
Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Transcript courtesy of Keshe Foundation New Zealand (KfNZ)

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We have received in the past 24 hours major results from the research which we initiated in Africa

Man has got to the habit of seeing if something is destroyed, then it’s correct.

The amount of radioactive material which I’ve been given is so huge and I presumed such a step would be given by governments to eliminate me. I can carry huge amounts of it without any sign of it. This is what we say, we use our own technology

A lot will try to stick to their camels because they don’t know how to drive

We have released the first batch of the CO2 kits

With it, you have to sign, this is what we ask you. Sign the World Peace Treaty.

We have given you the essence and the basis for creating a new world order, according to new science

And we also have a little presentation from Erick

So, this becomes the extraction of gold from the environment, it’s one of its immediate applications because you fill up your ping pong balls with the gans of the material you want to attract

Lucian: So, Mr. Keshe, just a quick question before you go in another direction.

Infinity loop is a twinity. Twinity brings balance

Is it true, Mr. Keshe, that more and more people on planet Earth are starting to experience those transformations? Do you think, is that evolution occurring more rapidly?

This is exactly what you do in your dreams; maybe for the first time man can understand where the dream comes from

Question about the pineal gland, does the geometry of the brain set up in the equivalent free plasma gans state in the pineal gland?

Antahkarana is actually placed between the pituitary gland and pineal gland, and in the middle of these two glands like a dimensional position is your thalamus


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

We are born to die, to develop the structure of the soul of the man. Death is the attribute and the beauty of the creator, which gives for the recycling of the information and the spread of knowledge across the universe, and because he owns, he is the possessor of totality he is invincible, because he owns and he just converts.

So, now you thought you came in for a game to have a bit of free energy. We have brought you very, very slowly, without your knowing, into the world of the creation, where you understand the totality. But, we had to play the game.

Somebody has asked doctor Eliya if they can inject CO2 into your body. Please, do not do these stupid things.

You cut the tail of a lizard and then it grows it.

Thou shall not steal; so, once we put these new systems out, and you say ‘I want to live but I’ve got cancer’, but there is no cancer, it’s you who’s got to wish it to be there


Audio on and live stream now, and hopefully, we are broadcasting; OK, welcome everybody, let’s get a picture up there, here we go; let me give that to you again:

Welcome everybody to the 36th Knowledge Seekers’ Workshop of the Keshe Foundation, and today we have a number of things, we are going to be addressing questions from Knowledge Seekers and there’ll be some, some input as well from Erick, he’ll show us some of the things he’s been doing, we hope to show some videos of Vitor, and Mr. Keshe will be answering questions from various, various people from the audience here; and, it will be sort of a catch-up day, where we find out what’s going on at the Spaceship Institute, there’s a lot of changes happening, I understand, and so, we’ll switch over to Mr. Keshe now and find out what’s going on at the Spaceship Institute. Mr. Keshe, would you like to take over there?

MK: Good morning, good day, and I hope we have a fruitful learning session today; all of us, we can learn something new from each other. As has been planned today, we, I’ll try this week only to answer questions, and in answering questions, to teach. The plan, as we have is, as usual, I’ll try to explain as much as possible, and then Erick Claussen will show us his way of producing yellow material, what we call, it looks like a color of gold; so, we’ll call it ‘the yellow material’ until we have a confirmation.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

On the other hand, we try to explain new developments which are happening; we have received in the past 24 hours major results from the research which we initiated in Africa, and it was in a way supported by the documents which were released by Harvard University as they were present in the same presentation of the technology at the Presidential Palace. We have received a confirmation from the scientist in C’ert du Lion, that, as the government, I told them, or laboratory which is responsible for Ebola told them, that without any reason, that they cannot or they don’t see, or they do not confirm any results about Ebola.

The scientist, with the permission of the top people in the University decided to do a parallel test, because they say that Ebola, E. coli, AIDS, they are all the same strand and the same kind of work, so, with the meager resources they have, and with the support of the other groups of scientists, they initiated the test on E. coli, and parallel with Ebola, E. coli they call it, doctor Eliya is trying to explain to me, and the results have come out that they have seen between 95-98% total eradication of the virus, and what they’ve done, they’ve used the gans material for the, for the, what do you call it, the test, and after 30 minutes, they have seen total 95-98% elimination of the virus, and they have cultured it for further 24 hours to see that if it grows back, and it didn’t grow.

So, as the, at the scientific research, they say that the gans CO2 can 100% be used for eradication of E. coli, and at Ebola they are going to test, I was talking to doctor Eliya last night about it, and she said this happens in water contamination in the Third World nations and that’s a problem, and, so, in the very simple way, now in the, in C’ert du Lion, she is a major part of being head by E. coli, and they can start testing, we know now that the material in a simple way at no cost, can be used across the world, because you don’t eat it, you can add it to contaminated waters, and a few drops does the whole job.

Scientifically, we can explain it as we did with Fukushima. This process is exactly the same, because the gans is a plasmatic condition, so, as I explained in the, I think, Chinese teaching session, that the gans being plasmatic, creates an environment which, its fields bypass the borders of the new, what do you call it, amino acid which is attached to it, and in turn, in creating a field, it creates what we call magnetic fields shielding, but, the shielding because of the structure of the CO2 gans, being of the same material or of the same elements as the amino acid, it attaches itself to the amino acid, and in turn, does not disable the virus, it links up with all the magnetic fields of the virus, the energy which is floating out.

So, what happens, we can explain in detail about this progress, is that the magnetic field, which is the energy gravitational magnetic, virus has magrav strength, it doesn’t have ray strength; this is the difference. So, in having magnetic gravitational field strength, it blinks up with the gans of


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

CO2, which is plasma of magnetic gravitational field strength. So, the virus in linking up with the stronger, dynamic center, it cannot link up with any other cell in the human body or in the containment where it is. So, we do not, this is one of the problems that we think has happened in the laboratories in C’ert du Lion when they tested it. You see the Ebola, but you don’t see it being effective, because it does not grow, because it links up, and it closes the loop.

And this is where the difference comes from. In nature, you do not kill. In the universe, killing is a habit of the man, that’s why they are looking if they can destroy it. In the universe, we find balance, and this is a very good example of it. So, what happens, all the gravitational magnetic fields of the, let’s say if this is Ebola… what happens is that the Ebola virus, or any virus, links up its fields which are both magnetic and gravitational, so, in that process, it has nowhere else to link to. So, it still exists. Ebola, or any virus which links up to amino acid, it will still exist, we will see the existence, but it would not have the effect which has been expected by the virus. So, from today on, we can say with confidence, and as we saw it the first time in Fukushima, and the people who did not understand it, they, they came up with also some excuses; now, independently, through the, through the, yeah, yeah, it has a wireless connection, it’s got energy connection. So, in reality, any condition which has radiation or magnetic gravitational field characteristics can be made to a close loop.

Close loop is that, in a way, because plasma, as we always said, has a spectrum of gravitational magnetic fields, when enters in the environment of the virus, it links with it in any shape or form, because a virus has a specific, what do you call, let’s say, frequency; so, it matches into it because gans of CO2 has a spectrum from principle, magrav to matter and sub-matter, to human detection system, gravitational magnetic fields. So, the virus which can affect the human body has to have magnetic gravitational field strength equal or near enough to the magrav the amino acid of the human being. And when you put the CO2, which is already connected with the same magrav with the fat on top of the container, you have established the level, you have established the strength which you want to work on. So, now the amino acid which is on the top of the water which you create gans in, with the fat you see that’s your reference point.

You have a reference point with your CO2 attached to the amino acid on your water, and because the human body was processed and developed and created through the same process, the virus has attached itself to similar source. So, in the two sources which are in similar, they come so the magnetic fields which are chosen the strength of, attach to each other the same; as I explained, so, what you have, you have two amino acids, one is attached with, let’s say Ebola, and one is attached with the gans of CO2. So, when the two amino acids link up, the two fields which are, as what we call virus or a gans, match up too. So, you created a total close loop and bubble. Matter, where it is, in what strength you have absorbed or you have digested the, what we call the virus, or whatever, which is the same.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

It’s understanding the process; and this is what we saw in Fukushima. This confirmation now, independently by the University scientists, which was initiated by the chancellor himself because they did not accept the misinformation which was put in the circulation to them, it could not be acceptable because they did some tests before and they knew the result has to be correct, confirms that everything is parallel; in Fukushima, we did not see drop in alpha and beta, in the research development done independently by the Italian Nuclear center, we did not see drop in alpha and beta. But we saw in gamma radiation. And, in my letter to an explanation of the technology, in the paper with the Fukushima there is, I explained, that the gans, as dynamic plasma, interacts with fields and gravitational magnetic fields. And this reduces their effect; it does not destroy the source.

Man has got to the habit of seeing if something is destroyed, then it’s correct. In the universe, you accommodate, you facilitate. Until we move from this habit to have and habit to destroy, then the problem will stay. We see things, but we don’t understand, so we deny it. The test from the South University of C’ert du Lion by scientists, confirms the test results from Fukushima at the same time. Because, now, we have seen the same behavior in nuclear, and we’ve seen the same behavior in biology, or chemistry, or biochemistry.

This, this is a very important result because now, in the development of the space technology, medicine, this result has opened a new dimension for us. We were discussing in the different way with doctor Eliya, in the past week she’s been here, and trying to understand the emotional part, and plus the effect on the physical part, these results will allow us, since I received this result yesterday afternoon, I merely shared the information with the Knowledge Seekers here, what has been achieved, this changes the whole of the medical application of the Keshe Foundation.

The whole program changes, literally brings us back into being able to market it very much like the CO2 kit, for anyone at home to be able to help themselves in most of the problems of health. This, if you understand the implication and the application of this confirmation from the South University of C’ert du Lion, by the doctors and the professors there, this brings home a huge change, in allowing us to be able to release the technology on the medical basis that every man can help. The pharmaceuticals will literally become the providers of the systems than selling tablets.

So, in fact, what this means, we can link up with the material, the matter part, the physical part of the human body in a very simpler way, in a much, much simpler way, and, at the same time,


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

allow the body to work through the emotional part to help with any or most of the problems. This technology, at this moment, is not a solution to all diseases ‘till you understand how all diseases and illnesses come in. You have to realize how you can apply it, and how you can adapt it. It’s what I call ‘creating the condition’, creating the environment, creating the situation where you can bring or accommodate. It cannot be out of, just because you are used to seeing matters moving and if there is no matter.

A lot of laboratories around the world have to retrain their scientists, not to look for matter state into action, but to look for a total condition which is created, and this is going to be a huge change of mind. But, what we are going to do, we, I will speak later on today with the authorities and the people in that level, I knew of this result last week which was on the way to come to be confirmed now, that’s why I posted, Rick posted that paper from Harvard university because they wanted independent confirmation. We are independently confirmed by the most advanced university in the world. Pardon?

Yes, Marko asks if Rick can post that material about the gans which was posted with the Chinese paper, and at the same time, I sent the link to James in Hong Kong to go to the Chinese government, because, one of the biggest problems in India, and as doctor Eliya was telling me, and in Third World nations, is this E. coli. So now nations can protect themselves within matter of days from this, it can be sold as bottles, people can just add to the water. And make sure you drink, or at least you’ll have cleaner water, and with this process we open a new chapter in health internationally.

To us, maybe this is just a talk in the workshop, but the implication of it goes beyond the understanding of the people, even those who listen to this program. Because now, with a piece of copper, which is out of anything, you can make something to at least bring about control of some diseases which was unthinkable even ‘till last week. Or ‘till even this morning when we, the announcement has come in. The changes are huge: we are going to push with this across the world in how people can protect themselves, we’ll leave the technology open to all the nations to do, and everyone can produce the system and use it.

I have asked from the University to release the communiqué in conjunction with the Foundation this week, and, as we have a close relationship with the head of the universities and office of the president, we hope we’ll receive it, otherwise, we’ll send this to different universities around the world to reconfirm.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

What this means is that we released the man from the shackles of the virus. This is what we had no solution for. It is fundamentally a new opening, independently, by every man who can protect himself. The application and the implication of this test, and then what we showed in Fukushima confirms that there are easy ways to tackle diseases, illnesses. We will, I’m just working, on the past few days since doctor Eliya has been here, in a system where, literally like a kit, you can buy and adjust it according to the disease. I reckon these kits can run at market around 3-5000 dollars, or Euros.

You need a few days, few weeks to adapt it; you have cancer, you have, what do you call it, mental diseases, whatever you have, this brings, plus other developments, a new solution. This is what we say, a single integrate system for health, for space. The development, this development, this confirmation and in a way that the scientists in Africa did not believe their lies which were told by World Health Organization, and they tested them themselves independently; it confirms that we have to stay independent in our research. It has to be done; in this, we take it further because now we ask all the universities, all the scientific organizations, even the pharmaceuticals, to start testing because the CO2 is a natural product, it’s not tailor made, and it is a part of the structure of the amino acid of the human body; it has no side effect. It cannot create any side effect.

So, testing, availability of it has to be done by normal people; then they change the course of the pharmaceuticals. In a way, we do not become, we have not become the competition to pharmaceuticals, we add to the strength of them, to be able to help the human race. We will, I’m just looking at it, in effects few days, weeks, we will launch CO2 kits because it has to be done in a special way that you produce specific kind of protein that is matching to the human body. Do not touch any CO2, any, what do you call it, any gans except CO2 for cases of health, because you can cause a bigger problem. You have to understand the condition. Gans of copper can create problems; gans of aluminum can create problem. Gans of CO2 is off and the same as the human body structure. It’s totally different. In its energy, in its level, in its magnetic field, gravitational field strength, it’s parallel and similar to the amino acid.

As, if you recall, during the summer time, holidays, when the Knowledge seekers were not here, I announced that the frogs were dead and what happened with the frogs. That was part of the test prior; we delivered the material and the technology to Africa because we had to do a test here. We did a live test here, using the frogs to establish the correctness between different ganses, and, unfortunately, we touched the souls of three animals. I blessed their souls but they taught us a lot. And once we knew the result, immediately, the knowledge was transferred to the scientists in Africa which they were in the position of the Ebola.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

And then, what happened in relation through, Harvard University tried to cover it up, that it would have been washed under the carpet. And now it’s open. What we did, I explained to you the test, what happened while we lost the frogs. In trying to understand the process and working of the different ganses, I started adding on the daily basis, …thank you very much, my breakfast and our breakfast has just arrived; Italian coffee with a croissant. …So, what happened, we, I added CO2 on the regular basis in a large dosage to the water. The animals grew very strong, they were growing, and they became fast healthier; I have video of all this.

