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Vestas towers Engdraget 20

6800 Varde Denmark


Class II

Item-no. 0004-6602

Quality Specification

Steel plates Vestas wind turbines

VESTAS PROPRIETARY NOTICE: This document contains valuable confidential information of Vestas Wind Systems A/S. It is protected by copyright law as an unpublished work. Vestas reserves all patent, copyright, trade secret, and other proprietary rights to it. The information in this document may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed except if and to the extent rights are expressly granted by Vestas in writing and subject to applicable conditions. Vestas disclaims all warranties except as expressly granted by written agreement and is not responsible for unauthorized uses, for which it may pursue legal remedies against responsible parties.



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Steel plates for Vestas wind turbines

Date: October 2010

Issued by: SQ&D Class: II

Type: QS

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1 Preface ....................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Objective ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Definitions ................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.1 Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. 2 1.2.2 Supplier ...................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.3 The responsible organisation representative ............................................................................... 2 1.2.4 Towerdoc .................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.5 Primary Steel .............................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Use of standards ......................................................................................................................... 3 1.4 Control of deviations ................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Verification by Vestas ................................................................................................................. 3 2 General requirements to the quality system ................................................................................ 3 2.1 Quality Management System ...................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Supplier ...................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Personnel qualifications .............................................................................................................. 3 2.2.1 Responsibility for quality ............................................................................................................. 3 2.2.2 Quality inspectors ....................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Equipment .................................................................................................................................. 4 2.3.1 Verification and calibration – production equipment .................................................................... 4 3 Production preparation ................................................................................................................ 4 3.1 Contract and design review ......................................................................................................... 4 3.2 Manufacturing and inspection plan .............................................................................................. 4 3.3 Implementation of quality related activities in the manufacturing process .................................... 4 3.3.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 4 4 Quality activities during production .............................................................................................. 5 4.1 Inspection and testing during production ..................................................................................... 5 4.2 Material ....................................................................................................................................... 5 4.3 Corrosion protection .................................................................................................................... 5 4.4 Storage and transportation.......................................................................................................... 5 4.5 As- built documentation .............................................................................................................. 5 4.5.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 5 4.5.2 Inspection certificate ................................................................................................................... 5 5 Release ...................................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 6



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Steel plates for Vestas wind turbines

Date: October 2010

Issued by: SQ&D Class: II

Type: QS

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1 Preface

1.1 Objective

This Quality Specification has been prepared by Vestas Towers and describes the requirements to:

Quality assurance at the manufacturing of primary steel plates

The extent and form of the as-built documentation.

The submission of the as-built documentation to Vestas Towers.

1.2 Definitions

1.2.1 Abbreviations

1.2.2 Supplier

A company, which receives a purchase order from Vestas Towers on delivery of specific products. The company has the full responsibility for carrying out the required and necessary quality activi-ties within its own organisation as well as when work is sub-contracted. 1.2.3 The responsible organisation representative

The supplier or subcontractor shall point out a responsible, within the organisation responsible for each process, mentioned in this specification. The person shall have a well defined area of re-sponsibility, including planning, execution and documentation of the quality actions required. 1.2.4 Towerdoc

Vestas On-Line documentation database, used by the supplier to send as-built documentation to Vestas, via the Internet. 1.2.5 Primary Steel

Primary steel, base and intermediate flanges in embedment, shell plates and frames (doorframes, flanges, shell plates etc.).

QS: Quality Specification PQR: Production Qualification Report NDT: Non Destructive Testing CE: Community European FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis PDM: Product Data Management VT: Visual Testing MT: Magnetic Testing UT: Ultrasonic Testing TPS: Technical Purchase Specification CNC: Computer Numerical Control



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Steel plates for Vestas wind turbines

Date: October 2010

Issued by: SQ&D Class: II

Type: QS

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1.3 Use of standards

This QS incorporates various standards and other Vestas documents. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text. For undated references, it is the latest edition of the publication, to which a reference is made, that applies (including amendments). In case of conflict, between the standard and this specification Vestas Towers must be contacted for clarification agreement. A written deviation permit from Vestas Towers must be submitted.

1.4 Control of deviations

Deviations from Vestas drawings or specifications are not allowed unless Vestas has issued a de-viation permit. A deviation permit will be given in accordance with the line of direction given in QS 990530.

1.5 Verification by Vestas

Vestas performs various kinds of verification of steel plates (if applicable), for example audit on the manufacturing facilities quality management system, inspection during production, sample of steel plates and review of documentation, PPAP etc. The extent of the verification is decided by Vestas based on experience and priority. To ensure that Vestas is able to verify documents required by this specification, these shall be pre-pared in English. Documents required by this specification shall be kept by the supplier for at least ten years, and during this period it may be requested by Vestas without costs.

