Page 1: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

®, - ------------- D e a t h

S c o r e b o a r d ^ ^

H s - i s r . " ‘ -I" “ ■.

; S S l S = i = i L '

: ^ 0 N 5 a ! z E E E 3 H Z E ;

gl Negro-Boy X o ^ e a t h in

S c h o o l D o„ r r t E BOCK. A rk.. M arch 5 (U P D -T w c

fire tl'roUBli tlic ir liorim tor

g s = K E 3 S B ] j S 5

S en ate U r g e d

O K B u d g e t , '- 's m S E M arch 6 ( f l ^ I d a h o Jca is ln to rfl w o n .u nmMSod bud fre t o f 75 m illio n do lln ra f o r ‘ i S i in th e n e x t tw o y e a r s m o n e w e w il

a t hom e." S e n . l lo w n r d i lc c h tn e r , D ., * f ? m a n o f th e jo in t n c n a te -h o u .s e f in an c e -n p i

X . in to th e f in n l o f lFBI L ocates its-1959 Masion.*_______________ _ endfl IcRnlly nt m:

___g t / ^ l f .11 R n h V by the devicc of s3 1 0 1 4 5 " clock the lawn• i 1 Ta.9 r i T r continue th e ir wc AlUl I t S UIV MMt OUMOm I• w jounim enl could noi

DSTAWO, C llf.. March S « S -A '

S K t i ' b a S 3 ^ ' X ^ SJ « n Yocum Tclrtnted to •cerUln undercurrM

.>,? tL^uu^m of Htr darVcenMl dlsMUitncllon «n^l

t “n i s s r , ? 'Women F * « E»ch O h t r j i« h tn e r w ld li

In ft bedroom lhe »senl* found eommlUee m#de 1(4I bfind new biMlnel and M iue rteommendsUons

-W rtlla r--» u d --o W « rp lad ^ “^ ^ lt-h»d.iaereM ed pr-ihit Mr*. Yocum h»d l»vLihe<i * priatioiu by «boiInulr»l«d jnftternnl Jov# o a » n - [ ^ u n g Uj* toUl l^ f r M miia'i child, • t *x meuurea api

Ttie baby. Ill will* *■ ’' ‘'J " houae w « laUwUd uie w u Uken from nla ,njouot. Only «eUoiilrtpluj ta'ln, brother, laat 'd a y . jpproprlalloni 1imeartd to hiTe been well cared oomplcte the pri; Iw. Uie r a r Mid. . the #«»lon. alUiough

•nn baby waa reunited w ^ Wa *r bllU aUo remalnt ■ ntrther.-RuQuWorea. » . .widowed

molber of a lx » t Uu oat*riO'PO* <ue.Un autlon. . _ Hechtner aald th«

m n o r y tn d the fnenaiy loc reue -wu In Ou Tomin »ht had allowed to a lt w im tl, ^ jjoq,her ehlldren. lactd each other to J7 mlllle

TlmfiUiyr------- -------------------- r ----------r a r - OnH enlty oi________L«Te.I».Sbown............... proprl»tIon...wR8„ 1

Ttiey flrat met laal February 17 <c«atiai.4 f»»»then Mn. Yocum. calllng herself ------------------Ann WllUam* and identifying h e r- ___71Rl( u a weim worker from a lo- j Q V l C t S l l

• etl ehurch. called on M n, FJorea to clltr any help lh a t m ight be T T » 1 T >

m r v h ..b ..d , ^ M l K e - C l

~ m ? t r " a n d ' U«*eomjnunlty \o f • T l I l l C Oalirlo haa contributed fo<».tWhlnj and neod«l aervlcea to L g jpz iO Eaal Oe;Ua Umliy ever alnce. _ S^LUPD—S?vlel Prei

-------------------------- lUinishchev'. *»ld u' I T ' *1 T * extend hla deadline

I f a i l c y J u n i o r

- ' W i n s ' O r a t o r y -

C o n t e s t P r i z e ' iVe have no groibul we musl tolve th

JCIOME. March 5 — Wllllnm Icm." hc aald.ButhUr. n . Ilttlley Junior, won Th# Soviet leadei iWi place In the »ilal« American lunch for visiting m Utlon oratory conical Iield' W ed- Drillah piiTUaraeaL.nodjy altemoon m Bobe, FTftn* KhrtuhchcVa I'tatc

Bofd, Jerome. ittAte conical Berlin ahowdown mcl'^^an. reported today^ poned confirmed an i

Kliolirihip to the calleite of hla aaUa I. Mlkoyan. af <hcil», uid.aK pldm tdal.-w lllpar- from the United fit W »i« In the regional contest, jJay 37 deadline waa

Of >hkh ylll he nnnooncm _Khruihehav-x*lUr.

^ e lUlley itudent dctealcd alx I t r im by‘ m y ^ « cJier coniejianu, each represenU matum.

—u,‘ * db trtct throughoul - i f y e negotlata *e —'fi»ttBtf..'nie imiuiinVcuiileii wlH *,ili Kfli“i)8 "MiV T)

t Jun* 27 or July S7,“ I However, the So

*on ictonil iilnrp n th f r finalists e;nnia<i_tiini_nn£e_ri j(un‘«r7Bonnera m . Mp^raU peace tre<

WeUer: DIek Eaat Oerman comm ’ Huptrl.; Kenneth Kuhn, Po- end the PoUdam

l» « which allowed tl w m ? ‘he Rev. cupy part of BerUn Wl llim Jerome, and teed It free acceaa

'■ «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----------------

------------------------• ■ Pilot Max Conrad

Kayburn Finishes ri M Years Service

■' - I ' X T T 7 I 1 T Tl « i ' , . S " “ " ' “mn. D . T tx ,

cttdM* I n '° ' 'K c v l i y record, ex- A aertcan In an amb

'0 WwhinV^;?- ’'■ho « m cTlie NE'V YOUK, Mar

' •''Id bVfom ,,, Conner prealdent ot”®'' Of m S , . i Can-' on-a charge of laree

naytiurr, nm . -,n ' of y»chta donate '”:ion ” -"f>ie to W aah- alres.IIIII, M a r c h e , - . .

T o D,, , BOISE, Mareh 9'"=‘'’Uc « 8U t« collere

' '^ y h u m told propoaad t*day la bJ- appropriation from

« S H I . r . U . „ s u . .

* r ’i lm-” «Wfi.nw v.'iih ?i" A major a tom ifS 'litr. - s S e * year Mldweal today. The

"ported to ^ 5 “ “ “ * a u n e r tn g impactv e r i cloied la K tfirt

— —^A-Regional-New8papcr Servi

OftlcUl Cllr *nil • .------------- Co>;r'lTK...p.p.r' ----------- '

Burned nArkansa ormitory I’w en ty * o n c N c jrro b o y s ijtirncci to ( i t o r y . a t t h e A rkan .su .s K e ^ ro B oys .■as c s tn b e d by B ill S l ru e b in j : . a sna s t a t e p o lic e . G ov , O rv a l K .' I'i IS to ld t h a l th e dour.'i lo t h e one-;------------------------- v e n e e r bu ild itiK wI J l a n d th e r e w a s ncI T / ^ ' in b u ild l iig .I l > ^ ■ Faubui said hc-tto

Immedtnle litvr^ilRatr * ”i ------------- •■•Thc’firt'broSe outr I of ^he carctakcr, whi

I * J V not Bt th f .ichool.- I ' • X C t ' ^ Ono pumper “tron:

nock tten t to llie u v e re to ld to d a v binzc wm out of cor

Will b e a b le to Kuticd buiidim:. D ., N e z P e r c e , l . n. oainea. the n •a p p ro n r ia tio n .s lendent. snld tlie bill n n ti t h e h o u s e " WPA project-In iH in te n d e d to bS*

r o f t h e s e n a te the bnrracks-llke r i la tu r e h e a d e d building when the fir o f f ic ia l d a y o f «’’ed. Many kicked t

» n .T h c »e».™nt m id n ig h t , b u t o n e of the bgya o f s to p p in B th e »ald ihe *cream.i ol

iw m a k e rS ^ “ " ^ i e * ’iw m w x

h . « ish t K ' l 'w S , ? ™ ' ; ' ;

r«Ulnii nnd .p p ro - „nw]cd o

rrent o r rumbllnK. » , ^ c ird bov* nc d b .= » u n l in

“would lead to * * *the tax program i " | - . .-i i ^ » r ^ ^ n d l tu r e a wa* H o t C l T i l

1 th a t alnce his ■ T 7"» lIta orlclgal budg- K a S t I v l

Iona of I71.C00.000I proposed-appro- . l - ^

i r ’S .S .’i i 'iS l .r 2 6 A i - e

lalned on tho cal«l lb e perm ltU d to ,u u ,„ lU « re p

lh ' t,.,iw «f *1, . ^our dead, two crltl tho bulk of m e 34. other* tnken ‘" “tm ent of buri

i w s i o a i r e m i n h n i a t l o n nnd'shocl f i ^ I d a h t , ' . - . p - - l a a . a f tj i r dead- s Inereaaed tw ®ut » o« i.a fter the 11 f - TR-o om er v!cllma-w*** *• ” laK r during a iearch

T he reglaler of the

. M a y_ ■ *'. p e r s o a i . . .

VleUma fled from — bulldtngrthetm lEht-c

Othera stood and aal

3 L i m i t s S S r S ' T , ;fo r more th a n two 1

: Oermany, March Efforta 'to control t Premier Nikita 8 . ham pered by 1 ^ sti d today he may coated hoses rcsultli line for the Wesl biting 23 degree weat erlln beyond May Flames shot from negotlatlona" are and burst through th__ _ . ■ _ brick butldtng i s fintended to June 37 Resldenla atood j^l wl . Khrushchev de- upper floors acreamlr

grounds to 'h u rry ,e the Berlin prob- • , J y l 6 , t O l

«der. apQke a t a COLU^CBUS. O..g membera of the (UPD —A recommernLi . . the leglalature paaaItatement th a l the hlblting' ‘'unalghUyn m ight bo post- billboard a d v e r l lan earlier remark brought obJecUona

'ime-inlnlAtcr.-An- nf Ihc-law m akera^1. afler hls return "W hnt nboul the1 fitatea th a t the political candidate*:wtia no t final. m aker aaked, ,

; r ‘nor„”t;! Kennedy, 0la *en»lbl) , then It I V U I P A _ J ‘J

n r he u ld , WASHINGTON. M

t^ n u a a ia al Ifl atrea tjT with the h e « by plii

■"* 1? ™ , ! : U l . Olw. w h tt. KO ^ tomorrow a t a Demo,of East aerm any. , chu rch plans 1---------. . . Idaho Falla fo r-an a,ItS ItECORD . commlMlon conferenc March 5 (U PIl— Kennedy will addr ra j was reported veil day dinner In K' ’ todny In hla a t- tomorrow nlghl. nnd on-atop record for the Jefferaon-Jacksoc n a n igh t f ro n in Bobe Snturday e. ‘ caiurch Introducing h!

^ S B U L L E T D.erla. Mareh 5 («PD —Algerian rebel* to< lean photographer and aerioualy wood ambuah near tha M o r o ^ n border.Uat

March 5 (UPD—A »on-ln*law of Charli ; of the Ocneinl Electric company, haa I arceny of « 0 , ^ In connecUon with the nated to the' dv ll air patrol by uniuapcc

s orv>-AppropriaUaiu for the U n tren lty < l ie n ioUlUnc mere th a n U tnllUea la biUa Introdneed la lha tU ta J]ora the general fond w u pn t a t M ^K - eoUege a t K S n ^ ltf .

By Th# A»oeIaled Prei*n inr«ad whirling, blowing anow over > ? h e '^ S S tb l^ T n o'f high w ind, and h ^ nact on the-hardest h it area*. H undr«

th in o v f iU n s g e d t ip to

---------------------: T W lN -F A L L S .-m

[ 1 Big Fa as Ring: Fire $500,Cto dcaU i f a r ly C H IC A C iO . M a rc h u oys In d u .s tr ia l n n n o u n c e d th e a rn '.^ t

a l iu u le im n t p r in t in j r am i pas.sin tr i I 'a u b u s , w ho c o u n te r f e i t .^lOO hills

f ic-stu ry b r ic k riiiK.s e v e r unco v cro il r w ere lockcd , beon u n d e r iiive.slij;a

no c a r c la k e r s ta te .s , inc lud ing’ N ow 2n p er.nons h itv c beou .t

-would begin an —. . _ . —Ration. f .

°X'r:,r." J u r y O ran t $25,000 f

control when It

...t ,a r i 'a ta...pcrin- ^

biillaine, erected ‘H/trlcl court jury Wc■in l »!l. went up 1, , / ^ ; , ' ; ? . q? ,t U’f-ri* flOo-n In VlcUm thc sum of *25.000 . • room of the; flre^wU dlscov. Theron W. Wnrd a t T u ln■d the s la u and At Lisue In the ioM in Ihelr of damnKCs to beMcnrr Mr. and Mra. D »a Wolverfcivj who picaned f '^ '" *to.iS Hartman.

T . „I AO filled V lth L"*'” boulevard north ni a r X Ire •• ^ Id nvcniic wllh n pickup tru ! "Everybody wna ‘" '" ' '’S ‘he Wolverton fan through the win- Tlie W o i v e r t on^• fi­le boy aaWe.nnd dnuRhlcr. Mnry Ellznbclli

ton, died In nn ambulimce le kicked out n lo the hospltnl. Tlic piircnt •d out a window; c!nmaKC.'( ot $100,000 from H 15, anld he awoke U artnian already hnd t oom filled with llnblllty for Uie colllr.lon.

Witnc.uca enlled by acrenmlng.” he lUpworUi. attorney for L

>(• I, Caimn <) • vcrtons, wcrc Mrs. Keniw * ' • » ens, ft nciRhbor; Dr. u

K nli, TwUi P a lb pcdlftlrlc 1 1 » had been Uic Klrl'.i doc

I I 1 1 1 Rev. Morse Lntcr. who hniih e R lr ln lS t. Edw nrd'sicl

i l l c ' / ! • Mr. nnd Mrs, Wolverton. L i l l S Tt*. John Daly, Hartmnn'a i

> called no wltncMc.v ___“ Aurora were W aller t

1 . J I I 1 1 I. Mr.i. G ertrude Moicley, .Dnsllnn, Mrs. Alice S...^

a., March S i^V- lU rold T . Morrison. Ellb ror,-gu«itJ-Bhm- er. Mr». Roger Lcwia, L,3 or climbed or len. m ,*, Albert F . Kaai fire ladders enrly r . Dlngman. Mrs. L. V. raged up an ele- ^nd Floyd Pollard. Bchei J flve-atory Gary not s ig n the verdleu

S i S W a i e ^jurni, cuts, amoke t > T

t l i a n - N o r,rch of the rvina.the 100*room, 75- BOISE. March 5 IfV-Tl Hnzelton'a busl- supply outlook in souther

ed a listing of fii and eastern Oregon impro ing February bu t contini

om the flaming below nopnal. W ater aton h rd o th es ablaze? 'dtttoiiA. however, ai£ cjiccli aal dated In the In Uie nrcaa of below nort e m c m ro m ' four clpltaUon.. the raging Jire . The repojt comes from ;o houra. W. Nebon. snow aurvcy anol the blaae were for Uie Mil conser\'aUon a

streets nnd Ice Snow pack In the northi ulUng from Uie tioii of Uie Columbia b veathcr. , Canndn, norUiern Idaho ai om the windows tana—wns reported above I the ro6f of the • storm* Add Snow ■flrcm em trrivrt: “ *ncavy a lu iiiia 'du rin r-i ; w lndottvoirthe M dedT now -to th e south( ming for help, of the Columbia baaln whei

ft«ded -U ie . m o*t. *a<i al _ tlnued nllRhtly nbove noi

r f i n ' the northern porUon df thiNcbon Mid.

O.. M a r c h 5 Probnble stream runotf. mendatlon lh a t snld. ranges from only 33 | laaa a bin pro- of Uie avcrtiKe for the hUy” roadside yeara on the Owj-hee river r 11 a e m e n I a cm Oregon to 107 per cent

ma from aome Columbia river nenr Thera.____________ Orc,_______________ ______Lhe algna of ua O ther Hgunj* Lbte tea?" one law- H a listed llicse oUier j

ninoffs; Boise river abovi ____________ _ J alon dam, C9 per cent of i

n i l i r n l i tane river n t Post Fai V l lU J L l^ l l Snnke river a t Moran. 09;

, xxT 1 foot river near Blackfoot, i f t W P H r Lost river a t HowclL.Jlar

, M ardi 5 W — mon river at W hlteblrd, 85 niKdy, D.. Mass.. water river a t Spalding; 07

«S'rn“.“S ' Delay-Seen fo Labor Meai

rmocraUc lunch- WASHINOTON. March « lo go on fo lodicnUons developed todi n atomic energy the house labor committee cnce. acl on Inbor ICElalnUon forddrcaa a Rouse- weeks.[1 Medford, Ore., Senalo DemocraUc leadi nd will speak a t are Irying lo bring a laboi UOO dny dinner ure to ft senate vote befO a y ' night, with stArts ita Easter recea: g him. 30. bu t the sennle labor coi

■ ran Into a demand yealer morc hearings.

r \ T C ! * ' ■ In the house, Rep. Carl .I I I O " I kins. D-, Ky.. said he expe

I aubcommllleea ' altUng t 1 today ahoi and will need 'threfr-or-four-w

11 T hcn^e*^m bcom m lttee. u ( lugn^ u waa provblon* of a

presuniably drown from Uit „ _ i,, - wiijinn Jor meaaurca before Uiem-1“ S . n ' t o d Sthe private aale .

.pecung mimon- - - J l e e t m g I l i lMBOISE. March 5 cn — Tl

Ur of Idaho and highway board, ending a m dollan w*re day ' m ecU og .sa id yester .. The nniversity will hOld a public J5W67 and th a t lock aomcUme in April to c

----------proposed rerouting of U. fth a t area.• The proposed new route

cr m uch-ot Uie put the highway on Uie ei leavy anow* had of the LltUe Salmon rlvw. Ireda of aehooU the- alxtuim from th# vlll ) to nlng Inches. PoUock.

I ' -. '

W I > C ^ A 1 J L S

~11)A H0, T H U R S D A -Y ^ M A E C I IA ]

ake Money ;:s Exposed;

, 0 0 0 “Spent’h 5 ( U P D — F e d e ra l n u t l i o r i t i c .s lod

o f tw o C h icaK o an s c h a r R c d wi ntr m o re tliu n a h a l f m il l io n d o lla r .i ills in line o f th c la r g e s t f a k e m on .‘ll in th e U n ite d S t a t e s . T h e rin>c h iK atiim aince e a r ly N o v e m b e r in

«6w Y o rk . T e x a s a n d I l l in o i s . A t lei oil tiikun in to c u s to d y , a n d in t h c vau

----------of th c U . S . ' d i s t r i c t - a t tX ......... iicy!8.o f fic c w c r e ?72G ,200

1 1 1 5 th e c o u n te r f e i t bill.-<. fall p fe d e rn i rc .se r\-e no to .s.I r k l* Pnul Pnlcrni, licnd ot (he s« ■ ^ '^ 1 service office here , nnd U. S. i

trlct attorney n o b e rt Tlcken i f o l l t V the 'b ills were of relaiively g . i a i l i y workmanship. TJiey paid iribut>

•' ChtcaBO and New Y ork nuthori k 12-member jor their aid In rounding up

Wednesday ^roupn verdict Arrested here 'l a s t n ight i

j>f_*_UalUc •A^fen-ttr-At^BM!cr^OnInt}-^Vlll000 damnKes jiablolo. 39, bolh Chlcaso. T before Judge „cre broughi before U, S. DUt win m is . judi-e William L. Sulllvnn Ux ial wns the tiiarged in a U iree-pnge ind1 be awnrded ^ en t w ith prinlln® nnd Issi verton.Twln counterfeit money.nan. Jerome, mvestlgaUon by ngenta. i ollldpd June Rubsequenl nrrcsi.1. wcre on nn

It nnc! Filer xiw faked money began lo truck eon- p^nr In enrly November. The f family. urenk In the cnse came w e-yenr-old undercover agenta fo r Uie trem

clll Wolver- deparUnent made » contnct v ncc en route Floyd VIncentl. 29. Calum et C rcnt.%souKhl 111., who ahowed them sample; )m Hartman, counterfeit bllla available In (I admitted of SIOO.OOO. T h e agenta ope 3n. iieKoUationa w ith h im rly John C. While th b waa going on. *om sr Uic Woi- ic»i»iiiiii.j IB r» t« t. ,c«ii»» < enneth Olv- _ - • ^ -

S o l o n S p e a k sdoctor: the

O u t f o r ' H i b

WASHINGTON. M arch 5 (11 s ' WlllinraiL -S e n . Richard U Neuberger, lib E Lind- O f'- conffreas today to i I V W n . w ld war reaiiUea a n d boost u

' ■n-.via ond paital r a t a by a lm ost U¥ o“ U wm”n d » i i™ « y««r-

ichenkel did Pr0P « « la Inc^uscncnitei oia E scnhow er^ requ____ for highway fuel ta x and po

rai« increaaea a n d two of h

tUT6 u ^ l d h i t corpomtionjreatorlng the w ftrtime exceaa p

r k i a r A i * Its tax nnd cu tU nr th e oll-gas L > T T \./1 pjeUon allowance from 27!4 J t

r k i * t n a l — T hla-ia-not tn -caay -p rosr« L l l I I I C U Neuberger aald in a prepared i

Thn water • '* «pecch. “I t h o id i ou t no i ~ t ‘‘f ,y .h n «lon3 th a t the wny ahead Is stnSS tn

- J U t_ rc c o g n l« a _ tb e c rim :S Sn o m o i pre ^n]i_^jnlBlily_coI0MUi.JhlLS5 Mim Mnrian Uolon, and th a t th e survival

the free world m ay depend u; our capacity for aacriflce and

» Neuberger anld the Amer!Mnn pcoole wlU " rtip cn d afflrm atiri

i v s . r TC -COM™, tn iu i."«ve normal, provide I

” " w ' m m ion d o lla r . IIV fli k S . ^ 1 1 ^ looo' from i l>4‘ eenU a ’Ral , 'I,™ Increaae In Uie tn x 'o n cnaol

n ^ ; f ^ h 'd : e i i r f i r e r in a 's p « E l /u e T r - f In - million dollara by lower f the basin, depletion allowance for oll i

gna Uj 16 per cen t. Similar I Si v i i ifn f have been offered by oUiera.'h ? n « i «ivJr PMlofflee - departm ent acl 1

P « t" l « t«* . w b je c f to connS • ” '> p n " d '" “ * 'The D a l l e s , ------|i,«oo.000,000 by relnaUtr r r - .— Uiee*cess-profit*-ta* of 1950.-K

bemer said th b estjm at* v u h vi, 5 ^ i5 .1 *nd represented th o am ouilt i

« " v S K “-f >

! | H w r H . G r i g g s I s

- J G a k e n - b y l t e a lI, S5; Clear- William Howard Griggs, M, oi i. 07. er of Coveya M otor lodge a----- ; ....... CnftfM*' ahoo ' died unexpectert a ^ t 8:35 p.m. W ednesoay U7t o r working near the motel.

He waa bom Sept. 18, 1900, a O Q l i r P MIddleUm-n. O. H e came to Tt C a o U l C p ,n j |n 1938. from Preston. H e i ^ 8 — a member or Iho T w la Pall* E today, th a t lodge No. 11B3. ,

iteew lU not surviving' a re -l ila -widow,--W for several p f , ^ Griggs: a aon, W illiam Ho

ard Oriffgs, Jr.. ‘ T w in P a lb : t leader* still daughters, Mra. Epsle Ja n e W labor meas- *on..T*ln PalU. a n d Mra. Marl before con- lem ke. W alnul Creek. Calif.; Keas March broUier. Everett G riegs, L m Anji ■ commlltee es. and three ab tcrs . Mr*. Marl alerday for MaUjeny. Sacram ento. Calif.. M

Lj'Ie McDaniel, Chicago, and M :arl D. Per- Audrey Vakca. C lear W ater, Fla expecla two puneral arrangcm enta a re pen : together i„ . Reynolda fu n e r tJ hot ir-we*ka-4» ctwpel:---------------;---------------------

? ! S S O d d b a U I n i t

r - ' : ' T o E f f i !/ n d S _ . MAGIC VALLEY CIOUSTI^ - The atate COLLEOE. Albion. M arch 6—Wh r a -th re e -a p p e a r* -lo -b « - th e cUmax-Of- iaterday it week-long inlUaUon-of -* ctnip inff In Pol- oTitnisaUcn. Uie “O ld b a ll" cli to consider waa the burning In effigy Wedne U. 8. 85 in day .night of Dr. Oeorgo W . D

Hoff, prealderit o f Maglo Vail oute would, le east aide One atudent. aaslated by thr iver. across classmates, burned a 'a traw -itu ff

vUlage of pair of blue Jeans on th e lawn fn n t of t b t a d m ln U tra tto buU


— Nlne'Irris:atc(l-Idaho-

. ^ ,4 0 5 0 ------ -----------------

> Air FcDiscc

INCLKWOOD. Calif.. M: I .satellite i.s in orbit. The s

*'J ~~ a t VandtinborK air forcc bn ,t leaai irrcRulnr siKnals, apparentlj : vaults rcccivcd from various track ,_attor- . -i ,200 in * * * ,

fnkcd P i o n e e r I Vhe secret

d b . ken said cly good

toJthomiea ( up the



me indict-


in nn in-

n to np.The first ietreasury

In) opened ' J

I. some of li>a

i k s ‘ ■ y

i k e

a t e S i5 (UM)

A June I I rt>eket. wJUi Tione pad a t Cape Caarfreral. Fla. Go

ost three ij.poond gold.ptaled u te l Into a aoUr orbit a ba lf sillllor

“ T j d „ u , . . p . » » u m u i . i M ,

l l ' x ™ . ' * * * , > . , ■

Signals ofired aen-

no iiiu- WASHINGTON. March i ie r in e « the 300.000-Tjiile level todi d Uj6 In counts of. space niy.fltericsj

around thc sun. The Genei im-XacL SchonoctAdyr-N."Y., receivi ^f lovw P-n>' e s t , when the moon

o! Enr t lr-GE-8sid it had <?tp» n d upon 1:15 p.m. The tracking stat and un . desert of Cnlifornia picke

___ ___up thc radio voice of thS l y " Rold.wnshcd conc a t 7:3

a.m. (EST) today from fn vide this out past th c moon.

Al th a t time Ute distance fjoi m fliU I Vftrih, <i6hlpUHU f iuui telcuitua -RaUoh iljS 8l3“"d e* rlb e d 'aa - 's tro n r-a iiBnaollne. dear, wns 303.000 mllea.. In llr ^w. wim advance ^ c u Ia lIo n T » P * t lowering awny from the-E arth had. droppe r oll and lo 4.2M miles an hour. . lia r bills Later, on the basb of refine ra.' calculaUons. Uie national aefonav tUng the Ucs and space agency cut the db sel fair Unce figure down to 300,716 mile congres- ^ e n a t I 'p ih r th e disUmcew« to. calculated a t 320,789 mllca an inalatlng ^pej(j Qt i.jse miles an hour. tSO.'Nec- - ’n ie 'iig n u sT n o w ed 'ir tempem w h a 0 ture o f 41 lo 43 degrees ccnUgrad lUilt de- _ io 4 degree* Fahrenheit—for Ui •ior year inslrtiment payload of Uie a p «

I T hat w u higher Uion .'the teml c peraturea radioed back by th

anny'a Pioneer i n which wen about.a.U ilM ..ot U ie jfuy^ to m

M, own. back .-In fah rtnbelt terma tha Ige and temperature Is around lOS degreei pectedly well wlthinTMige (ff-tolentUon lo ly wmie »j<ui.e L » i(le is o f'th e 'fo iu re i ■“

EarUer rcporta from the Amerl 1900, a t can apofe traveler already ha< lo Twin given anoUier favorable IndlcaUoi . He waa for m an'a own ventures outsidi Uls w n the £arth 'a environs—no majo

nTdlaUon belt encountered abon w, -Mr«. the two dUcovered -'by,. Explore m Ho?v- aatellltes.!b : two • T he_lS.pound cone aped paa ne WU< the moon. 37.000 milea to tbe aide Marian a t 5;34 p. m. yesterday, a t a teJoe

:alif.; a Ily of 4.S21 mUes an hour.I AngeU Betore Ooldstoae picked up thi Marlon signals th b m om inf. the Britial

If.. Mra. aUUon a t Jodrell Bank had lock- nd Mta. ed on Ita algnaU and followed Uicff r. Fla; from 3 a. m. w about 8 a. m . ' . e pend. The jnulUple tracking provided i home new <q>portunity ‘for precise new — — [cateihitlons t»n-<peed -an _d-<U»tanc«

litiation at Colie iigy Burning of 1ISTIAN lng. The Alblod -lire deparUnenI —W hat pu l out Uie blaae.' c .o f. a _Lalcr.a.itudent.w bo.decU campus give his name phoned the .T lnns- I" club, News to -label Uie Incident ”dt»- Vednea- aaUsfacUon.over,dormitory houra, W. DC- food in the ovfcterla and atudent-

Valley faculty relaUonahlps.". Thuraday; Dr. D eHofr aaid-the

r three affair -was pttibably IniUatcd by a -stuffed ~d!s«runUed atudent who had takes lawn in up a dare to call th e paper." Ht I buUd* said.tU no (ludeaU v e n In c l u


ih o - C o o n ti r j— ---------------- ------------

UrlM'lV>.- lnl»rin',;.ir«T

' o i r ( j £ _ C l a

o v e r e r O

t e r B e i n j, M a rc li 5 (U I’I ) — T h c a i r fo rc c sa il' lie s a te l lite , la u n ch e d in a n o r lh - s o u tl e b a s e som e IGO m ilea n o r th w e s t o f ;n t l y bccanse o f ii m :i lfu n c lio n in g ra d r a d c in c s ta l io i i8 c o n firm e d to d a y th ... ' -------------* . * ' * . . w.

V Zooms Away Jl;byva



I • ? p»^ u

TBS l ' ^ ^ B B k

.' tt y, it I

T~rr pPioneer IVl xoom* awar from th e tatmcli bu Goal of the anny »etenU»U wa* to h«rJ »u tclU te p**t th e .n o e n aad slUmatety

lllion mile* from the carth . i t aoeoeeded. e , 306.0W mile* from tb# E arth . (AP w lr ^ E

i ‘Pioneer! J IM tB road^ tirc h e (/P)— P io iic c f I V ^ u n p a s t b. to d n y s ti ll B ending b a c k c lc a r a<> “ ie s u n ra v e le d in Its, r a c e in to , o r b i t e n 'era l E le c tr iij tra 'ck ln fr b ta t lo n In # ♦fijvpft th n P io n e er’s a ig n a l a t 1 :1 5 at

Is ta t io n a t G o ld sto n c in . th e M o ja v e u- licked ”

1 0 0 G r o w e r s «

A t t e n d S t a t e "• J<om . . . . hi

r i ! S p u d - P a r l e y s ;- jp ttt f ‘BUHLEr . M tre n ‘8 -i - '/A^pre** « roppcd Imately 100 poU to growers « a t-

tending the Idahi> PoU to Produc- dl ■efined era assoclaUon annual state, meet- H lonau- log here today a t Uie E ka. lodge, ss le d b - speaking .a t Uie moming » e s-o f miles, alon which began a t lo a-m , were th

•e was Robert Coiner,-Twin- FWla, a * » - dl ■ and clttUon president, ahd M, 0- Sln it^ H:

ford. Idaho TUls. executive m a n - hi

l a ^ B **A 'full discussion w as ' held on • f t h S grading atandarda, S tra tfo rd 'aa ld . Pi aocce Bill Kellogg, federal aupenfialng Ca

make a t . t h i- mnrr'tng p

, * * A * ^ r t on the earty dying of »li ' . | r , poUto Tinea w u given by, Harold

Naslef ^ • S a ^ ^ . dtoci^TO^- l gw ^

, J i lV lap funcOon* ahd th e 'n e w m e th ^ - of marking j»UU>ea_by.»pray.lng. .

m crt- rpotieiir A f r i e a u s i

Repeat Fighting IBLANTVBE. W a»aland. M arch <

5 W-Afrlean* took up apear and 8 ! i ^ ! ! war ax laat night In th e conflict I

between' goverament forces and J

SJ;lo“ te*t*- *“ ^ “Security forcea sh o t and killed .«

a naUre In a clash with a hoaUIe * ^ crowd o t apear-bearlne African*P ,^ 5 a t a roadblock near Chafeop, In -t| V i i r Nywaland’a cenUal province. C Uiem a o b e e m e n t s .b iq n e d 'I . ' . - ANKARA. Turkey, M arch S <Ul .i vided - T h e United States today signed ■- new bilateral defenao- agreemenU w ith .


l e g e L e a d s

if S c l i o o l L e a d e r “m ent as usual and ther« would be no

change, tn coUeg« regulations. . ‘ .jltie.aDoniTDOUi ilu<lent.tQld_theims*. TUaea.Nn-s abo u t'U m em ben o l * " d la - th s atudent body.vmlnTOlTCd a n dlOura. th a t D allu Hanta. p m ld e n t of th e *len t- board, wiaa present. A Bontdulu .

atudent, Bud Lovalady, tepoi^edly *l-th e started th e .Ilrt. - : ................ •?by a Dr. D e p o f f ia ld h e fee lsd o n n l- > jkken tory houn ,'w hleb aro 10 p jn . oa" He weekdays and 11 p jn . o a w etit- *c U a endi, a n liberal ^

FINAL -ED ITIO N ------ —

. -......PRICE. 6 CENTS

liitts )rbits lg Lostsa id to d a y t h a t its D isc o v e re r 3U th p o la r o r b i t la s t S a tu r d a y o f L o s A ngeles , e m itte d o n ly ra d io . T h c c o m p ila tio n o f d a t a

t h a t t h c B a te llite d e f in i te lyw a s th c f i r s t .o n e . t o s o . i i i t o _____p o la r o rb i t . _ . _

The annouTiccmenl was made jolnUy In Inglewood by the air force ballblic missiles division and

I by Roy W. Johnson, dlreclor ot ad- I vanced researcli projects agcncy,I Washington. D. C.I The.satellite .w'aa p fr- ___I feclly and emitted regular radio I altmaU for Uie f in l few minutes ot I its flight. Then ll wa* not' heard I from except for scattered oJgnaU I The data reducUon centff b r th e r 'HailbtJc'mliilles dlvIsIon here con- I eluded today on the basis of 41 I track atnUon reports th a t signab I received lo dnte approximate Uie I calculated orbit and agree in Ume I and poaltlon with Ute satellite'a ’ path.

The satellite'a crblt nuiged from_ fllfl-mllM a t Ita apogee—farthKO.--------

dbtance from Uie E ar th - to 178 .. mllea a t Ite perigee-the cloaest

point of Uie orbit to the E&rUi.The. orbit lime waa computed a t nearly M minute* and th e life es­timated, a t more,than 30 days.

T e s t i m o n y I s

- P r e s e n t e d o n — -

R e c k l e s s n e s si ConfllcUng tesUmony reganllnff I the speeds and poslUona of two \ vehicle* involved In an Oct. 4 .1B5«.1 iDtersoctlon collbioa «ere given In i Twin PalU police court'Thursday r momlng-bitOT>-Pollc»Judga-J..-0.--------I Pumphrey.I The teeUmooy w u heard in Ute i trial of- lUchard Haynes, d t a r ^J wlUi reckless d rlv iag ..., ; ' / f Haynes drove a ear th a t c o llid - /1. ed 'With a c a t driven by WUUan> '- B e c k o n U » B te h to f Oct. 4 .19M ;'

Pisuencers In th9 B tek c a r «« :•M r, aod Mm. Richard T iller « « ! Sandra Btrdon. , . . .

B ^ tcatUled tK atills did. not -exceed '35JXiUet an hour, U r.

L and Mr». Tilley told th e cou r t th a t- F- B eck^ spM d-vu .p iqbab lr UDUud- - \f 30TnU Erio-nata7‘ ‘:.“ “ ~ r ' _ . ..

Miss Berdon testified th a t-sh s i t believed the car ww m orinc a t a> slow rate.If Beck and Mr. and M n . Tilley‘j to ld ih e court Uicy. wera.BQlng-ln--------n a northeasterly dlrecUon oo F ifth '5 *treet north when.Uiey saw bead-' n iighte“ o h :tH c ira ii iir -* p & f« ^ a ir f along Second avenue north. .They„ f f l lT T O lT T a rw T tJ i t - e n te n n j--------e Ute InteriecUon. ................... .~ M bs HerdOD, a p a s s e n ^ In the

backseat, aald aho had her back, against th t side of Ute tea t and could n o t aee to the righ t cd Bec­ond avenue north. ■ <■■ ■■ l h e frontseat riders said the headlighta' could be aeen several

7 S a f f i S S S S S ; l ! t e r =“half_a block" aad "a full iiloce

> * Hajnea tcatlfled Uiat .bl*-»peed '> did no t exceed 20 miles an hour.^ H ejusd a pasaengtr, Gena Turley, g. ssld th a t Uiey saw Uw beadllghU 1- of the Beck vehicle, bu t estioutcd » th a t the ca r 'w as a considerable;- db tance .-fnah _ lb#„ ln t«?eeU on.____

Haynes and Turley said the ir Te>..1 hide was Just about to ^ t e r the '

n -Testimony - from llrafflo Sgt.1. Prank Barnett aod Patrolm an B Clifton ' Sharp in d ic a te th a t

‘=i g ‘' i a ' a g . ' K a ' &X side of » bouse on Becond a renue -II (OMtlSMrf M r«<* X. C rftsa 1)

p i G H U G H T S j i i i —

: . j . T o d a y ! i - T i n i e t - N e w * — : --------------I . Dbcftwnir re y ir te d . _________

In norUt-aoulh. orbit arotind . Earth . Pioneer IV posses 300.-

000-mile mark In apace. Sevtral \ die in 'hotel tlr ^ in E u t . 31 Ne- 1 gra- boyi burned to death in I LltUe Rock fire, P r e s id » t ,{ ot MagJo Valley ChrUtlan o o l- ............... lege burned In effigy a s p a rt of

"O ddb^* InlUaUon, AppiOTsI I of tax-measures urged In ld a h o I senate. '

PsfB 4 -?d lto rla l: “Ooopera- .tioa Crackdown"; Views of , Others, "Junior’s AocountabU- ily."

Paif* S— Doctor aays sew .ahock treatm ent n o t used enough. • -

Page t — RepresentatlTS ln> , d lgnant a t queeUons o re r r m t - ’ ‘ V lng h la fron t porch to U . 8 .. F a m 'l» - ^ o a b o n t l u d m u k ' .

being torft down.Fa<* I I—Soloni a o a a e re r

offices.. . . . . . . . .Face 13 — t a s t O erm aa em­

bassy of reds a a ld 'W ar~ n laa— ,------Face l7 - ld a b o -8 U t« . drops. .

'last-s«n te-to -8ea ttle~ lS * teaau - — ;en tiT M ;to F l l e r w t l a w r to i ^

t l - « a r t r aprlof.'rttop- peri to find rw lety. TT. fi.' clU-

■leni make^j o ^ w p t r l ^ to

Face U -3 0 0 Blaine . eoont]^ studenU a ttend .'career,'d ij.' ’

T l S' rp


:______ U








i ll

- -i7 ------ -|

■ I

..... • i

______ !

T Ti


Page 2: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn


[ ' ' P A G E T W O

I S e n a t e U r g e d

: T o O K f a x e S v ^

---------— B u d g e t - P l a n s

' /X r7 h tt* ‘of’ Td«ho BUte• .'■coUeBC by |l i« .000. Both inereue* ^

w tre m»de neeeuM y, Hechtner Y(............. MJd. bec*u*e or ths rcqulrcm«nt y , , u . S.

by l iu board f it aaunJnen ro io /jflch •more th»a > year ago th a t »u t« •- ag^ e a hold th tl r Mpcnditurcs

.......... ....... ln idg«te?»m onnu aa .an cmersM -

T ha two »Ut« achooU.'Hecliuirr iinim*.aald, ha re been unable to do ihnt. -

However, he eald. the Joint com. 1'm itU e ll InatnicUnc the board of iiuit«

• . - examlnert. by letter, Uiat 11 ad* • ’• dlUonal T erenue became* a r a l l - •

; - able during the current two-year ..period ao th a t the m e per cent n«« noklbBCk can .be eliminated, Uien -

• tb a e iU a approprlaUona to Uioie , two achooU ahoiiJd be dUrcgarded. . . ...

■•Bie remainder of the Increaaes a i ‘,over the earlier J71,000.000 Ilp ire u . v t f . . .. were apread over a down offlcei>nd . i t n t t a . I " ! . '; : ; ; .

ThB aenate apent contiderable M«.phi. ... ■ " <i«bat* a t th e 'b^ lnp lngo f Ita tate ,

_________ aeaalon la it n if h t on a prohibition I ■. v----------------bUI, alUioinh Icadera dldnX-tAlte;-------■ • W I t aertftUJjr. . 1

Th# bill calU for tolal prohlbl- tlon of Intoxicating liquors. 't w in p

Another controversial bill sp- , * " J” ^ pro red In the aenate la it night would crta le an inl«rlm nine-

u — ........U ira U j.lta .commltlee with aweeplng powen. ‘y - B u t the m euu re carried no appro- priatlon. , jp j

jtoijey would^ pjeailjw^l^^ momln«.

aearch Into Income U * colIceUon* haO E W and any other matter* Involving 0 ,

, 1 .aU t« fOTOTimcnt agencies. And j , : Rwubllcan Oov. Robert E. Bmylle L n a ehu,, holda a veto over the purw strings, conducted

— uol ie. PTIi

T e s t i m o n y I s

P r e s e n t e d o n TWIN F

Recklessness mortu'arj*. . _ ^ Ho

north . natume“d i 'ia J i l bush and came lo a atop approximately J17 *'Jeet from the aide, of the Inter- aectloo curb. ■ . - TrnmLrv

. . . -----------O thera-tea tify ln j-w ere EdwardP. M cUnn.'Haynes' employer, who photoffraphed "tooth c o n th e day “ “ ^ 7

■ ....... i f te T th e aecldenV and A rt Dahl,who lold the court th a t In hU

ffi“ “ ‘Pinal argumenU were aet by ,

____________ RtPBKntlnK th# c ity U WilliamJ . U ngley. Otom P .lJ^foH hT rJc lF m enU n* Haynea.

Et. ii d . 0 1 » n . WtlU, Ntv.. >P- j J l “ “;_________ pcfcad before p lle r JusUce of the

Peaca V. ^ AUlson T hunday ,morning and aaked to r an addl- tlonal 2i boura before enterlog a

' g e a to a e h a r» ao t drunken d r V j j ' j j ^ ^ j

i !. ' ■ dlaon, formerly of Jerome, w u 1 " ■ ' •m a te d Wedneaday a lg b t pea* -mw-as. M;down p a rt o f ft feocB wllh h is ve- h id e , U>ea droTo on toward Pller . . . ,

: ._ i_-^::.^„bero« ;h»:w aa;arM *t«d ,„ M nK lC _ ;..............OUon,-bald i n tha -coun ly -ia ll .VUlUcff- 'W edne idayn ljh l--fo r fa llu t« -to ward* are

p o (t a »3D0 appearance bond,.wa< 8 p .m .; tn retum ed to Jall i tu r a d a y momlng to fl p .m . a fte r appearing before Anlion,

..................... 8 av«n drivera-..were cited for .David F■peedln* durlnB a rada r checlc con- Becky Ton ducted by ila to police a mil# north Mrs. Pred

i ? ^ d n p jn . WedneaJay; ' ;«wU IKnJ----------- ------ -D rU tn in d thulr apf<Ai .weta g i i^ e .- h. L. . Murray B aum ^^sh too . 09; Pred Itapp, Sho

M. Prazer, Rupert, 61; John B. bum . and McBride, Rupert, N ; Cecil A. Do- Mra. WlUli

.• Iler. Paul. 18: R*x .Tucker. 7 0 ; ........Ouy Lawrence, BUckfoot. 66, and Dwight Mra. Alent S. Summers. Heybum, Boatright 67. worthy, A

Jo e M orj^n, 16, w as' fined *10 Hall, Mra. and costa a ad bU driver'* license don Stoke

----------------- wai auipandad fnr Jl) .daya - hy Ben.Robla_______ ___ nnnrtitif pniica Jiirtg* jQfl-Baum- ia

g«rtngr-WgilB<ad«T—fo r-c a re lm Klmbenyr drlTlnc. The "careleu driving" Eden, and

. charse Is ohe ipecUled by Oood- sea. lng ordinance.

The fine resulted from an accl- A aon w den t Monday n igh t when the Mor- Fred Hale Kan youth w ho was driving on South Mala a treet In ooodlng, lost c * i j a control ot_the M5J I» d se and St ^ r . h it a power pole. ' 7 VW ttiij

Ho wia hoapllalUed w ith a hosplWl a-------------- ^-sU ght-hrtdinJniT rD am acn-to-t'he 7-to-«-pii

ca r waa e i ^ t e d a t S400 and »3S0 to the p o w pole, according to Mra. U

____________O y d ln g g t y j^U eeman _ n o la n l ^

w m iato Swan, Rlchflcld. waa Ben Johifined MO and costa Wednesday by ^ l i Ooodlng Pollco Judce Joe Baum-

__ gartner for running a atop elgn, .Charles iJames A. Cheney. 18. ooodlng, waa Jickion,

_ j_________ a lw flntd t io and ccaia by judge _ . . .Baumgartner forapeedlng 35 mUcs ” P»tiicin

-----------------r p e r hour iij- g-as-mile tone. '• S"Myrtle J . Ooold. -43. route 1. «»». Mr

------------------ 3 V ln .P .ll« » .« .f ln M t7 .nrf .1 ShOihOnecosts Wednesday, In -T ft’ln FalU »o«. Mra.police court fo r ipeedlng. She was Wood an<d ied by d ty police driving 35 Jerome, miles an hour tn a 2S«mlle zone

. In Uio 600 b lodt cf Main avenue S<»« ' Unwood- Lula Mae Kllllnger. 17. J030 Blue “ "*1,

Lakea boulevard, waa fined t9-and Je«Mne- ■ •costs for speeding 3 t m llu per Mf-

' hour In a 25-mlle xone. 6he was Wchfldd, d ie d by d ty pollee and appeared Elden’Phbefore’ Pollee-'Judge J . O. Pum- ”

r ■ OfiMince green pepper and aUr Into WASHI

. n tam ed butler; use for aondwlch Pre.-adens — apread along WlUl cold ham or vesL InaWd Pl

I” I I geneml■ ._________- t hw w v i t » - r i niT siicrsi_<;------------ ------------- K « p - th e - :W W tc -F h r r represeni

o f S a fe ty F ly in g atomic ei

U t * * ^ REA D T

■' ll ^ I

------------- - — Jfpjff fo u r daya tc l tn o u t a •!tra iiin deaV \ in ovT Magic \ Man

1 • V, “ 1'

V eather, Temp^l i e VALLEV—Beeamlag paruTetondy t « omorrow 48 t« M; low tonlffat Z4 ie U . Lo a iu lU t a t noon. •-------- _ L ......................

m iE S N IDAHO-Clearlng lonllbt. Moal omQrrow-U.ta.MiJQW-tQnlght 23 to 33.

J YORK. March 5 (UPD-The loie*t l« r . S . wealher bortau thU piomlof waa 18 figheit reported ynlerday w*i H a t Lo* A

M.,. Mln. UV.

ifl - ...... ts -J« -' ai Nr* Orl».n#-.■■ Z ” " ! i !5 Ilkl<l>cl0» Citr .

. ' l . r __J l . : l , II .« Om.b« .

“ j i i f? zV ■ ■“*~ .7T ir "!.u • il • - 11*' —' " " . r . ! ' .1 « :« y

" J* i! ^!i 'Mill ............ ....<: 51 JuTiu*"” "'***”

m i ? twiiT / a

i’ . r r ~ '! " T . z M »< .t» Wmi Ytiiawtioi

Magic Valley EnN PA LLS-Puneral aervlces will be celebr rs. Vemlce Merle Kemper urdsy a l fit • h d d a t 3 pffl. Friday In ehurch by 11 m ortuary chapel wim Uie Concluding t

rf.- A;- MacArUiur oflldat- T»ln PalU ei indudlng rites wlll be held _ iset Memorial Park, Friends J ^ M B - :all Thursdsy and Fridey ed s t St. Jert

________ at lOrSO aJii

lERM AK-Puneral atrvlees r«d_le<i Pride s. Bertha Moor© will be held P ^ * m onw ■jn. Friday In Uie Hagerman M y Mil a l ihurch. Pinal ritea will be <>*J’ »«emoo ted In MonU Hill cemetery,Prlenda - may call a t Uie TWIN P M

r mortuary. Wendell, unUI [or Mri,■ PYlday a ^ a t the churchhne ul aet*TO HaMdbl

N FALLS-Servlces for Ed- rites wlll beOlmstead T hurtd l wlll be cemetep'. T; 11 a jn . Saturday In m i t e•ry e hapd wlUi Ule Rev. U>* Baj; Hoffman officiating. PinalvlU be held a t 3:30 pjn . TWIN PAIy a t Inglew-ood Park Mau- wlll be condu. Inglewood, Callf. ward Klnama

—----- the Reynolds3ME — Oravealde services the Rev. B.M um Cathwine DeBoard will Templo chur I a t 1 p jn . Friday a t Sunsel dudtng riles lal pa rk wIUi th M te r . W. Twin Falls c Oreen officiating. The fu- jrocesslon will leave White BUIIL - P J7 a t 13:40 p jn . ' . . M rs.X eola A

-------- a t 3 p. m. aM PA LLS-Funeral services ChiUUan ch' •achd Edward Klnaman will the Rev. Roy 1 a t a p . m, Friday s t Rey- Plnsl ritea wll uneraM iapel-wllh-UiaJlev. cemetery-.— David offldaUne. Last rites I h d d In Twin PalU ceme- TWIN PAL

Barbara Elle - h e l d a t 3 : » i

N PAIXS—Rosary wlll be While mortu for Joe Wagner a t B:SO p. Rev. Paul Kl:

day a t the Twin Falls mor- dudlng acrvl chapel. Requiem high m au Twin PalU ci

Magic Valley Hoii c _ y a l l e y _ : M c n w r i a l G o o d inlng hoiua In tHT m a t^ ty ’ V U lU h g ^ aro-from 3 to-4 and -7 lo morlal hospit ; tn all o then, from II a. m. and from 7 ii .m . Al

ADMITTED RuUi Annd Foxworthy, Tama Kemp. Mrs. Ray li Torres, Thomas Bucklln and RandaU, boU P'red Hale, d l Twin. Palls; Dlrteva-Boyd, CMUtford;-Mia. xir«. bcti ' Read and Mra. Larty &(c-

boUi Ruhl; ^Tn, Qyria . - A daughter Shoahone; FVed Steer, Iley- Mrs. Ralph and Mra. Blair Hall and '

VllUam Brew, both FUer. C o t t aDISMISSED vu iung ho

:h t C. Thomas, Mra H. E. tal are from ght and ion, David Fox- to 8 p. m. f, Alvin Bickford. Dr. Rex aMra. Edmond H ujt and.'El- william P< itokes. a ll Twin Mn. niui. Mra. D

both Buhl; Rachel Qlvens, _ d‘ny :-D |iT T B ii-T ittpatrtck , - a a r 'e n c e ” and Mra. John Floyd, Han- lUehlna, Jo<

» .__ V Lanon. -VlrgB lR T ns ,n d PrederK

m wa# bom to Mr., and Mrs. ilale. T a in FalU. M in i d« -T T T T VUltlng I-Bcncdtcts, Jerome county.hosr tm g hours a t St. Bentdlcfs and from -7 Jll arff^vom 2 to 4 and from ■ . . ^l-p ja — _______________

ADMITTED • ' „ , ^ i. Leonard Warwick. Hager- ,Mrs. Howatd DeWlll. Rich-

Johns. Mrs. Elden Phillips. - t t T T T*'ln PalU; Parren Chandler, I H fy Tony Ruffing, boUi Wendell: es Head nnd Mrs. Albert K. I ' n I f aon, boUi Jerom e.' ............~ x a n c


s Steen.-Olenns PeiTy:-Eiegel past 15 yeaMrs. Amy Roseberg. both Thursday a

lone' M n , Arthur Nib and bome fdllonAlra. ‘Hieodoii- !!cnty,“ EiH - n r T H IM Ii and Mrs. Tom Rldlnger. aU 1871, In MHne. ceded him 1

BIRTHS BunlvorsIS were bom lo Mr. and Mn. bur Mlnsleood Warwick. Hagerman, and Clj-de Mlnstind Mrs. Albert K. Jackson, and Harryle. Daughten were bom to Mont.; two and Mrs. Howard DeWllt, Urenten.W

:idd. and to Mr. and M rf Mr*; MabelI’PhllUps. T»'ln FalU. and 22 B

■ — ■ ■ greal-grand

)fficialNamedISHINQTON. March S i i S i S M I dent EUenhower today nom* d Paul P. roster, now deputy ral manager cf the atomic _[y_CPmmU.Mon,_to_j|{^U,. s . , 'F L C •seniaUM to the InlernaiioniTi lc energy agency. , _ . i


Many a g07 h s t nted the !eng yam l« poU tb t wmI ertr i At Yo<I wUa'a eyti.


ioB lfht Fair toawfow. ___

„ i d . - n , V l S ; K---------------------------------of-TTM how -to r e t

rrnarirA (a loward the wlmi i z r . ” .If A n p lr i pircm cn aprayed

hot bricks before U — T ' ~ - i l :• .!! ll»elr tearch.

: ' Aa lh? heavy ipn— a _ t . w

. — ” j ; JJ, i^ y uncovered. 'J L Z Z Z l i : i A cry arose from

----------------11 » who had cscapcd.--------- ----- i'l Tliey hnd been“ 1 Z I I . I J« : i r■ waiclilng the oper

1^.“ “ .“ ts _ 3.; -Look, there's c--------------i : 1., ..-J). Qjjp pf {},p boys.- •

-------- ' 31 ; Tf, Tlie sprny uncoi_______ 1* il .:i bones near a win

f l l r — .....- *» -a building.• ----------- t ; "I "O'” *. SI jn Archie Ray Poole,

... .....— li "but not U iat man:....---------JJ ‘ ‘ P(50le had eicaj■“ »« li window,

ntoiit 1 ~ . . >9 -i> Paubus u ld he -] ichool -about, a yei

_ th a t time "cveo’Uil

imeralsziijjriTS i' ' He said In hi*

lebmted a t 10 a. m. Sot- checked aafety fd St. Edward's Caihullc bu lld ln g -flre extl

r the Rev, Morse Later, safety exlLn, g rites will be held in T he governor tat cemetery._______ .. . waa supposed, lo i

-------- each building to wiE—MaM wlll be celebrat- caf.e of cmervency. jerome’a Catholic church T he supertntendi aJn. Saturday for Roy Bank*.—the-care tal»..,.wlng n-111 hi* ulinprH hiilMtnp hnriday a t 9 pm . a t Crip- week and was not rtuary. Jerome, Prlendi - T he govemor wa: a t the mortuary Thun* by w hal h e aaw, noon and Prldty. He said he woul

-------- • k a im a legUlature.F A L I^P unera l tervlces for special emergi U ^ le A. Martyn wlll be th e school.'h lK morluary chapd t l G aines aald a t on FVlday-wUh-tbaJtM-Eri h'lHflIng was in It • idbUd officiating. Pinal dltlon. However. F be hdd a t T»ln Pall* lace, LlUle Rockau The family suggests bulldlnRi a jid grour

I to Ul# organ fund of hospital, aald Uie b Baptist church. overcrowded nor n

PA IL S-Punenl services I V l ^nducled for Henhell Ed- T d K t ; I T l l iman a t 2 p jn . Friday at ^>ld* funeral chspel wllh J. M. David of the BeUiel l T l c U i . t ; i S hurch OfflclaUng,'Con* ' '

. n s . " '" '” ”' .B e h in- Puneral lervlces for „ l ;

*^Sv a f t^ e ^ t " c S S ^ i n B u R SIloy L. Titus OfflclaUng,1 wlU be h d d In the Buhl giaried out. In Cal ----- -------- ---------------- tfave led -tcK tts-eo

•ALIA-Servlcei for M n. Aiv»*jyn‘l“«Ellen Moreland wlll be ^JO p.m . SMurday a t Uie ,irtuary d ia p d wllh Uie f f i n J Kmney in charge. Con-

crvlcca- wlU be held a t jg Houston.I cemetery. u ,„ ■' " . I deliverj- of a tolal

• • 1 th e money fromospitalsagent Iti New Yor

, , , , another *60.000 wo;l i n i f M e m o r i a l v ia c c a t t - who w-Hibun at.Qnnrilng-tiie* tim ir-o5Z R > ig -Iri ispltal are from 3 to-4:}0 charge Irv Sprlngflt 7 10 8:30 p jn . ' rested In New York,ADMITTED guUty th e re Mard:

^nna Lanon, WenddI; of possessing a ri ' Harding and Clinton charge/ both Ooodlng. Meanwhile, lhe li

DISMISSED - reached across the

BIRTHS dlan mounted pol

5h Arrington, Ooodlng. jam ca Zavlnc, 22.------— , a t Hamilton. Ont

t t a c e i B u r l c y Uiem w ith posMas.: houn a t ColUge hospl- counlerfelt money. «m 2;J0 to 4 and from 7 A notlier Chicnj1. Lopci Outlcrrez, 3

ADMITTED Ja n . 6 w ith one oI Poulton, Clifford Steel- on M arch 3 waa ^I. DoroUiy Bingham. M n, year* In prUon.

DISMISSED , X f T T O . ^ ■e” Baker,~M n,— Vivian Joe Wolf, Mn, Voiles - ' JT

/Irgll Temple, d l Buriey, 'P l * _ ^ a . lerick McCombs, Rupert.; L IlC S S ita i d o k a C o u n t y s H o sn o N E . mr h o u r * a t Minidoka lace Irvln Spencer losplUl are Irom 3 lo 4 Wood R iver’ Centi.- l . to ^ p ja ------------------hom e.early today.

ADMITTED gerlng lllne.-u,lhn King. Heybum. He wn* bom C

D IS M IS S E D ----------- ■CtSlpvllie, w n r iLaVon Priest and M n. a achool bulil on » tl, both Rupert, and L ater he lauRht Sean . Malta.__________ Virginia betofe n

Minster, 8 7 , c ™

kenby-DeathH.-Mln»ler. 87. c S ! t o L - S

yean, dled a t io a s -a jn . S ’’'! ’" !!' y » t Uie Horlon Nunlng Spencer. S h ^ io i Ilowlng a ’brief Illness. J

Ijli'NORors Include four i^ins, Wll- ••Thd> V r ipnsler, pred Minster and iinster, all MUsouta. Mont.,rry MUuter. rhlUpsburg. I T T T t f t:wo daughten. U n. Leona:i. Walla walla, Waah. aodibel Holmgren, Tain PalU.: grandchildren and 15 C D V C andchlldren. P K ¥ Cal arranKemenl*.ar# pend- ie Twin FalU mortuary.-------- : r ----- 1

■WiN-FALLS ! LQURj!Ail.l5_ . or\r^k


2 1 — nori

I 2 r Z Z ^ HEYBU RN i7 / ■ 0 peir»;0

--------------V^V oD i^«T oril^G torf^^ ,

_____________ .


I S o n ^ T w i n F a

2 1 . D O V S Relara From A rtio iu-----------y ----------Hr, a B d -M rr iu tp h TT.

t« ' r ttu m e d to thi i r m i t o r y h ^ l ^ r «pendlng the i

S l ' i ' f i M l J IM lir e t oui of-iii«r«. 1 - o w „ -c u n p " P Jre GlrU wmdo* W t i by B lc id ichool planout the screen and s h d b y * »bycd water over lhe » u » - S a i m ^ . - re Uiey could make

7T O ru»i«on-«!-* j r T - j5 ,i7 -B a „ a ,j rK O «

o p tr .l» n i ol im „ ith id u le i•• r^nm- Mid ajD. to fl pju. M arch 14. ' , ’ . musl bo received M arch i:

S ‘!,” ' w S "!." ' S v^ an e d thnsush a U>e deaUi op Pcb, 24 of .^apea uirtugn atover, F\>iitana. C:

he Inspected ilie stover, a pioneer resldeni ve»r BBO tnd at P»IU. was a form er or?

yUilng wai line.” the P in t M ethodUt chur< rd a l about 8:15. * ■

hU InjpecUon, he be held a t I p .m . Saturd^ • facton in each Turf dub . O.- A. Kelk extlnguUhen and speaker, will lell of ghost

Idiho. Reservations maj r tald a caretaker Ulned by calling M ri lo be on duty In VandcrDoca. REdwood 3'0 w'arn the boys In day.ticy. -------------------------------------------endent aald P. R-

S I i d e s : S h o )not In hU (juarlen. _ i •■ was vUlbly shaken AlT O

would a.ik the Ar« _ . _ _ KC. now In session, l A f c ^lergency fund* for l U l i '

t one Ume lhal Uie Colored slides ahowlng

L S S n i S 'd ™ " ; ■” ' S ' " Hrounds for the lU le members Thursday durl 10 b u S g was not regdar weekly nooiTir rundown. ">«'“«« Amerlta__________ hall. \-• • Warren Barry, who.aU

/ l / ^ T I P V ^orce firepower ^ m c• In Florida du ring dctol

J . ' showed th# allde* aijd cc

i r s Ai-e, • i n B s r ry a a ld th o c ra f tk tts ti n n K q 'I’ C <“ ''1 fastest a ir force fit I U U J J t U » though actual flying ape P .I . Om i matlon is. restricted. B:money wa* passed It U csUmaUd th a t the

.. and Dallas and fly between 1.400 and 1, were ilerted. T h d r an hour, ed to the arrests ’ Barry aald th e public ) modeU who had of the craft a t th e Florid Calumel Clly and slnllon’m nrked Uie f in l

i-e«untry— ^ — PlDS-had-bceniiunTellcd Ida Jine Mc.Mlllon. in other business Jh u t ne Kirk, 20. Agents wanU club members Voi1 arrested they had cept four new members, ley blUs. and oper- o . OTJonocIl, J « ^ h onable department Boyd Evans and A rth u r! I'ero convicted Peb. Quests were Slan Je;

Thomas 01mst«ad.Uien arranged for B.iny was Introduced a ta l of *100,000 of Haroldsen.>m VlncenU, a t a -------------------------tioo. On Dec. .15. 11 ■ T \CarDamaf

I worth. RUPERT, M nrch 8—Do w u f re e -a t the a 18W Mercury was esi! .z r io a ’Ti.-burciiry IlSOiwhen-.thOLdnvernH' igfleld, in .. waa ar*. I^rlln, Rupert, lost cont 'ork. tnd he pleaded vehicle a* he awer>-ed ti areh 3 to a charge ear backing from a prlv, a revolver, a ‘stale way a mile a n d a half

here on the M eridian ri he InvesUgaUon had day night, the Canadian bOr- Sheriff Tlieo John.ion

iec_27_E0jJiLCftn4T. the car went In to the b police agenU ar- hli a fence nnd n ull

wara.Vcnm. 32, and .Tlir.Jlrkfr.wM not Inlui22. Windsor. Ont.. -----------------------------------

Ont.. and'charged tnd M n. Allcc Smith, Msslon of }S,800 In u-o brothers. Theodore ney. Sweet, and H,. L. Spencilcngoin. Lawrence Nev.: one sLiler. Mrs. rz, 31, was arrested woolf. Jefferson, O.; le of the notes and grandchildren.,M senlenced to 10 Funeral aervlccs are ;; 1. the McOoldrick funer

S p e n c e r - 1

I t A g e 8 5

BOB EMBER'Center Convalescent o r

IK A B R O O ITl Ocl. 23. 1873. a t _ _ ^ .n r iT an fl-a tt tn d e d - D p - O r T n ton hls father's farm, IV C J /U OEht sdiool In West _ ,'# moving lo Carey DotlRC - PlyiflO--------------------------- — ih n lR g -T nick H -rr homeslesded In V olvo - C om m e;irked wlUi sheep.all Vnlk«u-ncrpnmarried Ellen Pearl \o lk 8 w n R c nIley In 1 8 0 4 .- .------ ^nduile^hU -^m O T \ BOB REE. and m n k 'S a m u e l M 0 i 6 k CO

iR T H s iD E G R o ^ r tm m Mriendly Store That Saves You A

E R S Pan Ready..................each 7


tK -L IV E R a ,^ l ' g a r i n e ib<. 9




, \

IDAHO ______________ ___

F a l l s N e w s i n B r i e f

a a k Meet* Tonightitj-TT.-C»tpen. -N e ljhborlw od-clab-ad lL a a thdr'hom e 6 p.m. today a t tb* homo c the winter tc Jade AUlnaon.