Then, my assumption that the copper oxide will be the danger part because of the heaviness, because of the strength of the gravitational magnetic field of the gans of copper oxide, this will affect the body of the animal, and I start introducing small dosages of copper oxide gans into the water container of the frogs, which were receiving the CO2. And within less than 2, 3 hours, the animals died, but what we received, what we saw as remnants, as a leftover of the body of the animals was more interesting; because, they all became green like a glowing ball around themselves. So, this gave me a lot of information, exactly about the confirmation and the work of the copper oxide, what we wanted, in what field even has created with the body, after it is been consumed by the animals, and strange enough because the container of the 3, 4 frogs in one container was next to the other one, thank you, which was not fed by copper oxide, the animals next door died too. So, the field expanded beyond one container to another.

That’s why in the past few weeks I keep on emphasizing ‘please, do not touch’; somebody asked ‘can we use copper oxide toward cancer?’, because of the magnetic gravitational field strength of the copper oxide gans, it absorbs all the energy; the animal does not die of suffocation; the animal becomes a part of the process of the field of the gans, and you just see, I’ve seen the evolution, I’ve watched the progress of the, it’s not breaking up but in becoming a new plasma. The material around and the sphere around the frog were spherically green, like a ball, which is very unusual. And they were near enough to the collar, so, the whole composite material changed from the energy of the body of the animal into the copper oxide gans magnetic gravitational field level. I think they put pictures of it, you can see it now. These are in the smaller container, and then we repositioned them back in a bigger container.

So, we knew about the results after, what should come from Africa, from the South University of C’ert du Lion, but I had to test it before I sent the material out or discussing the development, as long as we had the CO2, the animals were comfortable and they started growing, because what happened when the Knowledge Seekers were here when they were not fed on a regular basis. I start feeding them on a daily basis and the advantage with this was that, as you see on the left hand picture, more bubbles, more oxygen bubbles.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

So, the CO2 cleans up and allows the growth. We had a different kind of green growth. These were both done at the same time, the right hand side and the left hand side. We knew the progress, so this is one of the reasons, as I said to you, I gave you bad news, the week after, that the frogs had died, was because I too have been, before we could go for human test, I needed to have physical evidence that the assumption was correct scientifically. And, by adding copper-oxide, by absorbing the energy directly into one center, it, it literally took the life or the energy out of the animals. So, you have to match with match.

This teaches us a very important lesson, in a way. This goes back to people like doctor Eliya and people who are responsible for the health in the space. What is damaging to us is not necessarily as damaging to the other creatures of the universe. You have to find out in what gravitational magnetic field they exist, in what environment they operate through their existence. The copper-oxide is not as gravitational magnetic field is too strong for human body, but it could match the others.

In a way, when we applied the gans of CO2, when our friend Yukoko in Japan applied different kind of ganses to the material there, that was a clear indication that we reached the gravitational magnetic field of the gamma rays source, but we were too strong for the matter state of the alpha and beta. So, if you can produce a gans in the level of alpha and beta, then radiation, radiation damages are irrelevant anywhere in the universe.

If I can explain this, we looked at, as I said, just before we go online, with the test results for my poisoning, we see heavy nuclear materials in my body, by folds, by several times than normal, but I’m still trying and live a normal, active life, because I have produced systems for myself, that I oversaw the national governments will go for this kind of poisoning. So, I can carry huge amount of radioactive material in my body, where I close the circuit, but then you do the test, you see the material. The amount of, what is this?...

Strontium, zirconium…

Yes, because doctor Eliya has received a blood test report from a German laboratory used on the test. The amount of radioactive material which I’ve been given is so huge and I presumed such a step would be given by governments to eliminate me. I can carry huge amounts of it without any sign of it. This is what we say, we use our own technology. So, now we can open the doors, that any kind of contamination can be contained. Is it the loss? I have the microphone, it’s on my head, yeah. So, so, you, you, now we can open the doors for you to understand. Now, that’s why we explained, try to understand the totality. Till the


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

government realize what they’ve done and what they can do to help their subjects the, the man has the tool to protect himself.

I think with this technology we set the scene for the governments to follow the public, and this is what’s going to happen. It’s, doctor Eliya is reading the blood results which I’ve received. The, wait, wait. The, yeah, the copper is nearly 4 times. Strontium is about 40% high. We have, aluminium is about 3, 4 times more than. Then, we have silicone, which is given in the liquid form to me for a specific reason. Barium is about twice. Lead is more than 50%. Zirconium is over 5 times. No human body can withstand these kind of huge, this huge amount of radioactive material has been, and barium the same, it’s twice. So, it’s been systematic, we see, we know how it’s been done, they create the condition to help other poisons. Now we have a full lenses spectrum of what it is.

These are the, the residual of radioactive materials, of other materials creating radioactive condition, using the hair, the nail, and the, what do you call it, my moustache, my moustache, yeah. So, we understand how we can protect this, how it can be done. So, with a simple test we can open the doors, we can explain more in detail how you can protect yourself anywhere in the world. If you go somewhere, to, to an environment where E. cola could be a problem, which is normal, I was speaking with doctor Eliya yesterday, last night, when she said this is, this happens in the sexual behavior habit as well, with E. cola…

Eliya: E. coli.

MK: E. coli. So, the, the, now you have a solution, and you can do it yourself at home, in a space, because now you understand the principle. It’s not just creating a CO2, in understanding you need to create a condition. CO2 creates a condition. As you see on the screen, the little balls, these are the spheres, these are magnosphere of the gans of the CO2 or the others. So, this goes back into a lot of understanding in a lot of depth. This goes back in the Chinese lesson. We had a teaching. I asked the gentleman who is growing the agriculture side in China in a government institute, testing our CO2, is we see if we can develop plants which we can eat, which has this material, which is already connected to the amino-acid protein of the plants, so when we eat it, it’s already in tune with the what you call the amino-acid of the human body, and by eating these plants we can, we don’t need to create the CO2, we can receive it at the level which is already accepted by the, by the body.

This is very important. The course of human health from today is changed. Not because we would like to say. Now we have evidence from the universities, we saw the evidence in the


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Fukushima and everybody came out, there is something wrong with the figures or not. So, this changes that totally. There is something important, it’s that we cannot blame and we cannot go back and attack others for what they don’t understand, because what they are used to is not there, but the results are there and they cannot see. The doctors, we know this, I, in the report within the nuclear center of Belgium, I saw this a few years ago, I’ve seen the same kind of report with the Italian nuclear center, I know the same thing sits in the Iranian nuclear facilities. They detect, they see the material existing, but they don’t see the behavior of it.

What it means, when they do the biological tests, they see the Ebola is still there or E. coli is still there, but they don’t see having the effects, so they say because it’s there, so it still has the effect. Now the world of science has to start thinking in a new way. Existence does not confirm the behavior, because now we can change the behavior. We can create a condition that neutralizes the effect of what has been danger to man.

We do now, we will go into more depth, I have asked for the delivery of the two new detection units for the Center. We’ll have the, we have the confirmation, within the coming week. As you know, we carry 2 kinds of detectors here, one for high and one for low gravitational magnetic field detection, one we call 3-dimentional. In our tests we showed 129 Tesla, what do you call it, strength from the free plasma. People who were in the Institute tried to serve their existence and they said everything is wrong and they started creating doubts in the work of the Foundation that everything is wrong. We are so strong, we are so confident of our work, that what we did, we switched the remote, what do you call it, detectors off, we reset them, we still got the same results, as you saw, 84 Tesla, 129 Tesla and 72 Tesla.

Then they start creating and putting information out to discredit us, that there is something wrong with the detector. We are so confident that, as you’ve seen for the past week, 10 days, the detector was not shown. We packed, we sent the detectors back to the manufacturers, and, especially when I called them with doctor Eliya and Armen present, I don’t know if Marko was, they confirmed to us that there is nothing wrong with the detectors, they have tested them, it’s house cleaner…, they tested the detectors again in their own laboratory, they tested the program and they said “the detectors are 100% correct, the system is 100% correct, what you are detecting is correct and we can guarantee up to 14 Tesla with the detectors, but there is no more system to do, so as is correct in bellow 14, we are going to allow 5% in”… it’s the house keeper; the, the readings of our detector from the free plasma is confirmed, they have sent us an email that our reading is correct.

So, we have broken the taboo of a 100 Tesla, what they said to us, when you go to higher readings then the reading changes from linear to exponential, so you can read higher numbers,


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

but then you, we, in a way, we are setting data for the manufacturers now, they want us to transmit the information back to them that they can set up or have enough information to set the new two detectors which they are going to build for the Foundation. Because the world of science is not used to creating 80 Tesla, 40 Tesla, even 14 Tesla, which is the detectors confirmed, is capable of detecting, with less than 10-12 watts, then we are wrong, but in fact now we can say 100% the detectors are correct, the reading has been correct, and even we allow 10%, not normal 3-5%, even we, we allow 10% for error, we are still at 115 Tesla and we’ve broken the taboo of the, the system.

People say: “How is it possible?” It’s very simple. The plasma from 4 detectors which carry themselves plasmatic magnetic field of millions of the little plasmas of the CO2 are releasing continuously their energy internally, and then they are releasing that energy to find balance in respect to each other into the center of the system because they are close to each other. So, the free plasma has become a magnet for release of billions of the plasmas in the 4 cores. And, then, when you receive so much, according to the laws of nature in the universe, what you don’t need you share. Thou shalt not steal.

And what happens? The other reactors in the environment of the lab, or entities in front, in, in the environment of the lab, call upon the source to release, like a Sun, and that’s why we see the bursts. These bursts we saw at 100 and out Tesla, or any Tesla, which is going sometimes 10, 15, 20, 30, is what the environment asks from the source. So, we have created the source, we have created the Sun, and it releases itself, amount of it, when it’s called up on the rest to find balance. So, we now, we understand the process, we understand what we have created, what we’ve done, and, as I said today, the, what do you call it, the detectors should be back with us in the lab, coming back from the manufacturers, confirming that there is nothing wrong with the detectors, what we detected at 100 and out Tesla, or 50 Tesla, or whatever it is, it’s 100% correct.

So, this, I asked Armen and Marko yesterday: “do not release this”, so we announce it today, but because I know a lot of people are putting pressure, what happened, this all came because people do not understand the change of the course of the science and they still have to protect in what they were used to.

The technology of the plasma is different than anything we’ve known in the physics. Plasma technology, the way you are introduced to, is the way the universe works. We are going out of the village of the man on Earth. You cannot go into New York with a donkey and on the back of a camel. You cannot take into space with understanding of the matter, because the universe works on a plasma and how plasma exists and operates. A lot will try to


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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stick to their camels because they don’t know how to drive, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll survive the course, going down the road in a, in a highway, on a camel.

This is the change and now we are seeing it, step by step by step by step. We are coming into it, we are opening it up, we’ve seen the change of the plasma, we’ve seen the creation of the Tesla. I explain to you something very clear. Doctor Eliya is sitting next to me, she can confirm it to you. We’ve been put on the satellite radiation… God, this must be the gardener… So, we’ve been put on the heavy field radiation in Belgium, they bought the house next door to us and they cooked it, literally bombarded us with radiation, day and night. Then you go crazy. The house which was empty, supposed to be, we could hear 3 or 4 o’clock at night mobile phone ringing in it, because the agents were sitting next door, and they thought we don’t know. Don’t forget. Caroline lived in that house for nearly 30 years, we knew the house’s down, she was there from childhood, it was something we didn’t know, and the house was empty, and, strange enough, the house was getting cleaned up from the snow and everything regularly. Empty house doesn’t need a snow in front of it, we clean out the footpath.

When we came to Belgium, the same process, when we came to Italy, the same process in the past 6 weeks, by the time the Knowledge seekers came back, it started again. It’s all recorded with the police. So, what they did in conjunction with the materials which they put in my body, with their agents here inside the Foundation, they monitored and delivered a specific gravitational magnetic or, what do you call it, radiation fields to cook us up. That’s why we suddenly came up with the effects of the way it was happening to me.

In the past week we brought the defense technology in a space level into the house. Doctor Eliya can tell. Near us there is a highway, which we can hear very heavily. It means that the noise level is that we can detect it, we can hear it easily in the house. Now, we don’t even hear the motorway. The system is so powerful that I have created something like 50, 60 meter radius to cover the residential part of the, what do you call it, the area, that we do not receive any noise anymore. As doctor Eliya says: “I can’t even hear the woods cracking anymore.”

We are and we have opened the technology for our protection. They can eradiate whatever they like. Does not penetrate, does not come through. And, I don’t say it because we see it, we hear it, we don’t hear it 5 o’clock in the morning, the traffic from the highway was more or less sometimes deafening, especially when the traffic, the trucks start. Now, we don’t even hear it. We live literally in a peaceful, noiseless environment and with it the field radiation, which they put on the house with the material. So, as I was saying to Eliya, I haven’t slept for nearly 12 hours for years, now I can sleep peacefully.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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Defense technology in its absolute strength is used, now it’s getting applied in my house. And, we have extended, I have extended this week to the Foundation teaching the White House. We protect people who protect us and work with us. So, the military people who are interested to see the reactor to be able to jam satellites or create protection for buildings of the presidents, please come to us aside, we’ll show it how it works. You go outside and measure the noise and the radiation, and you come inside and measure the noise and the radiation.

Yesterday we were walking in the park in the, in the center here, and Eliya was saying: “Does it pass here because we start hearing the noise?” You literally can go through the barrier and the noise increases, because it covers a sphere of the building, it doesn’t, it’s not directional. These could be dream for the man and the science and space people that they could create such a thing. Now, we have created it. Total cost: a few hundred dollars.

I wanted it, they came, the specialists came here last, two weeks ago when they found about the poisoning of Caroline and me and they said they are using the tests, they said “are you using a frequency system that they are mixing”, so they did their job, they detected what it was used, and they came in quotation for 2900 Euros for a system to cover set and frequencies. I said: “Guys, you are too late, my system covered the whole amount because it’s less than 100 dollars, and it’s in operation.” And, they were so angry that they said: “We wasted so much time making, searching, finding.” I said: “It’s the security people, it’s your job to do, but I am not paying for it, because now I am more protected with my own system than yours.”

