Page 1: nft* H/MPPiONifroi^

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-tj-ig RF^UBI lh; pRQCKRQRf-N. Y. TtiUBSDAYi 1 U I Y 30,

l ^ f e v : . ; . . , :•":-....; - ' . .>••.". •:.-COMMUNITY' mWR

w£\nft* H/MPPiONifroi^ ReiulSr Correspondents

^1? : ; t «™ -Mrs. Bert .Lyiad '"toad -as' -Sunday

fggle: Ho"y-aa.dvfifis. Hoy^of r the -East Town line. ' - , . . :

-Small but Satisfactory Community Drier,

^^fiv^eirneyTJf^WaTiei'poi't called at ["til© home of Mi's, Lynd,' Sunday. '~ The next florae Bureau nleefMg- will. •lie held at' the home of Mrs». Dauehyi| in" Hamlin, on August 5th. A tureeji

|;diaiier?will fee served.- Mrs, Hackey of ' Fairaori" will be in attendance.-. -

. T fcnan-BaU4y-iteotfetjmttted^MTr"a nrt" Mrs. Frank Kagen_ Friday orir an teirdeditdur of three counties, _ r^#JSss£l£hMri^ and soft Howard #t

[^Palrporti retijEiied honie v/Phur.u;!ay fte-r "spending a wfteE "with Sirs. H.

€b Leatyr^. - - 7 - — . "7 .' ' -~-* > Mr. .and Mrs, Arthur Burt, w-no re-ct^Mx^Hffifitosedn-he ^HtDTe li feTen fejrT taioed their brother from Loekport on

<Rr«par«d by_ thft.Uttl.ted States Department I o p p o s i t e e n d of t h e house a n d . back, 1 with an elevation of two feet above

tiie furnace, ..Tills stovepipe may ex-fend -outside of' the' house a sufficient space to escape the eaves and' an eFl •bow and three or four joints may act "as; a Chimney, or if a. chimney is-pre-

Jn^ommunity driers or evaporators-^ |ji#e -proved of great value in -taictng jextaaC" iV^r-^xrt-a^e^*lih«r*fagtmg—d u r i 11 g i Iftfigf busy season. A small but, satis-' [factory co-operative drier—may- be

*g dJiycfjonsy d e d- b y t l i e ^ l l o r jJUuMIflonflL Iwhlch are-

States Depaftment~-of • Agricultures

I^ ^ h e thermos-or tireless cooke*r-prln-$lple Is used in fids drier j that is, a

m^sm^osmrsi • four,, inchesi;i|rai? iowed between the walls of thejbouse, filled- with sawdust,' This holds the heat and relievesfthe necessity of" .*- constant watch over"the'flre. "The" furnace should be placed., at the op­posite end from. the *d"oor and a stove-;pjpe run fitntnymriiape end-to thextoor end and?" bTyeRrwlth~sufflclent elevation to cause good draft. A drier of "this

fereed,-4t may Bg buluyat a efiir lot $$,

uin.o.1. « u . . v , „,. ljetweeli the tray bearers it filled with itae-and type should, with good -man- L^neh strips to act" as guides for the

tr 'ajrs-and-^ late betweAr~tEe^. tHrysr^tf-^tj • - - •• J 5 S s « l S S f ! from^&U^lWlrjf bushels

Iftdayj. and should pay for itself, in' one season. • Wet weathwJms no, effect, on thi£ typ4 of drier....... . . J . „ . „ „ _ „ !

.Building Plan of House. —The house is 6 by 12 feet.... The up-

hrjghts-in front are 6 fee't 8 Jmches. ^The uprights" in back are 0 feet 2 -inches, to give roof 6 Inches- fall for "watershed. Boors are fastened to 2

!^by. 4-inch uprights in front. Door^ Xre'£ feeT^itrches by C feerS Inches.

