Page 1: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in

_ lIMftirt^ fo a foMnd

of ftod

iiMii Ht^ J»y JUm

la Ctofli. II «tippoiwl iKH 10 Iw

in. loiiwtiwt of iW

rWMi ^ CN^d. iThk i^Mtter «wi fcaofm

i • A f ^ g Il|9 l « t of Uie old T«ta-

nmu An miiigM p o * * ^ ef the ChflM^ic,

All tb* ctoraiWr^ MM wt fcaw th«n now,

f in CtrtkMsie.' •

ft i» pnMble Uttt ibe Qiueo of Shfiba

w Odkif'-HUidl llwt 9beb« wwt • h i o i iM

is t|i*8teili«m put of AmbM J^iXt (te

fua^ af wiiietk «9i« o d M Submni

"fillip IUmmV^^^'^ people

:«iti qiwcn;

Imparat bie M«m r«flMmm(iti« wib aroib

. Bkrtwrte iM«M

M i»)Meh tell«9« m J o t V ,

^^Iw Mton) f>rapcHy iilv-Uiih—compounrf-

fitllii«atM««i%tbe •dr-exi>t{nge^ of

^ t y * ^ . *

which cOj^fim* blbi</ttaite flrtt wriltaii cthwuc


*TU aaM tik-U^ (JclMirsh) l« mad* up •f tU Hebrew veriifoie ia ibe M*«nt. past Md faUira tnM^E<i»or 4/Tke^ptiii.

Tha wofd tnnalated *i»l«nderan, in Tim-

otby iiifS, Ud thet tnoelatiHi 'fWlw ecciw

w * til Tilui ii,3, ere •femiile deriU*in Ibe

Greek «(llw N»ir TeatameDi. .

la tbe Vidiaia is an oMient picture vt

Adaa^ with tbe I^i ia ii^Hpiion "Adam

liiiiii;w wliijipi f r i m — — ' 1 "* Hto-

Th*jSekiw k i q ^ ttoword

(exiM^ Icibmh} wliijA oonv^e to the

; ctf'ihA (rid ' C ^ n e o t h»ir« iiBe^ the w ^

cCemAjTbotc^M.: - , .

. The^t^oT Ja«lMr; eaid to hare been

fivHtt tiM delnyt by No«b, but

, <tm 9MMit Mm time ttJetktim^

t iM of Dbvtd . Mr, ilryant

<lw ten ta.

3 r ,

tern. Th« b«olt <f

f latus X. 13, 9ao;uel j.' ]$< •

l%e of tlie A n m

School aniwiVitoptat Mo.

Cilieifinati, (late Ciaiey and WaMer^botA

atoni,) baa tvci^ll^ boM i K^ t

lhedit«o:ian of.a local. Board of Agmcy

eonaiftit^^'ofSI- mcmbitra, ai ected frool di^

fc^nt donom'matifiOB of Ci^riatians. .It in

iheinlenUotaorthojKttiel/ ae(0%|o i i f ^ i n

this depoaitory a foil au|p|ily of tbair^ j^bti-

eatiooa fer Cincinnnti^nM ita. vic&ijity; but

atao to miakeit a a^nrroom froa whTcbaup*

plieanuy bQ/itraishfld ift tbe wbblo oilrt^

WeatefB Ta^yf and (^her, tW^Kpia iof.

aale will ba thaaaaia ^ tl[«(p» a d o j ^ by

the panwt anoiety b P h U ^ l ^ i a . Moclii

paip hiiro b ^ t ^ a a ofhtt'toiniffovatlit

wotioi of tin in rariMy i ^ ^ U iatn

pu r ^ of style aeotimen^ - Tia; cafa

logue ambraeaa^oifo n t f i ^ ^ i a i M i ^

uoosAm, Jkwi$h Hiatoiy, Joviab MaiRMfa

and Castt>«v l^aiDparaBMt INhtjons />f

Parents and Chltdi^;^ ramily tdetiooa ia

gisocnd, the Sat^tb, Early H ^

Children may da go^ , C?oi»*«tatMa% Etri*

deneea of C'brialiaalty, loAiaaoe of lUiit^

gion, Sad Cunpilsy, Erila of T M , I»7i«t>

&c. See. 8f any m thera

ata piepawl

by oar ablest Kriti^fa, and all of ttem a n

des^ned lo iuciiicale prineiplM (^.ania^

morality and puK religton. „

Their preaeut nuabar' ia abo^ 460, and

ibe yearly iaaaea of new voliMMa lira fiom

flO to 75. A Gompleia ael woiild cMt •boot

70 dollars. They a n ambellWiad wjib • •

bout2yOaO wood cnta and ooj jperplate ea-

graviagSi moMly prtated Gom atapaotyfad

platro. Of) good paper, and boaaii up i* aatib^

stantidi a ^ durabla form, ip leather baeka


The pairooa of the aixrfety, kat* oontH-

buted fuads'flu-tho expiaaa parpoaa of iiia<

bling the aociety to extend tte tiiculalion

tbeae books to i^iiie axtMt gmlMitiMely.—

Every new Sunday Sabool raqalriag a a ^

nnce, upon going iat^ aacr«|^ul tad immsm*

n o n i i n ^ t ^ , and ponbaMog to tba amotet

of live doitafa, will to antHl^ to m doMtloa

of ibaaama ataoaai}, atii Id AMMf;«ek)g||i

'nt|uirtqg^if,« domiioaof l^iii^iMMaiakd^

Tbe 'oceu^ militaixWtiaiia tf


pentlc&tt«(k»,itodithe« {iridw . in i l i ^ t p ^ i o A i n ^ f u t ^S I ^ . ^- ' j f ^

ary atotio^ jo fatd^a .rj

abiuwd In lheleai»rac|{oi!is of tba a o f ^ . , ^

Butia Ibe ofboekaout lbsthtitkfini|i|^^

go^nof«Hber.. Th<Hra i« doub t^a ' g S ^ t i

m for w id do iq thii' W ^ o

but we can only acctnnplish it 'li)«|pr ii

ao n^ive eo^raribn "wiib the jpaopla l y ^ j -'

ttw To awakraa fmmr^ h l e m

in Ai%or of t b ^ valuabla' pablicatii^ t» ^

appriaa the publte of what ^ y are and ia

twmisb lbe (acllittta^y whiiiih tbey can Im

obiainodi will r^uiys tha^os^aadeangita

of the aocjaty^aiid ita friends tbretf^Kwt the

community. 'I^Wr much good i n ^ ka

dodoby one devoted individitii by liispsr>

WMial laconuaaoDdation of tbeUb fy

adraitidng Ihem, an i calling p«|Uic aUadt

tioR toj&iir (m»it% by making aete^iaaa

for sBb : ^ and by encooiaging family

jng. Ik iSditioii tor oar own pubiieai;^

I k pr^p^^ to k«ep (br ail« a very ohoka

anddtCensiva anortment of Theological

booM, aiiitablo for Biblo Claaapv Churdk

lurr ies , fiuwiy reading, and Ministai^

Llbiaiiea. A K the publiaMjoaa of the

SMnABhaaetta Sunday School Union | 4ia

publicatSons tif tha JE iscopal Sunday Scbool

UakH) Kbifw; I^ayer ikoksc flymasaad

Catalliiaiji{ Cotoaaanlariea by Soott, Baiii^,

and Baraaa; tha paUicatioiMiof the Beli>'

gieaa Tcaet SoeicAy Loadoq) amlwacin^ttka

inost celebrated prodnctiona of many of Ike

emiiieat diriaaa oftba I6th and I7ih can-

turies. Also, a full su|^ly of. ocmmoo

S C n O O L 1MM>KS med fn the Western

C^try—aueb as Geogra^uea and itlaaas.

AritkoMties, dramnars, Beading fieeks,

BooM of B i ^ , Spelling B ^ aad

PrimMa; with" Kper, Pena, Ink, Sand,

WaiiNa, dM. Art <Sto.

SopiriAtottdanIa sending a catalogoa.ef

thdr books on band to the saWriber, may

depend mioti ttot liaving daplieates aenl.—

All orden «rilt be axmitod^ with cars and

i^pHeh. a

CBAS. T . C O E R R F , Agwii-

IC. B. AJIcoinmaikicatioasreapiMtingtka

f ^ r a t b(tsiat«a«r th« sociatf, may be ad<

'drtWedto .

B; J .SfKWARlK Cor. Sto*;-

m m

'Tra^ II-TTmiii jiiimij iii

If AABtVlLLB, Tl i j ^ lMWKlC.^ .^ l}

' lA

, ^ itAif yAi*Ai»to|oRy.

'Tba jwooad voturaa pf a S B^^^U^aow e l ^ ; As the c k l argaa pt0» aatlen, otwhieh I am artluMBUf'^eiooer^ lti Taaaaavia, dariag IM liUt Vf o i»»| be«V sa^vara fcava aot l^fn'^apntioii; to dol ju«* tioe to t^i ^of iw^'-oi^ 'w*

fwiifct «fai5f j iipiitaiiat/dbeaiii i»a w^t jb cM^eiaaOe. and th« j a fM aii i tnim'tmu any labaiti i a t ^ W i l have, norbaaa {a.*aia,

twnatadiqpiea tha <laiia», aad aai|i»ia4 ttm reapbaalblHtia* of fia gn^t f . laetaaaa. "Mt/lRi Ntoc '^^•nsialJ . faatni* aMatal-ki-iK^i^^ *a6ih«lary awaigiiialid* far tha tfaaa kaiar.hamad^ Ta iKy iaangatli w^raas. hMravarrl daelarad ai^ iaiaaiiea t« ^ r a fraai tha aditMrial eiMir a« tet« aa tka paper •mM ha fawiy aelAbtlatMd. ;itad tba tsfvloaa •f a ooatpatant aad r«ii*if<it hMtliar ohtalaWI to sia«|Bttkaasyir. Both t l M a a a ^ i ^ l bsliaf*, am mm gyasd. aad, tharaibra, with tbN aaoiWr / turn tort^r* IhitStta^r'


: lliatHba panaysat coatianwica^ thia

paperaa, laagsi^ewhtftil, k proved, aat by tha latga attaibar oT aanHf an oar list ofaab* Mrihara—wa aambaraaly.tetwaaBToUft^ aad tftaea haadrad, aoioaa ia twaat; Ctarch isembars lo tha 8tata-i>tat 97 ^ grawiagtaata ibrreadiaf wbiah tiaflas^i^* where to pravail. Wa have soeeiieiad with tbadiviaablssaiagia iadaalet oarbtathraa ta leak aroaad th«a^ thay hava lately bagua

q ^ a tmir whao h'e sail, « t* fte m i M ^ t i ^ h f a i ^ have faeooma iatmatad' ia tba aaivanal praviUfBea af otn- holjf raitgioa.'*-To'giva tbiaai la^trmatioaoftha Waata h oar

tueoaed^ Tha: OMmti i- of H* >«tro8« eo«M« a iittla ax«ittoa, ba Joor^af^foiir

fold. I cfonai er rojr peraadtl v^'liaaof. thaiabra, wblbb hail and mait^ eoatiniie Ja .coatms'sD^Way •acriftce*. no Inagiri afecji< •ary.

' I haVa nSade arraaganiaQta t ^ i a «a^ ^tba - " - - ^

from 8ofl

dboa to my rsailaA. is V The

tint aeoouat wilU proibaAily, b a ^ mi iw Mptshla, jia aa liditor,^ of onr^if'^fW^ Re witf"bora ia TajtMndi^al^ Soatk CIroiifta. AD hi* ar»aga«b«r*.- Ba>"sli>||< j h4|j|iwinili litsta. rf aiM sciaatito a t t ^ a a ^ l ^ j^JJ^^y fad


aidentry pioM; will iastKetad jud W t h e ^

tha Atneri<r|» Ki gtvathaWoiAAf

tii^aOiiaaarsaflog ia (hit Sta^ pa^fi into tka-raiid i^joioadt«<eaoHr6i aadpmrticu^l ia tfiv up ta vl^n^aasrtr "

•oi«»M.iad teual.

the V

j t M i i ^ c b n / i i ^


in a^w.wae'b. .UH ; . riaa. la a Kjar J . rha^ '

ia daot^i^ sod of eoiviMt praetk»t. vMMji aad lih withal, a» pfatfathmal priittar, hae aagag^ tttfeiaaa aa lately

auka it iaoraaai^f ihrHby ir|nltfviiaj^by the fricads of the Mniii g i ^ n l i r , and fa^ tha Baptiita partisatariy. Wy lougai' tloaaaea ta ike aditbrial ebait' kr. tharsfiird,


awa.aad oUpr laadt. allaadiiic the 'oaw^M n ta i ako f t i ^ ^ o/<»4ibay fiad a T«I%ioft* aawapaper iadHpensabie. Tha progress of tUaspirit, la tha prawtat aga, is aot fakek-wtkrij/aad ia ita adval^HMiat thk pepar, if ahl^ aad properly e«itd«ct*d,ni»t emiaaatly


t da s«t,livrtsar, retire from th^ editoK uap iltsfly iMHiiiM If faa ha eandiiffMl by atbar baadH fttia* akher diidika to the vpeatioa, or, a waat ef iiatleij^M sac««ss ia l^aeiagepji^ tka OMiuDnnity t ^ dMin^ rasulta. I h n a albiidaMlhrtha difties of tbapiTDtealaet aa^ tha frvarablt riaf^u kava. M WKdi greater thsa I'fxpiHrtad. ,lk«va l i d ihs 'itiiaita i f l i i i ^ lha HiMiil Sliihi ;|)aa»artlaalii nraai'i i m m n t ^ aad aBsliB-' ay tea feM. Tha aanbe of Tamparaaee amoogtha Baptists h u greatly adtaaead Ssfarat MialiU'ra |ad Deacons W'ha earritd oawAMcydWi^lniHrkav^dl^ tiitm.

