Page 1: 1[( a ,!/IN? · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1. Birthday and place 1[( a ,!/IN?

2. Harr i aQe (s) date place

~ ,

3. SiQnificant event. for eX.!Jllpl.:

I., Busine .. ~I/~ ,

D. Civic rlspoosibilitie' __________________________________ __

A , Local __________________________________________________ __

. C. Hational ________________________________________________ _

9. Hame. of parents, ____________________________________________ __

Page 2: 1[( a ,!/IN? · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

10. Education __ _ ----- _ ._ --_._- - ---- .- - -----

------- _._---------_._----

--------------------- -- ------

11. Degrees _______________ ___ _

12. Other applicabl e informati on


--------------- ----------- ---

- --- ----- ------ ------_._-- --------_.----- ----- -- ---- -

Page 3: 1[( a ,!/IN? · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

, .

Sources Log For Legislat ion Entries


Source Non Applicable Applicable Information obtained -@;h.., -~&~ 4-% 6'd4,c<-< 'V, k ~. ~ (~. IH~ I'.L~"/ I

Page 4: 1[( a ,!/IN? · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

.... • ..... .

~. ~. ,.: : .. ~' ' .••.. " .•. ' I " '-" ".: ."

." . • 1"

-.... " ., • ,

IOWA. ~THURSDAY, · .JANUARY 18, 1894.----:--'-C---Eigh .... p IED.-

OIlEEN:-At hil homo In Mllel , Fritlay. Jan'y, J II!. li:l'M.iJ a fter a lIoil:erilll' mOOl1 of lOme week, / Hon. &0. F. Oreen. at tbo ad",anced al'e 0

I E~~;t:~:~::~~!~f~:~~r~i:~i~~~:~~ IS4 ,Y6lln, ( IUD •• and It! <la ••

.Bank ~;~W. I:~D~,,;;.~ wu 000 0(" be- boat· known' menclo I·· ·--·":-;o~p~e=r='~I;I'~O~U='~.--;;;

roUM y: a ret'Ment of Iowa townlhip for :'16 yeaMl, a atalieh demoent. a 1-ellled MAQUOKETA, eiti~en, a tr ulS frieod, ' 110 Jaith!ul ehrldian, • IOWA.

w. !~~ii~t;~~ti~~;'i~;;[~;P';9l eharitabllS ulSill'hbor : alwl'.Y' al'eneroul l'iver r~·".-.~th;'j;~~~,'I~~.~b.~~~~ In the needy, hIS 'IVa. be_

~~:rlLcted tbat by bi~ I1lSill'uborll and e';teemeu by aU wuo klllSw bim. .

25 1857 with gold, Hon. 0&0. F. Ore&u wu born iu Rhodo d fillings were as 1511.110.1. Auit'. I~. 11I()9. He mat;rillo.1 Mill Sarah

II put in. All the Kiol UIII1, orNe ... LOndon co .. Couo.,10 April, sa iood to day as IltI9: immed ll'.Wlly .her hi. man-ial'e he


8 done, excepting oue tlU ' 'larte.1 ror Iowa, reachioi' l ow. towlI.hlp ill .:ayed _round tbe u 11Ij;t Mo.), ; lie enlerell. fllnll which lies 10 Seii~. refined abOut. t.welve yelLrs lI.j;to.

tooth was 80 badly .decayed thlLt 32, 3.'lIl IU\ a.a~ re, idence III 3.'J, whero he reelded dOctor was compelled to CliP tbe I \8':';. "hIli .he removed to Mr. and tbia toola is as good now, as first fnIe(1-in 1857. '1" W. D .AllLlNO, . Subscribed and IIworo to berore: me by T. W. Darling this 3d day. of JIUlU:' ary A. D. 1894. , ' ll. F . THOMAS, '":

, Notary Public.

-:,We liave always t~"~~f,~:;~:;';~',~ ,unt a Httle straD~ to ~~

given a republican, , '-,"c: _:")I~;:;;;~I 'rot. cratic paper; or ~

the comment tor an'~~1:~~;i:~j:J~~;tJ the worthy ot note, 'h, affiliation, but of ' newspaperdom . he

. a flatterer and' wMapers . thine eal'!.

