

"‘ „.

Mandel Cramer

Sar hispires the Pen Miss Doris Hayes, 2338 Manning Avenue, West Los Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: Would you please print the name and a pic-ture of the man who plays "Peters" on "Counterspy" over KECA?

Mandel Cramer portrays "Peters" on ''Counterspy."

Mrs. Claudia Lucas, 2512 Silver Lake Boulevard, Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: When reading past letters of

people saying that two programs they liked were on at the same time, and couldn't something be done about it, I have thought — well, they're asking a great deal. But now I am saying my three cents' worth. Never have the very big, popular

programs ever been so jammed as they now are on Sunday from 5:00 p.m. on. I. don't think my family can be the only one that is so very much disappointed in losing one good one on each and every half hour. Programs that we listened to and enjoyed last year are all dou-

bled up on Sunday evenings. I am hoping the producers will hear suf-ficient criticism to realize they are losing their rating by holding on to the Sunday evening hour. We can't listen to two of the high-rated pro-grams at .the same time, as much as we would like to.

Mrs. A. E. Cockshuft, 8324 Kenyon Avenue, Los Angeles 45, Calif. Sirs: These networks make me so

disgusted I feel like keeping my ra-dio turned off. I would like to know what happened to "Doorway to Life." At one time there were three good programs from which we mothers were getting a lot of constructive points on how to make good citizens of our children. Now there are none on the air since "Doorway to Life" vanished —and with no word whatso-ever why they were removed. I am sure that there are many mothers who agree with me. How about getting these helpful programs back on the air in place of some of the trash thal is on now? Let's hear from a lot of mothers and get some action on this matter.

No plans to return "Doorway So Life" seen, to be indicated at present. We add our yoke in requesting its return.

A / $MARYLEE ROBS ((MMaarrjjoorriiee on -The Great

Gildersleeve - ) enjoys a snack and a tune. Tasty-toasty Hol-Grain Wheat Wafers with

piquant Kraft Old English Cheese Spread makes a tempting combination for any hour hem mid-morning to midnight. Paper-thin H o I -Grain Wafers are 100% whole wheat! They hit the spot . . . and only 3 calories per waled

Mrs. J. F. Fisher, 11041/4 South Kingsley Drive, Los Angeles, Calif.

Sirs: First of all may I ask why "Johnny Fletcher" has been taken off the air? Bill Good-win and Sheldon Leonard were won-derful on the pro-gra m. Second, would you please print a picture of Dick Powell and see if he would not sing on his pro-gram. either at the beginning or end. There are plenty of fans that want the same thing.

According to ARC, "Johnny Fletcher" is still heard on hECA, 9:30 p.m. Sun-day. However, Frank .41bertson is now heard as "Johnny," Sheldon Leonard is still "Sam." Bill Goodwin will probab-ly be starred in another ARC series. As So your other request, here's Dick Pow-ell, taken during his singing days. (Dear Mr. Powell: please sing something.)

M. Guyette, 1301 Bates Ave..., Los An-geles 27, Calif.

Sirs: I never used to listen to the "Beulah" show very often but now, since Hattie McDaniel is on the show, I don't want to miss it. I think she's tops, the show is natural. I love to hear her and "Bill" laugh. The whole cast is good now. Good luck, Hattie McDaniel, you're a ray of sun-shine.

Singer Powell


CARL M. BIGSBV, Publisher

Nov. 21, 1948 .41111. 44 Vol. 18, No. 12 Published Weekly at Los Angeles, California. Business and Editorial Offices: 6361 Selma Ave., Los Angeles 28 (Hollywood Station), California. l'hone Hillside 9275.

Radio and Television Life was entered as Second Class Matter September 14, 1918, at Los An-geles, under Act of March 3, 1879. Prepaid Subscription. 84.80 year, 62.50 Nix months. Single Copies on sale at leading Independent Grocers in Southern California. Single Copies by mall 10c. Address all remittances and cor-respondence to Radio and Television Life. Subscribers please allow two weeks for change of address.

EVELVN A. BIGSBV, Editor Editorial Department: Assistant Editor, Joan Buchanan; Television Editor, Jane Pelgram; Precast Editor, Judi. Maguire; Art Direc-tor, Ray Wheeee ler: g Editor, Hal tillibl11.

Business Department: General Manager, B. W. Lents; Advertising M • David J. Man-ning; Office Manager, Georgia Caywood; Circulation Manager, Fred Brennwaid; Mer-chandising Manager, Victor P. Wickline.

All material used by Radio and Television I.ife is specially prepared by its own staff writers, and reprinting in whole or in part without publisher's peren:ssion strictly forbidden. Un-solicited manuscripts can not be accepted ur returned.

Advertising Offices: San Francisco: Rogers Parrott. 88 Post Street; Chicago: E. J. Pow-ers, 75 E. Wacker Drive; Los Angeles: John A. Nelson.

BRID Start your mar-ried life right. Please hubby by always hav-

ing Omega Shoe Wax handy. It waterproofs, preserves and polishes to a high, longer-lasting lustre Sold everywhere in all popular shades. Omega Shoe Wax, the fa maus "60 second shine."

November 21, MB

About Your Letters All letters to the Ear Inspires

the Pen Department should in-clude name, and full address of the sender. Name ar.i/or address will be withheld on writer's re-quest. Opinions expensed in the letters printed are those of the senders and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Radio Life.

Zippy Pupos, 1141 So. Hayworth Ave., Los Angeles 35, Calif.

Sirs: To my regret, I have just read that "Winner Take All" has been taken off the air. In my estimation, this was the best quiz-audience-par-ticipation or what-have-you program. I am not a serial fan and the only daytime programs I enjoy are "House Party" and "Wir7r:r Take All." . . . Is it still being broadcast in New York? I ha vt always hoped that they'd take it on the road, so that we Angelenos would have a chance to compete for the marvelous prizes given away. In regard to "House Party," it is my opinion that Art Linkletter is the finest radio person-ality on the radio today.

"Winner Take All" was dropped tem-porarily by K X but not by the net-work, and ho, been reinstated on K N at 8:30 a.m. Monday through Friday.

Mrs. J. J. Kinsella, Winnemucca, Nevada.

Sirs: I couldn't help answering a letter saying the character of "Dig-ger O'Dell" offended many. We like him very much, and so do many oth-ers here. There is nothing funny about death, I agree, but for the life of me I can't see why "Digger O'Dell" is an offensive role. I do agree with others concerning "Nature Boy." I think it's terrible. But that's the way the world goes. What pleases some does not please others.

Nancy Romero, 1044 North Catalina, Pasa-dena, Calif.

Towards the first of the summer I read that Felix Knight, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera, was the star of the Borden show. . . . I couldn't lo-cate any program of that name. I would appreciate it very much if you could tell me if Felix Knight was or is with that program, if the program had a different name, or if he is on any program at the present time.

Felix Knight is a regular on "Your Song and Mine," K N X, 7:00 pan. Wednesday. Borden is the sponsor and Thomas L. Thomas and Mary Martha Briney are other program regulars.

BACHELORS More and more memabout-town are switching to Omega Shoe Wax, the dressing that_polishes your shoes to a longer-lasting lustre. Ptotects, waterproofs and preserves. Available every-where and in all the popular shades. Ask for Omega Shoe Wax, the famotin"finw,..wiehine...

November 21, 1948

Miss Doris Hayes, 2338 Mana:ag Avenue, West Los Angeles 35, Calif.

111111111 Sirs: I would like to give my appreci-ation for the Octo-ber 2 Dennis Day show. Dennis' won-derful impersona-tions are indeed worth comment. Please print a pic-ture of Bea Bena-

Ilea Benaderet deret.

Dorothy Weeks, Brea, Calif.

Sirs: I noticed in your preter-pluperfect magazine, a Mrs. Wick clamors for two-for-a-penny words on "Noah Webster Says," as the two-bit ones are over her head. According to the Daily News, it would be very convenient knowing a few of those two-bitters. Here are just a few I saw in one article in my morn-ing paper: "spate," "pontificality." "transvestite" a n d "intransigent." I'm glad the six years I've heard "Noah Webster Says" enable me to understand what these writers are talking about. Otherwise, many arti-cles would be meaningless. A little lexigraphy (apologies to Mrs. W.) can come in very handy. Don't for-get it's a game, not a substitute for a college education. •

Bruce Freft, 819 Marguerite, Alhambra, Calif.

Sirs: Jackie Berrin took the thought right out of my mind in her letter concerning Dick Powell and Signe Hasso as a team. Never have I seen such a perfect pair (don't take me seriously, June Allyson). When I saw "To the Ends of the Earth," I went only because my kid sister was always harping about Basso. . . . Wow! Such a personality —so wake up, ABC, a new personality is born to radio. Get her quick before some-one else does.

Mrs. Gwen Cameroa, San Marino, Calif.

Sirs: Recorded or transcribed pro-grams are O.K. but here's a tip for those who prefer a live program. I tune in San Diego at 12:00 noon for "Double or Nothing." The static is practically nil.


fp 7-44S week co

KFI We're going back to school

days on KFI! Come each Mon-day evening at 8:30 P.M., Pro-fessor Ben Alexander presides in the Merrill's Rich Suds classroom for a friendly bout with words in "Spelling Bee." "Spelling Bee" contestants,

chosen each week from the stu-dio audience, will spell each other down for cash and mer-chandise prizes. As he roams t h e audience, Ben Alexander will be adding one more chore to his already busy radio schedule as em-cee of "Heart's Desire" and "It's a Living" and announcer on the Fleet-wood Lawton newscasts. For fun, for surprises, and a

glimpse into your neighbor's spelling report card, don't miss Merrill's Rich Suds' "Spelling Bee" every Monday night at 8:30 P.M. with Ben Alexander —that's KFI, 640 on your dial.

KFI —AM —FM —TY Sam Hayes, long identified

with Pacific Coast evening newscasting, is back on KFI at 6:00 P.M., Monday, Wednes-day, and Friday, for a 15-min-ute news program for Mennen Products. (You'll hear a local newscast from KFI studios on Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur-day.) In KFI's morning sched-ule, Sam Hayes occupies the 8:45 spot Monday through Fri-day for Wheaties.

Hayes is usu-II ally credited with being the fastest talking person on the air today. By actual count he does 209 words a minute. How-ever, Hayes can lay claim to being the fastest and still

Saw Hayes one of the most easily understood speakers in the country. Spend some time with the

machine-gun delivery of Sam Hayes, at 8:45 every morning, Monday through Friday and at 6:00 in the evening, Monday, Wednesday and Friday — on KFI, of course.

• i!..,

Ben Alexander

KFI 640

On Your Dial IL


Page Three


PHIL BOUGHT THE TRIUMPH after seeing it in a show window in London, England. The story of the trip in it, across America, with Frank Remley (right), would inspire a Harris-Faye show script!

-4 Oil the Road

Rover Boys 0

ing car, on the great highways of America.

Fun-Loving Phil and Frankie Explore America's Vast Highways and Byways

By Judy Maguire

Sunday. 5:30 p.m. NB(:-KEI, ICES!)

EACE F UL fa mily scenes, these. But not by mere air, rail, nor ship on the sea did Phil Har-

ris reach this Paradise of Home Life after Landing in New York with the Jack Benny troupe.

In London, while on tour with the gang last summer, Phil made a flashy purchase. A four-cylinder, twenty-seven miles to the gallon,

Triumph convertible, steering wheel on the right-hand side. This jolly British model was shipped across the Atlantic and was waiting for Phil when he docked. It was sheer love of adventure (and a brand - new toy) which decided our Rover Boys, Phil and guitar-playing Frank Remley (The Original), to make the last lap of their trip by open road. We can't imagine many things so

joyous as Phil and Frankie alone with a road map, in an English tour-

-11Pik PHIL, WITH THE WIFE AND KIDDIES —beauteous Alice Faye, six-year-old Alice Jr. and lour-year-old Phyllis. (NBC-

Zeigler photo.)

When they arrived to collect the car at the New York agency, the boys behaved true to type. The agent carefully inquired if they knew how to drive it, and with grandiloquent gestures of "Sure Sure!" Phil and Frankie roared ou-. into traffic with-out the tiresome Jetails of instruc-tion. It was while they were wheel-ing around Central Park, after a happy afternoon of sightseeing, that the Travelers noticed "she seemed about ready to boiL" It developed the car had four gears, and that for twenty-five miles they'd been running her in "first" instead of "fourth."

Onward, Ever Onward After this first mishap the boys

drove with instruction book in hand, and at a speed close to thirty, all the way to Chicago. They hit a cloudburst in New Jer-

411PI" UNDERNEATH THE ARCHES WITH THE GIRL of His Dreams strolls the Doowaditty Man.

THE YOUNGER MISSES HARRIS dis-play fore and aft of their fancy new d r , shoes and parasols. (NBC-Zeigler photos.)

sey, with rain well over the curbs and uncomfortably close to the car's six-inch clearance. Frankie was at the wheel, and Phil reached over to turn on the lights. The motor stopped dead. While traffic piled up on every side of them, the boys stared about in panicky exasperation. Their fran-tic fumblings at the dashboard solved the case. Phil had hit the key in-stead of the light switch, and a quick flip of the wrist sent the travelers on their way. Whenever they hit town, the boys

became the center of attention. The crowds which gathered to admire the Triumph, lift its hood, poke at its trappings and run envious hands over its lovely aluminum finish, were so terrific that the boys had to eat their meals in shifts. "If one of us hadn't stayed with it," says Phil, "they'd have worn it out before we ever got here." They had to change oil every 500

miles, and it was a problem to find narrow enough grease racks. In one garage, a colored boy stood by, gaz-ing In amazement at the trim and tiny car. "Man," he finally observed, "they musta plucked that one before it was ripe."

Hometown Boy Before Frankie began the trip,

he'd exacted certain conditions . . . that they'd detour to visit his three home towns: Moorehead, Minnesota, Valley City, North Dakota, and Fargo, North Dakota. "And you never saw a guy so popular as Frankie in every one of them," adds Phil. The car caused such a com-motion, parked on the street, the fellows couldn't get any sleep, until

THE HAPPY HARRISES SPEND many healthy hours by and in their

Encino home swimming pool, with year-round suntans the result.

the Wallwork Ford Agency in Fargo and the Kerncamp and Johnson Agency in Valley City volunteered their show windows as storage spots overnight!

The travelers drove most of their trip with the top down, and have suntans to prove it. They went slow-ly, "because if something had hit us, ttiere'd have been nothing for us to do but get on the train and come home." (Parts for the car are avail-able only in New York and Cali-fornia.) They were "driving along fine,"

through Montana, and remarking how cool she was keeping, when they were aghast to see that the tempera-ture gauge had gone so high that "it was trying to break the glass and get out!" As Frankie says: "Gosh, neither of us knows anything about an automobile, except that you put gas and oil in and it goes," so the

(Please Turn to Page 32)

OH-OH. WELL, EVERY DREAM A pr has an end, as the snappy new car acquires a new boss-man at the wheel and an unhappy back-seat driver.

FOUR-YEAR-OLD PHYLLIS is al-ready an accomplished diver, can

crawl and backstroke and swim underwater in the eleven-foot depth to pick up objects off the floor of the pool!

IN THE HAPPY HOMES OFFICE, Norma Young, seated, and her assistant, Lucille Manley, got their heads together to

plan a Thanksgiving diner for Radio Life readers. Menu is now in the -on paper- stage. (Rothschild photo.)

loll Doift Hate To Eat Turkey

Norma Young-, Home Economist, Suggests a New Taste and Look For Your Thanksgiving Dinner

MENU Spiced To mato Juice Cocktail

Pecan Halves with anchovy paste mixed with horseradish

crea m filling Pretzel Sticks, ro led in seasoned crea m cheese, then in isneay.

chopped pistachio nuts Pitted Ripe Oli•es, filled with

crea m :heese Cockle Shells

Corned Beef with Mustard Sauce, garnished with pickled beets

rolled in finely-chopped parsley Sweet Potato Puff

String Beans with Mushrooms,' sauted in butter or margarine


(Clirg with then with

Hearts - Large Ripe Olives Hot Rolls - -

Snow Ball Salad Peach Hal es. put together a well-seasoned crea m cheese rolled in coconut. Topped a sprig of mint.)

- -- - Molasses Chiffon Pie


Page Six

Monday-Friday. 1:30 p.m. M U

IF RADIO LIFE were rich enough to afford a "staff chef," Norma Young would be "it." We think that she is just about the finest cook ever to pound a potato or

puree a pea. Her dishes not only taste divine, they look heavenly; for Norma is a firm believer in the art of eye appeal.

She is also a good-natured, re-sourceful person so chock-full of ideas that we never have any qualms about asking her "What can we cook up for Radio Life readers?" Last year, Norma showed us how to fix a half-turkey dinner. This year, when we asked her for a holiday meal centered around something other than the traditional bird, she promptly suggested "Irish turkey." which turned out to be corned beef cooked with a tangy mustard sauce.

"This dish is ideal for people who

f 0-- -9e"

-1 6- THE FOLLOWING Friday night, Radio Life drove out to Norma's

lovely foothill home, where she and Lucille had been "slaving over the hot stove- all afternoon. Here's a close-up of the Thanksgiving centerpiece they arranged.


want to save their turkey-eating un-til Christmas," Norma pointed out. "It's for folks who say, 'Let's have something differet t!' The corned beef and its accompaniments can be prepared mostly the day ahead, so that the holiday itself can be re-served for visiting and enjoying the family. Two people, working about two and a half hours, can easily pre-pare the meal on Thanksgiving Day."

Besides being interestingly differ-ent and simple to fix, the corned beef feast has one extra advantage as Norma sees it. "I's there anything better than corned beef hash the day after Thanksgiving?" she asks.

* *


6 lbs. corned beef, rolled and tied 6 peppercorns 1 onion, sliced 1 clove garlic 4 bay leaves 2 sprigs of parsley, stalk of celery 2 T. prepared mustard % c. brown sugar c. catsup

3 T. each of vinegar and water

November 21, 1948

le r, THE STARTER: Spiced Tomato Juice Cocktail and hors d'oeuvres.

Note how cocktail glasses have been "frosted" with mixture of parsley and egg white.

Put rolled corned beef into a large kettle with peppercorns, onions, gar-lic, parsley, bay leaves and celery. Cover completely with water from the hydrant, bring to a full rolling boil, then turn down heat and sim-mer, allowing 30 minutes to the pound. Let cool in this water. Remove meat, place in a shallow

baking pan, score the fat, stud with cloves, then blend sugar, catsup, mustard, vinegar and water and spread over top, baking at 350 de-grees for about 30 minutes until thoroughly heated through, and bast-ing often with the sauce.

* • *


Select uniform-sized yams, large enough so they may be cut in half. 3 c, mashed sweet potatoes or yams 2 beaten egg yolks 2 T. sugar (optional) 1/2 c. orange juice or top milk 2 T. melted butter or margarine t. salt

2 beaten egg whites

Potatoes are to be returned to the shells, so carefully remove the pulp, mash, then add egg yolks, salt, sugar if desired, and melted butter or mar-garine. Beat and blend well, then fold in the beaten egg whites which have been beaten stiff. Refill shells and bake at 350 de-

grees until puffed and brown, about 30 minutes.

• *


One baked pie shell, made from FAMILY KITCHEN PIE CRUST. Build rim up high and bake at 450 degrees

THE GROANING BOARD: We know it's good because we ate the dinner after the last flash bulb had done its duty.

November 21, 1948

let. THE SALAD: Snow Balls of cling peach halves stuffed with

cream cheese, then rolled in coconut garnished with mint.

until nice golden brown. Filling -

1 T. unflavored gelatin % c. cold water 3 eggs % c. Brer Rabbit Molasses, either

Gold or Green Label. 2 T. orange juice t. cinnamon

Few grains salt 1 c. cream, to be whipped. Soften gelatin in cold water. Beat eggs until light, add mo-

lasses, cook over hot water, stirring constantly until thick. Add gelatin, orange juice, cinnamon, and salt. Chill until slightly thickened. Whip cream stiff," fold into mo-

lasses mixture. Pour into baked pie shell, chill until firm. Garnish with whipped cream, and

decorate with large pecan halves. Serve with pumpkin cheese mini-


Let coc

THE ENTREE: Corned Beef with Mustard Sauce and tiny pickled

beets. The Sweet Potato Fluff, at left, affords nice color contrast to String Beans with Mushrooms.


A t, THE DESSERT: Molasses Chiffon Pie, garnished with pecans and ac-

companied by a saucy plate of cheese molded to resemble pumpkins.

It's always a

idea to

—the scouring powder

that contains soap

'M A RADIO man by acci-dent, you might say," was Bill Spargrove's first remark when we started our inter-view. Bill, who is a valued member of the ABC-KECA

announcing staff, has been an an-nouncer and news and special events man since 1932. And listening to him, it did sound

as if fate, or luck, or whatever you might wish to name it, did play an important role in guiding his career. Fate also seems to have had a hand in the fact that with bigtime tele-vision Just getting a good start in this part of the country . . . here's Bill Spargrove, who has already had a wealth of experience on both sides of the cameras. Bill sees TV as the white hope of the future in enter-tainment. . . . But that is getting ahead of the Spargrove story.

leiltestes No. 18 of a Series

01 *woe

gtau By Virginia West

This Announcer Has Had Experience in Front of and Behind the Lens

To begin with, he was born Wil-liam Ernest Spargrove, in Belle Plaine, Iowa, though his parents moved shortly thereafter to the mid-western metropolis of Des Moines. Here young Bill grew up, like most of the kids of this century's "teen" years, with no• more than a casual interest in that new gadget, the radio. Bill entered Ohio State Univer-sity at Columbus as a medical stu-dent. A dentist friend with whom he made his home was a good friend of the General Manager of WAIU, at Columbus ... and here is where fate began to take a hand in shaping the Spargrove career.

Sheer Accident One evening Bill and his friend

dropped by the radio station on their way to a party. Finding a studio empty, he decided to kill time while waiting for his friend by playing the piano for his own amazement. . . . He finally dropped into "The

Shooting of Dan McGrew" and other classical gems, playing his own "mu-sical background." It seemed the station manager had flipped a key and was listening to the "rendition," and liked what he heard. Bill was handed an audition script- which he read, and was told his voice was very good for radio. At that time, however, the young man had his medical career in mind. Then came the depression, and

Bill was towed to leave college and return home to Iowa. Looking about for a job, Bill remembered what the Columbus station manager had told him, and decided 'to try the radio business as a means of recouping his fortunes to return to his medical studies. . . . But as it turned out, scholastic halls, as far as he was concerned, passed into history. Nationally prominent publisher

Gardiner Cowles of the Des Moines (Please Turn to Page .12)

November 21, 1948 Page Eight

NOVEMBER 21, 1948

For Love o' Mike (CGoemninercanit)

Rumors Are Flying Those "Mr. Tutt" stories, heard as

Lux summer replacement last sea-son, will be dramatized for Broadway with Raymond Massey as star. . . . "Hit the Jackpot" may turn into a movie. . . . Latest John Guedel de-velopment is a quiz idea about school teachers. . . . Gale Gordon wants Frank DeVol to write the score of a projected Broadway musical, "The Man Who Won Pasadena," and also do a comedy stint. . . . Ed Gardner is another NBC star considering a,CBS contract. . . . Sponsorship by January is the likelihood of Hanley Stafford's situation-comedy s h o w, "Granby's

Green Acres." . . . Cathy Lewis may return to the air sooner than expected —and on "Sam Spade." She was a visitor at husband Elliott's two shows last week, though still convalescing from her illness. . . . "The Lassie Show" may become a half-hour Sat-urday feature on NBC, come Decem-ber. . . . Tip-top stardom is predicted for Gordon MacRae in '49.... KMPC's Bob Shannon has a new quiz cooking, claims it has an "educational" gim-mick for adults — smart sayings of grownups? ... CBS is still wooing top NBC names, but Bergen will stay where he is now if Coca-Cola decides to sponsor him. . . . Dinah Shore is said to be nixing big radio deals in order to spend more time at home. . .. The big agencies are rumored to be ready to forsake the production of radio shows in order to return to

(Continued on Next Page)

Starting: NEW CONTEST Subject of our letter-writing

contest is: "What Radio Means

to Me."

Again the first prize will be the star-studded day in Holly-wood.

Second prize: a year's subscrip-tion to Radio Life and four tick-ets to a big-time show.

Third prize: a six-month sub-scription to Radio Life and four tickets to a big-time show.

• Seven other prizes each will consist of radio show tickets and an autographed picture of a fa-vorite star.

All you have to do is complete in 25 (twenty-five) words or less the sentence, "Radio Means to Me ..." Use accompanying entry blank or reasonable facsimile thereof. Mail your letter to Radio Life, 6361 Selma Avenue, Holly-wood 28, Calif. Contest starts November 20, 1948 and ends De-cember 20, 1948. All entries must be postmarked before midnight of December 20, 1948.

Anyone is eligible except em-ployees of Radio Life and their families, personnel of networks, local stations, or agencies. En-tries will be judged by the Radio Life Editorial Staff. Decision of

5 the judges will be final.

NEXT WEEK Dennis Day —on our cover espe-cially photographed for Thanksgiving.

"Fibber McGee and Molly"—in a delightful series of their own Flashbacks.

Lun2 and Abner —a fascinating photographic demonstration of how to grow old in two and a half hours.

Bill Hay —explaining facets of his great sporting interest, lawn bowling.

Groucho Marx —answering Radio Life's Twenty Questions.

Behind the Scenes in Radio— Number one of a series pro-filing radio workers is devoted to Warren Lewis, an NBC pro-ducer.

"Your Stand-In" —all about a new show and a radio person-ality new to Southern Cali-fornia.

Here's all you need for that week's good listening. We think it will make an eve-ning's good reading, too.



RADIO MEANS TO ME: (Complete in 25 words or less).

Mail to

Radio Life Letter- Writing Contest, Department C

Radio Life Magazine, 6361 Selma Avenue, Hollywood 28, California



City - State'

Page Nine


AKECA mike memos By VIRGINI

A cross-section of news and commentary... that's what your American Broadcasting Company station, KECA, gives you every Sunday night.... Starting with Walter Winchell at 7, the lineup includes such top names as Louella Parsons, Jimmie Fidler, and Drew Pearson, with the quarter-hour "Newsweek Looks Ahead," prepared by the editors of the magazine of the same name, "Mon lay Morning Headlines," and the Sunday night edition of "Richfield Reporter," assuring a well balanced news picture.

Winchell and nis scoops, and Pearson and his predictions, are practically institutions with all those who wish to keep well informed on happenings of these fast moving days. Louella Parsons, who is known by her many friends in the film capital as "the first lady of Hollywood," has been broadcasting news about pictures and picture people since 1928, and Fidler, whose news flashes limelight lop personalities of the glamour city, is also an old hand at recounting the news of the cinema city.... In other words, we believe you'll like what you hear on Sunday night (or any night) when you set your dial on 790. ...Always a Best Bet ...KECA

"The Heads" ... or "The Talkie, People," to Yoe

This merry group, two gals and three boys, helped Meredith Willson carry out an idea that worked. Readying his show in '46, Willson decided he would try out his singing group in a Greek-chorus style of unison, speaking the commercials. The gimmick was an immediate hit... and is now a highlight of the maestro's half-hour of music and whimsy heard over ABC-KECA every Wednesday night at 6:30. Left to right, the "Talking People" (known affec-tionately to their boss as "The Heads") are Betty Allen, formerly one of the fthythmettes; Norma Zimmer, a member of ra o's "Girlfriends Trio"; BO Hamlin, who sang -with Harry Owens' band; Maxwell Smith, a former member of the Sportsmen Quartet; and John Rang, who broke into radio singing and playing piano on Washington stations.... If you're not already a fan, listen some Wednesday night and you'll find yourself amused and entertained by the Willson show's unique commercials.

... Always a Best Bet ... KECA Have you heard ABC's new woman's program by the former first lady

and her daughter, Eleanor and Anna Roosevelt? KECA airs the quarter-hour on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 11:15. Their discussions reflect the average Amerivan woman's interest in all things that affect her life and the life of her family. The programs originate in Hollywood where Mrs. Anna Roosevelt Boettiger n'takes her home, and from wherever Mrs. Eleanor Roose-velt is at the time of broadcast.

... Always a Best Bet ... KECA AROUND RADIO; There's a unique musical program on the air over KECA

every Monday thru Friday morning at 6:45.... Titled "A Call from Les Paul," the show features tunes in the distinctive style of Les and his trio. Listen, if you're up some morning early.... John Nelson of ABC's "Bride and Groom" show has a problem. Emcee Nelson has extended "open house" invitations to all the newlyweds who have appeared on the show.... During the summer he had the brand-new swimming pool at his home for his guests' entertainment. Now he's thinking of icing the pool and playing hockey! ... Ted Mack,

emcee of The Original Amateur Hour, was just awarded Radio Best's "Silver Mike," for "distinguished programming of the amateur variety." . . . Remind the youngsters they have a chance to win one of 1,002 valuable prizes cur-rently being offered on the "Sky King" contest.... Hear details on KECA any Monday, Wednesday or Friday at 5:30 p.m. —Advertisement Page .Ten

Radio ill Review (Continued from Preceding Paget

the business end of the air.. .. Shir-ley Temple and her husband, John Agar, are being offered in a radio series. . . . "Our Miss Brooks" set for format revision. . . . Hal "Gilder; sleeve" Peary getting bids to revive his film series. . . . Peggy Lee and Frankie Laine rumored as a new "Supper Club" team. Why? Hoagy Carmichael May gc back to CBS with a half-hour show, bigger and more spirited than his former fifteen-min-ute series, which was subtle but quiet. . . . "Winner Take All" may be dropped again, with a reshuffling of the Robert Q. Lewis show and Don Ameche's "Your Lucky Strike." "House Party" may be affected in the ar-rangements (Oh, no') Clark Den-nis may do a regular series of two. reel musical shorts . . . The old hit, "Don't Tell Her What Happened to Me," is set for revival via the Eddy Howard recording.

Looks Like "What Makes You Tick?" moves to

CBS from ABC in December. . . . Jo Stafford now the highest-rated girl singer in radio, according to Mr. Hooper.... Benay Venuta will record song hits from her Broadway musi-cals as soon as time on the record ban runs out. . . . And speaking of records, Mercury will re-release a fine bunch of old-and-good Eddy Howard records, missing for a long time. .. Red Skelton will make movies tagged "The Yellow Cab Driver" and "The Good Humor Man." . . . Kay Kyser will stay in New York until after Christmas—his ABC show is currently on tape.... Everett Mitchell, the de-lightful personality of NBC's "Farm and Home Hour," celebrated his twen-ty-fifth year on the air last week.... Everyone is writing a book this sea-son—"This Is Galen Drake" is about and by Galen; Gale Gordon is prepar-ing a textbook on acting; "Abe Bur-rows—His Book," is about and by Abe. . . Margaret Whiting will be-come the bride of CBS vice-president Hubbell Robinson co me January. She'll move to New York, forsaking "Club 15," and concentrate on a musi-cal comedy and her records. . . . Don Ameche will be off the screen for a year while he emcees "Your Lucky Strike," a five-a-week talent series that starts December 5 on CBS. . . . Dennis Day's father, Patrick McNulty, will be in Bing's next, "Top 0' the Morning." . KFWB announcer Dave Ormont can be seen at the Callboard Theater in the leading role of "The Visitor." . . . Margaret O'Brien will be the star of the Thanksgiving broadcast of "Suspense." . . . More Breneman talent came to the fore when Gloria, Tom's daughter, sang on Don McNeill's "Breakfast Club" last week. . . . Charles "Bud" Dant returns to the Dennis Day program as musical director, now that his con-filet between that and the Canova show has been resolved. . . . Garry Moore branched out by emceeing a


fashion show at Lucey's last week. . . . Arthur Godfrey will be in Holly-wood tq emcee the CBS Thanksgiving show. . . . All three of the Andrews Sisters are married now. LaVerne made it a perfect score when she wed Lou Rogers, recording company owner, last week. Matron of honor was sister Patty. . . . On the November 24 pro-gram of "You Bet Your Life" (already recorded) nobody wins anything—ex-cept laughs from Groucho Marx (which is the whole idea, anyway). . .. Jack Benny will remain at NBC —his Amusement Enterprises com-pany was bought by NBC for a re-ported four million. That gives the network Benny's movie and radio in-terests, too.

Your Cue / show, You k May Like )

Kay- Kyser's College. If absence of the famous Kyser

band seems as strange as Whistler's. Mother without her rocking chair. the Ole Professor's personality is still batting its familiar thousand on his new KECA daily participation show, (9:30 a.m.). Rex Koury is at the organ for the

program's occasional musical riddles, and Jack McCoy is "Announcer Moan" and extoller of Pillsbury's virtues. With the verve of an Elsa Maxwell,

Kay parties around the microptione urging his guests to have a good time. Prizes, while not stupendous com-pared to the present quiz-show meas-urenients, are thoughtful, and they are given and received with a match-ing dignity on part of both emcee and contestants. The Faculty Board, which chooses

the outstanding "Student" for the day, is from the audience; and each mem-ber has a chance to get her (his) name, occupation and city on the air before class is in session, and make off with a sterling silver copy of the Ole Professor's hat, plus a basket of Pillsbury's products, when "school's out.,, We're very pleased with Kay as this

kind of an emcee. He's not so giggly as in the old days with Harry Babbitt and "Ish"; but "you all" still count with him as l' r e al folks" rather than as stooges, and on this show he really has a chance to prove ft.

"Philip Morris Playhouse Back on the air with all the pro-

duction values expected of a Bill Spier program, "Philip Morris Playhouse," KNX, 8:00 p.m. Friday, is in the well-known groove of radio melodrama. Nothing on the initial show, "The Sil-ver Frame," could detract from repu-tations of all concerned, but nothing new has been added, either. Similarity to "Suspense" is marked,

of course, as Spier was the guiding light of that popular program for many years. The plot had the usual obscure motivation, the leading role had the usual unlifellke character.


But also, as usual, suspense and in-tensity made compelling listening. Burt Lancaster, in the "framed"

role, gave a better performance than he's given on other recent shows. Betty Lou Gerson, Will Wright, Sid-ney Miller and Wally Maher in the supporting cast gave their usual fine accounts of themselves. Other "Suspense" stalwarts contrib-

uting to the show were musical con-ductor Lud Gluskin, soundman Berne Surrey and scripter Robert Richards. If you like "Suspense," you'll like "Philip Morris Playhouse."

"This Is Your Life" Ralph Edwards's new show, "This Is

Your Life," KFI, 9:30 p.m. Tuesday, could have been called "Your Past, Present and Future." That's the pic-ture that the show actually presents of its average American citizen. The aim of the program is to select a citizen from any walk of life, sur-round him with the actual people who have gone to make up the story of his past experiences and endeavor to predict (and insure) his future by presenting him with the opportunity to clarify it. The opening show had as its subject a paralyzed veteran from Tulare, California, who was brought together with friends, relatives and family and presented with several thousand dollars worth of merchan-dise for his gun store and a one-thousand-dollar bond. At its best, the real-life drama was unusual and touchingly sincere. The show was reminiscent of -a. past

"stunt" on Edwards's other program, "Truth or Consequences," on which another deserving vet got a substan-tial chance to make good. That occa-sion may have been the inspiration that led to the introduction of "This Is Your Life." If ensuing programs in the series can present a more varied pattern of experience, the show will doubtless attract the attention that has attended the sensational peaks of "Truth or Consequences." Only other bit that detracted from the real-ity was the proximity of the commer-cials to the "heart" of the situation— but this could have been our over-stimulated imagination. Credit for the extraordinary smooth-

ness of production under such diffi-cult circumstances goes to Edwards and producer-co-writer Axel Gruen-berg. Mood music is under the direc-tion of Alexander Laszlo.

"Robert Q. Lewis Show' This long-time Robert Q. Lewis fan

would like to register shocked protest at what they've been doing to our boy over at CBS and KNX, where he is now heard at a variety of un-planned moments. Evidently Robert Q. is still heard

on the network, but given space on KNX only when they've given up casting around for anything else. We managed to catch him last Saturday night (November 6). Aside from show-ing signs of having been pushed through the Arthur Godfrey mold, young Lewis was his amiable self.

But some diabolical genius had done his best to make it the worst-timed' broadcast in the -history of radio. Robert Q. kept talking about the

"afternoon"—it was well after sun-down where we live. He made many "Halloween" jokes — Halloween, had been over for a whole week. He cau-tioned everyone to vote "next Tues-day" and talked about the "coming election"—the election had come and gone, Tuesday was history by Satur-day. He reminded everyone to "listen to 'Amos 'n' Andy' tonight"—"Amos 'n' Andy" are on Sunday night. All in all, it was the best argument

against transcription that we've ever heard. And had we heard it on its original date, we might have thought it a very funny show. Robert Q. Lewis (and other topical comedians) had better start operating in a timeless vacuum if their transcriptions are to be played at any unspecified date.

S Playback oak.' Comment

Ire Point With Pride ...To Jack McElroy of ABC's "Break-

fast in Hollywood." When John Nelson decided to bow off as announcer re-cently, the program's management was considering only well-established, nationally-known names as his suc-cessor. McElroy insisted that the job be given to an up-and-coming worthy. Jack was probably thinking back to the days when he got his first TC break, after serving as a KFWB an-nouncer. Result: Joe Yocam, five years on staff at KFWB, got his coast-to-coast break as the new "Breakfast in Hollywood" announcer. ...To the many guest appearances

of Sigmund Spaeth, once famed in radio as the "Tune Detective." We've' followed Spaeth on his "Metropolitan Opera Quiz" appearances in recent • years, and read his book, "A History of Popular Music in America," with interest, but it was like old times to hear him locally again. ...To Alan Reed's portrayal of

"Estaban" (the villain) on the "Rail-road Hour's" production of "Rio Rita." In fact, radio artists came off with' the laurels on this operetta, with Bob

(Continued on Next Page)




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Diced Gourmet chicken dinners are a daily feature

Only $1.75 Also a wide selection of quality steaks and chops—moderately priced, of course. Open daily except Monday. Cocktails in the Plaid Room

'ttl 2 a.m. Gourmet

6530 Sunset Boulevard (Midway between Highland and Vine)

Page Eleven


Radio at Review (Continued front Preceding Page)

Sweeney and Hal March sharing com-edy honors with Elvia Allman.

"The Joe McDoakes Show" "The Joe McDoakes Show," KHJ,

6:00 p.m. Tuesdays, bowed in last week as the latest situation comedy entry. The star of the show is George O'Hanlon, a young Comedian with whom we became enamored some time ago via his series of "Behind the 8-Ball" short subjects from Warn-er Brothers. As most of O'Hanlon's considerable charm for moviegoers is in his expert pantomime reaction accompanied by a narrated sound track (by Art Gilmore, if we're not mistaken), the present radio series is an about-face for the actor. The initial program seemed to au-

gur a series that would be compa-

rable to many of the same type now on the air. O'Hanlon, portraying the husband-in-hot-water, seemed to lack his special screen appeal —but what movie personality on the air doesn't? Supporting cast on the first broad-

cast included Lurene Tuttle, Paul Frees, Alan Reed and Willard Water-man, with Verne Smith as announcer.

Ensuing performances will no doubt find both star and scripters striving to recapture the spirit of the "Be-hind the 8-Ball" movies.

Durante Under a Bushel? We hereby risk inciting wrath in

all Durante fans (anyone who has seen or heard him is a fan, undoubt-edly), but five or six weeks of listen-ing to Jimmy's Friday night at 6:30 NBC show prompts voicing a criti-cism. (Can we, without becoming pedantic, throw in the reminder that the word "criticism" doesn't necessar-ily mean "destructive comment"?)

Jimmy is recognized as one of the dearest and most enduring of show-business personalities. Everything he does on stage, radio or screen re-flects the hoke and vaudeville that shot him into public consciousness. His antics and personality are indig-enous to a rowdy song-and-dance comedy setup, not to a light format that utilizes superficially Durante's real talents.

For Instance: the Friday show usu-ally finds Durante and Young ex-changing light banter with each other, then joining ,forces to visit, br magic carpet, assorted characters here and there. Each character is asked his or her opinion on some question. Florence Halop, Man "Falstaff" Reed, Elvia Allman and Candy Candido usu-ally play the other roles. All fine radio people, but it seems to us that they, too, are almost wasted in these "other roles."

The casual format line is welded to-

When the fingers of dawn begin lighting the crests of the Sierra Madre mountain range, trans-mitter supervisor Mike O'Bradovick stands by in the ultra-modern KMPC transmitter building to

push the switch that places 50,000 watts of power on the air. As soon as those radio waves begin circulating around the peaks of the 300-ft. antenna towers, the station opens the day with "The Star-Spangled Banner" and then winds into its first musical program of the day.

For ranches, farmers and others of agricul-tural inclination the

KMPC Transmuxer "F' a r m and Market" hour with Charlie Stone giving tips on tatest devel-opments—weather conditions—methods of improve-nient--is heard at 6:15 A.M. Eddie Lyon brings you the first roundup of dnews at 7:15 A.M., with Fleet-wood Lawton's commentary on current events immediately following and then Norman Nesbitt and the News at 8:00 A.M.

For businessmen driving along Los Angeles thor-oughfares to their offices about this time, Charlie Stone quotes the latest figures from the New York Stock Exchange and latest business conditions in the nation at 8:15 A.M., with a summary of sports events on the Pacific Coast concluding this half-hour period. Interspersed with musical programs is Rance Valentine's "In a Nut Shell" in which he offers philosophical commentary, acknowledges spe-cial days or people and humorous anecdotes.