[ g'he furnace Is 15 hy 15 inches by 4 i-'feet; eo>-ered viufh tflro~sl>eets (2C

l3j[ftUfee)Ibtack.,slieef iron 2 inches apart iLj^kir" space to ptfevent nrer--The--rad-

latlon 'Is secured' by ordlmiry stove-| rplpe-attached fo'-fumince... , ,_ [ •'-' -The house -is, heated _nfter the .plan

a -tohuppo bHrn,r-a •snjall furnace of '-rdek—or—brick "4s. built—at Foner_end,- a

l-stoveplpenEirH-ies Hit' radiation;' to tTii

' ^. -Plan "of Trays. „• There are three lattice partitions In

the—housef:' making" four sections.32' inches' wTde~" f o r - dryings trays;"';'-"X2 • inches ihoye tbe/i l l l place across a piece 2 by 4 Inches on which the cen\ tex uprights, 2 by 4 Inches,, and the back upright, 2 by 4 4ncbes, rest. (Put up­right pieces the 2-lnch. wayj The tray beaigrs, 1 by 3'inch strips, are fastened t6~flm uprights.''. l£he space


. K<ii«or of '>rtlfliliTH" . %T| • t jK«:K<">K<K^K^K^K^K«^

Hv\VE you ever, noticed: the tree­less shut-in expression on a deaf

person's face?. N>xf .to om-; eyes, irur ears, are our most^npSrta^-^irfBnjr^ gans, "If i's through'the eyes and the

|_ea4j^Jfhaf--a- e^ l^rn^Jdiojst. _ ilifiLjwof ] d; tmrgiile- ourselves and keep in e(tB)-'

1 ta«Bli-a-tit»B w i ^ twr.4eliov?Sr -^blhid:. Imwa oapnoT^s^e wh«tt^is--^nttif===*>a

Sunday. _ . _ . . Remember the community picnic is

to "be held at Point Breeze, A-iagus^J5. Everyone' welcome.

R*>-VH-M-i*7-i3arivrn arid son Rayiviond, and daughter Ruth, spent last wel t in North. WoJcfltt. _jrr-~--'- '- -,-:. R^V7-Wrf^SpSuldiBfir4H!esidefl t of Gnonadaugua. /Cojiferejice^ jac.cupi«d

spaces are Jeft open they "will act as a flue arid carry off the heat. The sides of the' troys are *of % by Mnch HtjE' ber, making the' trays 3 inches deep. The bottom-of the" tray Is'.ttiade ,of lat; tice. strips" % by 1% inches, with 1-irich-space between.•;'the stfips .running lengthwise. The trays have "a center partition to support the bottom laths and, cheesecloth is jised to cover- the ln'ths, There" lire ff lnche$ from the ToiFot tjUte twy tu tlin tup'uf" the- itesfer The trays move on ffiebearers like a bureaiq1 drawer;^- - ^ ' ^ - T t r ^ ^ T ZJT

A smjill dperiing iniist beheft at W ot ^ house, just above doors—^an outlet for • steam.'"' X-n-Rcii''opeulag,'jrFfi-ftn| fotmdafi<»n"!nTISf • hp plnnned-to let' In cool air tu keep fhefrult froju sweat-


th> pulpit of t'he.M-'P, chjirjeb-Sunday--PapM* aur-hejirhig appargtut.Ues. In | morning, His sernion Wfjs"most in­teresting- and was- appreciatecr^byiall Pi-eseiafr ffee Sacrament Was "offered I to all; —


