 1 ;— water when applicable..^*^.'!ii^..«lt^^^i..n^^.^.^^~vU.

-—:—-!-—:• :....:....:.—. /^a»<A<^..Lu^.>- .^n^. .^. . . . :?^^

-—:-—• :•— :-—I—j— • ^wotp^^i Ak*kx<KvJifi.iL^K. 3t%clr'Ah^J^,

'tfF™\""\ i f'T'i &?z^2t^.±J^ <*•»&+ ,• — r - | - — : , — - ; - W V i j 7 / / K -JT -•, -. . . j !.. :_ .:..„.:.../!'VA Quantity of water developed and used with explanation of method

: : ; : ; : used to measure or estimate such amount If DM is intermittentV\ bV i < A Ui *<~ estimate approximate lengths of periods of use-.

Indicate point of appropriation ~ " 'and plaee of use, it possible.

Signature of Owner....^..^A^..^./]y±£]z3^.

DaU..^..,3..?.../..Z..?..i.3.This form to be prepared by contractor (if any), otherwise by the owner.

Three copies of this notice are to be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder of the county in which thework* are located. _-

Please answer all questions. If PC> applicable, «o state, otherwise the form will be returned.

Original to the County Clerk and Recorder; duplicate to the State Engineer; Triplicate to the Montana IBureau of Mines and Geology and Quadruplicate for the Appropriator. I

Page 60: 1 ' •'•• j KSCESVEO . Wm -; ,: -flNpartment of Natural Resources and Conservation J j^^^^^-JL f- ' fl;


• ' ' "T ' 'T '"'T":f• v • • • , . . . . . - • ;

STATE OF MONTANA,CCUNTY '"'' '" ;'( "OF ROSEBUD 5 5 - T I L E D D E L . ; ; ,

30 ,1963 ,APw M, CO.CLEHK !p j . » -*-~"~~* £$>*/ - • • ' • . - .

- i-, I

. . • • ' !


•, '

. " , •• '