Those "KMPC Westerners" come on the air at 10:00 A.M. with Red Rowe, Carolina Cotton, Hal



Berger, The Plainsmen and Andy Parker's orchestra giving out with a full -hour's entertainment of popu-lar Western favorites, saluting Southern California communities and introducing guest personalities. For the women, two

features are aired be-ginning at noon. Emcee Tom Dixon is busily working away at the Vagabond's House with guests of "Women Are Wonderful" in which representatives of wo-men's clubs compete for cash and merchandise prizes. Femcee Jeanne Gray appears at 12:30 P.M. introducing as her guests on "T he Wo-man's Voice," leaders in civic, social and pro-fessional life. Sports dominate the six to seven time slot, pre-

ceded by Bill Harpel's news. KMPC's sports direc-tor, Bob Kelley, gives you his interpretation of sports trends, makes predictions on athletic events, interviews personalities and covers current activities during his "Parade of Sports." The popular race re-creation program with Joe Hernandez follows Bob's program with races currently running at the Tanforan Track. For musical comedy favorites and semi-classical

selections, Dal Williams emcees the popular "Fire-stone Favorites" at 7:00 P.M. From then on until 9:00 P.M., music is the fare at KMPC until Jerry Lawrence presents "Call Again"—a quiz program in which listeners attempt to identify the hidden telephone number. At 10:00 P.M., if you're a bridge fan, expert Robert Lee Johnson conducts his weekly class. Dance music is on the scheiule until 11:55 P.M. When the final news roundup of the day is heard.

Ranee Valentine

Page Twelve


gether by means of Roy Bargy's music. Roy is an old timer (he, incidentally, used to hotfoot it away from the Paul Whiteman band piano bench down to New York's old Silver Slipper Night Club, where he could spend fascinat-ed after-hours watching Clayton, Jack-son and Durante, the popular trio holding forth there in the late twen-ties). Roy is also an arranger of ex-cellence. His band could, we think, deliver more punch than is now being generated.

So, by way of suggestion, why not put Jimmy and Alan in a tight enough format to carry over from show to show, allow for the introduc-tion of further characterizations, and make music still more a Dart of the show? Say, Jimmy could be t,he old vaudevillian in a small night club, with Bargy's orchestra playing the sort of punch stuff (without soft strings) that lends itself to Jimmy's

vocals and delivery. Alan Young could be the eager young comedian always "trying out." Alan would still have plenty of time and room for the antics that lay audiences in the aisles, but his lines would have some point. All manner of sundry funny charac-

ters (even Clayton and Jackson, we hope!) could wander into the script without the time-wasting device of the star comics going to them. Every-thing could fit Jimmy, too, and listen-ers wouldn't have to hear a lot of stuff just for the sake of hearing Durante . . . and Young. It's only an opinion, sure. They

have radio producers and writers for the purpose of lining up shows, and Durante may have a few ideas of his own, or may be perfectly happy with his show as is. But the question still remains with us . . . why not take full advantage of the talents, person-ality and legend of one Mr. Liurante?


SUNDAY (P.M.) 6:45—Test Pat tern. I:Ile—Ladies' Day. 7:30—Film. 7 Au—Household Tricks. 7 :50—News. 8:00-11ewpoint Unlimited. 8:30—Dr. Bandy. 8:50—Film. 9:00—Television Playhouse. TUES. THRU FRI. (A.M./ 11:30—Test Pattern (to 51.

WEDN'ESDAY (P.M.) 6:45 —Test Pattern. 7:041—For Sportsmen Only. 7:15—Mr. and Mrs. Quiz. 1:40 —Bridge Club. 7:50—News. Pat Bishop. 8:uo—Who's Cooking? 8:15—Hoffman Huddle. 8:30—Santa Claus lane.

THURSDAY (P.M.) 7:00—Square Dance. 7 :20—News. 7:314—Treasures of

Literature. B M—Chicago Cardinals vs.

L. A. Rams. FRIDAY (P.M.)

6:45—Test Pattern. .:00—Children's Show. 7 :30—Travelogue. 7 :50—News. :00—Colleens. 8:15—Shopping Show. 8:30-1Flint.

SATURDAY (P.M.) 6:00—Test Pattern. 6:15—Television Talent Test 6:45—Film. .:05—Film. KLAC-TY —CHANNEL 13

SUNDAY ( P.M.) 1:00—Test Pattern. 2:Olt—Spurts.

MONDAY (P.M.) 1:00—Test Pattern. 8:30—Boxing.

THURSDAY (P.M.) 7:30—Hail the Champ. 8:00—So This 14. Art. 8:15—Carol Brent. 8:30-11on Otis Show. 9 : 011—Merry-bu- Round. 9 :311—Pickard Family.

FRIDAY (P.M.) 1:00—Test Pattern. 7:30 —A Guy and a Gal. :45—Teleteen Reporter. 8:15—Clef Dwellers. 8:30—Dick Haynes Show.


PROGRAMS 9:00—People in the News. 9:15—Dick Foote.

SATURDAY (PAL) 1:00—Test Pattern. 2:00—Milk Fund Football.


0:00— %et% s and Music. 41:30—Mabel's tables. 8:50—Tele- % espers. :00—Atheut tire Serial 7:20—Shopping at Home. 7 :30—Man's Item Friend. 7:50—News Res iew. 8:00—Pant ..... line quiz. 9:30—Train short. 8 :40—Magarine. 9:00—.'1.sdia.- with M.

tilkron. J. Cotten. MONDAY (P.M.)

3:00— Test Pat t eru. 5:30—New s and Music. 6:30—Judy Splinters. 6:45—Cartoon Comedy, 7:00—Program Re% iew. 7:05—Shoppang at Horne. 7 :15—Telepix Newsreel. 7:25—Photo-News flashes. 7:30—Fellv de iota. :44p-1 our Town. 8:00--Tele-Forunt. 8:30—Featurette. 9:00—Boxing. 10:45—Police

TUESDAY (P.M.) 3:00—Test Pattern. 5:30— Neu s and Music. 6 :30--sludy Splinters. 6:45—Short Subject. 7:00—Program Pre% iew. 7:05—Shopping at Home. 7 :15—Telepix Newsreel. 7 :25—Photo-News Flashes. :30—Corrls Guy. 7:45—Musicale. 8:00— Who's That Girl? 8:30--So This Is Hollywood 9:00—Feature Film. 10:05--Pulice

WEDNESDAY (P.M.) 3:90—Test Pattern. 5:30—News and Music. 6 :30—Judy Splinter's. 6:45 —Cartoon Comedy. 1 :00—Program Re% iew . 7:05—Shopping at Home. 7 :15 —Telepix 'Newsreel. 7:25—Photo-News flashes. 7 :30—Film. 8:30— Wrestling 10:45—Police Call.

THURSDAY (P.M.) 3:00—Test Pattern. 5:341—News and Music. 6:30—Judy Splinters. 6:45—Short Subject. 7:00—Program Pre%iew. 7:05—Shopping at Home. :15—Telepix Newsreel. 7:25—Photo-News flashes. 7:30— What Do You

Know? S:00—Hollyw'd Opportunity. 9:00—Flim Featurette. 9:30—Meet Me to H'wood. 10:00—Police Call.

FRIDAY (P.M.) 3:00—Test Pattern. 5:30—News and Music.

6:30—Judy Splinters. O :45—Cartoon Comedy. :1.10 —Prugrain Resiew. 1:0 —Shopping at Home. 7:15—Telepix Newsreel. 7::5 —Photo-News Flushes. 7:30—Yer Ole Buddy. 7:40—Tele-Newsreel. 8:00—To Be Annoonced.

SATURDAY (P.M.) 5:30—News and Musk. 6:30—Judy Splinters. ti:45—Short subject. 7:00—Program Pre, iew. 7 :115—Soil Yourself. 7 :15—Telepix Newsreel. 7 :25—Photo-News Flashes. 7 :30—Sandy Dreams. 8:00 —Western Feature, 9:15---Spade Conies .


7:00—Pattern and Music. 7:15—Alan Dale show. 7:30—Film. 8:00—Amateur Hour. 8 :30— Western Feature. 9:30—Program Resiew.

MON.-FRI. (P.M.) 3:00—Test Pattern.

MONDAY (P.M.) 7:30—Pattern and Music. 7:55 —Your America. 11:00—Film Featurette. 8:20—Telenews. 8:30— Wrestling.

TUESDAY (P.M..) 7:30—Pattern and Music. :45-11 lm. 7:55—Your America. 8:1141—Film. 8:20—Telenews. 8:30—Music Hall. 9:10—Film. 9:30—Final Edit ion. W EDNESDAY (P.M.)

7:15—Pattern and Music. 7:35 —Film. 7:55—Your America 8:00—Film Featurette. 8:20—Telenews. 8:30—Gadget Jury. 8:50—Flint Short. 9:00—Ballet Vignettes. 9:20—Final Edition.

THURSDAY (P.M.) 7:15 —Pattern and Music. 7:30—Prudence Penny .. 7:45—Film Short. 7:55—Your America. 8:00—Film Featnrette, 8:20 —Telenews. 8:30—Don Lee Workshop. 9 me—Prime Ribbing.

FRIDAY (P.M.) 7:30—Pattern and Music. 7:50—Program Hilites. 7:55—Your America. 8:00—Football Film. 8:20 —Telenews. 8:30—Boxing, Legion

SATURDAY (P.M.) 8:00—Program Hilites. 8:05—Film Short. 8:15— Week in Review. 8:30 —What's the Name of

that Song? 8:00—Television Examlaer. 10:00—Program Review.

F. M. FLASHES Football has moved to FM, too, in

a most sociable way. Generated through casual conversation, sparked by old-grad interest, and made possi-ble through friendly cooperation, a one-shot football game presentation on KAGH brought so immediate and terrific a response that local games and the attendant "Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Football Fans" has become one of the sta-tion's biggest mail-pullers. Here's what happened. Mr. A. G.

Haley (from whose initials KAGH arises) was talking to some friends one evening. These alum friends mentioned driving to Fresno next day to listen to KMJ's broadcast of the University of California playing Wash-ington. Nothing would do but to hear it on FM. Mr. Haley got to work. The Tidewater Associated Oil Company agreed, in exchange for free air time on KAGH, to put a line to that sta-tion, thus creating a southern outlet in addition to their northern ones. Other enthusiastic alums, hearing of the move, chipped in and purchased advertising space in the local news-papers. By way of continuity and a presentation gag, the SPCFF was in-troduced. The "cruelty" the football fans were to be spared was the long drive to a far-away FM outlet. But the gag backfired, delightfully. Im-mediately people bombarded KAGH with mail, asking for membership cards to the mythical "society," and applauding the station on the game. The station had no recourse other than to make local and out-of-town games of interest a regular feature. On election night, megacycle listen-

.ers weren't disappointed. In addition to the FM beamings from the net-works possessing facilities, KMGM kept ifs audience informed until eight o'clock the following morning. KMGM was the only strictly FM station to offer this service. The whole staff pitched in, keeping one another awake, checking the United Press service, making coffee and taking a turn at the mike.





TIME CHANGES THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 25 —"Press Con-ference." KECA, 8:30 p.m. (30 min.) The Downtown Los Angeles Press Club opens Its round-table session a half hour later. (PrevrousIy KECA, 8:00 p. m. Thursdays.)

WHAT'S NEW Variety

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 — "All-New, All•Star Western Theatre," KFI, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.) Ken Darby and the King's Men, With Country Washburn and the Sage• brush Serenaders, provide musical interest on this new strea mlining of the former Foy Willing KHJ show. Jeff Chandler will star in the "Buzz Roper" melodra ma skits, and comedy will be contributed by Red Roundtree and "Giddyap Jones" (played by Herb Vigran).

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 — "Country Carnival," KMPC, 9:00 p.m. (2 hrs.) Cot-tonseed Clark masters the ceremonies on this ail-out Pacitic Coast challenge to "Grand Ole ()pry' and other bigti me western shows. Carolina Cotton, Bob Oates, T. Texas Tyler, Monte Hale, Ken Curtis, Shug Fisher, Little Millie Faw-cett and even Smilin' Ed McConnell are among the fifty western celebrities who will join to make the series a success. This Lee Penny production originates weekly fro m the San Gabriel Civic Audi• torium.

Dra ma

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 — "Theatre, U. S. A.," KECA, 9:00 p. m. (30 min.) Such stars as Mary Martin, Tallulah Sankhead, etc., will appear on this new series pro• • duced in cooperation with American Na. tional Theater and Academy on behalf of Army and Air Force Recruiting. j-lovvard Teshman writes, John Hausman directs th• program.

Co rn mentary

MONDAY. NOVEMBER 22 —Gordon Mason, KNX, 1:30 p. m. (30 min.) Mason's ram-blings on behalf of the Housewives Pro-tective League replace the Burritt Wneeler commentary, now heard over KFI Monday through Friday at 11:15 a. m.


TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 —"This Is Your Life," KFI, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) Ralph Ed-wards's new show to interview Americans In their own ho metown surroundings takes the "Mel Torme" spot. Debut of "This Is Your Life" was delayed after its previous announcement in Radio Life.


MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2 — "Music You Want," KGFJ. 10:00 p. m. (30 min.) Mon-day through Saturday. This is the sec-ond week of a classical concert series courtesy of RCA-Victor.


THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 — "Sealtest Variety Theater," KFI, 7:30 p. m. (30 min.) John Lund will share a comedy sketch with star Dorothy Lamour, while Donald O'Connor does a comedy routine. Dottie's songs will be "The Money Song." "Did You Ever See a Dream Walking?"

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20 —"Grand Ole Opry," KFI, 8:30 p. m... (30 min.) Lonnie Glosson, originator of the -talking har-

Page Pourteeo

monica," will be back for another guest visit.

Ill usic MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 — "Telephone Hour," KFI, 10:00 p.m. (30 min.) Marian Anderson will be starred in a Thanksgiv-ing program featuring Handel's "Te Deum," Franck's "Aria of the Archangel" and two spirituals.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 — "Melodies America Loves," KNX. 7:30 p. m. (30 min.) "Cara Nome" from "Rigoletto" will be sung by extraordinary young soprano Ewan Harbrecht when she guests tonight.


Co m mentary

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 — "Baukhage Talking," KECA, 12:15 p. m. (15 min.) While Baukhage vacations for two weeks. Jack Beall will substitute on his Monday' through-Friday quarter•hour.

Dra ma

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 —"Electric The-atre," KNX, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.) Stephen Vincent Benet's short story, "Sobbin' Wo-man," is Miss Helen Hayes's chosen per-formance for tonight. John Morley and Dennis King, Jr., are in the supporting cast.

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 — "Lux Radio Theatre," KNX, 7:00 p. m. (1 hr.) "The Big Clock" will again feature its film performers, Ray Milland and Maureen O'Hara.

MON DAY, NOVEMBER 22 —"Cavalcade of America," KFI, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) "Us Pilgrims," the program's special Thanks• giving broadcast of last year, will be re-peated with the original cast and starring George Tobias. A contest for school chil-dren will also be announced in connection with the story.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 — "Favorite Story," KFI, 8:00 p. m. (30 min.) "Long Ago.' based on "Marjorie Daw" by Thom-as Bailey Aldrich, will be the program's Thanksgiving presentation.

W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 — "Family Theater." KHJ, 6:30 p.m. (30 m m,) Mau-reen O'Sullivan will star in "Violets for Courage," the story of a widowed mother who triumphs over the adversities of pro-viding for a fatherless family.

W EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 —"Dr. Chris-tian," KNX, 6:30 p. m. (30 min.) A spe-cial Thanksgiving play. "The Re-educa-tion of Bill Benton," will be featured.

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 —"Suspense," KNX, 7:00 p.m. (30 nun.) Margaret O'Brien is dramatically terrorized by "The Screa ming Woman."

usic SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 — "Pause That Refreshes," KNX, 4:30 p.m. (30 min.) Jane Froman will sing "Night Has a Thousand Eyes," "Too Much Love" and "The Money Song." Percy Faith's or-chestra plays Gershwin's "Maybe," "I Concentrate on You," "More Than You Know."

SUNDAY', NOVEMBER 21 —"Chicago The-ater of the Air," KHJ, 10:30 p.m. (1 hr.) "Manon," featuring Virginia Haskins, Eugene Conley and Bruce Foote as prin-cipals.

MONDAY. NOVEMBER 22 — " M usi cal Masterpieces," KFAC, 4:00 p. m. (1 hr.) Respighi's "The Fountains of Rome." Tuesday. Pianist Sergei Rach maninoff; Wednesday. Rubinstein's "Kamenoi-Os• trow"; Thursday, Billings's -American Psal ms and Fuguing Tunes"; Widay, "A Merry Overture,' from "PinoccTfio"; Sat-urday, highlights from "La Boheme."

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 —"Musical Di-gest," KGFJ, 6:00 p. m. (2 hrs.) Thomp-

son's "The Plow that Broke the Plains." Tuesday, Wagner's "Overture to Die Meis-tersinger"; Wednesday, Berlioz's "Beatrice and Benedict Overture"; Thursday, Bruch's "Scottish Fantasy" (violinist Jas. cha Heifetz); Friday, Weber's "Overture to Oberon"; Saturday, tenor Jan Peerce sings "A Cantor for the Sabbath" and "Eiri Eli,.''

Foru m

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 21 — "Invitation to Learning," KNX, 10:00 a. m. (30 min.) "The Life of Sir William Osier" (by Har-vey Cushing) will be studied by the panel.

Puldic J nterest

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 —"You and .. ." KNX, 11:45 p.m. (15 min.) "You and the Harvest" will be the subject of this week's Monday-through-Friday programs.

W EDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 24 —"Rent Re-porter," KRKD, 2:15 p.m. (15 min.) Most. asked ,questions vok:ed by both tenants and landlords are answered in this weekly series by Ben C. Koepke, area rent direc-tor. On this date the subject will be - Rent Overcharges," with advice to ten-ants and landlords on common problems.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 — "National Farm and Home Hour," KFI, 11:00 a. m. (30 min.) A visit to the International Livestock Exhibition In Chicago.


SUNDAY, N O V E M B E R 21 — Football, KF WB, 11:15 a. m. (to cond.) In Mary-land, the Los Angeles Dons challenge the Balti more Colts,

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 — Football, KF WB, 11:15 a.m. (to concl.) This Thanksgiving game at Los Angeles Coli-seu m stars the L. A. Dons and the Cleveland Browns.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 — Football. KHJ, 11:15 a. m. (to cond.) The annual Army and Navy clash, one of the out-standing ga mes in the country, will be sponsored again by Gillette over Mutual network.

WHAT'S SPECIAL T lianks!,iviny

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 —"Two Hours of Stars." KFI, 2:00 a.m. (2 hrs.) Elgin's annual program will again present an out-standing cast, including Jack Benny, Red Skelton, Vera Vague, Jimmy Durante, Garry Moore, in skits marking the holiday season

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 — "Holiday Show," KNX, 2:00 p m. (2 hrs.) Arthur Godfrey will emcee, and will introduce such stars as Abbott and Costello, Dorothy Lamour, Danny Kaye, Amos 'n' Andy, Louella Parsons, Kay Thompson and the Williams Brothers, the Andrews Sisters, Abe Burrows and M Iton De Lugg, and the cast of ''My Friend Irma," on this special Columbia Thaiksgiving salute.

* * Television Tips During one of the big parades in

New York City las-. year, the man who directed NBC's television cover-age had to find out exactly what tune each one of the seventy•eight differ-ent bands would be playing as it passed the camera position. This was done in order that television rights to eack tune could be obtained in ad-vance from the song publishers. Obtaining rights has from time to

time stopped the televising of con-certs, plays, or even motion pictures. This routine, we hear, may soon be circumvented, to some extent at least, by formation of a music publishing company designed to give television its first complete clearance. The organization, Fairbanks Music

(Continued on Sex: Page)


DIALAGNOSIS Program Views and Revi rs from the Tenth District P.-T.A.


This is the kind of column a review-er loves to write but seldom finds the opportunity. Today we are happy with everybody in the radio business — or almost everybody, anyway. It has long been the practice of the

Tenth District Parent-Teacher Associ-ation to select four programs each month whose high quality we feel en-titles them to special attention. These four we promote by every means at our disposal. They are listed in our monthly newsletters, posted on school bulletin boards, given space in corn-munity papers, included in our "Good Listening" recommendations. And now we can add our Radio Life column to the ways in which we can say "thank you" to the broadcasters and sponsors of good programs. One of the four for November is

a thirteen-year-old dramatic show, brought to us by the same sponsor on the same network for its entire life-time. Its presentation of historical events, scientific discoveries, and biog-raphies of famous people ranks among the finest on the air. Scripts, acting, music, and over-all production are con-

. sistently good. We want to express our appreciation to the DuPont Cor-poration for "Cavalcade of America." (Mondays, 9:30 p.m., KFI.)* Second is a comparative newcomer

which began as an eight-week summer replacement but had to be returned to the air soon after its initial series had been completed, in response to popu-lar demand by way of the mailbag. (All of which goes to prove what we have said so often—that we listeners can have what we want on the air if we make our wants known.) This program re-enacts historical events with newscast style and on-the-spot reporting. Our thanks to CBS for making history exciting and vividly real with "You Are There." (Sundays, 12:30 p.m., KNX.)* Number three is a dramatic show

which presents events in the lives of our presidents with a warm and hu-man touch. The American Broadcast-ing Company provides a fine cast, orchestra, and capable direction for Edward Arnold's portrayal of "Mr. President." Thank you, ABC. (Thurs-days, 7:00 p.m., KECA.)* Fourth on the list is another dra-

matic series, this one frankly designed for family listening. Network time and production facilities plus the tal-ent of Hollywood stars have all been willingly contributed to the program because of its basic premise that "a family that prays together stays to-gether." For this fine show we thank MBS, and Father Patrick Peyton, who single-handedly created "Family The-ater." (Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., KHJ.)* *Note to sponsors and advertising

D. PRAY agencies: If you want the active sup-port of the Tenth District P.-T.A. and its 190,C00 members, you can have it in return for family entertainment programs of equal quality.

* *

Television Tips (Continued from Preceding Page)

Publishing Company (and a subsidiary of Jerry Fairbanks, Inc., film maker for NBC) will concentrate on making tunes available for live shows. The few usEThle tunes heretofore obtain-able have been licensed for, only thirty days and are of little use to video film producers who must have clear-ance for four years or more. Acquisi-tion of a large selection of tunes is under way to augment the studio's library of originals and other proper-ties. The new firm plans to be in full operation shortly after the first of the year. Eventually it will pub-lish sheet music and make recordings for home and radio use.

Rita La Roy last week resumed KTLA's "Magazine of the Week" and "Who's —hat Girl?" shows, after being

absented through a two-week siege with that old debbil virus X. The La Roy charm and ad-lib ability par ex-cellence are a definite addition to any TV show—glad you're back. . . . Both the William MOTriS and the GAC tele-vision departments are huddling with Del Sharbutt and director John Claar of the Century Theatre Group in an effort to sign the little-theater drama-tists to an exclusive video pact. . . . KFI-TV experimentally presented film editions of the Los Angeles Rams games by slow motion. The pictures produced the largest mail response in KFI-TV's short history, with the result that sponsor Union Oil Company has purchased additional KFI-TV time to present all remaining film games in slow motion. Now all of us can keep up with the plays, hurray! hurray!

Lack of space and time, and a nat-ural inclination to hang onto our san-ity as long as possible, prevents us from keeping up on time changes, pre-casting, viewing, then reviewing, each new show that comes to the four ex-istent video outlets. Things are mov-ing too fast. But you might watch for: KTLA's "Here Comes Curley." Time

of appearance will be announced later. The one-man novelty show features Ray "Curley" Erlenborn with a won-drous set of recorded noises that Erlenborn himself manuals on the turntable to fit his dialogue. KFI-TV Football, Channel 9: Thurs-

day, November 25, Los Angeles Rams vs. Chicago Cardinals to be telecast by film tonight between 8:00 and 9:00.

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SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21 *Indicates News Broadcast.

S— HECA—Meesage of Israel. K M —Grandpa Owens Reads the Funnies.

KILL KGB, ISVOE—Radio Bible Class.

KNX, KSDJ —Church of Air. KAGH—Last Call. KFOX —Little Chapel. KF WB—Funnies. KFSD—Call to Worship. KFVD--Morniog Serenade.

*KGER, KLAC —News. KGFJ—Treasury Department. KGIL—Muslcal Corral. KFAC —Country Church. ILMPC —Guest 8-tar. HO WL—Rev. M. Gonzales. KRHD—Ranch Program. K A M —Bora Hispana. K WK W—Italian Varieties. KXLA —Musical Review.

:05—KGER—Rev. Markham. :15—KFOX—Unitarian Philosophy.

EGFJ--Saisation Army. KLAC—Church of Christ. KMPC —Sunday Morning. Melodies.

8:30 -11SECA, KFMB—Southernaires. KFI —Christian Science. KHJ TEFXM, KGB. HVOE— Voice of Prophecy.

KAGH —Hebrew Christian Hr. KFAC —Village Festival. KFOX—Morning Bible Hour. Kt-SD —Southland Singing. KFWB—Union Rescue Mission. KFVD—Church of Christ. KGER—Bible Treasury.

*KGIL—News. KGFJ —Armchair Concert. KLAC—iiVnity. KMPC —Chapel Hour.

• HO WL—Sunday Services. ER LK—Concert Hour. K WR W—Buenas NUPTIIP. BO MA —Bell Bandstand.

8:45—KFI—Outdoor Reporter. KAGH —Paul Carson.

*HFSD--News. KGER--Frank and Ernest. KGF.11 —Yesterday's Hits. KGEL—Salon Serenade. KRIED--Muslc.

9*HECA, HOER, KLAC —News. KFI—Radio Pulpit. 1411J, KGB, AVON—Back to God Hour.

*ILNX, KfilDJ —News. KAGH —Lawrence Family. KFAC —Liberal Catholic Hour. HE RB—Fine Arts Quartet. EFOX—Poptdar Melodies. HFSD--Caprino Sisters. KFRIL—Unlon Rescue Mission. KFVD—Sundny Pickup. KGFJ—Unis ersalism. KGIL—Chapel in the Sky. KMPC —Vance Graham. KOWL—Lutheran Concordia. KPPC—Prelude to Worship. EKED—Sunday Serenade. H WIK —Church of Christ. K RI M—Italian Hour. ICXLA —Rell Bandstand.

8:05*KNX ESDJ —Hovrard K. Smith.

EGER—Reconciliation Church. KLAC —Catholic Mass.

3:15—HECA—Fine Arts Quartet. KNX, TESDJ --CniversitY Explorer.

KFAC —Light Classics. EFSD— Words and Music. KGFJ—Hollywood House. HO WL—Dr. Joel Aaron.

* KR7K—News. 9:30-.-KECA—Hour of Faith.

K M—Parent-Youth Forum. RHJ —Charles Slocum. KNX. ECSDJ —Salt Lake Tabernacle.

RAGH—Pentecostal Church. EFAC —GUbert and Sullivan. } MIK —Concert Miniature. FCFSID —Devotional Hour.

*IEFVD—News. KF WB--Peter Potter's Platter Parade.

KGB—Reviewing Stand.

Page Sixteen

KGER —John Brown. ROIL—Sweet Swing. KOVVL—Armenian Hour. ICPPC —Come Along. KR-IR—Record Shelf. EXLA—Record Review.

9:45—KHJ—Random Notebook. KFVD—Piano Parade.

9:53*RGIL—Mission City News.

10 *KECA, KGER, KLAC —News. KFI —Eternal Light.

*K11.11, KGB, HVOE—News. Glenn Hardy.

KNX —Insitation to Learning. KAGH—Times Square Tunes. KFAC —Gilbert and Sullivan. KFMB—Cotton Tale..

*KFOX—L. A. Sentinel. KFSD —Bob Moore SHO W. KFVD—Sunday Roundup. KFWB—Peter Potter's Platter Parade.

RGFJ—Hits of the Week. IRGIL—Contrast in Crooners. KM PC — Western Federal Music Hour.

KPPC—Adult Church School. HOWL—Hour of Israel. KRKD —Sunday Serenade. K WK W—Hungarian Baptist. KILA—Al Williams.

10:85—KliER —Radio Revisal. KLAC —Sunday Review.

10:13 —KECA. KFMB—Romance of the Highways.

*RH.1, KEN)!. KGB, Kt OE--Clete Roberts.

KFOX —People's Church. 10:30—KECA —Play It Again.

KEI —Taylor Made Melodies. KHJ, KFX.M. KGB, KVOE— Lutheran Hour.

HISX, KSDJ—Peopie's Platform.

KAGH —Gladwyn Nichols. HOER—Evangelist Church. RGIT.-- Waltz Time. HO WL—Baptist Church. KPPC —Church News. K WIK—New Music. K WH W —Italian Melodies.

10:40—KECA—Windshield Wiper. 10:45—KECA—This Centennia Tear.

'WON —Cumberland Church. 10:50—KPPC —Church Service.

1 1 — KKEFCI A—HeTrabyelrotr-j NaenMnelodies.

M IL KGB—William Shirer. *KNX —Joseph C. Harsch. KAGH —Open Door Church. KFAC —Ist Methodist Church. KERN—Presbyterian Church. KIND —Bob Moore Show. KFVD—Hollywood First Baptist Church.

Kt-AB—Peter Potter. *EGER, E li.. KLAC —News. KGFJ —Sunday Showcase. KIEV —Wally and Jimmy. KMPC—Sunday Record Session HO WL, IIPPC. EV0E—Church Services.

K WIK —Record Shelf. K WK W—Italian Melodies. K.XLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

11:05—KGER —Grace Memorial. 11:13*KFI —News.

*KH.I. KGB—John B. Kennedy. *KNX—Elmo Roper. KGII..—Hollywood Christian Church.

KLAC -11 awe Graham Show. 11:30—KECA—.lean Leonard.

FEFSD —Chicago Round Table.

ICH& KGB—Sunday Favorites. *KNX—News. KFOX —Christian Church. KGFJ—Songs of the Islands. K WK W—All-Saints Episcopal Church.

11:45—KECA—American .%linanac. KILL KGB—Canary Charlie. KNX —Behind the Lens.

12— K M-A —National Vespers. RI I—Eirst Piano Quartet.

*FCHJ—Broatiway News. KNX. LESDJ —Festival of Song RFOX—Popular Melodies. KFVD—Western Record Corral.

*K0ER, KGFJ—News. Kt:IL—Johnny Grant Show. K LAC —Coast-to-Coast Hits. K SI N'—Record Session. KO WE —Mayor of Melody.

Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Comedy-Variety 5:00—Jack Benny, KFI. 5:30—Harris-Faye, KFT. 5:30—Amos 'n' Andy, KNX. 6:00—Charlie McCarthy. KFI. 6:30—Fred Allen. KFI. 7:30—Our Miss Brooks, KNX. 8:00 —Lum and Abner. KNX. 9:00—Ozzie and Harriet. EFL

Drama 1:00—Family Hour. KNX. 1:30 —Greatest Story. KECA. 7 :00—Helen Hayes. KNX. 7 :30 —Theatre Guild. KECA.

Classical, Semi-Classical Music

9:30—Salt Lake Tab'nacle. KNX 12:00 —Song Festival, KNX. 1:00—N, Y. Philharmonic, KNX. 3:30 —RCA-Vietor Show. KFI. 4:00 —Family Hour, KNX. 4:30 —Pause Refreshes, KNX. 7 :30—Familiar Music Mb.. KFI. 9:30—Standard Hour, KFI. 10:30—Chicago Theatre. KEW.

Co mment-Narration 10:13 —Commander Scott. KECA. 7:00—Walter Whschell, KECA. 7:15—Lonella Parsons, KECA.

7:30--Jimmy Fidler, KHJ. 6:30 —Jimmy Fidler, KECA. 9:00—Drew Pearson. KECA.

M ystery-D elective 3:00—Quiet, Please, KECA. 3:30 —Counterspy. KECA. 6:30—Rocky Jordan. KS X. 9:00—Sam Spade, KNX. 9:30—The Whistler, KNX.

Public Interest-Information n to Learning. KNX.

10:39—People's Platform. KNX. 11:39—Chicago Round Table, KFI. 12:30—Coisersity Theater. KFL 4:00—California Caravan, KECA 8:45—Sunday Erg. Club. KFAC. 9:10—Open Forum. KLAC.

Quiz, Participation 2:00 —Quiz Kids. KFI. 6:00—Stop the Music, KECA. 6:00—Take It or Lease It, KFI. 8:00—Twenty Questions. AEU.

Popular- Western Music 4:00—Roy Rogers, KB& 5:00—Gene Autry, HAIL 7:00 —Merry-Go-Round, NFL

K WIK—Cavalcade of Music. K WK W—Italian Novelties. KNLA—Squeakin' Deacon.

12:05—KGER—ssunday at Bunkhouse. KGFJ—Yesterday's Hit Parade

12:13-1CHJ —Smoky Rogers & Tex - Williams.

RE M —Curtain Calls. REWIT-1.. A. Done vs. Baltimore Colts.

KGF:11—Auction City. K PPC —Afternoon Concert.

12:30—KECA —Plano Playhouse. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, FEVOE— Bill Cunningham.

EFT—University Theatre. KNX—Vou Are There. KAGH—Negro Spirituals. KFMIV—Reviv al Hour. HOER—Harmony Hall. IFCGF.I —Sunday Noon Serenade. KLAC —Reminiscent Rhythm. KRI M —Sunday on Ranch. K WKW—Amerlcan Jewish Hr.

12:45—KFLI. KGB, HYDE—Vet %ants to Know.

*KAGH —News. 1{3114 --1.. A. Rams vs. Chicago Cards.

Thu Changing World.

KFI—University Theatre. • KFX31. AGB— Air Force Hour.

KNX KSDJ —New York Philharmonic Orchestra.

KAGH—Foreign Music. KFAC —Piano Parade. KFOX—Famous Selections. KIND—America United. REVD —Record Corral. K M% B—Foothall

*KGER, KLAC, K WIK—'News. KGFJ —Intermission. Kt:IL—Johnny Grant Show. NN W —Football. HO WL—Scandinavian Hour. KRI M—Sunday on Ranch. K WK W—Ameriran Jewish Hr. KXL A—Strolling Tom.

1:05—EGER —Vie...tern Music. KLAC —Harmony House.

1:15*KECA. KFMB—The Finites of America.

RFAe —Catholic Topics. R WIK —Pentecostal Tabernacle

*RN:I A—News. 1 :30—REC A—Treasury Band Show.

EFL EFSD —One Man's Family.

ICHJ, KF XR. KGB, KY OE— Juvenile Jury.

KAGH —Modern Concert Hall. KFAC —Imports on Was. HOER—Light and Life. KGFJ—Serenade to Afternoon. Klia A—Church in the.Barn. '

1 :43—RFO XL-Italian Songs. KIVE W—Hoyos Hour.

2 —RECA—Ted Malone, Rasing Reporter.

▪ hFsiv--Quiz Kids. KIEL KENN!. KGB, KVOE--House of Mystery.

KNX. KSDJ—New York l'h !harmonic.

KAGH —Sierra Madre Symphony.

KFAC —Concert Favorites. KFMR —Vour American M us k. KFOX —Good News.

M V/RE presents


(Best in Colored Entertvinment)



2 to 3 P. M.

KFVD —Harlem Holiday. KFWB—Football. KGER—Long Beach Band. EGEJ--Hawalian Serenade.

*KGIL—News. KLAC—Harmony House. ILVIPC—Football. HO WL—Italian Program. KNUTH—Pop Concert.

RADI O and TELEVISI ON LIFE SUNDAY LOGS WEED—Sunday on Ranch. K WIE W—Hoyos Hour. KXLA —Challenge to Youth.

2:15*KECA—Editor at Homo. KFOX—Healing Waters. KGIL—Vocal Varieties.

2:30—HECA, KFMR—Milton Cross Opera Album.

* W1 —News. KFIJ, KVXM. KGB. KV0E— True Detective Mysteries.

KNX, KSDJ—Skyway to the Stars.

KFOX —Gospel Harbor Light. *HGER—News. KGE1—Anybody's Hit l'arade. KGIL—Songs of the Islands. KO WL—Yiddish Hour, Lest!). K WIK—Sunday Symphony. KXLA—Labor Arbitration.

9:46—KGER —Long Beach Rand. 2:45—KFT —Famous Music.

3-111ECA —Quiet, Please. Kin—Songs for Sondes. KFXM, KGB, 141 OE—

The Shadow. KNX, Its.D.1 —Crooks Cruise. KAGH —Opera Hour. WFAC —Stage Melodies. EFMR—Stars for 'nu. KFOX—Rev. Earl Isle. HFSD—Symphonette.



1010 IC.

51100 *Ws

ae 105 ANGItIT

KFVD—Speare arcer Theater KFWB—Gadget Jury.

*HGER—News. ' KGFJ-1-pheat Session. EGIL--Mask and Mike Club. KLAC —Harmony House. KTIPC —Foothall. H WIC W —Don Pancho Hour.


CilituiER! 11 Heron* and ('iv titans)

Men & Women If yon feel you. have radio talent and possi-bilities as an Actor, Announcer, F. nice e,

Disc Jockey. etc., find out now Be tested ... he trained by FREDER-ICK H. SPEARE, well-known pro-ducer and instructor of radio person-alities. Beautiful new, larger sound-proof studios — simulating regular radio station facilities—to open soon. Actual air esperience an "CAREER THEATER" —every Sunday 3 to 3:30 p.m. — Station KFVD, 1010 KC. FR E E RECORDED AUDITION. Many successful graduates. Free placement service. Phone. write or stop in for a frank discussion. Ap-proved for Veterans.

FREDERICK H. SPEARE ..West's Outstanding Radio :school"

6671 Sunset, Stodio 1591 HO. 2313

3:05—EGER—Lutheran Church. 3:15*KNX. KSDJ —News. 3:30—HECA. KFMB—Counterspy.

NFL KFSD—RCA-Vietor Show KILL KFXM, KGB, KVOF.— Quirk as a Flash.

KNX, K5111.1—Strike It Rich.

3:30 - 4 P.M.



(Institute of Success)

KFWB—Roads to Success. KGER—Sons of Pioneers. IEGFJ—Record Rhapsody. K M—Musical Gems. EFOX—Pentecostal Church. KFVD—Hank, the Night Watchman.

HO WL--Mexican Moods. H WIK—Burbank Church.

K WK W—Festival Mexican°. HXLA —Sunday Serenade.

4-HECA, KFMS—Califorala Caravan.

WET —Catholic Hour. KGB. KV0E—Roy

Rogers Show. KNX—Family Hour. KAGH —Opera Hour. 'MAC—Musical Masterpieces. KFOX —Sunshine Mission. KFSD—Playhouse of Fasorites KFWB. KGER—Old-Fashioned Revisal.

KGFJ —Showtime. H611.—I Read for Von. KFVD —Hank the Night Watchman.

*KLAC —News. Music. FC MPC —Foot hall. KO WL—Ingiewood on the Air. K WIK —Pentecostal Church. K W K W—Fest is al Mezieano. K ILA—Sunday Serenade.

4 LAC —Broadway Hits. 4 :15-11611,—Matinee Melodies.

FLO W1,--Lutheran Hour. KRKD— When Hawaii Calls. K WEIV-4 nice of China.

4:30—HECA. IIFNIB IGreatest Story Ever Told.

*EFI —News. KHJ, KGB, NVOE—Nick Carter..

• KNX, KSDJ—Pause That Ref reshes.

KAGH—Charloteers. *KFVD—News. KGFJ—Here's to Veterans. KFOX —V1 logs of Healing. KFSD—Sammy Kaye Show. KLAC —Latin S de. FIRKII—Young People's Church.

R WIFL-1 harloteers. ISWK W—Italian Noselties.

4:45—KFI —Melody Parade. KAGH —Enchanted Lady. KFVD—Lifelines. 116F.1 —Sons o' Guns. KO WL—Assembly of God. R W1E —Toastmaster's Time.

S —KECA, ICFMR—Go for the House.

K M, HFSD —Jack Benny Show.

111.1, KGB—Sherlock Holmes. KNX, KRIM—Gene Autry. KAGH—Ase Maria Hour. KFAC —Revolving Stage. RFON —EranneBet Hogan. KFVD—Lifelines. KFWB —Voice of Calvary.


IRGFJ—Poblic Messenger. KO WL—Italian Melodies. KRKII —Melotly Time. K WIK—Modern Mood. K WK W —Italian Good Samaritan.

KXLA—Carrell Speedway. 5:03—Kt:ER—Bible Treasury Hour.

K SIPC —Pa rade of Hits. 5:15—KIND—Talent for Sale.

Kt:IL—Valley Vespers. KLAC —Hcre's to Vets. K WK W—Marine Story.

3:30—KECA, KEMB—Curt Massey Show.

REXALL DRUGS Presents the

HARRIS-FAYE SHOW 5:30 p.m. Sundays NBC KFI

AFL ILFSD—Phil Harris-Alice Faye Show.

KH.1, Ki 11E--.4evret Mission. KNX, KsiLl —Amon 'n' Andy. KAGII —Pre- Elect ion Forum.

Serenade. KFWB--Dr. John Mathews. KGER—Church of the Air. KGFJ—Keyboard Magic. KGIL—I. S. Marine Band. KI.AC—Guest Star. FIRKD—floyd B. Johnson. K W1K—Matty Malneck Orch. 14.XLA—Lincoln ASP. Church.

8:45-1EFOX —Singing Crow. *KGFJ. KIVIK—News. FIGIL—Safety Program. KLAC—Sports.

• KPPC—Twilight Trail. 5:55—KGFJ—Philharmonic Reporter.

6 —KECA, KFMB—Stop the Music KFI, KFSD—Charile McCarthy Show.

KHJ, KFXM. KGB — Mediation Board.

KNX. RSDJ—My Favorite Husband.

KAGH—Three-Quarter Time.

RFAC —Collunbla Masterworks *KFOX, KFVFB, KGER, KLAC,

KMPC. KXLA—News. IRGFJ—Musical Digest. ROIL—Dinner Concert. HPPC —Chamber Music. KRI M—Musical Tra el ogue.

