
r 4


* .•-1 V


A--, j,-' <v V

'1 ' /

* 1


i i $*

' 7 I


Summi t . -from the Signal.

Iltll Is reported to have dona considerable fr—nlgt Id Easter township la^t week TttNdU.

Tha hay crop ttiU year will be a bouncer, andtb* farmers are commencing to gather it in.

"Will Stiles has returned from Ills second trip to Washington and Is now satisfied to •tor in South Dakota. Will says the poor land out there isn't worth having and he 'tbttntfc'tbe good land too high In price. Ho •aft avery farmer iu the state wauls to sell out ai)d that half tbe houses in the cities are lnbeltd "for sale." ';:t

Wilinot. t;.Tr®* tki Reporter.

• Jobn Howell moved tils lamlly to his farm • f»wr alias northwest or town ou Tuesday,

1 Tbe water tuuk at ttee power house was thoroughly cleaued out on Thursduy.

iferry Baxter arrived from Minnesota yes-terday and will spend some lime with h's brother, George

. Mr*. I... 8. Hotigen departed for Yankton ' Saturday, to spend a few weeks with har

mother, who resides near tliut place.

The olfflcere of the Rebecca lodge were In­stalled Wednesday evening, after which re-(rtshmeats were served at the Palace raitaurant.

' Editor PerklAs expects to leave today for th* Northwestern Hospital at Minneapolis fur treatment.'Bccom pan led by Or. Wilson.



Ntat«; of >outh hnkotu County of Kohirrln, »s. in (,'ouiiiy < ;ouri .

fn the ol Hi»' entam of \\ or Joshua TunW;inIt;il;i. - •!.

HK .sTATh or ><»tn h I >;i -mis Killing .<> Lucy I*iiii Tiinw it.likstWi. I iiiniu I it.I'i.*

and any nlImt sii luw urnl of !<in or Wiitti'. 'iinflisliMiu or .Jo.shu L 1 mi" \ nl<ill a. i1«;

und !o alt towhniu Ihr [jiv-ieh I w m h y come..

NoMci-r Is ln*r«'l>y u'iv«n, Unit l.ury I'nn runwituK.iUi h:iH HU'd wiih tli-- jihIim* of thin court a verified t)»;iitioii in wnnrij/ si'iiwi!. r

forth that, suial hift i*si:iiu of real property, Iminjf an <iUr»• rii«*tn from tlo CJnit«*(i hlaios. winch sh«.: ullrcv*- l<> hi- wholly exempt Iroin <'Xt*<*urion. attarhrn^in or other Biosnc process, and jiruvwn' thai said naiair; b« distributor] innom' t he heirs ;u law ami uexl of kin of said d»'C4'asr;d. without tin; repii-lur admlnibtration ilitrrui.f a^|<rovuh*d by tl.e Probate ftod«,

And that Monday tin* "ith day ot August. 1UQT), at!* o clork a. in., of said dav. btrintj a day of u sped ul term of ihia court, at ih«-court roomof Mind court., ai MsstMon. in the couuiyof Huberts, have In-nn uppuinu-d a* the llrno and |>lur»? fur ln-uinnr Hani p«Miuon. when und where any person inii'ivsted may ippear uiid show rausc why said pfdition should not be granted;

>Vttnefts the ll<»n. j. <). Andrews. Jud^ cf the county court. and lliis m:iI ot said court. his20tli day of July. A. D. !'.«>.». at. In* nltnr

Id the city of hMMeioit. nniiity ol Huberts. Stiteofxiulh Dakota


Attest: L Win. I'osh, ( U

liy i:isl(? i-iph;

Stack ing Hay .

.r The blggtr the slack, the lens ilio e x potuire to wind, rain and sun, and it does not take

% uucb longer to rake down, lop uiu and "hang" a Ml ataek than It does it little one This appltM largely, of course, to stacking from a wafon. In this case, the extra liaulliiK. wb'es tbe bay Is once on the rack, uimiuntH to

J^but little between a small or very large slack. All tblu'gs being equal, a narrow stank Is

'•:* matW Apt to "shed well" well, than a wider ' •nW'bul the lonrfcr and narrower a stack Is. the more surface there Is exposed, and the

' (rwater loss there Is In quality and somutlnies In quantity. Tbe nearer square or round a