CoodoeU T raining A two-evcalng session ol

OlrU tponsor- u-tlning for. Scoutem ls_bdn Plnn a cooked dueled by Morris Rolh. i >-t, »Urllng al leadenhlp train ing chalrm ai

nesday and T hursday nig Momlngslde school.

U lO tethodlst Asked to Allend Funeral poUuck dinner ~M tmW rs—Of ’ th e -T w ln KdJlbcrs-Wia ch»pt^ro^Amcric«rt-W a^-^

liave been aaked to m eet i t mortunry a l 3 p jn , PTldiy tend lhe funeral c f Mra. M

Youth gCDup Martyn.rduled Irom 9 . . --------'h 14 ExlilblU Moile Club (o Meelreh l j AMone March meeUng of th e TwlUns DIM call M usic-club-w ill-be held i mer. REdwood p.m. Monday a t l* e home i

O, P. Duvall. 238 N inth . norUi. The pr^ffnim wlll I;

sented' by members of lh#eelved here ot Music dub. ______1 T. F. Man to Prealdo sldent of -ri^ i Morence. ]r.. Indtp t o retnL t fo company, is *

ber of -ihe boa rd -of-d lrec Ui’e Western S tales M cnt I

_____ _ a.woclntlPn and will presic

S ’i r . i me ta.‘" r S “S c f S £ 'M !L r jt T*>e I3th nnnual meeting

In m « t packers is acheduied

A c t i o n S e ^ i

t o w n ----------P a y f o r F iBoise Cascade corporaUor

o r c c business aa th e Payette I ' . company, filed *uH In T»'l

. dUtrlct court T hursday n r i Y i e e i to prevcnt-foreclosures on p

morlBnged lo Uiem a n d to .wing air force MSMi3 plus a: >rl pUnes, In* owed by M r. ond M n . C

) KlwanU dub The corporation claim s 1 during Uielr Aug. 37. 1957. lhe Thom pw i

ooit. luncheon cd a pfomUaory no te for * le rru n Legton wlUi Interest a t e igh t pi

\ a year, marlgBBlng th.ree10.attended an Dulil to tha corporation, ^m onstrntlon Hie corporation nlso alie October. IDS8, Tliompsons promised to j r}d commented tomey fees tottUlns *1,400

corporaUon ever resorted t< P106 fighter, to colleci on th e nole.

11, as the newe.« Co-defendants nam ed tn ce fighter. Al* nre Statewide Adjustm ent g cpeed Infor* inc.; R a y .B a n n eu a n d Lu! d. Barry said, nd. doing builBcsa a s Uie <

the craft can DuUdlng Supply; S. B. Smnd'l.COO miles lng business as Sm ith Roof!

-I I Supply .company, a n d the3ubllc showing Oas company. Inc.norlda demon- Th# corporation ask* lhf in l lime thnl to-prevent forecloaurea i

relied._____ Thommon property by lhThunday, k R firms nnmed m llie suit,

s Voted to #c- asks for a decree fo r lh#bers, Raymond the mortgaged property,eph Clement*, Atlorneys for th e eorjhur T . Duncnn, aro Richards, H aga nndI Jensen nnd Boise.

luced by Earl' | ~

s J . . I t s t -s esUmnted al a 'errH omer-M f; — ------control of-lhi -. .

,-ed to dodge n AYlC t, prlvnle drive-

half north of ;nn road Tufs-

m.ion reportedthe borrow pit, - I f D B f lB L X jin m n i i n n i i c i ~ — r ' y u ^ g B p )

‘-------- --nlth, Colorado; odore Spencer,Spencer. Reno..Mrs. Tlieodtsla O.; nnd two |

a re pending at, ■ I Jfuneral home.j I

; B E S T . 1 ^ ----------V H E E L S ■ I'L

e k t o n

r .^ ,r r . SH A G B A R KOOKS COTTON7 0 6 2 - Complele w a s h i

crease resU U nt. Iulml, l.U now . 1.1:

n itic re W 1 . 2 9 v d .n u c ii J " -

EESE ^id A m . So. I J • y , ,.4

lU /W o re "

Frosted h4 5 in c h es w id e . Hci

T T O - w h ic h 10 c h eo :fl / y c Reg. 1 .1 9 y o r d , now

Beauty-rG___ .*1 0 , : - OUR FA B U L O U S C

IhJ th a t lo o k s o n d I — —— — ' W o sh o b le o n d crco

9 3 c rc s is to n f d o n ly , ’

0 0 ^ Q uality



L _ — — —


g f I V i l l a g e P a r k

— P i u ’c h a s e —I s SiTuS M a d e a t P a u

Of.highway .35. be used u a village park,

r V,. ^ The PurchM'^ from-.J. nIghU a t 13 located aWone-fourth of a mile sou th of t

* ‘ village. ofllcUU aald. Funds car from Uie recreaUon fund. •

p w ln -M i* -TT,y-viiinrelecU6n7To-b«-n(

i. » r.M . »■ vUlage board. Membera wht a . Mable A. m jiu ij w ilb u r Hitwo*year l<mi. and Harold WiU and Marvin Looslle. each foi

fld^M ^ ‘ SO ^Tom lnall’ng peUllons have la

m l i 'p * r f buslndis. the new wL T.,n^« «■« dUcu»ed. 11 will bc rea lh# Junior .

f, A building permit «-as 5s.iued Lyle D nper for an addition

independent hu house.

dlrectors-of I f l l - •I l ln e s s Q a i m s

3 " I 3 ' M rs . S l i o r t , '6 'uled a t then Los An* BURLEY. Mareh i-M r* . Mo

Ann Short, 07. a Burlcy reside___ since 1938, died a t Memorial me. 1 leal cenler. S d l U k e City. Wef » K C nesday ot a ahort Illness, She w

active In elvlo affairs boUi In PJ •p l* and Burley. r i r m she was b w a May.

aUon. doing Paul with her family In 1013, S tie Lumber was married to W aller Short D T»'ln FalU 5, 1913. M n. Short wa* gradual

ay momlng from a normal school a t Nevm Ofl properly Mo, and U ught achool for o id to colleci jrear In MUsourl. ^it allegedly fimlly moved from Paul-*, Clarence callfomla In 1822 and relum ed■ ~ ~T --------Burlfy«nn9.-M T3.-Short--waa1ms Uial on ^ e^ b er ot Uie Roj-nl Nelghb< apjona algn- Rebekah lodg# here. Sfor MJ8453, pIjq n member of th e Pi It per cent contract dub for 20 years, a riree loU In i>een employed by tho MU on- drug ator# In Buriey for th e pi' »U«c» ,U>e 18 yean., jnJY f {hi; Survlvon Indude her hiubai

u ono son. Glen Short, Paul; o .ed to a ault (.jfj, Lucille Johnsi.. .t, ».ii Aberdeen. Md,; nine granddi

D?r‘ Ihree brothen, Jolm D uff a Wlliard Duff, both Buriey. a

^ Hueston Duff. Paul; Uirco *UUi w n i 'a n d M " 'cnllf,; Mr*, Maud O um ea, Bu

and M n, Mable Zemke. Burley. . . lh . ''SMneral services wlll be annou: iia o n ^ J r t 'b y Payn# mortuary.

.’m n r a S - m a r t in GETS-CUECKUE lh# aale ot WASHINGTON. Mareh 5 (Ul

ty. -R e p . Jo.ieph W. Martin., Jr..corporation Mass., wns in the Naval medl

nnd Eberle. hospital In suburban DeUie* Md.. today for a checkup.

i s j n s t a r o u mV ^ T oke th c sew-wohdeW i.

— m obi_vouiL .ow rL jlO lT tj

• ^ N e w ,H 0 P S A C K IN 6J w (p rin ts o n d .so lid s)

• ARNEL SHARKSKIIu j i , (p rin ted a n d so lid )

^ 3 ' T U X U R f O U S l



: ~ ■ Completely w a s h a b leisn a u ie . , nnd c r e a s e Reg- ' Choose from 14 gor-' only__________ 6MUJ cdora.^

•d. 98c yd.

> ; v . . A ' - ' x

K l ' ^t o t

I N y l o n s - ^

H eaven ly shades . y d j w E

„t“n,,79c ^

,Glo . ^IS CO TTO N -SA T- ‘ n d fee ls like silk .c re o ie *| ^ .Ily, y d . I . Z T


'AJ ^ a u e ^ ✓

___________ __ £ ___________

; (

■ TH U nSD A Y , M A H Cn.5, loso

Seen Today[ S - P ....................... .. - -...............— -

J . V. Kej-ser appearing to be l*. dUited over slecrltig car irour.ij

J V U vehicle in centcr ol mtersfciioii to • make left-hand turn . . . Vrmon

nesday cuaslng opcnlnK pcrforminte ct 1 one- "Carousel" . . . Mrs. Rodney Trtt.-,r . ^ . to boaaUcg. of-otUcc-lmuM dcani-r

e ffo ru . . . Tall man-nibbing bsu I 'J . A, of ncck after bumping Into top c; about doorway . , . Man aliKhlim: la a i

o f th e car. then tuming back'suddr,;!,I came to remlnd wire of errand : . . i>j-

rccelvlng Inhospitable ticai::;rr.’ ■oUelB rrotn'angry-Trosirenmnn , C iTee'Vf^ k > y r id ro in « a rc o f tf f tiioirio'::!!.in the tcr by flustered liouicwilc , , . whose A rthur DeVolder receiving comi;;;.

r Hall, m e n u aboul h is curly hnlr , . . WlUon Local Jokester making Ions

four- for exlra dessert during local i r t \ . Ice dub meeUng . . . Mini

5 la be young ion arguing over mcrih of nor to mWiUoaol puto l to

cowboy outfit . . . Cold weiUhiT- w wcil complalner shedding cont a t n-u

ready opportunity Thursday;?while out of office on cotleebrrak

tipd to . . . Broken coaMhovel ln nildtlip ion to W elreel In 4l« block ot Scvrmh

avenue north . . . And overlic.nii; An awfully lot of loud talking m public library... ______

T m -----------^Registration Is__

Set for ElectionMary d u HL, March S — Registration

esldent the April 28 city election Mill ' .’Jl''!* begin April 2. I t was announced at

the d ty council meeting Tuesday night. The positions of maj-or and

n Paul eoundlmen posts wlll be filled.ReUrlng offlcen indude Mayor

M L.'in PVnnk-fifjUlres and .Wayni' Abnd

12. She ResUUar* wlll be Bernard SUtrrt Dec. and Mr*. Iva P . HUbee. with poll-dualed ing places to bc announced,levada, Monthly reporu »’cre lubmllledsr one j,y Uie police Judge, fire chlcf and

Clly treasurer. The Qiinrterly re->aul to port of the d ly treaiurer aho mm-ned to submitted.-w as-* —BulIdinr~pfl'>""*~''’*feTTSTiTTirIghbora {q KenneUi McNew, to construct nre. She y»rpnrt and nn addition to li:.iB Paul residence; LuUier Moore, to build*M i^ a home; Buhl pharmacy, to movele DMt “'®"'

churih . lo construcl two addltloiu uband. on the parsonage, and Jnck Joslln, :i; one to build a private, garage.

Ilddu"- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ^ * * :

f s f Don't Forget ;u .d t =

• S | MARCH 21st, I, Buhl. Xrley. X Come o u i and ask nounc- '!• V

*!• aboul ill

‘ISsrfROUNTREE'S-^ medical I FOODLINER titheada. ♦ +

p i tnd The ComereWut w ay to spring fashions . . . im our fobulous selection pf new ’

ING * Chino & Tarpoon Cloth;) (prints a nd solids)

iKlN • PRINTED PURE SILK J) end Silk Blendi


Drip Dry and Retulnted

- ..... C O T T O N S _ ,

ramou«-nnme brftnd iln ’ ^ \® , all fresh, new patterns,I ;: BoUi w a n h a b l f l and-

crease resistant.

nefuUrlyOHe Z 0 <per yard, now _ . O ’

[ I P ^ D R I r t A I K t O T H S -

Ua4w6bes-wdfr4o-b«>utifu l prints and solids 7 0 ^to m o tc h ............ .. yd. /




,r,i3to ­


:mi.-!? -IU




3ntlonMillJ at ;dfiy and lied, lyor n_nd



ct n Ills


□od ’Ionsslln,

; \

I ■ •

H *

t I





Page 3: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

d a s s w o r k l s 1 ^

F e a l u f e d f o i - p " *

' p T S A P a i I <‘ ^

« ® 5 A w « r t U n w n *n«l|;;:•-••■ -v>-

. t u ie h i8 h j.r . ■;: ■ e ; ; ' : ; ; . : :


'• '‘®”.> .^ m id o k a county i | |D |h»> iM llltlfs 10 o f f c r i , ^ ^

; n « t yfw xiudcnui com: W AC1.L.V.

“" f. h . , one or the largwl drp^runenta In U.e

E n g l i s h ,

A l l M a l^ S r ta a y . . i in d outlined wmp ' ny J. M, UC

nceompllihmenu AMOCIalcd PrMa f ' ■ Mhetillonal onranlM tlon, President EL-'enln

»n<l lwulonnlcre.1 were Minister MAcmlllnn to Mr And Mrs. VauKhn Klirushclicv all mn

• Mr. aod M n . Ilclncr. y tiicrday which arer S r i - i them IU post prcsi(lehl.v ins Intcrprclntlon.i. TtTkfr Don CfCKO, president ot ElMnlJower w id t

• S i A ba, and Mrs. Jiss H m n s , bly will come when "Ll-council prMldenl, mnde thc tiia ry to have son L^U U oBi. *lUi Mra. Hymns borne n t nil tlme.i t

— - nppirdnHon— fof t hg trlblf miflsHe-ftUftcla• mrt; iotit by couples In help- x iia t could mean

isf to t t t the orsnnlsatlon set up, jftdons w llh the S<Mrt. B4lr, pftit president of thc M rse and worj<

fourth district. «r»d former stnte * | , „ e imm inent al hflird member, helped lend the feared. I I could also «sjn thnniRh Its llrs t year, Mrs. erallly reRardlnR j Hj®*5S»lcl, - • will be ncce.iMiry v

Rtfruhnients'were sen'ed by countries have tru '■ u i i ' titrc-A ntone;—Mrsr-fBoi> TnlsHIfTystcms-ln-t• B»»dh«d and Mrs. Emery Car- Maemlllan said hc

ion. ; Klirushchev about aHie r n t mfctlnB w»l be held [ „ i Europe in whlcl

April T Bllh ft pane dl^uw lon conventional fl punned «n current legislation per- un ited , u onc ol tiining to education. ^ .^eh m ust be- st

■-------- ------------------ counlrle.1 concerned.POWER MERGER URGED • T hat mlRht meat

SALE.M, Mnrch 5 tfl—T hc gov- concrete ideas on tl enicn of OrcRon, Wnahlngton and with which both tl C»]|(omla tttre.utKed yesterday lo the communists h iPDOlnt ft commlitce lo *ludy the times, and one whl ooulblllly of connectlnic electric Umes been descrlb J^crsrile u is-o rth c lhrec-ilatM , rather unspecific ti Uw.suftcjtlon wfts, made n t .n gaK«nent. m tln e hero of thc three govern- Of U might mea; on' rtpreseni illveA. MMmlllan has been

_________________I all sorts o t nebuloREAD TUJES•NE^V8 WANT ADS as -part of n poatii


J j A I I

WE HAVE BEEN GOING D/ „ _stOEp_ed_to_shaye),.AblD_W-Ell

7 2 W IA 1 IN 7 2 HC


S A L E S - ,,ASi

I M A N . J N O U


- C O F F E E : EX

Served All ' ■• .............. rj { Allowa

■ ^ ^ bring i" . ^ a s h e r

. ' ! • aWayh o u r s I - M,

P i o n e e r ’ s C o m

jwf planned (rajecturr a t th r .'i. ipirc le Doon and Jnltt llUa.'vla's "l.unlk’' In nr

1 , S o v i e t , U . S . , L e a

a k e U n c l e a r S t a t en o U tllT S B ritish tiuljllc nt kcfj

M9 Newi Analjrsl mind. He u in rei’tyiienhower. P r i m e llnij Jrom the np|>a'llllian nnd Premier parliament nt llic lln

mnde atatem crui KliniMichcv wid lli. are open to vary- lun will (.Irii n kp|>n,':, trea ty with Easl Ocilid the day proba- W est falls lo come tohen It will be nec- all-German sclUemcrsome plnnes a ir- T lia l raises .•.evcrnl

ies to counter pos- D om he mcftn the t

can hc cxpccLs rc- under wny? Docs hc s Soviet Union lo cu rrcn t Inleniiliietii vorac. to the point no tw ond stulemcnu t attack m ust bc Hons? also be Just a gen- D ors he menn iha lg jXMitures which recent note to lhe >. ry when dltfertng saying the Soviet Ui

truly operational negotiate on reunlflain-tortnrr:--------------'Mmny;')ie-Tcimy-wn r ad hc had tnlked to G erm an 'sctilcmcnlu t an area In cen- ------- !----- ‘~ r —'—I'hlch bolh nuclear c*111 arms could bc O l) of the m atters r studied by the

m the subject, onc i ^ h the BrlU sh’ond s hnve toyed a t i \ which hns some-

icrlbed under th e \ , ^ i n w lc term of dben- ' '

A t Low A tmean merely tjiatbeen tolklng about Cbuloiis suggesUons i 9 a V * f V l 0 r)Osturc before Uic

g M a d J

I A To n l y 24

W E 'R E O P E N



lY TA G SM IQ U R S i ^ J



lA '® ® J ! WE'I " ' I ' . - 1 . W H ^

EXTRA !l [i'nDE> lADE-IN.f

------- T;-.... ri .- H - - th o E— fy°“ i:.i-eATCilg in your old 1 ' u /Hher and .haul '

... . • .. — I— W E ' ayyournewMaytag. ij

_l'j • ........


iirse Charted

' j ^ -------------

MC* MiellUe -rionee r IV." fired frnm Cape ( n nrl»t srouna llic >un. teicpliiili)) '

l ' some form ot rcunlf;' n < l P r S Tlie reds cnll 11 Icilrr,iiioii.

Dlplonials iratlllioii.Mly ■ itiitem ents 'byw iiich iiirv

r O . n i f ' l l l ^ pinned down, nnd ihndc.i

kcfjiinK an open tneii with ih r clc.irrsi nf 'lyini: to n nucfi- cannot pu t the ir tlioui:li ta-lliim IfHdcr In clear words cn llie i.|iiir ■ iinir moment,d Uir Soviet Un- W hatever the rrn'on, I

kpI miiiIc tieace fcrcs wlUvUie (lcvcIop;iicia Oermany ‘it Uie Hc^tjplnlon on-lhe l;.^ucs,

e to tcrma on an T l'ls doesn't mnke nny menl 'r ' Soviet Union

s i - s s t ; „ , . E H I S E

lenls ns negolla-


BU' .

tu r r . . . P

----- vohoi

h c o t


W a r b e r g B r (Ai J50 :' I HEATING Ca

_ I ISO Fosrtb Are. So«r Drug | dioI re 3-6248

M a y t c i

HOIz d S l A i s j z ^ A D : ^


i d ^ f c G r H ^FTRANCE D U R IN G N IG H T H O UR S)


\UST GO!f JRegardLessU10 R E A SO N ^^L E O FFER R EFU SED F'


^Y T A G W A S H E R

= = = ^ 1


Later the ithe Better 1 •! Deal I Fo'nHe;Oldf•CH US, I t . Maytag" /uii.t '■ Washer

j Trodedlr,!■ • n (DECISION B-



B u s s P r o t e s t

- B o a r d i n g s o f

” F i s h i n f i ; B o :M o s c o w . March s ' u r n —•!

Soviet Union Iim nrficUlly j> - -• ,r,-v~.’. j i f iU d Ajiitrtcan-liuxrilirj: -u ;

Iiuw lan ILihlns IrnMlrr oft N. foundlancl. T n u news aceiicy

■ ' T lie Soviet Jiceiiey .Mid th e J) • J ter.l nole W.1.V hnnacd lo lhe U.

______ I_ _i;cmbnf'.y In'Mo-.coif, Tn.'-v<H'L_ ™ „_^ .l;pccU i'._K lic ii .* lic .ry;c_ivai.£l£j

v e re d , •; . l l i e UnlledSlAtr.i n.ivy laM w• -, • demined nnd boarded tlis irftM

: Novoravibk o f f Newfoundli• when It became sujplclou-r a tle

; seriM of breaks in trans-A llai ?■ cables. - • •

T he navy reported the traw

__________i ' f f B 0 l 0 B B E B B B 9

pe C anar. ^ 8

iiniticallon? U

i£H| liEBnrly. Some ■ ■I nt minds Hmi:lils hiio M -----------------— -

WEEnny •dlltcr- iilon. where H i to partlcl- H I

.IcmficracifA . f i 9 -------- ---------SPECIA)i be made Hlc BU|iporl, n

o n 't ju s t B v i M mBUY 0 nfu rn a ce | H..P L A N J H __________ i l ' I M

y o u r W l l | l 1 1 y |O Th o m e

ic o tin g l 1)1 m U B r

# _ . I fI and O ai IV ) ! « / -rurnaee. j ^ UM j

MSoath 1/11/ W | | '2 4 8 y r

B i H __________________


^ i ■ i

V I I —

r J V yFt: : - i SIS ) ------------------

' t e v e n ! g j | | f ,

------------------ . 4 - ^ ------- -------a - F I N E -; • ASSO !

Values to

1 1 - . : - ^ " E z " « . • ------------------ ----------------------- ------------

-----------— ;v:— ^

iE‘ iRe(J G r o s s

'® '‘ I . P I N W hI d e s t ; A' fftshton-surrlng,g :______: - .*o.imart,---3»unUag

; r " j slim, u im lie t! . 'B uI II I .* fortUotu th a t ftdd t' ” v i • It thiolutely pertecl

B Y ' ■ jl


■ dld-.-nol Iwve o thrr th a n flsliin ftiulpmenl on board but fa ld *om nf the fbhlnn'U riile m e lt coui'

. p liRvp caujfd tt’jr bi_raV:. _ _ O T The'So'vici 'n'ulc ^4 ld the Hiia

.'lan.^ expected live Unlled SU lc I to tnke sll nece.vary mra.iures ti f j j j t .pievcnt lhe rfoorjrrence ot nc tlor

■ |lo*nnl Kovlf! l!.'>!ilng ’ r.virls en I i—'l-i-.f m (ishir.ic m oprn The note referred .•.{n'clJlcnlly ii: —u.' -altlic iiuviiTQiililt ttluch lionrde ft Nc'.i.Hjy ft >'.a»al party from th e U, J icy .•.,iiulrat'^r picket r c o r t flilp noy <

lU li .1:0 iiillM li<irllw;./,l of S !he j)to- •"''I'''

“ M « * t i n g : S e t i =JEnOMK, Mi'U'h 5—T lie Norl

HM xvrek Side Jrronie Hl.' society wl traw ler meei-nt 8 pm. tTidny a t Uie cH

undland hnll.a tle r a Kenliired will be a film on l>

Atlantic life of Alcjiindrr O uliiim Cell, ll vcnlor of the lelephoiie,

traw:Ier Ouixln aie Inslled,


IL a ( J i e j ' - C Q r i d


^ P A N - T S ^• G uoron teed W o s h a b le • F ine Pinwole

C o rd u ro y .• B cck Z ipper

, • In 6 Spring C o lo rs


__________■ SPORTSW EAR


t L A D I E S '


----- • - 6h lrl-«(j'le«-«llh------^ 3 9 / ^ . % Boll-Up Sleeve*

• Prc.Shrunk Cottons ■ • rancj-s A: Solidi

• AijL Color* . ■

'i j jji/ STREET FL O O R


I f o l d s a n d F r e nN E--LEATH ERS— --------— ^SSO RTED COLORS ^to 10.00......

r H E E L - P U M P ,

ring P lnw hetl-ihal'i cool.' w f t a a d - .......i tlag around town wllh your-o-l*»--------Mtume*. Perky Bow - Pointed toe.!.' But' It's the prtlly Plnwheel p er- »dd UlB cool, airy touch Uiat make* erlectlon. , ‘ .

I — ST . FLOOR 12,95

sliing •” a c tk j:ss f a c iis c h a r g e s I p isome UVLIiroOL. Enjland, March Scould (UPIi-^ar.-.h Churclilll. « -y ea r- vniis^ old-iittirsj-riauchter o f 'S ir W1U-]

3UICS ston Cliutchill. wn-. r.irrled bodily:-es to-Into cmirt by four imlirrinen today eiiona-to f“ fe ft clmrKi'- ol liriiiu drunk, i c n .-ftnd flL', ndr/ly .n 10 n'dock In the!

------morHintr.— — --------------------------1“

I ' l l SAVE 10% DUR,1 81, _ ON KOOL.BREEZ L lfE - '

ALL-ALUMINUi_________________ _____________ AND

~ -PO R eH -and-PA;y w iii , w j: GfAfiANTKi; sle City, Wfllf nr Phone for

E c o n o m y H o m e I i rj 2 4 0 N orth L ocus t —

O P E N ' T I L

F R I D y



I ■ - ' .



' U’s brand new and / /our'salone . . . nnd U’s gnded U) t i t . L .

I Bny_tl:tl A

* Silkly finish' ■ ., *. T Arnel nud Cotlon _ rj 1 In 4 colors

‘ t ill ‘ ... : & MED. ft ■ .

> 10-18 .< 1 (j^ ;• TALL •- 1Q-2Q-. ------------._ _ _ u

L L - O U T ! ! ■ I .

; n c h P u r s e s ; h


t I -Men^s.n S P O R T

‘- I S H ;1 R T S _ .Is • Long Sleeves Q 9 E osy .C ore F a b r ic s

h • Iv y -L e c f lu o ,S ty lin g ____

— I — R e g u l a r j : 0 0

m 9 B ^I M E N 'S W E A R — ST . FL O O R |


TY HINTSW hen your TV tcTs show and

• ; ' Bcneral OBtarUon'. ; . ' --------,1 riiO N E RK 3-U:3



UM AWNINGS■ND___________________________ _______

'ATIO-COVERS--------;i; SATISVACTIONfor Free E itim atri '

I m p r o v e m e n t C o .It — Diol RE 3-2007

IL 9 p . m .

) A Y S


' ^

D •

f t -

___ FASHION FI.OriR.............. ....


Belle Shorm eer

I H O S E "

i s a l eP a in o u i' liim e nylotu ..• t b u d s t t ' p r t o —

' M e w , oolon la 'f u l l . > futaloned o r 'a c tm U a

- — H otoeryn------- --------r ~ : ------------

1: 1Reg. 1 . 6 5 ____. . .1 .4 1 ’ 'Reg. 1.50 ___ . i . 2 8 -

' Reg. 1.35 . .. . . . . . . 1.17.;

■ ■ B i y 3 P d lr a i i a T T ^ -------SAVE EVEN M ORII '

" ‘i i

" l i iI J J

' • W • ' iJi

■ ■


-I— ’— ^

~ I

‘I B nI IH■ 1


' j l

Page 4: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

! | ' , PAGE FOUS

- A niiMlUiUoil i l r»k. «, IMt ot Dm E'* ' MUWUM U i n i a«< U« T«l* r*ll« Kr«a «1


— -------------- ~ jun ilii5 fi^” u ^ ' ’Jui!u»*? »~V i/^"i “u “n” :"!na iW w IMUI ct u u Ttttr »«>i<i«bi U

~ ~~ ' lu u r a i ra o N b a te s■ ,. = J , _________ :

------- -- - — p^ t t r m ’t ___ - ______ I — - __ - ____

WllM. Utk. « 4 Cll. t . i i l , . h i.tJ ii '■-:■ Z Z ^ £ . ( i r z = ^ -------------------

UaltW* a u u ^ f 'u ii ii 'iJl. "“’“"‘.c ----------------------------------------n | ^ - - ........ ....... -Uy t t t y . . r ________________ ___ _______

NATIONAI. nEPntSKNTATiVta . WEtfT-iinuuAr CO.. l^c.

i ; t IIUwl. fliB frtiieltfa. Cillf.

• C O S T O F A in P O U T S ' T lic c o u n try aa a w hole h a a a g rc!

In th o m a in te n a n c e and g ro w th o f a• .b a la n c e d tran s p o rta U o n sy s te m c

a ir , r a i l a n d highw ny. B u t th e c m u s t be r a is e d c o n tin u o u s ly ; H' s h o u ld t h c fe d e ra l R o v e m m c n l go tc r i n g s u c h a system ?

. • . R ig h t n o w th e Issue is u p a g a ing re s s c o n s id e r s a dd itiona l a id lo i a c ro s s th e n a tio n .

T h e E ise n h o w er a d m ln ls tra tlo ji th e g o v e rn m e n t will be d o in g i t s s h a r e to w a rd equipp ing th c n a t io n j e t a g e 'l f i t g e U som e 200 m il lio n do s p e n d o v e r t h e n e x t four y e a r s In g i f lt f t l i i , u lt l ea a n d uuH m iltles f o r, a l r p v e lo p m e n t.

T h e D e m o c ra ts In th c U .S . se n o ' a g re e t h a t t h i s Is enough. T h c . s c n a « e q u e n tly h a s voted fo r 405 m il l io n f o r a f o u r - y e a r g ra n t p ro g ra m , a n d I I s k ic k in g u p d u s t as I t b reezes to w n

____________^ a g e J i U h f l J i o u M , ___________________■ W h a t’s t h e c h ie f d ifference b c tw c ( a n d D e m o c ra tic a irp o r t p la n s ? '

T h e P r e s id e n t a n d h is a v ia tio n a l ■>• l ie v d 't h o f e d e r a l resp o n s lb lllty 'f lh o u l

o i r n a v ig a t io n a ids, r linw ays, c o n tr i• « r j , f l i g h t in g a n d a lrp ian e -ta K lw ay s

d o n o t f e e l th e gov e rn m e n t s h o u lo n g e r b e a r p a r t o f th o b u rd e n , a s b e e a d o in g , f o r a irp o r t te rm in a l b i a n d m a in te n a n c e cost«.

■nie D e m o c ra tic view Is t h a t t h e r ■ •.T auU io rlly .iihou l'd he lp s la te s a n d lo c i

buU d u p a l l revenue> produclng c le m a i r t e rm in a l s , In c lu d in g th c s t rth e m se lv e s , . - r .....................................

T h o D e m o c ra ts ftlso a re < o r m o re a i s l s ta n c o 'to th e lo y n r levels o f gove: l h th o s e a re{ is o f a irp o r t g ro w th th e

______________^ la tra tlon_con8lder»_a p ro p e r f e d e ra lt lo n . •

T h o u n k n o w n h e re Is how m u c h t u r e o f a i r t r a n s p o r t w ill a u f f e r lf .f c d i 13 c onscrvA tlvo a n d le a v e r o u t o irp c

. m ln a l c o n fltruo tlon . T h e p u b lic n t kn o w , in o t h e r w ords, to w b a t c x t( s t a t e s aA d c i t ie s can c a r ry t h i s lo a d s e lv e s . W ltlioufc .these fa c ts I t - ls h a rd w h e re g o o d se n so lies. '

- 1 ; . C O O P E R A T IV E C R A C K D O W ' A goo d m a n y studios hav o I n d ic a t..........' ^ c e d Is n o t th e lead ing f a c to r In h

'f a ta l i t ie s . B u t i t o ft«n se rio u s ly a g g .m a t te r s w h e n a n a ce ld en t doe& o cci th e re Is a lw a y s g re a t 'p e r il I n a sp e ed . •

............. ! T h u j , u n d e rs ta n d a b ly , th e re Is ' a j_____________ itrc n d -to w a rd -w v e rfr-d o a l ln g -w ith -x n

___________ ^ b Q Y io la ta .,th e gpecd l l m l t _ g a n n■under G ov. A b ra h am R Ib lcoff, le d t •w ith q u i te fav o rab le re su l ts I n t h e a c o lu m n . 7

N o t lo n g a g o New Je rse y r i i ic d tl: r e s id e n t m o to r is t c au g h t g o in g 10 c m ile s a n h o u r fo s te r th a n th e spec

• w o u ld a u to m a tic a lly lose h i s lic en se day s. R e p e a ts w ould b r in g lo n g e r ;

; ............ filon8. - O a t - o f - 8t a t« - m o lo r l s t s - w o u---------------------- U ieln - d r lv ii ^ p riv ileges in - Wgw - J c t

. • T h is lo s t , o f coursc. Is n o t a n c a s ! to ' e n fo rc c . A n o u t-o f-s ta te d r iv e r hc

c a u g h t In th c net. Bo N ew J e r s e y s te p b e y o n d . I t Inv ited h ig h w a y (

_ f ro m C o n n e c ticu t , D elew arc. N ew Y(...................... P c n n a y lv a n la —a l l ifs n e ig h b o rs— to

. a s o r t o f m u tu a l license su sp e n s lc w h e n e v e r o n e of th e ir m o to r is ts cx

........ B tafc l im i t by. 10_____ - ....... ...........J e rs e y o f fic ia ls re p o r t t h a t fo r t h

su sp e n s io n p la n is hav ing su b s ta n i I su it s so f a r . th o u g h I t is too e a r ly to rj b ro a d e r e f f e c ts l iv lh e f iv e - s ta te a n

N ev e rth e le ss , th is Is a n In te r s ta te In s a fe ty w h ic h oug h t lo b e w a tc h i

■....... ...........l a tJ3na o .ln tc r c8t.b}Uxighwa y - o f f lc la iJ•w here in t h e c oun try . H ard In ltla tiY J

• ...........- s o r t I s n p t to o com m on, a n d i t d c i--------: •» a rm -w e lo o m ^ n -a H -* U lc t .- -

. . F R IG H T E N IN G P IC T U R E T h a t o id o n e about a p ic tu re beln i

10.000 w o rd s w as never m o re p o ’.....................d r iv e n -h o m e th a n . ln a rc c c n t, n e w s

g ra p h ta k e n a t th e se n a te r a c k e ts c , te e ’s “Ju k e b o x " h e a r in g s

A t th e m icro p h o n e w as R a lp h Ki g in , III., Ju kebox o p e ra to r w h o , nc to o th e r te s tim o n y before th e c o r

H’Was fo rc ed u n d e r th r e a t o f d row h. ' , . y ie ld h a lf , o f h is business to n n cx Ij ■ n a m e d R o c co Prnnno . Id e n ti f ie d l{ ■ c o m m llte e a s lieu ten an t to th e c h i? .m an o f th e Al Capone gang.

[r .• ' v m a t g a v e th e p h o to g rap h ita hc• ' i ' ■ fa s c in a tio n w as th e fa c t t h a t b e h

, •• to th e r ig h t o f Kelly, in th c h e a r l r 5 Iji I a a t t h e s a m e Pm nno . He h a d K el[ ! | l ^ ___:— W ith a s te e ly g lin t w h ich p la in ly-It}— ----------m e n a c e ,- C h a lr m n n M cC lelland w4 v ln e e d K e lIjt jB a s te rro r -s tr lc k c n .

. N e i th e r w itn e ss gave th e c o m m iI •«>■ . l o U o f ih fo r in a U o n .P ra n n o e x h ib i t

. I l n g b u t d e fia n ce , a rrogance a n d I n i - .;- , . .T h U . m in d i'ou , a t th e h lghc .^ t

“ - '- i - ^ v e m m o n p - ’in -^ ih o 'h a iis o f -c o n o ■ ■ ' . a r t th e y t h e .h i g h e s t ? ' i t ’s g e t t in ! ' l a t« to d e c id e w ho's r u n n in g ih lsII , r‘o u r e le c te d represen ta tives o r t t I . p f a n n o s a n d th e ir m a s te rs of. t h u

^ ■ Ofust, th ln ic liow Jt w ould c u t dc ‘.‘t h o o th e r fellow" w ero no

T U C K E R ' S r

W H I Rl l l l . mt Uu pal reJoicWf Amons Uie pre*K

I. 11.1. thtM diys. In tn»tonii n r a i j « » u i n g

itiSS.■ ■ ------ aheuld Uieir *n*Jy»U i

— - - I t ^________t t.ti — ( r y • ■ • Uebted b------------I tio become

a s ------------- -

„ since 1B(z z z z z l i i M

« I.M s . Trurr------------' preniiceiliT T ;— iiBM

^ K.W Tm.kir HARR,iif. »»«• HOPEKUL-The flrat — r " ~ e t covie . ^Aa fo n i

New York. IronlCttny. 0 » p r M t s tn k 'r «n “ Wni vJciory o»er Ui*

" ' i n * fevcfMl Of th e D. Df a so u n d , Republican .me, •1 c o v e r in g Rockrieller wilt rem ain i c q u e s t io n Nixon, » sejinie Ueure. ur

Z f i . Blinlflcnnt. IM. Ihnt Uie Ogo m JOS- ,n rY|.riiil»r< th«n tt“ by live to lour.

•In a s c o n - • •Lo a i r p o r t s Mic h ig a n 's w i l l ia .v

^ .HON'-Anolhcr sovernor v. tur{ by v«t«rAn poUUcu

ip b e lie v e s MiehJgBti, »imoush thei t s p r o p e r wwied Wm m lt» ••ravoflKo n f o r t h e Tho Democraii wlll hnnI d o l la r s t o heavily oppreweU laxpnyer:

^ “ wWiil ana potentially p1 g r a n t s to leehnlenlly bnnkrupt, .a i r p o r t d e » AlUiflUiih' cfl»M“ cniifKe

> pollclcii nnd costa Iiave drl:c n a te d ls - w iuiwni liw had i

e n a t e c o n - e“p^«t“ r « p “r ^ l ■ lo n d o l la r s Moreover. In view of on I d t h i s b ill havlor, IncludinB W alter T >w nrd p a a - "'nnrcli on WAiJi/ncCon" >

llamV cloje nsjoclnilon v

w e e n G O P d S ’h ttrg^ ’ *

I a id e s b c - DRow.v. Ca l i f o r n i a ,

n t r o l to w - ( „ p , „ 1,1., m m in a o iu v'a y s . . T h e y Wllllwn p. Knowland.n o u id a n y in la monuw. he con hoi

a s I t h a s <*«P ■‘*’0 paib u l l d l n s , s , n " ; r „ “,nc’i Z “" U

CooUdgCi uUvAtlon In Ui h e f e d e r a l u h le re pollUctI headlines, lo c a l tm i l s ' ^ ftddiuon. manaBlnp st

n f California, he faces lax I hoiuekeeplni etirneulUes.

s t r u c t u r e s ^IJ dllemmii. AlthouKh he Uke to be a -“favorite son

lo re la v is h does noi make him a aer o v e rn m e n t N. J . q o v e r n o r n o t u INEE-OOV. noJien B . Me>,he a d m in - 0 ,^. p^,c r a l_ ju n c j i iic_jj_ one _of_fcw_ sovcr

p ruentailon does no t call c h t h e l u - Wriung of Meyner'a ct f ^ n i r n J niH PoUUw' « P « ^ T ren tor

i? p News, offers an acute obae i r p o r t i e r - ried th» headline: "Meynei

n e e d s , to desUal candidate.’* e x t e n t t h e " i t va* only n few dn: nort 'l h a t Vice Prealdent Nlxoro a d tn e r n - jj .i^ndnrd bearer, Uat la M lo te l l U r i , , „

"Meyner appeara also to

O W N ' ‘ Plfals' where tffhc it name erokM somethlnK » 1

c a ^ t n a t Another reaw n lo r Meyn n n lg n w a y in tlie TYenton •writer’s opli a g g ra v a te s V. Kenney. Democratic lei i c c u r . A n d county. Is eald to favor 8e

e x c e s s iv e oPPWlUon 'fouW prevent e x ce ss iv eTcntloo.

a g ro w in g Another, explanation, Sch i-x n o to r ls ts . ih iit_W aihln£tonJjJhe_Br

in n f f f i lC U t g S S n S e n u - t S 4 ^d th e w a y publlcUe llie *enatorial bl le a c c ld e n i johnaon, Humphrey, e tc. A

A nattoiml flsure A dlal E.1 t h a t a n y

; . ^ u i a " s v . i E - W - S - O j■J e rg gy f u r ------------- ju .M m r y A Ct i------------ --O na.-a l-any-ra te^of-U :e a s y th in g purpose to reduce traffic li• h a s to be i’y “ ' b Idaho Knato a n d a «ir n enacUnfnl Into Inw. ^ ^ , , This li the bill, pa-iaed l y o f f ic ia ls UlC senate, uhlch would nil ’ Y o rk a n d tion to handle trivfflc law - to J o in in nllM. Under its provislotu’ Iis lo n p la n

c x c c e d s a ^nd tliat, u seem-i to— .. --------jjriM and aalutary-proceei• t h e m ' t h e certainly. If.JunJor Js di t a n t i a l r e -

J l? rlt*« or ahoteun he sliould t o m e a s u r e *.h,ievtr his actual blrth< a r e a . sponsible for v lia l he dou

t a t e c f f b r t n ie re 's no reasonable tc h e d w llh ' ' I 'f "i^ lc h l» much wider n

tlv e ^Qt th isd e s e r v e s a tTWder. g isu n g law ...w hit

bate oourt u-hlch w ith youi nates i t Uie prime Judicial

i^E Juveniles, and It a atlffe ln g w o r th #ble, the case Li tu m e d o p o w e r f u l ly heaiui.

ew ^ n h o to - There aeeiiia to be ■ no » . yountsler Involved In trat s c o m m it - jpeciai conslderaUon exce

creeping Into tlie a tatutei I K e l ly , E l- age group, should hc. i, n c e o rd ln E '““S Sc o m m u tc c . “ .'“ " i S l oro w n ln g to or that coneepU Junior hr

e x -c o n v ic t df prblettlon, either for e d b y th e r « d of Uie wciety o f wi

criin- There Is ln»-ol»ed th e ; c h ie f g u n - procedure ui

by any means, enhanee r i h o r r i f y in g Oolse StateMnan.b e h in d a n d _____a r in g ro o m , i c c a l o m iK M lv f ix e d Members of lhe U tah li , 1.? K> ‘hut reiKJcnLi^ly b e sp o k e ^.iiquor store or rel

w a s c o n - review Uie proceedliiRs of 1. ’fll* commltue. whlcliim l t t e c o n e ite^nr mood, studied for Ih ltrrt n o t h . "'J''®'' P'

,;1 .7 “ P PlAa for ^ ■I i r r i ta t io n , uie itsniniure jidopted : s t l e ^ 'c ls .o t . Tlic .committee.devotee ;o n g res s O r the quesUon of lorn! opt t l l n c o r c t t v mended m at the U tnh I:

■ ^OCCO one was.UiBt p, liquor tn u g d o m . the most lucccssful .diall

...... . AnoUier u u Uie feari d o w n accl* wmmuniijvuould tnivcl'

. n o lM o w c a r i r S n ’ ^ n a ' f f c nlExantner.



rL IG IG ; P /-rhere_ls'iJeep_bul suppreaied! _ ' ______esldentlil'b loe of Democfaiic C ; T n the ir opinion, their guber- O X T l w Ilns b r the political wayside " ten lutle •Indians" in the . '

Is p rove 'co rre tt a i to IBM. INSI'ly aiew i Uiat one of ilie pub- po t 61icd blKwIgs on capltol liUl wUI Bome time ine the Democrats' nominee, ter from a ptpossibly Uia-;iexl p r^dsiit. - nszne nnd ader various and ur^entandable signature. .Y<sin^,yovfmor< hsve yirerifimln* n

as presidential candidates o^iy gdds to1900. Only Warren O. Hurd- ^ Uils soi

Dhio, moved dlrecUy Irom the non ” tlia t co« to the White iiouse. iiarry K nators use Irum an had to serve an ap- j cun untlerst.:icestiip a*uUee president be- (ore a senator■ucceedlns r a i l . name, bu t dai

RRIMAN ELIMI.SATED AS "Eso^-*b! irat •'lltUe Indian- to be ellm- unless ho wa; onner Oov. Averell Hanlman, (m,Oov. Nelson.A,-Ilockefeller'* w b n t do vo th c former new desler may

I Democratic situation on Uie

iln A th rea t to Vlee President p^ i sh o ts until the final roll is called vour friend'w i

Xrpuultcan-convfntlonnt-15 Jf ,jouriah to " h“ way. don 't loaa.lhfl_Demo««Usincc 13W-. w e consulted i

. . flter. He Indlcimost efitirelv *

IA.MS MAY RE “FAVOniTE j^ r3r who has been ruled off the g tn tc s Is ci CCS U .O , M«nn«n-Williams, W ebster has 1 h e orsanlsauon tiiCR has un ited Stales >nie w n. . . . w ithout any tinrdly dare to presenl to the ti-n rp u folli yers Uie head of Uiegreut in- yhy prosperous sUle which is

J-KC thtti nts social welliire EAtdriven induslflei oul of Uie , , „

d to ask the great corpora- J," advance of the due date for

organized labor's recent be- m v e s Uiai T P . ReuUier's demand for n I" o f the unemp/oycd, Wll-

W anta know• • Roliij up? Dun

• IA, HAS ONLY OUTSIDE Now don 't ro i u is nllol more than an out- because Uie bt Imund O. Brown. Callfornln. right up wllh s viclory 'over former 6en. else. "You cnn

more th a n it c hard ly engrave a sufficiently to th a t, too, pa rty or publle mind and p irs t off. tl t prem ature promotion. He. democracy or Ilke th a t which was Calvin Uiinir Ilke thi lhe Boston police ftrlke to bureaucracy r

nes. for bureaucrat;r such nn expanding iU te n. A goven a troubles and many ether cnn 't ge t rid a. K e appears lo recognixe one bureau on

he has said tha t he would up tn anothe son," he explained Uial thts any. xheyTe 1 aerloas candidate. woodwork.5T HATED m e n AS NOM- Tliey'rc the VfOTier, New Jersey, does not budBci 't i presidential (trade, allhoucli •'rcnue.sUs" coi

vcmon)._whO!'e JPW .bmisct u,oy call for A Ux Increase. „,o wklni

chnnces, BolUjn Schwartz, „nd thcv Iton for .the Paswilc Herald- Aclunlly. of ibservaUon. ills dispatch car- ijgj.. pusht m u no t rated high as presl- w hether you

days ago.” Bchwarlz wrole, ^ “ s*J“t'o nr°ovI Ixon, Uie prospective Repub- included In th UsUiiE the Democratic can- ’J 'fI. failed to'mcnUon Meyner.I to be given sliort sJirlJl by oreover. Uicre are a number ..demtmded” ' n 1 th e New Jersey Rovemor's uuA lo t than enthuilasm."

eyner-3 low totem pole sUUis, opinion. Is lhe foct tliat John i lender of populous Hudson

e c n a u r Kannedy. If so, hU “ “n t Meyner from having Uie f a m o ii* ;rw y delegaUon a t the con- ^ J J iU m

Schwarte'believes.'is the fact thoon* uw d-fo principal source ot national t t m .

a ^ d J i , and corTWtly. thal

, bloc—Kennedi’. S>-nilnglon.And, of course.-dlnce he Is L EG A L AD'

1 E. StevenMii. still another — ---------- ^Jia t they are able, enjer and Tiiv°pt*inMA ■»-atJd elghl-hour lnUr>lews i 'ai.uh COUNi

ir» Wewiptpff BTndlCTle) 15ouli*r.^h,„i,

lE- 0.XH-.E R5 l l - i ;L L U U .M A lllH n -------------- I' im n 'fo.' r ' mr.M:-Ui6 ineasures devlwd wlUi i.f ihi i ' lc ha iords has been endorsed ’,d scein-i well on lhe way to- xnln Comll.J,tw. . Counir of Twined by an all-but-one vote In •-i''s ihr pi 1 «lTo all stnte courui Jurlidlc- aw violation,-! Involvlnc Juvc- tw in ins’a youiipter w ho gels Inlo T“ H?]uld bo treated exncUy as 11 ' jJ'

to u.% would bs a common _ ij'n

1 deemed sufflelenUy mature s o r i a :leUial Instrumeni such as a V'ni‘)vuld be considered old enough. |jj thV maV pVrthday count, to bo lield re- j . i'. sM,\w,doea wllll It. , Nollrr l. hfi.lle deviation from Uial rule ,,llVT."'!''he -whtel ot a motor vehicle, '.n h.'.i

ranging In Its deatrucUve m n t i

Wch^&-&lll*.wfluld.^end. Ir« n r r riMvlL with In the pro- ,,h'9rtL.i3,'OuUi reliablllUiUon set deslg- 'do) authority In deslloc with u .i,a (hi. : <iiIff penalty Is deemed advls- twind over U) the state board,of *

710 adequate reason why a %vi;i «traffic trouble be given any ri.i.u.s. M.f. t,

ixcept th a l Uiere's seiitlmEnl . :u tes th a t those in a minor- notick is

under any elrcunuUinees. d protected against the con- r<in(rfT«iian nin ACU. »'l>i-rTh -r T-lnillon whellicr. In pursuance "?• h asn 't been given too much T-in i .ii. id.i or hls own. good or for the .uisorinn*' ih.which he Is A mcmbcf. »»>.,«•>. .croniim

w probability—almost a cer-'I under such concelil doeui'l of ie r tspeet for Uie law . . .— >tr>irt vt >«i4 <

.______________ .l.rV r V»rtf>."l!T IO N IN UJA lirh legWature wh» favor a bill J[,“‘lU In a coinpiuiiity m.i>- vnie f,,t.ii.h: t o “nrecp; onr ^imuld — is v TfAT

1 of the comniuirc oflicit wa.i nppoiiiird by Gov. "f t - m. k. ii.. i, for montlis wlwi Utah should ' ‘ ‘"J ,• prohibition rtneal. It came rui.ik-tr DSf' a state liquor monopoly and •'cii--v i-. m. .■

^d the recommcnd.iUons. "immt -t ii.» i ^tcd much agoniKd itudy to 'option aiid eventually rrcom- lu.i.i, .n.l llmt h liquor law .siiouia no; con- '-i wal opUon, for i»o main rca-

luor store In a communliy.I/. a.<,liallenge to the booilfcjjr. car Uiat prrioiis fiorii r rin- i.'iu.*;? *“ vcl' to other commuiiiiu-.i l.>i c irv mId drink on ihcir «.iv nmiif >’r 'hers’ peril.—Oidcn SlAiidard-

' ■ - . 1 .


3 Tw AeniNOTON

I billon isn’f exacUy

O T s l & : i S M "- ................- 'V rpossible to tods « I

' reception-for 4001 NSICMFICANT confirmed cockUIl IKhou- hounds In W ash-1me SKO i receh'ed a let* t f H lto n . w lU ioutI a person who Hiined his serving them a n y lAdded -Esq." btlimd his i»oze,. It_ w;_a« _ a | VM I kM w 'tJials the complete sueccss,|

I ' m S r .. . n j It » f ‘- gto my contusion, enm* p r o s p c c ^ lwmethlng like -Tlie T he O ^ * l o n |

I congre.vimen and U, 8, * “ • ‘I'.ise before their names? i , ,ersund "The•llonl" tw- ^syP'',* • ‘‘;ator-s name Or a mayor'* fact lha t It fell oi

JianffMTf T ran undrr- Wttshington's blrlhi Miireii would Ins to do w ith dryl

-*b?hind his signature ^ B ^l Uie UAR Na jn ,l K .im t p lu - ,™ '

Mohammedan calt ) JOU pu n itd monUi of Shaban.

, ^ i n ^ l ^ » Tills Is a day. of . _____ . In Moslem countrK

3ts note: Undoubtedly J|“'v o u ' l " M o h ^ 'r

idlcates the word U al- .ely of British origin and W hat he senea■ i the use In the Unit- orange Juice, lomatc la concerned, our friend drinks. After raW; jia tti l i to -sa r:-‘'In lilt ^°Ynnri n<T ^ u « t i

. 'f r j fu S “cir. s ! S r E ? i. . Uilrds a t the one er

E » ™ .. .» m S 'E . . . ■“ .p p ,U » r ,l l. Uie sacrtd cow fairly lntei here her heels’ll hiker, nindg uie lr way thA. UlC sacred doe . embassr drawlnc

liai bold cow n piker. equally big dlnlni there was a buffet

. -^y uriaug li) u,e Near Eastem en

HKMANDS WRAT? "fnow why your Uxes keep key, olher cold men BureaucraLi, that's why. in grapo leaves, rip go .laylni? It can't be so peppers, hors d'oei

,e burctiucrnls' Uxes go and olher delicacieswllh Uioso of everyone Ice cream and in Uucnn 'b e uuro Uiey get table a bi(t cake twcII costa Uiem. ’Hiey tee feel. Iced red. whl

n wllh two ureen sliira t. thU country Isn't a Uke Uie UAR flag.

or A republic o r any- • •th a t anymore. I t's a U all dl,yippe.ired

;y run by bureaucraU aum ulanu, nnd Uie crats. W in t Is tt burenu- clean thc .'bones i svemmcnl employe you K m ps foi* the f rid of. Fire him from WlieUier tlils was bi 1 one day and he turns splt« of the tempera: Jther bureau the next ly experU disagree, To llko termites In Uie Arabs have now she

party can be throwi the people'.who formu- ton wlthouf.rolllng I '•requesU'’. And as Uie lng thc barrels.

continue to Increase, Tills will eome a.i iirit-aU-wlUi. ‘UU-pcQi. whl iklng for nil these aerv- People in Wtishlnirt' icy coal money." P^r consumpi

of course lhe "serv- la second highest in ushed down your throat KO-mgBCrtmr from ou w ant them or not. anoUier. Uircc sheet M choice. As 0 m att«r ofirove the point, jo u are Waalilngton Un't l^ 1 tlial "people‘s and so New york, tourl.its r ' frlendfc You Jusl eiarl sorption level, with » und right now nnd see sOmc on premises « i find anyone who hns take homc.!'’■ nnythlnff. Or even The White House ,’OUld be nice. About Uie Uon pacc. CockUll

we'vo ever heard any a r t served guesU gl :ople’* demand Is lower . of coursc Uiat c a a 't be -LEG A L ADVER1 all lhe.« services.. . —

• • • • SOTICB OF KXECUTOU.S LAST LINE iN'Tm: “ koiTat*^c( nember when 'shoot ihe kaM.s co u n ty , s l 1-fo be onlr A plnoehle

ENTCOfAN-lN T H E - —yOUttTH-ROW--------

AD VERTISEM EN TS 'i ' ; , ' - ' ! , ' ! ? , ' ,1“ “ ^ 'cr. Tl> <'KrillTOH!i , S‘n7,7A'!!''lh‘.'’l'’ t s “ i'.IUIUNTy! STATK o'k ' i m HO Krufsfr, <l«, hii i r IIOMKR II. 1'UTI.EIl. -]h.r.Hr «I>M br T-ln Villi .il! rriE riU S '" .:!" ':;J«»m / |.‘ "r M.‘ "‘.I*!*!"!.' . , j '‘w|’ii' ' iJ ”~.. *>'T |’ti

monlhi .Ilrr lh. /ifil publl.i-attU**. Ii. lh« iilJ A<ln.ln- ‘‘V. . • ' .Ihr Uw niflcn ol .Slnih.n, f*"'/, l''»*“ ,-*r-ni*»-J l« l |; T-ln H.n^A ni” fn " J ifr-in Kllii'..''si.i.’o" ‘•".'I"' ‘Jir pl*fr 11. r.1 for th.Mnn*- ,h.'' ",1

B S S i H SlllINTvl STATi; 01- IRAIlb ' U.lrj’ thu'-:4 "il.,* n■rPKu fit; Tjtf. iLiTATt Of i.i.ori) Klifirl.r ti\rn br Ibt utlilrr- - K'nirtrr, of Ibi Will ipf J. r. M«r..i, i;. .10h»’tlne rlilini ii«lmi itir NfTICi; '•!' TIMi; A

11- T-'i- n - “i - T r -■

’ ot*r]:n?.n“ ;r:I.T-i"T.^;f;

‘ W.'irf t' . *' *•' ' • • • --- ai..I for hf.iin'c thr •i'r

XOTICi; IC.I..M 1-i..,clr. iI..T Ila IIKItCtlV (ilVKK Ititt lb. T-ln »•!:• Tlllr inc»tl of lh. uiiHrnlfnf.1, > .f T-ie f.lU. Mihn.

Inc of of iKr tc ^tbm.of Ittlrn tr.

fh";?, m i ' i l » iv7nclT P. i* U,nV’ .*'f,lrrijn'"M!’*'“ M*b‘o,'l<.r “lS.%urp.‘.i! «f AnlirlrV, .M.'Jr ’ .Tf'c^liIb. .,t ' ..i,l; Jl.r. ti .>,1. rc

inline la l » >nd (..r thr >I.\|[Y•b'i^'J"Sf l-^.ll.h: Mir. I.

T'l.ln’” uil'.. Mibo Ihli 4iS l.liASi: WATKIt■ h, 151,, Th. CIIT of T-ln^l ill

r f ^ ^ n i i c j i i t i s ^ ‘-fl,t^

..II u*i'rc"(,-l 'lb""I'''i- "ri^r/l^'il^V.'t.lJ

Uli' Clir'k ■ ' Ull'j'nri*k ''«» *. I'gblaii il»fch 1. UH

,S, ID A H O f

\ S H 1 N G T CB y .P E T E R E D SO N

ON (NEA )-Prohl- parties. Wines are ser xacUy retummg to and diplomaUc dinner r th e - u n ite d - S r a b _ C u « u -in v ilcd _ ln -J .^,1 - after the dinners areIt's or a temperance punc

SUice alcohol Is f tall sUlct MoliatsmedAna.

Arabhin embassy here laut O'' h4U0>'*' Bul I

iiaa much '

o th e r embassies do . iw r r «t-i cohoUc beverages dur

of Ihelr head-of suiie IfI with Syria, Tlie absUlner Ilke India's 'ell on Sunday and w iilu House alao dO' birthday iiad fioth- alcohol' in the prtsti I drylns tt up. official fueats.R Nailonal day <Ud T ^ „ e U a grou 1 on the day of the j^ o n g lohie embassy the middle or tne th a flh e lr national hol calendar I u n a r ,,y ^ j,

ban. Uiere are now 81 forel;y.of special worr^lp ^ Waslilngfon. It avt untrles, bliife alco- such parties a rr

u/J I"

------- — - -T h e re 's alwsya-A.I I m tn was conBress. tr)’lng to gel

,SS°'iJpTiK. i ' l ' “ ■ "1’" = '" "1« 1.1 sampled themold-fashioned and For ne)»l year, the s s. according lo.laste. m ent Is asking taso, em quite pahiUblc. 'nore than aUowcd 1 ick for seeonia and ral.-.e wlll be opposed me email bar whleh , l ! ! ° .n T i L ” !°'] ser. UieJ(ulDurnVd because there's atron / Interesting, Ourst.i against strong d rin it: ly through the big trlcla. rlne room to thc ■,, ■ -------

JXT.Su .tf? Final Honoirm erj luioa' how '® _ ^

U ega nf-lanib. tur- - I o £ m g t ! 1 meat.1, rtce stuffed ^uH L , March 6 - P s. ripe olives, small i™ jgp oeoree W ] d'ocuvres, canapes ^ :

ucles. Finally, brick m ^ o ria l

white and blackslurs In the centfcr ^ ^ Carlson

flag WiUlam Wai. ■ . ■ Pallbearers' were W

e.irfd even wlihout mick. M. O, Hellmai ri the cliefi had to « m b , Richard HaseS nea and brinn In MatUiews and Coltfrl

m b ^ 'a 'd M oT orlri Buhl city eemetery. npcrancc angle, par* 'agrwr^Anyway, ^ e ADVERTI:w shown tiint a b ig ____________________hrown In Wa.ililng- noticb to ciiki illing oul or empty- uo” '1 " y; s'tai

me as a dblllujlon- *^i-A!lLKy^»^K(?»KU'rl*• who iielleve Uiat Nott«» li ii«.n

csl in the country'- .n in .t ’ ib. .irc..i..i. to Irom one party to -nh tb. B««i.r7 rooch.i sheets In the wind, * mi' “

ir of .;nct, official . i th . «ffi« of iub<ii K, n-l tha t Wet, As In {JIh/'tM.'' irl.its raise the nb- („ Jj,, ,„n„fiion of u wllh whnt they con- is* f*uir.Ises" and wluii ihey d. ih

touse sets a modem- • pf''r,rirr1” rckUlls nnd llquers rubiiibi >'rb. M.r. sr s u a t small prtvale


■ «-’ p{li'V^Tf*8At ^TK COUItT 0> TY.;iS M^l''co*nl^fo''r^^‘ d7M'i

0?* -hleh^i.W • ■Xir.n: VrXMfrU !;rr.tinl* thrrl!lf f ‘I’loJinr t clirn. th.l lh. undrr. ,( (hli nollrr. ii rr jglr. —----- -— rf.irro itoT tttij-!53-S'£rfS------gssrisr h'[“ '"llu‘‘.'.'Tl ln‘l‘rrr"l rubll.hl >-rb. Mir. »,

, hii of. lt> »ti lo Ihti COUNTV Of TWIN K'W filVho t« .-ll^" ‘P*’" ’u.rtrr of ’Nnrih.Mt ' 'wiI.tilAM VOC.Kl., I)

S :nd SI. Ki.t. T-Ib ,h, r j , , „'f T ,|„ K.lli t ni*»-li.-ij«!n«;ri .»fT- L',11, . . i,t.U.-li». .U.O !au III rsrrutor. or Iritr !>. hm. .,,,1 nlar. tnf iimvli ^r if^^U.. Clrik^^ul^ lh. 1 1,, willUm Vo»rl,‘ .l«,

n^lon. *** • ' NOTICK TO < RF;”v;;£s i k s j

. ».»rtlit,.r r« .r .n lh. I sTATj: IIV IVlT MVltl

"ri * nf Nolk. 1.^tl>rn Y

trr. "".IrcriirJ rlilK— »r»lnil l«r Mrrli

»ii; APPoiNTiui rnii m.'n'ih'r.ViVV'hr'f’i'jlrA’i

T-Vn" U ll^ 'lllnv ' a ' t

K i r - v . - . l ’J ' - i . E , ' ■;

NoVtirr to in ti• « . 1',Ti.-.|, IN TIIK riKlllATK ( liltbr iirt.ll,-iil„r. nf rort.r f.M.I.S i:m iNn'. .KT.O

|,lib,r'lor''!br lM'iY"cr nJii;, '! . hrrrhr il.rn !•

^r'ln t* rV,atnlJ'or'n." ll,VI."'r,'ih'lh‘ 'rJ;.r7.iV' V >,v i;c;.. ' ' _ . ..rihiTi".,!,*.* t" ih .*„ 'iDri.uir ' ill.’rk ' Ll* l:t 'i';.<!nV(l'’s i. '‘’!l'iV

II I - % '

*»»Irr Krurtrr.

r^p! V. 11on,lj"'.’'iI.'*r’ll IS, T»1;. I'llOIIATi: ' qu

b.: tl,r' Ilo.r0 I.V THM MATH It nrVlllII.MIIIY S. LUWUNU..f<-rrtr.l<^n inr nf ill riiriuirt tn in oWrr ,

-' irr',.ra|..'nil!| VV'.''/,!'r I ‘hrrAJri'l.Vn-lhl

.11 M.I. .nil tn -HIT,!««•. -lim "iiHTWIN- 1 ID.MIK w7. ''

l»i* ■ r-biUhl Vilu sll 'iiiJ. I,'’

' A m Detroit’s Poli( ^ - Rebellion 1

D rrR O IT . March 5e ser%ed a t »u ie yjj,m jon ticket-writingInners. tro lt'r police was back a t i-la-Iflr_aiuilcaU r^ e io d a y .-------- ------------

p w i^ , but nei’cr SdUn aSal' tyili ^ . 'u f J ‘'aV"ud“ S s ™ tV “ pnhere never sert’ca Pollee heads reported Bul ll ll the only anytliiae le lt of Uie alowi y in town. U oit one Ume ll brought sevei tittle on lhe side mands and a threat of 1 uch wcatem-een* dow n-on dlio‘>e<1lfn l hliir

• Some scout c a r officer___________ down—thcU-UckcllDKLP

sdonot»er%’e a I - offenders In prot: Z l n i v ls iu 'o f deport^en plan Ule If he la A tolal Ne«ro a i ^ white offlccr dla's Nehru. Tlie0 does not sen'e --------------------------.r e ^ n c e o r such HiddCIl Taltgrowing feeling JACKSONVILLE, Fla.,

tn -P o llce found oul Uia ll holidays should jj , prij^ners bemg Uken y a pouring. Since ^ ‘ ja rm liad aforeign embassies

^A^momJi* picked the lock on 'tl 'u , wason yesterday and 10 j

srclgn e m b ^ le s popped ou t before puarda J. 8 . em ba^es In ^ g gnuatlon. Threa ' ^bul m at's eco- captured.-------------------

T E G A L ADVERTISEStaming here and ^-*1,1, ^on nmu

budget It's dLl- Kutlrr U hrribr (I'rn Ih.l

the su te depart- inJiudm’ ib rh iu f «f • n.m. taso,000-1100.000 M-rth ;a, 1»5I./or rcirt.lrucll.:d Ulla yeaJ-. The *comU'.n*."”ln.n..ju ued by congress- .» n ) ln ( ot'Contri<I, .n4 ar. eetoUlers Uiem- p I » i ;na

atrong sentiment fb^tiiJ'w*riVnIrin »i*ih« oii rInIt In their dls- t - i T J u i 'V

, - lo (Utrihlr. complclr itUllr t

nor Paid reHeiden6—Puneral serv- . ®W. Helden were ' V 'v h ^ T 'n ^ .tr / t“'Vednesdsy a t Uie n , •sho.i«„ sir..irial chnpel with ' T-in Kill*. ld«boMcConnell offlcl- v.b, ;t, M.r. t. 1;. 1

[son was organUt Viin**rHO*i'iATK‘’cotmT1 Watl, soloist. OIMJNTY OF TWIN fAtJJ •e W. l : McCor- o .-T iir r^ liman; Leo Hol- ja c o h v. le w i. iiixka's lasebrock, Frank rur»D*ni m m orJ.r ot 1 Jttfrled Bcnr. n>»J* ‘j - °,v '. '’u , t a . . r . . . th .ry. . A.^M^t ..w^<ii», tn^m^cour

:r t i s e m e n t s

rnrniTnns ■•>'1 J**®*"S m s » ' V . : i « : , j’o'r 5

;.,™ K ^A T K OK |^.'*’;;^ ,‘';vnrl'^7 -b‘i'" in “ 'li..n' br isi-'t;na.r- »ir-o fim -r tti ti of “ S i i i j^ b r i i i r r » , I5H.— rtrii.J. U> th. cr.S. MAUY tAl.' tO

i - o c i ; r , : - l l l ‘fV"r rubU.h=m . 8l"^:irrl!''lV,^»I finl m>bllr>llon ot - INVITATION TOR IUMI K. W. lUllrlwn. Cll^of T-in V»lli, IJ»bo it^..nui » T-ln cl lh. Cllr up lo I"rlne Ib» rl*f* ll«»j I’. M. on .MomUr. M*kH II. I»of Uii bulnrM ef |,uu wilt Iw rvbllrir o».r<ii| ot

TilO e'rnlcA P H. en mM iif of^.bru.rr, m a. Ih. mt«lln('et Ihl ne.rd o<KilieilT lionrn, fUM bI<S< wlll b* r

If, r - i ; . I?, f . im —,r« ..i 's-no.v TO APPLY .r i r .? ''N T ^ O ^ D s ,«)0 T W h ilf Inch mltiu

S l ^ r ' ' r ’f - l n “u illnd 10 ipplr lo lb. T* hitilln*"mm"rnommlnlonrr* «f th. , |„ mi,|o» 7.r<l .drtiulin In tbi Mid |||,| i„n.n,||, r-I. far le«dlrlild ipplic.llon -III In, iiockrUIn*.