6:05.—KGER —Harbor Forum. 6:15—KFOX —Favorite Hymns.

KFUN—Here's to Vets. KLAC—Parade of Bands. KMPC—Mayor Bowron. KNI.A —Red Cross.

6:30—KFI, KFSI.—Fred Allen Show. K11.1. KFX31. KGB. Hi-OE--Under Arrest.

KNX KSD.I—Eind That Clue. KFOX —Flai's Memory Room. SiFiVR—Gruipei and Song. KGER—Lutheran League. KLAC —Musical Round Table. KMPC —Mother's Album. KPPC—ChIldren's Corner. "MED—Musical Potpourri. KXLA—Lutheran Gospel Hr.

6:45-101PC—Marine Story. HPPC—Story Time. K WH —Meet the Band.

6:55—FINX, KSD.11—George Fisher. 7*KECA, KFMR— Walter

Winchell. Kil, RFSD —Manhattan Merry-Go-Round.

*KHJ, 1FCFXM, KGB. EVOE— Behind the Front Page.

/CNN. KSDJ —Helen Hayes Show.

KFAC —Momie Magic. KFOX —Full Gospel Assembly. KFWB—Union Rescue Mission

KGIL—News. KGF4 —Musical Digest. KI,AC—Hit Tunes. KM PC —Pet Exchange. K W1K —George Henderson. XLA—National Voice.

7:05—KGER —John Brown. 7:15—KECA, KEMB—Louella

Parsons. K W'.,,—Gypsy Airs. RN-LA—Lite and Health. liMPC —Know 'sour Schools.

7:30—KECA, KFMB—Theatre EFL KFSD —American Album. KH.I, KGB—Jimmy Fidler. KNX. FER MI —Our Miss Brooks KFAC -1 our Concert.

OKFOX —The King's Service. KFWB—Strollin' Toni. KGIL—Helene Cope!. KMPC—Proudly We Hall. KPPC —Day Is Done. K WIK —Vette Hospital. KNI.A —Church of Open Door.

7:45*KFI.I. KFXM, KGB, KV0E— Twin ViP W.I.

KFWB —Catholic Answers. KGIL—Slissical Moments. Kr PC —Music.

0 —KECA, KFMR—Theatre Guild. KFI, IIFSD —Take It or Leave It.

Kilt, KGB, KFNM, M OE— Twenty Questions.

KNX, FISDJ—Lum and Abner. FCFAC —F1rmt Methodist. KFOX -1bristian Science. K B—Hollyw nod Presbyterian Church.

*KGER, RI-SC—News. KGF.1-411verture to Esening. KGIL—Emmaniiel Lutheran Church.

KNIPC —Splritual Mobilization. FCPPC—Sunday Esening Hour. KWIK —Reading & Dreaming. KNI,A—Onen Door Church.

9:05—KGER—Night in the Valley. 0:1O—KLAC —Sunday Serenade. 11:13—RMPC —Mission Sunday. 8:30—KECA. KFMB —.Iimmy Fidler.

KFI, KFSD—Horare Heidi Show.

*KILL KGB. KFXM, M OE — Walter Winchell.

KNX —Rocky Jordan. Kt:II—Starlit Moods. KGIL—Saion Serenade. KLAC—Irwin Allen. K3IPC—Glee Club. KPPC —Sacred Music.

8:45*KF:CA, KF31B--Nevrsweek Looks Ahead.

KHJ—Stars in the Spotlight. KFAC —Sunday Esening Club. KGB, KVOE—Rhythm in Rhyme.

FIGIL—Decision Now. KI.AC —Drama. !WPC —Word of Life.

9*ISECA. KFSIB—Drew Pearson. A n —Frost H arnings; Ozzie & Harriet.

*K AI. KGB, KFXM. HVOE— News, Glenn Hardy.

KNX, FCSDJ —Sam Spade. KFAC —Sunday Evening Club. KFOX —Gethsemane on the Air FEFSD —Ozzie & Harriet.

*KF WB, KLAC —News. lirHGER—Neers, Bethel Church.

HGFJ—Ave Maria Hour. *HGTL— Week's News. *KLAC —News. KM PC —On Request. 'WPC —Music for You. K WH —Your Reinvest. KXLA—Old-Fashioned Revival

9:10—KLAC —Ooen r °rum. 9:15*RECA, KF31B—Monday

Morning Headlines. *K11.1, 1410E—Ados. Zacharias KFWB—Rabbi Magnin. KGIL—Broado-ay to Hollyved.

I: 30—KEI A—Ilaremont ()reit. EFL KFSD—Standard Hour. KILI—Can 1.11111 Top This? KNX, ICSD.I —The Whistler. KFAC—Gateway to Music. KFOX—Sunshine Mission. KFWB—Pacific I.utheran Hr. IMER —Jimmy Wakely. KGFJ —Victory Church. KMPC —Musie of Romance. KVOE—Minister's Hour.

*K WIK —News. 9:43—KGER —Sons o' Guns.

KV0E —Grace and Truth. K WIK —lour Request.

1 0*K VA, 0KFMa...Richeiaid

AFL EFeS4—Standard Hour. KHJ—Dance Band. KNX —Alan Ladd. KFAC—Gateway to Music. KFIVII —Voice of Prophecy. HFOX, KMPC, FU ME— Old-Fashioned Revival.

EGER—Party House. HOFJ—Concert Nocturne. KG11.—Organ Reveries.

*FCLAC —News. K WIC —lour Request. RXLA—Voice of Calvary.

10:05—KLAC —Sheriff's Office. 10:15*F MCA — Washington inside Out

H MI—Eddie Oliver Orris. KLAC—Enric Madriguera

10 :30*KECA —George Sokolsky. K n, KFSD —Jack Benny Show.

KHJ. KGB—Chlrago Theatre. KNX —Symphonette. KFAC—Music for Listening. KFMB—That They May Live. KFWB—Echoes of Eden. KGER—Desert Dreams. KGIL —Concert Briefs. KLAC —Melody Parade. KXLA—Slemory- Lane.

10:41—KECA—slars Behind the Mike 10 :53*IILAC—News.

11— RECA —Cinegrill Orch. *Kill, KESD —News. KI M KGB—Chicago Theatre.

*KNX —News, Huntley. KFAC —Music for Listening. ' KFMR-1,yn Murray. liFOX —Record Reporter. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time. KFWB—Echoes of Eden. KGPJ —Blite of Evening. KGIL—Juke Box Review. KLAC —Across the Footlights. KM PC —Dance Parade. K WIK—Your Request. ,10.1.4 —Voice of Deliverance.

11:15 -1111 —America Coifed. KNX —Merry-Go-Round.

11:30—KECA, KFMB--Slapsy Maxle

KHJ—Musie. FIFOX —Sky Serenaders. KFWB—Music You Want.

11:45—KFI.—Murde. *KIWI, KGB—News.

X—The Chicagoans. 11:5.5—K Fl —Police Bulletins.

*KM PC—News.

Recorded Highlights SUNDAY CLASSICAL

9:30 n.m. —KFAC. Gilbert and Sulli-van.

2:30 p.m. —KECA. Milton Cross. 3:00 p.m. —KFAC, Stage Melodies. 5:00 p.m. —KFAC, Resolving stains. 9:30 p.m. —KFAC, Gateway to Music. 10:00 p.m. —KGFJ, Concert Nocturne.

POPULAR 9:311 a.m. —KFWB, Peter Potter.

SHINE-DYE Covers scuffs—dries


Economy size now at your grocer's, tool Page Seventeen

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 22 *Indicates News BroatIca.t. 8 -KECA, KFAIB-Don

Breakfast Club. Kr!, KFSD-Fred Waring.

*KHJ -Ceell Brown. KNX-Harry Babbitt. KAGH -Dr. Frederick Bailee. RFAC-Breakfast Symphony. KFON -Challenge to Youth. RFVD- Wakeup Ranch. KINIR-Andrew Fearing.

*KGER-Newa, Mizpah. KGFJ-Dr. Frederick Ballet. KG1L-Reveille Ranch.

*KLAC. KXLA-News. *KMPC -Norman Nesbitt. 'News BO WL-Spanish Flour. KRKD-Bible Institute. KII1K -Michael Roy Show. K WK W -Rafael Mendez.

8:15*KHJ. KNX-News. KAGH -Last Call. KFIVII-Tune-Cp Time.

*KGFJ -Agriculture: News. KLAC -Haynes at the Reins. KMPC -Markets; Sports. KNLA -Musk.

8:30*KFI -Inaide the News. *K W -Editor's Diary. KNX- Winner Take All. KAGH -Hebrew-Christlan Hr.


RFON- Words of Life. KFI fl-Easy Listening. lit:ER-Hammond. KGFJ-PublIc Messenger. KLAC -Stock Reports. KMPC-Song for You. FE WIE W-Stork Quotations. KXLA-Hasen of Rest.

11:411-KLAC -Haynes at the Reins. 8:45*KFI, H1FSD -News. Sam

Hayes. KHJ. KGB-Breakfast Time. K AGH-Musical Clock. KFAC-Unity. • KFVD-local Varieties. KFWB-Science of Mind. RGER -Ilible Treasury Hour. KGF.1-Yesterdas 's flits. KGIL -1.'offee Parade. RIIPC-In a Nutshell. KO WL--Navy Rand. KRI M-Spotlight Varieties. K WK W -Gordon Baker Lloyd.

6:55*FELAC-News. 9-KECA, KFMR- Welcome,

Tres piers. 11111 -Art Baker's Notebook. KHJ -The Jedge. KNX, IFISDJ-Stand-In. KAGH-Top n the Morning. RFAC -Serenade. Kt-ON-Rey. hip. AVID- Weitz Time. KFIVII -Strolling Tom.

*KGB -Cecil Brown. *Kt:ER-News. IIGFJ -Delinquency Forum. AG M-Sweet and Sentimental. KLAC-Morning Melodies. KMPC-Band Boy. RO WL-Vielori )))) Life. BRAD -Sagebrush Serenade. KISK A -Voice of China. KXLA-Bar Nothing Ranch.

11:05-KGER-Lutheran Hour. KVIIK -Stiony Side.

11:15-KIRJ, KFNM. KGB. RIVE-Victor H. Lindlahr.

*RIND-News. RENVB-Mosic. SAGFJ.--Nolte of the Army. KGIL-Ballads for You. KLAC. Chef Milani. BO WL-Hawaiian Melodies. K WK W -Light and Airy.

9:30.-KECA, KV:SIB-Kay Ryser College,

KFI. KFSD-Jark Beech. KHJ-Moods in Music. KNN, KSD.11 -Grand Slam. KAGH -The Pasadenan. KFOX -Foll Gospel. KFVD--Show Tunes. KFWB-Marsha Walton. KGER-John Brown. KGFJ -Rat•ing News. KGIL-Valley Shopper. KLAC -Racing Nevis.

*KO WL-News. KWIK-Top o' Morning.

9:45-KFI. KI ND-Lora Lawton. KNX -Rosemary. KFVD-Remembered Rhythms. KVA B-Gadget Jury.

*1161-A-Airotorials. KLAC -Coffee with Crosby. KOVIL-Album of Song.

*KRKD-Ness s. KVIR W -Nord of Truth.

10-KEICA, KIIIii-Ted Malone. *K111. AVON. KtiElt-News. *KHJ, KFXM, KGB. KV0E-

News. 'Glenn Hardy. *KNX -II ends II a rren. KAGH-Mosk America Loses. RFAC -Morning Concert.

!age Eighteen

KFVD-Bibie KFWB -Show Biz Quiz. KGFJ-Record Jackpot. KG11.-- Waltz Time. KLAC-Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC - Westerners. BO WL-Yiddish Hour. KRKD -Morning Melodies. K WIK -Town Crier. KIVEIV IRSWing Ne ws. KNLA-tnisersal Quiz.

10 :05-KFI-Ladles' Day. KGER -Musical Roundup.

10:15-KECA, KERB- What Makes You Tick?

KHJ, KGB, KV0E-Gospel Singer.

KNX-Aunt Jenny. KFOX-Assembly of God. KG1L-Sweet Swing. KRKO -Dr. Richardson. K WK W -Audrey Shops.

*FIALA -News. ill :25-KGFJ -Sports Flash. 10:30-KECA. KF'MB--My True Story

*KHJ. KGB-Kate Smith Speaks.

KNX. RSDJ-Helen Trent, KIND-Rescue Mission. KFIVII-Memory Lane.

*KGIL-News. KRKD -Crazy Rhythm. R WIA-Mae Dene Ellis. K WK W-Feature Story. KXLA-Music.

10:33--KGIL-Romance in Rhythm. 10:45-KFI -Chuck t oiling.

KGB. KVOE-Kate Smith Singe.

FINX, KSILI-Our Gal Sunday. KFAC -Vour County Reports. KFOX -Morning Musicale. KRKD-Midnight Mission. K WK W-My Serenade. KXLA- Women•s V.orld.

10:55-KECA, KFMB-Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air.

KGFJ-Sports Flash. -NEVA. KFMR-Betty Crocker. KFI -Downtown and All Around.

K M, KGB, KVOK-Ladies First.

KNX-Big Sister. KAGH-Accent on Music. KFAC -Festival of Music. KFOX-Rhythmic Age.

*KIND. KGER-Neng. K1,11 R-Peter Potter. AGFA -Record Jackpot. INGIL -Crosby Sings. KLAC -Al Jarsis Ballroom. KMPC -Stars of Song. ROVVL -Romance in Music. KRKD-Songs of Yesteryear. K WIFE -Tom, Dick It Harry. KIIKII -Song Parade. KNLA - Womasn's World.

11:15*KECA, KFMB-Eleanor and Anna Bootie I elf.

KFI-Burritt Wheeler. KNX -Ma Perkins.


Comedy-Pariety 4:00-Arthur Godfrey, KNX. 6 :30 -Godfrey's Talent Scouts,

KNX. 11:00-My Friend Irma. RNA.

Quiz, Participation 8:00-McNelli M ot. Club. KECA 9;30-Grand Slam. KNX. 9.30-Kay Kyser. KECA. 10:15- What Makes You Tick?

KECA. 11:39-Queen for a Day. KHJ. 1:00-111cfst. In A wood. KECA. 2:30-Meet the Milieus, KNN. 2:30-Bride and Groom. KECA. 3:3(1-Rouse Party KNX. 7:30-Dr. I. Q., RIFI.

M rsterv- Drie diVe 9:30-Inner Sanctum, KNX.

Classical, Semi-Classical Music

8 .00-Fred Waring. Krt. 6:311-Voice of Firestone. Krt. 8:on-Contented Hour. FEEL it:00--Itailroad Hour. FEECA. 10:00--Telephone Hour. KFI.

• Com ment-N arrntrun 7:43-Fred Beck. KNX. 9.4iii Ant Raker. KEI 10:00-Ted Malone, KECA.

KFI fl-Shopping Highlights. IEGER-Musical Roundup. KGIL-Mid-Morning Melodies. FE:RFC-Voice of Neighborhood K WK W-Races and Sports.

*K X LA -Pasadena News. 11:20-R WK W -Stairway to Music. II :25-KGFJ-Sports Flash. 11:30 -KECA -Casa Cugat.

KHJ, KFX51, KGB. KVOE-Queen for a Day.

KNX -Young Dr. Malone. KFAC -Keyboard Artistry.

*KFOX, KFWB, KRIED-News. KFVD-Memory Melodies. KGFJ-Plann Moments. KMPC-Keith Hetherington.

*KO WL-News, Musk. KXLA-Dinner Bell Roundup.

It :35-inFON -Request It. 11:43-IEECA-Quizzicalle.

KFI -The Brighter Day. KNX -Guiding Light. KFWB -Peter Potter. KGFJ -Saludos Amigos. BOWL-Salute to Americas. KRIED-Movieland Quiz. K WK W-Races and Sports.

11:55-KGFJ -Sports Flash.

12 *KECA-Sam Hayes, News. KF1 -Farm Reporter.


KNX -Second Mrs. Burton. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. RFSD-Double or Nothing. RFVD-Editor of the Air. K li-Peter Potter. KGFJ-Bing Crosby.

*KGIL-Valley News. KLAC-Al Jerrie Ballroom. KMPC- Women Are Wonderful,

KO WL-Mayor of Melody. KRKD-Santa Fe Trails. K W1K -Bing Crosby Sings. K WK W-Vocalist Parade. 111XLA -Dinner Bell Roundup.

13 :05-KGER-Chuck Wagon. 12:15*KECA-Jack Beall.

KFI -Road of Life. KNX -Perry Mason. KHJ -Music. KAGH -Matinee Melodies.

*KFOX, K WIK -News. AGFA-Intermission. AG M-Real Estate. K WK W-Races and Sports.

12:23-Kt:FA -Sports Flash. 12 :30-KECA -Model Magazine.

K n. KFSD-Today's Children KHJ -Louise Massey. KNX, KSDJ-Nora Drake. KFOX-Cowhands Carnisal. KFVD-Shapping Highlights.

*KFWB-News; Peter Potter. KGER-Squeakin' Deacon. KGFJ-1230 Club. FEGIL-Mart and Darling. !EMIT-Jeanne Grey.

*KO WL-News. KS 0E-Say It With Music. K WIK -G. I. Platter Parade. K WK W-Stock Quotations. KNLA-Tex Owens.

12:35 -KECA-One for the Book. BO WL-Mayor of Melody.

Morning Programs Appear in Lightfoot+ Type; Afternoon and Evening Programs In Boldface.

10:39-Kate Smith. KHJ. 11 :15-Burritt Wheeler, K n. 4:30-Passing Parade, KID. 10:30-'NIght Editor. KNN.

Drama 7:00-Lux Theater, KNX.

Public Interest-Information

5:45 -11 They Had Lived, RGFJ. 8:34-Child's World. KECA. 3:00-American Way, KFI. ,

Sports 9.30-Racing News. KLAC. 9 .30-Racing, KGFJ. 10•00-Race Lineup, KWA W. 5:30-Race Recap. KGF.1. 5:30-Sports Dial, IIIIIED. 5:45-Race Results. KRI M 5:45 -Sam Baiter. KLAC. 8:00-Fred Hessler. EGER. 0:15-Rob Kelley, KMPC. 6:30-Joe Hernandez. KMPC. 9:30-Inside of Sports KILL 10:15-Tom Hanlon, KNX.

Popular- Western Music 8:00-Harry Babbitt, KNX. 10:n0-Westerners. KMPC. 4:43 -Stuart Hamblen. IEFIVIS 5:30-Club 15. KNX. 9:00 -Supper Club, KFI. 9:15-Jack Smith, KNX.

B WK W-Farm News. 12:45-KFI -Light of the World.

KI D-Melody Matinee. KNX, KSDJ -Get More Out of Life.

*KFAC. KMPC-News. K WK W-Races and Sports. KXLA - Western Musk.

12 :30-K WK W -C Ircle 1430 Ranch. 12:35-KGFJ-Sports Flash. 1.-REC 5. KFMB-Breakfast in

Hollywood. Kr!, K OMI-Life Can Be Beautiful.

KHJ -Lynn Looks at Hollywood.

*ANN. RSDJ-Knor Manning. KAGH- Where to Go. RrAc-Plano Parade. FEFOX-Verdict Rendered.

KLAC, KRKD-News. KFIIR-Bill Anson. KGER-Squeakin' Deacon. KGFJ-1230 Club. KCilL-1280 Roundup. KMPC -Music in the Air. KRAL-Joe Adonis. K WIK -Just Relax. K XLA -Community Broadcaster.

1:10-KI.M -570 Club. 1:15-KFI. FSD-Ma Perkins.

KID-Nancy Dixon. KNX-H. E. Wileman. RAG1-Here's to Vets. REAC-Classroom Radio. KFOX-Russ Brown Music. KFI D-Piano Parade. HRICD-Siesta Time. KRA W-Races and Sports. KXLA-LeRov Smith.

1:23-KGro -sports Flash. 1:30-RECA. KFMB-Galen Drake.

KFI, KFSD -Pepper Young. KHJ-Norma I oung. KNX-Gordon Mason. IEAGH -Musie Album. KFAC -American Hour. KFOX -Country Boys.

' KFVD-Hall of Records. • *KFWB, KRKD -News.

KGB. KV0E-Red Benson. KGER -Western Siesta. KGIL-Homemakers. RO W 1,-Armand La Pointe. K WK W-Song of the Islands. ILNLA-local Varieties.

1:33-KRI M -Song Symphony. 1:43-KECA-Ethel and Albert.

KFI, KFSD-Right to Har piness.

KFON -F:verybody's Business. KFW 4-Bill Anson. K WK W-Races and Sports.

*KXLA-News 1 :50-K WK W -Show Time. 1 :53-KGF.11 -Sports Flash.

2 -KECA, B-SurPri" r KKFFI, KFSD-Backstage Wife. KHJ. KFX,M, KGB. KVIDE-Golt,m Hope Chest.

KNX -Stese Allen. RAGE -C. Sharpe Minor. KFAC-Matinee. RFON -Judy Martin. x rcn -flall of Records. KFIVB-11111 Anson. IEGFJ-What's Cp. K M-Homemakers. KMPC-Three Alarm. KO WL-Armand La Pointe. KRRD -These Are Your Neighbors.

K WIE -1490 Club. R WR W-Races and Sports. KNLA -Mr. Music.

2 :03- li14:11.- Westera Siesta, 2:10 -KLAC -570 Club. 2:13-KFI, KFSD-Stella Dallas.

RFOX-Rusty Gill. KRI M-Guest Star.

2:20*K WK W-News. 2:25*KECA-Afternoon Final.

KNX -Radie Harris. KGFJ-Sports Flash.

2:30-KECA, KFMB-Bride and Groom.

KFI, KFSD -Lorenzo Jones. KHJ. KGB-Luncheon at

KNX K rd, 's130J-Nleet the Misses. KFOX-Country Girls. RGER -Garden School. KGFJ-Heyboard Korner. K M-Variations in Rhythm.

*KO WL-News. KRKD -Tunes In Tempo. K WK W-Platter Parade.

2:33-KO WL-Contented Listening. 2:40-KGER-Sons of Pioneers. 2:45-KFI, RFSD-Young Kidder

Brown. RFOX -Down Homers. Kt:nil-Hawaiian Serenade. KGIL-Talent Showcase. FERKD -Organ Moods. K WK W -Races and Sports.

2:50-K WK W-Swing Session. 2:55-KGFJ-Sports Flash. 3-KECA. KFMB-Ladies, Be

Seated. KFI, KFSD- When a Girl Marries.


/LNX, KSDJ—Hint Hunt. *KAGH—News. KFAC--Musical Favorites. KFVD —Radio Auction. KFWB—BUI Anson.

*KFOX, KGER, KXLA—News. KGFJ—Sunset and Sine. EGIL—Keyboard Melodiee.

*KLAC—News. Sports. KMPC—Chiffon Serenade. BO WL—Your Radio Outlook.

• KRKD—Tops in Pops. K W1K-1490 Club. K WK W—Sa Session.

3:115—KGER—Alkar Ales. 3:10—KFON—Star Duet.

KLAC —Don Otis Show. 11:15-11F1, K S —Portia Faces

Life. KAGH—Freddy Martin Show. REN D—Hall of Records.

*KGIL—News. BO WL —Rhythm at Random. K WIK W—Races and Sports.


MATI NEE With Carl Bailey 3:15 to 5:30 pro.

KXLA Monday thru Saturday

Kla.A—Juke Box Matinee. 3:25—KNX, KSDJ—Mr. Information

EGFJ —Sports Flash. 3:30—RECA—Norwood Smith Selects

E li EFSD—Just Plain MU. KHJ—Adventure Parade. KNX. KSDJ—House Party. KAGH—Musical Contrasts.

*KFAC, RFS", BO WL—News. EFOX—Hawailan Music. KGER—Carolina Cotton. KGIL—Danee Matinee. KMPC--Swing 'n' Sing. BRED—Tea-Time Tunes. S WI M—Andy Mansfield.

3:35—HOWL—Just Music. 3:45—BECA—Franees

KFI, KFI3D —Front-Page Farrell.

KIM, KGB, KVOE—Superman. KFAC—Lyrics in Chorus. KFOX—Pet Review.

3:55*KNX—News. KGFJ—Sports Flash.

4—SECA—Frances Scully. Eli —Double or Nothing. K M, KGB —Gabriel Heatter Mailbag.

JINX, WIDJ—Arthur Godfrey. KAGFI—Chap Rollins. KFAC—Musical Masterpieces. KFSID—Road of Life. KFVD--Harlematinee. • KFWB—Spade Cooley. SGFJ —Stuiset and Vine. EGIO—Hank Penny.


WOWL—Musical Showcase. BRED—Piano Paintings. KVVIK —Music at 4. IE WS W—Andy Mansfield. E XLA—Juke Box Matinee.

4:05-11IECA —George Fenneman Show.

EGER--Musleal Roundup. 4:10.-ILFOX —Freddy Martin Orch. 4:15-1111J, KY-XS, KGB, KVOE—

Frank Hemingway. KFSD--The Brighter Day. KFWB--Bing Crosby. KLAC —Pet Program. KMPC —The Jewel Box. BRED—Melody Time.

:25—KFWB, IMFJ —Sports. 4:30 —EFL FSD—Aunt Mary.

*KHJ, KGB. SVOE--Passing Parade.

KFOX —Old-Age Pensions. KFVD—Sundown Roundup. KF'WB—Daily Light. KLAC —Racing Roundup. KMPC—Romance 'and Rhythm.

*HO WL—News. BRED—Symphony in Sa Mg. K WK W—Magic Circle Theater

4 :35—BO WL —Show Tunes. 4:45—KECA—Happy Theater.

SF!, KFEID—Nora Drake. *KHJ, KGB, IIVOE—Bob

Anderson, News. KFWB—Stuart Hamblen. KLAC —Music Room. KMPC—Club Time.

*KRI M—News. E RIK—Musical Quiz. K WK W—Races and Sports.

4 :50—K WK W--Magir Time. 4 :55—KGFJ--Sports Flash.

5—KECA, KENS—Challenge of the Yukon.

K n. KFSD—This Woman's Secret.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Fulton Lewis.

*KNX, KSDJ—Knos Manning. KAGH—Ads enture Party. KFAC —Sunset Serenade. KFOX —Sunshine Mission. KFVD —Songs of the Sage. KF WB —Stuart Hamblen.

*KGER—News. KGFJ —Jive at 5, IMIL—Flank Penny.

*KLAC—Fred Henry Reports. *KMPC—News, Star Time. BO WL—Plantation House Party.

KRKD—Songs of the Saddle. IK WIK —Craig Character. K WK W —Reminiscent Music. KXLA—.Juke Box Matinee.

5:05—KGER—Ford Lewis. 5:15*KF1 —News.

KHJ, KFXM. KGB, EVOE— Chandu, the Magadan.

KNX—Tom Hanlon. KIFVD--Croshyana. KGIL--Children's Corner. KLAC—Peggy Lee. KO W1.—Itailan Program. K WK W—Today at the Races.

5:341—KECA, KFMB —Sky King. Ku—Johnny Murray. FOIL KF.3.31, KGB, KS OE— Captain Midnight.

KNX KSDJ—Club 15. KAGH—Sports Notebook. IEFAC— Whoa Bill Club.

*KFOX, KIND, KGIL —News. KGER ,Billy Starr. KGF O-Race Recap. KLAC —Musie Room. K MPC —All-Time Hits. KRKD —Sports Dial. K WIK—Future Fant asies. IKXLA—Future Pianists.

5:35—KGIL—Rumba Time. 5:45*1111 —Feature Wire.

KILL KFXM, KGB, KS 0E— Adventures of Tom Mix.

*KNX. KSDJ—Ed R. Morrow. HAGH—Bing Sings. KFOX—Your Fisheaster.

*KFSD —H. V. Kaltenboro. KGER—Bruce Trent. KOFJ--If They Had Liked. KLAG—Sam Baiter. Sports. KMPC—Top Tunes. KRKD—Race Results. K W1K —J. Marlowe Sings. K WK W—Spotlight on Bands. KXLA —Music.

5:55—KGFJ —Film News.

6*KECA, KFMB—F.divin C. Hill. *KFI—Sam Hayes. KHJ, KFXM, KGB—The Falcon.

*KNX, KSDJ--Charles Collingwood.

KAGH —Publio Interest. KFAC—Edison Hour.


ROBE—Sports Time. KGFJ—Musical Digest. KGIL—Tops in Pops. EKED—Musical Varieties. K WIFC —Goodwin on Sports. KXLA—Toastmaster Club.

6:05*KECA —Headline Edition. KLAC—Al Jarvis Ballroom.

6:15*RECA—Hank Weaver, News. E li—Sundown Downbeat.

*KNX, KSDJ—Garred. News. KFOX—Hawalian Music. KFWB—Gadget Jury. RGER—Stamps Quartet. KMPC—Bob Kelley, Sports. BRED—Hawaiian Memories.

*Ru m—News. 6:25—KECA—Harry Wismer. 6 :30—KECA —Child's World.

KV', KFSD—Voice of Firestone.

KHJ. KFXM. KGB. KVOE— Hollywood Story.

/MX, KSDJ—Talent Scouts. KFAC —Hour of Music. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KF WB —America Dances. KGER—Helene Smith. BOIL—Lions' Club. KLAC —Honest Opinion, Jarvis. K MPC —Tanforan Treat. BRED—Sweet Pops. KVVIK—Evening Serenade. KXLA—Eddy Arnold Show.

8:45—EKED—Accent on Rhythm. KXLA—Duke of Paducah.

6 :55*KHJ—News. KGB. KV0E—Bill Symes, Sports.

7—FEECA, SFMB—Lone Ranger. Eli—American Way. *KHJ, KGB, KV0E--Gabriel

Heatter. KNX, KSDJ—Lux Radio Theater.

KFAC —Hour of Music. KFOX —Maritime Committee. KF WB—America Dances.

*KGER —News; Dr. Pagan,


"Musical Digest" Nightly at

7 pm

. "111114110,

' IN) • 8:00 pm

DR KARL WECK FR Direr, from • Hokysoped B41

RGFJ—Musical Digest. *KGIL—Valley News. *KLAC, FIRED —News. 11311P( —Firestone Faiorites. K WIK —Building Burbank. K NI A—Dusty Ellison.

7 :05—KLAC-570 Club. 7:15*KFIL KGB, KVOE—Mutual

Newsreel. *KFOX —Opton Close. KGIL—Songs to Remember. BRED— Three-Quarter Time.

7 :25—KF WB—Carollne Leonetti. 7:30—KECA—Starring Kay Starr.


KFAC —Echoes and Encores. KFMB—Youth at Crossroads. &FRB—Sports Final. KGER—Adventist Church. BOIL—Footlight Favorites. KMPC —Romance and Rhythm. BRED —Twilight Serenade. K WITC—Veterane Hospital. KXLA—Vance Lane.

7 :45*KFOX —News. KFVIB—Remember. BOIL—Novelalres.

7:55*KHJ, KGB, KV0E —Bill Henry, News.

e —KECA, ICI-MB—Railroad Hour KFI, KFSD —Carnation Contented Hour.

KILL KFX.31, KGB, ES OE — Let George Do It.

KNX, KSDJ—My Friend Irma. KFAC —Evening Concert. KFOX —Excurslims In Science. KEWB— Williams-Rodgers.


IEGFJ—Caucasian Memories. KG1L—Hustlin' Hal.

8:05—KGER —C'hurch Brotherhood. 11:10—KLAC —Cremby Time. 8:15—KFOX —Talent Parade.

KGFJ —Songs for You. KMPC—American Music. K XLA—E1 ening Serenade.

8:30—KFI—SpellIng Bee. KILL KFXM. KGB, KVOE— Casebook of Gregory Hood.

IEN.N, KSDJ—Boh Hawk. KFOX—Judge Gardner.

*KFWB—News. KGER—Clem Davies.

*liGFJ—Averill Berman, News. KLAC—Fred Haney. IMLA—The Corral.

8:45—RICA, KFMIL-Kiernan's Korner.

1LFwB —Guest Star. ' KGFJ—Hollywood House Party KLAC—Behind Studio Gates.

11:55*KFIL KGB, KVOE—Hy Gardner Says.

a*HECA, KFIKB—Arthur Gaeth. EFT—Frost Warnings; Supper Club.

*KHJ, HFX.M, KGB, EVOE— News, Glenn Hardy.

*KNX —Lowell Thomas. KFAC—Evening Concert. KFOX —Stories to Remember. KFSD —Supper Club.

*KFWB —Clete Roberts. *KGER—Sews. KGFJ—Hollywood House Party

estern Trails. KLAC—sheriff's Office. KMPC —Call Again. K WIIC—Orval Anderson Show. KXLA—Squeakin' Deacon.

8:05 —KGER —City Schools. KLAC —Music.

9:15*KECA, RFRR—Eart Godwin. *HIFI, KFSD— World News. *KIIJ, KGB, KV0E—Fleetwood

Lawton. KNX —Jack Smith.

*KFOX—News. KFWB —G. S. Glenn. KMPC —Parade of Hits.

9:30—FIECA—Johnny Fletcher. HET, KFSD—Cavaleade of America.

KHJ, KGB, EN 0E—Inside of Sports.

KNX. KSDJ —Inner Sanctum. KFOX—Music. KFWB—Unity Daily Word. KGER—Desert Dreams. W AIL—Dance Time. KLAC—Spotlight Serenade.

*B ELK —News. 9:45—KELL KFXM, KGB, KVOE—

Henry J. Taylor. *Km B—Music and News. *KGIL, KMPC —News. ECEIK—Orval Anderson Show.

0:55*ELAC —News. *KECA, KFMB--Itichfield

Reporter. EFL KFSD—Telephone Hour.

*KHJ. KFXM, KGB, KV0E— Fulton Lewis Jr.

*KNN, KSDJ —News. Huntley. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance, KFOX —Ocean Park Fights. KFWB—Eastside Show. KGER —Party House. KGFJ—Music You Want. KGIL—Memory Lane. KLAC —Don Otis. KMPC —Bridge Club. KXLA—Radio Guild.

10:15—KECA—Cass Curet. KHJ —Highlights in Music. KNX—Beulah.

10:30—KECA, KFMB--The Hawthorne Thing.

KFL KFSD —The Big Story. KHJ—Dance Orch. KNX —Night Editor. KGER—At the Ranchhouse. KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. KCAL—Rhythm Rhapsody. KMPC—Ipance parade.

*KXLA—Dan Lundberg. 10:45—KHJ —Errand of Mercy.

KNX—Sports Review. 10 :55*KGIL, KLAC —News.



*KECA—News of Tomorrow. *KFI, KFSD —News. KHJ, KGB—Campus Sainte.

*KNX—Nelson Pringle. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance. KFOX —Music of Masters. KFVD —Spade Cooley Time, KFWB—Eastside Show. KGER—At the Ranchbouse. KGFJ—Blue of Evening. IEGIL—Juke Box Review. KLAC —Don Otis. KMPC —Dance Parade. K WIK—Johany Grant. KNLA —Dance Time.

11:15—SECA —Philharmonic Reporter Ell —Proudly We Hail. KNX —Merry-Go-Round.

11:20—RECA —El Rancho Orch. 11:30—KILL KGB, KVOE—Two-Ton

Baker. *KFOX —News.

11 :40—KFOX—Record Reporter. 11:45 —KECA—Slapsy Maxie Orch.

K Fl —For You. * MU, KGB, 113 0E —News. ENX —You and the Harvest.

11:55*RECA, IIMPC —News. EFT—Police Bulletins.


POPELAR 8:15 —KLAC, Haynes at the

Reins. 10:00 a.m. —KLAC. Al Jarvis. 11:00 a.m. —EFWB, Peter Potter. 2:00 p.m. —KFWB, Bill Anson. 3:30 p.m. —K WK W, Andy Mansfield. 6:05 p.m.—KI.AC, Al Jarvis. 6:30 p.M. —KFWB, Frank Bull. 10:00 p.m. —KFWB, Gene Norman 10:00 p.m. —KFAC. Ira Cook. 12:15 a.m. —KXLA. Alex Cooper.

. CLASSICAL 1:30 p.m. —RFAC. American Hour. 6:00 p.m. —KGFJ, Musical Digest. 6:30 p.m. —KFAC, Hour of Music. 7:00 p.m. —KMPC. Firestone Favor.

lies. 7:30 p.m. —KFAC, Echoes & Encores. 8:00 p.m. —EGFJ, Caucasian

Memories. 8:00 p.m. —KFAC, Evening Concert. 10:30 p.m. —KGFJ. Concert Nocturne,

FRONT MAN After years of working

solely with Phil Harris's band, guitarist Franide Remley is doubling from ra-dio as conductor of his own orchestra, now booked at Hollywood's Casino Gardens.

*Indicates News Broadcast. S —ELECA, RE MY—Don McNeill's

Breakfast Club. HEE, KESD—Fred Waring. KNX—Harry Babbitt.

*K W—Cecil Brown. RAGH —Dr. Frederick Bolles. M AC —Country Church. FIGFJ—Dr, Frederick Belles. IWIL—Reveille Ranch. SE W", KRI M —Haven of Rest liFVD —Waketip Ranch. REV'S—Andrew Fearing.

*IELAC, RXI.A —News. *FIMPC —Norman Nesbitt, News KO WL—Spanish Hour. RWIR —Michael Roy Show. S WI M —Rafael Mendez.

*HGER—News. Mizpah. 8 :15*RHJ, 'RN X—News.

ELAGH —Last Call. KEN B—Tune-t p Time. IEMP(*—Market Report. Sports KGF.1 —('ommunity Cheat. RLAC—Haynes at the Reins.

6 :20*KGEJ —Nen s. 8:30*KFI —Inside the News.

*RH.1 —Editor's Diary. KNX — Winner Take All. RAGH—Hehrew Christian Hr.


REOX— Words of Life. REVD—Easy Listening. IRGF:R—Hammond. RGE.1—Public Messenger. KLAC —Stock Market. IIIMP(' —Song for You. R WIE W—Stock Quotations. XLA—Baptist Bros.

11:45—KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. 8:45*RFL RFSD—sam Hayes.

A WL KGB, M OE—Breakfast Time.

RAGH —Sivice of the Orient. IRFAC—tnity. REVD —Vocal Varieties. KFWB —Science of Mind. HGER—Rible Treasury Hour. RGEJ —Yesterday's Hits.' RGIL—Coffee Parade. RMPC—In a Nutshell. RO WL—Organ Melodies. EIRRD—Spotlight Varieties. ESK A—Gordon Baker Lloyd.

8:38*RLAC—News. 9-KECA, REMB—Selcome

Travelers. REI—Art Baker's Notebook. RILI —The Jedge. KNX, RSDJ—Stand-lo. HAGH —Top o' the Morning. RE M —Serenade. KEOX—Rev. hie. HEVD —Waltz Time. A MR —Strolling Tom.

*KGB —Cecil Brown. *HGER—News. RGFJ —Vour City at Work. RGIL—Sweet and Sentimental. SLAC—Morning Melodies. KMPC—Band Sox. HO WL--Helen Markham. FERREE—Sagebrush Serenade. R WR W—Voice of China. RXI.A —Bar Nothing Ranch.

COB—EIGER—Lutheran Hour. IRWIR—Stinny Side.

9:15—HILL KGB. M OE— Victor H. Lindlahr.

*RFVD—News. RE WB—Music. IEGFJ—The Judge Speaks. AG M—Ballads for Von. RLAC —Chef Milani. HO WL—Hawallan Melodies. R WK W—Liglit and Airy.

11:30-1EF,CA. REMB—Ray Ryser College.

RF1, RES'S—Jack Berth. RHIJ—Moods in Music. KNX, 11S11.1 —Grand Slam. RAGH —The Pasndenan. REOX—Full Gospel. REVD—Show Tunes. KE W II—Marsha Walton. RGER—John Brown. RGEJ—Racing News. RGIL—Valley Shopper. KLAC —Racing News.

*RO WL—News. E MIR —Top o' the Morning.

9:43—KEL RESD —Lorn Lawton. RN X— Rosemary. REVD—Remembered Rhythms. KEWB —Gadget Jury.

*HGFJ—Airotorials. KLAC —Coffee with Crosby. BO WL—Album of Song.

*KRI M—News. 'MR S— Word of Truth.

10— RECA. REMIS—Ted Malone. *IKE'. RFOX, RESD—Neos. *K M. REXM. KGB, RVOE—

News, Glenn Hardy. KNX — Wendy Warren. RAGH —Music' America Loves. KFACJ--Nlorning Concert. KFWB—Show Biz Quiz.

Page Twenty

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23. 1 HGER—Musical Roundup. Mid I M lodi

RGFJ —Record Jackpot. REVD—Res. I.nuis T. Talbot. FIGIL— Waltr Time. RLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KM PC— Westerners. RO W1.—ilddIsh Hour. R RD —Morning Melodies.

R WIR —Town Crier. FEWS W—Racing News. XLA —Uni, ersa I Quiz.

10:05-1EFI—Ladies' Day. EWER— Musical Roundup.

10:15—KECA, REMB— What Makes Von Vick?

RH.), OE—Gospel Singers.

KNX —Aunt Jenny. REOX—Assembly of God. R611.—Sweet Swing. RRRD —Dr. Richardson. RIVRVI—Tune-tp Time.

* MLA—News. Ill :25--EIGFJ— Sports hash. 10:30—KECA, RFMIS—My True Story

*HILL KGB—Kate Smith Speaks.

RNX, RSDJ—Helen Trent. REVD—Rescu_ Mission. REWB—Memory Lane.

*RGIL—News. IIRSD —I'razy Rhythm. R WIR —Mae Dene Ellis. R WR W—Feature Story. M LA—Popular Variety.

111:13--RGIL—Romance in Rhythm. 110:45-1IFI--Chuck Collins.

EIGII. KY-OE —Rate Smith Sings.