I have wltaSMsd tha forniatioajira poVrdrlbl aiixilisryjible %6iety ia t|Htiv<l*< rn .tHau«^'iiblit^uaatly a-State .Vble ANi* alitio^lkr: tha Baptists^af TaaaSHaa, vihleh tegath^ln^aBliwady^ iatltthe Afadso^

boaa* o r ^ . , . , , fofmldaMf-iB'

pouBM da'wa, Jina.'^i^ak i i a few dafeaeelW I I f fo^ab^,

gka/pnti^t, whm^i

tha raring af tha eaj|^ M< a af«m all biM t h a j i ^ ' " fo l lp i^ . af. ortli

mi 111

plati^aad iotsll floakiog to tb^blfl ilkdth«d•fol^ed^<l ratirfiig l« dbni^ial 1 dwdt canaot raadrHhJ M^D com* to'l^sa .. , aai asMihad that; ia i g j ^ ^ j ^w l i j ^ ^ stale of t l ^ b l ^ n g ^ O f f ^ athsra high' atMjwter]; ^ t '


• m

Page 2: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in

•• w

^ . ( h * ltUtcai)iwt iMt^A^alf trt

-iliBpbiiiii fcM Viftn inwUy bcfowl ifc* IMIMI« •r«ii> flnt utieip^UpDik

ihbctnicrvMoa cf jajr rtttriBg firom .tk« Uhon orw BAilte b, thtt- My dntim art wm4r«ui linl |>f«Mlt)tt liUdff nihttor « i r «HuUaM j |Ui4U imiiMaiMa, hotirnl*. •iMiiBf ny uiir*inil(«<l •^•HicB*, to da jua-tiM ta tlMia ali, Mil tbh It tiM only depart* • • « t wbteh it b lo tty powtr to traMftr to ftl^riMBda.

tli«ipll^id«no*orGod bupfu td m«. u > N«ri>ritl«, tbo botiitirul iMtropo-litoT k g f M t i ^ Imirlibiaf StuU, tbo lR «M«iiitw|t»id|Mfiil!ilion. Md UDoar tbo J m iia |rioty.<<lidMr. cbir*lry u d pttriotiim lafpr bolovOii oonMoraoy. On my arrivtl ko*% two ytor* 010.10 obodiowM toJioreoll u d ay m»a iooto ofdnty, I fiMnd tbo Cburob «Uttlo, doqNMldiit. iwrMMtod kMd, boiHO> UMMdfbfMkoB, bntliko Epbralm of old, lofoly u d bolorod ofkSod. Tbo Lord hH km» plooMd to |Ito mo fliror witb tbo poo. ylo gobtrklly, ond to grout oo oaoo'iragiof mooouro of tu^oM to my pastoral labor*. Tbo Cburob b already oomparailVoiy laifo, auiboriotooobttadrod aod aUty roombora. Aaabtod by tboUborality of tbo publlo spirit-•daadplottt ofonrboloted eity, wbiob. i« OMk BOblo aml mNBiScont doodi. it inrpaa*«d %y M oity. of iu population, upoo oartb, w« alw Wildioff a baaJtomt iiottio of trorihip, wbioli wo bopo to oomploto and oooopy duf^ ^ tb*«omiag yoar. My boloTod Cburcb aad CoBf ro|alioB, r their warm areoUoB, «»d HoifenkftiadooM, tbeir ardeataeal, piety aad oalargod boaovotenoe, bare roadortd tbotatoltee aotpoakabiy dear to my beart, aad iBcrootod my dotiret, immeatarably, to dbobarfo adeotioBatoly aad faitbfuiiy, to-waida tbom, ail tbe Pattoral dutiet, to far at it may bo ia my power, both io aad out of the Palplt.

Ti "o«ablIA ibe atreag. revere the wtak, liirtaimibe waadefor, Mad iba btekea beait, Aad. eraed myaaVwith paaoply eomplau Onwraayiwar, hmidi whbaraw lt%bl aamyVB. ead tiaia Igr eiraiy rale Ofbaly diea4dioo. toglarioo« W8r. Tko aeafaaMetal bM of CM'a alaot.'* lkit t»de tbb l i i a i t ban time to read,

etadyud l ropaiw myatrmoai{ aad Irbure iovUiirrem boaio to lioato, ooBTorto, pray witb. ioitraot aad lead my belotod otiarge ia t ^ way ar lini.', am at Uaf uafortuaate elate ofmiaittora wbo oaaaot proaob unleta

. they bare aamoibiag to*eaTi oxplaia a tttbjeot uBlM* tbey badonUad it thtmto|ro|. Sumo ofpur mlDlttera do all tbb by M^ivr

oiW ttot biMted with tbeto OUtfa-


• 'f^'i

paratioqa aooow'ary, Umi pferformaaoo of thodatiet ooaaeoti^ wftb Biy Pactofal togotbor witb otbon aatiroidably detblvilif OB mo from my potiUoa, my «oKaeoti,on jeilb tbo State VoaToatioa, tbe Bibie A'|td«)Alp0( tbo Mintctori^ Ooafeceaee, dco, weN tbey dbcbarged, ft they oertaialy doaerye to bo,Yblly aad efleioally, would occupy. With iatoaio oaertioB, otery momeat of my time.

Betidea all tbb, tboio who bare aay iaftar-matioa oa tbo tubjoet kooWi that writiag for a paper occapiWt but a »ery tmall part, com-paratirely,oftbo Umo ofaa Editor. I liiteod thorefbro to oootiaae to write for. The Bap-titV. But wadiagtbroogba long litt ofoa-oUnga papera ofory day-^oorretpoadiag witb ageau.aubtoriben aad otbore>-Uliiag oarottf tbopeeuaiary mati>ff. aad orerteeiag tbodetaib t^tbo priotiog,oace,*o.,l matt b« poraitted u lay aaido. My Umo hereto, fore.bat boea to oogrottod ia tbb way tbot, after the completioa of my iadii^aiible weekly ttudiet 1 bare beep able to read al-moot aotbiog but my Bible and the aowtpa-port! Ia tbe mefta time, all theological aad litetary Iroproremeat ia aq*peaded, the o^ leoU of which, oa my owe miad, I begia very aoatibly to feel. Tbb t<|tkl have tbrowa uff, aad my apology for todoiagbaow before my readera.

Lotit be dhliootly underttood, however, that ia retiring I do not relioqnitb aay por-tioa of my iaterett io tbe ctute advocated by tbii paper. It willcootioueto maintala, pro. obely the aame doctrioea and prioclplet at heretoforo. tt^r do I detiga to ceaao their advocacy tbrongb .thi« medium. I thall, per

hapt.provideneepocmitiag.writoAitlyatmocb for Tbe Baptiit a* heretofore. I ahalt, hew^ ever, be roipoMiblo for aolbiag except t|iat to which my ow'a tignaturo b alBxed. And io the comer of the paper ia wbiob I tball itill live, I thall be ever ready, lo cheer onward the embattled armietof the Mott High; to oxtead the haad of fellowtbip to all thote wlio loveOur Lord Jeiutdhrittin tiDcerUyt aad to wield the tword of tbo Spirit agaiatt t(io gladiatorial combataatt, Baptitt or Piedobap* titt, who may attall tbo truth of God't oiott holy Word. I , alio, uko oocatfoa, hare, to remark, that tbould.«iy ooatlngeney aritd, making it necettarr. In tbo eVtlmatioa ofju.' dlciout aad Intelligent brethren, for mo again to ftttUR^e the OhaireditoHal, I l»oId ihyteir la readiaeai, rather iban tbe ab^^ ga down, to obey Uwir wbhet at wbateVer hiti sard.

laconolinion, I take leave of my odl(0rlat

bnitlitea, UUraij aad poUtiaili

.ftiiWti ipti^k-

Cteit^ ualfomf clu^ety f t i i d ^ ^ ^S^L-i^lcli tboy ftvia my t i o e ^ ^ f c ^ l j ! : mOaitt 1 leatler wy lincero tfaaufu

Poitmtoteri^ ot^iN; Aieotai whtibkf*!*.

teretted tboratolyei ia the tiieceit Baptbt.. t bnpeak tbe cobtSniiAitieof patroaage, aad the fame kiad ofli^i towai* my luccettOr, with Wlblob lh«y Uvr b ^ pleated to ditiinguhb their moll obedbti humble teWant.


0 0 0 IS LO^lUlJoKN IV. 1 Love It the brigbteat, the purMt, tba omt

amiable, the deepett. oiott eadnriog aed omt doltgbtful attribute of baMaa bei6|t\' Wbta tt takea potteatioa of tbo aeul, and ralaa tba miad aad (bo actioat, It thedt oa tbe oheU bbaracter a peeuliar brilltanoy aod fawlaa. tioa. Like tbe voraal »ua abiaiog ia bb gla-rj, it calla fortklife, aad beauty^aad bi» moay la every object. Whoa *>tbe boat* tooua orb" pourt forth the ''geatle ipritf," •the clutteriog dowere^ooa^foreiu; gutUag fouataina, and balmy xepbyrt crowd ariN^ to greet bit comiag. With the tama rMii-aett all tbo excellOaciot of religioa tlof tktlt joyt to divine love, aad pour their bltw ia(« tbe boundiag beart where it bu feoaJ t dwelling place. Every malevoleat ptitiM diet inttinctivoly firom it, and like brooditf tpectrea of the aigbt whoa the dawn ipriip up in the roty oatt* bidet ittelf among tbt moulderiog tkiillt ia the dark tepulobmaf doaih. Ia tbb, of i^l other attribulM, mu, approacbet aearettthe characterofhbMt-

I tb nistarkable thatOod b aowharoitidto bo mercy, or juttlce. Or HgbteouiaHt, ar peace, or atiy other of hit attribuui, bet ;<OVK. Tbo reaton b obvioui; Tbe love of Ood, like the light of day to the obJeoU of earth, encirclet, illumioatet aad beaatifM every other perfeciii^t of hb aatnre. 1* » bigb, aad bruad, aad deep at hb omoipnc eaiee. U reaobee the utoMtt verge of bk illkaiublo worke, and prqtocU alike ti* aoariag aagel that wlMeb hb dight ia bttTHi aad tbo irorobtlag iatact tkat futtan fa tbt auabeanr. Erery epriaglug ot,'itt<l optS' ing tbiror. and blMialag #iuiy} ^ • r j birJ Itad b«a*ti evoKr aiouhtaia, cdntioent . l^ l lBf oewnr olerf iUr In ther bigb»a«lt 1 iilMn at) fMkl eierj^ aagel tad gli rlled itpirit lofo^ tbo oleraa) ihroao, jproolaiia to ea* byhrtt^etiillaijt cbohn-^'Giad b love."

Ia Uir tik^^Mtlir f » f tbaa lo ttiy

r? jr

otho^'kate w T v o E B W ^ ^ i tbt l^to of

our pSw^atp^aad>ieihptro4 u Vpo whtchil^iaatoi (ifid darkiieti or.tkb wwid^ or lip U»o gloom of tKe fArtey and thadow,ofdeatk| Tbo leireoraadaoftoae lbo. m«lody of i^r 6ur abngi of jira^^^ Ghoiiob beloWjk and Wbia w«i thall take our geldea bii pe above, and tlHko tbeiiP l«(ty ttriag* Ja .the eternal aiithem, weabaltiliU', with a wMcb wiU , then tbako tbo

gletialag^owot* of tbejSTew' Jeraialem like tbt voioe of many water*, ting tlie kamehlgb and glorioua tbetno-^"Oi^ it love."

ooMeotida:w(tli A m f ' B o a


LvTua Rioa b dead. Ho expired tbe 39lfc September, at the reiideaoe of Or. Mayttia Edgofteld Obtrtoi, 8.<Q of iaaamina"! tloa of tbo l^or, tormiaating ia tuppuratioa. Wa moura for Um aa for a father. Many a moath have we tpeat. la hit tooiolyi aad many a favor have wo received at. hit haadt. We.per*ao«liy. owe him a large debt ofgrat-Itade. Bat bebgano where hiimaa.kindnea* and gratitodo. or cold aegleol and poraecu-tioa oaaae m)^ reach hi* abode. We re-jeiee to leara that he bore hi* palnrut^llnet* of more than twenty day* oootiouanoe with great fortitude, and., that bo died with aatba-kea coofidence in the Redeemer.