_-¥tt and Mrs. .Edwin Hazen and son were at Gones_us lake^over t h e week end, where' they "were guests o r M r and Mrs. Joe "Chadwick of Spencer-

measles. covered. . James

FCCKOSS la now ill -with His brother f a l t e r ,has re-

arouiid hirti but he can hear. iTttd his. heaniig generally becomes 'tnurK aeute, to uialce up for bis loss of i':-;l't--But a- deaf 'persou |s^ cut m i ' from

the world of' sound. £ot only human "V?)I£«rbiirifl5.or alt forms-of music"do not-exist for !iImT""iiT~r"'" "' "~

iheut features we geijerully thinly 0|-that jiart of thp-eaTwliich we cuff-&ee.-T^t the external ears are tlie Uia*jfc-iin-p«»rt-'ini pnrt of" (Hir hearing .tnacfrin-ery. They are tike the 'h«»rh-uu the phonograph or- the toud pn the JUdio Their function is" to col-_ teeNt-- flie-^sound—vwm^-andiHsiiWu^fhenJ-to the Inner ear. The really litipmtaht \

& Moore, and chII'&eh_of S-yraQuse and-Eranlv -Ghristop-her and children of. Medina were callers at W. D. Moore's Sunday afternoon. * Rolland Bottfng' entertained a for­mer schoolmate, Eddie Hockbruekner, o"a Sunday."' , ' . - .

vMrs.Jte. Saunders and' Miss jfanettj i-atts 'Of Uotni^sl^F and Mr.^and Mr .

Chaflesr"C.urpier: of Mace4o» were-

what Is called the inufer ear. This Is suxprlsb^y_^iike_Ttiie modem tele-, pftese."°aF-ffajttt;^grai^nwfrHJ^iine, the .ejprdrum, corresponds- -to. the diar phragm in'the telephone, Three -smnii" bones, held by ligaments-and-tH.tiiehed so that they move- wiieii . the drum vibrates, transmit the sound in. the form of motion to this auditory nerve , which _ca rries,the MliUlse to the brain;

^AnytTnng~wirtch Uifterffirej^vitb the perfect operation .of; this delicate m'a-chlneny^will-la flkcL|keJiea r:ing,_^;

"Was tn the outer,.'funat witr-prevent t h e air, wave^ from "entering- or keep t b e drum from vibrating.' Adenoids a? enlarged tonsils In the throat may" close Up the lower end of the canal from1 the .t^Foai.Tto ihe"iHMdle ear apd so affect tlttj air pressure that the drum or ^the hones Cannot move. .lvi-_ flanamation" of jiny kind Twill proQUce' thickening of Oiel^aium- &i.iajtise ys^

Walls >of-Itoch^st^F and M^" »~Z"^f+°*" PU^-tn«y-r»Pfttro the tirum.-or-tl

ear bones "to stick to each other. In­fection in the -ear With the collection

pns-may \VorU back into the deeper trfieql«--5i?-+Ha-Ttr , 1 ~,r7«T« -:-., scruclUres Tn ttie Time produciiiffTleep^ ^ t v . . ^ . * ^ W ^ W I n r B ^ h o w ^ -

Earache is ns^t-a harmless complaint.

They v; Are Cooked


Excellent . Vegetable.


l(tetcpax«a..b\Ct hi.,"ll"J.'.. L. *iJ - - — - - - -of AT-^i^ti-tttr*1.

••-—tiucjujibeis an- i:'M''i'HV'rit~as a cofiked voget'tlb'lp, -VjRrTcsts the Unifit-d states pVpaitftieHf"" of Avrn-ultiii-iv.. thmigh 'iii^nji- ueupie. do "riot l.'ti.v.v or use tTiem in this- form. To pn-'p-ire them for cooking, peel them, cm i-ngthwise or

"crosswise, or bbtb. a'nd seinrp rrur The


last -week, Mrr-nnd- Mrs.

entertained- Mr. and- -Mrs.— Martin" Brown of'Banve at.djnnerjQn Sunday.