FINN. RSD.1—(hir Gal Sunday. REAC—Village Festival. FIFOX —Morning Musicale. KRI M —Midnight Mission. R WS W—My Serenade. MILA— Woman's World.

10:55—RECA. REMB—Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air.

IEGFJ—Sports Flash. •

—RECA, REMB—Betty Crocker. IEFI —Downtown and All Around.

RH.I. KGB, RVOE—Ladies First.

KNX —Hig Sister. RAGH —Accent on Music. M AC —Featly/0 of Music. R FOX—Rhythmic Age. RE-SD —Luncheon With Lopez.

*REED. HGER—News. RFWB--Peter Potter. RGFJ —Record Jackpot. Mill.—Croaby Sings. RLAC-4/41 Jarvis Ballroom. IIMPC—Stars of Song. RO WL—Romance in Music. RRRD—Songs of Vest . E MIR— Tom, flick & Harry R WR W—Guest Star. M LA — Woman's World.

I :13—KECA, REMB—Club Time.


HEI —Burritt Wheeler. SNX —Ma Perkins. REVD—Violet.

.— morn ng e ea. IIMP( —lour Pharmacist. R WIE W—Itaces and Sports.

*RXI.A—Pasatiena Ness. 11:20—I MIL W—Stairway to Music. 11:23—HGFJ—Sports flash. 11 :30—REC A—Casa ( ugat.

RE1 —What Do You Say? KHJ, KGB. KFXM. RI OE— Queen for a Day.

KNX—I'oung the. Malone. KE W—Keyboard Artistry. RE'. D—Memory Melodies. 111.F.1—Plano Moments. RM PC—Reith Hetherington.

*RO WL, M ELD, RWIR—Nevis. SXLA —Dinner Bell Roundup.

11:35—RFOX —Request It. 11:45—RECA—Quizzicale.

RFI —The Brighter Day. KNX —Guiding Light. KliF.1 —Saltulos Amigos. KRIED—Mos 'eland (Mir. RKS W —Roces and Sports.

11:B5-11GFJ—Sports Flash.

12 *KECA—News. Sam Hayes. RE1— Fa rm Reporter.

*RILL EMIL—News. KNX—Second Mrs. Burton. RFAC—Ltincheon Concert. EIFVD—Editor of the Air. IC M B—Peter Potter.

,*RGF:It —News: Chuck Wagon. RGEJ—Bing Crosby. RLAC—Al Jarvis Ballroom. RMPC — Women Are Wonderful.

RO WL—Mayor of Melody. FER MI—Santa Fe Trails. R WIR—Bing Crosby Sings. R WR W—Vocalist Pared.. RXLA—Dinner Bell Roundup.

Et :115*RAGH—News. 12:13*RECA —Jack Beall.

KF1 —Road of Life. RHJ—Music. KNX —Perry Mason. !MGM—Matinee Melodies.

*RFOX—News. KGFJ—Intermission. Kt:IL—Real Estate Show. R WR W —Races and Sports.

12:23—KGF.11 —Sports flash. 12:30—KECA —Model Magazine.

IEEE RESD—Today's Children KHJ—Louisa Massey. M X. ESIDJ—Nora Drake. HFOX—Cowhands Carnival. REVD-1 inlet.

*K M14, HO WL—News. RGER—Squeakin' Deacon. Fit:F.1-1230 Club. RGIL—Hart and Darling. HMI'( —Jeanne Gray. R WR W—Stoek Quotations. FIXI.A —Tex Owens.

12:15—KECA —One for the Rook. RAGH —Modern Mond. FLO WL —Mayor of Melody. R WIR —G.I. Matter Parade.

Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Comedy-Variety 4:00—Arthur Godfrey. KNX. 6:30—Date With Judy. RE'. 7:00—Bob Hope. FEEL 7:30—Fibber and Molly, RE'!. 8:30—Life With Luigi. M X.

Quiz., Participation Bkfst. Club, 10ECA

9:39—Grand Slam. KNX. 9:30—Nay Kyser. KECA. 19:13— What Makes You Tick.

KECA. I :39—Queen for a Day. KHJ. 1:OO —RIttst. in ICwood. KECA. 2:30—Meet the Mis tuu,. RNX. 2:30—Bride and Groom, 'MCA. 3:30—House Party, KNX.

Drama 4:00 —Favorite Story. MI'!.

Classical, Semi-Classical Music

s:09—Fred Waring. KFI. 7:30—Melodies America Loses.

RN X. 7:45—Detroit Symphony. KECA.

Comment-Narration 7:43—Fred Beck. K X X. 925J—Art Baker. KF-1. 111:90—Ted Ma!one. KECA. to:3u—Kate Smith. KHJ. I 1 W heeler. KFI.

4:30—Passing Parade. RAJ. 111:30—Night Editor. ANN.

Mystery-Detective 5:30—Mr. and Mrs. North. KNX. 0:00—Monte Cristo. K W. 8:30—Thin Man, KILL 9:30—Mystery Theater, KNX.

Public interest-Information

11:30—Town Meeting, KECA.

Sports 9:30—Racing News, KLAC. 9:39—Raring. KGFJ 10:110—Rare Lineup. KWK W. 5:30--Itare Recap. IEGFJ. 3:30--Sporti. Dial. KURD. 5:15—Race Results, SHAD. 3:45—Sam Halter, FILAC. 6:00—Fred Hessler. IRGEFt. 5:15—Boh Kehley. IIMPC. 5:30—Joe Hernandez. IE31PC. 9:30—Inside of Sports. RAJ. 10:05—Boxing. KI.AC. 10:45—Tom Hanlon. KNX.

Popular-It'estern Music Situ—Harry Babbitt. KNX. IU:00-- Westernere. K MPC. 4:45— Stuart Hamblen. 3:30—Club IS, KNX. 9:011—Supper FIE!. 9:15—Jock Smith. M X.

S W/L W—Farm Mews. :45—API—Lightif of the World.

KHJ—Melody Matinee. ANN, RSDJ —What Makes You Tick?

*FIF'AC, RFSD, RMPC—News. REOX —Parific Breezes.

H W —Rnces and Sports. RXLA— Western Records.

12:50—HYSH W—Cirele 11311 Ranch. It :54—KliFJ —Sports Flash.

1 —RE.CA, REMB--Breakfast in Hollywood.

REL M N'S —Life Can Be Beautiful.

KHJ—Lynn Looks at Hollywood.

*KNX. SS W—Knox Manning. RFAC —Plano Parade. RFOX—Illarbershop Quartet.

*REVD. FIR M)—News. A MR—Bill Anson. R6n, R3'0E—United Nations. RGER—Squeakin' Deacon. ItliFJ-1230 Club. RG1L-1260

*RLAC—News, Sports. KMPC—Music in the Air. BO WL—Mayor of Melody. RIVIR—Just Relax. XLA —Community News.

1:13--RVI, REND—Ma Perkins. K W —Nancy Dixon. KNX —Georg. Fisher. RA(.11—Voice of the Army. II EA( '—Classroom Radio. 11111X —Russ Brown Music. RE'. fl—Piano Parade. RLAC -570 Club. R5140—Siesta Time. R WR W—Itaces and Sports. AN:LA—LeRoy Smith.

1:25—RGFJ-6ports flash. 1:30—RECA, REMB —Galen Drake.

REL REND—Pepper Young. H MI—Norma Young. KNX —Gordon Mason. RFAC—American Hour. REON—Country Boys. REVD—HMI of Records. KGB, HVOE—Red Benson. RGER— Western Siesta. RI:IL—Homemakers. BO WL—A. La Pointe Show.

*RRRD—News. R WIE W—Song of the Islands. M LA—Vocal Varieties.

1:3.5—RAGH—Siesta ' de. IFIREID—Song Symphony.

1:45—RECA —Ethel and Albert. KFI. KESD—Right to Happiness.

REOX —Everybody's Business. RN LA—Listeners' Digest.

1:50—R WH W —Show Time. 1:55—K(44—Snorts flash.

READ—Surprise Parka re.

1611, REND—Backstage Wife. RH.% RE VS', KGB, M OE— Golden Hope Cheat. NX—Stes e Allen.

RAGH —C. Sharpe Minor. FAC—Mati nee.

RFOX--ludy Martin.

CONTROL ROOM CAPERS C,o. Sanders - Dave Hall

selon. thru Sat.

2 P.M.

REVID—lall of Records. RF WB —Bill Anson. RGE:R—Long Beach Band. FCGFJ— What's rp.

nmemakers. *RLAC —News, Sports. FM PC —Three Alarm. RO WL —Armand La Pointe. RRE(11-1.yons Club. IME M—Races and Sports. XLA—Mr. Music.

2:11--FILAC-570 Club. 2:13—HFI. REND—Stella Dallas.

' MIX—Rusty Gill. 'ERICH—Musical Bouquet.

2:20*R WR W—News. 2:25*RECA—Afternoon Final.

RN X—Sadie Harris. lit.F.1—Sports flash.

2:30—KECA. REMB—Bride and Groom.

RII, RESD—Lorenzo Jones. KI M FICB—Luncheon at Sardis

RNX, RSDJ—Meet the MISSUs. REON.--( ountry Girls. FIGER—Garden School. FIGEJ—Reyboard Korner. RGIL—Variations in Rhythm.

*RO WL--Xews. FERRIS —Tunes in Tempo. RWRIV—Marine Band.

2:33-1411WL—i'ontented Listening. 2:40—RGER—Long Beach Band. 2:45-1IEFI, RESD— Widder Brown.

RFOX—Down Homers.

RADI O and TELEVISI ON LIFE TUESDAY LOGS KGFJ -Hawallan Serenade. KC:IL-Talent Show ca.e. KRKID -Organ Moods. K WII W-Rare. and Snorts.

2:30-11I WK W-Swing SPII•i011. 2:35-1EGFJ-Sports Mouth. 3-1KIECA, /CFMR-Ladies, Be

Seated. KFE KFSD- When a Girl Marriem.

RILL KGD. KVOE -Happy Gang.

KNX, KSDJ-Hint Hunt. KFAC-Musical Favorite..

*KFOX, KGER, KXLA-News. KFVD -Radio Auction. KFWB-Bill KGFJ-Sunset and Vine. Kt.:IL-Keyboard Melodie..

*RLAC -Newoo. Sports. KMPC--ChIffon Serenade. KOWI.--Radio Outlook. KRKID -Toptrin K WK W-Swing Se.sion.

3:113-KGER-Alkeli Al.,.. 3:10-KFOX -Stardutot.

KLAC -Don Otis Show. 3:15 -KFI, KFSD-Portia Fares

Life. * W M.-New.. BOWL-Rhythm at RamInrn. K WK W -Racen and Sports. KXLA -Juke Hot Matinee.

KSI)J -Mr. Information KliFJ -Sports Flash.

3:30-KECA-Norwood Smith Selects K M KIND-Just Plain Bill. KILT-Adventure Parade. KNX, IISDJ-Hoome Party. KAGH-Mu.iral Contrast..

*KFAC, KFWIL. KO WL-News. KFOX -Hawaiii.n KGER -(7arolina Cotton. KGIL-Danve Matinee. KMPC-Swing 'n Sing. KRI M-Tea-Time Tune.. KWK W-Andy Mansfield.

3:35.-e•KO WL--lovot 11111.1f. 3:45-KECA-Franees Scully.

K n, KFSD-Front-Page Farrell.

KI M KGB, AV M -Supermen. KFAC -Stringtime. KFOX-Pet iew.

3:55*KNX-News. KGFJ-Sports Flash.

A-RICCA-tram-es Scully. KFI-Doishle or Nothing. KILL KGB -Gabriel !leafier. KNX, KSINI -Arthoir Godfrey. KFAC -111u.ical Masterpieces.

*KFOX, KGER-News. KFVD-Harlematinee. K M'S-Spade (Wiley. KGF,j--,suntlet and in.. KGIL-Hank Penny Show.

*KLAC-Newa, Sports. *KMPC -News. Eddie Lyon. KO WL-Monleal Showcase. KRI M-Piano Paintings. • IRW1K-On Stage. K WK W -Andy Mannfield. KXLA -Juke Box Matinee.

15-KECA-George Fenneman Show.

KAGII -Chap Rollins. EGER-Musical Roundup.

4 :10-KFON -Freddie Martin. 4:15*KILL IEFXM. KGB. KVOE-

Frank Hemingway. KFWB-Bing Crosby. KLA( -Belle Martel. KMPC-Twilight Tales. IIIIIKI) -Melody Time.

KGFJ-Sports. 4:31) KFI. BEND-Anal Mary.

*KI M FMB, ISVOE-Pasaing Parade.

KFOX -Old-Age Pension.. KFVD -Sundown R000ndiop. KF WB-.Dally I,ight. KLAC -Racing Roundup. KMPC -Rnmance and Rhythm.

*BO WL-News. KRKD-S.'ninliony in Swing. K WK W-Opera A.sociation.

4 :35-KOV1 L-Shnw Tune.. 4:45-KECA -Happy Theatre.

. KFI, KFSD-Nora Drake. *KHJ, KGB. HVOE-Brob

Anlerson. News. KFIVII-Stimrt Hamblen. KLAC -Musie Room. KMPC -Club Time.

*KRI M-New.. IFEWIK -Musiral Quiz. KWK W-Race. and Sports.

4 :50-K WIR IV-Magic Time. 4:33-KGFJ-Sports Flash.

5-KEr•A. KFMR -Green Hornet. KFI, KFSD-Thia Wnman's Secret.

KHJ, KGB, Kt 0E-Folton Lewi..

*KNX. Ks15.1-Knot Manning. KAGH-story Time. IRFAC-Sionset Serenade. KFOX-Soonshine Mission. K nit -Songs of the Sage. KFWB-Stuart Hamblen.

*Ri‘ER-Ner s. litiFJ -Jive at Five.

KG1L-Hank Penny Show. *KLAC-Fred Henry Report.. *IIMPC-News, Star Time. KO W1,-House Party. KRKD-Song. of the Saddle. K WH W -Reminlocent Music. KXLA -looke Sox Matinee.

5:05-KGEH -Ford 1RWiN. 5:15*KFI -News.

KIEL KFXM. KGB. KV0E-(handu. the Magician.

KNX -Tom Hanlon. KFV1)--Croodiyann. KGIL-Children'm Corner. FIL M -Mush'. ROW 1.-Italian Program. 1115K W-Today at the Races.

5:30-KECA, KFMB -Jack Armstrong.

K n.-Johnny Murray. K11.1. HFNM. KGB. KV0E-(aptain Midnight. NX. KSI)J -Chili 15.

KAGH -Sports Notebook. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club.


KGER-Billy Starr. KGF.1-Rare Recap. M AC -Bob Shannon. KMPC-All-Time Hits. AR MS-Sport. Dial. FEWIK -Leody Grey. II:ALA -Future Pianists.

5:35 -KGIL--Rumba Time. 5:45*ICIFI-Fenture Wire.

KILL KFX11, KGB. KVOE-Adventures of Toni Mix.

*KNX, KSDJ-Ed R. Marrow. 1KAGH-Paladin Trio. KFON-Musie.

*K1131)-H. V. Kallenborn. ILGER-Bruce Trent. KGFJ-Dinner Interlude. KLAC -Sam Baiter, Sports. KM PC -Top Tunes. KRKD-Race Berndt.. 1R WIK -Jerry Marlowe. K WK W-Spotlight on Band.. KXLA-Music.

6*KECA, li nvIB-Edwin C. Hill. *Fitl, RYON, KEWIS, 11ILAC, KMPC-News.

KILL KFAM, KGB-George (ll'Hanlon Show.

*KNX. KSI)J-Charles ll'ollingwood.

KAGH -Publie Interest. KGER-Sport. Time. KGKI-Musical Digest. K Wh-Topa in Pops. IMICD-Musical Varieties, K WIK-Sportos, Goodwin. KXLA-Muir College.

11:05*KECA-Ileadline Edition. KLAC-Al Jervin Ballroom.

0:15*KECA -Hank W . KFI-Remember That Mimic.

*KNX, KSDJ-News. Garred. KFOX -Hawaiian Music. KFIVB--Tome Time. litiER -Slamps Quartet. KMPC-Bob Kelley. Sport.. KRI M-Hawaiian Memories. KXLA-Mary Burke King.

8:23--KH:CA-Animal World Stooge.. *KNX-News.

R:30-KECA-Marriage for Millions. KFL KIND-Dale With Judy. KHJ, KGB-Mysterious Traveler.

ANN. KSDJ-Mr. & North.

RFAC-Hour of Mimic. KFOX-Hal's Memory Room. KFW11-Americe. Dances. KGER -Helene Smith. K611.-Dinner Concert. KLAC -Honeod Opinion. Jarvis KM P( -Tanforan Track. KRKI)-Sweet Poo.. KWIK -F.vening !Serenade. K XLA-1Ady Arnold Show.

13:15-KE( A -Relaxin' Time. IMK1)-Aceent on Rhythm. IIXEA-Duke of Paducah.

8:35*1111.1 -News. FIGB, KV0E-11111 Symp., Snort..

$44 ‘41 1


"Musical Digest" Nightl) at

7 pm

IA tor: 1:00 - On

liR. KARL Vxl( Kt it Dlr. leper 11.11.7.p24ti Ron I

41 4.4-1230.L,


7-HECA. KF5111--touth Ask. the Government.

NCI, FUND-Bob Hone Show. *KI M KI•X31. KGB. KVOE-

Gabriel Broiler. K N X- Women's Forum. KFAC-Hour of Music.

-KFOX-7:00 P.1.4. Tues., Wed., Fri.


RECORDING SITDIOS Presented be Goldtrone Song Se m

DIAL 1280

• K X-1 our Song. KIFW11--America Dance..


KG14I -M1181,111 Digest. KM PC -nripot cone Fa% °At es. K WIK-Building Burbank.

*KXLA -Peter De I.ima. 7 :03-KGER -Fa gen.

KLAC -570 Club. 7 :13-FLECA- We Care.

*KII.1, KGB. KV01•:.-31odual Newsreel.

VIGIL-Songs to Remember. KRKI)-Three-Quarter Time. KXLA -Here's to Vets.

7 :30-RH:CA-Renoir( to the People. K n. KFSD-Fibber and Molly

KFX31. KGB, KVOE -Red Ryder.

ilkot. 0.4dit)U2li at.IXPORA


CONCERT ORCHESTRA Earl Towner, Director

KNX -Tuesday -7:30 P.M.


EN -Melodic. America I o. es K l,tt -Echo... end Encores. KFWB-Snorts KGER-7th Day Adventists. KG11.--Van Nuys (. of C. KMPC-Romance and Rhythm. K RKI)-Twilight Serenade. KXLA-Vance Lane. K WIK -Vet.' Hospital.

1 :13- K EC A. K FM It-Det roil Symphony.

*KFOX -Newoi. KFWR-Remernher. KGIL-Novelaires.

7:354001.1. KGB. KVOE-Bill Henry. New..

8 -KECA, RFMB-Detrolt Symphony.



8 :0 0 P. M. TUESDAYS KFI -Fa vorite Story. KHJ. KFX31, KGB. KVIIF,-Count of Monte Cristo.

KNX. KSDJ-Hit the Jackpot. ILEAC -Evening Concert. ISHISX -Sionshine Mission. KFIVIII- William.-Rodger..

*KGER. KLAC. KXLA-Neas. RGH.1 -Cnisrasion Memories. KI:11.--Ilimtlin• Hal.

*KMPC -New.. Frandsen. 111:03-KGER -Alfred Newman. 8:10-KLAC-t'roishy Time. 8:15-KGF.1-Songs for You.

KM PC- American Mimic. KXLA-Evening serenade.

8:30--KECA, E3111--A merica's Tow n Meeting.

K Il. KFSD-Peonle Are Flinn Y.

KHJ. 111,X31, KGB, K OF.--The Thin 31 n.

KS \-1.1fe With Luigi.

*BFWIII-Newe. KGER -Clem

*BGFJ-Averill Berman. News. KLAC -Jan Garber Orch.

KXLA-9101 Street Corral. • :13-KFON--Guest Star.

KFWB-Red Cross. KGFJ- Wwood House Party. KLAC-Etchings for Evening.

11:33*KH.I. KGB. KVOE-Iir Gardner Snys.

KFMB-America's Town Meeting.

KF -Frost Warnings: Supper Club.

*KHJ, KFX31, KGB. KV0E-News. Glenn Hardy.

*KNX-Lowell Thomas. FE FAC-Es eni ng Concert. KFOX -Research Adventures. KFSD -Supper Club.

*KFWB-Clete Roberts. *KGER-New.. KGE1 -11'wond Howie Party. Kli11.--W eodern Trails. KLAC-Melody Parade. KNIPC -f'all Again. K WIK -Orval Anderson Show. KXLA-Squeakin' Deacon.

9:05-KGER -Three 9Itun.. 9:13*KFI, R END- World News.

*KHJ, KGB. EV0E-Fleetwood lAwton.

KNX -Jack Smith. *KFOX -News. KFWB-1 nited Nations. KGER-Decision Now. KMPC -Parade of Hits.

:30*KECA. K FMB-Monitor News. AFL KFSD-Thim Is Your Life.

K W, KGB. 113'0E-Inside of Snorts.

KNX. KSDJ -Myxtery Theater KFOX-Serenade in Swingthne KFVWD-tnity Daily Word. KGER -Desert Dreams. KGIL-11nrice Time. KLAC -Spotlight Serenade.

9:45-KE('A -Special Es cot. *KN.!. KG11.. KNICC -News. *KEVIR-Moinic and News.


10 *KECA-Riclifield Reporter. KFI. B END-Big Town. KILL KFX111, KGB, KVOE-Fulton Lewis.

*KNX, liS1).1-News, Huntley. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance. KFOX -Carter Wright. KFWIt-Eastside Show. KGER-Party House. K(. 1.1-Music You Want. KG111,--Memory Lane. K3IPC -Dance Parade. KYVIII-Orval Anderson Show. K XLA-Sacred Record..

Olympic Auditorium FIGHTS Tuesday, 10:05 p.m

KLAC In:05-KLAC-Olympic Ikming. 10:15--KECA-Caea Comet.

KHJ-Highlislitto in Musk. KNX-Beulah. KFOX -Orientel Moods.

10:30-HECA, KFMB-Hawthorne Thing.

KF1 -Melody Time. KHJ--Dance Orcb. ANN-Night Editor. KFOX-Music of the Masters. KtiER -At the Ranchhouse. KtiFJ-Concert Nocturne. K31 PC-Rhyt hm Rhapsody.

*KNLA-Dan Lundberg. 10:45-KILI -Lanny Ross.

KNX-Sports BP% Jew. 111:33*1111:11.. KLAC -New..

*KECA -News of Tomorrow. *KFI, KILL KGB -D. LaSalle Omit.

*KNX-Nel son Pringle. KCAC-Lucky Dance Time. Kl'ON -Sky Serenader.. K Ft It-Spade Cooley Time. KFVVII-Etmtsida Show. KGER-At the Ranchhouse. Kt:F.1-111o. of F.,enina• KGIL-Jiike 1111% Review. ILLAC -Don Otis. KMPC -Dence Parade. K'.'. IA-Johnny Grant.

11:15-KECA--Cinegrill Music. .11FI. KFSD-Morton Downey. KIEL KGB-Al Wallace Or, ANN -Merry-Go-noun&

1.1:30 -KECA-Amhalmador Orch. KFI -Guest

*NEON -News. 11:40-KFOX-Record Reporter. 11:45-KFI -Me!odinna.

*KH.1. KGB, K'. HE-News. GNX-Voit and the Harvest.

11 :35*K EC A, KM PC-News. KFI -Polire Bulletins.

Fuse Twentpone


WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24 *Indicates News Broadcast.

BreakfKaEstM BCl—ubD.on McNeil!'.

HFI, KFSD—Fred Waring. *KHJ—Cecil Brown. KNX—Harry Babbitt. KAGH —Dr. Frederick Belles. KFAC —Country Church. 'WON. HERD —Bible Institute KFVD— Makeup Ranch.

*EGER. KLAC, KIELA—News. KGFJ—Dr. Frederick Bailee. KGIL—Reveille Ranch. KF WB—L. A. Breakfast Club.

*KIIIPC —Norman Nesbitt. News HO WL—Spanish Hour. H M11E —Michael Ray Show. H WIE W—Rafael Mendez.

11:05-1EGER—Mizpah. 8:15*KEIJ, KNX—News.

KAGH—Last Call. . *KGFJ —Social Security; News.

KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. IEMPC —Markets: Sports.

11:20-11XLA—Music. 8:30*KFI—Inside the News.

*KHJ—Editors Diary. KNX—Winner Take All. KAGH —Hebrew-Christian Hr.

*KFAC. HO WL. KRI M—News. KFOX—Words of Life. KFVD—Easy Listening. KGER—Hanunond. KGFJ —Public Messenger.

*KG11.—News. KLAC—Stock Markets. KM PC —Song for You. H.XLA—Haven of Rest. E WK W—Stock Quotations.

:40—KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. 8 :45*EFI, HEAD—Sam Hayes.

IEHJ, KGB—Breakfast Time. KAGH —Voice of Orient. KFAC —Unity. KFVD—Vocal Varieties. KGER—Bible Treasury Hour. KGFJ—Yesterday's Hits. BEGIL —Coffee Parade. ICAPC —In a Nutshell. HO WL—Marine Band. KRKD—Spotlight Varieties. K WIE M—Gordon Baker Lloyd.


9—ILECA, WE-M B— Welcome, Travelers.

KFI —Art Baker's Notebook. 1111J —The .ledge. ANN. ILSDJ —Stand-In. KAGH —Top o the Morning. KFAC —Serenade. KFOX—Rev. Earl Ivle. KFVD — Waltz Time. KFWB —L. A. Breakfast Club.

*KGB —Cecil Brown. KGFJ—Disabled Veterans. KGIL—Sweet and Sentimental KLAC—Morning Melodies. IDIPC—Band Box. HO WL—Helen Markham. KRI M—Sagebrush Serenade. K WE M—Voice of China. ILXI..A—Bar Nothing Ranch.

9:05—KGER—Lutheran Hour. K WIII—Stinny Side.

9:15 —KHJ. KFX111. KGB, HIVE— Virtor H. Lindlahr.

*IR-VD —News. RGIL—Ballads for 'Yon. KLAC —Chef Milani. HO WL—Hawaiian Melodies. K WH M-1Light and Airy.

9:30—HECA. KFDIB—Hay HYser College.

RFI, RI-SD —Jack Retch. E MI—Moods in Music. KNX. IESDJ—Grand Siam. KAGH—The Pasadenan, KFOX —Full Gospel. KFVD —Show Tunes. EF WB—Dlarsha Walton. KGER—John Brown. KGFJ—Racing News. RGIL—Valley Shopper. KLAC —Racing News.

*KO WL—News. KIVIK—Top o' Morning.

9:45—EFL HIPSD —Lora Lawton. KNX —Rosemary. KIND—Remembered Rhythms. FEFWB—Gadget Jury.

*FEGFJ—Airotorials. KLAC —Coffee With Crosby. HO WL—Album of Song.

*HRIED—News. K WK W— Word of Truth.

10— KECA. IEFIEB—Ted Malone. *RFD. KFOX, RFSD—News. *KHJ. KFX.11. KGB, KI0E—

News. Glenn Hardy. KNX— Wendy Marren. • KAGH —Music America Loves. KFAC —Morning Concert. KFVD—Rev. Louis T. Talbot. KFWIL—Show Biz Quiz. KGFJ—Record Jackpot. KGIL— Waltz Time. KLAC—Al Jarvis Ballroom. PEMPC — Westerners. HO WL—V iddish Hour. KrED—M,rning Melodies. HIVIDE -7no n Crier.

Page Twenty-two

H MK M—Raeing News. RITA—Universal Quiz.

10:05—KFI—Ladies' Day. EGER—Musical Roundup.

10:15—.KECA, BF/dB— What Makes You Tick?

KHJ, KGB, HVOE —Gospel Singers.

KNX —Aunt Jenny. KFOX—Assembly of God. KGIL—Sweet Swing. KEHD—Dr. Richardson. K WE M—Audrey Shops.

*KXLA—News. 10:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. 10:30—KECA, KI MB —My True Story

*KHJ, EGB—Hate Smith Speaks.

KNX, IESDJ—Helen Trent. KFVD—Rescue Mission. KF WB—Memory Lane.

*E MIL—News. HEI M—Crazy Rhythm. K WIK—Mae Dene Ellis. K WIE W—Feature Story. !MLA—Popular Variety.

10:35—KG M--Romance in Rhythm. 10:45—KFI —Chuck Collins.

HIM, KGB. KVOE—Kate Smith Sings.

KNX, IISDJ—Our Gal Sunday. KFAC —Villa ge Festii al. KFOX —Morning Musicale. KRI M—Midnight Mission. K WK W—My Serenade. KXLA— Woman's World.

10:55—KECA. KFMB—Betty Crocker Magazine of the Air.

KGFJ—Sports Flash. — KECA, KFDIB—Betty Crocker. IIFI—Downtown and All Around.

KILL KGB, KVOE—Ladies First.

EN X—Big Sister. KAGH —Accent on Music. KFAC —Festival of Music. RYON—Rhythmic Age. KFSD —Luncheon With Lopez.

*RFVD, KGER—News. KFIVE —Peter Potter. KGFJ--Record Jackpot. KGIL—Cresby Sings. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC —Stars of Song. HO WL—Romance in Musk. IERIED —Songs of Vest K m1K —Tom, Dick & Barry. BM/K W —County Supervisor. ILDO.A— Woman's World.

11:15*HECA. IEF5111t—Eteanor and Anna Roosevelt.

KFI—Burritt Wheeler. KNX —Ma Perkins. KFOX—Rhythm Roll Call. KFVD —Violet. KGER—Musical Roundup. KGIL—Midmorning Melodies.


a KMPC--Neighborhood Voice. K WK W—Races and Sports.

*EXLA—Pasadena News. 11:20—K WE W —Stairway to Music. 11:23—KGFJ —Sports Flash. 11:30—KECA —Casa Cugat.

KFXM., KGB. KIVOE— Queen for a Day.

EN X—Young Dr. Malone. KFAC—Heylmard Artistry.

* KFOX, HO WL. EKED —News. KFID —Memory Melodies. KGFJ—Piano Moments. KMPC—Keith Hetherington.


ClIffle Stone Eddie Kirk Herman the Hermit

Julie Hayden Merle Travis Tennessee Ernie

Top Western Talent

10(LA 11:30-12:30

Mon. Thru Fri.

. KXLA—Dinner Bell Roundup. 11:35—KFOX —Request H. 11 :45—HECA —Quizz icaie.

KFI —The Brighter Day. FENN—Guiding Light. KGFJ —Saludos Amigos. KRIED —Mosieland Quiz. ILIVIE M—Races and Snorts.

11:55—KGFJ—Sports flash. 110* HECA—Sam Hayes, News.

KFI —Farm Reporter. *KIN, KGB. KGER—News. KNX—Second Mrs. Burton. KFAC —Luncheon Concert. KFVD —Editor of the Air. KFIVB—Peter Potter. KGFJ—Bing Crosby.

*KGEL—I alley News. KLAC—Al Janis Ballroom. KMPC — Women Are Wonderful HO WL—Mayor of Melody. IERIED—Santa Fe Trails. R WIK—Bing Crosby Sings. K WH M —Vocalist Parade. KXLA—Dinner Bell Roundup.

121651 1 —CAGGEBR—N hewucsk Wagon. L2:15*RECA—Juck Beall.

Ell—Road of Life. M U—Music. KNX—Perry Mason. KAGH —Matinee Melodies.

*HFON. H MIS —News. KGFJ—Intermission. KGIL—Real Estate Show. HINKII —Races and Sports.

12:25—KG M—Sport .1 Flash. 12 :30—EEC Magazine.

KFI, KFSD—Today's Children. K M—Louise Massey. KNX, KSDJ—Nora Drake. KFOX —Cowhands Carnival. KFVD—Violet.

Morning Programs Appear in LIghtface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Comedy-Variety :00.—Arthur Godfrey, KNX. it :30—Meredith Willson, KECA. 7 :00—Duffy's Tavern, NFL 7 :30—Amateur Hour, KECA. 9:00—Bing Crosby, KECA. 9:30—Milton Berle, KECA. 10 :00—Blondle, EFL

Quiz, Participation 8:00—McNeill Bidet. Club, KECA 9:30—Grand Slam, KNX. 9:30—Kay Kyser, KECA. 10:15— What Makes You Tick?

KECA. 11:30—Queen for a Day. KILL 1:00—Bkfst. in H'wood. KECA. 2:30—Meet the Missus, KNX. 2:30—Bride and Groom. KECA. 3:30—House Party, KNX. 8:00—Name That Song. KHJ. 8:30--Groucho Marx, [MCA.

Drama 6:30—Family Theatre, KHJ. 6:30—Dr. Christian. KNX. 7:30—Hollywood Theater, KFL 8:30—Curtain Time, KFI.

Classical, Semi-Classical M usic

8 :005-Fred Waring. KFI. 7:30—Harvest of Stars, EMIL 8:00 —H'wood Music Hall, KNX.

Cornment-Narration 7:45—Fred Beck. KNX.

9:00—Art Baker, KFT. 10:00—Ted Malone, KECA. 10:30—Kate Smith, KILL 11:11—Burnt; Wheeler, BPI. 4:30—Passing Parade, WILI. 10:30—Night Editor, KNX.

Mystery-Detective 10:30—Mr. D. A., Fr'-

Public Interest-Information

5:45-1f They Had Lived, KGFJ. 6:00—American Forum, KI M

Sports 0:30—Racing News, KLAC. 9:39—Racing, KGFJ. 10:00—Race Lineup. K WK W. 5:30—Race Recap. KGFJ. 5:30—Sports Dial, KRI M. 5:45—Race Results, HERD. 5:45—Sam Baiter. KLAC. 6:00—Fred Hessler. KGER. 6:15—Bob Kelley. KMPC. '6:30—Joe Hernandez. ILMPC. 9:30—Inside of Sports. KHJ. 10:45—Tom Hanlon, KNX.

Popular- Western Music 8:00—Harry Babbitt, KNX. 10:100— Westprners, KMPC. 4:45—Stuart Hamblen, IEFWB. 5:30 —Club 15, FENN. 9:00—Supper Club, KFI. 9:15—Jack Smith. KNX.

*KFIVB--News: Peter Potter. KGER —Squeakin' Deacon. KGFJ-1230 Club. KGIL—Hart & Darling. KMPC —Jeanne Gray.

*HO WL—News. IEVITE —G. I. Platter Parade. K WK W—Stock Quotations. HXLA —Tex Owens.

12:35—HECA—One for the Book. K WK W—Farm News.

12:45—KFI —Light of the World. ' RHJ—Melody Matinee.

KNX, IESDJ— What Makes You Tick?'

*KFAC, KI ND, K MPC —News. KFOX—Pacific Breezes. K WK W—Races and Sports. TEXLA— Western Records.

12:50—K MHIV—Cirele 1430 Ranch. 12:55—KGFJ—Sports Flash.

1—KECA. KFMB—Breakfast in

Hollywood. KFI—Life Can Be Beautiful. KHJ—Lynn Looks at Hollywood.

*KNX, KSDJ—Knox Manning. KFAC—Piano Parade. KFOX—Barbershop Quartet.

*KIND, KLAC. KRIED —News. KFWB—Bill Anson, HGER—Squeakin' Deacon. KGFJ-1230 Club. KGIL-1260 Roundup. HMPC—Musie in the Air. HOWL—Mayor of Melody. 1EXLA —County Business.

1:05—KAGH— Where to Go. 1:15—KFI, KFSD—Ma Perkins.

IIHJ —Nancy Dixon. KNX —H. E. Mileman. KAGH—Here's to Vets. KFAC—Classroom Radio. . IEFOX—Russ Brown Music. KFVD—Piano Parade. KLAC -570 Club. IERIED—Siesta Time. K WK W—Races and Sports. KXLA—Farm Program.

1:25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. 1:30—HECA--Galen Drake.

KFI, KIND—Pepper Voting. KHJ—Norma Young. KNX.—tiordon Mason. KFAC—American Hour. KFOX —Country Boys. KFVD —Hall of Records.

*KFWB. KRKD—News. KGER —Western Siesta. RGIL—Homemakers. HO WL—A. La Pointe Show. H WH M—Song oE the Islands. KIELA—Vocal Varieties.

1:36—RAGA —Musk Album. KRIED--Sympliony of Song.

1:45—RECA—Ethel and Albert. KFI, KFSD—Right to Happiness.

KFOX—Ea erybody's Business. IC/MA—Listeners Digest.

1:50—K ME M—Show Time. 1:55 —KGFJ —Sports Flash.

2 —KECA, RFD/A —Surprise Parka re.

EFI, KESD —Backstage Wife. H11.1. KFXM.. KGB, EVOE--Golden Hope Chest.

ENX--Steve Allen. KAGH—C. Sharpe Minor. KFAC —Matinee. KFOX —Judy Martin. KFTD—Hall of Records. ICFVPB--Bill Anson. KGER —Long Beach Band. KGFJ—What's Up. KGIL—Efomemakers.

*KLAC —News, Sports. E XPO—Three Alarm. RO WL —Armand La Pointe. EREED—So. Cal. Dental Assn. R MK W —Races and Sports. KXLA—Mr. Music.

2:10—KLAC.--!70 Club. 2:15—EFI, IEF9D—Stella

KFOX—Rusty KRKD--Housing Expediter.

2:20*RIVIS M—News. 2:25*KECA—Afternoon Final.

KNX —Redie Harris. R& M—Sloes Flash.

2:30—KECA. KFM11—Bride & Groom Eli. HFSD—Lnrenso Jones. KHJ, KGB —Luncheon at Sardi's.

KNX, KSIDJ—Meet the Missus. JEFOX-4 ountry Girls. • • KGER —Garden School. • KGFJ—K yboard Ho mer. KGIL—Variations in Rhythm.

*KO WL—News. EKED —Tunes in Tempo. EVIH M —Platter Parade.

2:35—KO WL—Contented .Listening. 2:40—HGER — Long Beach Band. 2:45-11EFI, KFND—Widder Brown.

KFON —Down Homers. KG M—Hao aiian Serenade. M M.—Talent Showcase. KRI M—Organ Moods. K WK W—Races and Sports.

2:50—K WK W—Swing Session. 2:55—KGFJ—Splrts Flash,

3—KECA, KFMB —Ladies Be Seated.

EFL KFSD —When a Girl Marries.



—News. RFAC—Musical Falorites. KFVD —Radio Auction. KF WB—Bill Anson. KGFJ —Ilunset and 'Vine. IEGIL—Keyboard Melodies. KMJPC—Chiffon Serenade. KOWL—Radio Outlook. KURD—Tops in Pops. K WIR-1420 Only. KIIK W—Swing Session.

3:06*KAGEI—News. KGER—Alkali Alex.

3:10 —KFOX—Star Dust. KLAC—Don Otis Show.

3:15 —KFI, 'USD—Portia Faces Life K M,H —Freddy Martin Show. K r% D—Hall of Records.

*KGIL—News. ROVIL—Rhythm at Random. K WK W—Races and Sports. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee.

3:25—ENX, KSDJ —Mr. Information. 'WTI—Sports Flash.

3:30—RECA—Norwood Smith Selects SF'. IEFSD—Just Plain Bill. 1111.1—Adsenture Parade. KNX. KRIM —House Party. NAGH —Pasadena City College

*KFAC. KFWII. RO WL—Naws. KFOX—Hau anon Music. KGER —Carolina Cotton. KG11.—Dance Matinee. KMPC —Swing 'n' Sing. TERIED —Tea-Time Tunes. IE WK W —Andy Mansfield.

3:45—RECA—Frances IEFSD—Front-Page

Farrell. KHJ. KGB. RVOE—Superman KFAC —LyTies in Chorus. KFOX—Pet ReVIe W. RO WL—Inside Hollywood.

3:55*KNX —Newe. KGFJ—Sports Flash.

A—HECA—Frances Scully. TEFI—Donbie or Nothing. TCH.1, KGB —Gabriel Healter. KNX, RSDJ —Arthur Godfrey. KFAC —Musical Masterpieces.



4:00 P.M. Mon. Thru Sat. 1

REND—Harlematinee. RFWB—Spade Cooley. KGFJ—Sunset and Vine. KGIL—Hank Penny Show.

*KLAC —News, Sports. *KMPC—News. Eddie Lyon. HOWL—Musical Showcase. XRKD —Piano Paintings. KW1K—Musie at 4. K WK W—Andy Mansfield. IEKLA —Juke Box Matinee.

4:05—RECA—George Fenneman Show.

KAGH —Chap Rollins. KGER—Musical Roundup.

4:10—KFOX—Freddie Martin. 4:15*KH.1, KFXM. KGB. E% OE—

Frank Hemingway. SFR B—Bing Crosby. KLAC —Musie. KMPC —The Jewel Box. KRED—Melody Time.

4:25—KFWB. KGFJ —Sports. 4 :30 —RFT, KFSD—Aunt Mary.

*KHJ. KGB. 1E1 OE—Passing Parade.

RFOX—Old-Age Pensions. TEFYD—Sundown Roundup. KFWB—Daily Light. KLAC —Racing Roundup. KMPC—Romance and Rhythm.

*KO WL—News. KRIED —Symphony in Swing. K WK W—Red Cross Drama.

4 :35—KO WL—Show Tunes. 4:45—KECA—Happy Theater.

EFL KFSD—Nora Drake. *HEIJ, KGB. TE1 0E—Bob

Anderson, News. RFWB—Stuart Hamblen. "MAC—Music. KMPC —Club Time.

*KRRD—News. KR1K —Musical Quiz. K WK W—Races and Sports.

4:50—K WKW —Magic Time. 4:55-11GFJ—Sports flash.