^'Wa baveao koowledge of tbe hbtory of Mr. R.. prevloM to bla leaving College, ex* cept Ibat tbo place of hi* nativity wa* North-boroi^h. Matt., wberd *ome of hit fiuni?y itill re*ide. Ife wat graduated at William*' Col-lego ia tbe fall of 1810, and apent the *oo-ceoding year ib tbe Theologioal 'ieminery at Aodover, oniting himtelf with Meatra. Hall Jnd«on. NswjjIJ «n«| l^ott, in tlioir plant to e(fect a miuioa to India, and wa* orJfiaed witt^tbem, being then a pasJo-baptiat. en

Thursday, t ^ ttth dfky of ^obMary, ISi'i, at Salem, Ma**. O^tho 8th of February, la compaay with Mewr*. ffall and Kott, beeiil* od flrom Philadolpbia forCaloutta, aa mbiiioa-'ary of tbe Amoricaa Board of Commlteivaera for I'oroigo Mi*itotti, wh'Ort be landed oa the 8tb>CAngiMt following. WMU oa' hb out* waM pl^*age, Mr. jtiee changed hb lentl-meaU ea the aubject ol' CbrittUn Baptbm and wbiio alt CaloHtta, togetheip with Mr. and MnivJodMa, •irUo wire similarly aitiiat-ad, BM(d|„a pn/e*iioi) or bit faitli by immdir aloii. aad uaiUd with the BjipUat church at Calcutta. .Beiagobligedto^ l ^^ , _

ioat of tiio B ^ l ladia .Cbmpaaj, J[,a tool^iireanil tolbilude mu*t hafO boea gmUy

>nth of OoMBiber, wKh Increati^. In l ^ l h e ro|atio

retourceat wbempiib. It ^ae • do<«>intaad (hat Mr. Rtco •boaild Mtdra t^ tbii ooMt|ty aad oddoavor to aWaiUo a apiriftj^f labatoat i^oog'^e BftptU ohwrobe*. Aooom«giyv bt ial^thehte of Franoe, March Ukiogpaatage to'the Brttib. aod arrived in tbb Couatry ia 8opt«m|b«r>'

"Oa hi* arrirallMi waari^irod witb.groai, warmtii of o t ioa , apd waa made Iho hoaor* od ia*trumeot of kindling up ia tbo danomi« aatloa, a mitiionory apirit which, froro'tbeL time till the p i ^ a t mooHmt,' ,|tedbi baraingwitb Iaoroa*ing loleatlty. By tbo advice of aomoof tbe leadiajr .fothrott io the deaomioattoa, Mr.Rido mado. a. tonr of tbe Atlaatio.Slaitoa from' MMaobbuaoitf 4o CUofgiii. rrcMB Sopjiombar, 1319, to May, 1814} aad ia th« timo gokia nMdtao**'ma-Uriala for forming the BapUat (Seaeral Con. vention which waaorgoalaed iaPhiMorpiiia. May 18,1814. ^ o pfaO oftbo ConroDtlod, ft i* believed, or^tlaated with Mr. Rioa him-•elf. Ooooftbe firat acta of the Coovenlioa wa*, a* will appear from the following reaoliU tlooi (0 appoioii Mr, Rka tbair mitaioKary and ^ent; an ofleo which bo oOntiaued to holdunUI 1836.

"RetoMt That Mr. Rico bo appointed, under the patronagoof tbb Board aa their miHionary, to eentinuo bia itiafraat aervioee ia tbeto Uaited State*, for areaaonablo limei with a view to excite the pitblio mtnd morv geOerally to engage in miwiioaary exortioaa, and to aiti*t ia origioatinf loofetlee or ia* ttitntiona for carryiag the miiiioaary detiga iatn exeentioe,

'•Mr. R. omployod aearly all hb time In travelling through the Uoioa, viiig mi**ioa ary addreaae*, aad taking cbileotiona, and forming aaxiliarie* to tbe convention, and aitoiwarda attending their anniveraarie*; and It wat iaatonbhing to wit)ie*a tbo rapidity of hb movomoat*. aad gratefol to perceive tbo very great .auoce** of |ii* ofbrta. Only aa irob coaatUnUon of b^y u d miad. could have anaUlabil him amid tbM acoomulatod labort| upled with the ire^bt of oaro aad retpontibility which accompaaled tbom.

After hi* atteation waa more liarticalarty directed to fSundfng iboColamblaa Colltga, a tbe Obtrfut of Columbia, which waa iacor-pmrated ia 1891, bla labor*, thengh he travel led lea*, were equally unrernKtlng, aad bb


^-awuf t t^ , ' ' laatitotf 'iiroiE ' forJfr.l^tN warkitfof wo Dr. Sooi^o». jwid

iotofat and ure (o tbb foil rcali|i|^;^tkt,^ maia* aot • e a ^ weod,wbo baa ffttiiiilik orgeaoral agM^JlM'sa. tioo aear, tli|Jt j k ofpQi|wwo ol tiM obXeai trora uadot maay- MrQuMaMMr mebt, wbiok w^hlkaa* paijaft^gy MlWilii'-gieeofmeet aMat aai « • k i M l n t M o<btea«e of tko • a i ^ w U ^ i ^ l poote of utofiilaaM,.* aUpm^^ to 'iho poroovoriag imftiai Duriag tkaea tmi yoois. iMt, oiplUiy ia yirglaia, at^ aaa aiaok gntpol to thograat anaofHiiM

paaa^ ia l b month UtMti: JodMB aa^ Ndwell, fo'/ tU jalo of rraooi. TU olianio ot view Id l ^ t r a .

witk aoaamlt.m(ii>ti tttdae la tkataaotloa. odiAod by hb Kini^rai bloea Oed oioratly wora mBit tb*

aioBtohim. .-'i^ • •• ''clBef t ^ v i M i ^ brief akotck •• Mr.. Ri^ 'a a l i a m ^ i ^ ' i ^ pu**oe*eda*lgeme,dl**r|mleatti(gjSi|h^ preboaaivo miad. Thera wera I*, ilfr'cipllp.^ (utioa the ataa>inabr mortal smiiyi l i i* ! !^ ' it had boea woH tralaad by ~

0 botirbea tM oollegil Md the cooventiua.waa aovered i ai^ Mji) tfiatdato MK ft'e ^cooeiltlob wltlt tbo

tion, aad enriched by raadiag/aetaaiaibiilF with aooiety. aad mucb rofloctieo. enlarged and bcourttoiV^a of iOt aalkj^^ which foil withia tbo eirtfo ^ blir olwam-tloa:

"Ho bad groat doahtoa^of e»av*>ftr. I»« deed, Uib may bo aOll kkf* bM« M> dia- 0y tlogttbbtngcbaraototiitia, ' gawbaiMwylly Afdiat aad advaataro^ aad M(| dMca iabb JfW^i H'^. *Uobeai» which h<L»i|>IUiitm^ld aad«eaaoM«to (hb tralt>f -HWbea bo rotofi^ '^ iM*; .fa)' ''

eatorod on cMlwi fiWts la Uga «beio«*, ||M a b t i ^ ^ ^Mpla/aaithay #«ft'lrt«k«( Ilif oip^rhlnboi bll taaa^tMlafdo

Page 3: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in


.MA liriln a l ' • m m Aii4 ha b e m m « i ^ f i l i f l M wiOi lli«M wit l | w l i M h v w u

U i< m t inprolMbI* t i » t 4m > f r t ^Mivid tk»t f c k t n i U i . hpwmt^f M t n t l ^ «tr t M M I I m | WBUM MC -aid m'dbk .to him in ooiiAirtiKw ( a M , of

b W l f «bi«fly to e n l i r toaoeomplUb th« o b j M t b t f o n i Urn. 0 M W « : * 4 « n a t w ^ b n * itbaU m c a t u r a «r

Onwi BMiiiJf wbo »ho»W b»»« • ( rM(UMM4 b i aband i j|n4 » M t a bi t •Obr t i . m * ffMklli' IQ t l r t n g t b a D «b« 4ff«i4«l o h a n ^ M r . Alid ba a t l a ^ U i fafiad ^ t B M i U M f r t ^ by many wbo M at r iakaa band* with b im, aad from wbQm

. M w W M d U> b a t e a t i f b t to f s j ^ c t b a l U r 4 M 9 P t and d f u r l i o Q , t M , n a r a t b a a almovt M l • t b « r t b i o f , w ^ t to ^ t r aag tbaa w e b a

(bf>!«b tt R»a|i h raak down ooa wbicb i* aod i r ^ t u t a .

• W ^ U f t f rMifof tb i t t r a i t l a b i t abarac-«ftr, M l . w i i r ia-bia 4 a t a r p r i a * af a w a k i n t tba ^ ( N i t a a t i O B t a miatioaarjr a f b r t , aad bi t

• - f i n * f 4 H M M « ta a S t r t a t o acoomplUb i t amid ' M t a f a r a g a o i a n U , b a t atpaoial ly in tb« p«r-

' a ' U t a a i f y l H t k arbiab IM e l a n c to tba eollaga i « l i i * i t w a a a « a r t r daMrtad by i u f r i a ad t , JVA-apparaally a l a k i a t u a d a r i t o mi t fonunea . Akf ta ik ttlaalfatiaB of i t la a fo rdad in an

' fal^Uaat wbieb aeenr rad ia ISa^. Wblla a t T f i w ^ n a t , ft. I . , M r . R . b a d a t l i g b t p a r a .

/ ly t iaa l a A f l t l o n , and wa» informad by tba ; a t t i l ^ ^ p l i y a i a i a a , tba t ba would probably

H a a a a r ia i ta i tby a r a e u r r a n c a a r i b a abocli, - « 1 i M i r o s l d t a r a i a a u bi t l iA. A friand

apkM U t t If ba waa raady to d i a l—To tb« in . ^ U j , ka rppl iad. " Y a a , t bonsb I aboald Hka «» b t i ag np tlM ool iaca i n t . " Tliia i i at-w a t b a i a a t a a e a a T

* ^ n l i a ( p M t f s a i t r a a g in daaib." I t ia a a t UBprobaUa tba t tbia a t t r i bu t e or •okaraotor ba t rayad bim i a t o tuiaa impru-

wbtob v a r a In tha iMua u much ra-fffatlad by Miaaair a i tbay w a r a by o t b a n .

* ••Ha waa a n i a a a t l y dbinltnit*d. W a d#ali t w h r t l w r t b a r e waa an indiviJuai

tha V a l M l S ta iaa wbo aodurad ao m(ioh w p a m t a , whOitraTallad ao ax tan t iva ly , and wha a t tbaiaama t |uia praaobad ao (nuoU^'aod

doubt , w b a i b i r t b a r i a r a mora than • w r y Uw wka coaW andura jioainofc. T®

tba waa to tf c o j l a t f . ba a t t i f i n a n y <>Ua«daka4 M f b U aiiiail aa t i aga . t ^ga tba r

- W»ihaanwt8rfH)0, o r l a M , wbic}. Jw in-«• ^ f k M a K w y r ao t b a t h J ia

t o u f c e i i . ^ t a . r t l a a l I b r tba eo».


I fga , willwwt t l i y i aa | t ;iMipport'f^ow t};« « t -l«ga« o r a a b r y f rom aiif> ath#»;in«llt«Uon.— Indaad , j ra M i a v a tba t h a , in a g r aa t maa-•UN, dfCrayad bia t rara l l in i ; axpanaaa fypm tba a b l a o f a A i * raligiona book*, wblia t ba baUi to t waa bornbby individual fr iand*. wbb al*o fu ra i tb t t l him with hi* waar ibg a p p a n l . And f t bik d«albk wa *uip«ci that hit bor*a and aulky eotttiUiit«d all hi* ear thly t r a a t u r a , and tiieta be d i rec ted t o be fonf|^rd^'to Wa«h ihg ton ,*a j tng tha t all b e l o n g ^ to tba eoUega. And though *oma of h i t enamie* malioioutly aocu*<.'d him of a m b a u U n g funda Qommittad t o hit eha ixe , and though many doubted (bo witdooi a f t f l m e of hi* p lan t , i t ia balia*ed t b a t no man acquainted with tba fact*, e t e r •u ipec tad him of paculat ioa or di thonaaty. In a word, i f w a b a r * aver known a diaintereated man . tha t man wa* L u t h a r H i e e .