Extend this back to the same thing as CO2 and Ebola or E. coli. We created a shield that links up with the fields that are around it. There is no difference. Those from the military who want to open the channels of talk about satellites and protection and seeing if it works, Keshe Foundation has a donation line, pay the donation to the Foundation, that we can expand our research, and you can come here and see the performance. You literally feel it as you pass the circle as the sphere. It’s so bad that we live in a wooden house, so, doctor Eliya has said to me “before it was, you could the woods cracking, now there is no cracking as well”. She’s laughing her head off. Am I correct? Ha. Ha.

So, this is how it is. You can’t even hear the noises in the house. And, because it’s in the gravitational magnetic field of the environment, it doesn’t harm you. So, we’ve seen the application, we start opening and we start marketing the application. The Foundation is directly involved now in commercialization through very beautiful organization, we think we’ve come to an agreement in the development of the laboratory work; they have an international base


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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around the world in China. So, they become the arm of the production of the materials and systems for governments and companies and public.

The, there is something important I have to announce before I forget. That’s not my moustache, is it? Ha. Ha. No. That is the, we have released the first batch of the CO2 kits. They left yesterday. We are trying to catch up because the Italians failed to deliver what they promised that they do it, so now it’s getting done here at the Foundation, and the first kits left yesterday, something, I think 28 or 30 of them, it takes time too, because we had to reorganize, we were not planning to do it here, and another batch leaves today. Within next seven days, 10 days, we’ll complete all the orders. We are going by date backwards, which means the first order goes out first. So, the people who ordered on the 9th of, what do you call it, October, all those 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th of October orders have already left and are leaving this week and every time an order leaves that, not to say, to create the condition which is created by the, what do you call it, the Belgians in respect to the books, 24 hours before your shipment leaves you receive an email from the Keshe Foundation.

So, till you don’t receive that email, it means that you package has not left yet. In that email we give you a link to the forum ‘Peace treaty’ that you sign your peace treaty. It saves us doing a lot of work here. And, secondly, Marko and Armen have made and are making videos in how to use and how to connect and how to apply the package you receive. And, then, this is going this week on the forum, with a sheet. Marko has written a sheet about its work, how it’s going to be done, if you can’t see the video, you can read it, and you just go on the website, the link is there, it shows you what you have to do and the way you put the package together, and so, the system carries on. We, you, you can, if you have any problems, you can send to the Foundation. The new videos will be made for it to explain the problem, if you have a problem.

So, when you receive your kits, first of all, please be patient till you receive your email, after 24 hours from the time you receive your email, you have a track, what do you call it, what do you call it, air bill number, a tracking number on your email, somewhere in the bottom end, a tracking number is issued against the air bill number which has left the center. So, after 24 hours you can monitor where your package is, you cannot come back and say “It is not delivered, it is not there” or whatever. If you are outside EU you pay for your package, just because, we said, it’s on our list that the delivery to EU was covered by the Foundation. We have realized that the price of the shipping by UPS is higher than it was estimated, so yesterday we increased the shipping cost into the added amounts on the website and the forum and I said to the webmaster to do it.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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So, the change is coming, so the first kit, this was one of the biggest problems for governments and a lot of people, especially after the blockage, and the blocking we saw with the delivery of the energy system, and a lot of people said how “this is a crooked job, they are collecting some more money”. I have to say, most of and nearly all of, except maybe about 10, 12 people, anybody who paid for the generators have been refunded, or anybody who asked for a refund, they all have been refunded. So, we are not sitting on their stash of, as we were accused of stealing money. We told people, the ones who wanted a refund have been refunded, the ones who wanted to say, to wait till the power supplies are done, because they’ve seen the work of the Foundation, which is very few people left, we still have the, what do you call it, the deposit with the Foundation.

All the ones who wanted the refund, they’ve been refunded, we refunded about 90 or 100, 110 people out of the 140 people, maybe even less left now. So, when, we keep to our work and we keep to the way we are. If we were not blocked by the Belgians, too, for the development and the delivery of the energy system, we would have delivered it here, in Italy, we’ve seen the same kind of behavior, so now we can deliver much easier way of energy production system. So, if you bought the kits, within next 7 days, hopefully, you should receive an email from the Foundation that your kit has been delivered or it’s on its way and with the air bill number that you track yourself directly. You don’t need to come back to us: “I have not received it”. If you don’t receive it, you go back to UPS, and you ask: “Where is my package?”

With it, you have to sign, this is what we ask you. Sign the World Peace Treaty. Sign yourself to being part of the world peace, through behavior, through conduct, and through thinking. And, then go the link which Marko and Armen will create in the next few days, it will go to the Keshe Foundation team for correction, if there is anything to be done, and it will be loaded. By the time you receive your kit in the next 48 or 72 hours, we should be able to post the video, they made a very nice videos, they show you exactly how to load, how to put the package together and then if you have any more inquiries, come back to us. And, as of next week or so, next two weeks, hopefully, our colleagues in China will start the mass production and all the deliveries of the Keshe Foundation throughout the world will be done through Hong Kong or through mainland China.

We had to do it. We asked the Nations to do it, but they say the cost is so much expensive here in Europe or in Western World that it cannot be met. Now, what we’ve done is that we produce in China, and according to the Nations, the, what is sold in each nation will contribute to the Keshe Foundation for development of their, what do you call it, their programs. So, we centralize the production.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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There are new systems which will be delivered. There is one of them that is called as a… What would you like to call it? The Pad. Yeah, Pain Relief Pad, which we use in Foundation, it’s been used for some times. This pad is for any kind of pain, it creates a balance magnetic gravitational field around the body, so if you have pains and, what do you call it, muscle pain and damage, or any kind of pain with the structure of the tissues, it has shown proven for past 10 years and it’s here with us to work. So, in the coming weeks we will release this.

Pardon? It’s OK now. So, we release a new material, new packages, new, what do you call, kits. There’ll be a new kit in the coming weeks, once we sort out the leakage problem. There is a leakage problem with the new rechargeable batteries, what we call, you can use a gans material to charge and create energy. That leakage problem is due to the characteristics of the nano-material, nothing to do with the production. We have to find a loophole or at least a process to be able to, to stop this leakage. Our Japanese colleagues in Tokyo, which are working with us, they, they’ve had a problem, now we are trying to sort it out between us and finding a solution in Japan and in, hopefully, by the production in China, we should be able to solve this problem.

It comes from natural structure of the gans material wires, it’s breathing, it’s a plasma, it expands and contracts according to its environment, doesn’t matter if you glue it or you, what do you call it, hot glue it. After a while there is seepage and then you lose your gans or you lose the water which leads to dryness of all concentration of the gans. Our colleagues in Tokyo have seen this and now we are trying to sort it out because it will be commercialized for the Japanese energy system in the coming weeks.

The process is very simple. What we, once we reach this we understand what it is and how it is. So, you understand, we have given you the essence and the basis for creating a new world order, according to new science. You create, the order is very simple. If you are, I was explaining this to the Knowledge seekers yesterday and those who’ve been on the live stream have seen it, yesterday was very funny. We suddenly, we had this system hanging with the same steel rope for past months, weeks, and the same rope, steel rope was hanging and holding the energy system for past year, and suddenly, yesterday, if you were on live stream, you saw that the, the reactors literally dropping off, falling off their frame, and the same, same cable, the same place it snapped within two hours twice, and with the, yesterday, now it’s OK. Yesterday it did twice. If you were on live stream you saw that literally the whole structure collapsing, falling off.

And I said to the Knowledge seekers: “You have to understand what is the demand of the free plasma inside the system”. There is something wrong which the free plasma cannot accept, because you create the soul, you create the condition. We have created the position that is not


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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acceptable. It’s our job to find the problem. And I looked at it. There was the difference, two differences between the old and the new. We have a metal sheet, aluminum sheet at the bottom of the frame, and secondly, we have moved in the environment where the plasma, the frame is on its own.

So, what we did, we brought a twinity to it. We brought a small plasma and we put it nearly on the same level, and we don’t see the problem. The problem is eradicated, but we’ve made some adjustments to it as well. You look at the totality. Between the small reactor, you don’t see this, just on the back of your videos, because we still live, on live stream, if you look on the live stream, you don’t see it, but just off camera, there is a reactor running, a twin reactor we put up, it’s aluminum, CO2, we put it at the same height, now as the free and plasma and some sort, we see balance, but we have put a string around the whole system as well to hold it, that we can control it, we do not see the lift or reduction in the weight. But, this we can sort out today, when we receive the detector back from the manufacturers, because then we can see where the plasma’s moved and find out the condition of it and somehow be able to sort the position.

The teaching of the technology is according to what we would like to see and no more. If you create the condition and the position, we will see the restrictions and what we need to get from it. In the coming weeks, now, we will see a new type of reactors, a new, totally new concept in plasma technology. I hope by the time Armen comes back we’ll receive the pieces which he has manufactured in the United States and arrive here in Italy, hopefully, today. You will see a totally new type of, away from what you have seen up to now, and if he can assemble it before holidays, we can run it.

Then you will see the operation of very much a molecule and very much like a star system within a star system. We, the, we have, we hopefully should have the capability to deliver this with the new reactor which is arriving from States with the Armen’s development. This will give us a very much, a new insight compact unit, and we are still running the old gans units. The old gans units are still running. We still feed them. I, we, we gave them today, we fed them with nitrogen and helium and hydrogen. We still keep it going, because if we do not see changes here on the, on the frame with the new room we have given to the gans materials, we transfer the system back to the old lab, where it was receiving and it was meeting the demand, because there were another 8 reactors in that room and they were active.

Our system had a purpose, to look after them or to feed them, and here in the new room we put it, it’s on its own, there is no demand, so it does not need to give, or it does not need to create the condition. Once we receive the detectors we see and we explain. You’ve got to go back to one thing with all these teachings we do. First of all, you create environment, you create


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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condition. And, secondly, the condition has to be just and correct. You cannot force it. As the controller, you can create a just condition or you can use the condition you create to achieve justice, or equal, or balance. Depends what word do you need, to just, to, to explain what you are doing. We do the same thing with Ebola, we do the same thing with CO2, we do the same thing with our reactors, we do the same thing with operation of the energy production. Now, any questions? I’ve been talking to myself again.

Rick: Um, thank you, Mr. Keshe, that was great. OK, so, we have a host of questions, and we also have a little presentation from Erick, as well. Would you like to hear from Erick now or just move in to some other questions?

Let’s listen from Erick.

With Erick first.

OK, Erick, are you ready for me to read your little presentation, that you, that you wrote out for me?

Yes, Rick. Hello and good morning, hello, everybody. Yes, here, you go ahead.

OK, so, I’m reading what Erick has written, because his, he thinks his speaking of English is not that good. I think that he’s improving a lot from working with us, actually. And, in any case, here’s what he would like me to read. So, it starts out: “From deep within my heart, it’s my biggest wish to help to open this technology for peace, equality, dignity, and prosperity of mankind. In reality, I seek not gold, I am seeking knowledge, and if this knowledge leads me to make the gold, then this knowledge will be teaching me how I can control the matter and the way and how it acts, and that is more worth than gold for humanity. This is the result of learning from some of the theory and teaching that Mr. Keshe has given us. It is a way of producing gans. This gans has the color of gold.”

Let me, excuse me, just a second, I’ll get up a picture that a, that Erick has shown here, the first picture. “And, this gans has the color of gold, no metallic color. Laboratory testing will inform us what is inside it. Still, I don’t have those results. Whatever the results are, no matter if it’s gold or not, the important thing is that this technology opens up a way to manipulate matter and create


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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materials in an easy and efficient way. The materials you see have been produced in a small reactor that I will show to you. The materials in this reactor, from the beginning, are the same and have not been changed and they have apparently retained their own weight and shape. Only I have added some distilled water and salt. Therefore, the gans you see has to be formed directly from the energy of the plasma.”

OK, we go on to the description of the reactor. It’s a container with a round shape, 10 cm diameter, 1 cm high, polystyrene, high thermoformed. There’s two magnets. It’s not clear where the magnets are shown in this particular diagram. Two magnets neodymium, 5 mm diameter, one in the form of a ring, two in cylindrical. Copper wire, uncoated, and distilled water and salt. And, that’s the end of Erick’s, what he wanted me to read. So, Erick, perhaps you can fill us in a little more with that, or maybe you’d like Mr. Keshe to talk about it, whatever, whatever you prefer right now.

OK, thank you very much, Rick. I prefer to show the video with, my video with the reactor from, what you said, my work.


I didn’t get that on live stream. Yes, go ahead.

Is it there? Do you see the video?

Uh, not yet.


Yes, that’s coming through.

OK, thank you, again. First, I want to show you the reactor. It’s a very, very calm reactor. Do you see good? The reactor has one, this is the reactor, has one piece of magnet and another neodymium. This is, in fact, just gold, gold, gold neodymium from factory, very clear, magnet, and inside is the copper wire, nano-coated. The wire, copper wire is together with the magnet. I have put at first a peace of gold here, in the end. I think it, it doesn’t work. What works here is this magnet on the copper wire, nano-coated, if you can see. Here is the, here is another magnet, out from the plastic. This plastic is polystyrene, between the, between the, between is the plastic, here is one magnet, cylindrical, cylindrical magnet inside the another piece of magnet, neodymium. You can see. Inside is the gans, it has this gold color. It’s heavy, I think, heavy metal, or it looks like metal.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

OK. Here I have one example how is built the reactor, the, the small magnet, copper wire, and the copper wire, nano-coated, this is between the caustic of plastic, I added the water and salt. And the gans comes, comes out. Here is the gans, the gold gans. I have three times dried, washed it with the, with the water, with the steaming water, after I have with the iron drying. Here I have a little bit without drying. You can see. Here, a little bit, the fat that comes from this process, too.

You can make different materials from, with this process, different materials. Only you have to, to change the cake, huh. You have to change the recipe. You can add it more energy, plasmatic energy. You can bring other materials inside, or you can change a little bit the materials, or you can bring another, another material. I think this is a very good process to make different and heavy gans. Excuse me for my not good English. Only I ask Mr. Keshe that if he can, please explain in scientific way what has happened in this process for you. So, thank you very much, I hope it will help all the people.