NIFMB —Challenge of the Yukon.

KFL SFSD—This Woman's Secret.

KHJ. KGB. K1 0E—Fulton Lewis.

*KNX. KSDJ —Knox Manning.

KAGH —Adsenture Party. KFAC—Sunset Serenade. KFOX—Sunshine Mission. KFVD —Songs of the Sage. KFWB—Stuart Hamblen. KGFJ — The at S. FiGIL—Hank Penny Show.

*KLAC—Fred Henry Reports. *KMPC—News, Star Time. KO WL—House Party. KRIED —Songs of the Saddle. KVVIK —Craig Character. KVEK W—Reminiscent Music. KXLA —Juke Box Matinee.

5:05—EGER—Ford Lewis. 5:15*KFI —News.

▪ EFXM. KGB. KVOE— Chandu. the Magician.

KNX —Tom Hanlon. KFVD—Crosbyana. KGIL—Children's Corner. KI.AC —Music. R011 L—Italian Program. K WK W—Race Roundup.

5:30—KFCA. KFNIB—Sky Ring. KFI—Johnny Murray. • KFX.11, KGB. IEVOE— Captain Midnight.

KNX. KSDJ —Club 15. KAGH —Sports Notebook. EFAC -11hoa Bill Club.

*FEFOX. EF1 D, KGIL—News. KGER—Billy Starr. KGFJ—Race Recap. KM.PC—All-Time Hits. FIRED—Sports Dial. KXLA—Future Pianists.

5:35—KGIL—Rumba Time. 5:45*KFI—Feature Wire.


*KNX, KSDJ—Ed R. Morrow. RAGH —Bing Sings. KFOX—Your Eisheaster.

*KFSD—H. V. Kaltenborn. KGER —Bruce Trent. Kt.C.1—If They Hall ',lied.


545 - 6:00 p.m.

Monday through Saturday


ILEAC—Sam Batter. Sports. KMP('—Top Tunes. KRI M—Race Results. 'MIK —Jerry Marlowe. IEWIE W—Talent Time. KXLA—Variety.

5:53—KGFJ—Film News.

6*RECA. KFMB—Edwin C. Hill. *KFI —Sam Hayes. News. • KFXM, KGB—American Forum.

*KNX. KSDJ —Charles Collingwood.

KAGH—Public Interest. KFAC —Edison Hour.

*KFOX. TEF1113, KLAC, 11E11PC —News.

KGER—Sport • Time. IEGFJ—Musical Digest. RGIL—Tops in Pops. SHED—Varieties in Music. K WIK—Sports. Goodwin. KXLA—Pasadena Playhouse. K WK W—Sunset Serenade.

:113.arKECA—Headline Edition. 6:15*KECA—Hank Wealer. News.

KFI—Mayor Bowron. *KNX. HS0J —News. Garred. KFOX—Ilawaiian Music. KFN B—Gad get Jury. KGER—Stampa Quartet. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC —Bob Kelley. Sports. KRI M—Hawaiian Memories.

:25—KECA—Harry VI lamer. 13:30—ALECA. HFMS—Meredith

Willson Show. KFI—Casa Cugat. KHJ. EGB, KVOE —Family Theater.

KNX, KSDJ—Dr. Christian. KFAC—Hour of Music. KFOX —Hal'a Memory Room. KFIVB—America Dances. KGER—Helene Smith. RIGEL—Dinner Concert. KLAC—Honest Opinion. Janis XIMPC —Tanforan Track. ABED—Sweet Pops. KXLA—Eddy Arnold Show.

6:45*KFI, KFSD —Elmer Peterson. KRED—Accent on Rhythm. KXLA —Duke of Paducah.

6:55*KHJ—News. KGB—Bill Symp.. Sports.

9f —RECA. KFMB—Lone Ranger. KFI, RFSD—Duffy's Ta‘ern.

*KILL KGB. HVOE—Gabriel Heatter.

KNX. HSDJ—Tour Song and Mine.

KFAC—Hour of Music.

KFOX—Your Song. RFWB—America Dances.

*KGER —News: Dr. Fagan.

sAny • C O N C E R T

"Musical Digest" Night ly a I

7 pm


7:06 • 14:00 pm

• DR. KARL WECKER • Dirrit from • Hollystwed,,gsd I

fif;/;:l •

KGFJ—Musical Digest. *KGIL, EL M. KRHD—News. KMPC —Firestone Favorites. KPIT —Pasadena Musicians. K WIR —Building Burbank. KX.LA—Dusty Ellison.

7:05—KLAC -570 Club. 7 :15*KHJ, KGB, R1 0E—Mutual

Newsreel. K M —Songs to Remember. KRKIO—Three-Quarter Time.

2:30—RECA, KFMB—Original Ama-teur Hour.

KFI—Hollyn-ood Theater. KHJ. REV.M. KGB. IEVOE— Cisco Kid.

KNX, Est/J—Hartest of Stars KFAC—Echoes and Encores. REOX— Walts Time. RFS, B—Sports Final. KGER —Prophecy Speaks. SOIL—Johnny Morgan Show. TEMP('—Romance and Rhythm RPPC —Music. KRI M—Twilight Serenade. K WIK-1 eta' Hospital. KNI.A-1 ance Lane.

:45*KFOX—Nep s. KFWB—Reniemher.

7:55*KHJ. KGB. K1 0E—Bill Henry 8 —HECA, A MP—Original Ama-

teur Hour.

KFI—Hollywood Bowl Auditions.

KILL KFX51. KGB. EVOE— Name That Song.

KNX, KSDJ—Hollywood Music Hall.

KFAC —Evening Concert. KFOX —Long Beach Forum. KFWB— Williams-Rodgers.

*KGER. EL M'. KXLA—News. SGF.11—Caueasian Memories. KGIL—Hustlin'

*K5IPC—News. KPPC —Midweek Devotional.

8:05—KGER—Dale Rose. S:10—KLAC—Crosby Time. 1:15—KGFJ—Songs for You.

KMPC —American Music. K XLA—Varlety.

5:30—KECA. KFMB--Groucho Marx Show.

K n. RFSD—Curtain Time. HILI, KGB—Official Detectile. KNX. KSDJ—Free for ALL KFOX—Ilusle.

*KFWB—News. SGER —Clem Davies.

*KGFJ—Arerill Berman. News. KLAC —Jan Garber Orch. XXI A-97th Street Corral.

I :45—KIWB—MarIne Story. • FEGFJ— Wwiloil House Party. KLAC,—Etchings for E%ening. REPC —Sophisticated Ladies.

8:55*KH.I. KGB. KV0E—Hy Gard-ner Says.

S- '11E( KF51B —Bing Crosby Show.

KFI —Frost Warnings: Supper Club.

*RILL KFNM. KGB. EVOE— Ne ws, Glenn hardy.

*KNX —Lowell Thomas. KFAC—Eiening Concert. KFOX —Mayor Chace. KE'sr —Snoper (lob.

*IET WO—Clete Roberts.

yr ond House Part n Trails.

KLAC —Kno: Hole Gang.

K‘111 —Call Again. K WIR —Mideastern Hour. TEXLA —Squeakin' Deacon.

9:15*FEFI. KFSD —World News. *KHJ, KGB, K1'0E—Fleetwood

I awton. KNX—Jack Smith.

*KFOX—News. KEWB--Tnited Nations. KGER—Guest Star. KMPC —Parade of Hits. KPPC —Something Sentimental

9:30—KECA, IEFMB—Milton Bede Sho....

KFSD —The Great Giidersieeve.

H MI, KGB. 11%0L%—lnside of Sports.

GALLENKAMP'S present Coach Paul Schissler'A


9:30 P.M. K N X WED.

KNX—Paul Schissler. WFOX—Serenscie in Swingtime EFWB—Unity Daily Word. KGER—Huntington Beach. RGII.--Dance Time. KLAC—Spotlight Serenade.

9:45—KHJ. KGB —Land of the Free. KNX—Reser%e. KFOX—Swingtime Serenade.

*KFWB—Music and News. *KGIL, KMPC—News. KPPC —.Inst for Fun.

9 :35*KLAC —News.

10*KECA, KFMB--Richfield Re-porter.


Fulton Lewis. *KNX. KSDJ —News. Huntley. KFAC —Lucky Lager Dance. RFOX —Decision Now. KFTIB—Eastside Show. KGER—Party House. KGFJ—Music You Want. KGIL—Memory Lane. KLAC —Don Otis. KMPC —Dance Parade. HPPC —Your Program. K WIK —Orval Anderson Show. EXLA —Olympic Fights.

10:15—RECA —Casa CUICRI. KHJ—Highlights in Music. ANN —Beulah.

10:30—RECA, Hi-MB—Hawthorne Thing.

EFL HFSD—Mr. District Attorney.

KHJ—Dance Orchestra. KNX—Night Editor. KGER—At the Ranchhouse. KGFJ—Concert Nocturne. RGIL—Rhytlun Rhapsody.

10:45—EHJ—Lanny Ross. KNX—Sports Review.

10:55*KGIL, KLAC—News. *HECA—News of Tomorrow. *KFI, KFSD—News. K B-i. KGB—D. LaSalle Orch.

*KNX—Nelson Pringle. KFAC —Lucky Lager Time. KFYD—Spade Cooley Time. KFWB—Eastside Show. KGER—At the Ranchhouse. IRGFJ—Blue of Evening. KGIL —Juke Box Review. KLAC —Don Otis. KMPC —Dance Parade. K WIK —Johnny Grant. RXLA—Bandstand Bellew.

11:15—RFA'A —Cinegrill Room. KE1 —Science Editor. KILL KGB—Al Wallace Orch. KNX —Merry-Go-Round.

11:30—RECA —Ambassador Orch. KFI —Forty Plus Assn.

*KFOX—News. II:35—KET —Biltmore Orch. 11:40—RFOX —Record Reporter. 11:43*KHJ, KGB. K10E —News.

KNX -1nu and the Harvest. it :35*RECA. KMPC —News.

KFI —Police Bulletins.



SHINE-DYE Covers scuffs—dries instandy—recolors.

Economy size now at

your grocer's, tool

Pa gc Twenty-three

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25 *Indicates News Broadcast. 8 -HECA. EMMA -Dos me:spurt,

Breakfast Club. REL HFSD-Fred Waring.

*KH.I-Cecil Brown. KNX -Harry Babbitt. HAGH-Dr. Frederick Belles. IMAC-Country Church. [(FOX, KRE M--Haven of Rest REVD - Wakeup Ranch. KFIVB-Andrew Fearing.

*KGER-News. Mizpah. HGFJ -Dr. Frederick Belles. ROIL-AE.11411e Ranch.

*KLAC, RXLA-News. *IIMPC -Norman Nesbitt. News RON L--Spanisb Hour. KAIR -Michoel Roy Show. RIVEL W-Rafael Mendez.

:13*11111.1, KNX-News. RAGA-Last ('all. HEWB-Tune-1 p Time. ROFJ -Community Chest. RLAC-Haynes at the Reins. KMEC -Markets.

8:20*FCGIEJ-News. $:2 -KMPC -Sport' Roundup. 8:SO*1 MT -inside the News.

*RAJ-Editor's Diary. KNX-Winner Take All. KAGH-Hebrew-Christian Hr.


KFOX -Words of Life. KFVD -Easy Listening. HOER -Hammond. HGFJ-Public Messenger. KT.AC -Stock Market. KMPC-Song for You. H WH W -Stock Quotations. HXLA-Raptist Brothers.

8:40-KLAC-Haynes at the Reins. 8:43*KFI, EMSD-Sam Hayes.

1111J, KGB-Breakfast Time. RAGH -Voice of the Orient. FCFAC -Tnity. REVD -Vocal Varieties. HF WB-Science of Mind. HOER -Bible Treasury. HOFJ-Yesterday's Hits. ROIL-Coffee Parade. KMPC -Jo a Nutshell. HO WL-Organ Melodies. HRHD-Spotlight Varieties. K WELEV -Gordon Baker Lloyd.

:5.l*RLAC -News. 9-KECA, ECFMA- Welrome

Trai eters. HF1 -Art Baker's Notebook. R11.1 -The Jedge, KNX. HSDJ -Stand-In. HAGH-Top of the Morning. RFAC -Serenads. HFOX -Ret . Isle. HE M- Waltz Time. RF WB-Strolling Tom.

*HOB -Cecil Brown. RGFJ-Your County at Work. HGR.-Sweet and Sentimental HLAC-Morning Melodies. KMPC -Band Boa. HO WL-Helen Markham. HARD -Sagebrush Serenade. R WK W-Voice of China.




KXLA 9 - 10 A. M. — M on.-Fri.

HXLA-Bar Nothing Ranch. 9:05-HOER-Lutheran Hour.

K WIH -Sunny Side. 11116-101J, HEX31, ROB, HVOE-

Victor H. Lindlahr. * KIFVD-News. KF WB--Music. IEGFJ -Marine Story. KGIL-Ballads for You. KLAC -Chef Milani. HO WL--Hawalian Melodies. " ME W-Light and Airy.

9:30-KECA. IMMB-Ray Kyser College.

KFI. IMSD-Jack Bereft. EC M-Moods in Music. KNX, lESDJ-Grand Slam. FLAGH-The Easadenan. KFOX-Full Gospel. HFVD-Show Tunes. RFWB--Marsha Walton. HOER-John Brown. KOFJ-Racing News. HGFL-Valley Shopper. KLAC -Racing Nens.

*HO WL-News. H WTH -Top o' Morning.

9:43-11FL KFSD-Lora Lawton. KNX-Rosemary. HFVD-Remembered Rhythms. HE WB -Gadget Jun'.

*KGFJ-Airotorials. KLAC--Coffee With Crosby.

Page Twenty- four

ROA L-Alhum of Song. *KRI M-News. M U M- Word of Truth.

10- HECA, RFI1B-Ted Malone. *K n. [(FOX, HOER-News.

IRF.X.M, KGB. ILVOE-e Glenn Hardy. News.

HNX -Wendr Warren. RAGA -Music America Loves. RFAC -Morning Concert. FUND-Res. Louis T. Talbot. RFWB -Show Biz Quiz. 1(0E4 -Record Jackpot. 1;1:IL- Waltz Time. KLAC -Al Janis Ballroom. HMPC West HO WL-Yiddish Hour. HARD--Morning Melodies. H WIR -Town Crier. H WR W-Racing Lineup. RXI.A -Cnhersal Quiz.

10:05-1 M1-..latdies Day. HOER-Musical Roundup.

10:13-HECA. KF5114- What Makes You Tick?

HILL REAM, KGB, HVOE -Gospel Singers.

RN X-Annt Jenny. REOX -Assembly of God. M M.-Sweet Swing. KRIED-Dr. Richardson. K WEE W-Tune-tp Time.

*RXLA -News. 10:25-ROFJ -Sports Flash. 10:30-KECA. RIEMB-My True Story

*K M. KGB-Hate Smith Speaks.

RNX, IISDJ-Helen Trent. RFVD-Rescue Mission. REAR-Memory Lane.

*HOIL-News. KRI M-Crazy Rhythm. R WIR -Mae Ilene Ellis. R WR W-Feature Story. KXLA -Popular Variety.

10:33-HFOX-Morning Music. ROIL -Romance in Rhythm.

10:415 RFI -Cliuck Collins. HAW. KGB. R ME-Hate Smith Sings.

KNX, HSD.I -Our Gal Sunday. KFAC-L. A. Medical Assn. HFOX -Morning Musicale. K WH W My S de. XLA- Woman's World.

10:55-KECA. KFMB-Betty Crocker Magazine.

ROFJ-Sports Flash. - KECA, ITEMS-Betty Crocker

Magazine. REI-Downtown and All Around.

ROB, KY OE-Ladies First.

IR NN -Big Sister. RAC:Ft-Accent on Music.


KFAC-FertIval of Musk. KFOX-Rhythmic Age.

*HE M. HOER -News. HEWB-Peter Potter. HOFJ-Record Jackpot. ROIL-Crosby Sings. KLAC -Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC -Stars of Song. HO WL-Romance in Music. [(RHO-Songs of Yesteryear. R WIR -Tom. Dick & Barry. R WH W-Song Parade. RXI.A- Woman's World.

11:15-KECA. EMMA-Dorothy Rilgallen.

RFII -Iturritt Wheeler. KNX-Ma Perkins. ELFVD-1 inlet. HEAR-Football, I.. A. Dons

Cle‘eland Browns. ROF:R-Musical Roundup. RGIL-Midmorning Melodies. KMPC -Your Pharmacist. R WR W-Races and Sports.

*RXLA-Pasadena News. 11:20-R WR W-Stairway to Music.. 11:25-ROFJ-Soorts Flash. 11:30-KECA-( ass Corot.

KH.1. [UA W KGB. HYDE-Queen for a Day.

KNX-young Dr. Malone. RFAC-Reyboard Artistry.

*KFOX, HO WL. KRI M-News. KF M-Memory Melodic'. IIGF.1-Piano Moment a. KM PC -Keith Hetherington. RXLA -Dinner Bell Roundup.

11:33-HFOX -Request It. 11:45-RECA -Quizzicalr.

EMI -The Brighter Day. KNX -Guiding Light. R6F.I -Saltidon Amigos. RRKD-Movieland Quiz. R WH W -Races and Sports.

11:35-HOFJ -Sports Flash. 1 1I1*KEed -Sam Hayes, News.

HF1 -Farrn Reporter. *RAJ, KGB. ROAR-News. KNX -Second Mrs. Burton. REAC-Luncheon Concert. FUND -Double or Nothing. HFVD -Edltor of the Air. HF WB -Football. ROFJ -Bing Crosby.

*KGIL-Valley News. HLAC -Al Jarvis Ballroom. M PC- Women Are Wonderful.

HO WL-Mayor of Melody. KRI M-Santa Fe Trails. RVVIK -Bing Crosby Sings. K WK W-Vocalist Parade. KXLA-DInner Bell Roundup.

12:019*KAGH-News. HOER -Chuck Wagon.

12:19*KECA -Jack Beall. KF1-Road of Life. RHJ-Music. KNX-Perry Mason. KAGH -Matinee Melodies.

*KFOX -News. KOFJ -Intermission.

Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Afternoon and Evening Programs In Boldface.

Comedy-Variety 4:00-Arthur Godfrey, KNX. 7:00-Music Hall, [EFL 9:30-Aldrich Family, K M. 10:00-Burns and Allen. KFL

auiz, Participation 8:00 -McNeill Bkfst. Club. KECA 9:39-Grand Slam. KNX. 9:30-Kay Kiser, KECA. 10:15- What Makes You Tick?

KECA. 11:30-Queen for a Day KILL 1:00-Bkfst. In IFI'wood, KECA. 2:30-Bride and Groom. KECA. 10:30 -Noah Webster Says, IEFI.

Drama 8:00-James Hilton, KNX. 8:00-Screen Guild. TEFL 8:30-First Nighter H X. 9:00-Theatre, r. S.. . ..KECA.

Classical, Semi-Classical • Music

8 :00-Fred Waring. KY!. 8:30-Fred Waring, RFI.

Comment-Narration :45-Fred Beck. KNX. 9:06-Art Baker. KY!. 10:00-Ted Malone. KHCA. 10:311-Kate Smith. KILL

11:15-Dorothy Kiltallen. KECA. 4:30 -Passing Parade, EC M. 10;30-Night Editor, KNX.

Mystery-Detective 8:30-F111 in Peace and War.

KNX. 7:00-Suspense, KNX. 7:30 -Crime Photographer. KNX. 9:30-Mr. Kern. KNX.

Sports 9:30-Ractng News. KLAC. 9:30-Racing. KGFJ 10:00-Race Lineup. K WK W. 5:30-Race Recap. HGEJ. 5:30-Sports Dial, KRI M. 3:45-Sam Baiter. (MAC. 5:45-Rare Results. KR/ID. 13:00-Fied Hessler, HOER. 6:15-Bob Kelley. KMPC. 8:30-Joe Hernandez. KMPC. 7:15-Fishing Pals, KFOX. 10:45-Tom Ignition. KNX.

Popular- Western Music 8:00-Harry Babbitt. KNX. 10 :00- Westerners, KMPC. 4:43-Stuart Hamblen. KEVEB. 3:30-Club 15. KNX. 8:00-Jo Stafford Show, [MCA. 9:00 -Supper Club, K n. 9:15 -Jock Smith. KNX.

KGEL-Real Estate Page. S WI M-Races and Sports.

12:29-1EGFJ-Sports Flash. 12:30-KECA-Model Magazine.

KF1, HFSD-Today's Children KHJ-Louise Massey. KNX. HSDJ-Nora Drake. KFOX-Cowhands Carnival. KEVD-Violet. HGER-Squenkin' Deacon. RGFJ-1230 Club. KGI L-Weatarn Music. KMPC-Jeanne Gray.

*HO WL-News. R ATH -Platter Parade. H WH W-Stock Quotations. RXLA-Tev Owens.

12:35-KECA-One for the Book. KIVR W-Farm News.

12:45-KFI -Light of the World. K M-Melody Matinee. KNX, RSDJ -W hat Makes Vali Tick?

*RFAC. KFSD. KMPC -News. RXLA- Western Music.

lt:50-R WR W-Cirele 1430 Ranch, 1'1:55- Mal-Sport% Flash. 1-KECA, HE MB--Breaktast hi

Hollywood. KESD-1.1f. ( an Be

Beautiful. RHJ -Lynn Looks at Hollywood.

*HNX, ESDJ-Knox Manning. [MAC -Plano Parade. [(FOX -Barbershop Quartet.

*REND, KREED-News. [MA'S-Football. HGER-Squeakin' Deacon. IME.1-1230 Chat. ROIL-1260 Roundup.

*RLAC-News, Sports. HMPC-lIiisie in the Air. HO WL-Mayor of Melody. H WIH-Just Relax. HNLA-Community Broadcaster.

1:05-HAGH - Where to Go. 1:15-KFI, KFSD-Ma Perkins.

KHJ -Nancy Dixon. [INN-George Fisher. KAGH-Voice of the Army. KFAC-Classroom Radio. KFOX-Russ Brown Music. [(FWD-Piano Parade. HLAC -310 Club. ECRECD-Siesta Time. K WK W-Races and Sports. HX11,A-Farm News.

1:25-KGFJ-Sports Flash. 1:30-HECA, KFMR -Galen Drake.

KFI, KFSD -Pepper Yount- KHJ -Norma Voting. KNX-Gordon Mason. KFAC -American Hour. KFOX-Doc Hopkins. KFVD-Hall of Records. KGB. KV0E-Red Benseal. HOER- Western Siesta. ROIL-Homemakers. KO WL-A. La Pointe Show.

*IERHIII-News. K WK W-song of the Islands. KXLA-Vocal Varieties.

1:33-KAGH-Siesta Serenade. KRKH -Symphonv of Song.

1:15-KECA-Ethel and Albert. K Y!. HERD -Right to Happiness.

ISFOX-Everybody's Business. 1EXLA-Listeners Digest.

1:30-K WK W -Show Time. 1: M-KOFJ-Sports Flash. 2-KECA, KEMB-Stirpriso

Package. Kr!, HFSD-Elgin Holiday Star Time.

WHJ, KFX-71. HOB, KVOK-Golden Hope Chest.

KNX, KS-DJ -Holiday Show. RAGA-C. Sharpe Minor. KFAC-Matinee. KFOX-Judy Martin. A VID-Hall of Records. Krwn--roothan. HOER-Long Beach Band. KOFJ -What's Cp. ROIL-Homemakers.

*KLAC -News, Sports. KMPC -Three Alarm. HO WL-Armand La Pointe. KRHD-Fed. Women's Clubs. K WIK -1490 Club. KIVIE W-Races and Sports. KXLA-Mr. Music.

2:10-1ELAC-570 Club. 2:15-RFOX-Rtisty (till.

KRI M-Colorado River Assn, 7:70*KWK W-News. 2:75*RECA-Afternonn Final.,

ROFJ -Giports Flash. 2 :30-REC A, KS-MB-Bride and

Groom. KILL KGB-Luncheon at Sardi's.

KFOX -Country Girls. KGER -Garden School. 1E6FJ-Keyboard Homer. KG1L--% orienting in Rhythm.

*HO WL-News. KRI M -Tones in Tempo. K WK W-Pasadena Playhouse.

2:35-HO WL-Contented Listening. 2:40-1EGER -Long Beach Band. 2:43-KFOX -Down Homers.

IMPV--flawallan Serenade. IWIL-Talent Showcase.


2:50-K WK W-Swing Session. 2:55 -KGFJ -siports Flash. 3-RECA, KFM14--Ladies, Be

Seated. KF1, KFSD-Star Time. KR.1„ KGB. liVOE-Happy Gang.

KNX. KSD.1 -Holiday Show. KFAC -Musical Favorites.

*KFOX. KXLA -News. KFVD-Radio Auction. KFWB-Bill Anson. KGFJ-Sunset and Vine. KGIL-Keyboard Melodies.

*IsLAC -News, Sports. KMPC -Sallv in Our Alley. KOWL-Raclio Outlook. KRKD-Tops in Pons. . K WIK-1190 Club. K WK W-Swing Seseion.

3:05*KAGH -Newit. KGER-Alkali Alex.

3:10-KLA(7 -Don Otie Show. 3:13-KAGH -Meet the Band.

IIIFOX-George Highley. KFVD-Hall of Records.

*KG1L-News. KO WL-Rhythm at Random. K WK W-Races apd Sports. KXLA -Juke Bee Matinee.

3:25-KGFJ -Sports flash. 3:30-KECA-Norwood Smith Selects

KH.1-Moods in Music. KAGH -Musical Contrasts.

*KFAC. KFWB. KOWL-News. KFOX-Hawailan Music. KliER -Carolina Cotton. KC:IL-Dance Matinee. KMPC -Swing 'n' Sing. KRKD-Tea-Time Turves. K WK W-Andy Mansfield.

3:35-EO WL-Just Musk. 3:45-IKECA-Frances Scully.

KHJ, KGB. KS OE -Superman. KFAC -Stringtime. KFOX -Pet Review.

3:55 -KGFJ -Sports Flash. A-KM:A-Frances Scully.

KFI -Double or Nothing. KHJ, KGB-Gabriel Heatter. KNX, KSD.1 -Artliiir Godfrey. KF M' -Musical Masterpieces.

•KFOX-News. KIND-Harlematinee. KFWB-Spade Cooley. KGIA-Sunset and Vine. KG111.-Hank Penny Show.

*KLAC-News. Sports. *KMPC-S-News. Eddie Lyon. KOWL-31unical Showcase. KRKO -Piano Paintings. KWIK-On Stage. KUR R-Andy Mansfield. SALA-Juke Box Matinee.

4 :0S-KECA -George Fenneman Show.

KAGH -Chap Rollins. KGER -Musical Roundup.

4 :19-KFOX -Freddie Martin. 4:15*KH.1. KFXM. KGB. KVOE-

Frank Hemingway. KFRB-Ring Crosby.

• KLAC-Belle Martel. KNITC-Twilicht Tales. FRKD-31eindr Time.

4 :23-KFIIII, KGEJ -Snorts. 4:30-KFL KFSD -Aunt Mary.

*K M, KGB, KS 0E-Passing Parade.

RYON -Old-Age Pensions. KFVD -Sundown Roundup.

. S FWB-Daily Light. 1111.AC -Racing Roundup. KMPC -Romance and Rhythm.

*KO WL-News. KRKD -Symphony in swing. KWK W-Opera Association.

4 :35-KO WL-Show Tunes. 4 :45--KECA-Happy Theater.

KF1, KFSD-Nont Drake. *KILL KGB. KV0E-Iltob

Anderson. News. KFVIR-Stuart Hamblen.

' M AC -Music. IMP( -Club Time.

*It RHD -News. I MIK-Mitsical Quiz. K WK W-Races and Sports.

4 :50-K WK W -Mag lc Time. 4:55-K61A -sports flash. ff -KECA. KFMR-Green Hornet.

KFI. KESD-This Woman's Secret.

K R', KGB. KVOE-Fulton Lewis.

*csx. KSDJ -News. Knox Manning.

KAGH-Story Time. RFAC -Sunset Serenade. KFOX-Sunshine Mission. KFVD -Songs of the Sage. KFM B-Stuart Hamblen.

*KGER-Neu s. KGFJ -Jive at 3. KGIL-Hank Penny Show.

•KLAC -Fred Henry Reports. *KMPC -News, Star Time. KO WL-House Party. ERI M--Songs of the Saddle. NIVIK-That Craig Character. &WS W-Reminiscent Music.

KX1LA -Juke Bo s Matinee. 5:03-KGER-Ford Lewis. 5:13*KFI-News.

KILL RENA, KGB. KV0E-Chandu. the Magician.

liNX -Tom Hanlon. KIFVD--Croshyana. KG1L--Children's Corner. KLAC-Music. KO WL-Italian Program. IEWK W -Today at the Races.

3:341-KECA. Kt-MB-Jack Armstrong.

KFI -Johnny Murray. KHJ, FIFXM, KGB. KS OE-Captain Midnight.

KNX, IKSDJ -Club 15. KAGH -Sporta Notebook. RP M -Khoo Bill Club.

*KFOA. 1KG11.. KWK W -Sews.

BOZZAMI MOTORS Now Brings you the News

1020 IC. ill50 SITU

Mon. Thrti Sat.

5:30 P.M.

*KFVD-Neisa. KGER -Billy Starr. KGFJ-Race Recap. RI AC-Bob Shannon. FC31PC -All-Time Hits. FERKD-Sporta Dial. KXLA-lriiture Pianists.

:35-Kt:IL-Rumba Time. 3:45. kKFI-Feature Wire.

KH.1. KFNM, KGB. K4'0E--Adventures of Toni 31h.

*FENN. KSD.I -Ed R. Morrow. KAGH -Paladin Trio. KFOX -Singing Crow.

*KFSD-H. V. Kaltenhorn. KGER-Bruco Trent. Kt:IA-Dinner Interlude. FiLAC-Sam Halter, Sports. KM PC-Top Tunes. KRKD -Raco Results. KVIIK-Jerry Marlowe Rings. KVIK W-Radio Trois elogue. K XLA-Variety.

6*KFXA. KFMII-Edwin C. Hill. *Kfl, KFOX. A MR, KLAC. KMPC -News.

KILI, !KGB-Starlight Moods. *IAN X. KSDJ-Charies

Collingwood. KAGH -Public Interest. KF'AC-Edison Hour. Ft:EH-Sports Time. KGF.1 -Miiiiical Digest. KGIL-Flight Line. KRKD-Varieties in Music. KWIK -Sports. Goodwin. KXLA-Pasadens City College

6:05*KECA-Headline Edition. 6:15*KECA -Hank Weiner. News.

KFI -Here Comes Harmon. *KNX, KSDJ-News. Garred. KFON-Hawailan M usic.

KERB-Tune Time. kr:ER -stamps Quartet. KGIL-Tops in Pops. KLA(' -Al Janis Ballroom. K31PC-Rob Kelley. Sports. KRI M-Hawaiian Memories.

•K WIK-News. KNLA -Technocracy.

6:25-KECA-Animal World Stories. 6:30-KECA-Illeserse.

KFI -Casa Cultist. KH.I-The Lone Wolf. KNX. FESD.1-F.B.1. in Peace and War.

KFAC -Hour of Music. KE0X-Ilal'a Memory Room. K MR-America Dnnces. Ktimt-Helene Smith. KGIL-Dinner Concert. KLAC-Honest Opinion, Janis K PC -Tanforan Track. FRKD -Sweet 1.01,14. K WIK-Es ening Serenade. K ALA -Eddy Arnold Show.

KFSD -Elmer Peterson. KIIKD-Accent on Rhythm. KXLA-Diike of Padurah.

6:53*KHJ -News. KGB. KV014-Bill Symes, sports. 7-KECA. 141,3119-Mr. President.

RE!, KFNIS-Al Jolson. *K M. K CA SI. KGB, KV0E-

Gabriel Heather. w:si Kstm-suspeose, KFAI -Hour of Music. KU.SA -Pet Parade. • B-America Dances.

*FCGER, lifilL, KI.AC, KRKD -News.

KGF.11 -Musical Digest. KLAC-570 Club. KMPC -Firestone Favorites. ,K WIK -Building Burbank. KXLA-Dusty Ellison.

7:05-KGER -Dr. Fagan. KLAC -570 Club.

7:15*EHJ. KGB. EVOE-Mutual Newsreel.

KLAC -skl Time. KXLA-97th Street Corral.

8:45-KFWB-Little Concert. KGF.1-1F1'W110(1 R ouse Party. KLAC -Etchings for F.vening.

8:55*KHJ. KGB. KY OE-Hy Gardner Save.

9-FLECA-Theatre. C. S. A. KF1 -Frost Warnings: Supper Club.

*KH.I. KFX31. KGB. KNOE-News. Glenn Hardy.

*KN X- Lowell Thomas. KFAC-Evening Concert. KEOX -speaking of Sports. KFSD -Supper Club.

*KFWB -Clete Roberts. *KGER-News. KGFJ -H'wood House Party. Ft:IL- Western Trails. KLAC-Melody Parade. FNIPC -Call Again. K WIK-Orsal Anderson Show. KXLA-Squeakin Deacon.

:05-KGER -Vets' Administration. 9:1.5•FFI, KFSD- World News.

•KFIJ. KGB, KA OE-Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX -Jack Smith. *KFON-News. KFIVR -Tnited Nations. KGER -Voiee of the Army. KMPC-Parade of Hits.

9:30-ICECA-My Job Is Manhattan. EFL KFSD -Aldrich Family. 1(H.1. KGB, KY GE-Inside of Sports.

KNX.KSIM-Mr. Keen. KFOX-Serenade in Swingthne KFIVIR-tnity Daily Word. EGER -Optimist Club. ROLL -Dance Time.


"Musical Digest" t\ightl) at

7 pm

Commas:a tor: ,:00 • WOO pun

D R. KARL wECKFR Dirwt from Hollprood

KFON -Fishing Pals. KGIL-Songs to Remember. KRKI)-Three-Quarter Time.

7 :30-KECA. KFMB-Abbott and Costello.

KFI, KIND-Variety Store, Dorothy Lamour.

KH.1. ICFNM. KGR, KV0E-Red Ryder.

• KRIM-4'rimo Photographer.

K VAC-Echoes and Encores. KFWB-Sports Final. KGER-Markham. KGIL-Footlight Fa. orites. KM PC -Romance and Rhythm. KRIED-Twilight Serenade. K W1K-Veterans' Hospital. KNLA -Vance Lane.

:45*KFOX -News. H MIS-Remember. KGIL-Novelairea. KMPC -Leahy of Notre Dame.

7:55*KH.1. KG B, K VOF.-Bill Henry 8-HECA, 141F311t-Jo Stafford

Show. K U, KESD-Screen Guild. KH.1. KEXM. KGB, KVOE-

'St raight Arrow. KNIX, KSDJ-Jairies Hilton. KEAC -Evening Concert. KFOX -Reported Missing. F MB- Williams-Rodgers.


Kt:FA -Caucasian Memories. KGIL--Nenterw Swing.

II:03-KGER-Ray Block. 111:10-KLAC -Cromby Time. 8:13-KGFA-Songs for Von.

KG1L -Camera Clinic. KLAC-Motorcyclea in Action. KMPC-American Music. KXLA -Variety.

S:25-KECA-By Hicks. 8:30-NECA. KFM1L-Press

t'onference. • KFSD-Fred Flaring Show.

KHJ -Better Half.

KLAC -Spotlight Serenade. •KWIK -News.

9:45*K111.1. KGEL. KMP( -News. *KFW11-51usie and News. KGER-Desert Dreams.

9:.5.5*KLAC -News.

10* KEC A, KFMB -Richfield Reporter.

KFI, KIND-Burns and Allen. *KILL KF'XM. KGB, KV0E -Fulton I ewis.

*KNX. FsD I-Chet Huntley, Ness.

2 hours popular music


10 to 12 EVERY NIGHT t


KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. KFOX-Flere's to Nets. KFWB-Eastside Show. KGER-Party House. KGFJ-Music You Want. KG1L -Memory Lane. KLAr -Don Otis. KM PC -Dance Parade. K WIK -Ors al Anderson Show. KXLA -Western Tunes.

10 :15*K ECA-Casa Coast. Kt:LI-Highlights in Musk. KNX-Beulah. KFOX -Radin Club.

10:30-KECA. KERB-Hawthorne Thing

AFL Kt-SD-Noah Webster says.

KHJ -Dance Orrh. KNX-Night Editor. KGER-At the Itanchhouse. KGFJ -Concert Nocturne. )(GIL-Rhythm Rhapsody.

10:30 MON., TUES., THURS.,


Dan Lundberg and


KXLA KNX. KSDJ-First Nighter. *KXLA-Dan Lundberg. KFOX-Judge Gardner. 141:43 -KHJ-Lanny Ross.

irK FIVB -News. KNX -Sports Review. KGER -Clem Das ies. KFOX-Dream Time.

*KGF.1-Aserill Berman, News. 111:35*KGIE. ELAC -News. IIGIL- Western Swing. VICECA-News of Tomorrow.

*EFL 11FSD-News. KILL KGB-D. LaSsalle Orch.

*KNX -Nelson Pringle. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance. NFOX-Sky Serenaders. KFVD -Spade Cooley Time. KF WB-Eastside Show. FIGER-At the Ranchhouse. KGFJ-Illue of Evening. KG1L-Juke Poi Review, RI-AC-Don Otis. KMPC-Dame Parade. K WIS -Jolinny Grant. K ILA-Bandstand Res ietc.

11:15-KECA -Cinegrill KFI, KFSD -Morton DowneY. FINX -Werry-Go-Ronnd.

11:30----KECA-Anshasaador 05Th. KFI -Here's to Vets. KHJ, KGB-Al Wallace Orch.

•KFON -News. 11:40-KFOX-Record Reporter. 11:45-KFI -Melodiana.

*KELL KGB. KVOE-News. KNN -Von and the Harvest.

11:53*KECA, KMPC -News. KFI-Polire Bulletins.

BURNED UP Gr acie Allen's poodle,

"Suzi," had the household alarmed recently when she ate one of George Burns's cigars and required veteri-nary treatment for two days.

Page Twenty-live

FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26 *Indicates Nen. Broadcast. 8 —RECA, KFMB—Don McNeUrs

Breakfast Club. XEL KFSD—Fred Waring.

*K M—Cecil Brown. KNX—Harry Babbitt. KAGH—Dr. Frederick Banes. KFAC —Country Church. KFOX, KRKD—Bible Institute KFTD — Wakeup Ranch. BEV' B—Andrew Fearing,

WRGER —News. Mlzpah. IEGF.1 —Dr. Frederick Balks. ROIL—Reveille Ranch.

*KLAC. XXLA —News. *KMPC —Norman Nesbitt, News KO WL —Spanitah Hour. K WIR —Michael Roy Show. K WK W—Rafael Mendez.

8:15*K M, KNX —News. RAGA—last Call. KFWB—Tune-Irn Time.

*KGFOI —Sncial Security: News. KLAC —Flaynes at the Reins. KMPC,—Markets. KXLA—Music.

8:20*KGFJ—News. :25—KM PC—Sport s Roundup. 8:30*KFI—Inside the News.

*KHJ —Editors Diary. KNX —Winner Take All. KAGH—Hehrew-Christian Hr.


KFOX— Words of Life. KFVD —Eaoy Listening. KGER—Hammond. KfiEJ—Public Messenger. KLAC —Stoek Market. KMPC —Song for You. K WK W—Stock Quotations. KXLA—Haven of Rest.

2:40.KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. 8:45*XFI, KFSD—Sam Hayes.

KILL KGB—Breakfast Time. KAGH—Voice of the Orient. 11FAC—raity. KFVD —Vocal Varieties. }IF/NB —Science of Mind. RGER —Bible Treasury. KGFJ—Yesterday's Hits. RGIL—Coffee Parade. KMPC—In -a Nutshell. ROWL—Guest Star. HRKD —Spotlight Varieties. R WITIV-- rdon Baker Lloyd.


9—KECA, 111F51B— Welcome Travelers.

KFI —Art Baker's Notebook. KHJ—The Jedge. KNX. RSDJ—Stand-Ia. KAGH —Top of the Ma niac. KFAC—Sereaade. KFOX—Re. !tie. KFVD —Waltz Time. KFWB —Strolling Tom.

*KGB —Cecil Brown. *KGER—News. KGFJ—Your L. A. Police. ROIL —Sweet and Sentimental XLAC—Morning Melodies. KMPC—Band Box. RO WL—Helen Markham. KRKD —Sagebrush Serenade. K W/BY—Voice of China. EXLA—Bar Nothing Ranch.

9:08.-KGER....Lutheran Hour. K WIR—Sunny Side.

9:15—ELFIJ, KFXM, KGB. KTOEs.. Victor FL Lindlahr.

*KFVD—News. KEW/I.—Musk. RGFJ —American Heritage. ROIL—Ballads for You. KLAC —Chef Milani. HO WL—Haves iian Melodies. K WK W —Light and Ai m

9:30—KECA, KF'.113 —Kay Ryser College.

KFI. RFSD —Jack Berch. KHJ—Illoods in Music. KNX. KSDJ—Grand Slam. KAGH —The Pasadenan. KFOX—Full Gospel. REVD—Show Tunes. KFWB—Marsha Walton. RGER—John Brown. KGFJ —Racing News. Mitt—Talley Shopper. KLAC —Racing News.

*RO WL —News. IK—Top o Morning.

9:45—EFL !USD—Lora Lawton. KNX—Rosemary. REVD —Remembered Rhythms KFWB—Gadget Jury.

*K6FJ—Airotorials. KLAC —Coffee With Crosby. KO WL—Album of Song.

*KRKD—Neas. KU K W—Mord of Truth.



News, Glenn Hardy. KNX— Wend:. arren. KAGH —Music America Loves.