" M r . R i c a waa di*tingui*had for g r aa t alaa-l ici ly of mind , aod an e x u b e r a n t flow of ani -mal fee l iag . H e wa* apparent ly aiwaya obeerful and alirnjta buevant with hop*.

" F o r tha laa t few year* of b u l i f e .bowere r . lia wa* mora aulema in bi t manne r of con«er> •a t ion, and itniformljr devout in hi* babita. ilia c b a a r f u l n e n wa* evidently cba t tened in to g r e a t e r aobriety, and the re i t e r e r y rea-•on to ba i ieva tbat hi* hea r t wa* more fnllf •anctifiad.

" H e wa* a aound divine and an able p reach , er . H a wa* well grounded in the g rea t doc-t r inea of the gotpal , and eahibi ied i u t ruth* in the proport ion* tbey bea r to each o t h e r in tba lor ip turea . H i t termon* were well di ge*ted, and akilfully a r ranged . T b e y were utually del ivered with a good degree of unc lion, aod i n an impreiaive manner . H e preached a t o n c e to tba nndaratandiog, t he conacience and the hea r t . Had be devoted bim*elf to l i t e ra ry o r theological atudiea^ be would have ahonaaa a a e b o l a r . d r a tbaolo* g iaa . Had be entered axoiaiively on the miaiaterial office, be would have acquired di*tinction aa a p reacher and a pa*tor. O r had be r e t u r a a d , acot^idtag to hi* In tea t ion when he le f t India ; to the mi*iionary field, be would have occupied a r ank witb the *ene> rated J u d t o n , to whom in vpry many reapect* he w a a i a no way infer ior . ' Aa i t wa*. ba did iiot live In vain. So fkr from i t , tba t t he Baptict denomination in tba U. Slate* have bad acarcely hi* equal amoug tbam, aud to few a re tbey mota (pdebtad. I f h a t be Ifbd fjMlta. hi* fViindi admi t , and ba laroeatedi b a t be bad redeeming qualitiva, i f h k ^ enti tbl . bta c h a r a c t e r t 4 unlverrai r a a p w t t bl* .^tamoty will ba cbarit l ied iiy ail % b o l u « w

b i n W f l l , ^ mpat aAoti(»aateiy | » thcaa who kni^w bim bpat and longMt ." .

W a tni»t t o p e oompe'teat ^ i b a r wilt wfl^e a raemalf of l^ia l ife. . I t t^Quid t h s . m ^ t i n t a m t i n g per i9d of the d a a i ^ . nat ion »bl*tory. be full of ri«b aod thriU. iog incident . . W a t rua t , bawavar , that tqch a work , if i t appea r , will ba theprodocUeB o f a %>ulhemar , for t u c h of l ly , fer partienlar r aaaopa .wa t»alieva capab le of da in t j o t t i ^ to tbi* g r e a t and g9od m a a ; a i ^ wa will d m by anggatt ing t b a i e i t b e r b n tbe r aieraditb of North Car t^inai o r W m . F . e r Andrew BnM^du*. o r Cambar iand George of Virgi-nia, be raquet ted to under t ake tba wark.

D E A C O N O E O R O E G O O D W I N . A t a mee t ing of t h e jBaacative Boatd of

the Bapt i i t S t a t a Convent ion o f T e n o e t w e , bald in Naahville, 'JSM N o r . 1896. tbe fol-lowing praajnble and raaolatiott* wara uaaci-mouily adopted.

WHttBAa, the Lord baa been pleated, ia tba midst of life aad u t e fu l aaHr to Knova from hi* laboura below, our belnved bmthar G n v a a Gooowim, t b e akla a«d al teat l ta Treaanre r of tbi* Board , with whom, f m t tha origin of th i t body, we b a r e bad to maay delightful aaaociationaaa a cbr ia t ian a a l pU> lanthropi i t .

Re$ot9ed, T h a i no t oaly M i t i . Caaaa Church, of wbicti he waa a most active man-her , bnt the Baptiat caiwa throughout the S l a t e and the couotry gene ra l l y . l o the death of b ro ther Chodvin, ha t aui taiaed a no*t heavy IOM.

Ret«lMd, T b a t tbi* BoanI , and tbe wliol* body of the S t a t e Conven t ion , entertain a bigh *ente of hi* arduoii* and aelf-daayiag labor* to advance the cau*e of CbrUt . wbiclt, amidat opputit ion from all t ide*, wa* unabat-

and tbat we cher i th hia memory witb tbe warm'eat af lcct iun.

Jttiolftd, T b a t we deeply tympatbite witb hit widow and b a r avrviviag oApr iag ' ia toeir painful be r eavemea t , aad tba t , in Ultti-moay tbareof , a eopy of tbe«i prwaediagt ,be t r aMmit ted to bia family i

Renfl ted, T h a t tba ta procaedinfabet igaad by tba P ra t iden t and S ^ r e t a r y , aad publiUi-ed ia T h e Baptiat .

R : B . C . i I O W B t X , l V a * . J o h n S . F a u a i a ,

S T A T E q O N T B N T I O N . W f baya raoaivad tha ptooaadinga af tbe

; a l a a a l l c d a«M»cw a f t b a Bapt iat S l a t aCoa-ffMitlaB of t y d a a t a a a , ib r tba Ea»l«lra Di* i r t e t - .

c M . n l k t ba V** laat jTaara i low'aa t t le t b a i r a ^

c o o i t a . ' ' A ^ ' u t five t w i ^ n ^ do^ remala unpaid a a t b a ' b M k « ^ ITIikI a iwraat m w t l M t inUn^Ia te ly laid to pay t l i a ^ i i t a r a aod o the r e i p a M « or'f}»a~Mctf. Sabacribttra may tend the m o o a y ^ a t iaa l l . o r pay o r a r to t ^ Poatn 'aa ter l , who will tiraaaaiit i t . d i rec ted to T b a Baptiat , Naahville, T a n . aiid g rea t ly obllga ^

T B E F U B U S H C K .

B A P T I S T C H U R C H . W a aanounoa to oiir fr ienda tbat (be Bap

t i l t MaaUag Uoa«a k g « i ^ up a a tba band toma la t o a t b e e a t t a i d a o r S N m m e r S l r a a t , be tween Spr ing and C e d a r S t r ae to . aea r iy oppoaita tba Poat Office. T b a t / ^ of tba building adopted by tba Commit tea lalAea • a r i r a* OofAw. W e d e a i g n t o m a k a It a a crnamenl to t be c i ty . W e a ra cxcaediagly g r a t i f a d to perceive tba deep ia ta raa t f j ' t in I u prograa iby aN oar e i t i seaa e r p « b l i e « p i r i i aad col t ivated taato.

A . N N I V E R S A R I E S . T b e proceediag* of tba Aaaiveraar ie* for

1886. e f t ba Baptiat S t a t a C M v a n l i o a of I l l l . noia. G e a a r a l Aaaociatioa af I n d i a n a , a ad S to to CoavaaUaa of K e a t o e k y . a r a bafera oa. l a the Crat E Rogera preaided; ia tba tecond J n d g e HoUnaa. and R . T . Dillaid in tbe l a t t . T b a e a a t a U p n a p e r i a g l a tb faa S ta tea .

N E W S T O R E . T w o of o a r youag b r e t b r a a . J o b a 8 . Fa l l -

a » e r a B d C b a r t e a G . l l i t e b e | l , b a r e f b m e d a par tnerabip . and cawateneed tba Dry Goode bmiaea* In NaabvOla. T b e i r StoVa U oa th f wat t aide of tba Sqna re . Tbey wi| l k a a p . aIwa! i» ,aA. l laapply of good, cheap a « l a e a -•oaabfe artleleai bad, baaidal , tbay a ra wor-tby y o a ^ maa who d«Mr^a to aoaeecA W a vaeoaamend to o c r f r iaada, botb ia tba eoan t ry aad c i i y . wba may ba in wmat a f ar^ t ialaa la f b a dry good* Una, to cal l {« aad a x a i i i a a t b e i r a t o c l t .

•^iii f'\, iijuiLiw

vtow a r t k a

toblea laU-Uag U ti»a "Ca l i lva t l a* ; •Mttara aad ftq^lga t n d a af Ca t toa / ' s

I n ' a d d i t ^ to aU l h h V w ^ l t l n f t l i i a £ -vidaUStotoa . aaaoMwvy v i a * k g l v a a af t b * « a » a U a a d ratlwaya^ w b ^ r i a a p ^ M l i M a r pra jeatad, by w b l d i U t b o w a t k ^ f i g a i i t l a atridea tbia oaaatvy ia t a ^ iMf iv i a i a a » : ^ t a t y U a n a f i a t> iNwain t tahf r t i aa , tbaa wkieb, W ^ a i a i « k a d . p a a t M g a r band a f U-nfoa caa axiat b a t w a a a tha Sta toa .

Tbi* A l a n a a e , i ava laab i i i a a h a a k a f ra-f a r a a e e , a r a y ba had a t Elebbatni iX «i th«r aiagty or i a q«aatit{«*, wIth aU tha p t a v l ^ nofltbar*.

» a r . a a H a d b y | ^ a « r . h w la fcaa lUplaa* .

m Advaa i to v a a A r ^ M M l l t^Arnibimm aalepMa»l*«aafB»l ahiUtyt

T H E A i C E R I C A N A L M A N A C . < h r achnowladgiMBia a r « dua to M r . W .

W l k » A t f k f i i a a A l a w a a . fcr-^latr. n b valirtto (ba af tba Atmakae , fami4ae tha « l l a f f c ( a * V t * » J t a t i aa .1 aad S t a t a e w r w w W a ^ s * A j i a i & i ^ t t i iUu "*ry aaid CftbmaJeta a f e f e a t a . i n w i i ^ - n r t w i * i i i a a a " a i h » ' t a i t i i l e u j i i * * ^

P I C T O R I A L B I B L E , Bf tbe politaaaa* o f M r . E i ^ b a a m , A ^ t

tor t U publisbera ia tbto City, wa aira i a paa-*e*aioe of No . 4 of Uia beauUfi«) irarkV T h b Bible i* tbe c o n m o a aatborfaad t r aaa la t iM o f tbe Old and N a w T a a t a m a a t , i l l aa t ra ta i with maay boadrad eAcravIaga, n p r a a e a U a v tba biatorieal evaata vf tha aaetadi b o ^ «ba laadaeapa aceaaa from origiaal d r a a l a g a , o r an thaa t i e aagraringas aad tha aabfeeta u t na tura l b i t tory , of cuatonM, aad aatJqai t laa , f rom tba beat aoareaa; to wMah a f a ad#ad or igiaal aotea , o b M y aap laaa toqr of tba a a -gravlaga, aad of l a eb . paaaagee e a a a a e t a d with tha b i i to iy . geagraphy, aa to ra l h b t o r y , and aatiqait lea of the aaered aa r jp ta ra aa r a -qu l i a ob t e r r a l l oa . - T b a work will ha earn-pleted ia IS o r a t a m t 99 nnmbara. fimaiag t b r ea bandtome aaper raya l octavo valniaaa, ia which tbe r eade r will have lacorpo'ratad wi th tba toxt. all tha advaaUgaa of each a Wark aa Paxtoa 'a Il luatrationa, o r of Calatat 'a b i a t l o a a r y .

T h a a n g r a r i a g a l a t ba aumbar balbra aa a r a laaac Uaaaiag J a c o b ; J a c o b . Labaa and hIa daughtort t J a c o b wator iag hie i a e k t a tpaelmen of (ha p laa ta ia and maad raka i a. p laaa t r ee , a a d L a b a a aearobiag for hi* idola among, (be a f e a U a f J a o e b . All theolo-g ica l dbcuaaioa ia avoidad to p ravao t aay a e a U H a a leaaiag^ dto. W * i M a m „ , o A (ha ivark to e«tr a t a d a n .