Iloinl il . rrruUr ,<li.«Hl.»ilnni mir b. obtilr,w1n* ibrpubllc.ilon „tflc. c f lb . ' Cllr H .a.g.r .r.)glrH br l.W. offlcr of lb. Cllr CIrik Ib tbiD-TttoarwN.— - j3i-Si»rr„rA ..nii.-rA itr-«r .^cuflr. ,Jirln,rAlU fli»,,rM.r...,"*, 11. I». in* rjfC'rmi'uilr,''"' *"Ttwn APfOINTt'D

■: COUIIT OK TIIK rul.llibi M.rth C, I9H

„■ T,, . O,' K S S V £.'tVlrr*’«?'MW'^Co.irl. ’^COUNTY ^ ^ 'iLrn"[hlr‘‘M“ ',';,‘’tV; In“t1|‘k MATTKIl OK TIIK O ' i v i t rlrrm n'rlrx-lc —NKU<IK-U-rAfn>;il.-I)t:*:i

Uth J i^ o r I;,*’X«.r.'l.*»nJ fgr .^ u ’n.«ir“ it IhV (Uwnlr CouMIon -of J<phn K-l-.rrl lh. Cilr of T-ln I'.lli, Counli ,f. I., him ..I Irtirn f .lli, M.ho, h.i t.r.o i|.t.)lnl

jib? J>i1i^ ^

Y *:]njUON “ umrt.ll'^ -hrn7nV -b?r''i

l-RFDlTOn.H ~~ **'"“ mAKY .lALMO

i?iau®'UrJo^ ii.rn br'Chirir, Hop. IN TIIK I’HOMATr. <:0U11T I ilo t. n.iT..d r.t.1., KAU.S CtJDNTY. UTATK 0Mrrilr Poi-ert. I' KAsjlfl, ^

• I Wl.llj.ilon^M^thll ' " ‘' “" 'I ‘

A'comMnr -Tih th.' n ^ ru irr m>irh.ri, - «ia, r,.unlr'.fT-lr; rnnntm-iftrr- Ihl fir.1 ruMI• h.., Ihli Mnx Ihr Ibli ntilifr. io_lh» *.i;l Kir^ul'tr;- .........'l-ln.K.II..|l.ol,.*_-rnP.n:.«i.

»f"lhi «’t^t. of Irr fhi*.ir for^lhll\''iinMVl'lon“'ilt‘lh’ uVt^'oy^^^^b,

:K^KUU»"rriI°*D^ Vrb^*l?l*l»‘ ; “ ’Mir1■ ‘ ' NOTIl-K T<» CBBnrrO

i<rn br IJord KImp. IK TIIK I’llOIIATK CUUItT Iir c .,,1. „f »r.nk KAI.I.H roUNTT, STATK 0

* m rhll riblbll Nolle, ii hrrrhr cl-rn W I

S* U 'lullrr' d 'rlir.I.'*!™* hr**'T-lt> ‘Vii:" wUhIn"raonlhi nfl.r ihr I

’llird'tM Ih . Irlnr offkM "<V ’u-^^ '"il.'l»«k*. of I.Id . . t i l .! '" " Kull. It!’ Kl.lilllr N.linrtil i'i. k'IUPTOS uf'u .ho. Vhl.“b«lns thr^'l'i.i',f th. Kil.l. ..f Ihr ir*n.i«ilon ef lb. luilnr. urtrr. drrr..r.| ..l .l .,

i l li’.cii;.'.!,i.s I , \ i l s statI' t>b.-i». i:

a ; ‘i,SESE.?‘'Mrr .jf ..l.l Court. fyTATi: OK MYKll.K VAN 1 r of IM>. DtXliASKO.Ull;Vi,ii!;^^',(.ltk n tV nV ^h^ «^u |j^L ^

•r> '<Pi«!i''n'i’i..r M^Thr flru*'!"l>ll"»l!'rl" *7 thi?" nolir,|.rM.,nit Ih. Will of MlJ t;« re . U. V.n Tlll.ur,, il'ir, nl ViolN-n n ' "loMrlMn” i*',*,niir! njlj'itr'jli= ".'.“ S f f i i S : : ; . ■.S-.h'i-K’;.:.'!;,.’

....... . ....... « natvsm.'' l-'li'k , V.n Tiibur*. drr.Mr-l•r. I, l i l » l ftubll^I-I.h. II. t t . JUr. S. U,

______ '' V . A

T H U R S D A Y , M A R G H 5 . - 13;


\ - 'Endsfc Ifi-Traffic by De- .,!*Su,‘n " 'ir i l i V i . ' , ' ' a t a normal “' i i ““.n::k.iicr. ij . ni i-.-v; -

e of officers 'epsilon ap- j JI. li K..II.M. . ' t I, s fuU'courae i;. J ;: protest. L ” ?:’ ! J i 's ! 11. i< r . u v . ' ; ted Uttle If ibli nutu. I> f"r lh. purj...T ..t I .

of tt crack- *|''j,nc. ihn • rorr

in to have a “ TTaTATioN fleer a j the m Tiir” ■ IW TII^MArflMl’OK t h i: Ml-:------- ■H°auA’'l iV s i . . “I'mMr^su

alent 'la ., March 5 ' jlm :im isr. tAiioMNK ii 1.

r f”',;; fsfiis“s 0ussttken lo the.d a hidden tiik matf. o r idaiio to wh.

; MKiii.tjn 'the paddy I!,'i''i'” 'ih.'’iii.t>H.10 orlsoners .Ht. hi>. (I'^l hrr.ln Ibrir ',

arda correct- .I'ni'l-t- ..'1 1:ee wers re- “ t," . h«rtn_»^«^'i i^h^


bW»'u"p°to iri4 rttIllon*.7'’j.l*»''»l--ill.iul.»iiil I

r!!rfbn1t''jo‘Jr of‘wJI.'**l-«li*l'**n*.I r i ,I.«roo.ri. .b~M noi b. «~nl^1 «corJln.r . ~ : i d i « '« ‘' w'itSWM •K ^ a .n o r .^ i J,

.?’ *‘i\‘i‘''*s:'oM H .t . Ji'.■T!.TS:--- DWi,. 0((k. of Oir «b dy of j,osill',-|“ id . l^ '’i“: j :-'rc'b.u‘j..i« .' ■. 's - . bij i^nd PMbii.1.1 r.b. >..u. 1 * . Mit. I

.11 bIJ., Wrll*'T"' uiTit on— *• *'iV, SHITIt , V. M. Tb» l'uri«i.r ■Truiljr4 t . . . I. „p.,„ . T"

‘lM.1 .S°fih, •'" '" 'I'"''" „V'lh.I'’fM

I?. »■ ct,^,rof^'T-i'n'"'.llV,"*I.l.ho. Ini: APPOLSTEDtm r o r TIIK cbiinn.n of cnurrtiAtJ.*, .WATli f^’ /;!{‘.5-Il'n'">"u.'.*l.l.:k r-1TATK OV r,,bii.b,>'.i.. t. IV

coi,rt. j=.'5ii'?«"‘Vi,‘.:’i:.t.K.brti.fT, ;»S*. ..^ton t of th. Ael of J.

T ' l . " '™ ! ; " ' i . 'A ’.'.'i.r * n i« ’7 lbi' I

r I f .1.4 ort l.n<l. In lh. Mill. Am.*• ______ loolh N.llon.1 Kor«,t. <n ntnfl .nd Po-.r Coyrtllrt. bl*l. of irtihi

S:t-ffi raiA:-a,;ii,n I'M oVlofk KrlMliin Th. un.ur.ryr.l .rrllon. « 1»^ Wblrb «ir Iho*' "iii oa iir .boul lb» Unili -h.a Ib. publie l.n^l . .14 4.1. durinf »r» .iUo4«l le .uch ■*"'<*• rd r t Cecnol*. T i®-,l‘ A’ j«b. » . l r - ^ V L uJ i . «. I.

.™ wnlaiu<ru.b.4 5». 31. J-j "oV o'94 - r . I « u - - - « J" 'V

' i : ' ■'” »-'i. " w ? i . V Ti»4in,.h ...:

.V !!;:“ thl rllr h.ll.

•AUA idaiio .i«i.s'.S-4. 4 -..U lnr-|.: T II S It .cKj.LKisKii

Aia-I, STATi: J, 4. g to 1» !nrl_ !1 In Intl ., K OTATK OK f i'i '^^ J ’l‘J , ' , ’U*’to 'S h :;r? .rT

Ktbrtlirr. I9S5, ! 1. 11 Intl.. H to .;: >"fl.. f ^ i f Mi id.r lh. JO, }. Th.l ll anr ixoon tl.lmlt l liJ'j iTelotV Unnln^.under. orjW .TH''*.-"'i-M’i lloom M Iin(..lrnlr.1 mlnlni rl.lm Io»lr<! Ciiuii ll.w^* In 1» Julr

Tl'lr6r*'%U.ri i'/t5“ M'‘‘ o‘'Ib^''rij^i-«lrJ^tlh»^ >•'l.r. mr I>riinn in , ,..rt Ib.rMf, .h.ll <o /

.......LMON - i:o d .ri from lh. b«1o—.l.lrd diok |l„i,pub:k.llon.Dl Ulll Kollct..*,*'

}!;‘„'d.".ion'‘.l( It!' n '^ lt. ‘"r r.Ttl JIAIIRK DL- , |„,,tlnn; i3) lb. .«lMn or .•

rV V H.nlV • " i 'b '^ u 'p " ^ - '’' ' r^b rif . .wb

ruMltillon of j,„ ,„ „ in ,„ | monurii.M',*7, -brihrr furh

b*Tv"n' rl'muf Iht bu.lnm 'In /l 'n irm t'o n '’*

, , tl.l^- ."Tb'»?i'ib!i'irbl"‘e..«l"

'"'I-"""-" f ' “ '‘s iM• mlnlnr 'cliV; r!,nir.'ri''lV eJ «

kt®.5¥‘ t ^ 'in i:MNn'”.«;:on'l‘’"of *h ," ;‘A‘' “f"V»:

W Ihl .in.lrr. ‘j : l ” •."L'K*i^•lJl^t^TiVid‘ to

hrV'l’uir."!!; ’?Lrh’“iIi"*n/’el?

‘ .;,.'';Vi,ri’; - f V ' S H h ‘. . K m S.TVLnVnw/’ mlrtcllon"., BwUon 4 pfirW". *•”

.llir lorlilrnl Ib.rrlo, Ih.t !:■fin r.. OTT •I" *" *h«

ri: OK lUAIlil nl .r«rutl>< or ulb.r .urful AN Tiuiunc. Ikirtof. irnl th.t, ..f .p l

TiTnr-ar -h.r n..-i.,rmml- S.Wi!u ; S a i : " : ! : , ; ’, t '.“ . ' " " ' s j ;nollr,. lo 111. Ill p.rmlllrr. er Ilffn.iM .b. b f^ luri. lUrriilor noi lo .n jin t.r er m.UrUUr !•"rir. cl I'.rrr. -Ilh th.(r.riink Ilulld- Of mwn.blr iBcldnt UH< br Ihi. Wn« .thr tl.l-rint.,. Th* J . I . "f J^'T i ,.rll.n ef lh. jf.tVT

AN Tii.nuiir: !i Uniilii l ' "* 'l'Ibl"!i"'« U. « . »». s. U. l»* It, 21. Uw, I. IPtk


.f I


a U..A

I. il

I’nil b.ia.

lng lo IU

I .'rnr"’’*J1KII

n 'ri pvJi.> •pubttntMi. ’ »6S Tl. Thj.l

l.” ‘bnr^

?i?i-in»'i!il,lr^bii< .l"l..*“lJp.

SSIbii. 5‘

” ' 19 lr.<:.


s.'’n :* K s. I t I .

H, It* jiV:

I Iw-o(,.W i'il|'

;h .mtill"'„r"«V »



,f)i inlal'l

Inum* “''“iS i f jn>

sSS£ S 3


• S S iJ S £ S

■ * V »

Page 5: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

, n n B i S D A Y .M A B a i 5 .M 5 a

D octo r S a y s N e w T r e

F o r S h o c k I s N o t U s..^ .Y O R K . M arch-S (UPI)j- Idr the nffllcH

of too m*ny UmU mtdl- -n u t is exit. iclentifle revoluUon In „u,noti if you

' - f n r f u l enough, complained a loVn, n . J , u th»t revolution. tertnce belwce

------- ^ io M m ere WM very UlU* .v*n mor^oIt«” H victims. But the « '« tl.e vletlr“? fon h u U ^ l b l e to “ k* e*L«ence.

„jsluUon *precl4c polnl Tlie revoluilS^b^ood no 2 i«5 t ^ u g h to injecl-..^ -*

- p l O S E - A ^ U N D I— / A D A Y ... /

FOR 14 DAYS / \ vWHflW SliffMIHB w m PAUSS V

o i io s s o F t to iB n t i i r V ------------- im KEJJ«1K-R£DUC1W.PUK U ------------J —

L A <ll»l.»Th. KmubIb Cooli. C iIrtl pr»p.r«l bjr « pW<li> •>4 • ■ \ J

to *iv« (x-ilbU dliL____ V AI Vlumlni U> prt.cnl drflclriKin -hitli • ••* I

!*n.d. (>«llnr. Alw nn^ . ^tlrmcnltl tnlnertli and Iton ta lulp »rt<>nt Bul/KloMl •n»inl».

I VlUi Ini plui Dm bulV. Oiboir H*-Ikllrtllulni. (0 illtnulX* noimil ln> iHllnal tllmlnillon. "

l-no "bunctr cOnlror fiiUr. Citbtir KrthilolluloM. I« l.un*.r If ’Uk.n ictocdliif lo dlr«llCTfc

tip pltn !)>«"0

■■■“ ' S a v e

■Sm FMr dnifilil. Th« ««<n9l«I< Kmi. %mlk 8*dgclAff PUn l< [n «*vrr 1


I T A B lETSjH ^^^yQ ^I ' A\ _in*llt&a»eyl^Ob^> f l


9 ‘




1 Compressed Peotflo w er pots

1 2 FO R 3 9 '

lyhwoodfiler AVENU^ I

reatm ent Itprc.idj throuRhvcijcb.

J s e d M u c h A ' - y : ; ; ;C.IU'I bc. s o the cl

fllcllon. picture of llie iextremely Uicliil Infor- Vfivclj. \vi you get 11 fa it rnouKh. “te is, it ij c.-uiil lobcrt-ArHohn.-.Mom^- ~ K»ihn“!i.'=tiTnca J, U can ainke the dlf- bciiiK u.ied rrliiti twccn life Uld death or many medical m• oUen, It can be ujed to It danjxrousrW ■Icllm from tt vesctable- devdt>iie,|.Mt-o< ice. icrioiw complki DMlonary tcclinlquc l4 de.ith, 'h e i:rni;i• eye liUo one of llie nr-i Uut iiox lu li. ryfnff blood Ifom thejnnd h.i* been ti


v e a t P E N N Y - W IS E !

W A IS T ^ ' APRONS i■ancy'Nylon C I

6 9KITE _



1 0 ^ 1


TIMES-NEWSJie b rim . T he' dye Umt» In Uif post few yc iRh the braln 'i blood In dtjperirtely 111 patir

o u n n any *ay harmin phoioRraphed on an tald,«.Ucrc»i - biood Blone ‘ oublde ' ex.unlu;. ■e dye p n m ltr* clear .-sinke" victim can 't rc le .ccrcpral "Ute' of m ,h8 brain blocxl flo U hrrcver the block- or p„(i,riy"■'> _ tlnu_ed,Tlielechnlqiir. 1ncfl'TTlh trciriilquc ln'>cve»le4 iliM probably' liitivi'Iylilile bccausejone'of every four prrMi I min<ii still coiuideflwllh one-sldrd p;irslyi.

W iPn It Was beliigiblock’ or any kind lu t! -occiuioiiany led tol The block Is In onc )lk..[iuni nnd even neclc arteries le.vlniK

Ihentl Jo lhe bniin t - J u * berii pfrtedeillcan gel to *uch n bioci

Uiiiu-s.mdi ofihe c#n'l remove ii. lie


1I k


. \ J $17

N l *3 BO$3 Ironing~G

FREE w ith Pv

" W A L L

P A P E R L U :

; l e a n £ r s i

f 6 ‘ " 5

15c Lu

SOAP5 * b a r - ^ _ _ 4

E M E R Yc l o t h - ^

I'Op^^ ^ e l l p p h

- ‘ with Diipenior - Va x ‘

2 I^ 2 Rolls 5/8":

I OniHE^ -T F R E E


’ING CENr t o H I G H S C H (

' i

W S , T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

w y rn n . "oflea tfte blood flow nruuiid U- latienta," with- Bul ho h u lo 'ac t « u h <lL\r ■minic tftem. he A delay le»di lo n block u

brain or to Iftevi-r.Kible d.ini i n liu llun 'o f » *’"*'* " ‘“5 •’’'” ‘5 't reveal wliert Brain hemorrhnKr. wlilch ;

flow Ll being fourlli moit common c.n;. locked, he con- death and. whlch killed J’.''- ur, liejiald, had Pranklln D, Hoo.'flvrlt.. c-.;ir b ly 'nj many iu'eilUtorft-(lolcR'flpp:icnt:ni|-,irrMiiis stricken lecluilquerhtMtltl-jMr niMiy slysis, have no the denili r*ie for bnilii htn tile bralrt. tdate-Tiai C r p e r cent;-------one of the two Bul In a recently re; ;iiK Irom the series of nited projile j iU h I 'l l ie sQrseon slve bniln hcnu>rrh»Be, tht' uiockBse and if *■«* 40 |>cr ccnl. due lo ilic , lie can divert nlqut thowlni; the surni-on ni


y ^

1 o r Dry Iro riULAR m IC15 17.95 1 9

3NUSFREE}~B6ard Pad and Cover Sef Purchase of Sunbeam tron

$2.00 Value ^

USTRE CREME SPRAY SETi T i y - W i s e Q Q c —

p e c i b l ! p iu i

Lustre Creme

haitipoo p

2 6 0 c VBOTTLES

■99‘>.:..-l1.00 Superbe

W R IS L E Y ________________

Oth Oil ^I /in IB

h o n e ^

t X 2 0 0 in c h e i L ; - ; :

2V. ^l"x700"

6 9 ^ ' ^ - H P'ENSER ■ .. ' ^ w d



U- t where and how he could InlervcI dL\p.i;ch. helplully.>ck In ihrj "While Ihls couM hardly

'"ilcM ied ft lunMlcitli r jla . allll It

ilch il'c ^ ^'former fllma'.t unhorsal lalaU J’.'r [(Icnii^'nil Is a gl.mi ,Mep toward Imprc

' ‘I’C t-iid-ln J'is- >tWii ..r ih r JI.JJI 10 the .Medic,ll wclety cf Nn;iliy .M-.irs 'Jr-.^fy.

1 Vet Ujcre.U ■.'medlciJ..lncrlJ ‘'hw effectively block

re;)orleU'\v;i;e.iiirend use of ci-rcbrul iing. UUh : v;.i;>liy." ivhleh Is Ihr furmal nni tht' dr.itll n! lhe tpclinlque, Hls purpMC w

I Uic tn h - I to fim the mertl.i nud cci the rt •on nuit.'UyUiliiii.m i,'„vi,n; t^ tc r .

Rob•babbits | .9 !

5 2 .4 9 ' ■ ■ ■ f^unny D o , ,


)h :




W c ^«A^>0C0l

i ^ ^ p O L D

r ^ M S T 7

____ i — -

lervcne WATCH .CAN.SED-- .H O LL K lt-y. i;nKlrfnd. March S ♦

dly be (U I'h-M r.i. aenrse Last found a J 111 It l- woman's cold.plated wrljtwatch In « n tJie “ Auilraha. Mrs. t

L;i.M Mid lhe would Inform Uic 1 tttauty. canniiiK firm bec;iiis« lhe w.itch 4 mprov- "mny li«;e i.omc tenUmenlal val- +MMK s J s ' f t m z ___ :______ 3

FREE* IN SPE C TIO N ! ' 'i',5S ? d M ll tto . - Dr.kc 6 1 .« l ln- t *,,n_iQ. Mrtllfil — \Vn.'h Jobs - Lub- *1;

ll nnmc — Tire Repairs - '4 l^c wai RAY'S W e i tc o t t Conoco |« he rev- J Acnni from I'hon# Offlt# j j

" " ' ' y . . y ®

» faOyc___________ _____


> / , - " ^ 9

D S f R I K E * ^ ^



j j I-L A N K O W T O B E A t I



! | T i ’s n iR i i l ’s D lffcrV nU C om e ou l now — A sk t

i t nbou l ll ! J

"fl■K-1 ; ^: [ '[ «

i l■i.w


' -1

Page 6: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

i f s n

i u — d E p t G e r m a n s " 7

f - S e e m U n j e a s y L - —

V — ^ p u t - T r e a t y ' « ; «. LEZPZIO. E u t O enniior. Mtrcli'

----------------B-IB—B ut-O ennaay;# J o b . com*mUnlBta I r t btUcYed u r i ln s SoTlet ! i^ '"

' Prem ier NIUIA K h m h e h ev <]uiin8 J ; , , m,.p» W« current td move ihore t m nr«i aukkly In giving them a .p eu e j ! ”

• . 't r e i ty Md eontror o rer a llirt i ln o f f■------ -- ’ routd to W « t Berlin. rut~ '' r -- W iOfliroilnutcj « f t t r B rH rln rte

Lelpxl* jM ttnU y. Khr«*hciie* d*. i;2S ? ,7 0e h i ^ U ie USSR wouW ilgn 0 115!?;.%,. •ep tra t* peace p o :i w ith East ’ iJJ

, . • - 0*nn*ny unless the W cat oomt-. ’ j'*to term s oa an MlUc* iie ii 'o v u ^ -------------------------------------------

- - — -8peftkln*«fU rK hrurtw heT,Easl i!o»OenuAnf’s communbt leader Wal> i i ute r D ttfleht lA ld ,-o u r people de- { J* - ' •lr# » pesce treaty, ru r th e r delay c»n no longer be tolerntcd.” jo,u» w.n 1

The Sovlei premier mny no l be n:»» 2«-» moWnf fasl enough for the Jm» j ! ; , , ' p«Uent Eaat O frm an leaden . The •red *rmy brouRhl U «m out of is:oi u i . ■ ;BOTlel exile a t tha end of World w tr U and put them in charge.of X u t Oermany. !j“ W'**

-------------------Ulbrlchl and hU «ssoeiatea bftdlyTOJt the aymbola of miuiiery In ;co n« . i , thelr-'0»n house. They feel that :o» Mxmc

--------- ,------th e -lo c n e r they f« t them , the•ooner other govemmcntx willreeo«nlie them as ruleni of « real i:.o n. . .nation.

The East Oerman conimunlAli J;[J......... ........ -h«T e-'B n--uneom fori*U le-leelli«: .*,8# N,m,.

th a t Khrusheher considers them --------- r ~a t least partly expendable In llie - j j | global E ait-W »l diplomatic war-

J. Xkrc.TT>e-Sg^rlet leader un doublrilly

tiw ufh an Important pa rt—ot llir ~ v l v whole world picture. He may f« ! • he can gain concessions from the I 'C o

, W est by delaylnirrperhaps Indet-inllely. giving the Eaal Oerman _ . _ . aatelllte goremm ent tho atronger power* K U aeeklng. . * "

KhnishchCT'a visit orflclaU y. Is t«„tAi--------- :------- tjc lm t-niade t o - »ee t>)e-^.elp«lg intn miTr s

Trade fair, an annual ahowcase of the. communist world'a Indus- p ^ n o n „ tria l might, B ut Eaal Oerman offldjOj made plain th a t they arc ‘ ^ " more Inlerested In iho political . ,

tenU lc buildup by the E u t Oer- bcause^^f m aa forem m ent but hla f irst ap- prigiii. iTii pearance yeaUrday failed to arouse the senaU much enthusiasm am o n j-th e peo- Approrei

i pie. to the goi• up a coi

_ ' - r ’ ■WT hlBheredu. J o e W a g n e r , proprlatlor

78, Passes at' _ _ Home in T.F.

PalU builnm m an. died n l . B:3S .pjn. Wedateday a t H o c a l .n u r a - ^f n t hom. after , an extended IU-“Si; „ 'ic h

H fr. Wagner'wM bom M flrch 3J;I 1S0O, In Hungary where hB'marriedMary Kokron May 4. 1903. They 'came to the United 8U t«a in IMS.

• llTlnj In Chicago Until 1M7 when he am t h li family e*me to Idaho, '

^ He h*a a aaddle and harness shop .InAm ertcan Palls tuid homestead- A l ? o «

' . ed I ranch thero. In 192fl he moved 4 T d b — ■ -to Twin P a lb w here-he-opw aled .. r j j

the Idaho Shoe ihop on.M aln ave- j J K nue north until h li itirrcm en l In IMS BOISE.

He w u a member of S t. Ed- N e»;^a n ' ' w ard l church. K niahta of Colum- W ^ o han

but tn d the Catholic Poresten ........................Preceding him In dealh-w cre his dl«po.’lnif_

..................wUe on AprU 10, m e .-'o n d a son. inieretAte.Joseph Wagner.

--------------- ^— O n -3 O T e n n M 7 .-« B -m iin le d - 6 p « l« hMaty Plmeutel lii T win 'Fwlto; ■ - m ^ harg*.

! ■ . BuTflvlng beside* his *ldow are ''»''csUgaU a son..Nick W agner. Burllngiune. W Wcni'

; CaUf.; threo daughters. Mm. H tr- " h n s o n . .............. —m in CThereta) Henscheld. n u p c t : >1*; Rich*

1 M n. lU rry (Ann) O'HaUonin, James Uc! ' Twin Palls, and, Mrs. K enneth ncmuccp.

(Mary) Rendahl, San Pranclsco; Maynor IS granflchlldren and 31 greaU d ls p < ^ t grmndchUdren. • Includlna

. ' ■ “ w p it i^

tuary chapel. Hequltm high mass The tru- ■ ...... - -wUl-be eelebrated-at-lO a n , e io -C . J . Stn:

. urday a l St. Edward's cSthoUc the Owyli church by the .nev . Morse Laler. I t had be

. Concludlne rites will be held In canyon It rwln Palls cem eter;. ' not po c(

- , ......... and was :

Tumipseed Asks Boise Mayor Job

-------------------- O .'T urn lp jecd .-T orm m rd.- ----------------dent of Twin P a lb anti Filer, Is a ^

r ' candldalo for'm&ydr of BoUe.

1” ' , a t the Tlmia-New^ j agent and field supervbor lo r the

Paul Revere l i f e Insurance com> pany In Boise, whero he Is exalted

__________ ruler ot the Bobe Elks Itxlge. _ ] ■

for 18 j-ean, The Dobe municipal I . 1 - election ix scJieduled April 7. - •.

1 tended W n 'r a b K ^ ^

------------ ^FltrSpreads" ■ ^BOlflE. March 6 lfl — Stale / \

health aulhorlUes Mid loday a M T) flu-like ailment, first reported In Idaho Pall*, appean to .be nprend- Ing to .other eastem Idaho com- § f munlUe*.

Absences a t Pocatelln h i g h } school, with an enrollment of I.TIS, ', • numbered MO Monday; 550 Tues*» day and 4C yesterday. A t onc

Junior high school. Alameda. 3 :i H - ^; of the enrolled “JOO students were p: I ' ' absent yesterday. ________ ■

i OPEN FRI., P I SAT., SUN. II ■ II I ‘ ^ : P R 0 G R A M I N " S

H : : : ^ ^ ; . j H I S ; S P A e E I

MAGIG VA(AYT KBARI lUIeeycItt)______ ___________________UU«at>AT ' rnUBBUAl

!»ifU a»rU*. _ -----------------N«>i «,)! r»i DIBIBIU>k« K.M>n( D«*«U«iu .

TUO j,h» D*ir• ' li«« Ot« Kiitb

Ihipwrfr (ipt Ult K«1M Ike*llill »a» 01. K-*IU> lb««'r* ii> *T - - - ' -*pw1ni»'f -

— ------- —--r;= T T O I*T -------'.p 0* M<p*lM «!«» BanrM U<»l«'>.«iei !•••• « ,lt N ...

l l l l SunrlM UutU :b»lnln TtiU TiH folks TlM

t i i H»m*i N o i'ov bbos , Tl 0 Ka>ia Nl>» ' I.fTAMfft Kbi!»- —liOrUrfj^WilloB----------ilfl Ahmil HmM - ilo* HtMffMt <?Tob llltMx'd ]9t» c:MIIn in Air ■!•« cai»r« 10:J0 Ci.ilf. Ill Air(•mi Ua Artlil i),{t Cut)(« l> AirUn*About Uuila fj!jo rutlt-Dok* HI- l o t Um■ •a Aboul U<itl4 I lOI N«i.t l»»* I ilD »irn

I III 8i«iU 4l'i Tatk Sport* 1 tU Tbrtiar HirqUM^AYT^Hfperlai tio Huiia

IfHO.BMpiMjra iSI JI«V

(Xinn Vtruilaf : Sill Uuil«.. ,SJ8 UuiU ----------------

lalinM VarKUM 1:11 l.«al Kan(roa •:!« Duala ret Olnlnillllbood tu t K.anln* Da.eUoulallnra Variflln TiiO .lohn Oilr I.Va”_ _ .■!!!._ ' .. r'oe OU KoVll. £b«w

all’s Housethe aUUoB

lacial MovesT LAKE c m r . Marcli 6 Cfl L U tah house paued a civil bill yeitlerdny and the ten- IV mtAllvely approved hiking . ue gales tax from t w i a -S'y ---------------- *

T.80 D -m b.onenb aald Uie extra rev- tiso rr* Uei vaa nectssary to meet stale J;J«

tiOO T am t ClvU righlfl bill would for- »■}« S“ r

lerlmlniktlon In publle places ‘9 of race, color or national 'n io measure now goes to t i I I k u x i

nate. *‘“®roved in the house and sent {!m i ld<« ]

governor was a blU. to set »ii» Enecp# coordinating council fo r in»e qI

education. T he lower cham- so-recelved the general ap-kUons bill. JJeatJsenate advanced the u le s

II to I ts 'f in a l reading cal* by a 10 to 0 vote. I l would p a capital Improvement

[Sut 'piTk ' ubltlSn^evM i r o f the*?9-gare-only ed approval. They Wdlcated la l vote would not be laken It b definitely determined iuch Uie lU le needs. 5xrday the houso lumed “amendment* to the Khool

rhe aenate had cui the funds mat. Now the house and sen- ‘ ,7:

“ •*_______________ WendeU ar^ farm ed and

aoe Count on uSTlS 3tolenPropertyT„?5S2SE. M arch 8 (O P D -lh ree

“havTSAS'.fw'i hSy to vlotate a federal law by moved In

l ‘»«PM’t i t n a r c

IgaUon'a Butle division, to- icntlfled the men as Len A. on. Bobe. and John G. Dul* tlchaKl W alter Potter-.and I Lloyd Vanderhotf, all Win-

m or » ld the tnen allegedly led of the properly Jast July. llna * 1053 Ford truck and « itiasor valued In excess of

! truck was discovered in the afternoon 1 Strike rtatttD lrjccordlng-tttiwylieo county shtrllf* office. J > “ r i id been dumped over Bruneau WASHINin Inla the reservoir, bul did prl,artfn t;o completely Into the water ..u,; vas found by a fisherman.

~ of Oerm anCl TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS o f th e natl

* CLUB * C A F E ,

1 . . . C o m e , E n j o )

. . . TIME!


_ _ n W K lJa g y . ^ _ ^ j , „ . K U w d l

THUUUAt IS«P*1T - .1, .------ --------

' ' . i i i s i t« .u , - MJlj l p i m .1 tlMr, »■»

_ jiiilSL"*'- il-"*!?*'"(iH .Tollif ki lU tn '- - 1*» 8»*na TiH Uuilt .TiOl IlnlNsriBtaTil» Yount at Mnn ' i:«0 N«><SiO» MuiK ‘tIJ II . 1:00 Muiie wlta Ko1;;!! s r s t e s . i;T.!s."j:.K-i5'

............ . . . . . K . -' ruw A i Illir£ I,-s.rr------^

4,tt. rutuA i• Ii30 IlftdllKM. >«lbar ».m.

tii ! DafasM lliM KI.IX M.w.b.JilJ, jliOl Otnnat-IUll B

j;N KMp'a’Buny? Slda jiw Ua'.VNirdlaj**M Ktrp Ilippr-Linar l:t>g

, I91H llaaurmag'UI I t i l l Aedareua—Na-IliM Kwv fsalfd------- Nile SIda

' Tivva^ru» “ ■ 1:0UlradNorm.P

J:00 Gko< KuiM KUX4:00 Kt«p-n Korrpanf IhOO N..«»»n I Nil

‘ »loo Mu“u •*l'l 10**'* IS.OO Naw,loioe lUpofi/r »i«» i«a-aan451i!

, ■'_________ ,

dally seheduls af tele'vblon snd radio progn rvlce to reader* of the Ttme»-Neir>. L b U n n 1 Uoa. Aay error* or ehaoges ihonid bo reporte nd no t the Tlmea.News.5----- * ----- i -----S --------------------------W----- *■-

Television LoKLIX-TV i l i i S S :

H)___________ ^JOVartlkt la YotTUUUOAT SlornT

rmUr Drii. S;JO tMia of NIrttUel ■ 6«orH S:00 Anorttan Uia

jcbo U>r> ' i;00 KUX X«wh*D. >la’* Cbolc* 1;00 Matrr Milken, rtt 1:11 Douilu ' t>Ul» 119 c» t7 ;on<*Z Ua«4iiaii T:M Kid

WDAT I'iW KrU.i- Nljbl 1X natdliaa* l:4S dporti ..L oiter KoalT OiUO Tlia Ttj»naur Ce^lm Tlaa t:>a Hicliti Uplllati»>Lu<r 10:00 Sbowroom

i t h Q a i m s P i o n e e r 0

) v G u n n i n f f T a k e nJ ' Mrs Barbara

)EU h March & -noy Mor* j,_ ^ pioneer of I mlng. 7<. died Wednesday area, died Wedr a t h b home near Wendoll. n f s a n Bernard:

LS bom Dee. <. 1884 near sh e waa bom ,M o „ M d m o T rfto tV a ih - Qrove, la.with h b family la IMM. ^laho in IfllO £ aduallng from a Portland K o r ^ X r t 1 ; oollego ho worked as n |n_ p-i]x r in the lu m ^ r business California In IM novlng to Twin Palls In dauguter, Mr*, c:

UTled'Sophla A, Berks on dauehte^ *Slr*''^ .1815, moved lo the orandvlew. o « . . '

a rea In 1M7 where he jg preat-grandch and raUed cattle. great-grent-grandIng besides hU widow are sh e ^ nrecs

her husbantf Ch* ^ to . Cal^.^Jjim es^r Oun- iBis._and j lv o . ch

'endell; three daughterej church.”'- " ' aller iM argaretl Mullen, p u ^ ra l sen-lce*• 3 :3 T p .m . . f f iScramento. and Mrs. Fred mortuary chapel ols) Priih, Twin Palb : two , Charles E.. Punning. Je- :d Uoyd Gunning. N a m ^ : S5ls“ S e ? lien. Mrs, Erva Thode.

r , .ZT•Uand, Mrs. Blanch) Noon- u T S V E S I t n Prmnclsco, and Mra. Stella o i mAnia Monica, Calif., and 30 . P a i d I lldren,. x a m Xwill be celebrated a t S t. Graveside fun

I Catholic church a l 10:30 Thomas N. Cagl turday. Ilosary wUl be re- a t 3 p.m. Wedne.i •Iday a t 9 pJn, a t Crlppln'* Memorial park I ry.- Jerome. Prlends m ay W. Wolslenholm

m and Friday. ~ ' “ M S iT w “ fu 5^?e™ J Plora Mae Browirlin Discussed" ro««winjrr-

JINOTON. March 6 LB — „ Pallbearers wei I t Ebenhower loday d b - ^ Lockhart j ••tho evolving slluallon In lltm Hannanmg and the broader queitlon •>*“ arown.nany" a t a speebl meeting -------------nntlonal security cocncll.- 'ngA D TMES-W


M ~ a

M * 2 5 .P RI Z

>y Our Slotspitolil



“ r n V iu w i (:M Mrnb

’** • «Ui w«ib«t_Birf _ _ » |iP lt»«*'iU *l7l>/un UltlM S a i N n

„ TiOl Tl«

idtrw* S;«« iN I-t •■ ■<<>«' S;M ttcaIlia. 1:10 V<n<t7 Tib* *:li N«»

l : 0» iN»-a •» U«« «i00 Itoo‘ _ IJO 81“ " TeB* Tl»»- - - l i i r N n r- T.T_-.. . - - . j u ,HHO N«rt------------»>■ 10_;08 **'{i Bl"

; . s ; r ' ’rNlibt ■ . *!<S Noa . . a.B.» ;« yalU»^*»wiitr« Siii s Ub

, ■ : S

■ I S k r ;i;Erwabatl 11 Sllie'tt^i’tVati • ’'H ** '* 'all B'a<tf> lt;S« UuMtloii. Aoi*tr - I i j?

l.OIKarr/ MaUa..n»|Wl i ; l l Uirtr Matin** I'Zl i rI . . . . . !k s i

iiii; 51;S .V " - i i i ! ! !" !I - s il l Stt'f'ft**! CdlUM f^^orbi*m.B ‘ * !•> fl^w Tum TlSI «

’num s ':JO H wt.‘ lUfbllibu' I - '” ?*;*tlio «»u« Tun*.

ISlinotr l«il» iU(** tha WerU ;■«»to m D>s'* Tlma -Uk h "

* - --------------

School N an Missed by

* * DETROIT. March 5gle-englne plane, whl

, 1 ^ 0 * missed a achool cotiX J fm k puplb. craslied yeste

— I ing ono house and setaflre.'i .The .pilot ww

?? **“ • ' Uiere wer» no Olher■ . The plantfVvent u t i

ni°li” . tulrroff fmmrn a irport on D etrolfa pi

Side..{.‘ .■ i 'l l ! . Jam cj DoniJiut.ikn.n the pUot. died In ^ii-.rdJ. N .-a wreckage. Ho told niri** tie.i he wanted to go.,a vey some possible ind(bl ru b u ■ Some 300 pup lb wen

Mason elementary t pilUn* the plane awerved i

t l o c f . . . I , . tdlln** _ _

- . InfantEr O l A r e a j e r o m e . Match

1 TV i l Catherine DeBoard. lr‘n b v D e a t hira EUen Moreland. Wednesday a t Magic ot tho Magic Valley morlal hospital. Sht

Wednesday a f l ^ o o n M o n d a y ^ _____ .lordlno.- ca llf . “ ^ '^ iv in f f are’ her

rt m o^rf w (trandfaUicr. R o s c o la.. and moved w Falls: maicm a

{ 7 ^ “ L i" ents. Mr. and Mra. 1 T»-ln FttUs; two broth

P(vlb. s b e m oied to uejjoard and Rands l(M3 to live Wltli a nd a sb te r . C h rb tl

*. Clara Cox. . jerome.

S ! '1 lm o c “. ” w u L " ,re.. 15 gratidchUdren. “*■ \ P ® ’ ,?!,idchlldren. and fiverandchlldren Orecn officiating.S J ^ ' ^ l n ' d e a t h byCharles Moreland, tn tuary a t 13:45 pm .0 children.rnember of th e Chris- ^__ ______ F O O D Qvices wUl be held a t * ^tu iday t t th e White apel wllh th e Rev, -officiating. Conclud- X jS.

Fill be held In Twtn

ide Rites T.N. Caglefuneral services for , L ' [J J)

:agle were condueled • ' 7lne.«lay a t thtf*6uns«t rk by liie Rev. Paul olm of the Kimberlyc Knmri-n)- ___________________1 (u rn U n rd "b 'v 'M n :rown and Mr«. Helen ---------!

. were m ip h Maxwell, Hrt, James Pnrley. WU- H | | ning, Max O ray and


F^BimM^-Nlte- ---------- <

DO ’8S H ! * 2 :_ 2. *5(

V ' ’ O N E 01

. 0 0 r r f jZ E S r " l l j

lity I I

, IDAHO________________ __

f “ Probrems i ’ " J S o l o n s N o

I n T a l k I

• Mib. Na«i InfUUon. I d ^ ' i pts ^» B*nito» n*»jri „ j te m and federal mate! S *n"nJ^u-Vm are the chleX trwible-mak I Nrm blators as Ihey m ett i« Mu*M *u la n , ( a „ to enough0 BM tw™. bk»*, ^ U,e ,u ie . T *ln Pa:0 aoa •haraa Ike* elub members wer*-told1 N«»* day J-V.l.'” " '" * * ’” * speaking lo the groie w u r-M cm ------ thelj— fefu la r w etkly-I N*wa meeting a t the Amenci4 8Ua Off (jall Carl D. Ir»’ln.

raiDAT e<r as a Republican senTwin P a lb county for 14

' nL- problen-------- Uie mon»y-wUlcom«irao

I B>b ruuipa 8S»i» will p a y th e btU are bu lt5 N«»» , every propoial before a 1 ? lt“i!“pMm™'fii«w Rblng costs, the stati0 N..» • tullonal retjulrement Ihi1 MaikK n«por( ' be paid for a* they are e J and Uie Increasing use fl iisb rbllllpa Sbew m tlchlng fund progr*I N«>a ■ compounded problems of0 Ilob rkiiiir* Skew m y f j • providing .nei a i!raLri> ih«« grams for the slale,

a KimUrl/ sbo» election to the Mate scna^Nawa jjj j , „ heard ll ass« rbluip* Bbaw people are leaving'Idaht .Vuriiiida »«*• Uiey do not ‘choose t< nI S ^ U o m n Perhaps some ru lden t0 u«b I'kiuip* tbe* out Of the state because I1 N*w. not • provide services av a n«b rbllllpa Bb»» he said. H(0 KUnMrlr lbe« emphulzed. Id tho b o. t N r » _______ lew the nation

^ — aling under a crippling d ' cap. irw m cited WvtiH arrowly Mlcmgan *s su te s Uiat 1

' extended Uielr debt prosby Plane

rch 5 tn -r- A sin- -A t least we're living ' . which narrowly income," he said, noUnj1 conUlnlng 300 jm te b forbidden to In yesterday, goug- foj. more than 3 million

>d T^tmlng to Uie federa , was kUlM but „,4iching lund*. Ix lUper injuries. blggat ttull I astray momenta pcrpeirawd on Uie peop:

—Inrta-adm itted-lhat-tlI ts populous East program .leeroi

, . In fact, he sold, when 11ue. 33. Detroit. programs were flrsl

in the flammg ^jey probably were a a airport authori- jee. -The program has b0 BO aloft M eur- ndrontage of. Ihough." e induiUlal sitci. .^ jrc r Uie year*. Uiere : s were nt luncli In a „d more of Uiese j iry school when i^ .^n urged lhe group ved and crashed ( [ ,i„ ui* pUght of vny. age legislator. He remlndi ^ membera Uiat neatly K

it DiesItch B - sw a n He »“> ■ > d ifficu lt: ird. Infant daugh- elected legblators. e tgu ra. Merl DeBoaxd. pledges and programs, t died a t 3:30 pm , pel projects Utfough Uie

,lagic Valley Mc- mill, sh e was bom High-sounding Ulk al

___ all tax revblons faU b]"h e r p’a t e r n a l wheu” Uie problem of D scoe DeBoard «'here the money b co; •icmal grandpar- and. who b going to gc Ira ROM French, above oU oUiers mld-wa brothVrs. Michael Uie session, he aald.. tnndall DeBoard, hrbUns DeBoard,

E N D S T O N lG h1 the Bev. W. El* D ay-Rlchard \ Itlng.-nie funeral TUNNEL OF L( eave 'WhUe mor- Cinemascope

O F A L L N A T IO ITnl<e a c ook ’s w o rld tou

.. . v i s i t a ..tnb lc in .C fiP cnhni


Jj i m H oo lahan*B

T O W N H O I________ KIMBEP



I 2 5 ‘225«® DRAWIN 500'» DRAWIN 100°° DRAWIN


sfor Charlie Get Sfoted Detroit i Here M i c n . w hpty-as-you-go charUe the crow w al a

na tch ln jfunds watcher. And It-bo lneitd j•makera to leg- _Anxlous realdents o f Uib Ieet every two suburt) notified pollct a Tough funds to w u roaming Clawson i ma PalU Rotary tersecUon..told Wednes- inveaUgaUng police found

lie walking unconcernedly t lpo u p during trafJlc — pedesU bn and a i

Hrly—Juneheon (Ire----- ■•*ndJirought-hlm Juerican Legion dog'pound lo r who serv- n u t was more than a wetI senator from At the pound, between twoor 14 year*. trated caU and one ralher)blem of where dered basset hound. C b m. frnm ntvi u’hQ gt| thw liixurles Elnbu lc to nearly Yenehl. Uie city's dog w-e a legblaiure. could bestow.SUte's coasU- ycnd il released CharUe UI Ihat service* lowing day.ore established, " i t w aan't long before huse of federal over o t the Schalm tchool,"

rograms’ have chi said, "following th ens of the Icgb- around the playground anC{ .needed pro- ing himself a great Ume."

School officlab found th nol to seek re- ------------------------- -

‘S SSL ast Honor Pa S ' l E To Andrew stluse Idaho does Funeral -‘aervices • for - A ■s available In Slout were conducted a l : d. However, he Wednesday a t Reynolds '! b one of the chapel w llh Uie Rev. L. V .:

Itlon nol oper- offlelnUnR.Ing debt handi- M n, Joyce BuUock. solob ’oshlnirton-and aecofpp«nled-by-M ri-M orr: lhal have over-.-P allbearers were Carl B program, find- Edmund Hust, K enneth B lie to pay lhelr F rtd Bnswn. Trum an Ral

. _ and MerriU Lewb.

loUn^ U itt the memorial park.10 indebt Itself '

Ships Collidi». Irw m Mid. GIBRALTAR. Mareh 5 « iheJl game erer nian was killed and four we people." Jured In a collblon yeelertle t-the-m atoh. U ta-Sli i J t- of- G lb ra lla r - U leems to work, two VS. naval vesseb boui icn lhe match- Norfolk. Va.

first Initiated The ships were th e des 1 a real serv- K enneth D. BaUey and the . l u been Uken vessel HalU Victory. All Ui :gh." he said, ualtlei were aboard Uie Baliere have been -----------------------------lese programs.” READ TIMES-NEWS WAN'

n 's .p ; ;nlnded <he club mly U per cent O • m m

cult for newly- Jeager, to fulfill k ^ I ■ l iGLAD IIk about over- %lU by lhe side I k ,i -o f-d e c ia in B 5 ----r r i u O y Cs coming from ^ '10 gel It looms ^

K PERRirJ [ G H T , ^ C o c k ta i l s - D a nird WIdmark ^

cr ' mmY\A U -d A V ~

• l l nil

) y S E ' ™I R R T .Y - i„ inii ____________ _ [ - 3 e c g c a z a r o K a T c i

T S r l A M M U A K I

I f f c O fPA SSIO M

■ v n H o m o i o r t

I — _ "



- HI T Lili St. C yr, F om oi



ets Wanderlust, it Breathing Easieirch 5 13— turtoance loo much, however. i 'i ;—people if w i»~b»c lc -to -the -pouna- id people. CharUe. JW* Ume he wat.bool bb D e tn it a s a vagrant. a~T nltn rt - *TW* was » m btake.- Yer m ain In- ta ld . " I let him go three tin

He came.back three times, ren und C har- aa clockwork, toUowlng me aroi Iy through Uke a dog.* d automo- AU elforU to give Charile ta _ lo J l i e

.w eek ago, sh ine btlhed Uio pound. Cha two frus- tomehow kensed the need for

her bewll* own kind. Re cawed a larei btrUe en- a n d soared off.E lm et A, H r t j t l l l gone but Yenclil f,

J warden. tHe -absetCe n lty 'b e '^n ly jthi - rary.

le the .fo i- “ Who knows, he m ty be b;B u t Charlie won't end up «

, M perm tnent resident ef Uie poui « '• J . ' f - "A woman caUed yester

J momlng," t pound attendant i and hav- told u i ihe'd read nb

^■.1. Charlie in the ja p e r and that1 the d b - [a j,er p e t She aays she ral

h im with en eye dropper and t usually he slnilled around the y

r a l U w ith no desire to leave. Then r i l 1 day he fooled her and took off dtOUt Apparently t h e approach

b l u n c r a i _______ _________________V M . .U P £ | | O V D ?^

r ^ - D R A & ^ O U TI Bullock, TlwftMlCnM«frf>aeII Bullock. -o„ ,.O ufr»tllm i.M M I»H tn R alhbum Cmapttl»a «ta

D IttU f 0<tbfr*«KMUl Suunel b» dut U Iroa-peor blood or * 1

of atlura'a rlu l m la inu tad vlUR— iByouriytttm.-n»o.f**liifi>Dief I! J y o u a p r (lit. C*loo*lroo-rlch.vh»n I ( l 6 rich blood bulldlagOrtg-HetTabli

t W -O n e aTO uch«i|.;I«yonia.*ID D b.ei r w e r e f n - « ,,i(M dui.bbdi*uit»Bdteipufi alerday In « in b#fla ta Imv* your body. Yoti' r-betw ccn. -»nj»y-a>w p*p tad tlttllty.—Yout-* bound for mayiparklo. Your eht»lc» miy b».

waRnrediloworbatllh. 0«t0rag-l destroyer Tabl*t*t»diytoftfhttfrjda.«*Bd

the suDolv dlcMtloa. 8« rvniltilQ Tdan er ji

BaUey ‘5“"— ’ . SAV*MOR DRUG'ANT ADS --------

T h e M u s i c O f

lYS & WALTa n d S a t u r d a y

INE LOUNGE>ancing P e r r in e H o te l .

T T ' TWO w iv u TT. m o u v u .T T .

m ilE FAMILTI Register (hem In the ker C entetl" — O rpbem Lobby


e n t

JUlHSTIlOmi mOBBlTClM'■ H f i ^ whhKOTTbOUOlAl '


uicuTtvt n e d u c n V '« C .C U M



8 1 ' 6 | 8 H PP P f f T ' JAMSSOMIY [ M f

m t i M !EXTRA' .-T O •’ I

moui Dsnciir In "LOVE MOOOS"^

TOMORROW AT 6:15V n i----- 1 FIRST, TWIN F A llS, I I I . SHOWINQ'I J a k i a f t ADULIS'ONLYI

THURSDAY, JtABCh. 8. 195'

i e r

er. andtna-rc.;— -booked

VerchI! tlmci, arouijd .

rile theh a ic _____

Cllarltt . for his


lil fctii I«hii>o.

•e back, jp Al a pound], :slerd.^y n t uiid.: about lha l he I rtlAPri nd th f .Jie yard len one -'tch of with A

»TT • • •


IorTluSvlURiloa 3(cr tod vharalB-rablats.• i *oa-Jbaekto apurlll*!You will out-«y*« — r bava t rag-N«tIlDdtld I OT jrotif luDrti* iiupply.


l i

W ' ~Rff- ■ ~I ■




^ 1


LS -


•" i

Page 7: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

- a y , m a r c h » ,ia 5 5




_ I l l l l C Town H ouie, Tomofo ' J U I V L larse No. 300 con

' irMhlggs Sdlod Dressing N„MShortening V e y

’ A I • Scotch TreOrange Juice# % ! • Town H ouie .

Ripe Olives

m ' Town House Tom ato, 4 6 ex. con



IRYERHAMSr r c s n I


Skylark, Multi-< large Ib.

EisO nly i



. . . : 6for20c lOLLS : : each 5crORB ONLY

10 cans l.OC ^ ^ ^ ^ “dozr87(

M a J . , qf. 49(

3lb.can67( - 5 cons>9(


4 cansl.OC « 8 p k g .4 9 t

B U.S.D.A. In ip c c te d -

r Look For The Grade

mW W - (Cui

Cudohy Puritan— 16 to 18 (bi

(Whole or Butt Pic

• (Centa

V ilA lir s r c h o ic a Grode — l-o rT aur.Loc

(Cut and W ropp

BcicoiW u■Grain ■ -

»• '«■* A f

■ — r i M E 5 - N I

I B i g4 M ore D d


~ W arshmdl

ShelledM i./

IQ C herries;;

fc— ^WaxecH*a

Frozen Pe(

rc B artle tt Pt

1^ t o w a t o e

10 Potato Pat

10 M ushroom

fc Lunch Meo

' id— Grode A— Bo Sure To

ode On The Tag—W hole ....

Cut-Up— Ib. 37c)

--------------- “ ------- r - — ■ ■ f ~

(bl. — Shonk P ieeo ............ - i

PiDCO — Ib.SSc) | | f

n ter ^ l i c e i - l b ; 89c)

From The Coot ^ P ~ W o ta .r rO f The Blu«

P a c i f i c ^ W holf . . . . . . . | l .

W ;(Cl8Qned — lb .4 9 c )

C o c E e r= rW f iS in f r t fB if - ^ _ — :

ipped Free) l D « ^

9 G ordtniIda

; Gorn t - , Peas

p ^ ^ ^ r e e n “ ^f

y ----------------------------------

8 i------------------------- ^ (C o * « o f2 4 -




lllfc W olnutt, Aniber'I U U H a U e i & P iecei I

Pitted, Town Houie A | * f |No. 303 “ v W

' a p e n i * " w ^

-Bel'oir, PromiHm g% f

e a s , « ' - o i lf i <C«M of 2( - 2J)a)

*earsK% 3 cai

IK „„5 COI

atties - 4 - i<

Royal T rcbt j ) f

ms f " ; 4 l (

jat Morrell'* Snock 12 I

3 3 - F l

4 9 ‘] 1

5 3 = :

i r ®ned-fooils , ^ -

AvocaOoUm ferfiW* - -

^ V J ans4 \ i1 4 - 2 .9 8 )


e E DENDS s u rWEEK'S A b s

lb.29j: Do!

I6T89C Tal

cans 89c Pai

^^or-39c— BK

fo r 1.00 ' KL

nns 1.00 ZEI

;a n s l.M BR

for 1.00 NY

*for 1.00 ~ C R

I OZ. 41c Cai

l i J u iKOZEN PIES I [16 «l*cIr — A pp lt, Peach,C h e rry o r Boytenbtrry

-------Ig .- fo m lly i in --------- - ■ - -----------


(ananI Fancy Celsvei^ - ^

c a d o s K H r “ 3,or


I sINDAY. M ai


loi^^Food rriv

I i ' l M Sleepy Hoi:

able Syrup ?,;,or“" '

l ' ' I Kttchcn

'ancake Mix f t

IISC IJIT S-^^™>1J V U I I k J Mllk or Butterm

ICCMEyk k b k l l l i n Foclol T liiuo 41


KOCADE a g "



anned Milk

- 1 ■ - - MM. f t m'm ^ m m m m;tien wratT rremittrn v

l|% 5 lbs* B»eGc„ 53IC 10lbs.s.«^.98

c h e e s e !Broo\iown, Mild, W*t}*rn


3 9. s A l I ^ o i r N e e d t f B t n tf i

Golden I U 3 Ripe . . . I

nihl Kar*tM4s SM<b-Ju(cy Fmh FWyor- m* iMirt* »« VIlamlA C-«Mp flMty m H on^

CMiTtnknl Helf.Ovt>in PcMk-l J5 Fu9 Cartoiv-3JD

i , J 9 c P o tM & i

/ -

_____ ____ __ -• —PAGE SEVEN

f a r c h 8

n v E

15 cansI.OO

- 2 4 o z . 49c

■ " 39c , 0 . 99c

i'S^;^l& -for49c

400 pock4 FOR 1.00

12 rolls 1.00

"w 10 bars 5 9 c

c.„,„ 2 pairs 98c



-Quolity--------- — ^

5 3 c 2 5 | b s . 1 . 9 9

9 8 c 5 0 l b s . s * n < ° o 3 . 9 5

r n c c ' » “ ■ W-WSH* Wl r K t C Wh.ft Tog luy C«wi. 0 >\m

P E P P E R------^ --------------4 © fr« o n ......... ...............

M :ngmber-inSafew oY^ —

2 i 2 9 *

10 lbs. 85 cJ.lifi»^-^,50s;,:69c



fc _








|C -



Page 8: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

- : - . . i i ^ J A G B pGHT_______________ - ^

S o W h a t^ 'S a y s . -Ni

r i T T ^ f f i c i a l o f H i s | | | | |

— H o u s e O f f ic e sWASHINOTON. M utb

o u n e o u t]io (e rd « ]rU > * tn < P -^ ’' • <UU s . H annon «nU h l| front

poi^ back home In Indiana U tb e MTCRuncnt for IIW a month,

.. 60 « tu t7 Ke demtndHl. iddlnff:“U t ft two*toon. clMMl (n porcb

. ^. — M d It mokei ft food ofllce."— 1-----------^•nM -lm hm ftn..D em oc(«l-.irom— ------ 7 M u ^ ,-» h t» -» a a .« UcUd Ull-HO--

' ' vember in h b els}ilh tr rc re u , ftUo declm d: 'Jt'* nobodyibu tlD tu bu t my own."

WKc OjettUU HirmoD’i wife. M«ry E .~)]ir-

-----------------mwnsttOJini'm cmttrTiTOnniM JcXiuidA to run Uie Muncle oKice. He

hU wife niade Uie rental a r- . ransem ent5 and Uie rent payment

BOes dlrecll; to her.'.'You ac t like we're ilu l lo t the

taxpayers' mone;.’- normon told a D enm an. *That'i not m .'

He said two other otflce cm« ■V.. . .ployes work In the porch-ofllce o l 1 . .

' i m Burllntt«n drive In Munde, and th a t butlnets had btenplcklns ■ up. -especially since the pubUclty ■ ' tb o u t m y vlfe ip-orfclns for me." r r r ^ ^ H r

. Newt Slory N«ltd L. l l i "•nils referred to mention of Mrs. .—

----------------- K trm o n 'ln newa itorlei-about vn- — —“Ttous inembers of conjress putties ^ relatives on the public psyroll,

.The .husky, balding Democrat . _■wa* ft MunelB factory worker. 25 year# » tool engineer, before he •

.......... - , - uniealed-Bep.-B*lph H»rv*y, R ,iB d , tn the NOV. < elecUon. ’ * j

G r a n d M astei-•w T» • - r - I fam ed SlalV i s i t s L o d g e s

A t B u H M e e t E d u caBOHL. March 8 - WUllsm E r- A F C K

Odd rellow i ic ^ e Tuesday eve- slat« board n ln f .. proved meet

Bnrtn. ftddrtulng bolh odd Pel- ihe week of Jow» ftnd Rebekahs, described ac- members of compUshments of Odd Pellowj and of educatlor Kebekah iDdtei Jn Idaho. He also teno, jdaho wmounced plans are being made Moscow and Io r the Tlslt to the Idaho Jurbdlc- Delmer E tlo a o l P. L. Pardee. Little Itock. .m undcn t •

■ Ark.. Mrerelgn irand m uter of u ld th e pu ' Odd Fallow lodges of lhe world, vu i tw to d l

. . H e ftimooneed a four-iUle c o n - -----------------ference win be held Jun# IJ n t ~

- Lew iston,O n June K, Pardee.vU! be a t Nampa and on June IS a t

.Black/oot. E rvin was Introduced br Carol Womack.