• Page Twenty-s)c

Comedy-Variety 4:00 —Arthur Godfrey. KNX. 7:00—Eddie Cantor, KFI. 7:30—Red Skelton. KFI. 8:00—Life of Riley, Kit. 8:30—Spotlight Revue, ENS. 9:30-41mmy Durante, KY!. 9:30—Jack Carson, KNX.

Drama 7:00—Ford Theater, KN . 8:041 —Philip Morris Playhouse,

Quiz. Participation 11:00—McNe111 Bkfat. Club. KECA 9.30—Grand Slam. KNX. 9:30—Kay Kyser. KECA. 10:15—What Makes You Tick?

KECA. 11:39—Queen for a Day .KHJ. 1:00—Bkfat. in Frwood. KECA. 2:30—Meet the Missus. KNX. 2:30—Bride and Groom. KECA. 3:30—House Party. ENS. 6:30—Leave It to the Girls. M U.

Classical, Semi-Classical Music

8:00—Fred Waring. RFT.

, Comment-Narration 7:45—Fred Beck. KNX. a .i)0—Ai I HA ker. KFl. 10:00—Ted MaInne. KECA. 10 :30—K a t e Smith. KHJ.

r VC —Nlorning Concert. Kr% D—Ret. Louis T. Talbot. FirWIT—Show Biz Quiz. RGIFJ —Reeord Jackpot. ROIL— Waltz Time.

AL JARVIS Make-Believe Ballroom

KLAC 10:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.

6:05 - 7:00 p.m.

Monday fliru Saturday

KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KM SC We'd a. ROW 1.—Viddiah flour. KRRD—Morning Melodies. K WIK—Town Crier. KIIK W—Racing News. ESLA—Tniv m at Quiz.

10:05-11FI—Ladies' Day. RGER—Musical Roundup.

10:15—KECA, KFMR— What Makes You Tick?

RH.I, KGB, KVOE—Gospel Singer.

1(55 —Aunt Jenny. KFOX—Assembly of God. KGIL—Sweet Swing. KRIED—Dr. Rirhardoon. K WK W—Tune-up Time.

*RXI.A—Nens. 10:25—KGFJ—Sports Hash. 10:30—Kt:CA, KFMK-517 True Story

*K M. KGB—Kate Smith Speaks.

KNX, RSDJ—Helen Trent. KFVD—Rescue Mission. RFWB—Memory Lane.

WRGIL—News. KRRD—Cragy Rhythm. RIVIR— Wotben's Column. K WK W—Feature Story. KXLA—Popular Variety.

ln:35—KG11,—Romance in Rhythm. 10:45—KFI —Chtirk

KRJ, KGB, KVOE—Kate Smith Sings.

KSDJ —Our Gal Sunday RFAC —Salvation Army Band. KFOX—Morning Musicale. KRKD—Midnight Mission. FT WK W—My Serenade. RXI,A —Woman'a World.

10 : 55—KEC A. IC FM 11—Bet t y Crocker Magazine of the Air.

RGFJ—Sports Flash. —KECA, RF31B—Betty Crocker KFI—Downtown and All Around.

KILL KGB, RI OE—Ladies First.


RYE—Big Sister. KAGH—Accent on Musk. KFAC —Festival of Music. KFOX—Rhythenic Age.

*KFVD. RGER—News. KFWB—Peter Patter. KGFJ—Record Jackpot. ROIL—Crosby Sings. KLAC —Al Jarvis Ballroom. KMPC—Stars of Song. KO WL—Romance in Music. KRKD—Songs of Yesteryear. RIVER —Tom, Dick & Harry. K WK W—Traffic Quiz. XLA— Woman's World.

11:13*KECA. KFMB—Eleanor and Anna Roosevelt.

KII—Burritt Wheeler. FINS —Ma Perkins. REVD—Shopping Highlights. Kt:ER—Musical Roundup. ROIL-51klmorning Melodies. KMPC—Neighborhood Voice.

*RSLA —Pasadems News. K WK W-1Races and Snorts.

11:20—KVIK W —Stairway to Music. 11 :25—KGFJ—Sports Flash. 11:30—KECA. Catia Cugat.

KFIJ, KFXM. KGB, 1150E— Queen for a Day.

KNX —Young Dr. Malone. KFAC—Keyboard Artistry.


KFVD—Memory Melodies. KGFJ —Piann Moments. KMPC—Keith Hetherington. KXLA —Dinner Bell Roundup.

II :35—RFOX—Request It. 11:45 —KECA —Quizzleale.

F M —The Brighter Day. ENS—Guiding Light. KGFJ—Saludos Amigos. KRRD —Movieland Quiz. R WK W—Races and Spoleto.

11:55—KGFJ —Sports flash.

12 *KtX'A —News. Sam Hayes. KFT—Farm Reporter.


ENS—Second Mrs. Burton. KFAr —Luncheon Concert. KIND—Double or Nothing. WFVl)—FAltnr of the Air. RFWB—Peter Potter. RGFJ—Bing ernshy. 111,AC—Al Jarvis Ballroom. EMPC— Women Are Wonderful.

ROWL—Mayor of Melody. KRED—Santa Fe Trails. R WIR —Bing Crosby Sings. RWRIV—Voeniist Parade. XXLA—Dinner Bell Roundup.

IT :05-1K GE R—Chuck Wagon. 12:15*RECA —Jack

Fl —Road of Life. KFLI—Music. KNX—Perry Mason. KAGH-111atinee Melodies.

*KFOX—News. KGFJ—Intermisaion. ROIL—Real Estate Show. RIVK W—Races and Sports.

Morning Programs Appear In Lightface Tme: Afternoon and Evening Programs In Boldface.

11.17.—Burritt 'Wheeler, EFL 4:30—Passing Parade. Ki1J. 10:30—Night Editor, ENS.

M ys tery-D elective 9:00—The Fat Man, KECA. 9:30—This Is Your FBI. KECA.

Public Interest-Information

6:45—Lf They Had Lived. KOFJ.

Sports 9:30—Racing News. KLAC. 9:30—Racing. KGFJ. 10:00—Race Lineup. KWK W. 5:30—Race Recap. 1EGFJ. 5:36—Sports Dial, KRI M. 5:45—Race Results, EKED. 5:45—Sam Baiter. KLAC. 8:00—Fred Hessler. RGER. 6:14—Bob Kelley. KM Pt. 6:30—Joe Hernandez. KMPC. S:311 —Sports Newsreel, Ti n. 2:45 —Sports Folio, RFI. 2:30 —Inside of Sports. REJ. 10:45—Tom Hanlon, KNX.

Popular- Western Music 8:110—Harry Babbitt. KNX. 10:0n— westerners. KMPC. 4:45—Stuart Hamblen, KEWB. 5:30 —Club 15. KNX. 11:30—Spotlight Rein., ENS. :110—!•otoper Club, Krt. 9:15—Jack Smith, KNX.

1.11:25—KGFJ--Sports Flash. 12 :30-10EC A—Model Magazine.

Kfl, KFSD—Today's Children N M—Louise Massey. KNX, KSDJ—Nora Drake. RAGH—Football Prophet. KFOX—Cowhands Carnival. Krill —Shopping Highlights.

*KFWB--Newo: Peter Potter. KGER—Squeakin' Deacon. RGFJ-1230 Club. KOIL— Western Music. KM PC —Jeanne Gray.

K WIK—News. R WK W—Striek Quotations. KXLA—Tex Owens.

12:35 —KECA —One for the Book. RO WL —Joe Adams. R WIR—G.I. Platter Parade. K W11115—Farm Newe.

12:45—KFI—Light of the World. KRJ—Melody Matinee. KNX, KSDJ— What Makes Vou Tick?

*KEAC. A nn, KMPC —News. RFOX —Pacifie Breeze.. K W EIV—Rares and Sports. X X 1.24 — Western Records.

12:50—K WK W—Cirele 1430 Ranch. 12:55—KGFJ—Sports flash. 1 —XECA. KFMB—Breakfast in

Hollywood. NFL KIND —Life Can Be Reautifid.

RI:LTA-Lynn Looks at Hollywood.

*KNX. RSDJ —Knox Manning. KAGH—Vilere to Go. KFAC —Plano Parade. REOX—Barbershop Quartet.

*RIND. KRKD —News. RFWb—Bill Anson. KGER —Squeakin' Deacon. KGF.1-1230 Club. FiGIL-1280 Roundup.

*KLAC —News, Sports. KMPC —Music in the Air. SCO WL —Mayor of Melody. HVOE—United Nations. KXLA —Community.

1:15—KFI, KIND—Ma Perkins. KHJ —Nanry Dixon. KNX—H. E. Wileman. KAGH—Guest Star. EPA( —Classrnam Radio. 1RFOX —Rints Brown Music. REVD—Piano Parade. KLAC—:40 Club. K M:CD—Siesta Time. KVOE—Johnson Family. K WK W—Racea and Sports. XXLA—Joe Littlefield.

1:25—K6F.1—Sports Flash. 1:30—RE('A —Galen Drake.

Krl. XFSD —Pepper Young. R WI—Norma Young. KS 5—Gordon Mason. KAGH —Musin RFAC —American Wour. KFOX—L. B. High School. REND—Hall of Records.

*KFV1113, KRKD —News. KGER— Western Siesta. KGIL—Homemakers. RO W! —A. La Pointe Show. K WK W—Song of the Islands. R51.i—Vocal Varieties.

1:35—KRRD—s;imphony of Song. 4, 1:15—Kt:CA—Ethel and Albert.

KFI, RIND—Right to Happiness.

RFOX—Es erybody's Business. *RXIF,A —News.

1 :541--K WK W—Show Time. 1:55—KGFJ—Sports flash.


RFMB —Surprise Package.

TEFL RFSD—Backetatte Wife. RAJ. FIFX.M. KGB. K.-or--Guide.' Hope Chest.

ENS—Steve Allen. KAGFI—C. Sharpe Minor. RFAC—Matinee. KFOX—Judy Martin. REVD—Hall of Records. KFWB—Bill Anson. KGER—Long Reach Band. KGFJ—What's I p. RGIL—Homemakers.

WRLAC—News, Sports. KMPC—Three Alarm. RO WL—Armand La Pointe. KRUD—Government Speaks. 111511K -1490 Club. KW K W—Races and Sports. RXI,A—Mr. Music,

2 :10—K LAC-270 Club. 2:15—KEL RFSD —Stella Dallas.

KFOX—Rusty GUI. KRI M—Musical Bouquet.

2:20*K WK W—News. 2:25*RECA—Afternono Final.

ENS—hatlie Harris. 116F.I —Sports Flash.

2:30—RECA, RFMB—Bride and Groom.

R M. RESD —Lorenzo Jones. KRJ, KGB —Luncheon at Sandia.

KNX. ENDS—Meet the Missus RFOX —Country Girls. KGER —Garden School. ROES—Keyboard Horner. KGIL—N-ariations In Rhythm.

RADI O and TELEVISI ON LIFE FRIDAY LOGS *HOWL—News. KRKD—Tunes in Tempo. IA WK W—Platter Parade.

2:35—HO WL—Dinner at De Luxe. 2:40—KGER—Long Beach Band. 2:45—KFL KFSD—Widder Brown.

HFOX—Down Homers. KGFJ—Hawailim Serenade. KGIL—Talent Show case. KRI M —Organ Moods. K WHIV—Raees and Sports.

2:50—K WK W —Swing Session. 2:55 —KGFJ —Sports flash.

KFMR—Ladies, Be Seated.

All, KFSD— When a Girl Marries.



ILFAC—M astral Favorites. KFVD—Radio Auction.

Anson. KtiFJ—Sunset and Vine. KGIL —Keyboard Melodies.

*KLAC—News, Sports. KNIPC—Chif ton Serenade. HO WL—Radio Outlook. IERKD—Tops in Pops. K WIK-1490 Club. K WHIV—Swing Session.

3:05 —Kt:ER —Alkali Alex. 3:10—KFOX —Star Dust.

KLAC —Don Otis Show. 3:15—KFI, KFSD —Portia Faces

Life. KAGH —Freddy Martin Show. KFVD—Hall of Records.

*KGIL—News. BO WL—Rhythm at Random. K WK W—Races and Snorts. KXLA—Juke Roy Matinee.

3:25—KGFJ--.Sports Flash. ANN, KSDJ-511r. Information

3:30—HECA—Norwood Smith Selects KFI, KFSD—Just Plain Bill. KHJ —Adventura Parade. KNX. KSDJ —House Party. KAGH—Musical Contrasts.

*ILEAC. KFWB. BOWL—News RFOX —Hawaiian Orchestra. KGER —Carolina Cattail. BOIL—Dance Matinee. KMPC —swing 'n' Sing. K WKW —Andy Mansfield.

3:35—KO WL—Just 3:45—KECA—Franees Scully.

NFL HFSD —Front-Page Farrell.

KHJ, KGB, KVOF.—Superman KFAC —Lyrics in Chorus. KFOX—Pet Review.

3:55*1LNX —News. KGFJ —Sports Flash.

A—HECA—Frances Scully. KFI —Double or Nothing. KHJ, KGB —Gabriel Heatter. KNX. KSDJ—Arthur Godfrey. KAGH —Chap Rollins. KFAC—Musical Masterpieces.

*KFOX, KGElt—News. HFSD—Road of Life. KIND—Harlematinee. KFWEV—Spade Cooley. HtiFJ—Slunset and Vine. KGIL—Hank Penny Show.

*KLAC—News, Sports. *KMPC —News, Eddie Lyon. HOWL—Musical Showcase. KRRD —Piano Paintings. KI M —Music at 4. KIIK W —Andy Mansfield. KXLA —Juke Bus Matinee.

4 :05 —AEC A—George Fennemau Show.

ILGER—Musical Roundup. 4:10—KFOX—Freddie Martin. 4:15*KHJ, KFX511. KGB, KIVA.-

Frank Hemingway. KFSD—The Brighter Day. KFW11--Bing Crosby. KLAC —Dinning Sisters. KMPC —The Jewel Boy. BRAD—Melody Time.

4:25—KFWB, HISFJ—Sports. KIFSD—Aunt Mary.

*KH.L. KGB. HI OE—Passing Parade.

KFOX—Old-Age Pensions. KFVD —Sundown Roundup. KFIVII—Daily Light. KLAC —Racing Roundup. KM PC—Romance and Rhythm

*RO WL—News. KRILD—Synipliony in Swing. KWK W—Sous o Guns.

4 :35—KO WL—Show Times. 4:45—KECA—Happy Theater.

Btl, KFSD—Nora Drake. *KHJ, KGB. KVOE—Bob

Anderson, News. KFWIS—Stuart Hamblen. KLAC—Music Room. KM Pt —Club Time.

*KRI M —News. KVIIK-31iisical Quit. KWK W—Races and Sports.

4:30—K WK W—Magic Time. 4:55—KGFJ—Sports Flash.

5 —BECA. KFMR—Clutileage of the Yukon.

KFL KFSD—This Woman's Secret.

KHJ, KGB, KV0B—Fulton Lewis.

*KNX, KSDJ—Knox Manning. KAGH—Adventure Party. KFAC —Suisset Serenade. ILFOX —Sunshine Mission. KFVD —Sougs of the Sage. KF WB—Stuart Hamblen.

*HGER —News. KliFJ —Jive at Five. KGIL—Hank Penny Show.

*KLA('--Fred Henry Reports. HOWL—Plantation House Party.

*KMPC—News, Star Time. KRHD—Songs of the Saddle. K WIK—Craig Character. KNKII—Reminiseent Music. KXLA—Juke Box Matinee.

5:05—KGER —Ford Lewis. 5:15*KFI —News.

KIXM, KGB. ILVOE— Chandu, the Magician.

KNX—Tom Hanlon, KFVD—Crosbyanis. ELGIL—Children's Corner. KLAC--Peggy Lee, Songs. HO WL—Italian Program. K WK W—Itace Roundup.

5:30 -11KCA, KF51B—Sky King. KFI —Johnny Murray. KHJ, ILEXM, KGB, KVOE— Captain Midnight.

KNIC, KSDJ—Club 15. KAGII—Sports Notebook. KFAC— Whoa Bill Club.

KFVD, KGLL—News. KGER—Billy Starr. KGFJ—Race Recap. K LAC —Bob Shannon. KMPC —All-Time Hits. KRBD —Sports Dial. K WIK—Future Fantasies. K XLA—Future Pianists.

5:35—KGIL—Rumba Time. 5:45*KFI —Feature Aire,

KHJ. KFXM, KGB, HVOE — Adventures of Tom Mix.

* ANX. KSDJ—Ed R. Marrow. KAGH —Bing Sings. KIFOX -1 our Fisticaster.

*KFSD—H. V. Kaltenburn. KGER—Bruce Trent. KGFJ-1f They Had Lived. KLAC —Sam Bolter, Sports. KSIPC —Top Tunes. KRKD —Race Results. KVIIK—Jerry Marlowe. K WK W—Spollight on Bands. K XLA—Variety.

5:55—KGFJ —Dot Meyberg.

6*ELECA. KFMB—Edwin C. Hill. *KFI —Sam Hayes, News. KHJ, KIX:M, KGB— Manhattan Playhouse.

*KNX, KSDJ —Charles Collingswood.

KAGIR—Public Interest. KFAC —Edison Hour.


KGER—Sports Time. KGFJ—Muslcal Digest. KGIL—Tops in Pops. }MED —Varieties in Music. K WIK—Allen Rich. ILICLA—Property Owners.

6:05*RECA—Headline Edition. Iii AC— M Jarvis Ballroom.

6:15*HECA —Hunk Weaver, News. KFI —Supervisor Darby.

*KNX, HA W—News, Garred. HEI M—Hawaiian Music. KFWB—Gadget Jury. HGER—Stamps Quartet. KMPC—Bob Kelley. Spurts. KRBD—Hawallan Memories. KILA —Women's Clubs.

6:25—KECA—Harry Wismer. 6:311—HECA, KFMB—Famous Jury

Trials. KFI —Casa Cugat.

Ben Alexander PRESENTS

Sam Hayes in 'Touchdown Tips' KHJ -6:30 p.m. Fri.

KHJ —Sain Hayes Touchdown Tips,

KNX —mr. ace and JANE. KFAC—Hour of Music. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. KFWB—America Dances. BORE—Helene Smith. BOIL —Dinner Concert. KLAC —Honest Opinion, Jarvis KMPC—Tanforan Track. BRAD—Sweet Pops.

K WIK—Evening Serenade. KXLA—Eddy Arnold Show.

6:45*KFI, KFSD—Elmer Peterson. KIM —Remember When. BRAD—Accent on Rhythm. KIS:LA —Duke of Paducah.

6:55*KH.I—News. KtiB, HVOE—Bill Symes, Spurts. .7-ICECA. KFMB—Break the Bank.

EFL KFSD--Eddie Cantor. KFX111, KGB. KVOE—

Gabriel Heatter. ANN. KSDJ—Ford Theater. KFAC—Hour of Music. KFOX —Vour Song. KFWB—America Dances.




"Musical Digest" Nightly at

7 pm

.4 .

C . ,il *It fil r

700 • Sao pm


• ' Hilirunad,Betui

KGFJ —Iltisical Digest. KM PC—Firestone Favorites. K W1K —Allen Rich. KXLA—Dusty Ellison.

7 :05—KGER—Fagan. KLAC -570 Club.

7:15*KHJ. KGB. KY OE—Mutual Newsreel.

ROIL—Songs to Remember. KURD—Highland Park Chorus.

7:30—KECA, KFMR—The Sheriff. KFI, KIN.D—Red Skelton Show.


KFAC—Echoes and Encores. KFWB —Sports Final. BOIL—Parks d: Playgrounds. KMPC —Romance and Rhythm KRHD —Twilight Serenade. K WIK—Veterans Hospital. KNLA—Vance Lane.

:45*IL FOX —News. KFWB—Remenober. KGIL—Novelaires. BRAD —Father Vaughan.

7:55—KECA, KFMR—Champlou Roll Call.

*KHJ. KGB, HVGE—Bill Henry. News.

8— HECA, KFMB—Boving Bouts. K n. KIND—Life of Riley. KHJ, KGB —Great Scenes from Great Plays.

KNX, SS W—Philip Morris Playhouse.

KFAC —Evening Concert. KFWB— Williams-Rodgers.


AGFJ —Caucasian Memories. KtilL—Hustlin• Hal. KURD —County Barn Dance.

8 :US-EGER —Alfred Newman. 11:1U—KLAC —Crosby Time. 8:15—KGEJ —Songs for You.

KFOX —Mosic in the Air. K3IPC—American Music, KX1I.A —%ariety.

11:30—KECA—Sports Show. R H, KIND—Sports Newsreel. KHJ, KFXM, KGB, HYDE — Leave It to the Girls.

KNX, KSDJ —Spotlight Revue. KFOX —Music.

*KFWB—News. Kt:I.:A—Clem Davies.

*KGF.I—Averill Berman, News. KLAC —Jan Garber Oral. BRAD—Cowboy Hit Parade. tIXI.A-97th Street Corral.

8 :35—KECA -Swingin' on the Golden Gate.

8: IS—KIT —Sports Folio. KFOX —Flight Cast.

*KFWB—Clete Roberts, News. KGFJ —H'wood House Party. KLAC —Etchiugs for Evening.

8:55*KHJ, KGB, KY0E—Hy Gardner Says.

9—KECAa KFMB—Fat Mau. KFI—Frost Warnings: Supper Club.

*KHJ, KFXM, KGB, KV0E--News, Glenn Hardy.

*KNX—Lowell Thomas. KFAC —Evening Concert. KFOX—Maritime Committee. KIND —Supper Club. KFWB—Preview Theater.

*KGER—News. KGFJ —H'wood House Party. BOIL— Western Trails. KLAC —Melody Parade. KNIPC'- -Call Again. KRKD —Cowboy Hit Parade. K WIK—Orval Anderson Show. KXLA—Squeakin' Deacon.

9 :05—KGER —Three Suns. 0:15*KFI, KIND— World News.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Fleetwouil Lawton.

KNX—Jack Smith. *KFOX—News. KGER—Here's to Vets. KAIPC —Parade of Hits.

9:50—HECA, KFMB--This Is Tour FBI.

KFSD—Jimmy Durante Show.

A WL KGB, KV0E—Inside of Spurts.

KNX—Jack Carson. KFOX—Music. A MR—Unity Daily Word. HOER—Desert Dreams. BOIL—Dance Time. KLAC —Spotlight Serenade.

*K WIK—News. 9:45 —KHJ, KIX.% KGB, KVOIS—

Henry J. Taylor. *KFWB—News, Music.

KMPC —News. 9:55*KLAC—News.

10*HECA—Richfield Reporter. KFI —Hollywood Open House. KHJ, KFX11, KGB, KVOE— Fulton Lewis.

*KNX. KADJ —Chet Huntley, News.

3FAC —Lucky Dance Time. KFOX—Merry-Go-Round. KFWB —Eastside Show. KGER—Party House. KtiFJ —Music You Want. KG11,--Memory Lane. KLAC —Don Otis. KM PC —Dance Parade. HRH') —Cowboy Hit Parade. K WIK—Orval Anderson Show KXLA —Riverside Rancho.

10:15*KECA —Casa Cugat. KHJ—Highlights in Music. KNX—lieulab.

111:30—HECA, KFMIS—Hawthorne Thing.

Eli —Melody Time. KHJ—Dance Orch. ANN —Night Editor. KGER—At the Ranchhouse. KliF.11—Concert Noctur ne. KGIL—Rhythm Rhapsody.

*KXLA —Dan Lundberg.

10:45—KHJ —Lanny Ross. KNX —Sports Review. KFOX —Music of the Masters.

10:55*KGIL. — News. — KECA —Bill Martin, Sports. *KV!, KFSD—News. KLIJ, KGB—D. LaSaUe Orch.

*KNX —Nelson Pringle. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance. KFOX—sky Serenaders.


SPADE COOLEY TIME With George Wilhelm

ION IC. soon wins


0 A N G E L I S

AFT D—Spade Cooley Time. KFWB —Eustside Show. KGER—At the Ranchhouse. K6FJ —Blue of Evening. ROIL —Juke Box Review. KLAC—Don Otis. KM PC —Dance Parade. EKED—Cowboy Hit l'arade. KWIK —Juhuny Grant. KXLA —Pasadena Civic.

11:15--HECA--Cinegrill Music. N. Reporter.

KHJ—Bill Clifford Orch. KNX —Merry-Go-Round. KFSD—Pro and Con.

11:30—HECA —Ambassador Orch. All —Navy Recruiting.

*KFOX—News. 11:10—KFOX —Record Reporter. 11:45—KFI —Melodiana.

*KHJ—News. KNX —You and the Harvest.

11:35*KECA, KMPC —News. KFI—Police Bulletins.

Page Twenty-seven

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27 *Indicates News Broadcast.

— KECA, KFMB —Shupper'll Special.

KFI —Cuffee Concert. KHJ —Treasury Show. KNX —Harry Babbitt.


KA6H —Dr. Frederick Bailey. KFAC —Country Church. KFOX, KRKD —Ha%en of Rest KFSD —Frank Mere{well. KFV1I — Wakeup Ranch. KF WB —Morning Melodies. KGB —Morning Moods. KGFJ —Voice of the Army. KGIL —Reveille Ranch. KO WL—Spanish Hour. KV0E —Hot Cake Club. KVVIK — Wake Up and LH % K WK W —Ittsfael Mendez.

8:05 —KGER —Mizpah. 8:15 — KHJ —Policing L. A.

*KNX —New•. KAGH —Last Call. KF WB —Sal% ation Army. KliFJ —CutnmunIty Chest. KLAC —Haynes at the Reins. KMPC —Market Reports, Sports.

, 141,LA —Music.

8:211*KliFJ —News. 8:30*KFI —Intside the News.

KHJ —Dr. Hiss Clinir. KNX —Tell It Again. KAGH —Hebrew-Christian Hr.


HFOX —Know Your Bible. KFSD — Wrangler Rhythms. KFI D —Easty Listening. K6B —Pet Club. litiER —Hammond. KGFJ —Public Messenger. KLAC —Music. KMPC —Leahy of Notre Dame. KO WL —Palabras de Vida. K WK W —Stock quotations. ELXLA -31rIody Time.

8:45 —KICA — MIrandy. *KFI. KFSH —Sam Hayes,

News. KAGH —Musical Clack. KFAC —Unity. KFOX —Memories of Calvary. KFVD —Console and Keyboard K.F WIS —Music. KGB—Two-Ton Baker. KGER —Gene Autry. KtiFJ —Isesterday's Hits. KGIL—Coffee Parade. KLAC —Business Talk. KNIPC —Fingertip Successes. KRKH —Spotlight 'Varieties. KVO1R—Radlo Tour. K WK W —Sacred Heart.

9-HECA, KFMB—Abbott and Costello Kid Show.

K n. KIND —Meet the Meeks. KHJ, KGB. KY 0E —Michael O'Duffy.

*KNX. KSDJ —News. AGH —Campus Life.

KFAC —Serenade. KFOX —Rev. Earl Isle. KFVH —Contrasts. KF WB —Music.

* KGER, KLAC —News. KGFJ —Proudly Ne Hail. KGIL —MtIbleal Horizons. KMPC —Mmilc of the Stars. KO WL —Pacific Serenade. EKED —Sagebrush Serenade. K WK W —Voice of China. K XLA —Popular Favorites.

9:95—KNX, KSH.1 —Let's Pretend. KGER —Lutheran Hour. KLAC —KIddie Club. K WIK —Sunny Side.

9:15*KF5 D —News. KF WB —Birmingham Hospital K WK W —Grace Parr.

9:30*KECA —Tomorrow's Headlines. EFL KFSD —SmIlin' Ed McConnell.

R M. KY OE —Tren-Timers Club.

KNX. KSDJ —Junior Miss. KFM11 —Back to the Blble. AEON —Full Gospel. KFVD —Show Tunes. KF WB —Song Session. KGB —Molly Morse. KGER--John Brown. KGFJ —Racing News. KG11.. —Valley Shopper. KLAC —Racing News. HO WL—German Hour. KVVIE —Top u Morning.

9:45 —KECA —Radiu, the American Way.

KFVD —Remembered Rhythms. KGB —Hospitality Time.

*KGFJ —Alrotorials. KLAC —Music.

*KBMD —News.

Page Twenty-eight

10 K WK W — Word of Truth.

— KE4A —Thls is for You. KF1 —Jump-Jump of Holiday House.

*KHJ, KFX511. KGB. KV0E — News.

ANN. KSDJ —Theatre of Today.

KAGH —Stars of Tomorrow. KFAt .— Morning Concert.

* WIEN —News. KFSD —Debber Date. KIND —Music. KF WIS —Ann Carter. KGER —Kids' Bible Club. KGIFJ —Record Jackpot. 216114— Waltz Time.




AL JARVIS IQ a. m. p. m. 6:05 p. m.•7 p. m.

Mon. thru Sat.

Kt-AC —AI dorsi. Ballroom. KM PC —A Sung for 1.0u. Ko WL —Tone Shop. KRKD —Nlorning Melodies. K WIK —Town Crier. K WK W —Race Lineup.

10:15 —KECA —ChentIsts in Action. KILL KGB, K%0E —Garden Guide.

K n.—Young America Speaks. KFOX —Aastembly of God. KEY D —Patd to Present. KGIL--Citild Etuagelist. KRKD—Hr. Richardson. K WKVI —Tune-1 p Time.

*KNI.A —Neas. 10 :25 —KG FJ —Sports Flash. 10:30 —KECA —Anterican Farmer.

KF1, KFSD —Tillantook Kitchen,

KHJ, KGB, KV OE —Girls' Corps.

ANN. KS W —Grand Central station.

KAGH —Disc Jockey Parade. KFAH —Lifelines.

*Klill.. KO'. L—News. KGER —Home on the Range. UM W. — Ricardo Show. KRECD —Count% Art Institute. K WIK —Tunes for Tykes. KVI KV1 —Feuttore Story. KNLA—Nlitsic.

10:35 —K611. -11 ..... ance in Rhythm. KOW L—Tune shop.

10:45 —KFI —lour saturday Chef. KFAC —Village Festival. KFOX —Morning Musicale.

* KFSD —News. KO WL —Boy Scout Program. EKED —Pop Concert.

K WK W —My Serenade. 10 :55 —KGFJ —Sports

11 — KECA —Shore Party. All. KFSD —National Farm and Home Hour.

*KHJ, KIND, KGER—News. KNX. KSHJ —County Fair. KAGH —Hise Jockey Parade. KF'AC —Festkal of Music. KFON —Rhythinic Age. KF W11 —Peter Putter. KGB —Amer/can Legion. KGFJ —Itecord Jackpot. KGIL —Crosby Sings. KLAC —Al Janis Ballroom. KMPC —Keith Hetherington. KO WL —It ..... ance in Music. KRKD —Songs of Yesteryear. K WIK —Kiddies' Korner. RIVKIN —Voice of Army. KXLA —% ariety Time.

11:15 —KHJ, KGB. KI VE —Arnty-Navy Football Game,

KFND —Plano Parade. KGER — Western Kt:IL —Tahitian Memories. K W1K —Music. K WK W —Races and Sports.

11:TO —K WICH —Stairway to Music. 11:15—KliFJ —Sports hash. /I:30 —K EU A—Sat [inlay Session.

KFI. KIND —Mary Lee Taylor KNX. KSILI —Ghe and Take. KFAC —Kr% board Artistry.


WIND —Shopping HI-Lites. *KF WII —News: Peter Potter. KGER — Western Shadows. IlitiF.1 —Piano Moments. Kt:IL —Proudly We Hall. 1C XLA —Sat urday Serenade.

11 :35—K W1K —Modern Mood. 11:45 —KFOX —Tempos of the 'Time.

KGFJ —Saludos Amigos. KO W1. —%nice of the Army. KRKD —Movieland quiz. KVI K W —Races and Sports. K XLA —Books.

11:55--KGFJ —Sports Flash.

12 —K FA' li FM11--Fascinating Rhythms. KFI —Fartit Reporter. KH.1. KGB, K% OE--Foutball. ANN —Stars Over Hollywood.

*KAGH, K(iER. KGIL—News. KFAC —Luneheon Concert.

NOSEY NIFTIES News of Kids In Movies

Kids with Talent —Contact


Talent Counsellor 1605 No. La Brea


1,1 11 X — Nuse) Nifties. F sl) —Luncheon With, Lopez.

K F1.1) —School Days. KI WIS —Peter Potter. KGI'J —Bing Crosby. KLAC —Al Janis

Morning Programs Appear In Llghtface Type: Afternoon and slvening Progra ms in 'W alla,.

Comedy-Variety 9 :30—Junior Miss. KNX. 6:15 —Talent lest. KFI. 7:30 —Pays to Be Ignorant, KNX ;:30 —Judy Canova, KV!. 5:00—Dennis Day. KFI.

Quiz, Participation 11:30—Give and Take. KNX. 5:30 —True or False. KEIL 7:30— What's My Name?. KECA. 8:00 —Sing It Again. KNX. 9:30 —Tritth or l'onsequences,


Classical, Semi-Classical Music

4 :30 —NBC Sy mphony, KFI.

Drama R:00—Theater of Today. KNX. ,u 30—Grand Central Sta., KNX.

Public Interest-Information

$:16—PolleIng L. A.. KI13. 10:30 —American Farmer, !LUCA. 11:00 —Nat'l. Farm M ar. KFL

Mystery-Detective 11:06 —Ganabosters. KBCA.

Sports 9:30 —Racing News. KLAC. 9:80—Racing Lineup. KOFJ. 10:00—Racine. K WK W. 6:30 —Race Recap, KGFJ. 5:30 —Sports Dial, KRI M. 5:45—Race Results, KR KH. 5:45—Football Scores, KECA. 8:30 —Joe Hernandez. K . 11:00 —Huntina-FishIng Club. M U

Juvenile 9:00—Abbott & Costello. ICSOCA. 9:06 —Klddle Club, KLAO. 9 :05 —Let's Pretend. KNX. 9:30—SmIlin' Ed. KFI. 10:00 —Jump Jump. JUT. 12:30 —Bob Martineau, AEON.

Popular- Western M usic 4:45 —Stuart Hamblen. ILF WB. 7:00—All-Star Western Theatre,

KFI. 8:30 —Grand Ole Opry, KFI. 9:90 —Country Carnival, KMPC. 10:00—Hlt Ferenc, WEI.

K KPC —Eddie St anley Show. HO WL —Mayor of Melody. KILKU —Santa Fe Trails. K WIK —Lunclition Musicale. K WK W —Pasadena Opera. KXLA —Saturday Serenade,

12:95 —KGER —Cottonseed Clark. 12:15 —EFT —Man on the Farm.

KAGH —Disc Jockey Parade. *KFOX. K WIK —News. KFVD—Masou Rose, KGFJ —Intermission, KGIL —Real Estate Show. K WK W —Races and Sports.

• 12:25—KGFJ —Sports Flash, 11:30—KECA —Reserve.

KNX, KSDJ —Meet the Miseus KFOX —Show Time. KFVD--Luncheon Tunes.

*KF WIS, KO WL —News. KGEJ -1230 Club. KGIL —Musical Corral. K W1111 -6. I. Platter Parade. K W K% —St ock quot at ions. K XLA —Tex Owens.

12 :35—KO W1 — Mayor of Melody. KW:K W —FM.1n Ne ws.

12:45— K F1, KFSID —Football Game. *KFAC —News. KFOX —Cowleands CarnDal. KFVD —Shopping Hilites. K WK W —Bares and Spurts. KXLA —Top Western Tunes.

12:50 —K WK W —Circle 1140 Ranch, 12:55 —KI:FJ —Sports Flash.

KFM13--Reseme. KIT, KISH —Football. KHJ, KGB. KI0E —Football. ANN —Its Fun to Be Young. KAGH —Diec Jockey Parade, KFAI' —Planto Parade, KFO N—Barbershop quartet.

*KFVD. KLAC, KRKH —News. KI M B—Bill Anson. KGF:R —Sleepy Valley. K6IFJ -1230 Club, KGIL —Musical Corral. KMPC —Eddie Stanley Show. KO WL —Mayor of Melody. K WIFE —Just Relax, K LA —Conintugity Itroadcastee,

1:10 —KLAC —Music. 1:15 -18FAC -1.. A. Church

Federation. KE0X —Ituss Brown Music.


Satupday's Best

1:15 p. m. Saturday

KFVD —Song. hy Russ Whiteman.

KRKD —Siesta Time, K WK W — Waxworks. KNLA —Iterearch Adventares.

:25 —KG FJ —Sports Flash. 1:34, —KS — Football.

KrAi — American Hour. KIO X—t 'omit ry Boys. KIND —Dream Castles.

*KI WIS, ANKH —News. KGEIK —M estern siesta. KGIL—Saturday Serenade. KO W1.--Armand 1.8 Pointe. K WK W —Song of Islands. KXLA —Vocal I arieties.

1:36—KRIED—Symphony of Song. 1:45 —KHJ. KGB, K% OE —Santa

Clara %s. Michigan State. KAGH —Sanders Trio. B/W/X....Voice of the Army. KFWB —Bill Anson. KLAC —Milk Fund Football.

*KXLA —News. 1:50 —K WK W —Show Time. • 1:55 -186FJ--Sports Flash.

el —KECA, KFAIB —Reserve. KII, KISH —Football. KHJ, KGB, 11%0E —Football. KNX —F otball. - KAGH —C. Sharpe Minor. KFAC —Matinee. A MYL —Judy Martin. liFVD— No% elt uues. KEITH —Bill Anson. HGER —Long Beach Band. KG1L —Saturday Serenade, KGFJ — What's KLAC —Foot ball. ILM PC —Record ROOM. KO WL —Armand La Pointe. KRKI) —,a Swett. Organ. K WIK -1490 Club. K WK W —Races and Sports. KXLA —Idr. Music.

02:15 —KFOX —Rusty Gill. KFVD —Hite *ad Misses. KR KH —Tunee in Tempo.

2:20*K WK W—News, 2:25 —KGFJ —Syorte flash. 2:30 —KFOX—Country Girls.

EIND--Opticolet Boyd' Forum.

RADI O a nd TELEVISI ON LIFE SATURDAY LOGS *KGER, YOWL—New s. KliFJ —Piano Matinee. M USD—Keyboard Korner. K WK W —Decision Now.

:35—KOWL—Contented Listening. 2 :40 —KGER—Long Beach Band. 2 :45—KFO X—Dua n Homers.

Ki n D--Teni pu Time. ELGIJ —Hu wailer) Serenade. KG1L—Talent Showcase.

2:5O—K WK W—Sssi,ig Session. :50—KGFJ—Sports hush.

3—KECA—Reserve. KFI, KIND —Reserve. ILHJ, KGB, KV0E--FoothAll. KNX —Chuck Foster Oreh. KAGH—Dise Jockey Parade. KFAC—MUbiCili Favorites. KFOX—Modern Concert Hall. KFVD —Radio Auction. SFWES —Bill Anson.

*KGER, KXLA—News. SOFJ—Sunset and Vine. KGIL—Patterns in Rhythm. KLAC—Football. K.MPC—Record ROW]: KO WL—Radiu Outlook. KRKD—Parade of Hits. . K WIK -1490 Club. K WK W—Swing Session.

3:05—KGER —Sagebrush .2 Saddles. 3 :15—KFVD —Dreamt flue.

*K6I1.--News. KO WL—Spurts Matinee. K WK W—Races and Sports. KXLA —Juke Boy Matinee.

:115—EGFJ —Sports Flash. 3:30—SECA—Serenade for Strings.

KNX, KSDJ—Romance. *KFAC, ELFWB, HO WL—News. KFVD —To Your Health. 1[61L--Dance Matinee. K WK W—Calling Ali Vets.

3 :35—KOW'L--Organ Melodies. 3:45—KECA—Let Freedom Ring.

Kn. KFSD—Lassie Show. KFAC —Portraits of Melody. KFVD —Romancing on Record. KFWB--Bill Anson. HO WL —Maurice Kosloff.

:50—K WK W—Saturday Matinee.

4-- !MCA—Junior Junction. KFI —Scout Jamboree. K M, KGB, KV0E —Football.

*KNX. KSDJ —Griffing Bancroft.

KAGH—Disc Jockey Parade. M AC—Musical Masterpieces.

*KFOX, KFSD, KGER —News. KFVD —Harlem Matinee. KFWB—Music. KGFJ —Sunset and Vine. ROIL—Four Kings. KLAC —Football. KMPC—Record Room. KO WL—M usical Showcase. KRED—Teen-Age Workshop. K WIK—Valley High Time. KKIE W—Sat urday Matinee. W M A—Juke BUY Matinee.

4 :95—KGER--Trading Post. 4 :15—KNX, KSDJ —Mismo front

Lake Success. KFOX—Salv *lion Army. KIFSD—Art of Living. KFWB--klelen KGEL— Western Review. KRKD—Melody Time. K WK W —Races and Sports.

4 :25 —KGFJ—Sports Flash. 4 :311—KEC A—Madhouse Musicale.

KFI, KFSD—NISC Symphony. KHJ—Pigskin Review. KNX —Los Angeles Story. RIPON —Old-Age Pensions. KFV1.1 —Sunset Trail. KFW Blind Artists Guild.

*KO WL—News. KRKI) —Symphony in Swing. K V 0E—Alan Lomax.

4:35—HO WL—Show Tunes. 4 :45—KEC A, KFMB--Reserve.

KNX--County Supervisor Ford KFOX—Enited Nations. KFWIII —Stuart Hamblen.

*KRI M—New s. K WIK—Musical Quiz. KVVK W—Races and Sports.

4 :50—K W K W—Music. 4 :55—KGFJ—Sports Mash.

5—SECA —A Man and His Music. KFI, KFSD—NB(' Symphony. KHJ, KGB, K VOE—Take a Number.