- ' . A i B O O I A i v i M b ' W a a r a i a i a h t o * to e » < l i l a i * a » i h i w » w ,

J a d g a B a t a i a , aT-.Hh • i r i i i i i , ^ t h a - a f a a n t a t l a a w a l i w a t l y a f J E w ^ w y Aaawiht iee i f t k f ^ i m u T T ^ ' f t ^ ^ t * r a t e a t f o r am, a a M a a a « i a ( « a ( h M J M l a y i t ^ ( a a t h a n l S M w R e r , T ^ O w t l a - i r ^ n r t p ^ n y - ^ T h a f t a ^ d a r i a g (h* Aaaaa te t f aMi » hap t i a8d ,4» l a iMiaa i b y

l a t t a r , H « a a « , a « i J W a r - ^ ^ Thia Aaanatatiaa

— d aaar t iaw T S t w i i i h u i t i ,

D B C K I t r n S I A f l M C f A T I O I I . t l s t i i H f n i a body hr td ' t ia aahaN

tMi ( ^ r c h a t Oa r r i aaaV , ' — r - l n r t n g ftaliiidiinTlfl^

L a i ^ V d h y I i g e p t o m b a i v t K a a i a waa a f i ^ a t a d K d N l L ^ . . , A a d r a w r a a a n , C I ^ C l a g will W h a U - w i t h t h a e i k ^ L iwio laCaH 9 V a a . , - i y a f JTaW p n a c * tha f a t r a d w ^ a f t M a i , > k i a t o e i d a r J . M e C M U n i . T M r i a r a aa M l o w a ~ M b a p t i i a l , S I ' n i M U M la t to r , l O r a a a t v i l ^ a p | l l a a i l M f t a N i | l -a i tod Baptiat C b a f « b « i , t a a d S l a a t o d l f i t o . • i a a a i by l a t t a ^ W , « z e l a d t i a i > , a a i f « l a a < — a a t t iaaraaaa S U n a h ^ a a H i i Tbay wmihaT M C h a f a h a * . aad I I a N k t a a i • l a i a t e t a , a ad 9 I k a a t i a t a a a M f e a m a f ( h a A a i o d a U a a .

M. 8 . S E L L E R S . A c o p y o f t h a JPrfmflht B ^ baa beaa

^ t i o to M r h t a d a i r i th * raquaat to aot iea • i M t a r d a u d Malga6a.» T a » , a v a r the abova • f g a p t a r e T h a whala la t tor . bawavar , la

t k ^ a r I g M t M t aaaaapaa, a a d o b . i P ^ t p ^ t ^ r t l a i t a t w a H h a t U B t i a a . ''Ut

• t l b i i a l i a t l i e a M a Bapv baa tbare b a a laaata ea ^ Uparabia'M aa, aad wa t o t a a a b a bkaybae . W a ' b t ^ a a a a ' b aa» tha': « e typ i l imi i t Otmin l , M k U d r .

w* taay' a l ^ b a Uiifttm* I b a t a t d b i a a ' ^ ^ . Ma paapl* l » i a h a a i i b » g i i l i & •"'•••Cf^

n a t U h w ,

Page 4: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in

T R B B A P T I S T ^

I q i ^ W I I I A L AfisoCMA^^^ 1 i l » H » tiM |w*b«a4i«fi «>r u ^

i M i l » l i i i i i t > i i t X a w i w M t i ia tlM W w U M | ) l t t r k («M i i iU«d wi lk tbftChiircliktEUdad,

•m rOHf Mon thm SM Lonl's day in tMib«ir» 1890, t« h r m • a«v Anoetation.

i i u f i r r e ^ 1>(. ftscdrad a i ^ y*«4 i M t a n fram

fcltowiag ckwckMi Mmtmgm Mkmm.

WiUiwa Wr igh t .

P U m - t P U t e . J ^ ^ J - T . H / ^ r h ,


n u i .

Bdtr«fd Jlt'mkt. LmhicI H . B t t M , W U l U i i Mo«r*. Hardy H M I .

}Oi»Mliali m r d i a , Jcha Pir.

M . ApHiaMd L . H . BatlMl Meterator. M i J . r t y C U r i i .

t L A p m t tliat draft a cout i tat ioa aai r f m a m t o ^ r r e w .

4tk. Ag iMd toadjoara nntU to-morrow. a l l l o ' e l M k .

SMmfey Seftembtr 10. 18W. I b l M i a i j s a r a n M B i . Pra ja r by tha Mod-

I n . C a t M mar tba Baaaa of tba a t t a . kcra.

I k O a l M Ibrt lM H«iaa af Dacomm and Aittlataa aT r a i t b , aa i rMaf tad tk«ai uaaai-M M l f .

A J I T I C I . B 9 OR P A I T B . A f M * 1* b a l i m i a M l / o a a l i r i a f

M i t i M •«iat la( ia tkraa panaaa, f l i | h a r , i M i aa i Holy Ohoat; who oraatad, f ^ w r r a a u i gOf«n;a al l t l i iagt aftar ih« c a w N a a f U a a i r a v i l l .

A r t . t , T toSer ip torwoTtha Old and { fa i r TeaUeaet to batha word of Ood, eoatain-

kte raml^d « i l l , aad tha oaly rata of M l i w i rneOn.

A r t . 9. Ma« waa i n t oraatad ia a boly aad kafiipy aoaditioai but by tranagniMioa ha MtCraa i tbs taUU. baeama daprarad, and, aa ha »aa tta aoraaaat bead of bit poaur i -t y , tbay w « all bora ia a lUUa of ain, aad un-laaa botii at tha Spi r i t eoatinaa dead ta tmafaaMaaad ia alaa, bai i^daal i ta la of raal hariaaaa, aad poaaatai^ aoaiity^or baart a-gaiaat Oo i .

A n . 4. That tba Lord Jaana ( ^ r t s t . tba mmmt |pana»ia tbaado'rabtf. T r i a i t y , wbo »aa alanulty wltb tha P a t b a r / v a * . ia th* «iUa«aa aT t i a i f . aMulTaat iyi tba laab* ia vUah haMIUad tha U v . died

»alM a taMMa^ i i « alal ia tba oaly Be. ^ . P ( a p h a t i F « i i » k ^ K i a t , appaiatid

¥ ^ H i i l f ! * w A J a l M ar aalak aad

A r t . 9. Allbougb t i n duapal i t to bp. p ^ c b a d ta all the world, aad a l a a ^ ar« <« be eallad up«o to repeat aad believe, yat tttcbit.tba depravity aTtbeir baartt , that thay love darkfMaa ratfae^ thaa l i f b t . Botwi ie ra •ia abonoded', ( face did. mnch mora abound: G ^ orhia owacood pleUure. aad that h i a i f l i t nai ia hnowa t i n riobaa of bia ( rasa, hatb alaete^ or cbuten unto lalvatioo in Cbriat, a great multiluda wbiob nd man oould aambar. of all aal ioai, and kiodradi, aad people, .aad toaguea. Tbaee. by tba rageu-aratiog inflMaaaa of Iba Holy 8|Mrit> faitual ly callad, become dead ta ria, and a* l i re unto God, and beiag tba tabjaett of re* p e a i a m , faitb, I t t : , , aad barimc tba love of God abed abroad In their baarta. freely eboote Cbr i t t for t l ielr Savior, and w i l l i n f l y devote tbemaelvea to bia service by a li^a of boliaea*.

A r t . 0. Tbocr «l io are thm noitad to Christ by a l iving fai tb, have the full and free for-giveneaa of all ibeir liaa, erhieb favor it be-•toired, not on aceo«int of any worht they may baveperibrmad. but solely oa accoyat of tba merits of Christ, arising froai bis anf< ferings and death.

AiHU 7. Al l tboae who are bom of the Spi-r i t , and jifstUlcd by tbe impaled rigliteous. nets of Christ, sbmll persevere noto tbe and, being kept by the power of God, tbroogb fai tb, ooto salvation.

A r t . 8. That visible ebarebes are toba formed only of prpliissed believer* in Christ , who have givea evidence of a change of heart, have beea baptised by regularly or-d a i n ^ miaistera of our faitb and order; and that immersion is the only scriptural mode.

A r t . 9. That tba Lord's Snpprr is an ord-inance of tho New Testament, S IMWS G>rtb tha death of Chr i i t , consisting in tho rircep-(ion of bread and wine, and is to ba observ ed by those only who have been baptiaed, and become regular members of a Gospel church.

A r t . 10. That God having appointed tha preaching of the Gospel for tbe edification of tbe c£nrch,and theadvancement of His king-dom in tbe world, thereibre i t is our dnty lo eonlr ibuteto its support, as Divine Provi-dence may ^ v a us ability."

A r t . 11. That tba govarrtmeDt of the cburcb is aut to b4 invested in tbe bands of any maa or number of men distinct from tha body, bat Is to bacoaduoted solely by the olturch baraair. -

A r t . 19. That the first da]r of tba waeli^, e i i l l ^ f t i h ^ t b ar UM*a | | ^y ; ls.lo U USJI Hf a t laaa iagt0(M wora^p4»r GMl la

ubjaenessary vui t ing, t r i i ^ i ig couvenatloq iaber , *9 . ,axceptsomi iehw>ay Im ds to works of necessity aad n« r« | .

A r t . 13. That irbaa t imefbal l ba ao lea. |(ar^ tba Sen.of God w U f i e t u ^ ^ e wn^d in figliteoufoeai, the of i l l rata raised from tlia dead, tbajr ' i ' iMgbt lbUte j»i|gm«Bt seat of Christ , w U n tbe righleous shall be rewarded wi th 'c tenal life,^aad the wicked sentenced to atejrnal misery.

L . n . *Bt r r i j jB t ,4 tMf t ra(<>r . J . P i t , Cltrk.

P R B A M B L E . We, tbe Churcbea of Jesus Christ, being

evavinced of tba lieoessity af a oombiaatfoa of churches, lo perpetuate ab uaioa and oem* muaion amoopt nt , aad to preserve aad mainuin a correspondeace wi lh aaeh other in our nniooi we thewfura propose te msin-lain and keep the orders and rules of an as* sociati^n,according to tbe following plan or form of government: '

Ar t ic le I . Tbe association to be composed of members dniy choseaby Me cbnrabes ia ouruniea, and representing:them in the As* socistion by. producing letters of authority from their respective churches certifying their appointment, are entitled to a aeat.

Ar t . 3. The letters from tbe diffcraat churches are to oxpress their numbers in Aill felloitsbip, those baptixod, received by letter, disaiiaaed, excommnnicated, aad desid, siiwe last association.

A r t . 8, Tho membara thus choaan and CUB-veaed, to be denominated

T m CMTaAL B A m a r AaaociATiox, being composed of sundry churches in the State of Tennessee, who a n lo have ao poirer to lord it over God's heritage, oor ara they to have any ecclesiastical powar. over tbe churches, nor to infr inge nay of tba internal o re i le rna l r ighuof Ihe churobes in our u-nion; but sha.l have the privilege of acting aa an advisory council in c.3ea of dideally.

A n . 4. TJie v>*<^iBtioa shall be geveraed and ruled bp a regular and proper decorum, which they are hereby autboriseil to form for Ihemselvesi ,

A n . 6. TIta association shall have a mod* erator and c lerk , who aiy to be chosen at aacb anauiU meeting Iby tba sulVages of tbe members presejit.

A r t 0. Chnrcbea m i j ba adaii|Ud into this auociatioB, whn an . t(| p f l i t i oa by latiar aad ddegtUet, and If U j^n «a» laa t iea are ftand orthodox ar^ i4y» ahail ba Noeitx f d b y tbe modeimt^ f i v i r t f tha ilaietalas tba

h a n d j i r ^ l l y j t ^ b ^ . . . ; . Q A H . 7. Bvary c b a n ^ l a ibis iMf to is4li>

ta ttpraaaiUatlMk: :

but nu ^huroh shall ba • W l t l ^ ^ inpra than' 'ihrea r«pjr|||entail*es. ' ^ . - f ^^ i^ jeK^ •••c,

A r t . 8. Btary «juary j?rasented h f any church in t ^ Assriclatloa, is Jo be t«ad,aBd befprc i t is d e b » ^ ( (he aal«g*tes from said church are to stata, or open the natn w of tbe query to the A*(K>ciaUont than the Modera-tor is to put the vote, and if there be a ma. jorily for ila. being debaUd, it m»y be taken into consideratioa, and ba deliberatsid, but if there ba a majority against i t , i t b lo be wilhdrawA. N . B . Wa advisa tba churches not to send any query 4o this Assooialion, but what has been debated in their own churches, and canqnt be detamlned upon with salisfkctlon.

A r t . 9. Every motion made and seconded, is (o come under the consideration of tbe Auqciation, etaapt i t be withdrawn by the uiembet who made i t .

A r t . 10. Tbe Association is to eadeavCr to furnish the churches with tbe Minutes of tbe Assooia'ien. .The best method of e fect iog that p u i ^ e to be at tha discration of the fulure associations.

A r t . 11. ^ e think i t necessary that V e should bave an auociatlon fund for defray-ing the expenses of the same, for the raising and supporting of which we believe i t to'be the di i t j^of the chnrcbas in tbe union, to con* tribute such sums of money aa they may think proper, and send by tbe bands of their dele-gates to the sMociationi and those nqoays thus contributed by'tbe churches and raealv. ed by the association, are to be deposited in tbe bands of a treasurer by the associa-tiun appointed, who is lo be accountable to the aisooiaiion fur all moneys raoeived by him and paid out by the direction of the as-sociation.