Rick: Thank you very much, Erick, I think that was an excellent presentation. I think your English was better than most of the English folks that I know. So, you did good.

MK: You, I think we’ve got to understand that Erick is collaborating with the Spanish-speaking workshop, for translation, and I think he’ll be more active in that line, because he has a good grasp of both sides in translation. I have spoken on a couple of occasion with, with Erick, a lot of people go through a stress, it’s nothing that he can’t go that way.

So, the, what you call, production of this material, we are trying to organize to be shipped to China for the Chinese scientists of the Keshe Foundation support group there. They have access to systems to, what do you call, test the material to what it is, in gamma ray spectroscopy and other materials. The process is very simple. The whole configuration is that loop you have seen on the field, on the center. The 8th loop copper, nano-coated material creates a close, what do you call, twinity, and then with diverting or connecting the wire into the magnet, it brings in the balance field which is needed in the matter state.

The wire is twisted around the copper wire in the 8th loop, so the energy transfer is only equal to copper-oxide, but at the same time it releases a different color of copper, but it creates a condition to look and behave like gold color, the yellow color. This material, it looks like very much pure copper in different nano-state, but it most probably behaves in a metal state near to copper, and possibility of factor by infinity energy of gold or heavy metal in that color rate. This, we have to test this for its gravitational magnetic field, its spectrum, and not by the color and


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

physical look. It’s initially, when we looked at it, it looks like gold, it has a color of gold, but the more detailed look, it gives the interaction and the field of pure copper gans, pure copper gans. This is not a nano copper-oxide. In this process the oxidization through the infinity loop is taken out in the liquid, in the water.

So, what I think this is, even though it looks like gold material, but this is to me, from what I understand, I can be 100% wrong, it is a pure copper with oxidization. But, it could carry behavior of gold, because, as you know, gold has different colors, we see different shade of this material. It depends on the content of the material which is inside. So, I am trying to organize the shipping of this material to, to China for our people there to see what it is and how it is. It’s going to take a few days with a lot of things which are happening around us. But, we’ll see what it is and we’ll see on the behavior. We cannot rely anymore on a chemical testing.

All these new materials have to be tested through the gravitational magnetic field of it. We have to develop new testing systems. We were talking about it yesterday here. We are going to use Eliya for testing. Ha. Ha. She is shaking her head, says: “Please, please, don’t talk”. But, we have found, in a way, I can see a measuring tool for ganses, but we are going to release it once, once we are 100% sure it’s correct to be done, because as a gans you have to measure 6 parameters, not 2. You have to measure gravitational magnetic fields, both of them, the magnetical and gravitational, both in 3-dimension, which means you have to measure the gravity in X, Y and Z, and you have to measure on the boundary of the gans gravitational magnetic field, in 3-dimension, and most probably, in 2 different locations. It’s, it’s very simple, but complicated, which means we have to put detectors in a small container and measure it in 4 locations, with the 3 X, Y and Z detectors, will give a good idea.

That’s one of the reasons I asked yesterday for 2 new sets of the system by the manufacturers. Now we have to set up a standard in how we measure things in, in different directions. But, to my opinion, I could be 100% wrong, I looked at this even last night, what we see here, because there could be condition to create what we call gold-looking, but this is copper in its pure, absolute pure, nano-gans structure. In the other cases when you use copper with copper, we see copper, um, CO2 gans. Here, because the copper wire plus gold link can be done. releases that or is a combination of the two.

We’ll see when it comes out, but my opinion is it could be pure copper, or if you leave a gold string in there, you create a condition, gravitational magnetic field of the heavier element to be dictated to be the gold. Do we absorb anything from the environment? Possibly, yes, because, we have to see or ask a question from Erik “do you see any copper or the nano-material disappearing from the infinity ring? Or is infinity ring still black, black?”


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Well, I don’t understand infinity ring.

The ring that you made like an eight, the figure eight, we call it the infinity ring because it’s a loop.

Aha, OK; in moment, this is a system that’s been going more than two months, only the material is black, I don’t see, it glues to material, the same material.

The same material.

Yeah, the same weight. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I took out the gans and put more water atoms and it comes out, and again, and again, and again.

Yeah, but don’t forget, when you nano-coat the copper wire, you create hundreds of thousands of layers; it’s not just one layer.

Yes, I know.

So, you release, it’ll take you weeks before, before you come to the copper surface, because you release, you release a speck to the size of a ping pong ball. So you see, that’ll be the position; so, it’s interesting to see if the material, the infinity ring changes its color or, because it took us weeks, months, before the copper plates lose their copper, and we keep on collecting the copper oxide; long time.

So, this is a very short time and you could be releasing the copper oxide in the pure form; what you are doing in reality with putting the two magnets on the side, you are creating very much like what we call homeopathy in magnetizing the oxygen. So, the oxygen is not attaching itself to the copper. So, what are you getting is you are creating non-oxygenated copper, because with the plates up to now what we’ve done, the instant the copper is released from its nano-state to gans state, it interacts with oxygen in the water and becomes copper oxide. And you get the blue or greenish, bluish material.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

In your case, with putting magnet in there, because oxygen is magnetic material in the environment, with the infinity loop, you balance the oxygen out, so what you are getting is pure nano-copper. And that’s why we see this color, I think, because I was analyzing this last night and yesterday afternoon, trying to understand the condition. And I think what you introduced and gamma spectroscopy will show us is most probably pure copper coming from the nano-state into the gans state.

It’s a breakthrough, it’s a major understanding in what you achieved, so, what you need to do, let’s say, if you can nano-coat nickel piece making the infinity loop connected in the same way even with the gold string which you attached in one corner, we see if we get still yellow material. Then, we can confirm it’s structure which allude that the color of it is yellow gold. But I’m sure if we do, maybe I’m 100% wrong, if you nano-coat nickel or aluminum wire, making the infinity loop, go through the same process, try to use the same wire connecting the infinity loop to the magnet which will release gravitational magnetic field, I’m going to say in nickel or aluminum, you should get nano, pure nano material of the material which you nano-coated. This placing of the magnet creates that condition.

OK, I want to ask you, Mr. Keshe, what about the interaction with the heavy metals that are inside the magnets?

Those are, they don’t interfere, they are too strong to interfere with oxygen; they go above it.


It might, it might be interesting to note that the neodymium magnets usually have nickel coating on them, and nickel plating. Pure nickel is close to chromium or something.

These magnets are gold plated, not nickel plated.

Oh, you have gold plated ones, oh, I got it, OK, I wasn’t clear on that, thank you for clarifying that.

Magnets are gold plated.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

I see.

The magnet that is inside the water is gold plated.

Aha, so they have thin gold plating but it’s still nickel underneath the gold, nickel plated first.

You can buy them gold plated, yeah?


I didn’t know that.


Let’s see what it is, let’s see the condition. So you have a gold plate inside the disk inside the water?

Yes, I showed you with camera.

Yeah, let’s get the instant; we’ll get the instant replay on that one.

OK. Ah, yeah. OK. One moment; OK, Rick, here it is. It’s on the light. Yeah, it’s the gold, gold plated magnet.

Yeah; and where did you get those magnets, where were they obtained at?

I cannot remember the name, Rick, I can put the link later. Pardon? I bought that in Spain; here, in Deutschland, in Germany, that is the same firma, the same enterprise here.

I know they are available in the US from place called K&J Magnetics, they have gold plated magnets.

We’ll be able to purchase it ourselves.

I can give you later the link where I have bought it.

I’ll make sure it gets to Mr. Keshe and we’ll see if he can get some of those if he wants them.

I’ll make it with pleasure.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, Mr. Keshe. Please go ahead. Please go ahead with the explanation.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

MK: Aha, no problem; no, it’s just that what we see and what’s got to be tested. I’m trying to organize the material to be shipped for testing on gamma spectroscopy, and it should be done this week, hopefully, or early next week for you. And we see what we receive, if it is, because now with what you showed, you put the gold with the copper.


Do you see any change in the gold layering of your magnet?

No, not the, not the big change; little, but the, little bit black, but the gold is there.

No, no, no, what do you mean by ‘little bit black’?

The color from the gold magnet becomes a little bit black; it changes a little bit of color, you can still see the color from the gold.

But can you show us, can we see the one you are talking about you, still see the color of the gold, please? Can you detach that magnet that we can see it?

OK, wait a minute, please; I’ll try to do it. I didn’t do that.

Can we see the magnet?

Yeah, I’m trying to...

OK; you’ve got to wait ‘till we receive the picture, we are a couple of seconds behind you.

Yeah. Here is the magnet; here you can see the gold.

No, I want to see, so, it’s not the gold which is blackish now.

Perhaps with the camera you cannot see but the gold is there.

Yes, but it’s not as yellow as before, it’s blackish gold.

Blackish gold; it has spots with gold; in other places is not full gold.

MK: I think what you are doing, yeah, yeah, it’s a magnet which has got the gold coat on it, and what is happening is doing exactly the reverse of the copper. He is most probably atomically releasing the gold from the coating, and it changes it to a gans. In a way, he has a nano-coated gold plate; he has created the condition of, without temperature of caustic, to do what we do with caustic. It’s a new process of understanding of nano, no, of producing gans of gold. He is not creating environment of gold, to create or absorb gold as we do with CO2, he is doing


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

exactly what we do with copper plates; because when we do the copper plates in the container, we see after the while that there is no more coating because it all becomes gans, then we come from nano, separate it so, we go back and recoat the plates, yeah?

So, what he’s doing here is creating the condition that looks like it, that it creates gravitational magnetic field between the copper infinity and the gold that gold plates of matter is becoming nano and then becoming gans automatically and that’s what is collecting, most probably it shows us gold, but this is producing gans of gold, but not absorbing gold. It’s not from the environment; it’s from what is, the gold which is on the magnet now we see it in the liquid, most probably. If it’s not copper, copper oxide...

Could there be gold in the salt water that might precipitate out, perhaps?

No, no, now I see, I didn’t understand this when I spoke with him, and that’s why I assumed that the material would be copper. But now, explaining it, don’t forget, when you make the coating or when you plate, gold plate these things, because he showed me a gold string before, now I see his magnet is there. Yeah, so, I will do this test here, we’ll try to get this magnet, what do you call it, gold plated magnet, the reason it’s going black now you are seeing the, what do you call it, the material of the magnet, that’s why it’s black. Checking the plate now, and you change it into gans.

I had one neodymium magnet that I added in some vinegar, and the vinegar actually destroyed the coating, the nickel coating right off the magnet and tore right in to the neodymium and dissolved the magnet and I ended up with this brown gans like material out of that experiment.

Yeah, I’ve shown, I have shown to the Knowledge seekers some of the magnets we use for medical application for certain diseases when the system comes back and I open up, then, the magnets used for the process that literally comes back in powder sometimes, because the disease which is used for, affects the condition of the magnetic field which is holding it. Because, when the patient touches the container, transfers the energy; they don’t understand the process. But because the volunteers hold the cup to drink from, or breathe from, they become like the wire in the hand of Erick, so they connect and then when we open the systems, we see the magnets we use were holding, they are sometimes in the, there is one there, if you can bring it on the wall, I’ll show it to you; on the frame wall, I can show it, we can go live and I can show you what happens. Diseases carry the same kind of plasmatic... Pardon?


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Sorry; I have a quick question for Erick.

Yes, please.

The gold plated magnet is also attached to two pieces of gold, is that right?


Is it inside the container, it’s inside a liquid.

Yeah, I’ll show it right now.

Right, that’s actually gold, is that what you’re holding?

Erick, are they black at all?

No, they are...

Are the two pieces at their end? Are they black at all? I don’t see any black piece on it.

This is 18 karats gold, with small pieces in 18 karats gold, in moment, they look like red. I’m sure of that, they are 18 karats gold. In moment, they have changed the color.

It could be pulling out the gold from there and leaving the copper behind, which would be more reddish perhaps. Do you see the copper part of the karat of the gold that shows that color; it’s interesting.

Yeah. The color from the gold is changed in totality to red, red. It is 18 karats gold, I know that. Not cheap, this is 18 karats.

It was a piece of jewelry and it would be solid, not plated, right? Not filled, gold filled but actually solid gold. Is that correct?

Pardon, Rick, I didn’t understand.

With those little pieces that you are pointing at with the toothpick, yeah, would they be solid gold, they are not gold plate or gold fillers?

I have solid gold, 18 karats.

18 karats, OK, thank you.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

So, the magnets…

What you are doing is, yeah, because if it can put the camera on, I show you when we receive the systems back from volunteers, we opened it to analyze the effect of the disease. And sometimes, are we live on the camera? I don’t know if you can see it, these are magnets which we opened from the system we used for development of the health system and, can you see it, are we live or not? You see it on our side; aha, OK; I’ll try to show it to you if you can see, these are magnets which are literally destroyed; if you look at this magnet, we get magnets which they come literally half missing. The whole magnet, for example, a lot of magnets come back like this, with literally pieces missing, when they’ve been in the confined environment of the system. No, but they can see it.

So, even with diseases we see the release of the field energy, what the body needs, into the condition. And you see it, I’ll try to show, ouch! This is, if we can come close enough, this used to be one piece of magnet and it just literally comes to pieces and it’s all, looks like rusted. They’ve never been in touch with any, what do you call it, moisture, to have these characteristic. So, we change, even human body condition can change the matter; it works very much as we say parathyroid glands.

You can create the condition that the matter changes and I do in the health section quite a lot that when body is short of, thanks very much, is short of, let’s say, copper or aluminum, or whatever, or short of certain materials, you can create, replicate the work of the, what do you call it, parathyroid gland. So, we interfere, we can interfere with the product, don’t touch it... This to me, as I said, it looks like he is atom, he is atomically, it’s another process without the use of caustic to create gans of gold or and the mixture of copper and gold.

Now I understand because when I had live sessions with Erick, I, he could not explain to me to understand that he was using gold in the magnet. And this gives the idea of understanding what it is but in that position, to me, magnet was put outside as a holding position but actually the magnet is gold plated. So, with that condition he creates the environment of releasing the gold without caustic, in directly, without going through nano-state into a gans.

Mr. Keshe, do any applications for that material come to mind immediately for you?

I bet.

Yeah, yeah, I know a lot of things you can do with this.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Can you just maybe hint or suggest a couple of things? If it is indeed, if it is indeed gans of gold, it should be a pretty interesting substance.