' 'etaolt is built tbe more well housed hay there > ; Witt be in It. Htlll, few feel like liulldlng "eqfMK •tacks when mucli hay Im to lie put up. ' —Mkbta Parmer,

named hauler han tiled nuiice ot hi omaknlinal prooT in siippiui ol

und thai haul nrool will b<> made Win. Kos.s, <:lerk ol ( mills i iounty. in his olllce al. slsNei.oit.

kota, on .July -".i. JOSKK KA I;t 'I I W A KTKIt

He. No. 'JMUO for the lot. <ii). six. sfM-lton ?. rowtiKhi|i North ul riuii'r West i>i r>111

M., Slsselon and Wahpeinn I nil i:iu renerva tlou,

lie na?neb the following wi!.neMS«?f» to pr<»ve hia continuous resideuei* upon and mill ival imi of Hald land, vi/:.

Andrew Wurhl.ler. MiUe .lajnsch. Sieve leutHch, Martin i' |iit/. all ni horn. >. I).

II. A . I] I l,IH.I!l(AM»T, U''trlsi4-r.

f Curing: Hay. Tlvtlirfe lsbere in make hay. If a ilrsl class

article !• wauled do not leave It exposed to t^eira'and air too long. Wild hay should be

raked at once after cutting and put Into coeka. Being green and heavy it will settle ' qui6kly and will not be blown around by the

wind. Do not be afraid that it will spoil, have raked it right up ufter the mower In the

, rain, and It made bright sweet hay. I believe tbAffatdier* generally let their hay cure too

"much and tbus lose a large amouut of ihe eupafanee. This plan may meau a little extra

' ' work but I believe ll pays. Try and see.— •ugust H. Uadke, Alacoun, Assa., ( ail.


* 1 Marriagei*. ....^ . DUNW—OANrlEl.i'. 'Wotd-bae been received of the marriage of

Emma Canfleld of Sisseton to Mr. '•liBlif'df Qraeevlllef Minn. The marriage took

. place July 3rd at Aberdeen.

Births, O'BRIEN. '

Wlfaftfton, on Sunduy, July 16. to Mr. and Mtk. Domlnick O'Baien. a daughter.

Advertised Letters. Followlog is a list of letters remain

ing uncalled for at tbe Sisseton, IS. D poatofflce July 21 1005. Gtmtwii, Mrs. Sam Kringen, Iver Kaid, Oeorge RuiAstlck, Henry ^ Swelaoder, Grace Tangen, Daniel

Wakanna, Adam

Parties calling for any of tbe above will please say advertised.

• : ̂ Casper Kennedv. I'. M.

Warrant Call. All warrants o t the City of Sisseton register

•A prior to July 1st, 1901, are called for pay-Bant, and interest ceases from the date of Ikta nottoe.

Dated July 20th, 190B. ' A.'D. PACLSON,

City Treasurer.



•mmnc •OPVRMMT* 4k.

tmaOMltii a skeuta and tadplloi Bar wtaln ear oplnkm free whether aa

—Mir Utaatratet wetfcl. i of aay MtaatUe IohiA.

•tta.tL low by all

laKHcaa. sst vsstt.

"I —wsdealewi

HewTori MtMi h n It Wirttiitw. D U

QYMINIA ia the cause of un " told luffering. By taking Hood's Baraaparilla the digestive organs are toud and dyspepsia IS 6UHID1

IHIAKINd I'l' HI:tiun I ii ' I-:

•rrriD.v •TATH.

I'l lit

Deparment of Publicity




AiulUO.. A. 1>. Huulsun:

(Ji'y Ma rib a!

Munduy evening of

J udf/i .1. I » A.NHIM.WS.

«»f t hi* t nun ly Lull rt.

I >4')>U t v. i\v:ir<l Italic*

• ly :M

•k. Ally.

.1 uii»* Hi July Notick i't>u ri: it I ii ': a ri < ts

Land ai. YY:Lt»Thiwn S. i) Notlco ib lwr«il»y |/1v*»ji Dial 1)h

iih'. iu. i!«ir. loll'j\vinr

J . ini'-ntiMii hih rlaiin. l).-lo;v |,

f Kobnl.s Sdlllli JlH


«: 1 rY OKFll EKS

Mujtfr. J A. i.i(.:lv»;rl; *;lly i.iiier.-suti; C11 y '1 ivasuivr. City Allorij«,*y. .1 .1. !Jutt»'rion: 1-. A. HurUu-k


at C.n v iiah hrsl uacli month.

AhiiTiiinn l-^i W. (rii --A. VV A\iit"»s>

AlU»*rm»*t: Waiil— lii'krifejjs.