A r t . 12. Tbe Minules of the Association are to be read, and corrected If need be, and signed by the Moderator and Clerk, before the Association rises.

A r t . 13. Amendments to this plan or form of .gove nmeut, may be made at any time by a minority of the churches,' i b e a they may think it necessary. ' <

Ar t . 14. Tbe association baa power tqf withdraw from any church in tbiiinnina which may violate therulM of this asteclation, Br devlaia from tba onhodox jiHaciples of re-ligion, wblob^'determlnatioB It to ba by a ma)otity of the members praseal. . A r t . 15. This ass<^iatioB agrees to do all

her birtiaasa by a m^ar i ty .at icept i n the: reeaptioji of churchM, In that ou'a b f a una. ainnon* votf iL ISfevarthekiM, if there sbbiild ba ana.ortwddlaaentlBf voides,tlia *«aoaia> t ^ n a y ' r f f H ^ i l i a t r

W P A P T I S T .

i u iuac i ^nV» a 'lOifjorily of tha f^odf, they n*y proceed to ^erogftapUaa nf tba chur«h o r c h u n M . v . ' ' ' 'V, ' " ' :

Ar t . 16. i i ie t tanc iat lna baa |«wiv ' , tb id* i9ura to any fbti ire Uma or ptaM aba may tbink proper.^

O^tr Agreed Ihataur flrat ses^b b'^ N M at Bldad meeUng b<N»e, Qibaonc9UBt]r,TaBB., on the Friday prec^ iag tba 3d day in Novemher next! and D, Chird^n'preach tba introduotory sermon, and ia caaacf bia fail ure, hrb. S. Ilall iVurtoB.


DIV IS ION c y CVraranl ytsteddltra.

By the kimlnesa of tba OlaHc of tba mefU ing, for which act of f r ieNsMp ba baa <wr sincere thanks, we we io , p o ^ w l o n of tba "Minutes of a callpd aaasioa ^ C^icard Aa. sCoiaUon, held at Ridge Heating hbosa, WiU son county," which comnaQcad on Satuiday before the fiflb Lord^s day in October, 1898. We publish tbe procaadiags eal ira, except Mr . Lowe's resolutioos, which with oar cwa commentary we ptlblishad ia Ootobar.

" A f t e r tbe introductory seraioB, by Blder John M. Watsan, Elder David Clark waa ap» pointed Moderator, and John M. Watapa, C lerk , and J . T . Tomkias aaaistaat Olerk. After prayer by tbe aoderator. dal^[at«a were requested to take their saata, aad let-ters from tbe nburcbee. ware than called Utr, and ware received aa followsr

durcAn. Mu**ngtn. East Statioa Camp<—lt,Parker,' R . Miraa. Wast Su i ioa Camp^TlMM. Edwards. Prjvidence—I). Clark, Z . Posey. Overall's Creek—Wil l iam Alkeison. Belblebem--James Jones. Flat Rock—L.Holloway, J.Caatlanaa. L i t t le Ceder Lick-~J T Tomkias, W . Bi lbro. Spencer's L ick—L. Aschew, R. H . Coll ier. Drake's Creak—S. Byrum.N. Byrum. Ridge Meeting House—P. Smart, J. Lead. Enun—P. Henry. Bartoa's Creek—lohn Davis, J. W . Hol t . Murfceesboro'—John M- Watson, f f . Black.

Mcbrory^a Creek sanctions a diseolutioB ofCnn'cord Asaociation,aa appeared oa MOB day f p m a cartt&oate of oae of bar taamhan,-stating that Church had doae so by a regal ar Church act, ttaaaimously with oaa axcep-tioB.

Elder J . T . ToiBkios, P . Haory , R. B . Ooll ier, Thoa. Awards , Z, I^oMy. Ifo^era toiraaii Olarfc, wara eppioiated a Cklaot Oool--mlttea td irepoK on Jfoaday, .9 a'clo'ok k E i i l an Jaasa Oox, Ja*. T . Totqitias aad. Jeha Mt Watsbii w a n tlMi9 appaiat^ to piaaah t i ; * ' j l i a ;da | r . ihay M t aai t tvm M i l i f

- t o

IhvoraMd appiturMnaei h ^ t r ' t

Qat«et CoHiBittaa r a ^ r i i l I fthairtf4r

BBPORT QP T f t f f ^ t i O M M t T W . • 1st. Brathrea ja«, t . ' T e m k i i n ^ h a ^ ' I N i .

Hi l l w a n r«|Bastad b f t h a S a l e c t C & i o i t i M to go aad aaoenala th« n t a ^ i ^ l lM tS lnp ' t CrMk Church, conceratag the' liitsaBWitni f t ^ c o r d Aseociatioat aad froaa a c a r t i f c a t * . ^ which they ^btaiaad fraai hiw. C W l a , ft ipenbar of that cburcb, i t appfaia ( ^ t ail' ^ Friday before tkesacoad Lordl i day ia 0 | t «> her, McCrary's creak Church taak tha vain* as a rtgulmr Gharch act, aad tliey waia u m -aimotts, ariUi aaa. aftoaptlea, C s, m <|tanlil i tioa ofCoaoard AiaociatioB.

ad. Thai twe thirds of the Oharchae, f 4 £ i arfmbar, saaetion a dissalutioa'af OoaaatA Associatioa.and tha ooastitutiea ef t h f i M M is heraby dMared , coBaequaaUy,r'to ha diia^ . solved, null aad void, aad of ao altat^f*

Report af tbe Coamitiaa aa abova, aray m*. caivad—ao oaa votiag agalast i t .

SMaad Buobt l iM aatorad iato |a aaftaa . tioa with thaf t rstat onrlaat aaaaaiatiM.

Jtaaaieed, That wa laaaaiBiaad, Cbarohea which wa rapreeeat ( i f oar | aat ba saaetloaad,) with aaah oUiar Ch^MiiM. 1 as any wish to jo in with iM, to atoat ( i f la|> tar aad dalagataa, at Ridga MaaHag A m c ^ Wilaaa Caoaty, Taa. , b r thalpirpaabW av ai t ta«ia thaforaiiaff airf ar(aatsiaff aa««| i i^* > aisoal^Uea toh* whally ttnasliwM I N * . tha BaptJat OMvaatiaa."

I t appaara f raa tha la t ton o< lh# chtfrehMt that ao«a faar ara oppaaa* to thalaei * laUoa.that af "fontaiaf aad a l f t n t i i i v IT aaothar asaaalatiaa" at thia tiaMi haa«a.«r« wottM only auhpit tha draaght of a BBwtfto*' tioa to thair partioalar aoaaUacttioa* kat i l Satorday balbratha 4th te id 'a day ia Aegwt 1887, wba« aa maajf cboirchaa aa aiaf i r l i i to uaite ia tha forming aad orcaaialag aaadMr aaaooiatiaa, are raqne«lad to meat by l ik(«r aad delegataa at Kidga Meatlat BeMw» WU* aoB cooaty. Tea. A a i M tha dra i^hUi l , -coBstltattoa auy fe| al t«fai aa« a a m l a t itt several respaots, M b t o i t to aiaptad, t h ^ b t i t would ha halt to Ainifak oborohaa with oaly aM|i8Boript«opifM«| aaaw for thair iaapaatiMBi^ aad aat p i l i d t$ uatU adopted.

Elder J w . T i T o i a k i w ^ ^p fo tp ia i fl^ M l v a r tiM^iBtradvotory M M l t e . a«« I M i k

altoniati f tk Elder l a h s l f i " Watkaa ayfatotod to l i ipartalWd Um f i l M . k g of th* I ^ M t o i 5 * . ^ f i f i k r i r f M a ^ . . .

Page 5: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in

q ^ ^ ^ ^ l M M t in nirdiiliior <ii«nu«cr((ii «r tiM drwiflitiM odiHtlMiUdQ.

After pn>*F. i^Joiinitd to Uit aboT* Umti and pitcc.

DAVID CLARK. A e r a t o r . IoaK>t.'WAt»oti,Ckr*. W« will, m thl» tilae. mtkt only two or

tktff nmtrS* on; th« %bova prao««d U | t . I t 'apftMritb*^

in staUnff. &> publltbad Ukt Aonib, that our ••Imntant bratbra* bad "rormed a nm» At-ttxrta/iM.nlMBroHM'aRiifgH.'' Theyonljr ptHad an ojrdar, wUcb tbajr prataadad to do o«oa bafora, to ditMlra owr aHo«tfation—(ha Goaootdlt—But it Concord Aiweiationdiiioi*-

Ko Wthran—no~.Qot at all. By laeMac tba lUt of oburcbat i t will be ••en MmI oalf Mirtora aMemblad, This nut * baaMituUoaal mijorit;. 8u tba; bad no

teiio aaytbiof; aod what they did goti BOtbioK. Thii ••ndiof committen about

to gat earUficatat, tbat tbi*, tbat.or tha other ebafok bad ptitad pri»ato reiolutiooi, ii a •traaga procaading—</ woa( do. How «idl; tfcay cr« put to it to do (onietbinc. and wliati Abl Mka aaiwart, wUatl

Tbap profMta to bare another meatipg (o lnmatum.A*todation. Wa lincerej; hope

/ tMt 'tlUkt MMaUacwill barn no attandantt f » o«l|kt Bot to ba noticed.—Why, brathrao,

you, only ooniidar tba (ermi up. ^ M) Mieh you araiirr^ to join tbit new wImo.

N n ^ — t b a y am neM iodaad u wall at tha AttieiauoB. Tbayjara no latt tbao tbif—tbat joabiod yourtelfat,and your beiraaod too. oaaiart roravar, narar to bara any rallowil.ip, aaabrittiaBa, witb tticb man, ortuohoUrit. tiaaa aa Jattat in(/*Uf. Wmiam^JdartiH, and ^ o i a a d a at otbart af aimilar chtracter, MtbAiiMM and piaty! Bratbran o f t b a C W '«a«i AtM>olation,ean yoadothitl Ifyoucan. t a ttA walaonet but if not, betitata bafora TM ffaacainto Ridga Maatiog Houta, and 4a a« aot wWob you cannot ratraoe, and otar 'WUab, at loma fiitura day, you may watp taanofbittamatt.

Bat tba etlulilHlioH oftbie n«« Attociation b to ba MBt roiiad in manutoripti^U to be WNMaalad from ut! Abi Now wa w o ^ a r if «i«ra b« otbar raatoat than tbo«4 named fa tba aiwitat, for kaapiiif tbU do«amant i a A f lBwhatlaUtodilR»rfrom tbaCoutii tarlon orCoo««rd Auooiatlont Jf Jo no im-j j ^ t pn^iaalar. wby adopt it» But if In

partioalara lat ut tea what tbay Ufa Uva M r ofMB di^llflit #orli.

lUmallaartlia t a t u. bavi (b.

T H K i A P T I f i T .

,. •• SETiWL Jt&Sa^Mr/OM ^J>a twalflb i fnui t taition of U»a' B e t b l

A«t09iatioft wat bald wUjji tbf Cborob at Hopawall, Ro>arteop ooanty,<^«n t|ia 24th, astb aodSQlIt Septambar, l€|«>;Elder RtttUn Rott, Modaralor^ and John Pendlataa Clerk. Till* Attooiatjqn number* 28 ohurohM; wa notice the aainpt of IS minlttors, wa know they U r a wore, but >cw many wa cannot detarmine, and 2517 mambert. They report aia baptiied, l i a received by leltelr and 6 rettor«dj,B8diiraitted by letter, IBesoluded and 25 daad—nett incraata S67 meaihera. Tba next meeting it to be baldat Zioo, Todd county, Ky.

Wo tranifer to our columnt tba following altraeti from (ba loinuteii—

Declaration 0/ Failh. •*Tbo oommiueat to whom the tubjeot had

bean rafarrad, prai«oted the folloiriog Aril, clat of Fait)i, wbicb were read and adopted without a diitenting »oice, |o wit!

We bollare (hat tha Holy Bible it the word of.dodi tbat it wa* written by men divinely intpired: tbat it it the only tiifflcient and per. feot rule of faith and practioei and that a-mong teaohet the fullawing import' tant trutbi:

I. That there it only one living and tnie God, infinite in every perfection, and that he baa revealed hifflielfat the Father, the Word and ti.a Holy Spirit. See lat John 9 ch. 7 verta.

II. That man wat ^created holy, but by wilfully violating (balaw of hit Maker, he fell from that itaie; that by nature there it no holineta in n»; wa are all inclined to eviU and as all have tinned, all are cbildreu of wratb, jiittlyaxpotad to death temporal, t'pU ritual and eternal. Eccl. Eph. 3-;j.

