Page 1: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons
Page 2: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

Tony Blair is elected asLabour MP for Sedgefield. On July 6th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons.

Page 3: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

New Labour party leader Neil Kinnock appoints Blair as Assistant Spokesman on Treasury matters.

In 1987, he was Appointed Deputy spokesman for Tradeand Industry.

Page 4: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

In October of 1988, Blair was elected by the Parliamentary Labour Partyto shadow the cabinet. In 1989, he was electedto be a member of the National Executive Committeeof the Labour party.

Page 5: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

Promoted to shadow Home Secretary in 1992.

July 21st, 1994, he beats John Prescott and Margaret Beckett to become leader of the Labour Party

October of 1994, Blair makes his first party conference speech as a leader.

Page 6: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

March: The Sun newspaper announces it will back Blair at the general election.

May 1st Labour wins the general election. At age 44, Blair becomes the second-youngest British prime minister.

Page 7: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

Britain as a part of NATO, joins in the Kosovo war.

Britain and USA launch air strikes against Iraq after reports that Saddam Hussein is not complying with the United Nations weapons inspections.

Page 8: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

After September 11th, Blair emerges as the strongest ally of President Bush’s administration. He supported the “war on terror.”

Page 9: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

On February 3rd, Blair attacks “wreckers” within the Party who stand in the way of public service reforms.

Blair shows an intelligence dossier, and says that it shows that Iraq could deploy banned weapons.

Page 10: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

Blair argues for overthrow of leader Saddam Hussein.

Blair, Bush, and Jose Aznar announce they will seek support for military action against Iraq.

On July 17th, he addresses US congress to accept the Congressional Gold medal.

Blair suffers irregular heartbeat and spends a couple hours in the hospital on October 19th.

Page 11: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

February: Blair names a panel to conduct an inquiry into pre-war intelligence. This was led by Lord Butler.

On September 15th, Blair makes a speech on climate changes.

Page 12: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

May 5th, Blair becomes first leader oft eh Labour party to win three consecutive terms as prime minister.

November 9th, Blair suffers his first defeat in the House of Commons on the Terrorism Act.

Page 13: Tony Blair is elected as Labour MP for Sedgefield.  On July 6 th, he made his maiden speech in the House of Commons

September 12th, Blair makes his last speech to the Trades Union Congress.

September 26th, he makes his final speech as the leader of the Labour Party.

May 10th, 2007, he makes his official announcement that Blair will resign as Prime Minister on June 27th.
