Page 1: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

א ב ג דThe Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was not said even in the days of Joshua the son of Nun. [Thus] Alef Beth [means] learn wisdom [Alef Binah]; Gimmel Daleth, show kindness to the poor [Gemol Dallim]. Why is the foot of the Gimmel stretched toward the Daleth? Because it is fitting for the benevolent to run after [seek out] the poor. And why is the roof of the Daleth stretched out toward the Gimmel? Because he [the poor] must make himself available to him. And why is the face of the Daleth turned away from the Gimmel? Because he must give him [help] in secret, lest he be ashamed of him.

(bShabbat 104a)

Page 2: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

נן ס ע פף צץ מםThe open Mem and the closed Mem [denote] open teaching [Ma’amar] and closed [esoteric] teaching. The bent Nun and the straight Nun: the faithful [Ne’eman] if bent [humble], [will ultimately be] the faithful, straightened. Samek ‘ayyin: support [Semok] the poor [‘aniyyim]. Another interpretation: devise [‘aseh] mnemonics [Simanim] in the Torah and [thus] acquire [memorize] it. The bent pe and the straight pe [intimate] an open mouth [peh], a closed mouth. A bent zaddik and a straight zadde: the righteous [zaddik] is bent [in this world]; the righteous is straightened [in the next world].

Page 3: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

ש ת אמת שקר

Shin [stands for] Sheker [falsehood]; Taw [for] ‘eMeTH [truth]: why are the letters of SheKeR close together, whilst those of ‘eMeTH are far apart? Falsehood is frequent, truth is rare. And why does falsehood [stand] on one foot, whilst truth has a brick-like foundation? Truth can stand, falsehood cannot stand.

Page 4: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Moses trifft Akiva (noch einmal)„R. Jehuda sagte im Namen Rabhs: Als Mose in die Höhe stieg, traf er den Heiligen, gepriesen sei er, dasitzen und Kränzen für die Buchstaben winden. Da sprach er zu ihm: Herr der Welt, wer hält dich zurück? Er erwiderte: Es ist ein Mann, der nach vielen Generationen sein wird, namens Aquiba b. Joseph; er wird dereinst über jede Häkchen Haufen über Haufen von Lehren vortragen. Da sprach er vor ihm: Herr der Welt, zeige ihn mir. Er erwiderte: Wende dich um. Da wandte er sich um und setzte sich hinter die achte Reihe; er verstand aber ihre Unterhaltung nicht und war darüber bestürzt. Als jener zu einer Sache gelangte, worüber seine Schüler ihn fragten, woher er dies wisse, erwiderte er ihnen, dies sei eine Mose am Sinai überlieferte Lehre. Da wurde er beruhigt.

Page 5: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Moses trifft Akiva (weiter)Hierauf kehrte er um, trat vor den Heiligen, gepriesen sei

er, und sprach vor ihm: Herr der Welt, du hast einen solchen Mann, und verleihst die Tora durch mich! Er erwiderte: Schweige, so ist es mir in den Sinn gekommen. Hierauf sprach er vor ihm: Herr der Welt, du hast mir seine Gesetzeskunde gezeigt, zeige mir auch seinen Lohn. Er sprach: Wende dich um. Da wandte er sich um und sah sein Fleisch auf der Fleischbank wiegen. Da sprach er vor ihm: Herr der Welt, das die Tora und dies ihr Lohn!? Er erwiderte: Schweig, so ist es mir in den Sinn gekommen.“

(bMenahot 29b)

Page 6: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Midrasch (מדרש)

Von der Wurzel: Darash (דרש) = suchen, untersuchen

Midrasch (מדרש) = Forschung, Studium, bzw. Auslegung

Darshan (דרשן) = Schriftausleger, Prediger

D’rash (דרש) = Predigt, auch wenn informell

Page 7: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Midrasch in der Bibel (מדרש)Genesis 25,22“Und die Kinder stießen sich miteinander in ihrem (Rebekah) Leibe. Dasprach sie: Da mir's also sollte gehen, warum bin ich schwangergeworden? und sie ging hin, den HERRN zu fragen.”