It is not ‘if’, let’s say it is, what you do, you come... This is what you do with CO2, this is what you do with copper oxide. You take the gans as it is in that state, now we see the process, we are going to repeat it here immediately, I think we can do it here, I really have enough gold around this, to do it, I hope, if it doesn’t show it, you take the gans of the gold, you fill out your ping pong balls with the gans of the gold, and if you can make star formation with the gans, you can literally create an environment in your reactor which matches, if you know how to control it which is easy to do, of attracting and balancing as one half of a twin star, as you’ve seen with Ebola, and just in with the Harvard University test you’ve seen, to attract ball.

So, this becomes the extraction of gold from the environment, it’s one of its immediate applications because you fill up your ping pong balls with the gans of the material you want to attract . You can actually produce magnetic waves like a positron of the gold and put it in the water and see how the other gold material comes to it; in the material in the plate. So, this is a way to make and show the behavior or extraction of gold from sea water. Or you can, in this condition, don’t use mercury to produce gans of gold, this gives a new direction and dimension into production of gold if you know how to do it.

You don’t need to melt the material, you extracted an atomic structure. Even from the soil, not from the air. This opens up, this is what we are going to teach later on, once you start producing the materials, you create, as I said all the time, for a long time, now maybe you can, now, to be done is, human knowledge has reached the point that you can make magnet for any material. Now that you can produce its atomic structure, and then you can create field of the plasma as free plasma of the gold in your system, so, would you like to have the Central Bank reserve gold which is sitting in the safes kilometers down in the walls that nobody can go in? Gold has no value; now this is a very, very effective way.

Maybe that’s why Erick Claussen was born, to show any soul that gold has no value. You cannot hide it anymore. With what you have shown, central banks have no security guarantee and they can never find the thief, because you can download it anywhere. This is a nightmare what you just showed in the past few minutes and you can support it. You don’t need to sit on the gold reserve, you can just pass Central bank of any country and one second they have and one second they don’t have because you extract molecularly, atomically, every single piece.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Very interesting; very, very interesting. Let us test it and we’ll show it because the only way you can do it is to extract the gans, what you can do, you don’t need gamma spectroscopy, Erick; try to, don’t dry the gans you have because once you dry it you enter the matter state near. Try to use the liquid gans, put it in the ping pong ball, attach it to a small motor, and put it in a bottle of water or whatever, and put another container nearby with the gans and see if you can extract it, if you can pull it. Yes, any of those, yeah.

So, I’ll try to do this test here and if you can do even, this, this is what we ran back and we go back and repeat it again, human knowledge has got to the level that you do not need to produce magnets only for iron; now, you can produce magnet for any material by creating the plasmatic magnetic field of it. In fact, what you do, you create magnetic field of one atom of gold and because yours is dynamically free, it will attract everything to itself.

So, it is a very, very interesting development and as I always say, we are all born to serve a purpose, maybe you have served your purpose with this, to show that the gold has no value and coming from a Spanish man, it’s significant, because gold has been gold has been a part of your culture for centuries. Yes, very interesting and I congratulate you; if you achieved this, you achieved a marvelous step.

Thank you very much, sir.

You are welcome; I think a lot of people around the world who watch this, try to do it yourself; follow the steps which Erick has shown you, we’ll try to do it immediately here and then we’ll try to show the power of it, that how you can make magnets for gold. So, central banks are in total evaporation of their value.

Lucian: So, Mr. Keshe, just a quick question before you go in another direction.

Aha! Hi, Lucian, I was waiting for you to come out of the woodwork.

Yes, I had some history, but now... I didn’t understand...


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Have you informed CNN yet, before you come online?

No, no, not yet. So, what I didn’t understand is that wire that is connecting the double loop of copper nano-coated wire, is going to the magnet. So, I’m assuming that it’s touching the magnet, it’s in physical contact.

Yes, it’s connected to the magnet outside.

So, what will be the...

There is one side outside.

Right. So, just a physical contact and probably being gold, which is the non-magnetic material, will not be able to, how to say... So, you are trying to say that field strength of the magnet will be using that wire like a guide way into the loop, nano-coated.


To put energy or to remove energy? In which way?

MK: To put energy, to detach the atomic structure of the gold from the, from the magnet or the gold which is inside. Don’t forget, this is what we do in caustic, we add energy through the heat of caustic, to separate, to free the molecules to atomic that become nano-material coated, and then we put it in a salt condition that it brings the balance, magnetic field that becomes the gans. With this process, maybe, you see that he showed it to you, now you can see; you see, he shows you the evaporators.

But the question would be, the gravitational magnetic field of copper oxide probably should be greater than gold to be able to achieve what you said, I’m assuming...

No, no, you take what you need; I think if you change the magnet inside to silver coated magnet, you will re-silver from it. This is the beauty of the plasma. And secondly, the wire brings it to the matter level; that wire he’s using is not nano-coated, it’s an ordinary wire; so now you have converted the fields from the infinity loop into the electron fields as a matter level. It’s a very tricky situation; it’s a very tricky situation he’s created. He transfers enough energy from the loop as plasma, through the wire into matter level electrons, but the flow must be in a plasmatic level, not electron movement that that plasmatic field has crossed the magnet outside and inside, that the copper, the gold magnet inside receives a plasmatic field, not electron field of the plasma.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Do you understand? So, this is, what you do with your process, the field is not electron, the current between the infinity loop and the gold magnet inside is not in the electron vibration; it’s in the electron plasmatic gravitational field level. And because it’s in that state, it can energize the gold, what do you call it, atoms, to be released. We do the heating in caustic, here is done the energy in a different way; and it’s fantastic, this is, that’s a beautiful way to do it.

It’s clear now.

So, you understand?

Yes. The next question is why Erick would twist the wires between the two semi-spheres, or spheres, because it looks like he twisted the wire, it’s...

Which one, the one in the water?


Yeah, if the one in the water you mean, this is known as the infinity loop. Infinity loop is a twinity. Twinity brings balance and I use it quite a lot. If you go to some cultures, infinity loop, behavior of the infinity loop is well-known. Because, you hold the fields; if, for example, let me explain to you: if you cannot go to sleep, or you live in a house which has got the water flow, or you have disturbance in the house, in certain rooms, you feel emotional disturbance, get yourself a copper wire, maybe, let’s say a meter long, go to electric shop and buy yourself a single electric wire, twist it in the infinity loop but do not connect the last end and put it on the carpet, put it on your bed. You’ll find out you’ll find peace, and the environment of the room changes.

This is an old culture; but, with the plasmatic magnetic fields, with the gans state, because it’s the plasma, you have to close the loop.

Should the infinity loop have one end that’s a little bit bigger than the other?

No, you just make the same; the easiest way it is, make a wire and encircle it, close it, and then just twist it in half and make a loop, the infinity loop. This is a twinity loop, it’s knows as an infinity loop, and because it’s in not the matter level, it’s in the nano-layer, the gravitational magnetic field of the two loops brings balance in the environment. We know this very well, I use


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

this quite a lot in the development of especially, especially medical side. This is how you bring balance between the soul and physicality.

It looks like Erick has one end open, one of the circles, I mean.

No, no, it’s two circles together. Yeah, yeah, yeah, get yourself, make a nano-wire, close it as a circle and twist it in the middle in two halves, that you may have two loops. Yeah? Then, then you see it. In the psychological, psychosomatic, you need this process; because if you open some of the reactors of the health section, you’ll see this, I use this quite frequently because you need it to bring the balance with, one is the physicality and one is the physicality, but you have to know what it means and how you do it, and the strength you do it, and then you bring peace to man.

This is a very, this is part of the creation, this is what we say the life of the Earth or this solar system comes to end, because the twinity, when they come together, create that balance, to become one. That’s why when you go to the medical side, I keep on explaining, that’s why you see the physical part of the brain next to the emotional part of the brain, because one half encircles the other one, but the emotional part does not need to be this big as the physical part but its strength is much bigger because it’s more compact, it has a higher mass.

Magnetic gravitational field of the emotional part of the human body is by factor of thousands of times stronger than the gravitational magnetic field of the physical part; that’s why you have the separation bridge, to adjust it according to when it comes to physicality. If you look at the human body, thalamus sits and then you have the separation gap and then you have the physical brain. It’s the twinity. It does… Nothing in the universe works outside the principle of the balance of gravitational magnetic field. And this is how human body, and that’s what I say always, human body, physical part, is a leech which attaches itself to the emotional part. This is part of the twinity system; this is the part of the structure.

And what Erick has done here, bless your soul, it’s a beautiful job you’d done, it shows this property. I always said to you, in a different way, I create gans without caustic, and he’s done it in a very, very simple way, and now you can see it. It’s strange enough, scientists around the world, individuals around the world without the scientific knowledge, out of the knowledge of their own, in their being, are creating systems and developing things that open up outside the laboratories without millions and billions of spending to show it there.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

What is achieved, in less than God knows a few cents, opens how you can produce materials and actually how material is converted inside your body to what is needed at the point of need. In this material you will find some copper, pure copper and you find some gold. And the color of it will tell you, as very much I was explaining to Eliya, it’s like when you buy Russian gold, it’s reddish than the gold you buy in the West because they add copper to the gold. And this color, from the time I saw it, I always said this is a reddish copper, in some of the things I have seen with Erick. Don’t forget, Erick has been sending me pictures for past few weeks, every time he’s developed something and I have spoken with him on Skype a couple of times.

OK, sir. I will.

Thank you very much. But this is, this is, so, instead of caustic creating infinity loop and you’ll see, test everything else, test aluminum, test nickel.

OK, sir. Perfect, I will, and I’ll inform you.

That’s got nothing to do with this, that’s what it is... Any other question?

Yeah, I have a question. How many twists for that infinity loop should we use?

Yes; look my hands.

Yes, go ahead Erick.

Yes. One loop; one loop.

He is trying to show us something.

That was quite clear; he showed two half-twists to make a full loop basically.

Do you listen me? Are you...

Yes, we are listening but the picture is a bit delaying. You see the future, we see the past.

OK, what I said, what I make here is one loop; only one loop. I twist one loop in the wire.

If you, if you go back to what Lucian showed us a few weeks ago with the loop around the filled-in metal with gans, you achieved that kind of process but in a different way.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

OK, fantastic. Thank you very much.

Thank you, indeed. Any other questions?

Yeah, I have one more question about the brain tissue, you brought it up; sometimes I’ll be sitting and I’d tune myself up into these different energies and I see colors, it’s like a current of different colors flowing through the air and then sometimes physical objects would disappear from my sight even though I know they are there. What’s going on?

You explain; you see it, we are not there.

Oh, I’m asking you if you know.

I think, are you sure you’re drinking coffee or tea?

Yeah, I’m sure, I don’t alcohol or anything.

Don’t forget, it depends how you focus your neural system in your eye. The human in the future will teach; there is a process within the liquid of the eye that you can adjust to see different dimensions that the neural system can understand.

Is it true, Mr. Keshe, that more and more people on planet Earth are starting to experience those transformations? Do you think, is that evolution occurring more rapidly?

I, let me explain to you something you understand. Maybe I can explain it the way I’m doing it if you understand. There are people who are listening to this workshop, they know exactly because they were there when I did the test. A few years ago, in Belgium, we had a girl being in university, who went blind on a flight from South America, I think, to Belgium. And she was blind for about a year. I understood the process what she’s done and what she’s gone through. I built a very simple system and I was holding it in my hand, and I asked her to come in a dark room with me in the house where we were doing the testing; and I placed the system on the back of her head and she could see. She said she can see again. And when I removed it, she lost her vision. And I said to her, if you want, I can develop the system that you can have your vision back.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

And strange, to my shock, and I think Willy in Belgium can tell you because he knows about it, she’s refused. It was a big question for me and other people: why a young girl, in early twenties refuses vision? And she wanted to be blind. And the conclusion I came in, and in a way I’ve seen it, it’s a repetition of human body, all her life she was looking for attention, and blindness gave her the attention. So, the satisfaction of existence was fulfilled because when she was blind, people were carrying around, giving her attention, ‘do you need help?’, ‘do you want this, do you want that’; and it’s a very strange position, so, you create conditions that visions become possible.

There are people in Belgium, again in Keshe Foundation, people who used to be there, they can tell you, we did this with a member of, what do you call it, family in Saudi Arabia. We could not ship the system to Saudi Arabia because of the restrictions, I was told by the Saudi ambassador that it cannot go because of my passport situation; one of the Keshe Foundation members at that time flew to Dubai and these people flew in to Dubai and they received the system, and with the system there is a member of the family of the governing ruling party that, they have a 13-year-old girl, blind, totally white eye, which means the eye is white, and within matter of weeks, she could see colors, blue, red and green, with no, what do you call it, brown piece in the eye, we facilitated through system that she could see. And then again, she refused to use it because by seeing, she was told, you have to do what, now you see and you can do it, and she preferred not to use the system. You’ve got to understand the need of the man and how man comes.

So for that reason, I stopped a lot of research into eye development. But you can adjust the eye to see different things, even if you don’t have the brown piece or the hole in the eye that you can receive light, you can create that the tissue of the eye becomes transparent to see things. And if you use this property, and what we said, we’d make the universal tank that you can see entities, we create that condition. And, amazingly enough, we are reaching that kind of process very rapidly.

We can show things, we can, now that, we are receiving a lot of requests for collaboration by different governments and organizations, that they can replicate our systems, soon we can bring these things into vision of the man to see. Because, as I said, you change the gravitational magnetic field of your eye and the liquid of the eye, to be able to convert the magnetic gravitational field of the entity into recognized entity by the vision of the man into his brain.

This is not something abnormal; it’s something you know but you, because of not understanding we have decided to ignore, but we use it ourselves, we go into a dream; and in that dream at


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

night, we see our mother, our father or our relatives which are not with us physically anymore. How do we do this? We transfer the plasmatic magnetic field information, like a telephone, to a telephone number, ‘so, this is papa calling, or this is mama calling’.

Now, we start teaching that process to man to understand. And all it is, we’re changing gravitational magnetic field in the level of the level of the existence; this is how you will see other creatures of, what do you call it, universe. You learn the adoption; we will make tools to be able to transfer, convert the information, very much what happened in E.coli or Ebola. You make the matching to match; then it’s the information which is carried.