J^elderi 'Williams andJ.miglitercRuth, eoxtertained- friends" -from WiilianiSQ'n se.veral days "last week. Other guests'J-oa -SM ndn-y ^ p Jg£. "•" ttiatc>fe j.BM»hwt

^P lJ - t^W^ni^and . Misa JUenfji # i U i n T

ndorfror-^ri+gi!ffiaz=^ s-thlnk^-i t Is "a 'sign <^f-deep InfeeVion V^tch

fmii.v endanger -life and ei mainly 'will Injjiin*. liea-rinji '"•",,.. _'""" <~ £)nhft v use- uainpins, foothptcks. matches. - pi;n"l»ilders or any "other lutfd iubstttnee. In tho ^ar<.. .•

1-nm't allow

NmWirvter's FurFaihicms1 : ^ >•"'x C aiMs'Summer's Low Prices ^ •

Ib^phraseilte^lefts i najew warels the stoiy^of our

-womeh vviid know iuf values aFe selecting ¥ur CjaC' saents — mm^- at.|mees th^t aj^ substantially lower than the p^ic^vvliidb must prevail later in the season'.

I!or:we a t e presenting during our Suniftier Safe-— tfe«^iJt^e«4e-44i4-v?^±st5^e^^ „ €^mi4i^winiejUri-ga^3ieiits of lhe . fine -gualt.-.

-ity-for wl^h^'Men^Shal'er-HeLd."" Fnxa have long been noted.

Orvtyby IT visit to one o! o.ur stores realiz.e the beauty and'distinction of- the

- i pa^e^ j#e^e^s | d^ i r i ^a i i d Ikejumisualiy: low priees ^twhich^fH^ylitaye be^n tnarke

Ybur inspection "is. invited.

— ^ v e r y ^ Garment and Scarf is in­cluded iii-thi* *ale --^ and the^-pricea are so low that w i immediate selec­tion will mean,a worth7while saving.

. ' * *. " " - , « . . / -*

'Only a Moderate Deposit.Need Be Paid Now And' any ^arm|flxpjou "detect \vi]l h e placed Tn one df .^ijir storage Vaults

~ ^ n ^ n t g u - w a s t i t ^ i t e f ^ - * v".

A few of the Special Gjurmenti

if^j&sreetftnr Coat, aumyier priee,~1itts Krt-Htidson Seal 'Coat (dytd

muskrat), sunmrikr priee,' ti-r-Cdbod Carw»ukCa*t, mm-

mer price, (3SS. . - - - v c6Mi»>«s>iv.j^i±LC^!>?i»OR*»yX*o _ « . ; * Bav SmlCoat {dy«4-A

-IMS Sttte St—liHMsittSLW, (W^\ £&^Jto£&&'&* ™ ^ _- J?? w^Zealand. Rabbit) PowtoBJock

-Rocherier rN. Y.

Sale also in Progress at qurBafalo Store '

ttyH nmlar-'tp K, K"^i-

~.~~~- Jgagcoon.-~gy«t '0po$ium ', Coat, style' svnutSr• U>^3, summer price, $165.

Especially Apjjetizin&WJien Served ai a Picnic.

tea n.sgaTtmmt.1 t P r e p a j e a - b y t h e Unl'o I Slatpg DepartifffnT )t—f~r—~ .-f^--—:———sr-*«"n^raTrferr-'—r— :—

Whar to imt m rlie sandwiches for school or. olltcc is a constantly recur-' ring' problem. Altnost everybody likens

l.baeon^it; is- i"Hif:nry~AT* traTvT'-ffirfrin may be. prepared ta a very few uffn-utes. Why not tu>?e \i occasioiMilly in samlw{6lres;? srrgofStsrthe-Usited State.s

l¥eH^""*They" tire feartor and" delicious ; Jjepartment of -Agricultttjrfc.'* When if steamed in « fvh'nd^f or stcanu-r 'r time is^ior t , plain Lacun sundiYicli'ii

ConsISttag .'of bread and two or three slices of ci4st>-OT0luxl~l';u-fm. can be

einltiven to put anyf „ . . , ; I %- "'"tliitig into their'""c.trs. Any foreign

- P r r t T V n d e T ^ i r a ^ a h f r ^ ^ s ^ J ^ i F ; onfect mav produce deafness .or-Tn-•Eister, Mrs. Roy Lan^y, 0f ^m^iV^^ripTy-To-ther^aTs.--::. - T — -Sunday- ,......_.__• - .-"-,,—.-. ..|."_ ij^va-s oeettrs rentwe tt wttb-a'-soft-