Mrs. W. L. Ennls. noble grand, irho presided a t theRebtkohmeet- inc prior to the talk appointed

' Mra. Obarlea Eaynei. Urs.iA. O.-------- :--------BlsweH.-'M rgrAiinaTCMOi-and

M n. Oeorse Baxter to work v lth other c o m ^ ltee memben In this

' v e * to make plans for the gnnd }od(e Mssioa iQ Twin FoUi in Oc- - tober.lMO. . -

H v a a reported 18 calls and 17 . cards b a d been sent to ill mem- 1b e n . Members also voted to con- tribute to the world ere bank .iponsored by Odd Teliovs and H»- bebO u. '

I t was annotmced Rebekah Ken- tlDctoa vlU m a e t‘Hiwday a t the

’C ^ o rM n .M lk e E a m b rlc h w lU i......Mrs. Oacar Carlson to Mrreas-as-------

-Blstant h o stta> -T :;r :: '.

• ■ .O se -^ a r te r t e a ^ n of IxUdnK aoda plus one teaspoon 'Of cream

• 0: ta rta r ia th# apprexlmate sub- ■ ■ ■----------- - - sutuUon to r one ttaspooa of b o k - ------ uutato

lng powder.


F R I D A Y , M i- ' Located 4 Vt miles easl of Rupci

* at (arm..................... * , 2 very good trac

-------- ---------- -— C om pleteline-c• 20 Hole g ra in dl

______ ______ ♦ Large iist o f go

E U G E N E H i


; 12 0 '(IVi miles northeast of Hcybun Clyde Holden Farm.'We already have a large list

- - pieces andmany good piece Idea tractor manure spre

; 'wagonB,ctc.,etc.,etc,


i p J k|F ■ . .. • CLYDE HC

ny Johnson. 14-year-old Negro boy who e nUeaco for a Job as a page boy only (« (ii tre. I, y J l *

Job*aa*a congrmlflnal page. (NEA telephi

cation Meets e Set in March? M firrh B tUPI) — The 16 a t Twin : Ard of education h u ip - Chains, Marc nceUngs to b«_ held during March 19 a t c o f M arch 18 toM by staff Of*'''' s o f tho state depnrtment ltlon In Tttin Foils. Poca- <»[nho PolH. a iM tu. Boise, ' The boord i ond CoeuctffAIene. 30 as tho dote r EnRclklnK. stato super- In* o t Pocato, fit o f pubUo Instruction, spent on an lr I purpose ot the meetings Industrial T n0 discuss legUlatlon passed Anthony.

DN SAI RIdSALH A R C H 6 - 1 P .Ipcrt on Highway 30 North, walch

factors - ■ - ■ e-of-tracfor. e q u ip m e n t.1 drill with seeder attachm e good farm m achinery



COW SALA Y , M A R C H 1 0D 'C L O C K S H A R P

)u m UridRO on Burley-Rupcrl H igl

list of all makes of machinery, eces dfequipmcnt. Two brand preadevs, plows, rakes, truck





IO » tu e lo Waihlngton > (ind ll filled wbeo be |, aa meiaeager for fire H V Ilob, a t he w«lki downiie hopea to cTenlually M B I;photo)_________ . ■ ■

:lslature ond Ila effects Dls. of tho state during f biennium.tlnga wm be held Mareh ':n Falls. March H ot X / _larch 18 ol J’ocatello. . 5 1

a t Idalio Falls and Ilene, ond March 20 a t ' ' ‘ iloreh 13 a meetlnj will

Boise, rd also set April 27 to ifttes Xor. Its next meet- ^atollo. One dny will be X / |n InspecUon tour o f tho /=’Training school a t .fit. ' ,

i-ivT h e l i t t i

_____Ugh t b o tti

■ ■■ LANEI G e t p ic tu

H | | ^ h

: W e

^ l yP .M ; I C /ch tor arrows ; FRANKl

I Sove on ly o ( p a id fo r th is

-------- ------- I — for m o n y fo i

- — ____ j UTERINnents For u se , foil

-ond a id in re

i SULFA-l1 F o r-u sc in

' n C r I r e la in e d a f t i

' OBSTETu P V - - • — tecH on a n dt l % I " a n d th row c

-------------------: TRI-SULFor u se in t

■ M l ing , o rosT GLt! InfecHoiFor u se in

Q a n im a ls . .

F I L M .S[ ig h w ay a t th e

y. Many newmd new New , ^icks, seeders, A


r m o r r v i c e —


.....^ '■


S S i S l E iL U S S & H G R E E I

k V - M O R ^New-Popular

k l A — A V — X m i 1 1 6 U l

[I - Y o u 'v e S<

M u c h H i j

T h e m W i

G e t E i t h e


r 3Smm CAMERA.5 ien* w i th - l / 3 0 0 » h o f a teco n d *huH C om plete w ith e a se . R educed t o ..............

rZ ELECTRONIC FLA!I t t r a n i i i to r f lo ih . G ivei 1 ,0 0 0 l lo ih e i 1 lo ttc r ie i.________________ ' _________

4DPOi3tRQIBlS^ME1ic tu re t c o m p le te w ith th i l nc*f idco iiQ l. . . in ju t t 6 0 iccondt. Complete........

W e Aro H codquarten forVOIGTLADEI •We Hove Plenty o f FRESH FILM o t Lov

iLVlNrNEEDKLIN CALF PULLERy ont! cow o r c o if o n d you hove m on th is n c c c s so ry ra n c h too l. Pow 'r-Pull d c ^ fo r m c h o rc s ," ------- ' - - -

INE CAESu LeS____fo llow ing co lv irig , to inh ib it ba ctc rio l i n rem oving r c lo in c d o f te rb ir th .

\-UREA UTERINE BOLUSESin in fe c tio n s o f th o u te ru s ossocio tc j a f te r b ir t h . i~ ,_

ETRICAL GLOVE-Plastic- i n ' re m o v in g ■ feto i< red-oftefbirth-or*~fc in d c le o n lin e s s d u rif tg colving-procodur IW ow oy. I

ULFA - PENlilLLIN--------in tre o l in g in fe c tio n s following d ifficu l s ro u tin e to a id in p revcn ling in fec tio n .

ious S co u r T re a tm e n t o r Boliin t r e a tm e n t o f in fec tio u s scours in

S E R V I C E , 8 l u m b o p r i r

1 ^7 1’ 'A / £■ss. /Sonvenieni- Driv


Saves K

S e e n T h e s e A d v

l i g h e r P r i c e s . .

l Y i t h L a m p s S e l l i

h e r S t y l e A t O n e

* 9 5

D E P T , i nTU!

■hutt.r g c Q O Hidci....................

■ASH f. .hei from 6 D ilxe floih- WOT_________________________________!.n*t«r

SERA--------- ------- ^" i " 7 2 . 5 0 ROADER CAMERAS A e ro\ Low, Low Pricci bclpi

IS ■ •- o r c h c n ill d c io c h c s

_____r _____ 5nlc«-U l6_W orlh.iir ia l g ro w th FOK MEN, WOIV^^

^o'durc. -uTo OC

f ic u i t ca lv - o.tTciojoocnii.f.

Soluses UHs in young

i r i n t s 6 3 c ; r e p r i n t s 6 c

EDICA^nve-in PrGseripfion Wtm

^ t M e v e r y p

You Monmd v e r t i s e d A t

. . C o m p a r e

i l l i n g A t 1 9 . 9 5

m e L o w P r i c e .

> 5 'W— - - 1 ^


USSY M E D I C ^ —idei ond help! heol b lenm hci ^ r tho teo n ag e t......... .........................

:oty's BNTRODUCTOIiito n t c leanicr ond vitamin m oiituro


crearti th o t lo ften i ond^lubrlcetet ( gjpi smooth owoy fine tu rfeee lines ...

■ ; ■ — -..................... - M E N 'S -

h a n d k e

^ ----------------

liiving _____" "HILDREN R e g u la r

& ' D I S H C

C " 3 . for' ' - ' ■ - • -

Cj^y j r ! _______________ ____ .7A'.'.x26tL


Each ^

i c e a c h - L U C K Y C A lE i

ESZI L A f l'incfoiv... ISIS AM/son

- - t l





' ' ' • ‘‘/~i


2 . 0 0 ond 2 . 9 5

ORY OFFER *- - 3 ^ 0

rCREAMes dry or mature tk in a n d 'I ........... - . . - 5 . 0 0 an<> 8 . 0 0


i E R C H I E F S

p . r ^ : 8 8 c _________

sr ' 3 Tor 5 9 c '


^ 3 3 c

ft" COTTON_________ ________

E R R U G S ™ “

9 9 cL E N D A R N O . 1 4 7 8

F ^ P ^ s & h

M . W^ ■ stajipi

f j A M ) ]

its7-Ave. E a s t - /



Page 9: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

B. IflM

B a n a n aFRI. an d SAT. ONLY!-

a t o u r f o u n t a i n

' •■I'-n dig this COOL borgoin! T hree big of delicious ice creom topped with nu ts,

W delightful syrups wedged between two JJees of <r«h, golden-ripe ononos. •,

- each FOR ONLY . . . . .

P e t ^ eSAVE"24c! ! ■ A

Albertson's o w n deter- W . Vqtnt . . milder on hands

GIAt'IT SIZE . 1 ^ ^



2 ^ 7 9S Y R U IN orlhw oods '. . . j j O Z .mokes hotcakes - BOTTLESond woffles m ore— FOR---dtlieious! ■ ' ONLY ~ -■


C A R I SSo light and tender 1» praeHeolly wwilN ._ - ___ k[fiyour m outhi Topped with o d«. . I

Jicioui oronge chiffon ielna. Buy leM I .« ./«m.qnd.iQ»a-now...cV-All><r<wi:i!________ \

each TT T ^ T T rr™



2 roll pack 12 oz. mani

2 9 c 3 5

i ^ S p l i l

1 9m t i H


□ B r e

C H O P P E I;Flov-R-Pac Fresh Fr

r — Q pockogol-Expertl] in every p ockagel


6 9

>FilUd with otiertad fru lts l ^ EACH....... - ......:............. ^


rissue CHUNK T l


im asiie 'o x YD;P

j t c

------------- -T IM E S N E W S rg W


t j l Hc ' H s


_____________________ 'i j j j j p j a j i T h e f i n e s t t h a t m o

W ^ B m c a n b u y f o r t o p q u G

a n . d _ t e n d e r n e s s .

Z w e i q a r t ' s b r o n d h

J B B ' s a v e a t A l b e r t s o n ' s

ED BROCCOLIFrozen . . . delicious eating wroppcc

rtly -frozen with go fdcn .freihncis sc<



y g

33c.F u n a p u r e x

69co.i „ 41<NABISCO


39c2 t 69<O L SPRY

8 5 c a _ J > 6 <


n o n e y

I h o r n s ! B u y n o w a n d __________

- \ 's l o w , l o w p r i c e !

S H R I I IT h e is deilcieut breeded ihrim p «ceon-fre»h by expert*. T heir fi frozen ,in to bring Ihe finest cotin

your ta b le !’'G U L F STR EA M ; BRAI

2P i^ K A G E S

.r Q

4 poekogei ' K

■ FOR ^

_ O N LY


f o r ■

r m 9





k i r ! L - . _ . „ - 7 5 c _ ,


MPfsim p w ere poekeged-slr fre ih flavor w e i ' perk upeating o f i t 'i kind tb po rtan t

BRAND! ■ j l / ; * " _____________________ deliciom^ S k in le tt'

I 3 tBYc n c . ' lh

Sjice it os yo


r f i aS.C Nice Size ” Red Ripe i

Slicing ^

r c AP ^ z z ^





S A U S /up the m o it Im- ^

n t meel of tho * |2 Q Z . ■, b reok fo tt, with ______io u i H o r m ^ ' l ' ^ K G . ____ ^e t t Link Souioge!


s you like it! Lean streoked 'bnd st.for crispier f rying, c- - - ^

qp FOR . . . . . .

i i W

l g

Open 9 to 9 [


5 r ! ! ! ! L _ _ S 3 c 2 . |

: - PA G E -N T K g- '■■■■■- r -




3 3 !


i l i E if c


■ t L E A N r t ^

u j 3 H

'1' '* ' Qd —

1 li -It^

■^ v l i

lE fflU

! 8 ^ H

| M

i H Iv m

Page 10: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

J ............ , _ p a g e j e n . .

f ]\iew Courses J T ;~Reporte3 for r - JL Local School |Zl

American hlilory and Amerl*— CinTIter«w ro‘h«re been *d«l*d to-----i f . . — - t h e counM ' •valUble unHef'The--------------

Twin P»1U high »cIiool w jw ncr 1 ■ profTMT).------------------------------------------.: • --------- -------------SiHelp»l V. L.’ LefcbYre »n* --------L___—

a t e n of AmerlCAn hUtory nnd « or Americnn llieniture

_____ wULbe o l f c ^ In KliUtlo'' .In j. gener»I g n g JW ir& 'O rfa -i^ - — ^ lenn tn d Americftn jovernm cnt. - , ^

______ Tfliij h t hy K ennrth KMl nnd _ j B. M n. Rose Worth, the « ^ c * -p re - , 1

f r t tn m eeu »Uit« »nd local rc- Iaulrem enu w . Uui- high sciio^ _ I

' -credit will^be *r»nlcd Xor each ^ Ieour»e completed. '■ 1

Beglnnlnf June' 1. c li4«s meet Ifor »n hour and a half each. »lx ■

• • <j»v4 » »-cek for m e n weeU a t the ■.Junior high school. . ■

A tuition charge'of IIS 5s mode ■for each cour*«. but th li year iio • • I •ddlUonaJ charge wlll b« made for • ■ books or (pecial couriei, tu ch u . ■

' typtn». ■W ith lhe high achool now r ^ |

--------------------qU irm jm oT« co«r»e» and credlUtot paduaU on, Lefebvre lays num. ■m er achool repruent* a rfal h tlp j . . ■ to ntany itudents. w ithout I t. he

'■ exDlalni, aoms ttudenU would not-------- — bft.blo-tocontlnue.w U hm ualc^or - H |

other elecUves. euch aa public

' “■ HI— - Summer Khool cotinei allow | B y |_ 1 _ ------------n thff aludcnW

: • • j i t th rm iih fauure, maK»ig »Doulble for them to b« graduated w llh their clowmatei without u k - lng an additional year in tchool, be u y i .

“aom t a re anxloui to lenm to type bu t hftvent room 'Ior It In regular tm lo n , to . they take t

. during the summer. Even adulta

I Lefebvre polnta out. •I .! Junior high Khool i t u d e ^ mny

' take typing or general EnglUh. “' Ninth grade itudcnU will rcceive J ,o k e o

high achool credit Ior these courtfi. y ,in the past. Lelebvro notes, stu- ,

«SenU Irom nearby achools have•I . taken advanU ge olsuminer. achool• I eourtes offered here, making up ^ I f l

needed eredlU to g ra d u a l withtheir claates. Area tludenU con- Q l

1 alderlns enrolling In the local aum; j | j ■ i". S S ^ o o l program ahould dlKUM

S . S t h th d r principal ailO S, I ’ and obtain b is approval. Shothon•I I ■ — . down th

J ’ • -• ALASKA T BIP 8TABT9 ^D E T B O rr, March B (UPD— t

Wagon* roll. The Ugnal was given ^ ty • t 7:34 a. m. (EST) loday «md a “c„ove515-vehIde c*ravM o jiy ln g ^ 1 - ghosbot

------- — Uai*t«d'BO‘liSen.% «SlB andW lll-dren aad a ll th e ir worldly p o « a - T h^tj alons, began a modern-day wagon ^

• I • ' train trek to Alatka. lhe : •' — -thlnklni



; O U R


r A i M <

___ Please beer V• - ............ 7 • tirhe, howeve

■ ual. We're al;_____ a "m ess", bu

j ; ‘ ■ _ stantly and v■ , , stantial sovitf l -------- ■now!— ------ -

I P r i c e

T h eI Watch for 0

j ! S z C t a i


•bit old nOlrotd water U nk . a Undmirk Hhone. who parehaMd the ia n k from Ihe ir ago wbto the railroad gave Jl Ior a r ik eould n tl be cted fo r th a t purpoK. The ,l t to e unlll about four ye*r» age Khen a

* * * * . ^

Id Railroad Watershoshone.Being 1HOSHONE, March 8 -A n a tiie r th**a ikc shone landnuut Is being to m purpose,}] n this we«k. Buperthe old railroad IM.OOO-gftllon er u n k at Uie w u t edge o t “city. U being dlimantled and

oved thla week by O. D. Low. ehoae, who purchased tho ta n k ^a the city. Low U ;he tank wat glvea the e lty m ore for grain n a year ago by th e ' rallrond expeclt i

the .svi'Immlng pool project, dnyi lo r iklng It might be uted fo r a tlte. Ac ir plant. InveatlgaUon proved MondaiTl


t O C R / l

O S T Flr with us just a few rt ver, our store-will bei all cluttered up and i)ut new merchandise J we've no .place to pi vings on brand new fi

r iA f I f l l

» T h r (

I E n t i r' our bjg Grand Open

u d e B


Imark Being Dieina

. ■ '■ ■ ■

H M f l U j v r T T v A


H A ; . - -

t rk for ShotboBf' It being dlim antled thU » Ihe elty. T b# U nk w at turned over to lhe a twlmmlng pool project. However Inveitli rhe tank, erected srtnind ISZO. h a s been nud a a ll I ra in t were converted to dle tel. (Stiff

* * * . *____________ hftd-workedjo)

3r Tank for ;SS)27- Torn Down

dk c o u ld io tb e tu e d la r th a t ie,hcnMver. m h h».« t W .. Manning, railroad , e ^ u j e wort says th e tank waa erected " '1 % S l

11910 and waa u « d conllnu. ^ heavy pl.from th a t Ume untll about , i^ e tank eon. ago when aU trains oa M went to dleseL U planning to use the tank

lin slorage a t hU ranch. He 4 It will Uke lour or live tonlnga th i t t to remove fn m the original your family's ti

Actual dlimanUlng began over portloni c i f though Low and his m ea vegelafflea plut



:D N I S H Imore dgys.Jn.thei mgai e open for business as u d things ore generally e has be&i arriving co: put it! You'll m.ake su furniture if you buy rig

l ^ $ a l e =

o u g h c

r e S t o iening announcement si

^ r o w n


__________ J l i , ______________ _______


lan tled E is e n h o v ^ Soviet-P

' •• WASHINGTON. M-------- - . Prealdent EUtnhowi

T-' U t « r Doti~OTerUcr many.

- . . '- 7 . . - 'I :- .- Ju s t .how cjrep U t............ From an ejtammaui

. ■ ■ ta td yesterday It doe.deep.

•' He was aiked a t h. ' ' ' - ’ ference w hat h t thi---------... acceptance of---------------------------- proposal-lo r'T t-T orr

'conference on Berll , ■ . , many.___ _ _ J : _ He said, “* e are

■ th e Jrtflmenr ju ifM - _____ __ ^_______: ns we can." Thla, In

very restrained optliU was. howeyer. in

the kind of Internal relief Uiot went up ' vlet*. by accepUng t ministers meeting. '

. , ' f were e t leaat willingI. Till? ilgh w st aln

* \ , stuffed back downUonal th ro at when tl

' lowed up th e ir accej peatlng th e potlUo

• U kea before:— ' - s .................. i : T h a t a lorrl

meeting U Just a 1— — KAgttnj^ AJ^ffl^ljin >1]

c an 't really decide o f l ‘tf iV th e decltlons are n

tb e top.■ K Z T hat, therefore.

lo 'g e t 'th in g s done L top men. 'like Pre: hower and^^remlcr N chev. get togeUier

' meeUng.-Even B ritish P r

Har«ld-Maamlllanr-> finished a series Khrushchev, bubbling w ltb hope w u Ulklng about U SltuaUon'* building u;

’'i5 4 » ^ & £ * 9 S B S I I*” -Q W a d f f l a t t Z H M S itm how er told ference the Ume comc to keep Amer

uatTw'deTe ^ 'Blo”(“ ff tlluaU on he bad In^^l» pnoiQ.entra ti quggtlon h e was oi

th e quesUon of Ineri d_for several days ovcr defenie agftlM iree weeks In preparing p ^ u h d of contlnuin ter ■ iwecn Ens t and Weti»‘ton ConslrucUon com- n Falb, Is hired to do ne work. The tank Is Into three lecUons for

i heavy wind may pre- wort: Irom progretalng planned a t wind agalw t • pieces of Iron could unk.

r'lmaglnaUoawhea yousterole dlihei; add tea-lit especlaUy appeal to Cy t taste along with leff- . V)[U'of meal or fish andplus a sauce.. jPH

I G I _


a n- , : ^ _____3 us- !

ly 1 ^ 1

r a n -____sub- ■ !. '

TgRt ~

D U t' ■ . . S t y l i

r e 5,fine£

' soon

\ ^- - fo r "D l


5 . IDAHO________________

ower’s O pt^ sm C t - N o t e I s ^ a l l o w JIN. M u th • IS - ■"»> » “« « « e r *nhower expreaia El»enho«er 'It ovtriyabout Uie BovleU' about setUemenU wlUi

East Oermany,I a t hls newt con- Elsenhower repeatedII Uiought of. the Lhiteauntnr. ice of the wetlern ,txandoa-lt»-rlghU -ai) -TOrelgH-minUlert f u i i i f j - b r B e r l in r ^ -Berlta and Oer- K hrushchev has argi

way U>.gct East and ore taking It for (nany un ited is by li

ifM-optlmtsUeally B n»nge~1t—between- i3. In view of w hit T h i f i throw ing eold * irnrd"out” to -be-e wcsfSTftitCTU on-that

optimism. unUlcaUoQ U Ibrougt: er. In keeping with tlons. temaUonol Ugh of Elsenhower again toi I up when tbe So* on the a ide of Iree eli Jng the idea of 'a w hen ho was aiked lng. -showed Uiey lan 't vlalt to K hniih Illlng U) talk a hit. » useful purpose. El« 3 almost intunU y »ponded: "Now. wher lown Uie Intem a- down to th e posalblllt; ien the eoviett fol- inay have been tome acceptance by re- m u rigidity . . . In Ui

•otlUon they had tltade. th n t we can' events unfo ld a IltUe

foreign m lnlsten AlUiouph K bnuhch t a kind or gum- jUied th a t only * tu On_by_peOple_SIlfl Ipjf i-in «n1yi» nnythlm :lde onythlng since *r aald th e opposite, ire made by men -w h a t I keep deplc

• ; Idea of tAlklng ab< tfore. Uie only wny meeUnga w hen you caj one Ij to luve Uie poaiblitty of a const

President Elsen- coming o u t ot lt,“ he llcr NiklU K h r u s h - ______________

Defense I1 Prime Mlnbter . ,

VI Speakers will hiclud

I .lo n , lhe _llncj ^I to be going. civil delente at

<=h«‘rmen ore coopen id in mind but tre nrolecLas nnswcrlng wo: ^ ‘ ._________' Increasing Amerl- , igalnst the back- Meat Is m ost t u c inulng tension be- browned In nn extreme [ West.__________ riclllet. _______

s p r i

Jtyled to thrill your Easter - yet built to “take it" froi pard Buckaroos,! Little Yanl ;onsidered by many experts' inest chitdrcn’s shoes'made

. Specialists in “F it for the Child You Lov


,200 IN PRIZES — Kids g e t your er

r "Drow Your;_Porenl" c o n te it here.

_ _________ ^

O v e r J u r y S e l e c t e ipjlISTONi-March 5

eoUon and defenie attorne:VjfclODC uumi£b-JU*n£LflLJUurflJ* / r terdiy os ui a neg llgenrho ^ftke It Msa irttl ot Max Cobura got

vtrly oplimltUc Twenty more Jury pn WlUl Uu> UBBB. called today to belp JOlnU In Uie im- gu .n ian Jury. -

it of communUt

G a s B l a s t P l s

^ ■ ^ ' ^ “ r ^ e o u p t e i n l

old water on Uie apart Uielr two-aWry home -that-the-w iy to —The-vloUmi-were Iden Ul rough freo elec- Mr. and M n. Cnrl Buohone

in Uelr 70't. Buohonea woj In took h it tUnd tired railroad worker.» elections. olllclals said Uie exisked II Macmll- ^ caused by lllumlnnUngirushchev tened ---------------- -------------------

Elsenhower re- • when you come . . _jIblllty m at there ^ 0 3 1 5 1 1 3 0 6 g la S S ome lessening of J,In the Soviel i t - Somt Hk* Cimleu serve can 't tell'sinUl ihem en-ih*^ocb In on

.u«im oolh& niW ;i3o ilahchev has In- * tumm ll meet-th lny yt^pnhnu-. __________ ___ .lie. ----- ' 'deploring ts Uilt

nbout summit ru cannot tee any ‘ , construcUve tlep - he tald.

e M e e t j5—An organia-

:iover. Buhl andvlll be held nt 8 ■ • r = ^ W Mle Buhl city hall, \ l l i i l H1 Mclntosli. Twin ^ ^ ’I r T ^ -la lrm an,' I 1>iclude Mra. Luth- . . { t l ,m i l pJnnner tor , ' | H

u t of disaster re- wi i ■■cnse. nnd Sheriff___________________

lie and Bed crrou

tu c c e n s f U l lyiremely hot heavy | | ftni. la iiitt Im I

' ^ 1 *

i n g s t y l e

iter Angels why we feature from Back- experienced fitl'anltees_a)2 _jiichj:a);ftt.(Lfi£!rts to be the Shop early ade!. That’s avoid last-mim

: re . %

n-------- T H D K SD A Y .'M A EC irirr

ted More Albertson STiTS; Stores PlanniturgraJ’W- _ rO R T L A N D ,.i) re , ..Mnrch ; homicide (UPD—PU ni bave been dliclc got under here-for seven new supfm iiri • prospeeU ihe Portland area by in Ids lelp IlU a headquartered, food chain. Alb.

son's Ino .........— - -A um grew The markeU would be bum '. 0 Which suburban areas and woutd t«i >ni!d Bax- sent an lnvestml>ent of aro

. tour million dollar*. An olfiei» — , the firm Mid most sites had l '11 ' plnced under opUon.I l l s The Albertson chain, wlUi j

■ - A lbrrtson-w -prw ldB Bt,- opf, r l ? Q C ! f 55 Stores in ldaho. U tah.-M ont I ^ i c m O l^ o n and easter'o*T\'iI., March S ington. ____________________j wife died•hat ripped I o i itP A I1— .. COALloneu. boUi | . ' — o l—

•“ • " W A R B E R G ' Se explosion I RE 3 -7 3 7 1Mng gas,

assf.ryo.rVODKA GIMLH?Mfved in o' cocVlail q'ow- Oihen prefer lo tni. 1 isn Old foihioned oIoa.Blher woy, b t »urt ic [3 or 4 porls Smitnoli lo 1 porl Rom's L'me JuictJ.

g n ! ^ . miJ


tirnoffyomtil. tiL riini t ih i l t [It- (DM. ti In llili), litlliil,


2kQ !

ire them. That's why our. fitters are proud to givefitting each pair._______^ly for best selecti.on..,.. inute Easter crowds.


r i s s T "

minednrch_»___lltclcu'd ' 'm irlifu I Irtalis. Albfrt:.

bum la 1 t«prt.

around f*el»| of ■ad bffo

Ul J. A ._

im u n i ; '


V .'> mix




(Aillll, (IU --

• I

J u i i

Page 11: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

^ ’mSEAY, m a r c h 5 ,1 9 5 9 -■

g o l o n s M o a n i n N e w O f

- i i L , ^ u c l L o r l o o L i t t l eu ir th 5 (OPI) Jor Jumlture,

If thu « mu:„TM new otflce mike It njain. A ne

ln« for hou«,mtinl ^ « '

':j - of ColUtlre-room 6Ull«. on# of e'slil Mnat

B»« wMhnwm*. r»Ue Uken up quwteran ^ i S L ^ t h e r wc ttlm prt B^clum,>l(l ihe » B « * ^ - r rK.iiMing cost only of IU harro»ln6;dcl

~d{WM^* -— — “ ■

SAVE-01[ gym S E T S W

Henr 9»«5" ‘• • • I / ”*"- K ]

lol MOtt on •’'* "9 O"** ' ' ! « »

9W«f*' < 1

^ jflj ia n d g lW o rT n n : .................................

SUPK MODEL - with oHoched glldo ^

l a r g e D E L U X E S L ID EJfBtM lI —S«.tflnpric« ,onIy .........................................

OUTDOORC l o t h e s D r y (

• u putllel UfM. ] n feet la leofth. Raron e ewUd for DM In all weather condlUoDi.

• LKbtirelibl lube alumlQum and i(«el..• ElHl'CqTcred r 'ouRil box (or lottalllnr In cooet

tartb. Fulij fiiaranteed. Foldi compactly.

REGUURLY - M J22.50'....................................................... . ■ “

w v w v w w w w w w ^

I C A M E R A S - S U P P IiT BROWNIE MOVIE CAMERAJ F.3 lente.-The inexpentive way for 1J homa riotIoi. R egu la r3 2 .5 0 ................... .. 1J SLIDE BOXJ Holds 150, 35m m ilides. Regulor 2.95J SovC'On Low Price, o n l y ..................^Jl ZIPPER GADGET BAG^ Holds Camero, Flash gun , bulbs endI oeeiiorlos. ReguIor*^4.49, now .........................

!• MOVIE LIGHT-BAR fl ' Complete wiih tw o lamps. Ragulor 7.95

*■ nov low, low priced o t Sove-On....... ..............y BSOWNIE ’FIELD CASE ' ' " '% For turret itiorfol 8 mm MOTlo'CdmeVoi,'V Regularly 6 .50, now o nly ............................... ...'


Fully 'Gitaro

SilOtfHNSTANT-EYHHIflMamazinqroiAIlCJAr 1 bv yi cums MDj1 1 IT. c o lo n s

. . L | . . .y TJ ■ NowitlMlthrilliiI u • Comai In blach, wiihout mesiyI n brewn, blui.grten ' iub«i. One quIcU iI H • Won't run, flak* eurli, tepariieiI VI Of tmtor Comti In a ilutI H * Woitrpreof, Uar> ilitn sold eaie thi\. tt P'®® Applicator wonI W • ^ “"" '"9 pensll- imaril Look »nV H l iu gold u t i Auiomatis WaiciI .U • OdorltM • -loryou. .•


j m p i E m /.

s / v r u R A ' : ^ ^“ ftie famous moisturizer

by Dorolliy Gray

With ' B t t S i« t . PorehM., I " ™ l ■ '

)ffices;" imie. He 6ayj the m

Ie'SpentI • . for « (or Uie Sil i

thflr »latfx.for l2 cwi miitake, we won't ihclr empIo>^ , for the

1 new oftlee buiia- telephone exchancc£t* lerui an d -a baMmeot 1 tec us back S65.- eijenUals," m )s Coilo;

It Includes a 5M-icai :otton, a .. N. Jl., ft syranniium. nnd iln tnatora who h n rt tundeck orj t.'ie roof." •tera In the new Colton proUsbiy h.ic Jie story in.aome wiideck ulien lie mi ;d f ta ll today In n comprl?.rj n red Uie II i^ iom efolks,'___ In j hy j'. f , , | pji„

S l f f l

1 7 . 9 9 M i i l

27.99 H i

f i i ANIn m

:0Dcrele or (Irm l l

4.88: r | -l i

PLIES m mJ 9 . 9 5 B m

I f t BAI ...2 . 9 7 . . I Q pr i

^ A 9 5 i l ^

: 1 ; 4 . 9 5 m 6 F

w v w w H W l

' d e n n f l l

m = y H Hiorenteed H S 5 | ^ H | | H l l

U jmllffH ritli-^IflA S C A R A - SpacIoHy

Priced B f D sePARAU S S o v e ^ n ------

irilliaseyebtauiy. S S S ^ S j:»iy bfuih«» orjIcU iiroke colon, ' wiie j eye l«»hei. ( y Q | jitunnins pen^l«

e that won't leak. Iwon't warp. B i 'k »m»rtl O leen Ilaicars cati! do it

^ ^ I ' 1

V ' , FILER A l

T IM E S -N E W S , 1

layba lhe error stalU and a resurom. There0 much, not too provblon at ait for tiie ont1 Mnate nteded senatoh M n .' Mshjafct b u t . . . . Siplth. M&int.:actiilr.a o{{ier& . Cotton *ay* Uie .bullding tg II ncnntora and ly planned nnd reniintU liin cwnmllteci and schoolboy's deflniilon of a- the buay u p lto l —a w rt of a hofjr. but tw

:e. Jor a cafe- by n commlltee.- "The - e cn d u lta -fw -te ln

Jllon. However, and elcctrlc wlrcj are »o i veal auditorium. u ,a t jjoudlnl hlnuelf ctfuld I limaKino l.Ii a sijulrm In'and oui Irom behii

dcaks." tlie senntor coniplniii; h.idn't a tfij Uie own desk Is to cloy lo ih,

Mrole tliLr.’ Il Hint I am almoM tilUiK c It Iloor m taaur- window alll.pluA' two-ahovtri^tga n ilBrd iin'ctlcp a n ro

Pg I T ^



l a r b a g e ^20 GALLON C / heavy golvonizcd with side handle;

2.3Q ^ H 12-QUART GA

■ w ater

| ^ 6 9c. & SPECIAL Hi



II j l i s t A r r i v e d F r o n

l l —The-w ldeit'-selection-of the»e-bca |l~ «V «r=o(f«< «d:ln^oglc:yall^ I-C h<III tie s In 3 s iie s . A t Saro-On's spec I I I w ont several fo r your hemet-

l3 9 « ^ 6 9 e

NT TRAY 1j L L t K b t l J ^ i ]

^ r f f

o u r F a m i l y S a v i n g s S t i


AT FILLMORE (Open 9 'til 9, Seven.D

~ i ■ •_________ —

T W I N F A L L S , ID A H O

here Ll no In laylot the cond^^t4.■the archl-; one lady tecta say» Tlie altematire waa toj

ct C l iw run looie-ntrcs serosa lhe floora >' "IfTeoinmlllee wc no-lunger a!t'

ts poor* in/ormally-aroutKl a Uble wul clul. him of a chummlly the wlincwca. We

f a- cnniel are elevated on a circuliir dais bf- t together hind a massive, paneled bulwark

. ; . so .high tliat . . . when plc- M ipH mra U U ,»^.-U k .n -l.M W n, ^ . l a b i r ao Dlnccd °fuld h-irdlv ‘Se"- Warren Mnlt^a^on. D . ttfhinis ttir ha» .solvfld-tliu, ite ftlt# on

".My jiTJlllOW.I I llic wall ■'Tlie microphones (sre) r.o. tle- iK on tlw fective thst Uiey woll like .bmi-

.. »hee* ■ • • immoyc g t" '"niB elcrntu n me a u m im tiLv

W l i

C A P A C I T Y . B a I zed G orbago cans idles ond lid. ■ K l


■ R P A I L ^ O t a

.DROOT B:am-oil w I B' ^ m w



om Florida! |b ooullluM ndw ^pliin li— - M p•Ch6oio-from-29-TarIe-------■ -------- pipeciol low prico, you'll

c-1.19 pI l m e A T F . - I -l i E N T A i c n h U C K

I - Economy sifi •



n .D oyt e W «ek for Your Shopplhg Ccn

rchl-;nnd nhen you prtaa a button. yo» Q ^ toinever know which dlrecUon jo i ‘- ’“'^I’ .A.'c'soini'of where yon'U.KlnC

up. If Nomebody else beau you lc V> llic nuiich " “

s br- CuUyn'i Isat point U the »ore«l wark Df all .nmong many leoatorj. •ntej' rl)

are ivccuitomed lo ring three tlmti e< * ^ iind Ko”~iiriilslirtd “aielr ■ Hoors. ”

D. ■J'lic electronic brnln on esch new ** t« on ckvitAc.. uarka fine but m> f»r .

cnn't dhUnfulJh between ien- / i, liters and people.- Possible remedlta

,\>m. being studied. «

TntrU lM »-^M BiM JEW & -W A NT:A D & n

W v K t

Z n d B i g W e e k

j-month-long— Parade of

Banner Buys

^ ^ 9 5 |

^ B R I D G ^ ^ I 'M i x ^

R egularly 79c .o p e u n d ^ ^ H — ^ This w eekend only o t -


. 4 7 c L B .^

^ O R A N G E ^ B SLiGES ^REGULAR*29irlb.-------■ —

J 9 c ^

WHITMAN'S ____ ^ 0 R T E D _ :_ _ J ^ 1


-------- R e 9 t i f o r ^ 9 ----------

' ' I '

f f Al ^ Z ^ t - I n

‘ I.' . . I, . . . . I

iS R E E H STA M I^ ,

C<iiY inlincil . I ’ •

; Submarine Fleet Siu“. ‘ -Prospects Noted “ m.- -WASHINOTON; Msrcll S'tfl - , ny IMS the navy can h»ve be- are nuc

tween 50 and 40 nuclear wbma- The So' ^ rltjea e sp fo U U y desijned and ,u equipped for destroying enemy _____^ subinarlnes,'™* vubmarlne'cxpcrt ♦ ♦ ♦♦ ♦

said yeslerilsy. ♦C apt. Rlchord D-Unlnit. former J I

: akjpper of lhe nuclear aubmarlne ♦ - is l ;■ Seawolf. addrerjed a Nayy leafue t J*,

»ymposlum cn antliubmsrine war- Z .''>9

Lanlng aald tlie nucleir-pow- J R > erea-—igtliulim>nnf^-tu»fflarine« ■•»»»»<

l U T i V


J V i s . M Circle stitc lift. All sis

^ 2 ‘


L O U N G EStrong,.colorful, lightweight


10,95 fYou'll sse-this priced o rh lgh L o s $20.00 in TwlnFalls. ~ HURRYI Use S e v e rn 's populor I

■ ■ w w w w w w

(0AeM ‘


w w jw ¥ ,^ ^


m o


to tp i

~ m i

m m mVllDAYLIN UQUIDA bbot^s CondyLemea flovortd viteP r tu u r t Poc .— -

v rrA M iN c T A i i n s 1 0 0 mg.B eN U oflO O -------------- ----------------

A SHRIN TWINS ‘M cK tsien 'a S e re in .' 2 boH U soM 0 0 ----------------------

BROMO SELTZER-------------------^Fost relief for ktodachesi o p iet sten 4 H ounce b o ttle .. .- ...........................

DRISTAN TABLETS ReUef of Slaui coagesHon, eoldt

- «n<l hoy fever ---------— :--------------

CHESTRJUB s t ic k Johnson on^ E oslir to use. Sof«, notH ng. EioKio ch ild ren . Z 3 o u i » e « L ^ ~ J Z - ^

INFRORUB'A n e lg e ^ creom. Fast ra ilif froMi


. be-unaller than the atomic u new ta operation or beta*It.

wbmarlnes now In <om- itlon total IM. of which (our. nuclesr powered. Lanlng aald.-

e Soviet Union submarine /orce mimated at about 45Q_

't v s l W i c T l ^D « Phony RE 3 -7U 1 t ...........

NIght-Phone RE 3-1037*


r i i > r r


m is rB R A Sstitched for double up- _____ ;*I sixes..Sove-On Special

• 8 8 c: h a ise



. C o n t r o l l e . d . 5

H e a f ?

F R Y - P A N J


'irraJUtdi'#tdowntheiteiT»- ■- ctutbI<Iphab«t'toZineOxld«,our

ttoda of pTBscr rt (Ifvjs n to n e R, OcoW'-^ e«(rtl»

imt*iwnte(ifug"—fltidyBCM _ _ _ ^ '^R lfflK diatelyorcttilnil . ^---------^ -------

^ccnblQKlwflha]r.|nfi8looil-.________sliEI nd Gq>erience, endiles

ttrvBjfOQT patients pron^tly md t t ru so n ^ c o s t

When you hm need h r tpaedr uy of axdUni V nidictl to|i|ilin ) t p i t ie s hoihe'or to your ofRu

(rttrtojnu.■ . I .

f f i S K E z :

v ih tm lii:" a s s


itomocfc 98cT”—

K i i i f l i l


innn l i l

■ n'jv |l

- I( J

1 3

• -ii

'<1 1 i I


— !


Page 12: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

: I . . ' : .iP A _ G B T W E L V E

M r s r l « w i s I s ' ■

E l e c t e d H e a d ■

---------- o m m P T A I' i ---------- - ■ BO ia. ilMch 5-Mr*. Harriet ||MjJ , __________ Lewis irM pwUdcnt of the R JL ................... .Duhl ITA ^londay m ti in g «t, the H |

' Lincoln K hoolv ,, ■! ■' O th e oHicerrijire.Mr*. Cheater ■ ■

Pence.- f in i rlrfi ^------------------j,m e » Shield*. -vlcc-preal- _ C H

deat; M n. Janet L«tham. tecre- | H- l*T7. U ii Mr». Pmnk Gleae, treM - OW

: .............. ................- -M n .;M itT ’Ann K nljhi; .jiusilt ~ i shealth nune Kjperrlior or the | H ■ftiiihi-i-niml )<b(lrlct heftlth Wilt, dhcuued the healih p r^ n irn in ■ ■ thU communlly. She sta ted one C T ot the principal duties is nok only ^ ito gel infonnnilon. daiA lind *ymp- M ytom.i of Uie aeuM communicable W j diseases bul also to follow up on 't M

Tlie unit Ij niw re-esubllahlns H.............................. 'WlaUon* »lth civil defense ‘In »n H

effort (0 linmunlM alt local people I H^ BKBlnsl scute communicable dls- H

e«Acs to protect them In case of war. u'hich Kould brim on a ErentInflux of people Into this a rea Irom H |the coastal reslon. H

Bhe abo pointed oul Immunlza-2 " . ^ - _ tlon agalnat Uiese communlenble ■

dlitBMA Is available'al IhB south- -' central district healUi un it a t lhe Kl

I ■ Twin FnlU cuy hall. Anyone know. Ilotlins of persons who don 't have fomImmunization and can't afford It iteyi

.................. should conUct Uie healih unit, wfr*"M rs. Alla Roalielley,-Buhl-*«Jiool -------

; nursw expUlned Uie nr»' national ^’ i PTA health program lo the irroup. ^ T ]

; ■ .8he pointed out IhftOKpose of this" ' ------------program ' is- a -wmirtuotM — f*'■ I superrlslon from birth on to help

form rood healUiliablU. She also explained the summer roundup of physical and dental eztunlnaUons for those starling school in the Buhl dtsulct. CH

i The first grade room moUieri, chlcs•• •[ • Mrs. WUllam ■Hopple, Ntra. A w l » ttr

fiUinley'Kem', Mrs. Dlck TTiomet* Thi•and Mr*. Kenneth Pnwcclt. chair- Marti

} man. aerred rtfreshments. since- --------------------------- Shj

O r e g o n C h i e f S '

i S c o l d s S o l o n s Thl■ know

-I O n T a x I s s u e £1™..........................0ALEM, March 6 W -T h « Ore- jc n B

io n leBlsUtufe's DemocraUc ma- eoupl Jorlty and some of lU Republicans,# ve re crllUlted by Republleait Oov.

- Mark HaUleld yesUrdar for Uwlr Joodefforta lo balance U»e »u t« budget ^

' viUiout Inereasloc sUtA Incometaxes, fesslc

Hatfield toM a press conference ,.h e r 'i 'thoV they were pracUcIng "fiscal gjnu,

brinkmanship,” and said h is own •J prw T im Is *'lhe best defense! against a u le s tax.”

H e accused DemocraUo leaden , of purposely painUn* a gloomy « “

picture In order to wla «pp ro« l- f — :----------—- of 1- wies Ux. which' ^ * -e o a . 111.^

' • <emned u hitUng low Income w « ■group# loo hard. Du■■■' H is atatement foUowed ft pro. the*

. . p o u l by fire house Republicons wori .! th a t u e leslslatun hold the line gend • t ' ■ on sla te expenses so it would be Wd

;___ _ • unnecessary lo Increase Income _ _

• i ....................— — Here an-U i# U;f«« m ajor. U x‘ t I proposals;;-i) ■ Oot. Hslfleld's —Increas# in - Ji f ; ■ eome taxes in order to Include a B 0|l . ;l - I building program ■1'' to r re n t otfIL ;------------------— budget—‘axclBorettea tw-o ctnU a thti l : ; . packoge and oUier tobacco 10 per mo^ --------------------- oent,-tylng-tbU-wllh a. rcdikUon J iul& l . in Uie caplUl gains U x to cncour- !

new ind^ ln '. Olve aome tex ^i r f l ^ l e f to aged home owncra. Wf} -nie Democrata'plan-Avoid any cot1 ! Income U i. Increase. Build .the dls

•.W \. buildings wllh a bond Issue to be Uo! V submitted to Use people. Tn- to i. 1 • give eome capital gains ta * relief, kle

- • . The fire nepubllcons' plan — be-; 1 Avoid any income U x Increase, in■ 'I - - lU fer to lhe people a proposed ya' ' four-cent cigarette tax and 20 per he~ 1 ' ........ccnrbn-blher'lobnco-to-traliduie -MJ

, _ 'buW ings. L _

!! James F.ChesIey DHonored at Rite B

BURLEY, March 5 — Funtn>l ““------------- - — lenrlcca fot-Jomea Fttinklln-Chea- - n i

ley. Burley, were held Tuesday a t Ul the Burley U>3 Uilrd-alxUi ward

' ______^ c h ip e i with—Blshop'i^Counselor• . . . Mftx.Kid[i oflldatlag., PoUbeflrers were F rnnk ' T an-

lleld, Earl. Reedy. Lyman Weaver.I Bill Dudley. Ott'en Badeer and

1-------------------------- Um m . n&ha u T M ijm e n u —I . ve re under tho direction ot the i

Uilrd ward Relief aoclety. /Family prayer a t Uie mortuary /

'ft-as glren by Cleo McBride, invo- /.------------ -----------------cBtton-br-fcewU-W, D rank anrt i S

Mnrvln Pfwkes gave the benedlc* ' ^ tlnn. Meditation musle was by• — - - - ...........^ r n MeJrld*. wlo - by -R a eo la ^

by Rneolft Crane and Muriel Trlnk- ' ____- . . . . Unc. accnmpanled by. F e m Mc­

Bride..__________________________■ The ollluary was rend by Max ■

Kidd and tlie speakers uere Lyli^ ■ Duke nnd Vem liymn.i. tln n l riles ■] f,’ere held nl the Plen.<innt Vie« I I cemetery v lth Blsliop Verl d i e s ' H ley dedicating Uie grave.________ **

j ; ' ' ' .•___K r 1/if,I V ■ B ^ & y a n c o

| f I

m • ,ttrtou»«»Ca.lT.a-IUIl»W i*TB

i i h i r

- L i z , E d d i e M j

KUiabelh Taylor lorn* lo speak lo a fi Hollywood .hoBorlnt aearge Jessel* 50lh fornutl Hollywood faocOon since the bre Reynoldi.-who has sued for a divorce froi w lrvphoioK ------, . , ............................. -

. • r r TH.S t r i p l e a s e r

* T i n d s ~ C l u l d “ m " '

I s n ’ t f o r H e r ^CHICAOO, March 5 < U n )-A A

ihlcago Judge ruled recently tha t m •tr ip teaser could be a -good ■

The stripper In <jue.itlon-Mrs, ^ ta rtln K rlUberB-apparenlly has Ince decided otherwUe. ■She telephoned her husbands ■

lother yesterday and told her. V W hat do I wnnt with a baby? I rant to be free."

Fa the r OeU Baby Then she took oft for porU nn- _

nown. leaving her J3-month-old ■ on. I n , w ith her husband, a cob ■

•'She‘5 a stripper, all right," said I niU berg. as he surveyed Uie , ■ ouple's cleancd-out aparuncnt. ■ She d idn 't even leave me with llapera or a pot to [cook Ira's

KrlUberg aaid he and his ash')londe. Blender w lf ^ n o u n pro- esslonnliy ns Ann D rnke-splll up vhen she InalsKd on following her ihosen career.

■ M oiher Wins Cuilody Tn a custody balUe :.lx weeks ago, _

lodge Tlm ddcus V, Adesko award- 6d llltle lro lo hU mother when lhe promised, “I'll be good to him—111 .hire .a . baby s itter nl nlghl and M home w ith him all day long.

Dul th e n she lost her Job when the owner of the saloon where she worked decided the publicity en­gendered by Uie eourt flghl wns bitd fo r business.

Forgotten" .MONTGOMERY. Ala., M arch' j

B «v—A dlsgiunUed heir cooled off in Jail today after damaging three houses whicli his grand- moUier willed to olher mem- '

Jjera.oI^tht_famUj-.___________ _ ___Police Capt. U w ls Miller said

• M ayet Kosen, Montgomery, waa oeing held I*>r ftlicuilji* li- vilt:r court tomorrow on cliarges of disorderly conduct and destrvc- Uon of property.

Aboul 50 smastied windows. ' klcked-out scretns. two broken beds and shredded curtains by in th e wake. of itie rompaRe < yesUrday after icasen learned he h a d Inherited-only »500.

-Mlller-eald. - ------- — ——- ---- :



A tir f .. .

1 4 ^ ^ — ”/ ounc® •

/ / J J c o ili/ . f e j s »han

- -tro n d » I

m z l

' Til

l a k e F i r s t A p p e a r a


' . ' T !

a 'friead 'M siTi Vrid Eddie Fi.her atU nd a U 9lh year Jn show business. H was the pair’s I breakBp ef Fisher's marriage to D e b h le ^ y r from Fisher, refused divorce acllon In-the s

TRA FFIc qilOTA UftCEO man of Idali CASCADE. March 8 tft-A n cx- The quota e slon of the u rlff guo u on a t- -------

In Idaho, Oregon and Cailfor- c rm e s Its fi . Ben Ooslln. Cascade, chnlr- bllify when ;

S e n s /

K i n g ' iB U R L E Y ,: - R . t

G O O D I N G , B U

/ ' r b

A - '

- s p

• 1-

____ _ 1 _______ ••L-Eiidvliphtrwhere you n

II • Color coml : --------------— s --------- -----------tr r ti-T o n tp ta i

I • Tolo nild to. # Cones trimr

You've Seen Th

3 50c Down Will


M- - .......

'• 1 I •


r a n e e •- ,5 F a n s ^

E y e t o

- H e - I mNCW YORK. M

of h b fans have ol , W ^ H E £ 2 B | K d an eye k ; Bob 1 \ J comedian's e

responding to U-rs.......and no help was

."T h ere Is no li _— . . . V nin t-an-o t>

itquirea.” T>fr:Mg said in an rveni Hope's condition.

A ipokesman ' ■ . Presbyterian med

. dined lo Identlf — danor fTbeyond say

from Detroit, one '■ from

Hope has behind his left

. sightlo enUr Uie

— - Tuesday.Irested on the Wi

The &S.year>oIc an eye hemorrhst turning from a c overseas armed t

Z f l f i -% •' Dr. Reese, eye■ r E I medical center, a - --..sS^. . cenlage of paUei

^ , , from sueh a bloca UsUmonlat banqoet !n ^ „ It’s f ln l appearance a t a _________

------ ^ American SIdalio growers, said UxJay. UTAH — Oil ta expires June 30.

---- !----.,' r- -!u*fom volume and rta- len 11 Is-whipped.

H T I O N iO F I

' S ' IN ;

l U P E R T , J E R O M I

U H L , T W I N F A I




KING'S A T A - TREMENDOUS.SAVh t m ay b a l i l tc d _ in .n h y _ d ir c c t io n .to .fn ■u need i t . E a c h liK h t tu r n s on a n d o ff

nl^nations of bliick on white or wh.jlenicnt-s ny colcf a clw nta------------. tcec lamps nre matchinff immed in brass

r h e m ^ * 1 5 . 0 1 ) A n d U |


i l l H o l d O n L a y - A - \ y a )


■ K i h g (

...................- i - r


s O f f e r L a n d s c a p e

- t r S l a t e d f o rto xlopc* BURLEY. March

1 " Agent Glenn Bodily

I m p r o v e s

K. Msrch 5 CT-Flve Speakers will b- Bve offered to donate Horn. Boise. exlCD Job Hope, Bul Ui turlst o t the Unlver iwn eye trouble wss Roland Portm an, ■ ) trcstmeni yesterdsy thologlst of Uie u was needed. tenUUvely. Harry ?no indication what- slon pU nt paUiolo; n-operauoh-w lll “ be university. - -Fr^fgemoll U, HffST '~CuUUfT~and-enre-rvemng lullelln on tlon. 'n a n 'f o r ' Columbia- '

medical ccnter de- c 7 > > ^dentlfy the wouldtJeMl saying ih a t-« n e -w a s ----------V - ^ i IIF '', one from N et’ Jeney from New York City 6

a blood elol In a veiniJt eye. I l alfecled his j l 1 i \Ublllty end led him I 'AAm V l -■ medical cenler here ' i ' /. ■cvlously. he had beenhe West coast,nr-old Hope suffered>rrhsge soon after re*I a Chrlstmns tour of /ned forces b.ises, U P A R T ' ^

eye spcclaUst a t the H t A K I :> ter. said a high per- _ paUents who recover I blood clot condition ■ r a recurrent?, ■ ■ ■ ■

a-N EW S WANT A D S ______________

a n S to k e r S lac k i -- D J- OIL TREATED ~ * ie r lo n D e liv e red _ood Ton DeservesAnother- . • r U l I C

n m t a i i r P n t l - e o r - • -------------------------Twl. r*IU . jm


i L A C A R O

IA L v i E »

F F E R ' F sW h o le

--------------------------- - RED D IADOUBLE




3 P i — ^

■’w ! T N D ! A N




I l N G J M ^ . - N i a g o r a

N O W A X n

A " .......

W I N G S ^ ‘ . G l o s s ’

to fncua th o H gbt_ ; _1___________ _d o f f ind iv idu rilly Ib .......................

• w h ite on b la ck " ^ ^ ^ ------K ing

C o r n

1lb ....................

- U p -------------------

........................D I A L


- ...........“g " " - ...............


IT E D T o i l e t

3 ro ll .........

S v / l f t

1 2 oz .

/ o y - ............. .

’ W h it.

0 Chunk■ . - - ___ __ : S i te •

’/ a ' l ........ ..

■ ■ a Vets D<

bU. ■

, _________ i ■ ' '

pe School He' S ™ ior^urieyjKfc£?afcryS!arch S — County jn d Uje problem of we' dlly announced to- »nd and garden -------------- ----------b £ ld - a t_ lD O J )" .____ DAKtfEJ^C-HpOLJlO O P tiall. , MEMPHIS. T enn ..1 be AnUion S. ,u p i,_ M rs . Joyce SUf

q r e - o f Uwns-»m R£AD'.UWEg-g?i-.W^^

S Super Valu o ffe r Bi Purehote o f ony

• 'S D E L I G H T - 4 6 - o z . c a n s

imato JUIP I L L S B U R Y

i c o k e F l o u r

PKO....:...:......... 4 9 c I I

R 0 N A 4 O Z . ___________ .

; n n a S A U S

) U R C H O I C E

DELL CORN, Cream or lolo Kernel .DIAMOND PEAS..........................JLE LUCK CUTEEN BEANS...............................................


U S A G E . . . .


apefruit.■ I f r o z e n Gulf Khi

E k W-----------------------------------B - -------NEW-IW.........OsJW GOLDEN

t S t a r c h

2 /3 k ^ -

i r a S t o r c h . r a y w------- SAIAB DRE

... 20c BAKm

Ciogalosd------ K y Mn Starch A K

l L SOAPColon

............... 2 / 2 9 C _ ^ ^

............ . 2 ^ 4 1 0 P O Ol^orthern

et Tissue M I K E ' S C O L l

2 q . w a r r i n g t c

............P E T E R S E N 'S

R E E V E 'S 'M A

j L n g ! " G I L L E T T E - S , :

55c W E S J O N E S

,H i ,o S .o , T R U M B U L L ' :


F A R M E R 'S C

.............. 35c T R U C K L A N

- V . K I M B E R L Y t

D R ' v icr Flovoreo

0 / 9 Q , L E N K E R 'S

i t i.'iC L E N k E R 'S .

------------- I — -------- ' ------

T H U R S D A Y , M A H a i S,

1 as‘lsndsc*p- ■ COMO sicN U CONTlu tha t NEW .YORK. March i in.

he home gsx- Como has'signe"tf a Si-triill:' home garden la r television contract wnn

j s e g i f r a n n j : y w « ar« M -to -b e-th e hrti ' weeds in the dividual deal In .TV hisic.

agent said todny.


SUfford Grit-] damage suit H ______F e r.S itch ea- .

,‘S : s L r : S : I a p p l i a n c e sI broke it while ■ fiec.Bob Dlllc or-uiere. J M . & Y ELECTRK


Ffer* yog 2 0 c y® "' ®"ony n c w 't r o o m .

I I C e S s ^

- S u n n y - J i m P a n c a k e &

W affle S y r u p

So OFF 3 1.02 4 o x ._ .______W fo r ■ • W


3 0 3 S i z e C a n s

= M. . 3 I M . 8 9

. . . ' J 9 8K ht B rooded .

I P .............

d ' ^ S ^ h t ^ Ik a rq -s y r i a o u c - — ^>RN OIL pPK Q f i. _ G rc c n . J j

6Sc ®Ih o o r o oila l l 3 u s o s : 8 U A RT ^

r i M o r : —RESSINGS J C ^ < <KINC .

) D S T O R E !

J L D S T O R A G E . . . S h o s h i

i T O N 'S M A R K E T . . G o o d

r s M A R K E T _________ __ . . B

i t A H K E r .................. .... R u f

3 ; I n c . — . T ~ i . . - . - . - . - . - D *

E S : ; T ^ r F o i r f i

. L 'S M A R K E T . . . ^ . . . . . p

E W G R O C E R Y . . . B u i

: C O R N E R , ....................... . B u i

\ N E M A R K E T . . . T w i n F l

< D R I V E - I N . . . . . K i m b i

I V E - I N ........................... ........ W e n <

v i i i . V ^ T . V . . . H o g e r i r

. ___________ __ . ..................... B

I s . 19S1

:tim c7


r s j i thi

I Ofj tha

1& .

■ £ _




i J

9 *

V9 e


i c * "

Ii s h o i n

l o d i n j

. B u h l

[ u p t r t j

J}ecL° IrfieM . P a u l

B u r le y

B u t l lT

1 f « l l *

n b « l y

e n d ' l l

. B iil*

Page 13: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

- a T T ^ A Y r M A B C r i - » , 4 J g r -

5 uss Embassy in East^ S t a n d s A m i d R u b b l (

« W e h ® 'In communUl nnd ulUmftielyBu** » *«“• P*y*«* on toToDUr D ta U n- A sentry .U i

— rtfltUL^^;,S . moit f ihlnnth lt enirancc..— __

tdcn- « i r ir, - He »i«nd* si

' iin r t I, uie ,UllHin:l««e<l Uif peaked a

... ._ O o » “ , * S " ^ . . . . . . uniform or th f »Wi‘e® {,„ of »m U *'or»o*way, He checfcs youi

A ^ r t ^ e n b u r i tfiM which »Unds w ide, n* '’ between E « t »nil I t Li a warm.

:M»“ ^ * ? r S r h o le 10 the *i«ind day In Berlin,• -^Wot. “ ‘ e r ie * n embwy once w»rmih Jicrc.

^ _ * 6 B T » * A 0 2 J ^ .n e w - o iy .b y .. .Wh»l Uiere :-----W **’d Z 4 rtHffiU tl'or«'lound*- thrtc-iifnnll-ehll

, IB* J OT” . Blone courtynntloa- , . . . 1,. h» loru or njbble. dren of Soviet

to the uaderjround embaaiy. -i-hcy i Adoll Hitler and and tliey slide,

S S ^ r f d l e d !''»’■ "> <Jo '»>'----- t l i lv t t l n r . - th e ■ RuMlant w orld .--....................• itn tegy dealpirt to ' -liin-ginbasj)

- - V.___.'

' “ ” 1 ^ 1 - U.S. CHOICE OR GOMpoiS

' OUR 0 '



g O A F..._Kingj!slir,ed_\^ar

1 ^ ] f Bl

: # F ^— —— Snov

W ii jB heac

I ^

5t Berlind e o f W a r - S ^; Berlin to 1« I'oot:ely to enslave.another He cliccka your n h a lt million Oermam. on lui “ mier atanda a t the embauy Thtre H a quick

- ■ ■ *<nT1 * 'ljs sllftly . unsralling in hlKh.rciiinsed

cap *nd grey-sreen decoratrU witli th e JiM t Oermsn nrmy. your mlAsion and then joji c n m 7 t o ^ ‘

irm . aunny. eprlnj-llke ,.,,Cr7^,nn

;r'e LU oJ R U la the H« spw lu Oer «hlWrtn-p!aylnK-lii-Jhf J nd .Uiruunii.m .. ;ynrd. T hey are clill- licfate.i the rtu.'. )Vlet _per»onnel In the P>‘'K out Ills po: rcy‘are’ on”ro IIfr'm tC j; "'i>uletirni-nnKt Sde, slip, fall and laugh mahi>;;;.ny tiiljle, children all over Uie Hc l.i lo the j—,.. .... imiid w kfr-lo-tl

laaay h a s been rebuilt oa May ;7 land a

3 0 0 D B O N E L E S S R Q L L E

FROO W N " M I S S M U F F E T "


wirh Chocolate Afudge Icing ' H 1



ro -. . . d o z . I_ _

a i ie ty _ _ " L H ;# ® ;

Bunch of 25

im mt o y ^ h l m i g Q i ,iads, each |

A H t l^ '^W E E T o n d

p 5 lb.K



^ " T I M E S ^ J E T V l

• and It jprny.13 four 4 r « o T I '" DO farme steps lead to the . ----- O A Ck-ay At the entrincf, j |_ H J. a broad-fscod-mal* -------------------------------oots up lmp;Uilvcly. WASHINOTON. Mui IT mt-iaion nml tpeaks —The agriculture deij; ■r house telephone, ported today thnl farm Ick rxchaiiRe nf Kus* in 39 states hiit year v iv-lie-WBvea-jtm-to » ahoirtns the^lsrcest'ii 1 reception room per ccnt. lh V.OO0 tiiw . 1 Tlie reiwrt V.M ba.'rcIS. nna then Ihe m a n -----------------------;--------« enierj. Berlin, Berlin must br

brief smile anil ho rnllllariied cll>-. If \V. to a confcrem r room chancellor Konr«l f er than the firAl. ,n n l8 a unKled Gcrnjii Qermau &nd.iiu:.stim necotlate with thc lli; w i-luurp(eier-li<>-i(. —ile-uisR»tA-liuiU]Ca ;u.'> lnii demiiiids. Lip* may demand pnymciii points with n well- w e of the ro.ids to I

inftcr ■oil' thf^riXina—~TJren lie suK^flU'^yt “J’f ' • two and iicrh;ips run;le point. U um>mI v,lll tlon ulll be iivalbblc. >-tlic-S-:n«t c>'iiiinns nro tolU IJic man you Id and .llr canirols ot haa been cniled away

’ -j-r- . b er t h

p x '

- E D ................................