2 General requirements to the quality system

2.1 Quality Management System

2.1.1 Supplier

The supplier shall:

Have a quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001 (A quality assurance system in accordance with this specification does in no way release the supplier from the full responsibility for the supplied product.)

Ensure that requirements stated in this QS are fulfilled in its own organization.

Ensure that the product can be delivered with a valid CE marking.

Ensure that a PPAP is carried out for entire production process.

2.2 Personnel qualifications

2.2.1 Responsibility for quality

A person responsible for quality shall be appointed by the supplier. The responsible person shall:

Be trained in this specification and be familiar with Vestas requirements.

Ensure that all required quality related activities are carried out.

Have the authority to stop the work in the production, if necessary.

2.2.2 Quality inspectors



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Steel plates for Vestas wind turbines

Date: October 2010

Issued by: SQ&D Class: II

Type: QS

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The organisation representative responsible for inspection during the manufacturing processes en-sures that:

Inspectors are having a sufficient knowledge regarding examination procedure, acceptance criteria and reporting.

2.3 Equipment

2.3.1 Verification and calibration – production equipment

The responsible organisation representative ensures that:

The measuring and production equipment used during the manufacturing process are subjected to a documented system for calibration and verification, thus it is ensured that products will be manu-factured in accordance with the requirements laid down.

3 Production preparation

3.1 Contract and design review

The responsible organisation representative ensures that:

A review of all orders from Vestas is performed to ensure that all information necessary to carry out the work is available and understood prior to the commencement of the work.

Quality related activities, which shall be carried out during the manufacturing process for verifying the product characteristic, are identified and documented.

The registrations, which shall be documented during the manufacturing process, are identified.

Every time the production process is changing (even the equipments used) for any reason, perma-nently or temporarily, Vestas shall be informed.

3.2 Manufacturing and inspection plan

The responsible organisation representative shall ensure that a manufacturing and inspection plan is prepared, in order to provide an overview of manufacturing and inspection processes.

The manufacturing and inspection plan shall as a minimum contain the following information:


Applicable documents.

Material requirements (chemical and mechanical: tensile / impact properties).

Placement of samples.

Manufacturing (sequence, melting, hot working, heat treatment, destructive testing, machining).

Marking, packing and shipping.

Registrations (templates of the certificates and reports).

3.3 Implementation of quality related activities in the manufacturing process

3.3.1 General

The responsible organisation representative ensures that:

The quality related activities, which are identified during the contract and design review, are im-plemented in the manufacturing process, i.e.

How to execute the work.



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Steel plates for Vestas wind turbines

Date: October 2010

Issued by: SQ&D Class: II

Type: QS

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Which required verification of the product characteristics, shall be carried out.

Where in the process the verification shall be carried out.

The extent of the verification.

How to record the verification.

4 Quality activities during production

4.1 Inspection and testing during production

The responsible organisation representative ensures that:

All required quality related activities during manufacturing processes are performed.

4.2 Material

The responsible organisation representative ensures that:

A system for traceability of the material through the entire manufacturing process has been estab-lished

4.3 Corrosion protection

If the steel plates are delivered as primed, the priming must be performed in accordance with the Vestas requirements.

4.4 Storage and transportation

All steel plates shall be stacked in a way so they can be stored and transported without any dam-age. For sea transportation the transport service suppliers (shipping agents) shall ensure that the steel plates are sufficiently covered (e.g. plastic, tarpaulins etc.).

4.5 As- built documentation

4.5.1 General

The responsible organisation representative shall ensure that:

One set of as-built (manufacturing) documentation for each product is prepared in accordance with the line of direction given in 4.5.2 .

The manufacturing documentation is prepared in English.

4.5.2 Inspection certificate

All inspection certificates (material test reports) shall fulfill the certificates requirements from the TPS 900793.

The certificates must be uploaded to the Towerdoc.

The as-built documentation is converted to PDF format and uploaded via Towerdoc (http:/, before the delivery of the product.

Vestas towers will provide user name, password and further instruction.

If a steel mil also cut the components from the plates the certificates should be uploaded to the Towdoc in accordance with the rules in the QS 0004-6601



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Steel plates for Vestas wind turbines

Date: October 2010

Issued by: SQ&D Class: II

Type: QS

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5 Release

5.1 General

The responsible organisation representative shall ensure that:

A review is performed to ensure that the necessary as-built documentation is available and comply with Vestas’ requirements. RFD-1508-058


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