Mis& T'orethy-R-aruhiil fnfertai.ned at oToth or, h.v sWitly"syringing the ear a small tea party in honei' of her fifth -*vith" warm1 water... __ . v

' if ytiur chi J<1 „ has earache "find out, "3njerTeasi)n"for It. I lot waf^r or hot"

salt hags, jvarrn sjveot oil,-onion poui-~

bTrthdayJast. Friday. Mrs.' Prank .Elliott is" th*- -guest of

Mr. and Mrs. Elmei-'"Elliott of Albion.

" Auction* Evidently Hobby One New York woman with a mania

for "bargains" confesses thftf" she has uitended an nuctloE sale at iegst oncel a week for the past 1!i year's."

and served witli a vfhite sauce like zmtea:. carroTs" or" f»fnips. kohl-raW, • Jerusalem,, ai'tichokes. or asparagus. Baked imlves _ of • rjirnmbPr^ Btntferi

r put to^etlxer in a very few minutes. jn icW^ndwicheg out-of-doors can be";

made wherever one's picuic'pafty lmp-| pens to be."TBe bffcoii^can be toasted

o\ er R"fir¥lh"lhe Avoods, each person to^kIhg;iils-o.um4riTc§B--wiihjJie-aiCof a forked stieli.; and either-because of

_LUiejolffl#_6£Iffiej>c;ca^ 1 flavor of fhenmcon; or tire special taste 1 given by fhe-Jarood' Are, the sanrtwf(4ies-J vTlll seem'tD Be**the best one has ever

eaten, v j ^ -""" ~ „ ,J_ 1; ^^jyiced onion or pickle in a j)gc(>p santSjvlelf rglv^s- an aecepSble Tin vof;'

—Wberpap6r~sXcks~t6^Be^oli1ihid' top of a •table, remove it by putting a few drops Of oil on the paper and rubblng-gently with a soft e'ifrtri.

GETTING Iff NIGHTS .IS.-ttne- of-Nature's -Danger Signals He'alihy Btedder Doens Not Act

Hh" irritation, excessive acidity or », _

normal depositS;_mayb'p the cause. It rieeds cleansing. _^_LIthiat»ul .Dvtchu

A at


t.iees and other housejiold r^iijdies lire, goud enough t«- fimtrol-.thp_.pato"., remporartly.-- But tht>y do not reutove the cause o'f the --"ptiln. . *.

AJLrtdl.p ear .-Infeitlott- in chttdren foliowtng sc:iriot- fe\ IT or measles or dite to- persistent "colfls** may endan­ger "life"or may TPSTUT tn Wfetong deaf-*M*SS?—= -- . ^-^ake- the-.salno-care-pf— your- ears-that ,yon do of yhut eyes.- Earache and deafness are 'lunger • "Stoals. Take, warning in time ^

'_'•_*• l"-*.'W-.'-stirn[ Ntrwipnper Unip«.i

bowels. , ._ ,._... . . . . . . ..U- NeBIeuT, TO "'Oak"". St., VH^u^ictefe-oVMuy' s a n d w i - h e - u i r i i ^ ^ Creek.._Mich., says:" "For three

I years had to get up three times at highi-^-LitliiatGd J^ghu fKull^F—pers

\ Smelling a Rainboiv ifpm-—tjtnt>--iiiiti;einoWnl,- KiigTish.:

country "foik have l.f-lifyed "that they can soiPll'-ft- KtW&rnv : Of course it i s a_mi.staktL.lig Lelicv? Jjni t . a rainbow has iiny'"snjejj,jbti; 1 lie -pe.c,tilftjr .odor