These are what the changes to come and slowly, slowly it’s coming up and slowly, slowly, because it’s coming slowly done by the people, for the people, amongst the people, it gets accepted by its people, becomes out of the nature, part of the natural process of living. So, you can change, all you need to do you go back to the information through the emotion to your parathyroid glands; because it’s your wish and the condition you have created, the parathyroid glands change the salinity and the material confirmation and change the liquid of the eye. So, the eye converts the information to visual thing; then you will see the entity which was not visible to you.

It’s the wish; and to see, your wish has to be equal to the wish of the, what you want to see. I shall not steal, I shall not damage, I will not do anything which is wrong to what I want to see. And then because the wish is gravitational parallel plasmatic, from the emotional part, and as in Ebola or Ecola, or E.coli as Eliya would like me to call it, you have the common denominator of the amino acid between the virus and between the CO2 which is the fat on the top you add to the body.

In the case of interaction with other entities in the universe, the common denominator is the soul of the man. Now, the human emotion becomes the virus, but because you have the common denominator that is says there is no danger, you connect with the other entity and it becomes visible to you. And you do that through the emotion because it’s safe, your parathyroid glands create, change the salinity of the eye liquid, so you see, you are able to see what is in common in the soul.

This is exactly what you do in your dreams; maybe for the first time man can understand where the dream comes from. The dreams when you dream you connect through the soul with the soul which you are in contact with; and that’s the telephone number, it gives you visuality. Even the scenery you see yourself in, it’s the same level. Huge part of the physical


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

part of the brain which man says man never uses you use for the, what do you call it, deciphering of the information to the telephone number and where it comes from. Then it becomes visual dream. That’s why we dream when we are asleep, because the physicality is in repair, it does not use the neural system so extensively.

Now you understand how you connect to your grandfather who died 20 years ago, 100 years ago and you know it’s your grandfather. You connect through the emotional part of your thalamus to the soul of the person and when that soul wants to call you or be, communicate with you, just dials the number. Yours is specific, this is what I was talking to doctor Eliya and Armen walking around the park. Your soul is yours and it’s got your telephone number, it doesn’t come from another body, it doesn’t go from one body to another and doesn’t reborn. Otherwise, can you imagine how many times, how many lives you are reborn and the telephone call goes to 20 people, it becomes a conference call, nobody knows which soul is talking?

Eliya understands because she laughs, she was trying to explain to me, they say there are 12 levels, and the two, 12 levels go to 7, I said stand before you go any further. Why 12, why 7? Because, man has, anything which has digit numbers in it has man’s behavior and restriction. There are 7 levels and there are 12 strength; and 12 comes from 12 months and 7 comes from the seven days of the week.

So, man can explain his own limitation of understanding. So now maybe you understand how your soul connects to the soul, and the common denominator is the CO2, exactly with the gans, and with a virus. Then you know the telephone number is yours, you answer. Doesn’t matter if it’s your great grandfather or it could be the, what do you call it, the pharaohs from 6000 years ago. If you have the telephone number, you connect; if it’s the same gravitational magnetic field, you connect. And part of this connection telephone number sits in your RNA, in the magnetic field section, not in the DNA which is the physicality.

So, in your RNA you have all telephone numbers of all men existed on this planet and universe, it’s just which one you will call. So, when man is ready to see, when man really accepts what we call the universal peace that it doesn’t harm the other soul, the other souls are open to him to understand, then, through your thalamus you create magnetic field which informs your parathyroid glands to release or convert through, what you call, your thymus the salinity and magnetic field of the matter in the liquid of your eye that it becomes visible to you or invisible because you pass its field strength.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

That’s why I see a lot of pictures around, something appears and disappears; in fact it’s there but it’s not at the vision strength at the time when it was taken the picture. And you find out these things are part of the structure of the universe. Aliens don’t have cars with four wheels, and people say ‘have you seen them? They come with the car and they go everywhere’. This is how man transfers information to the level he can understand. A Volkswagen, a Mercedes or a donkey. So, if you live in a village and you’ve never seen a car, so you dream of donkey going through the wall. And if you live in New York you see Jaguar going through the wall, or the Porsche. It’s the vision what you translate the information to.

This is very important because the vision of man with this technology changes, we start seeing things we haven’t seen, but we have to understand one thing: as long as we learn not to harm and accept what we send out even with the kits with the world peace treaty, what we say is peace with yourself; and then the world will be at peace, the universe will open to you because you accept the agreement of the universal peace. Then, there is no limit to the knowledge. Any other question?

Mr. Keshe, there was a question that someone had about the free plasma gans state; you mentioned in the 33rd workshop, you showed how the pyramid or the star geometry of the four reactors creates a free plasma gans state in the middle, like the king’s chamber in the Great pyramid in Egypt. Question about the pineal gland, does the geometry of the brain set up in the equivalent free plasma gans state in the pineal gland? Should we save that for the health workshop?

Wait, wait, we have doctor Eliya.

Expert, we need the expert.

We have the expert. Here she comes. Now you know why we have a resident doctor here...

Eliya: Yeah, hello from my side; about the pineal gland...

Can you show the position of the pineal gland?

Yeah; I will try to show it to Mr. Keshe, just one second; if you want, just download some pictures of the brain...

Go to “google pictures”, pineal glands...

Yeah, I, just from here, I just showed it to Mr. Keshe.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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Do you see what we see?

You can see your thalamus and pineal gland is here, on the turretic cell; in other side, thalamus, pineal gland; actually...

What, explain to them what is the, what is the work of pineal gland.

Pineal gland… So, other regulation comes first from thalamus. Thalamus informs the pineal gland what to do. The pineal gland has anterior part and posterior part, and there they synthesize the regulation hormones for all other glands on your body. This is the regulation of hormones. So, thalamus regulates the pineal gland and pineal gland regulates all the other glands on your body. They have an inhibitor regulation hormones and, how is it in English, no, no, no, to, hormones which decrease the hormones of other glands, and hormones which increase the level of…

Other glands.

Yeah…Do you understand? So, the same inhibitor and releasing hormones has thalamus, but he regulates the pineal gland, and pineal gland goes other way. So, the pineal gland is like a reception…

For the glands.

For the glands.


Some people call it ‘the third eye’ as well. It’s known as ‘the third eye’.

Yeah, OK. Now, yes. What is it? Speak. Speak up.

So, thalamus… About ‘the third eye’ we spoke, if you remember, when we spoke about the skull, that ‘the third eye’ is actually in the back of your skull, if you remember the workshop. So, ‘the third eye’ is actually your thalamus, is reflection of your thalamus. Just, Rick, if you are able to go to the pictures of face and skull workshop, when we explain about the embryology of brain


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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and position of brain, of emotional part of the brain and how the embryo just is folding upward the head, and because of that the thalamus goes actually on the position of the neck, and then in the adult person actually the thalamus outside point is on your outer, outer part of your skull, on your back.

‘The third eye’ is on the back, not the pineal gland.

Do you understand? It’s not that we know after the moment that ‘the third eye’ is between our eyeballs, on our, in our forehead, and what actually everyone speaks about the pituitary. And, if you are aware about the metaphysical knowledge, you may find out that actually ‘the third eye’ is related with the sign with the antahkarana, when they speak in metaphysical Reiki knowledge, and antahkarana is actually placed between the pituitary gland and pineal gland, and in the middle of these two glands like a dimensional position is your thalamus.

Actually, antahkarana is your, your thalamus. Do you understand? And, after the moment it’s the discussion between that the seventh chakra belongs to pituitary or to pineal gland, and they got to conclusion that actually seventh chakra is related with that science and space in your brain, antahkarana, and actually, the center of antahkarana is your thalamus. If I explained to you clearly and you are able to understand…

What is the pituitary gland? What is its job and what is the…?

Pituitary is here, pineal is here. They have regulation function from the glands on your body.

On your body. OK, so they can… Here, they come with you too far.

They receive information from the glands in your body and transform information to thalamus.


And thalamus to the other part of the brain. Do you understand? They are receptor service.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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OK. Yeah, OK. This is, now goes back to the other teaching which we did before in some of the workshops, that, I always explain, that the glands are part of the brain structure, and if you, yes, the, the pineal gland and pituitary gland are the communication line between the emotion and physicality. One, one is for the emotional part of the gland and the other one is for the physical part of the gland. So, they carry 2 information to the, to the brain itself, because it’s, it’s, as I, as I explained and I go back on it that, just to refresh, is that the glands are part of the brain, and because the function of the organ is so heavy, instead of reporting everything back to the brain to, to operate, the, can you hear me?

I can hear you on Skype.

Yup. We can hear you.

Oh, you can hear me, OK, because Eliya told me no. So… It’s live, it’s your live stream, which is not on. Is the live stream on, muted or is it working?

The live stream went out for me too, also.

It seems to be OK on live stream.

Is it OK?

Yup, I believe so.


It’s back on.

Yeah, I am hearing live stream here too, so…

So, should I go back…? Everybody’s got it. OK. So, we go back to, if you missed anything. As we said, the glands are part of the brain system, and in a way brain instead of receiving continuously information about the operation of the organ, it has placed its own headquarters on top of it, and we call it glands. That’s why the gland sits outside the kidney, over it. That’s why we have glands in certain positions for every organ or every operation of the part, number of systems around the body, and over you have a headquarters that operates overall.

So, glands are actually the structure of the brain, and for brain to put a boss over its working of a system, then all these bosses need to report to the headquarters, but not to the top boss, so they go through the pituitary gland and the other one, and one controls the physicality change.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Wherever the function is important for the survival of the emotional part of the brain, the brain has put the a spying system or a subdivision, to control it that no harm comes to the emotional part, because if the emotional part is damaged or it stops working, in conjunction and equilibrium, as a twin star, with the physical part, this is the end of the physical part. This is what you call death.

This is what yesterday I was trying to explain to Armen. I, he, he has understanding that everything has to be perfect and if it’s not perfect there is something somewhere. But, you have to understand. The second you are born you are destined to die. We are born to die, to develop the structure of the soul of the man. Death is the attribute and the beauty of the creator, which gives for the recycling of the information and the spread of knowledge across the universe, and because he owns, he is the possessor of totality he is invincible, because he owns and he just converts.

As I always say, God is the creator and the man the converter. So, when you have glands and you have substation of control like pineal and pituitary gland, it’s to operate how they have to react to the emotional part of the brain in respect to the organ, in respect to the gland which is placed in there, and how they have to interact and inform the physical part what to do with what they need. It’s very much, as I say, it’s like a chef who is a cook for everybody else, but then he goes to a hotel to get or to a restaurant to feed and eat himself somewhere else, because he still needs feeding.

The structure of the life in a human body is a progressive development of the need of the man according to the intelligence of the man and in respect to his environment. So, as now our intelligence changes and demands a new wishing for us with the new knowledge we gain, our human body will evolve to adapt for the vision of what is needed to be done. So, now that we have opened the door of the science and the plasma technology and the man has the new vision to be able to see or need to see, the glands like parathyroid and sub-parathyroid glands will adapt the body for this change.

I always refer this to, to the daughter of our friend in Belgium. She had the desire to be a harp player and the body adjusted to it in one generation, less than 10 years. If your desire is there, the body will oblige, and the desire comes through interaction of the soul, where your soul now knows it’s ready to reach and interact your physicality to the friends, so it’s preparing the body to be able to see.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

The life and the existence of the other souls in the universe is open to your soul, because they are of the same level. Now, the knowledge of the man and the soul is getting the body ready to see it. If you can wish to die and you can create ALS, now the wish of the man is to interact with the universal community, and the body is getting adjusted.

We bring the knowledge, we bring the science, and in time we show you how it’s done. So, we need the operation of the pineal gland and the pituitary gland to make that adjustment to physicality, through the interaction of the soul, emotion and the physicality. Emotion wants it, but physicality has to adjust for it to satisfy the need of the emotion. It’s like when you are in love, you die to show your lover, your, what you’ve fallen in love with, to your parents, to see, “what I’ve fallen in love with, how beautiful it is”.

Now, the soul of the man is preparing the body of the man with this knowledge we have brought in, to show the man to the universal community. And, that’s the purpose of release of this technology and knowledge to man, to open the new eye into what the soul has been in love with all the time, other souls, which is peaceful, and now we see the change. This is a time of transition. You will start seeing the development of operation of new glands to satisfy this need. You will start seeing things because your soul has reached a point of maturity, you think you are ready to be introduced to the family, but it’s no use if you are blind, you can’t see the family or you don’t hear them. What we call distant cousins.

I want to introduce you to your cousins you haven’t seen before, but these cousins live in the span of the universe, and now we are getting ready for it and we’re making, we are preparing man to see the change. Otherwise, it would be magician, and they came and they went, they were such a thing. Now we’ve become part…

It’s our cousins that are, not our monkey cousins, not our monkey cousins you are talking about, the other end of things. We usually talk about our cousins as the monkeys…

Those cousins are not the subject of our study.

Ha. Ha. We are talking about outside the dimension of the vision of the man at the present time.

Way beyond the monkey.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Even your monkey cousins you should see.

Ha. Ha. OK.

So, pineal glands and, we did a very interesting test yesterday with Eliya. She’s laughing, I can hear her in the background. I, yesterday morning, I, I set the system up to evaluate, to understand the thinking of Eliya without her physicality. So, I sat her in front of the system, and, as usual, I asked my questions or I guide her to what I want to see, and then, I’ve never done this with other knowledge seekers, but with her, because it’s important, I picked the chair up and I sat her behind the detector or, what do you call, what do you call ‘the third eye’, and I explained to her: “Now you are sitting behind, where you were sitting in the position before, you are facing the detector, you are facing the entity, so it, what you want to, to be perceived by the receiver”, and then when I moved her to the back of the system, which is exactly 180 degrees on the other side, I said: “Now imagine this is your daughter, you cuddle, she is in front of you, she doesn’t see, you are holding from the back, you’re holding what you love, and I want you to give and take”, and this explains a lot, because when you are holding, you’re behind and you watch, you don’t expect because you know there are no arms, there are no lips to kiss, to cuddle, or whatever, it’s you who is the giver or the receiver or what you want to receive from what you are holding which has got its back to you.

