  • Slide 1

Slide 2 Phonograph Radio Marconi Jazz Louis Armstrong Jelly Roll Morton Slide 3 Movies The Jazz Singer Birth of a Nation Nickelodeon Advertising Slide 4 Baseball Babe Ruth Boxing Jack Dempsey Slide 5 Automobile Henry Ford Taylorism Highways and new industries Gas stations Rubber tires Road accidents Slide 6 Airplanes Charles Lindbergh Slide 7 Prohibition noble experiment Speakeasies Bathtub gin Slide 8 Al Capone St. Valentines Day Massacre Untouchables Slide 9 Ezra Pound T.S. Eliot William Faulkner Sinclair Lewis Ernest Hemingway F. Scott Fitzgerald Great Gatsby Slide 10 Harlem Renaissance Langston Hughes Zora Neale Hurston Slide 11 Great Migration Marcus Garvey UNIA Slide 12 Margaret Sanger Birth Control Flappers Alice Paul Slide 13 A. Mitchell Palmer Red Scare Communism Sacco and Vanzetti Slide 14 Melting Pot KKK resurgence Immigration Quota Act of 1924 Slide 15 Fundamentalism Scopes trial Clarence Darrow William Jennings Bryan