-The Bellevue Herald c"uae'lt coets $17.76 to

beer fire In ·tbelrtOwo, arid ...-ould coat to put out a

cor u Ore. We couldQ~t eay, . tb" .. but 'wlll-rtv6-you' one. H_I ~.":''lc~;;'~;~~1]:~

t.oll"~ ' to extlngulsb tbe'flaab or a I ._ 15, ta ' Maqlloketa. what will

I lJ.r: squelch.the usual flame

ot a two qnart kerosene 1~[~?li~:~~~~~~~~~~i~~~~ .Tus-· Ing a five year old ~ late · alarm In,time? " . . [£:"". . "~ .BlollOw;" the eommon·Blln~o Fe­.raW ,male ReDledr 1110111 an~re.CQ1;fImendeo.1 _ \.If C.

~ ..... ~ . .


- ', .$40,009 Sllrplll. Fll"ol, 5,000

Time. n:t~~j: Collectione promptly

6% Paid on Time Deposits - -BY · ACREEMENT.

First National Bank, _ Mq,quoketa, Iowa.


Deposits r-eceived upon the most -favor­able terms consistent with &afe a nd

conservative banking.

BOARD OF DlREC1JlORS. .J. E. 8Qcnu; . A. B. BoWEK, 1'lLl.'tt YoM Be •• wn. D.vln "'. 'ORT,

ClfU- vo:!' Be ... »!".


Geo .. -.:L . .... . . ' .

, , .'


Page 5: 1[( a ,!/IN? · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

eler alld Opl1clan,


.... . ,,', "~"'"'' ~'"u"'l'· ·,-,

I -.Inkl' m~d !-I ~el~ H~Sdo, .. ·t. l1:l\'{' 1,)\11'- ~ ,\rc: ell'} ilIHllal ;c:l lly ohj(!ct dow n t.":~:~~~;I~thC 1 etl)l \\ 1Il1,.,c! t.~lm .. two ;t,lltl<;oll cOl1nty. It's had (' lIC t· miles west of tlw:: CIty. ] '.11' il" to be judicially :.t.Ssocin.tcc\ wi

w i 11 not ~.hclll~('h·cs. engage .1.1 . 1111 ;L tl d Scott. eon ntics. D111mq lil}!~, hut,then' ~'lth~~r. Nlc!lo !as hl :-- \!lld.llw \\Pr'''-c ,dll,"rC d!f.~

-'-__ .e-- ~r " 1 \\'!tt I'm,l t.110 mrrn ror thell!. ' ".,.;,; and h is ally. the s:t.loOIJ. l'

;_~~ .. ~~';~l::::~~~ a.lul NICk BlSllorf, :~JllOllg onr j",)(!' ;t. No, thank yon!

)~')~"!TiO' N ~ .. ":;li. &a 1

~r;)'~ ,.~ 'I'~, <J ..J("

~ "JIE'".l'VS A.rtisi of the


:atlunal 'Series. them \>!th 10 centA in stamps PIJ:-tiollo D€:J)a:'t.m::ml. Inter rl'~! llx):-s inches !n siT-e. with 'I'he lmt.1":'C i3<'rics of Hi Portt· low CSttm3W f:125. No Aucb ~an CV{·~ :1g-.. 1n be ofIcte<i. :~ 't':c('1'·llt-n> r\nd C'lC 81111(10.1

I CCllt:; 1'0 ," ~:.l.Ch portfolio. !C::- thc '·xpl'r.:'I", of eccurin[( .... "-! '·Y:::::!:~:,;;~v~; . 1.0 l,laltl ) the distrU;uaon at "nmcn t I , hOlOb"I':lpha. .r no~ b~ re;ru1ar !'eatler!t"C! I of til("! partlculn;rn o[ this ur.·

:::':''''.1::) um:.iO'le oo;..k ~ wed .. lnc.o . lin.clt Portfolios can hlJ (;OUPON. By!;;" the

y obtahlc(!.

let' bUBtncs9 or rcqncs!.G wit!!. ~ In '-il1!t ,dep~rtment. St<t.1.e pOliO, c:c., t.o