Then, it shows the pure intention, it shows the state of the maturity of the soul. When you sit in front of, it shows your purity in respect by nature of the man to understand what I want them to see. “I’m very good guy, I’m perfect”, “I’m a beautiful woman”, “I’m a beautiful giver”, but to the system you cannot lie. It’s the same wire we twisted, we create the loop of infinity, what goes into the body, goes back into the system and it’s pure and it shows everything. Then when I put her in the back of the system to sit in the same position where you hold, then you cannot lie. Then you deal with what you call ‘the third eye’. Then you lead, you live and you interact only with emotional part in respect to physicality, be a lover, be a child, be a dog, be aliens. Then you see the character of the man, the character of the person, who is, who is deceiving who and how much they are taking when they are supposed to give. Then she says you goo coo-coo. Ha. Ha.

Yeah. So, she says the conclusion was “I was a coo-coo.” So, it is important to understand. Now, there are systems which can be set, it’s in the position of the man to understand what you want on the craft: You want bunch of thieves, who are looking like priests, or do you want people who are poor but pure? It’s very easy. Now, with the development of this technology you deal with the essence of the creation and through it, if you are trying to hide and duck and dive, not to show the reality, I show you the process how the soul will open your hand in no time,


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

because soul has to be correct, and through its work, the emotional part of the man has to be correct.

So, now you thought you came in for a game to have a bit of free energy. We have brought you very, very slowly, without your knowing, into the world of the creation, where you understand the totality. But, we had to play the game. It’s like, you know, you want a cat to play, you put a little piece of meat at the end of the string and then you pull it and pull it till the cat comes and then you can catch it. We played the game with you. Now you are in our hand.

Now you know what the plan is. …A part of it. You think you know all of it. The bait was the teaching. The bait was bringing up the technology in the gans, in the other bits, and you lot doing it, because you thought you are in charge, you can understand. Now we’ve got, we can enforce what we like. Now, now the knowledge has spread deep enough, that even poisoning us by so many factors it doesn’t work. I say, I bet the Belgians are going up the world. “We poisoned this guy, anybody else would have died.”

I don’t carry, even I look the body of the man. So, you cannot poison. You might defect it temporarily, but in time the process resets itself. I take what I need according to the body of myself. So, you have to understand. If you sit and you pressurize your eyes and change things and you don’t want to see, you are going into the evolution of understanding how to change the salinity of your, of the physical part, which is in the liquid state, it’s easier to change it than the, than the physical part, then you can see. And, this is what we do with the ganses.

And, you will learn in time how to change it so rapidly that you can see two, three creatures at the same time or in, one after another. It’s like you receive a telephone call from your uncle and they have a laptop and you, you receive pictures from Facebook. Your body will start recognizing it because you adapt to it, which we want to trigger. Next question.

Thank you for that, Mr. Keshe.

Yeah, Mr. Keshe, it’s Lucian, a very quick one. So, a very quick question. In the beginning, you mentioned something about gans leaks, so I don’t know if you were referring about the copper reactors, gans leaks on the reactors…


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Pardon, what about, what? Yes.

Gans leaks, losing water from the gans…

Yes, yes. We lose water from the gans…

From the copper reactors.

No, what happened… When we… when we insert the nano-material into the gans through the wall of the plastic, or a container, plastic container, the gans materials, due to their property are not, even they look to be solid, they are like a heartbeat, they continuously move. It’s a dynamic ocean of magnetic fields, and this dynamic motion creates a gap at certain points when it contracts and it keeps on expanding. To you it’s solid matter, you look at the nano-material, but if you look at, if you can get its aura and be able to detect its aura, you will see its dynamic, it opens and closes, like a heartbeat. It depends what is the gravitational magnetic field of the environment which is around.

So, this heartbeat creates gaps that allow the evaporation of the water through the gap created. If you made the first Coca Cola bottles with the bits sticking in it and you can still got it and go back to it, you see that when you made it you put the glue, it was solid, and now you see you can turn it, you can turn the electrode, because of this property, because the gans has grown by the side of the wires, now it has time to move, it has created itself a gap. And, then you’ll see that the nano-material grows from the inside up to the tip of the wire which has been outside, you never put it inside the core, because it grows.

This is how neural system grows in the body of the man. Next atom to the next atom conversion. This is the same process. We know about this leakage for 10 years, but finding a solution that you can seal it will allow the man to have a neural energy systems in a, in a perfect way and even, there is a way to do it, I’ve done it before, but it needs to, it needs to explain that the manufacturers can do it. At the moment, this is a barrier in commercialization, this is, it has to be solved within next week or so, because most probably our Chinese colleagues in China will have…


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

You are referring to this…?


You are referring to the new gans reactors, that are… So, you were speaking about the gans reactors that Armen did them? They are losing that water through that pouring?

No, these are the energy cells which have gone to Tokyo to be produced for the Japanese government. We, we, we sent one of the systems to, to Tokyo about 4 weeks ago.

Oh, OK, I’m…

There was something strange which has happened with the, I’m talking about it, with one of the reactors of Armen. Yesterday, when they opened one of the reactors to increase the gans, there was no liquid in it, and Armen was a bit surprised, that there was no liquid. Um, that has been a tight system, Armen has to explain or understand himself how he’s lost his water, as we say, in that reactor. The other three reactors were full of liquid, but that single system maybe is not tight enough. Marko says we extracted 2 syringes of liquid from the others and one was dry, with no liquid in it. But, this is a sealed system, so…

So, we have to keep an eye on our electric cells, to fill it with water constantly.

You are breaking up, Vince, you are breaking up.

Can you repeat?

I was saying we need to keep an eye on our electric cells and fill them regularly with water, to prevent their drying. So, thank you for letting us know.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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Yeah, it’s just that, the way to do it, there is a way to do it. I’ll try to explain it in the next session, if I remember, because this, this position has to be solved before the energy units can be released in Japan, because you can… What happened, when they tested the systems in Tokyo last week in a, which was for the presentation, they, they, they were in a panic state. And, then I said: “Most probably, your system is leaked”, because they can’t understand it, how a sealed system can have no, what do you call it, liquidity, and I explained to them, this is the situation.

So, we know about this, oh, for nearly 10 years plus, and I’ve found a solution for it, but now I’m trying to find the solution to commercialize it, it’s very, very difficult, but in a way you have to make the skin of the man, to hold the matter inside, the plasma gans inside and allow the body of the man to live in a, in a matter environment. It’s easy to be done, but it needs a small technical development. Otherwise, the batteries you buy after, let’s say, a month or so, it’s dry, it’s not working, because the gravitational magnetic field on the nano-layer does not evaporate the, the water, it allows it to, to be released in the atomic structure, very much a gans vapor. So, it has to be, it has to be narrow enough or, to put it the same, magnetic field balance enough that no fields can escape in any shape or form. It can be done. I’ll, I should release it to the Japanese and, hopefully, our Chinese guys who’ll go into production soon.

Uh, Mr. Keshe, I am just showing now on live stream the video by Vitor of the nano-coated copper wire forming gans. This is a, I think it’s over 4 hours, but it’s sped up over just a few seconds. I’d like to show the transformation that occurs over the wire. I don’t know if you are able to see your live stream right now. I don’t think I can do screen share now.

Yeah, yes, yes, yes, we can see it.

So, he is, he’s done some of these time lapse videos of the, the gans, actually, forming on the wire.

This is beautiful.

It’s amazing. I’m just going to run that one one more time.

Are you screen-sharing that one, Rick?


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

You see, it comes… You see it, it’s on the surface, the bubbling, and that’s when it separates. I told you, the scientists will open this in no time. What there will be interesting, if anybody has a coat and coat aura detector, can follow this process and see how the field changes around it.

I had a question regarding what the gases might be there that are coming off that wire, you know, hydrogen or oxygen might come to mind. These are, these are, these are partially both.

Or not.

Yes, yes, watch this, watch this more.

No, Rick, the screen-sharing is not coming through. Where is the file located, so I can see about, maybe try to share it with others…

It’s repeating the same thing, it’s a short term video.

But, who done this? Who is the author of this?

No, no, no, somebody else has done it. Who’s done the video, Rick?

Vitor. It’s the same one who did the animation for the Kid’s Workshop, and the other 3-D impression of the magnetic fields.

Yes, yes.

And there’s another little video, similar. This one. So, I guess the Skype screen-sharing isn’t working at all, hey, guys? Should I start…?

We can see it.

No, I don’t see it at all.

No, no, we can…

Yeah, if you watch it on live stream.

No, on live stream people can see it, but not on the Skype apparently, I can’t get it to do that screen-sharing, so I’ll just stop the…

But I can see it from before.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

(v1 2016-04-10) DRAFT (Transcription has not been verified. Double check info with video)

Oh, you can see it on Skype? OK, sorry.

Yeah, but it’s breaking up…

Oh, I couldn’t see it.

I just took it off. Ha. Ha. OK, so, now I am on to the third video…

I’m going to share something very nice, I think it’s good to know, but we don’t give you anything away. Yesterday, when they were packing the first kits, CO2 kits, to go out, I was shown that one of the kits openly is purchased by a prime minister, and one of the kits, CO2 kits, is openly purchased by one of the military, what do you call it, governments, by the military themselves, and they are openly purchasing these systems because their address is the office of the prime minister. And, the other one is the office of the headquarters of military base.

So, when we tell you there are people, we were not aware that the prime minister is watching of the, one of the leading European nations, that he has purchased it on his own, what do you call it, directly, to his office. So, the technology is getting literally watched by governments, they understand the implication and the application of it, and when scientists like this, normal people, not scientists at the high levels with billions of back-up, are showing the technology and how it’s done, brings home how there is a need for rapid change in the, from the bottom to top.

As I said before, a lot of professors hate us, because the titles have no more meaning. A simple man with a simple equipment can show the process. Any other question?

Ah, yes. Doctor Eliya wants me to tell you something very important. Let me say. This is very important from medical aspect. Somebody has asked doctor Eliya if they can inject CO2 into your body. Please, do not do these stupid things. Let the scientific world do the further developments. We give them time, another 3-6 months, we will understand the whole process, because if you inject the CO2 in your body you introduce a foreign element which can clog up the system. That is very much the way it absorbs and it connects with the gans of the virus. If it does in your body and it clogs up, paralysis, what do you call it, heart attack and everything else can become part of it. Please, do not go beyond the limits till it’s, till it’s tested in separate ways, in different ways, now we know it and now, the, when you consume it as or when you breathe its energy, you, your body takes what it needs and it locks to and rejects it, this is the beauty of it, but when you put it in circulation which is a closed circuit like blood, then you can create blockage. Next question. Are we talking to ourselves?


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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Planet Earth, any questions?

Ivan does, Ivan does, Ivan has a question here on go-to meeting, and then Erick wants to make a statement, I do believe…

Hi, Mr. Keshe, can I ask my question?

Who’s that?

It’s Ivan, I am from Bulgaria.

Hi, Ivan.

Hi, everybody. So, my question is a little bit strange, but I thought with other…

Everything is strange to the Bulgarians.

Ha. Ha. I know, I know Eliya.

I’ve got one of them walking around this table, so… Carry on.

So, my question is that from some time ago I started to do some exercise and I think I am able to put my muscular system like on stand-by, and because you said that 80% of the communication in the body goes from the gans, I think I am able to go through the feeling to the gans to see how the energy go in the body, and I am very curious to understand this energy, so I was thinking both of our parts start, that when you say that 80% go from the gans, I think actually with, only with intention, no physical movement, we are able to go through different parts of the body and just check how it’s there. Is that the case or… I don’t know?

Can you repeat the question? Please. Slowly.

So, I am able to go in a condition where I can put all the muscles in the body on stand-by. I mean, not moving, no nothing. And, I can feel energy going from the body, from different parts, and only through my intention, on which part I can concentrate, I can feel that the energy flow in this direction. Like in fracture, when I hurt my shoulder, you know, the feeling is pain, but when you go on stand-by, you can feel actually that there is energy going from the head to the shoulder and through the emotion. Is that where the gans is communicating or moving?


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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I don’t know. I cannot, I don’t understand, I don’t understand the way you can create the condition. Another Bulgarian is trying to explain to me, wait one second.

Ha. Ha.

E: And he is not moving. He is not doing anything. He is concentrated on the shoulder, just concentration, and he is able to feel that something is going on inside, like a circulation of energy, something alive inside without moving. So, the question is: He feels the gans communication between the blood cells or skin cells…?

I don’t know. I don’t know how you feel and what you feel, because don’t forget, there is, and I’ve spoken about this before, as part of our operation of the thalamus in conjunction with the body, that, and I always say, the physical information neural system is 20%, 80% is done through the plasmatic field, that you can divert and actually change the operation of the physical part of the body. And, the man must have been very good at it, but somehow down the line we have forgotten how to do it, because lizards still remember it and they can use it.

You cut the tail of a lizard and then it grows it. If it gets trapped it doesn’t stay there to die, it can separate that section and move on because it knows it can build it. So, we come from the same structure of the DNA, so it’s within us, we have forgotten. So, what you do, most probably, is when you have reached the position you can concentrate and divert the energy to where you want it. But, please, don’t push trying to get rid of your shoulder or your arm to drop off. This is the limit, because in a system, in a system we built, in a system we built we could dictate the separation of the tumor from the body, so you can do it, externally or internally. You concentrate the energy to where you want it through your emotion.

Yeah, if it’s not concentration, it’s observation, I cannot control it, I can just observe it, and…

Yes, but somebody is controlling you and then you observe it.

I wanted to ask… in the other workshop…

If you… Let me, let me, let me ask you a question. Can you do it to your shoulder and then change it to your toe?

Yeah, I can feel it in the shoulder and then…

OK, so, then you have the control of the emotional part. Yes, you have the control, not just that you can’t see, there is nobody outside holding the remote control to your body. You, you are


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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choosing words to separate it, to show us something different, in fact you decide where it goes through, your emotion and the physicality.

Along those lines, recently I had an experience with a sore tooth on the right side of my mouth. So, I placed my attention on the pain and transferred it to a tooth on the left side of my mouth, and the pain went away on the right side of my mouth, and eventually I forgot about the left side one and, well, it fixed itself. How about that? I fixed myself on that one.

I think…

Armen? Is Armen online? Armen? Where are you? Wake up.

Yes, yes, I am up.

OK, Armen, can you, can you explain what Eliya did to you last week here, with your tooth? Ha. Ha.

It’s unfortunate that she did.

Unfortunate, ha, ha. The only to explain it. Maybe it’s so painful for you.

Did she, did she, did she, did she hit you thumb with a hammer, maybe? And that was, that cured your toothache? Ha. Ha.

No, let… Pardon?