^ S 1


^ O ct

9 ‘ e1

is „ CL

, i s ; j

« i i ^^ ....... ge


I ? K Jb a g ;

Fri. and

-- - i i l - - A la Ml


X 4 119

W S r T W I N F A L L S , - I D A H O -

n Income Increases States, Report Sht

M urch <UP:> net Income. T lili U the irp ' departm eni re- over after ttie furiiirr h; arm income rose his crop and paid nil pri> ■ar Kansna increase—242 • *rlip'“ ai:nni!turc-“ dcpar

publlcntlon, ' ' r h e l-':iriii .a.'pc! unrealized Situation." said .farm incoi

t br n free de- tucky). and dccllm'.l iii clt ' West O erinun The averaiie. Kaiwia fi ll A d e n a u e r 10^8 Uiowfd n realiird n e t irnjiiny, he m usl of M i20. *fhi» eonipured 'xl l l l i l Germims. In 13J7. iv I '*" ' nKHrultui

.- ta k t G erni»ny fof-the lU U . •fhto u a ca ae . ,ciit ot n U)ll Io r teneeled sharp i n . c to Berlin. eelpU from wheat, sorgliun-i'”i'ou relurfl"ftl cottier mnre Informa- Oklahoma t.irrtu, mIUi tl

Jlr. Vou do. nnd larKesl Incrcw -JO O i>ci vou came to ace nveraued.a lict apctiUlng iway. ot.J2,129- SuUsUintlnl inert


;tewI H I C I

- C O R N K I N G S L I C E Dacoi1 b r 9 )

r l b 7 <A S S O R T E D ■

EGETABLIPcos • Beans. • Corn • Spine

• T om atoes • Soycrkraut *

cans • • l.C»RAPE JELL'- ..- -- 5 ... JARS - T «


r A C H I[Q IL E m S S U E , Gues :LU FF0 Golden Short( 5EM MARGARINE . . ZOFFEE, Maxwell Hoi (VILSbN'S TAMALES

I t E l l Ij u i r n : .M ainid Saf. ■ WILY ■ ■ P

IEI v t o d e

o r MILK

^ i H i

0 — — ■■ ^ • cadi recelpti from wheat. c<

s C S ■ • hi• * inoductlon exiietiic.v

I Production exp'Tises were h!I I O M ’S "* excfjil Vermont,

.. .. i'lfy.'irlnient_?,;ild. rcrttifrti. jirt; irpney lerti iiuii expciLWi lit V nm oni refl rr hak miMI lor Itic mo. l ji.irt ifilute<i.cosl ; prixluflmii, lufci labor and Iccdr

' niK reallred net Incomo icpartm m *:i fnnrt-ln-iWD-mui-JJ.IW.-Tip- n ii Infiiiiir v J - i: In 18i7, TMe srai^ farii iiiconir « .i5 comc |>cr farm in 105S was S

‘ta lc "K rn- "Htr arerate proiluctton exp 111 elcjit, prr finn were 15,243. leavlnt iia fann ini^ iu ns tbe fanner's 6i)cndlng :1 n e t inconic ey,ed Mltli *7311! Hrrr U a Mate-ljy-Malo b uU uint v rar dou/i nf icivlirAl h f t Incomi :cAse-in_iaia J.-uni. w itli jjje jic rc m ta tc .d i n .c a 6h re- from 15i7; gliuni Kraiiis Aftroiia-J12.ei5, down t------------------ cniiiomis—n.?3c:— a.iTn— tllh th e next ,Color;ltIo-13.Ci3. «p 33; Id:

l>cr crnt.!»3.:3(!. up U; IIltnol.i_s«J9 aiiig liiL om cin : up 39; K jiVliicrca»e-i lu 12,528, up 212; Miniic.'Ota—J



'9 ‘W I™




6 i t ^ "SE PETERGENT, gia ilTA_FLAKES . .:K " LUNCH MEAT . ^ . . .

^LE, Hawoiion G o ld . ems;-46-ozT-€Cins^-^

Tablo Prid Froostono

j e s t Ranch , . ...........)rten ing . . . . :

lo use , reg. or drip .;s . . . . . . . . :V ' ' V # Tissue


•t. cotton op f l it ; MiA.M)Url-j2J l l . up IS e ; higher M onl.m i-jflilSS, up 3G; Nebra.? r , h lcher UP 6i; .Nevada-«,07B

‘ tla*'' ' Ji; ^^ew Mtxico-13,051.,r. U:>kota~»5,:50. up ■43

up IM; ornroiI crii, for sou th Dakol.cosis for up 59; Tcxui-t3.25<

up 19. U tu h -J2J 21. down five romo per \Va.\lilnf:ion—M.OlO, down- three -Tip-from Tnwtin.nn-TZniCirUirisr'allifVVy farm in- ominx-$i,553. up <4.

,as * 7 , 9 5 3 , ________________exprivies T n var>‘ nntJ give rxtrr. dellrloti

Ung mori- to ll chocolnte drocockles. pre-M a half pecan In lh

to brtak* ■<>? baking,icome p er > > 1 1 « «« « « tC.diaUfiC *-Kp«K^UIliln*-ln-HMi»y-l)ulr'dr-

n— three: J -----------S E R V IC E '; Id;\ho— t I’Kont ri; M(hi ar Pir

* .?!1Lis- ! [ U n itod O il Co. .ta -« .0 7 0 .i

i 2 !

R O Z E N FO O ]


2 large

3 R N p»PEi10

BRANDBoHIo • • • • •

jian t size . . . . . . ... . . . . 7 No. V i. con! ■ . ; 7 ; 2 cdh. ' . . . 3 No. V A con: d .. . .. . 4 No. ,2 cons

■ride M \, „ o t f N o .2 !4 I ,

............................1 2 roll

7 P 7 7 T r T . .3 v v v7 “ -. - : ' . . 3 lbs . . , . . . . 2 lb. can

. . . . . . 4 1-lb. jar;

L 4

PAGE T m T E W ^

bra.1- I Delegates Named5,07B. BOISE. Mirch 5 LP-Pmir young 1. up people were announced today u p 43; Idaho'a ilclri^atcs to the national rnron 1-H club corteTmee -tn Wasftli*. — lake- ton next June,3.254, "T liey arc Lolt Bcubert, Ferdln. i l 'c ; and; Neolla Andcrton.-Tliornion-

M.atUitwn,, Ml!lv»liu .aad._. 0 a i7 ftarason. Mnr»ms, • -

iriolu n c A D T T m s jJ E w a w a n t ads ' ' •

"“ i[nPAUriicS~" T V S E R V IC E

*\ I n b a c k o f m oos-'s

♦ ; T w in Foll» -R E -3--2260--------.r ♦ - Filer D A 6 -4 3 0 0

1, T1» » lr Ktrtlr. »>ipiiir' <;Ol.t> KTRIKK KTAMPK ' ’

raji e s j -M -. .8ie|M■ASJ M ®

. . . 5 9 c \

i n s I D O

3 h s 7 9 c ?

i n s 1 . 0 0

i n s 1 . 0 0 _

I o l L O O Z Z Z ^ E I

I . . O ^? l l s 7 9 c

i 5 f T 7 9 c

b s . 8 9 c - - —

a n 1 . 4 7 V ^ C ’

a r s 1 . 0 0

W p

I " I1 ; 3


i l la ._-■■■■■ >-i

iI_____ V

s h

gT.--“ T


r -1 I___________ Vi > I


Page 14: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

' ' 'p A G E F O tm T E E N

■ ^ ^ H S E K E T S ;------- 1------- -------------- * „ 4 » r . . . * ---- * ----------- ------------

S to c k s L‘JTrS'iii'S oan^v

' .................. tn41u . ■n- 0«l>»r *«r* 'iBpmvroitnV wo VTllm**""**! ji’ o'’- "ui

• -----------------“ iiS 'iSo.'* '*"* .•______________ ■p.i.v-.i - If .Imnl /itl.r'.-lnlfj"

<« k u . r»nlili /'ll l»« '•* • l e rt. C«ntr»l Tlf« <iw>cr« tt-iut •

’“T^lron ipd C,l.n«» - f t . iTliT'iS

Jh.lf Oil n«... ................T«l»w» "H" I« nr' Jihitat'G«0>lT«tf'««ln»rf »l««l l>r«. II. h- 11“' '

1 Wr inil (;«>drkh r<«* a I»lnt >■'cPI>P«r., lh. li t . VOIITl.----------------------" l i r e , ■ r . l •. S i ?

A»trK«n ToUrro snd U. S. (.ri-*um ;I..4; ul; ___ r«M •rouhd a H " '. , , r i '•"'•■r‘ ■ Acn*rl««ti T.Irrhi'ft* n'*** • I

“ {?;«. .............. ‘'J:

M A RK ETS A T A GLANCE | | 3 V ‘n rw YORK. H .rth .l «V - iStack»—Mi»4l prallt takinf /un>

___________ _ i w . - i — , . . - • I»KNVf. *u.irpmenl» Jm-‘'Tillon—Uiw«r| tomoU.l^a l .ilk 'l IliM:iin|. » '•

------------------- —CkUM*«----------------- — - - «U ullllt.I WhMl — oM f W •'I'*"'*’ llu(> tC«rn-Niirn.-ir n.I.H; il»hl Ir^ f. j,: Oal»-Ntrrt)«l» ‘ n-i-ln*!;^i! t^Tano. 1, 1. ' , ilronB. Irllo«a-:J U eo CMti ki|S.r: top . , 1 1,,. ,

- - - - •• III.JJ.--' ' ■ ' l«mU unCalti»-alau|M»r H> rt I l"P w.ilr.l .k

***'' ________ ________________

S 5 S K S S W i i . .” lll» Chal 5>‘i Km it

. "Am Alrlinf/ :*'» 3‘!iAm Croiatnid L.— m C.iUt

1 Am Kartlator IH, Moni Waul on

aS-t * t :»■* • ‘®,‘ 5i‘ wXl's : ! <;‘; u i!?’: h

; Armfi) WmI J jj . nmmritlm u Um* iiO '!?'■''*“ 'ilr

■' -■ ... ia£r i l ^ g ^noaitit l i s „ 'J * .

■ Ronl»ii I* ‘Ilrlrta ««r r/)3 - Ctntda Urr tl'« J’hlUii Mi'fril »* v »»sMNl-

------------ =,:----Can"P*«m«'■3:'iTt>l|'l[" ♦ (n clraii

' ill; Es%a s s W■

a s j u f t | H ? ~ •«-!Ccn U lw a. •% SPTI^iSP-i ?!■

S?'L ii ?!385“■ s s « 'D0U|l41 Alto MU CIIIC*

; _ ' ^ ' i l S “V s | i i | 7 " ■ sis,s ij;!" S ’.““ m S ii-i SJ.SiSS SI; ,»-!■ I . g i i g ^ _ jy j r f j g ; K i g . : ;

i " p ! n . n H " r S ’ i i ;II ,-oil^OU— m ’‘_W»n.eT‘'ursi_M<5 -- -------

. , • irc".nVJ:r li;: w ^l' K? —Ul Iloa Uach 1» 2 n L u !i 1?U IHA»

y . KtiinKoit, _:ll*H....... .......AMETIICAK SXCHAKfiS ••'k I";

I - • ' • • . NBW XOHK. Mai K

t ■ -- - !»»&;•;.. SI . . 1I«U Min - U i, . [ i f / - '[: TSVeSTMBNT TIHIHTS ^ riV^mlnF T UtKakatU aad r« i»enx)~^^^ **'L ---------------- r n i c

t . lu n ti i U u .i~ r •* " ” "'1 *°If Inc. lB*«lot»^...^..._.— _»••* J ' J Jb-iJl™! SHa 8l«k S«ll«” .~ 'm ^ 5 '* nlh,7w?

[■ Talir^Ilon'siKlwrilea — S*.»4 IC,:«

r v - - — Kn.U»Ba n« --------- :------» .« • 1M» c„lo«JXariUji.. Kl ------------- - »J» !»•*«Kn»loi>» KS--------------- i J ” 5 ; ' j.Kv;.:

( Karium* M '.-------------- ■ }3’?J S :o.:.»K»T«t»"a W — .....——- H-5* . niutiil

IK a"™ . i*i.d^ n z » :i!

; DivorcelAi'e ,l~ F U e d b y T w o ^

• ■ , ^^vo divorce c n as c h n r s l n s , R l 1 cruelty wero Illcd In Tttln Fnlla

.- ----- dliUlet court Tl»ur#dfty mornlnB. L —I Mra. I» fd Barion ehftniea her

■: } huibftnd wlU» ireallng her- In n • cini^ -------------------- cruel ftnd inhumftn.TnBnnrr.-Mnr-

ned In Needles. Calif., on Mnrch f n , 1B58, the couple h&s no cliU- n.m

dren or conununlty properly. '• . M rs , B arton .laks Uio court lo

testoni her lormer name of Erma n>i>.<J “ D le W .iw d h e r temporary aui>--lan,u

port o r «100 ft month and pcrnin- nen t pjijmenla of MO » monU> and V h ,

- dircct her husbnnd to pay cosU

t t ■_______■ in.A nother d lw rce nctlon filed 'Xli Thursdny. Mra-'W ahey u i i i n y ~"BTT

; : • ____ :chw 8c*-tocr.lmahiwd \UtJi.trcnUnt: shosl■ ■ ' l iw m ft eiutl uinl ' inhuuiMi iiiiiii ' ‘hii:1ii

i _________ncr, "Hiejr were m urled in Yumti, iilr IA ru'. May 3; lOWriu'a hnve thrre jmhp minor children. Lf.'sll'

• • j r Sho seeks custody of the chit- Mu dren and support p.iyinenu ot »35 btris a month for cach child. ers n

Attorney* In Uie two acUons arc Dint May and Mny, local law llrm. ' ciiai

-------------------------- - ntla

Escape Fails m’"i - ■ BPOKANE, March i t<WA coun- Und

ty lall prisoner. Mined with r pliiol nU 1— • ............... apparently amuRjlrt. In to him. Livi

was thwarted In an escupe atU m pi Cart • • _____________yesterday.__________

T l T>vin F alls]I _ UVB8T0CK

i • ~ U v ^T r-l. : J ClBMt* ib4 ColUt* ___IU.OMI.OO Wli»

l~ ^;l nollt __________________ |}O.M-;i.M llirl:“ j | . y . . i _ — V

l ri ff , . . jTuisa IU....... ,,...»i».w nn;

I T , S "-S— =;----i l l ' - •’y-V.i-.'.y" :___I h 53T1KS! f t — !i “

‘ i*

3 AND FIN._ ___ * * * __________

L i Y e s t o c k <(k;u es cinCAC

: u f - ' . , „^,„‘t5.nrihin'j'i.i(rrr.l f.T

HmTI.ASII , , J ' f fll «)r:Tl..\Nl>, Mirrh tJ .n,aU P . U,»

'*fu*uir*/* [s'>"*l«..'.ti: uillltr J'IkI' I'afl^l.KI

« .T 7i''.N '^Tan.T'i 1* : - I'u f'.'hi* ’*

i ,r ii„ .''i :

.•vv • M " h V l’l 'V n - r .ll 'r ll'O- i-'uVll' iii, 'at.ra: auliiil/ llmllnl Io'a «l*ij»hl>-r Kir'ian

'TogT aH I.rrU rrT -i in .r,!!!. "


i'Vn"l!aiii^^;'ii« niiminil; W*' -■• *•.laimhlrr lan.U IK.l i-lw :: i •h-i» ....'•

tlll»r lami* llU'Si Jrrdtf laraU - —•••M W .) I».CO____ _ • (,:

OMAHA ,MAIIA. M.rcht i,V.-l li.SDAl-l ; t ; "“.'ri 'saT T ln 'j ' 1i-n .ts; aoo-iM II'- »■». n -o .i i . .- ' —•«lUt 1.MU ; cal<M iJ irk .h iir riiciieli -••*•r. on vlUr 1« wtahli^U lit.i.i; hrll- 1«H»1|T alr».lir tn »rak ; f""*l>iA«r; clwHa;S.|.S3J * *' -----fcj .i»«ri b’*-! '<• >"* -----f hrif»r. M.oo.:;,iu; uiiinx *nJ J ' 'mrrrlri r«»a I7.2i.1«.M, -----n»P 4U0; hinllr arnaah o(lffr.l In y j^a‘‘yr;"'i'i?.* .i .Mi;Mrf i..i'’»0, cull l» ««Kl ,l.uBl>i» . . . . . srJT!!!Il.

c l « n ^ “ rVu-i!tr ‘ ti'j-

"rI,lanl 10 ri.oo : Milo ■•<•lip. *I«kfr hcKfn !».W,oct aalalUt I0| lr».1e nnl r.l.Ml.hcJ: ^gxa.:- : '= ,g""--

j :o III., i»nr..III. I Sim I ral<~ tno: tlr^n anil

' i i t j - '

h^li l.r.llOl .l.ilthlVf l.niU fullr,,17; rwo tlra,l>-! I'ulV «i-1 anti flmlrr -fir'-."""” '".".""™"-' '■- Bur! Potatoes-Onions DURL________ ____ I ncclrtcnt

IDAHO KAiiH BurleyIIAIIO 1-AUA Marrh'i" l,n-(U.inA)r ; m*:SJl» Ai 5 In, or i "i. mlBlmiim ••(lr<'l opcmtcc

ndci”^VR ' h'"«li» « o«- »"'ni- land ftV

:ral.CO-I.15:,IPf9;it 'I'l'lMlnr S f^U ijn,plo(] .ra: inh1bIlnr^n.l^»«T^^u ffn» H JlBhtIk Mr'Vwl. al em.i-r.- ................ - No pafVoul U .I. lljl I. ; in. nr 4 u m Dn;

mlnln.>,m DS J h.o.tlr 4■ ••:------------------ - cn■^)y^

aiiCAi:n mfttcd?niC,^rO ,-« ir th -a - iUH>—IVUIBW

3^--yS%7i$r4iss iis s1.n~U-Nnrih li.k.-a licl « ..r v.Iln UndCT !

y j j i . ri.ho "n;‘S.‘uO • u'h‘n#j.u-

irlh DaVnla llr.1 rirtr «.lW l-onllaf.

IOn'oniV's.ipplIra in,«lfr»1»I drmana ■TratH m Im ; N.ini r»pnrtf.1, ___.Siml .aln:'Culnr..l.<.)flla« . H >ho >ril,iw ii|<anlili miilwaat■llo» «W» n,r.1lyn<>

Butter and Eggs 1

OkicaiioCIIICACO. il.Tfh i- (llf ll — CW.H Utl«/-ilal«lci..»nJ lursll'-rn. _3»-n;; V _ _

f„rr<inl l..»t K.IT: awlii itraJa A C -lliilWr Mt-M 85

Shoshone Report -Hoirors-Students ^ih t^ ionc h lg l i ^

I(V lhe liiVt six »verk.v Tliry a rc 'Jallrt • Gmft, E arlrne Elsm nnd : - • Lc.ille tjirscii. . |

Miiklns lho hnnor roll were Uo- berlft llnll, a senior: Oaea Cnrolh- ers nntl Vcrdcnc Johiuon. Juniors:!Diim Lee Anilerhon..Jnnel Croft.j Charles Depew, Enrlene Elnin. J u a - , pl' ntla linen, Shnron Hollry. U .'lle , ^ Lnrsen. Rlcliard Mubbull. Slmron McNec. Frrd Oyer, Judy Sllvn.,Ltniln Soloacn nnrt Knren Wrbb. 1 ^ nn wphonwrM. mid Jerry Alten.! L iveaie. Benwrd. K am i. Dllle.; . Carol Mnllca nnd John Sabnln.l treshmfn. '

s Markets ’


“““’a* °"<;KAIN ^

ilirlf/------- 7 i im ;

n m n N*. I J( li «<iolln«| ,^ ‘ ililat'ioill .Orr»t-Wonh»nti-Ho,-l-_---- :----- - g

d«l<n quoUdO ' ■Ctnali llxla Sl>. 1 ---------------------tt.OOi9 IB tfcalan Qvollni) >

9 SBiall n.>li No. > — , .,,._{ '..ia! a <1 dralan (tvatlnrl . 0 Small Krt» y». I -------------------- JC.ul I


G ra in s PotlaiBOiaE. Msn

i i ^ lK B . H O W , C l4..1lnc> lodar wllli'lwlll monlh. CUMd OfflCUU

g up .barpir .1 llm" “ n r- >>l»h Jn c , of Wlnju , <b. .».«<= .rf lh. i»ard of buckling and r

. a>i--ux. U e.demujded 1■ K. W i.r. I„r l»« ilmlltj oflar. tUm'S praldcn ii»h»«r-r»*w-«»-ai*»a*-«<*.awt* —83TlOVtind(r‘ a«,u.n. hViK ».»- ‘he Iloor Of I—iuoa-i«:eie_Luii« "f pra.ioua an eiirllcf repo .hi:< rvf* r.vp -br.1 ^ B t«-had _broui

’ K £ . 5 io.°“SI, I. k..i.f K, M>u>n.*2. .. a to r n a d e «eri

“ f . , .l.h il I.Kfnl a hl*h«r Barlow chu-i,I‘" ; 'k i “ Vr: kVf';i;‘;u.'i/r^'"on‘. u « d rcprUaU II.I«I .,.1. s Iv..r In KiiH'r. vent renppralJ.

rr* u<r)>ani.>i I" ’• Ings and prop<March .n4 .j.»b.aM ‘i io».» fieferrlng 10

J,b,r. Mar .K ...l,,. flarloWjCAHH <;uASN . ' roneoul Barlos

•AGO.. Martli » -1 think at'■■u?•MV^'‘Iampl^Vra.l.“ Miln» Hinnds an api

Ikalt aampl. (raH« Vr..r >till. mySCU bUt tO CM«. : Nu. : ..ira S«rr .t i l l . U,c ffUtC tSX I

Ho. * . . 1.4 U a., •b lu t i ' . . - i o „ jubsUn«a'n nil »Sl-'ia. COHlITll rr naJUn. eboic. I.:W JJl f«^' ■ -I----- iL. - Bariotr said

fjBAiN riiTrnKJ furUier p f i ci'l'ih " L - Cla.. Pr Clo.. He read pcrtl

al , rcslgnnllon he2j» '; r o i 'i J.oc^ depuly ilate

'• T'mi'* d'Attne.- wnitc"l »i>5 ' i.iii'i i;»o»J Roner autm K

...i.Mti i . i i 'i i-H«, l■ai^ }Ie ta ld the

•-.'i!*’; h^e^^?i^ w“d<,1.17 I .li 'i i.i«‘; i.i« 'i "proof of the 1

•! ” • I'l? '; I 'lf i: ^ u e n i s e y c""jiiJ’I iin ‘. i-u 'i- M IS Plourde.Jiad nI . fu rther comm■ ii\ ;{! :Sls :«** a. m. dot, :......« ! . .c;-i . i : s and Umber

.CJ .»:s .i> -‘-Vj Fork, said tluii io 'l i i i ' i 110 1 <0 no t Dll to bIsn

• i!»s • rcslgnaUon. I

~i-i*^~" ! i*'» he r t s l j a AsKASSAH CITV <;nAis am ccneertied

iSAH CITY, March 4 i« —w»i«i Democrat rtpl n : uncharxrtl lo up 1 r.nt: No Zatui aa<k.batd.2Jl».M:;.. Mo., a . 1.fcSJ'i; No. 5 i»j :.w;.:.C}!iN; _ , .,;;K;:;‘ ;ny.ii. ^ an, Legisl.

* i n w - n o iw I'Ts:-: oi.V; k.'fir l.Oi-l.OT- t'o" formul* H

V i''? i|'f» iv *bran‘‘*io’^ ' ' ’itSw-rroTltf"horr. «I tJli'-5 ttmiuH.h fsh .? '" ’ “* >nmi^-;iuuin

q! t- '1 ,»■• » “ • s j ; . “ “i)nl.B. neronildlilib Ixm Clo.. Car. in m i—RaUlni l l 4:4 l.Jl 1.017 B»mn lictn*. If

. u „ . I t - I ..,. . . , . .

irley’s Officers ;.H S leport 2 Mishaps jis 'F .iiIRLEY. Mnreli 6—Two m inor di*i'iM facliii'"- icnt.i .were investlgnted . by cy police Tuesday afternoon im j u cvenlne. . iti"« a .u i .lOMTord driven by Mra. Lula ^W ft. Burley, and r 1D58 Pord d,i„ntcd by E. Pamlo Beftll, H , hmim (Ib.uh n iro n n studenC* license, co l- aaaifomrBi o[ . 1 Tuesday aflemoon on O ver- jn , {Jit Uall o

ftvenuo when Mrs. Croft n t- piul for laditn )Kk1 to-cliange Innw-to m ake ai a a i^ u i .ini«“ M 1":"> cllaiton was Lviued, reports iin i» O'ncn Dnyley, Durley policeman. in« an annu.i. imnffc to a lKM Mercury drlv- .y -tonT B chm iatriB nftts-ia il.;d nt t:iD when It stnick a .nrr.•rd IB57 R>rd owned bv L urry iim tt (Cwnt

rOl of the car when a p asi ftom <00 m i< :er dropped a lluhted clgarctte VIer her feet, -Domage to tho u*. ced Ford was set a t tl50. ' nn;ai> (fi.iB

COIWMWT o b e h e l d a t G o o d i r

SATURDAYSale Starts 12 N oon

Trucks and Trailers1946 (iUcrnoHenol Va-ton Pickup

Long w heel ba se , 3 - s p e c d U ansm issii -1 9 4 2 -C h e T n r fc t-5 * P o tje n 9 e r-C o u p « -— Reolly a good c lean u n it___ .1lO ilQ n«,4gn lA .fn n , 4 - ip c e t l f lllc ----

Good condition-. _

M iscellaneousGood 10-ft. w a te r ta n k — 105 f t . 2-Ir p la s tic pipe 1 0 5 -ft. 1 V i- in c h p lostic p

W ag o n lood o f goo d m is ce lla n co u t th o v e li, fo rk i , sh o p to o ls

W indow s, c o m p lc le w ith f rc m c s , 30 s lo a o il drum log choins-Forks-Shovcl:


7 -ft . b lode to fit W D , A C hong-c g ro in d rill w ith s e ed e r, in good condition

1947 FORD TRACTORGood rubber e n d 2 - sp e c d trortfm issii in good condition

JOHN-OEERE-8-TRACTOR------ ^W ith hong*on plow s

■_ ESccf a n d boon c u ltiv a to r -— 7 - f t. 01: M ow er T h rce -sc c t io n w ood harrow


Auclinnecrs: Gene L nrsen nnd John C ill us for sale dntc.s: \VE 1-3171 i


------------ :------------------------------------

_________ )_____________ ■

iM E S ^ N E W S , T W I N F A L I . S , I I

ow-W antsm maaufMturt aad m1« <l O S ^ r* F O m “Ij m m is u u »n»ir*i-

n j ti f i «i«0Mt» 41 ifn«»uo• -m m * clKtXnu, Ul* hoWm Il a t c l r r i i ’mM .fh H lft-S<n, K- C. Ullon* r> .« n ln | .p<«la . ^ l a « • “ a'SSJ“? E O u t . t l e rOsU Of POtUtCll^resU. «hO0l U* lerlr. up t«

nd rscketeertnr f « t «• , m „ , ,*quinin puuii, ded an »polojyj£oor_ihe omciai. m pior

report he gave the sen- scn» ceui*' *if4iii Drought •comment frem }“ " V - f ■if"'*ndr, PFT-presW m t-atiMTslalemenLs the sen- w u i i i3ui* »fr4in were cntineous. . . . . f^.X miprovmrot

:priuls Chsrsed c u u u (auu- 4U4ln|charsed that PPI had '!’jSdi!;"i^|_ap,* li la an eJIort to pre- w u u»«« ror oppUc* jralul of timber hold- ,r.p ,r.v .1 S .1 SI 10 Bundys comment u „ a„ ,i.)tt'j sUtcment was er- «iiim Uuditiarr an* iriowsaid; . . • i« s lhat statement de- , apolofy. not only to » w :i (judid.rr •> to couniy assessors and mil'inr «f r«ai

tax cammUslon, My re- muBkipaii.iistsntlnled by records of Oudiriirr *»diminlislon.'- 'rldcnee CUlmed g ,.d„ .'” **n ldah<laid he had crldenco ofFI efforU a t reprisals, '" j j I S , and portions of a lelter of im cop«riiK. t.i.rhon.J he said Earl Plourde. ad raiot.m u i um.*. i at* forester a t Coeur '7 riI j«^ b 'J iT " .» .ir ,i note to fltnte Forester ,n „ ,„ iuB vt urniarjFmiev. iwilcn ilijiricu.

was pul on him because ii.p„tti.ot indlo do his duty" and was sii:o« d'uwic writ, the trulh ot whal r told

y c o n f i r m e d that _»!i^i'.in»“''r«u i.'itM *<

err, former state senator euiuini<s -i.n,) for r« 5cr operator a t Clark "Vh-'J;" .Ki»iL*n.i-n. tlut-PolW lch forests b l i t ,o p riid .bisme for Mr. Plounfcs und.r c.rtafB wnilll. 1. I and other small

As Jar as I personally ' ” Kn[?d W 8<Tied I wanted to see a s o u t {Ju(Siie*m - n p l . t . Wm.- ,

. I n in tuunlir rm riir <

islative Log, . „ ‘“hWM Olr-JIi* . and IPamd br H'lM Ins r.<l.ral rul. «n pi

TOilUltlf minimum rdiica. r.rnInK Uan.lrr. of pi a« irecoiutd.rallon noUce conlemplall.n ef d»ll<,loTiaini for mrnimum edu- (MnaneVl—Ap»j'Ul*. h _ « " ■" "»1« of adjmanl

■*'‘ '?«OMldrr*'ilo?‘'no li« v*^5 *?of t n a o u U ^ < I ,_S <,1 . s c n i l irinane*!—I’r

'’»51o5 4ia duSbuUca “ * • '“ "** ‘up.U>-<l4ts supplBtDtpt

>Uln» rcaldfnt'’'*>iH» snd 'T ju3« *m»nc*l—Ap 1. Irr*. OU.OOl for vocational i.'ounlir. and munlclpallllN) 6D3S5 iRnanc*) — ’ til.rirt for pro.«;>itlBf >1- monCTi In «>»

to a u u bulloinB funil Tari anil mt.n.)—rroilJint BD33< in a a o n )—T> r toBipulInt ja t lr.lf. and dual b»linees In dorr >tu.llnn In achool dltltiiu drmpUan fund U ala M proflti. - s o s i f n n a n c O '— Wmi and mr.n.1—Allowlnt appranrUUon to Uio I cMparat. la oprnlinc'{nrl for *^oOl o( mlnM tl

I 1 0 hauiln* buTl(l‘ i?‘’ .jj'.iMt’nJilii'u'i-----------------HtBia - iV J-n a n te :IJtt.livk and dalrjlnsl—€!► trom auln ‘’UlWlnf fU I. tu id o< T.urlnarr nam< prlorltr bufiitlns C»

aut» Iiiauiuuona. lllhCTl — rmMinc d.iMrll -BS3S0Bwnntil—AiHMilIn* law'cB w alnl^* 'ol actwnl. rwfiraM.. ' BBMU fflnuie*)—AI

h.lbtirn and h a n d ,)- rr< ^ SPPOlnUV* Kid'ltrnl "tk m>T " u S s i (nnaUMl-AII .wiub C00.B8O to Idaho a u ur s , . “ -."sr.'s;;" .«•! I.nallonl—Larr- ~IU.1 .d »ak.t«n lai of X mil- READ TIMES-NEViAVJwtl."p.r,^_Api.»r-_l.DM or I I .pa .BO n ^ C o m p le te :trtinUm and " ' ■

ir.iu .r'rL":^ I K it t y 4;GLOBE

>'laiBt«^-rrotlclin« 4 fotmu

NITY SAId i n g G r a n g e H e l l i n G o o d i n g

Y r M A R C H J--------------- Lunch by^Gooding

« • SPECIAL) 2 -W heeIed 1 2 -ft . C om ping Tilission B u tane stove o n d ligh ts, I

~______ clo lh cs c losct. R eolly o n k e

Shop EquipmeC en tu ry single p h a se 5 -hors

-» . _ m otor, good A nvil

MACHINERY2-Inch 1955 N ew H o lla n d 7 7 S trin gic Dipe lofgc W isc o n s in m oto

lie ten sion c o n tro l . A - l coni“ P u l l^ p e tro c to r s c r o p e r .5 - f t . -

Like n e w -V i-^ rn -M o sso y -H o rri7 -ft. In te rn o tio n o l to n d e m d isc

' 4- ro w M o rm p n c o rru g o to r , 3-pc In tcm o tio n o r sm o ll tr a c to r spre

O liver N o. 21 t r o i l plow (really ng-on Jo h n D eere m a n u re .sp rc o d c r c

285-G ol. G a i T o n kS(^t o f steel w h ee ls fo r B or C A llis-C holm crs

lission a v c t iOV notes;—n rln r any lie tlial yon wUh lo sell. Someone »

■ . , . jround* Aaluftiay mornlnf ,lo chi

Coding T rocto r a n d Im p lem en . Oliver Ford ir a c lo r U ed ln iT w iU incl rrow. e rs a n d M iseellancA ut.

W e F u rn iih P o rto b le Load

Dhn EU in torouR h U ili O ak ley , Bo

71 o r W E 1-52DG CcorRC C arri

S. IPAHOI u'dUlricU •( n ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ilal. acboolk . a m iur7>_ProblblUai till aal* of latoiiaVfll -----

tDOr-artttilo-Uit'dl*- onl~n*rlalDi rnm- .ap(«lal coualir *clml -

' i ) —n«DOTUir pn>- public ooUc« bclortmolDr drauur*. e>iid lafflc)'—jUak^Bi-----Kld"a&a°Tir«^Yt<K> -----atralrel — rroTldlnsd boiu* cccnRiliu* <

aiau depmratau an4lni—Urtln^K ln-

lialnr-W elcom lni M—apKirrinc .um* ippUcaaU for. ucb|-;ialnl—rrovidlni rr- >nUnu(4 liecnaUK of

Idaha 1^'^lrlal Iraio. _ ,icMBt t<*]’on pa, -rr and ru ln\-)'.r- B K S B P / i t ' ' t rHall liquor llr.n;» • | ^ ^ H R 7 A ^ f

ir Ibar ai. suuldf ^

SlAaa-tuv*nusUt-»>----r .nd taialionl—Mak- phont llnr. luUm 10 t

ffalr»t-|-ro.ldln« fpr■miarr to flf* p*®- tPi/iiflMlfliJ V

« .lf .i. and publlr 41al. h.allli board

'° irlU n '' d'^Mbilt r dMlora lo t»Ot r hu.pllal board..Iona daallnf wllb lb.

— It«)iilrln( .1. 1. ' ■ nor t«il rtihi-of-var* "

prlmarr raild. for ranuK ’oi-.T ral'-^X .^ i^'tin*CrmUnr as air pollu-r ra r - :-------------------------br ^

'i^'.r offlen'of 'tm tum*-e(-<l>»Wr aalaa.— -----'rad In Il.aa* p>|allonl)_Apt>n>ptlal- Inturtoe. fuad U In-

laiallon)—adapl. p>op.rl7 mad. In

In 8>nal.I—ApvroprlatlBi tttO.- IJiilaBt .«-mnuDlU«*)——Pro- -----lUnc of *«<! of IdiliQ IM of Irtlalitur*.•I—ITovKliDc dtllvtry Tiber of Uie UUi Irt-


lonu'wlUQatfon’!*«l — Trantfrrrtnc U atau bulIOlni filnd re)-.Tr*naf(TTlnf m l- ’1 dormitonr Mod rt- ta«)-— iiMdndinc 1997 tho board of reftnu

HIM bulldlns t t Um. rrrlciB It to th*

I's * nlSL ' a t^w lous■an)— m vldln i .Irircr, *4ucaUoQ aod

ulrM ^lTtnl"?g^««l-AppropnaUo« '< au to


leta Sanitation^ +

m Ming B V

7 t h 1 4

ing Grange-

L • - I j T J lig Troiler IV* BHmijllM

n ic e u n it. __ ^ _ F ™ T ^ E ^ C

ment - 1■horse e lcc trlc

=RYIring Tie Balerm otor, hydrou-

H orrisp low -------- -----

•sp reo d e r s c - p l a w _ J -------;a lly g o o d ) 1 ^ 0 ^ ^dcr on ru b b er ■


ly you have be at



B onded

C arrio , ier rentuwy straich

______________' ________

I ■, '

i ' f ' - I


U w




t l— ......

® I ® F i





IH tf ■ - ■B ' ^ m a9 M Bl -aBf l I*H ItiH ' ^

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a kJ m ^^ 8 DH »B .: rBB ub H 'H MHHHmM

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a 1I ^v « Of

>1 s•-M Ul-i

'1 ^r l AB*IUd

‘1 % A li»


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^B- ^B ^ ■B ^ D(

^B~ti;?itail^B uu ^B(rq

>Ub^B^B^B ^COD]



^B■ 111

-«Uh l»i^Bertroall£UotUal

B l -


^B^ B^B' ■ Oit■ ID;^B'

q B txni■ teiii ■ - .lUl:■ Uc i

i n^B. ^ H .

H .



Page 15: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

f q l ic c r AIQCS JJP" = ^ ' " ‘~ - « ........ dub met. Wnln'pidny

- --fldd' Session s;r«“- 2 r^-,. M uch S — Mr*’ tournsmenl.

------« P t ^ - - * 0 ^ i n > • county _ ,m }P ,, *??_ « ''"> _MJpb ^ '* ^? ih B A fflert« n C»n- nine lable* were Mn. S £ m workihop d»X and Mr^. Joscpl

t* g .,7 !!7tBO0on » t the d r lc

^ 3 f f i s . w s - ' - S g J S s g ' S g " b “


MlMld M »«* 2S a t l h c . {T he meet-

S ® ^ ^ n » n e e r worlcen. . w l » , f ? £ . . i n - w i r o m 10 10 W“ ^ r ^ j .c o b » n . BoUe. =|? S u 5 :.5 S tc r '

* i S P Itor th s Juncheon H Iby M arch 1«^ wltJ, M n. H . B. _

P jjf’Sl^JffJ'^V endelt, iflll be ^

S T j . W oodwn ^ k M H

JSutrito 4Tt« ehfllrmen.b ^ e n t j freer u rvpd by Uie '

n ^ U council under the

^i!i>ni’ Mn. Ctldwell. vice prea- ISn. NcUle HAmiilOQ.

]Vew Defense-Qicck-Is-Set-------—^

F o r A p r i l 1 7- WASICNOTOK.-Mftreh 6 W -— .............(vxnUon Alert IBS}.' the slxlh unuil ntUonwIde civil defenw AtoK\it. vill « u r t AprU 17. I t wUt (oauaue through th e fw nm er In gm kUme lUfU.- ^ m .. c T - 1£ ^ |

Tlie oUlca of cItII and de(en»e ^ J tm BobiUutlon announced ID plans K mtcniir ior a mock a u a u lt on V * B M AsMrican clUes by ''enem y" planes ■ W . J r is j mlullM a t 11:30 a m oa ■ MAffll n . m m M , / l m

lliU drill vill continue through m B - M X ^ lh» n « t d»y. I t m ay caU for ^ piMi pirtlcJpaUon In eracuaUon ud thelltr letta rollowlni; the o sd ln ; o( nam inir a l^ a la , de- r>nHirif on the plans o t local de* iBtt oiricuii.

A ucond phate. n o t Involving tb* pubUe. irlU tcftt the ability c( Ideal and atalo sovem m enta o jA de ia l regloiul ottlcioU to i*

^ g | B i v the problema of b la st . / • . .> ^ ;n ^ ■ L n d lo a c t iv e ftUIout, refu- f ,.. . '> U . J ' r . ^ l

o thei'Im m edlato post- . I: ^ p i , M• • ' ^ ^ d t y uSi eo im lr e o re m - ' V Dots vill hold Uteir tesla M ay . l u l 9. th»stae«a on June 4 a n d B,(»M OCDM’a reclonal offices onJW yJand 10. - • ----------- --

Ditu for the th ird and final ^ ^jtiM -a I iit reloeaUon ot f « le n l .... t i Mtodu toucK tly .p rcpared h id e . . i^ *^L dafiE S »n jj In dispersed n o n u rs e t a reas - t i n not yet been fixed. M l f -'’' ' ' r ■ ■** ■'

DecliningrMeital— » / ,

iW FIU N CISC a M nrch 8 '■(Wit — Bunker Hill c o m p a n y - 1*nld have enjoyed a p ro fit In f jn mUU doplte low metol quotations w B i B k \ a V u l miuced operations had t t n o t ^ H H b ^MS (or t}iD ^ c e .^ e p r e u in s dU- ------ewit praeUees o t forelen prW uc-w. a company a tatem ent aald 'tOdiy, ■ . -

f S ‘o!‘' r « r ’z ! :^ , ; p in t s iz e bc> « ^ .a s in the case of the B unk- _ .e rU m alneandltam eU lfabricat> M -

.btW plK Q ientpIaQU In SeatUe. M m B » M '^ h u operated a t « profit,” th e ■ & M M M M

K u u ^ t S r " “ * I m l m MTJj SUtement sa id th e 'n o r lh

ie*d-ilnc producer^ 19S8 ' ••

thTo«rI"nird<»StlTlnda^ ONE . POUNl.‘•7 but wtre.. nevertheless, dw -n r w w i l i.*1? '^ ' ," ’ compoTttl

m i w^ K M r - t o T s r u i i

lhe effect o t I n t la t^ " ^ " * ^ b u t h « been unable. In ad-

S i ' S ° R £ ” " ~ ‘ "■ p --------------------

D e f e n s e P l a n n e d^C T roA D -T T O JIIL O .'-D t^ ftf:•*« llfpuwif; MWch 'V W V:aeh- -----------------------------^wluim o nnfsei Trujillo 's cov- X» « » l l b n r m l n s a 4 o J . . /

S a . '" T>uJlllo-a d ictator- i ,L. '?'»i«rtecl mnrked J o r ovcr-

® "« J)'olUnR u n d ir the I E u rye of revolutionary I

■ p | « u^ ^ ^ 1 £ 3 - N e W3 WANT ATi3


McCOY — -S f -H j Specie

■ r ^ -_________ ■ __________ ;__________4

a f I f a M Ffidhu-ien. sreonfiC l . J n c l U To«le and Mra, Dorla C • 1 ' ■fkl " ‘ =' Mrs. Artell Kelly aidire r lav C. 01»a-wn. fourth, l u ^ v 1. S U J . E ait aiiri west )k’lnncr Duplicate nrldxfi b, LmsnaT nud ' Mr Any »t. tli'e liomejCook. first; Mrs, It. L, J

B- Deymer for|M r»,-E iirl-PcJt.-srcm it n the , lU-week.U. Bam nrd and Mrs; H

Mri; L, E. Balia- "■ “nd-M n. Ivnn Sklnjscpli Sfivver. )r„ ----- :----------------Ichllllln and Mra. READ TIAtES-NEWa i

m p i lNbPACKAGE



-.8 OZ. ^ I

idl! 20-Gd! I- >• ■ ' — ------------—

— ^ ^ ^ T I M E S ’- N E W S , 1

:ond; Mrs, Ouy O • •- T T 1SSS' S: services Hel

ForR.L.C(L. ItotKfts in d DECLO. M arch ^ F u n e ra wndr-Mr*. W. Ices tor Beamon nobert Lr- I. Hcr1>ert Dur- wrre conduclcd TUf.wIay iI. Robert Tuck- Declo LDS chapel wllh Bli

home was given by Seymour /a WA^^^ ADS hout. M edlUtion mualc wa*

M o d e r n I r

I Satair R O WI r A R


| T 3 5f l HOT anS A — '


S CAKE # Doz.........

IG A L^N U. ' i

!, T W IN F A L L 5 r n > 'A l I 0 ~ " ~ "

• 1 •» by,M n. E dna W artle and invoca- .C l C l tion waa given by Joteph QUIeiie

■ A male quarte t Included Rot>e;iI n i A Stevens. W ellon Allen, Albert 01.

f y K n and William Darrlngton. Trll). nrrst aerv- ^ " ‘1 obituary were given bj ■ Lro-Cnle BUhop-Darrlngton,,6peAker(i »cr< iy t l lh« Nra. M argaret Welsel and Burdeli Bishop J . CurUs.

iaUr.R,____ - Mta. Fero^WUliams sang, accam.•ch funeral panled by-Mrs. Helep Henderson lOurOtle^- Mrs. Blanch Bray and n a i Mat. waa played thewa aang a duet itnd M atthea]

HELII n O u r S e r v i c e , O l d F a s h i o n


i B A G E

F ^ L E T l

: U A A B

ENET O M /—^ Kraft or Itali


i t m; . . , . 4 r

* • • • • • I




ivoca- a *ol8, Illlelle. The benedlcUon vaa given by ,

Winfield H urtt. ,“‘•‘ I Laat rltea were held in the Dec-

r* 0 ‘-|1q cemetery ■wltlv Krave dedication ■ TriD-iby ca tl-O tt« rhou t. Military rJUt 1

by V,fre under direction ot DAV post 1' ’‘■'■fJlNo.-JO • Iurdele p . u b e a r e r i were Freddie

Sprncue, Oary Schmidt, Eldon ccom. Adam*,-Oale Borti. Alton T re -I lerson, mayne «nd Honnle Oslerliout; I

Mal- Flowers were in charge cf Mra, i Itheai Emma preiton, M n. Minnie Dar- I

BIT!l i o n e d I n O u r F r i e n d l i n e s s

H i j l

C H E A D ^ ^

E H U b .

" T U C E .



^ T O E J

a l i a n .t ~ ~ ^ '


i n * -■ 2 - N u n

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U.S.(•SERVE g l

r s — ____ I MINC

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rlnjton »nd Mrs, Albert otJen a n d ] ^ " by were carrletl by Doris WeeksJ

O ^ n n a Jlaamussen, M a u r 'ln e Jon PriMt. Sherryl Cole. Marie Jonei, lUt BeUiea,CliaU}urn, Batbtrit ChrU-. '«st tensen. P atty Allen, Ruth Searle'

end .J ia jjcy -lac ram . ... - . _____* ____Idle ------ ------------------- i 'Jon If you u a n t lo ih»» troien cod' te - tlll»U-eiu>ORlvto oepnrale them b e .’3Ut; fore ualng, let the paclciige ot flAh _, ,lra, s land.opened.airoom tem perature' i»r- for about IS mlnul^A.

s l K i

■V'A l i i S S g g ^ - i r l im


H ^


Pear tind Cottagi.N um ber I V i C o m

)SEDALE PEARSP a c k a g t Y o u n g 's o r ChoIU nge

3H AG E CtiEESE___ :■L EOR O N L Y ...

s. Good or Choice Round

V m k M rKICED

IA M ...

l E Wi pnly..

P A G E n F T E E N •


O or qu»nty and Benica maka the Dllterencal

7-RE 3-5500 T - -~S & H G re e n S to m p i

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ge Cheese

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-_cH■ r m

Page 16: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

- k fAPE SqTE N

~ WeSin Wendeii C

i r -. /■

- ............ r >- m b. a n d SUIS. TOAD 1101: --------- --------------- (Ambro«> pheU- i U t f et»

* * * which io■■ Miss Crawford,

HolllbaughWed ner'i

- : In Church Rites•.. t ■■ • W KfrnEuL Mnreh _ 8 .- B c v ey

Crtwford. «UujStCT^i Mri. J . ft. "

‘ the WcndeU MtlhodUt Church.T ho nev. A. E. OUbert otflcl»t*d ”

k t lh 9 cuidlellght (TouUe rtng cer-. ^ *

■ . ! Wld Irink gladioli and branchedcindetabr* wllh white Upers. • her trld«

■ 1 I t i e bride, sh'en In mwrlnM by bridcgrocher brother, James Bum cil. Poca- m

------- -5 — '. teU orw ** atUred W a p w n -o f -r-ChanUlly Uce and nylon net. T ^ ^ n d . „ n

' flltetf lace bodice w a.- t ^ lo n e d jn d Mr.wllh h leh Koop neeUlne. long lace « ‘l»' Kf

• • aleeves pointed a t tha walit and O'

S i K V U n ? " r S ^

i • S3SiS:'.SS'--"'‘“'- = y .pUce by a Uara ot » e ^ pearU and ‘ W the

; iridescent «e<juliia. She wore a f l: ■ I th ree ^ tra ad pearl, neeklace and °

carried an orchid ca » white Bible. Charles Mrs. Charle* KoUlbaugh. Oood-

Ins. alater-ln-Uw of the bride- iroom wak matron of honor. She OAKL

. wor# « ballerina gown of paaUl lon ww blue n e l over taffeta and carried a party 5i colonial bouquet of pick and w hile frcahme: caroatloni. ’ ■ .

Corale* Eggleston tn a gown of - _ rose n e l orer .tafleta. and Char- . f

' lene Paraoni In royal blue, were

------- ------ ------ ^ B ea t-tnan-w u-O haxle»_U oU l- . . ,baugb. Ooodlnj, brother of Ujc bridesroom. Oate BItUrli, Wendell, end O aiy OUon, Jerome, served as ^ ir„ to r csndlelll^U rs and lu h en . pose an

I Tm dltlanal wedding organ m u- -w e e- 1 ' llo WM played by Mrs. Fred Eaton. th« (ui

r • K aren H uuon u n g “Be«u»«- snd course.”“T he Lord‘1 Prsyer." , ^.gj,

I . M rs. Crew/ord chose a gray wool - ! two.pl8C« dress wllh while acies-I eorles for her .daughter's wedding.

Mrs. HolUbaugh wore a two-piece— ■ --------- blua. wocl dress-wlth-bUdc ftceea-

sorles. n ie lr corMges ffPg-or p in t

~ ~ ^ o r c lhan IM eueiU attendedI - the wedding and the recepUon Ther«

I eaUmat

Marian Martin Pattern

*5? Along 1

Ire0 283J him ou

A | s / 1 / ^ ovcrnh > ? o ■ w • homeo?

____________ U% ■ V j _ the rt>

l(^n i • ^r i f r n / M *"I \ \ .W / / I ,------------------------- ^ 7 -----------— - 1 - - —

^ ^ ^ 1 ^ cnUon,

\ and hnI jfl H V n v lth r

------------------------ j i H j ~ — 5ooir»


lif*..........................B tA in iFlIL M S !C “ ■■

Simply btsuuful s h e a l h In r®'"*® counlltis versions —all txclUngl Make ll pertKtly plain, vary It with collar aod.cuIfa_pr Eim)lre ♦ banding- For erenlng. hole T er- ' slon with floating back. Tomor- ^

■ ■ row's ptttlern: Half-slter. •»■ 1Prtnud Pattern 9383; .MlMes’ ± '

- -•.•• ; • • - alzea 10, U . 14.' IB; IB,'20; Bite 16 *retiulres 2’i yards JS-lnch. ±

_ . ... Printed directions on each pal- J . te m part. Ea^er, accurate. 4>-

Send M ctnls (coins) for Uils ♦ f ) p a ttc m -a d d 10 cents lo r enth J T pa ttern for .first-class inalUng. + ■

. Send lo Marian Martin. Times- * | News, paUem departmrnt. 333

- -W est :aUi s t . New Vork 11. N. Y. + / P r in t plainly name, address w ith r j; ■ Eooe, size and style number.

Ceremony Miss \ Clain ByC

_ KEYBUI row s were Wodskow.

' Mrs. D arrt Hunssksr. I la rp e r- lii day evenlr bride's pai

m' .. V, W solemnlMd---------------------------------Com U «f

■ . M before sn' ' • ‘t pink 'csm n

W ' ' ' arrangeme. • ; ■ / , stocks at)d

\ T / , . i ■/ iH-a- Jol 1 / I , '■ ground mi

" T \ m arch ant . - i . Mrs. Dale

, / . , ; Tem ple b: , Olven In

' ' ■ . r . ' the b rides ! I ' of white rc

/ 4 sslln . Thl. ‘ . r •• lace festur

........ ...............*------- ‘— r - - BndU lypc. . . « was aecct

; • • , '• •• .! ChanUlly j ■ . ■ ■ >■ »ign. She <

• J rosebuds t— — — ------- 7 3 W -M white itre■*'* • - —

IIOLLIRAUOU - • nylon net: engrsTlnfj................._________A lte r-U---------:---------------- ■ “ Loveland,h followed Immedlalfly In the .-Walk H« eh parlors. Betty Robinson accompani In charse of Uie guest book. Crsndall. laying gifts were M n. P&arcs —TH&-t7ri< tfler, Verlus MUes and K v en cousin, Be h t , - of honor,e four.Uered wedding cake decorated wlUi white wedding

topped wllli a mlnature bridal ^.The cako was served by Mrs.I K urti. Mn. Pred HomUn, . ntain Home, served punch and ^

Margaret Broughton p rtsld - *t Uie coffee service. r « s-fddlng trip lo northern 5?0, Uie new Mri. HolUbaugh „ ~ gfd to a b lu fsu ltw lU i wlllleisorlea and the orchid (rom ^ :ridnlbouQiJCt.TheywlUmnkc i- * , „ ®

home in Jerome where lhe ” « • ■uroom U UW1.UI1 wlUi hU J ” '!rJn_Uie trucking buslne.M. .......A -receplending th# nuptials were Mr. couple wa . Mrs, J . fl. Mcllcnp-, Twin nln« in t^1, grandparents of Uie bride; jion hall.

Genevieve Olson. • Jcrome, Marilyndmother of Uie bridegroom, ju e s i booVother guests from Pocatello. K athli

m c.T w m nilts, Ooodlns, Buhl, ^ow endntain Home. T h o u s a n d the brideRgs-and 'm ule. a rm nged]miscellaneous shower honor- jxnd Mrs.

Uie brtde was givin last P ri- u a ie ma t Uia Jerome Mooie hall. „ rem on le^ Dale Blllerll and Mrs. ' ^ ^ ' T

ries HoUlbauKh were hosUssea. S lsrn , Rc* * * . w ilcor. a

PARTY IB R E ro n tE D cpmpanln\KLEY, March &-Conrile Al- Uia Buretwas honored a t a hlrUidny lng; Dish

y Sunday a l her home. He- two numttunenU were_eerved. Mrs. LoU

Care of Your C'■ - By ASJnt=LQ PATF

rhU is Uie class for Uie firsts, day wlll 1 fast learners,” said Uie 'school a leader,

ctor. - I see. Jusl for what pur- 5 are Uiey selected?" m. rhiii*.Nt expect to get Uie leaders o t r .u i 'i Im

(utur# In such groups, ottftpr. %4n4

wondered. Are all fast learners Tit«t«-N*» sort th a t become leadera of the imufllty? The sort th a t use "". r oblllty and the place and lUge and power ll gives Uiem . .thH-Kervlct-of Uif ir TrliowsT'l- - - • - not aure that sll of Uiem a re _ _ v

n a iia : ' rher# Is a msn, Iilgh In the . » matlon ot Uia people. ’ from )m th# town hears most often.I know Uie klndl While some

truly unselflsli tn Uielr drive acUon, others are ou t there

-king for whal Is In It for them, ng WlUl Uiem Uils msn appears aslonally. . . mi t election lime he & prominent 1 makes a hirne contribution to • ^ ' aide Uial-Kai-strcnglhen h l i . ' Jfitss. He does not appear a t n m meeting unle.u the matter of >ond issue for a much needed lOol building Is up. T hai brlni;s , n oui,' arrotd with siatLillc.i, lo tve no sueh buUdlng Is needed:It tho-U x-bur<len_li_alrtaily ______jwhelmlns end the ordinary neowner I ' In danger of Iwlng ! 'r t» t over his head. He hasde sure that no bond-lsaue-wlll-j-----------made that year. He was and sUll a fast learner. H« ranks highpubUe e s te e m ,..........................i - -V hsl 1 am trying to point out is xl we should'nol only train our lldren for peienllat leadership. I I abo lhal we should lay em-{ asU-on.Uia-rtspdnsllillltlcsJhatj ____Q l

JoQ, tha t we extend our e tto rts n all the chUdren because there

ly t*-R-3esflfr,'ft great-one. s it - ' •iB'i n'Oir B JU Of ;iiB average.— ‘ ------ I nSducators like to s.iy th a t the hole- child goes to school. They.! completely right. W hat they fJou ■nn Is that the child Li morc in a brabi. more,.Umn a body,)re than e unit In a clnf.s. He t i thesi luman being, complei. a mixture strengtlis and weakne.«es. gifts ' . ' : d handlaps, all bound up In th e t*OCl Anglble element, InUnglble bu t Uj maslerlul force la Itself, a jIfT i-co iB dm crr*-»plrttrlM «a —11.All the Jesmlng Jn the world w ill t produce a good leader It th is :l Ll nol given full considers- .

inding. Understanding goes be- j .llh facls to intangibles tha t arc e corc ot.being, of life lUvU, iisMfy children if you must, bu t p inomber in tvtry child U a h id - - . i \ ' n quality, a secret place tha t one

There’s Somelhlnf: j

EXTRA BIG I R. T h U W e t k a l - J - '


. Come Out nnd See! $


s W o d s k o w l s - H e y b u

l i m e d a s W i f e -

• D . ' H u n s a k e r3URN. March 5 —NupUslere' euhanged by Betty K»erw. daughter of Mr. and irrc l wodskow. snd Dennis xr. son ot Mr. snd Mrs.■Hunsaker. Paul, last P ri- enlng a t the home of the parents. t -’Ii ,

double ring ccremonj .was C / y * '■ iMd by Bishop Ralph Me- . V«f-U ie-U 3S Kcond .ward -'' -a iI , :an archway of greeoery. V_

.matlons, wedding belli and r " ' T " ' " ■ ^menU of p in k 'an d while P - - a9d pink gladioli. .John Stone played back- K f 't- music and the wedding 'j ■ ..■/ ■* '■

and accompanied Mr".'and )ale-M cComl» who sang, 1-, e by the Ses." L * / - ! ' 'n Itj msrriage by her fsthe r, ‘de wore s floor-length gown e rosebud lace and ne t over - ■ k ;The sculptured bodlc# «f .■ilured sn Eliiabethan collar w iQ I f r * '- - ' r>polnl sleeves. Her fuU sklrt ■xcnted by three Ucrs of Ily Isce In a scalloped de- K ^ | r * | | r , , ' he carried a boucjuet o f pink Is backed by Isce snd long K.'> itresm trs. A .hiUo of-wlJ»® " H ribbon held her fingerUp ' net Ttll In place. • ,• • •-— r_Ui6 ctremony,.JiIrB,..Lols _ r - --i't nd, Ssll U k e Clly, sang Hand in Hand w ltlTM e" ■ “ * " ^

isnled by her sister, Shsron k ib s . DENN in. (PrsDclsc# phott7ride-wBS"attended by-her -Beveriy Wodskow, os meld , t / r -\

or. snd Barbara Olscn and J O D S D ( jecker. bridesmaids. Klayn was Junior bridesmaid. The | ^ t p-l

unU wore IdenUesl cowns i 'II blue U ffela“and “carried —P la iB -fm -fa Is of pink carnations. , » were mad. ue.tafteu i frock was wom bethel .No, O flower girl. Rena Wodskow, when they mei

If Uie bride. Masonlo tempi.Ij Breeder served as best T he event w nd Keith Nellson and Lynn w ith members I were* ushers. In decorated bWodskow was attired In a aucUoned and

r daughter’s wedding, and P rites will be i lunsaktr chos# a periwinkle Uest box and fc iwn ot polished cotton. They a t* th# highest orsages of plpk carnaUons. jjo „ a Mlskn *epUon-and-dance.for-Uie .who-oonducUd was held la ter in the eve* m inded Uie gl

1 the Heybum LD3 recrca- mnge for the s all. . . *,lyn Hunsaker attended Uje -Mok and gifts were received r H n i thicen nnd Christie Wods- * nd BlUle Sutton, couslni o t CASTLEFOR ride. The gift Uble.t were nnd Mrs. Troy ed by Mn, Walter Wodsko*/ orcd by a grt Irs. John wodskow, nclgllbOrs-Satu

McComb, » u im l e r o t hoo.t«r>™ini:. mles for the progrnm. A ^ A ri^ m n g irI. Donald H a n V LaM ar H i i ^ n W

Reed Jensen and 'O laydeaang “At Dnv,-nlng- s c and Mrs. John

nled by Laura WUcox: Dcr-urth gave a humorous read- accompanied b)lshop Merrill,' Paul, played and an originumbers on tho musical saw: was presented/)ls Loveland sang ''Always'’ ’Jess Hymas.

' -1 T he three-tl, , centered the 1

Children S„“ ” “ b S .

m i ____________________■ _ . • .Wodskoa' nnd 1

III be dLiclosed, Maj-be h# Is John Slone’s ier, maybe he is nol. music for dan

--------- Tlie couple »lh* duir «f «r»<T c» **">' in Brigham Cl'" i ' i t t f V V O u t-oW o.n« . il.t of b»:Ai.;. in.1 LaOronde Hei> p.r.«u .ipuii.; T»- fcbuia a Morrell nuaia;2"** » « " ''• «<" ‘ f.® H unsaker. all^ T ' l i N Y. Harley Si


^ V I N G S EV IOF- f a m o u s "

... .... ..........'

^MORE—B A ¥ K = r - v — -------

^oto u the timd to save on i

'lese perfccJ fiiting leg-size «

to e iin g s .. .Full Fashioned • ,

fe at reducci prices . -


R e g . f . 9 5 N O W 1 .6 ( 5 - :

R e g . 1 . 6 5 - N O W 1 . 4 1

R e g r i . 5 0 - N O W 1 . 2 8

R e g . 1 . 3 5 - N O W 1 . 1 7 - :

'^P A R I. L se our conven ien t x e a r cnl

______ ............................... -


Durn Bride R eception!Couple M(

OLENNS PZRIIY.- M r .-a n d - u rs . i p a u i

recepUon Saiurdsy c Moose bome. Mrs

7 '.^ daughter of Mr. anfi CUrk. and BoaUnan and Mrs. Clyde Bosi

P r .T » e ^ O T r r '~ , 'j tarn Home, were un Uage Jsn , 31lQ.£lko.

. ' : . "rhe bride’s Uble ir-rr— ered with «- four-tie — — cake cenlertnf U, brl.

• - , - i ; ’■i."- ', groom' Cflndleholders“Vi on eath side. The caJ

. ' decorated by Mr. one“ . i - Sheaffer. uncle and

' - . - - . i ; bride,-was. deccratccroses. Baskets ot Illy

.-r. . . . I covered stairway Iciv H i top of the cake wher

i" ’ .'. Jff bridal pair stood un way of flowers topp>

U Mrs. Claude Bheaff assisted^y >!ar

iC' Claris, aun t <serving coffee. Dlanr

coon served pi ^ J'i'lT Clark, sister

Jo/ce-D iiiiels flnd'^ i arranged the g ifts '

. n I ■ CIsrk. sister o f-th e MflTilvti Sharp, .re

■rtie bride chose ENNIS HUNSAKER j*„ey thealh drgss pheto-« taff engravlag) height ssUn bow. f.

-------------- ---- Mon wlUi' beige and

Daughters^ ■ I Mrs. Clark cliose

; e t e F a t h e r s

'"P'®* - - , , Olenns Perry high’sIt will be a box social bridegroom u-ss gn b c is 'to provide dinner Mountain. Home .h i •d boxes which wUJ be j j j j . p^i/owfng the and shared wiUi the allon, they will mat o - purirhaif s Ih f hng. «V-Mounlalr»—nom< be given for the pret- bridegroom is cmpio Id for lhe one suetioned garage. lESl price. # *

C akew alk,e girls to bring rum-h « » p rin g « ie . Fairfield <

X I ; J PAIRPIEI-b, Marc5 6 W a r m e d « l k was featured

Potucek were hon- Dean Eskrldg.Rroup of friends and y ,,

Saturday evening a l a from the'ng. trlbuUons of membeg lh# e « n l wert Mrs. n Alra. KKh. Mra. tj,el, Mra. Robert Becker ^ „,g jmyance haiohn Darrov.'._________ Prt-ildlng a t Uie h

Ing was Mra. Olerm fd by Sharon Crandall, grand. Rctreshmenu riglnal musical reading by Mr*. Herbert Oor lied by Mr. and Mrs. jjoya Harrison, hosl IS. • - .■ If. if,te-tler«L-v,'cddlng cakc CANASTA PIhe lace covered bride’s .WENDEU.. M a r wftS flnnked by vases o t charie* .Young wn uds The couple cut th e members of the F I usual way and refresh- elub Im I week. M r*.: ft served bv Mrs. John Mra. Anton Almber md Mrs7Me[berl ’I'nylor. wiiuiers. '■ ine’s orchesira furnished — “ TTdancing. - : ■ — —v........... ^5le wUl make their home ; I _ _n City,'Utnh, Iown RuesU wcr< Mra. : I. .H arper end sons. Mrs. - 'S

m.iakcr aad Mi3. Donald .-J.all HoneyvlUe, Utah, • ]

y Button, Oakley. . -.