. את-יהוהלדרשויתרצצו הבנים, בקרבה, ותאמר אם-כן, למה זה אנכי; ותלך,

Esra 7,10: Denn Esra schickte sein Herz, zu suchen das Gesetz des HERRN undzu tun, und zu lehren in Israel Gebote und Rechte.

 . את-תורת יהוה ולעשת, וללמד בישראל, חק ומשפטלדרשכי עזרא הכין לבבו,

Jesaja 34,16: “im Buch Gottes nachforschen” ( ( מעל-ספר יהוהדרשו

2 Chronik 24,27:“Midrasch zum Buch der Könige“ ( ( ספר המלכיםמדרשעל-

Page 8: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Die Anfänge der Midrasch

• Inter-biblical exegesis as early Midrasch (Michael Fishbane)

• Apocryphal, Pseudepigraphic, and Targumic Literature as Midrasch

• „Re-written Bible“ as Midrasch

Page 9: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Multiple Meanings in Scripture1) Ben Bag Bag sagt: “Wende die [Tora] hin und

wende sie her, denn alles ist in ihr…” (mAvot 5,22)

2) It is taught in the school of R. Ishmael: “Behold, my word is like fire, declares the Lord, and like a hammer that shatters rock” (Jer. 23,29). As this hammer produces many sparks, so a single verse has many meanings. (bSanhedrin 34a)

3) There are seventy faces to the Torah: Turn it around and around, for everything is in it. (Numbers Rabba 13:15)

Page 10: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Guiding Principles of Biblical Interpretation

(from James Kugel, The Bible as it Was)

1. The Bible is a “fundamentally cryptic document.”2. The Bible constitutes “one great Book of

Instruction, and as such is a fundamentally relevant text,” including for the present.

3. The Bible is perfect, and perfectly harmonious [omnisignificance]

4. The Bible is a text of divine origin

Page 11: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Der „Credo“ von der jüdisch-biblische Interpretation

Deut 32,47: „Denn es [die Gesetze, die Tora] ist nicht ein vergebliches Wort an euch (wörtlich: von euch), sondern es ist euer Leben…”

--כי-הוא, חייכםמכםכי לא-דבר רק הוא,

Rabbi Akiva: “If it seems emtpy it is from you—on account of your own failure—for you do not know how to study [lidrosh דרשל ] its meaning properly”[Genesis Rabbah 1:14]

Page 12: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Zwei wichtige Midrasch-Methode

1) Gematria: jeder Buchstabe funktioniert auch als Nummer ( 3 = ג, 2=ב, 1 = א , uzw.), so jedes Wort hat sein eigenen Wert.

2) Notarikon: “Acrostic” als Interpretation

Page 13: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Klagelieder = Eicha (איכה)Eicha = Wie

Klagelieder 1,1: Wie liegt die Stadt so wüst, die voll Volks war! Sie ist wie eine Witwe

ישבה בדד, העיר רבתי עם--היתה, כאלמנהאיכה

R. Levis Gematria auf EIcha:Eicha = 36 ( 5=ה, 20=כ, 10=י, 1=א )36 of Eicha = 36 transgressions punishable by excommunication

(hence destruction of Temple deserved)

Ben Azzais Notarikon auf Eicha• Aleph = Ein Gott• Yod = Zehn Gebote• Caph= Zwanzig Generationen (circumcision commanded in

twentieth generation of world, that is, to Abraham• Heh = Fünf Bücher Mose (enthält viele andere Gebote)

Page 14: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Homiletische Midrasch: Struktur• Peticha (פתיחה) = Proömium

– Üblichen Formel: „Rabbi Plony patach...“ (öffnete...)starts with „Peticha“ verse, from different section of Bible than reading, through interpretation connects this verse to opening of reading.Introduction? Short Predigt?

• Hatima (חתימה) = Peroratio (umgefähr) comforting words at end; often God as speaker,

this world compared to next world

Page 15: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Numbers 24,1-4:1Und der HERR redete mit Mose und sprach: 2Gebiete den Kindern Israel, daß sie zu dir

bringen gestoßenes lauteres Baumöl zur Leuchte, daß man täglich Lampen aufsetze

3außen vor dem Vorhang des Zeugnisses in der Hütte des Stifts. Und Aaron soll's zurichten des Abends und des Morgens vor dem HERRN täglich. Das sei ein ewiges Recht euren Nachkommen.