I was looking like Frankenstein, you know, all these needles hanging from my finger. Frankenstein, you know Frankenstein?


You mean acupuncture or…?

Yes, yes.

Ah, OK.

But with different needles, bigger needles.

Darning needles?

You are scaring all of us. Let me explain what happened. Armen had a very bad toothache, and it was like a lump on his right and cheek, bottom right hand cheek, it was swollen, and he was sitting here very miserably, in pain, and he wouldn’t go to the dentist, and Eliya just got two needles from injection syringes and she just stuck two, in two sides of the finger, I think it was


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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the thumb, his thumb, yeah, his thumb, and then we were sitting here, visually, we watched how Armen came out of, after a few minutes, literally, out of pain, and this lump started disappearing.

So, we’ve seen this operation here done coincidentally last, I think it was last Friday, we were sitting here, Armen was sitting here and holding his tooth in pain, and within minutes he could talk and he was back to normal. Then, I started asking doctor Eliya the principle and the concept it works. And, it’s very interesting, as part of what I’ve said, the new systems coming in very miniaturized, very direct, become part of this development, because I’ve seen the work of doctor Eliya before, how she does it, how she does these things in understanding of the physicality, independent of the physical part.

What she can explain, if I can explain your work, yeah?, no problem, is that she decides in her thoughts where the part of the body is going to be and what is going to be. She could pick up your ear to do the same job, or she can pick up your liver to do the same job. It’s the intention that she releases which gives the effect in the patient. It’s, she says: “It’s my wish”, and we’ve seen this with the, in so many ways, my poisoning, with Caroline’s poisoning, because she’s been monitoring everything and she’s been the cause behind it. And, we’ve seen this before, in another case, a couple of weeks ago, and she was been here 3 or 4 weeks ago, and we literally, me and Marko, Caroline and Armen himself and Eliya here, we watched how this process happened.

It was physical, because we’ve seen you in pain, and how two needles, so these needles could be stuck in the body of, let’s say, Marko, and still Armen would have the same effect, because that was the wish, that’s, that’s what we call the thoughts, the emotions, which carries the information of physicalities to 20% percent of the communication. This maybe is the attribute of Bulgarians, if he can do it, Eliya has perfected art, more or less. So, this is what we were discussing in creating systems much simpler, because I do this through the shoes. If some people have used the Keshe Foundation technology on the health side, they know I, I produce shoes, that you just put your foot in it and then you walk.

This, yeah, yeah, she says I was explaining to her, “I can’t put the needle into Martians”, so you do the process through thoughts. If you have used the Keshe Foundation, the shoes, we used to put years ago, into the process of the different illnesses and people start walking. We used to do the same thing, but the information is more compact and it’s more different way, so it becomes independent of the physician. In so many ways, I explained to doctor Eliya yesterday or the day before, this makes making systems so complicated, because at the moment we create the structure of the man in the system, but at the same time we control the emotion of the


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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man in the system. Now we have to build the wish, the soul of the man into the system. Then, there is no escape. And, then that soul, that condition can transfer from anyone to himself.

So, if it’s your wish to get rid of cancer, the cancer will be there, then you have to say straight “Thou shalt not steal”, be straight with yourself, because the structure, the connection, as your soul connects to the soul of, let’s say, your grandmother or your, somebody else that you see… We have the knowledge, I have tested this before, now we, now we are in the stage we can put it into practice of mass production. We make a copy of the soul to which your soul is connected. Then, if you sincerely wish to get rid of the cancer, not just by talk, it will happen because through the cup you receive the information which you put in there yourself.

Thou shall not steal; so, once we put these new systems out, and you say ‘I want to live but I’ve got cancer’, but there is no cancer, it’s you who’s got to wish it to be there. We are at the phase that we can release this technology; we know how to make it, I’ve built these systems in the new phase, a lot of people who used to ‘95-‘98 series of the cups, because each cup has a series, it’s addition to that cup. We reach you through, you have to hold something physically to see our healing, we built it in the structure so you don’t even need to drink the cup but for you as the physical man, you have to have something that you see that it’s done something to you.

So, it’s very easy to develop the next stage for commercialization and it’s very, very simple to bring it into operation. And tomorrow, in the health section, we will make an announcement in this respect because I’m working on it, I actually spent a lot of time since 4 o’clock this morning how we are going to do it and, if the commercial side which now we use the our friends in China, hopefully, you’ve got to understand the Chinese organization in China is built for an Iranian man who was behind it, and I understand his way of thinking and his, he works on the same ethos as the Keshe Foundation; so, I’ve opened the full channel operation with him and his team around the world he has, to open the knowledge to humanity in a commercial way.

And we’ll see where we are going to go with this; but the healing process of the system is, what do you call it, the processing, not the healing, what the processing of the system for the body of the man through these new systems becomes very efficient. Because, then you cannot say, as our Bulgarian friend just said, he wants to move it from one side to another, now you wish to have the soul, what is the true intention, it will be done. Even if you want to grow a leg, the leg will grow. But as long as you don’t have the leg you can attract attention and be center of attention, then the leg doesn’t grow. So, you control, you cannot lie to yourself.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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There is something I have to say before I forget: tonight at the 11 o’clock, Pacific time or 2 o’clock Pacific time, in the afternoon tomorrow, today; 11 o’clock is Central European, 2 o’clock Pacific time. We have an interview with Carrie Cassidy on ‘Camelot’ and Mike Harris as a co-interviewer. If you want to listen to ‘Camelot’ tonight, it’s a program agreed, and we see what comes up and what is the question. Any other question?

I think we are probably done for now, Mr. Keshe, it’s been about 3 and a half hours.

Did Erick want to say his last little bit, he wanted to say something at the end?

Oh, yes, Erick, yeah;

Erick: Well, thank you very much, Mr. Keshe; OK, for finish, I want to say thank you, Mr. Keshe for your teachings, your teachings are part of my life, I thank to you.

You are welcome.

Thank you for the opportunity to explain my work and the idea, I mean, I am here to serve the people, and the Keshe Foundation. Also, I have received today the e-mail from Keshe Foundation, they told me that my kit from the CO2 is dispatched from Italy, so, I’m very glad.

Yes, we, you know, that’s what we said, this is what is happening in the background to stop any mayhem which is created by governments blocking shipping of the books, this is the easiest way, you know when it’s dispatched, how it’s dispatched and you track it, so the governments cannot interfere with the process because one driver signs for the receive of the goods, he has delivered goods. At the moment what is happening with DHL in Belgium is that dispatch gives the books to DHL and DHL by the order of the government of Belgium, literally, most probably, throws the books in the bin. And then it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t come and then to discredit; we are watching, we are monitoring these things and this is the only way shortcut we found out is that once you receive it, because we have a copy of the dispatch, there is no way governments can interfere to block the system, and we don’t lose our credibility and you don’t wait for a thing and say we are thieves. There are hundreds of books thrown into rivers most probably by DHL, so DHL, if I was you, I recommend you do not send anything with DHL anywhere around the world. They are servants to master who are to destroy new technologies and people’s lives.


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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So, I think DHL’s life is totally… it’s very much like Pan Am. When Pan Am didn’t listen to warning of the bomb on the plane, and it flew it, and people lost, within time nobody flew with Pan Am because they lost the trust. I do not trust DHL under no circumstances; if DHL is able to monitor what’s going through their system, to destroy, not to deliver, and dispatch tells us the DHL is holding the books and they have a problem because they are pressurizing the publishers even with the other books that for them, not to do the service for the Foundation, so, DHL is not to be trusted; your books get opened, your material gets opened, they steal what they want most probably because they are sub-servants to the master. Do not use DHL, if I were you, because we’ve seen the result. And let them come and sue us, we have shipping documents where are the books, if they are correct. How come only the books of the Keshe Foundation and the printers are going missing and no other publishers? So, this is very clear.

Mr. Keshe, I think you may missed something; maybe the government of Belgium does not give them customs clearance to get them out to the airport.

Book doesn’t need custom clearance. Books are... We know that because they did it in the post office. Even destination books in Belgium were not delivered in Belgium when we sent it. People in Belgium do not receive their books from DHL. So there is no need for customs, it’s a pattern of the work. We are monitoring, I know exactly, it’s delay tactic because what happened, they interrogated our webmaster in Belgium, being collaborator in a scam fraud but not delivering books. So we saw the pattern, what was coming on about two months ago; and we were warned that this is what they know he was interrogated that he is part of the scam, so they created scam themselves and then they sued, and then when I announced it, everything stopped.

So, I’ve been told not to discuss these things on the teaching sessions because it’s not good for the Foundation, but you people are getting affected by it so we have to inform you what is happening. Now you receive, as Erick just told us, you, as I told you before Erick does in the beginning of this program in the middle, that we are sending e-mails to people to know and now you see the confirmation. If you are looking for your CO2 kit, just be patient ‘till it’s done because we had to shift the work from Italian company into the Keshe Foundation here and it’s specially getting done 10 meters from me. And it’s going out here and we put a control in that this way you receive the number and this is fantastic because now, within 24 hours from the time you receive the e-mail, it gets picked up by the courier and then you can track it where it is, how it is, when you are going to receive it.

There are always ways to do things correct; there is something I explained to doctor Eliya and Armen in past few days, because now there’s 3 or 4 of us here and we found peace is a


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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beautiful way to work. Time has no limit and we share knowledge and whatever we are. There is a big problem with the Belgium or with any government in respect to, not Keshe Foundation, in respect to my work. I have 20, nearly 30 years of work in the international world, at the highest levels. I was not given the silver spoon, even my father gave me the silver spoon, I refused, because I had to do it my way. And in that process I have learned everything.

I have eaten with the poorest man in Africa, and I’ve eaten at the table of the presidents and the kings. So, I understand the process and I know how conditions are created to support or retract, and for that reason, I can do things around it to be able to do it. And this is not coming out of just I imagine, or what it is, whatever we said we put on documents, we showed documents. We’ve been at the level to be involved with two peace programs around the world and we show it, we can show the effect it has on it, and I’ve been involved with feeding the poorest people around the world through understanding of the same principle. So, when we see problem, we know how it’s done, we have people who we can ask questions around as well.

I have served my staff when they were my staff, during the 20-30 years, like a friend, like a father and like a guardian. And when you buy the trust and you own the trust with people, people will help you and give you information freely, because they know what it’s now for. I worked out of Belgium for nearly 15 years, at the highest level, and we know a lot of people in different levels to find out what’s happening and we don’t divulge who and how and when it’s done. Do not forget, my wife’s Belgian, so, and I worked out of Belgium, our banks, our monitoring, our warehouses were in Belgium.

We know a lot of people on different levels, we can find out what’s going on. UPS in Kutztown was put pressure on to lose papers, they were not prepared to do it, and one of the directors of the UPS actually bought one of the generators, paid the deposit for the generators. So, people know who we are; we know how they are interfering, but they don’t understand how deep, as I say, a tide of the scientists has pulled them, they don’t understand the background. So, we try to do things the way we understand when there is a shortcut and there is a problem. As I said, we’ll go more in detail most probably tonight in the chat-show with Carrie Cassidy; a man who is innocent does not clean up his table two weeks before he goes on a holiday, when he is coming back to do more research on the highest level.

My blessing goes to the souls of who do these things. So, thank you very much, Erick, for mentioning it, and people who are asking for the kit, just wait ‘till next week, ten days. First of all, we had a problem with the plates, now we had to change, literally change part of the lab, my personal lab in, into the production line and it’s going out. And it’s not done by the Knowledge seekers, it’s done by Caroline and we have a couple of people who are helping us to get it done,


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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and we will meet the demand what it is, ‘till it transfers to China through the Chinese Keshe Foundation people there. And I thank you for your trust in allowing us to be able to do this, and then we’ll go to the next step. Any other question?

I think we are done for today.

We’ll meet tomorrow; tomorrow health section is just questions for health. Any questions you have or whatever it is, doctor Eiyaa has decided that it’s going to be about the questions, we taught a lot and understand where the problems are, and then we’ll see what we can help.

Yap, and we have a new Chinese workshop coming up Monday and a Spanish speaking workshop...

No, not this Monday.

No, that’s right, it’s every other Monday, thank you. Yeah, we’ll be skipping on that one and Spanish again on Tuesday and so on.

If you remember the time, if you don’t go shopping at that time.

Yes, well, I had to make a new calendar, stick it on the wall and make it in big, bright colors so I can understand when all the workshops are in my days.

Yeah, I know you’ve been calling trying to find where I was and I was shopping for the lab.

Yes, right, caught red-handed, trying to find parts for the lab.

Yeah, yeah, because we had to get the units out of the things because these things weren’t planned, the Italians were supposed to, the last two or three days we found out that the end is not going to be met, so, having done enough of manufacturing and production around the world,


Transcript from 36 th Knowledge Seekers Workshop held November 13, 2014

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it was easy for me to just divert it. We spent with doctor Eliya, about four of us sitting in a KIA Q, trying to do whatever was supposed to do four weeks ago. I’m not ashamed of working, and I’m not ashamed of sharing knowledge, what I’m ashamed of is the weakness of the man.

We’ll see what happens. We are correct that units are going out, really, if you receive the units, please understand, we put it on the forum: the price covers the delivery into Europe because we cannot cover the international cost, we had to keep it that way, UPS will get in touch with you, you have to pay for your deliveries. And we’ll try to get the webmasters to change the prices that we can cover international prices and see if he puts on; then we’ll cover it all from here. But at this moment, whatever it is has been there, all the plates, everything is ready, it’s just matter of, the only thing which is holding back is the packaging. All the materials, all the plates, everything is here, it’s done and it’s ready to go.

And, of course, people are asked to make donations straight to the Keshe Foundation as well, at website, so that’s, you don’t have to buy the CO2 kit, you can make a straight donation instead.

Yeah, it’s strange, people are buying tens and fives and twos and threes, and it’s very strange what it goes and see how they go. All the best until tomorrow at 2 o’clock.

OK, thank you very much, Mr. Keshe, that was a great, great workshop today, really good.

Thank you all, Rick.

Yeah, thank you Mr. Keshe.

And thank you so much, Erick. Erick, you did a great job out there too, it was amazing with the video, I think you did an outstanding job. Thank you so much.

Thank you to you, my friend.

OK, everybody, thank you very much for being with us for the 36th Knowledge Seekers’ Workshop, and this is the end.