*KNX, KSI)J—Knov Manning. K AC M—Foothill Serenade. KFAC—Sunset Serenade. KFMIS—Ave Maria Hour. IEFOX—SunshIne Mission. KFVD —Songs of the Sage. KFWB —Stuart Hamblen. KFX.M —Laymen's Hour.

*KGER, KLAC —New s. KGFJ—Jive at Five. ROIL— Western Review.

* KM.PC —News, Sid Ziff. KO WL—House Party. KRED—Songs of the Saddle.

KW —Bouudup. K WKW —Reminiscent Music. KXLA —Juke Bu v Matinee.

5:05—KGER —Ford Lewis. 5 :15—KFC A—H ere' s Hollywood.

KNX—Torn Hanlon. KAGH—Glida Sings. KIVD —C roAiya nu. K LAC —Spurt s Almanac. KMPC—Ranclio Grande. KO WL--I ta lien l'rogram. K WK W —Today at the Races.

5 :30*KEC A, K M) X, KFVD, ROLL, K WK W —News.

K M —Sundown Downbeat. KHJ, KGB, KV0E—True or False.

KNX, KSDJ—Philip Marlowe. • KAGH —Sports Notebook. KFAC —Playtown Train. K FMB —Communism. IMSD—Colonial Quiz. KGER—West ern Music. KGFJ —Ituee Recap. KLAC —M tisk. Room. KRELD—Sports Dial. K XLA—Fut ure Pianists.

5 :45 —K EC A—Foot bal I Scores. Weaver.

K M —Saturday Sports Roundup.

KED X—Music. KFSD—Harry Owens. KG Kit—Bruce Trent. KGFJ —Dinner Interlude. M AL—Rumba Time. KL AC —Sam Haller. Sports. KMPC—Episcupal Diocese. KRI M —Race Results. KNLA —Variety.

e —KECA —Music of Manhattan. KHJ, KFOX, KFVV13,

KGB, KMPC, KVOE—News *KN X, KSDJ —Charles

Collingwood. KAGH —Sports Scripts. KFAC—Edison Hour. KFM111—San Diego Looks Ahead.

KFSD —Rendezvous Room. KGER —Spurts Time. KGFJ—Musical Digest. ROIL—Football Review.

*KLAC —News, Al Jarvis. KRKD—Varieties in Music. Kt/TEL—Sports, Goodwin. K.XLA—Radio Tray elugue.

8:15—RFT—Television Talent Test. KHJ, ROB—Mel Allen, Sports.

*KNX, KSDJ—Bob (jarred. KFOX—Vesper Bells. KFWII—Tune Time. ILGER—Muric. ROIL—Tops in Pops. KMPC —Bub Kelley. K RHD—Hawalian Memories.

*KVOE. IK—News. KNLA —ligskin Parade.

:30—KECA—American Jazz Concert KHJ, KGB. K VOE—Bob Poole Show.

KN X—Symphonette. KFAC —Music Magic. KFM/I—Dave Ruse. KFOX—Hal's Memory Room. HP:ID—Science Editor. K B—Sports Final. KGER —Lukin Valley Church. KGIL—Dinner Concert. KLAC—Honest Opinion, Jarvis KM PC —Tanforan Track. KRKD—Sweet Pops. K WIK—Ev ening Serenade. KXLA —Sweet (hariot.

8:45*K M. ELFs1)—Eletier Peterson. KHJ, KGB—Lanny Ross. KEN! Et—Music. M OLD—Accent on Rhythm.


Ken Darby and the King's Men with Country Washburne .. Red Round-tree.. Buz Roper.. Giddiup Jones.


7—ILE(, A—Bulldog Drummond. KFI—All-Star Western Theatre.

K M, KFXM, KGB, KVI3E— Meet the Press.

KNX—Morey Amsterdam.

KFAC —Dr. James Wield. Jr. KFOX—Judge Gardner. KFSD —Fav tithe Five. KFVVB—Gospel and Song.

*KGER, ROIL, KRKI) —News. ELCiFJ—M notes! Digest. LAC—Tom Hubbard Show.

ME W —Proudly We Hail. K W1K—Canrer Society. K XLA —Nazarene Church.

7:05 — M AR—Rev. Al Harlan. 7:15—K611.--Mutiern Concert Hall.

KMPC —Andre Kostelanetz. KRKD—Three-Quarter Time.

7 :25—ELFWII—Caroline Leonetti. :30—KECA, HEIDI— What's My

Name? K M, KIND —Judy Canova Show.

KFXM, K(.B, KVOE— Meet the Boss.

KNX. KSI)J -11 Pays to Be Ignorant.

KFAC —Dr. Fagerburg. KFWB —Dr. Hiss Clinic Forum KGER—Grace Dotson. KLAC—Music. Paul Weston. KMPC—Candielight and Silver KRKD —Twilight Serenade. K WIK —Vets' Hospital. KXLA —Aceent on Youth.

7:45--KFAC— Waltzes of the World. KFOX—Ministerial Union. ELGIL —Novelaires.

S— KECA, Ranger. K M, KFSD—Dennis Day. KHJ, KGB. ILVOE—Fishing and Hunting Club.

KNX. KSDJ —Sing It Again. KFAC—E v ening Concert. ELFOX—Proudly We Hail. KFWB—Community Hour. KGER —Wings of Healing. K6FJ—Caucasian Memories. KGIL—Hastlin' Hal. ELAC —Football, Loyola: vs. Pepperdlne.

KMPC —A Boy, a Girl and • Song.

KXLA—Repertory Theater. 8:15—KGFJ—Songs for You.

KMPC —American Music. KXLA—Barbershop Quartet.

S:30—KECA, 11/FMB—Whiz QUIZ. Kit, KFSD —Cirand Ole Opry. K M, KGB, KV0E--Hawail Calls.

/LEON—Music. EFWB— Williams- Rogers. KGER —Cletu Davies. KGFJ—Know Your Schools. KXLA-97th St. Corral.

8 :45 —KFOX—Barbershuppers. K6FJ—H' vvood House Party.

9— KE(a KFMII —Gangbusters. KFI—Frost Warnings: Vic Damone Show.

*KHJ, KGB, [(GER, HIDE — News.

KNX. KSDJ —Vaughn Monroe

KFAC —Evening Concert. KFOX —Music. KFSD—Vic Damone Show.

*K FWB—News Commentary. KCIFJ —II'vrood House Party. KGIL—Western Trails. KLAC—Football. IIMPC —Country Carnival. K WIK—Your Request. K M A —Harmony Park.

9:05—KGER —Proudly We Hail, 9:15—KHJ. K6B—Dink Templeton.

KEWD—Voire of the Arm). K VOE—H. J. T,aylor.

9 :30—K EVA, K FMB—The Atnazing Mr. Malone.

K M. KIND—Truth or Consequences.

KH.I. Kt " KV0E—Yours for /I SMIK.

KN N.—Jeff Regan. KFOX—Rumba Time. M I% B—Layinen's Hour. R i ft—Desert Dreams. KGIL—Dance Time.

*K WIK—News. KXLA —Redondu Barn Dance.

9 :45*K6111. —News. .K WIK—Your Request. *KECA, KFMB—News. K M, KFSD —Hit Parade. KHJ —Hawall Calls.

*KNX, KSDJ —Chet Huntley. KFAC —Locky Lager Dance. S OX —Sky Serenaders. KFWB—East side Show. ILGER—Party House. KG FJ—Iltisic You Want. KG1L—Memory Lane. KL AC —Football. KMPC—Country Carnival. K VOE —Guest Star. K WIK—Vour Request. SXLA—Itiverside Rancho.

10:15 —SECA—Hank Weaver, Sports. KNX—Music. KGB, KVOE—Monica Whalen.


10 :30—KECA. KFMB—Hawthorne Thin

K M, [ ME—Hollywood Star Theater.

KHJ, KGB, KVOE—Eddie Oliver Orch.

KNX, KSDJ —National Guard Military Ball.

KGER—Desert Dreams. KGFJ —Concert Nocturne. KGIL—Rhythin Rhapsody. KLAC —Don Otis.

*KXLA—Dan 1.undberg. 10:55*KGIL. IMAC —News.

— KECA—Cinegrill Music. ELFI—Solitaire Time. KHJ, KGB, KS IDE—Dick LaSalle Orel:.

*KNX —Nehdon Pringle. KFAC—Lucky Lager Dance. KEN 13—Clieatin' on Sandman. KFOX —Disc Jockey.

* MS.1E —News. SF1 D—Spade Cooley Time. KFWII—F.astside Show. KGER —At the Ranchhouse. KGFJ —Blue of Evening. ROIL—Juke Bus Review. K LAC —Don Otis. KM PC —Dance Parade. K WIK--Johnny Grant. K XLA—Bandstand Review.

11 :15—KECA—Slapsy Maxie Orch. K M, KISD—Morton Downey. KHJ, KGB. KV0E —Bill Clifford Orch. N X—Merry-Go-Round.

KXLA—Pasadena Civic. 11 :30—KECA —Ambassador Ora.

K M —Pro and Con. KFSD—Biltmore Orch.

11 :45—KFI —Melodiana. *KELL KGB. EV0E—News. KNX —Music.

11 :55*KECA, KMPC —News. EEL—Police Bulletins.


Recorded Highlights SATURDAY POPULAR

8:15 a.m. —KLAC. Haynes at the Reins.

10:00 a.m. —KFWB, Ann Carter. 70:00 a.m. —KLAC, Al Jarvis. 10:30 a.m. —K[14'EL Maurice Hart. 11:00 a.m. —KFWB, Peter Potter. 1:00 p.m. —KFWB, Bill Anson.

KXLA Presents

ALEX Pickupacupplebucks COOPER 12:00 - 5:00 A.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY

TIM-BER A man who really throws

hi mself into his work is soundman Jack Robinson, of NBC's Red Skelton show. Last week, during a frenzy of effects, Jack pounded a "fall mat" (a rubber pad) so *hard, in trying to denote Red's' "mean widdle kid" character tumbling d o w n-stairs, that he broke two small bones in his left hand.

SHQE WAX Famous 60 bacoad shin•. Colors, watarproofs, preserves—fl all popular colors

Now at your grocer's, tool

Page Twenty-nine


ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs mwked with an asterisk (') are of the contest, putt, or offer type.

*indicates programs of news and com mentation.

Abbott and Costello -...-KECA, 7:30 p.m. Th Abbott-Costello Kid ShoW - --HECA, 9 a.m. Sa Adventure Parade . - KHJ, 3:30 p.m. M-F *Agronsky, Martin. - _.KECA, 6:30 a.m. M-F Aldrich Family .KFI, 9:30 p.m. Th Air Force Hour KHJ, 1 p.m. Su Air-o-torials KGFJ, 9:20 a.m. M-Sa Album of Familiar Music KFI, ,:30 p.m. Su Alexander's Mediation Board_ KHJ. 6 p.m. Su Allen, Fred _ _ KFI, 6:30 p.m. Su Mien, Irwin KLAC, 8:30 p.m. Su Allen, Steve.._.-... .................. KNX, 12:05 a.m. D .KNX. 2 p.m. M-F

AU-Star Western Theatre KFI, , p.m. Sa Amazing Mr. Malone KECA. 9:30 p.m. Sa America Dances___ _ _.KFIVB, 6:30 p.m. 5I-F America United KFI, 11:15 9.04. Su Vmericart Almanac KECA, 11:45 a.m. Su .vmerican Farmer. .HECA, 10:30 a.m. Sa American Forum KHJ. 6 p.m. W American Jazz Concert. KECA, 6:30 p.m. Sa American Way , 7 p.m. . AMOS 'n' Andy KNX, 5:30 p.m. Su Amsterdam, Morey KNX, 7 p.m. Sa Animal World Stories KECA, 0:25 p.m. Tai,Th Anson, Bill __ KFIIB. 1 p.m. 71-Sa Arnold, Eddle.- _-__KFI, 6:30 a.m. Tu, Th, Sa Arnold, Edward KECA, 7 p.m. Th Art Baker's Notebook NFL 9 a.m. 31-F Aunt Jenny._ _KNX, 10:15 a.m. 31-1, Aunt Mary A FL KFSD, 4:3(1 p.m. M-F Autry, Gene . .KNX, 5 p.m. Su Babbitt, Harry KNX, 8 a.m. M-Sa Backstage Wife. KFI, 2 p.m. 3I-F Back to God ' KILL 9 a.m. Ste Baiter, Sam _______ __KLAC, 5:45 p.m. 31-F *Bancroft, Griffins KNX, 4 p.m. Sa *Beall. Jack SECA. 11:15 p.m. VLF̀ Beck, Fred...--...._ ...... ______.KNX. 7:45 a.m. 51-F Behind Studio Gates KLAC, 8:45 P.M. M *Behind the Front Page KHJ. . P.m. Nu Behind the Lens KNX, 11:45 a.m. Su Benny, Jack KFI, 5 p.m., 10:30 p.m. Su Beech. Jack KI.1. 9:30 a.m. 111-F Bergen, Edgar KFI. 6 p.m. S0 Berle, Milton.. ......................_....KECA, 9:30 pm. W *Berman, Averill KliF.1, 8:30 p.m. M-F Better Half KHJ, 8:30 p.m. rh lteulah KNX, 10:15 p.m. 511-1E Bible Class KHJ, 8 a.m. Su Bible Institute.. KRNO. KRKD, KFOX, el a.m. M, W.F

Bible Treasury Hour___ .... KGER, 8:45 a.m. 51-F Biggs, E. Power KNX, 7:15 a.m. Su Big Sister KNX. 11 a.m. 31-1, Big Story .................. ....-......___ KFI, 10:30 p.m. 51 Big Town KFI. 10 p.m. To Blind Artists Guild..._._. _.KF WB, 4:30 p.m. Sa Blondie KFI. 10 p.m. 75

KGEJ, 11 PAIL 14 Blue of Evening & mean, Fletcher KFI, 6:15 p.m. 77' KHJ. 10 p.m. Su: IIMPC, 6:15 p.m. Su

Breakfast Club KECA, 8 a.m. 31-F Breakfast in Hollywood KECA, 1 p.m. 31-I Breakfast Time... KEW, 8:45 men. M-F Breaking All Regords KNX, 12:05 a.m. Tu-Su Break the Bank KECA, 7 p.m. F Bridge Club KMPC, 10 p.m. 51 •Bride and Groom KECA, 2:30 p.m. 11I-F Brighter D m KFI, 11:45 a.m. 31-F *Broadway News - KHJ, . IL ._ Brooding With Brady__ ..... KNX, 7:10 a.m. 51-sa *Brown. Cecil___ __ _______KHJ, 8 a.m. 111-F.

BBruullc, e, FEraanrik_ ___ __ ._. .._..._. ._.E... m...HOs W, L6,: 320 :4p5 .mp.. m.5 Is-F

Bulldog Drummond_____ ......... . . KECA. , p.m. Sts Burns and Allen KFI, 10 9.4. Th Business News .117.11PC 8:15 a.m. 31-Sa By lIicks ILE A. 815 p.m. Th California Caravan KECA. 4 p.m. Su Call Again KMPC. 9 p.m. 3I-F Cameos of 31usie KFI. 7:30 a.m. Set Campus Salute KHJ. 11 p.m. M _ Canary Chorus..... - -KHJ, 11:43 a.m. Su Canova, Judy KFI, 7:30 p.m. Sa Cantor, Eddie KFI, 7 p.m. IF Can Toll Top This', KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Su *Capitol Cloak Room KNX, 11:05 a.m. TI. Captain Midnight. - - KILL 5:30 p.m. M-F Carnation Hour ..KFI. 8 p.m. 51 Carolina Calling ,. KNX, 6:30 a.m. Su Carson, Jack KNX, 9:30 p.m. F Casa Cugat....HECA, 11:30 a.m., 10:15 p.m. M-F KFI. 6•311 p.m. W-F

Casebook of G. Hood_____ _.. . RAJ, 8:30 p.m. 131 Catholic Answers_ _ K ...... 7:45 p.m. Su Catholic Hour KFI, 4 p.m. Su Cavalcade of America KFI, 9.30 p.m. NI Centennial Tear KF:CA, 10:45 a.m. Su Challenge of the Yukon...1(ECA, 5 p.m. M. W. I, Challenge of Youth - .RX11.A, 2 p.m. Su Champion Roll Call KF:CA. 7:55 p.m. F Chandu the Magician. KILL 5:15 p.m. M-F Chapel Hour . KMPC. 8:30 a.m. Su Chef Milani KLAC. 9:15 a.m. 31-1-' Chemists in Action ....... __KECA. 10:15 a.m. Ma Chicago Round Table R H, 11:30 a.m. Su Chicago Theater__ ....... KHJ, KGB. 10:30 p.m. Si. Child's World.. .. KECA, 6:30 p.m. 31 Christian Science KFI. 8:30 a.m. SII Christian Science _._____ _.11FOX. 8 p.m. Su Church of the Air JINX. 8 a.m. Su

Cisco Eid..- --...YHJ, KGB, 7:30 p.m. M, W,F Clark, Cotto meall_ -.. --EGER, 12:05 p.m. Sa ClaSsroom Radio.. —..KFAC, 1:15 p.m. NI-F Clifton, Charles A. — KRKD, 5:30 p.m. 51-Sa Club Fifteen. _ KNX, 5:3U p.m. M-F Club Time.. -.. - KECA. 11:15 a.m. To Coast to Coast _ ... __ KECA, 7 a.m. Su Coffee Concert KFI, 8 a.m. Sa *Collingwood, Charles ___KNX, 6 p.m. M-Sa Collins, Chuck E n, 10:45 a.m. M-F Columbia Masterworks —RFAC, 6 p.m. Su Commander Scott KECA, 10:15 a.m. Su Concert Nocturne KGFJ. 10:30 p.m. D Contented Hour :-...... --KFI, KFSIL 8 p.m. M (7ooley, Spade.------ - -.KFWB, 4 p.m. 711-F Cooper, Alex KXI.A. 12 p.m. 31-Sa ('opel, Helene KGIL, 7:30 p.m. Su Cotton, Carulina KGER, 3:30 p.m. M-F Count of Monte Cristo ILHJ, KGB, 8 p.m. Tu Counterspy .. .... .. RECA RE51B, 3:30 p.m. Su County Fair KNX. II a.m. Sa .County Medical Assn..-- --KFAC. 10:15 a.m. Th Crime Photographer__ KNX. 7:30 p.m. Tit Crocker. Betty .... -. _..HECA. 10:55 a.m. M-F Crooks Cruise KNX, 3 p.m. su 4 rushy, Bing KECA, 9 p.m. VI Cross, Milton KECA, 2:30 p.m. Su Cunningham, Bill KHJ, 12:30 p.m. Su Curtain Time K n. KFSD. 8:30 p.m. W Damone, Vic KFI, 9 p.m. Sat Dance Time - -- -.KFAC, 10 P.m 51i-Sa Darby. Raymond ... _ . KEI, 6:15 p.m. F Date With Judy KFI. 6:30 p.m. To Davies, Clem.. — _.KGER, 8:30 p.m. NI-Sa Day, Dennis KFI, 8 p.m. Sa Detroit Symphony KI:CA, 7:45 p.m. Tu Dinner Belt Roundup___ KXLA, 11:30 a.m. 31-F Dixon. Nancy .._. ...... ___ __KHJ, 1:15 p.m. M-F Double or Nothing KIT. 4 p.m. 31-1, Downey, Morton K M, 11:15 p.m. Tu, Ti., Sa Downtown and All Around KFI. 11 a.m. 31-F Drake Galen KECA, 1:30 p.m. 31-F Dr. Christian KNX. 0:39 p.m. W Dr. Hiss Clinic .__ __- . _ 11E11.1, 8:30 a.m. Sa

.KF WIL 7:30 p.m. Sa •De. I. 41. E n, KFSD, 7:30 p.m. 71 Duffy a lateen KFI. 7 p.m. W Duranlle. Jimmy KFI. 9:30 p.m. F F:astside Show KFWB. 10 p.m. M-Sa Echoes of Eden _ ......... _ KFAVB. 10:30 p.m. Su Edison Hour . .KFAC, 6 p.m. 5I-Sa *Editor at Home KECA. 1:15 p.m. Sit Editor of the Air KFVD, 12 0. 31-1r Editors Diary... KHJ, 8:311 a.m. 111-F Ason. Bob. ........ ......_ KECA. 7:30 a.m. M-F Enchanted Lady KAGH. 4:45 p.m. Sti Episcopal Diocese. KMPC. 5:45 p.m. Set Eternal Light E n, 10 0.0i. See Ethel and Albert._ KECA, 1:45 p.m. M-F Evening Concert.... ..KFAC, 8 p.m. 51-Sa Falcon KHJ, 6 p.m. M Family Hoer. ..............- ........ _...KNX, 4 p.m. Su Family Theatre — ... - ... KHJ. 6:30 p.m. W Famous Jury Trials - KECA. 6:30 p.m. F F aladal. Musk. KFI. 2:45 p.m. Su Farm Highlights.. - .KFI. 6:15 a.m. M-Sa Farm Journal KNX. 5:45 a.m. 7I-Sa Farm News... .../IMPC. 6:15 m m• 31- Sts Farm Reporter____ ._. __KFL 12 n. M-Sa Fascinating Rhythm KF:CA, 12 n. Set Fat Man KECA. 9 p.m. F Favorite Story KFI, 8 p.m. To Faye, Alice KFI. 5:30 p.m. Su F.B.I. In Peace and War. KNX. 6:30 p.m. Tie *Feature Wire K it, 5:45 p.m. M-F Fenneman. George RE(' A. 4:115 p.m. 31-F Festival of Music_ .... ....KFAC. 11 a.m. M-Sa Fest it al of Song KNX, 1., n. Su Filtb-r and Molly KFI. 7:30 p.m. Ti, *Fidler, Jimmie KILL 7:311 p.m. Su

KECA, 8:30 p.m. Su Find That Clue KNX, 8:30 p.m. Su Fine Arts quartet KECA, 9:15 a.m. Su Fingertip Suer ..... ...._..... -EMPC. 8:45 a.m. Sa Firestone Favorites. _ ..... _ ..... KMI'C, 7 p.m. M-F First Nighter KNX, 14:30 pan. "lit First Piano quartet ILF11. 12 n. Su Fisher. Geo. KNX. 1:15 p.m. Tu. TI.

KNX. 6:55 p.m. sit Fishing & Hunting Club .... _...KHJ. 8 p.m. Sa 111e-Se% enty Club ILI AC, 1:10 p.m. 71-1, A KLAC, 7:05 p.m. 31-F

Flail ball Scores KECA, 5:45 p.m. Sa Ford, .1. Anson KNX. 4:45 p.m. Su Ford Theater ..,, KNX. 7 a.m. F *Frandsen, ToM. ________ E NI l' e. 8 p.m. 51-F •Free for All 1: \ % , fl:30 p.m. W Front-Page Farrell lilt. El -.D. 3:43 p.m. 71-1, Frost Warnings I: FL 9 p.m. D *Fuller. Sid KI M 1° n. M-F Future of Anttt.. o KECA. 1:15 p.m. SII Gadget Jeer . 101 75 B. " I5 p.m. NE W. I' *Gaeth. Arthur RECA, 9 p.m. 11 Gangbusters KECA, 9 p.m. Ss Garden Cultic K W'. 10:15 a.m. Sit Garden School._________KGER. 2:30 p.m. M-F *Gardner, Hy KH.1. 8:35 p.m. 71-1, *Garred, Bob KNX. 7:30 a.m.. 6:15 p.m. M-Sa Gateway to Music KFAC. 9:30 p.m. Su (let More Out of Life KNX, 11:45 p.m. Al Gilbert and Suillvan_____KFAC. 9:30 a.m. Su Glee and Take .KNX, 11:34 a.m. Sa

Godfrey, Arthur _... KNX, 4 p.m. 17I-F Godfrey 's Talent Scouts ---KNX, 6:30 p.m. 511 Go for the House KECA. 5 p.m. Su _ KECKAH.J.7:215p.p..m. .H T-Fo

Golden El ver Chest's*

Gospel Singer. - -..KHJ, 10:15 a.m. M-F Graham. Vance.......,.......... KMPC, 9 a.m. Su - .- — - M AC, 11:15 a.m. Su

Grand Central Station ANX. 10:311 a.m. sit Grandpa Owens -- - - -. ._. KFI, 8 a.m. Su Grand Ole Opry ..._......KFI, K ral.), 8:30 p.ut. Ss Grand Slam _ ___ .... ..KNN, 9:30 a.m. 31-1, Gray, Jeanne. — ILMPC, 12:30 11.411 • H-F Brent Scenes KHJ, S p.m. Greatest Story Great Gildersleeve -- ... -11 "( K.FIA. , 49::34 p.m. m. Ku Green Hornet KE( A, 5 p.m. Tu,Th Guiding Light. a KNX. 11:45 a.m. li-F Hal's Memory Room _..t KTOX, 6:30 p.m. D Hamblen. Stuart_ _ KF W1L 4:45 p.m. 51-Sis

KLAC, 8:30 p. 111% Y. leon, ji.T.Vm... m. All KNX, 7:15 p.m., 10:45 p.m. 71-Sa Happy Gang ......- ................. KH.I. 3 p.m. 31-F Happy Homes _KELL 1:30 p.m. 111-F Happy Theater — KECA. 4:45 p.m. 31-F *Hardy. Glenn.- -. -.KHJ. 10 a.m., 9 p.m. D Harmon, Tom --....- ........... KFI, 6:15 p.m. Tit Harris, Phil. Harris Raffle . K1.1, 5:311 p.m. Su *Harrell. Joseph. -. KNX, 2:25 p.m. 51-F KNX, 11 a.m. Su Hart Maurice !tartest of Stars KRFINVXB., I.f :3a0. mp.. m51. -SWa

men of Rest.... KXLA. 8:30 a.m. AL W. F KRI M. KRNO. KFOX. 8 a.m. Tu, Th. Sa

Hawaii Calls KILI, 8:30 p.m. Mt Hawk. Bolt. KNX, 8:30 p.m. 31 Hawthorne, Jtm.- __ __KECA, 10:30 p.m. M-fis Hayes. Helen KNX. 7 p.m. su Hayes Touchdown Ti es. —... KHJ. 6:30 p.m. F *H mes, Sam EFL 8:15 a.m. 31-Sa

KIEL 6 p.m. M. W.F *Hayes, Sam... - -. --- _ . !MCA, 12 n. 111-F Haynes. Dick.....-- - -- KLAC. 6 a.m. M-Sa *Headline EdItion___ __HECA. 0:415 p.m. M-I, *Heatter. Gabriel KH.1, 7 p.m. Su-F

Heidt, Horace. KHJ, 4 p.m. M-F *Hemingway, Frank KFIR,H8.1:.306 p.m. Ma u

.KHJ, 4:15 p.m. 31-F

*Henry, Bill KH.I. 7:55 p.m. M-F *Henry, Fred. -. --. ___ _.KLAC, 5 p.m. M-F Here's Hollywood K ENC 7. 5:15 p.m. Sa Hetherington, Keith. _--t_ ...KMPC, 11 a.m. Sa

rr, 11:341 a.m. 01-r Highlights in Musie. —.K ac 6 10:15 p.m. 1-1; *HIII, Edwin C. . A, It m Hilton, James_ KNX, 8 p.m. Tb Hint Hunt .KNX, 3 p.m. 31-F Hit Parade.........._..._._.. _ E n, 10 p.m. Sa 'Hit the Jackpot KNX, 8 p.m. Tu Hollywood Bowl Auditions K R, 8 p.m. W Hollywood Music Hall KNX, 8 p.m. W Hollywood Open House.... ..... __KFI, 10 p.m. F Hollywood Star Theater_____KFL 10:30 p.m. Set Hollywood Story ollywood Theater - KHJ. 8:30 p.m. 11 H Honest Opinion KFI, 7:30 p.m. 77

Hope, Bob ....._ KLAC, K6F:3I0, 7p .mp..m 3.1 -TNau

Hormel Girls. -- ...... --- ........... KH.l. 10:30 a.m. Mn Hour of Faith - ......... _ ..... 9:30 a.m. Su House of Mystery House Party KHJ, KGB. 2 p.m. Ss

KNX, 3:30 p.m. M-F Hubbard, Tom KLAC. 7 p.m. Ss *Hontley. Chet .KNX. 10 p. m 31-Sit. 11 P.m. SS If They Had Lived KGFJ. 5:45 p.m. M. W. F Inner Sanctum *Inside the News. KNX, 9:30 p.m. 31 KFI. 8:30 it.m. 71-Sa *Inside of Sports... KHJ. HIVE, 9:30 p.m. 31-F Imitation to Learning KNX. Ill a.m. Su It Pays In Be Ignorant KNX, 7:30 p.m. Su Its Fun I.. Be Young KNX, 1 p.m. Ma Jack Armstrong . . .._. .ICECA, 5:30 p.m. TIL TII Jarvis, Al______KLA_C, 10 14.111 _. ,6:06 P.m. 51144 Jeff Regam Investigator KNX, A9 :30 p.m. Ma *.lergens Journal Jewel Bov KECA, 7 p.m. Su KM1'1'. 4:15 p.m. M,VI,F Jie ..... y and Wally Jive at Five 1K IEV, 55:3;.npt." 31. - SSu Johnny Fletcher KECA. 9 :30 p.m. 51 Johnson: Floyd IL_ KRI M, KRNO, 5:30 p.m. 1111, Jolson. M ... .. ............ .. M I, 7 p.m. Th Jake Box Matinee KXLA. 3:15 p.m. 71-Ma J p-Jump of Holiday House KIT, 19 a.m. Su Junior Junction KECA, 4 p.m. Si. Junior Miss KNX. 9:30 a.m. Sat Just Plain Hill KFI, RFS!). 3:30 p.m. 31-I Jut enile Jury KILL 130 p.m. Su *Kaltenhorn, H. V Kelley. Bob KIND. 5:45 p.nt. M-I

*Kennedy. John B. KMPKCI M. 6 :1111 :1p5. ma. .mNI. -SSoi, *Kiernan et Korner KFA A. 8:4, p.m. II Kilgallen. Dorothy. Know Tour Schools KECA. 11:15 a.m. Tit Kraft Music Hall KMPC, 7:15 p.m. SP Kyser. Kay K n. KIRSH. 7 p.m. TI.

KECA. 9:30 a.m. 311-F L. A. Breakfast Club____. _.KF WB. 8 a.m. W Ladd. Alan •Ladies. Be Seated KNX. 10 p.m. So Ladies' lay KECA. 3 p.m. Mkt ICTI. 111:05 a.m. 31-1, Ladies First_ ..... ..._ ........ -__ _KHJ. 11 a.m. 3I-F Lamour. Dorothy K it. 7:30 p.m. Th Land of the Free. -_ -_____KHJ. 9:45 p.m. W

Page Thirty


Lane, Vance....KGER, 10:05 a.m. 4:05 p.m. lli-F Lassie KEE. 3:45 p.m. Sa L. A. Story KNX, 4:30 p.m. Sa *Lawton, Fleetwood-__KMPC, 7:30 a.m. 11-Sa

...KFI, 7:15 a.m. M-F. KHJ. 9:15 p.m. M-F Layman's Hour KFWB, 9:30 p.m. Sa Lease It to the Girls KILL 8:30 p.m. F Let Freedom Ring KECA, 3:45 p.m. Sa Let George Do It.- --_KHJ. KGB, 8 p.m. 31 Let's Pretend KNX, 9:05 a.m. Sa *Lewis, Fulton KHJ, 5 p,m., 10 p.m. M-F Leyden, Bill KFWB, 10 a.m. M-F Liberal Catholic Hour_______.KFAC, 9 a.m. Su Life Can Be BeautifuL... ...... KFI, 1 p.m. 31-F Life of Riley KFI, 8 p.m. F Life With Luigi KNX, 8:30 p.m. Tu Light of the World. . KFI, 12:45 p.m. 31-1, Lindlahr, Victor... _.KHJ. 9:15 a.m. M-F Lone Ranger KECA. 7 p.m M. W.-liC m.m. Sa Lone Wolf KHJ, 6. 0 p. . Ti. Long Beach Band_______KGER. 2 p. . Tu-Su Lora Lawton KFI, 9:45 a.m. 31-1, Lorenzo Jones KFI. KIND, 2:39 p.m. 31-F Lucky Lager Dance Time....KFAC, 10 p.m. M-Sa Lunt and Abner KNX, 8 p.m. Su Luncheon at Sardi's.....t. . _ ... KFIJ. 2:30 p.m. M-F *Lundberg, Dan .. _ . _ .__KXLA, 10:30 p.m. M-Sa Lutheran Gospel Hour .. .____KXLA. 6:30 p.m. Su Lutheran Hour KHJ. KYOE, 10:311 a.m. Su Luz Theater - ..KNX. 7 p.m. 31 Lynn Looks at Hollywood.... ...... KHJ, 1 p.m. M-F Madhouse Musicale KECA. 4:30 p.m. Sa Ma Perkins......._ KFI, KFSD, 1:15 p.m. 3I-F KNX. 11:15 a.m. 31-F Malone, Ted______ ____KECA, 10 a.m. 31-F KECA, 2 p.m. Su

Manhattan Merry-Go-Round KFI, 7 p.m. Su Manhattan Playhouse KHJ, 6 p.m. F Man on the Farm KFI. 12:15 p.m. Sa Menu, Herbert J. KFI, 11 a.m. Su Manners. Zeke KECA. 7:45 a.m. M-F *Manning, Knoz___KNX, 1 p.m., 5 p.m. M-Sa Mansfield, Andy..- _K WK W, 3:30 p.m. II-F Marriage for Millions KECA, 6:39 p.m. Ti' Marx, Grouch') KECA, 8:30 p.m. W Mason, Gordon KNX, 1:30 p.m. 31-1, Massey, Curt KECA, 5:30 p.m. Su Massey, Louise KIM, 12:30 p.m. 111-F McCarthy. Charlie 111F1, 6 p.m. Su McLaughlin, Bob KLAC, 1:10, 8:10 p.m. II-F McNeill's Breakfast Club.__KECA, 8 a.m. 31-F Mediation Board_.- ....... KB& KGB, 6 p.m. Su Meet the Boss KHJ, 7:30 p.m. Sa Meet the Meeks. _ . ....... KFI, 9 a.m. Sa Meet the Missus.......- ...... - .... KNX, 2:30 p.m. 31-F

KNX. 12:30 p.m. Sa Meet the Press...,...._ .................... __KIIJ, 7 p.m. Sa Melodiana KFI, 7 a.m. Su Melodies America Loves KNX, 7:30 p.m. Tu Melody Matinee... -- KHJ, 12:45 p.m. 111-F Melody Parade . . .... ________ .... . .. KFI, 4:45 p.m. Su Merry-Go-Round — KNX, 11:15 p.m. 0 Message of Israel... _.KECA, 8 a.m. Su Midnight Elyer...._..,..... _. KFI, 12 p.m. 31-F Nlirandy ..KECA, 8:45 a.m. Sa Model Magazine.." .. _ __ .. KECA, 12:30 p.m. 11-F *Monday Morn. Headlines.. KECA, 9:15 p.m. Si, *Monitor News__ ...... --____KECA, 9:30 p.m. To Monroe, Vaughn 1131X. 9 p.m. Mn Morning Bible Hour... — KFOX, 8:30 a.m. Su Morning Concert KFAC, 10 a.m. M-Sa Horning Watch..._.____KECA, 5:30 a.m. 31-F Mother's Album__-_ ____KMPC. 6:30 p.m. Su M g. ace and JANE KNX, 6:30 p.m. F Sir. and Mrs. North KNX, 6:30 p.m. To Hr. District Attorney KFI, KFSD. 10:30 p.m. W Mr, Information KNX, 3:25 p.m. M-F

- X NX, 7:45 a.m. Ss Mr. Keen KNX, 9:30 p.m. Th 31r. President KECA, 7 p.m. Th Murray, Johnny..._. ._. .......... KFL 5:30 p.m. M-F *Marrow, Edward ___KNX. 5:45 p.m. NII-F Millie of Manhattan_ _____KECA, 6 p.m. So Music to Shave By ----KECA, 7:15 a.m. M-Sa Music You Want KliFJ, 10 p.m. 31-sta Musical Favorites_______KFAC, 3 p.m. M-Sa Musical Masterpieces__ X FAC, 4 p.m. M-Sa Musical Digest KGFJ, 6 p.m. D Musical Roundup _ —_-- ...... __.-...-.