............................. ’ i

T N T — h -------- ---). I- : -

Th’ proi

i V • • enxy-llne'A T wool flm

siliconed• o ’ ’ " .J n c ■ tw hnble— O o r ; 4 . y D ' clo.^ure, I

^ ''hrom e

3 p r . 4 . 2 0 ' i

— 3 p r . 3 . 8 0 ' ' ■ I L a y i

- 3 p r , 3 . 5 0 N qv

■ . ; r , ! - E q :

l i ek l 9 hold

seleie n tra n c e j

f c .—

I, I D A f t O

in Fetes Becomes' B

T to t-

lay evealns e t theM rs. Boaucsn.

. end MM. '

BoatniW.^ MDun-

Elko. ' ■’Ible was'IaCTjcov- "

ilde^ w ere* placed ple cake, baked and p :

and su n t of the W Io ra te d -wIUj pink u -------------1 _ . . ^f llly-of-Uie-valley Hh e foot ot a velvet W,y leading to the • . T* where arcilnlaw re Id under an arch­topped by a wed-

heaffer, served Uie m r s . PATRICK D, 1r M arie Trail.-Mrs. (Campbell pbcrt<(-«Uffjn t of Uie bride, 'Dianne Heller and _ .

Social Calesnd 'Joanne Heller L , ---------------—Bltls' and Prances Delta Kappa 1r- the--bride,- and p. m . SalujJ registered Uie ^(„ne g( fJndine Eccli

, berly for n deaaert Itt lose a beige wool p„>gnun. drgis wiUi empire • # ¥)w. for her recep* we.*JDELL — Amerl . and black acces- nuilllary wlll hold a dc sag# was a single and coffee s.ile all-d»

a t Uie Legion hail, Adi hose a black dress doughnuts and j; ■ssorles and wore a jjjten. Proceeds will I corsage a t Uie re- „pQ„:M>r a delegate to Boatman wore f Anyone wlsliing to aiSi ,Ui red accessories * # ». comaUon corsage. Dudes and Dolls S<] : a senior, a t the dui, «.1U m eet a t 1:30 ; ligh’school and the nl Uie home ot-M r. ar s graduated from Molfltt, Jerfime. le .h igh .schoo l in #

/ y a a g T w o y ^ r e G iloci .At Almo/v

u. Id. AL.MO, M arch 5 —, , , , - . BeyJcr and li r a . Jo-x

(d C onfab ^ r s ^ i l ^ E ! King wnM«rch 5—A cake- Mrs. U e D arrlngton dl “rt

1 lhe sale and con- ^ practlcc with

M M :Uie busineis meet- _ , *Jlenn Miller, noble P l j l h M p m enu were served V -^ IU U iV \C : Oormley and Mrs. HEYBURN. March i

hoslewes. club roem bea.and gue.if. if. tertained last week a t

rA PLAYED Mra. W alter Nelson.M a r c h 5 — Mrs. Tft’o table.i of brid c wns hostess to play with high prlte g he Friday canasta Cnri Merx nnd Mrs. Mr*. Ray Ruby .nnd sten. Dessert wos serv. Imberg were prize Mrs. Ernest Erwin

' liuile.'j Iui lhe-elub-^

New JEi

‘ of spring arid Uie tui- Tlieacpt-o{.fa»lilon-ar«->ouri-ln-Uiu-----— {mny-llned. full-length beauty. I w ; of li flnnnel. Syl-M ar weniheriiroof roned flnl.ilj. club collar with, dc- j Iq,., Mble linen collnr. Five bullon pif^ lure, C atton pleats, flap poekeLi,' ^ g)n ■ omc Cpuii lining. ~ ------ 1 29.95

. a y a w a y

NIqw fo r

1 . 0 0 w i l l

i o l d y o u r

l e l e c H o n - U seO i

. / ________

In Paul Rfte.Jl-lomeJri.Bur

^ PAUL. M arch S—liaking

Sf.JcKS.™US' ' ' " ' A l t l S l i? .


f ^ v ' - “ i ^ f E n l t l . . in an a n - • nf beise. attended her

, / ■ • as maid of honor. Wc^ierd " . served his brother as best n

1 B«essorlrs for the wedding> At •». reccpUon Feb. -0

---------Springdale LDSD', BOATMAN hall. Uie.bride w « altlrod

«Uffca<T>vls(l orchid Iftce^BOttn.^ Background muilc was

1 by Ida Ann Lo«>^'i"’,„ ,□ l e n d e r L r r ^ ^ r ' ; . % n S r %_____________ book. Olfts were, arranged I

s s i i s i s,t MtnomTmd„ bride, and Jerry Bowen,

: ; r , : S 2 S o r t h f n ’A t i .Vio O lriy^a te . r e t r c s h m e n U w w ^ ^ ^

’ “ i i " “ and Mrs. Emma WortWni

" i n ”'I .iL . dance presented two numte> . , Pflt Bowen gav#Ti resd l G j u e s t s DcUInh Larson sang accon

_____I. to .JO .A n n U raon. ^n v t u T O a T5 _ Mrs. Brant o im urd.

J0!wph B.irretl . j u j hrlde Is a 1058 grad s from Mallo a t Mlnlco high school.’ She a last week nl U16 Link's -School ot -Business

. '. and Magic Valley ChrlsUanI was In chnrge. Aibion.

“"oSrirel'wciS^- 6p" Ingd

WlUt Joyce Ward ■ * * * ..

Early Poets Aiayer was led by ' . . , '

Topic of L e jI I . ALMO,-Morch 6’- T h eV \ e e t S two Puritan pocU and Uiel rrh s-T tto-Four were discussed last week I suesis were en- the ReUef society leswn p k 'a t U e home of To contrast two dUferen n ot Puritan pocU7 ‘was toe

i“X T mS“ '■ ' 'e i .S S S l l ' l ' l S ' . . nien,

■win will be th# U18 church will bo Uio I

Caster C—

f i

___ V - ______

_ Ife r ^ i fi "

. I .y . -' 1___________________

) \ I 11

Tlie popular silhoiietle o f the Tl •{mntiiii minii . . . Uic sinimnticryof Rrncetul liiie\ l(w:; wool ribbon .,WMve, tlub collar, four h u tiw _____ ^clQ.sure. Unpre.wd Inverted center-pleni wilh soft d a ru on each side, • “ co

.sIiij>ockcls_________________________ tQ.

2 9.93

< P A Ile Our Convenient Reor Entrance off thi

ied : Recites V0W5

urley^ g " ' t h e i r

and Mrs.K m arriedim e ^ n n eM rs.A .D .

ceremony w Vthe Rev.

jrm er Lin* an aqua

lUhlng ac* .whlta m -


afternoon her cousinerd Bowen ^ M M:sl man.allons (irui ........................; the home. MIKSV-{ ra y .a fu rr .plementlng yii ' I ' '

In UierrereuUon I

I r ^ in on MUS. tllNK ST 8Ti;vi>,'j I I6latr engravlnu I

,a s played * * * I

V'p.“ 'tGooding Missis "iM !: -WifeofSteverjbter^ iM aw q q o d in o . Mnrch S-M:. Jcarried py Eiisehin AMorfiiiin s n ia j

J H l ; the ninrrinse of theirAnnie Lou. to Z rn fit SU vrcll

cn, b rotiier p, j j^ . and Mra. WlUl;im A. J , ens. T h e mnrriaEo wa* lo l t j J

tradlUonal ^ n k o . • ^was.served bride Is a IWI R ra * c |

Mrs. Edwlri Q o^ing high school. Elie »iiaJ sm ith , a ll Idaho State collcgc. Poca te tfl

slsUng 'Wit* Is employed as a secretary i i | ra. WHlard jdaho stale school for the JhrtrifgrOOm. .,.H >,1ln,4 __________ Jthlngtan. gicvsns. a lDi2 gradui-^l tUo, b ro ther ooodlng high school, is t t j red AS m as- farmlhg near here. • |r-m e-p ro - .*~i * I

ley Women ecompa»icd QbsBrve DotJ

" R ic n n E L D . March I . J Mra._ Flora q |^jj xw ln t'nib. « u l

.. . ■ , less a t a surprLne birthdi; d (rraduate of p jr,y ia ,t ttctkli» ottenc^ed momer, Mrs, H arrfaness. ^ i s e . party for 33 guw u a-W(l ,Uan collcBC, m,. j,oj„e of Mr, and M a il

In the Marley dlsu-lcl. | ot Mr. and ’pmochle was played islih J

•Ingdale. n l- going to Mrs. Holl. Mr. s&j | l C.\llfomla Howard HlUls. Mr. and M n l J

ed by film - man Hansen. Mrs, Don R s iiil O rant Stevens. I

Mrs. Holt was prcsenteil u J . ■ iric clock by Uie Marley Fiad

A r e club nnd oUier gifts. IMr. and Mrs, A. K. W slicI /acco n Oien. Ward, all Tn'in t'alli J

-C O O U J I out-of-town Ruests. Mrs. tefl rhe lives o t Walker assisted Mrs. Wsij J their works party arrangemenl.i. ■

I'eek during Mr*. Oien H eidenreich-s sn period, lalned a t a bridge luncheoaW erent modes honoring Mrs. Theo Brush,«1 Uie them e blrthdny anniversary is F iil j» discussion Mra. Otis Bru.ih and Mrs. a f l ■irs, Wesley Brown asslstad Uie hostca I

Mrs. Call Hansen anl ■ i^embers of Brtjwn played high a l cootna ho Uieologj- t im e s - n e w s WAKtl

C oats •

Tlie unclutlered ■fn.ililon is yours wiUi this siar «i . ■ Uic new season's.coats. New soft- ■

collar •w=lth tapered darts. Ono bu‘' I

• . 34.91 B

r i Ihf t h e M e te re d P a rk in s M . . ^ H

l " P ^ u r i L V « ’V r’i’' r / w i »




I s l/ e r itL'.


IIh e ^ B

n ■

l u i ^ l

W(^B<I t i t *

U e V

«?»I ' ^ F

wId *

. ^ H i^ ■ 1


Page 17: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

i s T b o w ^

B Men Open E.' f ith Flurry of Prtak 57-57 St- ^ ^ S S ^ r s c ^ e ^ n ^ ^ b i i c k 67-61 b n n h g v ^ m e i w i^ jta in s , d o w n b y f iv e p o in tH ftt

i l fhrec s t a r t e r s nncl t l i c o v e r t im e s p u n ^ iw t. S e n ttle j u n io r , le d t h c a t ta c k wil

^ ^ ^ r e l e s s I n n i n g

g a i s e G a r c i a ’ s H o ] — --B yT lieA t»oc l» led l*rr»t

, . ,v ,C ,r a a h » « T > i‘ ' ' ' ' ‘l '" S ™ I h i in 2 .000 Inn - . . \ r n s o n s w i th U ic C lc v c lu n d In d ian s .

? ' T n h“ ° PP ''i !?=■'"“ i t e N e w Y o rk G ia iitn in t h e w orl,1 »cn

..TUO- Run OveirArt»r»wi 0 * ^ '“ ^ • I i n • "Gii-1 Frieif s ; r f f ' ' . s s / i

E»rly Wmn wiu iiub Cnrter. first b“’P. n l . l t .n m vlcUm, We

. ,i*jf in II'O Mfly found to have been 1J K«fln the once - r » « r r u car d riven by . wom#^ ,M toreed out 0/ biwDnl c a r te r .. 35, *«* <oilai » illPP«* “ P l ,TlV' bBttcred on a Los A

orJ; tix 1958 Ksmea Jor Ufe wednesd.innliiR one ancf losinc , g „

I., bclof* he . * u releaaed on Identify t-----------t t t ;--------' . inve-iiiBBW fJ'iiran

■m, jndUM »lKned lilm nsMn Bergman, 35-yeiU rtar »nd Tuesday he started ,,om „n . described mil comeSseli. slvln* up only flsliler. U(fijlfj. O af fury tald shc told

him KU a youns left- c a r te r , noticeably «indt: of a . Herb' Score,'who haa ™.d-1„- at-her-npartiiiId I»B year* of f®'"" nlBht.' Tliey arcu•Irt of hard luck In IDs. four i,,rcn tened to beat .1ttn »lth lhe I n d ia n s . ................ran outside, got IntoSOie eime along In IflSi and nwny. ,rung lojethcr Id-lO "n ‘5 3 0 -0 flasliednon* while Oarcla waa pojtlnB n,atje ^ grab for thU nnly IwO iwlng J'«“« wllh Uie c iu g in . maitad. a sld'nw. • • . a »nd w as drasKcd do»But In W l Score u m cut down y m „ t ,,c mirror brok*, a line drive, Vot month.s» It renlWnic Caruu doubtful It he would ever in jured. Ml.« Bersmajl£h igiln M doctor* worked lo gpgpt the nlKht ■Ilore the sight In hl.i rlRhl eye. c a r te r a lips were (]t( came tic k for the 1058 w n- badly bruised and he0. only 10 be h it by arm trouble. on his fort •i record Ior those two aeasons expected to be relea IS a combined *•*. , ho-ipltal Tliursday.Kf. loo, pitched two acorele.« c a r te r . 35, only mnrningj, rellrlns al* .of .seven bat- UghtweiBht title thrcirs and htttlnc one, Al CIcotte. n picked up oa ■ dninkmUnd newcomer who has seen day;nlc* wlUi New York and Waah- u e earned thouaand rim’, w u h it on tha left knee four years as champ

a bslted ball after replacing now worka as a laboree t_X iraY ijrftrcd jegatlvL — iu ro jU irc ,__________Tbe two mosl Yaluable plflyera - c a r te r won ihe -o tl the mnjon. Jackie Jenscn of ing o u t Uce WllUuns

e Boston Red Box and Emlo a t M ndlson Square Ra nb of lhe Chicago Cuba re- hc lost the title to

irtri ailments. Banka, the Nii- nnd Paddy I>e Mare aU league MVP, has infected tim e managed to win rjlU, and J;nien. his AL eoun- Bud Sm ith lifted h rpart, a severe atlff neck. cood on a 1955 spilt c

Q Hockey I la w L n N G 3 ge Goi

MAGIC.BOWL H H ow srffeCoffee Time League ____J -

flounder* defeated Alley Cata D E m W IT , March1, iioi Spots defeated Four " I fa a long .way fror to s M . Dreamcra deteatd . . . don ’t mind the od tfptrs ^0.- Rainbows' defeated -w tU T l l ia i rU ie mar ;Uer Flats 4-0. m nny lo be the sreale: ilUh Individual game Betly H ar- hockey player In hLi m iR. high individual aerlea Howe of-th r-D otro ll. tt; Harrison 513, high scratch broke down at cent im g«me Rainbows- M3, high Uinnked Detroit hocl ndicspUain gam# Rainbows 703, hU "nlRlit.".lh handicap .team aerlw lU In - —Hlg-teftmmntM presin a n .lilg h K ra tc h leam M rlea , ,n h » diamond ring 1lADows 1&39, se ttle for a 2-2 iHljhllghb-Detly I^a^^Uon r e - Boston her 175 pin. • I t waa jO years ago I

MAGIC DOWL Sask.. th a l Howe, wh- Valley League for hockey, bariifully

^w.-IJ!«llj.(lefcalfdJi*«rqK,'<-o, ho te l w herc.the.B ed lakles defeated Fur Shop 3’i - MaylnK while In lowf J«ck and Jeans defeated c u p j,ibltIon same and aal

iM -j.j. Polnti de- £Jd_ jibel (now Dtlrq il^Tlan'f)-^cd'company 3-1. C. t e could carry Abel's i Aademn defeated Tlmes-Newa rjnk.

ilth lnriivi,iii.i .TwfV Hiih it S lnco then Howe llBI. biKh Individual aeries Floyd th* wins 'Mil 55;. high- scratch teamn>! East Five Polnta 002, high ? / o i i waa elven BMiMp leiim game East Five inci

S i n ° ; ° I"wtnicUon defeated E le c M c — =------»M-0, Klaas and Klaas defeat- L'nei}, !Nillonal Guard 3-1. Pacific Co- lUchfleld Producta 3*. detHtfd Coca cola 3.1, V ine

‘“ll Htfeated Southworlh Pro- ^ u lp m e n t defeated f«3-1 . Bean ^-o.lil»h individual game nov K lm- High Individual

a j , high individual aerlJi. C m ndall 245. high lndMarion* MO h l g h * ^ ” Bill U oyd W .W g h j

» £im t_rine_ciub_B«.-hlBh game C randalls TV 96•'®c»p team giune Pine Cluh dicap team game c*■ hlth liandlcao team wrlrji 1<»0. h igh 'handicap

liOUi.AnRO.MK 3-1, Clydes tied 4 1

'VO-nt siiiii Mayfair 2-2.. Lane- S trlkea defeated < Ac

i T. -“ leh ii„in.|(]uai game ir Jonei “ “n’o 4 Strikes 834, hi •h rtina ,v itim ,'.„ie3V,- joS m team jertes 4 fltrikes

team game U ng* w a t c h leam aeries 4

ENTKreS SENT Olllhlch Jewelry c raC A O O , March (

■nidons W j f • « ! « e n try blanks were HrliiElillsliUp' 1 J nesday to national 0'’•10 «nllt picked m lltec* Id tho 28 n n ,..’ pected to participateyyj .Minor A merican ^ames Aug.

• Itfeaied Amerlc»a REA D TIMBS-NBW8

CO SEAT]Ixtfa Perio >f Poinits tc ItalemateKity-rattle<l-the-hooi»-Hj-th«-fllftnBkfftball win ove r I r i tfh lT t jrH m ^ s ftt interniisTiion, needed a balanct pnrt to Iiul! ou t the victory. Tin wilh 25 point.'!. Sweet Charlie H

1 7 .,nnd Don Oj I Franci.s Saunders,I 'J i O Brpwn hit. inC T time flurr>’ to break u

' deadlock after liie reg BengaT ular Jim Hc

U I J C D ^ polnu, Nick Clock 1;The aame SeaUle

f . , , mosl of the work «nd« in n in g s in 11 board, Wiui Ogorek p

in s . 'I n .*?ix o f the ban 13 times, cou ;.l w o rk e d f iv ei L i i A f *ir “n ' ' <loe.s not i RCneR. A t 3 o , s U tf* tln lu i for’ Uie is e b a l l m e m o - w est rcgloniU tourw------ ----- ;----------- this montll, n ie Bi

• ■' closed the ir «a io n wltt m m O l l - - . o '- ' ftevrnlli sir« l a a w A v r s s Mountain eonferenee

I •_ alllp, will piny the cl P l * l l V Border conference

'■ ' J game leading lo the N , 1 Tt will mane ISC's'

i P l i r i pearancc in the natioi J record for lhe n

5. M arch-5 I R - -- ------------------

•it t i l l e r 'd ° i i ’be { J t t l v n o ' w i iWednesday wo.i

i ‘; s r " T K O . V i c J1 found cu t and

? „ r , O v e r Val<car had h ll himIfy the driver. MIAMI DEACH, n i[ t n iT t r t r n r t f r ^ wi—ulmrlcy i’OTfnn 2J-year>oId whlt« Diego, Cnllf.. a 4-1. aa a friend of acored a stunning ujvi. Lleul. K enneth aiopped Nino Valde.i,told this atory: vana tn the cIghm_roi

)ly drunk, drop- aclieduled 10-round‘ flBartment Tuesday day nlKht. -argued. C arter Jleferee Cy Gottfrlfdal .her nnd alir flghl when ihr bloodyinld her car and dered Cubnn went do

third lim e. One of Pohed past. C a rter draped Valdes - overr the door. He atrand of the rope. ,. sidcvlew.mirror ' Valdes, semMiy.Merldown the s tree t dreaslnir room atifrwn

jroke otf, h e was only knockedWarier had been In the flnnl round, and{man drove away th e bout waa sloppedshi with friends, wa.s down Uiree time.i,rre cu i,.h la facc 'O ottfrled admitted1 he had a tw o- wos knocked down onlforehead. He Js aald Valdes lell the ihl

released tron} a he slopped the fight t: des waa obviously exh

mnn to hold th e Vnldes. looking too lithree tlmea. was took a good mauling Ulink charge M on- of the battle, which ei

of the elghlh round.sands during h la -------------lamplon. bu l h e ■borer In . lu m l- FCay, 1 ] ^ (

“ iH ea d S k ^10 U u ro Salas 1 | | r i . n nAU-Star-Td hla crown for 8 aLT LAKE' c r r v

Illt decision. (OPD—VersaUla Jim ------------- ver'a atnndoul plajT

■ Fans SSSfJfUnited Press Iniemi Skyline basketball

0 1 ( 1 1 6 . - nouneed today._ — —Tonr-W lndls-of-W j

T iT lT t Don Balko arc the d. . to make the tenm c:

S . ' . ; ' " •

man c la lm ^ by year by the coaches, ar

S r iVe a“ d ” Pery“ and ' I ^ e n ' wtS S I'-n- .0 . S

"■ ■** injury, nosed o presen ea o o ro ir young’* Bob Skousen

•OQ In RuiVttloon all-Ume Brigwho K w "y individual game scorin

tu y v i l n e d th e 39 ‘Bed.'Wlngs were 1 " .(n>i’n fnr an ex- fiook-shot< . . w h i. hrM Chuck Newcomb of Col

» h«1 h<^n II *1- *«'I. fn> M

s cVtitiL s k S m Sincluding a 1D59

llbert and Cath- ^ ^ h a ae all>*eaaon:

l‘"e PONS BEAT COPfrom ^ k a lo o n . 8AN FttANCISCO, V

---------- :------------- John Cunningham amidall's TV tied cour kept the 8an Pra J 2*2. KEEP de- nhead of College of . flnydera Office Wednesday night for a .ed Magic Valley Coast Athletic confere

al game Olon ^ J . A.KS"'is Sports A^ “r W a f t K J ^cnp team aerlea O m X x l . / 1 V J 40. high acratch _ T ^ m s mq Mai lalls TV 2C23. • M0„ MW L _n « ie r# _ Jr ., —Imagine ahowman V S. poliUelati WliUam Jeni BOWL and Strongman Sando

i"»n, ■_____

4 Aces 4*0. Sfljii*”,® poiliVa*. .game Dick Irw in Bangert.i l series Dick J r - , Bangert U a big marratch team game dream.I handicap team h u dream Ii an 87.614, high handicap m r iporls arena-ahopirikea 2481.-h igh th a t will cover.32 acreiu 4 DoU 3000. one glgantle dome. I l It------------- lo-Rusalan attack, culbOUT ■ and hardehlng of the txh B in -O fflc la l terles.w r m .n t j w t a - • w r l .

al Olympic com- you can hold a loot39 countTle* « - track., meet. bw e^II» te in lhe Pan - swimming meei all alAub 27-8ept* 7. Ume," the hefty Bang* Aug. *1 ocpu

!W8 WANT ADS hi* iledge-liammer fUU

■ ' 1 - ^ _______ - —

■ T B I E S ^ T r V V S r T '

TLE 67-61

f m5 lf tr { - o M h e — _.ElasLn v a s H i n i y


hadJ 5 .

O K U r u k un uver-

up Die S7-37 regutir


didmder ttie tjsck- lc pulling down I Cousins 12 and i

Dt bfJfct IdnhoUie NCAA Far ------irniuiienl later i_ •_ . .

BniMb, who

Hoclty « nee champion- .1 ciinmploiw of i ‘.‘j ' . ^ H |nee iu llic r . . le NCAA meet.3's 'serenth a p « .......... ..................-.tlonal competi- ne nsioclntlon.

11 Is -— —c t o r .......... ' Jf "ildez L:

n a .. March 5 t . , „ , ,

1 2 L o c a l 'rlfd stopped the -

7 £ H 3 : I n - M a g i c" FILER. March 6 -S ,Merlcsl In his r e c e n t y c a r .s a n d th ia .si

n a m e n t, r e p o r t .s .I im Ci ‘and he believed room f o r n f e w m o re t' ped because he H a t F i l e r h lf ih fichoo ie.s. . e n te r t h i s y e a r w hile.ed the Cuban B u h l , w a s ruunJdrim.'.na up. Kntry.deadline Is E

■It Val- Clay.exhausted. Ilcndlnc th e lis t nf enlM heavy a l 224. Serpa’s Blandnrd Oil, chai g through most of lhe recently concluded n ended In 2;03 Fnlls clly ndult bn.ikctball d. . - nnd Faux c igar store. Buhl___ 5___ vorlte In any tourn.iment,

Bi|l)l AO m nrkel will be I c p i l try and Improve on its

plnc^show lng of ln.M yenr— ^ ------------_y,g— Bnhl—N ational" V l l l l f ^ t*'™' AnoUier B uhl lear “• J Buhl Indiana, composed larm this yenr’a high school lewleam ■r r v Miirrh S th* Jerom e M erchants wh lm P m %- n e n . CWkley QuUaws. featurlnl5m a?er and prep »lar« K cn l Woodlio-l U U h Stale’s Bagley. Iia d Uie 1950 “id CIoUilnB of emaUonal all- «PrM ont Uio east end 1 team an* valley.

‘ Two Flier Uama, Filer ^• • composed of m any starter:

TMtT'j^ar’r'd lsU -IS riin in ilSl

e oU rti^IKyeri S^f^lS w ufnc turing compnt ■\ chosen by a valley Sporting Goods. Tu'ir coaches In the and Twin FalU Telephone

pany round ou l th e ll.1l.I player-of.the Creed urged a ll managers 1, and colleagues cal outlaw leama to ent< e'a Cecil Baker meet, naUng the field will r," strleled to Magic Valley■ were th e 'lo o only.-He-slao urged-m anat hiilniin? while >cnd In rosters lo allow eari

•r ti games with ‘^e toumamenl

“ ‘n” .daill,nH<,.T.lto, in, sen jor « n rst champlonslilp tllle. th

ning team will receive (SO.

Brtgham Young ---------

Tourney Lmeuon the aecond clah.s a aa 'shot— specialist! — ......-(A i -----Colorado Stalel i„ „ |„ „ X ?"« .m, ollard cf UUh. «ut) lVU;-*«>d-ll‘Ue -J.I— •

j int. . "•league’* mosl (ai ai.«.h«n«)

many coaches, v . , ,„ . .

points for & 15J Klffllxrir v>, W«nd>ll (ehtnpUII to o M u w « AICeS.-The - I Ut . ---------------<A<tliini<n>responsible for ............ — Th«nd«T---------lhe Bkyllne'il. _c.wm **■ *i’ ______•_______mil. (in»«r cut)

5, March 5 MV- UEAVyWKIGIITS' SkCN* and Fred U - 0AN FM N C ISCO , M ard

Pranclsco Dons Promoter Benny Ford #nn( of the Pacific Tuesday slBnlng4ieavyweIgh ir a CS'SO West die Machen and Ruben Varg [erence victory, a 10-round lig h t here A p ril:

ikena-Shopping ( rRotfisrBecoininMarch (UPI) Becoming enUiuilasUc, Bi n Wall Disney pointed ou t lh a l "you coulc L ^ i ; . ; ^ the-world-olymplca im der oni lennlngi Bryan nothing caned off beea ndow all rolled ,-caUier."

I years old vUh part of hla m ountalnrsired c 1.4 Inchea and In addition U>-lhB Rporl* U.” T!i*l'13"Bin BHtcJi“ tie"sat(l"CTOia“ hoiis

elghl wondera of the world man wlUi a blc n» f. Uie round Blructure man wiui a big laelllUes:

f7Jl mimoiia«l- . -SM-Hap". »'-nl“lopping cenler terprises.-«re*-*ll under -S eal* Tor J.M.OOO personsII Is his answer —Elght-floor. underground :ullural. apathy ing ar«a-w llh room.Ior-2SJ>0< he bualneas ar- ^r eoofloo peraona.. {for clvl

fense emergencies). •1 arena so large '—A restauran t hanging fro foolball game, middle of th e dome. 380 feet all game, and ground ovcr .the aporl* tie 1 a t Uie aame would be reached by moving ingen said. He walks iwspended In plasUo t om ebyflainng ’n ie huge struc tu re , wou fUU in Uie air. called "M etro" t n d would 1

- T W I l 'H ^ f c S r I I > A r H G -------- ™



------ — m SaB■ '■ - , - J

I out k field of 46 c o m ^ U lo n ^ lh a wlnn^nj

1 T e a m s R e p o r '

c V a l l e y b u t i a ^—Some 12 local outlaw teams, includi ia .season, have entered the .second ann 1 Creed, tournament chairman. Howe' •e teams to enter the meet, which wi hool pyrnn.t.sium. KIDO, Boise, is def ■hile AG ------------ -------------------- —

I P h e a s a n t Ientric.i Ll j •

« C o n t i n u e s . 'mil league. • < ------ -• • •Juhl, a fa . ■ Pheasant population if r -1

h« v tn another niikl winter, contin Ita second Blake, district bird biolopist year along department. But huntcss an nai guard ers-to'hcns in lirie. Durinj?I

partment c o u n t e d 3,09( leom, also roosters and 4,385, lenvinp r

ratio of 71 roosters to 10((es will be hen.i. Tliat 1* the highest ratio li

while the screraLyears. Last year, Uie ja l l i urlng ex- wa.i 67 for 100 on 3.718 roosters am ot 4.030hens while ID57 counl Miowei ey. Mlnlco, 2,115 roosters nnd 4,000 hen* o of Buriey 53-100 raUo, end of the In pliea.iant popu.

, laUon shows up In the depart, er Alumni, m enfs game checks, Blake noled

npany and success. The populaUon Increaso I rft'in Falls, ij,e rc.sult of 8ucce.«ful nesUng ione com- the department having dlsconUn.

. , ued planting of the birds..h l -AlUiough-more plicasanU wer.

Jn r ^ available and more cocks-harvesl. ley leams *** succes-ilve season, wlnlei

Tient pro- Previously the department ha: slated seven hens to one rooslei

(he Magle would provide this are& wllh gooc e. the win- hrood stock cach spring.50. ---------------------------

------ Track Dispute to®"P Get Top Ruling

■ ■ “ NEW Y0RK,"March"5~lW=-n» .m, Onrr |case of the rerersed decision wll.

, , , eo beforo UlB highest courl In th< IC«xrTHe'~TxecuUve“ committee probably wlUUn a week, 11 wa» In­dicated loday..

day nlghl when M anhiuian .mpioniliip fjjjij cham­

pionship WlUl 31 point* to 20 17-30___ for. second-place Penn State.

, M anhattan got 'ILs' key • point

cut) ruling In whioh he had placed Ute__ Jajper*' Henry White In fourth

' pUce I r i '^ e M-yard h lg ji "h u ^ es

arcli 4 Herman. A couple of houra later, nnnouneed the aame Judge decided th a t While eight* £d- had beaten Herman and Man- Vargas' for haUan collected on# morc polhl— jrll 20. ' Uie difference, as It tumed out.

Center Under ing-Realit^--—;, Bangert calcd In-the middle of the new ;ould hold municipality of Champ', r one root. —Plnanclng-«u«h-a-|»ro}ccUwould- because of make smaller men quake, but B an ­

gert has ll-all woriced ouU IV a Jimall "Melro will be constructed In the ed dream, immidpa^Uj' cf qhamp.";bc-»>M r

cummirnlly * l e^ i mo bumlx ' T n ^ e r o r course Champ now has a ,>ri tfoufd populaUon of 14, Including lhe ^ «'ould 2 ;*;^ D*agert*. bul Uiat does J h . r not discourage him. outer en- tecomiKj reaUly.

■ • *TVe are CO per cent on our way ^ to Mlllng the revenu# bonds to a

und park- syndicate.” he jald_*agerly.. "We 18M0 cars hops to ’i ta n ' construcUon wlUiin ClvU de* eight montha and have the Metro

finished by Uie'fall of »e3." " t from the The 30-year-bonds wUI be paid leet above off from Uie itort*' lease* money

tleld. I t and sporta pmflU, Bangert ex- vlni aide- plained, "And alter Uiat Uio prof­ile tubes, lls will b« used to lubsldlte eym- would be phonle*. operas and olher cullural lid b# lo- icUvlUe^-.


wm i t r y Win __

I fniinlrT CTfnt nl S.,hb" Vnll t . . fallf. inning Ume of 54 mlnules and 10 ucoads.

• r t e d E n t e r e d

a w T o u r n e ycludinp many hiRh achool stars bf annual Magic Valley Outlaw tour-

oweverf Creed .said there is stii! h will run from March 10 throuRh s defendin^r champion but will not

; P o p u l a t i o n

s t o G r o wifr -the Mnpic Valley, treated to

intinued to prow, reports Charles opist for thc Idaho fish and Riime a aren’t keeping tho ra tio of inKUahuary nnd February, thc de* 3,096-;:------------------------------------|"foS May Named Chief

Of C o w b o y G r o u pDENVER, MnrcU-5 W — Hariey

„ or of Oakdale. C a llt . has been elected president pf the Rodeo Cowboy* association Io r a Uilrd consecutive term,

noted', office of th e organlzaUonrw re- l*«re, in- announcing -the results aiTons w cdntsdny. Mi d ' Ma y 'g clMtfon )unt«r y m .by ,„nVfirsln.ln.»n: •ase is organiraUon'a-hlatorT. He polled sU ng ^ 0 m all zeferendumonUn- to 301 for Coaey T ibbs of TJemp.

S. D.were . Elected.dlfcctor3_for_.tff0-jenr

rvesl- terms were Jack Bushbom, Cass- Klnier bareback b r in e riding;

7!ni-^h!JuldOB; H ei^e tti.~ O k la :; t haa bull rldlngg, and. D ale t o l t h , Ceui oosier tral, Ariz., leam roping.I good ..................... . . . . - — TTT

1 H E Bn will . , ■

lU t'ce :------------'— F 1 N E K E N 1Off In- ..________________

ham - r— ~ — ■ ■» ■17-30

____polnl ___ = —

d Uteourth - S ^irdles ' ~ ^ ^

later,'VhlieMan- w K < ^^K m S S S B m m B ^Ilht— -

i-ould —Ban-

n the

aa a '

"™ ' -Natnure’s juty.way ............ t-W tg ' -------- •

lUiln ............................ ■. ■TftlteRoldetfgfttiM

|PJiJ ■ A ddA ««ldllofafithe mystery, of tiali

sym- - N■IH £il0 .«S «im A tl^ ,'l01»SV lU £

ro END S]i Unbeaten Boxers to

=WSC on Sj— ■ PO r.A -rK I;!/^ M „rrK .R --N r .A .A M bcrir leads a ta le n l - la d e n W a s h in H in to Pocatello S a tu r d a y n i jc h t tn b H S ta te Ik ’n ^ als . K lin k e n b u rp , n th 3 S S e a ttle . fnuK ht h is w a y to t h c ITjG | R tou rnam i-n l a t S i ie i 'a n ic i ito m la .it y e a r . C oach D u b b y H o l t T , H o f th e BcnRals sai«l f n n s l - ' l H could ftiKcl a ri-al t^cal w hcn.llic W f Cousu'rs .. lllr ciitct.'i llie ring | \

agalmt !SC s Nurninii YKimtowu. X I K a Irce-sttlnciiii; Irosli i.ciii.ntloii _■ Iron! Butte, Mont. . W / .■ Tlie Idliliu Stnte record tlOW O i | H stands al 5-0 this season, folluw-^ ing n vlclory over the University 4>n of WlKon.iin U.n Biiturday. ISC a a downed the BatlRtr*. who were . — prevlouily undcfcalcd. - by a C-3 ' ‘’‘J'''

, score In Poealello. ' ,Holl said lllc carlli-r mccUng |

• • betwrfn Washington S ta ir and “ J" ' • ISC was the bc.M dual mei-l he

— - had »ccn In fcvcr.'l H'ni*. Hc Mild Idaho State was forccd to gu the

^ limit lo down Wajliuigton BUiic----- .1 l'«nm«. s-t. , ' » ?__ WSC coaeh Jke Devter lin.i a.i-

. sembled a top-fllgiit team ;iBaln Uils-ycar and are expected to ba t-

. lie 11 oul WlUl San Joic S tale and f,“ ' ^ Sncramcnio Stale for national 5 tionBts: fltvernl r tlu iiiiiiK [ ■ have fonned Uie nucleus for th e p " .“

Cougar.i, who have defeated Col- lege of Id.iho, while losing th e

r a close match-to ISC andNV isfon- ^ sin. ** 5

'•I believe Wajhlngton S U te ’s " (eam Is better Hum WliconaUi

tl{,_ '®'‘* * Mondny^ ’Tliree of our besl boxers lool •’f. *:___ to Waslilngton Slate , klda up P '“ ‘^ Uiere. and will be going a ll ou l lo .

J arenBt these defeata th is S a l- {"“j ( 1 urday.- Holl added. y \ _ Two oUjer Cougar star* arc

newcomers D a r r e l l WhlUnore, hnrd-punchlng wellerw-elghi, ahd Bob Cornwall. » clever 133-pound- cr who defeated ISC'a J e h y Arm -

, strong In the flrsl meet. Cornwall * , ' o f is a former Delroll, Mlcli., G olden ' lUr- Oloi-es cliamplon,.lil i 'llo li said the ArmsironB-Com- ,. V wall bout and Uie boui belween ''r',* JR*} htaiTwelBht* Harold Espy of Id a - : ; t '' n o t ho e u te and Fred Snodgrasa of ----- W6C should be Uie besl o f the

“ “ o”. ________________ , ! 5 ',

Hoop Scores “"jiiicii naiDOt.

nISTKICr ], Cl.AHg A Crilimcnl U, CtonM » (OT) |lo««r I V


^me Ctmlrldii U, C«KVS« U jdniM 10 gyc

* ' - r 5 r K ; i ; r a ' S f i l i ^ ^ «---- St. MtriN 15. UuUta « opo

t* DISTRICT ] CLASS AAA 0®*A t (0. Orariu 41. O


>Pifwn ' Chilli. U (IO..V Mt) 'W

COU-ECB. HASKBTSALL mos: MCO Dr m . AtMiljiW rm t . Klnihlrd CoiumUt ;o, c«r.>j] is

PuasMUt II. T«™pl» « niKfUB II. rraa <9 cour

Uon Y.l. M, Il>r>«rd Tl!Ult3 - DirtmosUi «;-|ltowB «|- .......... ■ ■■m


Illed -VtnjuMU II, OtI’iul I t ' .Coa.Kikut 1). JU»1< U■«P' 8«lll» 17, Idtho flUK II (OT)

KAIA DISTBICT I PLATOff *fcar **- “* - ass- n^lr'fioiTrufa (Menl.) TT..^ 2* U»Un« 41 (conioUUonI1,, ■ _«AT10.HAt.JIAaKETDALUAMN._^ X ikiB., Yort ■■>. rhlUddphU 111 T ijta - I” . “I- *’ .' ClnrlnntU lil. Mlnntitiolli 122

n«i6ii i:e, arr«uM ii«________ i

E iM f lAN I l I G K y - S X R A I G i n ' - B t


s f i n e s t . b o u x l i o

i s L J i o n e l i e t t e i ^

bIm and Kentucky w ater.' _____

r a ftrihing man,.., . ' ‘ <

tinie and behold...OId Herxnitage.

Y iu tjg j im M 8 u ii if c f fw n o w PC T tieitsiji

-------- P A G B -B B V E N T B E N ---------------^


Saturday• A A -r h n m ii in n . lo s a .K l i r t k e n ^ ---------ih in j:lo n St^ito coIIcrc - t e a m -----------Ul b a t t le th e u n b e a te n Id a h o I th re e -v e a r le t tc rm a n f ro m iriG-ii'ilim l ti t le in t h e N C A A

Lemon Retii-es To Become Scout-Coach

TUCSON, Aril.. March 5 Bob Lemon retired aa a pitcher A'edncnday nnd bccame a scout- ^roach (or the Cleveland Indlnru. '

Ann trouble year aen t th*' jli: rlghi-handiT lo Snn Diego of J;o Piiclflc C oui lesKue and then ^mporilMly oul of baseball.

Lemon.. 38. hopcd.:to m ake a ronieb.ick this, spring. Ho came lo thc Cleveland camp on his own. Wodncidny lie *ald the sp irit w u Hilling but the flesh was weak.

At one time Lemon was bellcred— to be the second hlgheat paid pllcher In the American lengue.He then received between (45,000 ■Lnd.immQ . ^ ainn nh i. an_.L. tendance bonus. Bob Feller was believed Uie only pitcher making

Lemon-tL’oa20 or more gatnH in - . . seven seasons.

From now. on, the Ind ians an ­nounced. he7I lulof young /a n a club pliclien. scout m ajor leaguepllf lirn lti uhnm Dio ’Priho moy________be Interested and look over other pitchers wllli promise.

Lemon started In baseball aa an Inflelder-ouUleldor In 1038. Clere- - - land gave him a chance a t both, positions, and he flopped.

In I04C manager Lou Boudreau............u.ied him sparingly In th e outfield and tried him oul a* a p itcher. He won four and lost fire, Xn 1M7 ha won 11 ami lost fire. T hen h e won - •20. 23 and 2] before foiling to 17 wins.In 1051 wben four of h is I i losses were by one run . H e fol­lowed WlUl 22 In 1BS3, 31 In. ISS),23 In 1054 and then got 18 In lOU nnd 20 In »50.

Lemon was the last aurvlvor of the SUff Uiat pitched -the Indian* to nn Americnn lengue pennant nnd a world series champlonahlp In 1918. He won two world aeries gam es.'-’

World RecordSet------By One-Eyed j ^ g

MIAMI. Fla; March S M»-On».Eyed King set a new-vorld n e o n t 'on Uie gnus a* Ouiittream -.piufc----------opened ft* 43-day m eeting Wed* nesday. - ' • • . '

One-Eyed K ing-tped t b s aDa and aaiiteen th o n th e .tiu t I n 1:41. - breaking the old record of l : « l 4<8 **t b rU ow dy.5abM tJT aahlastoa . ^p a tf ln lP W ,_ .,;V ':__ . J . .

w m John Selien ^ a U n ff '.o p m ost of Ul# 112 pounds, O ne-Syed King won by leven lengths In tiu first nm over Uia n e v D o sn torf course. . .

• Wlien- Clem- w n '

baaUth»Ja-F«ar^W-r««nn» n U h a — !!------great Equipoise. C io n .-w ith 110 KKindi. nm Uie nUle'to 1:34. . ~

TV TROUBLE?- ^ .CALL RE 3-2233

F A C T O R Y - i^ A D I O -------- -T V C E N T E R

B b o R B O N - : ----------------

i o n :

___________H -r-— r:

. . . .

Page 18: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn


creases in - I Goo " t Allied Ai-ms “ ~iIinted-Now i—- 7 "

_ WABinNOTON, MiTCh 0 W l-An i ' IscreoM In U. 8. Aad tilled de/CAAe :

• o ie u u re i U Icmee'n by ofriclnl* 1 ’’■ who predict ttnsloni will mount 1

.. . oyec-Uu-neztlew .sioallislM U 'teD ■;th e Sorlel. Union u id Uw « u i« m . ' ,■power*- . ;

. • I n «pit« ol moves on uoui iiue i ‘to w ird •negotUUon, .Wwhlnglon * . . . •— (■uiborltles are eonlldent th a t So* ■ \

■ Ylel Prem ier N ttlli Ithnuhchev ‘i Intends to put oo much more pre&. tsur« to the w utem powers 1 ' . . .c u t bf B e rlla ................................... ...........................^

N ev Thrt«li Prtdlclcd . ., T hey expect a period of eHreme ; .........tension and war threats In the late . f ip r ln s o r early summer and a a ; >; prl»»tely the w alem allies .must be In poaltlon to handle th a t kindp{ (Ituatfon. ■ ; . _______ __

O ne possltle more reported u n - • 1d e r consideration a t hlch-levels ,A0! (ovem nient Is a ealllns up ol \ M

. aome m ilitary reserve unlt£. . . . ,MT ho ranRe of m euures uhlch :............. ' - ' f l

- lAay be U ken here snd In Europe . . . ' H In preparaUon' for a ahowdown . 'is one of the subjects Ukely to bo ducusaed th is month by President «

■ ■ EUenhcwer and TJrtush Prune r -----------• -M lnlstw Harold MocmlUan. A

_____ Tarlety of .other aubjccu bearlnR ; ' ' r:on nesoUnUOM wllh the USSR ;also wlll eome up when MacnUlloo , ^ . 1 .tom ea here in mid-M»rth................- - m t ——^

New ru n * Hinted ' .iD dlcaUont o( advance planning '

to m eet the predicted emergency I ' " c iin e IriJni I'fUIQWil im niliuuet Bob H ope,i

a t hla news conference yesterday, je fj ^ y t; kluei A t one polnl he said th a t'lb ere Hope's eye wa

.......... probOily will bc a need, Jor a U .troubtln r ll„ stepped up air alert "If ihU altu- . a n eye special

a tlon derelopi alons the lines th a t -m ents. (NEA 1i t appears lo be jo ln j.- l l i l s w a s ------------- --------

______ a K f w P ^ f a ^ e j> p y U o n ot the Q s l l

B u t Elsenhower aald ho consld- . e n aaUifactoTy "for tho pre.«nt r f ^ _ m om ent" the ground alert sj-stem J_ O W 3 BOW In effecU Under thla s>-*Um. planea and crews are k c rt In a SHOSHONE. sta U of readiness lo take off In ward open ln i 1

• ■ W m ln u te a .- ' . - - w e re to k e n a ta •nw PresWeni did not. however. councU and e

ru le ou t steps short or general mobllliaUon should lhe slUJstlon day n ls h t a t l srow progressively mcre^aerlous.

; FAMILT NIGHT SET ; m y -s r s

byterlan churth wUl hold family councllmen. nlffht a t 7:90 pjn . Tuesday a t the a s result, Mi ch u rd L Each family ia -asked to d e l l . oMcred ( brln« ft ho t dish, deesert and the ir buildings ren t 1

. own tablo aervlce. A movie, "WlnBs period to hous* Over Alaska." will be shown. T h e buUdlng t

■ ■

______ ______ J V

Pabco Satin &GI0SS

|n c i i |ie l1 " R e p l a r “ 7 ; 8 8 g “d ( r

N o w o n l y g . Q g

— ^ - - G o l . . . . . r J -----------

^ I Utility House Paint

------------ — R e g u l o r - 4 ; 9 5 - g a l . - “

CCOSEOUT—----- 1 L - A l l 1 9 5 9 P o H e

JWALLPAI; Regulor to 1.40 ho>

r; I

) o d b y e G o l f , S a y s

pe, lu fferin i a relapse In the bslUa t« ^ dues toedbye-to his loIf elsbi ob orders » was Id worse shape than it was wbtn the i{ It wa* first formed, and he flew-to Nen ecUUiL Today the eye wss reporled la p r EA telephBto)

i l i o n c ^ u n e i U ^ k

t ^ a i - d Y o u t h C e n l e

INE. Mnrch 6—6leps to* eent lo Uie soil 1Ini a youlh. center here lee. a l one tIjpA ia t a meetlns o t U)s c ity Cower company,

id ■ commltlee members Those meetlncvllh the council Tues> expressed opinioa t the clly hall. center could beroulh delesntfis a ttended celpU from muao Patrolmim . W illard table, snack bar ey are prom otlns the During oUierre.-Plttfis-for-operation membersvoted^<Iter wers explained to en t footbrldRe ■I, river In lhe ccQli■ Mayor Myrtle C. Bur* because of Its p cd .one .o f h t r vacant W. A. Hall wjen t free f o rn slx-m onth InslAllatlon eslOuse Uis center activity. Usln;r the um eng to bo used Is adja» In the new foot


(^ w p l ] 16 rtady- ' colon.

K flraS r • 110mixe(

ivTERiof' Reg.I 4 - HOU R

Ename' ‘ ' ( W h ite only)

J „ Z R e g H l i ^ Z ^ p i q t ,

Now ig .7 (- - Tguor t . . . . H —


fTHINNER.......... .. .6 9 c

^ - i N e w S p i

WERHOW only ^

. 39 c H /I 163 Mo

. ■^MES-N

s Hope - GvilDefe Groi^F<

-----InEdeii• ' EDEN. M arch &-TI

dvll defense council or . meetlttK waa held Tu

a t Vaiiey high schoo: ' Velma Hacker, Boise.

. dvUlan defenae chair , lng wllh th e eroup '

th u area.Mrj. Jim Bryan, Ed(

John H ohnhonl. Haj elected co*<hairmen;

W Gordon, prosram cha: Phiillp Anderson,- mal man. end Mra. Charlie secrtta ry -lreasu r^^ ..'

Plans are to meel < Wednesday' rooming month. Appointive installed a r th e 1 ali women of the rail ursed to attend.

Material On dlslrlbuted by repres the council to each raUey area.

put on the west end a few months ago. Th will be exactly llke.lh except for the floor, mesh, tha floor wlU-be plate, non-ekid m ated the bridge will be t83<

Officials were nam city's biennial ’ elecUo Por the w est. ward t u h , Mary Custer and Turnbull. Judces. w ith : Baker. arwl KQthrlg. al{enialc.,. r

save lhe stght o f W w ire they aro Mrs. H lers from h ls datlor. *nd Mrs. C. W. Dill, the blood cist wblch Mrs. Marx Nielsen, cle New York lo catuall w . L. AUSUn. altcm) nprored a fle r Ueal- l . M. Hatm aker wa

assistant city oVersee Leon Vansant. Hal

1 0 « worked fer the eltyk e 8 ^ t e p - g ^ » u ^ , a . -

•. I l l P<il>ce Chlcf Bill Ater 1 Ians. Uckeia. -five Io r oven oll conscrvnllon serv* each for speedlnr. Impi

occupied by Idaho and reckless .driving, 1n y ................................ Im propet-paitlnj---------tine with the eouncll W. L. AusUn. d ty 1 Inlon th a t the j-outh reported collecUns <7 be financed by r t - Uw monUi. TTiey wen

music machines, pool overparking, Improper bar and donaUon.i. wlUiln the c ity llmlta. ier buslneu. fOuncU Those fined were I ■d^o replace the pres. W. H. Mealer, Jamea ]o over UUlo Wood Tayler. Prank BaUes,' enter of th e clly park and Willard NeUon. s poor condition. ' —. will do the-vrork of Presh glncer root os soon a.1 possible, keep for several wee me plan as he used temperature If you ] (ooUsrldee which was smaU paper boR and t


IkUPAIII'1 '(ed colors. V M ,

. 5 . 9 8 ^

Y Pure Boilei M Linseed Oil

(A rc h e r B rond)

jP Reg. 3;69 gol.

!■»...... ^ . . ( in 5.-9QllQn. Icits)

^ \ PABCO NE House PainI : ____ Re9._7.25_Ga),

G dl.) _______________ * "

i p r i i i g _ W a l l p a p e r 2 9 c to 1

itATIARD WARlain Eost , ' Twin F

^ N E W S , T W I N F A L L S , IDA®

fense- JDemonstra Forms j | H j E ^ ;ii Area—The Women's U nxanizatloniil

Tuesdxy nlsht :hool wllh Mrs.

sUtehalrman. meet* up to asstil tn

Edeo. and Mrs.HazelloD, were • / A f l i f len; Mn. Goss chalm an: Mrs. 1m aterla i-tiu lr-

arlle Hohnhorst, J j

eei^on Uie first ilnff or e a c h • officers will be

meetlns and railey area are

defense wur be presenuUves of

home the

:nd of Oie park f - T ' , —Tho ne* bridge I ■ •

e .lhe olher one, -|j«i -» r . 'Inslead OfII be o l ■ ~xUrtal. Cost of L ^ - r T ' ~ IMOJO. .. •

named for Uie .:cUon April 28. C S S i-ls—i- : -----i,.ra 'i.■d Uiey wlll be MonUeal p«tlc« mote in and M n. Harry peraUon television prodnct -lUiM n. WlUard demonstraUon in front ot d Mrs. Delbert Twelve arresU were made - POr ■ th e _ m t „ n , r « t « ^ e U r r nf the C

». Mary I’eUiick Labor, who waa charged wli mi. Judges. WlUt iiae. 8trtke has eooUaued 1 . clerk, and Mrs. — ■ . ------------lemate. d a n n y k a y e t o co n d

LONDON, Mareh 5 (U Hatmaker has Danny Kaye wlll conduc

city for several Hallo 8>Tnphony brijieslra L ilsta n t to Bert ef lt concert.n here and In r. Chester In the near fiitFrc;II Anderson re- lar conductor Sir John Ba sued IJ trtfllc announced yesterday.tvcrparklng. one r ~ ! --------- :--------------- . • ,Improper U turn .]g, and lour for

Ity police judge, _In fines

werep a r k i n s

re mimea Oray, mLies,' lUiben Nab g

- — f # / / / /Mt WlU UJUaUy m M § w m m iweeks a t room I f J» pu t ll In a 1nd twist tho top, M

3 t = lFLORAL P R I N T '^

E X SOLID COAT ^.-V ; Tbo doiler llntn* ^

,andlbed«iil>«ll>b o a i t ib e isn o

H ■ w a leb ln i priDt.■ : ■ Jjinlor.Birxr.


iA - S - r lil'J lr.---------------

99 r ;,) ;, ” ~

Ini ia);----------.98

M.40 ^

E. . . c ^

----- s ,

r t —Foils FOR EASY S

lA H O ~

tration Broken up

re in as sUiktne CanadUn BroadcasUni - odneen and their sym pathisers stage a t nt ot the CIIC olflcei In m ld tow n Mont made includlnc. Po»c« »ald. J e a n Marsh the CanndUn and Calholle ConfederaUoi ed wllh aliem ptlns to Join w ltb force a pl >ued since Dee. 29. (AP w lrephoto).

:ONDUCT - h ! - . - A i E R D 5 (UPI) - H S to k e r S l a c k onduct the H Special Price to M areh H itra In ben- H P " too— D EUVEttif d ™ n M S i a . WHY PAY MORET^ iiturc. rcRu* H iH tc n n o u n to in r tie i~ v n Barlilrolll

l ir r r i i n j l r v l i r n you ppt f o im irl i ft j Ihi* fo r lil i lr i i im ic y .-V o ir ll ]ovc .I'll id Mn \s lir lt irr \ oil \v r:ir t l i r n i ti« an ci r.»ci.arjtcly,-ad-a-.Iii;.lciM)P-p>t-n-tlrejj*-

Y SHOPPING. , :Just Sc

i J •

. ' 1

up Scions to Talk—JU:— ' DnHLBY,-Marclx 5— Mrs. Prti! ^ ’.'-1"’ . - Anderaoc, socrelAry of tho Burlej

Chaijlber of Cocamerce, reporli r / f , .. Sen. K. C. Barlow, and Rep..Vart yi'* '- '- ' chaU jum . oLCaaala county .am

Rep. Leo Handy, and Sen^Hodnej r ; . ; . ’J Hansen from Minidoka counlj ■ B a R havo been Invited to attend Uii ••:> •• • 1 chambcr meeUng Monday noon t<

I report on work of the leslslature

Anyone wlahlns to attend shoult contact Mrs. Anderson a l Ihi chamber office.

“ Cannwf'pui^Ie p lum T ire usuill; economical to serve for dessert to vary Uiem give Uiem a topping Just before serving, of sliced ba nana.

S E r , c a s hlarshand. ^ W ■ •

fTEraIr-------- SUNDAY,

'"“"I i ■ ■ A i S i O T Pe i - C e ^ - - l - ^ 3 T S r ? 1in PalU H

f/din Ave. nl^

W e st ' ' ’

POlKA D O T ^ i s - 5

— DETAHIRIH - . . - V - -I Solid toror du 'trr

'l l Ta.Oiion nnd .

Soy ^ c h a r g e ' IT" \

- ‘ I < .


• Buy m e potatoes tlisi are btj- *■ for your parucular Ui«; some »•( Prtd lin e - Io l bolllnc^.\ome_:or-Labne'*" ujjjy and oilier* fer f'rencli-fr/ir;;; ports ■ M -+ * * + * * + + + + « + + V ^V v ,^V“ >1J B E E N O U T TO S E E *

WHAT'S 1' ■?i|! HAPPENING IS 'J l ■ ' ' I

ROUNTREE'S I s s n o o D T i R E i r r

J I l'l l S u re P a y Y ou |

§ H A R V E ^ % and RAY'S h 39th ^ Birthdays

» 0 0 *HI FREE!OV*t>fttt-5th------------—

f f l (2) $500 Prizes I I (10) $100 Prizes

i^ee Orchids for Ladles. Come to

name In lolsa times.

K K ^ t p y ^ S r f J L 'o & f e x V '^ '’

A/79\T \y S t i X — -

■j g p -

■I :JfA j ^ -



Page 19: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

f U A

v K M k ^ / - ' _ . ^ ' v h h H ^ U 2 ‘£ J ^ M ^

I P A f l

^ ^ f l B ^ R i j | y | H M ^ ^ H D M H

T risp f r e s h a g p r o d u c e ^

W t t A PRuby-Red— -

C alifornia ' .



toeasube c h e s t b r e a d e dsrirrwfWGID- DOUGH— APBLE - C HERRV- BERW:

F R u rrm iSWANSON'S

tHICKEHlHI-r— HurdredsVf W onderful Gifts

:] Trading Stamps

^ ^ ^ y ° u r A G F o o d ^ M a r k g t s ■

' % -

ige in M eat Prii


trn^ A L

^ ^

^ ■41? E F R


r P T iz;


y f i l H I! ■ !


rices'ot AG Food

R SBertie's plurnp flavor-fed

_[ryers.-Cu^upj::p^rw-eaciyr_ For delicious fried chicken - th e fam ily 's fav o rite din­ner., . _

1 .09each

MBSLean m eaty sp are rib s - broil them , b a k e them,

braise them as a n odded taste trea t for th e fam ily


wU ITm t

f s ^ m

V o 5 » i o 3 9 *

j r 1 . 0 0' 9' _ . ’

^ n u

1 ---------



Ir : ■

■ d '

y - " ■ ■ ■in1 -

* ' V

. MT hick juicy, " c u t to the p e o k o f f!o'

^_________ing . . . o r s im m erbles for savory

I ■ U.S. Good or Chc

----------- . ’ t a s t e W eLL-----------------

: APPLIly ‘ ,





c " •! ! — ;- , BLACK.



— r D U Z G io r rS im .......



------------ ^ O E E E E i -frolrjol^TTT

‘■'JiFFY^^ : --------





:u t w ith a fork tenderness, flavor. Try broiled ond ser\ger with veqeto-___________ry swiss steak,Ih o ice Beef, J


E A P P l



H r r ^


basi................ '63c

: CLEANER ' ' ■

R eg ...:........... ............... 41c.....

1.....;.::..:..'Z'"... l3iclEME

skq....;............... 39c

__ ...... 2 both 33c

'• - - I:____ . --■■■ -

!ss," A ged J flerve sizz i- f I I y

i i b r l l

E ^ : No. 303 • • • m C a n s

L E . . .5 ^ ~


" " 3 «b.

• • • • c a n



: TANG Quart J a r -----------


' T R E N D Glont Sixo


' xTREND Giant S ixe— ™

:_______ r.l.FANSER______I ---------- ---

B O R A X ...........■ CLEANSER— Forthe H onds.


CRISCO sc .,.. . .• BLEACH «

: PUREX / . . . L - --

- 1


" 1 0 0

1 . 0 0

—89 1 . 0 0


:____3 37c

„ , . : , . . , , . . . - . . . . _ . _ 5 ? c _

~ z .:zz ir5 3 c'■ I ,

, , . 5 3 c

........2 lb,. 45c ■.d s.

.................. Soz.con 2Ic

.......3 Ibl. 89c



' 'J • •»

i i;

- J '

. . . j

i y.

' ■ I


i• 1,

■ 1


Page 20: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

| g i g 5 ! S 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 B 5 5 ™

. ■; J H tJ E S D A y , M ASCH S, 1969 '

'* 'A C B088 M .T urnI(»

............... sa! loW llient l ^ l a«.Q ullIof« • ja .S p if tU n n J , r i /S A

v s a r H E— ....... Cin M o U f ■_______! S E “ " ^_______ixrhr*_____ _____ . ___ 6. gcetntfle:T :._ -a L n w e rp la l- -5 H \7 ^ ‘” ......23.Body 8fcCr»il*<l 7.C»thertor

M.Tow»rd !' DOWN oneieUth e tU ra 1 Boy ' S.M edled

o o ir to u t p s ^ .M. B e lli «overinfu - i u i l t n CE nillih lO.MInuu: '

re to rt Khool »bbr. .

; ■ ( i |1 | ^ ' |/ \ i |a (9 \'0 |// l^i"

• - ^ H ------------1 ’ '? " -------------------------i r - [ r ----- --------------^----- 1~

JT— r -------------- T" “ “ T" 7” “. . __ ' I _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 ^ — — — — —

' H 1 1


' . A R S u ff lN e A D ^ R f lM V e ^ ^ ^THAT You MeV£R e o n m .E T o ) \ “^ \T i cbapi

■ a f f i s 5 ' f f l » A r £ A «TlTl£TOPA55UMTILT)£UV£fi^;Af«r rr wa5 nes-e r d e u v e se o / ) / f t f

■ roz ffKEACH OFCDMTRACtX / h a p . ^ V T 1 J if4ST AD c r P ic k in '^ j

■— i j f E ’S U K E THAT *1

~ = r ^ ~ u s MO

■ ? 5 '

/ / / A liTA

______ __ ■— I

“ M u s t b e n g i r l . . . a lw a y s n s k s f o r i _______ ________ ______________ 0_______ ^

-------------- amTGUMPS-— — —

iwjHV, evsR Sluce•WAT' L im e <ur tmm y i'We rvOMtt OMTAtfi..___L. . ■ :<•?CKBCKio -mis r»5Mft, , .; , j i

A WUOW ^ ^


i ' ' . • “1 V T H E y V J l ll OOnT C A B p ^ ^ E N PONYN

H*,VE A ‘ - 2 2 . 0 1 \ f\l............. •■ f a ^ -Q E N y r z ){ vaiN c o n e • ^ v ' y ' v r■ -"-------1>®3 ARFi^V>N*rKEIK -? • ----

. — 1 vAiN«_-> yf-^Boaea-'V XiiiT

M t - r : - ' - : - . . . . 1

| o|i.|o|B|»l.|. [. J, OUTOU]

ySl'^MSl—l^ iy y i muhim!»rU ltL U IilL - ~I c To It M s Ip m Nl

_____ u j J ® ^ll.Ia< llu • '

>n ... irOhKTVi-. .. .!____u.Th*two:__ .::'*r.

------M .M ik s f i i f - - -

ai.BttUh31 Clly R y g S ^

cowboys F S y e S t -Jl/Klnsdom .

■ n pT - , offloweri > /r W.Dopn* . / <

4— M.CllekbeeUeJ Jl.Coverntntnl •

T ” :« " r le T * ■ 'V t e 37.Sur|lMl ' '

WiUUment •' • '-W jr -at. Meteonj- • ' — ■---

InJlMlllBi r t T T \ n ,^ T■4— ttMounWln S ID E G LI ridie

f ” 44. Molten rock■ 4S:Did' ........... - > ■ ■ ~i

T— 47.Crlhb»g» ,I m uker I U jI 4t. Everyone |^; T.y\ j^ . r «m»Jemg I f tl

i r r S :.H *rd - 'J ___ iheUrtffuH ' a L T / ^ ^T r J lL in d - . ....... ................ ' 7 / V ^t meuure ’y \ H a

1 54 .rived lh* JC M '-T 'I * SrsI cwd

OR HOOPLE3U5T\WS?eV.’ffULDr 'k y VUSrt.OR'^OFTSOL’ j- 'ISTSeSTTCR— <J--------------rM& REMIND YO).) *1 i KUACOUIREDTKE - r r t S t e j ’AR<i^^^E.WKlCHv .,VJFUL R A lEww.r—'■ f ;^ l y , \


aHs;»IWAy?-|H ---------------- ;* ■


^E R N S .