IH. 1 hat thaonly way ofdeliverance from thit atate of guilt and ound'amuatlon. through the taorifica of Jctut Cbritt, who at turned our nature, and whom God hat tei forth to ba a propitiation through faith in hit blood, having'to loved ihe world tluit he gavv hit only begotten Son, tbat wbotoover be* liavath in bim, tbould not p^rith, but have avarlattiag life. Jo. 8-15, Rom.

IV. That the election, taught in tha torip turaa, it through taactifioation of tha tpirii, ttHto obediaaca and tprink)io» ol the blood of Jatut Ohrlttt and that non« are autboriied to contidar tbamt^jlvca alaeted to talvation, nn< til tbay rapaot, and balieva. t^a gotptl. i Pat. 1 ob. 9 V. 3 that.' S ob, 13 v.

V^ That tha tMtkmnr, by tba |(raq« of Qod, taitail daiitb for av^ry tbat ha it tba (fttviwrofall m«i, iMptictally of tYiiata that balif*a*4*4 that haaad ob tba (|i«fj«laa

oJada Ui ^m .wen evefy UtJe apk co umaWed to rapent of their tint and b a l f m on tba U r d JfSlut. Hab. a - f l l Actt lT-80. ' -

VI. That the JalliiedCa of the Spirit of Obd it oo^axtantive with tha prbclafnaijoa af thefiotpal. John lft.8. Mat. !»-20.

VII. Tbatbaplitm and the Urd't iSipptr ara ordinancea o? JatutChritt—that btptUv it immertion in water-^that belietcn are the only proper tubjectt—and tiiat none have a right to tha Lord't Supper until they are baptitod. Mat. 28 ch. I f t . ^ ver. AcU a ch. 37-42.

VIII. That according to tha eaampleaf tha Apottletand earliettohHtllant.ianelion. ed by the repeated pretence of Cbritt him. telf, after hi* reiurreciion, tba flnl day of the week h to be obterved at tba Lord't day, or chriitian Sabbath.

IX. That there will be a general retur. rection, «ud a final judgment; and that the wicked thall go away into everUitiog pun-iihmciit. but the righteoul into life eternal. Mat. 35-40. Actt 17-31.''' •

Edncalion Board. . "Oa muiiofl, ctlled on the Tnitteet of the

Education Society, »vho aubmitted the ibl* lowing extract from their proceodingi, to wit: 'At a meeting ofthe Board of ^ruiteei, held at Elkton, on tba 38lh Nov. 1839, it iraa Re*ol9*d, That thli board will take under iU patronage bretUrcii L. H. Milikin and J. Lamb, and appropriate forthebenefitofeacb, thetiihi uf93:).'

The report w at received—and on motion, brethreu T. Chilton and S. Poindaxterwera appointed tnitteet (o fill the vactnoiet in taid board.

Appointed bro. J . Pendleton Treaturer, in place of bro. Poor; retigned."

Prayer Jlettittgi. . "Retolted, Tliat it ba moat earnettly re-

commended to the charohet oompoting ihit attoeiation, where that tftity bae nnt aliaady been attended la, that without delay, they ettabliih, and porteverlngly bold, at laatt one prayer meeting each weak, within tha boundt of the taveral ehurehot.' Tbo divine command It, "Pray withuut odlating." The ohurchat are therafora] affabtionately en^ (raated not to neglect tbit raoommandation." ,

Biblt Dulr^utipn. "Whereat; the Amarican^Bibla Society

hit ranit^ to aht in oircHlatiag ver&ont of tba BlhU, in whioh tha. Oraak word* b$flim, and lu ^ n a t a t ara'ttantt^fd hy w^^ttlg-"""'-"HwrrMs tha'r^bjni?-

^ ^in it|i |tatro«ag«| at| ArtNlatioi^ mi^a by Baptiaf if iMitofei^t

tor tba Bapltit a<nomloatioB anj W r w contribut-'Wr t U V * ^

L t T cairad "TM J i m ^ e^d t ^ r tb . o b i « t inafa the tt.ripU.rat in our larif In Af«/r» tkarafora. i Z wi' and aara-Uf r c b u r c h « e o « p o . t o g thU Live of their abnndant rtaa.., to adranw Lnevolent object oonta«»pUl«I^la tion of thaSoclalT r a f t f ^ ^ -

Thaclrcula.'latlar l» o« tba d o o t ^ « of atonement, far which wabata not roo« at pretkot. ^ ^

MMEJk ASSOCfATiOM-. Tba t«arteaath «BUal..a..looof tbiahrfy

wat held with tha T . « a « a T C h u « h . ^ U county. T.a.,cop.maaclag Saturday, Onto-her Ut 1888,Rav. John Wi tam^MoJj^tor ,

numbera 28 chutahat, and tha namat of 15 or. daioad. ahd 3 licanted mli»Utara appaar ia tha minutat. Whatber they hiva other, wa can-not determine. Total numbar of memberi !n45r-btptl»ed 83, raceived by lettar 74. and

nett gain during tha yaar fhair nax a..oci.iion it to be held with tha church at New Hopa near Alexandria, Ten., loVommeaoa Saturday «rtt Lord', day In «ept.mbaf,^1837. Eldar Mitat Watt to deliver tha Intro^uetory tar-moa. Elder John Witeman bit altarnate.

We rejolca to tea tha mifeio^ry thUexoellaat body af chrittiant. Itidaa<|. judging by tha mioulet bafora ut, they taam tobaraadytoa^ary good work, f ba j 'p -volnied fooa Wiaaiop»«i». Eldert wfrefcrnac

florua*. J o — " f to

^ Uia foUowiof dattitnta ohurcha»-8hort MountaiB, Sandor'olPB"* It givat »t tha ainoaaaet pWaaura to aaa tha following prooaadiiigo— • _

«.I» eonfonnity to a raquaat from tha.Kaob Spriat ahorth- Ba U by Ihi. a ^ j;tati ia.thii8irturd^; tb, aSth day of^D^ oambar next. Ihi iai apart aa • "J f f ing. Htimlliatioii and Pra#if, to A M i ^ t y ^ . ' t h a t ha wo»;idou*tlnM Pi wt aur N»-UollaLb^a.t^i|t,aBdbla^..U•aehur«haa wHJ» a ^ W ' o f arira and aBttoeia4. »pli«lo^^

llbarly to »bS4 m thi ^ ^ ^ . ^ , . tl'tM in Ubh), a iMelBl daBition't* h* tplpffc ^riktad «B4aVlhadfraiBt^^f to tha l|lB««trt f h o I t ^ t k tb«<^otpcl'iodattituta Ckurchtt, ar aaifhr tofhoodrin thaiwiWi rfihBrtJW. ' . n tpor l t f lk i apttM Ornmillu.

Tba coamltta* appolatad, to littnttotf-tidaratlon a raoimmaiWatioB (lrau» • cniak Churab, . ''

REPORT^ That, wharaaa, tba J a m c a n «iW« Sotieti/

hat lately aaiarW" isto 4Jwlut loB jiat .ta fumiah tha mead, nafcaaary to anahla BnpliMi MiuUnmrtet abroad, now aaga^ad i a that work, to traatlala tha SaripturA iota foraigti languaci*, unlatil t l i ^ will Irtl agraa not tn trantlate', but trMiftrihaOraak wwd. baftim andfcojrfima.orbaptiia'aBd bapil.m ea it now ttandt In the renioB In i»a aMoagtt ut, commonly caltad K1b» And at our bratbran tbaiaagagad, hava 4a. dared that tbay <»BBot ,trom any uoBaMara-tlon wbaUoatar.ahriak from tha hlgliUUtt eommittad to tham, in gi»lng to tha Haathaa thaScrlpturetofdWna truth la thair ttua awl ilt?rai teata; and that ia doing which, a* ratpaot. the taid Gra tk word»B«g>«w and H r /umo'thay Ara bound by tha higbatt portibia ohligaUon. to their dWpa Mii larto giva them in a tanw in »aM Foreign lanfaaga •r ianguagat. antwarlng t i thataf fiieterifor tawwrtiouMo Englltbi to that thara mayba •omittaka or mltuodtrataodiaf aliaut thani» and to anabla them thue to proeeouta to adrantaga, ibit gtaat, thl. highly imporiaat tmtt; they will throw tbai».alva. aa4 tha work ibutundartakanaH'the klodnaw and tupportof tbalf Jla»wi>«i» Baf t i l krathrtat ralyiag with conMaaca an tham ta be int. talnai. And, im» « , oonaidariag that tha Providence of God haa oi^nad op to»i«w an immtnte field ofmittiodary laborattwng the haatlian in diffarant countrfet, inviting and urgini tha Baptlatotothaptaeipfaating U t m topcoopy it with that anargT «aal aallad for by tha accaaion, but tbat thia laid not ka cuitlvata^ to adrabthga with«.t tha Blbiaialng tnntlataJ into thair own ian-guaga, laatldant,and knawinf tbat t ^ can-not ha doaa withotot pawnlary and with a '4i.tra «orraapdndeot with tha aUlgatlba to; aid onr aaid krtthtan »broad Mgaiead aiabof^iu a « t iW comrtoa to « .

thattNy. . o^tribiitlD> M ^

aiatioa tfiaimauotaj^ I ^ AmMa, 4te. 4jp4 f i w

thi« ia»portMt wark." , WtMy taail ourAtaociat

aiil 40 tttnri*." "4

BtaOATCatK. f'^r • h a Big Ha(ohla*Attod.tida

nU.i.Wa>»!« with tl ^ liiLdiion aduBtJ^Tan., fet,^ a ^ W f t ^ lobar 183®. »da^ b a l i l a b M o t a f t a r t l i * ^ 4ay, W ^ ^ ^ Oayla aota4 da lludarata-r-jwra l>wjw«yijg|j

niitibart ohdrcha*. »• , VitiUdd: lloWalr*, llaywaad coi t tU»a-S» mamhaA,« b a i r t t o d ^ * oal»a<fb| latiar.3 r w * o r a 4 ; * a l i i e B i i y i t i inoraatai aftragaia 4a*f«a*'8lk«lwi?***'?y

hava llortaioad Eldaf . I t. »»lBa*. W l -| i „ « , A|tinlliftv*oBn Kulay, O M t g * ^ . fficiaehajmViriltt^,.

Patar 8 Oayla, John Laa.4aa|fta J ^ , Vnd Wiillam iiid 4 lUaatiatw Jhkan Pari^tt aid tfiomitOwaB. . " \

T ^ l r M t l A a ^ U t f o a lahfpa^Jad bald with thaChuWkat Brownatltta, to Munmairta a a U i r d B f ! ^ * * iha tni Lo»4V«laf lnOWoht».i»W.» W ^ Jamrt prweh th» l e t # a * i 2 2 t tarinan. Elder aaovf»8lo»»ll Ma aiMf^i**. t h a Big Hatohia U ona af t U m o t l M p ^ agciaiftkadiat oftha kiBd la a a r f t t l i ^ ^ :

SRRORCURBBCl^i}, . ; ! ^ U t«a report ofthe 0-^fa-tiaa

in tha latt palpOT, and BOW In in taa — -it wto ar»•naoWlr »^l•< d ^ ^'-baan tuadw ttf t l« » • • ,

TmMtssmtPPiMMBmT atsmM-'',

l,^ a . w i ;

Page 6: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in

- •• •• ^ • •.. i ^ ' "

W t W S U - S SPglNO.

«t lUt

THE^UOVB. r ^ tt/Hfifpfgjf flutv,

" " J ' ^ B R U L CUNPEBeNCP

I" imporiX. r

^ ii


iwtlon tkt.

T . MUM.

T ^ ^ s i ™ ' ' J ? ' T „

• U m ^ S ^ - " "-f I" —

^Mrann AuaocwhoK. («»"•*)»

- AameU^ which •«»»•

Thh W f hcM It*

Fritof h«to»

WbtUoek to PF«M>1» tatr6dw>»®nr • n a m .

E M . , W . . F. I-«k htoaJtMMt*.

th« «rit«r hu w»iiPi>i^

tiottluvoliW^MU; or W i g

bliAtaMlMw'tA hm/mtM i tht t U W win


fited U»t M h m iMch fnilM » • ^ U ^

1 w . thtr. -ir J : - . ^ - J

to U « t N a i m .

•r thM JMH M d " ^

IT sad Bl*M«at ta th«lr Ut* . ^ ^ ^

u d h« (Mta fmfua UMm*

i T t h — i ^ t . " . P .U ID U-lo*. tor fco » ~

E L . A W w-

'liir '

jPkrM* B«jp<W


IM tod boM » ptofcMor, iad • • "

eoBidtBcooflhoolittWh. w d P"* " "

S J o i T o t D-c«i. whkh h . « . d W.U ^

WM &r from b«iH

r ^ l o r-lttlodlho -jlHi . " T h .