II popul.\i: rUHt IH'ollllSllIg ,Young i " ! -;'.,he was a. pretty school m:l. ~ yet compl:ducd that no ~c!l()ol

-The National Brotherhood of BOil- l of 0\'01' olte yea.l'S expericllC'n \' .I .. ,':","," ami Iowf\. Ship Builders kpOWII" to hloLyc "regular COl

a vote of thank~ to CougrCg~mell 'Vlmt I would liko to know i:::. 1

for his efforls in hehalf of orgall- thusncss? Docs the s:~ho nl Ill: All worthy illter~sts :tll(l Iiey!: tbt the ,wemgc y(HIIl~ 1J

)spe,oi:l.IlV' those of the great hody of la.-! Yel's ,ro()(l P:"t.llcll.kcs to good ll1dD of the country 3.1way~ lind I Docs !:lha thi nk said young- mal

in our congresswan.-':'<":lin- appreciate n. goon thing when h A(1.vertiser. or does ehe fCI1!' the vocation ,

--Hon. Geo. F. Grecn died at his in Miles last Frida:,;~ morning.

n. member of the Jirst Iowa ;.J)g!.sh~t~"~C, from Ja.ckson county in 1846,

tho house in 1852 and of the

ii!i:~~II:~~t 1860. He was alwn.ys " citizen anti democrat. Mr. has been a farmer. ca.pita.list and dljitl6i' during his residence in

for over fifty-four years. He came territory in 188~, re,idet! on "

in Iowa township tintil1877, ,,,,hen removed to r.1iles. Since then he made a. bl1siue~· .... ~ l0a.ll~ aud ~ol'vcd

administrator of est...'ltes, and a "',,( of minor heir". He was 84

4 months and <J:l days old.

sncs impl'ints upon her an a! l' 0 which repels' rather· thnn attr. susceptihle hearts of the man? ourself I :-;ha.ll not attempt to the phenomena.. hut leaye th( rna. 'ams to work ont the prohlet the." JUay, knowing' tha.t in SOUl othel' it will be solYf'd if they quit t heir joh!'; to give thoir w hl to Its solution .

-Hcnl'Y Glider. a. Ilotori( brea.ker .. who h:'l.s cost. \V:l.! county. this sta.tC', a. gocHl de:-tl 0

anti trouhle in liquor c', " vCItell at the l'c\'i\' a l meetings I

man n. f01'tnight since, 'and til clay had a. bonfire, hill'ni llg billia.rd tahlcs aud ~aloon (\1