, “My wife !or nonfat milk.” —you shoul

^ ^ ^ 'u m c '^ S r U ' wiw"i«iw ' 2 AROO»JO. WHATT Vt5 ••■OrtRWTK—. '■ ^ HU EHtRCV HWCWNE. IS SWC.

4F> ’-^^I'MNcrreoiNs')! I'oh.well.i j ^ ' j

^ ^ g ^ c g y s . y

■ TIM E S-N E 1

UE w a y : , By wnlM,*OTHS«-OUICK/ VdOd^i mS/MaT YfT-* K«»F rliatncPMomu^ Tn<t0u«KHUt«, Inhms.a


SteSli-r j ^ ,

. tc - i^A-jv ?nB n {

Z u s r U :! 7 » y j I b S

ijA ■\ \


iLANCES ByGALBE- - - ' ■ ^ -■ -^^^____ - ■

I — „ : j i j | l

9 1 f l j

I |lfa ___________________ ««»«♦»»—

you tuck in n couplc of dieters with tin iest tablo would hold all we're all


k ^ A .

ifc would be prcnt In dc.ilinK wilh thc ould hcnf some of her fiohuions to pro

• CA8IM AT THE CRMl C^... y i \ Cf Twr. CLD u m z t M \

f c -L 'og ' iviTtH u^oa no ics ■ ,■■ ■■ / T5ie _|5-^TO A mw


LAveo)| f T T A ^ U s S ' w n O n ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ --------• LA\\0\<AN/'t—j* | | ^ ^ jl'

^ ' 9 ; ^

I E W S , T W I N _ F A L L S , ' I D A H O

L h a m s _ i_ b _ ^ S ^ ^^ *w/Meoo IvroBM

2: _______ A t e H s s s rKKK'iiS' N

;»ACK y

' H

0 ^ 1 ^ sT 1 ^ ^ ! '

n i k - ^ h h i^ I . g g i a ^t l — ; ■ ^ a x M n u t l

■ n^TBU Stl ^ E ^ T t I? >B&«/i» men| | - ^ ■ A n n i M H u d l

»-r ' A m TOATCka ■I ™ , ■ wih6{W.. ■

— y : : . H H B

B R A I T H [ ^ p = p

I \V' C»0>’VIE60•'1 ,;*;■'Sv-'i R

i r f f " g i ^ b g

A - -

V ' .T...' /Ansi'er.^eda■ - U T h a t m u se ,—■ ' F . b a t h e / / ? ?■ J v ^ h a tiffeu iy

R ■ N ■ ' ' /fSl V I --------------- E — — « T - / k

■ ■ A ' ^ 3

L . ^ U p C E I

without wnit- B yyy sallowed for U' . Tkmtvaevep

P ■ TIRED O' BEIN ------ ^ ^ ” ^SVLVESTE

? D K N E i r " S - - '^ ' : S j |---------- -B--------- u

L N -

■ . Y&)S ! ' .

I y I - ■

W ' ° ' i @A I G _ l |


a : l 4 . g

thc R ussians ' - I problems 1” t l_______________ Y ,

) r ; ' 1 SNITCH HEMDI............. ✓ .................................... ......................................................................XU.............................. iSfTTVERYBR



a :.B ■

N_ g _

B J I t ■


—I f - 'n i A HAJ•■); ^ TTTtajNO PTH

5 i i 1 -V . L ■“ ■ M1-£^V-HS— ------- “ ------- 4- 6SW AW-! l^ \ j ' ^

P ' i tL _ J . L J I i S

TO- —■—f yM ptUT^-pimiP 1 JyOUPOfrTXh

LOVES TO BB w £ V W fC ^o ^ T \ WfTHNDU-rrs A—<EKlM. 6HAMIH6D06S IHA. ^ NOT« ■ MO«BOPVDU,' -------- m e A aom.

E™ ^^HWWPV^*WW<> T W Ttf SCHOOL-ATTH’ Fr-SoourO-.PAWflBRt HWTPEAgT-'COgMCC.r TIU.IKMOW V ftR .V W W K E L P W -^fl1 PH50UK5 fcKEL 6AFB'. kownhekb

T K E V T ^ ^ H M V

iHi k lA ta^ llj . s t M » ^ » g y tM .^ U - a ^ ^ D 7 ? T nV. ^ m ^ K H n

_ , , — ^ {["UU ER*^*^71,1.1-----:T3J-------1 . fs{v,6, U)VU_CUENE 60lt4<2> ■TC> «0fS6, TPB‘v £ \ I— E-rtWEUHE MCS&'. - , r - — >^SR,..'«>0 J ■ Uy---- . \ . .

rR u fusi-V ou) c d c o r . W a l t . ) to ld v o u w ti

• - J w ere a c h a u ffe u rs

/ / ^ ■ I ------

a B H t H i i f c

------- [TVii'1-^iM* ‘I----- -— ■—••—~ A’SSEAJCAN

EVER o r r W 0 ., xr c v « ^

/E C T E R ^ — VSl y!^[^

1 /mMSPirmN^ IM / l} \P I ITOQlTE.. ' 'W / / / '~ l«nw N oa?>iR£f o

f M

M j B I i ||^^ ~ - I0 0 I 7??flH E WAS ~ c§^® m N io?m r^


H -SI CM H \-^„ A y

5 R ALMOST S E E FRAWI< J NEVE V V BLll.LET'6 B^CE NOW ^ WE ^ ^ ^ W O N C e a 'N J G VWAT- -! ^ : T h a p p e k j e p t o h is

INV E N T IO N .'^


<EMDERSON I I | TO SUPPORT HiMSr f b r ig h t : ---------■b e t w e e m 'S O w d ;J 'TSPELL.SO SNITCH WORKS AJ; G O S S IP BUSBOV IN A BK51ST POR THE NEARBV— .,___7H B U C L E - '•-------------

^ d M - -

f S HL k jW T —N

• •^^W T pU N iN 0 ,O 5C 4R ,( I l ^ . l UJk r s H A D iw X p o a ioupsow e ^^vv! \ buti OP THE LAB NsCKiOeUMS Of KMH? / CVC ftY-HAVETai H6_V.>V>ftO S . ^ l < - UC I A W -caani-— J5ii.TWNH2. _ k JsltiS KE^os?//«jX^--^r^ . 5 ^

i t ; :

b J I i

----- ... "TH

nKHOMitoioBof.miT HiiHSsi® i f i : : ( r ^ r6frWOW«7W«--^5tjljSiE3 ;

- _ _ _ : ^C O ^JT lN \3E C W JU t^J W 5 eH ‘s\U .S

t - A \

' ■ j T T p' _iy ~~ B m T A j)

P I ~ T ii

h o Y i k n ea it-8 i! - th e - t im e X B u tn 'h a w /oil 1 1 chauffcured Cot. Utolf houi did 5ur7 / a!l o i/ar Texas a n ' A frica e v e r g e t


7 \0F W U t-.. l i ^ f ^ ^ S T E R Q . ) ^ 3 - i \ \ \ PyjSVPk T ^ I M ^

m i M ^

;,;A N O S iM C£HE PW SA B Ly- - ^ - f i HNEVER A P P ueO F B R P A T a^T 3 , { • ■

WEU-HAVEAiSOODCHAMCE I { ■r-~ I i -T TOOWN ITI-^- I B^ l/^y=^AT'S^ IB^ - „ - i^ < 5 0 6 0 OIX) ■ I P

B ^ l u u P O W j i I =

4IMSEIP M \ f WAL"-N\AH O LE HOME- W D A L Sr \ --TDWN BUOOtTH'HAPPli: S AS A ' V ^\ARRIED LI'L A BN E R.- , Bk3 OTV r A.N’ HIS GM . FKSHO’.! Jmr^t CUCSS SQ. I ------< T H e L im £ > — ^BurnsvvAY / yes_ \ r£ i .u i s / aw. 'tOU >CVrRKW MINE rRCTTY I GUYS MAKE

V ucao / ^ T i a /UCRinC, \ MESOOy

; a C ^ ) I '

T H O T S D A Y .J I A R C l l S, 1055

^7wM .,'T>U RBeTwnja h ' \ ); BkCKS-l/TMWlCOOlD• - w » w - i x u B R r w m r ------- r

H065E5 AW LOAD UP.' J - . • ' s

^tesS T O R « A i 5 r i H | ^ H p 5 j - . ^ T O F ! r ^ H | | | |V ^

i IllOHW'^MOOK r !',>

U N fa ^ -------------- .u s o V

— - 7 -

k — -

a '< '2- ly

lore and YProm the "np-Tcp Agency!! - did vou 1 had a I'sry g od g e t thi5/ recommcndation-fron

you i^ /r \ - V T T T ~ 7 :: '"

331 y - ^ ^ /T W A N K S T O m ^ I ^ 1 I'VE aCSAINEDMyJ:^12 I SO P RESPECT,

NguV'NOR! J \ ,

J ' '

^ ' I

~[L ^



i V 4U>M->/WHArHAPfEMEo1 TOyou?>iw>twfief*

S » 4 y -

■ nL Y ^R IEN ^|lp i]-|

^ — C y e r ' w k y v t w « n ^ “ u \ MAI A B A arsv x K Y X u iE ^AKE AlSAlN. ) NEEDMEHERtWW';^W .E H ?y S ^N C E VTU3 HlMjj}!/ ., .

Page 21: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn


T r r v . . ~i

- J ^ a d l g E j S ^ - ghoppers to m U y i l l l

-Find Variety>»rl7 * ^ o { choice mputtlnK

■ M(oois’U t A P<“'*<>5'

i i a ? ? . ^ mrr^i broUcr-frym

' * » > i ' ^ ^ t nov. oKen ahop* banu. bocon. chopi

; ^ ^ i r h i t e in beef. roa5U- ^ i^Tki tre (utured.

' Plcntimi tmonn^ * C S a loodi. ond ptlccj-ntc

cheese ire alM on the

* ^ ^ > n U SelecUon Good

,^ n n -« lt!> onnses. grape- .noles headlnfi list.

n ^ ‘l « « l ? u «IIl feature nvo- vljiler pcan Icmoiu.

2 wu ttr«*berrlci are »ho»'lne upy ^ r ^ ^ e u . early «a .o„

P ^ .! J ; , .H m ; Dlentiruli Include 6 io M. (AP wlreph, • «U loej. sweel potAlM.v-------------------------------

^^g,:-“t " u ^ s .a t iz■ Of Rigb

_. L . i lundpolnl. Now ror a W ASiriNOTON, Mi Sgtr look at the food values „ n ,e coiintrle.i, If yi I, tbb partculnr sres: Hie wny tlilng.n nre ro

• . Art* Dtiyi Told yourself a beara or S'ygyumen will find ^ood *up- j t an embnasy.

r'>, ef beef, po.rfc^g8» and poul. in thl» n a tion It’a

2L°and-a "better eeleetlon of you pn.1.1 ft reMlutl■ f -a fruits and venetables. Red s tn tfttlc .i nren't a

-^11 »re_mo3tly unchntiRCd In we m itft hold the re; B it from a.weck »K0. • ' ' ' l ii jre c o rd ; O cl a'Tew

• fttsh fmll and ve»table plentl- cr. nnd Instnntly we’r ftl, Include apples. Rrapefrult, fu rtlier resolved" mo aiTfi oranges., broccoli, cnrrou. -n»ta h a s become so ]ey«ee.nis.«t potaloes andbunch- we no lonRcr think rr

In cpQd tuDnh’ nre au t-yc itgrdiiy^^ laue . uMTifUJ, enbbiiRe, caullllower, Kre.*„'Uonal Iiccord" 11 iplMcli. s*eel potatoes, tomatoei, point. .»rocidos- and lemons.' Five pftKC.i, mostly I

. ...:..C»olilflujiu^rnnn..Mc«li:o nre urc needed to presen- trrtilni. - tlons tiin l tell cons

m tr chicken* are In ample Mip- should ro nbout Its vi ptr tnd prices are sllRhtly tower AUhouKh-thl.i Isn't thin a veek ago. Larse slu crcs moat of tills lIstlnR tr t dom one cent n doi’.en. come from AUte lesis

Butler is unehansed In price, evidently hnve a few Bal fLih buy* are; over from their, own

tnhs, rockJlsh, salmon, liallbul school.lad m l m . ---------------------

. . . —---------------------------------------------KENNEDY Lli l i . T nEN TO N . N. J., 1

A l h i n i l f T r O l l l l P«ul M. su tle r , nm / u m u i l \ J J . chnlrm nn, saidT k l /" I . S. Sen. Jo h n P. Kenntr l a i l M l O n r P r t ^ Icndm g for the IDG I l r t l l 5 ^ V j U H l . L l I presidentia l nomtnntl

The a capella chorua ol MarIcVtller ChrbUan collese. Albion. up-___________111! present a concert a t 3 p. m.Sundiy a t the new Church of sponsors th e Albion t

— ^t-Pller-eTfntie —Jti»-ohoru*-i*U l-ie tu t tnd Sunrise boulevard norUj. an extended aprtnit

Tlie public Is Invited to bear the N orthw estern states, thonu which Li composed of <8 opetied U s t Septt iiudcnla from 12 suies. Directed Junior llbernl nrts col i f Don Siiuier.i, thc choriU group offers th e la s t two y

, i u become one of tlie oulAland- ---------------:—I iaj'-'mu-iTe Rrou'ps“ 6 f 'lh e NflrtK= 'Tlnnl-coolced ere*

*ut, and has toured leveril iUt£s. s tre tch a n d sire- ro-----un gdlng to-thff-ReT.-MrErWal» licntpn— itah id s- and

dnun, locnl pastor of the Churcli made w llh crahmeat, et Christ, whose •denomlnaUon or aardlnes.

' '-''"ra l f -


C a s s e ro le '— □ f a s c i n a t i n g n e w .

d i n n e r i d e a ! j I .

------------ ■™NA-CHIPCASSEI!6 i ! r ^ ----------

2«ip«)»w tycni*hed •' Vi u a sp o ^n WorctiU . . . . Club PoUto Chipt. 1 u b ta p o o n finely m

- ,’?«'P|-'Kiiia/frfMomln|MUk 2 cup i {2 7-ounct e«i

Z S S '

Clovn’a u b P o ta to Chip* ir juicp ^ euaerole. DIend to g e th er MomiiPlniirn rt . ““ *eaMninp. Add onion, lun*, t

. niijture. Pou r in to caiserolt* “ *' *>'« “ " d pimlenio

L (3S0- K.) 35 10 40 m inute*. & rve a t c

lescue Attempts Fv

•» seek lo rtTlre children drowned in »ctit n ran otf a dirt road and turned orer In i tpholo) .

tizens Make Good ;ht to Pass ResoluI, March 5 lfl—In nre happy lo themIf you don't like gre.w ^•e Rolnit. you grow Tnke Wyonilnc. lUior so throw rocks seem to have been wor

' tile federal Income t(Il’s ijBiially slm- Im.Mi'l—ond hnve come

olullon.' Tliey propOAe nn nmrt available, bul the eonsilluilan thnt w< e resolutlon-po-is- other ihUiRS, repenl the Tcw'orui lOiieth-' nmendnTenrnnd”"tiicr we're In a' “Be 11 Rres.i Shall not levy la:

' mood. sonal incomes, estates,le so routine tha t No xuRftrntlon ax to ik much about ll. money would comc fror

1" lllujtralcs the for plenty of re.whitloii happen.i.

Itly In small type. Alabama wnnLi an ■esent .the.resolu- to .prQtca_stalc5'_rl£ consrcss how It would like to prolect th Is work. dustry. Colorndo thliikiIsn't ftlways'true, .^tlll t moblurejlmJrfs li llnK of petitions pinlns rcRlon. leslslaturti; 'riiey - Bul the nice thins few .loluilons left pctlilon Kame Is thnt b )wn work, ond so piay.

So lhe clly of Mnyfli„ --------0,..KCl8.ln.lti.l(i per ci LfcAUh I t sayn coHRrcM shouldJ., March 4 WV- 10 p „ „ „ i on plioi nntlonal Demo- jiounin-Terrel

said yesterday U. cham ber of Commer ennedy. D., Ma*s.. t ,,n i bnyous In thn ! 19G0 Democrntic jjooj Ri,ouId be declarei Inntlon. But But-xs the nomination u u i no mntter hoa_______________ cftuse. o r hov relative!

can t thc coniplalner. lon school. rlRht under Die firstU-tcftVft.snnn foe tn m aktU hej)K li,T__tnR tour of the " shall mat lies, Tlie coUcBc. the constitution snyii. ieptcmber as a " the rlRht of Uie peopl s colleRC. but also to ftssembly, nnd to 1 no yean o l h ish BOvemment for n rcdrt------------- ances."•re» w l i r both 60 we have been pe :- good flavor to sembllng nnd pelltiia n d - MnflWlCheJ Itlice:-------, salmon, tuna We Just never seem t<

-------- f - H . a d e l i g h l lu lly -d irf e ra i ia -• texture all its owrt! Anew

-------- # —k itth e n a -o f -M o m in ’g-M ilft-

I of its delidousl-^*^Mpcr*hornoEenizcd lo bl


# y / h t e secret of its criiipy tc ^ f fresh golden Clover Club 1

■ Why don't >ou — toniRht^ ______ TUNA-CHIPCASSERQ]

- B r o u i

ctiU rthitt Siucfl .•lymineed onion - ---------- ,t e*nj) W lW rtined ........ ........ ....

_____ : ^•dcclery ' - V

p* in tbe bottom of \ •omini'Milk, lemonn*, t t f . celery and . ........ »r.werole. Top wuh re-ento strip*. B*ke in■atone*. •


fu tile fo r N iiie

• y 9 i f ? S S s ^

•rliool but Iraiedy near Tiflon. G>. A liuilo: In a farm pond, killlni nine ran tln s Jn are .

:1 Use Council Scouts Iitiniis Registered ft

Jubilee in l' Snnko River council Scou

lui leiilslalors ccutlvc Hnrold Gnbble i worrylnK about more Hum 30 Scouts hnve lax—n's wtio lercd for thc .n atlo n n l JubI

omc up ullll a be held In IDOO n t Co t'.i'Bbolttli It. '■ 0prinRft;* ?<*lo,"*"* nmendmcnt lo RcKlslratrDn.i m ust be n I would. amonK piinlcd by n SIO fee which the Income lax fundable hi the eveni_lh^ iicreaflcr con- InlerTIifds hc”is unable to 1

taxes b'n per- Orlbble anld, tei. or Klfts.'’ To qunllfy for Ihe JamlK

to wlicio UiC scojn m ust hnvp hmi nl lea from then. But of cnmpltiK experlmci plenty nf tlm t B eout-eum m'niL i tlon* If It ever n„y scout the opportunity t

llcipnlc In the cimipin in amendment pram this summ er to qunl _ rlc litj._10nho .. Coti of Uie jamboree will t the cobnlt In- nclKhborhood of $151 i’H i ' t h o u s h thLi .w ill nol 1 I'S ‘n Uie Orcat ,.;pe„(ji,„; money nor the c

, . , uniforms. Orlbble Atnted.Ins nbout llie J _________________It anybody cnn n jiv o Y S LKAVK MOHCi .vfirld H rlchu MOSCOW, Mnrcli S pr cenu worth Thwc-s a m inor exodiu of J ld cBli olf Ihe em dtplom nti from-Mo«ow

wake of the Mncmlllnn vlsl r r ^ n n , r« P""n>'>' mnkinR’ p<

nred non-navU <CVXX5CXXXXXXVCCV«X»

S S , ! l l ' | WARBERG'S s — m o v i n g

SiOkAGl:tople pencenbly 5 _____to petition the S D C , , J S ^ tdress of Rrlev- < I V C ‘

I peaceably as- 3*7371■lltionlnj ever J— -------- ~ - r J - ^ tU S D - V A N - U N Im lo run out of g--------- - - >3CXX»OOOCXfaOC»OOCX30

cw casserole discovery from the testini ilK-flnd-Clovci:XUul) PotntQ.Chipa.___

lUs flavor is creamy, rich Morning Mill ) blend better with the other wholcsom


’ texture? Of coursc. . . crncklin’ crisp lb Pototo Chips!

h t - discover whnt a delightful dinne tOLE cnn b c ? _________

u g h t ^yo u ^ ^ hy .

!, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO

__Doctor Talks

i'n Causes of Retardation-

le of th e cau.'.e.V.of mental latlon~lJcforc. n t nnd aftn i^cre discussed by Dr. Den L nt n meetlnR th is week <11

■win Pnlla couilty comicll foi dca'chll4 b n . •

c.-^nrch Ll MtnB"donc'lnHm He pointed out thnt wltl

ilmcnt of m nny of the othei ies. more money 1* becomlnt ible* lo work on th e reinrdn' iroblem.em pliasiriil“ the" heed for t

1 thernplst In I v i n Knlls ! help 1.1 needed by ni.iiiy 0 chlldrcn nttendliiR publli 1. > . ': nev. Pnul K inney conduct e niecllns In the nbsence 0 resident, Mrs, J. B. Jlill. •eport on ft recent' food sali ;lven by M rs, Slielby WlilUams

treasurer. A rummnKo «nl« wn. uiload of planned for M ny. • _ a te .from Wllllnms announced th

slate convchtlon - to be held ii Poealello In September,

f c A nomlnnUnr: committee ot MnCliff Whittle, M rs. Orville Huiit

f r t t* “P‘1 J - C. Mnrtln was npl U l polntid. 'Hie flection will be^heli

1 1 9 6 0 aKcmiL p»- been Invlled to/spenk 1/ ^ le rcDorls meetlnR of t l* - n ^ - a l l» v / r « ». JayC -E tles on t h c ' | . W ^ of rc jubilee to tardatlon and Uie n f tT for class


~ K c l u s T v e d e a l e r IIlch Is re- Maitlo Valley Forih^Sc^u t H A M M O N D O R GANSto attend. (^ /:^ ite 'S 'M U S IC .C E K T E W

* Ztl M *ln A»e. Eail ' 1 imboree. a II one ■ — — IIrnee In n .

toiiplni; pro- :____o'*Include

s \X - II " Mcow in t h e -------

Ai>- ■ IW I




^ B^ 1 - -DIFfEfitN

n :"""STY



iting ■ _______ _________ j


" I In n e r

---------_ ■ -----------


^ BUT...YOU— ..........................T h a t ^ b e c a u se a]

T IieyT all.f«M t abi

Sco your Plymou

. So much t k si

s Worshiping With i Hi ^Music“Is“Th'emc

SPRINGDALE, .Miirch 5-W or- . . .-hiplnR throuRh muMc was the

- | n " iubJccl.-Jor_Uie_£5UiitfBy_«‘vcnl['£. ID a services presented by thc He*

, , llff foclety., f , „ -Mrs. Leonard Beck.-.ti^nd wcl-

, enmed Uiwe iitlendinR and .Mrs. i'f Oun Adnms, n c lle f soclety-arKan-

c i j j pr W. pinyed prelude nnd postlude

_ ^■jgirliire fr-:ullng..mi.i glvfii.tlV. Mrs. Jnmes H ronnin nnd .th c .in ; Tccatlro-by M r:i. i:nun»4«;wU.UiBJ

J i h Other ftcrtpture rendlnR.i werc]’ n7t\Jr ghen by Mr:;. A rthur Ya-.t nnd nm O- EdKcr Chrlstcn-,en. Spenk-, 'X * ers included Mi-a, Albert Fillmore

nnd Mrs, Tom McGrnw.. . i l r a . Clydc..Mimiiliii:.vioa,cliorUt

for a Ifr nnri the bcncdlctlon wiui Riven Knlls. by m.iiiop OcorRo D. Jolin.ioii.

iiiy of Mrs. Ruth rJon.i nnd Mrs. Oar- puolle ,i(j • Marciinnt. Burley slake of*

flccr.i, were rucsLi . nducl- ..nee of V IS i r iN CAI.IKOIINIA

• SPRINGDALE. M.ircli S —. Mr d sale nnd Mrs. Orville Merrill le ft Mon- lUams, dny for Loi AOKrles and other s was Cnllfornla cities where Uiey will

vWt relntlvrs.

^'in '■»<’"'* fo'' ll 'c retardeil children.A report on tile? school board

, . roeellnif ln;,t m onth was given by ^_____ l_l

as ap- +'5-+++'fr'l"5"5-++-?"i"}">‘’<-++‘H-+4-4 ;

I U . ^ ( lo o d o r C ho ice J

" ^ i B e e f ib ,4 9 c lVi'.l Il.vll.cllalf I

J C u(, W ra p p e d , T la sh J ---------I-'rozcft-IJroaJ-----------


I j S n H

I \I Ffom new fear ^

D IP I Sport Deck 19 /D lu j handsome new grille, M

t r u n r I Plymouth's modern | y [ t f i b t — t-^O O frtastB T pcaksfo f-g

H , I iUeir.'Noexlremcs ^- I N I in styling here! - B

. » > This is progressiveViP 1 styling at its bestI L C .. I -desienetl wilh nai., | '

I yet wilh restcainL__ ___- I ................................ - - - -

I . . Compare I Plymouth givps you st I And, thanks to Plymoulh’s manyr------------- ----- :—

■ - j ■ . , - PLYMOUTH

--------1-----------------------------— [—1 Tdrslon-bar froDt suspeoslon -v

BIG j Dtlflow shocfc ihiorhert ^

NCE! V. I l l I .IndipsndentpailiinElirilo V

p . I Electric windshield wipers V

_____ j‘ Most dfhrer letropin______ V

I Gnileit trank npicltr ' ^

b i b !

e c E i : : » w iNi'TWO-MILf


OlTiN'T M FOR THEise a ll l ^ e to p - a e l l i a g low -p r ic e can

i( about th e s a m e , b u t o n ly P ly n io u tl

rm oulh d e a le r f o r t h c f a c ts a n d figures

IS sams in price',.. . 50 different i

. * . CompromiseIC CHICAGO, III. M .i r c h 5 I^nd t or-: lU P ii-A rth u r Ainrich look his ;''cre ,,,j wife 1(1 courl with the recjuc.M j'JP m Jn- IhM the JudRC enjoin her Irom •'“'nc; )>. T)ln7ini:-tncir'hoi(i5~6iBBn‘ ilo" ;Wvitn

ot nlsht. ; plnnnMn. AmHcIv Mid .lhe Mt lute the ti

j „ a l the C011-.01C ti^cMKe her hus- ] ‘be fli .ImiuI rclu;.rd U' ’thru off lhe I

jjl j llKlils ro .Itie could Jtfep. 'REAr1- Superitjr Couit Jutlne H n r r y 'j p i ^

i,.,l G. Ilcr;.hrtL«.on onlrrcd Ainrlcli ■ 1■rp n<mim'orniinrnTiiriii"in:uTt“ ' iJ d JiWLjmionflL'iirjUAiiiritivu)"- i 7 - . .jfpl nble hourc-nnd .Mr.i. Anirtcti lo

slop the mu.itc al 10:30 p.m.nk- L— -------------------------- -'-■ll pore READ TIMRS-NKWS WANT ADS! V

MTiTnyrASnr^--------- - -] ■ MONIJY TO LO,\N

lar. m <>“ "'•L L im v of* m VALUE

■ B & 6 LO AN S illJ Nexl lo Yellow Cab Co. Ra<

Mr ^

!!1 Better Q uality-B i

> b)


• I 240 Color Styles ® ' I All Wool— Nylon p

J: Viscosc— Acrilan

J T A T E F u iL.t: — ;— J o w m B jw l

J l i H H i i i g H H B

you so many more features, so much more value t( many economy leatures for '59, you'H save mone)

iiTH E J , - p m

I V LonK lifa biked ininiBl

V , . _ ____ OPnOHAll

y Siiiiil S iiU

y R ev Sport Deck ityllnf

V V ' Pwli-Biitttn taiinU slD i

V _______ Push-Blrtlon Inrtint Hei

y MIrTor-Matic raar-vlev m

- _ y ___________ L . .B lm il iii t ln i_ _______

T w o m iles a t th e w hee l,;

m n i T U ’ C " M c l l ie r o H n j i ly m o i i l te

T iU U I n , w - U ie sm o o lh n e ss of-PIymi

I p - ■ - cost Torsion-A Ire R iiio .'

j L t ■ ished a t how level Plymo

r„ w hen yoii tiim sharp ly

. A n d .y o u 'I U n jo y a n e w

m an d w hen you boss

j ' in Ply m o u th 's l i e l d - l h

Golden C om m ando 395.

HE-DIFFERENCE:! ..; cars are priccd y i th in a fcw .d ollara iouth gives yoii t h O j g D if fe re n ^ fo i ;ures. . . and a sk forUiat-“ Two-Mile Ti

al M tie resi/.’. r ^ ? ^ 5 i WiTotfA/'t t u t buy.,

. -...........

PAGE TWENTY ONB__________ - • ' • , 7<SACVATIOV An.\fY MEET8 ’ '■POUTLAND. March & T !'!ion_Amiy_Qfficci*_oL-OrtsQo________ 'J.,nd louthcrn Idaho are meeiinj .* '• ere to dLuii^i activities comliic p In spring u n j summer. Capt nines Watt, wlio handles publle rlatltms.-Eaia-no-lnnoraUDni:ii*Intincd. He said this waa one ot le twice-yearly meetings held for ne flo officers m tlie area.

lE A D jm iE ^E W S _W A N T ADS . •

" ■ j ^ d r o t o R f r KN ifw'ASD USED " ! 'ScruJcc b Repairs ■'

Phono RE 3-6080 •All Tn>e»-K lnd..


ill-Way ]& -0n Truck U s e RAdlaton Are Oar Uatlset*—

Not a Sideline

Bigger Sayings

l y n l t u r eLwTn’F a l I s L _ _________ ______ ^

luefory-ournew-cardollar. " ~ loneyevety mile yog drive!


Dtl • __


|v [ r _______


"■■Hf V . : . , . .

* mirnir V

— Z ^ Z ____ :

■el, and you'IJ a g r o T ^ B ~ ' 7

iih'sfielti tan match

lymoulh s

j 0. Y oull b e a s to n - " ■

ymouUi s la y s - e v e n H

ply d r is to p qu ick ly .’

lew fee ling of com - H .

ISS th e b iggest V- 8 H .

- t h a op tional H ew ' ■ __________ ^

95. .. ■

ara.o f eacb. J th e r.- '

I f o r y o u r m o n e y . Y

e T r y - O u l " to d a y l

uy..,,tofn6miw’$ Amt

---------------------------------- :—

Page 22: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

■ ; ' l

S !!! ^-------- -------- — IGA, bJo. 2V5f cons, Rips

p m v iIGA C h u n k or Crushed, !

P i n tIGA 3 0 3 cons, Cuf

- - 4 M t HIGA 3 0 3 cons, Cream or

= ^ c o R i r............ IGA fu l l quart SALAD

P R E---------- -------- ------- tG A -SH Q RT EN ING--------


& IGA 303 size cc

r IGA D e tu x .


IGA Ccirton of 50, Book

MATCHESIGA All Purpose Fomily

^ FLOURIGA 18 o z .

— „PEAHUXBIJIGA 1 4 ox .



a ^ '

p j i y i j y ; . . ^

S i p s 'N R d g g e d ••

HES 3 P;d, 211 cons


E H U i1 or W holo .K ernel

[ . : 6 mD ' •

E f S l l if ic R iil

M r ’I j t -51 . J W y M

. 2 fo i

2 5 - i b s

l u r r E R ^ i __________ ____

. 4 f o r


B j g

IGA 46 o u n c e P in ea p f

T IU IC I LE . . . .

A N S ...IGA 4 6 o u n c e , T O M A

9* JUfCI IG . . . M • • • • •

% 'wwpwm jA No. 1/2 f la t 0 I

GRATED 4 \r uNA f !

. p i------ -Cdl

. , 3 7 c J 1;98 —

- S 5 c /

' 6 9 c L




T , i : w

. , 5 *1

, . 5 f o » 9 5

'^ A T O

i . ^ 1 7 9

• • 4 9

, 3 L“ : 7 3

t IGA tall; cans

L EvaporatedI MILK

i j t nm # R P

dl Fame 46 oz,


p i n e a p p l e / o r a n g e A P P L E ,'"L E (^O N /L IM E ,.

---------------GRAPC,' ORA N G E— H ----------


H E S-N E W S, T W IN F A L L S ,-H




4 '9 ‘ ^


' I Man— a

SI .vvvw«,«„

* Table1 YOUI

Z PcPS • Cut Cc

0 • Peas JJ • EACH


“ T ' si

. -_________^ 'F lstan

------------•--------------------- Henry

ILENE f ~ .


e Tested FrozenUR CHOICE, 10-(

Com& Carrots H I

\ o n ly .^ JL

See it on Television

'FORT APACHE"tarring: John Wayne andnry Fonda . ..THURSDAY ^ IG H T 9 :3 0 , k L i X TV,___Cjianngl 11 __


, p ^ ' " t t

0 %

3 M


n Vegetables)-0Z. PKGS.


^ U |



Page 23: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

P I ^ V




ianksL BA{j

lOROX Niagara Starch} ^ ' ' ‘ » ° i ' 4 1 c 1 2 . . . p k j . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 c

- DECLO ' H X aS l^ "'■ S h . , ' , M . t k i t • <>«■

« l!y f i l e r - - C lh

» ilV y D ri» .U -H [-<

C O O D IN C . . •J . c. P ainter , Shoi

'T i:

IN H__Qn_ihe;weeken

I es in Local IG/< HERE'S ALL Y

I IGA LABEL (or I O n-M arch 14,I Y ou may enter I b ack . Rememb' I be sure to ent( I o f Nevada! Wl

THE TRING In a Hotel ( ATURDAYinfl


^ R<SH~" U. S. H m _ _ a n d j

* - ^ o o c

® A

y . j

U n it Starch : 12.1. pij....;,... 16c :

:S E R m H ~ KIMBERLYOwiloy'i M kt. p a rion 'i l( kZELTON

MURTAUGHHOME - T h o rn i'iCity M arket .Hl-W ay M ark e t OAKLEYTCHUM C lark 'iSun Valley h, shoppShopplna C en ter . - . . . -


m < m;nd..of_AprjJ J l t h a n d ^ dA stores) will be on tl YOU HAVE TO DO; or its reasonable facsi , nam es of th e trip-wi er as often a s you wi iber - You only hove Iter eorly and often! /INNERS WILL BE-NA)

tip Includor Motel (April ]



o u n d;. INSPECTED T i_GRADEDo d ^ r - ^ - h e i c e " - ; (


Ihorouchl: M l i r . cover In

j M B n f l S S ^ X ' add 3 Ubli\ ■ rea r, 1 IcMpoon

___sim mer i(nUI <(on\ v itti toik). Dij) in 1 ter. sAlJid (3r«3ilni I noise.

cm\PU niTY Vanlll*. Lemon, Olnser

C O O K i.E S

2 Ib. b a g ...........5 7 C


Clark'a M arket

. RICHFIELD ■ Plpif'e

I -------- ^Shoppiiig Center............... \

- - : .R U P E R r ._ - ’ . . Foodlatid

>ppln« M .o ch .m food

.S, IDAHO . • ,

^fiil Vd J8th,-30_lucky_.coup

thsir w ay to Elko, N ); Ju s t w rite your nar :sim ile) a n d drop it i •winners will be drowi wish, b u t each entry e 9 DAYS from Marcl ! Y ou'll have a woridi AMED-FROM-EAeH^e

Jes:117-18) ^ 1


---------------- -Hanscrr


Afton T



Hi-Way Jf Y



mhly In ^ ®In pu i w ith 0

Uhleipoona v ln - ^ —Mn coolcLns o ll. D

------ i9xto8 or m ayon- ■

MSHESorGIs g ^ s m ic x

JACK & J^ N S Regular

SESAME’eV o-S tofe-N «oi'-¥ouI^^^

t w i n f a l l s ( O EEoit s id e M orke t------( . f S / l CR oundtree 'e Foodllnei ft ^ M en'* M ark e t V<CTfc.95Shelb/e MarkH T


- r i

m mr i i # A

iuples4whose-names-a Nevada for a- ga la ’

name and address or t in the box a t youi awn and all winners \ ry must hove your nc jrch ,5 to 14 to en ter ridetful tirne in th is [ HGA STORE IN MAGI


^ny one of thc following: Sinclai Gas Tank FREE for yo


berly Rood Sinclair, 1440 Kl

n Tanner Sinclair, 844 Shos

nos & Webb Sinclair, South

ird's Sinclair, West 5 Points

/ay Service Sinclair.............f You need Oil, Don't Guesn,

RE 3’S 5 4^24 Hou

I K I HormeV

r r S - A ;

I c LB

^ A

2 9 l3 R E E N 0 N I (

C E L E R X ^

ilor30cEGG .

E BREAD____ ti— _____________________________

S E - T i l ^ ^ r A>10F ? ^ ■A - r . . . a r

I S i ' y


[-ENDIM E l f

s-aredrQwn4rom-box— 3 weekend holiday! on the bock of any )ur local IG A store, s will will be notified, nam e signed on the

;r your name . . . so 5 popular FUN SPOT GIC VALLEY!

i A WMTS and JESS RAINBOLT, ' RKETEERS___________ ___

clair Dealers will fill your ■ your trip to Elko

......................................... .........H a n s e n "

I Kimberly Road, Twin Foils-

loshone ...............Twin Folls_

Ith Park ...1......‘...Twin Foils

n ts ....... .......... ...Twin Falls

........................... Filer, Idaho28B, Just Call Joe or Jess lour Delivery


t U M «

= 3 ®/» .

I O N S bunch 3

id ■ ■ . . . . ; ;

Zt s

..............................■ ■■






..... ........!

1, ' I '


- I

Page 24: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

i : : . ;i ; p X g e t i »e n t t 'f o t o '

“Make It Easy for Cl -------- Idea BLimedf or Del

BY HAL BOYLE poor don 't h• KEW YORK. Mirch i WW80C-

r»l«i, rcputfd Ihe vrUut tn»n ot J " ; “ /f™ anUqully, * « slf tn »• hcmloek Children boi cup fo t eomipung the youth ol

Yet • i f h T d ld w u iak them

= = 4 | f |r 4 l | g |^ I ^ ^ e r y ' period oM uch^» n

o L 'u ^ ^ w d 'o r R ^ S H--------------:e M in r tf lry m p ir i S : i W J M t o ^ - W e -

roUu M tny .by K „• Bt»ln» Uiem M u J ?

• . Ideu . Who today M H g V j•hould be handed Mthe .lethal eup o t k ^ A A - M

** Who U ipolllng D,i D.,1. th e preaent younger generntlon?

- • • T h a t U. \{ »e EO ftlonK with the *l*#y» popular generalization thnt the current crop ot younuslefi U y” f* “

. the bratUejt. the moit Irreapon- 7 “ ‘“ ' ‘J - »lbi«buneh of amart aleca ever to

•orrOw Wld lully a hopeful time. * 5 T , n anything L» apolllnjf the ®’*!?

............... younger generation today Uiegeneration th ii preceded It — our ®'' own. U anything U aettlnc them "But wllh

______ ».bad..ex4raDle, JtJ3.U J..W .they h e lan't pay• arc Ux. It a becBwe we have nla studlea.

been lax wllh them. to flunk oul..TllO blggMt culpriu arc prob* motlier.'s.hea

fthly nlddle>dau parenta,, by far - Aikcd Whjthe la rg a t claw In'America. The »on eam al

■ h c aald: “W_ • • - h im to be e

-----------Obligi,ng----PHILADELPHIA. Pa.. Marcli young."

5 t^ B u r g l in tied up a young lan 't the b mother; and took UB from an d le*clau pai ftpartment tn the Oertiantown Uielr childrei aectlon yeiterday bul fed her lng to make 1hungry biby b<Jore tlicy left. ------- '----------

Victim of Che robbery was r A D n Mr*. Joann* E. WlilUker. 21.

----------------- »h»-o«ltNhe w awaktned-by- AVK ^ ^ 1 . itittwo men rummaging about, the •partm ent. inn in our i

M n. WhlUker's S ■ week - old <■«."-------------- -ganrw iniim c . n r; wai'iuleep...................— if*

. In hl» ba«lnel a t the foot of p.,hl» molher'i bed. ,Tlie nol»e —

----------------- rom RTTsuinnd'he started lo « p e r tcry. One cf Uie robber* took a haU-emply nursing boltle and put It In Wllllam-a mouth. He

.................quieted do,’n._________ I I I- —J cu.-rroM

Eain DetectedANN AHBOR, v :c h , (UPD -

Unlrerslly of Michigan wientlitA T n iw b«i«,hope to leam a lot aboul the why* »-w«.and whereforej of rain with the CoBiTETTrtomoat powerful weather radw ala- •■J4r««inr. wtlon erer pul on wheels. 5 7i'ii hkV

The e<jul[taent can detect and mciuuro rain drops'SO to IDO miles ' T re <up In the Uy. II U packed'In a uoi>ttDl>ii • Unvan and wlll be used In mountalna S}cand on lake shores. -D O ]


—An avalanche roared down on "N tu u i____ the mountain village of Blngol In —________ --------------------------------------------------- f l

and Injumig lour otnen. preaa re- , w ilJ. i.»i bJ' porta aald yesterday: oihir than n_ itkiilHi-aitlir

" n ’n"'.' bk '... .......................... I V l i i ' i I bo YOU ta m


HKMn’cfb e a i

■ i l l l l l l i J k l MAI.J MIT K■ m I I L * J k I KItntorlr.--TbaaK-ti.^ SJ

--------- :------- ------------------------ ------------------ Ctmi'LirTK.oi

— C A L E N D A R• lu<ltnU <1 h

AU Maslc- ........

■ L i s t e d H e r e ’ K . V i r z

CHIR'Contact th l TUnea-Newt P v ia

—-e«le-0fp*rtat0l:fflfze«npleU-ad-r r . iu i t f Korur:vertislni carerag* of your tana —aale: hand bills, aewipaper cov SITU A TIerage, adTsaea bllUng: all a t ona uAiutiia> nt>apeclal low ntla. Every sale Lswd ■■>rk. c«ii iiIn thla Pann Auction Calendar i -a in iin u ii for 10 dayt belore salt Ume a l do »°rt- rv-n.

-— '--------------------MARCH-e-------------EtdoD BUgM aod Tom Whlla

.......... ....... AdTcrtlRiaeBt, March 4 and S t-A ^KKJaa* and KUa*-AneUoneen

MA R D I 6 _________

AdverUitment—Jtarth *-5 • • MeaaernnlU. * Ellera. A»cUoneer.

MARCH 6 uTsm ir,...EnitDe Hawkins

____________ AdnttlKmtnL_M a.ttb..g-ftaO_---------------------

'_______________ Tll l n<^’ * ■» •________ CAHI-KKTKIl---------------------- G«odlar-0«amBBilr-SaU------

AdrtrtUemtat, Mareh 5 and a l->-T------------------EdlBbermiih-and Lanen r,’" n .i" i-r '

AncUoDCtn rM n ta n r .MARCH 9 «>:

Mrfc Marie Uemierer, Admla. AsniALT p. . i AdT*rlUemeBt-Marth 6-7’ r ir i utI»» '

' Klaas aod KUas. AucUoDcer* kir.<iii id.to____ lU *

MARCH 0Magte Valley Machinery Pate , n.r<t.r.». u .

__________ Adferll»emtal.rel. J7-M arch l-S.• tl l c n - « u tU o » „ n

■ MAHCII’3u « GroTti . n a

Adierllseatal. Marth 8 and 7 x .ltn . Tiii.r

MAncii 10 c■ J J J J la n

S l m m a K im . AijtUgBwn P

-------------- - MARCH 10 ‘JaB)ei Adaai

AdvertUeaent. Manh S and 7 ____________ .... .................Im aon asdiioe—A aeuanrtti--------------- --

------- T R E E_____________ _M ARC!1 11)_____________________ E Y I

MARCH 12 . . “n n . Clea Dell and teo B«U ^

AoeUoaem ^

t o d r e n -

l e l i n q u e u c y a r - ^I't liave the money to spoil -------------------m«: Uierlch. byand large, S IT U A T II jrd to -b u t'tu ia iry -d aa T .I bom to weallh genemUy I valge young.' ; . ‘ *le self - made roan who from' nolh ing 'an 'd 'sln i^- W A N hJ"' u, , ; way tip to a jlO.OOO-to. r rm rn la r y -g t io ^ T O ia - MouaejTu. w<> esia most adcBt a t spoiling I’hontnKx-ii children.. cuh tum we dined a t the home i’i>°"« a man. During the meal custuM fr«iB

Inlsced about how much 'IlfK wi» » hcn h f wm a

urailsfit. I~. popjy." Jeered his 18* J'tan* itK »-►

ton. -Tell us again haw . ____a to have to swim three RO Taich way to sehool every

when we were alone, the ° IC K POO'

f r k ^ ^ ' r r c S . * ’" HELP W A I1 to quit college after two t:jki'Kui>-NC>.i> help out my famUy." he

ul my son has never hnd . ., .— a dny In his life, l give

ood allowance, he has his in.) u u, I couldn't afford to Join T ir»^N r.i.nlty. He belong* to the c a i e c uon hU campus. SA LES H

w llh 'a ll hi* ndvantagea.paying any aUenUon to C A R E E R I

les. I ’m afraid he'* goingoul. And that'll break hla o lf.r t r t .u n il.heart." 'm rn. i;.rnlniwhy he didn't' make lih opp>"'

I al least part of h li way, AEItO“Well, I want .life for Mountaii

be easier than ll wn* for _________.Mnk^ I^^mlwd H ELF WJhe biggest aln m ott mid* nuno. .Uun‘

parents are vWtlng on hk i-»mii. Idrcn today the sin of try-ske life too easy for them? A?idU«n wUi

R P OF T H A N K S "’ { S ' i J s S

- llfrJrponi modi ■ni. Mort.til.n.lli" ;•;»». Murl.uD..I.I li. W»r^ .M l»-<lr ruTAIW

ECIAL N O T iC g ^ '

Tw "(m ' ' s.4w«!'rAX w.rk eoo.. Cbnur Uul- COM...HATUW

l-hnn. [IK «•}»».________ uw rtl^r^Hun

«r:^»l'»>u5cm W lV/*iIrI ^^ UrNEKAI/ r.rmnWlr t:nia fiA S-SiH. (nllM _»rt

""p* t.« 'u ll* tr 7nt LX rtHltNCKOIlnn.. k-.WM. Tf..|.f llofi. /«mUr. Hou.. }.!«, 411 Addlwa W«l. nK f!»i. .

K Ictl.r x rilo . multllllSlni. ll.Ini eundlllui rr. miUinr. rulad fnrml. riih .1 * P.m. Z't i ^in.unl^^pbou, cop, „nlc4. haHUIKU . M y

S»o Carton of 9

B O B -f lE B R 'S ------------ wANT>u-"'-''n^.West & polnls .n .| .mJnii T<

• bur bM mi. holUw Mr. JonxU C.pltil Trmil.r*'' <■ I" II-

_ P l R S Q l j A L S _ J ^

K»nn«Ih r. Yminr n liln i b»j »r

i*T> > UrlBklng I'rvbirai I A)ct» ■*'


EAUTY SHOPS ? ;i " ‘TtC-ni'

A sAl??'>*;n,V l l Z l Z u i , ^ ____H 'O U T E .


n.oo. n..u<y An. w ^lte Box E

5T A N P F O U N P ---------------------

,^r/'i'.;"..r;i,'‘?nr“i'H.n*‘i : ; 2 - w ^.U go.nI.'.. >u.l Comi^nr- - l^ X P E R I I

H IR 0PR A C T 0R 5PWUIIil. Ur. Aim* ll.niln. UJ ____j~__

ATIO N S W A N TED c S “ “ 'i '

L E (

"• M O I.^CMl thIIJ t.r.- U».» tr.iM* . GOOCl

:Jn-. I w..uh,ion-CTOtC: ------- WE‘4;«3

’ «i»n.. S o . Ihl. .d. n s B U SIN E SS (

n ’IMi .nJ r.n;...l K r..«.l-

lllIK br <UI or hour. rnon. *'but*n• i_______________ . In 10 .l»y«. 1

. d o c t c

” !.V. I.AWYER-

- " ■ • T " .!" .' ----- : “in r o > r - tm i..P .ri" .f.J r .rk . Oi»lr »!.Sr rvur miM>il.llnf. r.Mlrlnc.' S . m a g i c v a

r p.TiM—jlnttllnc dirt, tlnd.n. '****

5 u ’S ' . . u « ; £ ' c r E L * i i ' s e r v i c *•»»<•_______________ F o r

l)OTO-TIIJ.tN(; On U.S. 14 h*i. Uwn. .nd Urm .«r«am. p.lkn .ltr .dv*

"* • / n i . ' f f ' - r :TU^U^AVW^ HK H » e - Box D-23

ROTOTILLINa ‘ • ^mi.r I-r..'«llm «l« h. h.n.II^I:VAN3 RE 3.37M

C U S T O r F ^ifanuro Hfiuling: j ; A . VA

phone FilerDA 6*iCU ' '

U O .A B E . . - H B Y - J

J)E S -S H R U B S,

:tlmmed. Removed. ^ s , ut •oppcd or RcpUcediN.Hun«j>-ruu.y r.quir- L L O l D

n Tnr.K arrxiAUSTs^ , • . A(i f<tir' for U « 7 S*>‘«

(ioir<r M . ■ RC.U KE t-V'.t U.urlr. CUm

OUW'8 LAKDSCAPINO *“ • *-«»»-*•>«fc TREE SERVICE *'*


T IO N S W A N T E O BU SIN ESS O PP(UctkMd <Dild car.. 4.; . .

IB 6o bouklii«plaf 1. n r Atilkbl. .ad uiij.r

Ixii.t 7nt.r4ir and nurSr. n r * , y. K, M~ir«. '

S'•in .nd bMt p l.iilnr pb.«. U k.. Uuk. I’lu ll<.ll»n^»d pk»ln|. i . II. AM S-lltl. ^Ur Ar> |i

kiUMbe!*. "* JImSm .M.- •-------- FU RNISHED

)TO - TILLING HOUM «.its p c . i . .i

.ui>t3"l'u.f UASl.i(^'l rw . L 'X»LEIl RE J.-4375 <>i Si.d A Non

i a n t e p — f e m a l e '•*

Jlo».™on‘ Ilolll t^ lM I’r' ■.Stfln'cr"' ________________________Narlh.___________

.nd rhllJ f«r.. Uui>«l. luik tai Ulh. Writ, iloi ll.:«, </o A».nu. Nurlh. __________________ bL».t.l‘iM. rouni. —HELP W A N TED IE . '. '" '! ; . . '; ‘i.,


.p..rtiinll, for ,d..«.; . U N FU R N ISH I to CHEVROLCT i iirj>..ou« .n ori.italn.H ome. Idaho hk i-irn.. nh

W A N T E O =M A L-E —r-.^^ .r.i..u,r . . . r ‘

i“ , . r : : r a ; , j r r t . s " 'U.n u .o » in .rrrlr. .<>■Im.. In J.rom.. U«wl>. JJJ LZrih y.^1. T.I.. >dl.- LA.°u^'|.,in

fU R N > S H E P -A P

;tJ) « .n» .l l«m ».nii:" ; ,--------nodtfn. homt. ...l‘l>"h» HK s*.7a*,'i‘

o.w dlUklld.r .till diMlInt T> 'U ilUOUS >n<l Uin. Iluui. furnUkrd. ISci 1>S, . .nlwnr.. A.lull., I-I

•rm'binil. iuim. irnr.iinf. -----_-r.l nf T-lo K.lll. Uud rilfOJllOUM b...mrnl

u.. Iurnl»fc<«l. rbon. 111. >- | n^jixouM. Cl»»n.

firm .nvrrlinr.. Kic.llrnl *"l'.l.lW«r<l' ur*«i>r'l miunt l'k*.n. 03IHU Iluhl f.rrrd. to? ;nd A.r

MAN!’'«W '^ M '~ ,‘l"o*r * rrrfr*I?;d '“ ''lr".J farm h.n.l Uixltrn hom. llir. (<irnlihH. [ng ]Orlh_ a«d I j ...t^^ol IMP Klmhrrlr II0..I.

n r tI Twin ('.111. Ilom. nlihti. f.clllUn. do., in. lon«. 491 BkMban. Boulb. A»h. I’hnn. [IK Vil

trarliir m.n and IrrK.- 'l lo 'r . tit irt IltfirirJ l i r a , Muruufh

IN auinrn.llf '"r"utr!H” 'ApVl? i n ^ n >>ko Motrl,'mO Kl!wMVnf“jr* FU R N IS H E P

.und.r cJlil'r In TwirKdl" f..m>- i;‘j?l"h A.rni fhtuTIIitrTliillflr/r-itCT'li ‘ " iih ^ ,'“f“‘,*niril“'l.‘*l-'

»r*AM'MlC)''*Or' NIUK OMK bflnoni, 1 . UOI Il.'.fir JIn.d.’ld.ho A.Iuli. onlr, Hf. I'hi .n . JA CI.KAN 1 IIU)]l(IUH li --------------------------------- furni.lir.1, Ailull. .ml


x o E 2j ."35— ; - . ?=*ij ;i'’i2S?i!J’-n*Iut''.>.i I M .C . V.IW.

honnl and •illinc Ia' . 'iTuIiqom I 11 r a.

X E-4 c/o Times-News Mr)I)“;i*N"j'i-i„,„n'hi.

i^ANTED-2RIENCED AUTOlALESMEN “ i’r r ; a ; : i 7 “'n’r‘ .-o

PW ANn IlHKn Tl'llVf. KlIUM iwmr

.nfi« and auarnnlre •__________■ ''"C.dtll.: ■ ' ind‘”j,Vl''u.rmr;V J l

E O R I C E ■O T O E CO.- .. ' H ,

iS O PPO RTU NITIES r u iu-m-: 'j r . . i ^ :^ n l^ ^» u ... j.:XV.k_Vl?.r.n*d"'‘r.



/ ^ E s t 1 ™ n'OR LEASE T Z 'm i )I kandllnr traj»r r«m| Ilmiiir KaUnT' adv.rti*..! pr^uel. In.r«l> ' ' - . ----- ^1 ^ , eswjiMlLr.. ■ .UlCYCLESALEi

-23 c /o Times-News -------- Z Z IZ Z Z HI

iTAllU.llirj) I1USINKS3 u?," *.*.n'i'h. M l'l-ir ..IIr.1 br man and wKr. h.r iih.,nr IIK l.:i:I'. . . 'cii \ iii*!Tiir iy rw ill- vor acrra. Ill hrallh I. Ik. ' ■

B lor ..Ulni. N r. and trr,'..l.;int-lVANDENBARK • CK.Vf:.VT tv q il/s . rk. HB3-»U .r « U Anrlhlnr in r..nrrr...

_________________ • f3/i.\rK/ifz:s

Kti-n.rii.nn .. I .. ;nd ■■•■JTTn • fXKCT/llC f.N'.S]

;lt - I j.»w iibi;.- • KXCAVAriOSi'D ROBER5 ON ■’"">- -... . ...... .AGENCY • y w o n .sa.v»i,\

Uioshone St. North - rm i. n..<r .-.n.i.. ,;iRE 3-8454 o ' a. Jlr.lrr. rrr>..'ii;



E Winjrr «»H«« Ja *'*“ ‘1 ^

i uu ;,u .ast. .iuli Jp«Ml on. k«or • e»r. fhon. BK 1.i7l«. 1

" W a - b " f k " n ^ r “v^iI ^B^IIl«kW^DilM. auu

V»,lu.‘“ |'fcaia'jA V S IJU)I1WM~^.«._

lE P ROOMS ~ VK^^^Ti-tKAcr’ v i y ^

NoVik°:*“' ***" W A N T E D T O RENT

“ u r Y i A CREAGES F p r

>’al!k'Ii|t*a**»w«il ;gr.4 KlliaU.■ i "

lLr"'>aiiI.' tfaVk**l‘ui!.*l! ----- -----------------------------

A C R E A G i

SHED- A-pT- 5 - - F ? “ A L — it;;;; Top Location.

tlk 81r~t North. ACrCI llclrvom tW KLIX. 4.WHro..m I:s« tlTAt’.nu. NoiX b».rmfnll. 1-art bri

of lum.(. .nd la»n. m , |, |i:.50l>.-------------------------- 2 AcresTiiJiV. JorVih'.suMi t*________________ Uiillr CI«n !f a -hi.^m. nic. kiuiirn. Ind- r .« oulbulldlnsi. .Sr* Il it.bnJ. Ntwi,_________________ 3 'i Acrca.* l> A liT M E N T ^t vn III.1. U »«. m n r y ,',' ^rri'lM. '.r 'i1 and . . l . r lurnl.h';! TAKK BMAU.KII JIOMK 01

TWIN FALLS RE ___AND INSURAN on)/. Mrmb«r ol Mulllpl. L

Ulh Mu.l.rn ■■ M ISC ELA N EO US FolI. |-k.,nr IlK l-f-l.l. TAIIU-H .nd cAalr. lur al -TTn.. l ll l Inl.rmouataln }u.l Co.

chin and batn. J bol.. T.ln »'all. Canal CoRlMi [n«ull.**l>bo Moul. _______________

'"Ml.rtr'cnl." lu— TRUCKS FOR Rr ; ; . £ x::™". m a c k s U - D f- lurn'iih^l PICKUPS-FURNITURil '. nlr.n/.:' W..liln --------------- F tA T -aC D S -in. rrawinabl.. lie RATES BV IIOUH. PAY 0

, e a s t b p o in t s seNrw .M.r, rJfrlrrr. niUNK HE *■;!»

f.cimira. Inotilr. IIT --------------------- ^h = = = = = -TR7tTEERS-I'’0R-fl i'r, *'.iih ..r .iihoui Local and Natlon-V 0 KImUrl, tU>aJ.'‘“ * SOPERSED HOUSES Phone. RE S-553

I.«fu"''N(irlk'*'^ ®" Truck i> cabin. Ujrhlj, .at.r.

L A W iM O W E R SE UI'honr IIK vnm . n '., iiiiic lo KCt your law

,JM komr. Wrll «*i.f (simrpcned and serviced ‘ ""lr. HK a-m>- coming *cnaon.H E P _H O U S E S _ -pREB-PlCKUP-flntl-DE

'-'ALSOhi,u...^'j,ar|(r;,^ru7i £jj* Filing and KhlfTBHi

;:.,:.“ 'i?K"i.4rM.‘‘ k r e n g e l ' s s e r 'in homr. Uanirn >l>il. . *'Nr»l du..f W'a 11

,n .. ' ca.i,c: ; i- - ;i r t HOM ES f o r s >

ifirr r. n.m, c,^|, a’jilillon.*T(ilrd b..Irw

i«.oiaLir"-»7'Add'i. hsw j'Urj™>,„^nj... AU«I

L r’n.iV h^^'hJ^'rttr i t,,',r .Ilh rara Mr..mi 1;. Klni^rlr nad. .chuul. 13,

■ ' Wr.l, fn./uira !:» ItA VI. .MIHn I A.S1 lAl. l-ajm ami Uin. U rir .in - wt"l.^«wln» full drtall. tc

S i « 5 i -II._prcfeirt.1. Thon. ti;

.»m m.-lrrn h.wir In kvali.Tn. U r.r cari-lr.1 I

.d r»trlf.ral..r'. Call

B U S IN E S S a n d P R O I

I R E C ^O .n e o f T h e s e C a n

A c c r s ^ 0 n n :a • • u o k s e s i io e in c

l.l .rd A.^_«. , i.tMis .\ccunoius''

iLLS.h SERVICE • . MUlUll. HKI'MH ...

r r y n v f T t f n r ■ ----------------

♦ n r s • "

;';-r'hnn. IIA s - i ~ • r/.t'.<f»; A.VO IIK.

^.1,,-------- • IlAW AtOn SKIIVICH

, . w lics-ouT. • /IKWi/GKflAT/O.V Sf:,


- P H O N E R E 3-i


D HOUSES H O M ES FO R SAIM lot r.nt. Call UMNI.Il LkaVIM. April 1. 1:Udroom born.. Mu.l a.« li. anil turnaf. l li i llrtiuri. 1' HE S-lttt.; 1-411.. iir OWM.K: 1 ^rr> joiningI 1 bHrtur. kou.J. —TO ItA'BB-wmr-'rwt.-^* y . .ii» _ _0d. >.b.dronm «n. 1*1 ^

^ n '.’ luri.>«'T ^ AC[11:aCK^_C-.i^Idr. M»I.r

; T i : X n . NWk iSiiulTto'-rra “ Td'^'ln

lrr.* CM"acr"S "

E N T , LEASE ----------------->—d ~ .r » . i ;d ;;z;; T O b e m o v e d

> r.nt nnr sr tn N.w i brdruom bou.ra. Compt.„iit •'■tfk.Tl .kinilM on roof. IM


°'*.,f..*‘'L . . 'p lioneRE.S-aos!^ lJIMia)IATK I-(J.SS»:S.SIO.S. j

nd Urn. I10.JW. full ba..mrnl. la . IHr. HI. t-.:ii. . i,.,!,., di.h ...h e r. dl.pwil.

:a l ,i tionS Hp.Jiuu'i'a'ld'lollj; A dial /.

R 0 i 3 I N S 0 ^ £ ] ^ D T J

„ .. „ . BPRINO HOUSE CLEAlof/.l,»ll« A'rnii..a':'hi.’ii:: h '::;: ;• t ;

r . ll nu. fur udr«"ra brisk Mm.. I -r* . »a».

;„rtk I'rr lum. *7ll

“ p r . y i J v ' “A IE R V ” J O N E S R E .

R A N G E ,

"■'l*'’ lW II.I.TAKKa.i.^nraifUt.; FOR REN T ;i*/.‘ .V.*oi"n:” m ' u ' a ' u ":------• ' ,-------- n»>n bom. In a . .f r "!«• B'li‘Co * rbon*. lin

mixt ^ .m h ln r }mWN'*rAYMENT -lll'dUS'r

" ki lu'ASIlK i " m r n ic o . c all u si _

I^ E A L E S T A T E " ' • S E R V I C E

R R E N T ‘‘V h o S e '^ ^ ^ s tu iT■DRIVE M.mb.rnl Hulilpl. U..I

rrURE VANS ,:p..p n,-,7,|n n u >1,.

i l i i l ------------- AJlMOANDYl-U<lroomnM.r R I H S N 'i l - -Uk:;.'?!. mi ?u*rn» ^ “>V r % •lon-wide

I S U.m .M ?oirf*rn'"’rVi:!»i.S-5533 . . J-Hrdtwrn nnr.r. tnod.m. eak .Track Jaim' ^Mmon. nii>d«i7.. Carfrtad,_____________ lin. loe.llon. Onl/Jl^l

“ . S S , " " d O N ’T l o s i vlcca lo r U.. ^ l o o n e y

------- - —--- ------ ------“Allrr-i:3i>-t-hnn.-UR-l-llrrBHHrpenllig" tT T d t '

serV ic e. r . ll.rd"«r.“ ' f.iprtol^ U«ln*

t lrxmm In ^bail- Komr. tr.ll tfxlar fur drtalli.