Aiui'i-tufti ,{».i Wui'l han I'fn^ujiner. Ilili

: : in v riiti: oki'aui'.mknt.

M«m i • vt ry I hursiJay v \ uniiit? at (.!ity Hall t i111>-f 11. 14. i <>rli*i \on. Asst. ( ,liii*l K. .M. Huwcli. raptaui M. A. *lurpln

A. ,J. 'I uor. I) J. iMitiUlville

South Dakpta Statistics


Tower, O. T

IMut. H. K



I ) .

--n'- ,1 inn* H) J uIV M d ^;NOTM:K KOK ruuijcation

UnlU'rt Stums l.a iu l a t . WaUtrinwn .j II in* r,'. r.Kir».

Notice is licrHiy tliat. ihe ii>(lovvinM nani«'( l si>U h'r h a n IItod n o t l«*u ol ins niiriii.ioii lo luaki'linal proof in supiiorl o| ins rlauii. amlthal said proof will i><> made hrtor*' I-Win. Koss, t5l«rk of imhii'Is ot Uotn-rls <Miunt v. in tils ollltro a t .sissctdu, soul li I )alioi a on J in v ««, viz:

I'KTKIt N. TANNAIIII.I. !li», foriJutSw. lj o f Siriion UU Nor th o1" Kan^«'.ill. \V..iili J'. M and VVahpi ' . t.on Jndiiin Urscrv :i lion.

I!»? uaiiH's tin; fcdiowinjr Wii IUW? his i'oijMiiuous rt'HidciK-o upon and

>f said land, vr/.: John llarrlMLrlon. S. S o r t -n n o n . I'aul II.

Sttx'ii, .lanios Harrington all ol Urowns \ aticy. Minnosoiu

II. A. llll.liKIIKA NDT.Ui t'lSli'r

rownshlp , SlrS'd.oil

s lo pi-ovr •ult t\l ion

Sl.lMlff lit'KisltM" id IhM d.s Auditor I roasur^j"

pi. oT x liooln < li 'i 'U of < . 'ourIn l ouiil v MuU; ?. AiioriiBy. M»rv«rv<»r Coroner


' 'oniini^ioier-

\si his... •.'lid " :iii

\ nil

Jolin Minder . lvur suidstad.

\V. C, Oliver. I'liun. 'I'lioinusuli

U. II. Jones I.. Win. I^iiss. U. A1 id iv u ^ 1". MitNuliy.

...Dr. Wilson,

...(.». iC. AIUmi . S. A, Vrelui

VV. -Minges Kuln. i.:liiiv C. 11. 1 Ml in

.IAICKKT I'l.Ai'l:. sai.i: Hi- . DKlAUI.ll hull I 'll ATI KI.S.

Al 1 In4 Irtini iImir ul tin; pusintltce 111 ilu< lllllouill^ I.IWII^ M.-3SIH.IIII. v\ 11II, J|, s 1|IIIlllll. I'i;t:vi-i. Willi.t- liiii'k. l'.lliui;i.oii. Vernon, Cn 1011:1 . I lie <). il, I.oliiv jiusiiilllri'. Sec, I One |{oiul Twij. Also in Hunt of sellout miUHe known unilic town hall m liecUcr 'rw|j.

l-iiiiit. iloor ,if M.tiro liuililin^ mi N(.ction 'lit lowiislnii !-»• rniiiT TiS.

(jovernor Lieut. Uuvernor S«creiary of Slate stale Auditor Malu Treasurer Atioraey Uenerul Supt. of Public Instruction... com. School uud fub. Lauds ludge supreme Court Jud^e supreme Court.. Judge supreme Court, clerk supreme Court... Kttilriiiid Cnuiiiiissleuer.

.. Sumuel £lrod J. K. MOOoumuI

D. u. Wipr . J. F. HaUlfejr

C.f, Allen ftlle'Ball

....a. w.Nwn C. 1 . flacb

Dlok Bfiaer . Howard O. Pallet — Di|(bt»n Cor««(i

Frank Craae W. 0.9toltU

.South Uukota has an area er 7U.UW aquara miles, or vovers a trifle over 4fk(H(MK0 MtM or Kround. it Is one lourtb larger tbaa «b« i-onibl'ieil urea of the entire group of NHWEbg-luud stales. During the lust six years it bite produced more new wealtb Ir oporatllMi M populiiiKiu than anv state io.k qiun. Care-fully prepared statistics shov. ilM.0li3.2M pto-duced in ltw;). or I3.1S.77 for each man. trdmin and eblld residing 111 the etat«. The claatltled lists or produi-ts which produced tblt remnrkalile showing follows:

Bushels. W h e a t . . . torn Oats Barley... Rye Flax Potatoes gardens.

