Page 1: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs
Page 2: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs

They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.

You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs.

Page 3: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs

Drive in theatres were most popular in the late 1950’s and early1960’s.

Over time land became to valuable to have business such as drive in theatres.

Page 4: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs

They generally cost anywhere from 25 cents to a dollar if you aren’t in a car.

It is free in you were in a car.

Page 5: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs
Page 6: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs

There were many interesting hair styles in the 1960’s.

A lot of guys, like the greasers in the book, slicked their hair back.

Page 7: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs

Other guys liked the long-haired Beatles look. This was a mop-top look.

Page 8: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs!C!-zzkg!Wk~%2524(KGrHqV,!isE0GgD00%252BkBNFp%252ByRsTQ~~_35.JPG&w=300&h=300&ei=rVc-T6D-Eo2RgQeM7v2zCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=180&vpy=2&dur=203&hovh=225&hovw=225&tx=181&ty=39&sig=101984325459507374495&page=1&tbnh=124&tbnw=148&start=0&ndsp=22&ved=0CIEBEK0DMA8

Page 9: They were outdoor movies that played on a large screen.  You go and watch the movie in your car or in chairs