- KGER. 10:05 a m.. 4:05 p.m. 311-F Musical Round Table KLAC, 6:30 p.m. Su *Mutual Newsreel__ ......... ...KHJ, 7:15 p.m. M-F My. Job Is Manhattan_ KECA, 9:30 p.m. Th Mysterious Traveler ' KHJ, 6:30 p.m. To Mystery Theatet__ ..... . .. _...._ KNX, 9:30 p.m. Tu My Favorite Husband KNX, 6 p.m. Sa My Friend Irma KNX, 8 p.m. M My True Story KEc %. KFMB. 10:30 a.m. M-F 'Name That Song. — KILL 8 p.m. W National Farm 6: li.ake _...KFI, 11 a.m. Su National %espers. KEC.A, Ittn. Su NBC Symphony. KFI, 4:30 p.m. Ss *Nesh tt, Norman KMPC, 11 a.m. M-F *News of the World RE!, 9:15 p.m. 3I-F *Newsweek Looks Allead KECA. 8:45 p.m. Su New York Philharmonic .. KNX, 1 p.m. Su Nick Carter__ .......... -_-_. ... _ KHJ. 4:30 p.m. Su Night Editor KNX, 10:30 p.m. M-F Noah Webster Says... ........ _ KFI, 10:30 p.m. Tit Nora Drake KFI. 4:45 p.m. 51-F

KNX. 12:30 p.m. M-F Norman, Gene. _- - KFWB. 10 p.m. M-Sts Nosey Nifties .KFOX, 12 N. Sa O'Duffy, Michael__ KHJ. 9 a.m. Sa Official Detective KHJ, 8:30 p.m. W O'Hanlon, George KIM, 6 p.m. Tu Olympic Fights.. X LAC, 10:05 p.m. Tu One for the Book................KECA, 12:35 p.m. 3I-F One Mans Family _EFL KFSD 1:30 p.m. Su Open Forum...... _... srLP4.6. Pi n l'An ' Su

Operation Daybreak__ _____ KFL 5:30 a.m. D Original Amateur Hour .11ECA, 7:30 p.m. W Otis, Don _KLAC. 3:10 p.m., 10 p.m. 111-Sa Our Gal Sunday — KNX, 10:45 a.m. 31-F Our Miss Brooks KNX, 7:30 p.m. S.11

. Outdoor Reporter KFI, 8.45 a.m. Mu EFL 7:15 a.m. Sa

Oa ths, Tom KFI, 6:30 a.m. M, W,F Ozzie and Harriet KFI. 9 p.m. Su Pacific Lutheran Hour —EFWB, 9:30 p.m. Su Parent-Youth Forum. RFI, 9:30 a.m. Su Parsons, toluene KECA, 7:15 p.m. Su Passing Parade__ —K11.1, 4:30 p.m. 1M-F Paul, Les KECA, 6:45 a.m. 5I-F Pause That Refreshes KNX. 4:30 p.m. Su *Pearson, Drew KECA, 9 p.m. Su People Are Funny NFL 8:30 p.m. Tu People's Platform . .11NX, 10:30 a.m. Su l'epper Young's Family.._...KFI, 1:30 p.m. M-F Perry Mason — -____KNXii.mlpe. .m 2:15 s-Fu Pet Exchange. l'et Magazine__ —_ _ —_ KLAC. 4:15 p.m. NI Pet Parade KEUX, 7 p.m. Ti, *Peterson, Elmer....KFL KIND. 6:45 p.m. W-Sa *Pettengill, Sam _ .. ...KECA, 1:15 p.m. Su Philip Marlowe Philip Morris Playhouse Piano Plarbollue KNX, 5:30 p.m. Sa KNX, 8 p.m. F Pigskin Rev lew ...KECA. 12:30 p.m. Su KHJ, 4:30 p.m. Sa Platter Party Plas It Agam KF1 7-30 a.m. M-Sa KEC A. 111:30 U.111. SU POI ico Relletins KEI, 11:35 p.m. I) Policing L.A.... - -- -KHJ 13:15 a.m. Sa Poole, Bob KILL 11:30 p.m. Sa Portia Faces Life....KFI, KFSD, 3:15 p.m. 311-F Potter, Peter_RFWB, 9:30 a.m. Su, 11 a.m. M-Sa Press Conference KECA, 8:30 p.m. Th Preview Theater KFMR, 9 p.m. F *Pringle, Nelson .... _KNX, 7 a m., 11 p.m. M-Sa l'ro and Con M I, 11:30 p.m. Su Proudly We Hall KFI, 11:15 p.m. NI Proudly We Hail KMPC. 7:30 p.m. Su. 7 p.m. Sa 'Queen for a Day_KILI. KGB, 11:30 a.m. 31-F Quids as a Flash KH.1. 3:30 p.m. Su

I Quiet Please KECA, 3 p.m. Su Quiz Kids ..KFI, 2 p.m. Su Quizzicale KECA. 11:45 a.m. M-F Radio, American Way _ KECA, 9:45 a.m. Sa Radio Pulpit ______ ......... _ ....... KFI, 9 a.m. Su Railroad Hour KECA, 8 fp.m. M Random Notebook - KHJ. 9:45 a.m. Su RCA-Victor Show ....KFI, KPH), 3:30 p.m. Su Red Ryder..-..-- KHJ. KVOE. 7:30 p.m. To. Th Red Skelton ._ KFI, 7:30 p.m. F Relaxin' Time KECA, 6:45 p.m. Tu Remember That Music__ ....... K M, 6:15 p.m. To Remember When KHJ, 6:45 p.m. F Report to the People.. KECA. 7:30 p.m. To Reported Missing _ .K1FOX. 8 p.m. Th Reviewing Stunit KGB, KVOE, 9:30 a.m. Su *Richfield Reporter KECA, 10 p.m. Su-F Right to Happiness EFL KFSD. 1:45 p.m. M-F Rise and Shine.......--_______KHJ, 6 a.m. 111-Sa Rhapsody in Wax _.___ _.__ XHJ, 12 p.m. D Road of Life KFI, 12:15 p.m. M-F Roads to Success KGII., KGER, 3:30 p.m. Su *Roberts, Clete FCHJ. 10:15 a.m. Su KFWB, 9 p.m. 51-Th, 8:45 p.m. F

Rocky Jordan KNX, 8:30 p.m. Su Rogers, Smoky KHJ, 12:15 p.m. Su Romance KNX. 3:30 p.m. Se Romance of Helen Trent_KNX, 10:30 a.m. 31-F Romance of Highways ..... ....RECA, 10:15 a.m. Su *Roosevelt, Eleanor & Anna KECA, 11:15 a.m. M, W. F

*Roper, Elmo.... _____.KNX, 11:15 a.m. Su Roy Rogers Show KHJ, 4 p.m. Su Rosemary ........ ____ ..... -____KNX, 9:45 a.m. M-F MOSS. Lanny.- ....... .._ ...... ,.._.KHJ, 10:45 p.m. Tu-F

KILL 6:45 p.m. Sa Sally in Our Alley-- ---KMPC, 3 p.m. Th Salt Lake Tabernacle_ __KNX, 9:30 a.m. Su Sam Spade .......... _________. ...... KNX, 9 p.m. Su Saturday Chef KFL 10:45 a.m. Sa Saturday Session.. .... -..... .... .KECA, 11:30 a.m. ma Schlssler, Paul..- -_-__KNX, 9:30 p.m. W Science Editor RE!, 11:15 p.m. W Science of Mind. —.- - XF WB. 6:45 a.m. M-F Scoot Jamboree Screen Guild KFI, 4 p.m. sa .. K M. 8 p.m. Ti. Scully, Frances. — .. KECA, 3:45 p.m. M-F Second Mrs. Burton _________KNX, 12 N, M-F Secret Mission... ... KIM, 5:30 p.m. Su Shadow .... KHJ. 3 p.m. Su Sherlock Holmes7........... __ ........ .... K M. 5 p.m. Su *Shirer, William KILL 11 a.m. Su Shop per's Specie KECA. 8 a.m. . • Shore Party __KECA 11 a.m. Sa Show Biz Quiz Sing It Again__ R H% II. to a.m. 11-F RNA, 8 p.m. Se Skelton, Red KFI, 7:30 p.m. F Ski Time Sky King KLA(, 8:30 p.m. Th

Skyway to the Stith 11 Ca -- llk3i5X:3,0 21)m:.30 . pN.mi.W. St Slocum, Charles KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Su Smilin' Ed McConnell KFI, 9:30 a.m. Se Smith, Helene....... - -EGER, 6:30 p.m. 31-F Smith, Ithaard K.....-- ......... KNX, 9:05 a.m. Su Smith, Jack. KNX, 9:15 p.m. 11-F *Smith, Kate ..... - MI& KGB, 10:30 tl. M. M-F Smith, Norwood KECA, 3:30 p.m. M-F *Sokoisky. George KECA. 10:30 p.m. Su Solitaire Time..... - Song for You..,... .KMPC. 8:30 a.m. M-F

KRKFFFII:1:317 p.m. Songs for Saturday. Songs for Sunday Songs of Faith . EFL 6:15 a.m. Su Southertfaires .KECA. 8:30 a.m. Su Spade Cooley Time - - KFVD, 11 p.m. D Spears. Frederick KFVD, 3 p.m. Su Spelling Bee ...... - -- -----„KFI, 3:30 p.m. 51

Spiritual Mobilisation._ -KMPC, 8 p.m. Su Sports Dial ILBXD, 5:30 p.m. 31-Ss Sports Folio DWI, 8:45 p.m. F Sports Newsreel__ _KFI, KFSD. 8:30 p.m. F Sports Final.._- -_ _KF WB, 7:30 p.m. Id-F Spotlight Revue KNX, 8:30 p.m. F Squeakin' Deacon- XKLA, KENO, 9 p.m. ill-E

Stafford, -.50 __-. - - ....-.. .. KGE11. 12:30 p.m. 311-F

KECA, 8 p.m. Tit Standard Hour.. ----KFI, ILFSD, 9:30 p.m. Su Standard School KFI, 11 a.m. Th Stand-In_ . S — . MPC, 12 n. Su

1LNX, 9 a.m. 31-F tanley, Eddie St3rlight Moods . K K111.1, 6 p.m. Th Starr, Kay Star Time__ KECA. 7:39 p.m. 131 KMPC, 5:05 p.m. 31-F Stars Behind the Mike KECA, 10:43 p.m. Su. Stars in the Spotlight Stars Over Hollywood KI M, 8:45 p.m. Su• KNX, 12 a. Sa Stella Dallas Stop the Music KFI, KFSD, 2:15 p.m. M-F KECA, 6 p.m. Su Straight Arrow -- - -.......KHJ, 6 p.m. Th 'Strike It Rich KNX, 3.30 p.m. Su Strolling Tom......... .....KFVVB. 9 a.m. 5I-F Sunday Evening Club., —.KFAC, 8:45 p.m. Su Sunday Morning Melodies... KMPC, 8:15 a.m. Su Sunday Vespers. KECA, 11:30 a.m. Su Sunrise Salute.__________KNX. 6:15 a.m. 31-Sa Superman KHJ, 3:45 p.m. 51-F Supper Club .. ....._______KFL RFS % 9 p.m. M-F Surprise Package. —.. —ILECA. 2 p.m. lff-F Suspense KNX. 7 p.m. Th Symphonette....KNX, 10:30 p.m Su. 6:30 p.m. Ss *Take a 5 p.m. Sa 'Take It or Leave It K H, 8 p.n.. Su Talent Scouts._ ......... _......_ ........ ENN, 6:30 p.m. M Taylor, Mary lee KFI, 11;30 a.m. Sa Taylor. Henry .1 KHJ, KGB, 9:45 p.m. M,F Taylor Made Melodies.--__KFI, 6:45 a.m. M-Sa KECA, 11 a.m. Su; KFI, 10:30 a.m. Su

Teen-Timers KHJ, 9:30 a.m. Sa Telephone Hour KFI, KFSD, 10 p.m. 31 Television Talent Test KFI, 6:15 p.m. Sat Tell It Again KNX, 8:30 a.m. So Templeton, Dink ...KHJ. 9:15 p.m. Sa Theater Gull&._.- .. _ ...... RECA, 7:30 p.m. Su Theater of Today KECA. , 19 p 0 o.m. I .m. S Theatre, U.S.A The Jedge ..KHJ. 9 a.m. M-F The Sheriff KJ: la, KFMB, 7:30 p.m. F TTlitiein U3'iltainst ler KNX, 9:30 p.m. Su

KILL 8:30 p.m. Tu This Changing World T KECA, 1 p.m. Su This Is for You REV.'.. 10 a.m. Ss This Is Your FBI_ KECA, 9:30 p.m. F This Is Your Life_ This Woman's Secret hi I, KKINN .13.9, 9:530 pp..pnim3n...,Will *Thomas, Lowell Three Alarm__ Tillamook Kitche — KMPC. 2 P. m M-F n....KFL KFSIL 10:30 a.m. Sa 'Today's Children....KFI, KIND. 12:30 p.m. M-1" Tom Mix .1(11J, KGB, 5:45 p.m. M-F Tone Tapestries . ...KHJ, 7 a.m. Su Town Meeting_ .KECA, 8:30 p.m. Tu Treasury Show KECA, 1:30 p.m. So True Detective.. ___KHJ.......KGB, 2;30 p.m.

s . Si.a

*True or False-- 'Truth or Consequences Twenty Questions KFI, 9:30 p.m. So KI M 8 p.m. Su Twilight Tale. KMPC 4:15 p.m. Tu. Th *Twin Views KB& 7:45 p.m. Su

Under Arrest KHJ, 6:30 p.m. Su United Nations KF WB, 9:15 p.m. Tu-Th United Nations Reporter KFI. 11:15 p.m. F Unity Daily Word..-___..RFAC. 8:45 a.m. M-F Unity Daily Word. --..KFWB, 9:30 p.m. M-F University Explorer University Theatre KNX, 9:15 a.m. So KFL 12:30 p.m. Su Veteran Wants to Know....KHJ, 12:45 p.m. Su Violins in the Morning HE!, 6:30 a.m. Mn Voice of Firestone ... _ K M, KFSD. 6:30 p.m. SI Voice of Neighborhood_KMPC, 11:15 a.m. M. W,F Voice of Prophecy....K11.1. KGB. 8:30 a.m. Su Waring, Fred KFI, KFSD, 8 a.m. 131-1- KFL KFSD, 8:30 p.m. Th * Washington Inside Out... KECA, 10:15 p.m. So Weaver, Hank....KECA. 5:45 p.m.' 10:15 p.m. Sa KECA, 6:15 p.m. 31-1

Welcome, Travevers IVE,CA, 9 a.m. M-E * Wells, Carveth..- KY!, 8:30 a.m. Su-F Wendy Warren — ..... ....KNX, 10 a.m. M-F Whalen, Monica KHJ. 10:15 p.m. So What Makes You Tick....KECA, 10:15 a.m. 31-F KNX. 12:45 p.m. To-I'

What's My Name' KECA, 7:30 p.m. Sa Wheeler, Burritt KFI, 11:15 a.m. 31,Tu. W.I' When a Girl Marries....KFL KFSD, 3 p.m. 51-F Whiteman, Russ • KFTD. 1:15 p.m. Sa Whiz Ouir KECA. 8:30 p.m. So Whoa Bill Club.„ —. —...KFAC, 5:30 p.m. M-F %%Kenton. H. E KNX, 1:15 p Williams, Tex .m. M. W.I' KECA, 9:30 p.m. Sin

_ KECA, 6:311 p.m. NI KHJ, 12:15 p.m. Su

Willson, Meredith. * Winchell. Walter REV'.. 7 p.m. Su _..- — _- _-.. —.-....KHJ. 3:30 p.m. Su

Winner Take All KNX. 14:30 at.m. II-I Women Are Wonderful--. —.KMPC. 19 n. 51-1, Women's Forom KNX. 7 p.m. To W inner. Harry .. REV'., 6r.15 p.m. 31. W.1 Vont and KNX. 11:45 p.m. M-1 You Are There KNX, 12:30 p.m. Su Young America Speaks KFI, 10:13 a.m. Sa Young, Norma.. — KHJ. 1:30 p.m. M-F Young Dr. Malone KNX. 11:30 a.m. 31-1-Young Widder Brown____KFI, 2:45 p.m. M-1 Your Song and Mtne....._ KNX, 7 p.m. W Yours for a Song KHJ, 9:30 p.m. Sa Youth Asks Goveroznent__ —_KECA. 7 p.m. Tu *Zacharias, Adm. Ellis K W, 9:15 p.m. Su

Page Thirty-one


Mikemen: Bill Spargrove (Continued from Page 8)

Register and Tribune and several other papers, had just purchased KSO in the Iowa capital, and was at the time building his staff. Needless tb say, young Spargrove was hired as an announcer. He stayed with KSO for three years, then went to W MT, at Cedar Rapids, as program manager, returning to the Des Moines station as director of News and Special Events for the Iowa net-work, a five-station chain. It was while Bill held this job that

he met NBC's Bob Trout, while the latter was covering the Drought Con-ference in 1936, and this meeting gave Bill the urge to go to New York for a combined vacation and look-see at job possibilities there. The thrill of his life came when he was in-vited to be guest announcer at the Rainbow Room and Grill. What Bill didn't know was that network big-wigs were listening to the guest an-nouncer from Iowa. Apparently they liked his work, for two months later he was offered a job on the coast-to-coast chain. During the New York period, Spar-

grove announced many nationally known shows . . . "True or False,' "The Rudy Vallee Hour," "Cavalcade of America," the Arch Oboler plays, and Drew Pearson, and made a name for himself as the Esso News Re-porter for Standard Oil of New Jersey,

Into TV When Esso decided in 1940 to try

out a program series on that new medium, television, Bill was selected to head the telecasts. He recalls that they rehearsed every day for a week for the quarter-hour show. They tried out all kinds of ideas during the series, pioneering in the use of props such as maps to show the location of important world events, pictures of people in the news stories, and so on. Another early-day television show

of which Spargrove was headman was the "Explorer's Club," on which he presented such eminent adven-turers and exp orers as Lowell Thomas, Sir Hubert Wilkins, Vilhjal-mur Stefansson, and others. Here again the telecasts of the round-table story sessions by famous members of the club were augmented by motion pictures showing their travels and explorations. But all of this was before the

spring of '42. It was in April of that year that Bill entered the military service as a private in the Signal Corps. . . . And here again a kindly fate was with him. He was selected for OCS, and when he was finally de-commissioned in April of 1946, he held the rank of Major in the Air Transport Command, where he had served as production officer of the ATC's route-briefing motion pictures covering all routes of the ATC. Bill saw service in every theater of the recent conflict, and produced more

Page Thirty-two

than 250 films. He was everything from location scout to producer and film editor.

Settles Down Hero It was while heading the produc-

tion of these tactical operations films that he first spent some time in California, and like many another service man, decided then to make the Golden State his home when the shooting was over. So, at war's end, he joined ABC's

staff in Hollywood instead of return-ing to Gotham and his old job there. Bill, who is a bachelor,, lives in

Beverly Hills with his two elderly aunts, one of whom is an opera coach and the other a piano teacher . . . which could account for one of his hobbies—that of serious music. However, Bill admits, his first love

during his leisure hours is hunting in nearby areas, with a flying trip to the High Sierras for bigger game, when he can arrange it. "What's the biggest game you ever

bagged?" we asked Bill, expecting to hear him recount an adventure with a grizzly . . . or something equally ferocious...."A deer, spelled with a double 'e'," was his proud reply.. "But I'm looking forward to the day when I can go on a real big-game hunt./ Bill thinks that New York is the

greatest city he's ever seen, and Cali-fornia the greatest state. . . . That's why he lives in California!

On the Road With The Rover Boys

(Continued from Page 5)

two of them stumbled out, nervously raised the hood and peered inside. In an anxious study of the motor, the travelers decided "it must be the fan belt" (which was flapping about in shreds).

They reached the Ford agency in Livingston, Montana, with their ter-rible problem, and to their great de-light it was discovered that a Chev-rolet piece fit! (As a precaution, the boys bought the agency's complete supply, and the back end of the car is now loaded with Chevvy fan belts.) As Phil and Frankie prepared to leave, the shopman wrote out their bill. "Name?" he asked. "Phil Har-ris," said Phil. There was a great pause. "The Phil Harris who's on the radio. My gosh! Wait'll I get my wife on the phone!" The garage magically became Grand Central Station, a reporter from the local newspaper arrived for a "quote," and the travelers were celebrated until the last fond wave, "goodbye." The rest of their journey, through

Wyoming, Utah and Nevada, was comparatively uneventful, with the usual crowds collecting to admire the Triumph and ask questions at every stop.

"But I have to tell this one on Frankie," says Phil. "Whenever any-body asked me who I was, I'd tell them. Then I'd say, 'By the way, I want you to meet Frank Remley.'

At the mention of his name they'd scream, like for S in at r a. But Frankie's a perfect gentleman, and he'd always add, 'Well, I'm the real Frank Remley, but my voice wasn't suited for the radio part, so a won-derful actor named Elliott Lewis plays me on the air.' "So, in this one little town, a•very

cute girl came up to the car, and when I introduced her to Remley, she said, 'Ohhhh! Frank Remley! Ohhhhh!' While she was still trying to recover, Frankie touched me on the shoulder: "'Phil,' he whispers, 'do me a

favor? I promise faithfully I'll tell her the truth, but please, just this once, can I stall it for an hour?'"

* *

CONIIC TURNED AUTHOR Doodles Weaver, the "Professor Fiet-

elbaum" of the Spike Jones-Dorothy Shay "Spotlight Revue," has written a biography of his boss, Spike Jones. It's called "The Golden Spike," and is tagged for publication this winter.

Contests and Offers -CAVALCADE OF AMERICA," KFI, 9:30 p. m. Monday — An essay contest open to school children, and in connection with the Thanksgiving broadcast of "Us Pilgrims" November 22. will be announced on the pro-gra m that date. Essays must be limited' to 100 words, should convey the writer's own concept of the first Thanksgiving and be sent to local NBC station managers, postmarked not later than midnight Novem-ber 29. Writer of the winning essay will receive a prize to be awarded by the local station manager.

FRANK HEMING WAY, KHJ, 7:00 a. m. and 4:15 p.m. daily — White King Soap offers a thirty-two-page booklet entitles) "Washing-ton Made Easy," in return for one White King Soap boxtop. Mall with your name and address to: White King Soap, Depart-ment "A." Los Angeles 54, California.

JIM MIE FIDLER, KECA, 8:30 p. m. Sunday — An eight-week contest to find a slogan for the non-profit National Kids Day Foun-dation, Incorporated, will be announced Sunday, November 21. Each Sunday, Fid-ler will introduce a motion-picture player as his "Mystery Star of the Week," and gives clues as to identity. To the person submitting the best ten-words-or-less Na-tional Kids Day slogan of the week, and correctly earning the star, will go $2500. Four runners-up will be selected each week also, and placed in a - pool" for the grand array of prizes at the end of the contest: (including a $2500 lot 4nywhere in the na-tion. a house valued at $10,000, a $3500 swi mming pool, a complete Hotpoint Elec-tric Kitchen, a $1000 Bulova wrist watch). Mailing address and contest details will be announced by Fidler on the program. "QUIZ KIDS," KFI, 2:00 p.m. Sunday —Ali elementary and high-school students are in-vited to write letters on "The Teacher Who Has Helped Me Most." in the progra m's an-nual contest to find "The Best Teacher of 1949." Winning instructor will receive na• tional fame. $2500 for a full year of study at any university or college, a radio appear-ance, and a week's entertainment in Chi-cago with all expenses paid. Two second prizes of $1000 each. Student writing the winning letter will be given a $1000 U. S. Security Bond. Second-place awards of $500 and runner-up awards of bicycles, honor certificates and gold-plated "Quiz Kids" pins. Letters may be any length, and should contain student's name, age. grade, school and home address, plus name and school of nominated teacher. Contest Closes December 18. Address "Quiz Kids nBoeisst. Teacher Contest," Chicago 77.


"Write It!" Challenges Tommy Tomlinson, CBS Assistant Western Program Director, And an Expert on the Written Radio Word

By Judy Maguire

COF COURSE you can make all the rules, then some-body comes along and puts down a script that violates every one of them . . . but it's a good script."

With caution, Columbia's Everett (Tommy) Tomlinson paves the way behind him, in his discussion of what makes or breaks a piece of dra-matic radio writing. Tommy, who has been thirteen

years with KNX, writing, approving and blue-penciling broadcast mate-rial, was recently appointed the net-work's Assistant Western Program Director. When he joined KNX, the station had not yet become part of CBS. Tommy worked the night re-ception desk, wrote a little publicity and i rewrote the script material which came with various transcrip-tion service programs. When CBS bought the outlet, re-

nowned Hector Chevigny was named Continuity Chief, and with his re-organization, Tommy was actually the first man in the KNX-CBS script department. That office saw some exceptional writing talent in its ear-ly years: Jerry Lawrence, Joel Ma-lone, Paul Pierce, Don Prindle, Ros-well Rogers and Carl Hersinger, with "Old Heck" Chevigny as an inspira-tion and "bossman." "Remember 'Black Chapel'?" asks

Tommy. "It was one of the earlier horror shows, and 'Heck' used to write it, with his machine facing into the corner walls of the office, his back hunched down and the papers flying over his shoulder as he fin-ished them. Every once in awhile he'd turn around and leer at us, then go back to work. 'The Black Chapel' . . . how can I forget it?" One of Tommy's embryo assign-

ments was "The Nightcap Yarns," narrated five times a week by Frank Graham. "I can recall many the time when I'd come in at nine in the morning, and still not have an idea for a story by eleven or twelve. Then I'd start a yarn and decide it wasn't

November 2 I , 1948

going to work out, and so on, up to deadline. There's nothing like the experience you get on the front fir-ing line."

And You?. Tommy opines that practically

everyone has a story in him, maybe two or three. "When 3,0u have a natural idea, it's easy to write it," he says. "A few people, because they've been able to create such stories under ideal conditions, think it's going to be easy sailing; but you're a real writer when you can have something thrown at you .and carry it off. If you can write when you don't feel like it, you're in." Tommy feels that the more gen-

eral experience a writer can acquire, the better equipped he becomes. "Es-pecially for radio, where sooner or later you draw on everything you've ever learned." The ability to see drama around you is a help, and Tommy recommends that the new-comer to radio-writing develop his capacities for observation and prac-tical psychology. "I think short-story courses are

very valuable to the radio scripter," Tommy adds. "While the short• story form is not radio form, it is comparable in length and resolu-tion." So far as learning the me-chanics of radio writing, he shrugs that there is no better way than ap-plying one's self to the actual effort of writing radio scripts.

And How? "A story is a story," he contends,

"and technique is not nearly so im-portant as the story itself. Most new radio writers worry far too much about transition points and where characters should come in, rather than whether they have a story to

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EVERE'TT (TOMMY) TOMLINSON joined KNX thirteen years ago,

before the station had even become Hollywood - Los Angeles outlet for the Columbia nttwork. He was lint man on Hector Chevigny's official script department staff, and still holds an important blue pen-cil on most of the shows aired from Colum-bia Square today. (CBS photo.)

tell. What comprises a good radio script can be said in one word . . . 'Interest.' "The thing is to figure out what

makes a story interesting: "People. I don't think you can

ever attach interest to anything but people. If you draw interesting peo-ple, I think your script has its best chance of success. If you don't care what happens to your characters, why should your audience? "Motivation. If your characters

are illogically motivated, your audi-ence won't buy it. I don't think most listeners can tell you what's wrong, but they inevitably sense it, when you've made a character do some-thing that no human being would do. I'll illustrate that. Suppose you have a story about a man from an Old Line family who marries an ex-show girl. His wife decides to go back on the stage. Your character is opposed to this, because of what it will do to his reputation. He is so opposed that he kills her, which of course, does a man's reputation worlds of good. "Audience Satisfaction. The best

reaction your story can get is 'Oh, of course. I should have thought of that.' You don't want your listener to say 'I knew that. So what else?' But your script is unforgivable if it

(Please Turn to Page 39)

Page Thirty-three

. . . THIRSTY? . . .

. . . CALM? . . .

. . . UNDERAGE? . . . . . . UNROMANTIC? . . .

"Zitz"/ Core "Lux Radio Theater" Has a Background of Behind-the-Scene Stories of its Players as Interesting as Any Dramatic Broadcast

Monday, 7 :00 p.m. CBS-KN X , KSIAI

.1 N 1936, when "Lux" sched-uled an appearance of the late Jean Harlow on one of its broadcasts, officials thought they had safeguard-ed a fan riot by detailing

100 policemen to handle the waiting crowd. Came show time and the huge overflow of fans clamoring for seats had not dispersed. The show was on the air when suddenly the crowd crashed through the cordon of police and burst right into the theater. The noise was thunderous, and every bit of it was broadcast to the radio au-dience. But listeners at home were entirely unaware of it—at the very moment the riot had started, the script had called for a noisy mob scene! Most "Lux" production problems

have not been solved by a benevolent Fate as in this case, but by the in-genuity of the people concerned. When the eminent actor, George Arliss, appeared in "Disraeli" in 1936, the script called for an authentic peacock cry. Producers could find no one familiar with the necessary sound. No recordings were available. Mr. Arliss volunteered the suggestion that, as he had owned a pet peacock and was able to imitate its cry, he be allowed to voice it. At the ap-propriate place in the broadcast, the dignified figure of "Disraeli" ap-

proached the mike, screeched con-vincingly and returned to the star characterization. "Lux" producers claim this as the most distinguished sound effect in radio history!

More Than One Way Temperament of the stars can be

a very real production problem, and "Lux" has had its share of this dif-ficulty. On one memorable occasion, two singing stars were featured on a broadcast. One singer had the bad habit of coughing while the other sang a solo. The director solved this with direct action. He handed the "ailing" singer a throat spray con-taining a vile tasting cough medicine and helpfully insisted that she use it. She was instantly "cured" and the show went on. Other stars have been recalcitrant

in a nicer way. In the earlier days of the broadcasts, many stars did not want to take the time to make a grueling ' radio appearance that might or might not add to their fame. When Broadway star Leslie Howard came to Hollywood, radio and picture producers were waiting at the airport to capture him for their production plans. "Lux" pro-ducers again took direct action —they hijacked his luggage! The well dress ed Howard, anxious to keep in contact with his wardrobe, followed them into their cab. During the long ride into the city, the producers

November 21, 1948

cajoled the star into appearing on "Lux."

Biggest Difficulty

The classic production problem in the show's history arose when it was decided to present "My Man God-frey" with William Powell and the late Carole Lombard recreating their original screen roles. Rights to the film and services of the stars had been secured- when it was discovered that there was no script. During the filming of the screen comedy, the director had altered the original scenario so radically and the players had contributed so much additional business that the "My Man Godfrey" that had been such a hit with movie-goers just wasn't written down. "Lux" sent four stenographers to the movies to take down the lines in shorthand, but the dialogue was too fast for them. The sound track was slowed down at a special screening, but the words became diffused and were not intelligible. Finally the en-tire film was recorded and played over and over until the girls got down every last word!

A situation just the reverse of this occurred when the program elected to do "Dark Victory" before it was ever planned as a movie. The writer made a completely original drama-tization that was so successful it was directly responsible for Warner Brothers' decision to film the story. The worst emergencies of all are

those caused by scheduled players failing to show up. Just last spring, Burt Lancaster, inexplicably missing, caused the program to go on the air without him. Radio actor Jeff Chandler ably filled in for twelve minutes until Lancaster casually strolled in. He had left the theater after rehearsal to change clothes and shave. He thought that broadcast time was an hour and a half later than it actually was!

Facts About Favorites Actors have supplied much of the

fascinating "Lux" lore. The staff re-calls how Margaret O'Brien, too young to read, memorized her entire part and went through her debut

. SUBDUED? . . .

shcw without a fluff . . how Paul Muni played his violin right up to curtain time in order to soothe his nerves ... how Joan Crawford.hung onto the mike throughout her per-formance, and took off her shoes for comfort . . . how Barbara Stanwyck slipped her heels in and out of her shoes while she acted . . . how Clau-dette Colbert wrapped her feet around a stool, for either moral or physical support. Bette Davis and Gary Cooper are

chain smokers, according to "Lux" lore. . . . William Powell and Don

(Please Turn to Page 39)

. . . ENTWINED? . . .

THIS SEASON OPENED with a distinguished production of -I Re-

member Mama,- with Barbara Bel Geddes, Oscar Homolka and Irene Dunne recreat-ing their original roles. (RKO-Radio Pic-tures photo.)

. . . UNFORGIVABLE? . . .

$upo n GIVING the Tuberculosis Vet-erans Association a chance to air its platform, Georgie Sibley Glenn took

a "voice level" Prom each of the veterans. Left to right, Jess Shiner, Phil Kennedy, Harold Gifford and Richard Brown.

teat I tem

" W1 4

= l a

It Means a Lot More Than Inviting Guests to Meet With Her a Few Minutes Before Scheduled Air Time, Getting Their Names Straight, and Letting the Rest Just Happen. It Means Work!

MRS. GLENN MODELS the new unilorms of the Girl Scouts of

America. The three "misses" Glenn, Georg-ie's daughters, have all been Scouts, and Georgie is the national vice-president of that worthy group. (Gene Lester photo.)

Monday, 9:15 p.m. X FWD

AN A SPEAKER ever be-come handicapped by know-ing too much about his sub-ject? Georgie Sibley Glenn, Monday night speaker on civic-minded KFWB's line-

up of programs called "United Na-tions," is a good example of such a handicap. But, as Georgie laughs, "I just grew up finding out about things."

New York-born Georgie is the daughter of parents known for their interest in human welfare. Her father was the organizer of the USO and is currently chairman of the U. S. Committee of the world-wide cele-brated United Nations Day. Her mother is currently in Germany, working with General Clay and the United Council of Church Women toward emancipation of the German women.

Mrs. Glenn herself began an , in-terest in community affairs the in-stant she left school. As vice-presi-dent of the Junior League, she sur-veyed all community agencies in order to place League volunteer workers. In 1937 she was asked by Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt to serve on a White House Advisory Commit-tee to coordinate various programs for youth. Since that time Mrs. Glenn has added to her reputation by work-ing with the Attorney General on juvenile delinquency, and serving as national vice-president of the Girl Scouts.

More recently, she has been living in Washington, D. C., where she spent a great deal of time conferring

with senators, congressmen and other responsible officials on measures of social importance. She has built an outstanding record in her efforts for minority groups. Since moving to Los Angeles, Mrs. Glenn is active in the Community Chest, the Girl Scouts, the United Council of Church Wom-en, the League of Women Voters, the Women's Action Committee for Last-ing Peace, and the National Con-ference of Christians and Jews.

Choosing a Subject

Nearly everyone asks Georgie how she chooses, from her myriad in-terests, any one discussion subject. "Wherever I go, to make a speech,

attend a tea, or visit a committee, I try to pick out the thing most people are wondering about and talking about. Do more people discuss the peace plans, or the rehabilitation plans for veterans?" "There's no end of subjects float-

ing around. The real work lies in lin-ing up the guests and developing for them a script that adheres to my time period. "It's much harder," she continued,

"to get some real ideas into a fifteen-minute program than it is on a show during which you can just let your guests ramble. Every second has to count, and that's why I write every word. "For instance, I heard that some of the veterans at the Birming-ham Veterans' Hospital needed help in getting people to treat them as normal human beings upon their re-lease from the hospital, well and ready to resume a normal life and Job.

(Please Tarn to Page 39)

November 21, 1948

jOR HIS piano-organ role bn Mutual's "Chandu, the Magician," pictur-esque Juan Rolando plays

under his real Indian name, Korla Pandit. In all other respects he has internationalized himself since com-ing to America from his native New Delhi. Juan's mother was a singer, and

of French descent; his father, a scholar-lecturer of English and his: toryi_and a Ilia-fiThan Cv-ho was con•_. yertNil to Christianity. When -IT-Ian was only a baby of two, his parents discovered his, extraordinary pitch and ability for playing definite mel- , odies on the piano. At the age of 4' five, Juan could duplicate any mu-sical sound. He was tutored until he was fifteen, then sent to Chicago's Conservatory of Music, where apti-tude tests established him as having "absolute pitch" and a "genius rat-ing" in tonal memory, rhythm and creativeness. Juan has a simple dignity concerning these gifts. "They have aided me in developing my or-chestral style with the organ." The piano was his instrument un-

til Juan attended the university and began playing the pipe organ every Sunday at chapel. When he was asked if he could play a Hammond for a local radio engagement, he had never seen the instrument, but he went to a Chicago music store and studied it there for three days. "When someone tells me now, 'I do not like the Hammond organ, but I like what you do,'" he says, "my only answer is that I did not like it at first, either." This is because Juan immediately thought the Ham-mond to be a little inadequate as an organ, and he decided to make it sound either like a big organ or like an orchestra. Thus his amazing ex-periments.

Results of Endeavor v Juan practiced until he could co-

ordinate and feature the drums and percussions, reeds, strings, flutes and brasses which are built into the Hammond but rarely used by per-formers. When he had mastered an "orchestra" in the instrument, he next developed various types of or-chestras . . . rumba, swing, sym-phonic, oriental-interpretative. Juan also plays the piano and organ si-multaneously, bringing his piano in with skill and integration rather than with the few small "runs" prac-ticed by his imitators. His organ-orchestra can become a

swing sextette (with drum, trumpet, guitar, bass, piano and clarinet), or a full symphony group (with a string section including violins, cellos and violas, and with nineteen or so pieces in brass and all the extras like French horns, bassoons, oboes and flutes). As a noted musical director told Juan, "My musicians make mis-takes, but you don't. You have it all there in your hands."

Sentiment ond Setting Juan is infinitely respectful of

November 21, 1948

JUAN'S REAL NAME IS KORLA PANDIT, and he uses it for his musical appearances on the -Chandu- series. He also wears his turban as a mark of his Indian heritage. In his composing and art, however, he is international at heart. (10.4. Stowell p oto.)

Moll of Music No. 76 of a Series

This Quiet Young Native of New Delhi, India, Is Practicing an Entirely New Art With His Piano and Organ. Listen to Him on "Chandu, the Magician!"

By Judy Maguire

melodies. He doesn't segue from one piece Into another. "I try to make a true setting for each song," he says, "just the same as if one group of musicians had left the stage and another had taken its place. I don't like to clash-bang out of one thing and into something else." For his rendition of "Ave Maria," for in-stance, Juan strikes several slow chimes before beginning, and with great care he chooses the melodies which will go ahead of it and after.

Juan has recently been doing re-search on folk songs, of his native Hindustan and of Latin and Vien-nese origin, as it is his constant thought to convey "the universal language" of music. "I met a colo-nel of Mexico," he says, in his in-teresting formal manner. "I could not speak his language, and he could not speak mine, but I knew the songs of his people and I could talk to him through my music." Juan has played for German, French, English and American audiences. He likes the "Chandu" show particularly "because we travel to so many countries." His following, in fact, is extremely

varied. Certain classes of his fans know him strictly as an exponent of jazz; others admire him for his in-terpretations of sacred music, or of

classics or tropical rhythms. One of his most popular renditions is of "Temptation," in which he combines oriental reeds and Latin drums with the quality of the ballad. But Juan emphasizes that he does not play with "novelty," but with principles that are "musically sound."

Creative Efforts Juan introduced his largest origi-

nal work, "The Grand Mogul Suite," in a concert at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre two years ago. He has writ-ten twenty pieces, ranging from Latin American and Oriental strains to symphonic and sacred works. His holiday carol, "Merry Christmas," is now widely sung by schools and re-ligious groups. He was staff organist at NBC for

one season, and had his own KNX program for a year. He has recently finished a Telefeature film for NBC video, co-starring Lina Romay and titled "The Maharajah and the Se-norita." Juan also played on the late Mauri Cliffer's "Teen and Twenty Time," and thereby collected his tre-mendous teen-age fan following, which now comprises so many clubs he is confused as to the number of them, but which he views with keen delight. He seldom refuses a request

(Please Turn to Page 39)

Page Thirty-seven

ESTELLE TAYLOR'S FASHION SHO W SERIES is to be filmed by Larry Finley Productions. Here the femcee of the

"Taylored Lady" series adjusts a hat to the head of pretty Rita Johnson, screen star.

THE CAMERA CATCHES Rita La Roy standing still for a moment. Rita !emcees the video quiz show "Who's That Girl?" heard and seen on KTLA at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays, and -Woman's Page," KTLA, 7:30 p.m. Sundays.

A V LOOKS LIKE A MOVIE SET —BECAUSE IT IS! The Jerry Fairbanks television crew prepares to shoot John Howard

and Ann Gwynne in -The Case of the Double Clue," tenth in the -Public Prosecutor" series which is being filmed especially lor NBC video.

Page Thirty-eight


ANNE RUTHERFORD AND MIKE STOREY WORK at developing a set of signals for the charades played

on KTLA's -Pantomime Quiz" seen each Sunday night. Mike emcees the show.

DAVID STREET SWITCHES with the cameraman .and e yes the view

through the lenses just before appearing as a guest star on KLAC-TY's musical video show.

li p A PARTIAL VIEW OF NBC's TELEVISION STUDIO F in Hollywood shows workman on scaffolding installing

wiring. The construction work was finished November 1, and KNBC expects to be telecasting commercially on Channel 4 by January I, 1949. (NBC photo.)

• •ter -,-.1 - •


"Great Big Fifteen Minutes"

(Continued from Page 36)

"I suppose I could have just inter-viewed a doctor on the subject, but I wanted a little warmer, more au-thentic feeling for a subject so very real." Georgie went on to explain that,

knowing little about the problems of these veterans, she decided to visit the hospital and talk with them. (As she talked, we unobtrusively made notes of the time consumed by her trip, her visit, her editing, scriptwriting, show guest rehearsal and finally the actual show.) On the visit to the veterans' hos-

pital, an engineer from KFVVB and a tape recording machine accom-panied Georgie. While she sat around talking with some of the men, the engineer recorded their conversation.

Vet Problems One man's concern lay with the

difficulty of getting a job upon his release, since many employers and other workers seemed afraid they might "catch" tuberculosis if they were near anyone who had had it. Most people realize this isn't true, but the few who remain ignorant can constitute a problem. Another boy worried that he could never re-turn to an active job. Another wanted advice as to what new kind of work he might be able to learn. As they talked, Mrs. Glenn tried to evaluate, not only which points were most im-portant, but also which men she might use on the broadcast, which allows only six minutes for this part of the show. The usual number of "uhs," frantic pauses and unrelated remarks that come up when four eager boys talk to an interested lis-tener could, of course, be cut out of the tape later. Georgie Glenn is usually busy with scissors, stop watch and scotch tape after a field trip. Still Georgie wasn't content with

her contemplated show about the vets. She wanted the veterans' views corroborated by a reputable doctor, who stated there is positively no pos-sibility of infection in an office or plant where a cured veteran is work-ing. She also wanted to have some-one representing the general public on the program, to express the doubts and interests of the average lay person. After considerable re-search, she invited the head doctor from the hospital's tuberculosis ward and the president of the Los Angeles Employment Bureaus Asso-ciation. Because of the constant pressure

of time, Georgie Sibley Glenn inter-viewed these men several days be-fore they were to appear, capturing in her notes not only the thoughts but also the speaker's way of ex-pressing himself. Next she wrote the script, in which

the doctor, the business man and she

November 21, 1940

were to augment by live discussion the tape-recorded portion macle from the veterans' conversation. Even that didn't finish the preparations. The night of the broadcast, the two men guesting on Georgie's show came to the studio one hour early. Again the script was gone over, for timing, voice level adjustments, terms and phrases to be corrected, and for a certain amount of nervousness to be put under control. The smiling, blue-eyed Georgie

finished, "It's not a matter of asking guests to join me just before air time, getting a few names straight in my mind, then just sitting and talking. Oh, no. "I notice that you've made notes

of the time spent on each step of the procedure. Ten or twelve hours may seem like a lot of work for fifteen minutes of air time, but believe me, I enjoy every second of it. And there are so many, many people really interested in hearing the true story of other people, and what is impor-tant to those other people, that it's a satisfaction and a great blues-of f-setter to be able to get up this in-formation for them."

Men of Music (Continued from Page 37)

to appear at a benefit or civic meet-ing, and has been notable for his talent contributions to the county in its work with juvenile delinquency. At the national meeting of the

Congress of Correction in Long Beach, Juan was on the bill just be-fore pianist Jose Iturbi. He did three numbers, was called back for three encores and finally left the stage amid an absolute din of applause. Biscailuz and Mr. Iturbi brought Juan back before the footlights. "What do you need me for?" de-manded Mr. Iturbi of the audience. "You've just heard the greatest ar-tist in the world. I've never seen anything like this in my life!" Juan, incidentally, has returned

the compliment. He and his wife, Berle, have named their new son Jose.

Got a Story in You? (Continued from Paye 33)

explains: 'Now, you, as the listener, couldn't know this, but Roger's moth-er was brought up in the Belgian Congo, where she learned to shoot a bow and arrow, and she committed the murder through an open win-dow.' A conclusion like that, and you've earned a bunch of very mad listeners."

And So? Tommy thinks the field is wide

open for any writer with good ideas. "We get too many scripts that are the same story over again in differ-ent words, but often not very differ-ent words at that. We can call the

"Lux" Lore ((:ontinued from Pa 35)

Ameche drink a huge amount of milk to steady their nerves. . . . Jimmy Stewart commits the actor's unfor-givable sin of studying his lines right up to air time. . . . Frank Sinatra is frustrated —he can't hang on to his "Lux" mike when he sings. It's suspended from the ceiling. . . . Mickey Rooney, always in high gear, plays the drums and leads the or-chestra in a jazz session during re-hearsals. Among the memorable happenings

on the show was the time the tem-peramental Orson Welles appeared in "Jane Eyre." He behaved like a model choir boy. Later he explained that he was merely adapting himself to the surroundings. Impressed by the orderliness and dignity of the program, he commented, "It was like playing a split week at St. Patrick's Cathedral." The notably reticent Ronald Col-

man supplied another fondly remem-bered line. During the rehearsal for "Random Harvest" he refused an offer of a snack before going on the air. "No, thanks," he said, "eating makes me unromantic." Lionel Barrymore, Lewis Stone and

Edward Arnold, three real-life friends, appeared in "Three Wise Fools" as close friends. Barrymore and Stone picked on Arnold through-out the rehearsal, kidded him, made him light their cigarettes, et cetera. Someone asked why Arnold was on the spot. "Because," explained Barry-more and Stone, "he's the youngest!"

ending and characters before they even happen. "The area is not exhausted, by any

means, and the new writer is not go-ing to solve anything by going out-side that area. He's got to look in the nooks and crannies. "I think plot is a misleading sub-

ject. Writers search for new plot very frequently, then decide there's no such thing, so settle on an old plot and write it as it's always been written. Now, basically, there may not be any new plots, but there are infinite facets which have not been explored. "I love to read a script and say

'This guy's going to kill his wife,' and two pages later, his wife kills him. If a story can go off on a tan-gent that's unexpected, while still staying logical, that story interests me and I'm sure it must interest the listener."

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Page Thirty-nine

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