. .45.290.000 ,52„muuu

...!>6.(i00.<IQU ..11.IS2.30U

700 UH) .. ..IMiOIMMJ fruit, eti'...

Value. »2» . t t 2 . an

» .M» .aw 7.SW.UM«(w

310,000 2,tm.080

.S.7S0.QBU .13.840.0u0 ...•.mow ...4.U1.000 . .S5.MQ.ltt4 . L«0OiOOO

. .lo.gfiaotia

,\l. ST. I*. it.All.WAY.

SlSSK'l'l IN IIIVIS l.ruvi' M'lhaiil, Arrl \'0 ( Nil-mill *. ..

W i 1111111 I'cfvci-Slssulim Msseloii I'ltl. 'VI' W lliiiul ( a iroiiii

.> 1111 • a u U

I .I'.avi A nivc

.1 illy 1 Ainriisi, Is. NtlTKJK OK MOIt'l'tlAIJK SAI.K.

WIIKUI'.AS, ili'Tllllll. lilts Ihtii 111:,,I<- 111 1 lie uiiiulll.ionu nf ;l ciui.uiii real cHtiil *' imiri -

KaK". ilut(!(l I >(i(:. 1,, hHI^. iniiili* a nil nxerui nil by lion. VV. 11 tinsel) and Julia II. llcnsr'H. liinrt.KilHOl's. II' I,, spai'liinan iiniili'av'i'r. wliruln and vvlicrnhy hiliO iiii>iIi.':ik<iis iiiuii gaged to the said inoi'UriLr'.i" t.lic real cstati' situate In the I'uiinly «>r Knln rlh ami Mule i>1 South Dakota, ilesci'llicil as fuHnws, tu wlt:-Lots tliriii! |:i| four | l| ul Itlork lilleen |l.>| 111«• llrHt lidilll.inn lo the tnwn (if I'cevrr. Kulicris County. South Dakota, to hcciiid t.lif puv mem of a unto ol i ven dale wltli snul mortgage, lnr tW*i.i»i and iulerest, in. twelve pel' ouiil per aiiuiiiii, pnyuhln on the Citli ilns of J vine, tlillll. which said nnirt Miii;»' was mi January ti. I^tl, at I ncliicli 1'. M., duly re-eordeu In Hook ol .Moi't ;;ui;i's. at. pa ge 430, 111 thu olllco of the Koglid er ol Denis of UoberlHCioiinty, South Daliola, inul wlin'h mortgage and the note seuurud llicreliy was I>v au liiHlru nient in writing on November L',I. IIW.I by said iiiorlgagee duly sold uud assigned to thcKober isl'ount.y Land anil Loan Company of Sisseton. S. D'a ('.oi porailon. winch is the, holder andowuer tlioreol. which said delimit consists of lliu non payment ol said note when due. by rea soil of which said mortgagee Iiub declared said entire delit immediately due and payable, and lliero is now due and owing on said note and mortgage the sum «.>f ifriiTj.oo tharofore.

Notice Is hereby given that pursuant to the power of sale In said mortgage contained, inul the statute in suoli case made and provide I, said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of said mortgaged premises, at public auction by the sheriff of said lioberts County, South Da-kola, or his duly authorized deputy, on Satur­day, the lSlih day or Aug., A, D. iyo.% at one o'clojk, 1*. M., of said day, at. the fiont door of tlio court house 111 ilin City ot Slssuum. ill said County or Roberts, and state of South Dakota, to'satisfy said indebtedness ot frilii.uO now due on said mortgage, together with the accruing Interest, attorney's fees, the amount of delinquent tuxes against said property, and costs of foreclosure.

UOUKRTS COUNTY I.AN1I ANI> LOAN CO. Assignee of said Mortgage

HO WAK1) liAHCOl'K. , Attorney ( r 1

No. 1 (goinf no. :i .No. I (going easi/ .Vii.B

II. Si II. IllVth wesl) Lea vi

X:(iU a. in. ti :5K a. in ;

a, in i M:">(t a. in i

|U;.W a. m. i 12:110 p. in. i

I :l)0 p. in i 1:55 p.m. 1

2 p. in 3:1)11 p.m. •

ION. ' s Milbunk U:>VM p. m.