4Er soll die Lampen auf dem feinen Leuchter zurichten vor dem HERRN täglich.

Page 16: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Petichta (פתיחתא) Beispiel

Bar Kapparah recited a petichta: “It is you who light my lamp; the Lord, my God, lights up mydarkness” (Psalm 18,29). The Holy One, blessedbe He, said to man: Your lamp is in my hand, as itis said, “The lifebreath of man is the lamp of the Lord” (Psalm 20,27). And my lamp is in yours: “soas to maintain lights regularly” (Leviticus 24,2). Towhich the Holy One, blessed be He, added: If youlight my lamp, I will light yours. That is themeaning of “Command the Israelite people [to bring you clear oil of beaten olives for lighting, forkindling lamps regularly” (Leviticus 24,2).

Page 17: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Midrash Rabba (מדרש רבה)

10 Bände:

-1 pro jeder Buch von fünf Bücher Mose-1 pro jeder Rolle im Alten Testament:

Hohelied, Ester, Kohelet, Ruth, Klagelieder

Page 18: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Bereshit Rabba

  ראשית, ברא אלהים, את השמים, ואת הארץבAm Anfang schuf Gott Himmel und Erde.

“Why was the world created with the letter bet Just as bet is closed on three sides and ?(ב)open only in front, so you are not permitted to investigate what is above and what is below, what is before and what is after—you are permitted only from the time the world was created and thereafter.” (Genesis Rabba 1:10)

Page 19: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Bereshit Rabba

• בראם: ביום, עשות יהוה הב, אלה תולדות השמים והארץ)ד:בראשית ב( .אלהים--ארץ ושמים

“These are the generations of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven.” (Genesis 2:4)

6. “WHEN THEY WERE CREATED—BEHIBBARAM R. Abbahu said in R. Johanan’s name: He .(בהבראם)created them with the letter Heh. All letters demand an effort to pronounce them, whereas the Heh demands no effort; similarly, not with labor or wearying toil did the Holy One, blessed be He, create His world, but ‘By the word of the Lord’ (Ps 33:6), and ‘The heavens were already made’ (ibid,,).” (Genesis Rabbah 12:10)

Page 20: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Die Schaffung von dem MenschGen. 1,26-7:Und Gott sprach: Laßt uns Menschen machen…und Gott

schuf den Menschen ihm zum Bilde, zum Bilde Gottes schuf er ihn; und schuf sie einen Mann und ein Weib.

Gen. 5,1-2:Da Gott den Menschen schuf, machte er ihn nach dem

Bilde Gottes;? und schuf sie einen Mann und ein Weib und segnete sie und hieß ihren Namen Mensch zur Zeit, da sie geschaffen wurden.

Page 21: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Die Schaffung von dem MenschAnd God Said: Let us Make Man (Gen. 1,26). R. Johanan

commenced: “Thou hast formed me behind and before…” (Ps. 139,5). Said R. Johanan: If a man is worthy enough, he enjoys both worlds, for it says, “Thou hast formed me for a later [world] and an earlier [world].” But if not, he will have to render a full account [of his misdeeds], as it is said, “And laid your hand upon me (ibid.).” R. Jeremiah b. Leazar said: When the Holy One, blessed be He, created Adam, He created him an hermaphrodite [bi-sexual], for it is said, “Male and female created he them and called their name Adam” (Gen. 5,2). R. Samuel b. Nahman said: When the Lord created Adam He created him double-faced, then He split him and made him of two backs, one back on this side and one back on the other side.

Page 22: א ב ג ד The Rabbis told R. Joshua b. Levi: Children have come to the Bet Hamidrash (i.e. the rabbinic study house) and said things the like of which was

Die Schaffung von dem Mensch

Man erhob gegen ihn den Einwand: aber es steht dort geschrieben: „Und er nahm eine seiner Rippen (tsalotaw, Gen 2,21)! Er antwortete ihnen: (eine) seiner Seiten! So liest du ja auch: „Fuer die zweite Seite (tsela צלע) der Wohnstaette“ (Ex 26,20).