. <2^J

- V \

iCK?ner Eor'niBiaVacts-on-"th e. kidni^ys, , __, |

and- bladder-as Ei>-_m Sa^s-'olf {be \ uiay; be <-an-rt'd in this vvayj Ibdtibowa-1 are mf?st corn/mmi -m--tire-warni'days -J-T spring, Wijen _ growing, .vegetation.-,^ m$M_ J_T_lJr is givinfejout fragVance

air Is UHeiJTvv I4,lt; a- jaa___3jnejd=

made. attlDf them including bacon as o M J g - l l i g j f l f l t t r a i i W ^ f ^ i mutel helfmd a » & o da^s . I club sandwich is commonly made with de hea^woTk?1 if l s t f tx ta jeg£; three-piecesr. of • toasted ^bread a*- a- ^gfffp^yffy' tdiminla is uu^iie^iabglrt basis,- and between. tk_R__ two •filling?' Sold, by leading-dj^_stor-es-oj- Kellerj

" a n d ' ^ t c ^ 7 ^ ^ f S ^ S S i W ^ ^ ^ ^ ¥ L ' nvg- "Pear i?r • _frher coid Ttteat Biaijftt ; a jalatable filling M.Tt-:cr5b- sandwiclt;

1 yfcpvi saiulwicli--i:-are .bulky^-a-nd-tH^-liitatdwl itt>-b^r-s-*^'^-r-^Hfete-^»d-

Rolied in 1 oui <tnu Hied Like ^gg-

th fine bread crumbs from Ihe cen­ter1-of the loaf.-w-iicJsAave been sea-*pned with 'salt, peppep and onion juice, or a little chopped oninll, are

^appreciated as . mueh as stuffed egg-plant, peppers or tomatoes,

• The eueumbefs may be masbed after steaming or stewing in a very little icaleiV-Beasobed with, buttefl.sjilt^and-pepper, and served In the same way as yellow, or white or huhbard squash,

'lJ^Tr_erigthwlse haT 'es "of p^e_etl cucum-ber, may be foiled trt. flour and'fried llkft- egtplflfif." Sliced bucumbers may be -fiftHted ln "bfittef InSyhich- a table-spoonful' of chopped- o^ion. has been cooked till golden brown! In Switzer­

l a n d r - r1'''' :iwi ,W'ingary cucumbers

eaten with a knife and fork. They 'constitute the main dish for a luncheon nr supper, but as ,lhey are ordinarily made witit. toast they are riot so suit-ablB for pac-kmg in"' a lunefi^boxtobe eateiu-fiycjaljigurs later. ..._•_.

Bacon and cottage cheese combine vvell In sandwiches,"eit-ier of plain bread or toast. Eg gs and: bacon can be made as accepteble In sandwiches as when served .ogether for breakfast. The" egg may he scrambled and mixed during cooking ty'Itli'the .bacon cut up In small pieces, or it may Be haril-

f The '-annual- meeting of th© stock-1 holders of Morton, Cold Storage ~CbW pany, . inc , witl ha-haki-1-^turday,

H q p y p i -rrf;

lthe wtml at thr t«rn of the soaswo

fS%"frie^ct>tnms" thTPg-raonthyl-^fcte^g

AugUBnTT^^'. at 2 o'clock K 'M.1, at |h^ Storage: 'Office. hT the "VlTlIggeTft 'Mortott, N. Y., for the purpose 6f elect­ing, director's for the ensuing year; re­ceiving and cdfisidering the Annual Report of the directftrs tb the stock--1-^- ^ -> ^_ ,..,.,, • hoHers; ihdT lakTng- actipn fii wSf."p6«»Bev"»"iW-rainFTTboTtfc-ence - to sueh- 6ther" busiaess^-as^ may come "before - the meeting;. . . ' ,

Dated, Morton, N. Y„ July 9, 1915. A. C. SGHBPIiER,1.-.^

, ' '' • ." President. CHAS. H. glENYON, •

fTTStJ' , . •> " Secretary.