U a . h i . 10:W a. in. 12:1)5 a. m.



Sisseton Agene\': Duilv: Arri\'es ll:.'K) a. eaves I aK)p. ill. Veblen : Daily : AI'l'ives 1I:(W a. in., leaves :(lli p. in.

llankinson:'I'ri weekly: Arrives U:(*l p. in. I State university Monday. Wednesday aud Krldav: leaves, 7 :!X) [ Stale Agricultural a. in., Tuesday Thursday und Salurdar

1*1 >STOI' KICK. 11 i>nru--M:i*l ii. ill. u»X:u<> )). III. Olllre

Nol open Sunday M 'Ul closes m 12 mi,

Hay and fodder. Dalry|and creamery. Poultry and eggs Live stock Wool and hide* Minerals, stone and i

i 'otal production 4l3ti.063.26

south Dakota s commercial ambitions have not blinded her lo the value and Intetests

I considered by souie of less material, bnt to ! lite minds of many no less large, those .per­

taining lo menial growth and development. I south Dakota has gained a world wide tepu I tin Ion for her educational facilities as *411 as j agricultural and commercial pursuits Tbe I schools occupy and merit a place lu tbe ipub. . lie eye seloo'in accorded lo them ic aoj 1 country. A keeu Interest is manifested In

whatever affects inelr welfare. Resldedts of the slate are not compelled to send tlielr

. children east to be educated. Kxceilent I schools In all branches of learning are within a few hours ride of tbe resident or home-seeker. The federal .government has wisely provided for the public schools of South Dake-

i l 'i by setting aside 2,150.480 acres of land wbieb caniiot lie sold for less than 110 per acre These lauds are growing in value and at present prices could be sold for a sum In tbe nelglilKirhood of WU.OOO.aKD. The Interest on this sum alone would defray tbe entire expense of public ana private schools of the state. The item or school tax alone in aome states is quite au Item of expense and a homeseeker should not overlook these advantages offered when selecting a permanent home The'gov eminent contributes 140.000 yearly for the suppor of the state Agricultural college, which is also a United Slates government ex pcrlment station. Investigations and eaperi ments in tne science of agriculture have been made here that have attracted the attention of the scientific world of modern fartLing. This college will gladly furnish homeseokers reliable information in regard to Successful farming, dairying, slock raising and horticul­ture In South Dakota.

The following endowments have been made In addition to the public school endowments:

K>,0U>acre» college 140,000' acres

| Stale Normal school* ! Asylum for feebfe minded i Blind any I urn - r School of Mines

1 Reform school 1 Public huildirgs

Hatnainlng for other Institutions


l«0.0i» acres 40.0UQ S5.c*»acfw 40,(M) acrrt 40 tfiu acres cS,000acrea




PELTS riiij;1 wool D R Y



^ . v z . » ; / . . y . i f . . v . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j / . M ft ^ U

| Lewis and Clark ] 1 Exposition j

Low Rates to Portland and | return evary day this summer |

The first great exposition of the | resources and the products of the '* great Northwest will be held at | Portland, Oregon, this summer. {j; Portland is best reached by the i

Chicago, St.

Milwaukee Paul Ry.

A ' A variety of routes is offered. Ex­

cellent sei'vice via St. Paul and Minneapolis—the route of the Pio-

knecr Limsted—via Omaha and Og-. den—the route of The Overland Limited—or via Omaha and Denver past the wonderful panorama of .Rocky Mountain scenery, and via.

^•Kansas City and the Southwest , Limited. It is a good time now to vfplan your trip. Ask the agent for ;/rfii 11 information about rates and Strain service, or address .




United Ms Commissioner, Dist. So. D. b

I s s s

All KlmU of Lund Otnct* hu>tuu'ss trnnsmMt'd. FlUlitf-aiut riiiiil ProoNinuili!. a III-aavtis uiul .ill OonU'st Pupi l's m:nU- ( all

; whtu yuu wunt Uifuiinuikm, <;nv»"n meut land buteim-s>. hlanl^. t irm^la ii ti-c<>



FOR SCHOOL m\\ 1904-5 — v » * Ni a



Louis* JHuker, Summit, S. D AobI« Got«rud, Summit, s. 1>. Dmd C»rmiae. Orotoo, S. D L. Nofib Koapton. Athol, S. D Haul Mitftiu. Abtrdeen, S I) Maud 0»rr, Aberdeen, S. 1> JttttMtte Schmidt, Kelby. S 1» Qrae^Oruby. VV\hster, £ D.