^ . i M i k thsll b« waUrod •!«» Wwolii

i J S T ^ l-th-t UfchM.!

m . God W «


l^r tk> BtrtU. MMmmm Ctmm, Alahw*.

V « T B«O. k witk

«.ch laumt tut I»!» . T " t ^ ' ^ S L ' t T rttioa ortoiM tkl-ft w h l A i ^

MMimtb* «rfd»i of Petobwr, ^ r

r S - w r . 'SIT

bat I tor the .pirit .T

win 'itm wtf

ekIM'ihi'. ' t W ^

ff«te SI to VL I j ^ l I Mf

tki^owr hMtiiiM

to the ehenvrteref the woelwiw,

MMtta wan ohMiwOalr wkhhold'wr

wwpsrty*' 'A.- ^ ''"t

'^KW.biflltrlfewrtl. . w Ihk

or f ^ i ^ m t f l t * U

tiM •reowtfli Md If fte irUl ft** i . Site withtlii«l«^f<

thrt lOi mr ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

. fcwMWbftthfrtofAtahtm.^ ^ _

A NMhtlto* WM tatM«K»od te tM» A l ^ with tiM obi^t .1 h w l ^ U

rti. tho«to«t«t i n M H l w - M U tirf-fportofth.

la tbb iiw^lwiw » ditoftUy of " i M l ^ t .

dlfldiSo-trifc-t. .r ^iOim f U ^ itwK* rt to J»to M f

„ iMU* whkh wt

«it& tbo rithtt whidi h . U * d ^ toth»«lMn«h ill b^wnfait • .

' ^ i C h w M W l d in hwroftho .bo^i

tatio«.MdI Mwhis boh«lfrf-wr hrotW*

t*«tat« ti»», • w h w » -fiiiMt h . »*nr .

thodolac^u*. til MMtatlM. t>My wanld oltbor or

«bi.rch..W«r.. with tow SIJ.Urfof


,MI«tittitlo« which J2tS irwUhth . l r T W M - i U it iidilM

Itoiwyl^torofOTrfttpoa^***^^'^' ' ; ^ to M M n m i i ^

iiir ttttmMo



f. .-a.-.Mi-tL'tH

Page 7: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in

... !Pm-

I t u


i t h l i

or th. b u p . t U . ^ . T ^ : ' ! ' ' •

. ubu r .

^ ' " " " ' " t W I W U l O T d l , .

»• TWChrktk . f ^ \ "^ANT.



" • • • W M U i i o a o f o i i r^nita l sdilW..' v

M i

i i t . . "rer wil l .

or ' ^ •Ui.r.ia

d iw i p l - of Chri« tod

N to b.."

n ^ . „ r III.

^ . I S ; " ~ p . " a i

t«» t . of M ^ ^

I U . . . * eoM. wholly i«f» f t h n . 1—X ^ ttulu «W»t I will M t l i rM f w wUkwrt' w»»r omww,

b«M wmofedt Wth • ^

1 . • • tlw vkanikfmimw^ »««* ^ urnvrnvmrnw^mmw-t^r- .

w 4 to tW p l ^ ' i * MmmttMiMfl*

MiMh Jl l i iKbly i>t.i>ii>

l«t bi«UitM •tv^muMm mrttmtim ftrtaw y• ^ TlUT!*

b, Ik . -C •• utbof i iy l« tim ^

«>d iHiMibty«wrtwBl>i w * gHii|<|l««i I

tth «*r U i O d l t a a W M . iNit

M M t wiifc thprt » *•<« a w t t i w i I* Tra tlia elwwii or tiri iff Ma«nNii>d «r tr*!b, i io l M M i « i M i « M 9 0 r t i r i U t tW#, or M

brfof 1li!r«o» tnm wiU. t

M U M n a — •iawJW tbo i w r o f O o i . T **S*F* ' -

with i t o ^ . I i r t i f i w * ; ? ^ ' ^ ; ' . . ' , . . r f i i i r t " "** -^ Hfwww of

I* tot «b«c» . r wMok wo to i - l r f ^

. W * w i i l o t o t ^ t * . • M M M M WtoMi MlMtf-'fe^AIW' . — .-

Page 8: · _ lIMftirt fo a foMn^ d of ftod iiMii Ht^ J» JUm y la Ctofli. I «tippoiwI iKH 10 Iw l in

* . 'vV?

l ift-

«UMn.ta tu.b oIT-.- J . . - . *^laa(knMku -1 ^ ' ""'"utw vadar

•f» Ibfw

uUrndUlMWUNlM*. T t a i S S j ! uknM. ciH—f - l - u r , b«Ni -Aiplrf, by which

wfLiitKlMl •«ko«,.|t bring, . g p ^ u . •treofth, kiKl your •yt^.tio mai MM«H«f«t

nf Ood. will open,, wju, oaqo«»t«d wh •W. L«i lu,e, |i<»c« liiHl uBMlmltr »f / ' •••nuaiijf or ft.

•• <»•*•» tkM whMis or tk«

- . f"/ wHicn

""y mommiUv be beewH

tin oTfiiljr 0, tttty. «<« •ooia «f lb, toldligi^ ofiheTidaity. On tbt LtrtiV • Wiftby .od iwpecubto to lb.

obey«d Ike of U-ir Unlaod Ita ijrt of b,pa«. in luifa,

nrei^bew bMo hreoiy bepiii^ i„ ,ii jc0jh0 mmiag mad t m l eUii inUtiiif, ^ Iww imited tbewwltre. to th. ehan h brniWMMa Ibairepw^Aedliieoeoe. fiVUoii wittwot eoew Then tp.

««•» MudMjron Ike «i«bor WM»W» of e ^ w retpeeting Um feligioa of Jem CW*e»dih.e.|r.tiooofibei,eoulfc Vu« «a«qMeof ihi. „yoa p W I e-b. •wib* B ^ f yw,,, ia iho b ^ ^dio 18..

J A i u y B; m t u

.. oodiiif tiw diiMfioe «f

[Wr.OfWoo, hk weefc JB<n»., i-i"'' . • '••"•> •• "

» ^r < , ;

. tk^ AmmI or fM efli^HM^ nciMhr IMP A j ^ -rf ^ tCMml Bepiiil Oe^wil Trecl

Mabtt. nM&MOc, K«niiob<», Uncoln,

r«moii».—Oakm riw, ShAlbburjr. Ckmveatioo, fl(ar-

brkl^, W<i»««M«r. M0d4 Newport.

iVt».F0rjr.~Berk«blni. HIKIWI riw, Hufoo, Wew-Vork, Nitgen, OtMgn, Beratofii, Seiuea, Sleubaa, 8ie-pbeutown, 81. JUwwiKse, 0«k«.

yem^enefi^Hmw'Jemy, eamu. PeiiiMyl#Mi«.—Bridgewetor, Cdolwl U-

Bion, M.HWog«helB, Phil>ul«lph». JKiMiM^w—YNWW. KenHtdtpr-Ooaeord, florib Bend. OMb.'-Coiunibua, Ownd ri»er» Meig*«

creek, Ohio. JWieiw.—I*a«hery, llliiMte.—Blue Hirer. JlfiwuH.—Mcwnt PieMUt. jricft lMrr - icbigeo. BrUiMk ScoUa. % ADoasl R^wrte of the AfMriesn

Boerd of foreign Miauoiw, Amerteen Hoow MiMiorary Society, Northern Beptirt Edu-cation Society, Baptiet EducaUoa Society of the auto of New-York, Minatee of Virginia Oeplist Annirertarieo.

It will be potce ftd by the «bo»e liat, that only a amall number of Aieociatiooailnalea aod other aimilar docunwnto hare yet been rocciredjand thatcooaequeatly the pro^t of iasuing a full atatiatica! table at the com-raMcoment of the year ia not rery pronOa. ing.

WoreqoeatEditorfofall Baptift pepeta to call the attention of our bfethrm tothia fret; and we deaire wary Indirtdoal who may hare it in hia piwer, to forward wHbwl delay any auch documanta Hot twmad in tMa llat; ' ,

It ia undoubtedly daairabia tk^ thaw ehoald be eowewhare in tha deoanaiiaUoo a

lUoltf jpitot fifeM «oa to bmplain of the li^^lMMiiH^^^ thapirt eftha e o i ^ i t y in Mg^ t iahing Mlaotea. If it were W aC" coimnodation wefBry that wa aikad tkafiiror, we might be mon b m ^ la wr bm aa all we claim ia for the baneA of thoae to whon wa apply, wa nak* aur caU naoat impeiativdy.


The Minlooary Magaxina fcr Nowtahar, hi inemaiD^y intonatinj a iaciaily tha joumab of our hfolher an 1 aiator Wada, of their labon among the Kareoa. I>urii« ihe vear IW6, tkare had been baptiaad W Karena,9 Burmana, and 9 Euiopaana, at dbatitation. PreaantnumlHrof theel arBh, m r»»eachool«aatera,wjA8naii»ea*. aiaUnta, wete atatioaad in diwrenl vUlagea. At tha hiat datoW iaqnirera were before tha diorch. At Matah, in the interior of tha country, 40 were hap»i»d^WilaaM

PODDEklNG THB WRONG BCAST» A few daya aiaca a atro^ and aea»a

young man drore with great rapidity t3 -MblkhoaaaiatkeTidmW of thia city, laring many mUea to '(nioceai, he laft hia aded fMraa at the door, entered the kar roam,

4014 a glaaa of brandy, thaii jumpad into hi* nUele and drove off «HeM bettor haw given hia horaatwo quarto of oat»,» »aid the ber kaapar. «Tha young man had probably Gwga(taa,*»aaida by^ndtr, "that it waa the boiaaand not himaelf, thi< parfiirmad the labor of trafeilini." «Ha haa foddered the wrong animal," aaU another ,-Jlaaton Pom.

ThaMkmiageartiiol^ ed to nB,hy a hidyaftkiiaky; that w* puirfiik tkMa. know what tha wmtif k, «Mf aaynetWHfabaalit. Tbadii^ <bl ooa, aad tf a aaik and apaady rMnoval haa bean diaeo*^ _ oughtto haves kwMHtd^af tkafliei.'

c e R T t n c A i m I haiaby otttify, that after

tkadiap^leraevafalyaaff,! — wmraiiBMiibytakiat a pMwl by Ml*. N. & llagMi ^ elkar madidM I Iwm avw

ISAAC PACI.^ Naalivi»e,Ner. t,18M. I haiaby e«lify. that after lafeaiiag M ^

thadi Npaia br abo«l tw» j m ^ i&' lla eeura. of whkk tiaka I aaplayit j i o y phyileiana withort eklaWag aaf ^ ^ iTt I waa adviaad to try C.

PBEMIUM OrPERED. Tki aun of one haodrej doilan having

baeaptodged for tha parpoea, tha aa-aa ia oArad ftrtka beat Tract wkiah akiUl ba daanedauHableaad appropriala, nottoas-

e.«d3tpatto,<» Iktbifmicm i^^mimi^

ApfU,l8»7. Compatit«afcrthapr^tt« wtilaandbitiieircamaraaicatiooato i. m. AIIM, O w l Agent of the Baptlat Oan-M«l IVaet SMiaty, litU wft Wa marka and kwlMM uDd«r«Ml--a^ fial iwt io ba

p«i«tk» rortka4iapapaki fcy ^ w S ^ a« entiiely laatoiad to Ualtk. C ^ tttdar ms hand, tkiaOtk Novimker. W

ALaUilA S A t K S B . I kareky ee>tify,lkat aAar<i

thadiipapria afcwut two couiae af wkiek tiaw f appHad t« tMrq^ftfia akitful phyaidaM without abtalaiifaivl^ maaent rJiai; I waaidfliii !• try tl B. llogafa»|»»paiBifc» fcrJitpilpii, baa, ia a gnat dagrae, ia-ara4 py m M f

0(va« under mf hand, at NarfNUe

' -'vl

beenlhaTracl8*itty, wa ara willing to oontinuaou-aflbrtotomaka the eoUeetlon. Tbangh we have atary waaon to bellav* tkatthomatwrfiimiihad In tM Triennial Hegiater and tha Annual Aaaodatloiial tabU U Wghly ae ei»uble tolkb coam»tt»lV» •«•

7tkNuiiB*ir, ItM. WL ticmaoiM.

O^-Mia.nagan awy k« Ibtiad In ika flouikPNkHNeabvma.

Tka baeli ef Joditk waa originally writ-tM iiUPkaldee,ami tkanea tnuwiatod into LatlnTby «.9eraaae. Tkaia ara -watal _ paitkahir. iaour liflWi veiaiott, era not to be Ibtmd In St. J e f ^ V g | ami which aaa.- to be .H»nae * whieh bepi awaato o;tiit< e* vIcIb* « # ; npUonr.. • . . J M I