-auflThe moisi _ _ „ _ _ der"M"t)I"endlrig "f a>omntTcrlToorsnTCW?"

-tbttf^he airfction

isr no""¥cientific' ('•viilt-nce .thai snclv IS-Be-ca^pr^PpsSSl

Tlie c ircutiffit a my max. J ^ ^ i g h ^ e i TenP tp.lTregg if n certain kind""of weatr>erfs-expe:i'i-enced for t«n "days, tke probability i s greater-that-tijefype will persist for another"penod, fnTlier than that -«

.sir** served -in all these 1 !•! b t r/ing* by- Araer*-

boiled, minced and mixed wnn rhe,.ba-Con when" being put..Jnto the sand­wiches. - Liver and bacon sandwiches i r e ^made by- chopping th'e liVer' to a paste, seasoning it with salt, pepper and small pieces of b a c ^ |rtia~pbir the mixture, as a sandwich filling. Ba eon may be .added to glve-^zest to any cold meat ttSed In sahdwlches. If the sandwich can be served while tKeba-c'on Is. hot," the .result Js..partlcularly good. V A little salad dressing "is heedsd oft TTttS meat. Dettuce,Avatercress, cel­ery or tomato may^e added; making a result s lmilarjo a club • sandwicbi except that bread Is used instead or toalL ' ' ' '

NOTICE TO CftePfTTQllg jParsuant to an order of Hon. Sdlden

S. lirown, Surrogate 01 tne "<>>unty of MonTOerffibiUce is hereby given; accord-ing-to la.w to all persona having fclalms or demands against Huidafh Smith, late of the Vitlage of Brockport, County ot.Mbti.Toer State of.New. York, de* ceased, to present the same with the •vouohefs therefor, to iae undersigned, Georgd Burns, as tEe Executor, of die Estate of Huldah. Smith, deceased, at h{s place ifor the transaction of bu«I-ngss as such Executor, at 509 Wilder Bldg., Rochester, NOT York, oa -or before the i5,tfh day of flctoher 1935,

Dated April' «bh'; 1925: , G-eorgt Burns, Execultor of,..the Estate of iHaidah Smltli. < r* • '„

Burns & Burns, Attys f o r Exeowtor . -^SiW-Wlt'Ier- -Bltflg.* Hocheater, N..Y.

High Value of Brick , . -• It is-jm inten-sting fact that brlefe-making, thr liuM ancleiit of nil the Industries prmlui'iiiK manufactured building inaferials, is today one of the basic industries of' theTiation. It is aifflcuit to -destroy n hrifk. Vast quan-tlfleB 'ttf Hit' .-hric):n tiiiide in- the. earl-y days of the' .industry may still be found on the sites-of the rulneil cities of antiquity.' Kricks made nowadays; are composed' of exaet-ly the sanie m'e-terlaT anfrTiiarmfactufed; accordlng^^to the saftie principles as the anciept product. The composite price of brick all over the linljed States works: out today at a IittTe over $15 per thousand. Brick, therefore, is a ' manufactured, article weighing from four to " five jsbands,, costihg^ about axcehf and a'l lialf, and capable, of. giving, several thousand years of service; It Is t he cheapest manufftcrured material on t he market. . ' ... -^«r^

* — - f


:- T>}ie receive s i n,^

Xc?s apply ffli$"gF^-^9J)^ffi^ t € s t t(> the sit? nation \n this_tbwrii Our Msiness men have

•" invesied^arjcl continue to invest—their money, in stocks of goocis brought here to your very"/ > ' door $6 -meet your darfy heeds, -• -- . .' " *

Through ^the pages, of this paper they advice, 7, ' y o u of their ^Lbility to se?Ve-^his comniunity. •

Air of us know that they deserve our patronage,!' -—Aud leiiieinbcr, the more you trade with- them.

the more funds they can invest in largeritdcks; and new lines,v ' ' . ,-,

save yo money wipt 7<

S^i«l jk?Ai-i;C, Ut


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