PinUerion «irt)tun * 1).

,M;ib»-l ( :iliiiliilll^, liAlW. S. I). A S. D - :

< la I U < .M'U »u. A hj'Tth'tMI. >-i HTll'll Itr I » 11 «• \ . A.irlMi I'll .-1) . 'V I It'll I*. I.MM'f.M'.i. S. I'. hlU lti.V liupoill, A hfl-ilreil. S. D. .vl irif I i«-ii im * t ••• ttv. Alwr'ti en s. D.

11 »•*!• WiJifliitirit'. .\ S. h.

From S t fp t en ihe r I , 19H4 i . i . h in i ' I . I ! )< ) . "< . ( ; r ; i< In 11<

S tuden t s have i i een p l . i i - i -< i m puMi im* ' . v i l l i i h . - i i t l l owi iu i i t i s imen and t l nn - :

mill ^onfc

Ac«« 8»rTMt.*r Co.. Aberdeen S n A. B. Kaercber, Lawyer, Ortonvlllr. Mu.n. Frank &••». Lawyer, Webster. S. D. Ward Hotel. Aberdeen. S. D Jimum Coffey. Raul Em,ate. Selhy. - N Jobn RboUea. Banker. Bowdle. s I > HolWunl * Hedger, Ret.I Estate. Abenl, . u Ik. J. Turner. Lawyer, SiHsetoti. s. ii Dakot» Farmer. Aberdeen, S. D. Frank McNulty. Lawyer. SiHsemn. s. 11 Hakota Central Telephone. Keni'ral <>i

flea, Aberdeen. S, U. C. F. Em ion. Real Estate, Alienleen, s il North American Storage Co.. Aber<!i-i-» L. T. Van Slykfe. i>»wyer. Aberdeen, s. |i. I. O. Curtis*, lawyer, Aberdeen. S. n.

K v g : i I { » 4 a l A h e r d e e n . La• «mi Ahsirai'i » i).. Ku.Mourc. :s'. I> Mi run:.' a • 'lark. I..i u v«'i\s. I\'c,im-iil. U. John litcri11ji• ai. I.:i\vv^j'. >|s-,t'iini. L) \\h'\;i I ai - I > »li- \Yrl>sU'i. >. |i. A. 'J . • i '«iii iMafiiinifcl. A be-i-'irMi. |). I aih|'l» Ii .V la\ior. Aberile«n. Hai'. t 11 v »v <. n!h*s. A lK'r«ltM?ii. >». h. .M. . Jt< im i-. ii:a.nU<*r. I | .su 11*11. >. I). II a I' i .ii in 11« r ( n. A hm »1«m*ii. S. I >. Ui..\vn h;..- AlirnlnMt. s. J). .1. W . I 'a: iri.i-i. I p-u irh. 11. F. .1. .Mr M'P-tif. A II'T^i'di. S. 1). I' M I ui.i /iiihi-« i I '< 1111 h * Li. > J). I '• >11 »•! « •>. hiiulv. . .••!! VShlU-i!. S D. La-i' . \ 1 11.!vt*i\ I'UmI'-. ;S |i.


Now IH III. iluie to ncike arrangements iii I'liriill mr t |H. •ii.mnii'f ami fall terns

Subscribe for the Standard. All the News

While its N ews It's a Profitable Investment;




POR T L A N D , ( ) I i l < ; . A X ! ) K K T L ' K N

Account Lewis and ( ' la rk Centennia l Ex­posit ion, via St . Paul and di rect route

$46.11 Groing aiid re turning ' v ia Missour i Kiver

and direct route - - $4(3.11

Qoing in one direct ion via St . I 'aul and > d irect route , and in the other d i rec­

t ion via Missour i River and di rect routes - - - $46.11

To Sap Francisco and Los Angeles , Cal i -tornia, in one direct ion via Missour i Kiver and direct routes and in the other direction via Por t land and di ­rect routes, through St . Paul or Mis­souri River - - - $64.11

Coiuiot!(!ct»K Mitv 10th until Si'iii. .'tillit, I'Vi'iir .iiin t i.-kt>(s :f. he SO,<1 "" Fn.lilV's it lid S II II l i |: | (•-; f'l '1 HI) Sisst'l-on HI

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