-Sena.tor Baldwin of is a a.mid mnch Imhlic ' tlemonst,rr

~~~:~~l~~: of the committee 011 "printing. piety a,net sancl"imoulollsnes!;, if he won't do srnnethlng to rid fa,ee of it it seemt:! lik r. :L good tl

statue bo:)1\: of the present uniust ll: 1!'l ~l n r-AI"t!!J' h~p~d ;, t ~! , h~~ ;:, . ~~i~~t~:oli~'::l~ l:tw which pretends to case of chauge of heart. .3ilt e ~~~~~:1';':;t ('of the c.onhty print- yo! The red devils may be

IJ supon-isors iu the hotto.n of it. It s inacks too r h!e~'.r"j counties, and which was llladc a. desi~l1.edly con '2ived a.l'l"an

. the bhlding d the publishers of pal'tv What I:'"ined he by s l1ch .;,. <I"l h·i Irg:l\IlS. locatcu. ai, the cuuuty scats, :wct I unna,tura.i a ct? w"'as he iikC:~: the

them 3.. monopoly QU tho ,couutv ~P'p-~wJ1(~ p~l'tl"+.;'~! ~:!; .~~':!::-~.~~ ,ri.,ti,o!!. Ur in other words it is u law places n.nn bCrOl~e th~ eyes of ~J

protect the stropg againstthe more Christhtll-liko w:ty ,i:011J enga.ged iu llewspap~r busineSli. been to destroy bis property 11"\0

8:\.y a.w-a.Y·Wit~Buch a legn.1 humbug, way a.nd he would IHl\'C fOUlar as :; law h is dlscriminatiug. 1,mjnst much f:,\,\Tor iu t he,'Hight <)f lhe ··~ nll~American. Hear us; we pra.y had newly l'CcogUl r.eIL \Ve glc~

Bro. ll"l<!win. the Keotu Eagle. ,

> ,

• • , , . ,,:, , . C .. .. ..

'. ., • '. 't:. ~

-' " " , ... ~~ __ •• :.;~~.~. ~_~~~~~'~.~.~ __ ~_~.c; .. ; __ ~_~~.r.~~~~·f':;·~.~,~~~~l~~.~~~~~

Page 6: 1[( a ,!/IN? · Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

public to ex­~k and com­WI th others. '''.:. rm

$, el1 , .. fJ

:'.: 1\ 'I ; .~ , ~8l/Jrll'~f- tl l!\i f~ t~ : ~ ~'" i r. ~ l'i~Jt\. ~

vare line.



-p~p.r rP.ll· -t nlf Ul uU LUll.




offers you

.. _ _ ~~ . ~ ''' y,,, ... ,, ........ . .. VI.J..I. u VlUK I:

.. . ... .. ,(, ' """ '. n. p. '''''1 r •. ' . • " W J( l t , I I T, det ermi nution or n cool hooded II

F. YO ~ SC II IIA IHm. c, vo~' Re I! It A 0 l-;Jt, blld Bueu 8omotbiop;' or the worl, be buried himsolf in that tOWD.

fl'bo In WYOfR thon got at 'r urne Dvposii,IJ I'ocoived u pon tbe most tav- spli t his oifel:Jding' up into

nra blo terms consiston t with snfe und ohargeli, 8UCU 118 breaking and (

- 0_-

conscrvnti V.) ban king. grand InroeDY, etc. He W RlI i.ndi arraigned on some t wsnty odd

- - t ions. Tho lar-yerfl wore .ttur t f MiJes I{eporter : Tho centr81 though t oourt IIPPOInted on attornoy to

i1l 0Ill" CODl UlU uity thjs week IIns bben the So WllB more interested in tun life fUll] death of our osteemed citizen, job off quickly than in aavit Ie h H on. Geo. F. Greeo, whoso releuse from pains an:i penalties. Turney Ctt'Hlt suffering Cllme last week F riday olean brest at hia orimea, b u t ru or::l.iorc. Since the year 1880 Mr. Groen through the torm at R separate has 1l0t. passQU 11 winter without mora or eaoh count . All hie trials OCOUI l ClE~R ilION)fi . Hifl severe attack ot poeu- thAD ono bour and DothiD~ that munin d u rin/.!' the yenr at 1880-81 did stolen wos shown to be at 80 litt much to im pair bis systClm und since De to l aTO bim from cOllviotion ot t,!.l cn h~ has brul mnny attncks from whieh in its tnklOg'. All legal delays weI i t WftS fenrod be would not recover. Lnst by his aco"mmodnt::;:}g attorJ wiutnr, lIud sti1l1ater in tho epring, he he was at onco sentenced to e