'*u?Jra'^n**:’iVi I1.|>'>» now.v, rns.sKssio ]________VKIIV IKW nAVS. ..1 1-

ii.I'/lV o. vhoM

i'"'foVlh'’ .mit^lfo^ill.-n' 1,1

.’'lrr''” *r.i^ '"f'll- ,»lvn.'*'" ™ _ ..::i.'n,W ;,'r^n;; ’ f r o n t i e r i i e a u_____________ -Jl, .S-uflh nn Ulu. U kr. s.i^haB.e..eitcllcol,......... Uai._i.bun..Jli:.3.J9lllr.1 Il.Intf an.l Imrl Ilfanrr. \SrniIrll KK

>»cr-I Uck rard. f>«r. U x ri l.. T.ln I'all., HK..n.tdlaia ro<».- Urrr I^rrn.rn. T. IIK

iO F E S S I O N A L

T 0 It 1a n H e l p Y o u !

_________ • shw/sa MAciiis'F.a) iu s - .c u ir A l i JJi” .'/.'i"",'"M'aVh"” *.' n it" !


--- -----------1 .» -3 ja jj:f /a .v £ -x v .s .-S iv fiid K.lrrlor. HK ‘


) IIEATISC ‘’‘x' r *',L‘ IV.M'sir?k,‘M"am|.r'

/ICE________ Unc'. JIaill.! and TV H.rTlrr.~iii

fl'h.‘* trK %*;?»! a.Ic. and ..r .lr r bri

' '■i.r.k ciVan'lIT • VI'IIOI.HTEIlY -Vi„ • WATEH SOFTKSEnS

• VACUUM CLEANER usiN E fis' • • SKH^fCi-

.in t«u°'^o9 * w ‘.l '.r 'ln “ klrbf* I.rt*r“ “ ‘ .in CO.U roa macblnr.. All w«>

J 3 -0 9 3 1 • VACUUM CLEANF.n l\f._____________ a, <;. C, And.raon'a. lit:



_________- - Iif. I*4l!ll.____________ . • —

^ b y o\ v n e r

‘’■O- ’ - uiSrituinii.* I flr«Uc.I>lnln( Ma~»J< room, fulj <l«l«b.d be>«^ M ^w m . Ua. .*,u,al loalfe"...................... ......

ii,a .ti.. r u i P h o a r llE 3^caa

pQjj sj^l e b y o w n e i

Mo.i.rn s ^ 3 bedrooBi modem comfortab _________

aid. flr.plac. S:JO p.m. -~kd.I'* bi<k '”i7k anjllir. »..k«nil«.S . , ' c . I ... P h o n e R E 3-5019bulnr.., rbon.


“ ^.HAROLD'S Ag e n c y

8038 IM Main East

im.. i.0U ol billu^^nd' ^ 1 '-* n *" part U poail. T.rm*. *’1 "n r ” rtk Ila.I. H«1 I

■ al 11,10(1 10 ..111. "U l.. " •( Fon YOU. n m - i t . i«. »-wdt«o..liyim.. nic. tU.1, II.O«. OwD.f H.W. U a

,rm*’'ii^":’o! L . JENKINS.— RoaltIral hr ------------------------------ ----------------------


UIANINO iS m \ < § A r m A G

3 much ra.l.r ' f b ‘n. n t ' 1-«0II. ,a*d. akfuU

r e a l t y r ,n “ “ ■*1 RE 3-70JJ S KUl.1. nATIIft U on. of mttir d

I f i [" n-"

‘o H ljb U i^ Hr.DltOOM Um. on rta^r_^M*r

m i‘" smT i!l Jn"d°dHTbT.' J .rM i’’A‘’'ri«I** f.mlIs. 1-flc. til.- bom. Ibai’t bard lo Uat lor tll.iO

f f . V / i l S H A M L E T T ,

R E A L T Y - iT E EI lie. IIK M «;i llr.. M:: South UtmUr Multlpl. Llilinc , t l6 _________________________ __

— A L L B R A N D N E \ >a.aliler.,liafl;i- .woMt:.s».co.VCa£S3-Srl.lT t.KVI

n nldrr ho«.. S.«.f f .ra i. - i :S .m rooj Urm»

lUlir,.,.,04!ilid“ piACM *- lajDlJr ruum wTTa <u»« almi n, up uadi* tn raiio.- J-hlllDpInt nabeiafull fIntibH nnit, o'rn. .lr. llalk and on«-ha1l :,50C. H :-c«r (aracc. i:«.«i,, eak fl«>»a. »“>l *«“ '•

S Rronoous-Btlck and <f.m. cc .1 .11 tlrwHon. /Irrplic. In llrinf room a

«i-to riri to i I" r.rtl»l b« lllrch klUh .Itb fUBi.. orm. dlihwailitf Ulii d pmal — tiaii doon to |valla. t-<

■ \C P «*rT»rl. IH.4M.JO lJ }.o DOWN PAYUKNT TOn 01

I.brdroom fram. horn., r.ood .!■E Y

» ^ r — — I 4 E Y - R E A L T Y -f;.s. u u -------- i ; r ! iko.kun.-HL-w.--niimE ».»1

I D K >0 [l tlob HE MOTS

M A G IC V A L L E Y -R liA L I

r'"(r.'u"l'|^ '^MlU

natural .ond * dnutil. raracr - Ui ISSION IN Nmbln*' rompirabl. In T".1 l».lri.irB

in” ,Iral'').'; [ll.'Cl'lASAN: S Ur.«,m brlrk - In -alk In „ld . lar»r f.mllr • doulIr.‘ li.'^l'ik ': '.Voo.■ '•^T-lll^«nVl^OOo!' 'Jl.l. , ,,j.^t,.j.lfUI, LAllK.<!nm DIIIVI

lALTY■ rt North . n>«ra. : hath. ■ patls . frnrnj rard

KK C:nJS~ Onlr i::.tHiU.”TVrm.- *''ll^^ M :!i "HAT A HUY: Tbi. I. real .rrurU (riran 1 l>r.!r.M.n. .ilh aiiachr.1 larai • on lutnar. . plu. tharp rrnlal In U

)fd A.rnu. Nu’flb. o'l.V Ili.tOO."" IMHKDIATr. PdSSmiONi rr«r- ld hnm. br Mch .cbnol • bradtlf

r 7 * al’mr rMrT". r 'rj« rt to’sU.CM

^ l ^ l O V A L L I y im A L T“* * , }:: Shmhan. Nnrth ' UK S-IJ.

HES-IOII- K..i>lnn HE S-M.

REAL ESTATE FOR SALIKlUIII.III.Y r<ia,| U<ailun. kit 44a].

[,lrat for .arrbou.. or almllar rtcj. . ...I.) Nrar railroad .Idlnc. Writ. iio. I

r:.S ■ *''* Tln."-N.»>.________ _______

i" ! i .E s S JUST THE FACTS,_MA'Alacliin. >rr. Thrr'f. all irrarp..l Up lii-on.. llnullln. J i t 3- i l*4 BifJcrn hom* tn W»ln-iV . I '. . '. Ap.r c'-inanr I"'"* I" U.rmrnlj “OiUol flparkl.— ----- tkrouihouL Yim'll U *mat.d t l tlSKiW G K__ i»«a»-t«atutaa. IM. hntni .k a i.Ia^fittrr. :« bvur .Ill, .ooj i„ bi..

11 acr~. unl'H.p, do.. In. aU r.a.7;----lor aubdlriilon. Tb.r don't com. ai

HK i *'

T hk FARMS — RANCHES!!-'IH- - flOimi.tlDC Its a«r«. nn r Mu

bri..p .rta, Uuik. Til. I. Und lUI wlll (roK anrlklni. ri.n lr of wal.r, Lart.. It — III. ri.Id.. Cood 4mpr«m.aU^» UST room b«n«. Don'd.Bli. Ik. UaL'en.lbU«l KimUrlr omll rrlirf »l ITO.OOO, i:uill8\dow

--------------- leo-hrad unit. T.rior and Fofrtt ft«

IS • I lut». M»*.Ta. u ^ t^ a l . row

I 'T "r*ID A H O .R E A L T Y

Ira. AIm ^ I JU-8bo.Un. Rt Eaal-Ph.' AE *.*0: " *“T CUff nammond 1 - EJdl. 0»..

— i ■ ..............;

C___ ^ - & E A L 1 E S T A I £ - F 0 a r ^

. B.nlc.. , , , . A cnrJ. .irj^ dc«.

.CMb a U r /’U n ," '" " ' '"•?*' MU. INVESTOH .„uld l, |,,^

J i « 7CK.r lnJr.rm^ti^V‘1'-4«>bT

• L t m r s AGENCY « " • ■*>- K .'

-----------------------—,rr-cocK^^— 1-

■ Cback lh.M cmt II loi.r.i*..] ^ ~

'•EBru M . lil

Juil »o. w. ba.a ....ral I ...,------------- i;rM -**«T im a4t-rln 'bri;,^(t‘;*.kdar*. ij.oofl. IS.tNM. IMM or ii*

-v a .« d l.r» .. ‘ ■.

' A. G. HOLLAND---------- i n Main W.. Twin >'ai:< |i| .,,,,

Amold llatUnd - KK t-;iSI,

- ..I t la ~ ««i<

CY TR A D E!.' *■*'“ ’ 1« ACIlEa wUb full lin. aJ

—7 Sr'ZT'sS'i“".“*•■'“ . i . T S

: r . . “ “T II«E AAK THE FACT.1 >0U| c n l to r .U t i r J.u .lr»n . rraa>a k.n... ^ air..!, almo.1 dr.d. In Ij.^

E ' kll«b.n about .am. alt., lullbadroom *“ »urn«., f.acH ,.rd. IIO.CCJ.

------ ^ROeKY-ilOUNTOTT-------------REAXT^^---------

I'fok.r Wayne W. Bauer - Frnnk Bm______ RE 3-1406 .. RE3-‘r,

J - b . . -Acre., r'rom S..,.-•droom ------------ ;-------------------------------r.l bad- ____________________________


. .ku"Slnr.” ln.Iuod*c"w'^n',' h'cW,■ZuZ. . . .1 k.m. J8T-ACIIE farm. MO arr~ r„;.i,.w iriuI* ^r'lf'bim.’ Sj"ooo“

HI.too. «araf«. IH.S.J, Icrnn.

' rM>n hou... I i: .i00. Irrmi.

■GEM STATE REALTYnid J ^‘i“ i 1

t- i:u Jim Mr*..f»mllb-Au«tlonrrf KA i l;: [ Jo. Il.air. llubl

( i :il n i .r Av.. In Ijn.orJi ---------- MulUsI. U.tlnj

E W _____________


'.™V“ milk "lu™; j i j rw

.beianr K,cf; In'viV-. Uir

I-VhT woUTfroo^lWo'doi'n ilUb'uVi**.'*t ACriES In I M m m Us

k”uhm •niuT."»«>rt!.WMl*.« p'wwrtj!"*)Jiii dit, Ihlt tcdar... 2*<ar

nEAUTlKtJL RANCH on Sn.k. Ulir I (;[ US acfrt.^lan. rail), (orrali. priii j3.‘kJ®,/;p^''i„i;ornl now.'

___ LLO Y iD -R O ^^O N "— =---------------- A-GENCY---------

237 Shoslione Sl. North ------- r . RE 3*B8iS

i.LTY -BB^ilMia^Pbon. AnM*m, H*K Wrarluu.' *'\V-« ar* your a.rvanti’*

M.mUr «I Multlpl.

■■[“-'i'; FA R M S FOR SA lE_ Ul AClll-i north of Arrgula. bb.n^

dfljnlJ “ J;«r,^a‘S^rr. '’wl'i «‘rWc

i".' .(i» ^^holc^^farm U n V W i . <Julrt - modam ncTPl hrmt C.mmt k« rtatloD U rn, SOiCO. Mnr. frr. •rairt U r.rd . rou 'can ua.. Pric. Iti,009. IM

ard.1.^ ..down, plua t% |.um t-»-M ai» Ona.4>air mil. nurlh and wr.1 al llir

KUfltj wan l'o«t Dfflrr. II. W, U»i‘-*1 CHOICE A cnrj. S«uU.rail W

“-V^ J.rom.. Cood hom.. l«p'l«.ll.n. «> monin. to^nmulln*, dl.lanr. T»ln latlr- *

fin. pmluctlra plac.. Cood im^ S Sto,MO..autlful S® ACIl^a». Cholf. luWi.lilM «r J “ iM C0B.B..r.l.l prop.flr. » 0.««-

ROBINSON-FELDTMA.V.LTY^ :<? it»la-A»«. Wmi - - - BE H’Jl

S-Mll E .c.ptlonal I t . '/ '’r t f a rn . l .a n . 4 _b^room U i» » ^

--------- food y.arlj t.rini. j* t L M AGIC V A LLEY REAUJ44alW. t a Sboabon. M. Ph. KE *41Hi « &I. - ne w on


rVAM SSiJ‘n u ? i1 .a g n ? 'T £ -3 ';"ulllui iranarlr*. cood rorral.- «rkV.“- — HE189-INVESTMENT CO..•I h. EA * .»« • „

1 „ J , 'M -R A D E .Y O U R HOliB n. an, J a Maglc Valley' • On Ibla, l»0-»<r. fins, t

,i^?dic''.'p^‘‘hom.‘ w“ii'°S ! ! l -

Mup. P'“» InWfwt «*^*5J: f a r m e r s REALHa bad. Phone\dowa. » RALril ARSEKDnUI',,.

~ - - »>;!l.[n» 1.DUI HEt ft«la .,ir .‘ud"- - 1 ............. 8 0 - A C R E S ^ --------

? 5 -

akapa. ThU U aaI'Y

. A R T H U R I . W A W ", ; r R E A L E S IA W

Phone R E 3-1365











Page 25: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

- M a rk e t Plai

r . t / l S i ---------- B t i ! - l iv e s t o c k & POUL---------------- ! ^ . . - y .............. .............. >

“-■ “* s i c ■"■S r - " : ^ - C ' - L =

.B* u r. ^ .ilh ;n.1 :-.l. 1' llll .V'=; r ‘lcr9 L t Murray— J„l*\ '— ■ —

II-JI* • '* WIIOI.KSAl.l, U-.» for ••!•. i:m- ' i ^ a - p W D E H -

Affcncy Cllf-STMIT mil., „ i lUl.. r t . « < ■ « ” ■(.‘‘' i f ‘rfilch''l.n.-m'!’. ''

= g g g E g g r ^ £ ' £ - ; - f t l : r i “

*■•.,“ „• n i... ; : " " ■ ' " " " " ■ " " ■■•';

3 r 'a s ^ ^ i S : “ft™ !s <“ 2v-;^ii"”s s ,r

m l.. ■ I l i .h . .r ; i . I'hor. >:A «-;»1! ||iUla«aCT)t<p^ IlLUfTVlEW irti MlWaT

__________ SEKViCE

! i fS S 5 ? s i7 S ia |;s:|£ ^ r.,i.--n /sJ in l »,rTic. ■

nnfKD ralf AB30CI%|( f ^ U . ____ __________ n .. . .! .h ,lrn .r.iW bl Dtlrr .


'* REM OVALT u . . . a i m - _____Q{ Dead nnd U»elf»i


f e e d e r s g r a i n IDAHO IIIUE“ E y I ' p ™ - i TALLOW CC


% K i i i ^K 5 , 2 ^ k « . . ru » n .iit» - iu j,


‘' T SJ S l i i i i i i -------------------------- cmKK . r . , ^ r . - » .

farm im p l e m e n t s

IH"n-ATioHAiiY b.r ^hopp^."^ FOR SALE OR TR/■d. t mn. MuUiwal tofBtr. DuM. ,m i zi,- uOUtUN ^Untlb hou ^A.d«Wn«il.___________■ fof pfoi'«n>. »-hon. ItK H

'£KS“;i.."sr . ' r ; j “s:;;: , r n : r Mfim tu»r«. 1 4 pj,c, AlN»»«l. Imiulf*

Ullt UrmulM ruburi lo*d*r. con- »rll W«l. bM w as. B«unUiif» for Fort or utMINi; llu (i.l'.K. IrrUiliitm. A)« MUklft »cr»p»r. C«U TK .- ji^h .rti

_______________________ _ fool Mnrh fuctlon »(p». I!t!W IKTEIIHATIONAI. lr«tIor .ml rhilllt-. tl<»i|- a. Hm^ti. |.Mi. tr«ll.f. «• ki.r- 0«-l tlAUlu TV»At.>-< lew pw"■bNiad tmiT to c*. AUo Inl»rn»- . _ , „ j ,„ .,j, •,„uml ,nd W.n pUBUr. I'bonr '.T;,!,” C„m. In ..r. r.ll .1H.41H. C<wllii«,_____________ »^s;ii, ju : Klmbrrlr Jlo.J.

lf«ii »»r«lrT.HOW. W o^ fprl^» “ V«I^‘^nld'“ » ii? '^ ‘iS‘‘ ‘ t«

____ roar w uTrot^L ** T .. j '~ * r . ' '^ “ !ii>»r‘*0 1

CorruB»Uin «m ^V iind^., Middle Buster Burf " *'hi'ith'J!ir''‘’v**.^ (or poUla pitmen. ll.illliKr. K«ni. I'himi Hi

"■ Center CulUvfttor Dnr . ''“'T’’’ , " .(« »of<l . r f.rruMB Tr.clor. N , i Ur« 7 i..l ti


----------- . ■-.....................~ w a n t e d : t o ^

BABY CHICKS ‘Z i ' 'it uk " r .w " ”•UTUM b.ukin». You brine >ouf « i» wA>i in i - u.«l nutnn nmbl» ^ b.Uh, W. ..II b.b, chirk.. ,0 Inch.: of « l . r « fr.l. I'l Wv r . . . . _«Bd ^ph^unu. Order c«.lJr(ord.

MISCELLANEOUS FOI“-------------------’" '’ 41PU KKK-r u.»>l lu'' c<inrrfl.

--------O rder Now • i-aiVt -iIiiNNr-K'. «»e r.uonn r r t f *** t*’'° m»‘"

ted WHITE HOCKS. *" lll.> n f . , KK S.tiKVCarter H atchcry

W Ulln Enst ' RB 3-W23 Mii>:ri.AC(; »ood. cx.rrr. i:TWIN rALLS J .lh rrfl. Vhoi'. IIK !l.«>:o


\E m^I'UbTU.N ,i„d „ r , i« tOllONA <..h ireli

“ “ SI... . ..d 11. I 'h ... II

' s g s ■,;•••■„■;..■■ a ;',:‘r ' ; , i i . u , . , ■,... ..-- t j , * •"

riilV,.)'^’ *.T' '?!••',"■ X»;AKLY'NKW «rlr> r«ronl<-><’<1. K«M8n.lW, I». eondlllon. Will turl‘‘ A.SV >p n ----------------------- iW tf.T.

TACKLKl MIUbtU . ' ' ’ ^*'' '* T r id ^ i 'r i . l . UK 3.15<«.

^^p^l«rrr..'U U .],, )„ |,^ .fnU«I.. mo."r

•U u^TTjr-jr------------------------- .,11 pump wllh pip. tmi 1*

" "■ --LT!J n ~,----------- - ' *• BfXinUTV ni««l tlit.r tnd »

» ,.a ;s ,s ,5 s :.--------______n c 3-SJOi tu u ilA U i-l^nu U M M ^ i---------------------------------------- ----- tnd po«.r poir*. T

i^^S^SIO^ P O U L T R Y r r t K l-r-iK !■J”l. 'III* l.mU, • I'bont em?i{. Uuhi.

— - T -^ -M UPFLERS INSTAL: iwn h'oi "J8 MINUTB aMVlCI

. . n ‘',"-;t;r.“.“i? A a a o T ^ a o t o am»“ • lI^^rd^^A j;«..

n e w SH IPM EIfr OP £jV " - ' '“'>1. I<l.h2 r t j r * ? ' “- .i ' - Cb*""*' - 0« »»i r r ~ ~ ^ l h . l»----- ‘ •'»>*'■. L i „ , cittuUUn* ItM ------------ku,„ «» ------------------------ r.o..rT.intnl iurplu. Illir'm ,^T- ;"3 m.ld cuf.romp. ^ _ - ------

'It" ':-'* C t 'i i 'r V„v ^g-IARRY KOPPEL


iT T T T h^ . LUMI3KRz^t^ zE nhz a r r a ^ v c K _ im n,

IHn.rnilcn.1 1t:^I!h.. :.l.- .—»lN-4:*.-H.-rnrtirTT-n*;"Ji:

''v iiM r'y i 'i l'r ''u '“. '‘u!.'^ I..‘.||‘'Hi________ RE 3-C370 515 llcjburii '


I.I1..I1 l.uiin. iV^l.M'IIAIlII I-.r., :^|..,

f u r n i t u r e 's . A p y iiA r

wa-noM ,-„ | i ' s.—?.;• ii...i-i. 1M.1.. . - 1., i>i.rpri._. 410 ‘ |'^'-..^.,i'''.''*J;‘ -;";,J» tl CollHl WUI.UlilU IIIIJ N ..^ .iri

lATIOti ■ ' Kil'KL’n m u '' !Aiinii...>,i

L UslT^urimu^

- iii 'ib ^:k ' ,

lufl^EHIBl. *’* " ' " '- IlKl’O-SSt.SnKK Wr>tlli|fi.iui. 'I

UE A....m. p.c.,nl Ul.r,,.^.n,l ,j.

_____________ r'.i»r.’!n"n‘t’i.wV.’ '

*0 EAT _ B P a r CASH«(!• for ..!« Tor furnltur* — Appll.ncn — 'V«»>. •( rnJu..— i.iJ K!«"_______ DANNrn FunNiTunr __________ tot Sbotbon. Sculh I’bor. Uk;

NEWLYWED SPECIAIon.bir Compl.l. I.ou«hold‘o{ •..• 01* •'•• ' furnllur*. Intludlnr nirnitrr

■ aaeri. b^rpom, ItHnj room, 1~M»J« friim dlntll.,1 ■“ ■!. AS LOW AS t i t A MONTH Lj"V u '■ WALKER'S - .

' ---------- Ai*l*bliW«Hi-A»;i*-WJKNiWTRADE - t:o u»i» «■=-'»>

SP E C IA L S E R V i ^

r bo ,, . j ' 3

. BomB I'"” 'I""*'* •'il'* ll«lo.Iloot»r Ih —_ .IU**ontbI# rtlM,' work sut r t i lUlpb -Anjwli.r* In M«l« Vtllr,.

M H.v« ilnlo-lloour Sfwrr.Scr.ltr, D''• - Vllrr. DA »-«tin._________

5™ jJ“";V BADIO AND MUSI;*tJ. Tlii.rii.^ >OH ltf:« r: IV «r :i'- in..1.1 __________ w..k^or^^mi>nlh; rM.ontW

*T«ra’ /oun*i liDM-UlM TV bp«l.l. ._Jolia-Ur«lt . .*nplr^ .Kom. irr.lrhtnd lo>il 1'.^ wtrranlr. Tcrmi, Illll. 1.t.r fifihlb«f«, -JlouM. ______ • - -


ti'rm” .'"“vrr..;,!~ irn^i. ' bui 't "iM*(r ‘"r‘“ .'» r:I i

**ir£l^r’iiuw!"TriI?r.r';'!‘i l^ « r

r»ml.l f«ndnr ^|)|r«i|,,'n.'r".l^‘ )

t!*''lVor.»':»00* ULUK :-whr*l tralltr. i;»»l hnlr tlr»._ Kr«.on.lil». Wm .id* 01

iTrti. pll-r. '.j ^ Wrll^"vh* llVco'cwiiV.*'Ko^

K lilh. * rr..' Th* bnl hu>. and

otlbrm. IIJJ pri;«’' l n ' 'u « l X r ‘T.I'"Sr V.__________ ..tlir, Ym. mu.l U prc.ftl- Wr. 1:1 p«r un for tn>ihlnr, Cora. 10 ib. -‘—, . ’ ,..„ .' Ill.lrltpiilln* Co.. mllri toulh.'ine .w r« Hkhwtr V3, UK

1‘iK Osed 8‘ w ide Triillenil' b.e- l i t . 1 **’'• ^ bedrooms, J435

All Ncw 10' X 44-T iiiX ,' I 'u r^ ------------------- - - •

I --------Simpeon-M obilo-IIonl^7‘o».';*tatn* Tbor* .» : « •»»_ . lU ^ t

>n rcilrr .iatr,. B U Y T IIE WORLD"* • '" • L A R G E ST SELLIN’AJ:i’: . n 'b ! M O B ILE HOME„.,d.r. V- 1 959 5 0 '-1 0 ' Wide

GREAT LAKE!>••* All Trlmmlne Includci

• , .. . 55.403

— g a - k t - a i^io Jn 'rD rn ^ T R A IL E R SALESItll lank; SiKk Wnt t-I’olnla . llMlin. eondlllon. n>: TwlB-»-t.l.. n E 'H ll l nuplft

PM ________ ^ZENITHS

,d rot. Co.. lli • l - lB - r u . ftll BU‘“ 'r;!'" '-5? - . , eomblMno£ 5 1 2 5 ’ ! —« • » . . double bed

‘auwLY A lso on DisplnyOpi*ilV.‘i.‘! --------------- B0LE8-AER08


MAGIC V A Iil “ "“>.,’i'.': MOBILE HOM! jL *!t.ii"» l . ciftrenee Nye>ELCO. A t,« th. >mcbt f.o-U .. i

" ■ f T B I E S - N E W S , T ^ V I^


'" '* * " TTTl ;-tlKUIIUI»l_ J-.ll. I>ita‘ LIUIXI.

'liZ .' PICKUP.'CAMPERS>« 1. ; ' , B u i ld iiifc n r Uuiiioiii'liiiK

s rk t--------- ----------------------------------— :------- T r a d e r H orn

_____ H as EYcrylliliiK You .Mxat

---------- . r:Lr,!l.,n»

ALL ACCESS0UIE3 ' - fill... srr, \\-p rcpiilr mill lirlp


i r : A.i.ii...n iv...t lit: .•:.-.;-.|-.„„ ; "J-r..J.l l-r IW .i.-.r. U..I ' Insured TowliiK

_________Q T T A L I T Y

i r , : ; u s e d c a r s

T R U C K S - B U S E S

,m..,,^i II.. 111 ,1 Wlllli) ^

. V„u r.l. lIUHliK, llt.ll... l..rfr.|li..rn c err IVil ISTKll.VATlONAl. *. T„n. 0.J.1

■ Ii.r.0 is t k »katiokai. j; t.... D-.:.,

irailon furl j , , , , Ton, Dua!., lO.ti. atal.I'M". 'A 1.^

________ fsus (i>1« .1 Tor, niJtli. -Slum-• V .*il' !«<’ Tnn. tlu.l. ■‘t l’t''^Uirr (!1IKVI10LIT 2 Two. t.»|.««l. :i. Slt.>»ll. Ommht .‘iltndtrd rufk. .S'rw jialnl ________ ly jl CIIKVIIOI.CT : Ton. :..i.»«I.' ll-

19S0 DODCIK I*) Ton, Nr- rtlrl — Thinr* ]ii<e KOUn I 'i Ton. :.i[ir«l, Good


E Q U I P M E N T . C O .

: , ^ i X . ._ R E 3 .-1 .1 2 0 '


> U S E D CA R — --------------------------- S P E C I A L P R tC E S

All OuarameM jOpIiMlttl. _________ - At_____________..‘n’;.* w';.i: • R O Y ’S U S E D c a r s

43Q M ala.N orth HE 3-1353^ .‘nd d’riVn _________ ■ _________Ur mtfhln., 1 • • •

C A " I ? S

, T R U C K S ■

L IB E R A L rtu ., 2(j Q p |[, to choose Iron)

A L L G U A R A N T E E D !


BRAND NEW ’59 ~ Z S OLDSM OBILES""■ Full Fdctory Warrantyc i.r Tr.ll.r Jncludliie hrdrtintllc — h»*I.r — Tt.

(lln — Antl.fre.x. .nd drlui. tlMiIni 11 Iwm ne., wh«l.

_______ A S LOW A3I.I.I.U.., S l,.e ................... - f a e e i - • - -

I” "' D«II-rr»d In T.ln ,hnlr. Kr*r. c u r I0V,' overhead enablu >1* of (Jrtcf. UJ to Jiivo you LOTS OP



qlntrtj firr. “ 652“MllJn*G0Ullk—-----

l o n g - l o w - l o v e l y


4-door U ndau ,*■ ileail^lIU—y.llJU” *"* ' I'lU lI'f Bin!

4________ rubb».l Inlcrlor. yul^ww.tHT f N ^ ] l J ^ ip V u T o T b U ILE ;i

— M 5 (» -C 0 U P E ----------T n 'C I-w.I owner. ro« r .le»Hni. w»ei

^ l,r.Jc«. fullr rqulrpe-l, Onlr rj Mtiv r " mile., .IletuUlul inrauoti* tnd-wWle

whIKwtll llret. Unlnl |liM. rULU UUAIlANT»:rJJI_


-L inco ln - Mcrcuty - Edsel - . 101 Main EMt

X S Theb r i g h t e s t LOT



IT__ DOWNPAYMENffIny ., ‘3 ---------- I tjl- t-o n n V-»,-Rtdlo. h**l*r. i>T.

„ „ J '.K v .T liS '':- .-....'! ;!.' n'~•■ dio. . be*l»r, tulom.llr. NewJ j E Y .......***'° **”’,jIES YOUREE“ . MOTOR CO.J>. Mftln Boulh , HE 3-681I



LAIIlU-Al'.^ l',h "fu'

lZ 51 FORD V-8'S T r ---------- n i ’j^ToM’T Ick T ip - ---------------

^ S K O W ?18S

MURPHY’S USED CARS 1'. 81-j M a n rso u ih T iE '3:7m ;;


' S b S E H S S .'g • D;: I'I.YHOl!TII .'-.I.K,r. «r,lM..irr

a.'--' ....r'l Utt"! uTii!" lr!NIL'K . i ;r . -=15U l-MKV|[OI.TMIr|.Alr 4 II...r. • 'i-

A-Ml'niiN-S i;001) . If>l ,?]

•. chi'nlr^'V/'^L-.irV;\CM-TIOfn . ' AI.LV CLKAN. ONl.V . IM

rO ilM JCRCIA LS• I31C STl.'DKIIAi;KIt :_ T..n'T.«V.

_ MAKK YUU KOT.S 01- ‘

l?15 CIIKVIIOI.CT^ T..n 1'lrV.i...


I.. 11. frk J"-,J" • >’• "■'

^ ' F I V E

„ Of TheF IN E S T " ^

1958 L I N C O L N P rc m ic ri!IjindaM. Iltr KaUdnr re<l wllh I '.u- ]rior, Fully powered, iiuw«r-ln«k dlf- fer*nU.), fMtorr tir mndlllnner.One own.r. CAKN'OT UK TOLD 1

■• niOM NKW.

-----------3959-B P9B L -CPT8«it-------^ - r: *-l«,r Utrtllnp, llrtullful lurqunU* \

tnd whll*. rirtlM] nrlon and Imber* ,130 Interior. TeWlourt drl.e, pow.r '____ ttlHrlnc, rtdlo, ellm.Witl hetl.r, • I------- wbll» ilcl. W.1I Hm. LOOKS AD-


q 195T D ESOTO F ircH ilc 'Sporumtn lltrcltop. Uetmlne irr.n and white. Power iterrlnc, brtkri, fcwtr a .tt »ntl window.- rowerflUe, prtmlum whll* tl.lewtll llrri. UwnH V hr t lotti dnrlnr tnil .how. lu VUIlX


? ’ . I95G J I E E C . M o j l c l i l t ^ _ „

LES - f f a o a g i a g g - f f - 1!h«t»7!!'K d C " i . OlVNIjj? YOU I,


59 1955 B U IC K Spccia) * n.. Woor..Ulu*-wllh.»hli4 Inlerlor loolt . -..

rid%.'l?"‘lr. !'’T.Jitl‘’’ownVr?aAKt> Jl IIUY <:UAIIANTK(3I



. 7 0 1 J Ia in E a s t .

■ •^ c


«,u ■ CAR BUYS,------; ON R A M B L E R TRADE-INS .

HJTRESOTO Vlrtdom* SporUmtn- -* :-door lltrdlijp- Tower it*«rlnf. power brnVea, ladUi. healer, I.ow — mllMt*. :-ton* ptlauONUY tnoS

J»7 KOnO rtlrlint.V-* 4-door Btdtn 'wllh oxrdrlx. n.dlo, be.ier.

ro n t) V-» Ftlrlmt •'»«- l-door lUrtlop. Power tlMrinr,-po*rr-

' *• “ 'brake.- rtillo. betler. yprdow.tie

-“‘"{t'5S.SST«:S,liEr'?=iVPj;j5 lon. paint- O.SLV______ HSH

-i(srf;nrvnotxr-v-i-n.iAip-i-a»t- -: lltrdlop, Um . .Ihtui!. wbllew.1l fIrM Itadlo hNLler. In eicellent “oSllUn. ONLY ---------- IU »

Ills KOnO v - t Coontrr SnitD. lUdle, ' h „ „ r . ovcrdrl.* l,.n.n.l..lon,

,j iij( ^ 0 '“’JEW EL'oNLY*_J---------IU«,I

------- JKl CllEVnOt.CT nalAIr WoorSj-irtii.mlialon- Klim ti«n Id.Id*• nd out. ONLY ------------



- ---------- - - P I C K U P S -----------------1948 M O D E L S T O 1957

' I f f ------------------------- ------------


LcwtU Wllli • Ro» Howard . rbn* ' nB S-1IU . Twin FtllJ .

■'Wberv Cuatom.rt 5«cd Tbtlr rrUadt'*-6211


P E r

-::z=:m^nOhElL.-1 9 5 6

f lO R E ’S M O T O R M A R TDull RK 3-7124 Twin Fulls „ , ,

NOD O W PAYMENT ^•iJ KOIID V.l :..t...r I3I.CT >l».•:z lUTiriC ^r^•I»l titrilioti T ICT »Io; H»

. 'i : CMi;V D-lu.a «-.h~r .-IJJ-tji >lo.•o CHKV <«r _ » l l ‘ l >lo,•Sl 'tlODlIK 4-.l~.r-------- l i : : i He, t• ;i IlDICK c.inxrillbl.--- |;J.IIJ >ln. «

•51 IIUICK aprtl.l «.d'..r _I:J.55 »Io,-Jl CIIKV :.a ...r-______ i;o.;6 Wo,-''; i I'ONTIAC ll.i.lli.p --.. »1».1J Wo.


HALOUSKA ------ A tffO SALES-------^

:5D 2nd Avenue Eo-'-t PHONE RE 3-B575 .

Ju .l w ,.t of lb* N<ir Cllr lltll 101

- To':. WORKMAN’S ‘’■


V.t Uulor, h>drtmtllr, rtdlo,

- IDSO PLYM STATION WAOON. tr.ndt'rd Ihlfl. n.mlrl>.- New’ Jj);

tire., radio, htttrr. LoctI on*

Itii CADILL^AC^O-^Sre<It| KImI- 18:

i tn nUICK Sperltl IU(dV»P C.~iw. AV A danitr. All lb. eilr.i- V«rr «)'.b .,p .nd tl«n . , - - JP

lOiS 1-ONT.AC •'f:o" «-door Se>Un.mllns* (tr.

I»i« 0U5.1 S.ip*r •'«•• JUHlop Coup*. Verr tbtrp and rl«tn. )'ull/,*(julpp»d.


, . H E fl-S479 Rupert

; SAVE! SAVE! -i W H E R E Y O U R D O L L A R S

H A V E M O R E C E N T S !

“ igss niKVROLET' l l i Ton'Tr^Jffc.^ llc«» .luly lirJramttl. UtcimlM __^

ItSi CIIKVIUJUCT S Ton. ^.ptfd ait.. t.:Si70 tirM. Kic.llint (rtln be-)--

1#SJ (lUC : Ton. Loi?» whe«ll»i*. newpaint and- good rubbtr. :-.Pe<d 2-t

; --------- txl. -------v,^,.,;;„;-,.lli»- poiJ951 INTKIINATIONAI. i Ton, Lon»

g g r'i.i!:"ar''a '3 ^

l»4t (iUC U n r wbwlhM. 1',^new , - 1..?°“" “ °''’ *'* Vi / i »*

1H7 ciiEvnoi.Frr t Ton. .s»w tiri.- ' f i t , ».t »iM--tlrT«r-l-«p«rt-lit*.---- —

Ion( wh*.lb<<* --------------- | i : t J.J



• WYLU‘r S “~ “_____ l i V m J l A L L S J L O T O R ^

s ‘ U a e d C a r L o tO n 'f tuck Lane

n- -jt,fc-fw-Htttty Hurthrep or Hndy Lodcr 4-1

! CARLESON’Si-____ £EREECX_— -ii

^:-U SEa CARS__.b« '^kkup . Low

!>___ BUt**«^ctUuiLiC«l'|iU5!i:____________» 1 9 5 8 C H E V . Vi T o nJ . ..PJekup- ,L«tll/_owaed. .Id«l_ftrm

t 195-1 O L D S - " 9 8 " 2 -d o o r‘ lloIMty Coup*. I'uil power, on* own*

,.r , new ptlnt. IIKAUY TO HOLL1 9 5 8 C H E V . B e lA ir4Hloor iltrdtop. nMBlllut vbU* tn j coscoppar Jlnltb, AulomtlU irtniml^ , tlon. rully *aulpp*d.1 9 5 3 B U IC K C onvcrtib l.o 4.0fiup* T0»ir. • ' - -• (lot

I_ in fiR C A D .' S e d a n D cV lU o *’**Air fondlUonlnf. fiiil' pow.r. Ctr

i pl JPUf dr*«m«, . . .r tS T C A D . C oupe . P unk ch,L<««lly o«««l. Low nllus*. UKE NKW1 9 5 7 B U I C K C e n tu r y4-<lonr lluUlop, DUtk and whit* Lot flnl.h. >-ull pow*r.- Ur.

- - 1 9 5 1 S T U D E B A K E R '- — 'fturllu Coup*- Cr*ra '{laUb. cood ^

1 ^ 3 C H E V . B c lA irJ-<toor lUrrlloti. Browa to4. U» fl»- -i***- ------ --------- • 'O ,St« Your r.jjOTlrt^Wtwotft- UC

John CirtM*--rtu i Dlihap ,


Twin Ftiis Open SundKr

" i ' •


^ .1 AL

V \ x O ^ ^ ■I RE-3 - 0 9 3 1 I

.......AUTOS FOR-SALEUi» >01111 • r.lii..|-f 4-.U«>r


ItK flAUULr.ll An.U...Jor 15;« R.S

— 'i - a i - r a 11:1 Jr.KP M?.Jrl CJ:U | .wb«l^irl<« **'’ *'■/

” " *' m '. n ,lis t n.VMOlIl!! 4 J.t^r 4.doo> H*"l-i

i “ 5!’tL"e’Vilr'L"iol:i;“"Ti?lV! "

Hi? CIIEVnOLtT V.l tl« 4-Ino'r ?»• 'Vnon d.n Au;, radio 19SJ Mr

l l l l VOLVO r.taiiin iv ,„n,^rv,ini.

— --Mi DEAN MOTOR CO.1J« ind A.en.. Rea. - Bf. HOJI- [

$?$$SAVE$$S$ A-:— l t ‘F n \^ r t r t i n r D r lv c -----------------

F or W hat You Save STATION WAGONS

We Got 'Em 111 '1017 rOR D Country Sedan

I t m illm ^ CHEVROLEr v-8 USI rc

---------wim in u r iii------------------------- i57j-fo1D58 FORD V-8 « ,

Counur Sedan, l o.Jon.tll.. 1057 FORD V-8

T o5J f o r d Country Sedan H TT.clOM FORD Country Sedan

Sprint; vlU toon be here - ...1 r i and you can savo »200 on ,,n n r o f 111# abovo *UUon WBEOru U you buy now.. ______ l l t l ill

lOifl STUDEBAKER V-8 _JTonTrurk, 'l»J4FC

1057 INTERNATIONAL »S» rcricvup j,j4 f.£

1959 FORD Tliunderblrd ^

, Pick From 4 «,1058 FORD 4-door8 *” * ^

All wllh ..ry low n .ll.t|t. fully » » H «)ulpp«d. tnd Prlted rlrbl. j j j j jj,105.7.STUDEBAKER 4-door j , : j fi

-j03a:cH E vnniirr,2 iii^ .d it)Q r_____ m milir.'t ft mlly ibirp oy gi

These and 30 more A -l ' m t e : Uted Cats and Trucks ara , , , , , priced to «ell.,yO\Y •_________




- --— W s r D E A L S — = — T OANYW HERE------------------ ’«■

o n U sed C a ra -''- - ' SO

.53 chevralet BclAir iis i piI.O«r H.d.1,- :S 0 v.l. mw.r *lld., b|K.7;b*.l»r, uawi

■58 Chevrolet BelAlr p!4-Door B»Jaq-:i« H-r. v-l. T a i^tllda tl.«tlne and brake., whll* .Ida- » « iftU llrt.. .latt, . . l»HCJ

- H « 5 1IS4 SI— ^7-Chtrn>let-BelAir--------- -0 « i4 n

:.Door-:JO v.l, power illd.. rtdlo. llnud iImi. whltt wdl tiro. Cotti aad , i . .„ ,

•87 PlymouUi Belvedtro p i r ;Sport Coup*-v-l. row.f.Fllta trtnt- * mUtlon. power tUtrln* tnd b r^» .

' .............

■50 Chevrolet BclAir - . —w n

• • m i n'SS Chevrolet 210 „ „ ci

4-Door Sullen Wtyon—V-l. oY.rdrirt,b«ltr. «.w .-►ujn* «u. p.1. 1. . 10. . . » « J

•50 Chevrolet 210 }J|J ^. f d r ." n d ^ v ; .r» i -w i « . iu

«159S T ----------‘SS-Ohftvrolet-S^Wlr-----------------"

•65 Pord Fftlrlane ”-4.Door-B«l.»-V.«,.»>r«>Ji4ilfc-r».- dio tcd U tltr. ^

'55 ChemiJet 2-Door sutlon Wtfoii-4 o.Indjf. tundtijJ —trtsiBlMlon. Btw orMhtuI, B*w tMilBt...ap lM l/ m»ndl.lon«L • m i DC

ijiM ' j » « r o■M Chevrolet BclAir « » » »'0

4-Door 8«<Ua - W-.r-flU* lr»nao.lf- 1»S> TOtlon. Ti41« ia4-b»iUr,-tiCTpO«a»U7 - im 'C S«<**»• , _______ ~ IIM IN

■57 Studebaker 2*TDn iKS mCh4itlt «ad ub. v-l. (tpMd. l-.p«d 1*14 CU »xl,. UtxIO rubWr. JMI.FO

CJ■U Chevrolet 2>T0B t iu 'iN

Lone «b**Ib*M, >tp««t til*. t.:ixlO 1»» rcUrot. B*w o.«rht»l jnd P*l°t. . ■ f t

......... .......... 1U& Cl■58 Pord ’,i*Ton Pickup t*i7 Dt

' V.t, »-.p*.d. o>*rdr1.*. 1M7 CI»1295 ,_ Cl

"WcV* i t O lm : •>»« 2• o . JehWni* and SAVE EXTRA- •IW P MONEVI - Remember, you b« »»»* c: extra-aenflcc. too-. • .:. •.• . . . . . j



RE 3-5053, ^

... - r ^PA G B TWENTY-FIVB • ;

A U TO S FOR S A l t___________CIlUVhLKIt lUibl.ndrr l-Joor .» ~ *' '. Very r"d tonrilllon. IIH.60. S«« 'iC-' . '.I----------- — ■ "■, ■ .5'


..........0 ______________R .

D -■- R - A - D - E I - N - S

G - 0 - M - P - A - R - - B — ----------- - 7 ;

- i > . - R - I - - e = E S — - -

n.S^it* rireflll. 4-door (III*

.^Chrx.ler N .r Y«rk.r j

'Ti?HSiiK'v:rst‘; ; r « o i r i i i i » --------------------r riymooch « ri.t* t-*>*r _$ISII ; rirmo^ib « S.TOT l-4o*'r _IUM - -'. rirmoa ih "

; Dwlj. « Coron.t I-door ___I t i l ,I rimiogil. Club Coup* ____ Il l tI ri^moulb : doer_________l l l lI ’l-Irmouih U,i.t Suilo*■'•eon ......... ..........................lis t1 rirmmh i-door_________|a i4 ririnoulk « door El.Ikli.*on _________________ n u t

U N I O N . 'M O T O R S r I n c . — --------- r f:nM Schlfller - J t l . ItoU ' , I '


A - l U S E D C A R S

F ro m Y our

N o r t h S i d e


I i im c m r ncnuuir <-d<»r i r i i iI rONTIAC CM.dtIn <-doer IK Il i loni^i-doornttcb wttea I l l l t? u t:nc Host<iiir c«op«___m i l.1 Kono >'tl.U«. -JM-____ II4II.7 ro n o FtlrUa. noc-____ |I I »TT.o>rhAa,-suu4»*wn»c:in«------ —.« FORD Cbiiob « o o f - _ _ | i m it OLDS fisp*r I t t-dw — 11611 .< CUEVSOLrr t-dr. Wtioi t i t u 17 OLOS SDPrr II Holldv Com !

I II .-I ' m la i tIS ilUOSON *■'«.*17 roiuj Tkstdw-DIrd ■____ l i l l l •l4 F0nD CuUBUt. W < « ;_ jll» ‘It FORD AttKh Kt»ta______t i l l . ' * ^It roRO F.i.i.«« — «ii*i '

COMMERCLOS 'It CUC I Ton____________I t l l lIJ Fono r-icj H T»a_— il«U ' - i? INTCRNAT.O.VALtH Toa IIIM:$ FOHD r- iw pkkuj. ___ t i n i • - • •-n urrr.nNATioHAL w to » - i i i i___________II DODCB H Toa__________t i l l 't> CHEVBOLCT V, Toa_____ 1711»« CllEVnOLET TrtKk. t-*f«*d. S- , i|

*p«ed, t .tt rubb«r. CoapUu . I


PR IV ETO -JER O M B . .... ... :

■ M A G I C

C A R & T R U C K■ 80. Uoeotn •

Jefvme, Idaho ' .Phona EA 4-S3«5.


SI rLYHOtnri i-iMr ' •)> K tKOUTII 4-Joor WtfoB « « » _ ■» Y 0tK 9W A C E H _JW _^llil _ _ kl n'iUUILEB't-dm lUtdtcp - t l l l l T ~ T ~ M 6L08 I4oor Ukrilop « n «II PLYM UkJdlop - _ » U I _ _____SI QUICK d-door lUnllop ^cn u v B L n t M tu u»rtor.* *» it STVDE r-door Wttoa .^ 1 1 1 1 tt-JODfit fcdnrr ............ I ll*—:_________

I D A H O ’S .4RGEST SELECTION O F PICKUPS—1 TONS a n d ____ TRUCKS __________ _

- P I C K f j P S - : -H 'F £ 5 K n iT « T - irL iw ----------------."

>1 FORD ^ Tn. ^p*tl. (.St CIIEV. M Tb« VJ Oerrdrrr.It CIIF.V- «4 Ton. «-<p..d. «.!I CHEV. \i Tbn. ll CIISV. H 'T.b- 14 STUDE. >i T.a. 4-tp**d.II IKTEHKAT10NAL H TW. *.

. - - 1 T o n ;s = : ______

ll INTERNATIOKAL I T n ■A. CUEKIlOLEt-l-T««. J m k _______________I KORD t Tra.1 DOIHiE 1 To*, lu k t ___:rc iiE V ttb tir‘i ToV ■ it tNTEaNATlON&L 1 Ttia. 8tO« . . ,

- T R U C K S —I DODCS 1» Ton '7'rOIU>lTon V-l ................................ ...T FORD I Ton. Tllf C4k I TORD l Toa. I.rcH EVItOLET I Tea (I) .......... ............r-------I lOTEEMAHONAL I Tea. Ctb-___________

5 INTERNATIOSAI. » TSa'.4 CUEVnOLR I Toa- .|>ORn 1 Toali CMCIH Toa . . . ''i'IKTERNATIONAL t Tea ' ‘ '>T rORO 1 Tea. v a ,7 TOttD I Teo V-l •II CliEVBOLGf 't TeiTI------ —17 DODGE « a * .17 CUO t Tea17 cnEVOOLCr l Tea CTA)17 CUCTMLET^rTw-tiy----------- ------H FORD » tba (V.1), , _________!-H CM V R OLB TIlta . • ■ •

•. T R A D E o r .’i B R l S ;. • '


M O T O R C O . . . . .

S e f in ; Moco u d .D o a - /.V;


12 2 3

j j K

- r ’ii


■ : l:


Page 26: rpT l S - · ' «« tcroa* 110 mllea of I «»ws the jutiRM, Wllllnm Bamea. -----• Pilot Max Conrad Kayburn

■ __________ ^ ^ ____________; S . P A G E T W E N T Y ^IX

? ^ 3 0 0 ^ tu a r a i r ^ ^ EvsAttend A r e a _' m

Career EventJIAILEY. M»rth S-Second #n- .

nu*I carccr dsy w m held a l the I M f ^' Hallcy h lsh fchool Wedneiday g m a g m

w llh 300 DUlnr counly siudeiiu

h lsh >«:hool3 parUclpAtlnff,HU:— T ucme lor mt progmui.' wnicti ;—

wtA arninccd by Jean ^ tze r, : a m / f m Buldunce director for lUIIry hl{h :•chool, w u ~The' tu ture belong* ‘

. to those who prepai'e far ll." .D avid InchausU. lUIIey high

------------- rehoo!-*tTidcntbodypr«slt}tnt,-*n<ln o b e rt ila lch . preiidcnl c l the

' " Bellevue student body. Inlroduced th e theme.- Paul ZJcmpscy, Oklne coim ty K hool iuperlntendenl. weU comed th e croup aod Uie Corey h ic h K hool chorus, directed by

‘ B onald Pcclc, u n e . ■ ■ ■ H HFollowlnc the jeneral Mwlon, _

f tudenU were MslBnetl to ihi.-c d lK erent coniulUnU In the fteldn In wJilch Uiey had txp reacd In-

J . ^*CoiuultAata Included Cirroll r ■ WUcomb,- Jerome, enslneerlnj;

Marold P e a n o a atomic enerey commlMlon, Arco. phyalcs and nu- “ " J r , clcax V icncc; Hugh Kelion. Je- ‘J’'™ *" rom e U. 8 . emplo)THcnt agency, ujttthem aUc* snd chffiilM ry.-- -

Dnvid Eardley. Twtn- FalU.^ Kt-TX employe. Ulevlalon andV . ------- rad io : D r. Oien F. Overiurf. local" veterinarian , veterinary medicine; T „ J S q . , /

H . E . Le«cl, K lnman Bualnes* l i l U l a l U unlvereliy, Spokane, nenenil elen« • T l - „

.ocraphy and oltlco machlne.i; W. j O r

u ir a p h y l Imd* Jt^F ?M o?^^v ,'t'i^ e r o f thc Bellevue Feed and Seed non o i laan company, and form er personnel ip b c rt E. Sn d irector of -the CurlLi Publbhlng tlnte iv prop company, salewnanshlp, J»o/e KM on^Berwy^ Burke, owner of the Indlnns said

KftUey. nm e*. was In charge of If now being the editorial and Joumalbm dl* uonau. vision: W illard Baker,, Allen P. a

----- -------i i at BTBtT"’" '" ", anri- FDt^ Indian - wnn. Ja ck Lovln, Bawtoolh national Idaho -iU to• lo rcs t official, forestry, hwtled ‘J'O

■ M ra. Alma Jankow, of Alroa'a He enld ,th B eauty ahop, Ketchum. beautician Rroup to rc

_______ w ork; Cl&ude Wain, JBolw junior Pred O arrcttcoUese, drafUnc, wcldlnc arid aulo ploymelit see

- - m echanics: - Joseph McFadden, plore lla »ugi I BU Ine county pro»ecutlnc alter- -Sllckpoo aa

ney, J«iU profeaslon; Ilay JeHer- aaked the g L son K etchum trad e achw l prln* aeeklnc entic• ' clpa], education: Mre, Everelt aoucht by In<

- Twombly, Blaine counly publlc ledernl conirr he a lth nurae, psychology and men- The meeUi ta l h e a lth : Mr*. Olenn W rljhl, concluded a.

. a r t : RuaaeU Hart, local game con* the council. wt aM vatlon offleer, fUh imd Bame; ~ — HI M /SBt. Robert Rlcharde, Twin SCHOOLS ■ ' FaUa, arm y recruiter, a r m e d OLYMPIA,

lorcea. ‘n«Wn Jam ea liik ln , Blalna county a j- U'» W aihlns

, ricu ltu re agent, farming and stock now. A t offlt raising, and Mary Ann Knight, ofllce. Oov. Tw in FalU, lupervlslng nurse for law J-estertn tho aouthcentral Idaho health thorired the un it, nuTstnj; ' ■ ■ — ^

__________ Mr». P a u l Dempsey waa hostesa nSA D TIM E

for consultants and teachers. __

TES— ■■ -g -

•• chairm an , made eome 800 glnget- “ b read m en the three school color*, lo r refreshments. H f D

T h o vocational guidance pro* W l • ■ iV • f ro m in the Hailey high achool *■' Vithichvwaa InlUated last .yenr un- f o r t h e

d er the direction and guidance of Y f} . Mlaa M te r , has been praised by * '

p a re n ts, achool etflclals la ld. j

' • Award Waits M.fh”' , • HANOVER, N. H . (UPD -W hy

aS e of each telephone polo he •«-------------- pnases. wHl)e' Bre~p l« e U -cn n ilcli- - f i O H H e t fence app tar to him only a* a

Well, th e National Science foun- daU oa haa announced a »18J00

-----^.“ -grfcnttoD artraouth 'colleB e-toflnd - - D If •D s v e n to thl* and other luch --------------ijUMUoni.------ -----------------------^ -

• ICE SEASON 8T ^ T S P O lBOOTON, March 6 ( f l— The

coast guard yesterday began op^• eraUona of lls 1850 Ice season In- 5 0 0 B|<

tc m aU o n a l Ice p « r o l- ln -N o r lh - ^ 7 AUanUo wttler*. .- i M W l g


\ Becouso W e Sell DircciI . . . Drivo O ut ^nd


--------------------T e n d e r-S u g a r-C u w l------1------- Smol

grocer^ A t r ^ o s t p r l u

. ' T ender Boby Beof P

t i P r t Roast L f Ib. 4 7 c 14L_ JCiislom E|r. •• Ncxv to Golf Course—We

"D rive O ut A L ittle -S .

I v a n g e l i s t S p e c t a

. B yllE N BI*' The demand

• 9 baseball b f rH ' l day. but befori

J±-. - ■ • r I might be wUe' needs the alter^ ' the fpKUtors.

V- •' ■ Ju lU A O U a.ncp L f l P i r ' ' \ I la too slow, thl

* In a game rttj I hours to be pll

1 0 ’? ! ^ + •■■'V' “■' ■■ changes ar« 1came j v c r ^ T hree ball*. n<

k .. T he d d lb e n U^ thus ellmlnaU


GLITNN G R im T lI e ran te lls t (rom Denrer ot the renenkl modcra- tb e Dlble Mlsilfinary w ko opens a rerlral H a t 8 p . m . Tbnr«dty a t H W k

n FalU ehnrth, 431 Mon* H W ect. Serrleet cobUbd* ■ W M arch 15. Mr. and Mn. • ■ - 1

I Ilarger, Filer, will pre- ■ 1 «U t.tnu»lc. Tbe Oct. E. . H — .. ' ion . iM to r, Invite* Us

in s A s k in g ) r F a r m W o rk.- MftMtl 5 IB -i^ llOCpr^ --------------------daho Ind laiu asked Oov. •. Smylle yeslerdoy to Inl- jroKTiim to give • Indltins Rsonol fnrm woric. Tlie a id too much of this «-ork ;lnff given to Mexican na-

?. Sllckpoo. a Ne* Ptree I’hn l»- f .r r fU rv of the lato Intertribal council, he delegation.1 the" governor asKed the ■ g e t In touch with H.TCtt, dlreclor of ih« em- .

sccurlty-flecncy, to n t - ..........................suggestion.0 aald the delegation also lO governor's support in enactm ent of leablatlon r Indians groups from the anirress.eeUnB w ith the g«venior1 a. tw -d a y meeting of cll.

)L'S NAME CUANQED PIA. M arch 5 MV-Wash*■tttto collese la no more, hlngton State university official ceremonies In hU ov. Hoselllnl signed Into erday a .bill which au* the nam e change.


• S T D R I V E

"59-D0DG —^ PlYMOUTH

\ -wth e SU RPRISE of \Y O U R L IF E \

d T e i t expert Tem :C ahiU 't article In ichonix lllustrotad

CALL ___________

B-EMBERTOI^ ------------


R E 3 - 7 0 6 2


I Block 2nd Ave. 5o. ' -


U R Ec e t to You

. i . r N c

molmil L o ln J o ik — I — ™

:h o p s — a2 $IB .00 Qu.k

- 1 - -s :? ,

RIES in s l O * ^


LARD Ijpk 4 5 c J

P a c k CWest of C ity ' \•S ave A Lot"

--------------------- - TIMES

t a t o r , N o t G a m e ~ N e

l a n g e , - M c I . e m o r e B eNBT MeLEMORE -Ihe bullpen to bejuid fo r changes In the pUylng fl«

injwlnB. louder each Pttcheis would no t * ■fore they are made It mound, jrise to find t -which cumber of times a 1 IWraUoa»-thB game or an. with hU pUyers.j n a m g r m t n j r T j i i f i -^tesfr-m eam irw -w 1 no* nlu*d If Uui It *»'"*• 'Ith S fth T ^ IS no s e i i sp«edM-Up7-re r- th ,

re«[Uinng two U> three 1 »uppo«. th a t boo. p l a y ^ ' condensed, foods f

the . aunested rule In 30 mlce aimed, a t getting a ^ *“

French In o n e .____> no t four, for a- walk. None of us h as 1 rate walk to be called, more. To alt In a su natlng the four wide for three hours to w

■ . .____________ ful game. beauUfully

' w c ^ B 1 0 0 % ' ^ \SEFUU AJ THE PROTEIN J j.

W Mi!AT A M D M I I X ^ - ' ' ' 2


Jow from oats...na1

ich.e&t4 jnQtein_gra )uaker brings vou^ja k e r s ta r ta w i th t h e good p ro lem * ric h iffs th e m in to t in y , l i t t le po p o v e re w it ispy c n isL ’^ ce rea l.g iv e s y o u m o ro p: fo g iv e s y(Si ep ec ia l p ro te in — u se fu l p mo q u a l i ty o f p ro te in , y o u g o t in m eal fo g iv e s y o u , to o , ' 100% o f y o u r d a i l j jc n tia l v i ta m in s . p lu s 6 iM ro ' im p o r ta i d m in e ra ls , H a v o som o t«m orr«w !


pret«ln» er* 4 ,juat can’t build up yoi

\ causo thoy don 't hav^ amount of certain ca

- i ‘ '• clcmenta.

1 M ' Some proteins or* "I*• /W ^ lno."Thcybuildirepaj

Z - j L \ ^ Y7' , ta iiiLody.tifl3UC8. But M y , J ins, usr/ui protcina ai

■ in thebody.Thafaw h . _______ i them every ainglo day

: A > Y Tho use^jJ kind o fp n Y b^oroyou ndd milk, I

“ ueeful * tcin in meat and milk

E S ^ N E W S r T W I N - F A L I ^ r l D ; ^

T .. - - J . _____ of_Ua.(3Mt»Uon,.We_masi( e e d s ■

R e l i e v e s

■ be brought closer In other words, our lelsi field so relief must nol be spent leuu

o t waste Ume gel* ousl-b«-spei>i-»t-ft-gaUop, Id.' A limit on * e fidget and fuss. Not loo 1- i a manager,co\ild when we Americans had :I lo r conferences lebure time we have now.

suited CTer}iMdy J u t fti

u t w hi m ust lt_lx *>‘*<red a bonus, and the

books have to be Whea the 40-hour wei ■3 frown. “Ham* way to Ult SO. and the 30 I minutes.'the In c - as many foresee, and s{ two lessoos and hare more and more time

hands, are they going to 1 i i 1 n 7 ’tline“ in y ned -wui n -ra jjxeded up a sunny ball park The lime may well con )0 w atch a beaull* baseball games wlli'be 111 tully played, 1* out three Innings, the ba tu

W W■ _____ __ ___

~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


•ich-oat-grains.------------------ / ------w ith a crispy, * r e a d

T> protein. A nd ............II pro tein—tho — M ADE i neat and m ilk . s!aily need o f 3 r ia n t vit&mlns

ROT I I N . . ; \

I ‘lax y ." T hey \ I> yo i^ body bo- 'havo tho right ^pjBj i l JI pmcntinl pro*

• "hord work* epairnndninin*3utthc80W0rk-lB aren’t etorcdBwhy y6u need |day. . ' “' " l j — N C ;

irblng" protein. / \f protein. Even _ _ / \ •Ik, L IFE’* pro- ' / V 'sful as tho pro- / \ •. ' ^nilkl J \

IDAHOm ost be off one swing, relief pitcher* bn

do aomelHln* ln“ b y 'J e fh tB c o p ta 7 in « rt tf tnlmites that called-on account of w l " •ule chances, among Uie speeUWn If tne sl tb e game, goes over 20 minutes.

.....................Or.. If' StlUng U ia-gam .r leisure time wllh becomes lhe prime obJec

leisurely. I t rival managera might Jost « aUop, else -we high card .at home plate and loo long a*o. so a l Uial. h ad half t t e Tlien everybody could rush now. baseball the park and have mewl 0 « fine; Tlie attemoon left, lo find aome ime-waa-ecm. do.------------------------I th e double- Q(_ course;! Chanda* _ th t — - • w o u rd 'b rr io n im p ie rn o i} -

r week elves dmnglilg ountlvrr. I t Isn’t e 30 to th e 25, to chancfan- eBtL-e phlloaop id spectators ij(e, which ,.U vliaL most < Ume on their .u-ould-haveT* do If we ever g to be eatls . to make leisure Ume really « td up gamcsr able'aiid 'fruitful:--------II come when buI th a fs the w»y Uie be llmlled lo bounces,ba tter given (Oiiu<bui»i br UrNiutKc Hrn ii


' /




V t f eV



I I j P L '

■ M n f

N T ' / . •— 7— w e « e - * i % - A S - f c ^ \ \ »

^^2^1--------------^ - IN S O C S •


J V ■J ' ~

in a re

S W E E T , _____

E A D Y - T O - E A T . . . I ^


W ________________

~ 7 \ • T / ^

■ ------------------------- ---------

________ j T

^ W t MANT S A m - t a n a a t e - ■I'n m AW .-lrM .-M aith-U -tB — esUccsneas Kelusehl wbo claims t tthe game jfu , old. tells friends he

intends to Uve 35 ;ama_oyer **e 320. reported in goodobject, lhe condlUon. ''1s t cut for — I II - ■■..■■■ .I'T^and Ut tt K“ - - — ■

DEAR MAI. th tn i le * : ____S ’t 'S S ' tlie -'vorldW S A SAVINGS accotever hepe ^

lU yenJoy^n .____ _______________ 'Uie ulcer ; y



i r . . .p u r \

T EIN *; A »--------

»AT C E R E A L * ..»

i ;


W ® H 1 1 I


* s — \ --------------■


awaot. m a d yto -o o t ooc coraal

ready-to-eat c

_______ ____________ J ____________ /


^ s s s s = M i 0 l l B m £ S i ^ e > N t» ro «

i . . FBOGBAM 8PBUDS IB-------O lIA W A ^ a tc h -A U ii-c .n ^IS U ada-s saUonat hosplul Ineurm;., he program. In .operaUon only ,;th t___to m eolhi. now covers tomt 10: 00.good 000 of Uie couDlry'i HiOOjxiO 503." ' tiUUan.- ‘ -

\UDE,rldis-thefet'form e?- ’ *= - count at the B; & T. r

Twin Faj)s:Kimberly_..,__



— X ■_____________ \


/ \

rO < « to O « ia .# f