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专转本统一考试大学英语 专转本统一考试大学英语 VV

Lecturer: Echo Ge

[[email protected]]

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限定词 + 一般描绘性形容词 + 表示大小、形状的形容词

+ 表示年龄、新旧的形容词 + 表示色彩的形容词+ 表示国籍、地区、出处的形容词+ 表示物质材料的形容词+ 表示用途、类别的形容词或名词 + 名词

a few new major urban highwaya pair of beautiful little Russian riding boots

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作谓语、宾语或宾补的不定式再次出现时 保留 “ to”, 后面内容省略

I don't go swimming now but I used to.

注意:不定式 to 之后的动词是 be 或助动词 have 时 be 或 have 要保留

China is no longer what it used to be. — Have you told Allen about the concert? — Sorry, but I ought to have.

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There is a general controversy nowadays as to the issue,

some people claim that there are various advantages of

_______________. (随便说一方观点) They believe that

_______________. (再阐述一下)

Other people argue that the disadvantages are more

evident. Their belief is reinforced by ____ (调查、图

短文等等) which shows that about __ percent of the

___________s (学生、老人、儿童,会什么词写什么

吧) _________________. (再重复一次观点)


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Weighing the pros and cons of both sides, I am inclined

to agree to the former (latter) point of view. Theexplanation for this phenomenon involves manycomplicated factors. In the first place,__________.

(第一情况,编一句吧) A case in point is that _________

__(举个例子,随便写) In the second place, ______

___(第二种情况,再编) For instance, __________.

(还是例子) Last but not least, _________. (最后一种情

况,然编 ) )


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Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably

arrive at the moral that ____________ (作者观点) since

______________. (综合一下上述理由)

Perhaps the best policy is to regulate it so as to maximize

it's advantages and minimize it's disadvantages. In the

meantime, a kind of punishment should be given to those

who have violated certain regulations. (In the meantime,

the government should take measures to provide further

guidance and financial support to help _______ ( 人) to

__________________ ( 作文的主题 ).


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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises

• 阅读理解强化练习 ( P202 ) 25. BDCAD 26. ADBBC 27. CADCA 28. DBCAB 29. CDBAB 30. CADAB 31. DABCD 32. CDACB

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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises

• 语法词汇全真模拟 ( P145-159 ) Test 14

1-5 ADABA 6-10 DDDAD 11-15 ADDCA 16-20 AAACB21-25 DACDC 26-30 BCCDB31-35 ABBAA 36-40 BDCDA

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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises

• 语法词汇全真模拟 ( P145-159 ) Test 15

1-5 BCABB 6-10 DBCCA 11-15 AACCD 16-20 ACCAA21-25 BBACB 26-30 CCDBD31-35 CABBB 36-40 DDDDA

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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises

• 语法词汇全真模拟 ( P145-159 ) Test 16

1-5 ADCDC 6-10 ABCAD 11-15 CDBAA 16-20 CDABA21-25 CCCAA 26-30 BCCDC31-35 CAABC 36-40 ADDBA

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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises

• 语法词汇全真模拟 ( P145-159 ) Test 17

1-5 ADBBD 6-10 DDBBB 11-15 BACBD 16-20 BDDDC21-25 ADAAA 26-30 ABBBB31-35 BCDBD 36-40 DDBBA

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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises

• 语法词汇全真模拟 ( P145-159 ) Test 18

1-5 DBACB 6-10 DCCAB 11-15 CACBA 16-20 ABDCC21-25 CCAAB 26-30 BBBAA31-35 DBCBD 36-40 ADDBD

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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises

• 完形填空解题技巧及演练 ( P67-69 ) Close 7

1-5 BDCDC 6-10 BADAA11-15 BDBCD 16-20 BDDCCClose 8 1-5 BDCAC 6-10 BDCCB11-15 ADBCD 16-20 BCBDB

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Answers for ExercisesAnswers for Exercises• 汉译英 ( P74 )106. to blame for the traffic accident 107. claimed he was innocent 108. can hardly make a living 109.Chinese government made an announcement th

at under no circumstance will China firstly 110. if you want to be respected by others 111. No sooner had I arrived home 112. accomplishing nothing 113. he is in his fifties 114. are confronting the problem of fresh water s

hortage 115. having no idea about his plan

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AnswersAnswers forfor ExercisesExercises• 汉译英 ( P74 )116. confirm the pain of the wound arising fro

m the accident 117. than attend class 118. serve the people whole-heartedly 119. take advantage of this chance120. deprived him of his political right 121. are entitled to get into 122. we are all sympathetic about 123. if we were rich 124. felt exhausted due to continuous marching without rest 125. being treated as [poltroon 胆小鬼 ]

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AnswersAnswers forfor ExercisesExercises• 汉译英 ( P74 )126. take a risk at 127. stand in the way of 128. impose taxes on 129. resort to weapons 130. Other than half an hour 131. be aware of 132. are in favor of 133. observe/ abide by/obey 134. Comparing 135. see to /look after

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AnswersAnswers forfor ExercisesExercises• 汉译英预测 ( P76-77 ) 21. Although I keep taking this medicine, the eff

ect fails to live up to what is claims in the advertisement.

22. The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.

23. We are most impressed by the fact that even those patients who are told of their serious illness are quite optimistic.

24. As a result, many people avoided the very attempts that are the source of true happiness.

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AnswersAnswers forfor ExercisesExercises• 汉译英预测 ( P76-77 ) 25. It is estimated that no scientific experim

ents have yet been made on the question.

26. Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers.

27. The Chinese seemed justified proud of their economic achievements.

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AnswersAnswers forfor ExercisesExercises

• 汉译英预测 ( P76-77 ) 28. There is a popular belief among parents tha

t schools are no longer interested in teaching spelling.

29. A serious earthquake took place in Los Angeles last week which caused heavy losses of property.

30. They jumped to the conclusion that all the flights we take in HongKong take off from Shanghai.

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