I ' \'tHoI vo ry fl ick ond WilE! cODsiuered beyond and [l. halt yent'a in t.he pemtentii reCO \'erYl h n t when t .he warm wenthe.r iniquities or bie trinl were vontill nnd brig ht sUllshine cijmo he wos again J roublesome newsP81'or maD, 8een Oll onr !-i t.reots <lnu tue cheorful case out sometbiD~ 0 a figure "good morning" waa Dllce more beard. 'politic,;-SD much at a figure \ Hin r,o t.llo approach of. fnmil iar , lawyer who betrayed T urney [urm has been miMed frolll ou r s treets. ·. tenteu latfIC for district judge Om I.(' mnd, good man WcHJ doomed to re~ oounty attornay, notwitbatandinJ mni n at home ancl ng- ll iu enduro tbe in- was tho nominee or the politic convonimlCe of disuilso. Du ring all obis largely in the mnjority both in tlickll OSS t.c WOfl not confbeu to b is bed trict and tbe couutr. ' ror any length or tim <'. His rallying Ohoster TtitD.~i 'had a. motl pO~'l~r wns wonllorlul. Ho snffered muoh, p'~w£ia'pa to'atono for l.J~"leot ot a 1J 1IL 1'1 10 (md wue pOlloerul. Ho well t to duty In PflSt want to work wit h Ii sleep t·o rest (rom pain. Measurod both Becure bis releaso, Sho sprelld hy yenrs and duty d OllO, he was ripe fo r wide the s tory of th'J inj ustice I t.lle d os-iog scene. To mourn over such son, She enlisted much eympa a triumphant deiltll sooms wrong, s ti ll 50m e ";\'Qrkor:3 iu his behalt. tllA lm;s o[ such n helper, counsellor nnd those who Radiated to procure rriend ns Mr. Groon cnuses deop regret dOD, which Was not il rnnted nn d mnkes us wish that sucb liTes oOl1ld much etfort nnd until the mot] bo extended in no unimpaired atate much sued n governor ot Iown tor libel b(lyono. the fonr Bcoro yoC\rs rlD d teo. By marks mBdE.' in connection with \ de~t.h or Mr. GreoD mnny in th is which she consid ered as roflectiJ commulli ty bave los t a personal friend personal obaracter, wece ex-Goug nnrt over ~ ..Q'ood causo It roady belper. No Gillette and wi re of Des Moines. t.rue cbanty ever Bu tTored (or waut of h is Tlleir interest in Torney cc nssietnnce. He ,vas kind, liberul nnd Ul.! - atter hiS! pardon. He became aD HelHsh. 'Most conspicuous amoDg bis of their home. He was the C80

~ rnit s woro ~tro? g' c~u victi ons, sonnd ' dIJiru ption ot the family . . Husbl Judgment" stnct mtog n t.y. n £l crnpllloUfI wIte parted aod divided their p Fl(l Il RQ of dnt.y, warm syropntb y. Ho hnd T be husband be(,,,'lme dissati&fi, nIl thl) nUribntps nccoss flry to n rtl1lltlcf)f:I tbo division ot the wen,lth, nnd mnnhood . Om town lEI proud ot Lmving suing for divorce and 31)000 f. hO(,ll tho h ome of such 11 cit izen ntH1 t ho Gon. Weaver, ~ormerll a part<tor atfd e o f his ndoption will honor his name. GilleUe, is interested tn the 088e

H ave yon poultry t o put on tho mark- ot his hatred for T urnoy., w~o

18 At; 80 crs. ~t 60 Ct;S. 1\t; 40. ct;s.

ot. If yOll bnvo and ore wise, yon will tr:om repo rts to have got 10 bIB ' t,nke it all to t,ho old rolinb le bntter nnd dIs patch s~ye that Weaver uee~ 1 cgv, Il l.'a it>rE', '1', 11.. Kin!! & Co., at t~o ro- On Mr.8. <:hllette, Bud w~en he di~ rr i.'rel'a~or , Itllll yon wlll get tho blghest lady lDVlt~d Cheste~ 'In~ey l~ market prico in spot CR-Rh. room to wltness the m torVlew. •

• • .\. • tlTIT b " \ elared that the general behavOl SIlYf, ,\IJ ex(. HlUgQ.. . n y uo . poop e liko Il ilontiemo.n whon a t.llird pili

h:UlQ' nrnullU lnrge Cltl l?S nud brill\( up present their c~i luren in nbj~ct p!>verty'? l<'urm · Obeeter Turney is less thnn 3( ere dfln t f: tnrve ; t.helr chIldren oro con- aIel and not 'smart. A pardoned I

IS HoelS. t~n t ed nod happy. The eoue ot rnrmors b b 8 b k tb d t' . 1\ \ hnve alWAYS rnled tho 0 n ro en op e urne! 10 rc

IIr(\ l (; men W .. Hl , or rn e- U\Oll'iJJl.rOroo·'''' C""'\' " ' . ,,-t;CT'. /I l , ,.""", i' ll'T\ ~ f:l""-" '.!:i~ h;!f';. ,. ,-.- •. . "r-.r ':"H( Ilt],
